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Don't Call It A Comeback

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<blockquote>Chapter 1


Who am I. You really wanna know?


I'm no-one special really. Grew up in the south of England and a big fan of UK wrestling. In the playgrounds of school we used to pick our favourite wrestlers and perform various moves on each other, much to our teachers dismay. As I got older things moved away from the playgrounds and into the living rooms as we played the yearly iterations of SWF's wrestling video game.


Things changed in 2006 when a chance encounter caused British Samurai gave me the job of Booker for Ring Of Fire, a position that I held for nearly a year. During that time I tripled their attendance and got them turning a decent profit but it all came crashing down due to the scheming of Stevie Stoat and Justin Blackham who had the ear of Samurai.




"Take a seat Adam" Samurai said.


Fear had practically rooted me to the spot. Blackham and Stoat had taken a real dislike to me ever since i dropped them from Ring of Fire during my early months there and had promised to get back at me. Today looked like it was gonna be that day.


Samurai continued "First of all I must say that our attendance has soared the last few months and that's mainly due to you and our profits have never been better, again due to you. However, the locker room continues to be a mess. No order at all and that guy you hired to look after it seems more content to play cards than anything else. That's why i have terminated his contract... immediately"


"You gave him what.. 6 weeks to get to grips with the job and everyone who works for us."


"And then there is all the cheating in the matches. You fired some of my roster due to cheating and yet the guys you brought here do it with no reprecussions. Its very hypocritical of you."


"It was something that Razor and I were trying to stamp out."


"Well that doesn't matter now. You remember Mr Stoat here don't you. He had very generously offered to stamp out cheating and disobedience in our roster but with 2 conditions. The first was to fire Manny Morham and replace him with Mr Blackham here. And the second...."


"...Was that he fired you" Stoat exclaimed.


"So clear out your desk please. I want you gone in an hour."




Outside a few of the roster were waiting for me. The Minor Annoyance thanked me for giving him the opportunity to work and that would eagerly work with me again. I went past the locker room and saw Razor Valentine clearing his locker. He couldn't even look at me. My desk was cleared in 20 minutes and I headed for my car.


In the months that followed I watched their attendance plummet as Stevie Stoat exerted his influence to become ROF Champion and replace all my signings with his own loyal workers. I felt sick watching ROF and for a while I was out of the business entirely.


That was until a chance meeting with Karl Dexter. Karl had been one of referees at ROF during my time there and he had been the one to get me in front of Samurai in the first place. We talked about what we now considered 'the old days' and how we would have done a much better job. That meeting became a series of calls which then became a number of late night planning sessions and a plan.


We faced down a very sourfaced bank manager and walked away with a £10,000 loan and an idea for a new wrestling promotion; PWA. I went to my local community centre and practically begged them to let me put a show on there. They eventually gave in and I started on the flyer.


Once finished I couldn't help but stick one to the door of British Samurai's house. On the flyer were the words "Im not done yet!!!"


In March 2008, we put on our first show to a whopping 13 people. It featured 3 matches from various unemployed UK workers and was abysmal, but we kept going and a year later we had over 100 in attendance. In 2010 we picked up a small TV deal and began airing 'F' The Fire' as a slight on ROF. Using cheap workers the likes of Brilliant White, Arthur T Turtle, and Bullet Bob Cronin, the money flowed in and PWA expanded. Soon PWA began to sign bigger name stars to the roster and names like Adam Matravers, Jack Giedroyc, and Jeff Nova graced the show and marvelled the crowds building PWA's name.


Soon PWA was a contender for number one UK promotion and it was time for payback.


We began a talent raid on Ring Of Fire, stealing away the likes of Joss Thompson, Rolling Johnny Stones, and Walter Morga. Things looked good... for a while.


It started with Jeff Nova leaving. He took over the reigns of 21CW and began turning them into a national powerhouse. In response to falling numbers, PWA began trying a number of different options; new belts, new matches but it didn't matter as the final straw was something no-one ever saw coming.


