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Main Event

Winner Picks The PPV Stipulation

Time Limits are for nerds

Rocky Golden vs Scythe


Three Way Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Atom Smasher & Rogue vs The Awesomeness vs The Mission


Six Man Tag Match

Supreme Dream Team vs Best of the Best & ZWB

Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Kurt Laramee vs Mainstream Hernandez


Opening Ten Man Tag Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Rat Pack (Hollywood Bret Starr, Paul Huntingdon, Monty Trescarde, John Greed and Justin Sensitive) vs Masked Patriot, Jungle Lord, Robbie Retro, Oliver Kobb and American Machine

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Main Event

Winner Picks The PPV Stipulation

Time Limits are for nerds

Scythe def. Rocky Golden


Three Way Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Atom Smasher & Rogue def. The Awesomeness & The Mission


Six Man Tag Match

Time Limits aren't for nerds?!

Supreme Dream Team def. Best of the Best & ZWB


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Mainstream Hernandez def. Kurt Laramee


Opening Ten Man Tag Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Rat Pack (Hollywood Bret Starr, Paul Huntingdon, Monty Trescarde, John Greed and Justin Sensitive) def. Masked Patriot, Jungle Lord, Robbie Retro, Oliver Kobb and American Machine


Plus: Remo and Mikey Lau sign a contract for their SWF World Heavyweight title match, we hear from Des Davids, Lenny Brown and Steven Parker


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SWF Supreme TV Results [Tues. Wk. 1, April 2020]



From the diary of Samantha W. Fitzworthy


It’s Tuesday and that means more Supreme TV to talk about. Seattle was the stage for tonight’s episode and 7.807 fans showed up for it, with 5.791.166 watching on TV or the Supreme Network around the world.





The Rat Pack (Hollywood Bret Starr, Paul Huntingdon, Monty Trescarde, John Greed and Justin Sensitive) (with Willy LaRoux and Krissy Angelle) vs Masked Patriot, Jungle Lord, Robbie Retro, Oliver Kobb and American Machine

Yet again we jumped right into a match and this time it was a 5 on 5 bout featuring the recently expanded Rat Pack against a random assortment of babyfaces. I liked how the announcers tried to justify this too, saying Starr’s group had paid a hefty amount in order to get this match, right at the start of the show and against opponents of their choosing. Plenty of shenanigans on the heel side as you would expect, plus a lot of taunting to get a reaction. I should point out Robbie Retro also worked the crowd masterfully with his comedic timing and disco moves. Not sure why American Machine was brought back from beyond the veil, I’m guessing the idea was to match him with Masked Patriot for some reason. Almost expected him to be the one pinned, but apparently Machine’s aura as a powerhouse babyface was in the way and it ended up being Jungle Lord who got hit with the Grace Landing. Unusual to see Justin Sensitive score a pin, but it could probably be spared. 58 for this one.



We then moved backstage for a skit, as Randall Buckminster Bumfhole and James Prudence were speaking to Eric Eisen and pleading their case for how The Awesomeness should be the next team to get a shot at the SWF World Tag Team titles. “Easy E” replied that he understands their point, but The Mission as well as Atom Smasher and Rogue all have legitimate claims to that opportunity, so to solve this once and for all, he had greenlit a triangle match between the three teams later tonight. RBB and Prudence assured viewers at home that Huey and Jefferson would be winning, but their attitude turned to complaining when Eric told them that everyone’s allies were banned from ringside. Randall and James threw a fit and the feed jumped back to the arena, leaving me thinking that Eric’s probably peeking into my notes and the part where I complained about everyone having managers on last week’s Uprising. 68 for this part, by the way.



Kurt Laramee (with Big Smack Scott) vs Mainstream Hernandez

I spoke too soon, here’s a tag team guy in a singles match with his teammate at ringside. Pretty decent stuff though, with Kurt as the big bad heel and Hernandez trying to use his agility for misdirection. Almost thought we’d get a run-in from the Crippler too, but fortunately that didn’t happen and we got a clean finish of Hernandez superkicking Laramee for the pin. A momentum builder, apparently, 53 for this match.



A pre-taped promo for The Mission aired next, and I could tell it was taped because they spoke about Marshall Dillon instead of their match later that night. Matty Faith mocked Dillon for his defeat at Uprising and Ranger picked it up from there when he said Dillon had been keeping him down, which is why he replaced him for a better partner. Even then, Ranger said, Dillon again messed up when he chose to align himself with a loser like Oliver Kobb, who eventually he dropped as well. Tough talk, but a solid heel promo at 68.



Supreme Dream Team (with Dulce Moreno) vs Best of the Best and ZWB

We’ve seen variations of this match several times already, though it’s always good when Spade gets some in-ring time on top of his promos and ZWB is no slouch between the ropes either. There were some different strokes on the story told here too, as Spade did hide behind Allen and Bekowski to pick his spots, but I could tell that Primus had some moments where he wasn’t very happy with all the shenanigans. More teasing of a potential break up and face turn for the big guy, a great match bell to bell thanks to everyone involved, Spade went over Gilmore and I marked this down as a 78.



The real thing though happened after the match, when Robbie Wright showed up to steal the SWF North American title from the timekeeper’s table before the ref could hand it back to the champion. Wright walked his way up the ramp and held the title up, much to the chagrin of ZWB as the announce team further hyped up their upcoming title clash at the Pay Per View. Nicely executed, Mr. Eisen graded this as a 77.



A promo from Lenny Brown and Steven Parker is usually a good thing given their skill on the stick and their popularity with the fans, but I have conflicting feelings about this one. The two men commented (read: complained) on not being in the tag team title scene and not being included in tonight’s three way tag match. Uhm, guys, you may have the skills but you don’t have the track record for that right now. Plus whining about things is not a very babyface move, something they probably realised by the end of their air time and tried to save face by saying they’ll do better and bounce back. It was a 63, but I’m sure they can do better.



The Awesomeness (with BJ O’Neil) vs Atom Smasher & Rogue vs The Mission (with Kirsten Pearce)

As good as this match was, I was at a loss of who to root for and so were the fans. Like, I get that you need a heel challenger for the face champions, but an all heel three way tag bout? Could have thrown in a face team in there even if no one expected them to win. Maybe Brown and Parker could have been in this instead of the promo they did. And it’s not just the cheering part, the heels had no face to put the heat on while fans inevitably ended up rooting for The Awesomeness again, which makes SWF’s refusal to turn them face even more baffling. That aside it was a great match, but it’s a pretty big thing to overlook and it ended up dragging it down to a mere 66. Also, Atom Smasher and Rogue won the bout so apparently the plan is to have them face off against Hawaiian Crush for the tag titles at the PPV.



Des Davids was then interviewed in regards to losing the North American title and the losses he’s suffered since and for a moment, I thought we’d get the same promo as Brown and Parker before, only at least by a heel. I got swerved, because Des said that yes, these things happened, but he was the one to come over from Uprising to Supreme TV and essentially began the reunification of the roster. He lost the title, but he’s main eventing shows and locking up with the big guns like Rocky Golden. The results may have not been ideal thus far, but he’s moving up in the land of Supreme and soon enough, he’ll have the match outcomes to show for it. Loved this one, 78 for sheer creativity.



