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America at War [C'Verse, Multiplayer]

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Des Davids vs Mikey Lau

SWF North American Title Match

Time Limits are for nerds

ZWB vs John Greed


Non Title Tag Team Match

Hawaiian Crush vs The Pain Alliance

Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Dominic DeSousa vs Marshall Dillon


Opening Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Masked Patriot vs The Crippler

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Des Davids Def Mikey Lau


SWF North American Title Match

Time Limits are for nerds

[b/]ZWB def. John Greed


Non Title Tag Team Match

Time Limits are NOT for nerds?!

The Pain Alliance def. Hawaiian Crush


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Dominic DeSousa def. Marshall Dillon


Opening Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Crippler def. Masked Patriot

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Wolf Hawkins starting the show off against Arsenal mentioning their past and making that why Arsenal was able to hang with him was good. I think making them have got some upper hands by using new things that they’ve learned since their time training together would’ve been a nice touch to show they’ve grown in that time and have learned new tricks since then. But wolf winning after cheating could also set up a rematch later on as well. Would love to see it revisited. His promo about T-Bone was done well too. He’s a top guy for the company and T-Bone ain’t on his level which is true but he pretends it’s a charity case and then can build his own ego while showing the world what he keeps telling them embarrassing T-Bone.


Mighty amp’s promo and match was typical baby-face stuff. Well done! Azaria’s contract status and low quality was more focused on by the dirt sheet though which made me chuckle.


Might Mo and Jay Chords face off was a bit weird to me. I was confused why the camera was broadcasting live if it was an exclusive for the website. Also confused at why a confrontation was needed since we had just heard from Mo prior and Chord hadn’t done anything to instigate big man or vice versa.


I liked the TV Title match, I think the ending could’ve been executed a little better with the women getting more directly involved or something. But it gets over the cheating ways of the champ.


Love the seven circles of hell idea. Giving the baby-face an adversity to overcome is such a good way to build up sympathy. Though it does make me feel a little bad for Mo as it comes off as obvious he won’t win the title since Andrews is going through this. I’m still excited to see what andrews has to go through and what will happen when or maybe if he can overcome the adversity.


Greta show man love to see more!

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SWF Elite results

Episode 4 [Monday, W2 April 2020]

Mutant def. Prime Time Jack Pryde

Angle: Parvin Kishan speaks about how he got into wrestling

Frankie-Boy Fernandes def. Yuta Isono

Angle: Damian Dastardly and Garry The Entertainer skit

Frantic Ali def. Zharnel Zephaniah

Angle: Bryan Jewett promo

West Coast Connection def. Texan Justice

Angle: Ash Campbell promo

Xavi Ferrera def. Oliver Kobb

Angle: The Domination, Charger Siaki and Deever Arnold backstage fight

SUKI def. American Machine


SWF Supreme TV Results [Tues. Wk. 2, April 2020]



From the diary of Samantha W. Fitzworthy


Supreme TV was held live in Miami, Florida this Tuesday, with 8.788 fans in attendance and 5.882.284 people watching on TV or the Supreme Network. The main event had been announced in advance on social media, Des Davids against Mikey Lau, so I was expecting this new story between Des and Remo to play out, as well as hearing Rocky Golden’s reaction to the stipulation that Scythe announced at Uprising for their upcoming Pay Per View match.



The show opened with an Unleashed Awesomeness speech and just when I was starting to think these promos are fun but getting repetitive without these guys getting the occasional match as well, they put a spin to it. Way more somber and serious than usual, Randall, Huey, Jefferson and BJ O’Neil addressed this situation exactly, how RBB wrestled for the big title in January, how Jefferson’s back from injury and still they’re not getting any matches. Randall said the three of them are Pay Per View material, yet still they’re not booked to wrestle at The World Is Watching in a few days. However, as Huey pointed out, Unleashed Awesomeness are not ones to complain and whine in hopes of getting heard. Oh no, they will be taking matters into their own hands. Wonder what that means in regards to their future actions, for now they walked away with a solid 84 for their opening segment.



Masked Patriot vs The Crippler

Patriot has been putting on solid performances for a few months now but has not been featured in any consistent way as part of a major storyline thus far. That said, this match was his chance to work with an established big player and showcase his technical prowess, while Crippler was his usual sadistic self in tying up his opponents in knots. At one point, the referee got knocked out and Patriot tapped, but there was no official to call for the bell and thus Crippler kept the hold applied. This was the cue for Mainstream Hernandez to run down and attack his PPV opponent, breaking the hold without causing a DQ. Nice way to keep that rivalry warm while giving the match some more time and Patriot a chance to regroup. For all his heart though, the masked man ended up on the wrong side of a Tombstone Piledriver and Crippler got the win, even if he had to wrestle for almost fifteen minutes to get there. Surprisingly engaging match, a well deserved 68 here.



Once the bout was over, Crippler requested a microphone and cut a short but sharp promo, challenging Mainstream Hernandez to a match at The World Is Watching. However, he said, since Hernandez always seems to get involved in his business, he will have to do it once again where Crippler is most comfortable, because this will be an I Quit match! Should be interesting to watch, 65 for this little segment.



I like this new spin of the Rat Pack paying their way to various things, though after their unsuccessful bribery of the referee last time around, I’m a little worried they might be slipping into comedy stable territory. Fortunately, they saved a lot of face on this episode, when they announced that they’ve used some of their considerable financial muscle to get John Greed a match for the SWF North American title tonight. According to them, Greed would be beating ZWB for the gold and he would be the one wrestling at the Pay Per View against the #1 contender, Robbie Wright. Delivery was solid as always, bonus points for saving some of the group’s edge, using their gimmick and justifying how we ended up with a title match on free TV, a 70 from Mr. Eisen.



Dominic DeSousa (with Joe Sexy) vs Marshall Dillon

An interesting clash between two blue chippers, Dillon’s blue collar brawling was a nice contrast to the cocky city slicker that is DeSousa. There’s no denying that Dom is a much better talker than he’s an in-ring worker at this point, so Dillon had to carry him for most of the match, while also having to deal with Sexy’s interference. This justified the match being more than a few minutes’ deal, then just as Dillon was about to win it, Kristen Pearce showed up mic in hand and talked some trash, perhaps even teasing an attack by The Mission. The distraction bought DeSousa some time, but Dillon was able to regroup and hit him with the Crackdown for a much needed win as he heads into his PPV grudge match. 62 for this match.



Of course, the attack did happen after the match to keep the rivalry hot, but Dillon was able to escape by the skin of his teeth. Which is great, because he didn’t look like an absolute loser and in theory he saved some fuel for the Pay Per View. A 62 from Mr. Eisen.



