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WWF 2001 - Saving The Invasion

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Edge and Christian [vs] Jeff Hardy & 'Senior' Shelton Benjamin

Local Enhancement Talent [vs] 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri

'The Samoan Bulldozer' Umaga w/ Haku [vs] Steven Richards w/ Ivory

Hardcore Title Match:

Hardcore Holly [vs] 'The American Badass' The Undertaker ©

'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] Test

Intercontinental Title Match:

'The Big Red Machine' Kane [vs] 'The Belt Collector' Chris Jericho ©

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Edge and Christian [vs] Jeff Hardy & 'Senior' Shelton Benjamin


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri


'The Samoan Bulldozer' Umaga w/ Haku [vs] Steven Richards w/ Ivory


Hardcore Title Match:

Hardcore Holly [vs] 'The American Badass' The Undertaker ©


'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] Test


Intercontinental Title Match:

'The Big Red Machine' Kane [vs] 'The Belt Collector' Chris Jericho ©

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Edge and Christian [vs] Jeff Hardy & 'Senior' Shelton Benjamin


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri


'The Samoan Bulldozer' Umaga w/ Haku [vs] Steven Richards w/ Ivory


Hardcore Title Match:

Hardcore Holly [vs] 'The American Badass' The Undertaker ©


'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] Test

Intercontinental Title Match:

'The Big Red Machine' Kane [vs] 'The Belt Collector' Chris Jericho ©

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Edge and Christian [vs] Jeff Hardy & 'Senior' Shelton Benjamin


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri


'The Samoan Bulldozer' Umaga w/ Haku [vs] Steven Richards w/ Ivory


Hardcore Title Match:

Hardcore Holly [vs] 'The American Badass' The Undertaker ©


'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] Test


Intercontinental Title Match:

'The Big Red Machine' Kane [vs] 'The Belt Collector' Chris Jericho ©

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Edge and Christian [vs] Jeff Hardy & 'Senior' Shelton Benjamin


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri


'The Samoan Bulldozer' Umaga w/ Haku [vs] Steven Richards w/ Ivory


Hardcore Title Match:

Hardcore Holly [vs] 'The American Badass' The Undertaker ©


'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] Test


Intercontinental Title Match:

'The Big Red Machine' Kane [vs] 'The Belt Collector' Chris Jericho ©

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Edge and Christian [vs] Jeff Hardy & 'Senior' Shelton Benjamin


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri

'The Samoan Bulldozer' Umaga w/ Haku [vs] Steven Richards w/ Ivory


Hardcore Title Match:

Hardcore Holly [vs] 'The American Badass' The Undertaker ©


'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] Test


Intercontinental Title Match:

'The Big Red Machine' Kane [vs] 'The Belt Collector' Chris Jericho ©

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In The Booth:




Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz



Hardly Worth His Time


We kicked off the show with The Hardy Family heading to the ring, ahead of Matt and Jeff's scheduled match with the WWF Tag Team Champions: Edge and Christian...




Matt Hardy:
“I do not concern myself, with meaningless matches like this... No CHAMPIONSHEEEEPS are on the line... due to The Brood Brothers being cowards, and not defending their Tag Team Titles... So... Senior Benjamin is going to take my place...!!”


Matt claimed that a Matt Hardy match is a delicacy... and should be enjoyed with a glass of wine... He also said he's saving his 'vessel' for the gruelling Royal Rumble Match...




Edge and Christian [vs] Jeff Hardy & 'Senior' Shelton Benjamin w/ Matt Hardy & Lita


Amazing opener, and one which Shelton Benjamin held his own despite his limited experience on the roster. Jeff Hardy was wild though, and when he tagged in late on, he threw his body at the Tag Champs, and they couldn't handle him. They also couldn't handle Matt Hardy at ringside, who pulled Edge's leg when Lita had the referee's attention. Jeff hit the 'Twist Of Fate', but then flew at Christian on the apron. Shelton was legal, and he planted a 'T-Bone Suplex' on Edge!



Jeff Hardy & 'Senior' Shelton Benjamin w/ Matt Hardy & Lita

'T-Bone Suplex'




Open Challenge


'The Great One' The Rock was backstage next... with a challenge for anyone NOT confirmed in the Royal Rumble Match...




The Rock:
“The most Electrifying Man in ALL of entertainment...Says that with fifteen confirmed entrants into The Rock's Royal Rumble... There needs to be more... We're only half way through... And on The Rock's show Smackdown... A challenge... From The Brahma Bull... To any Jabroni not confirmed... To announce their entry... By going ONE... ON ONE... WITH THE GREAT ONE...!!”


Rock paced back and forth... and said that twenty nine men won't be enough come the Royal Rumble...


The Rock:
“1997... The Rock's first Rumble Match... 1998, Runner up... 2000, Winner... 2001, Final Three... Yu see The Rock has a great record in the Royal Rumble... and that's going to continue... Nobody can stop 'The Great One'... Not Undertaker, Not Chris Jericho, Not Kane, and certainly not... BleuagheahuheughrghROKEN... Matt Hardy...!! TWENTY, NINE... MEN... twenty... nine... men... It won't be enough... Because FINALLY... THE ROCK... IS COMING BACK... TO WRESTLE... MANIA...!!”






Local Enhancement Talent [vs] 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri


Tajiri destroyed this young local worker in 3 short minutes here, hitting his 'Buzzsaw Kick' after a brutal showing!



'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri

'Buzzsaw Kick'






Backstage, Eddie Guerrero was minding his own business, when Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit confronted him... Jericho did all of the talking, Benoit stayed quiet, as he often does...




Chris Jericho:
“HEY!! Guerrero...!! We saw you helped The Rock out, and gave him some advice to help him beat Benoit on Smackdown...!! NOT smart man... Winning builds confidence... and a confident Rock is the LAST thing we need heading into the Royal Rumble you IDIOT...”


