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SWF Supreme TV Results [Tue. Wk. 4, Apr. 2020]



From the diary of Samantha W. Fitzworthy


The final April episode of Supreme TV was held in the historic Friedman Building in Texas, once again hitting that 10.000 fan attendance mark to sell out the venue. 6.239.066 viewers watched it live on TV or the Supreme Network and without getting too much ahead of myself, I should say given the content, it was absolutely worth it.



Marshall Dillon vs Robbie Wright

The opener pitted Texas’ own Marshall Dillon against the former SWF North American title contender in Robbie Wright and with Dillon getting the hometown chants, it was fun to see Robbie play up his frustration for not getting cheered despite being “The King of Charisma”. I should say though, Robbie managed to get a much better match out of Dillon than many others have in the past and it was very entertaining to watch, all the way to the finish where he got flattened with the Crackdown for the pin. Strong start to the show and Dillon was even given a few minutes of TV time to celebrate with his people before the first commercial break. Solid 73 for the opening contest.



When we came back, Mikey Lau was in Eric Eisen’s office. The Dragon wasn’t happy at all with Eric’s arrangements as of late regarding the SWF World Heavyweight title situation and voiced his frustrations, especially at him not being in the mix after he was screwed out of his opportunity, while cheaters like Hollywood Bret Starr or Des Davids who was the perpetrator ended up getting rewarded with a chance at gold. Eric attempted to bullshit his way out of it, but Mikey wasn’t having any of that and warned Easy E that there would be consequences for this, before he stormed out of his office to end an exciting angle I marked down as an 83.



John Greed & Justin Sensitive vs Lenny Brown & Steven Parker

This was a bit of a slog to sit through, if I’m honest, which mostly has to do with booking and presentation rather than match quality per se. The action was great, but it feels like Rat Pack matches are all the same with interference while Lenny and Steven have been struggling with a bit of start/stop booking instead of a proper push. I was watching this just waiting for the inevitable, but I was pleasantly surprised with how the script was flipped on this occasion. Sure enough Fame & Money came out for the distraction or interference, but Mikey Lau intercepted to take them out before they could get involved, making good on his promise earlier. This was enough to throw Greed and Sensitive off, which in turn allowed Brown to knock Greed off the apron while Parker hit the Future Shock on Sensitive for the pin. Somewhat refreshing, I won’t lie, 68 though is as good as this match can get.



Joey Morgan had a few words to say next, assuring fans he’s good to go but the doctors won’t clear him just yet. He spoke of Unleashed Awesomeness and cut a scathing promo on them, promising to be the one who’ll end their run of terror in SWF that’s seen all the beloved veterans get swarmed by this pack of jackals. Something was a little off if I’m honest, so I’ll leave this at 63.




James Adams (with Ekuma) vs Primus Allen (with Bear Bekowski)

Pretty much a teaser of the upcoming tag titles match at the pay per view, this was still a great contest between the high flying Hawaiian and the supremely athletic Allen. Very open and competitive, it went on for almost eighteen minutes with minimal interference, which in turn allowed the competitors to showcase their skill without a lot of sports entertainment shenanigans to distract from the core product. I’m hyped for the upcoming match and I even think both guys seem to have a future as singles stars if they choose to, 77 and a win for Allen with a huge Running Powerslam.



Of course, you had the post-match brawl after the end of the bout and some folks might have noticed Spencer Spade wasn’t around. So was Sylvester Weatherfield, though I’m told that’s because he’s been relegated to Monday’s Elite show. Anyway, Spade showed up hopping on one leg, which I found out was because of an ankle injury he suffered at Uprising wrestling Mikey Lau. In theory, that should have provided the Supreme Dream Team with the numbers advantage, but there wasn’t much Spade could do on one leg and instead he ended up getting powerbombed through a table, courtesy of Ekuma. Props to Dulce Moreno too, who sold it like it killed him. Spot popped the crowd and the champions looked good, I’m curious to see if this angle will be further invoked in the bubbling Spade-Allen feud. For now, a decent 71 for the segment seems fair.



