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America at War [C'Verse, Multiplayer]

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Hollywood Bret Starr vs Rocky Golden


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Marshall Dillon vs Rogue


Singles Match

Randall Buckminster Bumfhole vs Tom Gilmore


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Fame & Money vs Lenny Brown & Stephen Parker


Opening Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Ranger vs Robbie Retro

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Rocky Golden def. Hollywood Bret Starr


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Rogue def. Marshall Dillon


Singles Match

Time limits aren't for nerds?!?!

Randall Buckminster Bumfhole def. Tom Gilmore


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Lenny Brown & Stephen Parker def. Fame & Money


Opening Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Ranger def. Robbie Retro


Plus: Remo and Des Davids come face to face in the middle of the ring regarding their agreement and ZWB has a huge announcement to make after The Mission's challenge!

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Hollywood Bret Starr vs Rocky Golden


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Marshall Dillon vs Rogue


Singles Match

Randall Buckminster Bumfhole vs Tom Gilmore


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Fame & Money vs Lenny Brown & Stephen Parker


Opening Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Ranger vs Robbie Retro

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SWF Supreme TV Results [Tues. Wk. 3, April 2020]



From the diary of Samantha W. Fitzworthy


Uprising was the show right after the Pay Per View so it dealt with some of the fallout, but it’s no secret that Supreme TV is the flagship show, even if it’s not aired head to head against Total Wrestling, so I fully expected the interesting things to happen on this night. 10.384 fans showed up in Phoenix, Arizona and I had to check my notes for the last time the company hit the ten thousand attendance benchmark for a television show: Uprising on the third week of January. Been a while, but the comeback is apparently happening and 5.904.810 viewers were glued to their screens to witness it.



Right into the main course from the first few moments of the episode, Des Davids made his entrance and called out Remo to sort out the details of their arrangement, which I’ll remind you wasn’t caught on camera. The SWF World Heavyweight champion responded and joined Des in the ring, but said there was nothing to discuss; as per the terms of their agreement, Des had the champ’s back in his title match at The World Is Watching against Mikey Lau and he returned the favour by assisting him in his following match against Masked Patriot. Des however argued this wasn’t the case and either way, a match for the biggest prize in SWF just isn’t the same as a random match on any night of SWF television; he said the favour had not been agreed upon and it’s going to be him that calls it in, not Remo repaying it whenever he wants and in whatever fashion he thinks appropriate, before dropping the mic and leaving the champ puzzled in the ring. Some good storytelling there, I like the complications of this agreement being stretched into a storyline but what I did not like was this segment getting stretched to nearly fifteen minutes. Yes it has to do with the title and both guys are over, but as good as he is at this point, Davids just doesn’t have the mic skills to keep this interesting for so long, so I’d cap it at 82.



Robbie Retro vs Ranger (with Kirsten Pearce and Matty Faith)

Guess there wasn’t ever any doubt that Ranger would be winning here, but Robbie kept it entertaining and even somewhat competitive, avoiding a squash and getting a couple of near falls after surprise roll ups or big moves out of nowhere. Unfortunately, his flashy antics aren’t as entertaining as they were supposed to be up against his stoic opponent, but at least Pearce and Faith limited themselves to cheering their man on and antagonising the crowd without getting directly involved in the match. Global Meltdown, game set and match Ranger, 49 and let’s move on.



The titantron came alive after the match and ZWB had a message for the winning trio on stage. If Ranger really wanted a shot at his SWF North American title, Zimmy was willing to give him one, but only as long as Matty Faith was also getting his fair share. Friday on Uprising, ZWB versus Ranger versus Matty Faith in a triple threat match! Fans cheered at the prospect of seeing this bout and I appreciate Zimmy’s hustle here: if Ranger refuses, he’s being selfish and if he accepts, he’ll have to fight Matty when it’s time to make the pin, either way ZWB found a way to sow dissent in the ranks of The Mission and earned a 75 for this segment.



Fame & Money vs Lenny Brown & Steven Parker

It’s been ages since we saw Brown & Parker and if the announcers hadn’t brought up their promo about not being in the tag title mix and aiming to do better (two weeks earlier, mind you) I wouldn’t remember that either. This was supposedly their return to action and an attempt to get out of whatever funk they’re in and I’ll say, their booking sure has been in a funk, a damn shame when you consider what they bring to the table. All that said, I think everyone expected them to get that much needed win here. Hell of a match too, until Sensitive and Greed showed up to stir the pot and assist the heels in stealing it. It gave them a ton of heat after all that build up, sure, but Lenny and Steven got the short end of the stick again. Mr. Eisen also commented on how his two time champions have now been reduced to generic goons in a bloated stable around Bret Starr like he needs them; Not sure if I agree, but with all the messed up booking I can’t argue his 67 for what was otherwise a well executed, entertaining match.



As predicted, after their win in the opening trios match of last week’s Uprising, the Supreme Dream Team are gunning for gold and they stated their intentions with a short but sweet promo. Again, there was a bit of tension between Spade and Allen who subtly butted heads over who would be the lead talker here, so the build continues and it seems we’re in for a long ride full of bumps and twists. For now, their promo earned them a 76.



