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Two of a Kind - Royal Flush Wrestling (C-Verse)

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Charlie Corner takes on Dustin Deuce

Fro Sure will face the Son of the Monster, James Diaz

Jay Silver fights Wild Red Stallion

Sarah Taylor wrestles Joy Rider

The Franchise © defends the RFW Tag Team Championship against Dreadmask

Grace “Diamond” Kil © takes on Ruby Reece for the RFW Women’s Championship

Papa Swoll © faces John “Ace” Hart for the RFW Championship

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Charlie Corner takes on Dustin Deuce

Fro Sure will face the Son of the Monster, James Diaz

Jay Silver fights Wild Red Stallion

Sarah Taylor wrestles Joy Rider

The Franchise © defends the RFW Tag Team Championship against Dreadmask

Grace “Diamond” Kil © takes on Ruby Reece for the RFW Women’s Championship

Papa Swoll © faces John “Ace” Hart for the RFW Championship

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QAW Titan Clash #89

Sunday of Week 1, September 2022

Held in Oklahoma City, OK (Mid South Region)


“Okay, Mom.” I rolled my eyes and made a circling motion with my finger. She had been dragging on this call for a while. I wasn’t in danger of missing my match, but if I didn’t get her off the phone soon, I just might.


Mom chuckled. “I know that tone. I’m sorry that I’m keeping you. I’m just worried, especially since you’re facing that Honey Badger person.”


I chuckled. This had become part of my routine in the past few weeks. After I got to whatever arena QAW was using, Mom wanted me to call and check in and let her know how I was feeling. I think it was a way for her to feel okay with what I was doing. I mean, I got it. I was on the road a lot, more than I expected. Definitely more than I ever had before. And I think Mom was nervous about all of that. If I could keep her a little less nervous by calling her, that was fine.


“Honey is really a sweetheart, Mom. We’re going to be fine.”


“Her name is really Honey?” Mom said.


I laughed again. “We really don’t know for sure. She insists on everyone calling her Honey Badger when she’s backstage. Won’t answer to anything else.”


Even though I couldn’t see her, I recognized Mom’s stunned silence. “You’re kidding me.”


“I wish I was.” I looked around the locker room. “Mom, I gotta go. We’re going to do some last minute prep.”


It was a lie. We had already gone over the match with Sherie. Coco Malloy and I were ready to go, as were Honey Badger and Izzy Quick, our opponents. Coco and I were going to win, while Izzy and Honey were going to do a shock-and-awe type of offense on us. Sherie was even allowing me to be the “big damn hero,” as she put it.


Mom delayed for a while longer but eventually hung up. I turned and found Coco giving me a quizzical look.


“Problems with your folks?” Coco asked.


I shrugged. “Kind of. Not really. My mom, she worries.”


“You two close?” Coco asked.


“Close enough. How about you and your mom?”


Coco shrugged. “Well, she’s not exactly thrilled about my life choices. But we’re good. So you ready for tonight?”


“Absolutely. Why wouldn’t I be?”


She studied me. “I’ve been hearing rumors about you guys over at RFW. Word on the street is that big things are coming your way. You guys are on the cusp of…well, I don’t know. Something huge. So I’m almost scared to get in the ring with you. Last thing I want to do is generate some bad blood with someone who could sign my next paycheck, y’know?”


My eyes widened and I looked around the locker room. Was…was Coco asking me for a job? Was that okay? Or would Farrah think I was trying to poach her talent? I mean, we kind of were. Marie, Alice, and Sarah all worked for Farrah before we hired them at RFW. Well, Marie was a bit of a muddle, but still…


“I’m sure we’ll be okay,” I said.


Coco smiled. “Then let’s get out there and see how things go, shall we?”


I nodded, but my stomach had tied itself in a knot. Not because of the match. That would be fine. But because of whatever the future might hold.

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Hey, this is a total out of character post. I'll have the results for All In Posted tomorrow. I don't know if what I'm about to do is kosher or not, but I figured it's worth a shot. If I'm crossing the line, I apologize in advance.


Some of you may remember me from a few years ago (or many years ago) when I was doing my SWF and MWA diaries and then I kind of just...vanished. The reason why was because I was pursuing other writing opportunities. During my absence from the forum here, I published five novels (if you want to see what they're about, here's my Amazon page).


Well, this morning, I launched a Kickstarter to publish a sixth.


The book is called "Drawn in Ash" and it's science fantasy loosely based on the Biblical book of Esther (because I'm also a Lutheran pastor in my day job). A friend of mine described the book as being Esther but if Esther took place in Star Wars.


If you want to go check out the Kickstarter, here's a link. Now I want to make this clear: I have no expectations of anybody backing it. If none of you do, I'll be fine and happy and the updates to this diary will keep coming. But if you enjoy my writing, I thought you might be interested in seeing more of it.


Thanks for indulging me. :)

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RFW All In

Thursday of Week 2, September 2022

Held at the Civic Center in Rochester, MN (Mid West Region)

Broadcast on WrestleWorld (28,561 viewers)

501 in attendance


Martin and Curt welcomed the audience to the show.


1) Unfamiliar entrance music started and James Diaz entered with Dreadmask and Original Sinner in tow. The four of them got into the ring and stomped around, glaring as the audience booed them.


Eventually, James got on the mic and introduced everyone to his new team, “the Monster’s Court.” He explained that he wanted to biggest, baddest wrestlers on his side as he reshaped the RFW in his own twisted image. So he spent the past few months beating Dreadmask and Sinner into submission and now, they served him. “As everyone will, eventually.”


He then confidently predicted that tonight, when Dreadmask took on the tag team champs, they would utterly destroy the Franchise. And then he confidently predicted that soon, he would be at the top of the mountain when he became the RFW Champion. “Because now, I’m not just the Son of the Monster. I will soon be the King of the Monsters.”


His rant was interrupted by Fro Sure. He came out to the ring and pointed out there was a big green guy in Tokyo who might dispute that new nickname. He also said that it didn’t matter how many guys James got in his corner, he’s never going to become champ. “Because we all know the truth: that is my belt. Not yours. Not Swoll’s. Mine. And I’m going to reclaim it soon.”


