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Tips for playing EILL/CWA/RAW/21CW

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I mostly play in the US or in smaller international companies. The times I have played with the No. 1 international company I struggle with the aims and often large rosters.


Brand splits end up taking more time and already being number one in their country the next step should be going international.


How do you play these companies? There aren’t many dynasties based on these in the forum either.

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The way I would do it now, provided the autobooker does a decent job, is just book the flagship show and leave the secundary ones to the autobooker. But still you'd have to monitor storylines and everything. It'll be very time-consuming if you want to do it properly.


I assume there's not a lot of dynasties because if you - due to circumstance - have to ignore the game for a month, it's gruelling to come back to it and immerse yourself again with all that you were doing (despite the game giving you tools to get a grip on all the data). I take it many abandon diaries at that moment.


Partly the reason why WWE struggles with these problems. You're no. 1, you make a profit, you are globally known,... What do you do but to provide a minimal effort to keep things rolling without getting too much resistance? Maybe in time AEW can come knocking but we're not there yet. Not nearly.


TEW isn't real life so it's only functional to you having fun (unless you are a diary man), and quite frankly, it isn't much fun to book a huge company and progress very little in ingame time after hours of gameplay. I don't think there's a way to circumvent this. It's a lot of work to give each of your... 100? workers something interesting to do at all times.

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I could write a lot but the key thing to remember is popularity is king, for all these.


I like all four feds but they're not all the same. There are some things that you can do for all four - main event spotlight, tight focus, book a good main event and a couple of good angles. Avoid the older workers who can have decline that may tank ratings, until you figure out who has value.


EILL is easiest I think. Extremely talented roster in ring on the mic. Any combo of the top guys should be able enough. Gino is gold, El Leon and Axxis are great, Multimillionario and Dr Rudo are great heels. Behind them you have decent champions and massive prospects in Mitico and Hurakan. You don't need to raid OLLIE or anyone else immediately. They are the easiest out of the four.


It's difficult to fail as RAW, especially if you follow the above rules and focus on the main event. I've noticed that they have a bit of a drug problem backstage.


21CW will be easier for you if Tommy C isnt in decline and easier still if he doesnt get pinged for bad chemistry with Edward. The pop is lacking on the roster, and there is a gap in experience too. If you can maintain storyline heat (it is a challenge, you'll need to add at least one more in) then you're pretty much OK from there. Again, it's a case of abusing the main event stars. Get a main event of over 79 and some hot angles and your show grade will be OK. For RAW & 21CW, I would shortlist USPW workers as they will be the only ones who have pop in these regions.


CWA is a struggle in my experience. Huge roster and a big spread of inxperience and lack of pop. If you can break even on show grades, then you'll be OK. Out of the four, it's one you could struggle with financially and it's also the one where you may benefit most from a B Show (also with 21CW). Shortlist the big three US companies for potential signings.


I don't think a B Show is as essential for the others. But apart from EILL, there is an issue with multiple inexperienced workers on the rosters, so pre show and B show booking can be invaluable.


Other than that, momentum can be abused to make someone better than they are. B Shows can be any combination and is useful for testing chemistry etc.

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I mostly play in the US or in smaller international companies. The times I have played with the No. 1 international company, I struggle with the aims and often large rosters.


Brand splits end up taking more time and already being number one in their country, the next step should be going international.


How do you play these companies? There aren’t many dynasties based on these in the forum, either.


The main problem with these companies is that it feels like they exist on their own islands. America has 3 companies vying for power and multiple indy promotions to back the scene.

CWA's merger imo killed the viability of Canadian playthrough, i.e. there is no competition. GCG should have been replaced by an upstart promotion which was either entertainment or Hardcore stuff but on extreme. Canadians can still steal talent from USA's best, though.

RAW is alone, 21CW is alone, EILL at least has OLLIE, but AI makes them their developmental company, so it's not that different. Due to pop levels, they can't even steal talent from anyone else other than USPW, which is limiting and can take fun out of the play through. Also, there is no competition as well.


With RAW, their roster is based upon entertainment skills and looks for the most part. Their product tells you to focus on angles as well. Build Storylines like you would in American 3 and go from there for the most part. It's a wrestling Soap Opera - SE fed with more emphasis on Angles. Book it like riverdale or something, have rugby games, long lost brothers, vampires and so on.Jingo and Christian_ape are the two guys who have had a great dynasty on this promotion.


21CW has Cornell family. Utilize them well and it's enough. Like USPW, you need to abuse your Major stars' pop at the beginning. I personally don't like booking them, it's tough booking 100 different bald guys when there is no character flavor for most of them either. Lloyd had a long dynasty for 21CW.


CWA's problem is lack of popularity at the beginning for the most part, and it's universe wide problem, all the top guys except maybe USPW's, need a 4-5 point bump to be viable. Example - Nakasawa-san is the most popular wrestler in Japan, and he is at just 77.

CWA is a struggle, though. Managing their roster at the start is something you need to do in the beginning. You need to spam top guys vs top guys at tghe start for obvious reasons. Grab few guys who are good at wrestling and put them on pre-shows and B shows to train your rest of the roster.

NOTBPW was notorious for its 'soulless wrestling machines' vibe, so I don't think there are any dynasties which go on for a long time. For DeColts, Self has a nice one you can refer.


EILL in 2016 was interesting as they were expanding in the USA and a year or two later, they would always be fighting SWF and USPW for America. 2020 version have them back on their own island. I had written a guide about them a few years back, gives them a bit of flavor using canon lore. http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=537620.

EILL is the easiest out of all these - you have a lot of great talent, Your top guys are great, even if there is no lover to carry you. OLLIE is a fantastic talent pipeline. It's hard to fail, even with auto-booking shows and minimum management.


Another thing to know about playing these promotions is that there is no reason to grow them, you can just keep playing them at your own pace. Staying at your current level is not punished until USPW grows in your region ofc. Until then, there is no one coming for you. Make a broadcaster, have a B show, create developmental and in 6-8 months, you will have a few wrestlers good enough to be on your main roster both pop and skill-wise. Replace top guys if you want to, have expensive imports from foreign lands (for role playing) and build them up. Use broadcasters to expand outside your region and so on.


Only thing with these promotions is, due to lack of connection to mainstream CV lore (USA/Japan) there is nothing to dig into.


Another issue is, there is no way to replicate Hulk Hogan or John Cena in the game organically. SWF (WWE/F) may have distribution worldwide and Remo might be as big as Lesnar or Rocky might be as popular as Cena but simulating it in game breaks the balance on multiple levels. So as RAW you may grab Rocky and Audience will ask 'who?' and it's not fun at all.


Another suggestion is try cv2018 mod. It solves few of these issues.

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One thing to do with CWA is to start a developmental deal with ACPW. They'll cut a broadcast deal with WrestleWorld as soon as that starts, so you're developmental talent will get exposure in the U.S. and Canada. Alternatively you can start your own company and network, but with only $3 million at the start, it's not something to do cavalierly.
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<p>my go to thing when it comes to CWA is just to switch a touring schedule. cheap maybe, that makes my younger people be able to wrestle frequently, not make me worry about really bad shows, and allows me to experiment. for a workrate heavy promotion as cwa, it just makes to me. </p><p> </p><p>

though, i would note you are gonna lose 1.5 mil if you decide to switch in game. (why won't it just convert the tv show to an automatic highlights show)</p>

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