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WWF 2001 - Saving The Invasion

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In The Booth:




Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz



Ultimate Answer


We opened the show with 'The Game' Triple H heading to the ring... ready to respond to Shane McMahon's challenge for the Royal Rumble... Shane wants a tag team match, with Shane and Vince taking on Triple H and his partner... his wife Stephanie McMahon...!!




Triple H:
“When you marry someone, you take on baggage... I knew Shane and Vince were trouble... I knew they'd make my life a living hell at times... But I never thought they'd want to do this to Steph... Not in a million years... My wife has asked me to speak on her behalf... and tell her 'Brother'... and her 'Father'... that we ACCEPT their challenge...!!”


Triple H and Stephanie will take on Vince and Shane McMahon... The McMahon Family is at WAR...!!






Bradshaw w/ The APA [vs] Test


Bradshaw's run this year has been phenomenal. Unbeaten in the ring, and unbeaten on the poker table, but he was up against a real stud in Test. For the finish though, Bradshaw ran through the Big Boot, blocking it by pushing it aside, and then as he came off the ropes, he unleashed his 'Clothesline From Hell' and Test was done.



Bradshaw w/ The APA

'Clothesline From Hell'




Royal Razor


Backstage, Razor Ramon was pacing back and forth... but he had an announcement to make, and so stopped pacing to face the camera...




Razor Ramon:
“EY YO!! Listen up... Razor Ramon, has NEVER competed in the 30 Man Royal Rumble Match... but if Eddie Guerrero is IN... then I'm IN too...!! For the first time ever, the 'Bad Guy' will compete in the match... and then WIN the match...!!”





Off His Rocker


Elsewhere in the back, Jonathan Coachman was stood with Light Heavyweight Champion Marty Jannetty...




“Marty... Did you HEAR Matt Hardy's comments about you from Smackdown this past week...?! He said that his Brother Jeff, is coming for your Title... and coming for your career... How do you respond...?!”


Jannetty looked a little solemn... He's 41 now, and has to be winding down somewhat... While Jeff Hardy is only 24... and there's plenty of other challengers lining up... He spoke calmly, and quietly... and had sadness in his voice...


Marty Jannetty:
“Yu know... Plenty of guys have tried to end my career in the past... Shawn (Michaels) tried... He threw me through a WINDOW... Jerry Lynn... Possibly my greatest ever rival, has tried to stop me... and yet... here I am... 2-Time Light Heavyweight Champion... So Jeff... Matt... You wanna 'Delete' me...?! We all know you're crazy... but you gotta be off your rockers to thi...”


Before Jannetty could finish, the group known as New Generation X walked up...




“You need to look over your shoulder Champ... You see Jeff Hardy ahead of you... but behind you, there's me... You might have beaten me at Armageddon, but like Shawn Michaels, I was your tag team partner back in the day... I know you... I know how you operate dog!! And I want another shot, BEFORE Jeff Hardy!!”


Pac got in Jannetty's face, and he knew he was 3 against 1... He poked at the Light Heavyweight Champion, but Jannetty backed down...






D'Lo Brown & Scotty Too Hotty [vs] The Dudley Boyz


D'Lo and Scotty are big fan favourites, and the fans hate The Dudleyz, so this was a one-sided affair in terms of crowd support. It was also one-sided in the ring too. Bubba and D-Von isolated Scotty, and kept him in their half of the ring. However, when D'Lo tagged in, the fired up New Jerseyan changed the momentum completely. He's got a chip on his shoulder of late, and was desperate to win. He ducked and dodged the offence of the Dudleyz, and then put D-Von away with his 'Sky High'!



D'Lo Brown & Scotty Too Hotty

'Sky High'


D'Lo Is Not Perfect


Once the match was over, we learned that D'Lo Brown is going to be in singles action at The Royal Rumble...




D'Lo Brown and Mr. Perfect will finally be going 1 on 1 at the huge event... with both men having incredible win/loss records in 2001... Something's got to give at the Rumble as they battle in a singles match...





Spike Eye


In the trainer's room, Spike Dudley was sat getting his eyes cleaned out by the doctor...




He still had some green mist in there courtesy of 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri... and he told the doctor he'd be facing Tajiri in a re-match on Smackdown this week... The doctor didn't seem to think much of Spike's chances... and told him he'd get the eye wash ready again... Spike laughed it off, but it was an almost awkward laugh...






The Holly Cousins w/ Molly Holly [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Four great performers here, in a great match. Big Albert was the star, as the hard to move powerhouse dominated Crash Holly. In the end, he also took care of Hardcore Holly while Perry Saturn made Crash tap out to the 'Rings Of Saturn'.



Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri

'Rings Of Saturn'




Weak Trip


Big Show was backstage next for a promo about the Power Trip (Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, Steve Austin and The Undertaker)...




Big Show:
“At the Rumble... I'm gunnin' for that Title, Steve... Here's some free advice, from me to you... Get some better back up... You say you Don't Trust Anybody... and yet you put your trust in three guys on a damn Power Trip...”


Show said he'd take Undertaker down a peg or two on Smackdown this coming week... in the Main Event...!!






Umaga w/ Haku [vs] Funaki


Funaki hit some nice flying kicks in his comeback after being beaten up for most of the match. But not many of them landed with enough vigour to damage the powerful Samoan. Umaga put him away with the 'Samoan Spike' in the end.



Umaga w/ Haku

'Samoan Spike'




Corridor Rumble


After Umaga picked up another win, we cut to backstage, where we found a big fight breaking out between The Rock and Chris Jericho...




Rocky isn't easily wound up, so Jericho must have said something to fire up 'The Great One'... Luckily for the health of the two men, Rikishi and Chris Benoit were on hand to break things up and end the fight soon after it started...




Rikishi physically held a furious Rock back, while Benoit talked Jericho down... 'The Crippler' didn't see Jericho pick up a nearby chair, and 'The Ego-Maniac' THREW the chair at his rivals!! Luckily for the two Samoans, the chair missed them... sailing just over Rock's head... But UN-luckily for Jericho, the chair hit someone who had arrived behind The Rock...




'The Big Red Machine' is the last man Jericho would have wanted to hit with the chair... and he began back pedalling... Kane walked towards the cocky Canadian, and Jericho and Benoit bolted...!!