The other members of the Monster’s Court looked ready to confront Fro, but James motioned for them to stop. “Those are some mighty big words, Fro. And I know you think you can back them up. So why don’t I do this? I’ll send my monsters to the back and we’ll see if you can deliver.”


Curt said that this was a really stupid idea. “If you have the team, why send them out?”


But James didn’t seem to care. The rest of his Court left the ring and Fro made his way down to start the match.






The crowd really got into it. Most of them seemed to be solidly in Fro’s corner, but a few seemed excited at James. And James was able to build off of that. He took the fight to Fro even before the bell rang. James took control of the match from that point, battering Fro and knocking him around the ring pretty solidly.


But it was clear that James was feeling a little too over-confident. He passed up obvious chances to make the pin and secure the win. Curt criticized him for doing so. “There’s proving a point, and then there’s taking really stupid risks. And I’m pretty sure James is doing the latter.”


Sure enough, Fro managed to rally. Unlike James, he was clearly focused on the task at hand. He recovered just enough to catch James with a Sure Thing and then got the pin.


WINNER: Fro Sure in 17:05



3) Backstage, Charlie Corner and Sherry Smart met in her little fortune telling booth. Charlie seemed pretty relaxed and confident about his upcoming match against Dustin Deuce. Sherry very confidently predicted that he would win with very few problems.


Only that’s when Dustin Deuce poked his head into the booth. “I couldn’t help but overhear what you had to say, sweetie, and I have to object. See, I know what you’re all about here. You’re not psychic or clairvoyant or any such thing. What you are is a placebo. All you do is tell Charlie what he wants to hear and that’s enough to get him to go out and perform. And if you don’t believe me, Charlie, why not come out to the ring right now and leave Sherry back here. Let’s see what happens when you have to wrestle without your lucky rabbit’s foot.”






Not too bad of a match. Charlie tried to maintain his confidence throughout the match, but it was pretty clear that he was rattled since Sherry wasn’t in his corner. He kept looking off to the side as if he expected her to be there. So while he was able to put in some good offense in the early going of the match, Charlie couldn’t maintain it. Instead, Dustin wore him down and finally caught him in a Deuces Wild, picking up the pin.


WINNER: Dustin Deuce in 13:12



5) Jay Silver came out to the ring. He took a few moments to let the crowd die down. As he did, he glared at a few people who held up signs that included pictures of his head photoshopped onto Aquaman’s body.


“So tonight, I have the privilege of facing Wild Red Stallion. And I do consider it a privilege to wrestle him. Stallion’s a fierce competitor and not someone to mess with. And I’m going to do my best to win fairly. Cleanly. I want to show all of you what I’m all about.”


The camera cut to Curt, who rolled his eyes and said something snide about it being such a vanilla promo.


Jay seemed to hear what Curt had to say. He came over to the ring ropes and glares down at Curt.


“You know, it’s really easy to run your mouth from the announce table,” Jay said. “But it’s another thing to actually put down the mic and back up your words with actions.”


Curt produced a mic of his own. “Is that a challenge, Silver?”


“It is if you want it to be one,” Jay shot back.


Curt seemed to consider it, then laughed. “I’ve got better things to do than wash your bronzer off my hands after the match. Have fun against Stallion, loser. Try not to stink up the ring.”






Unfortunately, that’s exactly what Jay and Stallion did. Martin and Curt tried to play it off as Curt having gotten in Jay’s head. And Jay did keep looking over at the announce table, almost as if he was expecting Curt to jump him or something. But Curt didn’t. Instead, he spent most of the match critiquing Jay’s technique and speculating on how long it would be before the powers that be wise up to how bad Jay is and send him packing.


The distraction proved to be too much for Jay and eventually, Stallion put him down with a Lakota Cutter.


WINNER: Wild Red Stallion in 13:12



7) Stallion raised his fists in victory and looked really pleased with himself (although Curt said that beating bargain-basement Khal Drogo wasn’t much of an accomplishment). But before Stallion could celebrate for too long, Texas Hangman charged the ring and chased him out of there.




8) Much to everyone’s surprise, Sarah Taylor came out to the ring. But rather than wearing her wrestling gear, she was dressed in a sharp business suit.


“You know, when I was contacted by the powers that be and asked to join the roster here at RFW, I thought that it would be a good thing. I mean, I’m always looking to get in on the ground floor of new and exciting corporations. And on paper, RFW looked like a great opportunity. Young wrestlers, many of them highly skilled, and nothing in their way to take this industry by storm. So I was more than eager to sign on.


“But then I got here and saw what a chaotic environment this actually was. Take what just happened. A wrestler comes out and threatens the color commentator? And the winner gets chased out by a former tag team partner? We’ve got a charlatan setting up a fraudulent business in the backstage area. And do you know how many people are hooking up backstage? Completely unprofessional!


“So while I cam here as a wrestler, I’ve come to realize that maybe what I need to do is put on my other hat. As Selina Svelte revealed a while back, I am a woman of considerable means. I’ve made prudent investments in the past and I’ve got a tidy nest egg I can use at my discretion. So I’m putting the powers that be on notice: I am going to use whatever means I have at my disposal to make the RFW a better place. If that’s in the ring or in the boardroom, everyone will know who is in charge here. I am. Sarah Taylor, the bling that can sting!”




9) THE FRANCHISE © vs. DREADMASK for the RFW Tag Championship


The champs came out to the ring, looking pretty confident and not all that worried about their challengers. Curt said that was a mistake. “Dreadmask seems to have drunk the Monster Kool-Aid, so there’s no telling how this is going to turn out.”


Once the bell rang, Dreadmask took control of the match. They knocked the champs around the ring, and Martin wondered if it was possible that we were going to see the title change hands.


But then Mark and Jack took a quick break. They put their heads together and conferred for a little while. Jack got back into the ring and locked up with Masked Mauler. He seemed intent on goading the bigger man into a rage. Pretty soon, Mauler was mopping the mat with him. Jack managed, though, to sneakily tag Mark. Mauler didn’t see the tag, but the ref did. Then Jack slammed into Mauler and carried both of them over the top rope, taking out Dreadnought in the process.