Hawaiian Crush (with Sylvester Weatherfield) vs The Pain Alliance

I mean, Kurt and Scott lost singles matches recently, no one expected them to win here even if it was a non title match. This was all about giving the champs a win and some momentum in light of their upcoming defence, which was of course highlighted by the challengers interfering: Rogue distracted James Adams in order for Atom Smasher to show up and attack Ekuma, but the referee was quick to jump in and send both outsiders back to the locker room. Nice to see the ref flexing his authority every now and then instead of being annoyingly incompetent all the time. With no further distractions, the champions powered through and eventually the Pacific Crush sealed the deal, a 61 for this match.



We then got a short promo from Supreme Dream Team, hyping up their all-or-nothing match against Tom Gilmore and Joey Morgan. Again, Primus Allen had some things to say after Spade was done and the Supreme Star didn’t look all too happy that he wasn’t the only talker here. I like how they’re continuing to subtly tease this breakup while the main feud is going on, 75 for a captivating segment.



SWF North American title match


John Greed vs ZWB

Greed has a reputation of being able to get a good match out of anyone and I suppose that is why, despite pushing 40, he was trusted here to face Zimmy with the title on the line. You could argue that Hollywood Bret Starr should have been in this spot, but I say Bret couldn’t take the loss without looking bad and frankly, I’d rather they save him for the World title instead. Speaking of titles, Robbie Wright showed up with the title he stole last time around (lot of interference on this episode, come to think of it) and it seemed like he was out to distract the champion, but in an unexpected twist, he turned against Greed instead. ZWB hit the 450 Splash and got the win, with the announcing trio speculating that the reason behind Robbie’s actions was that he wanted to face Zimmy, not John, at the Pay Per View. Still, a very good bout that deserves a 77.



Rocky Golden then had some TV time to share his thoughts on his upcoming Graveyard Smash match against Scythe. Pretty standard white meat babyface promo you’d expect here, but still delivered masterfully by the most over man on the roster. Rocky spoke of his previous encounters with Scythe and how he’s now familiar with all the mind games his opponent employs. He said that the stipulation certainly favours the Dark Reaper, but not even Death is going to be enough to stop him from getting his vengeance and reclaiming his SWF World Heavyweight title. At The World Is Watching, he will walk through the valley of shadow and death without fear in his heart or clouds in his mind and he will emerge victorious. Mr. Eisen was ecstatic about this, I was surprised (although I shouldn’t be) when he rated it as a 95.



Des Davids vs Mikey Lau

Okay so apparently Remo made an offer to Davids so they were more or less on the same side, which made sense in terms of the matchup, although I’m not sure if this match against Lau was the “in return” part of the deal or if softening up the challenger for the champion was the part that Des had to see through. Either way, these guys played to their strengths and went all out as they brawled like madmen from bell to bell, inside the ring and outside. Again, this was a Pay Per View magnitude singles match given away for free on TV, so yeah SWF are pulling out the big guns but the wrestlers themselves are also delivering. Never felt how fifteen minutes went by like a breeze, but just as Lau hit his Scything Kick and was about to make the pin, Remo showed up and smacked him in the face with the title belt to cause the DQ. Which wasn’t a swerve I guess, because Mikey was about to win it anyway it seemed, Remo just didn’t give him the pleasure of a clean win. The cameras went off with Remo standing tall over both men and the announcers wondering what he had in store for both of them, not a bad way to pull off a cliffhanger and make your audience buy the PPV or tune in Friday for the fallout episode of Uprising. A good 80 for the main event.



All in all, Uprising has improved from the B show it felt like initially, but Supreme is also enjoying the benefits of having full access to the entire roster and using the biggest names to get better grades across the board. Other than frequent outside interference, even if it didn’t end up playing a part in the actual finish of several matches, I’d say this was one of the better episodes of Supreme TV, rated as an 81.

Quick results

Mikey Lau def. Des Davids

ZWB def. John Greed to retain the SWF North American title

Hawaiian Crush def. The Pain Alliance

Marshall Dillon def. Dominic DeSousa

The Crippler def. Masked Patriot


Prediction results

DinoKea - 3/5

Herrbear - 3/5

TCP1 - 2/5

smw88 - 1/5

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Quick Recap of USPW Saturday Throwdown. USPW's new B-Show to showcase their talented roster:

  • Andre Jones def. Rajah (56)
  • Angle involving JLP & Champion (84)
  • Tavon Blake def. Local Talent (12)
  • Big Bubba def. Local Talent (12)
  • Recap of World Title Tournament so far (82)
  • Recap of Sammy Bach's debut & confrontation of Cage (84)
  • Missy Masterson def. Raven Robinson (62)





USPW returns to Alberta, Canada this week with American Wrestling coming to us from the Edmonton Grandstand.


Jack Jackson
, representatives of The Business, will be in tag team action as they take on
The Texas Express
. The bad guy duo will be determined to prove their worth to Money and that they can work as a team while the Express will be looking to get back into tag title contention.


Running Wolf
is set to do battle with
Funky Fedora
. It'll be Wolf's first singles match on American Wrestling in seven weeks and Fedora will be sure to prove a formidable opponent.


Purple Viper
is undefeated so far since debuting in USPW a few weeks ago and faces what could be her first 'real' test in the form of
Raven Robinson
. We haven't seen Robinson in over a month since her loss to Charity Sweet at Red, White & Blue! and so she'll be back with a point to prove.


Davis Wayne Newton
takes on
in the first of our two #1 contender's tournament matches. It's a big match for both men but with DWN having the likely backing of the rest of his stablemates, especially after Thompson's loss to Bruce last week, will he have enough to take down the mysterious masked Enygma?


And in our main event of the evening, as was alluded to last week, 'The Dark Destroyer'
Steve Frehley
takes on
Bulldozer Brandon Smith
in a heavyweight collision that could bring the Grandstand down. Smith is in a fine run of form going undefeated in singles action so far this year as well as avoiding taking the pinfall in any of his team losses. But Frehley has only lost once all year, when teaming with Rich Money, and recently obliterated and pulverized Nicky Champion at Liberty & Justice!


It's going to be a great night of action with more unannounced action to come. We'll see you there!


The Texas Express vs Zeus & JJ



Purple Viper vs Raven Robinson



Running Wolf vs Funky Fedora



[#1 Contender's Tournament]

Engyma vs Davis Wayne Newton



[#1 Contender's Tournament]

Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Steve Frehley



Comments on diary in general:


If you wish to catch up on any of the previous write-ups for USPW please click the links down below.


USPW American Wrestling #1

USPW American Wrestling #2

USPW American Wrestling #3

USPW American Wrestling #4

USPW Stars, Stripes & Slams!



USPW American Wrestling #5

USPW American Wrestling #6

USPW American Wrestling #7

USPW American Wrestling #8

USPW Red, White & Blue!