So the big angle before the main event was a contract signing for the SWF World Heavyweight title match. Mikey did the smart thing, he kept his talking brief and to the point while letting his natural charisma ooze out as he worked over the fans that were cheering for him. Remo showed up in full corporate mode wearing a suit and talked himself up as a true champion, dropping a nice burn when he told his opponent that no one cares about kung fu anymore and hasn’t done so in decades. Of course, contract signings are like weddings in wrestling, something has to go wrong and again, an interesting spin on the trope was used: Remo tried to make an offensive move, but Lau was expecting it and tapped into some Bruce Lee antics to immediately snap into a fighting stance, which had Remo smiling as he backed down. I guess he played the classic “I was just messing with you” card, but I could buy that being the case as much as I’d believe he meant to get physical but backed down and tried to save face. Lau looked on point, Remo looked sharp, the segment got both of them over and was by far the best part of the show, hands down a 90.



Rocky Golden vs Scythe

Well that’s a first, a PPV level match headlining a TV episode with actually something on the line and an angle to set it up days earlier. In case you’ve forgotten, Scythe promised a clean match here with the winner picking the stipulation for his rubber match with Rocky to end their feud. I said so last week with Starr vs Lau, it seems SWF are pulling out the big guns to boost their TV shows and this only proves my claim. To their credit, the two men went all out for this one, making it fast and exciting in hopes of sweeping the fans away and hiding some of their weak points, like selling. Kudos for skipping the rest holds and opting for a faster pace too, because it didn’t feel like they were phoning it in and saving the big stuff for the Pay Per View match. As always, I was expecting Rocky to win and be protected, but I guess I should have seen it going the other way: Scythe wins clean and gets to pick the stipulation, which he’ll reveal in an angle down the road. Gives him some momentum, sets up a challenge for the face and given his gimmick, I’m expecting at least a coffin or buried alive match. 82 for this one.



All in all a solid episode, which Mr. Eisen put up as an 81. I think most of the major storylines were progressed and we got a huge main event in Scythe versus Golden.The non wrestling stuff was a hit and miss really, with Davids’ promo and the contract signing being high points, while we now know more about the card for The World Is Watching. If they keep this up, they’ll probably make up for lost ground, though I do not know if they’ll do it fast enough before TCW catches up or USPW breaks out too far ahead.

Quick results

Scythe def. Rocky Golden

Atom Smasher & Rogue def. The Awesomeness and The Mission

Supreme Dream Team def. Best of the Best and ZWB

Mainstream Hernandez def. Kurt Laramee

The Rat Pack def. Masked Patriot, Jungle Lord, Robbie Retro, Oliver Kobb and American Machine


Prediction results


Herrbear - 1/5

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Total Championship Wrestling starts the month of April off with another exciting, action-packed episode of Total Wrestling on A.C.E. Coming on the heels of Battleground III, there is going to be a lot to unpack on this episode as we deal with the fall of Battleground III -- including the surprising debut of Mabuchi Furusawa -- who has aligned himself with the Jay Chord led Succession. We know Aaron Andrews can't be happy with how he lost his rematch. Jaime Quine shocked the wrestling world by debuting at Battleground III and making her intentions with Electric Dreamer very clear. Mighty Mo scored the biggest win of his career when he defeated Wolf Hawkins and has to have his eyes on the richest prize in wrestling. What will happen? The only way to find out is to tune in live at 8PM EST/7 PM CST on A.C.E. this Tuesday Night!


Main Event

Ten Man Tag Team Match

TV Time Remaining

Benny Benson, Chance Fortune, Darryl Devine, Dazzling Dave Diamond and Tana The Mighty versus The Succession w/ Lisa Bowen


Semi Main Event

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

TCW World Television Championship

Matt Hocking versus Edd Stone © w/ Vita


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Pinky Perez versus Jaime Quine


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Mr. Lucha III versus Pablo Rodriguez


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

T-Bone Bright & Mighty Mo versus The Elite


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The Samoan Pitbull" Akima Brave versus Troy Tornado


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Kip Keenan versus Killer Shark w/ Floyd Goldworthy

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Main Event

Ten Man Tag Team Match

TV Time Remaining

The Succession w/ Lisa Bowen def. Benny Benson, Chance Fortune, Darryl Devine, Dazzling Dave Diamond and Tana The Mighty


Semi Main Event

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

TCW World Television Championship

Edd Stone © w/ Vita def. Matt Hocking


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Jaime Quine def. Pinky Perez


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Mr. Lucha III def. Pablo Rodriguez


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

T-Bone Bright & Mighty Mo def. The Elite


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The Samoan Pitbull" Akima Brave def. Troy Tornado


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Killer Shark w/ Floyd Goldworthy def. Kip Keenan


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Main Event

Ten Man Tag Team Match

TV Time Remaining

Benny Benson, Chance Fortune, Darryl Devine, Dazzling Dave Diamond and Tana The Mighty versus The Succession w/ Lisa Bowen

Semi Main Event

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

TCW World Television Championship

Matt Hocking versus Edd Stone © w/ Vita

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Pinky Perez versus Jaime Quine

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Mr. Lucha III versus Pablo Rodriguez


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

T-Bone Bright & Mighty Mo versus The Elite


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The Samoan Pitbull" Akima Brave versus Troy Tornado


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Kip Keenan versus Killer Shark w/ Floyd Goldworthy

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Last night, Total Championship Wrestling kicked off their April schedule with an episode of Total Wrestling on A.C.E. The show was held at the Virgina Park Fields in Norfolk, Virginia and had 8,375 paid fans in attendance. On A.C.E., it did a rating of 3.81 for 2,564,077 and on IC-TV it had a .39 rating with 297,587 viewers. Both of those ratings are down from the go-home show to Battleground III.

The broadcast started off with a hype package recapping all of the events of Battleground III. We see highlights -- but obviously no finishes of any of the matches in case someone is trying to buy the replay. Is this 1998? Do people still buy replays of pay per views? I don't know. I do know that we come out of the recap package with music and a cell-phone video feed like we had at the pay per view.


Jaime Quine came to the ring. She ran through her reasons for coming here to TCW. She was tired of being the most popular woman on an On-Demand network but still having to play second fiddle to a woman who couldn't hold her sports bra. Jaime has legions of fans and is the most popular wrestling personality on social media which means she's the biggest star and yadda-yadda-yadda. The same social media darling stuff that she was doing in USPW. I am happy that TCW was able to get a woman with some actual name value. Quine also made it clear that she's jumping to the front of the line and will be challenging Electric Dreamer at Where Angels Fear To Tread for the World Women's Championship. Real solid promo, but I would have preferred they started with some action instead of a promo. Come on Historian, this is supposed to be a wrestling company. 70 for the actual promo.


We came out of a commercial break with some wrestling! Yay! This was an interesting contrast in styles. It was also wild. Kip Keenan, a great technical wrestler, was throwing hands with the big Killer Shark. I dig it. It's not what Kip is known for, but he can really hold his own in that environment. Killer Shark, fresh off of losing the World Tag Titles, looked particularly vicious here. Despite the wild brawl, they didn't spill to the outside of the ring. They kept it inside the ring which I like. It's the opening match, they don't need to go outside of the ring. Kip Keenan went for a Belly to Belly Suplex, but Shark pushed him off and then caught him in the Big Bite for the finish. Solid opening match. Solid brawl. Not spectacular by any means, but it did what it was supposed to do. 56.


No commercial break,  just another match coming right after a pitch to the announcers where they billboarded the rest of the show and said they had someone standing by waiting to see when Aaron Andrews arrives to the building. This was a solid, but unspectacular affair. Troy is solid and Brave is really good but he has been in Japan for the past few years so he has to readjust to wrestling American style. Akima hit a beautiful second rope shoulder black that I really liked, but that could be because of Troy Tornado's sell job on it. Akima hit his Samoan Suplex to get the win and it looks like they're giving Akima some wins on TV to build him back up. At 37, he's older than I expected TCW to sign and highlight, but if he still has miles on his tank he could be a useful guy on the roster. A 60 for this match.


