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RIPW: Home Of The Supreme Future

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I get up early in the morning, sore in my back and holding my right arm tight. The pain will go away by the time I sleep again, but I always know it will be there, lurking, ready to strike me during my morning wake-ups. 18 years. 18 years I spent working almost every damn week trying to get an extra dollar or two. Only after I retire do I begin to live with a stable paycheck. Sam Keith, Rip Chord, and so many others worked me to the bone for an opportunity like this. This job, this paycheck, is unheard of for the people who came before me. I get to train the next generation of Supreme wrestlers day in and out. I get to protect my back and head from any more bumps. I get to be with my wife, Jen, and bring her home a real check. Now I might be able to move into a house soon, but for now, this apartment we have lived in for 15 years will help save our money. It’s a good life, and it’s a great job. I head to the Supreme Wrestling University, which is basically 5 minutes away, and get out of my car. Same spot near the front as always.


“Hey Coach!” came a voice from behind




Zap Powerson, a 22-year-old musclebound freak who could literally kill me, walked up.


“How’s it hanging?”


“Not much kid,” I said, grabbing my jacket from the car “Getting ready to kick your assess a bit.”


“Ha!” he said, giving me a slap to the back “I’ll take that ass-whoopin' like a champ!”


He walked away, with a big smile. Kids got a lot of “It” in him, and it’s my job to ensure he can find the compliments of that “It.” It’s my job to see him through and ensure he can become a star at SWF. That is my mission, for all my students. That will always be the goal of:




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RIPW Roster




"Ivy League" Barron Royal

Bryan "Do It!" Jewett

Clubber Ball

Crusher Ball

"Ready And Willing" Curt Meritt





Deever "The Rampage" Arnold

"Dancing" Drew Danson


"The Specimen" Forrest Ratzloff

"Hangman" Hank Whitman





"American Hellspawn" Hellion

"Big Ol'" Hoss Handley

"The Highlight of the Night" Kingsley Christopher

Marty "The Party" Simmons

"The Sun-Kissed Superstar" Moriarty Schnell

Newquay "The Idol" Brown





Newquay "The Idol" Brown

Rocky Weatherfield

"The Flack Attack Of" Roderick Flack

"Lone Star" Samson Sharpe

Son Of Vengeance

"Sexy Beast" Stevie Stanley




"Sexy Beast" Stevie Stanley

"The Bad Man" Warwick Good

Whole Lotta Marvin

"Wild" Willy LaRoux

Zap Powerson




"Big Z" Zeke Cromstock

Zharnel "The Destroyer" Zephaniah







Wilson Carlisle (Assistant Match Maker and lead Referee)

Remmington Remus (Lead Announcer)

"Smooth C" Chris Vann (Analysis Commentator)

Lucinda Lush (Manager for The Sunshine Connection)


Tag Teams




All Night Party




Texan Justice




The Magic Boys




The Rhode Island Scholars




The Sunshine Connection




The Wrecking Balls

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RIPW Championship Battle 2020





RIPW Championship: Forrest Ratzloff vs ??? (Open Challenge)


Infamous (Wild Willy, Kingsley, Newquay) vs All Night Party and Bryan Jewett


Whole Lotta Marvin vs Samson Sharpe


Hellion vs Zeke Cromstock


Rocky Weatherfield vs Clubber Ball


Drew Danson vs Crusher Ball



Bonus 1: Who accepts the Open Challenge?



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RIPW Championship: Forrest Ratzloff vs ??? (Open Challenge)


Infamous (Wild Willy, Kingsley, Newquay) vs All Night Party and Bryan Jewett


Whole Lotta Marvin vs Samson Sharpe


Hellion vs Zeke Cromstock


Rocky Weatherfield vs Clubber Ball


Drew Danson vs Crusher Ball



Bonus 1: Who accepts the Open Challenge?

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Already excited for this. RIPW has an amazing roster of future stars.


RIPW Championship: Forrest Ratzloff vs ??? (Open Challenge)- he probably has a bit of time before he drops the belt and gets called up.


Infamous (Wild Willy, Kingsley, Newquay) vs All Night Party and Bryan Jewett- sets up some matches for the next show.


Whole Lotta Marvin vs Samson Sharpe- WLM is a future star just needs some reps.


Hellion vs Zeke Cromstock- hoss battle


Rocky Weatherfield vs Clubber Ball- Ball is not on your level of Rocky.


Drew Danson vs Crusher Ball- Same as above. Probably sets up a tag team match for the next show.



Bonus 1: Who accepts the Open Challenge

Unless it's a new signing I'm going with Warrick Good.