With Hannah by his side as usual, Valiant cut a promo next on former partner turned nemesis Rogue and how he’s been manipulating Atom Smasher, but his words got cut short when he was attacked by the Crippler. Looks like the man hasn’t forgotten about Valiant’s involvement when he tried to cripple Mainstream Hernandez a few weeks ago and the follow-up match between them wasn’t the end of things. Also looks like this storyline is getting more twisted, with more people and incidents getting caught up in its web. Super curious to see where this is going, the angle did what it was supposed to do and deserves its rating of 86.


I like how each episode is now regularly investing a few minutes before each main event to hype next week’s stuff, so this time we’ll be tuning into Uprising to watch Marshall Dillon address ZWB, The Mission and the SWF North American title after he beat Robbie Wright, there will be some insight into Mikey Lau’s plan and completely out of the blue, Krissy Angelle, who is banned from ringside in tonight’s main event, mind you, has an announcement to make.


Triple Threat for a shot at the SWF World Heavyweight championship

Anyone interfering will be fired on the spot


Des Davids vs Hollywood Bret Starr vs Rocky Golden

Another PPV-level match headlining an episode of weekly TV and I must say, the no interference stipulation was a good call as it allowed the three wrestlers to focus on the in-ring action to deliver a banger. Absolute banger, best match this company has put together since Golden beat RBB at When Hell Freezes Over back in January. As you would expect, the heels teamed up against the former title holder early on, with Rocky getting the chants while selling until he just couldn’t push through anymore. Starr turned on Davids to keep things going and almost scored a sneaky pin that Rocky barely broke up, then things began alternating between combinations of the participants, with a few three man spots thrown in for good measure. I was shocked when Rocky got Starr on his shoulders for the Rack and instead of proceeding with his submission finisher, attempted to stack Davids on top for a double whammy. Would have been spectacular, but Des is a big man and Rocky had taken a lot of punishment in the twenty or so minutes that had gone by, so he buckled under the weight and rolled out of the ring. Seeing his chance, Davids pounced on the still dazed Starr to hit the Quarterback Sack and score the pinfall, making him the one to wrestle Remo at Master of Puppets for the SWF World Heavyweight title. Great stuff, 89 for the main event.



Remo’s reaction was immediate though and just as the show was about to go off the air, he ran down the ring to assault Davids, thus cementing his challenger’s face turn. Babyface Des versus heel Remo for the strap? Hell yeah! Fans loved this and Davids is already getting a ton of cheers, so I’d say everything has been executed well in regards to his turn, 86 for this final angle.



I had to double check my notes when I saw this episode was rated 85 overall. That’s one higher than The World Is Watching, and we’re comparing a TV episode to a Pay Per View. If SWF have been trying to restructure and regain ground for the last few months, this tells me they’re back on track and gunning to reclaim the status they had at the start of the year. If nothing else, should make for a very interesting second half of the year.

Quick results

Marshall Dillon def. Robbie Wright

Lenny Brown & Stephen Parker def. John Greed & Justin Sensitive

Primus Allen def. "High Flying Hawaiian" James Adams

Des Davids def. Hollywood Bret Starr & Rocky Golden

Prediction results


smw88 - 1/4

Herrbear - 1/4

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Quick Recap of USPW Saturday Throwdown. USPW's new B-Show to showcase their talented roster:

  • Jack Jackson def. Grandmaster Phunk (47)
  • Julius Moor def. Mick Muscles (65)
  • Angle with Zeus, JJ, Jett & Moor (72)
  • T-Rex def. Jimmy Chipolata (27)
  • Angle involving Law, Frehley, Bruce & Newton (87)
  • Angle involving DeVille, Dreadnought & T-Rex (51)
  • Tiffany Jade def. Wendy Anderson (63)




Casey Valentine vs Tavon Blake



Regular Joe vs Jerry Lee Perkins



Purple Viper vs Jillian Jarvis



Natural Storm and Flight & Might vs The Business (JJ, Zeus, Whitlock & Nash)


