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WWF 2001 - Saving The Invasion

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‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle

If Kurt wins, he joins Eddie and Austin in the Main Event for the WWF World Heavyweight Title…



Singles Match for the WWF Light Heavyweight Title:

‘The King of Mystery’ Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘Brother’ Jeff Hardy ©



Six Man Tag Team Match:

The Bloodline (Haku, Umaga and Rikishi) [vs] Kidman, Bill DeMott and Razor Ramon



2 on 1 Handicap Match:

‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Vince & Shane McMahon

NBA Star Shaquille O’Neal is the Special Guest Enforcer



6-Way Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Title:

Faarooq | D’Lo Brown | Edge | Chris Benoit | Chris Jericho © | John Bradshaw Layfield



The Fight At The Compound:

‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane [vs] ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy

Burn it to the ground


Icon Versus Streak – Undertaker is 9 and 0 at WrestleMania

‘The Great One’ The Rock [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker



Singles Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Title

‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin ©

Potentially a Triple Threat with Kurt Angle added to the match!




Bonus Questions:


1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? Rock vs Taker


2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? 88(within 5 gets a point, spot on gets 2 points)


3). How many Championships will change hands (out of a possible three)...? 3

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‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle

If Kurt wins, he joins Eddie and Austin in the Main Event for the WWF World Heavyweight Title…



Singles Match for the WWF Light Heavyweight Title:

‘The King of Mystery’ Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘Brother’ Jeff Hardy ©



Six Man Tag Team Match:

The Bloodline (Haku, Umaga and Rikishi) [vs] Kidman, Bill DeMott and Razor Ramon



2 on 1 Handicap Match:

‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Vince & Shane McMahon

NBA Star Shaquille O’Neal is the Special Guest Enforcer



6-Way Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Title:

Faarooq | D’Lo Brown | Edge | Chris Benoit | Chris Jericho © | John Bradshaw Layfield



The Fight At The Compound:

‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane [vs] ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy



Icon Versus Streak – Undertaker is 9 and 0 at WrestleMania

‘The Great One’ The Rock [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker



Singles Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Title

‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin ©

Potentially a Triple Threat with Kurt Angle added to the match!




Bonus Questions:


1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? Guerrero vs Austin


2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? 94 (within 5 gets a point, spot on gets 2 points)


3). How many Championships will change hands (out of a possible three)...? 3


Super Excited for the show!

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‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle

If Kurt wins, he joins Eddie and Austin in the Main Event for the WWF World Heavyweight Title…


Singles Match for the WWF Light Heavyweight Title:

‘The King of Mystery’ Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘Brother’ Jeff Hardy ©


Six Man Tag Team Match:

The Bloodline (Haku, Umaga and Rikishi) [vs] Kidman, Bill DeMott and Razor Ramon


2 on 1 Handicap Match:

‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Vince & Shane McMahon

NBA Star Shaquille O’Neal is the Special Guest Enforcer


6-Way Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Title:

Faarooq | D’Lo Brown | Edge | Chris Benoit | Chris Jericho © | John Bradshaw Layfield


The Fight At The Compound:

‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane [vs] ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy


Icon Versus Streak – Undertaker is 9 and 0 at WrestleMania

‘The Great One’ The Rock [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker


Singles Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Title

‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin ©

Potentially a Triple Threat with Kurt Angle added to the match!




Bonus Questions:


1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? Guerrero vs Angle


2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? 95 (within 5 gets a point, spot on gets 2 points)


3). How many Championships will change hands (out of a possible three)...? Three

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Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle

If Kurt wins, he joins Eddie and Austin in the Main Event for the WWF World Heavyweight Title…


Singles Match for the WWF Light Heavyweight Title:

‘The King of Mystery’ Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘Brother’ Jeff Hardy ©


Six Man Tag Team Match:

The Bloodline (Haku, Umaga and Rikishi) [vs] Kidman, Bill DeMott and Razor Ramon


2 on 1 Handicap Match:

The Game’ Triple H [vs] Vince & Shane McMahon

NBA Star Shaquille O’Neal is the Special Guest Enforcer


6-Way Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Title:

Faarooq | D’Lo Brown | Edge | Chris Benoit | Chris Jericho © | John Bradshaw Layfield


The Fight At The Compound:

‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane [vs] ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy


Icon Versus Streak – Undertaker is 9 and 0 at WrestleMania

‘The Great One’ The Rock [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker


Singles Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Title

‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin ©

Potentially a Triple Threat with Kurt Angle added to the match!



Bonus Questions:

1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? _______main event___________

2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? ________94__________ (within 5 gets a point, spot on gets 2 points)

3). How many Championships will change hands (out of a possible three)...? __________1________

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‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle

If Kurt wins, he joins Eddie and Austin in the Main Event for the WWF World Heavyweight Title…



Singles Match for the WWF Light Heavyweight Title:

‘The King of Mystery’ Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘Brother’ Jeff Hardy ©



Six Man Tag Team Match:

The Bloodline (Haku, Umaga and Rikishi) [vs] Kidman, Bill DeMott and Razor Ramon



2 on 1 Handicap Match:

‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Vince & Shane McMahon

NBA Star Shaquille O’Neal is the Special Guest Enforcer



6-Way Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Title:

Faarooq | D’Lo Brown | Edge | Chris Benoit | Chris Jericho © | John Bradshaw Layfield



The Fight At The Compound:

‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane [vs] ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy

Burn it to the ground


Icon Versus Streak – Undertaker is 9 and 0 at WrestleMania

‘The Great One’ The Rock [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker



Singles Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Title

‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin ©

Potentially a Triple Threat with Kurt Angle added to the match!