Randall Buckminster Bumfhole vs Tom Gilmore

Randall’s crusade against SWF’s old guard continued here, with Gilmore looking for revenge after Unleashed Awesomeness hospitalised his former teammate. With this kind of drive behind him, we got some good glimpses of the good old “Angry” Gilmore, which popped the fans and also played into the story of the match. This was nothing short of fantastic and it made Gilmore look like a million bucks, so much so that RBB had to hold on to the ropes in order to secure the win after one kick out too many. This kind of desperate heel stuff made him all the more slimy and despised, while also shining a good light on Gilmore who was portrayed as a legit competitor instead of just a veteran who’s body can’t keep up. Best match of the night and a well deserved 81.



Of course, The Awesomeness had to come down and join Randall in putting the boots to Gilmore, but at least they didn’t drag this one more than they needed to. Mr. Eisen rated the post-match attack as a 71.



Marshall Dillon vs Rogue (with Atom Smasher)

I could see the finish here from a mile away. Dillon needs a win after his big PPV loss, Smasher cost Valiant his main event match last Uprising, put two and two together. The action was great, sure, and Marshall probably picked up a thing or two rubbing shoulders with the former champ in the ring, but the drama just wasn’t there knowing how it was bound to end. I liked how they pulled it off though, with Smasher’s constant interference eventually causing Valiant to run down and take him out, the distraction throwing Rogue off his guard momentarily just so Dillon could hit the Crackdown for the pin. Given how Valiant didn’t directly involve himself with the competitors, it was a smart way to have a white meat babyface interfere, 72 for this contest.



The best part came after the match though, when Rogue grabbed a mic to throw a tantrum following his loss and the good thing about it is he didn’t just trash Valiant, but also Smasher for not doing what he was supposed to. Seems like they’re still going with the whole “disfunctional duo” gig, plus his surprise verbal attack on Smasher turned the big man’s attention on him, thus allowing Valiant to escape. Smasher got in the ring and Rogue’s tone immediately changed to apologising, saying he got carried away and he’s just as unstable and unpredictable as Smasher, so they make a perfect pairing. Fans were hot to see Smasher smack the talk out of Rogue’s mouth, but this was just a tease and the big man stood down as we cut to commercial. Loved this one, 95 hands down.


When we returned from commercial, the broadcast trio of Fry, Garcia and Chase did a quick rundown of what viewers should be hyped to see on Friday: just confirmed, Atom Smasher will go one on one in a match with Valiant, Eric Eisen will address the SWF World Heavyweight title situation and in the main event, ZWB will defend his SWF North American title against both Matty Faith and Ranger!



Hollywood Bret Starr (with Krissy Angelle) vs Rocky Golden

I did not know what to expect here. I knew it was going to be good, I just didn’t have a clue how it would play out. Even interference by The Rat Pack, which by now felt like a certainty, was out the window when the crew came out with Starr at the entranceway but he sent them backstage to walk down the ramp alone. After the initial lockup and some back and forth, Rocky went for one of his signature moves; Starr blocked it with a sharp chop to the throat and unleashed his own offence, but couldn’t lift up his opponent for a throw. Golden took the lead again and just as he was about to pull off another crowd-popping move, Starr countered with a disorienting ear clap. It’s interesting how he went for moves like these, which are nasty but not as bad as the standard eye rake/poke or low blow; Starr got his heat not from his own dirty moves, but by denying the fans a big spot that had been teased moments ago. Of course, this can’t go on forever and Rocky decided to stick to the simple stuff, quickly turning this into a fast paced brawl that spilled out of the ring and ended in a double count out after fifteen or so minutes of action. Clearly the booking was meant to protect them both, but the dirty finish drags this down to a 71, just a little more underwhelming than the two matches that preceded it. What was interesting though, and the announcers made sure to point this out as the show went off the air, is that this match was supposed to settle the two men’s argument about who should challenge for the World Heavyweight title. What would happen now, and how does Des Davids and his arrangement with Remo fit in? Ah, I see, tune in Friday to find out as Eric Eisen makes an announcement, huh? Clever.



Good show top to bottom, I thought there was a lot of interference but looking back on my notes, we got two cases of that, two clean finishes and the double countout in the main event. That last one was probably what brings the entire experience down to a 78, especially since the two matches before it were arguably more exciting or well executed.

Quick results

Ranger def. Robbie Retro

Fame & Money def. Lenny Brown & Steven Parker

Randall Buckminster Bumfhole def. Tom Gilmore

Marshall Dillon def. Rogue

Hollywood Bret Starr drew with Rocky Golden


Prediction results

DinoKea - 2/5

Herrbear - 2/5

smw88 - 2/5

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Quick Recap of USPW Saturday Throwdown. USPW's new B-Show to showcase their talented roster:

  • Tiffany Jade def. Faith McGee (58)
  • Angle involving JLP & Champion (69)
  • Zeus def. Grandmaster Phunk (61)
  • Recap of World Title Tournament so far (81)
  • Angle involving Rick Law & Davis Wayne Newton (84)
  • Team Supreme (Jones & Black) def. Rajah & Anthony Trask (60)






World Champion
Rich Money
will open the show in singles action against
Andre Jones
. It'll be Money's first singles match this year that wasn't a title defence and it'll be a great opportunity for Jones to prove that perhaps he deserves to be in a main event spotlight. A win over the champion could shock the world.