Mauler and Jack brawled at ringside while Mark, the legal man, watched from the center of the ring, shrugging in a very exaggerated helpless manner. The ref tried several times to get Mauler back into the ring, but he seemed too determined to fight Jack to listen. Eventually, the ref counted to ten and the match was over.


WINNERS: The Franchise in 9:45



10) I came out to the ring and waved to the crowd. I got on the mic and said that I was really looking forward to the main event tonight. After all, I was going to be facing my friend, Papa Swoll, for the RFW Championship. I said that, while I hoped I’d win, if Swoll retained the title, that would be fine since he’s such a great competitor.


But then Fro Sure’s music interrupted me and Fro came out to the ring. He got in and paced while glaring at me for a little bit.


“I hear you, Ace. I hear you,” he said. “You’re all buddy-buddy with Swoll now, huh? Such a good friend, such a great competitor? Well, I remember when you used to say that about me. You seem really determined to leech off of the champ’s fame, huh? Who cares who wins so long as Ace Hart gets his title shot and his time in the ring, right?


“Now I listened to what that Sarah Taylor had to say. And I hate to admit this, she’s making some sense to me. Things are all messed up here. I mean, I’m the biggest dog on the block right now, and yet you’re the one getting the title shot? That ain’t right, man. That ain’t right.”


I tried to say something, but Fro wouldn’t let me talk.


“Now I know you’ve got stroke with those mysterious powers that be. So you send a message to them from me. I don’t care who wins the match tonight. That title is mine and I’m coming for it. I guarantee it!”






Jay Rider came out to the ring and tried her best to pump up the crowd with some dancing and jumping around. Some of the crowd got into it, but others weren’t as impressed. When Sarah entered, she had changed out of her business attire into her ring gear.


Unfortunately, Joy seemed a little off her game tonight. She stumbled through some of the moves and looked like her head wasn’t quite in the game. But Sarah was able to cover for her, selling her offense and delivering some good moves of her own that really elevated this match. Martin speculated that Sarah was trying to send a message to the powers that be as well.


In the end, Sarah pinned Joy with a Newton’s Cradle.


WINNER: Sarah Taylor in 14:39



12) GRACE “DIAMOND” KIL © vs. RUBY REECE for the RFW Women’s Championship


Grace apparently took Sarah’s match as a challenge. She and Ruby put on what might be one of our best matches to date.


Once again, Grace made a big deal over her formerly injured knee. It looked like she was really worried that Ruby would injure her again. And in the early going of the match, Ruby was able to take advantage of that fear. She would feint toward the knee or seem to aim her offense at it, causing Grace to falter.


But after Ruby got two near falls, Grace seemed to psyche herself up. She tossed her fears aside and went after Ruby instead, taking the fight to her so intensely it was clear that she had gotten over whatever had been tripping her up. She finally managed to put Ruby down with a Diamond’s Edge.


WINNER: Grace “Diamond” Kil in 18:43



13) Unfortunately, Grace didn’t get much of a chance to celebrate her win in the ring and over her fear. Instead, Alice Pellerton rushed the ring and laid Grace out with a steel chair, then bailed before security could catch her.




14) PAPA SWOLL © vs. JOHN “ACE” HART for the RFW Championship


I really wanted to match Grace’s intensity and fire in this match, but I’ll admit, my head wasn’t quite in the game. On my way out to the ring, I thought I saw…well, I tried not to dwell on it too much. Needless to say, though, I paid the price for it.


Swoll tried to cover for me. He really sold my offense and he made sure I was ready for his as well. But then Fro came out to the ring and distracted both of us by just glaring.


In the end, we did okay, but it was clear that the women had stolen the show again that night. Swoll put me down with a Pounce.


WINNER: Papa Swoll in 20:24



15) As soon as the match was over, Fro rolled into the ring and got into Swoll’s face. The two partners stared at each other, not really speaking, even as the ref handed the belt back to Swoll. Swoll, without taking his eyes off of Fro, held it up, either as a celebration or a dare, no one could say for sure.


But then, the same masked man from two months ago shot up into the ring and drop-kicked Fro into Swoll. Swoll didn’t see what happened, and so he thought that Fro had attacked him. The two partners brawled in the ring while the masked man got out of there.






“You all right, Ace?” Freddie asked me as the show wrapped up.


I nodded, even though that was a lie. I wasn’t okay. Not even a little. But I had to do our usual post-show routine. I gathered the workers together and gave props to those who deserved it. I singled out Sarah, Dustin, and Masked Mauler for their excellent work. Then, as quickly as I could, I dismissed the workers and tugged on a shirt and some pants. Even though Grace tried to ask me what was wrong, I couldn’t answer. Didn’t want to.


I had to go face the firing squad on my own.





Quick Results:


From RFW.com...


Here are the results from tonight's All In!


Fro Sure defeated James Diaz

Dustin Deuce defeated Charlie Corner

Wild Red Stallion defeated Jay Silver

The Franchise © defeated Dreadmask to retain the RFW Tag Team Championship

Sarah Taylor defeated Joy Rider

Grace "Diamond" Kil © defeated Ruby Reece to retain the RFW Women's Championship

Papa Swoll © defeated John "Ace" Hart to retain the RFW Championship

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Finished reading this over the past couple of days and it's great work. I have to ask though how you seem to be getting half way decent matches out of Modesty.


I know you're two in game years into sim by now and that's probably a factor but right now she's just not living up to the feud the game starts her with and she's stinking up my ring in QAW every time I put her in with no signs of her getting better even though I'm putting her with better workers than she is.


Little Miss Perfect on the other hand, getting my money's worth out of her. Amazing on the mic and can improv her promos. That covers for a lot that Modesty just doesn't seem able to. And I brought in Sabrina Wells on contract when I booked her for a single appearance and discovered she had chemistry with Little Miss Perfect in the ring. Ending that feud with Modesty soon and putting them in a program together instead.


I just wish I knew what to do with Modesty to get better results with her.

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Thursday of Week 2, September 2022


I left the locker room and considered where I should go. She hadn’t come to the locker room. But then, why would she? Too many questions, too much chaos, too much. Would she go to one of the conference rooms? No, that didn’t seem likely. And she wouldn’t stick around in the arena either. That really left only one place where I would find her.