In 2011, the markets crashed and the UK ushered in an era of austerity. Credit ratings plummeted, banks no longer offered the overdraft facilities they used to and many people lost their jobs. Ring Of Fire were the first to close their doors citing financial difficulties, and Men Of Steel Combat collapsed shortly afterwards. PWA began haemorrhaging money and soon began letting workers go but it wasn't long before we had to shutdown. Its final show was in April 2011 with Geena The Warrior Princess defeating Nina The Psycho Ballerina as the swansong match.


In the void left by the collapse of its rivals 21CW continued to expand swooping in to pick up Adam Matravers and Jonathan Faust and growing to become the 4th biggest in the world, and over the years PWA, Ring Of Fire and MoSC became just a memory.


To Be Continued...</blockquote>

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<blockquote>Chapter 2:


In 2020, the world broke, but for some of us, it had been in pieces for a while.


The banking crisis of 2011 and collapse of PWA had wiped out all my savings and I'd ended up going from owner and booker of one of the UK's quickest growing companies to the guy at the end of the phone that you would moan at when your internet stopped working. Much like after my exodus from Ring Of Fire, I couldn't bring myself to watch 21CW, and instead gravitated towards online streams of New York City Wrestling.


Out of all my colleagues from my days in ROF and PWA, there were only two that I still kept in contact with. Jay Coward aka The Minor Annoyance, and Karl Dexter who very early on learnt not to talk about work especially after an incident during his exclusive contract celebration. We'd both said things we'd regretted and it had taken a while to get things back on track


In 2016 we watched in shock at one of the most devastating natural disasters in living memory as Japan was devastated by an enormous tsunami and early indications were that the country's entire infrastructure has been left in tatters.


2017 was especially vicious for wrestling fans as Nemesis, George DeColt and Dan Stone passed away and the Canadian wrestling scene was permanently altered by the closure of NOTPW & CGC and the formation of the Canadian Wrestling Alliance.


Through work I began to notice the rise in a couple of internet subscription services. First came Reverie with its billionaire backing and its exclusive deal with USPW, but it was later joined by NetStream, OnDem and Wrestleworld in March 2020, right before the world ended.




It had started out as rumblings coming from Wuhan, China of people having breathing issues and various areas of the district being locked down. Governments were quick to downplay things but as reports from other countries came in, eventually the made the announcement of closing all non-essential services and nobody was allowed to leave their home unless they were an essential worker or getting supplies.


For some, 2020 became a year of staying at home with the governments 'catchy' slogans, making their own sourdough starter and bingewatching TV. We mourned in May when former California Pro Wrestling owner Preston Holt passed away after contracting the virus and held vigil over our own elders. As someone that worked for an internet company, times were tough as the company cut costs wherever it could and tried to get more out of their staff. I watched as colleagues burnt out under the stress and newer starters just couldn't keep up with the demands placed upon them resulting on even more being lumped upon the longer time workers.


Things came to a head towards the end of 2020 when one of my family contracted the virus which ultimately took them. With no time off allowed, I ended up quitting and took a job with absolutely no responsibility, because I had an idea.




In the backend of 2020, things finally relaxed and we all huddled out of our homes like survivors and I took my idea to Jay.


'I have a really terrible idea' I said to him before realising that these were the first words I'd said to anyone in person for what felt like eons.


'Yeah, they usually are' was his reply.


I swore at him and suddenly things were back just like they had always been.


'I got a little bit of inheritance and i've been thinking.. of bringing it back'


'Alright S-Club..'. I cut him off and swore at him again.


'Nooooo.. We don't need the big TV companies or pay per view deals. We can get big on the internet with NetStream or OnDem'


'Doing what though.. I doubt many people will want to hear us waffle on about our backgrounds like that show with Jack Bruce'


'Listen... I know its been a while and that people wont remember it, but I want to bring PWA back'


Next: PWA 2021 and the state of the C-Verse


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PWA are considered to be Insignificant and are ranked 36th in the world.


Prestige: 0%

Momentum: 0%

Funds: £10,000


Product: Family Friendly Pro Wrestling


January 2021 Initial Roster:



Bryn Archer

Bryn Archer is a tough young Welshman who has been wrestling on the independent scene around Wales and the Midlands since the early part of 2019. Very influenced by the Japanese style of wrestling, he likes to use lots of stiff strikes and basic wear-down holds to work over an opponent before ramping things up and finishing them off with big suplexes and his trademark brutal Spinning Elbow Strike finisher. He'll likely do far better in Japan than any other part of the world, but for now is just gaining seasoning and learning his craft.