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RIPW Championship: Forrest Ratzloff vs ??? (Open Challenge)


Infamous (Wild Willy, Kingsley, Newquay) vs All Night Party and Bryan Jewett


Whole Lotta Marvin vs Samson Sharpe


Hellion vs Zeke Cromstock


Rocky Weatherfield vs Clubber Ball


Drew Danson vs Crusher Ball



Bonus 1: Who accepts the Open Challenge?

Zap Powerson


Maybe a bit of foreshadowing from earlier... although i've been known to be wrong

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RIPW Presents: Championship Battle 2020


Attendance: 141




Remmington: Hello I'm Remmington Remus here with my partner Smooth C, Smooth how are you doing my friend.


Smooth C: Doing terrific my friend. We got an excellent show tonight as a lot of interesting feuds seem to be coming off of 2019.


Remmington: Yes we do, as coming off of 2020's Battle Royal event, we have a new Number 1 Contender in Warwick Good, who you are a fan of.


Smooth C: Warwick is a badddd man. He might be the toughest competitor in all of RIPW.


Remmington: We start off the show though with the champ with a mic, let's hear what he has to say!



Forrest Ratzloff


“I have been a champion in this state for two months now. I defeated that demon Hellion in November and beat that cocky kid Roderick Flack last month. Now I know I have more challenges on the way, hell Warwick Good won that battle royal in December, making him the Number 1 contender. But he ain’t here tonight, so I offer myself up for the taking. Anyone who wants to challenge for this title can take me on in the main event. Anyone and everyone here tonight can challenge me, and I’ll gladly accept, as I’m always ready for a challenge!” (29)


Remmington: Seems Ratzloff isn't taking Warwick at immediate seriousness that The Bad Man deserves


Smooth C: He's gonna regret that, I've seen Warwick train up close and personal. Dude can lift up to 5 wrestlers in this company.


Remmington: We go now to the first of two single matches in the series of The Wrecking Balls vs The Sunshine Connection.






In a bout that didn't have much heat and embarrassing wrestling, Crusher Ball defeated Drew Danson in 10:40 by pinfall with a Three Point Stance.(12)



Remmington: The inexperienced member of The Sunshine Connection lost here.


Smooth: Makes sense, Rocky has basically taken Drew under his wing in trying to train him up. But both men don't have anything for those Rookie brothers. Just look at the size difference!






In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Rocky Weatherfield defeated Clubber Ball in 10:54 by pinfall with an Implant DDT. (21)


(Mean Jean’s Notes: Pretty clear Rocky is the better of the Sunshine Connection, and that is due to the extra experience.)


Smooth: Well I'll be damned


Remmington: The smaller underdog got that Rocky-style win!


Smooth: Kid proved himself decent against that rookie big man


Remmington: Hold on C, look at this





'Big Brawl Between Wrecking Balls and Sunshine Connection' (22)



Remmington: Look at the chaos! Both men are killing each other


Smooth: It's chaotic as hell in this ring! Seems The Wrecking Balls are Wrecking Havoc!


Remmington: It seems The Connection have poked the bears a little to hard! We gotta stop this!....






'Zap Powerson accidentally bumps into Zharnel backstage. Zharnel takes offense and pushes him to the ground' (27)


(Notes: Pretty crazy that Powerson can already carry people in angles like this. He has that ooze to him that makes him seem like a superstar, and that will ensure he will always be a part of the card)



Remmington: We got the situation calmed down here, both teams are in the back.


Smooth: Trying to ruin the show...not to mention my paycheck!


Remmington: We will get back on topic, as we now have another match. Rookie Zeke Cromstock challenges....I don't know if I should utter his name.


Smooth: A pissed-off demon at that. He is literally from Hell


Remmington: I love to see rookies wrestle, but Zeke is not going to like this beating one bit





In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Hellion defeated Zeke Cromstock in 6:50 by pinfall with a Devolution Bomb. (24)


Remmington: Well the 22 year old did his best, but it seems the strength of demons comes from Hellion


Smooth: Looks like Hellion was getting ready to truly send Zeke to hell post match, but Deever Arnold is here!





Deever Arnold comes out post match.


“Hellion! You god damn monster! I was in the final two of that battle royal! I had that world title shot pegged! But just cause I eliminated you, which took all my effort, you decided to ruin me. This is how you gain a lifelong enemy! I had that match! And you decided to be a sore loser! I will get my revenge, and prove to you why I am The Rampage!” (44)


(Notes: Deever is great on the mic, and needs to be called up quickly as he has passed the “Developing” stage)



Remmington: What a speech!


Smooth: There is a lot of hate in those eyes, dumbfounded hate, but it's there nonetheless.


Remmington: Why dumb?


Smooth: Hellion literally broke him in half during the tables match for the RIPW title. He's got no chance man!"