Sure enough, she sat on the trunk of my car. She hadn’t changed much. Her hair was a little longer, but she still wore it much the same. A pair of sunglasses and a baseball cap sat next to her. She looked up when I approached.


“Hi, John,” Abigail said quietly.


“What are you doing here, Abigail?” I asked.


She shrugged. “I’m not really sure. This afternoon, I was getting ready to go to new student orientation at my new college in the Cities and the next thing I know, I’m driving down here to see what’s going on with RFW. To see if Grace was okay. To see if…”


I crossed my arms. “I tried texting. Calling. You never responded.”


“I know.” She couldn’t meet my gaze. “John, when I hurt Grace, I felt horrible. You remember how worried I was about you getting hurt? Not only did someone get hurt, I’m the one who did it! And…and I was angry. At Grace for getting hurt. At me for doing it. And even at you for convincing me to try. Every time I thought about talking to you, that anger would…would bubble up inside me and I just couldn’t get over it. I couldn’t talk to you.”


“So you left.”


Abigail nodded. “I wanted to escape the anger…the pain…you. I mean, we were almost done with classes, so I transferred out of RCTC a little early. I got an apartment in the Cities…and I started dating someone.”


My heart twisted and I could feel the blood drain, cold, into my feet.


She nodded. “My next door neighbor in my new place. Real sweetheart. Baked me cookies when I moved in and everything. We dated for… three months? Four? And then, one night, he made me dinner and told me he loved me.”


I held my breath, not daring to say anything. Her words were like a knife between my ribs.


“And…I…just sat there. I couldn’t say anything. Because as much fun as he was, as much as I enjoyed spending time with him…he wasn’t you.” She looked up at me, tears in her eyes. “He said he loved me, and all I could think of was, ‘He isn’t John. I can’t say it to him.’”


“What are you saying?” I whispered.


“I don’t know. I know we haven’t talked, and that’s my fault. But I’ve realized…I still love you. I didn’t react well to what happened with Grace—”


“No, that was my fault. I should have been more understanding. More supportive. I should have—”


And then she launched herself from the car and rushed across the space between us and we collided, our arms around each other, her mouth pressed to mine. And it felt so right, so real, so good. Like we hadn’t been apart, like we hadn’t argued, like I hadn’t said those things to her and…


I gently pushed her away. “No. We…we can’t. Not like this.”


Her face twisted into sorrow itself, and I shook my head.


“Abigail, I’ve wanted this. But…but the things I said to you, the things you said to me. We can’t just shove that aside. And then there’s…there’s Grace.”


She stumbled back a step. “Are you two…did you…”


I shook my head. “No, but she’s still my friend. And I can’t ignore that either. If we’re going to…to try to make this work, I need you two to be okay too.”


Abigail frowned, but only for a moment. “That’s fair. So what do we do now?”


“We take it slow. We talk about what happened between us. We figure out how to make this work now. And in a few weeks…you come with me on a trip.”

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Sunday of Week 4, September 2022


Maybe this life wasn’t going to work out for me after all.


I stumbled into my hotel room and my body screamed with exhaustion. Why had I thought this was a good idea? Over the summer, I had plotted it out so carefully: I’d go to class Tuesday through Friday and keep my Mondays free. I’d study like crazy on Saturday mornings and then head south for Titan Clash on Sunday nights. Except for the third week out of the month. In that case, I would skip my Friday class and head out on Thursday so I could be there for the QAW’s big show each month. And, of course, I couldn’t forget about the second Thursday of the month when I’d have to sneak back to Rochester for All In.


When I first came up with this convoluted schedule, I figured it would be no problem. I was young. I had been able to tailor my class schedule to make it work. And with Mom running interference with Dad? No problem.


But after going through that schedule for a full month now? I had serious doubts about how long I’d be able to keep up. If I wasn’t studying, I was in class. If I wasn’t doing one of those two, I was on the road or in the ring. And if I wasn’t doing any of that? I was sleeping. Mark had started leaving me passive-aggressive texts about missing me and I knew we probably were going to have a fight about it eventually. If I ever had enough time and energy for it.


Not that I was complaining! My career was finally beginning to take off. At least, it felt like it was. Jackson was consistently booking me in matches and while half of them were pre-show, it was consistent work. In Austin two weeks earlier, Alice and I lost to Kira Lee and Honey Badger in a pre-show match. Then at Amazons Attack, Skye Hermosa and I defeated Sonnaz and Izzy Quick. Two nights later, in Denver, Kira Lee and I put on a pre-show match that was easily the best of the night (even if I did have to lose). And then tonight, I was back in Denver, where Izzy and I lost to Sabrina and Kira.


I sighed. Okay, so maybe things weren’t quite as good as I hoped. So far, I was being used in throw-away matches. It wasn’t like I was part of an official tag team. And I hadn’t been booked in any real feuds. I mean, the fans still responded when I showed up in the ring. And the pay was…well, I think I was probably breaking even, given travel expenses and all that.


I walked over to the window and pulled open the curtain, revealing the view of the Rocky Mountains. I smiled. And there were other perks that more than made up for it.


Someone knocked at my door. I groaned. Probably one of the girls. As I walked over to the door, I mentally ran through the contents of my bag. I didn’t think I had forgotten anything. At least, I hoped I hadn’t. I had learned that, in QAW, there was a tax on people who left their stuff in the locker room after a show. The girls would bring the offender’s forgotten item to her hotel room, knock on the door, and then blast the victim with water and beer and silly string and whatever else they could find. So far, I hadn’t fallen prey to this tradition and I really didn’t want to join the club. As near as I could remember, I hadn’t forgotten anything.


Even still, I braced myself for whatever waited for me on the other side of the door. For a brief moment, a smile tickled my lips. What if Mark had decided to come out and surprise me? We hadn’t been able to spend that much time together and granted, one night alone wouldn’t be much. Or even…


Another knock at the door. I shook my head to clear it. Might as well get it over with.


Taking a deep breath, I stepped to the door, yanked it open, and…


My voice died in my throat. I gaped at the people on the other side. What were they doing here?