We go backstage to where some backstage correspondent -- I didn't catch the name -- has caught up with Aaron Andrews. It looks like Aaron is just getting to the building and he apologies for being late. He ran into some car trouble and it delayed him but he's here now and he's got a lot on his mind. He's asked Jason Azaria for some time tonight in the ring to address Battleground III and what the future holds for the Ace of TCW. It was short and really effective and it looks like Historian is going to continue to feature Aaron Andrews in a strong role which I think is smart -- because while the main event scene needed to be freshened up Aaron is the most valuable guy on their roster by far, I think. A 91 for this segment.


We go to a different part of the backstage where another backstage correspondent was standing by with the Women's World Champion, Electric Dreamer. She said she was excited that Jaime Quine has come to TCW. She's excited that Jaime wants to step into the ring with her. Dreamer considers herself a fighting champion and she happily accepts the challenge for Where Angels Fear to Tread so she can give Jaime Quine a proper welcoming to Total Championship Wrestling -- so it looks like we have our first match booked for the next pay per view. A decent 53 promo.


We come back from commercial break and the announcers say they have a camera that has just happened to catch a conversation in progress. It is made clear we're not supposed to hear this conversation and I appreciate that they made that clear because otherwise this would have been really awkward. Wolf was looking at The Elite and expressing how disappointed he is in their recent performances. He says they've really been letting The Syndicate down and if they want to keep this thing going and show that they're the real Elite in pro wrestling, they've got to start putting together some wins. He tells them that they get to start in just a few minutes with the match against Mighty Mo and T-Bone Bright. Wolf expects them to win or there will be consequences. Wolf was really on another level here with his lackeys. He really was excellent here. A great segment. 95.


We go to the ring for the entrances of Mighty Mo and then T-Bone Bright. Then The Elite came out and we got into the tag match. The Elite looked motivated -- like Wolf's speech had really gotten them hyped up but I'd say Mo was the real star of this segment. After beating Wolf Hawkins at Battleground III, Mo looks like he's really being elevated to the next level in TCW. If I'm right, I think this is a great call. He's probably the second best babyface in the company after Aaron Andrews and he's a fresh face. He hasn't had a big singles run at the top of the card. He got the win for his team in a pretty good match that keeps Mo and Bright looking good and continues The Elite's coming up short. 69.


Mo and Bright immediately went into a post match promo and both of them were fired up. They are both good promos -- though Bright is usually a little smoother than Mo. Bright wants his chance at Wolf Hawkins in a singles match because he wants to prove he's as good as his boy Mo and the people really got into that idea. Mo continued that he has his eyes set on the World Heavyweight Championship. He's proven that he's a top level talent and now it's his time to be World Champion so Jay Chord better watch out. A good promo. Advances multiple stories. I like the direction their going if it's going to be Mighty Mo and Jay Chord and Wolf Hawkins and T-Bone Bright. 76.


It was time for a lucha match and I wanted this match to be so much better than it was. Pablo Rodriguez -- who I was shocked when he left EILL --  against Mr. Lucha III. Two sensational luchadores who can wrestle, who ooze charisma and star quality. Man this should have been better but they just didn't click and it made the match awkward and the fans still have gotten into Mr. Lucha III yet despite his matches with Greg Gauge. He is getting more popular and hopefully soon he's going to turn the corner because I think Mr. Lucha III could be a big, big star. Surprisingly, Lucha got the win with his Third Strike. It's clear to me now that Pablo is here to be a veteran guy who puts young guys over and I think that's smart. He's  45. His body can't take the beating of the ring, so let him teach some youngsters. This match was a 58.



Jay Chord came to the ring. The World Champion was real cock-of-the-walk. He boasted about his victory over Aaron Andrews and how once again Jay Chord has proven that he's the man meant to lead TCW. He was the heir to the throne and now he has taken his place. He was arrogant and smug and it really worked and then he was interrupted by..


The Ace, of course, who said that the only reason Jay Chord won was because of all the help he got from all of his lackeys. If it had been a straight up match, Aaron would have left with the World Championship. Jay scoffed and said it's too bad that Aaron doesn't have any more rematches so he can go to the back of the line. Aaron said he didn't plan on going to the back of the line and he wanted a rematch. Jay said no and Aaron said he would make Jay's life a living hell so Jay told him fine. If Aaron really wanted a rematch he was going to have to be like Dante -- yes, there was a Dante reference -- and go through the seven circles of hell. If Aaron can survive, and win, seven matches all chosen by Jay Chord, on seven consecutive weeks, then Jay would give him a rematch -- but if Aaron fails once, if he loses one match, he'll never get a World Title match as long as Jay's champion. Aaron agreed and Jay announced that next week Aaron will take on Nick Booth! Aaron said nothing, just nodded and then Jay said he would enjoy being able to watch Aaron struggle while Jay tries to find someone, anyone, who is worthy to wrestle him. And then he's interrupted...


By Trent Shaffer! The crowd was shocked, and I was shocked, to see Trent Shaffer here. He was just on USPW TV. What's he doing here?!? His contract wasn't even up! Shaffer didn't say anything though, he just pointed at Jay Chord and made the universal motion for a title belt and Jay threw a fit. Really good segment. I want to know how Trent Shaffer debuted here without anyone knowing. 78.


Jaime Quine and Pinky Perez had a really good match for what it was -- a chance to really establish Jaime Quine and make sure her first match in TCW isn't on Pay Per View. Perez went out of her way to make Quine look good and I enjoyed this a lot. Quine got the clean victory. A solid 68.



World Television Title time! Edd Stone trying to make his first defense. I like seeing Edd with gold and it looks like Historian has some faith in him and Matt Hocking because he really let them focus on telling a story. It was a good match, but I thought it was short, to be honest. Hocking is a little cold from a momentum stand point and they didn't even get ten minutes. Edd won with the Party's Over. A solid 67.









Main event time. Ten man tag where it was clear from the start that The Succession was going to win this. No one expected anything different and there wasn't really any heat -- but there was a clear effort to make sure Furusawa got a chance to shine. The big Japanese wrestler has signed on full time with TCW and is relocating to America and I think he could be a really good addition, especially as they try to raise the work rate. It also looks like Ernest and Joshua are developing some tag team work. Maybe the two of them are going to be a tag -- that will be interesting to see. Furusawa got the victory when he made Darryl Devine tap out with the Furusawa Armbar74.

The show was pretty good. It wasn't the best show they've put on but it definitely wasn't the worst either. They have a clear path they are going on. It looks like we're getting Jay Chord and Mighty Mo, Wolf and T-Bone, Aaron Andrews with something going on, a newly arrived Trent Shaffer, Edd Stone with the World TV Title, and Jaime Quine against Electric Dreamer. A lot of moving parts and a lot of really interesting things. I'm really curious to see where else this is going to go. A solid 78..



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Quick Recap of USPW Saturday Throwdown. USPW's new B-Show to showcase their talented roster:

  • Angle involving Rich Money, Jumbo Jackson and Big Josh Nash (82)
  • Jillian Jarvis def. Miss American Pie (60)
  • Tiffany Jade def. Olivia Diamond (37)
  • Angle with Bruce, JLP, Champion & Frehley (68)
  • National Title Hype Angle (84)
  • Trent Shaffer def. Morgan Malone (70)





With another special event in the books in the form of Liberty & Justice we roll right along to American Wrestling this Wednesday night and survey the aftermath of Saturday night.