Cain Carlisle

"Captain Crash" Cain Carlile is a young high flyer from Cornwall who graduated from the National School Of Wrestling in 2014. Physically small for a wrestler, he works a fast-paced style that incorporates many high risk and aerial attacks with a particular (and somewhat unusual) bias towards moves that involve handsprings, such as the handspring elbow into the turnbuckles. He has made several one-off appearances as an enhancement talent for 21CW over the years, but has yet to get an extended run with any major company.



Don Henderson

"The Terror Of The Highlands" Don Henderson is a veteran Scottish wrestler with good technical skills who seems to enjoy stretching people with painful submission moves. He came to fame with Ring Of Fire; initially a bland babyface, it was when he started displaying a grittier, more intense persona that he really caught on with the fans. He was particularly successful in the tag team ranks, working alongside Billy Robinson as The Shooters, having three reigns as tag team champions. Shortly after ROF's demise, Henderson (sans Robinson) turned up in UEW as a singles wrestler and has gone on to be one of their most consistent performers.



Ian Vincible

Ian Vincible (Vince Fergus) is a speedy English wrestler who made his pro debut in 2004. He is best known for his lengthy spell as the regular tag team partner of Cannonball Logan as The Youth Bandits, a high flying tag team that had an exciting couple of years in Ultimate Combat Ring in Europe. They were both released in 2006, with UCR management making it clear that it was purely a financial decision and that they'd been happy with the performances of the two speedsters. The Youth Bandits have since split up, and Ian is now stuck working the British and European independent scenes as a solo artist while hoping for another break to come along.




Menace (Terry Allen) is a huge wrestler, standing 6'9 and weighing in at well over 375lbs. An absolute powerhouse, his ring style may be slow and slightly plodding but he has all the tools needed to play a monster heel. Despite his size and his impressive showings on small events across England, it wasn't until 2010 - nearly a decade since he began - that he got a real break when UEW signed him. Booked strongly throughout his stint with them, he is perhaps the most fearsome force the company has ever had. As a sidenote, Menace was one of the first openly gay professional wrestlers.



Puffy The Sand Iron Player

(Former PWA Alumni)

Puffy The Sand Iron Player (Jasper Hastings) is a veteran brawler with an excellent gimmick - an embittered golfer who always ends up in the sand traps and so takes his anger out by beating people up. He really shines in a hardcore environment as he has a knack for using weapons creatively. He was a solid midcarder for UCR for many years and was one half of their final ever tag team champions (alongside Bam Bam Johansson). After the company's closure Puffy headed to EWA, but a series of injury issues eventually led to his release in late 2008. He returned home to England in 2018 and there are persistent rumours that SNP are interested in adding him to their roster.



Stuart Wilson

"The Celtic Hammer" Stuart Wilson is a former athlete who most famously won the Olympic bronze medal for Great Britain in the hammer at the 2012 Games. Retiring from the sport after his big win, he would become an athletics coach for a short while before deciding to train to be a wrestler. Making his professional debut just before Christmas 2016, Wilson may have started very late in life but his natural power, athletic ability, and size meant that he was able to hit the ground running and he was soon impressing people on the British independent circuit. His hometown company of SNP were the first to bite, bringing him onto their roster in the summer of 2017, with the EWA following suit a year and a half later. Despite that, Wilson has been very open about his desire to one day work for his favourite company, 21CW.


Backstage Staff:



Humphrey Woolsey

Humphrey Woolsey is a good referee from London who is respected for his solid, consistent work. In 2006 he joined Ring Of Fire to become their new head referee, replacing Jacob Bailey who had jumped ship to the newly powerful 21st Century Wrestling, and was still there when the company closed. He's not done a lot since then, although he does pop up on the independent scene every now and then.



Manny Morham

"Super Fan" Manny Morhan is a play-by-play announcer from England who got into the business after becoming popular by writing wrestling fanzines. Since his writing days Morhan has undergone a bit of a physical transformation, packing on some weight and starting to go bald. Unsurprisingly, he does not like either of these things being pointed out to him. He was hired by SNP to provide play-by-play on their debut show and has remained there ever since.