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Sunday of Week 4, September 2022


I took a deep, steadying breath and glanced to my right. “You ready for this?”


She nodded, so after another shuddering breath, I knocked on the door. I think I heard motion on behind the door, but then nothing. So after a short wait, I knocked again.


The door popped open and Grace stood there. She looked like she was ready to take a hit, but then her mouth popped open. She looked at both of us, her gaze flicking back and forth. She stuttered, spitting out random noises that could have been words.


“Can we come in?” I asked.


Grace didn’t say anything. She didn’t nod, but she did step out of the way. So I motioned for Abigail to go in ahead of me. That might have been provocative, but if there was going to be a fight, better to start it off right away rather than let it linger.


I glanced around the hotel room. Nothing too special: two double beds, a cheap dresser with a TV on it, a bathroom off to one side. Definitely not a home away from home, but comfy enough. Abigail sat down on one bed and I took my place next to her. Grace walked over to the rickety office chair next to the desk and collapsed in it. She stared at us, her jaw working like she was trying to speak, and then she finally just motioned toward us.


I understood her consternation. A month ago, when I found out that Grace would be wrestling tonight, I decided to take some time off and travel out to Denver to surprise her by just showing up at QAW. I had booked the hotel room, gotten my ticket, and even planned on doing some touristy stuff while I was out here.


But then Abigail happened. We weren’t back together, not exactly, but the potential was there. We both wanted it, but there was still an elephant in the room that needed to be addressed. Several, actually. So my weekend getaway turned into…well, not a touristy trip. Abigail and I had done some sightseeing after arriving in Denver, but the tension between us made it too awkward to really enjoy.


This wasn’t making things much better, so I cleared my throat.


“I’m sorry that we just surprised you like this,” I said. “Great match tonight, by the way. Should we be looking at hiring that Izzy Quick?”


Grace’s expression sharpened into a glare. I looked away, realizing a little too late that my attempt at humor was poorly timed.


“What are you doing here?” Grace finally whispered. “And with her?”


I gritted my teeth and rolled my shoulders, trying to think of just the right way to put explain this. “Two weeks ago, Abigail came to All In. And then we talked afterwards and—”


“And you two are back together?” Grace spat the accusation like it was poisonous.


“Not yet,” Abigail said quietly.


That caught Grace’s attention. “What?”


Abigail sighed. “I know how important you are to John and vice versa. You two have been friends for a long time. And I can’t say that I like the idea of my boyfriend having a female best friend, I’ve come to realize that you two are a package deal. If I want to be with him—and I do—then I need to also find a way to…co-exist with you.


“So that’s why I came out here with John. Grace, I’m not asking for us to become BFFs or anything like that. And I know that you’re probably still mad at me for injuring you and for…whatever else I’ve done to hurt you. I am sorry. I just…I want to see if we can’t bury the hatchet. Is that possible?”


Grace scowled at her, then turned her fiery gaze at me. This time, I met her eyes and tried not to flinch. I knew this was going to hurt.


“So what, you need my permission?” she asked. “Date whoever you want to.”




“No!” She stabbed a finger at Abigail. “She could have ended my career, John! Every time I get in the ring, I always feel just a little twinge in my knee and I have to push past the fear. And now, what, you want to date her again? Fine. Go ahead. Just don’t expect me to be happy about it!”


Heat flashed through me. In hindsight, I probably should have left well enough alone, but I couldn’t.


“That’s not fair,” I said. “None of this is fair. When you started dating Mark, I didn’t say anything, did I? No, I knew that you liked him and that he was important to you and so I didn’t say a word.


“But I wanted to. When I found out that you were dating Mark, I couldn’t believe it! It’s Mark Latrell, Grace! Think about the hell he put us through growing up. The way he treated other people. The way he treated you! The fliers, Grace! The fliers! But I was willing to give Mark a chance. Second, third, whatever. Because he mattered to you and you matter to me. I…I let go of those past hurts and did my best to leave them buried. I even gave the guy a job, for crying out loud!


“Now I get it. Abigail hurt you. And she’s apologized for that. And I would like to think that my best friend would be able to get past that, the same way that I got past you dating Mark. But if you can’t do that, then I guess we’ve got nothing left to say to each other. C’mon, Abigail.”


I stormed over to the door and yanked it open, only to find myself face to face with Alice Pellerton. Her concerned look melted to one of surprise, and then she grinned at me.


“Ace! I didn’t know you were going to be here!” She glanced past me and her smiled broadened. “Is that Abigail? Are you… are you…”


Then her excited look turned to confusion, and she sighed. “Read the room, Alice. Sorry. I just heard some raised voices and I wanted to make sure everything was okay in here.”


I turned to look at Grace. She wouldn’t meet my gaze.


“We were just leaving,” I said.




Grace’s quiet voice halted me in my tracks. I turned to her.


She looked up at me, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Don’t go. We have a lot to talk about. You too, Abigail. We need to find a way to make this work.”


Alice excused herself and Abigail and I sat down on the bed again. Grace took a deep, shuddering breath, but she wouldn’t meet my gaze.


“I’ll admit…I’ve had a hard time letting go of my…my anger over what happened,” she said. “I’ve tried to put on a brave face and pretend like nothing had happened. But it did. And it scared me.”


“I get it,” Abigail said. “It scared me too. I never want anything like that to happen again.”


“I don’t want something like that to happen either.” Grace grimaced. “But I think maybe I’ve been treating you like a voodoo doll. I’ve been pinning all of my anger and fear on you…and that’s just not fair. I’m sorry too, Abigail. You’re right, I don’t know that we’ll ever be besties, but if you and my bestie are together, well…that’s good enough for me.”


There was another knock at the door. Grace grumbled something and walked over to it. Alice breezed back in.


“So I read the room and I realized what it needed.” She produced a bottle of tequila. “Lubrication, anyone?”


I’m not sure that turned out to be the best idea, but it did help. A few shots in, and Grace, Abigail, and I were able to hash out some of the problems between us with Alice acting as a slightly tipsy referee. By the time the bottle was empty, though, we wound up spending more time laughing and making fun of each other. Thankfully, we weren’t too hungover in the morning, so we went down the hotel lobby for a quick breakfast. While we were eating, I went over the financials with Grace (we were a little over $500 in the red this month, but we were weathering to storm okay). And Grace, Abigail, and I wound up caravaning back to Minnesota, which gave each of us time to act as each other’s co-pilots, allowing us to fien tune some of what we said the night before.