Jericho said he's got Kane tonight, but doesn't need to worry too much about that 'Big Red Moron'... Eddie smirked, and gingerly pointed over Jericho's shoulder... The two Canadians took a couple of seconds, and then slowly turned around, expecting to see Kane stood behind them... But a few feet away, this man was eating a hamburger...




Spike Dudley paused as the two confused men glared at him... They turned around to fight Guerrero, but he was gone... completely...!! They had no idea where he'd gone, and it angered them even more... To the point that Benoit slapped the burger out of Spike's hands...!!






'The Samoan Bulldozer' Umaga w/ Haku [vs] Steven Richards


Much like Tajiri a little earlier, this was as one-sided as they come. Steven Richards managed a couple of super kicks to the big, strong, jaw of Umaga, but eventually he was put down by the 'Samoan Spike'.



'The Samoan Bulldozer' Umaga w/ Haku

'Samoan Spike'




The Big, Brave, Show


We saw highlights next, of Big Show damaging 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin's truck...




Rumour has it, Austin will be HERE later tonight... Thoughts are, he'll be out for revenge...!!





Kwik To Be Blamed


Backstage, X-Pac was holding court with the rest of New Generation X... and he was blaming K-Kwik for Pac's loss on Smackdown...




“Kwik... You let me down... AGAIN... It's YOUR fault I lost to Scotty Too Hotty... As a group, we have two spots in the Royal Rumble Match... I already have the Light Heavyweight Title shot... So it's going to be you two... and you'd BETTER not let me down again...!!”


X-Pac slapped Kwik around the back of his head...!! Kwik was furious, and wanted to fight X-Pac there and then... but the cocky 29 year old sloped away, laughing while Billy Gunn held his tag team partner back...








Hardcore Holly w/ Crash and Molly Holly [vs] 'The American Badass' The Undertaker ©


Another excellent match here, between two men who know how to thrive in a fight like this! It was open and even, and could have gone either way. But eventually, 'Taker kicked Crash Holly in the face on the outside and sent him flying over the ring steps! Hardcore knocked 'The Dead Man' down with a clubbing blow to the back of the head, and then checked on his cousin. As he got up to confront Undertaker though, he was caught with a Chokeslam on the ring apron! The impact was enough to win it, but Undertaker hit his 'Last Ride' Powerbomb for good measure, and retained his Title.



and STILL Hardcore Champion: 'The American Badass' The Undertaker ©

'Last Ride'


Hardcore, You Know The Score!


The Undertaker grabbed a microphone after the match... and had something to say about the Hardcore Title...




The Undertaker:
“Hardcore...?! This ain't no Hardcore Title... You got guys like 'Hardcore Holly'... Think they're tough, coz they run around and hit people with trash cans and cookie trays... You wanna be tough...?! You'll put down the weapons... stop the sneak attacks, and the 24/7 rule... and FIGHT me... 1 on 1... Man to Man... In the ring...!! Hardcore Holly did just that tonight... and he wasn't MAN enough to stop me... He can't sneak attack me, roll me up, or pin me in my sleep... There is NO 24/7 rule, as long as I'm the Champion...!!”




Undertaker continued to run his mouth, until Hardcore Holly dropkicked him from behind, and sent him crashing through the ropes and to the floor...!! Holly wanted to continue the fight, and prove he IS man enough to stand up to 'The American Badass'... but Undertaker grabbed his Belt, hopped on his Motorbike, and rode it up the ramp...!!





Those Who Train Together...


After seeing a number of video packages showing Vince and Shane McMahon not taking their training seriously ahead of their upcoming mixed tag team match with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon at the Royal Rumble... We got a video of 'The Game' in the gym... proving that he IS taking that match seriously...




'The Cerebral Assassin' was looking like a beast in his natural habitat... beasting it up and stacking... But the camera panned to reveal his training partner... His wife, Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley was also training, and looking like she too was taking the match seriously...








'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] Test


D'Lo and Test are both on the rise right now, and both have had some big wins lately. D'Lo's win/loss record continued to improve with a huge victory on the road to the Royal Rumble, and his scheduled match with Mr. Perfect!



'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown



Not The Perfect Preparation


As D'Lo Brown was getting his hand raised by the referee, he was jumped from behind by Mr. Perfect and Mr. Sexay...!!




Brown will fight Perfect at The Royal Rumble in under two weeks, and this was by no means the ideal preparation for him... A win over Test gives 'The Real Deal' some great momentum, but the post-match attack hurt him... Perfect hit a beautiful DDT, followed by the 'Perfect Plex', in which he held D'Lo's shoulders down... Sexay dropped down and counted to three... before raising Perfect's hand, and proclaiming that his win/loss record over D'Lo was 'PERFECT'...!!





Agents Of Protection


Backstage, in their office with a door but no walls, the three members of The APA were sat playing cards... Bradshaw won the hand, like he always does, and Faarooq and The Godfather couldn't believe it...






The Godfather:
“How do you always win Bradshaw...?! I mean, GAAAD...!!”


“Yeah, and hey man... You never told us what was in that envelope last week...!!”


Bradshaw began to answer, when there was a knock at the door... William Regal and Dean Malenko were stood the other side of it, but the three APA members could clearly see them, due to there being no wall...


“Who is it...?!”




Regal and Malenko looked at each other, and then walked in through the door... as soon as they stepped through, all three APA members cheered, and seemed so happy to see them... Even though they saw them from the other side of the door... The fan favourite technical wrestlers had a wad of cash with them, which Bradshaw took and popped into a small safe... He told them that their money would buy them a weeks worth of guaranteed protection... presumably from The Dudley Boyz...