2020 Annual Awards:


Referee Of The Year: Kitahachi Sonoda

Colour Commentator Of The Year: Emma Chase (6)

Announcer Of The Year: Duane Fry (7)

Manager Of The Year: Hailey Hunter

Card Of The Year: EILL LuchaMania 8 (Rating 96)

Match Of The Year: Rock God Alvarez Vs Gino Montero at EILL LuchaMania 8 (Rating 99)

Most Improved Company Of The Year: OLLIE

Company Of The Year: EILL (4)

Independent Wrestler Of The Year: Razan Okamoto

Female Wrestler Of The Year: Brooke Tyler (2)

Veteran Wrestler Of The Year: Rich Money (2)

Young Wrestler Of The Year: Hurakan

Tag Team Of The Year: Multimillonario & Pharaoh King

Wrestler Of The Year: Adam Matravers


PWA's former main star as Wrestler of the year...... This diary is practically writing itself

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Friday Week 4 January 2021


I know you're probably feeling blue now that the Cornells have ditched the UK for the glamour of SWF, but we would never leave you out in the cold.


Join us at The Paddington Club to see:


Cain Carlile Vs Gazz Vedmore


Ian Vincible Vs Stuart Wilson


Brian Price Vs Don Henderson


Tickets available now for £8 either at the door or via wvvw.pwa.co.uk


O.O.C Yup.. In a move that stunned everyone (well me at least), Tommy & Edward Cornell both signed up with SWF in December 2020 and left 21CW half way through January
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I like the backstory and the revival of the former promotion. I don't know the UK scene at all, but here goes.


Thanks.. It all came from former diaries written between August 2006 and Jan 2007 for TEW 05 & 07, and it was quite fun trying to squish my continuity into how the C-Verse is in 2020. A lot of former PWA wrestlers are now in 21CW such as Adam Matrvers, Jonathan Faust (aka Rod 'The God' Todd), Rolling Johnny Stones so interesting in whether I bring them back or not.


Also for those that read the original.. im debating trying to get Jamie Anderson again. Guy runs a butchers shop in Nottingham these days

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Paddington Club, Southern England

Friday Week 4 January 2021






The show starts with The Minor Annoyance coming out to the ring and debuting his new gimmick as a troll. He proceeds to spend the next few minutes winding up certain members of the audience in a vain attempt to warm up the crowd and get them booing


Rating: 13




Cain Carlile Vs Gazz Vedmore


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Cain Carlile defeated Gazz Vedmore in 12:01 by pinfall with a Mark Of Cain.


Rating: 20




Ian Vincible Vs Stuart Wilson


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Stuart Wilson defeated Ian Vincible in 9:47 by pinfall with a Running Powerslam.


Rating: 17




Brian Price Vs Don Henderson


In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Brian Price defeated Don Henderson in 10:56 by pinfall with a Star Face Crush.


Rating: 13


Having picked up the victory, Brian Price celebrates in the ring.

Thud.. that angle flopped hard


Rating: 2


Final Show Rating: 14

Attendance: 75

<hr>January 2021 Statistics:


Profit/Loss: +£1,558




Midlands: 4

Northern England: 1

Scotland: 0

Southern England: 10 (Target is 17)

Ireland: 0

Wales: 4



Prediction Results:

SMW88: 2/3

Theheel: 1/3

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Friday Week 4 February 2021


Join us at The Paddington Club to see:


Brian Price Vs Don Henderson


Menace Vs Stuart Wilson


Cain Carlile Vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player

for the PWA Championship Belt


Tickets available now for £8 either at the door or via wvvw.pwa.co.uk


We also have a couple of pre-show events, but those are super secret squirrels. I may just give you the rating on those
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After getting to 2 out of 3 the first time around, I’ll try to go 100% this time


Brian Price Vs Don Henderson

In a rematch (and the match I got wrong last show picking Henderson), I’m going to make the same mistake twice. Don’t know if we’re headed to a best 2 out of 3 between these two or not.