By the time we all made it home, I think we had found an equilibrium. I hoped so. Because I really needed that for my life.

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From RFW.com...


Be sure to join us, either online or in person, for our next All In!


  • Texas Hangman will finally come face-to-face with Wild Red Stallion
  • Party On! and the Scofield Index will take on the Monster’s Court
  • Minnesota Awesome will take on the Franchise for the RFW Tag Team Championship
  • John “Ace” Hart will square off against Fro Sure
  • Sarah Taylor will fight Modesty Pardor
  • Papa Swoll takes on newcomer the Stuntman to defend the RFW Championship
  • Grace “Diamond” Kil faces Alice Pellerton for the RFW Women’s Championship


Predictions or whatever is always welcome.

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Texas Hangman will finally come face-to-face with Wild Red Stallion

Party On! and the Scofield Index will take on the Monster’s Court

Minnesota Awesome will take on the Franchise for the RFW Tag Team Championship

John “Ace” Hart will square off against Fro Sure

Sarah Taylor will fight Modesty Pardor

Papa Swoll takes on newcomer the Stuntman to defend the RFW Championship

Grace “Diamond” Kil faces Alice Pellerton for the RFW Women’s Championship

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Texas Hangman will finally come face-to-face with Wild Red Stallion

Party On! and the Scofield Index will take on the Monster’s Court

Minnesota Awesome will take on the Franchise for the RFW Tag Team Championship

John “Ace” Hart will square off against Fro Sure

Sarah Taylor will fight Modesty Pardor

Papa Swoll takes on newcomer the Stuntman to defend the RFW Championship

Grace “Diamond” Kil faces Alice Pellerton for the RFW Women’s Championship

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Texas Hangman will finally come face-to-face with Wild Red Stallion

Party On! and the Scofield Index will take on the Monster’s Court

Minnesota Awesome will take on the Franchise for the RFW Tag Team Championship

John “Ace” Hart will square off against Fro Sure

Sarah Taylor will fight Modesty Pardor

Papa Swoll takes on newcomer the Stuntman to defend the RFW Championship

Grace “Diamond” Kil faces Alice Pellerton for the RFW Women’s Championship

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Texas Hangman will finally come face-to-face with Wild Red Stallion

Party On! and the Scofield Index will take on the Monster’s Court

Minnesota Awesome will take on the Franchise for the RFW Tag Team Championship

John “Ace” Hart will square off against Fro Sure

Sarah Taylor will fight Modesty Pardor

Papa Swoll takes on newcomer the Stuntman to defend the RFW Championship

Grace “Diamond” Kil faces Alice Pellerton for the RFW Women’s Championship

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QAW Titan Clash #93

Sunday of Week 1, October 2022

Held in Aurora, Colorado


I’m not saying I was a different woman when I made it back to Colorado the next week. But in some ways, I felt like it. I hadn’t realized how much my anger and resentment toward Abigail was weighing me down. Yeah, she still wasn’t my favorite person in the world, but she was dating my most important friend, so that would have to be enough.


Once again, Jackson booked me in a random tag match. This time, I was hitting the ring with Felicia Luck to take on Amy St. James and Ellie de Grazia. We were booked to win and I’d like to think we did a pretty good job of taking the fight to them.


Afterwards, Farrah came over to me and clapped me on the shoulder. “I don’t know what it is you did to bring that fire, Kil, but keep it up.”


I smiled thinly and nodded. I would. Didn’t have much of a choice.

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RFW All In

Thursday of Week 2, October 2022

Held at the Civic Center in Rochester, MN

Broadcast on WrestleWorld (31,365 viewers)

542 in attendance


Martin and Curt welcomed the audience to the show.




“And we’re starting off this All In with a bang!” Martin said enthusiastically.


“Half of one,” Curt countered. “I mean, that is Cassidy Blaine in the ring…”


And that wasn’t the last negative thing that Curt had to say about the match. Any time Cassidy messed up or let Roger gain an advantage, Curt cut him down verbally, going so far as to say that the only reason why Cassidy was here at all was because of his hometown connection.


The match itself was decent. Cassidy actually did okay in the ring, but he couldn’t quite keep up with Roger. In the end, Roger put him down with an Eagle Chop and picked up the win.


WINNER: Roger Monteiro in 10:01



2) Texas Hangman came out to the ring and said that enough was enough. “We’ve been doin’ this dance for months. Years, even. But the time has come to put this bed. No, not to bed. To bury it. And that’s what I’m going to do to you tonight, Stallion. I still don’t totally get where your beef with me came from, but in the end, it really doesn’t matter. It’s over because I’m putting it down.”




3) MINNESOTA AWESOME vs. THE FRANCHISE © for the RFW Tag Team Championship


Martin pointed out that this was kind of an unusual match since all of the participants were Minnesota natives. “You don’t see that kind of local representation in wrestling promotions. I think it’s kind of cool.”


“Why don’t we toss in Cassidy Blaine and really make the match suck?” Curt countered.


The match, thankfully, did not suck. Both teams did their best to rally the crowd to their side, with Perry and Clark doing so with natural charm and enthusiasm and Jack and Mark acting like they somehow deserved the support. The crowd seemed mixed in their support of the teams, leading to more of a discussion about “hometown heroes” from Martin and Curt.


Speaking of which, one of our hometown heroes seemed a bit lost in the ring. Mark seemed a bit off his game throughout, so distracted at one point that he missed Jack trying to tag him into the ring. Martin tried to cover for him, speculating that Mark was upset more of his friends and neighbors weren’t supporting him. Unfortunately, I knew the real reason why. He was nervous about the main event. And truth be told, so was I.


Whatever the case, Mark eventually snapped out of it and came into the ring to win the match for his team by pinning Perry.