William Regal:
“Good sirs... A week will not be enough... We need two... We saw how you dealt with them in the ring last week, and we were very impressed...”


“Well flattery will get you everywhere my man... Tell you what we'll do... We'll watch your backs for two weeks... and keep those Dudleyz away from ya... IF... You sit with us, so we can drink some beers... smoke some cigars... and play some cards...!!”








'The Big Red Machine' Kane [vs] 'The Belt Collector' Chris Jericho © w/ Chris Benoit


Kane and Jericho put on an exceptional Main Event here, with Jericho desperate at times, to retain his Intercontinental Title. 'The Belt Collector' would be down to zero Championships if he lost this one, so he did everything he could do to retain. Benoit got involved on multiple occasions, and even tried to rip Kane's mask off at one point. His great work at ringside allowed Jericho to score the win using his 'Code Breaker', after Kane tried to grab 'The Crippler' over the top rope from inside of the ring. Kane got his shoulder up at 3, but the referee called for the bell, deciding his kick out was too late.



and STILL Intercontinental Champion: 'The Belt Collector' Chris Jericho © w/ Chris Benoit

'Code Breaker'


Stone Cold, Sobering


As promised to the fans earlier in the night, WWF World Heavyweight Champion 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin WAS in the building... He had a backstage worker with him, and was dragging him towards the parking lot... He pointed at the trucks in front of him, and the guy he was holding by the collar of his shirt, pointed at one in particular...




Steve Austin:
“This one, right here...?! Right... Get the keys... NOW...!!”


The backstage worker turned out to be a valet parker... He went to the lockbox, and pulled out a set of keys... and handed them to Austin, who let go of the man, and told him to 'beat it', before kicking him in his behind as he scampered away... 'The Texas Rattlesnake' slung his Belt into the passenger seat, and climbed in... He was out for revenge after Big Show damaged his truck, and he was going to STEAL Show's tonight...!! But he soon realised that wasn't going to happen...




Big Show arrived on the scene, and reached into his truck window... Pulling Austin out through it!! 'Stone Cold' flailed and kicked his legs, as Show dragged him across the parking lot... He delivered a chest chop right under Austin's chin, and sent the WWF World Heavyweight Champion to the floor in agony... Big Show snatched his keys from Austin's trembling hands... and then stomped on his Royal Rumble opponent a couple of times for good measure... Show got in the truck, and drove off... leaving Austin to realise he'd LOST his Title Belt...!! It was still on the seat in Show's truck...!!







Quick Results:


Jeff Hardy & Shelton Benjamin [def.] Edge and Christian


Tajiri [def.] Local Enhancement Talent


Umaga [def.] Steven Richards


The Undertaker [def.] Hardcore Holly


D'Lo Brown [def.] Test


Kane [def.] Chris Jericho


Show Rating:








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'The Great One' The Rock [vs] ????

Edge and Christian [vs] Terri's Boys (Albert & Perry Saturn) w/ Terri

Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit w/ Chris Jericho

Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Marty Jannetty

Hardcore Holly & The Godfather [vs] The Dudley Boyz

Rikishi [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin

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The Great One' The Rock [vs] ????


Edge and Christian [vs] Terri's Boys (Albert & Perry Saturn) w/ Terri


Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit w/ Chris Jericho


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Marty Jannetty


Hardcore Holly & The Godfather [vs] The Dudley Boyz


Rikishi [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin

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'The Great One' The Rock [vs] ????


Edge and Christian [vs] Terri's Boys (Albert & Perry Saturn) w/ Terri


Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit w/ Chris Jericho


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Marty Jannetty


Hardcore Holly & The Godfather [vs] The Dudley Boyz


Rikishi [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin

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'The Great One' The Rock [vs] ????


Edge and Christian [vs] Terri's Boys (Albert & Perry Saturn) w/ Terri


Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit w/ Chris Jericho


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Marty Jannetty


Hardcore Holly & The Godfather [vs] The Dudley Boyz


Rikishi [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin

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'The Great One' The Rock [vs] ????


Edge and Christian [vs] Terri's Boys (Albert & Perry Saturn) w/ Terri


Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit w/ Chris Jericho


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Marty Jannetty


Hardcore Holly & The Godfather [vs] The Dudley Boyz


Rikishi [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin

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'The Great One' The Rock [vs] ????

Edge and Christian [vs] Terri's Boys (Albert & Perry Saturn) w/ Terri


Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit w/ Chris Jericho


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Marty Jannetty

Hardcore Holly & The Godfather [vs] The Dudley Boyz

Rikishi [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin

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In The Booth:




Michael Cole and Tazz



The Challenge Is Open


The Rock opened the show tonight, to a thunderous ovation...




The Rock:
“FINALLY... The Rock... HAS COME BACK... to Philadelphiaaaaaa...!! And 'The Great One' is out here... to re-iterate the challenge from RAW... If ANYONE not confirmed for the Royal Rumble Match, wants to make a name for themselves... and step up to the plate against 'The Great One'... ”


Rocky paced back and forth... But he didn't have to wait long... A man NOT confirmed for the Royal Rumble Match made his way onto the stage... flanked by Mr. Sexay... the veteran technician Mr. Perfect...!!




Mr. Perfect:
“I'm not in the Royal Rumble Match... And you want someone who IS... to announce their entry by facing you in a match...?!”


The Rock:
“Yeah you got it genius...!! Now let The Rock ask you a question... Tell... tell... tell The Rock this... You're called Mr. Perfect...?! He's called Mr. Sexay...?! The people wanna know... The Rock wants to KNOW... Do you think you
Perfect... and Sexay...?!”


Mr. Perfect:
“I woul...”


The Rock:
“IT DOESN'T MATTER, WHAT YOU THINK!! The Rock could wipe a Monkey's ASS with what you THINK... So Mr. Perfect... You wanna enter the Royal Rumble Match... Be just another victim for The Rock to eliminate... Then get in this ring... and go 1... on 1... with 'The Great One'...!!”