Natural Storm
will be back in tag team action as they take on the duo of
The Cold Warriors
. These two have had some wars over the years but this marks the first time that Howard & Rayne have been in two vs two action in two months. Can they pick up back where they left off after Howards recent foray into World Championship contention?


Flight & Might
emerged successfully from their tag title defense on Saturday night vs
The Titans
and Jett toppled T-Rex convincingly in the process. This has only upset the big man more than he usually is and so we'll see
Jett vs T-Rex
this Wednesday night.


In tag team action will be the newly named team the Sweet Missy's made up of
Charity Sweet & Missy Masterson
. They'll take on Alicia Strong's back-up in the form of the
The Muscle Monsters
. Sweet has made it clear that she intends to challenge for the Women's Title. The outcome of this could aid or hurt her cause.


And as was announced on Saturday Throwdown, prior to Liberty & Justice, an 8-man tournament will take place over the next four weeks with the winner challenging the World Champion at Freedom Fight! We now know that the champion is still Rich Money.


The first two matches in the tournament will take place Wednesday night.
Rick Law
will face off against
Big Josh Nash
. Both men came off victories on Saturday night so have momentum on their side. With Money's enforcer involved in the tournament could this dictate how matches play out? The main event of the evening and second match of the tournament will see the 'Rock God'
Jack Bruce
take on 'The Complete Package'
Joss Thompson


All of this and more in what will be a thrilling night of action no doubt. See you there.




Jacob Jett vs T-Rex



The Sweet Missy's vs The Muscle Monsters



Natural Storm vs The Cold Warriors



[#1 Contender's tournament]

Rick Law vs Big Josh Nash



[#1 Contender's tournament]

Jack Bruce vs Joss Thompson



Comments on diary in general:


If you wish to catch up on any of the previous write-ups for USPW please click the links down below.


USPW American Wrestling #1

USPW American Wrestling #2

USPW American Wrestling #3

USPW American Wrestling #4

USPW Stars, Stripes & Slams!



USPW American Wrestling #5

USPW American Wrestling #6

USPW American Wrestling #7

USPW American Wrestling #8

USPW Red, White & Blue!



USPW American Wrestling #9

USPW American Wrestling #10

USPW American Wrestling #11

USPW American Wrestling #12

USPW Liberty & Justice


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Jacob Jett vs T-Rex



The Sweet Missy's vs The Muscle Monsters



Natural Storm vs The Cold Warriors



[#1 Contender's tournament]

Rick Law vs Big Josh Nash



[#1 Contender's tournament]

Jack Bruce vs Joss Thompson


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Jacob Jett vs T-Rex



The Sweet Missy's vs The Muscle Monsters



Natural Storm vs The Cold Warriors



[#1 Contender's tournament]

Rick Law vs Big Josh Nash



[#1 Contender's tournament]

Jack Bruce vs Joss Thompson


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Hello and welcome to this special edition of the Behind The Curtain Podcast with me, Jo-Ro. This week's American Wrestling is in the books and it's time for our look back, assessment and recap of the show. Let's get into it.




USPW American Wrestling emanated from the Mid South this week to 17,000 paying fans, the company's highest attendance of the year for TV. The latest Reverie figures come through at 11,996,259. Let's get into it!


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The show opened with what has become the usual format. A video package that provided a brief recap of the events from Saturday’s Liberty & Justice event. The announce trio then followed up the pyrotechnic show by welcoming us to the broadcast and hyping tonights show with a primary focus on the #1 Contender’s tournament for Money’s World Title. It’s become standard stuff for USPW but they know how to do it well



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Roger Cage occupied the ring and cut a promo hyping his in-ring knowledge, savviness and utter brilliance. Cage is clearly heading towards a full blown heel turn here. Continues to tout his greatness and offers an open challenge for the National Title.



The challenge is answered by the bonafide Rock Star Sammy Bach! A legitimate surprise to all in attendance and I expect the Reverie audience. He's supposed to be still under contract with TCW! A big ‘pop’ for Bach. The two exchange verbal barbs with Cage putting down Bach as a ‘pass the torch’ talent from the #3 company and he can’t hang anymore. Bach claims that any wrestling Historian will see he’s been misused, mistreated and held down and any follower of wrestling should know better than to doubt him.



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Sammy Bach vs Roger Cage © (National Title)

A terrific opening contest for TV. 13 minutes of charisma-oozing back and forth action. A match that seemed to cement that Roger Cage may finally have arrived as a major player with what may be his best singles outing in his two year run with the company and a match that proved to any doubters that Sammy Bach can still go. Great action came to a close when Bach, who went for a top rope splash, was caught by Cage who went for the Rage Cage finish but Bach wriggled free and caught Cage with his Adrenaline Shot and secured the 3-count. New champion! An immediate showing of faith from the company in Bach’s talent and pedigree.



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Bach celebrates and high-fives fans at ringside. The camera follows him walking through the curtain to the back where he’s greeted and congratulated by the ‘Rock God’ Jack Bruce which gets a big reaction. It’s bizarre to think that these two have never crossed paths on screen before now. Joss Thompson enters the fray to confront Bruce and berate Bach about holding his title. The three share words before Roger Cage appears and puts a beatdown on Bach. The other two get involved with Bruce quick off the mark and laying into Cage before all are separated by backstage officials. Another fiery segment which continues the hot opening.



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Rich Money is next to appear on our screens. The World Champion has had an interesting journey over the last few months but cuts a brilliant promo here hyping up the tournament to crown a new challenger. He does a fine job of putting over the talent in the company and the four men that he knows are taking part this evening but also makes it clear he’s not a 3-time and current champion by good fortune or luck. He’s still the best in the company and is wiser than everyone else. The World title has sort of fluctuated the last few months to showcase other aspects of the company but Money can still make it seem like the most important thing on a moments notice. Great work.



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Rick Law vs Big Josh Nash (#1 Contender's Tournament)

The match went a shade shy of 10 minutes but delivered on action in spades. A great story told here with Dawn Gemmell and Sterling Whitlock at ringside supporting their talents. Nash utilised his size and strength to great advantage here but Law would not go down. The opportunity of being champion and challenging Nash’s boss proving very inspiring. Whitlock attempted to get involved but was thwarted by Gemmell who pulled him off the apron. Law finished things with his Long Arm of the Law to secure the 3-count and advance to the semi-finals. Probably the best singles match of Nash’s almost 10 year run in the company so far.



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We then cut backstage to a street clothed Nicky Champion with a bag slung over his shoulder stood by Danny Jillefski. The question put to Mr USPW is what comes next for Nicky Champion? But before he could respond Jerry Lee Perkins walks into frame and talks some smack at the expense of Champion. JLP almost appears to be baiting and goading Nicky into a reaction but nothing comes of it. JLP continues the smack talk as Running Wolf enters and JLP backs off. Solid segment. A hurting and almost embarrassed Champion is an interesting propostion and the company continues to try and get Perkins over in associating him with the company icon. Good stuff but JLP isn’t quite popular enough with the audience to be getting the reactions the company is perhaps hoping for.



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Jacob Jett vs T-Rex

Jett took down the behemoth in tag action four nights ago and T-Rex was bent on revenge here but it didn’t materialise. Jett was accompanied by Moor and Persephone, who we haven’t seen for months now, while Rex choose to go it alone leaving Baine & Deville on the ramp. The match roared on and Rex was comfortably in control ragdolling the lightweight around for fun. Moor got involved and Rex clotheslined him but caught the ref. This allowed Persephone to get involved, plant a firm lowblow kick to bring Rex to his knees but soon drew the ire of him. As she retreated Jett arose with some babyface fire and offense to stun him. Two Emergency Landings later and a slow count eventually hit 3. Jett wins!