Edge & Christian © [vs] Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) w/ X-Pac


The constant cheating of X-Pac was the major talking point in this excellent Tag Team Title Match. Every time Edge and Christian built up some momentum in the match, Pac was there to swipe a leg, or pull someone's arm! The referee never caught the crafty New Generation X member in the act, but as the match wore on, Light Heavyweight Champion Marty Jannetty headed to the ring to see X-Pac off! Pac had poked at Jannetty earlier in the show, that coupled with his constant cheating, was enough to convince Jannetty to get involved. The finish came when K-Kwik inadvertently knocked Billy Gunn off the apron, and walked onto the 'Unprettier' from Christian.



and STILL WWF World Tag Team Champions: Edge & Christian






William Regal w/ Dean Malenko [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin w/ Vince & Shane McMahon


Another fantastic match got underway after a commercial break, and another one which featured cheating from the men on the outside! Dean Malenko threatened to make Vince and Shane McMahon tap out like babies if they got involved again, and his threat was enough to convince the Chairman and his son to stay out of it. This lead to William Regal applying the pressure and taking the initiative in the match. For the finish, with Austin caught in the centre of the ring in the 'Regal Stretch', Shane got in Malenko's face, while Vince hopped up onto the apron. Before Malenko could lock Shane in one of his thousand holds, The Undertaker appeared from behind him and barrelled into him!! Regal released the hold and tried to get to Vince, but couldn't. He also tried to get to 'Taker, who at this point was standing on Malenko's neck!! But he couldn't help his partner out, because Austin bounced up, and then bounced Regal's face off his shoulder with the 'Stunner'.



'Stone Cold' Steve Austin w/ Vince & Shane McMahon

'Stone Cold Stunner'


Power Trip


We closed the show with The Undertaker, Vince and Shane raising Austin's hand...




The Four Man Power Trip continue to roll on WWF programming... but next week, we're going to see the Season Premiere of RAW... and the Main Event will see Eddie Guerrero and Razor Ramon battle 1 on 1, one final time... in a No Disqualifications Match...!! We're also going to see Vince and Shane be put through their paces as they train for their upcoming tag team match against Triple H and Stephanie McMahon...!!







Quick Results:


Bradshaw [def.] Test


D'Lo Brown & Scotty Too Hotty [def.] The Dudley Boyz


Albert & Perry Saturn [def.] The Holly Cousins


Umaga [def.] Funaki


Edge & Christian [def.] K-Kwik & Billy Gunn (Rapid Fire)

to RETAIN the WWF World Tag Team Titles


Steve Austin [def.] William Regal


Show Rating:








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Loved the way you wrote out HHH's promo. I could hear it in my head.


Thank you mate :D That's actually something I'm enjoying, since this era is 20 years ago and everyone (almost) would have seen and heard these characters. They've all got cool catchphrases and expressions too. Rock's fun to write for, and I'm sure Cena will be when he debuts later this year... It's 2002 afterall! :D















Dean Malenko w/ William Regal [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin w/ Vince & Shane


'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] Big Boss Man


Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri


Val Venis & Al Snow [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Haku & Umaga [vs] Jerry Lynn & Steve Blackman


'The World's Largest Athlete' Big Show [vs] 'The American Badass' The Undertaker


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Dean Malenko w/ William Regal [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin w/ Vince & Shane


'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] Big Boss Man


Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri


Val Venis & Al Snow [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Haku & Umaga [vs] Jerry Lynn & Steve Blackman


'The World's Largest Athlete' Big Show [vs] 'The American Badass' The Undertaker

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Dean Malenko w/ William Regal [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin w/ Vince & Shane


'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] Big Boss Man


Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri


Val Venis & Al Snow [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Haku & Umaga [vs] Jerry Lynn & Steve Blackman

'The World's Largest Athlete' Big Show [vs] 'The American Badass' The Undertaker

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Dean Malenko w/ William Regal [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin w/ Vince & Shane


'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] Big Boss Man


Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri


Val Venis & Al Snow [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Haku & Umaga [vs] Jerry Lynn & Steve Blackman


'The World's Largest Athlete' Big Show [vs] 'The American Badass' The Undertaker

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Dean Malenko w/ William Regal [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin w/ Vince & Shane


'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] Big Boss Man


Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri


Val Venis & Al Snow [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Haku & Umaga [vs] Jerry Lynn & Steve Blackman


'The World's Largest Athlete' Big Show [vs] 'The American Badass' The Undertaker

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Dean Malenko w/ William Regal [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin w/ Vince & Shane


'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] Big Boss Man


Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri


Val Venis & Al Snow [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Haku & Umaga [vs] Jerry Lynn & Steve Blackman


'The World's Largest Athlete' Big Show [vs] 'The American Badass' The Undertaker

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In The Booth:




Michael Cole and Tazz



Dean Death Dropped


We kicked off the show with a wild scene in the back, where The Dudley Boyz were beating down Dean Malenko of all people!!




The Dudleyz have been trying to put Dean Malenko and his tag team partner William Regal through tables for weeks, and it looked like this was going to be their chance to get one of them... D-Von set the table up, and BOOM! They hit the 'Dudley Death Drop' on the technical star, through the table...!! William Regal finally showed up, and ran the Dudleyz off though...




Regal was too late, and as the drama unfolded, we quickly learned that Malenko was scheduled to be in singles action right then to start the show...!! Regal had to help his partner to his feet, and help him hobble to the ring too...




Dean Malenko w/ William Regal [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin w/ Vince & Shane


An instant classic to kick off the show here, but a match against the WWF World Champion is the last thing Dean Malenko needed after going through a table in the back just now! Austin won comfortably, but it was a great, great match!



'Stone Cold' Steve Austin w/ Vince & Shane

'Stone Cold Stunner'






We saw a video package next, showing the backstage brawl between The Rock and Chris Jericho from this weeks RAW...




Rocky isn't easily wound up, so Jericho must have said something to fire up 'The Great One'... Luckily for the health of the two men, Rikishi and Chris Benoit were on hand to break things up and end the fight soon after it started...