The Sweet Missy's (Missy Masterson & Charity Sweet) vs Pariah & Melody



[#1 Contender's Tournament final]

Rick Law vs Steve Frehley



Comments on diary in general:


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Casey Valentine vs Tavon Blake



Regular Joe vs Jerry Lee Perkins



Purple Viper vs Jillian Jarvis



Natural Storm and Flight & Might vs The Business (JJ, Zeus, Whitlock & Nash)


The Sweet Missy's (Missy Masterson & Charity Sweet) vs Pariah & Melody



[#1 Contender's Tournament final]

Rick Law vs Steve Frehley


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Casey Valentine vs Tavon Blake


Regular Joe vs Jerry Lee Perkins


Purple Viper vs Jillian Jarvis


Natural Storm and Flight & Might vs The Business (JJ, Zeus, Whitlock & Nash)


The Sweet Missy's (Missy Masterson & Charity Sweet) vs Pariah & Melody


[#1 Contender's Tournament final]

Rick Law vs Steve Frehley

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Casey Valentine def. Tavon Blake



Jerry Lee Perkins def. Regular Joe



Jillian Jarvis def. Purple Viper



Natural Storm and Flight & Might def. The Business (JJ, Zeus, Whitlock & Nash)


Pariah & Melody def. The Sweet Missy's (Missy Masterson & Charity Sweet)



[#1 Contender's Tournament final]

Steve Frehley def. Rick Law



Comments on diary in general: Probably should just retire from predictions while I'm on top

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  • 2 weeks later...



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Hello and welcome to this special edition of the Behind The Curtain Podcast with me, Jo-Ro. This week's American Wrestling is in the books and it's time for our look back, assessment and recap of the show. Let's get into it.




USPW American Wrestling came to us from The Dust Bowl in the South East this week in front of a paying audience of 14,022 which was shy of a sell out. The Reverie audience of 12,210,575 is their best 'TV' number yet and continues to show the company's growth.


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Casey Valentine [vs] Tavon Blake

Straight into the wrestling action this week as Valentine is in action on American Wrestling for the first time in a month. The match itself is a good opening affair. Blake got in his fair share of offense and continues to show signs of improvement week on week as he adjusts to the USPW style but he was no match for Valentine who seemed to have a point to prove this week and picked up the pinfall victory.



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Valentine takes the opportunity to grab a mic and cut a promo on the National Title. He claims he had it won at Liberty & Justice! and feels he is due another shot. Bach appears to the crowds joy but before he can start he's interrupted by Joss Thompson and Roger Cage who stake their claim. Words are exchanged, insults are hurled and a four way is announced for Freedom Fight! Great segment.



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Regular Joe [vs] Jerry Lee Perkins

This match underwhelmed as neither man is particularly over with the audience and that's a crucial element of USPW. The match only went four minutes though and through underhanded tactics and dirty offence JLP made light work of Regular Joe and picked up the pinfall to maintain momentum towards Saturdays event!



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Perkins calls out his bandmates and all oblige as the foursome put a beatdown on Joe and continue to prove themselves as bullies. The fans knew something was coming though and Champion and Wolf appeared to make the save as they began throwing hands and fighting against the odds. Champion set himself up for the Hawkeye Hammer but as he propelled himself over the ropes Fedora moved and the crushing clothesline caught an unexpectant Wolf. The Band fled, trash talked and walked away as Champion tried to help Wolf who was clearly unhappy with the events that unfurled.



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Engyma was next to appear for promo time. He was fired up and annoyed at recent events as a result of beatdowns and defeats and he called out Davis Wayne Newton & Nelson Callum. The two happily obliged but didn't feel like talking. True to form they opted straight for violence and attacked Enygma. A taped up at the ribs Jack Bruce had seen enough and ran to fight off the duo and aid Enygma. It seems we're getting a tag match between these four at Freedom Fight!