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The babyfaces leave as Mr Deville and Baine enter the ring. The disgust and embarrassment on show from the duo is evident. Deville berates and belittles Rex and says that it’s time for a change. The Titans are no more and a new ‘titan’ is in place.


Enter the debuting Dreadnought. The son of industry legend Dread as a very young but monstrous powerhouse with tremendous pedigree. He draws a decent reaction from the crowd based on sheer size and menace alone, enters the ring and then begins battering and wailing on Rex with emphatic force before leaving with Deville and Baine. Dreadnought is very young for being in the spotlight but with Deville as a mouthpiece and Baine seemingly as a probable mentor and partner this is a very tantalising trio.



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Pre-tape promo time with The Dark Destroyer Steve Frehley. He’s angry and confused at his placement in this tournament. Saturday night was clear evidence that he’s above this and should automatically be taking Money’s title. No matter though. He’ll clear the competition as easily as he squashed Champion on Saturday. He also revealed that his opponent next week will be Bulldozer Brandon Smith. Solid promo as usual from Frehley but the news of Frehley vs Smith next week on TV? That’s a very interesting prospect.



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The Sweet Missy's vs The Muscle Monsters

The usual storytelling tag team fare here with Missy Masterson & Charity Sweet taking on Juliette King & Glorious Gloria. Strong was on commentary and did a good job with the announce team of putting over Charity Sweet as a contender whilst, of course, putting over herself. The match went a little shy of 8-minutes and ended via count out in favour of the babyfaces when Sweet was on the outside brawling with King, legal partner for her team, and then fighting off a 2v1. The ref called the 10 count and rang the bell before the heels were called off by Strong.



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Sweet grabbed a mic and called out and cut a promo on Strong stating what a poor, cowardly excuse for a champion she is constantly getting the minions to do her dirty work. It boiled down to them going to meet in the ring in two weeks. Strong implored the Sweet Missy's to get two more friends, she'll find one and they'll meet 4v4 in two weeks time. Good promo work and Sweet managing to more than hold her own as she's slowly getting over into becoming a star of the division



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Natural Storm vs The Cold Warriors

A tale as old as time in USPW in a contest we've seen many times over the years but the fans still eat it up and it still delivers a good segment. 8 minutes of good vs evil tag team action. The babyface duo bided their time and Rayne took a bit of a beatdown until the hot tag to Howard who looks revitalised after his brief foray into singles stardom. The Storm Damage finish secured the 3-count in this one. Howard quickly grabbed the mic post-match and stated they were going for the tag titles and will become 7-time champions. Good segment all around and a brief mention of the tag titles to keep them relevant in the masses of people and stories.



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We cut backstage to Sammy Bach sitting proudly with his National Title and nursing his neck with an ice pack. Sitting alongside him is Jack Bruce and the two are talking back and forth about their histories, their presents and their futures. The duo obviously ooze charisma and charm and I could almost feel it pouring through my TV set. The segment ends with Bruce leaving the locker but not before hyping his upcoming match with Joss Thompson and the duo vowing to have each others backs in one of the most glorious, rocking handshakes ever seen on TV.



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Jack Bruce vs Joss Thompson

Match of the night honors, unsurprisingly, go to the main event though the opener was a close second. 13 minutes of brilliant action and entertainment that showcased the best of Jack Bruce that the fans want to see in this return but also that Thompson could make the perfect dance partner for probably anybody (looking through my previous numbers put his matches at an average rating of 78 by my estimates. Best in the company). Callum and Newton made their presences known but Thompson kept waving them off, appreciative of their help, but arrogantly wanting to prove he can do this solo. It wasn't to be however. In the closing moments he attempted a Clean Cutter which Bruce avoided and capitalised on with two New York Minutes to get the pinfall. Good stuff and Bruce needs more of this in his return before tangling with the undercard guys in my opinion.



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Predictable chaos in the post-match with Callum & Newton hitting the ring and putting the boots to Bruce and wailing on the Icon. True to their agreement 20 minutes ago, Sammy Bach flew to the ring to a big reaction and began to unload on The Undesirables but was cut off by Roger Cage who had swiftly followed him down to the ring. Thompson recovered and waved all three off before planting Bach & Bruce with a Clean Cutter each. Then the foursome exited the ring and walked up the ramp together to close the show. It seems that Cage has joined the trio who don't seem to have a collective name for now but this is a great group who should gel together.



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Alicia Strong has certainly found her groove as a booker and appears to have a good collective grasp on the company and the stories she wants to tell which have made for compelling viewing. The acquisition of Sammy Bach, very surprising given the rumor seems to suggest that Allen Packer isn't keen on signing talent from bigger companies, is a solid move. Yes, he's 41 years old and it's another ageing talent but it would seem he can still go and at this stage of his career he may be better suited to USPW than TCW for a bit of rejuvenation and not go stale. Overall I'll give this an 84 and I would argue that it could be, top to bottom, their best TV of the year. It falls short of the Bruce debut episode but that was a loaded show at the opening and end with a softer middle. Good stuff all in all.

Til next time friends, I'm Jo-Ro.


If you wish to catch up on any of the previous write-ups for USPW please click the links down below.


USPW American Wrestling #1

USPW American Wrestling #2

USPW American Wrestling #3

USPW American Wrestling #4

USPW Stars, Stripes & Slams!



USPW American Wrestling #5

USPW American Wrestling #6

USPW American Wrestling #7

USPW American Wrestling #8

USPW Red, White & Blue!



USPW American Wrestling #9

USPW American Wrestling #10

USPW American Wrestling #11

USPW American Wrestling #12

USPW Liberty & Justice





Prediction Card

Rick Law vs Big Josh Nash

Natural Storm vs The Cold Warriors

The Sweet Missy's vs The Muscle Monsters

Jacob Jett vs T-Rex

Jack Bruce vs Joss Thompson


Unannounced Matches

Sammy Bach vs Roger Cage © (National Title)



Prediction Score Card:

Herrbear - 2/5

smw88 - 3/5


Thanks for continuing to get involved friends. I'm aware USPW aren't the most exciting promotion in the C-Verse so I appreciate the involvement. Feedback is always appreciated.

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Friday Week 1 of April 2020 card


Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Ranger vs Valiant


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Rat Pack (Justin Sensitive & John Greed) vs Lenny Brown & Steven Parker


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Big Smack Scott vs Masked Patriot


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Robbie Retro vs James Prudence


Opening Tag Team match

Time Limits are for nerds

Brandon James & Mainstream Hernandez vs Dominic DeSousa & The Crippler


Plus: ZWB addresses the theft of the SWF North American title, Best of the Best issue a challenge to Supreme Dream Team, a debate between Hawaiian Crush and Atom Smasher & Rogue, Scythe reveals the stipulation he has chosen for his Pay Per View match against Rocky Golden, and more!

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Valiant def. Ranger


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Lenny Brown & Steven Parker def. The Rat Pack (Justin Sensitive & John Greed)


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Big Smack Scott def. Masked Patriot


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

James Prudence def. Robbie Retro


Opening Tag Team match

Time Limits are for nerds

Dominic DeSousa & The Crippler def. Brandon James & Mainstream Hernandez


Plus: ZWB addresses the theft of the SWF North American title, Best of the Best issue a challenge to Supreme Dream Team, a debate between Hawaiian Crush and Atom Smasher & Rogue, Scythe reveals the stipulation he has chosen for his Pay Per View match against Rocky Golden, and more!