Rikishi physically held a furious Rock back, while Benoit talked Jericho down... 'The Crippler' didn't see Jericho pick up a nearby chair, and 'The Ego-Maniac' THREW the chair at his rivals!! Luckily for the two Samoans, the chair missed them... sailing just over Rock's head... But UN-luckily for Jericho, the chair hit someone who had arrived behind The Rock...




'The Big Red Machine' is the last man Jericho would have wanted to hit with the chair... and he began back pedalling... Kane walked towards the cocky Canadian, and Jericho and Benoit bolted...!!


We're going to hear from The Rock tonight on the incident...






'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] Big Boss Man


Eddie Guerrero tries to have the match of the night every time he steps foot in the ring, but Big Boss Man wasn't going to let that happen. He pummelled and dominated Eddie, but allowed the crowd to get to him towards the end. Eddie then hit his 'Three Amigos' and soon followed it up with the 'Frog Splash'!



'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero

'Frog Splash'


Season Premiere




Michael Cole:
“Tazz, don't forget, next week on RAW we're going to see Eddie Guerrero do battle with his big rival Razor Ramon... On the Season Premiere of Monday Night RAW...!!”

“2002 is going to be a BIG year for the WWF, Cole... and I can think of no better way to ring it in, than with Eddie and Ramon going 1 on 1 again... and THIS time... It's a No Disqualification Match...!!”

Michael Cole:
“All the rules go out the window, Tazz... Eddie and Ramon hate each other...!!”





New Generation & Veteran


Backstage, WWF Tag Team Champions: Edge and Christian, and the Light Heavyweight Champion: Marty Jannetty were talking...




“Thank you, Marty... For the assist on RAW... We owe you one, buddy...”


Marty Jannetty:
“Well... It's funny you say that Edge... See I could use some help from you guys against X-Pac, Billy Gunn and K-Kwik on RAW


Edge and Christian agreed... and the announce team confirmed that New Generation X will battle Edge, Christian and Jannetty in a six man tag team match on RAW...!!






Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri


Spike Dudley has absolutely no luck right now, and he was dispatched in quick fashion here by Tajiri for the second match in a row, following a brilliant side head kick that knocked him out cold!



'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri

'Head Kick'






We cut to the Hardy Compound, where Jeff and Matt Hardy, Lita and 'Senior' Shelton Benjamin were sat, in almost complete darkness... The lights beneath them lighting their faces mysteriously...


Matt Hardy:
“As Brother Jeff's fate is intertwined with GOLD already... The Light Heavyweight Gold... Senior Benjamin and I, will be finding our own path to greatness... You see, at the Rumble Of Royals... 30 souls, will enter a match, and one by one... they will be EJECTED from the ring... But there will be 28 souls NOT from House Hardy... Because Senior Benjamin and I, will be the other 2...!!”


Matt confirmed his and Shelton's entrance in the Royal Rumble Match... but what will Jeff be doing on that night...?! More news on that later...





Take The Test


Backstage, Rikishi was walking through the corridor, when the big young stud Test approached him aggressively...




“Saw you break up the Rock and Jericho fight on RAW... Shoulda let 'em destroy each other... Would have given guys like you and me, more of a chance to win the Royal Rumble...!!”


“Listen, kid... I know you've only been here a couple of years... but I've been around a long time... I have just as much a chance of winnin' tha Royal Rumble as anyone...!!”


“We'll see big man... We'll see... If me and you are out there together, I'm using you as a steppin' stone and kicking your big ass out of the ring...!!”


Rikishi said how about Test put his money where his mouth is, with a match next week on RAW...!? Test accepted, and stomped away...






Val Venis & Al Snow [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Terri's Boys continue to win on TV, with four wins in a row as a tandem now after this victory. Albert was hard to stop for Val Venis and Al Snow, as the big train-like man rolled over them. For the finish, Saturn put Snow away with his 'Death Valley Driver' finisher.



Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri

'Death Valley Driver'




The Year That Has Been


D'Lo Brown returned to the WWF almost a year ago, after a couple of failed tag team runs... with a massive chip on his shoulder... and a video package aired next, showing his 12 month run...




D'Lo has had Pay-per-view matches with Kurt Angle and the recently changed Mr. Sexay... as well as Captaining a Survivor Series Team... The voice-over stated that his win/loss record had been 'Almost Perfect', as he boasts a 12 month record of 26 wins and just 6 defeats...!! But as the words 'Almost Perfect' were spoken, the video began to fade, and blur... and the words repeated over and over again... Until Mr. Perfect appeared on the screen...




Mr. Perfect:
“ALMOST... Perfect... See, D'Lo... A year that was almost perfect, and THAT is your problem... You're not PERFECT, like me...!! 2001 was almost perfect... 2002 is going to start with me, beating you at the Royal Rumble... Sorry bro... Real sorry...!! Better luck next year...!!”





Open For Business


As usual, The APA were shown playing cards in their office with no walls but a door in the back... But a surprising guest arrived, and knocked on the door... and 'The Game' Triple H entered...




Triple H:
“Boys... I kinda need a favour... Not that you won't be paid VERY well for your services...”


“Come owwn Trips... Si' down... Take a load off... Whaddya need pal...?!”


Triple H:
“At The Royal Rumble... It's Vince and Shane against Me and My Wife... And with their track record... and the guys they have under their thumb... It's me essentially out there on my own... So I was wondering if I could maybe, have you boys on 'stand-by' in case I need you after the match...?!”




“STAND-BY...?! It doesn't work like that Trips... You know that... You hire us, you hire us!! And... More importantly... you PAY us...!! So it's your call... Pay us, to be on stand-by... That's fine... But if you don't end up using us... NO refunds...!!”


Triple H looked disappointed, but he's not short of a few bucks... He agreed to pay all three of the APA members to sit in the back, and wait for s**t to go down... If it does, they will run straight to the ring, and save him... If nothing bad happens, they will still get paid...!! But before the segment ended, Faarooq and Bradshaw both confirmed their entry to the Royal Rumble Match... So they may need 'Danger Money' if they get hurt in the fight and it lessens their chances of winning the 30-man Over The Top Rope Rumble...!!






Haku & Umaga [vs] Jerry Lynn & Steve Blackman


Another make-shift tag team, beaten by a more full-time unit here. Lynn and Blackman are dangerous competitors, and they gave the two Pacific Islanders some real problems. In the end, Umaga tagging in late on was too much for them, and he put Blackman away while Lynn watched on.



