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SWF Uprising Results [Fri. Wk. 1, Mar. 2020]



From the diary of Samantha W. Fitzworthy


SWF booked the famed Ranch of San Antonio for this episode of Uprising and almost sold it out, with 9.899 fans attending. According to NetStream, 3.649.636 more watched it live on the platform and I watched it stuck at work with Mr. Eisen without being paid for overtime. Huzzah.



Shockingly enough, we went straight to a match as ZWB faced against Xavi Ferrera. In case you've forgotten, Xavi has been a thorn on Zimmy's side for a while and on top of the drama, given both men's flashy athletic styles, the opener did a pretty good job of exciting the audience. Been a while since we saw fast paced, high flying action from all the participants inside an SWF ring, so I appreciated the change of pace. ZWB got the win with a Shining Magician after twelve and a half minutes, which I guess is good exposure for Ferrera as he gets established. Solid 66 to get the show under way.



After the bell, ZWB grabbed a mic and talked about his success as a five time tag team champion but nothing to show for his singles career so far. Zimmy delivered a passionate speech about wanting to prove himself and stated that after taking care of Ferrera, his path towards a shot at the North American title was clear. This popped the crowd and of course brought out the reigning champion, who accepted the challenge for Awesome Impact on Pay Per View. However, Davids reminded his challenger of Lenny Brown, Spencer Spade, Steven Parker and all the others who have failed to dethrone him, saying he'll be glad to add the letters ZWB to that list. A basic but well executed segment to set up their PPV title match, 69 seems fair.



The team of Lenny Brown and Steven Parker were interviewed next by Emma Chase, who wanted to know what's next or them. Without directly referencing Davids' previous mention, the duo confessed that their partnership seems to be yielding better results than their respective individual attempts as of late. Brown did throw in a barb directed towards Atom Smasher and Rogue when he added "unlike other pairings", but the more clean cut Parker quickly steered away from poking the hornet's nest and said that hopefully the two of them will be getting a shot at Hawaiian Crush and the tag team titles soon. I'm not sure what the point of this was besides giving everyone some on-screen time, there's many ways this could go and until one is picked, I'm on the fence with a 64 for the interview.



Boston's own Justin Sensitive was this episode's resident ass, running down all things Texas for some cheap heat. Surprise surprise, Marshall Dillon wasn't having any of it and he ran out to a loud pop in order to shut Sensitive up. F for effort but no originality, barely a 48.



Justin's been on a losing streak, he's practically out of the Rat Pack and Dillon was the hometown guy, so to call this match "predictable" is an understatement. They still made it pretty watchable though, with Sensitive cheating every chance he could while Dillon had a chance to shine solo without Kobb around, all the way up to the Crackdown that ended the bout. Won't lie, the match was way better than the angle, 58 for this one.




Now this next part could have been extremely by-the-numbers but it caught me off guard. So Unleashed Awesomeness hit the ring for an interview segment with Duane Fry. Jefferson Stardust had his midsection all taped up and requested a certain video of last week's main event to be played on the titantron. This was of course the part where Slick hurt his back, so the injury was acknowledged on screen and Huey announced that the diagnosis came back and his teammate had a couple of broken ribs. Randall then got on the mic and demanded that West Coast Connection come out and apologize for sidelining Jefferson and taking away his livelihood. Slick and Fro did come out, but before they could say anything, James Prudence attacked them from behind and Unleashed Awesomeness joined in for a beatdown, which ended with both Slick and Fro being put through tables. Randall Buckminster Bumfhole then grabbed the mic once again to welcome "Platinum" James Prudence to the group and announce that at Awesome Impact, RBB would be filling in for Jeferson; him and Huey against West Coast Connection and tonight's pain will be nothing compared to what they'll go through at the Pay Per View. I was pretty sports entertained, though Mr. Eisen rated this as a 58, probably because he expected a better reaction from the crowd for a double table spot but those who took it aren't that well known just yet.



Bret Biggins seems to be another of those veterans who are being used to put younger talent over and he did the favors here when he bumped hard for Siaki's offence. Although he lost, he gave the young Samoan a hard fight, so combined with him being a familiar face it was a nice change of pace from seeing Siaki squash another nameless jobber or ex-TCW star. Might have kept it shorter than the near fourteen minutes this went on for, but it still got a 51.



Ana Garcia stood by for an interview with Robbie Wright next. The King of Charisma wanted to voice his frustrations for not being booked to appear at Awesome Impact, so I guess this was more about character development rather than setting up something or advancing a storyline. Still, Robbie's gold on the mic and even a pointless promo like this got him a 66.





So, the misfit pairing of Atom Smasher and Rogue. Remember last week when the latter convinced the former to give their pairing another chance? Well he wasn't lying, because this was big, even if the tag team titles themselves weren't on the line. Hawaiian Crush were their usual selves, with Adams selling and pulling off the high flying moves while Ekuma played the part of a powerhouse. I can't stress enough how over Ekuma is with the fans and how hot they were for him to get the hot tag. The celebration was short-lived though, because the Mission had to be heels and ruin everyone's good time by attacking the champions and causing a DQ finish. Not bad for a televised non title match, but the messy finish drops this to a 60.



The episode ended with a brawl between champions and challengers, teasing what can be expected when they meet for the titles at Awesome Impact. Weatherfield smartly stayed out of this by getting knocked out early and the four men traded blows as security rushed the ring to try and separate them. A 66 for the finish, complete with the announce team plugging the PPV for one last time before the cameras faded to black.



Not a bad episode top to bottom, but nothing too exciting for a go-home version either. I think what really hurt it was the fact that nothing had been set up and hyped since last week, so viewers had nothing to expect, no reason to tune in other than habit. Even when Rogue talked Smasher into giving themselves another chance, their opponents were never revealed; hell, as far as we know maybe he was referring to a match at Awesome Impact, or something that wasn't a match altogether. Fortunately, the production and booking did a better job to set up and hype the Pay Per View, but the episode itself as a standalone isn't worth more than a 63.


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #01FCFE; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">Quick results

Hawaiian Crush def. Atom Smasher & Rogue

Charger Siaki def. Bart Biggins

Marshall Dillon def. Justin Sensitive

ZWB def. Xavi Ferrera</div>

Prediction results

smw88 - 3/4

DinoKea - 2/4

Herrbear - 2/4

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Let's start with the results from the Week One Saturday Night Showcase!




  • Danielle Sweetheart defeated Poison Ivy in 11:15 by pinfall with a Super Kick. (37)
  • The Historian cut a backstage promo. (32)
  • The Architect and Ernest Youngman defeated Jaylon Martins and Joey Fili in 10:14 when Ernest Youngman pinned Jaylon Martins with The Hit. (39)
  • Queen Amazon defeated Alina America in 10:24 by pinfall with an Amazonian Powerbomb. (36)
  • Mr. Lucha III cut an in-ring promo before the main event. (53)
  • Mr. Lucha III defeated Eddie Chandler in 13:25 by pinfall with a Third Strike. (50)







Total Championship Wrestling returns to A.C.E. for their weekly installment of Total Wrestling. Aaron Andrews has stated his intention to challenge for the World Title again -- something Jay Chord is not thrilled about but it looks like The Ace is headed for his rematch. This week he wrestles a tune-up match against Ernest Youngman in what could be a match-of-the-year candidate.