USPW American Wrestling #9

USPW American Wrestling #10

USPW American Wrestling #11

USPW American Wrestling #12

USPW Liberty & Justice



USPW American Wrestling #13

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The Texas Express def. Zeus & JJ



Raven Robinson def. Purple Viper



Running Wolf def. Funky Fedora



[#1 Contender's Tournament]

Engyma def. Davis Wayne Newton



[#1 Contender's Tournament]

Steve Frehley def. Bulldozer Brandon Smith



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The Texas Express vs Zeus & JJ



Purple Viper vs Raven Robinson



Running Wolf vs Funky Fedora



[#1 Contender's Tournament]

Engyma vs Davis Wayne Newton



[#1 Contender's Tournament]

Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Steve Frehley


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The Texas Express vs Zeus & JJ



Purple Viper vs Raven Robinson



Running Wolf vs Funky Fedora



[#1 Contender's Tournament]

Engyma vs Davis Wayne Newton



[#1 Contender's Tournament]

Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Steve Frehley

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Hello and welcome to this special edition of the Behind The Curtain Podcast with me, Jo-Ro. This week's American Wrestling is in the books and it's time for our look back, assessment and recap of the show. Let's get into it.




USPW American Wrestling came to us from the Edmonton Grandstand in Alberta, Canada this week in front of a paying audience of 10,000 which was a sell out. The Reverie audience of 12,067,097 is an increase on last weeks numbers as the company continues it's steady growth.


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Another video recap package of the events of last week's American Wrestling punctuated by it being thrown to the announce team and them hyping the upcoming events of tonight's broadcast. Nothing new or different here but if it ain't broke don't fix it.



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The Texas Express vs Zeus & Jack Jackson (The Business)

A decent opening contest here for TV that was a storytelling led affair. The bad guys get the victory with Zeus taking the lead on the in-ring action and Jack Jackson being on clean up duty. The good ol' Texas boys kept it clean and kept it mean with their babyface fire but the dirty tactics of the bad guys kept them on top here and JJ was made to look very good in the finish here and putting away Christie with the Implant DDT.

JJ cuts a brief promo in the aftermath stating he wants gold and the tag titles are first on the list.



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We cut backstage to the parking lot of the arena where we see Nicky Champion arriving to the building but before he's even on screen for three seconds he's on the concrete and showered in splintered pieces of wood and string. Jerry Lee Perkins is revealed with Thatcher and Ducont with him. The duo lift Champion and slam him onto the hood of a nearby car before all three leave as officials arrive on the scene. We're generating decent heat here for Perkins and it'll be interesting to see how this continues to play out.



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The group collectively known as The A-Listers are backstage discussing their plans of revenge on Bruce, Bach and Newton's upcoming match vs Enygma in the tournament. Nothing spectacular or special to note here. Just a solid backstage segment with good talkers and keeping some of the hottest commodities in the company on screens.



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Purple Viper vs Raven Robinson

The company seem determined to get Viper over in a hurry if recent booking is anything to go by. After her squashing of Jaime Quine a month ago it was a similar story told here. Robinson and her heelish arrogance underestimated the newcomer luchadora and was made to pay. The match lasted 6-minutes but it was a Viper showcase and she picked up the win via her Viper Bite. USPW matches rely heavily on their workers being over with the crowd. Viper isn't there yet (though she is making some serious gains) and the 44 year old Robinson seems to be losing a step quicker than expected so the rating here is fair.



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Melody & Pariah vs Jillian Jarvis & Tiffany Jade

This was another great showcase of the incredibly talented women's division and it would seem that tag team wrestling might be becoming more of a feature for the women moving forward. Both teams seemed to have decent chemistry and it's an interesting scenario with, arguable, the number 1 and 2 babyfaces in the division on the same side despite the heel singles champion. The company is still hot on Pariah (she's yet to be pinned this year) despite Sweet being the prime challenger right now so it's a peculiar situation all round currently. Anyway, I'm getting distracted. This match was great and the second best of the night with Melody pinning Jarvis for the win.



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As the babyfaces celebrate Emily McQueen rises from the announce desk with a microphone in hand. She cuts a promo on the duo claiming that though they may seem like they have potential to be a 'team', if they can keep egos in check, the one true team in all of women's wrestling will be debuting soon and they're going to make an immediate impact. They want to take down the top women USPW has to offer at Freedom Fight! The duo accepted. A good promo here from McQueen and it's easy to forget that she can still talk with the best of them despite being behind the announce desk these days. Perhaps we're mixing things up if McQueen moves to a manager?



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Moving onto the next segment after the break we're greeted by darkness descending upon the arena. A candlelit lantern appears held aloft on the ramp as Blackfyre Deville shows his face and is soon accompanied by Tyson Baine and Dreadnought. He cuts a moderately menacing promo hyping his monstrous duo, especially Dreadnought, and says they'll be commencing on a path of destruction through USPW. Deville isn't over but can talk. Dreadnought is a complete unknown right now and we know what Baine can do though he's pushing 50. Still an interesting trio and I expect a big push incoming.



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Grandmaster Phunk vs Dreadnought

Grandmaster Phunk is a solid worker but nothing more at this stage of his career and rumor has it that he's very dissatisfied with his current status in USPW. This match won't have done anything to help that though he did his job and made Dreadnought look like a killer. A three minute squash.



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Danny Jillefski catches up with Purple Viper backstage and is about to commence an interview but before it begins Robinson is on the scene and laying into Viper with venom. A scrappy brawl ensues finishing with Robinson coming out superior. Clearly there's a feud beginning here now. Underwhelming segment but let's see where it goes.



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Running Wolf vs Funky Fedora

Funky Fedora's first appearance on our screens in two months. A decent but unspectacular match that looked like it was going to be particularly one sided until JLP arrived ringside to the annoyance of Wolf. The distraction offered Fedora the chance to sneak a roll-up on Wolf but could only manage a two count. Wolf regained his bearings, hit Fedora with a Wolf Tamer and was about cover when JLP attacked and took him down with his Devil's Crossroad for the DQ finish. A decent match with a cheap finish to keep generating heat as boos rained down upon JLP as he escorted Fedora from the ring too.



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A backstage segment with three veterans of the game who appear to be shooting the breeze. The overriding story of the segment was Bach & Bruce trying to pep talk Enygma and get him over his apparent crisis of confidence, I guess? He's a former world champion and can still hang on his best day. He's got this. A fun little segment heavily boosted by Bruce & Bach appearing together. I feel we could all get used to that combination.



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Enygma vs Davis Wayne Newton w/ Nelson Callum (#1 Contender's Tournament)

This match told the story of the savvy 'good guy' veteran trying to overcome the heelish upstart and they told it well. Newton will be one of the best performers in the company one day if they get behind him and if tonight was a sign then get behind him they shall. Ten minutes of action came to a climax when Newton caught Enygma with a low blow that was missed by the ref. He then snatched on the STF and a struggle ensued. Enygma crawled and fought and reached the ropes before Callum pulled them away. The ref caught it and intervened but DWN then went for the mask of Enygma which caused him to panic and be pulled back to the center of the ring. Enygma had no escape routes and tapped out. Good stuff and a big win for Newton.



