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PGHW: Walking the Royal Road

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PGHW Kings Tour Night 1 (Tokushima Arena, Shikoku)

SATO, Tsurayuki Kamachi and Avalanche Takano def. Seiji Jimbo, Tanyu Toshusai and Akio [74]

Kozue Kawashima, Shingen Miyazaki, HDR and Beast & West def. Hirotsugu Satou, Gonnohyoe Kada, Omezo Shikitei and Muruyama & Ugaki [70]

War Machine, William Hayes and Mamoru Nagahama def. Hirokazu Yamanoue, Azaumamaro Kita and Dark Wing [52]

Magnum Kobe and Yano & Kikuchi def. Daigo Goya and Yasuda & Takimoto [72]

The Ring Generals def. Masatochi Kamimura and Katsumi Abiko [56]

Dojo Breakers def. Shibukji & Kitagawa [49]



PGHW Kings Tour Night 2 (Kumamoto Athletic Center, Kyushu)

Akio and KitoGuchi def. Tsurayuki Kamachi and Kwakami & Sanda [82]

Danny Cavanagh def. Ryoma Muruyama [69]

Hirotsugu Satou, Hijo del Relampago and William Hayes def. Gonnohyoe Kada, Shingen Miyazaki and Magnum Kobe [61]

Dojo Breakers def. Hirokazu Yamanoue and War Machine [61]

Avalanche Takano, Tanyu Toshusai and Dark Wing def. Mamoru Nagahama, Omezo Shikitei and Daigo Goya [55]

Azumamaro Kita and Yano & Kikuchi def. Masatochi Kamimura, Benjiro Shibukji and Katsumi Abiko [51]



PGHW Kings Tour Night 3 (Hofu Arena, Chugoku)

SATO and Kwakami & Sanda def. Shingen Miyazaki, Seiji Jimbo and Hijo del Relampago [78]

William Hayes and Dojo Breakers def. Dark Wing and The Ring Generals [68]

War Machine and Muruyama & Ugaki def. Omezo Shikitei and Beast & West [71]

Tsurayuki Kamachi, Tonyu Toshusai and Magnum Kobe def. Hirotsugu Satou and Yasuda & Takimoto [68]

Stone Avalanche def. Azumamaro Kita and Daigo Goya [50]

Mamoru Nagahama, Hirokazu Yamanoue and Akio def. Katsumi Abiko, Masatochu Kamimura and Hideyori Kitagawa [48]

Gonnohyoe Kada def. Benjiro Shibukji [34]



PGHW Kings Tour Night 4 (Doshisha Athletic Center, Kansai)

Kozue Kawashima, War Machine and Gonnohyoe Kada def. Daigo Goya and KitoGuchi [72]

Mamoru Nagahama and Tsurayuki Kamachi def. Akio and Tanyu Toshusai [66]

Hijo del Relampago and Shingen Miyazaki def. Magnum Kobe and William Hayes [71]

Masaru Ugaki, Hirokazu Yamanoue and Hirotsugu Satou def. Timmy West, Omezo Shikitei and Brute Kikuchi [70]

Azumamaro Kita and Stone Avalanche def. Dark Wing and Dojo Breakers [55]

The Ring Generals and Kwakami & Sanda def. Masatochi Kamimura, Katsumi Abiko and Shibukji & Kitagawa [55]



PGHW Kings Tour Night 5 (Toyama Hall, Chubu)

Seiji Jimbo and Yasuda & Takimoto def. SATO and Yano & Kikuchi [81]

Beast & West and Dojo Breakers def. War Machine, William Hayes and Muruyama & Ugaki [71]

Hijo del Relampago, Omezo Shikitei and Azumamaro Kita def. Dark Wing, Magnum Kobe and Marv Statler [71]

Hirotsugu Satou, Tanyu Toshusai and Akio def. Hirokazu Yamanoue, Tsurayuki Kamachi and Gonnohyoe Kada [60]

Stone Avalanche def. Masatochi Kamimura and Daigo Goya [51]

Mamoru Nagahama and Shingen Miyazaki def Shibukji & Kitagawa [44]



PGHW Kings Tour Night 6 (Ibaraki Community Hall, Kanto)

Seiji Jimbo and Kwakami & Sanda def. SATO and Stone Avalanche [82]

Magnum Kobe and War Machine def. Akio and Hijo del Relampago [77]

Mamoru Nagahama and Shingen Miyazaki def. Dojo Breakers [62]

Gonnohyoe Kada abd KitoGuchi def. Azumamaro Kita, Omezo Shikitei and Tanyu Toshusai [73]

Tsurayuki Kamachi and Yasuda & Takimoto def. Dark Wing and Yano & Kikuchi [66]

The Ring Generals def. Daigo Goya and Benjiro Shibukji [55]



PGHW Kings Tour Night 7 (Asahikawa Community Hall, Hokkaido)

Seiji Jimbo and Gonnohyoe Kada def. SATO and Shingen Miyazaki [77]

Tanyu Toshusai, William Hayes and KitoGuchi def. Mamoru Nagahama, Hirotsugu Satou and Yasuda & Takimoto [71]

Hijo del Relampago and The Ring Generals def. Magnum Kobe and Dojo Breakers [69]

Dark Wing and Akio def. Tsurayuki Kamachi and Azumamaro Kita [68]

Omezo Shikitei and Yano & Kikuchi def. Hirokazu Yamanoue and Stone Avalanche [63]

Kozue Kawashima and War Machine def. Daigo Goya and Katsumi Abiko [55]

Noriyori Sanda def. Masatochi Kamimura [65]





Thanks so much for the feedback guys. KINGS write up coming real soon and then it's on to the ELITE Tag Team Series. Not completely sure how I'm gonna tackle the write ups for that just yet but luckily for me I have to book the damn thing first!

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Night of KINGS - 2020.10.9 Yamagata Football Stadium, Tohuku (Attendance: 26,581)


Pre-Show bouts

Shingen Miyazaki and Hirokazu Yamanoue def. Hideyori Kitagawa and Katsumi Abiko

Dark Wing and Gonnohyoe Kada def. Masatochi Kamimura and Daigo Goya


**** ****







Akio vs Tsurayuki Kamachi ©


Since arriving in PGHW Akio has been on a tear, finally suffering a pinfall loss on the KINGS Tour, at the hands of Magnum Kobe. That blip aside the talented youngster has taken the promotion by storm, racking up victories with stunning offence. So much so that heading into this many considered the defending champion to be the underdog, especially here in Tohoku where Akio made his name with WLW.


Kamachi is often described with terms such as "solid" "workmanlike" "fundamentally sound" and these things have come to be synonymous with his title reign. This bout was no different with the no frills champion looking to ground and slow down the mercurial challenger.


The bout went longer than any of Akio's bouts in PGHW thus far and longer than any of Kamachi's title defences. The longer the bout went the more Kamachi was able to leverage his weight and experience advantage. Akio scored a number of near falls but ultimately could not quite get the job done, Kamachi expertly scouting Akio's top rope arsenal. As Akio looked for what was undoubtedly going to be the Double Twist Moonsault, Kamachi took out his legs and followed up with a backdrop from the top rope. The champion then sank in the Scorpion Deathlock in the center of the ring and with nowhere to go Akio was forced to tap.


Another good showing for a champion whose popularity is steadily growing in an opener that got the crowd going.


WINNER via submission and still Historical Japan Champion: Tsurayuki Kamachi (15:05) 7th defence [61]


**** ****





Tanyu Toshusai vs Mamoru Nagahama


An important bout for both men, Toshusai of course looking to make an impression and the veteran Nagahama seeking to prove he can still hang having recently returned to singles competition, his erstwhile Capital Punishment partner Goemon Komiya having left for pastures new.


BCG Tag Team Champion Toshusai may have a name in the Osaka prefecture and surrounding area but here in Tohoku the fans were much less familiar and a 1 on 1 match up with a veteran who has spent much of the year toiling on the undercard did nothing to get the fans invested. That said the two men showed great chemistry in the ring, engaging in a fierce battle. Trading stiff strikes and suplexes with Toshusai controlling the pace with painful looking holds, the younger man eventually proved to have more in the tank, dispatching his foe in convincing fashion with the Dangerous Brainbuster


A convincing performance from the newcomer in a match that exceeded expectations


WINNER via pinfall: Tanyu Toshusai (11:40) [60]


**** ****





Stone Avalanche and Yasuda & Takimoto vs The Ring Generals and Awkinori & Kwakami


In a bout that was added to the card late, four teams who have declared for the Elite Tag Team Series competed in 8 man tag team action.


An evenly fought bout and a marked improvement for Stone Avalanche and Yasuda & Takimoto after their dud the previous month, nonetheless the crowd recognised this as filler even with the star power of tag legends Akinori & Sanda and the "People's Champion" Yasuda.


Stone Avalanche and Yasuda & Takimoto got in their share of offence, holding their own but the other side simply had too much experience and too many accolades between them to take the fall here. Particularly impressive for the second month in a row was Dean Waldorf, who also happened to seal the victory, pinning Avalanche Takano after the Waldorf Salad Toss.


WINNERS via pinfall: The Ring Generals and Kwakami & Sanda (18:05)[69]



**** ****





KitoGuchi vs Kozue Kawashima and War Machine


More tag team action featuring teams who hope to contend in the Elite Tag Team Series, the bout marks a huge step up in competition for the young War Machine. The match also proved a test for Kawashima, seemingly realising that facing elite tag team competition like KitoGuchi after so many years of being a predominantly singles wrestler is not the simplest task.


Kawashima began the match and handled the bulk of the work for his team, allowing War Machine to do what he does best and unleash flurries of high impact offence, including reversing a double suplex attempt, turning the tables and suplexing his assailants simultaneously.


Kawashima and War Machine did not look outclassed against KitoGuchi but they did look like a newly formed tag team competing with one of the best teams in the world. Even Kawashima seemed unable to keep up with KitoGuchi's lightning fast sequences and pinpoint striking. The newly formed duo seemed to run out of steam in the end, War Machine battled rattled and rocked by a series of strikes from both men, finally being taken off his feet and felled like a giant redwood tree by a Bussho Makiguchi Blazing Elbow.


Winners via pinfall: KitoGuchi (18:26) [75]



**** ****





Azumamaro Kita and Yano & Kikuchi vs William Hayes and Dojo Breakers



A bout which threw up some intriguing clashes of styles with Archer and Hayes looking to outwrestle the (mostly) larger opposition. Kazushige Matsuki of course was much more at home matching bulk and brawling with the opponents and he was utilised as a sort of battering ram, being tagged in to unload on the opponents with fiery comebacks, showing them "The Way of The Fist".


The fans in attendance responded much more to the smash mouth stylings than when Hayes or Archer attempted to take the sting out of their match with their grappling and Kita, despite giving up a good amount of brawn to his tag team partners, did not look out of place using his barrel chest and meaty forearms to batter his foes. Somewhat ironically the finish came when Kita locked a Boston Crab in on Hayes. After withstanding several backbreakers, bearhugs, slams and suplexes from Yano & Kikuchi, Hayes found himself helpless in the hold. Yano raced across the ring to blast Matsuki with the Yano Express and Kikuchi simply hurled his considerable mass into Archer, leaving Hayes marooned and tapping out.


WINNERS via submission: Azumamaro Kita and Yano & Kikuchi (18:30) [59]



**** ****





Greg Gauge vs Hirotsugu Satou


This was really the signal for the show to go up a gear. Heavily hyped in online promotional packages ahead of the event, the debut of the man being billed as the "Son of Sam" Greg Gauge. Questionable taste in nicknames from the promotion aside, Gauge more than lived up to the billing. From the opening bell it was clear that Gauge suits the PGHW style down to the ground. Grappling with Satou and being forced to the ropes Gauge wore a trademark sneer as the youngster gave him a clean break. When the two locked up again and this time Satou found himself backed up Gauge reciprocated, albeit with a sardonic pat on the pecs thrown in.


From then on Gauge got the better of almost every exchange. Satou snatched an arm lock only for Gauge to roll through, kip up and arm drag his man. Satou grabbed a headlock, Gauge shot him off into the ropes, matched Satou's shoulder block and then felled him with a shoulder block of his own. Satou tried a wrist lock, Gauge bridged out, went behind into a hammer lock and unleashed a crisp suplex. The bout was a whistle stop tour around Greg Gauge's credentials. When Gauge hit a picture perfect bridging German for 2 the crowd ooh'd and aah'd their approval.