Remmington: We gotta move on though. Next up, is a trios match!






'Infamous Warmup for match.' (35)





In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Infamous (Willy LaRoux, Kingsley Christopher and Newquay Brown) defeated Bryan Jewett and All Night Party in 12:04 when Willy LaRoux pinned Marty Simmons with a Reverse DDT. During the match we also had Son of Vengeance run in and attack Jewett. (17)


(Notes: Oh god Stevie Stanley is hurt bad. The kid got hit by a suplex and just stopped moving. This is bad. We are lucky we have medical on standby and they are stretching him out now)



Remmington: And folks, it is a sad turn of events here


Smooth: Oh jeez man.


Remmington: Stevie was hit by a suplex by Willy LaRoux while Son Of Vengence and Bryan Jewett were fighting on the outside. Stevie just hasn't moved.


Smooth: It's the neck that is being looked at. Horrible situation.


Remmington: It seems he can move somewhat, but he is being put on a stretcher right now. Our prayers are out for him. We will take a quick intermission..






'Highlights Of The Feud between Samson Sharpe and Whole Lotta Marvin' (29)






In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but embarrassing wrestling, Samson Sharpe defeated Whole Lotta Marvin in 12:34 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. (18)


(Notes: Bad chemistry between the two. Plus seeing your friend/fellow trainee go down like that is not good for psychology.)



Remmington: Oh come on!


Smooth: After all the stuff Marvin did to Samson during the last few months, he deserved this.


Remmington: That's low for you Smooth


Smooth: It's the truth!


Remmington: Ah god look at this!






'Post Match Attack by both Hank and Hoss' (22)



Remmington: How can you defend this Smooth?


Smooth: This is Samson getting an extra bit of revenge. He gets his revenge while his friends get their own bites in.


Remmington: This is him using his friends for his own benefit! Those thugs with him are just trying to ruin Marvin's career!


Smooth: Well I see it differently.






Ratzloff is out in the ring, waiting for his challenger. Barron Royal, with his lanky sidekick Curt Merrit at his side comes out.





“Well, I guess I just let the cat out of the bag Curt. See, I know with my Yale degree I am better than the normal joe! And I know I am better than this genetic freak inside that ring!”


“So what are you gonna do my royal?”


“Well Curt, when I beat the ‘Ratz’ off of Ratzloff tonight, I will bring legitimacy back to this company! So Let’s go Forrest!” (29)


(Notes: Curt had to carry Barron through his lines here. Honestly, the kid is a rookie, so I get it.)






In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Forrest Ratzloff defeated Barron Royal in 13:39 by pinfall with an Atomic Clothesline. Forrest Ratzloff makes defense number two of the RIPW Championship title. (23)



Remmington: The former Yale student had a great effort here. He looked legit for his age and experience


Smooth: Agreed. Forrest is a tough cookie-


Remmington: Hold on C! Someone is coming from the crowd!


'Warwick Good attacks Ratzloff and raises up the title, declaring himself to be a future champion' (30)


Remmington: Oh come on!


Smooth: Warwick is a bad man! I tell you this Remmington, when he wants something he will go for it.


Remmington: He is showing how much he wants Forrest here. Thanks for watching, we will be back next month for our next event! See you then!


Show rating: 26

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The stretcher came to the back, with an ambulance waiting near the garage of the arena. Alongside the men holding the stretcher, you had Marty Simmons.




"Ah jeez Stevie. What are you feeling?"




"I just can't move my neck and head man. I think I'll be fine.


I give Marty the approval to go with Stevie, no reason for him to stay for the rest of the night. As they left I had to talk to one more person.




"You good man?"


"Yeah. I just hope he's okay."


"From what he said, I think he will be. Will be out for a long while but he should come back.


"Man I hope so. He just went down from the bump man. I guess I held him too close to me.


"It looked normal to me. I don't see what could've happened."


"Damn man..."


"It's gonna be cool dude. Just hit the showers alright?"


"Alright, thanks."


He walked off, seemingly startled still. It was a serious injury and I don't know exactly what happened wrong. Was just a front facelock suplex, a move I've seen Willy give hundreds of times. Just a horrible situation.

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RIPW Rivalry 2020





RIPW Championship: Forrest Ratzloff © vs Warwick Good


RIPW USA: Bryan Jewett © vs Son Of Vengeance


RIPW Tag Team Championships: The Magic Boys © vs The Rhode Island Scholars


The Sunshine Connection vs The Wrecking Balls


Zharnel Zephaniah vs Marty Simmons


Hellion and Roderick Flack vs Deever Arnold and Zeke Cromstock




Bonus 1: What Will Marty Simmons do now that his partner is injured?