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Callum hops in the ring and starts putting the boots to Enygma and also joins Newton in trying to wrestle his mask off of him. The cavalry arrives in the form of Bruce and Bach but both are quickly followed up by Thompson and Cage and a brawl breaks out with all seven that really gets the fans riled up. Things eventually simmer and Bach declares that he & Enygma will team up next week against any two of the foursome. A good fun segment that continues to build several storylines.



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The screen is then split into vertical thirds as Belle Bryden appears between Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Steve Frehley, accompanied by Bubba & Blake. A brief Q&A promo segment occurs which has the two men stating their intentions and building the match. Terrific work from all three that have made this main event feel like an especially special event.



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Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Steve Frehley (#1 Contender's Tournament)

The match had a big fight feel going into it and it certainly delivered in spades as these two heavyweight powerhouses brawled and slammed. Smith is on a big upward trajectory of late and has never been more popular while Frehley has never seemed more dominant. The match raged on and Smith got in his fair share of offense but spent a lot of it on the backfoot and trying to stay in contention but Frehley was proving too much. Towards the finish Frehley picked up Smith for a Frehley's Comet but in swinging him round collided with the ref. Smith landed on his feet and quickly caught Frehley in a Tombstone Piledriver and made the cover. He had the 3-count but the ref was out and by the time the slow count began it was only a 2. Frehley quickly fought back as Smith tried to capitalise but Smith's efforts were in vain. Courtesy of Bubba distracting the ref Frehley planted Smith with two kicks to the nethers to crumble the Bulldozer. From there it took 2 Dark Destroyer Spears and a Frehley's Comet to get the job done but the match was over. A terrific contest. Both guys looked great and the fans bought all of it and were incensed at the cheating nature of the win with Smith gaining big favour for his babyface passion and fight!



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A show filled with peaks and troughs that would on a regular day probably rank as one of the less impressive USPW shows under Strong's tenure if not for the great last 30-35 minutes with some fun segments and a brilliant main event. All of that earns it an 83 overall. A good show and I'm intrigued to see how the rest of the month plays out.

Til next time friends, I'm Jo-Ro.


If you wish to catch up on any of the previous write-ups for USPW please click the links down below.


USPW American Wrestling #1

USPW American Wrestling #2

USPW American Wrestling #3

USPW American Wrestling #4

USPW Stars, Stripes & Slams!



USPW American Wrestling #5

USPW American Wrestling #6

USPW American Wrestling #7

USPW American Wrestling #8

USPW Red, White & Blue!



USPW American Wrestling #9

USPW American Wrestling #10

USPW American Wrestling #11

USPW American Wrestling #12

USPW Liberty & Justice



USPW American Wrestling #13





Prediction Card

The Texas Express vs Zeus & JJ

Purple Viper vs Raven Robinson

Running Wolf vs Funky Fedora

[#1 Contender's Tournament]

Engyma vs Davis Wayne Newton

[#1 Contender's Tournament]

Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Steve Frehley


Unannounced Matches

Grandmaster Phunk vs Dreadnought



Prediction Score Card:

Herrbear - 4/5

DinoKea - 2/5

smw88 - 2/5


Thanks for continuing to get involved friends. I'm aware USPW aren't the most exciting promotion in the C-Verse so I appreciate the involvement. Feedback is always appreciated whether it's a specific company or the diary as a whole.

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Thursday, Week 2 April 2020

Live from The Greenwalt Dome, NJ

Get it on Premier Pay TV (US), Premier Pay CAN-TV (Canada) Demand-TV Mexico (Mexico) and Supreme Network


Main Event

SWF World Heavyweight title match

Remo © vs Mikey Lau


Graveyard Smash Match

Rocky Golden vs Scythe


SWF North American title

Robbie Wright vs ZWB ©


I Quit match

Mainstream Hernandez vs The Crippler


SWF World Tag Team titles match

Hawaiian Crush © vs Atom Smasher & Rogue


Grudge Match

Ranger vs Marshall Dillon


Opening Tag Team match

Losing side will never team up again

Best of the Best vs Supreme Dream Team

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Main Event

SWF World Heavyweight title match

Remo © def. Mikey Lau (Sorry Mikey)


Graveyard Smash Match

Rocky Golden def. Scythe


SWF North American title

ZWB © def. Robbie Wright


I Quit match

Mainstream Hernandez def. The Crippler


SWF World Tag Team titles match

Atom Smasher & Rogue def. Hawaiian Crush ©


Grudge Match

Ranger def. Marshall Dillon


Opening Tag Team match

Losing side will never team up again

Supreme Dream Team def. Best of the Best

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Main Event

SWF World Heavyweight title match

Remo © vs Mikey Lau


Graveyard Smash Match

Rocky Golden vs Scythe


SWF North American title

Robbie Wright vs ZWB ©


I Quit match

Mainstream Hernandez vs The Crippler


SWF World Tag Team titles match

Hawaiian Crush © vs Atom Smasher & Rogue


Grudge Match

Ranger vs Marshall Dillon


Opening Tag Team match

Losing side will never team up again

Best of the Best vs Supreme Dream Team

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Main Event

SWF World Heavyweight title match

Remo © vs Mikey Lau


Graveyard Smash Match

Rocky Golden vs Scythe


SWF North American title

Robbie Wright vs ZWB ©


I Quit match

Mainstream Hernandez vs The Crippler


SWF World Tag Team titles match

Hawaiian Crush © vs Atom Smasher & Rogue


Grudge Match

Ranger vs Marshall Dillon


Opening Tag Team match

Losing side will never team up again

Best of the Best vs Supreme Dream Team

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  • 2 weeks later...


Thursday Week 2 of April 2020

Live from The Greenwalt Dome, NJ

Attendance: 49.311, Viewership: 6.367.025 on Premier Pay TV, Premier Pay CAN-TV, Demand-TV Mexico and The Supreme Network



Best of the Best vs Supreme Dream Team (with Spencer Spade & Dulce Moreno)

Losing side will never team up again

The show kicked off strong with the rubber match between these two teams, and everyone knew it was going to be the one to end the feud because the stipulation was that whoever lost would have to break up and never team up again. Intensity was in the air and the in-ring action matched it as Gilmore and Morgan got things going to rile up the fans and show the veterans still got it. Soon enough though the powerhouse heels were able to turn things around and an (uncalled for) leg trip from Spade ensured that Morgan would be staying on the wrong side of the ring for a beatdown. The fighting babyface persevered and even tried to reach out for the hot tag, but Spade yet again got in the way to prevent it. This caused a brief argument between the Supreme Star and Primus Allen, who said he had things under control and didn’t need the help. The argument provided enough of a distraction for Morgan to make the tag though and Gilmore hit the ring to clean house. Bekowski got knocked off the apron and Allen took a series of moves for a near fall, which seemed to seriously trouble Spade; his momentary hesitation on whether to get involved or not almost cost his side the match, but Allen kicked out a split second before the count of three. Gilmore’s follow-up attempt was telegraphed and Allen was able to block it, turning things around till he managed to get Gilmore on his shoulder. A brief glance at Spade followed, the Supreme Star raising his hands in the air to plead innocence, then Allen hit the Running Powerslam to pin Gilmore while Morgan was struggling at ringside due to some pain in his chest area.