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Purple Viper [vs] Jillian Jarvis

Viper appears to be slowly catching on with fans and once she does I feel she'll be a big time player. This was her best match on TV so far in USPW and having an opponent such as 'The Iron Lady' will only help that. The big push for Viper is clear here and she won a very competitive nine minute match here.



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Promo time with the group that have anointed themselves as 'Doomsday'. Mr. Deville accompanied by Baine & Dreadnought cuts a promo sympathising with and berating T.Rex. They understand his frustration and anger and he'll get a chance at revenge and to prove that they were wrong. One on one with Dreadnought in a Last Man Standing match at Freedom Fight!



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Flight & Might and Natural Storm [vs] The Business (Nash, Whitlock, Zeus & JJ)

A fairly paint by numbers tag team affair here but it still delivered a compelling contest with good storytelling throughout. Zeus & JJ left most of the work to Nash and Whitlock here, seemingly saving themselves for Saturday, and it proved costly. The babyface foursome worked together well and came out on top with Eddie Howard getting the pinfall victory of Whitlock.



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Shenanigans post-match in promo time with arguments and insults thrown. Natural Storm claim they got the win here when the champs couldn't and want in the title match. The Texas Express enter the fray and state that they want in but they're laughed at by Zeus & JJ. Jett cuts through the nonsense, claims that the champions fear no one and they have no issue with fighting one, two or three teams. He accepts the challenge of all the teams.



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Charity Sweet, Missy Masterson, Pariah & Melody are all in the locker together sharing stories, ambitions and ongoing feuds with others as they put the world to rights together. A showing of mutual respect between the two sides is displayed before all four leave the locker together ready to do battle against each other next.

Fun little segment here to display the natural charisma and talking ability of all four whilst still building hype for the match next.



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Pariah & Melody [vs] The Sweet Missy's

A very good tag team contest here continuing to showcase how excellent the women's division is and how swiftly they've progressed in the last 4 months. The 1 on 1 action was engaging enough but the tag team maneuvers on display were just as engaging and their appears to be a real effort to push women's tag team wrestling. The match was building to it's crescendo when Emily McQueen rose from the commentary desk to head ringside at which point an outside duo, accompanied by Alicia Strong, entered the ring and began laying into everyone that moved. Pariah was clobbered first and so gets the DQ victory



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McQueen and Strong spend time directing traffic with Pariah & Melody being the primary focus of the duo's attention. Strong then readies her title and smashes it into the head of Charity Sweet to lay out her challenger for Saturday night. McQueen then officially introduces us to Kate Lilly & Debbie Rose and hypes their impending beatdown of Pariah & Melody on Saturday night. A strong segment, a great introduction to the new duo and a possible affiliation with Strong to boot?



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As has become the norm for USPW TV of late, and it's not unappreciated, Belle Bryden splits the screen as she conducts an official pre-match interview with both Steve Frehley and Rick Law to determine Money's challenger for Saturday night. Both men state their case, boast of their achievements and hype the match suitably as it is then thrown to ringside.



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Rick Law [vs] Steve Frehley (#1 Contender's Tournament Final)

This was Rick Law's best outing of the year so far and the crowd were especially hot for this one as both men seemed to have whipped the crowd up and gained popularity over the last month. A strong TV main event which Frehley had the upper hand for but Rick Law did his best to give as good as he got and having the crowd on his side certainly helped. The two traded blows and fought to the corner but as Frehley went for a blistering clothesline he also caught the referee and all three went down. Enter Bulldozer Brandon Smith to a big crowd reaction. We haven't seen Smith since he lost to Frehley in cheap and cheating fashion two weeks ago and the big man looked smug and determined. Smith lifted Frehley to his feet and planted him two receipt kicks in the form of low-blows before hoisting The Dark Destroyer up and planting him with a Tombstone Piledriver and fleeing the scene. Law and the ref rose from their knockdown, Law covered Frehley and the ref slowly counted to 3 for the pinfall.