Winner Of Prediction Series gets to decide who I do a profile about So for the last event, prediction results are:



stillnotover 3/7

Neslo024 4/7

Herrbear 5/7


Congrats to Herrbear. Either pm me or put in a future response



wait what happened to Stevie?


Stevie broke his neck. Like not even joking he just breaks it randomly in a match. Had to explain it in kayfabe, but it was pretty shocking as this was the first event in the save. No botch or anything.

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<p>RIPW Championship: <strong>Forrest Ratzloff ©</strong> vs Warwick Good</p><p> </p><p>

RIPW USA: Bryan Jewett © vs <strong>Son Of Vengeance</strong></p><p> </p><p>

RIPW Tag Team Championships: <strong>The Magic Boys ©</strong> vs The Rhode Island Scholars</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Sunshine Connection</strong> vs The Wrecking Balls</p><p> </p><p>

Zharnel Zephaniah vs <strong>Marty Simmons</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hellion and Roderick Flack</strong> vs Deever Arnold and Zeke Cromstock</p><p> </p><p>

Bonus 1: What Will Marty Simmons do now that his partner is injured?</p><p> </p><p>

Wow that is crazy poor Stevie is probably done? Which is a shame cuz I liked the tag team. My guess Marty will form a new tag team with Bryan Jewett. </p><p> </p><p>

Or what if he formed a stable with Young and Wasted? Sorry I'm just throwing stuff at the wall now haha</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="stillnotover" data-cite="stillnotover" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53840" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>RIPW Championship: <strong>Forrest Ratzloff ©</strong> vs Warwick Good<p> </p><p> RIPW USA: Bryan Jewett © vs <strong>Son Of Vengeance</strong></p><p> </p><p> RIPW Tag Team Championships: <strong>The Magic Boys ©</strong> vs The Rhode Island Scholars</p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Sunshine Connection</strong> vs The Wrecking Balls</p><p> </p><p> Zharnel Zephaniah vs <strong>Marty Simmons</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Hellion and Roderick Flack</strong> vs Deever Arnold and Zeke Cromstock</p><p> </p><p> Bonus 1: What Will Marty Simmons do now that his partner is injured?</p><p> </p><p> Wow that is crazy poor Stevie is probably done? Which is a shame cuz I liked the tag team. My guess Marty will form a new tag team with Bryan Jewett. </p><p> </p><p> Or what if he formed a stable with Young and Wasted? Sorry I'm just throwing stuff at the wall now haha</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Stevie is said to be out for over a year, so not retired yet. Luckily the SWF medical team is one of the best in the world, so he will get all the help he can get.</p>
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<p>RIPW Championship: <strong>Forrest Ratzloff ©</strong> vs Warwick Good</p><p> </p><p>

RIPW USA: <strong>Bryan Jewett ©</strong> vs Son Of Vengeance</p><p> </p><p>

RIPW Tag Team Championships: <strong>The Magic Boys ©</strong> vs The Rhode Island Scholars</p><p> </p><p>

The Sunshine Connection vs <strong>The Wrecking Balls</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Zharnel Zephaniah vs <strong>Marty Simmons</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Hellion and Roderick Flack vs <strong>Deever Arnold and Zeke Cromstock</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Bonus 1: What Will Marty Simmons do now that his partner is injured? <strong>Partner with Wild Willy</strong></p>

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RIPW Presents: Rivalry

Attendance: 160







Remmington: Welcome back to RIPW everyone watching from home. I'm Remmington Remus, joined always by my wonderful partner, Smooth C!


Smooth: What's up what's up! I'm pumped up to be back for another show.


Remmington: You are on hot water for being biased correct?


Smooth: Let's just say me and Mean Jean had a chat, but enough about me, that's Warwick Good in the ring!


Remmington: It seems the Number 1 Contender has some words to say!






Warwick Green Starts off the show



Warwick: Y'know, I'm sick of this place. It took me nearly 4 years to get my well deserved title shot, and I know deep down that I'm the best wrestler in this entire company. And that includes those schmucks embarrassing themselves on TV, waiting for the next international star to sign so they can be carried in a match. I ain't about that, no way. I will fight anyone and everyone to get what I want, which it gold and money. I'll take on Forrest 5 times if I have too, as I know that even if I lose tonight, I'll still stalk him with my ever looming dominance and charisma. I am not a good man, I am not THE man. I am The Bad Man. (29)



Remmington: A threatening man


Smooth: They don't call him The Bad Man for nothing! He is always 100%, even if he is injured, he still tries to go and win.


Remmington: Speaking about being hurt, Stevie Stanley was found to have broken his neck, and he will be out till at least next year.


Smooth: Feel horrible for the kid. His head and neck will be messed up for some time. His partner though competes in the next match.