After the match was over, Morgan motioned and medics rushed in to check on what appeared to be an injury. Out of nowhere, Randall Buckminister Bumfhole showed up to shove the doctors away and stomp down on Morgan’s damaged region. A slowly recovering Gilmore saw this and attempted to help his (former?) teammate, but The Awesomeness appeared to drag him away. The 3 on 2 attack continued and the exhausted babyfaces just couldn’t manage, ending their Pay Per View appearance with a loss, their team broken up and Unleashed Awesomeness standing tall over their broken bodies.




Marshall Dillon vs Ranger (with Kristen Pearce and Matty Faith)

Many expected this to be a crazy fistfight in the vein of old southern wrasslin' brawls but the two competitors took the time to let the gravity of this bout sink in before engaging in a captivating match. Dillon seemed to base his offence on strikes while Ranger utilized a fair amount of actual wrestling, with slams and power moves for big impact spots. A lot of the match involved dodging and reversing making it quite competitive, while also emphasizing the familiarity between former teammates and tag team champions league now turned bitter enemies. Fortunately, Kirsten Pearce and Matty Faith at ringside only provided moral support without getting involved in the match out of respect for the importance it had for Ranger, which in turn saved viewers from the stereotypical sports entertainment shenanigans that would have brought the overall experience down. Still, Dillon had to have eyes in the back of his head just in case and this messed with his focus, eventually allowing Ranger to execute the Global Meltdown for the clean pin in the center of the ring.




SWF World Tag Team titles match


Hawaiian Crush © vs Atom Smasher & Rogue

The entire sequence of events that led to this match began with Smasher and Rogue jumping the champions after their previous defence at Awesome Impact, something that was hinted at when the challengers once again attacked the champions from behind while they were making their entrance. Smasher was hyped to do some damage but Rogue immediately directed the action towards the ring in search of a quick win. "High Flying Hawaiian" James Adams kicked out of the cover though and the match began proper, with Rogue putting his teammate front and center while he himself picked his spots to come in and do some damage when things were going his way. Oddly enough, they didn't go for the classic tag spot of one babyface getting isolated in the heels' corner to build towards the hot tag, but instead Ekuma and Smasher had an extended back and forth segment that got a great reaction from the fans who enjoyed seeing the two big men go at it. After a double clothesline, Rogue blind tagged himself in while Adams got the hot tag; the veteran was all too eager to rush in and wrap it up though, which allowed Adams to easily turn things around and hit some high flying moves that popped the crowd before a Pacific Crush sealed the deal for the champs retaining.



I Quit match


Mainstream Hernandez vs The Crippler

This was all about the young, athletic babyface taking on the grizzled veteran and the dynamic was established early on when Hernandez used all sorts of rolls and flips to escape Crippler’s wristlocks, hammerlocks and chinlocks. After the initial standstill, Hernandez used a multitude of aerial kicks to gain the upper hand and pop the crowd but he could only get near falls for his efforts. Despite the initial shock, it didn’t take long for Crippler’s experience to kick in and he rolled through the following pin attempt into an ankle lock. Although Hernandez made it to the ropes to force a break, the damage was done and he was clearly favouring one leg, thus limiting his mobility and allowing his opponent to get to work after grounding him. Crippler attacked the leg and with every chance Hernandez got to fight back, he’d only return to the limb with even more vicious offence. The initial kicks and submission holds gave way to him smashing the leg of Hernandez against the ringpost, then trapping it between the ring and steps, before finally sandwiching it between a folding chair to inflict as much damage as possible. Vicious and systematic, Crippler tore his opponent apart with glee in what quickly turned from an exciting match into a gruelling torture session, until Hernandez could take no more and had to give up.




Giving up, of course, did not make Crippler release his hold and neither did the screams of Hernandez, the ref’s attempts to break them up or the timekeeper’s bell frantically ringing. It seemed he was hellbent on putting his victim on the shelf, until Valiant rushed down the ring to force Crippler into a retreat. The segment ended with the two men staring daggers at each other from a distance while paramedics stretchered Hernandez out.




SWF North American title match


Robbie Wright vs ZWB ©

The action picked up here as expected, with Robbie Wright and ZWB wrestling like they were possessed from bell to bell. The champion’s prowess is no secret, but the challenger fortunately checked his cowardly and/or egotistical heel antics at the door in order to bring his best pure wrestling self, meaning there were no interruptions to the pace and flow of this bout. Furthermore, this was far from just a high flying spectacle as both men made liberal use of fast, accurate strikes and some slick rolling suplexes as they escalated their offence in search of the big win. In the end though, Robbie took a chance and it backfired when his top rope senton found nothing but mat, setting him up nicely for ZWB’s 450 Splash and a pin to mark his first Pay Per View defence of the title.




Hollywood Bret Starr then had an announcement to make and it sounded pretty important, seeing as the rest of the Rat Pack weren’t around and all the focus was on him. Starr declared that he’s had enough of being overlooked and he’s taking matters into his own hands. Next month, he said, he will be wrestling for the SWF World Heavyweight title against whoever’s the champion then, be it Mikey Lau or Remo. The challenge, he said, has been laid.



Graveyard Smash Match


Rocky Golden vs Scythe

No one knew exactly what a Graveyard Smash would involve, but as soon as the tape began to roll, it became apparent this was going to be a cinematic kind of match. Making great use of both Scythe’s otherworldly gimmick and SWF’s industry leading production values, the outcome felt like a captivating crossover of wrestling and horror movies, taking the best of both worlds. Rocky Golden walked into a fog-covered graveyard in the opening shot, Scythe’s voice taunting him from an indiscernible location to set the mood. Rocky pushed on and initially was attacked by “zombies” (probably jobbers with some great makeup) who he proceeded to unceremoniously bodyslam and throw around. After a while, he began to get frustrated with these mind games and that’s when Scythe appeared out of the fog, right behind him. The match then began proper, a good brawl between the two men that involved good use of the surrounding scenery, such as a spot where Rocky smashed a gravestone on Scythe’s back or another where the Dark Reaper chokeslammed Golden through a table with a closed casket on it. Laurel wreaths used to contain the opponent, urns smacked in the face, everything was fair game and it made for an entertaining match leading to the grand finale, in which Rocky put Scythe in the Rack, then gave him the Death Valley Driver into an open grave and pulled the lever on a nearby bulldozer, dropping the dirt on top to bury him alive and win the match.