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Law, who is soon joined by Dawn Gemmell, celebrates his victory but he is soon interrupted by Rich Money. The champion swaggers down to the ring to confront Law and makes a beeline for the challenger to attack but Law is aware enough to avoid the attack and counter with a big boot of his own. The two brawl but Frehley rises and is absolutely incensed. He takes out both and invites Smith down for a fight. Smith happily obliges. The show ends with all four men attempting to beat the daylights out of each other as the commentary team hype Saturday night. Terrific ending segment.



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A very good go-home show for USPW. The best one they've had this year. Leaving it til 3 days before to officially announce some matches perhaps isn't the best way of doing business but with their business being done on the network rather than pay-per-view it doesn't necessarily hurt them either. This gets an 85 overall. Saturday should be an interesting night.

Til next time friends, I'm Jo-Ro.


If you wish to catch up on any of the previous write-ups for USPW please click the links down below.


USPW American Wrestling #1

USPW American Wrestling #2

USPW American Wrestling #3

USPW American Wrestling #4

USPW Stars, Stripes & Slams!



USPW American Wrestling #5

USPW American Wrestling #6

USPW American Wrestling #7

USPW American Wrestling #8

USPW Red, White & Blue!



USPW American Wrestling #9

USPW American Wrestling #10

USPW American Wrestling #11

USPW American Wrestling #12

USPW Liberty & Justice



USPW American Wrestling #13

USPW American Wrestling #14






Prediction Card

Casey Valentine vs Tavon Blake

Regular Joe vs Jerry Lee Perkins

Purple Viper vs Jillian Jarvis

Natural Storm and Flight & Might vs The Business

Pariah & Melody vs The Sweet Missy's

[#1 Contender's Tournament]

Rick Law vs Steve Frehley



Prediction Score Card:

DinoKea - 5/6

Herrbear - 4/6

smw88 - 4/6



Sorry for the delay in getting the show up people. The summer holidays are in full force here in Scotland and combining two small children with working two jobs hasn't left much time. But we're back! Next up is SWF.

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Friday Week 4 of April 2020 card


Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Randall Buckminster Bumfhole vs Valiant


Six Man Tag Team match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Rat Pack (Starr, Huntigdon & Trescarde) vs Mikey Lau, Lenny Brown & Steven Parker


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Ash Campbell vs Masked Patriot


SWF North American title match

Time Limits are for nerds

ZWB vs Dominic DeSousa


Plus: Remo addresses his challenger, Krissy Angelle's announcement, a message from Supreme Dream Team and more!

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Randall Buckminster Bumfhole vs Valiant


Six Man Tag Team match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Rat Pack (Starr, Huntigdon & Trescarde) vs Mikey Lau, Lenny Brown & Steven Parker


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Ash Campbell vs Masked Patriot


SWF North American title match

Time Limits are for nerds

ZWB vs Dominic DeSousa

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I finally caught up with this behemoth of a thread. Some silly notes/opinions:


TCW: There's a bit of chaos factor that at first put me off, trying "too hard" to establish these global stars, but it actually makes a lot of sense, a) with the avatar Historian's gimmick and b) with so many TCW diaries running, you gotta do something different. The Chord hot shot as well was really well executed and it usually takes longer for a player to do it (it took me till December 2020 in my personal save).


SWF: Perhaps it was the botched brand split but I thought the booking was better than the grades for quite a while. The company is clearly in transit and seems like a tough job, but also perhaps the booker was too gun-shy? Giving away big matches on TV definitely seems to help! Mikey Lau is getting crowned soon, and I think it will be after we get the obligatory Golden vs Remo match (especially since this understandably is moving slow so you can't be like 'oh he's getting the title late 2021' or whatever).


USPW: A job extremely well done, especially with the hiring limitations. Maybe you can say it was played safe, but honestly "burying" Nicky Champion like that and resisting the urge to just do a Jack Bruce nostalgia run took some balls. Tag division is a bit dead but that happens in almost every TEW save ever, I am trying to use mine in my CGC diary and it's a miserable failure.


All in all, very entertaining from everyone, I also enjoy the in-character recaps quite a lot. I mean, after all this time you all know you're doing something very right, but after spending so many hours I wanted to chime in.