The two young men were well matched in height and physique and Satou showed heart, nailing Gauge with strikes taught in the PGHW Dojo but the younger man was just a step behind the whole way. When Gauge finally grabbed the dreaded Proton Lock Satou wasted no time in tapping out.


A great, fast paced encounter that thoroughly exceeded expectations.


WINNER via submission: Greg Gauge (12:33) [70]



**** ****




Hijo del Relampago vs Magnum Kobe


After seemingly disappearing following his loss to Seiji Jimbo, a different Magnum Kobe has returned. Being short and impatient with the media, the swagger remains but the smirk has gone. Kobe has always been known for hard, brutal strikes but there now seems to be an air of malice behind each one. The trademark red hair has been dyed black.


The new mean streak was evident early when, after a quick exchange of grappling saw HDR snapmared into a seated position, Kobe smashed a soccer kick full into the face of his foe. HDR has looked impressive in every outing since joining PGHW, even in defeat, keeping opponents off balance with his lightning offence and unorthodox attacks but at points here the luchador seemed to be out of his element for the first time in a PGHW ring. Kobe, of course no stranger to lucha libre, was able to keep up with the Lightning Luchador and whenever HDR did find himself on the offensive it only seemed to anger Kobe.


After sending Kobe to the arena floor with a tijeres and hitting a dive late in the bout, Relampago's decision to ape Kobe's trademark taunt seemed to be a fatal error. Soon after, Kobe met a springboard attempt back in the ring with a high and powerful kick to the sternum and followed up with a reverse exploder suplex. Kobe almost seemed to be playing with his food at points, aiming kicks at his downed opponent's head with disdain. Kobe grabbed the Magnum Deathlock but to his surprise and frustration Relampago made it to the ropes. With HDR still in the ropes Kobe launched a brutal running knee to the skull - "GLORIOUS RED-OH!" the cry going up from Keiji Takeda. Kobe was admonished by Shihei Nagano for the attack while his opponent was in the ropes but the damage was done and the three count was inevitable.


WINNER via pinfall: Magnum Kobe (19:34) [76]



**** ****






Beast & West © vs Muruyama & Ugaki


An epic encounter between two top level tag teams. Beast and West dominated earlier, all four men spilling to the outside where the champions manhandled their foes before taking control inside with lots of clubbing blows and slams. Muruyama and Ugaki attempted spirited comebacks before Ryoma Muruyama found himself locked in a life-sapping Timmy West bearhug.


Muruyama fought out and after the resultant hot tag Masaru Ugaki exploded into action. A man possessed, Ugaki evaded attack after attack, ducking and diving both champions simultaneously and nailing them with quick strikes, arm drags and finally a massive, high backdrop on Danny Cavanagh, turning and roaring for the crowd.


With the playing field levelled going into the deep water, the challengers were able to fight their fight, softening up their foes with strikes and tandem offence. After close to 20 minutes, perhaps smelling danger, the champions again caused things to break down and all four men found themselves brawling. "The Mighty Beast" sent Muruyama to the outside with a clothesline however when he tried to same on Ugaki, the former Glory Crown champion countered with a low bridge. Timmy West charged in but Ugaki ducked and landed another high, arcing backdrop, rolling West up on his huge traps. As Muruyama caught Cavanagh with a dive from the apron, Ugaki nailed West with an Arc Kick for only a 2 count. Defiant, Ugaki roared once more for the crowed and slid into the Ugaki clutch, his legs cutting off the blood to West's brain. Fading fast, West barely managed to tap out.


WINNERS via submission and *NEW* PGHW Glory Tag Crown champions: Muruyama & Ugaki (21:36) [84]



**** ****







SATO vs Seiji Jimbo ©


As the two combatants squared off Keiji Takeda talked up the importance of this battle for both men. SATO, the man who idolised Miwa and made it his mission to be a Glory Crown champion, the outsider who has had to fight tooth and nail to make it here and still fights to prove himself. Jimbo the heir apparent, the current champion who has vowed to be the greatest of his generation and believes he is destined to carry the promotion on his back.


From the opening bell the match was a battle of wills as much as bodies. As an opening gambit SATO dared Jimbo to hit him with his best shot before Jimbo then allowed the challenger to return fire. The bout only went from there. After 20 minutes of back and forth, Jimbo seemed rocked, concerned and took SATO down, smothering him with grappling after a go behind. At several points Jimbo looked for the Ocean Lock but each time it inspired a mad scramble for the ropes in the challenger.


Escaping Jimbo's stifling grappling, SATO looked for a possible brainbuster but Jimbo reversed, too close to the ropes, sending both men crashing to the outside. Both men made it back in at a count of 19 and SATO immediately sat cross legged in the centre of the ring, daring Jimbo to again match him strike for strike. Ultimately it was SATO's will that gave out first. After outstriking Jimbo, after catching Jimbo with the Wind Sprint Elbow, SATO scored only a two count. Taking too long sitting in disbelief at only getting two, Jimbo sprang back into life, a burst of energy coming from his seemingly endless reserve, snatching SATO's leg and pulling him into the Seiji Ocean Lock.



WINNER via submission and still Glory Crown champion: Seiji Jimbo (30:41) 10th defence [80]



**** ****




After the bell SATO, heartbroken, was helped out by young boys. Jimbo, grabbing a microphone, assured SATO that he could hold his head high saying that he had shown tonight that he is a true champion. Jimbo as always thanked all of the fans for attending, thanked them for their support and vowed that he will be their champion forever. Jimbo mentioned that he isn't certain who his next challenger will be but he has a good idea and Night of WRESTLING is right around the corner, the final show before PGHW's 25th year begins. Jimbo vowed once again that he will be the champion when PGHW enter their 25th year and beyond.


Thanking the fans again and signing off, Jimbo stands triumphant with the Glory Crown




**** ****



Match of the night: Beast & West vs Muruyama & Ugaki

MVP: Masaru Ugaki



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Major signing announced ahead of Elite Tag Team Series


PGHW.com can proudly announce that Jin Miyamoto has agreed terms to join Pride Glory Honour Wrestling. Miyamoto's deal with his current promotion expires 2020.11.03 at which time he will officially become a member of the PGHW roster.


Further to the announcement, PGHW commissioner Shuji Inukai has confirmed that Miyamoto will immediately see action as part of the Elite Tag Team Series. Miyamoto will team with Hijo del Relampago, with whom he is a former Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion and formed part of one of the most dominant stables in all of professional wrestling.


Speaking to us exclusively, Miyamoto had this to say. "I am very excited to be a part of PGHW and to immediately have the chance to showcase my talents in such a prestigious tournament. Rebel Run X are truly elite so there's nowhere better for us than the Elite Series. The PGHW fans have had a glimpse of how great HDR is but now that he's reunited with the Sensei of The Senton, Japan's most handsome wrestler, nobody can stop us"


The blocks for the Elite Tag Team Series are due to be announced any day and this addition will certainly have shaken up the field for the other competitors.


Please join us for night one of the COURAGE Tour, 2020.10.26 at Doshisha Athletic Center, Kyoto and make sure to check in with PGHW.com as well as our official Twitter channel found in the link below so that you don't miss any of the Elite Tag Team Series action!












Predictions results for Night of KINGS

Sco - 8

GooverDan - 7

Historian - 7

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Elite Tag Team Series Lineup!


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The field is announced for the 2020 Elite Tag Team Series. 14 of the world's top teams compete in the most historic tag team tournament in pro wrestling!






ti4gDt0.jpgYA4BEDl.jpgBEAST & WEST

The powerhouse Canadian duo are coming off a defeat at Night of KINGS, losing the Glory Tag Crown and will be looking to bounce back. Nevertheless they have had a banner year in 2020, defeating the likes of Yano & Kikuchi and The Ring Generals early in the year, the imposing team must be considered among the favourites. Matched in the same block as Muruyama & Ugaki, the team who ended their Glory Tag Crown reign, Beast & West will be eager for revenge and to reassert their dominance in the tag team division




Ryoma Muruyama & Masaru Ugaki are one of the most decorated teams in PGHW and, as reigning Glory Tag Crown champions, insist that they are the favourites to win the tournament. Suffering just one defeat as a unit in 2020 and having recently dethroned the previously unstoppable Beast & West, Muruyama and Ugaki have a huge amount of momentum coming into the tournament. 2 time winners of the Elite Tag Series in the past, Muruyama & Ugaki could be the team to beat



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Since his failure to capture the Glory Crown Magnum Kobe's change in demeanour and behaviour has left many puzzled. Always known as a singles competitor, Kobe's latest surprise was his intention to compete in the Elite Tag Team Series with Akio as his partner. Their relationship is unclear with Kobe continuing to be aloof around the press and with Akio saying only how honoured he is to have been asked to tag with Kobe. Having never competed as a duo before, more questions have been asked as to how the team were granted a berth in the tournament. Despite their lack of experience as a team, both Kobe and Akio have quickly established themselves as serious competitors in PGHW and they cannot be overlooked




KitoGuchi are a team who need no introduction. 3 time Glory Tag Crown champions, 3 time Elite Tag Team Series champions, the most decorated team in this yeear's tournament. Long considered the primary team in PGHW, if not the whole of Japan, KitoGuchi are always among the favourites in any competition. Having twice failed to recapture the Glory Tag Crown earlier in the year and more recently being challenged for supremacy by Muruyama & Ugaki, Kitoaji and Makiguchi are determined to succeed. A victory in the tournament would bring them level on 4 wins with the legendary team of Kozue Kawashima and PRIDE Koiso and bring them one step closer to being known as the greatest team in PGHW history




The unlikely duo of Kazushige Matsuki and Keith Archer, known as the Dojo Breakers, came together in what was supposed to be a one time pairing on a tour show. The two found they had chemistry as a team and, as Matsuki explains, felt they were kindred spirits. "A dojo breaker is a fighter who travels to rival dojos, practicing different styles and challenges their best fighters to prove that their own style is the best. As a boxer reporting to the PGHW Dojo that's how I felt. All these years later I'm still a loner because of it. When I met Archer I saw the same thing in him. Travelling to Japan, to use the grappling taught to him in his homeland and prove himself. Now as two guys who have always been singles wrestlers, coming together as a tag team to prove ourselves again. That's what Dojo Breakers is all about"




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One of the most exciting teams in Japan, Rebel Run X will be tested immediately in PGHW. Former Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions, the pair do not lack in confidence and while it will be tough to compete in such a huge competition immediately, they believe they are capable. "I told you guys, PGHW hasn't ever seen a team like Rebel Run X" said Miyamoto. "KitoGuchi, The Beasts, all the teams in PGHW, we love all those guys, that's great, but Rebel Run X took over wrestling before and now that we're back together we're doing it again. Japan's Most Handsome Wrestler and the Mexico's Fastest Man are putting the Elite Tag Team Series back on the map!"




Representing Pro Wrestling SAISHO, Fujio Narahashi joins his long time partner Azumamaro Kita in PGHW for the first time. Winners of the 2016 A-1 Tag Team Grand Prix the duo have experience and championship pedigree in this style of tournament and cannot be underestimated by their rivals




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Multiple time tag team champions across the world, former winners of the Elite Tag Team Series, The Ring Generals are one of the most respected tag teams in the world. They believe that they are the most technically sound tag team in the world and they have vowed to prove their superior skill by once again conquering the Elite Tag Team Series




The largest team in the tournament, BISON Yano & Brute Kikuchi have the power and skill to dominate any team. Two time Glory Tag Crown champions the monsters are determined to add the Elite Tag Team Series to their list of accolades. Matched in the same block as the Ring Generals, another chapter will be added to a rivalry that has been developing of late with Yano & Kikuchi looking to avenge their loss at Night of LEGACY. Kikuchi had this warning for the competition "It doesn't matter if it's KitoGuchi, The Ring Generals or Muruyama and Ugaki. It doesn't matter if it's the Chokeslam, The Kikuchi Crush or the Yano Express. Nobody can stand in our way. The Elite Tag Team Series is ours!"