Twice, Greg Gauge has put the Television Title on the line against Mr. Lucha III and both times they went to the time limit. Neither is satisfied with that and so this week, they go at it with a thirty-minute time limit and ringside judges in the event of a time-limit. Will Mr. Lucha III prevail and become Television Champion or will Greg Gauge finally vanquish the one man he hasn't been able to out wrestle?


Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minutes or TV Time Remaining

"The Ace" Aaron Andrews versus "The Assassin" Ernest Youngman


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

In the Event of a Draw, it will go to judges' scorecard

TCW Television Championship

Mr. Lucha III versus Greg Gauge ©


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Mighty Mo versus Doc Hammond


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

T-Bone Bright versus Chris Flynn


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Kip Keenan versus Freddy Huggins


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Human Arsenal versus Roderick Remus

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Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minutes or TV Time Remaining

"The Ace" Aaron Andrews versus "The Assassin" Ernest Youngman


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

In the Event of a Draw, it will go to judges' scorecard

TCW Television Championship

Mr. Lucha III versus Greg Gauge ©


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Mighty Mo versus Doc Hammond


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

T-Bone Bright versus Chris Flynn


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Kip Keenan versus Freddy Huggins


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Human Arsenal versus Roderick Remus

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Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minutes or TV Time Remaining

"The Ace" Aaron Andrews def. "The Assassin" Ernest Youngman


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

In the Event of a Draw, it will go to judges' scorecard

TCW Television Championship

Mr. Lucha III def. Greg Gauge ©


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Mighty Mo def. Doc Hammond


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

T-Bone Bright def. Chris Flynn


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Kip Keenan def. Freddy Huggins


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Roderick Remus def. Human Arsenal

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<td style="text-align: left; vertical-align: top;">

<p><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #ffffff; background-color: #333333;"><strong>Total Wrestling Results</strong></span><br /><span style="color: #ffffff;">The wrestling war for America continued this week with our usual affair of two Tuesday night shows. Total Championship Wrestling continues to be the only show on Tuesday nights shown in primetime so we watched it first. This was their second show of the month of March -- last week we had a really good show and I had high hopes for this show when I sat down to watch it.</span></p>

<p><span style="color: #ffffff;">The show started off with Roderick Remus and Human Arsenal. When I saw this match was announced, I was excited. I'm proud to admit I'm a fan boy of Double R and I think he could be a great talent for TCW. Human Arsenal is an incredibly valuable wrestler still even if he's past his prime and this was a solid opening contest. They didn't do anything too fancy or go too far. They were clearly out there just trying to get the show started with a simple classic storytelling match of the heel Roderick Remus trying to find a way to get victory and Human Arsenal using his superb skills to fend off the dastardly heel. Roderick Remus rolled Arsenal up for a quick pinfall after a solid match. <strong>58.</strong></span></p>

<p><span style="color: #ffffff;">We went backstage to where Shawn Doakes was interviewing The Sinner Society. Like normal, Eddie Peak and Floyd Goldworthy did all the talking while Killer Shark, Titan, and Nick Booth stood menacingly in the background. I really like The Behemoths and Nick Booth, but I really do think Eddie Peak has past his prime and Floyd is fine. He's Floyd. He does his job well but I always thought he was perfect for American Buffalo. He definitely doesn't fit Titan, but he looks good with Shark. With Eddie Peak's contract rumored to be up in a few months, I wonder if they're going to change things up. Peak and Goldworthy hyped up the upcoming World Tag Team Title match at the Pay Per View. The Behemoth's are going to be battling The Wild Ones in what should be a really good Southern Hoss Fight and this was a really solid promo hyping it up. Peak can talk but he didn't say anything particularly memorable. It just got the job done. <strong>64.</strong></span></p>

<p><span style="color: #ffffff;">After issuing a challenge to T-Bone Bright, Freddy Huggins was in action against Kip Keenan. I still think Kip could be a good member of the TCW roster, he just needs more exposure to them and with the new Saturday Night Showcase revival I think he could get that. Here, he was tasked with having a good match with the excellent Freddy Huggins. Huggins gets overlooked a lot with Jay Chord and Wolf Hawkins along with Greg Gauge, but Huggins is excellent and he really oozed charisma here.  They put on a good match with Huggins taking several suplexes from Kip to make Kip look even more fearsome. In the end, Huggins hit his <em>Huggins Kiss</em> superkick that caught Kip right under the jaw. Huggins got the win in a really good TV match. <strong>67.</strong></span></p>

<p><span style="color: #ffffff;">Coming out of the commercial break, we were with T-Bone Bright. He was as fiery as ever. The man can talk. What he lacks in in ring polish, he makes up for in his gift of gab. He hyped up that he hadn't given up his quest on Wolf Hawkins but he said "Baby, if Freddy wants to dance with the Bone, we can dance." and it looks like we're going to get T-Bone and Freddy at the Pay Per View. <strong>73.</strong></span></p>

<p><span style="color: #ffffff;">Next up was another promo, this time with Jay Chord and Ernest Youngman. Ernest Youngman, playing into his Assassin character, didn't say much. Jay did the talking. He talked about how he's the World Champion, he's the dealer. He talked about how he was born and bred to be champion and how he's got big plans for TCW now that they finally have a World Champion they can be proud of. He said that Aaron Andrews was the past and he's only getting a rematch because of some contractual clause that gets him one but Jay beat him once and will beat him again and still be World's Champion. Good promo. Not Jay's best, but it's nice to see him stepping into his role as World Champion. <strong>73.</strong></span></p>

<p><span style="color: #ffffff;">T-Bone Bright and Chris Flynn was up next. The Syndicate has been treading water recently. With Wolf cycled out of the World Title picture, I'm curious to see what's going to become of his goons. I've heard that The Historian is not a fan of The Elite but does like Chris and Doc so I wonder if we're going to see a change or see the Syndicate break up. Time will tell, but in this match, Chris got heat on T-Bone early but the charismatic T-Bone had his big comeback and looked like a star with all his big punches leading up to that big powerslam that got him the win.<strong>62</strong>.</span></p>

<p><span style="color: #ffffff;">The second Syndicate match of the night was next, with Doc Hammond against Might Mo. We know Mo and Wolf are going to dance again at the Pay Per View, that much is clear. Mo is running through the number two in the Syndicate here and Mo looked really, really good. Doc is a great veteran but I still don't know why they split him off of One Man Army. They were a far better team than they are singles. Maybe we'll see them reunite because One Man Army hasn't been doing much of anything either recently and TCW does need some more teams. Mo got the win, like we would expect, with his Plunging Spinebuster. Really good match, by the way. <strong>73.</strong></span></p>

<p><span style="color: #ffffff;">Mr. Lucha III got a promo on TV. He's fluent in English and is a really good talker but despite the push he's been getting so far, he's still not over enough to be getting this much TV time on the show. He talked about how tonight was his night. He was going to make his legacy proud by defeating Greg Gauge for the Television Championship tonight. He talked about the feud Mr. Lucha and Sam Keith had and how this was family business. I liked this touch and I think this is something that could be gone back to in the future as Mr. Lucha III gets more established. Only a <strong>47</strong> because of his lack of popularity.</span></p>

