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The Day WCW Changed

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News of the week!!


RAW headlined by Michaels retaining the WWF World Heavyweight Title in a match of the year contender against Owen Hart



WCW have opened up a developmental territory under the name National Championship Wrestling- NCW run by former NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion Harley Race and booked by WCW Cruiserweight Ultimate Dragon. This is expected to precede a slew of signings of young talent to populate the developmental territory and the company is expected to tour the southeast with frequent shows per week





Nitro Card Week 3

Gedo + Jado vs Jericho + Storm

Bobby Walker vs Ultimate Dragon

Nasty Boyz vs Suicide Blondes

Eddy Guerrero vs Rey Misterio Jr

Steven Regal vs Juventud Guerrerra- WCW World Television Championship

Meng + The Barbarian vs The Outsiders






Out of Kayfabe


I just want to say thank you for everyone who has commented on the journal so far. I appreciate every one of you so much

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Gedo + Jado vs Jericho + Storm

Bobby Walker vs Ultimate Dragon

Nasty Boyz vs Suicide Blondes

Eddy Guerrero vs Rey Misterio Jr

Steven Regal vs Juventud Guerrerra- WCW World Television Championship

Meng + The Barbarian vs The Outsiders (Side note: Most of the time, I'd give the odds to Meng & the Barbarian, but the Outsiders were at their devious peak at that point, and with the nWo growing by leaps and bounds after Hulk joined and ready and willing to watch each other's backs, I don't see it turning out any other way)

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<div style="padding: 20px;border: 2px solid #000000;border-radius: 25px;margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">

WCW Monday Nitro live in Memphis Tennessee!!

9000 Fans inside the Mid-South Coliseum!


Dark Matches


In our two dark matches before Nitro the team of Lance Storm and Chris Jericho reunited to defeat Gedo and Jado when Lance Storm made Jado tape to the Maple Leaf. Then Ultimate Dragon defeated Bobby Walker with the Dragon Sleeper to an apathetic crowd.





Monday Nitro


Nitro opened with the commentators running down what to expect on the show. A traditional opening before the Suicide Blondes of Adam Copeland and Christian Cage came out to the ring for their match against the Nasty Boyz.


The youths put in a good effort against their more experienced counterparts, and this led to them getting a shock victory as Christian Cage rolled up Jerry Sags with a school-boy to get the shock win for the Suicide Blondes.


After the match Cage and Copeland went backstage where they are met by the Rock “N” Roll Express who congratulate the upstarts on their victory and say that they were very impressed with how they managed the match. They also offer to have a friendly exhibition match next week on Nitro!


Angle- 58


Angle- 49


The Next match is a number one contender match for the Cruiserweight Championship as battle royale winner Eddy Guerrero takes on former Cruiserweight champion Rey Misterio Jr. The two luchadores have excellent chemistry as in the end Eddy defeats his friend to become the number one contender with a massive Frog Splash from the top rope. After the match the two men shake hands and Guerrero shouts into the camera that he is coming for Syxx


Match- 71

Backstage the NWO is arriving in a Limousine and out steps Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash and Ted Dibiase is along side them wearing a black suit


Angle- 100


Lord Steven Regal announces that in conjunction with WCW President Larry Zbyzsco the television title will be defended at every opportunity against whoever is willing to fight Regal. And Regal will prove that he is the premier athlete in WCW with this title. Juventud Guerrera comes out to be the first challenger and the two men put on a good 18 minute TV match with it being an open competition. In the end Regal taps out Guerrera in the Regal stretch in a clean finish to retain his Television Championship


Match- 58


Video Package showing Ric Flair and Randy Savage having drinks together in Memphis and just enjoying the town


Angle- 100


Lex Luger is sat backstage when Kevin Sullivan walks into his locker room offering him help against the NWO as two of his men are about to fight them- the Camera cuts away before we can hear Sullivan’s offer


Angle- 71


In the Main Event of the Evening the NWO of Kevin Nash and Scott Hall take on The Dungeon of Doom’s Meng and The Barbarian! The Four Powerhouses all put together a strong Hoss match with beat meaty men slapping meat but eventually after a cheap shot from Nash, Scott Hall is able to hit the Outsiders Edge on The Barbarian to pick up the victory.


Lex Luger storms the ring after the match and straight away attacks Hall and Nash and gains a quick advantage but as soon as he seems to be losing ground The Giant comes charging down the ramps to even the tables.


Unhappy with the equal standing in the ring this brings out Hollywood Hulk Hogan to give the NWO the advantage, but he is attacked from the crowd by a returning Diamond Dallas Page, returning as a babyface against the NWO. Page, Luger and The Giant clear the ring and send the NWO hightailing it back to the locker room leaving the babyfaces standing tall to end Nitro


Match- 78

Angle- 90


Overall- 82

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Weekly News-


RAW is main evented by Michaels vs Austin for the WWF World Title- Michaels retains in another world class match

They would have a rematch at Summerslam which Austin would win making him the NEW WWF World Heavyweight champion


Referee James Beard became the head booker of All Japan Women’s Pro Wrestling


Roddy Piper signed an 18 months contract extension with WWF taking him to February 1998 with the company



Monday Nitro Card


The Suicide Blondes vs The Rock “n” Roll Express- Exhibition Match

JJ, Steve and Scott Armstrong vs V.K Wallstreet, Kenny Kaos and Robbie Rage- Dark Match

Los Guerreros vs Syxx + ???

Lord Steven Regal vs Ed Leslie – WCW World Television Championship

NWO (Hogan, Hall, Nash) vs The Giant, Lex Luger and DDP

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The Suicide Blondes vs The Rock “n” Roll Express - Exhibition Match

JJ, Steve and Scott Armstrong vs V.K Wallstreet, Kenny Kaos and Robbie Rage - Dark Match

Los Guerreros vs Syxx + ???

Lord Steven Regal vs Ed Leslie – WCW World Television Championship

NWO (Hogan, Hall, Nash) vs The Giant, Lex Luger and DDP

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The Suicide Blondes vs The Rock “n” Roll Express- Exhibition Match

JJ, Steve and Scott Armstrong vs V.K Wallstreet, Kenny Kaos and Robbie Rage- Dark Match

Los Guerreros vs Syxx + ??? (??? will turn out to be Konnan, defecting to the nWo)

Lord Steven Regal vs Ed Leslie – WCW World Television Championship

NWO (Hogan, Hall, Nash) vs The Giant, Lex Luger and DDP

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