SWF World Heavyweight title match


Remo © vs Mikey Lau

The much anticipated main event was up next, with Lau finally getting a title shot in recognition of his stellar performances lately. Unfortunately, it quickly became apparent that his striking style and Remo’s arsenal of power moves don’t mesh all that well and the bout wasn’t all it could have been. Still, Lau sold the champion’s offence to establish himself as an underdog fighting from beneath, fans cheering for him in hopes of the upset win. Displaying an unyielding warrior spirit on top of his martial arts inspired moves, Lau stayed in the fight and refused to go down for the count. Around the ten minute mark, Des Davids made an appearance in the crowd and jumped the barricade while the referee was talking Remo down for refusing to follow his indications and threatened to disqualify him. Davids smashed Lau with the SWF World Heavyweight title belt and it looked like this was going to be the end of it all, but the Dragon somehow miraculously kicked out before the third slap of the mat. This near fall had fans cheering in excitement for the challenger pushing through after what they thought could have been the end and indeed, the match went on for a few minutes more. Although the shot did not instantly take Lau out, it certainly did the damage on top of everything else that Remo had thrown at him and it was just a matter of time before his fall. With every kick out, the challenger seemed more and more lost, eventually allowing Remo to set up and pull off The Destroyer for the final three count.





Prediction results

DinoKea - 5/7

smw88 - 5/7

Herrbear - 3/7

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Friday Week 2 of April 2020 card


Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

The Crippler vs Valiant


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Fame & Money vs Rocky Golden and Mikey Lau


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Des Davids vs Masked Patriot


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Jungle Lord vs Randall Buckminster Bumfhole


Opening Tag Team match

Time Limits are for nerds

Hawaiian Crush vs Supreme Dream Team


Plus: We hear from Unleashed Awesomeness, Rocky Golden, ZWB and more!

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

The Crippler vs Valiant


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Fame & Money vs Rocky Golden and Mikey Lau


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Des Davids vs Masked Patriot


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Jungle Lord vs Randall Buckminster Bumfhole


Opening Tag Team match

Time Limits are for nerds

Hawaiian Crush vs Supreme Dream Team

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Valiant def. The Crippler


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Rocky Golden and Mikey Lau def. Fame & Money


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Des Davids def. Masked Patriot


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Randall Buckminster Bumfhole def. Jungle Lord


Opening Tag Team match

Time Limits are for nerds

Hawaiian Crush def. Supreme Dream Team


Plus: We hear from Unleashed Awesomeness, Rocky Golden, ZWB and more!

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

The Crippler vs Valiant


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Fame & Money vs Rocky Golden and Mikey Lau


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Des Davids vs Masked Patriot


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Jungle Lord vs Randall Buckminster Bumfhole


Opening Tag Team match

Time Limits are for nerds

Hawaiian Crush vs Supreme Dream Team

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SWF Uprising Results [Fri. Wk. 2, Apr. 2020]



From the diary of Samantha W. Fitzworthy


Some 24 hours after The World Is Watching and despite zero title changes at the Pay Per View, Uprising still felt like interesting TV and I was curious to see the fallout. 7.532 fans showed up in Louisville, KY with 6.140.286 watching, according to the numbers sent to the office.



Hawaiian Crush vs Supreme Dream Team (with Dulce Moreno)

A trios match to kick off the episode, great action on display and charisma in spades (no pun intended) to hook in viewers instantly. Weatherfield and Adams took their opponents by storm using quick tags and high velocity moves, with Spade struggling to keep up and hold them down, until a timely eye poke turned things around for the heels. Allen notably rolled his eyes at this non-wrestling move though, keeping the heat between him and Spade going while he and Bekowski got to work on Adams. Classic build to a hot tag from there and people did indeed go crazy when Ekuma got tagged in, though his momentum was shut down when Spade tripped him and the Hawaiian Strongman landed throat first on the ropes. Desperation tag out to Weatherfield and the excited youngster came in full of energy, only to make a rookie mistake and get caught in a Bear Trap for the submission. Strong start, I like how the Allen-Spade thing keeps getting teased and with both factions coming of PPV wins, it looks like the plan is to have Supreme Dream Team challenge for the tag titles next, which should be good. A 70 for this one.



Speaking of the titles, Atom Smasher and Rogue were shown backstage in obvious disappointment at their failure to win the belts last night. The duo yet again argued about who was to blame, but the crafty Englishman once again managed to exploit his partner's excitement and short attention span to direct him elsewhere. We weren't told where, but it was made obvious that we'd be seeing something more of these two tonight. Pretty entertaining and a nice tease for later on, gave us something to look forward to, 76 for the segment.



Unleashed Awesomeness hit the ring next, yet again without James Prudence who seems to be a more part-time member of the group. The three men took turns on the mic to fool about and talk down both Morgan and Gilmore, calling them has-beens who take up space holding younger talent down. RBB said what we saw at the Pay Per View was only the beginning; up next he was scheduled to wrestle Jungle Lord and one by one, Unleashed Awesomeness would be doing everyone a favour by cleaning up SWF from the dinosaurs on its roster. Entertaining as always, given these guys' characters and wrestling styles a feud against the old guard makes absolute sense and 82 for their promo feels fair.



Jungle Lord vs Randall Buckminster Bumfhole

Never expected this to be as good as it turned out, RBB threw in a lot of stalling and teasing and playing to the crowd in order to keep the pace down without exposing his opponent while giving him ample opportunities to get back in the fight and keep things competitive. Jungle Lord made good use of his power and for all his declining physical ability, the man knows just how to get the most out of everything he does. No wasted movement on his part, a solid ten minute contest and Randall won clean with a Running Enziguri. Well deserved 72.



Now this next part was pretty interesting. Rocky Golden came out and spoke about how he'd finally put Scythe to rest (pun absolutely intended this time) after several months of the Dark Reaper stalking him. You know where this is headed, part of Scythe's meddling was costing him the title and now he's gunning to reclaim his gold, but creative then threw a curveball when Hollywood Bret Starr cut him off and came out on the entrance stage with a mic in hand. Starr told Rocky to get back in line, as he'd laid the challenge already last night. Besides, he said, Rocky had his chances and blew it, about time someone else was given an opportunity. Long story short, the two men had a heated back and forth on the mic revolving around this, before they agreed to settle it in the ring next week in what should be a banger of a match. 82 for this, I'm hyped for the bout and wouldn't mind seeing it turn into a full blown feud if I'm honest.



Des Davids vs Masked Patriot

This match had no right to be as good as it turned out, but Davids and Patriot seem to be made for fighting each other. Hard hitters both, they somehow decided to turn this to eleven and had a crazy brawl between the ropes and fighting at ringside. The Kentucky crowd loved Patriot and I've said so before, he's good and getting better, damn shame to have him without a storyline. Anyway, this was about another storyline, seeing as Remo turned up for the assist that allowed Davids to hit the Quarterback Sack for the pin, though Des did seem to be confused by the champion's presence. The broadcast team gave voice to what everyone was thinking, what the hell have these two men agreed to, while Mr. Eisen gave their match a 78.