<p><span style="color: #ffffff;">The Television Title match was up next. This was their third match and they had plenty of time -- just over twenty minutes. The ringside judges were Brent Hill, Joel Bryant, and Robert Oxford. All three sat at ringside in suits and took notes throughout the match. It was a nice touch. Greg and Lucha referenced spots from their first two draws and really put on a good match that would have been better if Lucha had more popularity. Greg got the win and his eighteenth title defense. <strong>55</strong>.</span></p>

<p><span style="color: #ffffff;">Aaron Andrews got a promo next and man was he on his game. He talked about what TCW meant to him, what the World Title meant to him. He talked about how he had walked through the desert barefoot and ate the heads off rattlesnakes. He talked about how he had overcome all the requirements people had tried to put on him that were going to limit his success to become the biggest wrestler in the sport (which he's not, but I like the confidence). He said that he's going to be World Champion again because TCW is him and he is TCW. Really good promo to continue getting him and Jay going. <strong>92.</strong></span></p>

<p><span style="color: #ffffff;">The main event, Aaron Andrews against Ernest Youngman. With Ernest's popularity still developing, this was a great match for TV. Ernest really got to dominate for long stretches and put the Ace in jeopardy. He hit a series of backbreakers on the Ace and really had Aaron in jeopardy. Aaron did a great job of selling and getting the crowd invested. It's clear they're trying to build  Ernest into something and Aaron really helped here. Aaron, of course, got the win clean with the Flying Body Press just after 19 minutes of action but it did everything it was supposed to. <strong>79</strong>.</span></p>

<p><span style="color: #ffffff;">A good show, a really good show. Two straight good shows from TCW has me very excited for Battleground. I've heard some rumblings that TCW is going to be doing some company restructuring soon, but I haven't heard anything final. When I do, I'll let you know. I'd give this show a strong <strong>78 </strong>behind the work of Aaron Andrews with his promo and in the main event and the solid promo and matches throughout the show. Only one real underwhelming segment.</span></p>




<td style="width: 915px;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/dCLnspm.jpg" alt="" width="900" height="26" /></td>




<p> </p>

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Card for Predictions


Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Scythe vs Valiant


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Brandon James vs Paul Huntingdon


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Crippler vs Robbie Retro


Tag Team Match

Best of the Best vs The Pain Alliance


Opening Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Brett Biggins vs Willy LaRoux

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Scythe vs Valiant


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Brandon James vs Paul Huntingdon


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Crippler vs Robbie Retro


Tag Team Match

Best of the Best vs The Pain Alliance


Opening Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Brett Biggins vs Willy LaRoux

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Scythe vs Valiant


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Brandon James vs Paul Huntingdon


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Crippler vs Robbie Retro


Tag Team Match

Best of the Best vs The Pain Alliance


Opening Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Brett Biggins vs Willy LaRoux

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Scythe def. Valiant


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Brandon James def. Paul Huntingdon


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Crippler def. Robbie Retro


Tag Team Match

(Time Limits aren't for nerds?)

The Pain Alliance def. Best of the Best


Opening Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Willy LaRoux def. Brett Biggins


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SWF Supreme TV Results [Tues. Wk. 2, March 2020]



From the diary of Samantha W. Fitzworthy


New Orleans was the setting for tonight's episode of Supreme TV, with 8.905 fans attending and 2.107.938 viewers watching live. The only match announced ahead of time was Brandon James facing Paul Huntingdon, so I was somewhat curious to see what would transpire.



Hometown boy (but not quite hero) Willy LaRoux opened the show with a match against veteran Brett Biggins in another rare case of the episode not starting with an angle. I could tell that both men were instructed to work the crowd and get them going for what was to come next, but with both of them apparently having a bad night and caving under the pressure it didn't quite work out the way it was intended. LaRoux's charisma shone through and he did some nice character work as the cocky cheating heel, it seems he's being built up fast as he's been aligned with the Rat Pack and given the win here after a Reverse DDT. Barely a 41 for the opener though, he's got a lot of distance to cover still.



LaRoux was given the opportunity to address his hometown crowd after the match when Eric Eisen climbed on the ring to interview him and there's no doubt he's a much better talker than in-ring worker at this point. Little weird to see a heel like Easy E interview another heel who tried to cut some sort of babyface promo, but fans ate it up so I can understand how this angle was rated at 63.



Straight into the second match of the night, Best of the Best versus The Pain Alliance. Decent bout that went on for about ten minutes, but with Gilmore and Morgan set to face Supreme Dream Team at Awesome Impact, the only question here was whether Spade's group would interfere. Ended up being a pretty clean match and Morgan got the pin on Laramee, building momentum for his team in light of their PPV contest. A 61 seems fair.



A short video package aired next, hyping the SWF World Tag Team match for Awesome Impact. We got a recap of Hawaiian Crush's title win and reign so far, how The Mission became the #1 contenders, their attack on Adams and how it's all going to come to a boil at the Pay Per View. An understandable hype montage to plug the PPV and convince people to buy it, Mr. Eisen rated it as a 60.



We then jumped to a high class gym, where we saw footage of Bear Bekowski's feats of strength and Primus Allen's MMA-style training. With Dulce Moreno on his side as always, a suited-up Spencer Spade addressed the camera to talk up his crew in light of their match against Best of the Best at Awesome Impact. Not sure if it was planned for Allen to jump in and say a few words himself in the end or if Spade stumbled a bit with his improv and Primus intervened to save it, but that little detail threw me off a little bit from what was otherwise a well executed skit that ran off with a 66.



More non-wrestling segments, yep that felt more like SWF by this point. It appears that Brandon James and Hollywood Bret Starr will be facing off in a "Cat's Lair" match at the Pay Per View, so the hype package also hinted at what we can expect. Not explained, just hinted, letting the mystery be the draw. I'm pretty sure that's going to be one of those cinematic matches, set in some cat themed scenery, which leads me to believe that James is going to bring back his Big Cat Brandon character for it. Not bad, but it maybe went on for a bit too long, so a mere 52 should suffice.



Few weeks back we got the return of Robbie Retro from being injured by The Crippler when he cost him a match, then things moved on between Crippler and Mainstream Hernandez like nothing happened; at the time, I commented how it seems the Retro-Crippler feud was a wrap, but no, we actually got a televised match to do that part. Not sure people still remember though or if this mini feud has run cold by this point. Either way, Crippler is headed to face Hernandez at Awesome Impact, so he got fed Robbie here to make him look extra vicious. That Tombstone Piledriver in the end sure looked nasty, 60 does it here.



Yup, a Mainstream Hernandez pre-taped promo followed up the match to hype up his PPV match against The Crippler. Hernandez called him out for his viciousness against their fellow wrestlers and trying to take away their livelihood by injuring them on purpose before talking himself up as the man with a point to prove when he takes out one of SWF's most dangerous grapplers. Solid, real solid, building both competitors up in light of the match. Don't sleep on this, might end up being a show stealer after all. For now, the promo scored a 62.



We also got a video package to hype up the SWF North American title match at Awesome Impact. This was built around Davids' domination of the belt and ZWB's comment about being a decorated tag champ but wanting to prove himself by capturing singles gold as well. Not bad, not great, 64.



Rocky Golden then cut a promo about his upcoming match with Scythe at the Pay Per View. Some real fire on display too, with Rocky going from "troubled" by Scythe's mind games into how he cost him the World Heavyweight title at Nothing to Lose last month and how he's all worked up to put an end to this when he defeats him at Awesome Impact. He may not be a champion any longer or wrestling for the title, but he sure felt like a champion in this promo and Mr. Eisen told me to write down an 83 for his promo.