Haku & Umaga

'Samoan Spike'




Not A Light Load


Mick Foley was in his office next... and with the challengers mounting up for Marty Jannetty's Light Heavyweight Title, it was time for Mick to make a decision on who will get the Title shot at the Royal Rumble...




Mick Foley:
“Jannetty is a great Champion... and he came to me after RAW, and basically demanded I throw everyone at him... X-Pac... Jeff Hardy... and whoever else wants a shot... So I told him, I said... Here's what we're gonna do... We're gonna make a Fatal Four Way for the Rumble... Jannetty... versus X-Pac... versus Jeff Hardy... and the fourth guy, will be the winner of a Six-Pack Challenge on RAW next week...!!”


Foley confirmed the identity of the six men competing on RAW... Scotty Too Hotty... and his former partner Mr. Sexay... Funaki... Spike Dudley... Crash Holly, who has recently shed the weight he needed to to become a Light Heavyweight... and newcomer, and undefeated Japanese star: Tajiri...!! Should be a fast-paced match...!!






'The World's Largest Athlete' Big Show [vs] 'The American Badass' The Undertaker w/ Vince & Shane McMahon


An excellent Main Event here, between two big, strong, men. Both men strike really hard, particularly with big right hands – but both can also take a punch when needed. Show had to deal with Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon at ringside, as The Four Man Power Trip cheated at every opportunity. Show and Taker are former 2-Time Tag Team Champions together, so they know each other very well in the ring. But Big Show capitalised when Undertaker was concerned for Shane McMahon's health following a big right hand from 'The World's Largest Athlete'. For the finish, 'Taker had regained some control, and was looking to hit 'Old School', As he came off the top rope though, Big Show caught him by the throat! The giant squeezed the life out of Undertaker, and then hit his 'Show Stopper' chokeslam to big up a huge win on the road to the Royal Rumble! Undertaker was seething when he came to!



'The World's Largest Athlete' Big Show

'Show Stopper'




The Rock Says


Finally, after almost the entire show hyping his appearance, The Rock made his way to the ring after a commercial break...




The Rock:
“The Rock Says... That Chris Jericho... is a PUNK... And Jericho is gonna get everything that's comin' for him... What Jericho needs to understand, is that The ROCK, is comin' for him...!! But... The Rock is not alone... Because 'The Big Red MACHINE'... is also... coming, for him... Jericho has a target on his back... that's for sure... Many people will say Jericho needs to worry about Kane... but Jericho needs to worry... about The Great One... Not just now... But in the Royal Rumble Match itself...”


Nobody knows what Jericho did or said to fire The Rock up on RAW this past week, but whatever it was, it was enough to start a brawl... Jericho ended up throwing a chair and accidentally hitting Kane, and as a result, he'll face the music on Monday Night next week...


The Rock:
“The Rock wants Chris Jericho... Kane wants Chris Jericho, so on RAW, he should bring that other Canadian Chris (Benoit), and we can have ourselves a little tag team match... and The Rock says that 'Y2J' stands for 'You're 2 Jealous' of The Rock... and who can blame you Chris...?! You call yourself the 'Ego Maniac'... and the 'Belt Collector'... The only thing you need to be collectin' Chris is razor blades... so maybe you can do something about the 'bum fluff' on the bottom of your chin...!!”


Rock was about to carry on mocking Jericho, but 'Y2J' showed up in the ring behind him with a steel chair!!!




The Intercontinental Champion swung the chair, but Rock somehow knew he was there, span around, and ducked the chair shot...!! Jericho found himself stood across the ring from Rocky, and decided to THROW the chair again... Rocky ducked again, and the chair cannoned off the turnbuckle...!! Jericho slid out of the ring, and high-tailed it out of there!!






Quick Results:


Steve Austin [def.] Dean Malenko


Eddie Guerrero [def.] Big Boss Man


Tajiri [def.] Spike Dudley


Albert & Perry Saturn [def.] Val Venis & Al Snow


Haku & Umaga [def.] Jerry Lynn & Steve Blackman


Big Show [def.] The Undertaker


Show Rating:









Former WWF World Champion Kurt Angle has re-signed with the company... His signature was hotly sought after, with other American companies, and a Japanese promotion making him an offer... But 'The Olympic Hero', who is currently off WWF TV, will be sticking around for the foreseeable future...


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Thanks so much for all your Predictions this month... Deafstroke and Summer bagged the Armageddon prize, and have sent me their picks already...


Satyr24 - you know how this works. I'll send you your prize via DM soon. Congratulations for getting the highest score of the month and winning the (terrible) prize! :D

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Edge, Christian & Marty Jannetty [vs] New Generation X (Pac, Gunn & Kwik)


Five Pack Challenge – Winner joins Light Heavyweight Title Match at Royal Rumble:

Scotty Too Hotty | Crash Holly | Spike Dudley | Tajiri | Mr. Sexay


No Disqualifications Match:

'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon


Hardcore Title Match:

Hardcore Holly © w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Al Snow


Rikishi [vs] Test


Kane & The Rock [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit



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Edge, Christian & Marty Jannetty [vs] New Generation X (Pac, Gunn & Kwik)


Five Pack Challenge – Winner joins Light Heavyweight Title Match at Royal Rumble:

Scotty Too Hotty | Crash Holly | Spike Dudley | Tajiri | Mr. Sexay


No Disqualifications Match:

'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon


Hardcore Title Match:

Hardcore Holly © w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Al Snow


Rikishi [vs] Test


Kane & The Rock [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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Edge, Christian & Marty Jannetty [vs] New Generation X (Pac, Gunn & Kwik)


Five Pack Challenge – Winner joins Light Heavyweight Title Match at Royal Rumble:

Scotty Too Hotty | Crash Holly | Spike Dudley | Tajiri | Mr. Sexay


No Disqualifications Match:

'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon


Hardcore Title Match:

Hardcore Holly © w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Al Snow


Rikishi [vs] Test


Kane & The Rock [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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Edge, Christian & Marty Jannetty [vs] New Generation X (Pac, Gunn & Kwik)