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Very much appreciate the input, AboardTheArk. Can't speak for my fellow co-authors, but as far as SWF is concerned, the brand split was indeed botched. I've mentioned before how this is my first time running them or even a company of this size, as I've spent most of my time resenting what they stand for, so mistakes are bound to happen. Figured the split would give their bloated roster more time for everyone to make an appearance, but in hindsight I should have made Uprising a B show from the start (it was initially presented as such, but in game terms it was still an A show). This meant I had to deal both with complaints from guys being left off of it, as well as the fact that its inferior ratings were causing me to lose popularity. As if this wasn't enough, I tied it down to a 3 year broadcast deal, which limits me from cancelling it or turning it into a B show now. So far I've played along, but now I have the Supreme Network to broadcast stuff for me and as the contract runs out, the money I have to pay to get out of it goes down, so you might see me bail out of it sooner than 2023. I guess the long term plan, what I should have done from the start, is focus on a single major show (Supreme TV) and have a B show to act as the bridge between RIPW and the big leagues. That should have originally been Uprising, it is currently SWF Elite.


With all of the above, SWF is indeed in a transitional period. As if the significant pop losses weren't enough, we dropped in size after the January PPV (not taking it personally, I see it happen with the AI in every of my other saves too) and are still in a shocked phase, preventing us from rising back up. Giving away big matches on TV is a way to regain the lost fanbase, at least for now. Either that, or I have a pretty deep roster anyway and I've finally come around on how to book them properly. Also, I'm not sure if it's a super original thing to do, but I'm sticking with the default product, when most people I see tend to switch SWF either to Attitude Entertainment or Ruthless Aggression.


Won't spoil any of the booking plans, Lau had his chance at gold and missed, though you could also blame timing since his contract was running out. Golden vs Remo.... eh, we'll see :rolleyes::cool:

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I finally caught up with this behemoth of a thread. Some silly notes/opinions:


USPW: A job extremely well done, especially with the hiring limitations. Maybe you can say it was played safe, but honestly "burying" Nicky Champion like that and resisting the urge to just do a Jack Bruce nostalgia run took some balls. Tag division is a bit dead but that happens in almost every TEW save ever, I am trying to use mine in my CGC diary and it's a miserable failure.


All in all, very entertaining from everyone, I also enjoy the in-character recaps quite a lot. I mean, after all this time you all know you're doing something very right, but after spending so many hours I wanted to chime in.


Thank you for the positive and engaging feedback. It's much appreciated. Yeah the hiring limitations have proved to be annoying but have forced my hand creatively and with pushing different talents which I've enjoyed. However I was desperate for Sammy Bach so managed a work around that way. Nicky Champion isn't in a 'burial' per se, his creative control and an owner goal relating to his popularity prevent that but I feel to make the character a bit more interesting he can't be Superman and as the months continue to progress I have plans for him that'll mix things up certainly. As for the tag division? Yeah, that's a bit of a struggle and I'm trying to rally it around but I understand that I'm not always the only one who struggles to book a tag division efficiently.

Again, thanks for the feedback. We encourage it and it's always great to hear.

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SWF Supreme TV Results [Fri. Wk. 4, Apr. 2020]



From the diary of Samantha W. Fitzworthy


Wrapping up the month of April, before USPW and TCW fire the big guns in their respective Pay Per Views, Uprising was broadcast live from Chattanooga, Tennessee. 10.009 tickets were sold for this one while 6.447.366 sets of eyeballs were on their screens to see it live, plus more who caught up on their DVRs or the Supreme Network afterwards.