Perfect began to remove his robe, but stopped short of taking it off... He then revealed that he is NOT entering the Royal Rumble Match this year... But that Mr. Sexay IS...!! Rock smiled, and raised his eyebrow... Rock vs Sexay 1 on 1... next...




'The Great One' The Rock [vs] Mr. Sexay w/ Mr. Perfect


This match was short to kick us off tonight, but it was a lot of fun and very even and open. Sexay is as cocky as they come, and although he controlled the pace of the match, he took his eye off the ball at the crucial moment. Rocky fought back into it, and eventually hit his 'Rock Bottom' for the win.



'The Great One' The Rock

'Rock Bottom'


Match Made


We learned that on RAW next week, D'Lo Brown has found a tag team partner to fight Mr. Perfect and Mr. Sexay in tag team action...




D'Lo Brown and Eddie Guerrero will team up to make a very much in-form unit... but will they be cohesive enough to defeat Perfect and Sexay...?! D'Lo and Perfect will finally meet 1 on 1 at the Royal Rumble... and a match less than one week away from the encounter could build or destroy all of 'The Real Deal's' momentum...





Wrongly Accused


In the Commissioner's Office, Mick Foley had asked 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin to join him...




Mick Foley:
“I mean... Who LOSES their Championship Belt... I mean, misplaces it...?!”


Foley was referring to Austin leaving his Belt in Big Show's truck on RAW, where Show then drove off with the Belt...!! Austin was furious, and said he was leaving the show early tonight, to go and find it... But Foley had other ideas...


Mick Foley:
“Your punishment for losing it... is a match in the Main Event tonight... So no... you can't leave early... because you're going to be fighting a man who you and I both know, knows a thing or two about cars... RIKISHI!!”


Austin rolled his eyes... He knows how difficult a match against the big Samoan Rikishi is... He implored Foley to punish Big Show for
the Belt... and Foley said he needs to give 'The World's Largest Athlete' the chance to bring the Belt back... So... Show has until Monday Night RAW to return Austin's property... Even though in less than two weeks, he might just win it straight back at the Royal Rumble...!!





Spike The Burger


Backstage, 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit was taping his wrists ahead of his upcoming match... When Spike Dudley appeared behind him...




Benoit slapped Spike's cheeseburger out of his hand on RAW, and Spike was here for revenge tonight... He'd already requested a match with Benoit for later on, but he took his want of revenge to another level by creeping up on Benoit, and slamming a cheeseburger, complete with salad, burger relish, and gherkin, into 'The Crippler's' face... and then running away...!! Benoit was absolutely beside himself with anger!!






Edge and Christian [vs] Terri's Boys (Albert & Perry Saturn) w/ Terri


The WWF Tag Team Champions look unbeatable at the moment, despite being up against two big, strong, bulls in Albert and Perry Saturn. Terri's Boys will be disappointed to have lost in the end, after a dominant display, but Edge's 'Spear' is like a bullet to the chest, and Saturn stayed down after being caught with it.



Edge and Christian





Tough Enough


After losing the Hardcore Title to The Undertaker, Hardcore Holly has understandably been in a bit of a funk... He lost the re-match, and now 'Taker has redefined what it means to be 'Hardcore'...




'The American Badass' said that you have to be tough... not use weapons... or sneak attacks... and with the help of Vince McMahon, has ENDED the 24/7 ruling...


Hardcore Holly:
“Undertaker wants to talk about being 'tough'... He says, bein' Hardcore Champion proves he's the tough-est... rough-est... man een the eendustry... Well... I'll prove I'm tougher than heem... any time... any place...!!”


Before Holly could finish, The Dudley Boyz walked up...




Bubba Ray Dudley:
“Oh, you're TOUGH...?! Lemme tell ya somethin' Holly... De way we see it... You're the OPPOSITE of tough... You're so sawft... dat if I put you through that table... your flesh would CUT...”


Hardcore Holly said that if Crash Holly was here, they'd fight The Dudleyz in a tag team match tonight... But they told him there's plenty of other 'sawft' partners to choose from...






Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit w/ Chris Jericho


As soon as the bell rang, Spike Dudley immediately regretted stuffing a cheeseburger into Chris Benoit's face. 'The Crippler' battered him from pillar to post, and he left the match with multiple injuries. However, he DID manage to score the win, when Eddie Guerrero showed up! 'Latino Heat' slid Chris Jericho into the ring, and then threw him out over the top rope!! Eddie ran away from Benoit, and the bizarre distraction allowed Spike to roll Benoit up for the shock win! For the second time in the night, Benoit was left absolutely furious!!



Spike Dudley

'Roll Up'






Hardcore Holly was walking backstage... Looking like he was trying to find a partner for a tag team match with The Dudley Boyz later tonight... He stumbled across a great opportunity...




The Godfather:
“Hardcore Holly... Ma man...!! Listen, the boys (Faarooq and Bradshaw) are currently playin' some cards with William Regal and Dean Malenko... and they think, I should offer to join you tonight... against those damn, Dudley Boyz...!!”


Godfather said that normally, to 'purchase' an APA member to compete in a match as a tag team partner, would cost Holly a LOT of money... but... Since it's him... and since Regal and Malenko have already paid them to protect them from The Dudleyz, this one's on the house...!! Holly liked what he was hearing... and shook the big Godfather's hand...






Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Marty Jannetty


A fascinating match here, between two Light Heavyweights, scheduled to compete as part of the Fatal-4-Way Match at the Royal Rumble, for Jannetty's Light Heavyweight Title. Jannetty has been an excellent Champion so far, holding the Gold for an impressive eight months. But he came up short here against an in-form challenger in Scotty Too Hotty!