Menace Vs Stuart Wilson

I’m going to say Wilson is the next man up for a shot at the title winner, so he gets the duke to build up steam


Cain Carlile Vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player

for the PWA Championship Belt

Going with the veteran Duffer because he sounds like me, old and grumpy

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Brian Price Vs Don Henderson

In a rematch (and the match I got wrong last show picking Henderson), I’m going to make the same mistake twice. Don’t know if we’re headed to a best 2 out of 3 between these two or not.

Totally missed that when booking. Have +1 PWA point (no material value)


Cain Carlile Vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player

for the PWA Championship Belt

Going with the veteran Duffer because he sounds like me, old and grumpy

I wonder how many people still realise that the ol' Puffster is a play on Buffy The Vampire Slayer as he's a fairly obscure UK/EU wrestler
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I always love a UK C-Verse diary, so I'm looking forward to the journey!


Brian Price Vs Don Henderson

Sure he lost the first match, but he's a personal favourite of mine.


Menace Vs Stuart Wilson

Big man is big.


Cain Carlile Vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player

for the PWA Championship Belt

Young talent to build the company around beats a veteran name, for me.

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Paddington Club, Southern England

Friday Week 4 February 2021



Pre-show Ratings: 0 & 16


Wow.. I wasn't expected wonders out of that first pre-show match' date=' but 0... damn![/font']




Brian Price Vs Don Henderson


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Brian Price defeated Don Henderson in 8:08 by pinfall with a Star Face Crush.


Rating: 16



We'd had a decent reaction to our first match of the evening (with a couple that had come last month confused by the same result), but it was time to try get more of the crowd on our side. As was our usual in PWA, we played some generic music pulled off a website to introduce our wrestlers and this time it was Menace's 'theme' that played.


The big guy stalked down to the ring, and I was sure that the crowd were looking at their watered down beers and watching the ripples like the kids in Jurassic Park with the T-Rex. Menace was indeed a big guy. He heaved himself into the ring, and requested a microphone from one of the production crew.


'What a dump' Menace began. 'I remember the days when I used to wrestle in Spain, in Madrid of all places.. and now.. now im wrestling in some sweaty little backroom in some godforsaken backwater part of the UK for some pimpled nerdy virgins who steal live with their parents'


The crowd booed but it felt more like they were just playing their part in this dance than feeling really wronged by Menaces words. We didn't mind and it was given us a chance to get the next match prepped and for the majority of the crowd to rush to the bar for another round of drinks.


Behind the curtain, Stuart Wilson waited as one of the production crew struggled to find his entrance track on the laptop. Finally he got a thumbs up.


'.. I've been the UEW World champion and now...' but Menace was cut off before he could finish that sentence as 'Generic Track #16' began. It wasn't Wilsons theme, but the crowd didn't appear to notice.


Stuart Wilson appeared from behind the curtain to a series of cheers, but these were more likely due to the fact that he'd stopped Menace was going on, then any general reaction to his presence. Upon getting into the ring, he took the microphone away from Menace.


'Fur christs sake' he began. 'wid ye juist clam up afore ah hae tae shove something doon yer geggy tae git ye tae clam up'


'Just you try it' Menace replied and a ref was called for.


Rating: 28






Menace Vs Stuart Wilson


In a decent match, Stuart Wilson defeated Menace in 12:10 by pinfall with a Running Powerslam.


Rating: 20



Another match over and time for another quick bar break. Last month we'd run start to finish with no planned breaks and the venue owner had come up to us afterwards complaining about how low their sales were and if we could do something about it. I was honestly surprised as I hadn't thought that our matches had been good enough to hold a thirsty brits attention away from the bar. To help facilitate booze sales, it was time for Cain Carlile to address the audience to the sound of more generic music.


He darted out from behind the curtain and bounced up to the ring. The boy had too much energy and I had no idea where he got it from.


'Hey hey hey' Cain began. 'Friday night in PWA.. thank you all for coming. Hey you there' he said pointing to a portly guy who was just being served. 'Jaegerbomb for me thanks... no... okay that's cool'


I hoped he wasn't being serious. We didn't have much in the way of backstage rules besides no drinking and no drugs.


'Alrite then.. Todays you're going to see the pinnacle in PWA skill and you are going to see me, Cain Carlile become the inaugural PWA Champion..'