In a bout that didn't have much heat and embarrassing wrestling, Marty Simmons defeated Zharnel Zephaniah in 8:55 by pinfall with The Hangover. During the match we also had Zap Powerson run in and attack Zephaniah. (15)



Remmington: Zap Powerson strikes back!


Smooth: Ruining a man's match? Especially as he's still so young!


Remmington: We all saw Zharnel's irrational mindset This is well due respect.


Smooth And before Marty can say a word, The Magic Boys already have mics





"Marty, Marty, Marty. Sadly your partner is injured and your close friend Jewett seems to be busy with our head. So you are now on your own. Don't worry! We won't beat you up or anything, right Newquay?"


"Yeah. See us Magic Boys are all about the respect. We know you and Stevie had a tag title shot next month planned, so we are happy to give you a month to find that partner that will team up for the opportunity to be crushed." (23)



Remmington: What assholes!


Smooth: Ay, they aren't the ones that injured Stevie, get mad at Wild Willy if he starts to talk trash.


Remmington: At least they can show bear respect! Ugh.





We see Deever and Zeke training backstage, with Deever doing pullups and Zeke on the weights. As they are doing this,




Roderick Flack comes up, in a comically sneaky fashion, and tries to mess with the pole Deever is using for pull-ups. Of course, Deever and Zeke see this right away and stop what they're doing.


Deever: "What are you doing kid?"


Roderick: "Giving my team an advantage, something you goody 'Blue-Collar' heroes will never get!"


Zeke: "Pssh. Like you need more than a literal demon on your team. Get outta here."


Roderick ran out of there like a kid in a candy store, Deever and Zeke meanwhile continue to train. (28)






In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Deever Arnold and Zeke Cromstock defeated Hellion and Roderick Flack in 12:15 when Deever Arnold pinned Roderick Flack with a Cannonball Senton (29)



Reemington: Good win by Team Arnold here.


Smooth: And they are getting out of there quickly, as they see Hellion's face!


Remmington: Uh oh! Look out Roderick!





Hellion chokeslams Roderick Flack. (29)


Smooth: Ow.


Remmington: Damn. The weasel Roderick just got twisted into 4.


Smooth: Even though I like those who are like him, he just rubs me the wrong way.







In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, The Magic Boys defeated The Rhode Island Scholars in 12:06 when Newquay Brown pinned Curt Meritt with a Magic Marker. The Magic Boys make defence number five of the RIPW Tag Team Championship titles. (19)



Remmington: Good defense here by The Magic Boys


Smooth: They all but stated it plainly in that earlier promo that they had the win in the bag.


Remmington: We head to the next match, which might find a new Number 1 Contender Team for The Magic Boys-


Smooth: Oh they're fighting before they even hit the ring Remmington! Holy cow!





'Pre Match brawl from both The Wrecking Balls and Sunshine Connection'



Remmington: All sorts of chaos here!


Smooth: This feud went from a contest on who's better to 4 men who hate each other in only 1 month!"


Remmington: It seems refs have the situation under control, and they are ringing the bell! Here we go!






In a bout that didn't have much heat and embarrassing wrestling, The Sunshine Connection defeated The Wrecking Balls in 12:29 when Rocky Weatherfield pinned Crusher Ball with a quick cradle. (18)



Remmington: Rocky and Drew get the win!


Smooth: Ehh. They only won by a quick cradle. The Wrecking Balls will get their revenge one day







We head backstage to see Wild Willy LaRoux with Son of Vengence at his side. Willy is standing still with his hands clasped with SOV walking back and forth.


Willy: Bryan oh Bryan oh Bryan! You should've just given me that title of yours. See, I'm better than you in every way. I got the money, I got the power, I got it all! You, meanwhile, have a goody-two-shoes attitude with no chance of succeeding up at the Supreme level! See, with my money, and this pyscho of a man by my side, I don't have to fight you right this second! I got time! I'll just get Vengeance's son over here to beat the ever-living crap out of! Is that clear?! (24)






In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but embarrassing wrestling, Bryan Jewett defeated Son of Vengeance in 10:59 by submission. Bryan Jewett makes defence number four of the RIPW USA title. (20)



Remmington: Jewett survives the decedent of Vengeance!


Smooth: How many names are you gonna have for that psycho?


Remmington: You want me to go on?


Smooth: I'll pass. We are onto our main event! THE RIPW CHAMPIONSHIP is on the line! The Specimen Forrestt Ratzloff takes on the baddddddddddddddddddddd man, Warwick Good!







In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Forrest Ratzloff defeated Warwick Good in 15:18 by submission with an Universe Backbreaker. Forrest Ratzloff makes defence number three of the RIPW Championship title. (30)



Remmington: Ratzloff retains the title! He remains champion!