Scotty Too Hotty





Rapid Fire


Backstage, K-Kwik and Billy Gunn – known as Rapid Fire as a tag team, were talking about Kwik's feud with X-Pac...




“Dawg...!! X-Pac makes me feel THIS big... (gestures really small) at times... So I'll tell you what I'm gonna do... I'm gonna FIGHT him, on RAW... 1 on 1... and Billy... I know he's your boy, but you better pick a side, man...!!”





Cliqueing Into Place


K-Kwik and X-Pac will be going 1 on 1 on RAW... but we soon learned of another match taking place... as Triple H will return to action!!




'The Game' has suffered a lot of injuries in recent months... and a match against 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon could be the last thing he needs, this close to his clash against Shane and Vince McMahon at the Royal Rumble...!! Despite Triple H and Razor's previous friendship, this one promises to be a barn burner...!!






Hardcore Holly & The Godfather [vs] The Dudley Boyz


The Dudleyz picked a fight with the wrong man in Hardcore Holly tonight. The Alabama native wanted to rip their arms off at times, and he hit harder than anyone else in the entire show too. Godfather had some nice moments backing Holly up, but the 'Alabama Slam' to D-Von made a big impact and was impossible to kick out of!



Hardcore Holly & The Godfather

'Alabama Slam'


Dead Man Walking


After the match was over, The Undertaker headed onto the stage with a microphone to address Hardcore Holly...




The Undertaker:
“Listen, Bob... I know you throw a great dropkick... I know you throw a mean chair shot... hell... I'm sure you throw a solid right hand, right...?! But these things don't make you tough, Bob... What makes you tough, is standing up for what you believe in... fighting guys 1 on 1... man to man... No sneak attacks... No roll-ups... No weapons to gain an unfair advantage... If you EVER want this Title back... you are going to have to earn it, son...!!”


Holly stood with his hands on his hips while 'Taker was talking, and then demanded a microphone once he was done...


Hardcore Holly:
“Hey 'Taker... Whilst I appreciate the advice, an' all... Remind me again how you WON that there Hardcore Title...?!”


Undertaker won the Belt by interfering in Holly's Title defence a few weeks back, taking full advantage of the 24/7 ruling placed on the Hardcore Title at the time... which 'The Deadman' has now abolished... Holly put 'Taker in his place, but then challenged him to a fight... 1 on 1... man to man... No weapons... No roll-ups from behind... No sneak attacks... Undertaker said there's no way Holly is getting another Title shot, so he should go back to his 'Squad' where he belongs...!!





Wrong Turn


The Hardy Family were walking and talking backstage next, when they turned a corner and found 'The Big Red Machine' Kane coming towards them...




Matt Hardy:
“Eet is truly... WONDER FULLLLLL... To see you Kane... Let me ask you, Crimson Machine... Do you theenk you have a chance in the Rumble that is Royal...?! And what would happen if you stand across the ring from Senior Benjamin and Myself...?!”


Kane didn't respond... He just tilted his head to the side, and sized Matt Hardy up like he wanted to eat him...!!


Matt Hardy:
“The bigger they are Kairne... The harder they fall... But you know all about that, don't you...?! You know... that at tha Royal Rumble... Eet is not the BIG man who prevails... It pays to be small, but mighty... My vessel may be smaller in stature... But my mind... my spirit... my soul AND my life experiences... Mean that at the Royal Rumble Match... I weeell... DELETE YOU...!!”


Kane stepped forwards, and the entire Hardy Family ran in the opposite direction...!!






Rikishi [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin


As punishments go, a match against big Rikishi was up there as one of the worst Steve Austin could have hoped for after losing his World Heavyweight Title Belt. Mick Foley has given Big Show until Monday Night on RAW to bring the Belt back, but until then, he's punishing Austin for being careless. Austin did everything he could to avoid the 'Stink Face', and escaped the match without taking the horrible move. But he also would have walked away with a few bruised ribs following a 'Bonsai Drop', and a saw jaw after a vicious Super Kick. For the finish, the charismatic Samoan was attempting a 'Kishi Driver', but Austin wriggled free and landed on his feet behind him. As Rikishi turned around, Austin kicked him in the stomach, and hit the 'Stunner'.



'Stone Cold' Steve Austin

'Stone Cold Stunner'


Title On Tour


As Austin had his hand raised in the ring, a pre-taped from earlier in the day, video package interrupted him... and it was his Royal Rumble opponent: 'The World's Largest Athlete' Big Show...!!




Big Show:
“HEYYYYY!!! Austin...!! Say HELLO... To my LITTLE FRIEND...!!”


Show was clearly drunk, in the back of a limo, and riding around town with the World Heavyweight Title Belt...!! He told Austin he was 'celebrating early', because at the Royal Rumble, he's leaving with the Belt again...!! Champagne was flowing... Show had some friends with him, some male, some female... and the big man decided he wanted to climb out of the sunroof...!! He held the Belt tightly, but waved at fans... It soon became clear where he was... He was in Vegas...!! The scene sped up, and the group headed into The Bellagio Casino...!!


Back live, Austin was livid... and began remonstrating with the referee... At this point, Rikishi got up, and slammed into the World Heavyweight Champion... Austin fell and landed perfectly in the corner for his 'Stink Face'... but as 'Kishi 'backed that ass up', Austin kicked out, and scrambled out under the bottom rope...!! 'The Texas Rattlesnake' ran to the back, and Rikishi showed Austin he was 'this close' to getting the 'Stink Face' as the show went off the air...