DFyBVft.jpghb6A6s2.jpgKWAKAMI & SANDA

Two future hall of famers, Akinori Kwakami & Noriyori Sanda are undoubtedly the two most experienced wrestlers in the tournament. Although most of their accolades have come with different partners the two veterans know better than anyone what it takes to win with 5 Elite Tag Team Series wins between them. Able to compete with anyone in the world in either singles or tag team competition they will be incredibly difficult to beat




Kozue Kawashima's list of accolades is unparalleled by anyone except the most celebrated names from wrestling's past. A 4 time Elite Tag Team Series winner already, Kawashima is a legendary figure. His partner for those victories, PRIDE Koiso, twice captured both the Elite Series and Elite Tag Team Series in a single year. Kawashima is hell bent on equalling that feat and in tying the 5 Elite Tag championships won by Yoshimi Mushashibo & Shuji Inukai. War Machine may be an inexperienced tag team partner but his size and power are unmatched. As a team they seemingly have it all and if they can combine their skills they may prove unstoppable




Tetsunori Yasuda and Hirobumi Takimoto are gaining a reputation as "The People's Team". The duo may never have won tag team gold but their enduring spirit means that they are never counted out of any fight and they always have the support of the fans. Far from underdogs however, few wrestlers have as much skill or experience as Yasuda and Takimoto is a young man entering his prime. Prior to their Glory Tag Crown challenge, Tetsunori Yasuda promised that when the team do finally win a title it will be dedicated to all the people of Japan - could the Elite Tag Team Series be that title?




A surprise addition to the field, Tanyu Toshusai & Mamoru Nagahama will nevertheless be dangerous competition. With multiple tag team championships between them, Nagahama recently asked Toshusai to be his partner for the tournament after facing him at Night of KINGS. "I see myself as a tag team wrestler first and foremost." explained Nagahama "Until recently I had been in a tag team, Capital Punishment, preparing all year and expecting to compete in the tournament. I thought that chance had gone but after being in the ring with Toshusai I quickly realised that he has what it takes. Even at the time we faced each other he was a tag team champion. It won't be easy as a new team but we have enough skill and experience in tag team wrestling to beat anyone"




A team that was officially formed in February this year, Stone Yoshikawa and Avalanche Takano have quickly built up a lot of experience as a team. With the technical excellence of the veteran Yoshikawa bolstering the rugged attacks and youthful exuberance of Takano the team seem to have it all. Stepping up in competition as the year has progressed, even locking horns with current Glory Tag Crown champions Muruyama & Ugaki, Stone Avalanche will look to take another step up here in their first Elite Tag Team Series



PHEW! So there we have it! Now that that's out of the way I can actually get to booking and writing up the shows (the whole tournament has actually been booked out during work hours and I've already simmed a few shows, I just need to get them written up) and I should be able to get through the tour pretty quick. Thinking of cribbing the style of tour write up that Historian and DarkRaider are using in their puro diaries, just for the tournament shows, to better tell the story of the tournament.


Alright, get your picks in. Block winners, overall winners, surprise packages, anybody picking up a goose egg/wooden spoon, whatever you want

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  • 2 weeks later...

A Block:

On paper the A Block looks to be the stronger of the two blocks. Three strong winner candidates (Beast & West, Muruyama & Ugaki and KitoGuchi) with a wildcard pick in Kobe & Akio. The question is, are we going the modern NJPW way (reigning champs not winning their block) or not. My pick to win the block is KitoGuchi.


B Block:

Not as strong as the A block, but still a really interesting looking lineup. Three topline teams with Ring Generals, Sanda & Kwakami and Kikuchi & Yano. Machine and Kawashima might be the wildcard here, but maybe a recent combination of two singles wrestlers won't succeed in a team tournament environment. Going for the wild block winners Yasuda & Takimoto.



It's time to crown new winners for the Elite Tag Series. KitoGuchi won't get to four wins, so Yasuda and Takimoto it is. The People's Champion has earned it!

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PGHW Courage Tour Tag 1


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PGHW Courage Tour Tag 1

2020.10.26 - Doshisha Athletic Center, Kyoto, Kansai

Attendance: 1,000 - Sell Out


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK A: Akio & Magnum Kobe def. Dojo Breakers via pinfall. Magnum Kobe pinned Kazushige Matsuki after a Glorious Red (12:03) [76]

A hot opener for the Elite Tag Team Series and the tour. First time team Akio & Kobe showcased excellent chemistry and picked up a comfortable win. Despite his obvious skill and some smooth chain wrestling, Keith Archer remains the least over of the four men and the crowd weren't nearly as hot for his sequences as the exchanges between the powerhouse Matsuki and the dynamic team of Akio & Kobe. Still a great start to the tournament for two teams showing a lot of promise.



ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK B: Kozue Kawashima & War Machine def. Tanyu Toshusai & Mamoru Nagahama via pinfall. Kozue Kawashima pinned Mamoru Nagaham with a Double K Killer (9:36) [62]

In another bout which perhaps exceeded expectations, the new team of Nagahama and Toshusai looked comfortable although they were never really able to put their opponents in danger. One bright spot was Toshusai looking at home mixing it up with Kawashima, no doubt helped by performing in front of a crowd familiar with his excellent BCG run.


Tsurayuki Kamachi def. Daigo Goya via submission with the Scorpion Deathlock (11:54)[52]

Something of a showcase bout for the young lion Goya who has been involved with established roster members more and more in recent months. Now sporting an elbow pad on his right arm as a possible sign of further development, Goya stood toe to toe with the Historical Japan Champion taking him past the ten minute mark. Both men went all out from the opening bell and despite some sloppy exchanges this is another huge step forward for PRIDE Koiso's student


Shingen Miyazaki, William Hayes & Gonnohyoe Kada def. Omezo Shikitei, Hirokazu Yamanoue & Dark Wing via pinfall. Gonnohyoe Kada pinned Omezo Shikitei following a Single Arm DDT (14:48) [55]

The team of grizzled vets sent a message to the younger generation when Kada pinned Shikitei. Hirokazu Yamanoue was noticeably showing signs of wear and tear, even opposite a team of his contemporaries and his performance was noticeably a step behind everyone else


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK A: Beast & West def. Black Iron Corps. via pinfall. Timmy West pinned Fujio Narahashi with a Power Press (10:10)[66]

Black Iron Corps. had a huge opportunity to show their stuff in their PGHW debut against one of the favourites for the tournament and they didn't disappoint. Taking the fight to the larger men from the off with an array of big lariats and hard strikes it's clear that the Saisho mainstays are right at home on the King's Road. While not overwhelmed it was also clear that matching brawn with Beast & West was only going to yield limited success and the former Glory Crown Champions were kept honest but never looked in danger of being upset


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK A: KitoGuchi def. Muruyama & Ugaki via pinfall. Bussho Makiguchi pinned Ryoma Muruyama after a Blazing Elbow (18:08) [82]

Closing night one was a bout which could have realistically been the tournament final and one which lived up to that billing in the ring. Avenging their earlier loss at Night of LEGACY, KitoGuchi scored a huge victory over the Glory Tag Crown Champions. Already 2 points behind KitoGuchi, Beast & West and Akio & Kobe after just 1 night of action, Muruyama & Ugaki now face a huge battle to even win their block





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PGHW Courage Tour Tag 2


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PGHW Courage Tour Tag 2

2020.10.29 - Hofu Arena, Hofu, Chugoku

Attendance: 951


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK B: Yano & Kikuchi def. Stone Avalanche via pinfall. BISON Yano pinned Stone Yoshikawa following a Yano Express (12:23)[65]

Two teams with something to prove looked to get off to a winning start with Stone Avalanche looking to emerge as contenders and Yano & Kikuchi looking to reassert dominance after a period of mixed results. Stone Avalanche looked an even match for former Glory Tag Crown Champions with Yoshikawa attempting to slow them down, working over the legs of the bigger men before a hot tag to the dynamic hard hitting Avalanche. In the end the winning Yano Express came from almost out of nowhere


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK B: Kwakami & Sanda def. The Ring Generals via pinfall. Noriyori Sanda pinned Marv Statler with an Exploder XXL (18:22)[78]

A fine match between two of the premier teams in the competition. A vout filled with plenty of near falls that could have gone The Ring Generals' way any other day.


Shingen Miyazaki def Dark Wing via submission with an Ankle Lock (10:10)[52]

In a clash of old vs new school the puro veteran Miyazaki just about edged out the lucha-inspired Dark Wing and the two contrasting styles made elevated a bout in which the competitors clearly have chemistry with one another. Miyazaki may have got the W but he was breathing hard at the end and Dark Wing had looked fresher throughout


William Hayes def. Omezo Shikitei via pinfall after a Slick Trick (12:12)[54]

Another case of wily veteran vs newcomer though Shikitei is a natural fit for PGHW and he frequently outwrestled the much respected Hayes. Hayes clearly had to dig deep into his bag of veteran tricks to win a back and forth bout of old fashioned grappling


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK A: KitoGuchi def. Dojo Breakers via pinfall. Chojiro Kitoaji pinned Keith Archer after a Kitoaji Lariat (11:57)[82]

A great showing from the upstart Dojo Breakers had the crowd wondering for a split second in what looked like a one sided affair on paper. A fast, hotly contested, all action encounter was wide open with neither team having time to settle and it got the fans to a fevered pitch by the time Kitoaji blasted Archer with the winning Lariat. Dojo Breakers may have come up short but to hang in there with KitoGuchi and steal Match Of The Night honours will have a lot of people taking a second look at this team


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK A: Muruyama & Ugaki def. Akio & Magnum Kobe via submission. Akio tapped out to the Ugaki Clutch (18:30)[80]

In what had suddenly become a must win bout, Muruyama and Ugaki got the job done. The match was wide open from the start and this was a clear indication that with seasoning Akio & Kobe could be a force to be reckoned with in the tag team division. Despite Akio & Kobe's chemistry as a team Akio is a relative newcomer to PGHW and here he was mixing it with Glory Crown level competitors. In the end this was the telling factor





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PGHW Courage Tour Tag 3


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PGHW Courage Tour Tag 3

Kumamoto Athletic Center, Kumamoto, Kyushu

Attendance: 1,000 - Sell Out


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK A: Beast & West def. Rebel Run X via pinfall. Danny Cavanagh pinned Jin Miyamoto after a Power Press (13:58)[75]

A baptism of fire for Rebel Run X in their PGHW debut saw them suffer a hard fought loss to Beast & West. Miyamoto and Relampago brought the fight to their opponents but Beast & West were simply too big and too strong and overwhelmed them with raw power. Danny Cavanagh was the standout performer here


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK A: Muruyama & Ugaki def. Black Iron Corps via pinfall. Ryoma Muruyama pinned Azumamaro Kita after a Muruyama Launch (14:23) [73]

Once again Black Iron Corps did not look out of place up against elite competition in PGHW, trading shots with the Glory Crown Tag Champions and the crowd responded well to the action. Ultimately though the step up in competition again proved beyond Black Iron Corps and Muruyama and Ugaki picked up another vital win


Gonnohyoe Kada def. Masatochi Kamimura via pinfall with a Single Arm DDT (9:37)[51]

The youngster Kamimura continued paying his dues here, taking punishment from the bruising Kada. Kamimura got a few licks in but this was decidedly one way traffic


Dark Wing, Hirotsugu Satou & Omezo Shikitei def. Hirokazu Yamanoue, Tsurayuki Kamachi and William Hayes via pinfall. Dark Wing pinned Hirokazu Yamanoue with a Flying Knee Strike (10:12)[59]

A short bout in which nobody really managed to stand out from the crowd, other than Yamanoue for all the wrong reasons. The veteran combatant was once more showing his age here. Dark Wing picked up the victory and while the masked man's style may not be an obvious fit in PGHW his crushing Knee Strike finish certainly fits the bill


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK B: Kozue Kawashima & War Machine def. Kwakami & Sanda via pinfall. Kozue Kawashima pinned Akinori Kwakami with a Kawashima Driver 2005 (14:47)[77]

A huge victory for Kawashima and War Machine as they knock off the much fancied duo of Kwakami & Sanda. Kawashima did the lion's share of the work for his team with the battering ram War Machine coming to unload with his high impact offence. With this victory Kawashima and War Machine have announced themselves as serious contenders in the tournament