We then got an interview, ZWB speaking about his title defence at the Pay Per View. He was interrupted however by the Mission, who walked up to the scene. Kirsten Pearce said her client took out Dillon last night and she advised him it's best for his career to set his sights on the SWF North American title next. Don't mind seeing this one or Ranger getting a push, but if it's another case of Faith getting left behind to cause internal friction, it feels overdone if we already have Spade and Allen doing that. Anyway, let's see how this plays out, 71 for this segment feels fair.



Fame & Money vs Rocky Golden and Mikey Lau

Remember Rocky's argument with Starr from before? Well, we got him going up against the Rat Pack representatives here and what better teammate for him than Mikey Lau: they've proven to work unnaturally well as a duo and coming off a big PPV loss, the Dragon made the best of this setup to regain some heat when he ended up scoring the pin on Trescarde after a Dragon Whip. Couldn't help noticing a good chunk of the fans chanting "Golden Dragon", if this partnership ends up being a more regular thing, this mashup of a name wouldn't actually be bad for them. For now, a 72 for their match was pretty decent.


I've been going on for God knows how long about SWF not setting up and hyping up stuff in advance to get viewers to tune in for the next episode. Apparently someone caught wind of it and before the night's main event, we got a quick recap of what to expect Tuesday on Supreme TV. Tom Gilmore will be looking for revenge against Randall Buckminster Bumfhole, we will hear from Remo and Des Davids in regards to their pact and in the main event, Rocky Golden will take on Hollywood Bret Starr!



The Crippler vs Valiant (with Hannah)

At first I thought there was a lot of time wasting, lockups and standoffs in the beginning of the match, but then I realized they were pacing themselves for a slow burner. This being the main event, it helped add a bit of gravitas to the proceedings and it certainly favoured the methodical submission style of the Crippler, who seemed to be in control of things for the most part. Valiant found himself on defence and the audience started cheering for him, if not because they liked him, they at least wanted to see him in the driver's seat in hopes of seeing some more exciting, fast paced and flashy wrestling. Very subliminal way to get heat, teasing the fans with action that they were then denied. It had them get behind the babyface even if they didn't all like him, it made his comebacks feel even more of a bigger deal and when he finally seemed to get in the groove by stringing together a series of offence, it made Atom Smasher's interference all the more hated for it. Sure, a DQ finish was a bit of a let down, especially for a main event, but there's no denying the emotional rollercoaster the fans were taken on or the reaction the veterans got out of them. A solid 78 to wrap up the show.



78 was also Mr. Eisen's overall grade for the episode and I'll have to agree, especially since there wasn't a ton of outside interference again this time. Good matches and promos, good storytelling and some interesting things set off in the aftermath of the Pay Per View, consider me intrigued to keep watching.

Quick results

Supreme Dream Team def. Hawaiian Crush

Randall Buckminster Bumfhole def. Jungle Lord

Des Davids def. Masked Patriot

Rocky Golden & Mikey Lau def Fame & Money

Valiant def. The Crippler

Prediction results

DinoKea - 4/5

Herrbear - 3/5

smw88 - 1/5

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Saturday Night Showcase Results


  • The Historian defeated Benny Benson in 9:41 by pinfall with a Blast From The Past. (43)
  • Alina America cuts a pre-match promo hyping her match with Pamela Rojo (51)
  • Alina America defeated Pamela Rojo in 9:53 by pinfall with a Southern Lights Bomb. 30
  • Mr. Lucha III cuts a prematch promo hyping his match with Troy Tornado. 52
  • Mr. Lucha III defeated Troy Tornado in 11:23 by pinfall with a Third Strike. 53
  • Akima Brave defeated The Architect in 13:15 by pinfall with a Samoan Suplex. 52





Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

Seven Circles of Hell Match #2

"The Ace" Aaron Andrews versus Titan w/ Floyd Goldworthy


Six Man Tag

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Tana The Mighty, Dazzling Dave Diamond and Danny Fonzarelli versus The Succession (Jay Chord, Greg Gauge and Mabuchi Furusawa) w/ Lisa Bowen


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Devine Fortune versus Youngman & Taylor w/ Lisa Bowen


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

T-Bone Bright and Kip Keenan versus The Elite


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

World Television Title

One Man Army versus Freddy Huggins © w/ Laura Catherine Huggins


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Danielle Sweetheart and Foxxy LaRue versus Poison Ivy and Queen Amazon


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Trent Shaffer versus Roderick Remus

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Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

Seven Circles of Hell Match #2

"The Ace" Aaron Andrews versus Titan w/ Floyd Goldworthy


Six Man Tag

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Tana The Mighty, Dazzling Dave Diamond and Danny Fonzarelli versus The Succession (Jay Chord, Greg Gauge and Mabuchi Furusawa) w/ Lisa Bowen


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Devine Fortune versus Youngman & Taylor w/ Lisa Bowen


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

T-Bone Bright and Kip Keenan versus The Elite


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

World Television Title

One Man Army versus Freddy Huggins © w/ Laura Catherine Huggins


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Danielle Sweetheart and Foxxy LaRue versus Poison Ivy and Queen Amazon


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Trent Shaffer versus Roderick Remus

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Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

Seven Circles of Hell Match #2

"The Ace" Aaron Andrews versus Titan w/ Floyd Goldworthy


Six Man Tag

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Tana The Mighty, Dazzling Dave Diamond and Danny Fonzarelli versus The Succession (Jay Chord, Greg Gauge and Mabuchi Furusawa) w/ Lisa Bowen

Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Devine Fortune versus Youngman & Taylor w/ Lisa Bowen


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

T-Bone Bright and Kip Keenan versus The Elite


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

World Television Title

One Man Army versus Freddy Huggins © w/ Laura Catherine Huggins


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Danielle Sweetheart and Foxxy LaRue versus Poison Ivy and Queen Amazon


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Trent Shaffer versus Roderick Remus

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Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

Seven Circles of Hell Match #2

"The Ace" Aaron Andrews def. Titan w/ Floyd Goldworthy


Six Man Tag

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Succession (Jay Chord, Greg Gauge and Mabuchi Furusawa) w/ Lisa Bowen def. Tana The Mighty, Dazzling Dave Diamond and Danny Fonzarelli


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Youngman & Taylor w/ Lisa Bowen def. Devine Fortune


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

T-Bone Bright and Kip Keenan def. The Elite


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

World Television Title

Freddy Huggins © w/ Laura Catherine Huggins def. One Man Army


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Danielle Sweetheart and Foxxy LaRue def. Poison Ivy and Queen Amazon


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Trent Shaffer def. Roderick Remus

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TCW broadcast their third episode of Total Wrestling for the month of April. They were in the V. Thompson Arena in Los Angeles, California and sold the building out with 10,000 paying customers -- a legit sellout. On ACE, it did a 3.46 rating for 2,595,060 viewers. On IC-TV in Canada, they did a .39 rating for 296,488 viewers.