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Ranger vs Valiant


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Rat Pack (Justin Sensitive & John Greed) vs Lenny Brown & Steven Parker


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Big Smack Scott vs Masked Patriot


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Robbie Retro vs James Prudence


Opening Tag Team match

Time Limits are for nerds

Brandon James & Mainstream Hernandez vs Dominic DeSousa & The Crippler

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Ranger vs Valiant


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Rat Pack (Justin Sensitive & John Greed) vs Lenny Brown & Steven Parker


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Big Smack Scott vs Masked Patriot


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Robbie Retro vs James Prudence


Opening Tag Team match

Time Limits are for nerds

Brandon James & Mainstream Hernandez vs Dominic DeSousa & The Crippler

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SWF Uprising Results [Fri. Wk. 1, Apr. 2020]



From the diary of Samantha W. Fitzworthy


The road to SWF The World Is Watching continues and this week’s episode of Uprising came from the city of Denver, Colorado. 9.377 fans showed up to the venue, with 5.814.269 watching at home and online.



Brandon James & Mainstream Hernandez vs The Crippler & Dominic DeSousa (with Joe Sexy)

We went straight into a match, clearly built around this on and off rivalry between Mainstream Hernandez and the Crippler. Dominic DeSousa was thrown into the mix to get the rub as he continues to hone his wrestling skills, while using Brandon James was a good call: he has the experience and star power to boost this match as well as the powerhouse style to complete the athletic offence of Hernandez. The two veterans worked the brunt of the match, with James taking the beating from Crippler and an opportunistic DeSousa, which built up to a Hernandez hot tag for some flashy moves that cleaned house before he hit the Apparition #14 on DeSousa for the pin. Pretty by the numbers, but well executed, a 62 for the opener.



The camera jumped backstage, where Unleashed Awesomeness were together to hype up their man James Prudence, who would be going up against Robbie Retro next. No storyline to be progressed here, but still an entertaining segment from three great talkers that landed them a good 83.



James Prudence vs Robbie Retro

I expected this one to be full of posing and time wasting, but it actually turned out to be a pretty decent wrestling match. Goes to show how great Retro could be if he finally decided to drop the disco gimmickry. The action itself was pretty basic, with plenty of lockups, armdrags, headlocks and all that jazz, but they made it entertaining and it never felt like more of a few minutes, when the match went on for ten or twelve before Robbie rolled up Prudence for the surprise win. Mr. Eisen rated the match right down the middle as a 50, which I think is selling it a little short but I’m guessing he cut some points out of it for feeling like a filler since it wasn’t linked to some ongoing storyline.



A brief interview with ZWB came next, the champion addressing Robbie Wright, his “theft” of the title and their upcoming match at The World Is Watching. Decent, but not one of Zimmy’s best deliveries, I think he stumbled a bit or forgot part of his promo halfway through, landing a mere 66 for this one.



Big Smack Scott (with Kurt Laramee) vs Masked Patriot

Another match with no storyline connection here, unless the implied story here was the rare appearances of The Pain Alliance and Scott taking a singles loss to mirror his teammate’s on Tuesday. This was everything you’d expect of a Big Smack Scott match with him bullying his opponent around, before Patriot made the inevitable superhero comeback. Interesting spin though to have Scott lose it and swing a chair to lose via DQ. Got this one on my notes as a 56.



Now this is where things started to get interesting, a “sneaky backstage camera” segment that caught Remo walking up to Des Davids. The champ said he heard what Davids said on Tuesday and if he really wants to correct course, he might want to watch his upcoming match with Mikey Lau closely. Davids raised an eyebrow and asked exactly what that means, to which Remo responded by leaning in to whisper something to his ear that the camera didn’t get. “And in return,” Remo added, then leaned in again to complete his thought. Colour me intrigued, I want to see how this plays out, 80 for the segment.



Hollywood Bret Starr with Fame & Money and Willy LaRoux were then shown, making referee Ric Young “an offer he can’t refuse”. Don’t go all Godfather though, they were simply bribing him with money as he would be officiating the next match that involved John Greed and Justin Sensitive. This one quickly turned into a comedy skit and much to the fans’ delight, senior SWF official refused the offer (on second thought, was that an attempt to show that everyone, even refs, get paid super well in the land of Supreme?) and stormed out of the scene right into the ring for the next match. This was fun, but I’m not quite sure what the point was so I marked it down as a 62.



The Rat Pack (Justin Sensitive & John Greed) vs Lenny Brown & Steven Parker

Well, if these guys were up against Brown and Parker, I can get why their teammates would want to bribe the ref. With shenanigans out of the picture, the match went on at breakneck speed from bell to bell and I think this exciting pace helped things feel flashy as well as urgent. Kudos to Greed especially for being able to keep up with the others at 40 years of age and a long career behind him, as well as being a class act when he took the Future Shock and subsequent pin from Parker. Mr. Eisen gave a 59 to this, by the way.



We came back from commercial as Tom Gilmore and Joey Morgan hit the ring to call out Bear Bekowski and Primus Allen. “We’ve been fighting each other for so long, now it’s time to end it” Gilmore said and I couldn’t agree more. We’re getting another match between these two tag teams at The World Is Watching, but Morgan threw an interesting spin: the losers will have to break up and never team up again. Finally some closure on a feud that feels like it’s outstayed its welcome, as Supreme Dream Team accepted the challenge. What’s intriguing here is the match could go either way: I can see the veterans splitting up on the tail end of their careers, but there’s a good chance the heels lose too and this furthers the Allen-Spade thing brewing under the surface. Curious to see the grand finale, for now this back and forth promo landed them a 69.



Another skit was up next, with Eric Eisen directing a debate between champions and challengers for the SWF World Tag Team titles, in response to Rogue calling Ekuma “a big dumb oaf” on social media, claiming fans deserved a more eloquent champion such as himself. In retrospect, I should have seen this coming: Ekuma proved to be a great talker behind the wall of muscle, whereas the hot headed Atom Smasher ended up making his side look like fools. Consider me sports entertained, 70 for this one.



Things picked up even more, as a pre-taped message from Scythe was shown. The Dark Reaper was shown standing in a dark foggy graveyard as he delivered his promo from between the tombstones. Scythe said there’s only one way to put his rivalry with Rocky Golden to rest and that’s to put it six feet under. At The World Is Watching, Rocky is cordially invited to a Graveyard Smash match, which I’m not sure if that’s gonna be another cinematic thing but it was made pretty clear that it’s gonna end with the loser getting buried alive. Points for the promo location and shoot style fitting Scythe’s supernatural gimmick, as apparently does the match stipulation. Now that I think of it, the setup also favours his odds since he won the match against Rocky. Very well played, a good 80 for this promo.



Ranger (with Kristen Pearce and Matty Faith) vs Valiant (with Hannah)

Earlier this year I never thought I’d see this match, but ever since he split up with Marshall Dillon, turned heel and aligned himself with Matty Faith and Kristen Pearce, Ranger has been on fire and rapidly gaining new fans. This was a classic SWF match between two massive dudes, Ranger’s calm and collected attitude providing an intriguing clash in comparison to Valiant’s bubblier personality. Matty Faith and Kristen Pearce were a strong ringside presence, harassing Hannah every chance they got in an attempt to get inside Valiant’s head, which in turn brought out Marshall Dillan who brawled with Faith to break all that up. Guess it was the right call, Dillon needed to get a modicum of revenge after all the losses and beatings, but I liked how it didn’t lead to the actual finish of the match. Not that we got a clean win since Ranger would hold on to the trunks for the pin, but I’ll always take a dirty win over a messy finish to a match. 68 for the main event.