Money's business associates
Zeus & Jack Jackson
will be in tag team action as they take on
Natural Storm
. Howard & Rayne have signalled their intent to reclaim the tag team titles after a brief rest from the chase but Zeus & JJ toppled The Texas Express last week and are on a path to bring more gold to The Business.


After their confrontation a few weeks ago and the announcement of a 4v4 match we now know the full combatants.
Alicia Strong
and her
Muscle Monsters
have recruited
Killer Kass
as their fourth.
Charity Sweet
Missy Masterson
knew there'd be trouble afoot and they wanted the best so have
by their side. Now they have their own issues going on and all four on the 'good' side are still chasing the Women's Title. It's sure to prove exciting and chaotic.


Sammy Bach
called out
Joss Thompson
Roger Cage
last week after The A-Listers vicious group attack on
and so the tag match is arranged and will take place this Wednesday night. Another member of The A-Listers is
Davis Wayne Newton
and after he defeated Enygma last week he now has a meeting with a reenergised and refocused
Rick Law
, who once again seems to have
Dawn Gemmell
by his side, in the semi finals of the #1 contender's tournament to challenge Rich Money.


The main event of the evening is the second semi final of the tournament and a match that I'm sure almost no one can believe is happening in USPW. 'The Rock God'
Jack Bruce
will go one-on-one with The Dark Destroyer'
Steve Frehley
. These two have a storied history from their days in the SWF with Bruce ending one of Frehley's reigns as a World Champion among other notable events in their history. It's sure to be a tantalasing main event.


It's going to be a great night of action as we continue our charge towards Freedom Fight! We'll see you on Wednesday!


Andre Jones vs Rich Money



Natural Storm vs Zeus & JJ



Charity Sweet, Missy Masterson, Melody & Pariah vs The Triumvirate & Killer Kass



Sammy Bach & Enygma vs Joss Thompson & Roger Cage


[#1 Contender's Tournament]

Rick Law vs Davis Wayne Newton



[#1 Contender's Tournament]

Jack Bruce vs Steve Frehley



Comments on diary in general:


If you wish to catch up on any of the previous write-ups for USPW please click the links down below.


USPW American Wrestling #1

USPW American Wrestling #2

USPW American Wrestling #3

USPW American Wrestling #4

USPW Stars, Stripes & Slams!



USPW American Wrestling #5

USPW American Wrestling #6

USPW American Wrestling #7

USPW American Wrestling #8

USPW Red, White & Blue!



USPW American Wrestling #9

USPW American Wrestling #10

USPW American Wrestling #11

USPW American Wrestling #12

USPW Liberty & Justice



USPW American Wrestling #13

USPW American Wrestling #14

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Andre Jones vs Rich Money



Natural Storm vs Zeus & JJ



Charity Sweet, Missy Masterson, Melody & Pariah vs The Triumvirate & Killer Kass



Sammy Bach & Enygma vs Joss Thompson & Roger Cage


[#1 Contender's Tournament]

Rick Law vs Davis Wayne Newton



[#1 Contender's Tournament]

Jack Bruce vs Steve Frehley

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Andre Jones vs Rich Money



Natural Storm vs Zeus & JJ



Charity Sweet, Missy Masterson, Melody & Pariah vs The Triumvirate & Killer Kass



Sammy Bach & Enygma vs Joss Thompson & Roger Cage


[#1 Contender's Tournament]

Rick Law vs Davis Wayne Newton



[#1 Contender's Tournament]

Jack Bruce vs Steve Frehley



Comments on diary in general:

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Hello and welcome to this special edition of the Behind The Curtain Podcast with me, Jo-Ro. This week's American Wrestling is in the books and it's time for our look back, assessment and recap of the show. Let's get into it.




USPW American Wrestling came to us from The Dust Bowl in the South East this week in front of a paying audience of 15,000 which was a sell out. The Reverie audience of 12,183,344 is an increase on last weeks numbers as the company continues it's steady growth.


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Rich Money opens the show dressed for action as opposed to business as he swaggers his way to the ring with his title over his shoulder. He cuts a classically boastful promo of his greatness and reign as champion. He is undefeated in singles action and yet to be pinned this year and, despite how good Andre Jones may be, that isn't going to change here.

As always a great promo from Money. He always delivers on the microphone and continues to make himself and the title relevant even if they haven't been the biggest focus of the show this year.



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Rich Money [vs] Andre Jones

A very solid opening TV match as Money uses his veteranship and savviness to attempt to overcome the capable and tough competitor that is Jones who is also undefeated in singles action this year. A great contest ended via Money's 'Dollars From Heaven' to put away Jones who had a very good outing that'll be sure to raise his stock.



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Money recollects himself and Whitlock gives him his title as he cuts another boastful promo before hyping his Business associates Zeus & Jack Jackson. He claims that the duo are the next great tag team of USPW and will be the next USPW Tag Champions. Fairly generic but still compelling stuff as Money is as good as they come on the mic.



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Natural Storm [vs] Zeus & Jack Jackson

Natural Storm are yet to lose in tag team or six-man action this year as few teams have the natural chemistry and experience these two do but when you're fighting two dastardly heels and their stablemates are on the outside it becomes that much tougher. The ref continued to do what he could to keep this one clean and incident free which included ejecting Money & Whitlock but all the distractions tallied up enough chances for Jackson especially to be underhanded and he finished things up with his Implant DDT on Rayne for a surprising win. One of the best tag matches we've seen this year from USPW.