Quick Results:


The Rock [def.] Mr. Sexay


Edge and Christian [def.] Terri's Boys


Spike Dudley [def.] Chris Benoit


Scotty Too Hotty [def.] Marty Jannetty


Hardcore Holly & The Godfather [def.] The Dudley Boyz


Steve Austin [def.] Rikishi


Show Rating:







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K-Kwik [vs] X-Pac

The Headshrinkers (Haku & Umaga) [vs] The Dudley Boyz

Al Snow [vs] ???

D'Lo Brown & Eddie Guerrero [vs] Mr. Perfect & ???

Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri

'The Game' Triple H [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon

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K-Kwik [vs] X-Pac


The Headshrinkers (Haku & Umaga) [vs] The Dudley Boyz


Al Snow [vs] ???


D'Lo Brown & Eddie Guerrero [vs] Mr. Perfect & ???


Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri


'The Game' Triple H [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon

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K-Kwik [vs] X-Pac


The Headshrinkers (Haku & Umaga) [vs] The Dudley Boyz


Al Snow [vs] ???


D'Lo Brown & Eddie Guerrero [vs] Mr. Perfect & ???


Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri


'The Game' Triple H [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon

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K-Kwik [vs] X-Pac


The Headshrinkers (Haku & Umaga) [vs] The Dudley Boyz


Al Snow [vs] ???


D'Lo Brown & Eddie Guerrero [vs] Mr. Perfect & ???


Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri


'The Game' Triple H [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon

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In The Booth:




Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz



Start The Show, Big


We kicked off the final RAW before the Royal Rumble... with Number One Contender to the WWF World Heavyweight Title: Big Show, heading to the ring... The fun-loving Giant had 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin's Championship Belt with him... after Austin left it in Show's truck, while trying to steal it... WWE Commissioner Mick Foley demanded that Show bring the Belt back to Austin tonight, or risk forfeiting his Title shot against 'The Rattlesnake'...




Big Show:
“That's right, me and this baby have had some fun together... but for now at least... our time has come to an end, and she has to go back to Steve Austin... BUT... Only for six days... because at the Royal Rumble this comin' Sunday... I'm getting' her BACK...!!”


Show said he'd done his bit... He'd brought the Title to RAW... and if Austin wants to get the Belt... he should come and TAKE it from Big Show...!! The Giant laid the Belt in the centre of the ring, and dared Austin to show his face... Which he did...




Austin stomped to the ring, but was unsure about climbing in there with the Big Show... He demanded a microphone, and then shouted that he KNEW Big Show would pull a stunt like this... and so he had a plan... Suddenly, from behind Show, The Undertaker slid into the ring...!!




The Hardcore Champion began brawling with Show... but the Giant gained the upper hand... He then hit a Show Stopper (Chokeslam) on Austin... right next to the Belt...!! Austin rolled away, and rolled over the Belt, just about having the wherewithal to grab the Gold as he rolled... 'Taker and Show continued to fight, until they were pulled apart by referees and officials...






K-Kwik [vs] X-Pac


Two former friends, and former New Generation X members, but X-Pac has treated K-Kwik like dirt for too long. Kwik stood up to him here, but Pac was too good for most of the match. In the end though, as Billy Gunn made his way to the ring, Kwik was able to roll Pac up in a tight small package, and score the win!




'Small Package'


Straight Shooter


After the match, K-Kwik, Billy Gunn and X-Pac... Collectively known as New Generation X, stood across the ring from one another and glared at each other...




It looked like the three NGX members would embrace, and bury the hatchet... but Kwik dropped to the floor, and rolled out under the bottom rope... He shook his head, and told X-Pac he would never join back up with him... He then gave Billy Gunn a clear ultimatum... Come with me, or stay with X-Pac... Gunn took a second to think about it, as he stood with his hands on his hips... and then jumped down and out of the ring to follow his 'Rapid Fire' teammate...!!





Dudley's Heads Shrunk


Bubba and D-Von Dudley headed to the ring next, absolutely furious with the APA for 'harbouring fugitives' in the form of Dean Malenko and William Regal... If The Dudleyz can put Regal through a table
the Royal Rumble pay-per-view, their Tables Match
the Rumble is cancelled... but the APA are protecting both Malenko and Regal...




Bubba Ray Dudley:
“Dose STINKIN'... Posh... technical... wrestlers... I mean, who likes dat...?! Not us... We like that gritty... hardcore... tables... tables... tables...!! So our match at the Royal Rumble will be a clash of styles, and it won't work... Nobody wants to see that... If Regal just comes out here... My brother D-Von and I will put him through a table... and be done with it...!!”


Regal didn't arrive... but Bradshaw did... The APA member strolled onto the stage...




“Listen Boys... Regal and Malenko might be posh, but they didn't have enough money to pay us for Protection right up to the Rumble...”


The Dudleyz high-fived... they looked like they were about to be told that Bradshaw would bring Regal and Malenko out to the ring right now...!!


“Buuuutt... They DID have enough money, to join our poker game... and, as much as it pains me to admit, they have played a few good hands... I'm glad you boys are in the mood to fight tonight... because at Regal's request... we've booked you some opponents...”


Bubba and D-Von's faces dropped when the music of their opponents hit...




The Headshrinkers (Haku & Umaga) [vs] The Dudley Boyz


Very competitive match here. The two big, bad, Islanders were in control early on, but as the shock of their arrival eased, the Dudleyz were able to settle into a spell of dominance. They controlled the veteran Haku, until the intimidating Umaga made the hot tag. He was unstoppable at that time, and sent Bubba and D-Von flying. In the end, winning it with his 'Samoan Spike' to Bubba.



The Headshrinkers (Haku & Umaga)

'Samoan Spike'




The Great One, Out Of Twenty Nine


In the locker room backstage, The Rock was packing his bag up... when Val Venis walked in...




Val told Rock that he'd heard his challenge on Smackdown... but that Mr. Sexay beat him to answering it... Otherwise, 'The Big Valbowski' would have come to the ring, and challenged The Rock... thus confirming his entry into the Royal Rumble Match this Sunday...