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK B: Yano & Kikuchi def. Toshusai & Nagahama via pinfall. BISON Yano pinned Tanyu Toshusai with the Yano Express (10:41)[67]

Toshusai and Nagahama went all out, trying to take the fight to their enormous foes. Toshusai again looks right at home in PGHW though on this night his tag team partner looked off the pace and struggled to keep up with the action. Yano & Kikuchi again looked strong in victory


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK B: Yasuda & Takimoto def. The Ring Generals via pinfall. Hirobumi Takimoto pinned Marv Statler after a Gutwrench Tombstone (19:44) [70]

Almost breaking the 20 minute mark the two teams fought an incredibly close contest which the Ring Generals seemingly had won numerous times but Tetsunori Yasuda simply would not be put away. In the end it was the armoured car Takimoto who scored an impressive victory for his team. For the Ring Generals moving to 2-0 after two tough losses will be a bitter pill to swallow





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PGHW Courage Tour Tag 4


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PGHW Courage Tour Tag 4

Toyama Hall, Toyama, Chubu

Attendance: 1,000 - Sold Out


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK A: Rebel Run X def. Black Iron Corps via pinfall. Jin Miyamoto pinned Fujio Narahashi after a Boosted Senton (12:08)[65]

A good showing for both teams in a close encounter which got the show off to a hot start. The four competitors were given the signal to let loose and go all out and they duly delivered. Rebel Run X had the opportunity to showcase their tandem offense and BIC were able to hurl around and beat up their smaller opponents, showing their puro credentials. A first pinfall victory for Miyamoto in PGHW will have RRX hoping they can kickstart their tournament run


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK B: Tanyu Toshusai & Mamoru Nagahama def. Stone Avalance via pinfall. Tanyu Toshusai pinned Stone Yoshikawa with a Dangerous Brainbuster (13:43)[58]

Toshusai and Nagahama manage to turn their chemistry into a victory while Avalanche Takano seemed to be performing below his usual standards. Nevertheless a decent match which the fans were invested in between two teams scrapping to emerge as contenders. Toshusai continues to impress and his array of vicious strikes, crisp suplexes and the devastating Brainbuster bear all the hallmarks of a future contender in PGHW


Hirokazu Yamanoue, Shingen Miyazaki & Tsurayuki Kamachi def. Masatochi Kamimura, Hideyori Kitagawa & Katsumi Abiko via submission. Hirokazu Yamanoue submitted Hideyori Kitagawa with a Cross Armbreaker (09:45)[51]

In a bout in which the young boys took their lumps, the veteran Yamanoue turned his fortunes around somewhat after his struggles early in the tour. Kamimura, still only 18 months into his career, continues to show a lot of promise and Tsurayuki Kamachi's quality was plain to see here. Both in stature and in his performance it's clear that the Historical Japan champ was by far the standout here.


Jack Marlowe, William Hayes & Dark Wing def. Daigo Goya, Omezo Shikitei & SATO via pinfall. Jack Marlowe pinned Daigo Goya after a Jungle Jack Hammer (13:56)[69]

SATO looked like a star here, carrying his team and chipping in with flurries of crisp offence. Jack Marlowe returns to PGHW action with a win, putting the upstart young lion Goya in his place. Marlowe and SATO barely shared ring time here but Marlowe made a point of locking eyes with the International Champion and frequently shooting him looks while working Goya over


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK B: Yasuda & Takimoto def. Kozue Kawashima & War Machine via pinfall. Tetsunori Yasuda pinned War Machine with the Vanilla Plunge (15:22)[75]

A good clash between two well matched teams with Takimoto attempting to match bulk with the huge War Machine and Yasuda clearly relishing the opportunity to trade blows with Kawashima. War Machine continues to win over the PGHW crowd and gutwrench powerbomb has still lost none of its wow factor. After blasting Yasuda with the move he appeared to have the match won but after missing the subsequent Second Floor Legdrop, The People's Champion was able to rally and put him away with the Minilla Plunge


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK B: Kwakami & Sanda def. Yano & Kikuchi via submission. Akinori Kwakami submitted Brute Kikuchi with the Kwakami Pain Lock (15:28)[76]

The veteran tag team bounce back to put the first blemish on Yano & Kikuchi's record in a good main event. Block B continues to look tightly contested and the tag legends have put themselves right back into contention with a hard fought victory here. All four men brought their A game here and despite having their momentum halted, Yano & Kikuchi will surely remain undeterred







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PGHW Courage Tour Tag 5


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PGHW Courage Tour Tag 5

Iwata Hall, Iwata, Chubu

Attendance: 1,000 - Sold Out


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK B: Kwakami & Sanda def. Stone Avalanche via pinfall. Noriyori Sanda pinned Stone Yoshikawa with an Exploder XXL (12:41)[74]

A strong showing for Stone Avalanche, matching their esteemed opponents for much of the match despite falling short. The duo keep improving all the time but having slipped to 0-3 they will be anxious to put a win on the board sooner rather than later. Kwakami & Sanda meanwhile look rock solid, topping the block on 6 points, for the moment at least


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK A: Beast & West def. Dojo Breakers via pinfall. Timmy West pinned Keith Archer after a Power Press (09:38)[68]

Beast and West made short work of Dojo Breakers with "The Mighty Beast" once more looking like a star, dismantling his foes and playing to the crowd. Through the opening three matches Beast & West have looked unbeatable but with much tougher tests ahead they will be pleased to have had a short evening's work on this occassion


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK B: Kozue Kawashima & War Machine def. The Ring Generals via pinfall. Kozue Kawashima pinned Marv Statler with a Kawashima Driver 2005 (13:37)[76]

Even despite Kozue Kawashima's presence this was perhaps a bit of an upset with The Ring Generals now effectively eliminated from the competition after just 3 bouts. Waldorf and Statler looked visibly frustrated afterward but ultimately can have no complaints as on the night the powerhouse War Machine and the inimitable Double K were simply the better team


Jack Marlowe def. Benjiro Shibukji via pinfall with the Jungle Jack Hammer (8:25)[46]

A one sided squash as Marlowe rolled over the hapless young lion Shibukji who did well to last 8 minutes


William Hayes, Hirotsugu Satou & Dark Wing def. Shingen Miyazaki, Omezo Shikitei and Tsurayuki Kamachi via pinfall. Hirotsugu Satou scored the pin over Tsurayuki Kamachi (13:01)[53]

In an evenly contested affair between six midcard battlers trying to separate themselves from the pack, Hirotsugu Satou has certainly gone a long way to standing out from the crowd in pinning the Historical Japan Champion. Since winning the vacant title in February, losses for Kamachi have been few and far between and he has emerged as one of the most solid and resourceful members of the roster. This will have done much for the up and coming Satou's stock


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK A: Muruyama & Ugaki def. Rebel Run X via submission. Ryoma Muruyama pinned Hijo del Relampago after a Muruyama Launch (15:06)[81]

A show stealing performance from both teams with Rebel Run X proving they belong in PGHW, pushing the Glory Tag Crown champions to the limit. The four men cut a blistering pace for the whole 15 minutes with the lightning quick offense of RRX pitted against the hard hitting stylings of Muruyama & Ugaki. Even in defeat Rebel Run X were very impressive here and if they can continue performing at this level they will surely find quick success in PGHW. Muruyama & Ugaki meanwhile keep pace with their rivals as clear contenders begin to emerge at the top of the standings


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK A: Akio & Magnum Kobe def. KitoGuchi via pinfall. Magnum Kobe pinned Bussho Makiguchi with the Glorious Red (14:53)[77]

Kobe's ferocious new demeanour was on full display here as he blasted his foes with vicious kicks. KitoGuchi of course responded in kind in an evenly fought contest. The wrestling was hard hitting and fast and the crowd ate it up with Kobe and Akio dazzling with their quick tags and tandem offense. The fresh team again prove that they are serious competition by defeating the most celebrated team in PGHW, blowing A Block wide open in the process







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PGHW Courage Tour Tag 6


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PGHW Courage Tour Tag 6

Saitama Sports Field, Saitama, Kanto

Attendance: 1,546


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK A: Rebel Run X def. Dojo Breakers via pinfall. Hijo del Relampago pinned Kazushige Matsuki after a Boosted Senton (10:39)[66]

A good opener which got the crowd hot with plenty of quick exchanges between the smaller combatants and the heavyweight Matsuki providing his trademark smashmouth style. Rebel Run X continue to impress in the tournament while Dojo Breakers are still growing as a team though with only 2 bouts left the proud battlers will be determined not to exit the tournament with a 0 in the points total


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK B: Kwakami & Sanda def. Tanyu Toshusai & Mamoru Nagahama via submission. Kwakami submitted Toshusai with the Kwakami Painlock (11:21)[72]

After picking up their first points Toshusai & Nagahama were looking to step up another level and score the upset but Kwakami & Sanda seem to be going from strength to strength in the tournament and they were comfortable in their victory here. The tag legends were simply a cut above their opposition on this night


William Hayes def Dark Wing via pinfall after the Slick Trick (09:44)[43]

Hayes got the victory in a disappointing bout. Dark Wing is still acclimatising to the King's Road style and is still unfamiliar to the PGHW fans and it showed here. The match was open with Dark Wing getting in plenty of offense and the crowd remained enthusiastic throughout but the performance was not great


Gonnohyoe Kada, Jack Marlowe & Tsurayuki Kamachi def SATO, Shingen Miyazaki & Hirotsugu Satou via pinfall when Jack Marlowe pinned Shingen Miyazaki with the Jungle Jack Hammer (13:21)[69]

A match with plenty of intrigue as Kamachi and Satou clashed after Satou pinned the Historical Japan Champion a few days earlier. The exchanges this time between the two seemed to have a little more malice in them, clearly trying to send a message to one another. Meanwhile Marlowe continued to get in SATO's face and the two actually faced off this time and even Kada and Miyazaki added to the bout in stiff exchanges between two battle hardened veterans. SATO was clearly the star of the show it must be said with a crowd reaction and in ring performance unmatched by any of the other 5 competitors


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK A: KitoGuchi def. Black Iron Corps via pinfall. Bussho Makiguchi pinned Azumamaro Kita following a Blazing Elbow (15:13)[74]

Once again Black Iron Corp prove that they can hang with the best PGHW has to offer although once again they came up short. A fine bout in which all four men went all out, Narahashi and Kitoaji trading lariats being a particular highlight. In the end KitoGucho pick up a vital win but another bout where BIC pushed elite competition to the absolute limit will do their standing no harm


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK A: Beast & West def. Akio & Magnum Kobe via pinfall. Danny Cavanagh pinned Akio after a Power Press (11:48)[76]

In a bout where Beast and West truly showed their dominance they dispatched the previously strong looking team of Akio & Kobe in relatively short order. Kobe's strikes to Cavanagh's surgically repaired knee certainly gave the two titans pause but the two junior heavyweight wrestlers were simply overawed by the sheer size and power of their opponents. With four wins under their belt and no real sign of being in danger this represents the clearest sign yet just how strong Beast & West are as a unit right now


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK B: Yano & Kikuchi def Yasuda & Takimoto via pinfall. BISON Yano pinned Testunori Yasuda with the Yano Express (17:52)[72]

A big opportunity for the two teams to score important points in a rare main event outing. After a fine, hard fought bout even the iron will of the People's Champion couldn't overcome the raw ferocity and power of Kikuchi and Yano. This marks three victories in the tournament for Yano and Kikuchi, all courtesy of the Yano Express. With only three days of the tour left Block B remains wide open with four teams still in contention





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PGHW Courage Tour Tag 7


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PGHW Courage Tour Tag 7

Asahikawa Community Hall, Asahikawa, Hokkaido

Attendance: 995


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK A: Muruyama & Ugaki def. Dojo Breakers via pinfall. Ryoma Muruyama pinned Keith Archer after the Muruyama Launch (11:55)[78]

Fast paced, competitive bouts with good action and crowd reactions have become the calling card of Dojo Breakers in this tournament and this bout was no different. Unfortunately taking losses has also been a calling card and they couldn't change their fortunes against the Glory Tag Crown champions. Muruyama & Ugaki make it four in a row after losing their first round match up to KitoGuchi


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK B: Stone Avalanche def. Yasuda & Takimoto via pinfall. Avalanche Takano pinned Hirobumi Takimoto with the Mountain Takano (13:28)[67]