Brandon James versus Paul Huntingdon came next and lasted a good twelve minutes or so. No question here that James would get the win and move on to that Cat's Lair match with more momentum, but Paul flipped the script nicely by doing his utmost best to hurt his opponent. He was probably going down, but he was also going to take James down with him and soften him up for Starr. Big man sold the offence bell to bell, almost to the point of making me think whether the Rat Pack would assault him for an intentional DQ if it meant losing this match but hurting him, but he made his comeback to hit the Big Money Move and score the pin along with a 70 for this match.



The attack came after the match, with Monty Trescarde jumping Brandon and sacrificing himself like a true henchman so that Starr could join in and attack James from behind. A somewhat recovered Huntingdon joined in for the 3 on 1 beatdown (guess Willy LaRoux was kept out of this as he'd already gotten enough air time at the start of the show) and no one came out for the save, meaning this ended with Brandon James on the mat and Starr grabbing a mic to call himself "the big dog" who'll "mess up the Cat's Lair" as the heels stood tall. I wasn't thrilled but Mr. Eisen gave this segment a 66.



Valiant hit the ring next with Hannah at his side to cut a promo about his win last week, which penciled him in to face Remo for the SWF World Heavyweight title in the main event of Awesome Impact. I liked the touch of Valiant making this more personal, when he brought up the fact that he lost that title due to Rogue's betrayal so winning it back had added meaning for him, a good 85 for his promo here.



Scythe came out to wrestle Valiant for the main event and I was a little shocked. Pretty big match to have on TV, let alone out of nowhere with no hype or even prior announcement. Not that it was bad, mind you, plus they were given a good twenty minutes to wrestle, it was just out of the blue and although I understand it from a booking perspective, having the ref throw the match to not hurt either man felt a little cheap. This could have been way better than a 61, but of course it was done to make both guys look dangerous in light of their respective big matches ahead, speaking of which...




Rocky and Remo both came out just as the show was about to end, so it faded to black with all four guys staring down each other as the announce team hyped up the two Awesome Impact main events. Classic go-home episode finish even if little of actual substance did happen, Mr. Eisen told me to mark a 72.


I can't complain much for this episode, it was the last one before a big Pay Per View and it did exactly what it was supposed to do: tie up loose ends, make the big names competing look strong and hype up the matches to take place at Awesome Impact. It's all shaping up to be a good major event and the go-home episode before it was a 71.


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #01FCFE; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">Quick results

Scythe drew with Valiant

Brandon James def. Paul Huntingdon

The Crippler def. Robbie Retro

Best of the Best def. The Pain Alliance

Willy LaRoux def. Bret Biggins</div>


Prediction results

Herrbear - 3/5

DinoKea - 3/5

smw88 - 2/5

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Quick Recap of USPW Saturday Throwdown. USPW's new B-Show to showcase their talented roster:

  • Andre Jones def. Jimmy Chipolata via pinfall (46)
  • Announce team hype Rich Money vs Eddie Howard in a Steel Cage for Wednesday! (81)
  • Tavon Blake def. Fearless Blue via pinfall (8)
  • Casey Valentine def. Rajah via pinfall (62)
  • Recap of events surrounding the debut of Jack Bruce (67)
  • Tiffany Jade & Jillian Jarvis def. Missy Masterson & Wendy Anderson via pinfall (58)





The 10th iteration of USPW American Wrestling for 2020 is coming to you this Wednesday from the South East again. Let's have a quick look at the night ahead and see what's in store.


Jaime Quine
will be in action in some capacity after suffering a loss last week to
Sara Marie
. Quine was incensed at the defeat and will be calling out the division on the microphone on Wednesday. Also on Wednesday, as it pertains to the Women's division, we'll see
The Triumvirate (Strong & The Muscle Woman)
up against
Pariah, Melody & Sara-Marie
in six-women tag action.


The Titans
will be continuing to exert their force over the tag team ranks (especially after Baine's defeat of Moor in singles action last week) and they'll be taking on the recent challengers for the titles
The Texas Express
. It's a tall order for the young duo but a win here would continue to work wonders for them.


Bulldozer Brandon Smith
took some by surprise when he beat
Joss Thompson
in last weeks terrific main-event. This week he'll team with friend
Casey Valentine
to take on
The Undesirables
duo of Davis Wayne Newton & Nelson Callum. The young team have aligned themselves strongly with the National Champion and will be looking to serve him well by halting the progress of Bulldozer & Valentine.


Steve Frehley & Big Bubba
will be taking on
Nicky Champion & Running Wolf
in tag team action as the rivalry between these four (plus Law & Blake) rolls on. It seems we're moving towards Champion vs Frehley at Liberty & Justice! so this will continue to serve as an interesting appetizer and tantalising contest.


In the main event we have
Rich Money's
World Championship on the line as he defends vs
Eddie Howard
in a Steel Cage! The match will end within the confines of the cage. No escapes and this came at the request of Howard who feels that he could legitimately beat Money & take his title if The Business can't enter the ring. Money's arrogance knowns no bounds and thinks it won't matter and he'll still walk out as champion.


As you can see it's going to be an action-packed evening with a lot to digest and we hope to see you there!




The Texas Express vs The Titans



Melody, Pariah & Sara-Marie vs The Triumvirate (Strong, King & Gorgon)



Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Casey Valentine vs The Undesirables



Nicky Champion & Running Wolf vs Succession (Frehley & Bubba)



USPW World Title (Steel Cage)

Eddie Howard vs Rich Money ©



Comments on diary in general:


If you wish to catch up on any of the previous write-ups for USPW please click the links down below.


USPW American Wrestling #1

USPW American Wrestling #2

USPW American Wrestling #3

USPW American Wrestling #4

USPW Stars, Stripes & Slams!



USPW American Wrestling #5

USPW American Wrestling #6

USPW American Wrestling #7

USPW American Wrestling #8

USPW Red, White & Blue!



USPW American Wrestling #9


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The Texas Express vs The Titans



Melody, Pariah & Sara-Marie vs The Triumvirate (Strong, King & Gorgon)



Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Casey Valentine vs The Undesirables


Nicky Champion & Running Wolf vs Succession (Frehley & Bubba)



USPW World Title (Steel Cage)

Eddie Howard vs Rich Money ©

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The Texas Express def. The Titans



Melody, Pariah & Sara-Marie def. The Triumvirate (Strong, King & Gorgon)



Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Casey Valentine def. The Undesirables



Nicky Champion & Running Wolf def. Succession (Frehley & Bubba)



USPW World Title (Steel Cage)

Rich Money © def. Eddie Howard



Comments on diary in general:

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The Texas Express vs The Titans



Melody, Pariah & Sara-Marie vs The Triumvirate (Strong, King & Gorgon)



Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Casey Valentine vs The Undesirables



Nicky Champion & Running Wolf vs Succession (Frehley & Bubba)



USPW World Title (Steel Cage)

Eddie Howard vs Rich Money ©

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<div style="padding: 10px; border: 10px solid #261930; margin:10px;background: #bb8be0; max-width:70%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> 2ugKne1.jpg




Hello and welcome to this special edition of the Behind The Curtain Podcast with me, Jo-Ro. This week's American Wrestling is in the books and it's time for our look back, assessment and recap of the show. Let's get into it.