SWF North American title match


ZWB © vs Dominic DeSousa (with Joe Sexy)

Show opened up strong with a title match, though I will say the challenger put me off a bit. The announce team tried to patch this up by saying Joe Sexy pulled some strings to make this match happen, but the fact remains that DeSousa has been mostly losing matches and stands low on the totem pole still; I wasn’t expecting him to win and it’s not like they’d built this up with some storyline before to get me invested. For all my complaints though, the two men delivered the goods bigtime and I should look up if they’ve wrestled each other on the house show loop, because the booking was onto something with them having exceptional chemistry. DeSousa also put on a great individual performance, I’m told he’s been training down at the Supreme University and working with the likes of veterans like ZWB will only teach him valuable lessons. I could tell he’s improved and it seems a lot is expected of him down the line to justify this kind of an investment. For now, he took the loss in a match rated 79 and before I forget it, I should mention that they had Marshall Dillon providing commentary because this played a part in what happened next.



So after the match, Dillon got in the ring and cut a promo, saying he beat Robbie Wright on Tuesday, the last man to wrestle Zimmy for the title on a big Pay Per View match, thus he was here to challenge the champion for the belt. Instead of ZWB responding, The Mission showed up to interrupt the proceedings and taunt Dillon, reminding him that on the same PPV he mentioned, he took a loss to his former tag team partner, Ranger. By his line of thinking, Matty Faith commented, this should mean that Ranger is ahead of him in terms of priority so Dillon better get back in line or face the consequences. Interesting how they weave this past rivalry into The Mission gunning for the North American title, can’t say I’m thrilled with Ranger and Dillon’s skills on the mic but this still was a hot angle landing a 68.



Next up was the much hyped announcement by Krissy Angelle… which never happened, because Hollywood Bret Starr came out with Fame & Money to tell her to shut up because he had bigger announcement to make than whatever she had to say, the three of them had paid Eric Eisen a significant amount in order to book themselves in a match against Lenny Brown, Steven Parker and Mikey Lau, a match that would be happening later tonight. I’m not sure if we got swerved or if plans changed at the last minute, but for all this buildup, it felt deflating for Krissy. Maybe that’s what they’re going for, mistreating her in order to lead towards something. I mean, she left Brandon James as part of the feud with Starr, but it’s not like Bret needs a valet and he sure doesn’t have Brandon’s chemistry with her. Super weird to think of Angelle as a face though, no idea what the plans are, but another 68 for now and this promo.



Ash Campbell vs Masked Patriot

It’s no secret Ash Campbell left PSW and has been working matches on Elite, so it’s not like this was a big surprise but I dare say it could have been hyped up a bit ahead of time. Either way, this was very much what you’d expect out of the setup, a match meant to showcase Ash’s whole deal and to his credit, Patriot sold hard for the kid’s offence without ever turning this into a squash. In fact, the story told here was Campbell being vicious but never quite managing to fully beat Patriot, a fact that had him frustrated enough to eventually swing a chair in full view of the referee and get himself disqualified. I’m hoping they have plans for Ash, his debut match was good but not great, 56 will do.



Classic heel stuff here, Supreme Dream Team cut a promo playing up the “one-legged” Spencer Spade as the victim of Ekuma’s “murderous” attack on Tuesday. The contention for mic time was there again between Spade and Allen, but it wasn’t the main focus. Instead, the group promised vengeance if Ekuma had the guts to step in the ring next Tuesday and wrestle Bear Bekowski. They’re clearly stretching this till the Pay Per View, but it’s fun so I don’t mind, 74 for this promo.



The Rat Pack (Starr, Huntigdon & Trescarde, with Krissy Angelle) vs Mikey Lau, Lenny Brown & Steven Parker

Another interesting case of the streams crossing, remember on Tuesday Lau complained about being left out of the title mix and interfered in the tag match, so he was added as the third man here with Starr on the other end to balance things out. Also of note, Krissy Angelle was at ringside but did not look all too happy, nor did she seem to pour her heart and soul into doing what ringside valets are supposed to do. Wasn’t expecting this to be as fast paced as it was, Lau’s addition seemed to fire up the babyface team who put the pedal to the metal to deliver almost a lucha-like trios spectacle. Even the heels, who were supposed to slow down the match to kill their opponents’ momentum and deflate the fans to earn heat, delivered some fiery brawling alongside fast double- and triple-team moves. In hindsight, this was less sports entertainment and a break for more spectacular pro wrestling, something the fans very much appreciated it seems. All hail these men’s stamina to go balls to the wall for nearly twenty minutes (which flew by like a breeze, by the way) until Brown hit The Star Treatment on Monty Trescarde to get the pin. Great match, 71 hands down.