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Backstage now to Jerry Lee Perkins who is waxing lyrical about his group 'The Band' and the damage and misery he's inflicted upon Nicky Champion these past few weeks. Running Wolf interrupts vowing to fight on behalf of his friend but he is blindsided by Funky Fedora, his opponent last week, as Fedora and JLP put the boots to the proud warrior and leave him hurting on the concrete. A lot of moving parts to this continued story but this was a very, very good angle and some of JLP's best work in his very short time here so far.



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Pariah, Melody, Charity Sweet & Missy Masterson [vs] The Triumvirate (Strong, Gloria & King) and Killer Kass

Only 9 minutes given to this match with 8 competitors so the action was busy and frantic. A good match with lots of women at different stages of overness and popularity currently. A big focus of the match, naturally, was Sweet & Strong since we're en-route to that match up at Freedom Fight in two weeks but Pariah vs Strong seemed and felt like a bigger story here and these two have been mostly kept apart for over a year now but it feels like that's the real story we're building towards. Having said that Sweet is currently very over with the crowd, especially the younger female demographic, and the crowd were elated when she managed a sneaky roll-up on Strong to pick up the big win.



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Big Bubba and Tavon Blake are acting as the hype men here as they big up and fluff the ego of Steve Frehley. They remark on the run of destruction he has been on recently and how Jack Bruce is nothing but a minor bump on the road to glory and domination for The Dark Destroyer. Blake did most of the talking here while Bubba nodded and looked menacing and Frehley continued his warm-up. A fine angle. Nothing special but a chance for Blake to exercise his talking skills.



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Promo time with the tag team champions Jacob Jett & Julius Moor. They cut a typically babyface promo about how they'll never back down from a challenge to anyone and in their reign they've overcome the biggest and baddest USPW has to offer and they still stand as champions. They welcome The Business but their quest for glory will be short lived. Very good work here from the champions who aren't always known for their promos.



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Roger Cage & Joss Thompson [vs] Sammy Bach & Enygma

This tag match went a little shy of 13-minutes and was heavy on the action and the drama to compliment the compelling story everyone has been telling over the past few weeks. Great back and forth action with typically charismatic work throughout getting the audience involved. The heels were savvy in remembering events of last week and they managed to keep Enygma isolated from Bach and Bach's attempts to intervene were thwarted. For the finish Enygma began rallying back but Cage decided to go for his mask and try and remove it which panicked the veteran. This allowed Cage the chance to sucker punch Enygma before Thompson hit the Clean Cutter for the decisive 3-count. Another great match in a night of great matches so far.



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Rick Law and Dawn Gemmell are backstage together for what feels like the first time in forever that we've seen Gemmell. The two have tremendous chemistry together that flows off the screen and between them they cut a passionate promo about Law being too often overlooked and not treated seriously for too long and that stops now. Brilliant stuff and it feels like Law is more popular now than he has been for some time.



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Rick Law [vs] Davis Wayne Newton (#1 Contender's Tournament Semi Final)

This match showcased the talents and skills of DWN that appeared to have been overlooked over the past decade as well as Law proving that has what it takes to do the business. A great storytelling TV match that moved along at a brisk 12-minutes. DWN spent the match working on the neck and legs of Law in a bid to eventually lock in his STF submission but he could never snatch it on quite right and with focusing on that he lost focus elsewhere and classic babyface comeback ended with the Long Arm of the Law and a 3-count in favour of Rick Law.



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Belle Bryden stands in between a split screen format like we saw last week with Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley on either side of the divide. A few tantalisingly exciting minutes spent here with both men cutting impassioned promos detailing their history together and the importance of this match to each of them. They made this feel like the biggest match we have ever seen and the crowd in attendance let them know that's how they felt. Perfect.



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Jack Bruce [vs] Steve Frehley (#1 Contender's Tournament Semi-final)

Arguably the best match of the year from USPW so far. It was certainly the best TV match of the year so far from any of the big 3 but should it be a surprise given the star power and talent involved? This was just shy of 13-minutes of action that flew by in a heartbeat with near falls and call backs aplenty. Frehley typically held control of the contest and put a hurt on the babyface Bruce apart from a few fiery but short-lived hope spots. A Frehley's Comet into the ring post seemed to hurt Bruce and he spent a lot of time nursing his ribs. He hit a couple of New York Minute's for some near falls but couldn't put The Dark Destroyer down. Frehley, with a few dirty tactics inbetween, capitalised on the hurt ribs of Bruce and crushed him with 3 Dark Destroyer Spears before flattening him with a Frehley's Comet for the pinfall. A big end to a big contest with the monstrous bad guy emerging victorious and the crowd let everyone know how they felt about it. Boos rained down upon Frehley as he drank them in and put the boots to the Rock God. Great end to the show.



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The show opened and hit the ground running and it didn't let up for a single second. Every angle, except perhaps The Succession one, hit an intended point and it didn't feel like any seconds were wasted. This was comfortably the best USPW TV show of the year and, in my opinion, also easily beat anything else SWF & TCW have put out so far. I don't expect this to become the norm. This is likely a rare anomaly but this was brilliant entertainment and wrestling action. Let's hope they can follow it up with the go-home show next week.