Smooth: That Universe Backbreaker was locked in hard!


Remmington: A third defense of the championship-


Smooth: Oh god Warwick no!






Smooth: Where did he even get that?? How do you let someone called 'The Bad Man' get that weapon??


Remmington: Security is coming out...and he's hitting them too!


Smooth: Do I need to get in there? Remmington do I?


Remmington: It Seems Mean Jean is coming too! And Warwick is scurrying off


Smooth: Guess the bad man doesn't want to be fired.


Remmington: But he will have to be suspended! Stay tuned for next month folks, and we will see what happens to Warwick Good! (30)




Show rating: 29

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RIPW March To Victory 2020!





RIPW March To Victory Tournament Bracket:

F: ??? vs ???


SF: Jewett/LaRoux vs Danson/TBA

SF: Arnold/Hellion vs Powerson/Sharpe


QF: Deever Arnold vs Hellion

QF: Zap Powerson vs Samson Sharpe

QF: Bryan Jewett vs Willy LaRoux

QF: Drew Danson vs TBA



Other Matches:


RIPW Tag Team Championships: Magic Boys vs Marty Simmons and ???


Son Of Vengeance vs Zeke Cromstock




Bonus 1: Mean Jean will announce who will be the final entrant in the March To Victory. Who do you think it will be?


Bonus 2: Who will Marty Simmons' partner be?



Prediction Results (Won't count the bonus as the question didn't really have a clear answer):


Stillnotover: 4/6

Herrbear: 5/6


Herrbear goes 2/2 in predictions! The Kingsley Christopher profile should be posted tomorrow morning, so tell me who you want to be profiled next. Thank you both for the predictions as well!

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Kingsley Christopher: Differences Between You and Me




Kingsley Christopher: Differences Between You and Me



When I got the contract, cheers were heard around the house. My father, two brothers, two sisters and my grandma all celebrated with me. I did it, a contract with SWF, the pinnacle of the wrestling world. Newquay was the one who told me to check my email, saying he couldn’t believe it. If anything I expected him to make it and me to be left in the dust but both of us?? The Magic Boys in RIPW??? Jesus.


It was a Saturday, and though I needed to leave on Sunday, my family still dragged me to church. My father, who has been a single parent since I was 4 years old, leans heavily on the bible. He needed the spell of the lord to help bridge the gap of a second parent, something most of my brothers and sisters never had. My father would dream of becoming close to the status of a pastor. He just doesn’t have the time to try. 5 kids he has to feed and grow (with one of them turning into a workaholic wrestling freak.) His dream would have to be put on hold. I know he’d be a good pastor, I see him motivate me and my brothers and sisters. I see him telling stories of old and showing us the way of life. I’m not as devout as him, yet I still respect it. I then see the way Newquay grew up, and how sheltered and I guess for a lack of a term, spoiled he was.


I don’t blame Newquay for having an “In” for high level gyms and great training before even going to RIPW, it’s not his fault his father has like 3 Super Bowl rings. But I also wish he went through my experience. I had to have nearly perfect grades to move up to better schools with better weight training at toe. To become Kinglsley Christopher, I had to be beyond perfect. To become Newquay Brown, he had to be perfect at what he was given. But, at the same time, I know we are close in skill and experience. I know we are a tag team because of how well we gel and work together. I know that I’ve lived in the same bedroom as him for over a year. Even though we have these life altering differences, we still know how to make each other better.

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F: Powerson vs TBA


SF: Jewettvs TBA

SF: Hellion vs Powerson


QF: Deever Arnold vs Hellion

QF: Zap Powerson vs Samson Sharpe

QF: Bryan Jewett vs Willy LaRoux

QF: Drew Danson vs TBA



Other Matches:


RIPW Tag Team Championships: Magic Boys vs Marty Simmons and ???


Son Of Vengeance vs Zeke Cromstock

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QF: Deever Arnold vs Hellion

QF: Zap Powerson vs Samson Sharpe

QF: Bryan Jewett vs Willy LaRoux

QF: Drew Danson vs TBA


SF: Jewett/LaRoux vs Danson/TBA

SF: Arnold/Hellion vs Powerson/Sharpe


F: Hellion vs LaRoux


Other Matches

RIPW Tag Team Championships: Magic Boys vs Marty Simmons and ???


Son Of Vengeance vs Zeke Cromstock



"Lone Star" Samson Sharpe

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F: Deever Arnold vs TBA


SF: Jewettvs TBA

SF: Deever Arnold vs Powerson


QF: Deever Arnold vs Hellion

QF: Zap Powerson vs Samson Sharpe

QF: Bryan Jewett vs Willy LaRoux

QF: Drew Danson vs TBA



Other Matches:


RIPW Tag Team Championships: Magic Boys vs Marty Simmons and ???