American Wrestling was once again in The Dust Bowl in back-to-back weeks to an audience of 14,911 which is an increase of just over 2,000 from the same venue last week. Latest figures from Reverie put the viewing figures at 12,135,665 which beats last weeks rating and sets this as the new highest rating for 'TV'. Let's dig in.


Segment 1:

The show opened with a very well assembled promo package showcasing the events of last weeks show coupled with highlighting some of the ongoing stories. Jack Bruce, Jerry Lee Perkins, Eddie Howard, Rich Money, Nicky Champion & Steve Frehley were the focus of the package. This was punctuated with the announce team hyping tonights upcoming show. A great start.



Segment 2:

The Queen of Social Media Jaime Quine got the show proper started with a promo putting the women's division on notice and vowing revenge on Sara Marie for last weeks embarrassment. She claims that she knows 'Purple Viper' is debuting tonight and so she wants to be the first to face the debutant and put her down before she's started. Good promo from Quine



Segment 3:

Jaime Quine vs Purple Viper

A lukewarm reception was given to Purple Viper who has only had a week's worth of hype about her but the superhero-esque Luchadora certainly had the younger demo of the audience on her side. Quine's ego got the absolute better of her as her arrogance proved her downfall. Vipers lightning quick aerial attacks and flash caught the former champion completely off-guard and in a shade less than 5-minutes Viper had stunned the almost sell-out audience by winning via the use of her spectacular Viper Bite finish. A decent opening with a surprising result that may have garnered a better score if Viper had been built up better. But we know she's a big deal now!



Segment 4:

Quine is once again furious at this stunning loss. She grabs a steel chair and clobbers Viper several times before sitting on it in the middle of the ring. She cuts a seething promo about how she is still the best in the division and refuses to leave until she gets a rematch. The stand-off lasts a minute as she continues to proclaim that she won't leave. Security end up hitting the ring and escorting her out as she screams "Fine! I QUIT!". A quirky little segment that was fine but definitely feeds into the rumors backstage that Quine and the company can't come to terms on a new deal for now and she could be exploring options. Watch this space.



Segment 5:

The Titans enter the arena in a fiery blaze of pyrotechnics amidst the darkness. Their 'manager' reveals his name to be Blackfyre Deville, the advocate for The Titans and any and all evil-doers who require his services. Claims Baine & Rex are stronger than ever before and will beat Texas off the map. Good promo here from the gothic figure and he can clearly talk his ass off. Will only gain better ratings as he gains popularity.



Segment 6:

The Texas Express vs The Titans

Cooper & Trenneman were looking to bounce back after their title match at Red, White & Blue! and gave it everything they had. Evenly fought throughout until a hot tag to Christie shifted momentum to the Express. They had T-Rex reeling but Blackfyre screamed to grab the referee's attention and slid a steel chair into the ring towards Christie. The hesitation and confusion this caused was enough of a delay to give Baine time to tag Rex and land his Hades Bomb for the 1-2-3 after the ref returned to the action.



Segment 7:

Backstage with Joss Thompson, DWN & Callum now as JT hypes up the duo and insists on their need to put a hurt on Smith and halt the big mans progress. The duo affirm they'll do what they must and have the back of their leader at all costs. A fun little backstage skit here that scores high because of the natural talking chops and charisma of this threesome. The longer this trio stay together the better in my opinion as they'll all help elevate each other.



Segment 8:

Melody, Pariah & Sara-Marie vs The Triumvirate

Arguably the four biggest stars the womens division has to offer plus The Muscle Monsters made up this tag bout. A solid match throughout the 12-minutes of action came to an end when the heels collectively ran riot in the ring ignoring the referee's 5-count. Referee Rob Perkins couldn't regain control of the contest and disqualified the heel contingency. A decent match. An underwhelming finish but it keeps the heat on Strong and doesn't make the faces look weak for a loss. Understandable.



Segment 9:

As the chaos calms slightly Strong grabs a microphone at the top of the ramp and cuts a promo on the three women in the ring. She encourages the three to have a triple threat match next week as she's only facing one of them at Liberty & Justice as she's not an idiot like Quine! Good promo as expected from the champ.



Segment 10:

Jack Bruce & Enygma hit the ring and called out JLP who obliged. A promo back-and-forth ensued where the end result would be that Bruce & Enygma would face Thatcher & Ducont (Heavy Duty) next week in tag team action as it seems JLP is deflecting Bruce for now. A fine angle but supremely underwhelming given it involved Bruce. His first match in USPW will be against Thatcher & Ducont?! I get using Bruce to elevate JLP but this announcement underwhelmed all of us.



Segment 11:

Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Casey Valentine vs The Undesirables

Four guys who can work their asses off did just that in this solid tag team match. The heels utilised their heelish ways to keep on top of the match and managed to isolate Smith to keep the big man grounded and put a hurt on him. DWN snatched on the STF on Smith but Dozer refused to tap. He made a reach for the ropes but Callum pulled them away. Smith would rather have passed out than tapped out and Valentine saw enough, managed to tag himself in by using all of his 6ft frame and rolled-up DWN for the quick 3-count and the babyface victory. A good match where everyone still looked strong, especially Smith who it would appear the company are very high on.



Segment 12:

Champion & Wolf pre-match promo now as they hype themselves and continue to build upon the established rivalry with Frehley and co. A classic babyface promo that will always rate reasonably highly because we know Champion can talk and Wolf continues to improve.



Segment 13:

Nicky Champion & Running Wolf vs Steve Frehley & Big Bubba

One of these four names is not like the others. Bubba's association with Frehley is definitely aiding his cause to get over but he looked out of his depth particularly tonight. Still a good tag match that served it's storyline purposes. Bubba put a big hurt on Wolf (legal man) before tackling Champion to the outside and restraining him in a suffocating bear hug. This allowed Frehley to land his Frehley's Comet on Wolf and pick up the 3-count and at the moment Frehley is being booked to look unstoppable.



Segment 14:

There hasn't been much hype around the main event throughout the course of the evening until now where the tech team worked their magic and put together a compelling video package detailing the feud between Money and Howard so far that led us to this Steel Cage World Title match.



Segment 15:

USPW World Title

Eddie Howard vs Rich Money © (Steel Cage Match)

Maybe it was the prestige of the cage but this was a great main event and and an improvement on their last outing 2 weeks ago. 13-minutes of hard-hitting, metal clanging action with Howard getting his licks in and using his heavyweight frame to his advantage. He was looking good for the win and smart for his choice of match in that it can keep people out but it can't keep items out which worked out well for the champion in a No DQ stip. Big Josh Nash grabbed Money's title belt from ringside and caught Howard's attention. So much so that it allowed Money to tackle Howard into the cage and stun the heavyweight after his skull hit the steel. The belt was lofted into the ring over the cage straight to Money who clobbered Howard a few times to leave him laying. Not content, Money ascended to the top of the cage and to the rapturous ovation and noise from those in attendance landed his patented Dollars From Heaven frog splash on Howard for huge emphasis and successfully retained his title.