Til next time friends, I'm Jo-Ro.


If you wish to catch up on any of the previous write-ups for USPW please click the links down below.


USPW American Wrestling #1

USPW American Wrestling #2

USPW American Wrestling #3

USPW American Wrestling #4

USPW Stars, Stripes & Slams!



USPW American Wrestling #5

USPW American Wrestling #6

USPW American Wrestling #7

USPW American Wrestling #8

USPW Red, White & Blue!



USPW American Wrestling #9

USPW American Wrestling #10

USPW American Wrestling #11

USPW American Wrestling #12

USPW Liberty & Justice



USPW American Wrestling #13

USPW American Wrestling #14






Prediction Card

Andre Jones vs Rich Money

Natural Storm vs Zeus & Jack Jackson

Charity Sweet, Missy Masterson, Melody & Pariah vs The Triumvirate & Killer Kass

Sammy Bach & Enygma vs Joss Thompson & Roger Cage

[#1 Contender's Tournament]

Rick Law vs Davis Wayne Newton

[#1 Contender's Tournament]

Jack Bruce vs Steve Frehley



Prediction Score Card:

Herrbear - 2/6

DinoKea - 5/6


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Friday Week 3 of April 2020 card


Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Atom Smasher vs Valiant


SWF North American title Triple Threat match

Time Limits are for nerds

Matty Faith vs Ranger vs ZWB


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Awesomeness vs West Coast Connection


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Mikey Lau vs Spencer Spade


Opening Tag Team match

Time Limits are for nerds

John Greed & Justin Sensitive vs Marshall Dillon & Masked Patriot


Plus: Eric Eisen with a big announcement for the SWF World Heavyweight championship!

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Atom Smasher vs Valiant


SWF North American title Triple Threat match

Time Limits are for nerds

Matty Faith vs Ranger vs ZWB


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Awesomeness vs West Coast Connection


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Mikey Lau vs Spencer Spade


Opening Tag Team match

Time Limits are for nerds

John Greed & Justin Sensitive vs Marshall Dillon & Masked Patriot

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Atom Smasher vs Valiant


SWF North American title Triple Threat match

Time Limits are for nerds

Matty Faith vs Ranger vs ZWB


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Awesomeness vs West Coast Connection


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Mikey Lau vs Spencer Spade


Opening Tag Team match

Time Limits are for nerds

John Greed & Justin Sensitive vs Marshall Dillon & Masked Patriot

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Atom Smasher vs Valiant


SWF North American title Triple Threat match

Time Limits are for nerds

Matty Faith vs Ranger vs ZWB


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Awesomeness vs West Coast Connection


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Mikey Lau vs Spencer Spade


Opening Tag Team match

Time Limits are for nerds

John Greed & Justin Sensitive vs Marshall Dillon & Masked Patriot

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

Atom Smasher def. Valiant


SWF North American title Triple Threat match

Time Limits are for nerds

ZWBB def. Matty Faith & Ranger


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

West Coast Connection def. The Awesomeness


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Mikey Lau def. Spencer Spade


Opening Tag Team match

Time Limits are for nerds

John Greed & Justin Sensitive def. Marshall Dillon & Masked Patriot


Plus: Eric Eisen with a big announcement for the SWF World Heavyweight championship!

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SWF Uprising Results [Fri. Wk. 3, Apr. 2020]



From the diary of Samantha W. Fitzworthy


8.486 fans showed up in Portland, Oregon for Uprising this week, a sign the 10k attendance mark has been reached but should not be considered a given just yet. The Supreme Network is apparently helping growth though and 6.332.118 viewers tuned in to watch the show live.



The show kicked off with Eric Eisen who, as promised, came out to address the SWF World Heavyweight title situation. Eric called out Remo and was joined in the ring by the champion but before anything significant could be said, Des Davids’ music hit and the big man came out with a mic to demand his title shot, as agreed, in return for him ensuring that Remo would still be champion after facing Mikey Lau at the Pay Per View. Eric said that whatever deal the two men had was between them and thus not binding as far as the company is concerned, but once again he was interrupted on that note by Hollywood Bret Starr and Rocky Golden. Remember, their match at Supreme TV was to determine who would challenge Remo for the title, but that ended in a no contest, so both men considered they had a claim still. Yet again, Eric pointed out that this was an agreement between themselves and nothing had been put to paper with a Supreme Wrestling Federation official’s signature at the end, but he had a way to sort all of this out, once and for all. This Tuesday on Supreme TV, Des Davids versus Hollywood Bret Starr versus Rocky Golden in a triple threat match, no countouts or disqualifications; there will be a winner and whoever wins that match will get a shot at the SWF World Heavyweight title. And just to add some icing on the cake, Eric banned absolutely everyone else from ringside, under threat of firing them on the spot, which you can guess did not go down well with Starr. This was a great angle to move things forward, 87 for the show’s opening.