I forgot to mention, there were a few occasions during the match where the Rat Pack looked up to the entrance ramp, or even waved for their allies to run down to the ring, but it never happened. After the match, we got to find out why when a video got re-played: Rocky Golden stepped in to block Greed and Sensitive’s way to the ring. The heels pretended to walk away but turned around to jump Rocky, who took the hits but was able to come back and take out both men. Looks like he’s focused on Starr now that Davids is the #1 contender, let’s see where this goes, 79 from me.



Returning from commercial, Remo made an entrance with the SWF World Heavyweight title resting on his shoulder as he entered the ring mic in hand to address his challenger. He congratulated Davids for earning his shot but berated them for not honouring their earlier agreement. “Then again,” he said, “I should have seen this coming from a man who stabbed his own tag team partner in the back”. Crowd popped for the reference of Davids turning on American Machine, but it wasn’t the only barb to be thrown in the promo. Remo said that’s because Davids is a fickle man: he gave up on college football, he gave up on MAW and Rip Chord who got him into pro wrestling, he even gave up on USPW to join SWF and all the fans cheering Davids on, he’s gonna give up on them too. “Meanwhile,” he said, “I’ve stuck with pro wrestling and I’ve stuck with Supreme Wrestling Federation since I was 19. At Master of Puppets in two weeks, the belt will stay where it’s supposed to and Des Davids will give up, like he always does, on his dream of chasing the title.” Straight fire, even though it kinda felt like a quite babyface promo for him, 85 for the big man.


Quick hype for Tuesday’s Supreme TV before the night’s main event, Eric Eisen will tackle the developing situation between the Rat Pack, Rocky Golden, Mikey Lau, Lenny Brown and Steven Parker, there will be a three way match between The Mission and Marshall Dillon to determine the next challenger for the SWF North American title and Des Davids will be in attendance to respond to what Remo said on this night.



Randall Buckminster Bumfhole vs Valiant (with Hannah)

Valiant can’t really get a break, can he? Last week he main evented Uprising again in a match against former partner Rogue, then he got attacked by Crippler on Tuesday and on this night, he was up against RBB and his group’s crusade against the older veterans at the top of SWF. Unsung hero if you ask me. Anyway, if the trios match earlier was full speed, this was the opposite, a slow burn twenty five minute spectacle which, if I’m honest, lost the fans at times when it felt like it drifted a bit. Still match of the night, as every main event should be, but I can’t help but feel it could be so much better if they were allowed to take their foot off the break more. Also, we had the inevitable distraction from Rogue, who showed up to tease interference and although he didn’t get to do anything, his mere presence was enough to momentarily throw off Valiant and allow Randall to hit the Running Enzuguiri for the three count. 84 for this one.



After the match, Rogue raised his hands to proclaim innocence while the rest of Unleashed Awesomeness ran down to put the boots to a fallen Valiant. Joey Morgan rushed in to make the save, but he could not overcome the numbers disadvantage so he ended up getting beat as well as the show faded to black with Unleashed Awesomeness standing tall. Pretty basic stuff, but it’s always good to see the Awesomeness and Morgan got a good pop when he showed up, 76 for the end angle.



Overall it wasn’t as stellar as Tuesday, but it was still a good episode that Mr. Eisen rated as an 82. Can’t strike gold night after night, but there’s a definite sense in the air that SWF are back to consistently producing quality televised pro wrestling.

Quick results

ZBW def Dominid DeSousa to retain the SWF North American title

Masked Patriot def. Ash Campbell

Mikey Lau, Lenny Brown & Steven Parker def. The Rat Pack

Randall Buckminster Bumfhole def. Valiant

Prediction results

Smasher1311 - 3/4 Welcome to the prediction game

Herrbear - 2/4

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