Son Of Vengeance vs Zeke Cromstock


should just start copying Herrbear haha

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RIPW: March To Victory 2020


Attendance: 156








Remmington: Welcome everybody to March Of Victory 2020!


Smooth: Yes Remmy, we come today to deterime who wins the March to Victory Tournament. A tournament won by the likes of Primus Allen, Masked Patriot, and current RIPW wrestlers Forrest Ratzloff and Deever Arnold.


Remmington: And Deever is looking to become the first ever two time winner of the tournament! But first, Mean Jean has an update on Warwick Good's status, and an announcement on who the final competitor in March to Victory will be...






"Welcome to March To Victory! Thank you to everyone who has joined us for this event! We have an excellent show for you guys, but I first have to make an update/announcement for you guys. Last month, here at the Biker's Paradise, Warwick Good showed pure unprofessionalism and nearly ended the career of our champion, Ratzloff. I felt he should've been suspended immediately and for as long as possible till he learns. But the powers that be, up in SWF, have decided to not suspend or even give him a fine. Instead, they have forced my hand, and Warwick Good will be the 8th entrant in the March To Victory tournament. He will face Drew Danson as soon as I leave this ring. Thank you, and I'm sorry to all those that we have disappointed by this decision. (25)



Remmington: How could the powers in SWF let this happen?? Why didn't they follow the man closest to all this, Mean Jean?


Smooth: I'll tell you, I bet that little rascal Jerry Eisen got scared at the power of Warwick, and fell to his every demand!


Remmington: What about Eric? He has a lot of power up there!


Smooth: From the times I've met Eric, I see him as a stand up guy with a good head on his shoulders.


Remmington: Jesus...






In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Warwick Good defeated Drew Danson in 6:52 by pinfall with a Face First Suplex. (25)



Remmington: Good performance from Drew, being put in an impossible situation here.


Smooth: Drew knew his opponent was TBA, he should've prepared for all options, even me and you!


Remmington: Like the rest of us, I assume he didn't expect The Bad Man to get off with a slap of the wrist. In any case, Warwick Good moves on to the semi finals, and he will face the winner of Bryan Jewett vs Willy LaRoux







In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Willy LaRoux defeated Bryan Jewett in 9:35 by pinfall with a Reverse DDT. (25)



Remmington: And that right there folks is a really big deal.


Smooth: Definitely, the Wild Hustler just earned himself a title shot whenever he wants!





"Protection! What a man like me needs! See, now I know I don't have to kill myself this next match to get close to a title match! I have one waiting, win or lose, against that positivity aligned freak! And do you know what is worse then a determined Willy? A relaxed one! Hahaha!" (33)



Smooth: Dudes kind of an asshole


Remmington: Thought you kind of liked Wild Willy?


Smooth: I like his wrestling, his laugh gets on my nerves though. Dude needs a chill pill!







In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Samson Sharpe defeated Zap Powerson in 6:41 by pinfall with a Full Nelson Bomb. (24)


(Mean Jean Notes: Powerson and Sharpe worked well together. Powerson selled especially well to Samson’s moves)



Remmington: The more experienced Samson showed his dominance here, and made work of the lesser experienced Zap.


Smooth: Think we all love Zap to a degree, even if he is a little too perfect for my good


Remmington: Perfect? His wrestling ain't showing it yet


Smooth: Ha!


Remmington: But wait look at this, that's Zharnel coming out with a chair!






'Zharnel attacks Zap Powerson!' (23)




Remmington: This feud between Zap and Zharnel has turned more and more into an interference fiesta!


Smooth: Both men gotta face it out in a ring at some point, or in Zharnel's case, a cage.


Remmington: Maybe a little bit of both? We're doing your job for you Jean!






In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Deever Arnold defeated Hellion in 9:23 by pinfall with a Cannonball Senton. (38)


(Notes: What a match! Both me looked spectacular here and ready for a main roster push. Will meet with Eric Eisen in about 6 months, and they will be the first two I bring up)



Remmington: Holy hell!


Smooth: Not only do those two hate each other, but both are great in the ring! And they just roared this place to a pitch!


Remmington: What a showing by both men, who are expected to be called up by the end of the year.


Smooth: Deever will go on to face Samson Sharpe in the next round, meanwhile, The Bad Man Warwick Good faces "Wild" Willy LaRoux







We head backstage to see Whole Lotta Marvin look more serious then ever. He is pacing back and forth to keep calm and not get mad. We then see walk up to him:





Hank: Well if it ain't the man we've been looking for!