Five Pack Challenge – Winner joins Light Heavyweight Title Match at Royal Rumble:

Scotty Too Hotty | Crash Holly | Spike Dudley | Tajiri | Mr. Sexay


No Disqualifications Match:

'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon


Hardcore Title Match:

Hardcore Holly © w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Al Snow


Rikishi [vs] Test


Kane & The Rock [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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Edge, Christian & Marty Jannetty [vs] New Generation X (Pac, Gunn & Kwik)


Five Pack Challenge – Winner joins Light Heavyweight Title Match at Royal Rumble:

Scotty Too Hotty | Crash Holly | Spike Dudley | Tajiri | Mr. Sexay


No Disqualifications Match:

'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon


Hardcore Title Match:

Hardcore Holly © w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Al Snow


Rikishi [vs] Test


Kane & The Rock [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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Edge, Christian & Marty Jannetty [vs] New Generation X (Pac, Gunn & Kwik)


Five Pack Challenge – Winner joins Light Heavyweight Title Match at Royal Rumble:

Scotty Too Hotty | Crash Holly | Spike Dudley | Tajiri | Mr. Sexay


No Disqualifications Match:

'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon


Hardcore Title Match:

Hardcore Holly © w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Al Snow

Rikishi [vs] Test


Kane & The Rock [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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Just caught up, love it!!!!


Edge, Christian & Marty Jannetty [vs] New Generation X (Pac, Gunn & Kwik)


Five Pack Challenge – Winner joins Light Heavyweight Title Match at Royal Rumble:

Scotty Too Hotty | Crash Holly | Spike Dudley | Tajiri | Mr. Sexay


No Disqualifications Match:

'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon


Hardcore Title Match:

Hardcore Holly © w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Al Snow


Rikishi [vs] Test


Kane & The Rock [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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In The Booth:




Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz



Hardy Comounded


We kicked off the Season Premiere of RAW in bizarre circumstances, as The Hardy Boyz and 'Senior' Shelton Benjamin were backstage, attacking Edge, Christian and Marty Jannetty, who were scheduled to compete in a six-man tag team match to open the show...




Lita was also there, cheering her men on... but referees and officials soon broke up the melee, and their arrival ensured that there was just enough left of the WWF Tag Team, and Light Heavyweight Champions to get to the ring, and start the show...!!




Edge, Christian & Marty Jannetty [vs] New Generation X (Pac, Gunn & Kwik)


A little worse for wear after the beatdown to open the show, the three Champions struggled early on here. X-Pac will blame K-Kwik for his team losing the match, but the New Generation X member got complacent and thought he could take the night off out there since Edge, Christian and Jannetty were assaulted backstage. X-Pac's laid back attitude would eventually cost his team, and lead to Kwik getting beaten in the middle of the ring with Edge's 'Spear'.



Edge, Christian & Marty Jannetty





Vince And Shane Balboa


A video package aired next, showing Vince and Shane McMahon in 'training' for their upcoming mixed tag team match against Vince's Daughter Stephanie McMahon and her Husband Triple H...




Vince and Shane were preparing to face their family members, by sitting in a bar, and drinking whiskey...


Vince McMahon:
“You know Shane O... Your Mom and I don't even like having them over for DINNER... Let alone fighting them in a tag team match...”


Shane McMahon:
“What I hate... is the way she thinks she's better than me... She thinks you love HER, more than you love me... I mean... What do you love the most...?! Whiskey... Golf... WWF... In that order... All three of those things you can do WITH me... and she just IGNORES them... She's barely even on WWF TV these days...”


Vince and Shane continued to shoot the breeze, and by the looks of the time lapse video, drank way into the night... The thought of the two was that they didn't need to prepare or train to fight Stephanie McMahon... However, they may be underestimating Triple H somewhat...





Protection Agency Special Delivery


Backstage, in the office with a door but no walls, Bradshaw, Faarooq and The Godfather were playing cards together and nursing beers...




An unknown and very young delivery guy approached the table, and Faarooq shouted 'DAMN!' and told him to knock before entering... The scared man backed up, and then knocked on the door from the 'outside' of the office... Faarooq suddenly became a little more accommodating, and the man said he had a delivery for 'Mr. Bradshaw'...


“Thanks boys... I'll take this...”


Bradshaw snatched a brown envelope from the kid's hand, and opened it at the top... pulling out a piece of paper a small amount so that he could see the top of it... and then closed and sealed the envelope again, before shoving ALL of his poker chips into the centre of the table...


“Alright boys... I am ALL IN...!!”


Faarooq and The Godfather folded... and Bradshaw took the pot... a little disappointed not to get called...





Five Pack Challenge – Winner joins Light Heavyweight Title Match at Royal Rumble:


Scotty Too Hotty | Crash Holly | Spike Dudley | Tajiri | Mr. Sexay


The two main stories of this match were the feud between Scotty Too Hotty and Mr. Sexay, and then everyone trying to survive 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri. In the end, Scotty rolled Sexay up to score the win, but all four of Tajiri's opponents came out of this one feeling the effects of his striking; particularly the kicks!



Scotty Too Hotty





Table Service


Dean Malenko and William Regal headed to the ring next... With a challenge to make...




William Regal:
“Ladies and Gentlemen... The Dudley Boys have targeted us, however it is time we turned the 'Tables' on them... If you will... And it's time for the targETS... to become the targETERS...!! And furthermore... We... don't want to wait... We want Bubba Ray and D-Von... RIGHT this minute...!!”


It didn't take long for The Dudleyz to answer the challenge... and they stomped onto the stage and down the ramp... However, as they got half way down the ramp, they stopped and backed up a few steps until they got to the stage again...




Bubba Ray Dudley:
“Woa woa woa... Regal... Just becoz' you're a Royal in your home country... Don't mean you can come in here... and bowss US around, you hear me...?!”


D-Von Dudley:
“If we're doin' this... We're doin' this, on OUR terms... If you have a problem with that... then take it up with your King...!!”


Regal said he answers to nobody... especially two punks like The Dudleyz, who sneak attack people, and put them through tables... Bubba reminded him that they haven't put HIM through a table yet... but he's their next target...