The Rock:
“He beat you to answering the challenge...?! Well... You beat him to the gimmick, brother...!! Now listen, listen... Can you hear that...?! That, rumble...?! The growing sounds of the millions... AND MILLIONS, of Rock's fans... They're stompin' their feet... They're comin' outta their chairs... can you HEAR it...?! Val... The people wanna know... Are you... in the Royal Rumble Match, this Sunday...!?”


Val Venis:
“Weeeeell Rock... Actually, I am...”


The Rock:
“IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU'RE IN THE ROYAL RUMBLE MATCH THIS SUNDAY...!! Yu see... It doesn't matter if the twenty nine other spots are filled by Grizzly Bears... Nothing... AND THE ROCK MEANS... NOTHING... is going to stop 'The People's Champion'... from WINNING... The Royal Rumble...!! Because, yu see... 'Valbowski'...!? Let's get this clear, right now... The Rock is gonna 'throwski'... Your 'Candy Asski'... Over the top 'ropeski'... IF YA SAMEEEELLL... What The ROCK... IS... Cookin'...!!”


Rock outstretched his hand... and Val reluctantly shook it... before 'The Great One' wished one of his opponents luck in the Rumble... The sincerity was clear from the huge fan favourite... but Val understandably looked a little annoyed by the outburst...






Al Snow [vs] Bill DeMott


Debut for Bill DeMott here. The former ECW fighter made a great showing, in a fun match against another veteran in Al Snow. Snow got the crowd behind him well, but DeMott put him down with a vicious powerbomb to win it.



Bill DeMott





Brave, Or Stupid


Backstage, The Undertaker was talking with 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, Vince and Shane McMahon... The Four Man Power Trip were interrupted by former Hardcore Champion: Hardcore Holly...




Hardcore Holly:
“So the Hardcore Title is no longer defended under 24/7 rules... Well... That's your decision Mr. McMahon... But HEY... I got an idea... How about you give me a re-match... for THAT...!!”


Undertaker looked at the men with him, and realised how much they outnumbered Holly... He treated the Holly Cousin with utter disrespect... which angered the fighter from Alabama...


Hardcore Holly:
“Tell ya what then... Give me a match, with AUSTIN... On Smackdown...!! For THAT...!!”


Vince took over at this point, realising this situation would either turn physical, or Holly would just never shut up...


Vince McMahon:
“Mr. Holly... with respect... My Champions are planning to hold these Belts for a LONG time... So we have to be creative with how they are defended... The 24/7 ruling for the Hardcore Title, just... Wasn't in our best interests... And neither is making you the Number One Contender... However... A
Match... Against 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin on Smackdown... IS something I can get behind... So you have your match... Now... Leave us alone...”


Holly walked away, looking pleased to have got what he wanted...






D'Lo Brown & Eddie Guerrero [vs] Mr. Perfect & Test


Due to an injury to Mr. Sexay, Test stepped in to replace him for this match. Rumours are Sexay WILL be cleared for the Royal Rumble Match, so his spot won't need to be filled. Test was awesome out there, and a more than adequate replacement. He gelled well with Perfect, but was ultimately pinned after the 'Frog Splash' from Eddie, when D'Lo Brown stood between Perfect and the pin! D'Lo and Perfect will finally go 1 on 1 at the Royal Rumble!



D'Lo Brown & Eddie Guerrero

'Frog Splash'


Canadians Can Hit Hard


Right after the match, Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho, and his silent back-up Chris Benoit, sprinted to the ring... Their arrival convinced Mr. Perfect to get one over on D'Lo Brown, hitting a 'Perfect DDT', before exiting the ring...!!




Jericho and Benoit knocked Eddie down, and began beating him up...!! D'Lo tried to help, but he was also put down... Jericho then locked Eddie in the Walls Of Jericho... before screaming at Benoit to grab him a microphone...


Chris Jericho:
“Eddie...!! You STUPID IDIOT...!! You wanna talk s**t about us...?! HUH...?! STUPID IDIOT...!! WE are the favourites for the Royal Rumble... Because WE will WAIT for each other, to be in the ring, at the same time...!!”


Jericho was mid tirade, when WWF Commissioner Mick Foley strolled onto the stage...




Mick Foley:
“Alrighty Chris... and Chris... That's enough...!! At the Royal Rumble, I won't lie... I'm a little concerned that having you two Canadians in the Royal Rumble Match... at the same time... gives a slight, but significant unfair advantage, over the rest of the field... But, I can't just split you up, and have one enter early, and one enter late... because that could be considered favouritism...”


Foley surmised that the best course of action, would be to give BOTH Jericho and Benoit, the opportunity to EARN a late number in the Rumble Match... He said that this week on Smackdown, Jericho... Benoit... and Eddie Guerrero will compete in the Triple Threat Match... On the line, will be THREE varying degrees of entrance numbers... Winner, enters in the final five spots... the man pinned or submitted enters within the


Chris Jericho:
“Foley...!! YOU STUPID IDIOT...!! Me and Chris'll just team up, and make sure one of us beats Eddie...!! That way, one of us goes in late... Eddie goes in early... and the other... well... he'll just be... What'll he be...?!”


Mick Foley:
“No Chris... Winner is 26-30... Loser is 1-5... But the man NOT involved in the fall will enter between 14 and 17...!! Which is NOT a good entry point...!! So one of you, will have a prize TWICE as good as the other if you team up on Eddie like that... Good luck deciding who gets what...!!”


Jericho and Benoit looked furious... but Eddie Guerrero ran behind them, and shoved Benoit INTO Jericho...!! Before sliding out under the ropes... Benoit kicked the bottom rope in frustration...!!





Show Time


After a commercial break, we were in Foley's office... as the WWF Commissioner had Big Show with him...