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Another good night for USPW. The show didn't hit last weeks heights but that was a high bar they set so this show gets another 81. The second hour was better than the first and they continue to tell interesting stories with their big roster but it is unfortunately leaving deserving talents on the sidelines. Remember Charity Sweet finally getting her big win over Robinson and catching fire with the fans a few weeks back? What's her reward? Apparently being taken off TV. Perhaps the B-show will help keep talent moving. Perhaps a second show or a thinning of the roster is required? I'm not sure. Ultimately USPW & Strong are doing far more right than wrong at the moment as is evident in ratings and quality but their follies can't be ignored.


Til next time friends, I'm Jo-Ro.


If you wish to catch up on any of the previous write-ups for USPW please click the links down below.


USPW American Wrestling #1

USPW American Wrestling #2

USPW American Wrestling #3

USPW American Wrestling #4

USPW Stars, Stripes & Slams!



USPW American Wrestling #5

USPW American Wrestling #6

USPW American Wrestling #7

USPW American Wrestling #8

USPW Red, White & Blue!



USPW American Wrestling #9




Prediction Card

The Texas Express vs The Titans

Melody, Pariah & Sara-Marie vs The Triumvirate (Strong, King & Gorgon)

Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Casey Valentine vs The Undesirables

Nicky Champion & Running Wolf vs Succession (Frehley & Bubba)

USPW World Title (Steel Cage)

Eddie Howard vs Rich Money ©


Unannounced Matches

Purple Viper vs Jaime Quine



Prediction Score Card:

Smw88 - 4/5

Herrbear - 2/5

DinoKea - 2/5


Thanks for continuing to get involved friends. I'm aware USPW aren't the most exciting promotion in the C-Verse so I appreciate the involvement. Feedback is always appreciated.

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Thursday, Week 2 February 2020

Live from Philadelphia, PA

Get it on Premier Pay TV (US), Premier Pay CAN-TV (Canada) and Demand-TV Mexico (Mexico)


Main Event

SWF World Heavyweight title match

Remo © vs Valiant


Grudge Match

Rocky Golden vs Scythe


SWF North American title

Des Davids © vs ZWB


Cat's Lair match

Brandon James vs Hollywood Bret Starr


Tag Team match

Best of the Best vs Supreme Dream Team


SWF World Tag Team titles match

Hawaiian Crush © vs The Mission


Opening Tag Team match

The Awesomeness (RBB & Prudence) vs West Coast Connection

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Main Event

SWF World Heavyweight title match

Remo © vs Valiant


Grudge Match

Rocky Golden vs Scythe


SWF North American title

Des Davids © vs ZWB


Cat's Lair match

Brandon James vs Hollywood Bret Starr


Tag Team match

Best of the Best vs Supreme Dream Team


SWF World Tag Team titles match

Hawaiian Crush © vs The Mission


Opening Tag Team match

The Awesomeness (RBB & Prudence) vs West Coast Connection

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Main Event

SWF World Heavyweight title match

Remo © def. Valiant


Grudge Match

Rocky Golden def. Scythe


SWF North American title

ZWB def. Des Davids ©


Cat's Lair match

Hollywood Bret Starr def. Brandon James


Tag Team match

Best of the Best def. Supreme Dream Team


SWF World Tag Team titles match

Hawaiian Crush © def. The Mission


Opening Tag Team match

West Coast Connection def. The Awesomeness (RBB & Prudence)

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Main Event

SWF World Heavyweight title match

Remo © vs Valiant


Grudge Match

Rocky Golden vs Scythe


SWF North American title

Des Davids © vs ZWB


Cat's Lair match

Brandon James vs Hollywood Bret Starr

Tag Team match

Best of the Best vs Supreme Dream Team


SWF World Tag Team titles match

Hawaiian Crush © vs The Mission


Opening Tag Team match

The Awesomeness (RBB & Prudence) vs West Coast Connection

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Thursday Week 2 of March 2020

Live from Philadelphia, PA

Attendance: 45.406, Buyrate: 2.95 (1.476.425 viewers) on Premier Pay TV, Premier Pay CAN-TV and Demand-TV Mexico



West Coast Connection vs Randall Buckminster Bumfhole & James Prudence (with BJ O’Neil)

Awesome Impact kicked off with a suitably awesome match as the cocky but hard hitting West Coast Connection took on the spectacular Randall Buckminster Bumfhole and the ever so solid “Platinum” James Prudence. As a recap leading to this match, Prudence has been a thorn on Fro and Slick’s side for a while and recently he aligned himself with Unleashed Awesomeness to attack West Coast Connection from behind. The two former GSW stars got the match going with some fast paced brawling to emphasize their intensity and drive for revenge, but the heels quickly used their experience edge to turn things around and put the brakes to work Fro over on the mat. Once they had him where they wanted him, Bumfhole and Prudence switched to some high flying tandem offense but only got two counts. Once Slick was tagged in, he used his power to run roughshot but BJ O’Neil provided a crucial distraction that allowed Prudence to stab him in the back with a chair shot and regain control of the match. The heels hit Slick with a spike piledriver onto the ring steps and Fro had to break up the pin, but from there he was essentially wrestling a handicap match. For all his fire and charisma that had fans cheering for him, Fro eventually took a risk to turn the tables and hit a suicide dive through the ropes that saw him crash head first onto the barricade. From that point on, Bunfhole and Prudence only needed to get the match back into the ring, where RBB nailed Fro Sure with a Running Enziguiri for the pin.




The Eisen brothers then took center stage and Emma Chase left the announcers’ table to join them in the ring. Eric Eisen did most of the talking during the segment, in which he announced the launch of a brand new subscription service, the Supreme Network.


Not only that, but SWF would be introducing a third brand and an online-exclusive one and a half hour show on Mondays to be shown on the Supreme Network for US, Canadian and Mexican fans and NetStream for SWF fans in the rest of the world. Its name, SWF Elite and the one to run it would be none other than Emma Chase herself.




Mainstream Hernandez vs The Crippler

One month ago at Nothing to Lose, Hernandez saved ZWB from Crippler’s post-match attack, turning babyface in the process. Ever since, he and Crippler have been at odds, leading up to this match. A classic case of the young babyface high flier trying to best the grizzled mat grappling veteran, this bout was all about the psychology. Hernandez got plenty of offense in and had the crowd cheering for him, but every time it just fell a little short and never got him the three count. As the match went on and exhaustion set in, things favored the Crippler who attempted to ground things and work the leg to limit his opponent’s speed, mobility and aerial attacks. This provided Hernandez with an excellent chance to show how he’d done his homework and use his underappreciated technical skills to counter Crippler’s holds. The story here was Hernandez always having an answer for everything his opponent threw at him, but never quite managing to finish him off. Eventually, a frustrated Crippler ended up on a mounted position and rained down the elbows, to the point where referee Darren Smith deemed Hernandez unable to defend himself and called for the bell, awarding the match to the Crippler via referee stoppage.




Spencer Spade then had some words to share from the backstage area, as he talked about him finding two of the biggest, baddest men in SWF and giving them direction. Primus Allen picked up from there to say that tonight, he and Bekowski will put the two veterans in Gilmore and Morgan out to pasture before they continue to dominate the tag team division. The mic was then passed to Bekowski, who simply grunted and cracked his knuckles.