Lots of filler matches this week, even if Uprising now is a far cry from what it started as. I think the Remo and Scythe bits were the highlights of the show, plus the debate was quite fun. Might have expected more from its go-home episode before the Pay Per View, but it’s likely they’re saving a lot of that for Tuesday’s Supreme TV. For now, a 71 will do for this episode.

Quick results

Ranger def. Valiant

Lenny Brown & Steven Parker def. The Rat Pack

Masked Patriot def. Big Smack Scott

Robbie Retro def. James Prudence

Brandon James & Mainstream Hernandez def. The Crippler & Dominic DeSousa

Prediction results

Herrbear - 3/5

smw88 - 2/5

DinoKea - 1/5

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Total Championship Wrestling aired Saturday Night Showcase for the first week of April. The results were as follows:


  1. Kip Keenan defeated Nate Johnson in 10:29 by pinfall with a Belly To Belly Suplex. (51)
  2. The Historian cut a backstage promo. (28)
  3. Nick Booth defeated Benny Benson in 9:48 by pinfall with a Lake Michigan Plunge. (51)
  4. Alina America cut a promo hyping her upcoming match with Poison Ivy. (48)
  5. Alina America defeated Poison Ivy in 10:41 by pinfall with a Southern Lights Bomb. (36)
  6. Akima Brave and Devine Fortune defeated The Architect, The Historian and Troy Tornado in 12:44 when Akima Brave pinned The Historian with a Samoan Suplex. The Historian was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance. (54)









Total Wrestling returns to the air on A.C.E. and IC-TV this Tuesday Night! Last week, Jay Chord told Aaron Andrews that if he wanted another shot at the World Championship he would have to survive the seven circles of hell. The first circle? "Nasty" Nick Booth. We also saw the shocking arrival of Trent Shaffer in TCW. What is he doing here? He will make his in-ring debut this week. We will also see the World Television Title defended when Edd Stone steps into the ring against his former partner Freddie Huggins. All that and so much more.


Main Event

Singles Match

TV Time Remaining Time Limit

"The Ace" Aaron Andrews versus "Nasty" Nick Booth w/ Floyd Goldworthy


Six-Man Tag Team Match

Fiteen Minute Time Limit

Trent Shaffer & The Wild Ones versus The Syndicate (Chris Flynn & The Elite)


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

World Television Championship

Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Catherine Huggins versus Edd Stone © w/ Vita


Eight Man Tag Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Kip Keenan, Mr. Lucha III, Tana the Mighty, Benny Benson versus The Succesion w/ Lisa Bowen


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Mighty Mo versus Troy Tornado


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Human Arsenal versus Wolf Hawkins

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Main Event

Singles Match

TV Time Remaining Time Limit

"The Ace" Aaron Andrews versus "Nasty" Nick Booth w/ Floyd Goldworthy


Six-Man Tag Team Match

Fiteen Minute Time Limit

Trent Shaffer & The Wild Ones versus The Syndicate (Chris Flynn & The Elite)


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

World Television Championship

Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Catherine Huggins versus Edd Stone © w/ Vita


Eight Man Tag Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Kip Keenan, Mr. Lucha III, Tana the Mighty, Benny Benson versus The Succesion w/ Lisa Bowen


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Mighty Mo versus Troy Tornado


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Human Arsenal versus Wolf Hawkins

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Main Event

Singles Match

TV Time Remaining Time Limit

"The Ace" Aaron Andrews def. "Nasty" Nick Booth w/ Floyd Goldworthy


Six-Man Tag Team Match

Fiteen Minute Time Limit

Trent Shaffer & The Wild Ones def. The Syndicate (Chris Flynn & The Elite)


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

World Television Championship

Edd Stone © w/ Vita def. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Catherine Huggins


Eight Man Tag Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Succesion w/ Lisa Bowen def. Kip Keenan, Mr. Lucha III, Tana the Mighty, Benny Benson


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Mighty Mo def. Troy Tornado


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Wolf Hawkins def. Human Arsenal

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Main Event

Singles Match

TV Time Remaining Time Limit

"The Ace" Aaron Andrews versus "Nasty" Nick Booth w/ Floyd Goldworthy


Six-Man Tag Team Match

Fiteen Minute Time Limit

Trent Shaffer & The Wild Ones versus The Syndicate (Chris Flynn & The Elite)

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

World Television Championship

Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Catherine Huggins versus Edd Stone © w/ Vita


Eight Man Tag Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Kip Keenan, Mr. Lucha III, Tana the Mighty, Benny Benson versus The Succesion w/ Lisa Bowen


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Mighty Mo versus Troy Tornado


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Human Arsenal versus Wolf Hawkins

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Total Championship Wrestling continued its April broadcasts with another installment of Total Wrestling. The show aired last night on A.C.E. in the United States and on IC-TV in Canada. On A.C.E., they had a rating of 3.90 which is up from the 3.81 last week. A.C.E. had 2,925,293 viewers. IC-TV did a .40 rating which is up from the .39 they did last week and was good for 306,418 viewers. The show was held in the Louisana Auditorium in New Orleans and had 8,778 paid fans in the building.


We came out of the opening titles into Human Arsenal's entrance. He was followed out by Wolf Hawkins and we started with a fantastic wrestling match. Human Arsenal and Wolf Hawkins have history together -- at one point they were both in Tommy Cornell's Syndicate. They used their history very well in the match. Arsenal was prepared for all of Wolf's normal stuff and the commentary played up their history as training partners as Arsenal kept Wolf back pedalling. Wolf had to resort to some classic heel cheating and then started working on Arsenal's neck -- including sending him neck/shoulder first into the ring post in between the top and middle rope. That allowed Wolf to really take control and eventually hit his Full Moon Rising to get the clean win in a very good opening match. I'd have to give this a 82.


Coming out of the match, Wolf took a microphone and went into an out-of-breath promo. I love these post match promos that TCW has been using. It really gives the program something extra. It gives it a sports feel with the way they do post game and half time interviews. Wolf said that he has lived his entire wrestling career in front of the national audience. He's never backed down from a challenge -- even when it is someone who doesn't deserve to be in the ring with him. He said that T-Bone Bright doesn't deserve a match with him; however, Wolf is a giving man and at Where Angels Fear to Tread, he will give T-Bone Bright the chance of a life time. This was a really good promo. Wolf has really been on a roll recently and I really like how Historian has been able to cycle Wolf out of the title picture for now but still keep him in programs that are also elevating babyface talent. 92.


We came back from a break and we were backstage with Mighty Mo and Jason Azaria. It looks like Jason is going to be doing backstage interviews -- as a post from TotalChampionshipWrestling.com said the TCW Board of Directors had chosen a new President. I'm curious who will be the new authority figure in TCW. Jason didn't do a great job but I do appreciate trying to keep him in the fold with something to do. I don't imagine his contract will be renewed when ever it comes up. Mo went into a promo saying that in two and a half weeks, he was going to become the new World Champion. He's been wrestling his entire career for the moment that he gets at Where Angels Fear to Tread. He says Jay Chord doesn't know what he's in for when he steps into the ring with him. Mo's never been this motivated. He's going to give Jay a taste with what he's about to do to Troy Tornado. A good promo. Mo's got a lot of energy and I really like the way he's being positioned. I'd say he's easily the number two babyface in TCW right now behind Aaron Andrews and is probably the number 4 talent in the company with Jay Chord and Wolf Hawkins also being above him. An 82 for this promo.