WINNERS: The Franchise in 15:03



4) Backstage, Party On! and Sherry Smart were in the locker room with Jerry Pepper and Pepper Pelton. Sherry confidently predicted that these two teams together would be more than enough to defeat James Diaz’s Monster’s Court. Chip and Charlie completely bought into it, adding their own confident predictions about how things would go.


Jerry looked a bit skeptical as Sherry went on, but Pepper seemed to get into it. He whooped and clapped and encouraged Sherry to keep sharing her predictions. Finally, Sherry pointed to the door and said they should get out there and show the monsters what they were made of. Party On! followed her out.


Before Pepper could leave, Jerry stopped him and asked, “You didn’t really believe any of that, did you?”


Pepper rolled his eyes. “Of course not. I was just messing with them.”






Hangman came out first and grimly got into the ring. As Stallion made his entrance, Hangman just glared at him, which caused Stallion to hesitate several times. Eventually, Stallion got into the ring.


The match itself didn’t set any records. Martin said it was pretty obvious that Hangman was bound and determined to put Stallion away. Stallion seemed a little overwhelmed at points, even taking a few moments outside of the ring to gather his thoughts and try to rally.


But in the end, it didn’t do much good. Hangman was clearly done with this entire feud and finally caught and dropped Stallion with a Choke Slam.


WINNER: Texas Hangman in 13:15



6) I appeared on the screen with a mic.


“Normally I look forward to getting in the ring here at RFW. I mean, that’s why I’m here. That’s why you’re here. You want to see people like me wrestle. And it doesn’t matter if it’s a ‘big’ match or a ‘small’ one, I’m always thrilled to be able to go out there and give it my all.


“But tonight’s different. Tonight, I’ve been booked in a match against Fro Sure. And…I don’t like it.


“Not that I don’t want to wrestle Fro. I’ve done it before and I’ll do it at ever All In if the Powers That Be want me to. But I’ve noticed a change in Fro Sure lately. He isn’t the happy-go-lucky guy we’ve all come to know and love. Ever since he lost the RFW Championship, there’s been a darkness to him. A hunger. And it worries me. I mean, I get it. He wants to be champ. We all do. Again, that’s why we’re here. But hunger can turn into obsession if we’re not careful, and I worry that my friend has crossed that line.


“So I’ll go out and wrestle Fro tonight. But I worry about who I’m going to find in the ring.”






Once again, Pepper put on a big show of being on the same page with Party On! and Sherry Smart. Jerry seemed more annoyed with it than anything. By contrast, the Monster’s Court came out to the ring looking focused and determined, with James Diaz leading the charge.


The match itself turned into a fun mess. Not for the Monsters. They were disciplined in how they fought against their opponents. The problem was that Party On! and the Scofield Index were struggling to stay on the same page. They seemed reluctant to tag in people from the other team, and there were a few times when the Scofields blind tagged their way into the fight without Party On!’s knowledge. This led to an argument in their corner between Chip Martin and Pepper Pelton at one point, which the Monsters capitalized on by systematically destroying Charlie Corner.


Even though Party On! and the Scofield Index did manage to rally and somewhat put their differences behind them, the Monsters were too well organized. James put an end to the match when he put down Jerry with an Asian Thumb Spike.


WINNERS: The Monster’s Court in 19:17



8) Sarah Taylor appeared on screen and once again went on a rant about the chaos at RFW. She said that she can’t abide the decision that the Power that Be have been making lately. She revealed that she had been in contact with someone she knows who has experience running wrestling promotions.


“I’ve asked him to see what we can to do bring the RFW under control. He is going to utilize my considerable financial resources to right this sinking ship. It gives me no pleasure to announce this, but by the end of 2022, there is a very good chance that Royal Flush Wrestling will be under new management.”






I came out to the ring first and then waited. Fro’s usual entrance music started and he came out to the ring entrance. He stood there and glared at me for a few moments, then signaled for the bouncy, upbeat music to stop. He walked out to the ring without fanfare, with the fans shouting or cheering for him, a few asking him to dance.


The match itself was pretty good, if I do say so myself. Fro got into my face right away and basically berated me for talking smack about him. I tried to explain, but Fro wasn’t having it. He attacked me and then we were off to the races.


The match was a bit lopsided. Martin said that it was clear that I was trying to put an end to the match as quickly as possible whereas Fro clearly wanted to keep things going so he could hurt me. This led to some fun spots between the two of us that kept the crowd shouting for more. In the end, Fro put me down with a Sure Thing.


WINNER: Fro Sure in 15:28



10) During the post-match analysis, Cassidy Blaine came out to ringside. He got in Curt’s face over the way he had been running him down the entire night. Curt seemed completly unimpressed and unworried, finally telling Cassidy to hit the showers since he had already stunk up the arena once tonight.






Much to my surprise, Sarah was off her game tonight. Curt covered for her by saying it was Cassidy Blaine’s fault. “He’s behaving in such an unprofessional manner and we all know that the Bling that Stings doesn’t like that. I can only imagine what he must have said to her as they passed in the hall before this match.”


It was still a good match, don’t get me wrong. Modesty tried to take the fight to Sarah and she actually took control of the match’s momentum for a short while. But Sarah rallied early on and fought back. They traded blows both in and outside the ring before Sarah finally put Modesty down with a Newton’s Cradle.


WINNER: Sarah Taylor in 15:38



12) Papa Swoll came out to the ring.


“Now I know what some of you must have been thinking: who the hell is the Stuntman? I don’t blame you. We didn’t have anyone on the roster by that name, and suddenly, that guy is in a match with me for the RFW Championship tonight?”


A few of the fans (who knew who Stuntman is) started chanting his name.


Swoll shrugged. “Okay, some of you know. But for the rest of you, he’s the clown that’s attacked me a couple of times. And you know what: I know how this song-and-dance goes usually. The new guy makes a big deal out of messing with the big dog until finally, the big dog gives in and gives him a match and eveyrone’s so excited. And I figured, why wait? If Stuntman wants to face me for the title, let’s cut out all the build up and just do it. So that’s why, tonight, you’re going to see me face Stuntman for the RFW Championship. And hey, spoiler alert: this belt isn’t going anywhere.”