John Greed & Justin Sensitive vs Marshall Dillon & Masked Patriot

Our opening match was the Rat Pack’s B team in Greed and Sensitive against the odd pairing of Dillon and Patriot. Wasn’t expecting much out of it but it was still a good one, with the babyfaces getting some TV time to look good and get over, thanks to the heel team’s selling when they weren’t cutting them off from getting a good streak of offence going. Willy LaRoux showed up to attack Patriot some ten or twelve minutes into the match, which meant a DQ win for the faces. Not sure why they didn’t give them a clean win if the goal was to get them over, but judging from commentary, they probably wanted to do another show of the Rat Pack getting involved in each other’s matches just to hype up how big it would be for Starr to not have them around for his match on Tuesday. For now, Mr. Eisen rated this as a 66.



Right on cue, Lenny Brown and Steven Parker cut a backstage promo on the Rat Pack’s cowardice and dirty tactics. The duo spoke of LaRoux interfering and how Greed & Sensitive messed with their own match against Fame & Money on Tuesday. Thankfully, they added that they weren’t just whining about it, they were going to do something about it. Didn’t bother to tell us viewers what, but still a well delivered promo at 69.



Mikey Lau vs Spencer Spade (with Dulce Moreno)

Did not expect this match, but I was excited to see it play out. By the way, shouldn’t Lau also be requesting another title shot since Davids cost him the Pay Per View match? Anyway, it was good to see him back in action and Spade got a chance to shine in the ring with a top star. They went real wild with this too, show stopping performance until Spade landed the wrong way and seemed to injure his foot, which limited his mobility as he clearly struggled to keep up with the fast pace of the match. From that point on, I have no idea what was planned and what was changed on the fly, but Dulce Moreno began openly interfering whenever Spade was in a tight spot until Ekuma showed up and literally threw her over his shoulder to carry her away, clearing the way for Lau to hit the Scything Side Kick and score the pin. Fun way to use the big man babyface, but I could tell this wasn’t exactly how this match was supposed to go down. Spade’s injury took the wind out of its sails, keeping things down to a 75.



James Adams came out to meet Ekuma at the top of the entrance ramp, mic in hand. After a bit of back and forth between the two of them, Hawaiian Crush told Spade they accept his group’s challenge. At Master of Puppets, they will be putting the SWF World Tag Team titles on the line. Nice, things are being set up for the next PPV already and a 74 for this angle.



West Coast Connection vs The Awesomeness (with BJ O’Neil)

Right before the match, there was a commercial break which meant that West Coast Connection’s entrance wasn’t televised. Also, we didn’t get to see Tom Gilmore come out, but he was out and joined the broadcast trio of Fry, Garcia and Chase to provide his thoughts for this one. Always good to see The Awesomeness on TV and thankfully they had a match instead of another promo on this night. It wasn’t a squash, but I guess not many people expected Cali Slick and Fro Sure to win here either, especially with the latter having announced that he will be on the road soon, touring the nation to deliver his raps live. Bonus points for holding back on the crazy spots after Spade’s apparent injury earlier as well as giving this one a clean finish, hands down a 76 for the match.



The real story went down after the match though, as The Awesomeness mocked and antagonized Tom Gilmore on commentary. The man stood up and put down his headset, fans popping for the imminent beatdown, but it was all taken away from them when that dastardly Randall Buckminster Bumfhole appeared from the crowd, jumped the guardrail and attacked Gilmore from behind. RBB threw Gilmore in the ring for the 3 on 1 attack and what seemed like another Unleashed Awesomeness beatdown on a beloved veteran… when Joey Morgan’s music hit, to a huge ovation! Morgan showed up at the entranceway all healed up, with a gleam in his eye and a thirst for vengeance. Again, this wasn’t paid off because Morgan ran down and the heels fled the ring, but it ended the segment with him saving Gilmore and the two standing tall, even if they can now no longer team up again. Quite the emotional rollercoaster, 74 for this.



SWF North American title Triple Threat match


Matty Faith vs Ranger vs ZWB

Kristen Pearce brought out both her guys but returned backstage, clearly not wanting to take sides. The champion’s trick was already paying off and it was nice to see The Mission as singles wrestlers for a change of pace. Besides that, the match went on pretty much as expected, with Ranger and Faith teaming up to bring the fisticuffs and double team slams on the champion while ZWB struggled to survive and maybe hit a big flashy countermove every now and then. Of course, there was disagreement once it was time to make the final pin and win the title, something ZWB took advantage of when he dropkicked Faith into Ranger and rolled him up for the three to retain. Well executed, but given the predictability here perhaps sixteen minutes were too long for it, so a 77 feels right.


I like how this “hype for next week” is becoming a regular thing before every main event. This time we were told that on Tuesday, Supreme TV will include an update from Joey Morgan, a tag team match was confirmed between Lenny Brown and Steven Parker against John Greed and Justin Sensitive and of course, the episode will be headlined by the triple threat match between Des Davids, Hollywood Bret Starr and Rocky Golden to determine the new #1 contender for Remo’s SWF World Heavyweight title.