Troy came out before Mo but Mo got the big reaction. This match was all Mighty Mo -- Troy kept trying to get some offense, but Mo shrugged it all off. This was clearly designed to present Mighty Mo to be as dangerous of an opponent as possible and really let people see that he is a big threat to Jay Chord. Troy did his job here excellently, I thought, in taking big bumps off of all of Mo's power offense. Mo got the win with his Plunging Spinebuster. 70.


The announcers threw backstage where they said there was a situation unfolding. The camera was bouncing like the cameraman was running to the situation -- which turned out to be Jaime Quine attacking Electric Dreamer. She was filming the whole attack too -- narrating it for her followers. Security and agents pulled Jaime off and I appreciate they are trying to get heat for the match between Jaime and Electric Dreamer. Jaime gives them their first real star heel and Dreamer is an excellent babyface who should be the lead babyface for years to come if they can really get her over. 48.




It was eight man tag match time as The Succession took on a collection of babyfaces that really had nothing in common other than they are babyfaces. I get what they're doing here -- they're trying to show the collective unity of the heel group and get them established but I think they'd be better served having the wrestlers in the Succession that aren't Jay involved in some programs. It would add to their presentation if they had some people they were in programs with, but nonetheless this was fine. It's also clear they are trying to build Furusawa by the amount of offense they gave him and by allowing him to get the submission victory over Kip Keenan with his Armbar. 58.


We come up on a camera that is following Mighty Mo -- like they're doing some website exclusive footage of Mo post match. Mo passes Jay Chord who is taking some promotional pictures with the World Championship. The two men get into a heated argument about their match at Where Angels Fear to Tread. A really smart way to get into this because it felt organic -- the cameras had a reason for being there. It wasn't just some set up skit that doesn't make any sense outside of the vacuum of the programing. Jay has also really started to come into his own as the top heel in the company and clearly relishes his role. They really exchanged some good words and I think they're really building interest in their match. 93.


Next up we got a great underdog battle as One Man Army took on Killer Shark. The veteran One Man Army isn't known for usually playing the underdog, but against the massive Killer Shark he was forced into the role. Shark played the solo monster heel really well -- and it looks like Historian is trying to keep the big man strong after losing the tag titles. It's also good that they aren't immediately trying to keep The Behemoths going after the tag belts -- the monsters need a break and I think Killer Shark could be a great solo monster heel. I know the Historian was really disappointed that TCW wasn't able to lock up Dreadnought so maybe he will try and build Killer Shark into a monster heel that works solo, because I have it on good authority that he's very high on Shark. Shark got the win with the Big Bite in an entertaining match. 61.



The World Television Title was on the line next with the former partners squaring off for the first time in quite some time -- and for the first time with a championship on the line. Both Edd and Freddy are excellent wrestlers and they really went out here with something to prove. Edd got to show the blend of technical work and high flying work that has made him such a standout wrestler -- especially now that his partying days have slowed down and Freddy got to have some really good moments as well. This match came right down to the wire -- with only a fifteen minute time limit, it went over fourteen minutes before Laura Catherine Huggins tripped up Edd -- which got Vita over and the two women caught the referee's attention with their argument and allowed Freddy Huggins to mule kick Edd Stone in the groin and then roll him up for the three count and we have a new World Television Champion.




The six man tag match was next -- which featured the in-ring debut of Trent Shaffer. It looks like USPW and TCW worked out a shocking talent trade for Sammy Bach and Shaffer since both men have changed companies. While the Historian didn't have a lot of faith in Bach, it seems like he really likes Shaffer and why wouldn't he? He's a sensational wrestler who really fits the vision that Historian seems to have for the company. The Elite made for good opponents for the babyfaces and they told a really good story here. The Wild Ones continue to look physically dominant -- in particular Findlay O'Farraday. Findlay has been an absolute revelation since coming to TCW and might be the fastest growing star in wrestling. He went from virtually unknown on the national American scene to incredibly over -- I'd say he's easily well known if not a star and in three months. That's incredibly impressive. Shaffer looked excellent throughout the match -- he really stole the match -- and got the pin with his Heart Burn61.


We come back from a break and we are following Nate and Eddie -- who seem to be beside themselves with frustration since they lost. They were confronted by Wolf Hawkins who read them the riot act for losing again. He said they keep calling themselves Elite but they keep losing and losing and letting The Syndicate and Wolf Hawkins down. Wolf said things have to change -- because the Syndicate is supposed to be about more than what they've been about and man was this an excellent segment. Wolf was fantastic and Eddie and NAte took their scolding like children being dressed down by their parent. This was easily the best segment TCW has done all year. A clear 100.


The main event was the first installment of the Seven Circles of Hell challenge that Jay Chord put out to Aaron Andrews last week. Aaron Andrews apparently has to win seven straight matches against opponents Jay Chord has picked to earn another shot at the World Title. This is a very smart gimmick, I think. It allows Jay Chord to take on other challengers and have other feuds while also giving Aaron Andrews something to do for the next two months, assuming he wins every match. This was a very physical match with Nick Booth working more like he wanted to hurt Aaron than beat him. He took cheap shots and really tried to work over The Ace's back -- including a wicked apron body slam that the announcers sold with the hardest-part-of-the-ring spiel. Aaron really sold for the big man and made Booth look threatening before Aaron made his comeback. It was fiery and full of elbows and bluster and then the Standing Hot Shot for the clean victory in a very good main event. 78.

Ultimately, I think this was an excellent episode of TV for TCW. It might be the best episode of TV they have put on in 2020. It had some great angles and it really streamlined the focus. We know Jay Chord, Aaron Andrews, Wolf Hawkins, and Mighty Mo are going to be heavily featured in segments. We know that the women's division is being built around Dreamer and Quine. We're getting some real direction from TCW and it looks The Historian is really figuring out what he wants to do. I'd give this a very good 83.



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SWF Elite results

Episode 4 [Monday, W2 April 2020]

Mutant def. Prime Time Jack Pryde

Angle: Parvin Kishan speaks about how he got into wrestling

Frankie-Boy Fernandes def. Yuta Isono

Angle: Damian Dastardly and Garry The Entertainer skit

Frantic Ali def. Zharnel Zephaniah

Angle: Bryan Jewett promo

West Coast Connection def. Texan Justice

Angle: Ash Campbell promo

Xavi Ferrera def. Oliver Kobb

Angle: The Domination, Charger Siaki and Deever Arnold backstage fight

SUKI def. American Machine



Card for Predictions


Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Des Davids vs Mikey Lau


SWF North American Title Match

Time Limits are for nerds

ZWB vs John Greed


Non Title Tag Team Match

Hawaiian Crush vs The Pain Alliance


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Dominic DeSousa vs Marshall Dillon


Opening Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Masked Patriot vs The Crippler


Plus: Rocky Golden shares his thoughts on his match stipulation with Scythe, plus messages from The Rat Pack, Unleashed Awesomeness and more!

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Des Davids vs Mikey Lau


SWF North American Title Match

Time Limits are for nerds

ZWB vs John Greed


Non Title Tag Team Match

Hawaiian Crush vs The Pain Alliance

Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Dominic DeSousa vs Marshall Dillon


Opening Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Masked Patriot vs The Crippler

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Mikey Lau def. Des Davids


SWF North American Title Match

Time Limits are for nerds

ZWB def. John Greed


Non Title Tag Team Match

Time Limits are NOT for nerds?!

The Pain Alliance def. Hawaiian Crush


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Dominic DeSousa def. Marshall Dillon


Opening Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Crippler def. Masked Patriot


Plus: Rocky Golden shares his thoughts on his match stipulation with Scythe, plus messages from The Rat Pack, Unleashed Awesomeness and more!


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