SWF World Tag Team titles match




Hawaiian Crush © (with Sylvester Weatherfield) vs The Mission

Both Ranger and Matty Faith are no-nonesense brawlers, so they came into this match with a simple but brutally effective plan in trying to avoid Ekuma and isolate Adams for a beatdown. The defending champions were fully aware of course, so their tactic to counter that was to let Ekuma assert his physical dominance with Adams coming in for quick hit and runs that would provide the big man with a necessary breather. This setup made for a rather exciting matchup with momentum swinging back and forth on several occasions. By the time the Mission decided to switch tactics and attack Ekuma’s leg to eliminate him from the match, their chance was gone and they were unable to pile on the damage needed in time. Faith tried to rush things and this led to him being reckless, something Adams exploited to regain control and hit him with a Pacific Crush to win the match and retain the belts.




The champions’ celebration was cut short as Atom Smasher and Rogue ran down to the ring, with the former putting Sylvester Weatherfield through the timekeeper’s table before he could join his friends in the ring for a feel good moment. Ekuma and Adams rushed out of the ring, but Rogue had been lying in wait with a steel chair to take them both out.




Best of the Best vs Supreme Dream Team (with Spencer Spade & Dulce Moreno)

Brute force by the hungry young heels clashed with the technical excellence and experience of the veterans in this match as Gilmore and Morgan sought to even the score by defeating Allen and Bekowski in a Pay Per View contest. Neither man ever really got their feet off the mat for any high flying action but that’s not to say there was any shortage of big moves and exciting spots. Best of the Best pulled off some great tandem offense sequences, whether they were executing double team moves or just each man following up his partner’s spot, but Allen and Bekowski are not easy to put down. On top of that, the heels had plenty of ringside assistance from Spade and Moreno so the faces had an added obstacle to overcome, but quick thinking on Morgan’s part had him win the match out of nowhere when he managed to roll up Bekowski for the three count.




Backstage, Randall Buckminster Bumfhole had some comments to make about his opening match, but Lenny Brown and Steven Parker interrupted him with a request for a match against The Awesomeness, once Jefferson Stardust is all healed up. RBB dismissed the request, saying Huey and Jefferson are their own men, plus they have BJ O’Neil managing them; on top of that, Brown and Parker had just rudely interrupted his promo, so the answer as far as he’s concerned is no.



Cat’s Lair match


Brandon James vs Hollywood Bret Starr

This cinematic match opened with Starr’s limousine taking him to the grittier side of Philadelphia and outside a place with a flickering “Cat’s Lair” neon sign. SWF’s majestic production values really shone through here, making the experience feel like some 90s detective thriller as Starr walked into the unlit place, where Brandon’s voice welcomed him by letting him know he was trespassing into the Big Cat’s territory. Indeed, the lights came on and not only had Brandon brought back the Big Cat facepaint and character for this match, the place was littered with various Danger and Violence Extreme memorabilia, harkening back to Brandon’s time with the fondly remembered East Coast promotion. The two men engaged in a street style brawl very much reminiscent of DAVE’s hardcore matches, with Starr proving he can very much hold his own in such situations despite his usual character and presentation. This was valid in offense (where the two men’s undeniable chemistry shone through) as well as defense, since Starr took the Big Cat Pounce onto a trashcan and still somehow kicked out at two (because of course there was a referee around). This surprising competence in an otherwise unusual hardcore setting allowed him to push the veteran to the limit and even triumph over him, as he managed to wrap a chain around his throat and choke him to the point of submission




SWF North American title match


Des Davids © vs ZWB

ZWB jumped the gun and dropkicked Davids as soon as the bell rang. While he didn’t get to stay on offense for long before the defending champion turned things around through sheer strength, this opening did set the pace for the rest of the match, as the challenger was being quick and elusive to attack from all angles and keep his opponent guessing while also trying to wear him down. Essentially, the bout was a repeating loop of ZWB building up some offense, then getting cut off or scoring a near fall. There was one particularly memorable spot that did that, with ZWB trying to hit a moonsault off the second rope when Davids cut him off mid-air with a three point stance charging tackle for a two count. Things took a rough turn for the challenger when the fight spilled outside the ring and Davids delivered a beatdown, but ZWB smartly used his opponent’s own momentum against him, dodging out of the way at a critical moment to send him crashing onto the ring post. Fans were on the edge of their seats for fifteen minutes straight, all building up to the big finish of ZWB struggling to climb up to the top rope. Davids attempted to cut him off and hit a superplex, but he got kneed in the gut and crashed down on the mat, just in position for a spectacular 450 Degree Splash. One, two, three, new champion as ZWB finally won his first ever singles title in an emotional moment.




Rocky Golden vs Scythe

No need for a video package to recap this one, as last month at Nothing to Lose, Rocky actually lost the SWF World Heavyweight title without getting pinned when Remo held Scythe down for the three count. The Dark Reaper was added to the match after weeks of haunting the former champion and this was Rocky’s chance at revenge. No love lost between the two hulking towers of muscle, but not much fancy wrestling either; this was a fistfight. Still, something was off due to both men putting in the offense and working the crowd but somehow forgetting to keep selling the damage they’d sustained throughout the match. Scythe got a great reaction when he hit Rocky with the Reaper’s Scythe lariat out of nowhere, as well as when he gave him the Underworld Spike on the entrance ramp, even if Golden rushed his recovery a little bit. This wasn’t all Scythe of course, as Rocky also got to hit all of his big offense, including a big spot where he got his opponent up with a military press and slammed him through a ladder that Scythe had set up earlier. Nothing seemed to work though and both men kept getting back up to fight, until Rocky accidentally ran head first onto an exposed turnbuckle pad and Scythe capitalized to get the pin.




SWF World Heavyweight title match


Remo © vs Valiant (with Hannah)

Big title match between two big names to headline the show, yet somehow it was let down by the fact that it played out much like the semi main event, with two guys brawling it out and once again, not exactly being on top of their selling game. Still, such details constitute nitpicking and given how SWF’s particular brand of wrestling is more about spectacle, charisma and over the top characters over in-ring workrate, the two competitors still delivered an exceptional match that was made all the more exciting by the reaction of the live audience. The broadcast team also did a great job in putting over Valiant’s efforts, as they reminded fans that he was a former champion who’d lost the gold when Rogue turned on him, which in turn helped the storytelling aspect of the match and injected some drama into the proceedings. The struggle went on for almost half an hour with neither man giving any ground and kicking out of pin attempts, but once Remo managed to finally pull off The Destroyer, it was lights out for his challenger.





Prediction results

Herrbear - 6/7

DinoKea - 5/7

smw88 - 4/7

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Friday Week 2 of March 2020 card


10 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal

Winner becomes #1 contender for the SWF North American title

Avalanche, James Prudence, Jungle Lord, Justin Sensitive, Lenny Brown, Robbie Wright, Sammy Smoke, Steven Parker, Sylvester Weatherfield and ???


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Atom Smasher & Rogue vs Southern Comfort



We hear from the new SWF North American champion


Hawaiian Crush and The Mission speak after their epic clash for the tag team titles at Awesome Impact


and Randall Buckminster Bumfhole faces off against a Mystery Opponent!

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10 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal

Winner becomes #1 contender for the SWF North American title

James Prudence def. Avalanche, Jungle Lord, Justin Sensitive, Lenny Brown, Robbie Wright, Sammy Smoke, Steven Parker, Sylvester Weatherfield and ???