Atom Smasher (with Rogue) vs Valiant (with Hannah)

So last week Valiant had a match with The Crippler after he rescued Hernandez at the Pay Per View and Atom Smasher interfered, which led to this here contest. Of course, Rogue was at ringside as a visual reminder of him being the master manipulator behind all this as well as to give the broadcast team a chance to bring up the long, storied history between him and Valiant. Lot of posturing at the start of the match in what I’d definitely call a slow fuse contest, this took a while to get going but it gave fans some time to take it all in before things really picked up. Smasher’s been on a roll since he turned heel and as a big, intense dude he made for a great opponent here, pushing Valiant’s fighting spirit and forcing him to endure the onslaught he brought to him. That’s not to say the babyface played defence for most of the bout, Valiant got a fair bit of offence in what was essentially a pretty even match, but he just couldn’t keep his opponent down long enough for the three count. As all this dragged on, it felt more and more epic and where exhaustion began to creep in, Rogue and Hannah stepped up to keep the storytelling going and provide fresh twists to the action. This all played a part in the end, since Rogue left a brick on the apron and circled the ring to antagonise Hannah. While the ref was busy trying to keep the managers apart, Smasher picked up the brick and smacked Valiant in the head with it behind the ref’s back. Not sure how I feel about the finish, but Mr. Eisen still gave the main event a grade of 80.



An 80 seems fair as an overall grade for the show too, good matches top to bottom plus some big angles like Morgan’s return or the announcement for the #1 three way. With two and a half weeks to go before Master of Puppets, there’s still time to advance storylines and add in matches for the PPV, though I’m thinking it might be best to do it sooner than later if they also want to have some time to hype said matches up and convince people to pay for the big show.

Quick results

Marshall Dillon & Masked Patriot def. John Greed & Justin Sensitive

Mikey Lau def. Spencer Spade

The Awesomeness def. West Coast Connection

ZWB def. Matty Faith and Ranger to retain the SWF North American title

Atom Smasher def. Valiant

Prediction results

DinoKea - 3/5

smw88 - 3/5

The Blonde Bomber - 2/5

Herrbear - 1/5

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TCW Saturday Night Showcase Results



  1. Queen Amazon defeated Danielle Sweetheart in 7:04 by pinfall with an Amazonian Powerbomb. (38)
  2. Alina America got some promo time to hype herself. (50)
  3. Alina America defeated Foxxy LaRue in 10:03 by pinfall with a Southern Lights Bomb. (35)
  4. Kip Keenan got some promo time. (58)
  5. Kip Keenan defeated Eddie Chandler in 9:53 by pinfall with a Belly To Belly Suplex. (55)
  6. Akima Brave defeated Roderick Remus in 14:07 by pinfall with a Samoan Suplex. (56)







Total Wrestling, April Week 4 PREVIEW


Main Event

Singles Match

TV Time Remaining Time Limit

Street Fight

Seven Circles of Hell, Circle #3

"The Ace" Aaron Andrews versus Killer Shark w/ Floyd Goldworthy


Semi Final Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

TCW World Television Title

Edd Stone versus Freddy Huggins © w/ Laura Catherine Huggins


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Human Arsenal & One Man Army versus Ernest Youngman & Joshua Taylor w/ Lisa Bowen


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Tana the Mighty & Danny Fonzarelli versus The Northern Kights


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Trent Shaffer versus Pablo Rodriguez

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Kip Keenan versus Marc Speed


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Foxxy LaRue versus Queen Amazon

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Main Event

Singles Match

TV Time Remaining Time Limit

Street Fight

Seven Circles of Hell, Circle #3

"The Ace" Aaron Andrews versus Killer Shark w/ Floyd Goldworthy


Semi Final Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

TCW World Television Title

Edd Stone versus Freddy Huggins © w/ Laura Catherine Huggins


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Human Arsenal & One Man Army versus Ernest Youngman & Joshua Taylor w/ Lisa Bowen


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Tana the Mighty & Danny Fonzarelli versus The Northern Kights


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Trent Shaffer versus Pablo Rodriguez


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Kip Keenan versus Marc Speed


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Foxxy LaRue versus Queen Amazon

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Main Event

Singles Match

TV Time Remaining Time Limit

Street Fight

Seven Circles of Hell, Circle #3

"The Ace" Aaron Andrews def. Killer Shark w/ Floyd Goldworthy


Semi Final Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

TCW World Television Title

Freddy Huggins © w/ Laura Catherine Huggins def. Edd Stone


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Jay Chord's Henchmen (Ernest Youngman & Joshua Taylor) w/ Lisa Bowen def. Two Man Army (Human Arsenal & One Man Army)


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Northern Knights def Job Squad (Tana the Mighty & Danny Fonzarelli)


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Trent Shaffer def. Pablo Rodriguez


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Kip Keenan def. Marc Speed


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Foxxy LaRue def. Queen Amazon

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Main Event

Singles Match

TV Time Remaining Time Limit

Street Fight

Seven Circles of Hell, Circle #3

"The Ace" Aaron Andrews versus Killer Shark w/ Floyd Goldworthy


Semi Final Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

TCW World Television Title

Edd Stone versus Freddy Huggins © w/ Laura Catherine Huggins


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Human Arsenal & One Man Army versus Ernest Youngman & Joshua Taylor w/ Lisa Bowen


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Tana the Mighty & Danny Fonzarelli versus The Northern Kights


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Trent Shaffer versus Pablo Rodriguez


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Kip Keenan versus Marc Speed


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Foxxy LaRue versus Queen Amazon

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Main Event

Singles Match

TV Time Remaining Time Limit

Street Fight

Seven Circles of Hell, Circle #3

"The Ace" Aaron Andrews versus Killer Shark w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Semi Final Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

TCW World Television Title

Edd Stone versus Freddy Huggins © w/ Laura Catherine Huggins


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Human Arsenal & One Man Army versus Ernest Youngman & Joshua Taylor w/ Lisa Bowen