William Regal:
“How about this gentlemen... We give you what you want... you give us, what we want... Here's our offer... We'll give you the opportunity to put us BOTH through a Table... in a Tables Match... You give us that match... at the Royal Rumble...!!”


The Dudleyz accepted the challenge, but told them that the match is OFF...!! IF they put Regal through a table before the pay-per-view!! Because they would have already gotten what they wanted... to put Regal through a table...!!





No Disqualifications Match:


'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon


For possibly the final ever time, Eddie Guerrero and Razor Ramon went 1 on 1 here, and this time in a No Disqualification Match! Eddie started brightly, and used weapons almost immediately. But Ramon used the no rules stipulation to commit acts that would normally call for disqualification,such as a thumb to the eye right in front of the referee, and a vicious low blow. In the end though, it was Eddie's mastery of the kendo stick that gave him the edge. With both men on the top rope, Eddie had one tied around his wrist, and he pulled it up and smacked Ramon in the face with it. As 'The Bad Guy' landed, Eddie hopped off and landed his 'Frog Splash' finisher!



'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero

'Frog Splash'





Royal Rumble Entrant announcement


Being the Season Premiere of RAW, it was time for Commissioner Mick Foley to make an announcement about THREE more entrants in the 30-Man Royal Rumble Match...




Mick Foley:
“With guys like The Rock... Chris Jericho... Eddie Guerrero and Razor Ramon, who we just saw in action, all already confirmed... It's time to add a few more potential winners to what I think, is going to be the GREATEST line up in Royal Rumble history... and no... Yours truly is NOT going to be an entrant... So, let's add three names right now... Three men I know VERY well...!! 'The Crippler'... Chris Benoit...!! 'The Big Red Machine'... KANE...!! 'The American Badass' The Undertaker...!!”







In catering, Big Show was eating some food with a few unknown friends... when 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin walked up behind him...




Austin completely crossed the line with Show, by dropping a drink over the back of his head...!! Show got up quickly to fight Austin, but the WWF World Heavyweight Champion was out of his reach, and almost out of the room... Show was furious...!!








Hardcore Holly © w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Al Snow


This was looking like a really fun Hardcore Title Match, between two veteran fighters. But another very experienced competitor hit the ring out of nowhere!! Nobody would have seen this coming!!




'The American Badass' had just been confirmed as an entrant in the Royal Rumble Match, and the Four Man Power Trip member wasn't here to mess around. He chokeslammed everyone that moved, including Crash Holly, who was at ringside in his Cousin's corner. Molly got out of there as quickly as she could though, and survived 'Taker's onslaught. Eventually, the big man hit his 'Tombstone' on Hardcore Holly, and took full advantage of the 24/7 Ruling to take his Championship!



and NEW Hardcore Champion: The Undertaker

'Tombstone Piledriver'




The Islanders


WWE Commissioner Mick Foley was shown watching the action from his office... and he was stunned to see The Undertaker win the Hardcore Championship... Foley was the first ever Hardcore Champion, and he would have never expected a guy in 'Taker's position to capture the Gold... Or even want to... But now 'The American Badass' will have to deal with the 24/7 Ruling... Before Foley could fully process what had just happened, there was a knock at his door...




Haku and Umaga... Two extremely intimidating Pacific Islanders were very respectful towards Foley... but told him they were disappointed to not be named as competitors in the Royal Rumble Match earlier on... Foley thought about what they were saying, and was careful not to anger the two big men...


Mick Foley:
“On Smackdown... we're going to have a Tag Team Qualifier... Win and you're in, okay...?! Your opponents, are two big, strong, men, who ALSO want to get spots in the match... 'Terri's Boys'... Albert and Perry Saturn...!!”






Rikishi [vs] Test


Speaking of big, dangerous, Islanders, Rikishi was in action next. He and his opponent Test are both confirmed entrants for the Royal Rumble, and they put on a solid but short singles match here. In the end, Test hit his vicious 'Big Boot', and won it.




'Big Boot'




Imperfect Win/Loss Record


Last week on Smackdown, Mr. Perfect made reference to D'Lo Brown's near perfect win/loss record in 2001... Where he only lost a handful of matches, to the likes of Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho and The Undertaker... Perfect said it was good, but not 'Perfect'... D'Lo decided to respond to his future Royal Rumble opponent in an interview with Jonathan Coachman in the back...




D'Lo Brown:
“What was Mr. Perfect's win/loss record in '01...?! I don't know, but I DO know it wasn't as good as mine... But my record being good, and his being... not so good... doesn't make a lick of difference... Because 2002 is a NEW year... Our match is a NEW match...!! And I've got a feelin' everything's gonna be comin' up Brown for the next 12 months...”






Kane & The Rock [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit


Chris Jericho hid behind his vicious friend Benoit in this one, and let 'The Crippler' do a lot of the heavy lifting out there. When Rock was isolated, and began to struggle against Benoit's constant takedowns and submission attempts though, Jericho was more than happy to get in there and do some damage. Rock eventually fought 'Y2J' off, and made it to the tag, bringing big Kane into the match. Neither Jericho nor Benoit could handle 'The Big Red Machine', and the match changed completely around. For the finish, Jericho attempted a springboard cross-body, but Rock caught him and put him down with a 'Rock Bottom'. Benoit was the legal man though, but as he spun Rocky around, he too was caught with the same move, and was pinned.



Kane & The Rock

'Rock Bottom'


Big Red Ma Chair


After the match was over, Chris Jericho slid back into the ring with a steel chair... He threw it at The Rock, but not for the first time, 'The Great One' ducked, and it hit Kane... bouncing off his mask and knocking him over...!!




Jericho's face was a picture, as he ran away as quickly as he could... Kane was furious, but he knew he wouldn't catch the Intercontinental Champion, so he let him run... Benoit joined Jericho on the stage... and now as we heard earlier tonight, all four of these men will compete in the Royal Rumble Match...