I chuckled to myself backstage.. Someones been swatting up on some big words and they just sounded wrong with his west country accent.


'Shall we meet tonight's loser. Hey Puffy.. come say hi'


Puffy came out the curtain, microphone in hand already.


'Ay 'ope you're ready as am about ter kick yer ass'


I honestly had no idea how many people understood the mancunian but it was time for our final match






Cain Carlile Vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player

PWA Championship Match


In a decent match, Cain Carlile defeated Puffy The Sand Iron Player in 13:34 by pinfall with a Mark Of Cain to become the PWA Champion


Rating: 25



Final Show Rating: 25

Attendance: 75

<hr>February 2021 Statistics:


Profit/Loss: +£1,910




Midlands: 4

Northern England: 1

Scotland: 0

Southern England: 10 (Target is 17)

Ireland: 0

Wales: 4


Prediction Results:

SMW88: 2/3

Theheel: 1/3

Willsky: 1/3


I do like how everyone thought Don would win the 2nd match. Brian Price is a new gen with the following bio:


Brian Price is a Regular Wrestler, trained at WWA: UK, who turned pro in April 2020. From Newcastle, he is 6 foot and 255lbs and naturally plays the heel. He plays bad ass gimmicks well. He usually finishes opponents with the 'Star Face Crush'.

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Brian Price Vs Don Henderson


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Brian Price defeated Don Henderson in 8:08 by pinfall with a Star Face Crush.


Rating: 16


Note to self your 0-2 picking Don Henderson against Brian Price, don’t make the same mistake again.

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Friday Week 4 March 2021


Join us at The Paddington Club to see:


Brian Price & Gazz Vedmore Vs Bryn Archer & Ian Vincible


Don Henderson Vs Menace

#1 Contendership Match


Cain Carlile © Vs Stuart Wilson

for the PWA Championship Belt


Tickets available now for £8 either at the door or via wvvw.pwa.co.uk


We also have a couple of pre-show events, but the less said about those the better :cool:
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Friday Week 4 March 2021


Join us at The Paddington Club to see:


Brian Price & Gazz Vedmore Vs Bryn Archer & Ian Vincible

Well I’ve bet against Price twice and paid the price, so now in this tag match that his partner will probably lose, I’ll take the chance


Don Henderson Vs Menace

#1 Contendership Match

So you go 0-2 and earn a #1 contender match? Make it 0-3 and no #1 ranking


Cain Carlile © Vs Stuart Wilson

for the PWA Championship Belt

I’m figuring that Wilson is da man but CC just won the belt…..I bet against the kid last month when he won, so I’m hoping to ride him to a win here in what on paper (not sure what paper I’m referring to so must just be my crazy mind) looks like an upset.

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Paddington Club, Southern England

Friday Week 4 March 2021



Pre-show Ratings: 9 & 0


Same worker appeared in both dark matches that got the 0 rating :mad:




Brian Price & Gazz Vedmore Vs Bryn Archer & Ian Vincible


In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Gazz Vedmore and Brian Price defeated Bryn Archer and Ian Vincible in 8:38 when Gazz Vedmore pinned Ian Vincible with a Rolling DDT.


Rating: 15



To say I had a twinge of guilt towards Don Henderson would be a bit of an understatement. Something was nagging at me and after all our years in PWA together, and seeing him struggling to get a win under his belt I'd let him pick his challenger tonight, and he'd decided to call out Menace.


Menace was due a match against Cain Carlile soon so we dubbed this a number one contender match and for them to duke it out themselves.


Henderson came out to the ring, and began his spiel about how he was way better than he was being credit for, and all the reasons why he should be champion, when The Minor Annoyance came up beside me.


'Hey Boss' he began. 'Has he got some kind of dirt on you or something. Why are you giving Don Henderson of all people a chance to get a title match'


'He's old school PWA and down on his luck.. we owe him'


Annoyance looked at me for a moment and burst into laughter.


'What' I asked confusedly


'Oh mate, you are an idiot. Don Henderson is not old school PWA. You're thinking of Donny Damage. They're not even the same skin colour you prat'


In the ring, Don Henderson and Menace finished their verbal sparring and the bell rang for their match.. I'd missed everything they'd said...