Big Show:
“Alright Foley... I did what you asked... I brought the Championship Belt, that Austin left in MY car... back to him... and then Undertaker jumped me... Tryina' get an advantage over me at the Rumble... Well... If I'm gonna get attacked from behind... I'm gonna deal with it head on... Give me 'Taker... On Smackdown...!!”


Foley thought for a second, and then told Big Show he was on... But warned him to be careful what he wishes for...!!






Spike Dudley [vs] 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri


Spike Dudley's confidence going into this match was extremely high following his win against Chris Benoit on Smackdown, and an impressive performance against Razor Ramon before that. However, he will have been disappointed to lose this one in the way he did. Chris Benoit made his presence known at ringside again, costing Spike the match!



'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Tajiri

'Buzzsaw Kick'




Big Red Reckoning


Walking through a corridor backstage, The Hardy Family came across the large masked fan favourite Kane...!!




Matt Hardy:
“Kaerne... My brother, 'Senior' Benjamin and I... do not FEEEEEAR you... You hide behind a mask... While we show our faces to the wold... And while Jeff wins the Light Heavyweight Title... Shelton and I will enter the RRRRumble Match that is ROYALE... Throw 28 other men over the top rope... Including you... Now move...”


Hardy began to barge past Kane... but the masked big man stood firm... he tilted his head, and cracked his knuckles... Before grabbing 'Broken' Matt by the throat...!! The hold didn't last long, because Jeff Hardy and Shelton Benjamin soon got involved, and took Kane down to the floor... Lita then began delivering kicks and stomps as the Hardy Family took liberties with 'The Big Red Machine'...






'The Game' Triple H [vs] 'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon


An amazing Main Event between two excellent in-ring performers here, as Ramon and Triple H got ready for their differing scheduled matches for the Royal Rumble pay-per-view. 'The Game' will battle Vince and Shane McMahon, alongside his own wife Stephanie McMahon in a mixed tag team match! Razor will join the other 29 entrants in the Royal Rumble Match for the first ever time, and in six nights, could be the man to win the match, and go on to Main Event WrestleMania! On this night, just six nights before the Rumble, the two tore lumps out of each other. Triple H ended up with a small cut above his eye, and a fat lip, while Ramon's ribs took a beating on the outside of the ring. For the finish, Ramon was looking for his 'Razor's Edge', but 'The Game' slid off his back, and landed on his feet behind him. As the pair span around, Triple H kicked 'The Bad Guy' in the gut, and put him down with the 'Pedigree'!



'The Game' Triple H



Show's Over!


The match was over, but as Triple H celebrated... his two opponents for Sunday headed onto the stage, and began to stroll to the ring...




Vince and Shane began unbuttoning their suit jackets, as 'The Game' got ready to fight them 2 on 1... But to the delight of all the fans, the two McMahon's didn't see Big Show appear behind them...!!




Vince and Shane removed their suit jackets, and handed them off to Big Show... Without realising it was him... They took their watches off too... handing them to Show, who threw them over his shoulder... Then, Vince and Shane realised what was happening... and with their eyes widening, they slowly turned around to meet their fate...!! Big Show grabbed them both by the backs of their heads, and slammed their heads together...!! Triple H sold the move in the ring like it had happened to him... Vince and Shane fell to the floor... 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin then headed out... but he was met on the stage by Hardcore Holly...!!




Holly unleashed a barrage of offence on Austin's face, as the two traded right hands... But just as the fan favourite gained the upper hand, he was kicked in the head by the arriving Undertaker...




The Hardcore Champion approached the ring, where Big Show had joined Triple H in between the ropes... 'Taker rallied his troops... Austin, Vince and Shane all joining his side... but he decided to live to fight another day, and the Four Man Power Trip headed back up the ramp to safety... Austin hit a 'Stone Cold Stunner' on his opponent for Smackdown this week, Hardcore Holly for good measure... and the group exited the arena...







Quick Results:


K-Kwik [def.] X-Pac


The Headshrinkers [def.] The Dudley Boyz


Bill DeMott [def.] Al Snow


D'Lo Brown & Eddie Guerrero [def.] Mr. Perfect & Test


Tajiri [def.] Spike Dudley


Triple H [def.] Razor Ramon


Show Rating:







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'The World's Largest Athlete' Big Show [vs] 'The American Badass' The Undertaker

Over The Top Rope, Five Team Challenge:

Edge & Christian | William Regal & Dean Malenko | The APA | The Dudley Boyz | Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri

Spike Dudley [vs] Bill DeMott

Scotty Too Hotty & Marty Jannetty [vs] Jeff Hardy & X-Pac

Royal Rumble Entrance Number Decider:

'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit [vs] 'Y2J' Chris Jericho

Hardcore Holly [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin

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The World's Largest Athlete' Big Show [vs] 'The American Badass' The Undertaker


Over The Top Rope, Five Team Challenge:

Edge & Christian | William Regal & Dean Malenko | The APA | The Dudley Boyz | Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Spike Dudley [vs] Bill DeMott


Scotty Too Hotty & Marty Jannetty [vs] Jeff Hardy & X-Pac


Royal Rumble Entrance Number Decider:

'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit [vs] 'Y2J' Chris Jericho


Hardcore Holly [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin

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'The World's Largest Athlete' Big Show [vs] 'The American Badass' The Undertaker


Over The Top Rope, Five Team Challenge:

Edge & Christian | William Regal & Dean Malenko | The APA | The Dudley Boyz | Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Spike Dudley [vs] Bill DeMott


Scotty Too Hotty & Marty Jannetty [vs] Jeff Hardy & X-Pac


Royal Rumble Entrance Number Decider:

'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit [vs] 'Y2J' Chris Jericho


Hardcore Holly [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin

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