The show started with Trent Shaffer in action against Roderick Remus. It was a fast paced match -- Remus has become a relied-upon worker for TCW. A mechanic who might not be getting a big push, but it's clear that he's well thought of. Shaffer looks like he's going to continue being pushed heavily. Shaffer won with his Heartburn. A really solid opening contest. I'd give the match a 66.


We come out of the post-match break to a backstage promo with the former TV Champion Edd Stone. Edd says he's not going to make any excuses -- he was just beat for the TV Title by Freddy. He's not going to cry and whine about it, but what he is going to do is make a challenge to a rematch because he believes that he can beat Freddy and once again be TV Champion. It was a good babyface promo that allowed Edd to acknowledge losing but also set him up for a future match for the TV Title. Good segment. 81.


We go from that promo to a women's tag team match. It was an underwhelming match -- all four women are still clearly trying to establish themselves on the TCW roster and on the national scene. There was a lot of talent in this match, it's just hard to put on a really good match without having the popularity to match. Foxxy LaRue got the win when she hit the Flash Head Kick on Poison Ivy. I'd give this a 36.


We came back from another commercial break to the reigning TCW Women's Champion. She cut a fiery promo vowing revenge on Jaime Quine for her unprovoked attack backstage. Dreamer is a fighting champion and will happily give Jaime Quine a chance to take the Women's Championship from her at the pay per view.  49.


We go to another part of the backstage area where the new TCW World Television Champion, Freddy Huggins was standing by. He and his sister went into a promo how finally Freddy Huggins has proved he's a championship caliber wrestler and he's officially shrugged off the shackles of being just a "tag team wrestler". It's Huggins' time. Really good, arrogant promo here. Freddy's got a lot of momentum on his side. 84.



We went to another short break and came back for the World Television Title match. This was a very competitive match. A back and forth affair that let One Man Army show he can still go and still be in title pictures, while also allowing Freddy to show what he can do. Freddy has really come into his own as a singles wrestler and he got the win here after the Huggins Kiss, giving him his first successful title defense. 73.


We go right to a tag match. The Elite have been on a downward slide -- and it's caused a lot of strife in The Syndicate. I've been really interested to see where this goes and with T-Bone Bright looking like he's on a collision course with Wolf Hawkins, this was a good way to further multiple stories. Bright looked excellent throughout the contest and I'd say he was definitely the standout in the match. He just screams money to me. He can talk, he can brawl. He looks like a star. I think this program with Wolf is really going to elevate him.  T-Bone hit a big lariat and then a Running Powerslam and got the win for his team. 63.


Eddie and Nate stood in the ring trying to figure out what happened, how they loss, when Wolf Hawkins came walking out. He ran them down for failing him again -- for once again letting him down. Wolf said that when he brought them into TCW, he thought they would do right by him. He said it's time for there to be a change, because he can't keep supporting dead weight. Then suddenly from the guardrail come two wrestlers.


Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan! The Northern Lights! They completely laid waste to The Elite and looked incredibly impressive here while Wolf just smiled on the ramp. We went to commercial break with the Northern Lights standing over The Elite. Solid segment. Wolf was excellent, The Elite, not so much, but they did take their ass whooping really well.  61.


After the break, we come back to Devine Fortune versus The Succession. It continues to look like Ernest and Joshua are going to be the tag represtatives of te Succession and they are blending into a very nice tag team. Their styles are complimentary and Lisa Bowen is a good pairing with both of them. Devine Fortune got a lot of shine early in the match before Youngman and Taylor took over. They're what I call a wrestling tag team, in that their offense seems to be predicated on holds and teamwork within those holds and it makes them very watchable. Youngman got the win after Darryl Devine ate The Hit. A solid 64.


Then we got the trios match. This was a one sided affair and another match structured to both get Jay Chord and Greg on the show, but allow Furusawa to gain popularity by getting the rub from more popular stars. Furusawa's offense is so hard hitting, so painful looking and I love it. Jay Chord has become an excellent top heel and Greg's technical prowess have me craving more Gauge but Furusawa through forearms into Tana the Mighty and made the big man really sell and even got the 400 pounder up for a Back Drop driver that was absolutely impressive.  Furusawa put Dave Diamond in the Armbar that has become his trademark and Diamond submitted and the Succession got their second win of the night. 66.


 Another commercial break set us up for the main event. Aaron Andrews versus the big Titan. Much like Aaron Andrews versus Nick Booth from last week -- the bigger Titan spent the match going after Aaron's back. He hit several backbreaker and kept going back to the bear hug and Aaron sold his ass off. Aaron reached out to the crowd and it looked like they were reaching back to him. SWF has Rocky and USPW has Nicky, but TCW has Aaron and man can Aaron sell. He doesn't have the size of Nicky or Rocky, but he can really grab the fans with his work. Titan had several near falls -- including off a wicked Side Walk Slam before Aaron made his comeback. His comeback was full of fire -- but kept selling his back. He hit the big Flying Body Press and got the win over the big Titan. A very good TV main event. 78


While Aaron is celebrating his win, Jay Chord came out onto the stage with a microphone. He complimented Aaron on another hard-earned victory and then said that next week, right here on Total Wrestling, Aaron Andrews will wrestle Killer Shark... in a STREET FIGHT! The crowd popped hard as Aaron Andrews looked exhausted and Floyd Goldworthy, still ringside, smiled that his third monster was coming up for the already battered and damaged Aaron Andrews. 87

Overall, I'd say this was a good show. It continued the story of Aaron Andrews against the Succession. We had the debut of the Northern Lights, we continued the push for Dreamer and Quine. T-Bone Bright got a big win, but we also didn't see the World Tag Team Champions or hear from Mighty Mo, both of which I think we needed to hear from. Ultimately, I'd give this show a 78.



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SWF Elite results

Episode 5 [Monday, W3 April 2020]

Intro: Ana Garcia interviews Mutant

Frantic Ali def. Deever Arnold

Angle: Emma Chase interviews Xavi Ferrera

Cali Slick def. Chill

Angle: Ana Garcia interviews Dastardly

Fro Sure def. Avalanche

Angle: Duane Fry interviews Frankie-Boy Fernandes

Ash Campbell def. Oliver Kobb

Angle: Emma Chase interviews SUKI

Charger Siaki def. American Machine


Card for Predictions


Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Hollywood Bret Starr vs Rocky Golden


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Marshall Dillon vs Rogue


Singles Match

Randall Buckminster Bumfhole vs Tom Gilmore


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Fame & Money vs Lenny Brown & Stephen Parker


Opening Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Ranger vs Robbie Retro


Plus: Remo and Des Davids come face to face in the middle of the ring regarding their agreement and ZWB has a huge announcement to make after The Mission's challenge!

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