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Silly question

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Sorry for the thread over such a silly question, but is there a way to make my screen larger? I can't "maximize" the window and as a result the text is pretty small and I find myself misclicking a lot of the workers names because they're rather tiny.


I'm running 1080p monitor so it's not like I'm operating at some crazy resolution, am I missing something simple here?

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I got a 1440p monitor so I know your pain. This is how I manage to make it work despite the super small window size of TEW20.


- Right click desktop.

- Go to Display Settings

- Go to Scale and Layout

- Set Scale to 175% (for 1440p)

-- You could also go to advanced and pick a more specific number to get it just right.

- When finished with TEW, switch it back to the old scale.


It's a bit of a hassle, but actually makes the game playable on a bigger resolution without having to squint or buy binoculars. Although I would super appreciate support for actual modern (1080 and up) resolutions in a future title.

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