Rating: 24 (apparently)






Don Henderson Vs Menace


In a decent match, Menace defeated Don Henderson in 10:43 by pinfall with an Ultimate Rejection.


Rating: 19



Stuart Wilson took the opportunity to come to this ring before his match, and I hoped that enough people would understand him or had friends to translate as his accent was pretty thick


'Last week ah stompit Menace intae the rin an got ma shot at the PWA championship.'


He got a few whoops from the crowd. There must have been a few scots in tonight


'Cain Carlile is a soft southern nancy wha doesnae deserve thon belt an ah aim tae tak it away from him tonicht. A'm gaun'ae leave him beggin for his maw i a pile o his own teeth'


Rating: 34






Cain Carlile © Vs Stuart Wilson

PWA Championship Match


In a decent match, Cain Carlile defeated Stuart Wilson in 14:45 by pinfall with a Mark Of Cain. Cain Carlile makes defence number one of the PWA Championship title.


Rating: 23



Final Show Rating: 22

Attendance: 76

<hr>March 2021 Statistics:


Profit/Loss: +£1,723




Midlands: 4

Northern England: 1

Scotland: 0

Southern England: 10 (Target is 17)

Ireland: 0

Wales: 4


Prediction Results:

SMW88: 2/3

Theheel: 3/3


Yup.. That actually happened.. I'd been thinking Don Henderson was old school PWA when it was actually Donny Damage. Curse my memory of 15 year old events


Interestingly this is the 3rd show with a final rating twice over out popularity in the region and once again the counter hasn't even ticked up a single point. Have I forgotten something about how popularity works.. anyone wanna enlighten me

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Prediction Results:

SMW88: 2/3

Theheel: 3/3


Yup.. That actually happened.. I'd been thinking Don Henderson was old school PWA when it was actually Donny Damage. Curse my memory of 15 year old events


Interestingly this is the 3rd show with a final rating twice over out popularity in the region and once again the counter hasn't even ticked up a single point. Have I forgotten something about how popularity works.. anyone wanna enlighten me


I’m not an expert at it but I know it is much slower than the previous versions. For example I started my BSC 2010 diary on TEW 2020. I had a poor first show barely getting over my pop number in the SW. I started at 15 and after 8 shows I’m at 18. The last 6 have all been 33+ and I finally got a 40+ show in the last two months. I’m hoping my August show hits higher than the 41. I will find out soon.


I can’t tell you though the what or how it’s determined. That is for some much wiser to explain

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I’m not an expert at it but I know it is much slower than the previous versions. For example I started my BSC 2010 diary on TEW 2020. I had a poor first show barely getting over my pop number in the SW. I started at 15 and after 8 shows I’m at 18. The last 6 have all been 33+ and I finally got a 40+ show in the last two months. I’m hoping my August show hits higher than the 41. I will find out soon.


I can’t tell you though the what or how it’s determined. That is for some much wiser to explain


I'm a couple of shows ahead of what I've posted so far but every show claims that my popularity has increased in one region and I'm well over the current limit but it's still at 10. Quick calculation on it but if it's going to take 6 months to go up 1 point then we are looking at 3 ½ years before we hit tiny


I may try switching to cheap tickets for an extra pop boost but there's definitely a mechanic here that I'm missing

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I'm a couple of shows ahead of what I've posted so far but every show claims that my popularity has increased in one region and I'm well over the current limit but it's still at 10. Quick calculation on it but if it's going to take 6 months to go up 1 point then we are looking at 3 ½ years before we hit tiny


I may try switching to cheap tickets for an extra pop boost but there's definitely a mechanic here that I'm missing


I did that for a few shows as well


Small companies are capped at how much their popularity can increase per show and per month. If you're only able to gain 0.2 per show and 0.8 per month, for example, then it's going to take you at least five shows in two different months to reach a full percentage point irrespective of how high the show's grade was. Note that that doesn't mean your final grade is not being taken into account, it just means that after a certain level you can't gain any more of an advantage than you already have.


The message that your popularity has increased is working correctly too - it is telling you that you have gained some popularity, not that your visible popularity level has gone up. Moving from 5.2 to 5.4, for example, is an increase, but you'd still see it as "5" on the popularity screen as you do not see decimal places.

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