Quick Results:


Edge, Christian & Marty Jannetty [def.] New Generation X (Pac, Gunn & Kwik)


Scotty Too Hotty [def.] Crash Holly, Spike Dudley, Tajiri & Mr. Sexay


Eddie Guerrero [def.] Razor Ramon


Hardcore Holly [def.] Al Snow to retain the Hardcore Title. Then The Undertaker beat Hardcore Holly FOR the Hardcore Title


Test [def.] Rikishi


Kane & The Rock [def.] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit


Show Rating:







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Scotty Too Hotty [vs] X-Pac w/ New Generation X

Val Venis & Al Snow [vs] Sexay & Perfect

The APA (Faarooq & Bradshaw) [vs] The Dudley Boyz

Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon

'The Headshrinkers' Haku & Umaga [vs] 'Terri's Boys' (Saturn & Albert) w/ Terri

'The Great One' The Rock [vs] 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit

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Scotty Too Hotty [vs] X-Pac w/ New Generation X


Val Venis & Al Snow [vs] Sexay & Perfect


The APA (Faarooq & Bradshaw) [vs] The Dudley Boyz


Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon


'The Headshrinkers' Haku & Umaga [vs] 'Terri's Boys' (Saturn & Albert) w/ Terri


'The Great One' The Rock [vs] 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit

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Scotty Too Hotty [vs] X-Pac w/ New Generation X


Val Venis & Al Snow [vs] Sexay & Perfect


The APA (Faarooq & Bradshaw) [vs] The Dudley Boyz


Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon


'The Headshrinkers' Haku & Umaga [vs] 'Terri's Boys' (Saturn & Albert) w/ Terri


'The Great One' The Rock [vs] 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit

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Scotty Too Hotty [vs] X-Pac w/ New Generation X


Val Venis & Al Snow [vs] Sexay & Perfect


The APA (Faarooq & Bradshaw) [vs] The Dudley Boyz


Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon


'The Headshrinkers' Haku & Umaga [vs] 'Terri's Boys' (Saturn & Albert) w/ Terri

'The Great One' The Rock [vs] 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit

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Scotty Too Hotty [vs] X-Pac w/ New Generation X


Val Venis & Al Snow [vs] Sexay & Perfect


The APA (Faarooq & Bradshaw) [vs] The Dudley Boyz


Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon


'The Headshrinkers' Haku & Umaga [vs] 'Terri's Boys' (Saturn & Albert) w/ Terri


'The Great One' The Rock [vs] 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit

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In The Booth:




Michael Cole and Tazz



Show Some Revenge


We kicked off the show with Big Show... the challenger to the WWF World Heavyweight Title against Champion 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin at the Royal Rumble... and he was asking a camera man to follow him as he walked through the backstage area...




Big Show:
“Hey Austin...!! You wanna resort to throwing a drink at me...?! Like we're chicks, in a bar...?! Well... Two can play at that game, sister...”


Show burst through a door, and backstage workers backed out of the way... The giant was referring to Austin throwing a drink over him in catering on RAW... and he was here for revenge... He kicked another double door open, and headed into the parking lot... Right in front of him, was the unmistakeable truck belonging to Steve Austin...!!


Big Show:
“Look at this truck, huh...!! Wouldn't it be a DAMN shame, if someone took their keys... and made a nice, deep scratch, all the way around...!!”


Show began to scratch, from nearside rear wing, all the way to the back...!! He then picked up a lead pipe from the floor nearby, and began smashing it off the bonnet... He continued to trash the truck... smashing windows, and denting panels... before taking out a can of spray paint... and writing 'BIG SHOW' on the side...!!





New Generation Of Opinions


We cut to the ring after what was a pre-taped segment to kick us off... and X-Pac, Billy Gunn and K-Kwik were strolling out together...




“Royal Rumble... The legendary Marty Jannetty, defends his Light Heavyweight Title... against... ME... Possibly the greatest Light Heavyweight in the company right now... and Jeff Hardy, who has a very bright future ahead of him... And... Scotty Too Hotty...?! Are you serious right now, bro...?! No way is Scotty in that match... He should be nowhere NEAR that match... He's not on our LEVEL...!!”




Scotty responded by heading onto the stage, and telling X-Pac that he should back up what he's saying, and fight the former Too Cool member there and then... Pac agreed, and we had a match...!!




Scotty Too Hotty [vs] X-Pac w/ New Generation X


X-Pac's mouth was writing cheques that his ass couldn't cash in the end, because Scotty Too Hotty was fired up, and keen to prove a point. He used the chip on his shoulder to overwhelm X-Pac early on, and eventually pick up a big win with his 'Jumping Bulldog'!



Scotty Too Hotty

'Jumping Bulldog'




Latino Tips


Backstage, The Rock and Eddie Guerrero were walking towards the men's locker room, and talking... the camera could just about pick up what they were saying... and they seemed on good terms...




The Rock:
“Well The Rock wanted to congratulate you, on beating Razor Ramon on RAW... It seems The Rock'll see your Mexican ass in the Royal Rumble Match...!!”


Eddie Guerrero:
“Hahaaaa... That's right amigo... Hey, don't choo have Chris Benoit 1 on 1 tonight...?! I can give you a few tips if you like...?! I know heem well...!!”


Rock nodded, as Eddie closed the door of the locker room...






Val Venis & Al Snow [vs] Sexay & Perfect


Val and Al don't get along at all, and Snow's antics in the match angered Venis to the point of distraction a number of times. For the finish, Venis was looking for his 'Money Shot' splash on Mr. Perfect, but Mr. Sexay shoved Val off the top rope, and hopped up himself to hit the 'Hip Hop Leg Drop'. Val bemoaned Al moments earlier and didn't see that Sexay had blind tagged into the match!



Sexay & Perfect

'Hip Hop Leg Drop'




Time To Call The Car Rental Company


We immediately cut to the parking lot, where 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin and The Undertaker walked out and came across Austin's truck...!!




The look on Austin's face was a picture, as the two Champions stood in disbelief... Austin's World Heavyweight Title Belt dropped down to his side... and his other hand went to his head... and he looked visibly upset... Undertaker was angry, and he caught a glimpse of Big Show off in the distance...!! He shouted at the giant... and he and Austin stomped towards him...!!




What 'Taker and Austin didn't see, was that standing behind Big Show, was Hardcore Holly... Standing behind him, was his Cousin Crash... The two members of the Four Man Power Trip backed up... realising they were outnumbered, and that their opponents included a man who could hide the other two with his large frame... Hardcore Holly had something to say to the new Hardcore Champion: The Undertaker...