Marvin: What? Are you gonna try and rub salt in the wound? I'm going to get revenge on your boy Samson!


Hoss: Listen, I ain't wanting to hurt you or fight you! We just want to tell you that the only way Samson Sharpe faces you, is if you go through us two first!


Marvin: I'll beat ya'll in a handicap match if I have to, I want Sharpe!


Hank: Relax kid, you'll face me me in April and Hoss in May, then get your long awaited rematch whenever you please! Sounds good.


Marvin: Oh it sounds wonderful Hank! Yeah, I get to long my punishment on you sick southern c-


Hoss: Oh and one more thing, I said that I wasn't going to attack you. But...


Hank Whitman proceeds slam his knee in Marvin's chest, knocking the wind out of him, he then throws him over some backstage equipment before walking off and laughing with Hoss. (30)







In a bout that had little heat and embarrassing wrestling, Son of Vengeance defeated Zeke Cromstock in 6:55 by pinfall with a Skull Krusher. (10)



Remmington: How do you think Willy was able to convince SoV to join Infamous smooth?


Smooth: Well from what I heard, the original Vengeance made the deal with Willy, saying his son is more wild then he ever was and he needs some straightening out.


Remmington: So give him to the con artist to make him psychopathic instead of just crazy


Smooth: Basically.


Remmington: Damn. Wild Willy is up next!







In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Warwick Good defeated Willy LaRoux in 10:46 by pinfall with a Face First Suplex. (27)


(Notes: Willy held his own here. He can be considered by some to be above the USA title scene by some, but I want him to finish it out first.)



Remmington: Warwick is on a mission man.


Smooth: The bad man is focused and is just going straight ahead, this second breath of opportunity for a world title shot is giving the kid new life


Remmington: He will face the winner of the next match, Deever Arnold vs Samson Sharpe!





In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Samson Sharpe defeated Deever Arnold in 8:10 by pinfall with a Full Nelson Bomb. During the match we also had Hellion run in and attack Arnold. (39)




Remmington: Ah come on!


Smooth: I told you Remmy, you do not want to mess with a demon like Hellion


Remmington: Dude is crazy, and not in the good way






The Magic Boys stand in the ring, waiting for Marty's partner to come out. Marty points to the entrance...







Remmington: The Sun Kissed Superstar is back!


Smooth: He has been out for a couple months with a pectoral injury, and it seems Marty Simmons was able to get to him at the right time!


Remmington: How will this team do??





In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, The Magic Boys defeated Marty Simmons and Moriarty Schnell in 8:08 when Kingsley Christopher pinned Moriarty Schnell with a Magic Marker. During the match we also had Moriarty Schnell turn on Simmons. The Magic Boys make defence number six of the RIPW Tag Team Championship titles. (20)




Remmington: What the hell!


Smooth: The Sun Kissed Superstar kissed Marty Simmons' Tag Team title hopes goodbye!


Remmington: He just left Marty high and dry mid match! How bad can Marty's year get.


Smooth: But we got a lot bigger news up next. The March To Victory tournament! Will The Bad Man win his first tournament, or will The Underdog Samson Sharpe, who has never tasted the main event, get the title shot!





In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Warwick Good defeated Samson Sharpe in 12:29 by pinfall with a Face First Suplex. During the match we also had Whole Lotta Marvin distract Sharpe. Warwick Good wins the RIPW March To Victory. (26)




Smooth: That bastard Whole Lotta Marvin just ruined Samson Sharpe' title hopes!


Remmington: This is revenge for Southern Comfort's constant attacks and cheating against him!


Smooth: It doesn't really matter now does it? Warwick Good just won the March To Victory!





Remmington: Mean Jean and RIPW management must be pissed


Smooth: The SWF management see something special in this kid, and he proved so tonight


Remmington: We will hear from Warwick Good next month on when he will challenge Forrest Ratzloff! Thank you for watching and see you then!



Show Rating: 28

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RIPW Survival 5






RIPW Championship: Forrest Ratzloff © vs Deever Arnold


RIPW USA: Bryan Jewett © vs Willy LaRoux


SOUTHERN COMFRORT SERIES: Hank Whitman vs Whole Lotta Marvin


First Blood Tag Team Match: The Wrecking Balls vs The Sunshine Connection


Moriarty Schnell vs Zeke Cromstock


Hellion vs Roderick Flack


Barron Royal vs ??? (Open Challenge)


Son Of Vengeance vs Zap Powerson



Bonus 1: Who is ???:




Alright, Prediction results, we have


Historian: 4/9

Herrbear: 1/9

Stillnotover: 5/9


Congrats on your first prediction win. If you want a profile of someone, put it in your next reply. Thank you all for your replies and predictions!




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