Stone Avalanche finally get on the score board with an impressive win over the "People's Team". Yoshikawa and Yasuda did the heavy lifting for their respective teams, grappling and exchanging holds and strikes before tagging in their partners to really bring the heavy artillery. Yasuda entered a tremendous performance here and his affinity with the fans is clear to see. Takano showed impressive strength hefting the bulky Takimoto up for the crucifix powerbomb known as the Mountain Takano. A good consolation victory for Stone Avalanche but a loss for Yasuda & Takimoto here leaves them trailing behind the competition


Omezo Shikitei, SATO & William Hayes def. Benjiro Shibukji, Katsumi Abiko & Hideyori Kitagawa via pinfall. SATO pinned Benjiro Shibukji after a SATO Driver 10k (09:47)[48]

The standard bout where the young lions were taken to the learning tree by the established performers. Late in the bout Shikitei landed awkwardly and looked in some considerable discomfort. Despite finishing the bout and exiting the ring under his own power Xrays later revealed he had suffered a broken tail bone and will be out for around a month


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK B: The Ring Generals def. Yano & Kikuchi via pinfall. Dean Waldorf pinned Brute Kikuchi following the Wheelbarrow Bomb (15:13)[73]

The latest chapter in the budding rivalry saw both teams wrestling at full throttle almost from the opening bell. There was little concession to grappling or holds as both teams unleashed a barrage of suplexes, big slams, tandem offense and plenty of brawling with evil intent. The emotion was clear to see from the Ring Generals throughout and their reaction upon scoring the victory, embracing and yelling to the crowd showed that they felt vindicated. Yano and Kikuchi seemed to have all the momentum coming into this one but suddenly their final bout against Kawashima & War Machine has become all important


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK A: Rebel Run X def. Akio & Magnum Kobe via pinfall. Jin Miyamoto pinned Akio after a Boosted Senton (14:18)[74]

A clash between two teams who have excited throughout the tour did not disappoint. These two teams have threatened to turn the PGHW tag division on its head this month and they once again showed why here, showcasing a brand of high octane innovative tag team wrestling that has rarely been seen on the King's Road. With plenty of flips and dives from HDR & Akio, Miyamoto's more classically Japanese junior style and Kobe's brutal striking this had a little bit of everything. Despite not picking up the win Kobe looked like a killer here, brutalising his foes with myriad strikes and head drops and the fans were clearly impressed. Particularly over with the crowd is the Reverse Exploder Suplex he debuted in recent months which Sosa Morri has taken to calling "The Glorious Black" on commentary, a nod to the move coinciding with Kobe's newfound look and attitude


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK A: Beast & West def. KitoGuchi via pinfall. Danny Cavangh pinned Chojiro Kitoaji after the Power Press (12:40)[82]

Are Beast and West unstoppable? In what was a must win bout for both teams the huge gaijin duo ended KitoGuchi's Elite Tag Team Series with another hugely impressive win. The in ring action here was great in yet another fast and furious bout where neither team wasted any time feeling their opponents out and instead seemingly looked for the kill from the opening bell. It has to be said that Timmy West, now 44 years old, was clearly not able to keep pace with KitoGuchi the way his tag team partner was and with his bursts of explosive power and hard hitting offense it's easy to see why Cavanagh has been the breakout star of the duo in 2020. Having mowed down everyone in their path Beast & West will now head into the final night of the tour for a winner take all showdown with the men who took their Glory Tag Crown - Ryoma Muruyama & Masaru Ugaki






EDIT: The above Block A graphic is incorrect as it does not correctly show Dojo Breakers' loss to Muruyama and Ugaki in their column. You don't get production errors like this in BHOTWG!

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PGHW Courage Tour Tag 8


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PGHW Courage Tour Tag 8

Tokushima Arena, Tokushima, Shikoku

Attendance: 615


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK B: Yasuda & Takimoto def. Tanyu Toshusai & Mamouru Nagahama via pinfall. Hirobumi Takimoto pinned Mamoru Nagahama with a Backdrop Driver (11:55)[66]

Two hard hitting teams got the show off to a hot start. The People's Team keep hope alive with a gritty display. The bout was exemplified by a sequence where Toshusai stacked Yasuda up high on the back of his head with a whopper back suplex, only for Yasuda to pop right back to his feet and roar Toshusai on in defiance, leading to an exchange of elbow strikes which left Toshusai flat on his back. Yasuda & Takimoto never know when they're beaten and the irrepressible dark horses, typically, head into the final night of the tour with a glimmer of hope


SATO def. Hideyori Kitagawa via pinfall with a SATO Driver 10k (5:06)[57]

The International Champion continues his whistle stop tour around the young lion system, battering Kitagawa into submission in short order


William Hayes, Jack Marlowe & Gonnohyoe Kada def. Hirokazu Yamanoue, Shingen Miyazaki & Tsurayuki Kamachi via pinfall. Gonnhoyoe Kada pinned Hirokazu Yamanoue after a Single Arm DDT (11:52)[52]

The crowd responded well to the action in this one featuring a collection of the most reliable brawlers and grapplers on the PGHW roster, though Yamanoue ends his tour the way he started - looking tired and out of place


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK A: Dojo Breakers def. Black Iron Corps via pinfall. Kazushige Matsuki pinned Fujio Narahashi with a Fist of Fury (10:52)[64]

The battle for last place - or rather to avoid last place - in Block A saw Dojo Breakers finally score a tournament victory, consigning BIC to the wooden spoon. While Black Iron Corps will be in action on day 9 of the tour the tie breaker over BIC means Dojo Breakers will now come second from bottom at the worst. Crowd interest was minimal for this one but the action was good and the fans did respond. The ever reliable Matsuki was the standout performer, showing the visting Narahashi what the Way Of The Fist is all about


Hirotsugu Satou def. Dark Wing via submission with the Scorpion Deathlock (12:20)[60]

Shuji Inukai has confirmed that after his pinfall over Tsurayuki Kamachi earlier in the tour, Satou will challenge for the Historical Japan Championship at Night of COURAGE and a decisive submission victory here - with the Scorpion Deathlock also favoured by Kamachi of course - has sent a message to the champ.


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK B: The Ring Generals def. Stone Avalanche via pinfall. Marv Statler pinned Avalanche Takano with a Wheelbarrow Bomb (13:57)[72]

The Ring Generals may be out of the competition but they build some momentum here, scoring their second successive victory in what was a fine bout. Stone Yoshikawa was in his element trading holds with arch grapplers Statler & Waldorf and while Stone Avalanche couldn't build on the impressive victory over Yasuda & Takimoto, they once again prove that they can hang with one of the top line teams in PGHW


ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK B: Kozue Kawashima & War Machine def. Yano & Kikuchi via pinfall. War Machine pinned BISON Yano with the Second Floor Legdrop (11:07)[79]

Running into the only man in PGHW - perhaps in all of Japan! - larger than they are, the powerhouse duo were unable to overcome their opponents in a hard hitting encounter which sees them eliminated from the tournament. Given the momentum the duo seemed to be building early in the tournament it's perhaps something of a shock that their run has ended with a middling return of 3 wins but for War Machine picking up the pinfall here marks the biggest win of his PGHW career thus far






Block A


  • Winner of Muruyama & Ugaki vs Beast & West moves on to the final. Win for Muruyama & Ugaki sees both teams on 10 points but Muruyama & Ugaki would have the tie break


Block B

  • Three possible winners: Kwakami & Sanda, Yasuda & Takimoto, Kawashima & War Machine
  • Kwakami & Sanda progress if: they win, Kawashima & War Machine lose
  • Kawashima & War Machine progress if: they win, Kwakami & Sanda lose
  • Should Kwakami & Sanda and War Machine & Kawashima tie, Kawashima & War Machine have the tie break
  • Yasuda & Takimoto would need to beat Kwakami & Sanda and see Kawashima & War Machine lose in order to force a three way tie on 8 points each. This would mean Yasuda & Takimoto have tie breaks over both and would progress.




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<p>PGHW Courage Tour Tag 9</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px; background: #5494ac; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 1px 2px " ;"=""> </p><p>

<img alt="mp62BSp.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mp62BSp.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">PGHW Courage Tour Tag 9</span></strong></p><p>

<em>2020.11.18 - Saitama Sports Field, Saitama, Kanto</em></p><p><em>

Attendance: 1,591</em></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><strong>ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK A: KitoGuchi def. Rebel Run X</strong> via pinfall. Chojiro Kitaoji pinned Jin Miyamoto with a Kitoaji Lariat (12:02)<strong>[82]</strong></p><p>

<em>The bout lived up to the expectations set by the two teams throughout the competition with fast flowing, intense action. Though neither team was able to win Block A there was much more than pride at steak here as a victory for Rebel Run X would have sent a huge message that they are serious players already in PGHW while for KitoGuchi a second place finish in the block is still possible and of course they were eager to show their dominance over the hot new team of RRX. They may have taken the L tonight but another strong showing and a respectable 6 point total is nothing to be ashamed of for Miyamoto and Hijo del Relampago</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK A: Akio & Kobe def. Black Iron Corps</strong> via pinfall. Akio pinned Fujio Narahashi after a Double Twist Moonsault (9:45)<strong>[72]</strong></p><p>

<em>A short bout but one which got the crowd hotter. BIC finish with 0 points but having made their debut in the Elite Tag Team Series and repeatedly acquitted themselves against the most esteemed teams in the world you have to believe this isn't the last we've seen of them. Akio & Kobe meanwhile finish a good campaign with another good performance and another win</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK B: Stone Avalanche def. Kozue Kawashima & War Machine</strong> via pinfall. Avalanche Takano pinned War Machine with a Mountain Takano (11:41)<strong>[73]</strong></p><p>

<em>Stone Avalanche pull off another upset, stunning Kawashima and War Machine to end their Elite Tag Team Series run. Fighting out from underneath, Takano and Yoshikawa gave a game effort and War Machine could have perhaps ended the match with Takano seemingly down and out. Machine instead looked for the coup de grace of the Second Floor Legdrop but as he scaled the turnbuckles from inside the ring, Takano desperately tried to recover, smashing him with clubbing blows and powering the huge Englishman down from the second rope with the Mountain Takano</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tsurayuki Kamachi, Shingen Miyazaki, Dark Wing & Jack Marlowe def. Gonnohyoe Kada, SATO, Hirotsugu Satou & William Hayes</strong> via pinfall. Jack Marlowe pinned William Hayes with the Jungle Jack Hammer (14:46)<strong>[65]</strong></p><p>

<em>An open contest between the stalwarts of the tour, squaring off in their customary pairings. SATO & Marlowe again avoided one another for the most part though both looked impressive. Word heading into the final night of the tour is that Marlowe's lobbying for an International Title match has fallen on deaf ears with PGHW brass believing that the American has not done enough, having lost his only singles bout in PGHW prior to this tour. As a result Marlowe seemed especially aggressive tonight and while setting Hayes up for the Jungle Jack Hammer he very pointedly locked eyes with SATO</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK B: The Ring Generals def. Tanyu Toshusai & Mamoru Nagahama</strong> via pinfall. Dean Waldorf pinned Mamoru Nagahama with a Wheelbarrow Bomb (12:13)<strong>[68]</strong></p><p>

<em>The Ring Generals end the tournament having salvaged decent momentum with three wins in a row after another decisive win in what was a decent match. Toshusai & Nagahama have shown bright spots throughout the tournament and while it's undeniable that the two have chemistry as a duo their future remains less certain</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK A: Yasuda & Takimoto def. Kwakami & Sanda</strong> via pinfall. Tetsunori Yasuda pinned Akinori Kwakami with a Minilla Plunge (13:51)<strong>[72]</strong></p><p>

<em>Yasuda and Takimoto have done it! Against all the odds their victory here forces the three way tie with Kawashima & War Machine and Kwakami & Sanda, winning the block by virtue of holding the two vital tie breaks. The victory was hard fought with both teams looking evenly matched. Kwakami & Sanda must have thought they had enough to win the bout but Yasuda & Takimoto simply seemed to want it more, never taking one backward step and meeting everything their foes threw at them before returning fire. There were emotional scenes at the final bell but the so called "People's Team" have won nothing yet and in two days will enter the biggest match of their careers</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES BLOCK A: Muruyama & Ugaki def. Beast & West</strong> via submission. Masaru Ugaki submitted Timmy West with the Ugaki Clutch (17:47)<strong>[81]</strong></p><p>