Hardcore Holly:
“I ain't afraid o' you 'Taker... On RAW... I wanna re-match for my Title... You p***y out, or try and screw me over, you're a DEAD man...!!”





The Japanese Buzz RAW


We learned next that Tajiri will be in singles action again on RAW...




'The Japanese Buzzsaw' is currently undefeated in three 1 on 1 matches, however he tasted his first loss in the five way Light Heavyweight Title number one contendership match on RAW this past week... But he'll be keen to get back on track on Monday Night...






The APA (Faarooq & Bradshaw) [vs] The Dudley Boyz


Four hard-hitting tag team wrestlers here, beating lumps out of each other. Bradshaw was on fire, and everything he did was impactful. For the finish though, it was Faarooq's brilliant Spine Buster that did for Bubba Ray Dudley.



The APA (Faarooq & Bradshaw)

'Spine Buster'




Vince And Shane Balboa II


A video package aired next, the second instalment of Vince and Shane McMahon in 'training' for their upcoming mixed tag team match against Vince's Daughter Stephanie McMahon and her Husband Triple H...




Last time out, Vince and Shane prepared to face their family members, by sitting in a bar, and drinking whiskey... This time, they were sat in Vince's Family home... as
wife Linda McMahon served them an awesome looking roast chicken dinner... She put the plates down, and then left the room to go and grab hers...


Vince McMahon:
“You know Shane O... I am SO glad Stephanie and Hunter aren't here, to RUIN this meal...!!”


Shane McMahon:
“That's what I'm thankful for...”


Vince McMahon:
“We really should have more chicken than this though... LINDA... HEY LINDA... Bring us more Protein, Pal...!! Ha ha ha ha... Gotta get that protein... right Shane O...?!”


Vince and Shane continue to not take their upcoming match seriously... They got drunk together last week on RAW... they're eating a huge Family meal here... and they're in no way preparing physically for a fight against Triple H and Stephanie McMahon... It's clear they probably don't need to do much preparing for Steph, but 'The Game' is a different proposition... and could legitimately beat them both on his own...!!






Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon


A non-contest here, as Razor dominated Spike. 'The Bad Guy' was angry about his loss to Eddie Guerrero from RAW, and he took that anger out on the small Dudley Cousin. Mercifully ending it with his 'Razor's Edge' after six minutes.



'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon

'Razor's Edge'




Not Very Regal


We cut backstage immediately following the match, and found Spike Dudley's Cousins, Bubba Ray and D-Von, attacking William Regal...!!




The Dudley Boyz knew that if they could put Regal through a table before the Royal Rumble, they wouldn't have to go through with their scheduled match with Regal and Dean Malenko at the huge event... Luckily for Regal, D-Von struggled to set the table up, and the delay was enough for Malenko to arrive on the scene and run The Dudleyz off...!!








'The Headshrinkers' Haku & Umaga [vs] 'Terri's Boys' (Saturn & Albert) w/ Terri


A fist-fight got us started here, and all four men were in the ring, and hitting hard. The referee finally got control, and we were treated to a solid tag team fight, in which Haku and Umaga came out on top, after the latter hit his 'Samoan Spike' on Perry Saturn! With this victory, Haku and Umaga now qualify for the Royal Rumble Match!!



'The Headshrinkers' Haku & Umaga

'Samoan Spike'




Target Acquired


The opening segment of RAW this week, saw Matt and Jeff Hardy, and 'Senior' Shelton Benjamin, attack the WWF Tag Team Champions: Edge, Christian, and the Light Heavyweight Champion: Marty Jannetty, ahead of their scheduled match with New Generation X... Tonight, Edge and Christian were here to respond to The Hardy Family... who have stated that they weren't targeting the two Canadians... They wanted to take out Marty Jannetty...




“So... The Hardyz and Shelton wanted to soften up Marty Jannetty up ahead Jeff's Title shot at Royal Rumble... and they weren't going after us...?! No... I don't buy it...”


“They didn't go after X-Pac did they...?! He was out next, and he is ALSO in that Light Heavyweight Title match... Besides... Targeting us or not, what were we supposed to do...?! Just stand back and watch our friend and partner for the night get beaten up...?!”


“I know Matt Hardy... and he's up to something... If he wants the Tag Team Titles, he and Jeff can prove they deserve them... against US... on RAW...!!”


“Yeah, but in a NON-TITLE MATCH...!!”






'The Great One' The Rock [vs] 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit w/ Chris Jericho


Rock and Benoit are two of the early favourites to win this years Royal Rumble Match, and based on their performances in this one, it's easy to see why! Rock and Chris Jericho have had some harsh words for each other, and physical confrontations, in recent weeks, as Jericho is also a potential winner in a little over two weeks time. Benoit has had Jericho's back, but Jericho has somehow managed to throw a steel chair and hit Kane on more than one occasion. This fantastic match saw Benoit hit multiple suplexes, and attempt to make Rock tap out to a number of submission holds. The Sharp Shooter, and the 'Crippler Crossface' did some damage to 'The Great One'. However, Rock managed to get to the ropes both times, and Benoit had to break the holds. In the end, Rock countered a German Suplex attempt, and pulled Benoit in for the 'Rock Bottom' to pick up a big win!



'The Great One' The Rock

'Rock Bottom'


Big Red Revenge


Right after the match, The Rock and Benoit were joined in the ring by Chris Jericho, who went right after 'The Great One'!!




Benoit soon joined in the attack, and it was 2 on 1... The two Canadians thought they could take The Rock out here, and make it so he didn't make it to the Royal Rumble... Either that, or at least weaken him and lessen his chances of winning it... But Rocky got some help, after a big pyro explosion on the stage...




Kane stomped to the ring, and the menacing masked big man's arrival, climbing over the ropes, saw Jericho and Benoit make their exit through the ropes, and over the guard rail... Kane will battle Jericho for the IC Title next week on RAW... and 'The Belt Collector' won't be able to run away from Kane on that night...!!







Quick Results:


Scotty Too Hotty [def.] X-Pac


Sexay & Perfect [def.] Val Venis & Al Snow


The APA [def.] The Dudley Boyz


Razor Ramon [def.] Spike Dudley


Haku & Umaga [def.] Perry Saturn & Albert


The Rock [def.] Chris Benoit


Show Rating:







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