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Atom Smasher & Rogue def. Southern Comfort



We hear from the new SWF North American champion


Hawaiian Crush and The Mission speak after their epic clash for the tag team titles at Awesome Impact


and Randall Buckminster Bumfhole defeats a Mystery Opponent!

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10 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal

Winner becomes #1 contender for the SWF North American title

Avalanche, James Prudence, Jungle Lord, Justin Sensitive, Lenny Brown, Robbie Wright, Sammy Smoke, Steven Parker, Sylvester Weatherfield and ???


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Atom Smasher & Rogue vs Southern Comfort


and Randall Buckminster Bumfhole faces off against a Mystery Opponent!

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SWF Uprising Results [Fri. Wk. 2, Mar. 2020]



From the diary of Samantha W. Fitzworthy


With Awesome Impact in the books, I was mildly curious to watch Uprising the next day. Most of what happened at the Pay Per View had to do with the Supreme brand’s people, but Uprising did get a fair share with a switch of the North American title and the situation surrounding the tag titles so there were things to look forward to. The episode was broadcast live from Salt Lake City, with 9.396 fans in attendance and 5.356.864 watching, a significant jump in numbers, almost 1.5 million on top of what the show would average, proof that launching the Supreme Network was a good move as it was already paying dividends.



The new SWF North American champion ZWB opened the show with an in-ring interview by Emma Chase. Zimmy praised Des for the fight he gave him and said he’s proud of the match they had at Awesome Impact, but he’s even prouder to finally have singles gold around his waist. Emma then revealed that later tonight a 10 man rumble would be happening to determine ZWB’s next challenger. We then went to the first commercial break already, at least for those watching on television because the Network version switched to the announce team who hyped up the match and made their predictions over who would win it. An excellent start to the night, 78 for this one.



Atom Smasher & Rogue vs Southern Comfort

So Rogue and Smasher started as the oddball random pairing team but it seems they struck gold with it and these last few weeks they’ve been featured prominently while also getting a decent push, first winning a big match and then attacking Hawaiian Crush after the title match at Awesome Impact. I figured this was the next bout to build them up, although I couldn’t help noticing how much better Dillon is than Kobb. Hopefully taking another loss here will lead to their eventual breakup, because at this point Oliver’s holding Marshall down. 57 for the match and a win for the heels.



Ana Garcia was backstage with Randall Buckminster Bunfhole, who apparently was still riding the high of his victory in the opening match of Awesome Impact. RBB praised Prudence and claimed that Awesome Impact is now done with Cali Slick and Fro Sure, something Garcia took a step forward by announcing that he would be facing a different, unannounced opponent on tonight’s main event. Not much going on here besides the match announcement, but I enjoyed how RBB sold his surprise and frustration, very entertaining at 75.



The trio of Ekuma, James Adams and Sylvester Weatherfield then cut a promo to address Atom Smasher and Rogue. The Hawaiians called this a cheap move for cowards and added that they won’t do them the favor of giving them a shot at the titles, because this is not how you earn your way to a title shot. However, this would not go unanswered either, they said, so we’re clearly headed for a non title match, at least for now. Wouldn’t mind that, should be good and so was this promo at 68.


10 Man Rumble for a shot at the North American title



Participants: Avalanche, James Prudence, Jungle Lord, Justin Sensitive, Lenny Brown, Robbie Wright, Sammy Smoke, Steven Parker, Sylvester Weatherfield, Tribal Warrior

Oh wow, Tribal Warrior was not on the list of people I expected to show up and fill that tenth slot, but he’s a big menacing dude who fit in well in such a match. So good actually that wrestlers had to work together to eliminate him early on, which made sense and also meant that he didn’t get exposed, given his age and physical condition. Thus the role of big bad bulldozer got taken up by Avalanche, who got to dominate for a bit and eliminate Sensitive, Smoke and Weatherfield. After a double team by Brown and Parker though, Jungle Lord capitalized to get him over the top rope and clear the ring for the fewer guys that were left in it to do some proper wrestling. Speaking of Brown and Parker, they actually made it to the final four, with Jungle Lord and Robbie Wright being the other two. Weird pick if I’m honest, would have made more sense to have three heels and a single heroic babyface up against them, but I digress. Also it made the winner quite obvious already, considering ZWB is also a face. Had to check my watch by that point too and I realized this match alone had taken over half an hour, so including the finish I’d say it went on for a total of forty or so minutes, with Jungle Lord lasting a surprising amount of time before Wright knocked him over the top rope to win the match. Mr. Eisen also had a lot of criticism in how this match should have been put together and his grade for it was a 53.



We then got a segment in which Kristen Pearce approached The Mission, praising their losing effort at Awesome Impact and saying she could provide that missing ingredient they were lacking if they want to succeed. All she asked for was a chance, which Faith and Ranger seemed willing to give her. I never knew I wanted to see this, plus it gave me a little epiphany when I realized that her dropping The Domination weeks ago was all done to set this up. It’s definitely a better team for her to manage and I think The Mission will benefit from having her in return. Hyped to see how this plays out, a 64 for now seems fair.



Randall Buckminster Bumfhole then made his entrance in the ring and awaited his opponent… who turned out to be Brandon James! The announcing team lost it at the sound of his music, explaining that this is impossible as he’s with the Supreme brand, but fans didn’t seem to go as crazy in their reaction, even if they did somewhat react to his presence. Not sure if this is another part of his “braindamaged” gimmick leading him to appear on the wrong show or how it will be explained, but I’m betting there’s some reorganizing backstage after the addition of a third brand with SWF Elite. Judging by how well this surprise went down, I’d give it a 57.



Brandon James vs Randall Buckminster Bumfhole

Less than 24 hours after it happened, the Cat’s Lair match was discussed, argued and memed hard on the internet, so even if this wasn’t a follow up, it still took place really soon afterwards and inadvertently in its shadow. Even so, watching the two men do their thing and slowly draw the fans in for a reaction was a thing of beauty. James took things slow and played it crazy, Randall acted all shocked and complained at the referee who could do nothing, allowing fans to take in the scene and recover from Brandon’s surprise. “Big Money” then started doing his signature spots to get the fans going, with RBB raking the eyes to break his momentum and garner heat as he took control of the bout. A slow mat grind wasn’t going to keep the big man down for long though and James fought back, thus pushing Randall to resort to the high speed aerial offense he does so well. Wouldn’t exactly call it a war of attrition, but twenty plus minutes for a TV match is quite a bit, with both men giving it their best shot before Bumfhole was able to hit a few combinations and take down the big man with a Running Enziguri for the three count. Another clean loss for poor Brandon who seems to be a punching bag for younger guys these days and a 61 for the match.



All in all it was a pretty decent episode for Uprising, especially if you consider it hadn’t built up anything due to Awesome Impact happening the day prior. Brandon James showing up was a nice surprise and so was the match, but none of the matches on the card proved to be anything spectacular. The promos also were pretty basic without really advancing anything or setting up stuff down the road, perhaps with the exception of Pearce aligning herself with The Mission which I’m excited about. Mr. Eisen had similar comments to make and rated the whole show as a 64.

Quick results

Randall Buckminster Bumfhole def. Brandon James

Robbie Wright won a 10 Man Rumble

Atom Smasher & Rogue def. Southern Comfort

Prediction results

DinoKea - 2/3

Herrbear - 2/3

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