<em>Just as it was at Night of KINGS it was Timmy West tapping out to the Ugaki Clutch. The crowd were red hot hot for this one and the in ring action was not disappointing as all four men slugged it out, Ugaki & Muruyama having to use every bit of skill and experience built up over 16 years as a tag team to overcome the onslaught from Beast & West. Beast & West have been remarkable throughout the tournament and though the loss tonight was hard fought - at one point even having Muruyama up for the Power Press though he somehow managed to wriggle out - they must be wondering if Muruyama & Ugaki simply have their number. For Muruyama & Ugaki a showdown with Yasuda & Takimoto, the team who arguably set them on this path earlier in the year, awaits.</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="c88DVnb.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/c88DVnb.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="jwgZNAJ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/jwgZNAJ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


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<p>PGHW Night of COURAGE Preview</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="font-family:Arial;"><em>From the Pro Wrestling Lantern 19th November 2020</em></span></span></p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px; background: #fcdc8c; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 1px 2px " ;"=""> </p><p>

<img alt="mp62BSp.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mp62BSp.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="font-family:Impact;">COURAGE ROAD</span></span></p><p>

<span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="font-family:'Arial Narrow';"><strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">Night of COURAGE Preview</span></strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Arial Black';"><span style="font-size:18px;">ELITE TAG TEAM SERIES FINAL</span></span></p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;">Wrestling's premier tag team competition culminates in a clash of two redemption stories</span></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="bwKTGs4.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/bwKTGs4.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="jZSNWIS.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/jZSNWIS.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="ktQfLNK.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ktQfLNK.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="5BKsuB4.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5BKsuB4.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

The Elite Tag Team Series is always one of the pivotal moments in the PGHW calendar and this year promises to be especially dramatic as the final sees a clash between two teams in search of redemption. <strong>Tetsunori Yasuda</strong> and <strong>Hirobumi Takimoto</strong>, dubbed "The People's Team" largely due to the popularity of Yasuda have had a banner year in 2020, challenging for the Glory Crown and seeing Yasuda give a series of impassioned speeches, playing up his affinity with the fans and promising a victory for all of Japan. It's true that Yasuda has a connection with the PGHW faithful and there is genuine emotion when he talks of the struggles that the country of Japan and PGHW have faced since 2016. Yasuda himself has long toiled away in PGHW with little return in terms of accolades and the story of the career underdog finally winning the big one is certainly a tantalising prospect. Takimoto, it must be said, often times feels like he is simply along for the ride.</p><p> </p><p>

Opposite them however are the current Glory Tag Crown holders and they have their own story to tell. <strong>Ryoma Muruyama</strong> and <strong>Masaru Ugaki</strong> had lost just once in tag team competition this year, at the hands of Yasuda and Takimoto. At the time this was a huge upset and, coupled with two failed challenges for the Glory Crown and failure to win the Elite Series, sparked a crisis in Ugaki. Challenging his old rival <strong>Kozue Kawashima</strong> in an effort to prove himself, Ugaki once again came up short. Muruyama reminded Ugaki that they are tag team specialists and since focusing on the tag team division the duo have been on a tear, quickly capturing the Glory Tag Crown in the best bout fought for the titles this year and having a string of great matches in the Elite Tag Team Series. Ending the year with both the Glory Tag Crown and Elite Tag Team Series championships would certainly be a fitting end to Ugaki's story, seeing him recapture his confidence and his glory.</p><p> </p><p>

Whatever happens it's sure to be a great bout and one which the whole puro world will be gripped by.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="mp62BSp.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mp62BSp.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Arial Black';"><span style="font-size:18px;">BIG GAME HUNTER</span></span></p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;">Marlowe sets up an all Gaijin clash</span></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="ti4gDt0.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ti4gDt0.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="rXi5frF.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/rXi5frF.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jack Marlowe</strong> sparked a chaotic scene last night following the climax of the PGHW Courage Tour. <strong>Beast & West </strong>had moments earlier been defeated by Muruyama & Ugaki and while <strong>Timmy West</strong> and <strong>Danny Cavanagh </strong> were speaking with reporters about the tough loss backstage, Marlowe burst in to lay down a challenge to Cavanagh. </p><p> </p><p>

Apparently incensed with the PGHW Office's decision not to award him an International Title opportunity due to his lack of a single's record, Marlowe declared that since Cavanagh now had no bout scheduled for Night of COURAGE due to his failure in the Elite Tag Team Series, the "Big Game Hunter" was calling out the biggest Beast in all of PGHW to prove his credentials. Already smarting from the tournament defeat, Cavanagh did not take kindly to the interruption or Marlowe's taunts and had to be restrained, angrily accepting the challenge on the spot.</p><p> </p><p>

This was one challenge that the PGHW match makers were happy to grant Marlowe and the match is now official for Night of COURAGE</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="mp62BSp.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mp62BSp.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Arial Black';"><span style="font-size:18px;">TAG TEAM TURMOIL</span></span></p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;">Teams given the chance to steal the show in rare triple threat</span></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="HyRyrQ5.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/HyRyrQ5.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="jfX4uqq.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/jfX4uqq.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="f7Mdhwi.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/f7Mdhwi.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="8BOWoUh.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/8BOWoUh.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="2elDJIq.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/2elDJIq.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="qYj8lDa.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/qYj8lDa.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

While it goes without saying that the focus on Night of COURAGE will be on the Elite Tag Team Series final, three teams who consistently stole the show throughout the tournament will be given the opportunity to do so one more time, this time in a rare tag team triple threat. <strong>KitoGuchi</strong>, <strong>Akio & Kobe</strong> and <strong>Rebel Run X</strong> traded victories in Block A of the tournament and this bout has been set up to settle the score.</p><p> </p><p>

This match type is rarely seen in PGHW and represents something of a daring new direction for the promotion. While <strong>Shuji Inukai</strong> remains committed to the King's Road style his recent hires of a number of smaller wrestlers - <strong>Akio</strong>, <strong>Jin Miyamoto </strong>and <strong>Hijo del Relampago</strong> among them - and now the introduction of a match which traditionally favours their style of wrestling, at the very least seems to indicate a flexibility in his ethos. Whether this is a one off or becomes a more frequent feature remains to be seen and may depend on how the bout is received on the night. </p><p> </p><p>

There is a slight risk that the ultra-traditional PGHW fans will balk at such a bout but all six men can deliver and Rebel Run X and Akio & Kobe have won a lot of fans throughout the tournament and it may therefore prove a calculated risk from Inukai.</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="mp62BSp.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mp62BSp.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Arial Black';"><span style="font-size:18px;">THE CHAMP IS HERE?</span></span></p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;">Glory Crown holder set to return</span></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="R84bE4o.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/R84bE4o.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Seiji Jimbo</strong> was given a rare break by Shuji Inukai on the Courage Tour. Not taking part in the Elite Tag Team Series and with all the top contenders occupied in the tournament the decision was made to rest the champion's weary body. Not seen or heard from at all during the tour it was expected he would be absent until the Wrestling Tour got underway later in the month. That is until fans in the Nagoya area reported that Jimbo is being advertised locally as appearing at Night of COURAGE. </p><p> </p><p>

No match has been announced and the company have not promoted his appearance outside the local area so whether he appears as part of the show or only for fans in attendance remains to be seen but the rumour mill is of course working overtime in anticipation of an unexpected appearance from the self-proclaimed Ace</div></p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #5494ac; margin:10px; background: #cccccc; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 1px 2px " ;"=""> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="qD2pa23.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/qD2pa23.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008080;"><strong>ELITE Tag Team Series Final</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#008080;">

Muruyama & Ugaki vs Yasuda & Takimoto</span></p><p><span style="color:#008080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#008080;">

Rebel Run X vs KitoGuchi vs Akio & Kobe</span></p><p><span style="color:#008080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#008080;">

Kozue Kawashima vs Avalanche Takano</span></p><p><span style="color:#008080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#008080;">

Black Iron Corps vs Kwakami & Sanda</span></p><p><span style="color:#008080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#008080;">

SATO & Dojo Breakers vs Gonnohyoe Kada and Yano & Kikuchi</span></p><p><span style="color:#008080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#008080;">

</span><span style="color:#008080;"><strong>PGHW Historical Japan Championship</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#008080;">

Hirotsugu Satou vs Tsurayuki Kamachi ©</span></p><p><span style="color:#008080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#008080;">

William Hayes vs Dark Wing</span></p><p><span style="color:#008080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#008080;">

Jack Marlowe vs Danny Cavanagh</span></p><p><span style="color:#008080;">


</div></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


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<p>ELITE Tag Team Series Final</p><p>

<strong>Muruyama & Ugaki</strong> vs Yasuda & Takimoto</p><p> </p><p>

Rebel Run X vs <strong>KitoGuchi</strong> vs Akio & Kobe</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kozue Kawashima</strong> vs Avalanche Takano</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Black Iron Corp</strong>s vs Kwakami & Sanda</p><p> </p><p>

SATO & Dojo Breakers vs <strong>Gonnohyoe Kada and Yano & Kikuchi</strong></p><p> </p><p>

PGHW Historical Japan Championship</p><p>

Hirotsugu Satou vs <strong>Tsurayuki Kamachi ©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

William Hayes vs <strong>Dark Wing</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jack Marlowe</strong> vs Danny Cavanagh</p>

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...Wait, I guessed a block winner correctly? And there's a 50/50 chance (at best) that I'll guess the winner of the whole tournament right?




Anywho, predictions:


ELITE Tag Team Series Final

Muruyama & Ugaki vs Yasuda & Takimoto

I know that the puro trope would be to tie the wins for the year 1-1 with this... but I want to believe! (Takimoto also probably isn't good enough to be a Elite Tag Series winner... yet?)


Rebel Run X vs KitoGuchi vs Akio & Kobe

Junior heavyweight teams beating The Future of PGHW? No?


Kozue Kawashima vs Avalanche Takano

Takano is good, but a win over the biggest star in the company would come completely out of the blue here. Try again in a few years, kid.


Black Iron Corps vs Kwakami & Sanda

I have no faith in a Black Iron Corps upset after going 0-6 in the Elite Tag Series... it's gonna be an upset after I've wrote this, isn't it?


SATO & Dojo Breakers vs Gonnohyoe Kada and Yano & Kikuchi

Push THE ARCHITECT, dammit! Kada can eat the pin.


PGHW Historical Japan Championship

Hirotsugu Satou vs Tsurayuki Kamachi ©

A coin flip, really. Satou might be on the cusp of being a Historical level title holder and would fit the picture than Kamachi, being the younger of the two.


William Hayes vs Dark Wing

Juniors? No? Unless Hayes just got poached.


Jack Marlowe vs Danny Cavanagh

Cavanagh is the one getting a push, even if Marlowe would probably need some big wins to establish himself as an upper card threat. Marlowe still might get the W, since there has been a build towards a SATO title match.

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ELITE Tag Team Series Final

Muruyama & Ugaki vs Yasuda & Takimoto


Rebel Run X vs KitoGuchi vs Akio & Kobe


Kozue Kawashima vs Avalanche Takano


Black Iron Corps vs Kwakami & Sanda

SATO & Dojo Breakers vs Gonnohyoe Kada and Yano & Kikuchi


PGHW Historical Japan Championship

Hirotsugu Satou vs Tsurayuki Kamachi ©

William Hayes vs Dark Wing


Jack Marlowe vs Danny Cavanagh


Should be an excellent show. Line-up looks good.

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PGHW Night Of Courage


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Night of COURAGE - 2020.11.20 Aichi Football Stadium, Nagoya, Chubu (Attendance: 24,267)


Pre-Show bouts

Hirokazu Yamanoue def. Daigo Goya

The Ring Generals def. Shibukji & Kitegawa

War Machine, Stone Yoshikawa and Gonnohyoe Kada def. Shingen Miyazaki and Toshusai & Nagahama


**** ****





"Big Game" Jack Marlowe vs "The Mighty Beast" Danny Cavanagh


The opening contest was not pretty. Cavanagh, clearly still angered by Marlowe's impromptu challenge days earlier was pacing and snorting like his namesake before the bell and looked to take the former Jungle Lord's head off almost immediately. For his part Marlowe was clearly in a sour mood of his own, carrying a chip on his shoulder and looked to take out his frustrations on Cavanagh.