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Tana the Mighty & Danny Fonzarelli versus The Northern Kights

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Trent Shaffer versus Pablo Rodriguez


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Kip Keenan versus Marc Speed


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Foxxy LaRue versus Queen Amazon

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Main Event

Singles Match

TV Time Remaining Time Limit

Street Fight

Seven Circles of Hell, Circle #3

"The Ace" Aaron Andrews versus Killer Shark w/ Floyd Goldworthy


Semi Final Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

TCW World Television Title

Edd Stone versus Freddy Huggins © w/ Laura Catherine Huggins


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Human Arsenal & One Man Army versus Ernest Youngman & Joshua Taylor w/ Lisa Bowen


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Tana the Mighty & Danny Fonzarelli versus The Northern Knights


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Trent Shaffer versus Pablo Rodriguez

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Kip Keenan versus Marc Speed


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Foxxy LaRue versus Queen Amazon

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TCW was back in action for another weekly installment of their Total Wrestling series on ACE. Normally, I watch every minute of the show but I was a little booked up so today's results are going to be a little faster.

In a poor match, Queen Amazon defeated Foxxy LaRue in 5:40 by pinfall with an Amazonian Powerbomb. 39

A freestyle segment called 'Bright has some choice words for Hawkins' featuring T-Bone Bright and Wolf Hawkins (Off Screen). 73

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Kip Keenan defeated Marc Speed in 10:03 by pinfall with a Belly To Belly Suplex. 52

A freestyle segment called 'Mo is ready to be World Champion and prove he's done being overlooked' featuring Mighty Mo and Jay Chord (Off Screen). 85

In a good match, Trent Shaffer defeated Pablo Rodriguez in 10:29 by pinfall with a Heart Burn. 64

A freestyle segment called 'Hawkins has replaced The Elite with the Northern Lights' featuring Wolf Hawkins, Alton Vicious, Riddick Jordan, Eddie Chandler (Off Screen) and Nate Johnson (Off Screen). 43


A freestyle segment called 'RDJ is revealed as new President, announces return of International Title' featuring Ricky Dale Johnson. 88

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Joshua Taylor and Ernest Youngman defeated Human Arsenal and One Man Army in 11:56 when Ernest Youngman pinned Human Arsenal with The Hit. 66

A freestyle segment called 'Taylor and Youngman want a tag title shot' featuring Joshua Taylor, Ernest Youngman, Findlay O'Farraday (Off Screen) and Animal Harker (Off Screen). 61

In a superb match, Edd Stone defeated Freddy Huggins in 13:34 by pinfall with a Party's Over. Edd Stone wins the TCW Television title. 79

In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Aaron Andrews defeated Killer Shark in 10:24 by pinfall with a Flying Body Press. 77

A freestyle segment called 'Chord announces that at the PPV, it's Gauge and Andrews' featuring Jay Chord, Greg Gauge and Aaron Andrews. 95





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SWF Elite results

Episode 6 [Monday, W4 April 2020]

Damian Dastardly def. American Machine

Angle: Skit with Ana Garcia and Garry The Entertainer

Frankie-Boy Fernandes def. James Prudence

Angle: Duane Fry interviews Mutant

Xavi Ferrera def. Jungle Lord

Angle: SUKI impresses Emma Chase with his fighting skills

Tom Gilmore def. Willy LaRoux

Angle: Ash Campbell talks down Oliver Kobb

West Coast Connection def. The Domination

Angle: Kurt Laramee argues with Frantic Ali

Big Smack Scott def. Deever Arnold



Card for Predictions


Triple Threat for a shot at the SWF World Heavyweight championship

Anyone interfering will be fired on the spot

Time Limits are for nerds

Des Davids vs Hollywood Bret Starr vs Rocky Golden


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

"High Flying Hawaiian" James Adams vs Primus Allen


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

John Greed & Justin Sensitive vs Lenny Brown & Stephen Parker


Opening Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Marshall Dillon vs Robbie Wright


Plus: We hear from Joey Morgan, Valiant and Mikey Lau!

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Triple Threat for a shot at the SWF World Heavyweight championship

Anyone interfering will be fired on the spot

Time Limits are for nerds

Des Davids vs Hollywood Bret Starr vs Rocky Golden


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

"High Flying Hawaiian" James Adams vs Primus Allen


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

John Greed & Justin Sensitive vs Lenny Brown & Stephen Parker


Opening Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Marshall Dillon vs Robbie Wright

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Time Limits are for nerds

Des Davids vs Hollywood Bret Starr vs Rocky Golden


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

"High Flying Hawaiian" James Adams vs Primus Allen


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

John Greed & Justin Sensitive vs Lenny Brown & Stephen Parker


Opening Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Marshall Dillon vs Robbie Wright

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Triple Threat for a shot at the SWF World Heavyweight championship

Anyone interfering will be fired on the spot

Time Limits are for nerds

Des Davids def. Hollywood Bret Starr & Rocky Golden


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Primus Allen def. "High Flying Hawaiian" James Adams


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Lenny Brown & Stephen Parker def. John Greed & Justin Sensitive


Opening Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Marshall Dillon def. Robbie Wright


Plus: We hear from Joey Morgan, Valiant and Mikey Lau!

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