13) PAPA SWOLL © vs. STUNTMAN for the RFW Championship


The fact that some of the smarks in the crowd knew who Stuntman is really helped the match. While the majority of our fans were in Swoll’s corner, there were enough people cheering for Stuntman to make things interesting. And Swoll and Stuntman were able to play off of this tension, pausing before the match actually started to bask in the back-and-forth and even encourage it a little.


Once the match really got started, the crowd quickly realized why Stuntman was such a threat. He took the fight to Swoll and didn’t hold back. There were a few times when it looked like the champ was genuinely in trouble.


But, as Martin reminded the viewers, Swoll has a weapon in his arsenal that he can unleash at any time. And sure enough, just as it looked like Stuntman was going to sew up the win, Swoll suddenly hit him with the Pounce, seemingly out of nowhere, and put him down for the pin and the win.


WINNER: Papa Swoll in 16:50



14) RFW Women’s Champion Grace “Diamond” Kil came out to the ring. She looked pretty upset.


“I don’t know what the deal is lately. A few months back, I got injured and I was out of commission for a month or so. And since then, all these newcomers have shown up and gone after me. First it was Marie Punnen. Then, Alice Pellerton. It’s like they think there’s blood in the water or something, like I’m in some sort of trouble and they’re going to capitalize on it.


“Well, I’ve got news for you, ladies. This belt isn’t going anywhere. There’s no blood in the water. Yeah, I may have had a knee injury, but that’s in the past. It’s not going to hold me back. So bring it on. I’ll put you all down one-two-three!”




15) GRACE “DIAMOND” KIL © vs. ALICE PELLERTON for the RFW Women’s Championship


Once again, the crowd really got into the match. Grace whipped them up into something of a frenzy as Alice made her way out to the ring. Alice actually looked a little hesitant, like she wasn’t sure she wanted to actually face Grace in a real fight.


Once the bell rang, though, any hesitation on Alice’s part disappeared. Alice proved to be an interesting challenge for Grace, taking to the air and trying to keep Grace off-balance through some hit-and-fade offense. Grace gave as good as she got, though, but Martin still wondered if maybe, just maybe, Grace had been too overconfident going into the match.


But then Grace took firm control of the ring. She knocked Alice out of the air and started working her over, clearly setting her up for a Diamond’s Edge. But before she could actually finish her opponent, someone rushed out of the back and hit the ring with a steel chair, using it to knock Grace almost out of her boots.


As the ref called for the bell, the camera got a clear look at her. Abigail Thompson stood over Grace’s fallen form, a twisted smile on her face.


WINNER: Grace “Diamond” Kil by DQ in 16:38





After the show was done, I made sure to hype up Fro, Alice, and Grace for their excellent work. And once that was done, I made sure to check on both Grace and Abigail to make sure that they were both okay with how things played out. I mean, the chair shot was Grace’s idea, but Abigail had seemed a little too eager to do it.


As near as I could tell, they were still cool. Whatever truce we had struck in Colorado was still holding.




Quick Results:


From RFW.com...


Here's what you missed on the last All In:


Roger Monteiro defeated Cassidy Blaine

The Franchise © defeated Minnesota Awesome to retain the RFW Tag Team Championship

Texas Hangman defeated Wild Red Stallion

The Monster's Court defeated Party On! & The Scofield Index

Fro Sure defeated John "Ace" Hart

Sarah Taylor defeated Modesty Pardor

Papa Swoll © defeated Stuntman to retain the RFW Championship

Grace "Diamond" Kil defeated Alice Pellerton to retain the RFW Women's Championship

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Sunday of Week 4, October 2022


I think I may have had my most winning-est month ever. At least, I can’t remember a month where I won so many matches.


I mean, back at the beginning of the month, I did win that throw-away tag match with Felicia Luck. And I technically won the match against Alice back home. But apparently, Jackson decided to keep my streak going through the end of October. Right after All In, I was in a four-way dance with Izzy Quick, Kira Lee, and Sabrina Wells and I somehow was chosen to win that. Then a week later, I beat Allie Perks (granted, it was another disqualification, but a win is a win, I guess). Then Coco Malloy and I had a match to open the next Titan Clash and I won that too, and then the next week, it was Poison Ivy.


I should have been happy. I was still pretty much undefeated at RFW. I was starting build some momentum at QAW. No title shots yet, but fans were beginning to recongize me.


But as I sat in my hotel room in Tulsa, trying to relax after the show, I felt…kind of empty. I looked around the room and wondered what was missing.

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8) Sarah Taylor appeared on screen and once again went on a rant about the chaos at RFW. She said that she can’t abide the decision that the Power that Be have been making lately. She revealed that she had been in contact with someone she knows who has experience running wrestling promotions.


“I’ve asked him to see what we can to do bring the RFW under control. He is going to utilize my considerable financial resources to right this sinking ship.


She's bringing in Bossman isn't she?

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Sunday of Week 4, October 2022


After all the drama over the past six months, it was kind of nice to deal with some normal issues. Like giving Fro Sure another raise. And releasing Flying Patriot from his contract (I mean, I barely remembered that he was on the roster in the first place). And financially, we were doing okay too. We had made a little over a thousand bucks. And I felt pretty good about the way things were going. Like we were on the cusp of something even bigger. By the end of the year…well, who knew? Given what we had in the works, I felt like we were going to see something really, really good.

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From RFW.com...


Here’s what we can expect at the next RFW All In:


  • Jay Silver will fight Cassidy Blaine
  • Fro Sure takes on Original Sinner
  • Stuntman faces Quentin Queen
  • Sarah Taylor wrestles Sabrina Wells
  • Party On! takes on The Franchise © for the RFW Tag Team Championship
  • Papa Swoll © defends the RFW Championship against James Diaz
  • Grace “Diamond” Kil © will face Abigail Thompson for the RFW Women’s Championship

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Jay Silver will fight Cassidy Blaine

Fro Sure takes on Original Sinner

Stuntman faces Quentin Queen

Sarah Taylor wrestles Sabrina Wells

Party On! takes on The Franchise © for the RFW Tag Team Championship

Papa Swoll © defends the RFW Championship against James Diaz

Grace “Diamond” Kil © will face Abigail Thompson for the RFW Women’s Championship

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