Marlowe may be giving up a little height and a decent bit of mass to The Mighty Beast but he's no junior heavyweight and a man with as much SWF seasoning as he has is no stranger to standing toe to toe with powerhouses of Cavanagh's stature. You could be forgiven for thinking Marlowe is a junior heavyweight however judging by the ease with which Cavanagh pressed him overhead.


Not a catch as catch can classic, not even really "strong style" but a drag out, smash mouth brawl which the fans ate up nonetheless. Marlowe operated a little on the edge at times, making liberal use of the guard rails and various bits of ringside furniture as an equaliser against Cavanagh's prodigious size. Using a few shortcuts and a lot of veteran smarts, Marlowe worked over the surgically repaired knee of Cavanagh throughout and wheN the big man's knee buckled late on it allowed Marlowe to showcase some impressive strength of his own as he hit the Jungle Jack Hammer for the win


WINNER via pinfall: Jack Marlowe (18:34) [74]


**** ****





William Hayes vs Dark Wing


A rematch from earlier in the tour this was a big opportunity for Dark Wing in his first singles outing at a "name" PGHW event and for Hayes it was an opportunity to prove that he can still keep up with the younger generation.


The bout was an improvement on their earlier encounter. Though the result was the same as William Hayes put Dark Wing away with the Slick Trick. With this win Hayes sends a message that he is more than just fodder for the newcomers. Dark Wing's fundamentals are improving all the time and he was just about keeping pace with Hayes but the youngster still has a way to go before he's on the level of the multiple time title holder


WINNER via pinfall William Hayes (12:17) [51]


**** ****







Hirotsugu Satou vs Tsurayuki Kamachi ©


A fascinating match between two well matched foes, both looking to put the other away with the Scorpion Deathlock. Satou had the slight advantage in size, carrying more muscle than the champion but Kamachi had an advantage of ten years in terms of experience.


Kamachi has emerged as one of the most resourceful and canny wrestlers in PGHW during his Historical Japan Championship run and again here he seemed to constantly find a way to leverage the challenger and turn the match to his favour when Satou tried matching him hold for hold. The youthful exuberance of the challenger took hold, frustrated by his inability to best Kamachi on the mat and Satou began unloading with more impactful offense but this ultimately led to the youngster making mistakes, missing a big running uppercut in the corner and being caught with a German Suplex for 2.


Satou rallied once more and after numerous attempts throughout the bout finally seemed about to lock in the Scorpion Deathlock as he managed to lace his leg through Kamachi's. As he did so however the ever alert champion picked the ankle of Satou's standing leg and somehow turned the hold, coming up in a Scorpion Deathlock variation of his own! Satou threatened to fight out but when Kamachi dragged him back to the centre of the ring and sat down into a deeper version of the hold Satou had no choice but to submit


WINNER via submission and still Historical Japan Champion: Tsurayuki Kamachi (15:26) 8th defence [69]


**** ****







A decent bout between two surprisingly well matched squads. Keith Archer did at times look out of place sharing the ring with 5 men who would much rather stand and trade shots than roll around on the mat but the man known as "The Architect" held his own regardless.


Perhaps the pivotal moment of the match came when Archer, unable to best Kada in an exchange of forearms, tagged in his partner Matsuki. This sparked a series of tit-for-tat events where Matsuki won a strike exchange with Kada who tagged Kikuchi. Kikuchi won a strike exhange with Matsuki who tagged SATO. In turn, SATO won a strike exchange with Kikuchi before finally BISON Yano came in and - seemingly also about to be outstruck by SATO and staggering into the ropes - suddenly unleashed a Yano Express which would surely have had the International Champion beaten had he not spilled to the outside.


It was nevertheless the Yano Express which secured the win some minutes later, at the expense of Keith Archer. After the bell Yano intercepted the official carrying the International Title belt to SATO, yanking it from his grasp and studying the title for a few moments before thrusting it into SATO's hands himself


WINNERS via pinfall: Gonnohyoe Kada and Yano & Kikuchi (18:44) [67]


**** ****





Black Iron Corps vs Kwakami & Sanda


Two teams who had very differing fortunes in the Elite Tag Team Series faced off, affording Black Iron Corps one more chance to make an impression despite finishing with 0 points in the tournament. Any notion that the hungry Narahashi & Kita would show any deference to the tag team legends opposite was quickly dispelled as BIC brought an all out assault from the opening bell. Kwakami and Sanda responded in kind and the match kept up that intensity for the duration, getting the crowd engrossed in a hard hitting contest.


BIC once again outperformed their status and showed the PGHW faithful what they're all about, Narahashi in particular impressed, throwing his bulk around and battering his foes with clubbing blows and stinging chops.


For all the fighting spirit and impressive offence however it was more disappointment for Black Iron Corps. After pushing the legends to their limits for 15 minutes of all out action, Kwakami and Sanda were simply too much and finished Narahashi off with Exploder XXL. BIC fought literally to the final bell with Kwakami only barely able to keep Kita from breaking up the cover.


WINNERS via pinfall: Kwakami & Sanda (15:05) (73)


**** ****






This match came about after Stone Avalanche ultimately stopped Kawashima & Machine from reaching the Elite Tag Team Series final. In post-match comments Kawashima stated he had been impressed with the young Takano's performance throughout the tournament and especially in managing to score the pinfall over the massive War Machine. Double K subsequently said he would like to test Takano out himself and personally settle the score. Takano, always looking to fight sterner and sterner competition, was only too eager to accept.


This was arguably the biggest match of Takano's career and he rose to the occasion. The bout wasn't exactly an all out war and it truly did seem like Kawashima was testing Takano early, outwrestling him, powering him down with Greco-Roman knuckle locks and sticking out his chin for the Avalanche to stick him with his best shot.


Playtime was over eventually as the hot headed Takano was dared to hit Kawashima with a forearm one too many times and instead powered his opponent up and down with a belly to belly throw. Kawashima looked visibly shocked by that and from there the match went up a gear as even Kawashima's shots seemed to have a little more intent behind them. Takano gave Kawashima a scare, locking in his patented Takano Crossface and another shortly after when he managed to muscle his opponent up for the Mountain Takano - though Kawashima saved himself by desperately wriggling out and getting his legs hooked into the ropes.. On commentary Sosa Morri speculated that even Kawashima would struggle to survive that manoeuvre.


Takano was able to showcase a lot of fight and plenty of offense and while Kawashima had to work for it, his class showed throughout and he finally put Takano away with the Double K Killer


WINNER via pinfall: Kozue Kawashima (17:54) [72]


**** ****




Kawashima stood with his arm raised for only a couple of seconds when suddenly Seiji Jimbo's music hit!


Keiji Takeda on commentary responded in astonished excitement at the unexpected appearance of the Glory Crown champion, mirroring the reaction of the fans. Kawashima merely looked somewhat quizical.


Jimbo entered the ring, microphone in hand and stood opposite Kawashima for a few moments before gesturing to a staff member to hand Kawashima a microphone also.


Jimbo: "Kawashima. You were here tonight to try to test someone. There's somebody else that you need to test. Night of PRIDE; that was your's. Night of GLORY; that was mine. 1 each. It isn't enough. I have to prove it once and for all. To myself, I have to prove it to you. This is my time. I am the Ace. No more distractions, it's time to settle it. Night of WRESTLING. Kawashima vs Jimbo.


With that, over the din of the crowd reaction and Sosa Morri losing his mind on commentary, Jimbo gestured for Kawashima to respond. Kawashima had a wry smile on his face as he began to speak


Kawashima: "So, you want to settle it? I've been waiting. Jimbo, I accept. At Night of WRESTLING we'll decide it and I promise, if you can beat me I will call you the Ace. If you can beat me.


The two men stepped forward, Kawashima accepting Jimbo's extended hand. Not exactly a hand shake but they did stand with their eyes locked on one another for a few moments. Finally they broke and as Jimbo backed away Kawashima stood, nodding before his music hit and he was finally allowed to celebrate his victory.






**** ****





Rebel Run X vs KitoGuchi vs Akio & Kobe


Simply put one of the best tag team matches that Japan has produced this year. 25 minutes of incredible action between three teams at the top of their game. Innovative tag team offense, dives, flips, head drops, classic King's Road striking, this one had it all.


The rules stipulated that only two legal men would be allowed in the ring at any one time but things frequently broke down and often there were as likely to be six men in the ring as two. Early on there seemed to be a small amount of collusion against KitoGuchi, ostensibly the strongest team in the bout, with quick tags betwen RRX and Akio & Kobe, keeping themselves fresh while attempting to work over KitoGuchi. The alliance was shortlived of course and in particular the truce was broken when, shortly after Akio and HDR had attempted to one up each other with a gymnastic inspired display of move and counter move and tagged their respective partners, Kobe unleashed a flurry of full force strikes which left Miyamoto crumpled in the corner.


From there it was a free for all with Kobe finally eliminating Rebel Run X after smashing Hijo del Relampago with the Glorious Red.


A more familiar PGHW style emerged thereafter with Kobe trading stiff shots with KitoGuchi, giving way to interludes of chaotic tag team offense. After a tremendous bout KitoGuchi avenged their defeat in the Elite Tag Team Series, Kitoaji putting Akio away with a Lariat that spun him near 360 degrees through the air.


WINNERS via pinfall: KitoGuchi (25:14) [89]


**** ****






Muruyama & Ugaki vs Yasuda & Takimoto


Both teams looked coldly determined as they made their entrances and if there were any nerves in the underdog team of Yasuda & Takimoto they didn't show, while Keiji Takeda ran down the story of how the two teams got here. Even as the streamers rained during the introductions for the teams and Yasuda raised his fists to the crowd his gaze never left that of the fierce looking Ugaki.


The feeling out period was surprisingly brief, sparked in part by Ugaki refusing to offer Yasuda a clean break and catching him with a cheap shot which incensed Takimoto, only scant moments into the bout. Muruyama for his part urged Ugaki to keep his cool. Evenly matched grappling and brawling exchanges gave way through the middle portion of the bout as Takimoto found early success, leveraging his weight advantage to control the pace but soon his plodding style was outstripped by the dynamic offense of Muruyama & Ugaki who punished the youngster with agonising holds and a series of high impact suplexes.


With the Glory Tag Crown champions firmly in control, Yasuda & Takimoto found themselves looking for hail mary plays in bursts of desperate offense. Ugaki wore the expression of an executioner as he scored the Arc Kick on Yasuda and he struggled to keep his cool when Yasuda kicked out at 2. Laying in kicks and chops, Ugaki manoeuvred Yasuda to the corner and set him up, looking for what appeared to be a suplex variation from the middle rope. Yasuda somehow found the strength to battle, to fight out, slipping down and through Ugaki's legs. Hammering away at Ugaki, Yasuda found one more hail mary play, hitting the big high angle back suplex from the ropes known as the Minilla Plunge - levelling the playing field with that one attack. Both men lay motionless, Yasuda face down.


After a few moments Ugaki sprang into life, rolling backward, scissoring Yasuda's head with his legs in the Ugaki Clutch. Still Yasuda would not die and when he somehow fought to the ropes Ugaki seemed spent, heartbroken. Both men crawled for the tag, Ugaki getting there first and Muruyama tore across the ring to cut Yasuda off. A few moments later Muruyama was going up top for the coup de grace in the shape of the Muruyama Launch


but there was nobody home! Yasuda rolled out of the way, evading the senton. Fighting to his feet, Yasuda yanked Muruyama off the canvas and slammed him sternum first into the turnbuckles, setting him up and driving him down with the Minilla Plunge for the 1,2,3!


WINNERS via pinfall and Elite Tag Team Series 2020 Champions: Tetsunori Yasuda & Hirobumi Takimoto (21:12) [83]


**** ****



Yasuda and Takimoto embraced after the bell, their opponents slinking away - Ugaki seething, Muruyama dejected - before Yasuda managed to collect himself and called for a microphone.


Yasuda delivered an impassioned speech, thanking the fans for always standing by them and for always standing by PGHW, adding that without the fans nothing was possible. He dedicated the victory to the fans, as promised, stating that fighting for them and winning for them is all that he and Takimoto can do to repay their devotion. Yasuda stated that for he and Takimoto these trophies were like the Tree Of Hope - representing the hope of things that can still be achieved and proving that no matter how bad the storm that good times will come after.


Yasuda: "No matter how hard it is, no matter who is in your way, no matter how many people say you can't do it, keep fighting and your good times will come too. These trophies aren't just our's - these trophies are for everyone!"


Dropping his microphone all that Yasuda could muster then was a roar for the crowd, an outpouring of emotion, which Takimoto joined him in. The two stood arm in arm, holding their trophies aloft as confetti rained down







**** ****



Match of the night: Rebel Run X vs KitoGuchi vs Akio & Magnum Kobe

MVP: Chojiro Kitoaji




Historian - 7/8

Sco Y2J - 6/8

BornToFail - 6/8 but all the bonus points in the world for correctly predicting that the dark horses would actually go all the way and win the big one

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PGHW Night of COURAGE Fallout/WRESTLING Tour Primer


From BodySlam Magazine November 2020 Edition

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PGHW set the stage for a thrilling year end finale at one of their marquee shows



The Elite Tag Team Series has always been one of PGHW's centrepiece events and the puro league certainly delivered a night of action befitting the occasion at Night of COURAGE, even with the absence of Seiji Jimbo - at least from competition. The Glory Crown champion made a surprise appearance on the show to challenge Kozue Kawashima to one final showdown at Night of WRESTLING to settle a 3 match series which has spanned almost the entire year. Kawashima scored the victory at Night of PRIDE, earning a Glory Crown opportunity at Night of GLORY where Jimbo successfully defended the title. The story of Jimbo's reign has been his quest to supplant Kawashima as the perceived face of the company. By the time the night of their bout rolls around his reign will already extend to 396 days. A deciding victory over Kawashima, extending that reign into 2021 and being the title holder through the company's 25th Anniversary celebrations would go a long way to affirming in people's minds that he is truly "the man" in PGHW.


As for the Elite Tag Team Series final, the bout saw long time underdogs Tetsunori Yasuda and Hirobumi Takimoto finally win the big one, coming from the back of the field to defeat rivals and Glory Tag Crown champions Masaru Ugaki and Ryoma Muruyama. It has to be said that the bout was outshined by the triangle tag team match which preceded it and you'd be hard pressed to convince anyone that Yasuda and Takimoto are truly the best tag team in PGHW, nevertheless it was an emotional moment for the duo and a crowd pleasing one at that. For Yasuda, capturing only his second ever title in PGHW after years of hard and reliable work and for Takimoto, only 27 years old, this is a huge feather in his cap so early in his career and it'll be interesting to see if he and PGHW can use this as a launchpad to stardom. This has been another on-and-off rivalry throughout the year and it's clear that Night of COURAGE was not the final chapter. In post match comments to the Japanese press, Ugaki made it clear that he wants to face Yasuda one on one at Night of WRESTLING. "So it's you again, Yasuda, you b******" he seethed, before adding "You've been a curse on me for too long. I want my revenge and at Night of WRESTLING, if you'll face me, I'll show you once and for all that you're not on my level". By the time this issue goes to print the WRESTLING Tour will already be on the road and at press time the bout was not official but it seems a safe bet that we will see the two square off.



Grudge match: the stage is set for a climactic showdown between Masaru Ugaki and Tetsunori Yasuda


This would of course mean no Glory Tag Crown defence at the year ending spectacular, a curious decision not least as that would mean Muruyama and Ugaki would not actually have defended the titles at all in 2020 having won them in October. Unless the plan is to have them defend on a tour show which seems unlikely given the prestige and importance which Shuji Inukai places on the titles. Your writer would have thought the logical bout for Ugaki and Muruyama would have been to defend against the Elite Tag Team series winners or KitoGuchi. KitoGuchi stole the show at Night of COURAGE proving that they are, in your writer's opinion, the number one team in the promotion and they also scored a victory over the Glory Tag Crown champions during the tournament. This seemingly set the stage for a championship showdown but at press time this didn't seem to be on the cards.


Another curious situation has arisen around SATO. At the event the International Champion was relegated to midcard six man tag duty, coming up on the losing end of a by the numbers bout which seemed to exist only as a way to get bodies on the card and to continue the push of BISON Yano. Yano had a fine tour, entering a number of strong performances and picking up the pinfall in every bout which his team won. He again scored the pinfall at Night of COURAGE before snatching SATO's International Championship, seemingly hinting that he wants a shot at the champion. Throughout the tour all signs seemed to be pointing towards Jack Marlowe receiving a title opportunity, even defeating Danny Cavanagh at the event in a crowd pleasing brawl, so it's anybody's guess as to who actually ends up challenging the International champion at Night of WRESTLING.



The curious case of BISON Yano: the big man has seemingly been thrust into the International Championship picture



One bout that is confirmed for the event is the clash between Greg Gauge and Historical Japan champion Tsurayuki Kamachi. In a series of social media posts throughout the COURAGE Tour the TCW man seemed to be hinting at the bout, alluding to the fact that Kamachi's challenger, Hirotsugu Satou had been dispatched by Gauge the previous month. Not long after the show concluded PGHW posted a video on their website and social media, wherein Gauge confirmed that he had been granted a title shot at Night of WRESTLING. In the video Gauge declared that he had spoken with the PGHW office and the championship committee, informing both that he was insulted that a man he had beaten was awarded a title opportunity and that unless his demands were met PGHW would lose the right to ever again use Gauge on their shows again. Gauge impressed in his PGHW debut and against the reliable Kamachi it should be a fun midcard outing. Gauge actually winning the title in only his second bout would be truly surprising as even in 2020 PGHW value tradition above all else and newcomers, even ones who recently challenged for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship on pay-per-view, have got to earn their stripes.



Making History: will Greg Gauge become the 5th gaijin to hold the Historical Japan Championship?



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PGHW Wrestling Tour & Night of WRESTLING Card


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PGHW Wrestling Tour Tag 1 (Doshisha Athletic Center, Kansai)

Seiji Jimbo and Kwakami & Sanda def. Kozue Kawashima and Beast & West [81]

Yano & Kikuchi and Yasuda & Takimoto def. SATO, William Hayes and Stone Avalanche [70]

War Machine and Rebel Run X def. Dark Wing and Toshusai & Nagahama [62]

The Ring Generals def. Shingen Miyazaki and Gonnohyoe Kada [68]

Kazushige Matsuki def. Katsumi Abiko [53]

Hirotsugu Satou def. Fujio Narahashi [55]


PGHW Wrestling Tour Tag 2(Saitama Sports Field, Kanto)

Tsuryauki Kamachi and Yasuda & Takimoto def. Gonnohyoe Kada and Muruyama & Ugaki [75]

Jack Marlowe and Rebel Run X def. Dark Wing and KitoGuchi [74]

Akio & Kobe def. Azumamaro Kita and William Hayes [73]

Beast & West def. Mamoru Nagahama and Shingen Miyazaki [64]

Avalanche Takano def. Hirokazu Yamanoue [50]

Tanyu Toshusai, War Machine and Dojo Breakders def. Daigo Goya, Masatochi Kamimura, Katsumi Abiko and Hideyori Kitagawa [50]


PGHW Wrestling Tour Tag 3 (Kumamoto Athletic Center, Kyushu)

Kozue Kawashima and Rebel Run X def. Seiji Jimbo and The Ring Generals [81]

SATO and Kwakami & Sanda def. Azaumamro Kita and Yano & Kikuchi [79]

Hirotsugu Satou and Stone Avalanche def. Tsurayuki Kamachi and Yasuda & Takimoto [69]

Jack Marlowe, War Machine and Akio & Kobe def. William Hayes, Hirokazu Yamanoue and KitoGuchi [65]

Toshusai & Nagahama def. Shibukji & Kitagawa [46]

Keith Archer def. Katsumi Abiko [30]


PGHW Wrestling Tour Tag 4 (Tokushima Arena, Shikoku)

Avalanche Takano and Muruyama & Ugaki def. William Hayes and Yasuda & Takimoto [77]

Jin Miyamoto, Shingen Miyazaki and Toshusai & Nagahama def. Gonnohyoe Kada, Hirotsugu Satou and Beast & West [61]

Tsurayuki Kamachi and Akio & Kobe def. Dark Wing and Dojo Breakers [70]

Jack Marlowe and Black Iron Corps def. Hirokazu Yamanoue and KitoGuchi [71]

Stone Yoshikawa and War Machine def. Daigo Goya and Masatochi Kamimura [49]

Hijo del Relampago def. Katsumi Abiko [56]


PGHW Wrestling Tour Tag 5 (Iwata Hall, Tohoku)

SATO and The Ring Generals def. Tsurayuki Kamachi and Kwakami & Sanda [80]

Kozue Kawashima and Stone Avalanche def. Gonnohyoe Kada and Yasuda & Takimoto [77]

Akio & Kobe and Beast & West def. Toshusai & Nagahama and Yano & Kikuchi [73]

War Machine and Shingen Miyazaki def. Dark Wing and Jack Marlowe [59]

Dojo Breakers def. William Hayes & Daigo Goya [54]

Azumamaro Kita def. Hijo del Relampago [59]


PGHW Wrestling Tour Tag 6 (Hofu Arena, Chugoku)

Seiji Jimbo and Kwakami & Sanda def. Kozue Kawashima and The Ring Generals [82]

KitoGuchi and Stone Avalanche def. Jack Marlowe, Dark Wing and Yasuda & Takimoto [74]

Tsurayuki Kamachi and Muruyama and Ugaki def. Hirotsugu Satou and Rebel Run X [74]

Toshusai & Nagahama def. Gonnohyoe Kada and Hirokazu Yamanoue [57]

Dojo Breakers def. Shibukji & Kitagawa [51]

William Hayes def. Daigo Goya [47]


PGHW Wrestling Tour Tag 7 (Doshisha Athletic Center, Kansai)

Jack Marlowe, Tsurayuki Kamachi and Yasuda & Takimoto def. KitoGuchi and Akio & Kobe [78]

Beast & West and The Ring Generals def. Toshusai & Nagahama and Kwakami & Sanda [70]

Azumamaro Kita and Yano & Kikuchi def. SATO and Dojo Breakers [72]

Dark Wing and Gonnohyoe Kada def. War Machine and Shingen Miyazaki [56]

Hirokazu Yamanoue and Stone Avalanche def. Masatochi Kamimura and Shibukji & Kitagawa [49]

Masaru Ugaki def Katsumi Abiko [66]





  • At the tour opening press conference it was confirmed that BISON Yano had been granted an International Championship match
  • After they clashed on night 2 of the tour, Jack Marlowe and Bussho Makiguchi were put in a 1 vs 1 match. Marlowe's petitioning finally paid off as the bout was later made a No. 1 Contender's match for the International Championship
  • Away from PGHW, Tsurayuki Kamachi won the WLW Universal Championship. The grappler had only been with the promotion around 8 weeks before capturing the title from Masa Kurata who had held the title for 12 months
  • Tetsunori Yasuda caused a stir when he appeared on a radio show midway through the tour, going on a bizarre rant about how he would be main eventing in PGHW if not for politics holding him back. The outburst from the man billed as "The People's Champion" would be strange at any time but coming just a couple of weeks after the biggest win of his career this seemed truly bizarre!
  • Tanyu Toshusai has inked a lengthy, exclusive deal with PGHW. Having initially been working under a non-binding deal which allowed him to work elsewhere, PGHW had clearly been impressed enough to lock him down long term for his best years





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PGHW Glory Crown

Seiji Jimbo © vs Kozue Kawashima


Masaru Ugaki vs Tetsunori Yasuda


PGHW International Championship

BISON Yano vs SATO ©


PGHW Historical Japan Championship

Greg Gauge vs Tsurayuki Kamachi ©


Kwakami & Sanda vs The Ring Generals


Black Iron Corps vs Rebel Run X


Avalanche Takano vs Hirobumi Takimoto


Beast & West vs Toshusai & Nagahama


PGHW International Champion #1 Contender Match

Bussho Makiguchi vs "Big Game" Jack Marlowe



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