Bonus Questions:


1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? Rock vs Taker


2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? 88(within 5 gets a point, spot on gets 2 points)


3). How many Championships will change hands (out of a possible three)...? 3

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You've put together quite the card here, really looking forward to Mania!



‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle

If Kurt wins, he joins Eddie and Austin in the Main Event for the WWF World Heavyweight Title…

As I've got Eddie winning the title later on, I don't see him losing here. And beating Angle and Austin in the same night would be one hell of an accomplishment for the new Champ.


Singles Match for the WWF Light Heavyweight Title:

‘The King of Mystery’ Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘Brother’ Jeff Hardy ©

I've no doubt that Rey will capture the title eventually, but I'm not sure it will happen here.



Six Man Tag Team Match:

The Bloodline (Haku, Umaga and Rikishi) [vs] Kidman, Bill DeMott and Razor Ramon

My heart says Razor but my head says Bloodline.



2 on 1 Handicap Match:

‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Vince & Shane McMahon

NBA Star Shaquille O’Neal is the Special Guest Enforcer

Alternate ending; Shaq turns heel and screws Triple H.



6-Way Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Title:

Faarooq | D’Lo Brown | Edge | Chris Benoit | Chris Jericho © | John Bradshaw Layfield

JBL beating D'Lo on Smackdown makes me unsure about this one, but I'm sticking with JBL.


The Fight At The Compound:

‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane [vs] ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy

Pretty much 50/50 on this one so I'll go with Matt.


Icon Versus Streak – Undertaker is 9 and 0 at WrestleMania

‘The Great One’ The Rock [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker

Don't want Taker to lose at Mania. Didn't want it in real life and I don't want it here.


Singles Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Title

‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin ©

Potentially a Triple Threat with Kurt Angle added to the match!

I think this is Eddie's night and he wins the title here.



Bonus Questions:


1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? Taker vs. Rock. Though I don't think Austin vs. Eddie will be too far behind.


2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? This should be a good one. I'll say 93.


3). How many Championships will change hands (out of a possible three)...? According to my picks, two. World Title and IC Title.

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‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle

If Kurt wins, he joins Eddie and Austin in the Main Event for the WWF World Heavyweight Title…



Singles Match for the WWF Light Heavyweight Title:

‘The King of Mystery’ Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘Brother’ Jeff Hardy ©



Six Man Tag Team Match:

The Bloodline (Haku, Umaga and Rikishi) [vs] Kidman, Bill DeMott and Razor Ramon



2 on 1 Handicap Match:

‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Vince & Shane McMahon

NBA Star Shaquille O’Neal is the Special Guest Enforcer



6-Way Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Title:

Faarooq | D’Lo Brown | Edge | Chris Benoit | Chris Jericho © | John Bradshaw Layfield



The Fight At The Compound:

‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane [vs] ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy



Icon Versus Streak – Undertaker is 9 and 0 at WrestleMania

‘The Great One’ The Rock [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker



Singles Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Title

‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin ©

Potentially a Triple Threat with Kurt Angle added to the match!




Bonus Questions:


1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? Rock/Taker


2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? 90


3). How many Championships will change hands (out of a possible three)...? 2

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In The Booth:




Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz





We kicked off this historic WrestleMania with the band Saliva performing their new song ‘Superstar’ LIVE in front of the Toronto crowd… It seemed to go down well with the fans in attendance, who had arrived in Canada from all over the world… As Saliva were finishing up, Eddie Guerrero came onto the stage, and applauded the fans, before making his way to the ring…





An instant classic to kick off WrestleMania 18 here, with two men at the top of their game, and in their absolute prime. Eddie and Angle are two future megastars of the WWF, and tonight could be the biggest night of both of their careers so far. For Angle, the mission was clear. Beat Eddie and turn the Main Event into Eddie versus Kurt versus ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin for the WWF World Heavyweight Title. For Eddie, even clearer. Just survive! Angle was dominant here, throwing him around with ease. Eddie landed on his head a couple of times, and took a nasty German Suplex into the ropes too. Angle also attempted a few submission holds, but ‘Latino Heat’ held on, and frustrated the former Olympian. For the finish, Angle was attempting a Superplex from the top rope, but Eddie fought him off and he landed hard. Eddie signalled it was time for the ‘Frog Splash’, but before he could hit it, Angle hopped up to join him up there and throw Guerrero up and over his head! However, the Royal Rumble winner was ready for it, and as Angle got up there, he popped him in the eye with a well-placed thumb! Angle landed hard again, Eddie shrugged, and then came off the top rope with the ‘Frog Splash’ to score a big win!



‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero

'Frog Splash'




New and Next…


We took a look at a ‘Heat Pre-Show’ re-cap next, where we first saw highlights of Brock Lesnar’s victory… ‘The Next Big Thing’ barely broke a sweat against an unknown local name: Eric Young…


And then right after that, was the Four-Way WWF Tag Team Title Match, as the Champions Perfect and Sexay took on Albert and Perry Saturn… Hardcore Holly and Val Venis… and William Regal and Dean Malenko… and it was Regal and Malenko who picked up the win, with Malenko making Mr. Perfect tap out to the ‘Texas Cloverleaf’…!! Regal and Malenko are the NEW WWF World Tag Team Champions!!




**OOC Note:
I decided to take the Tag Titles off of Perfect and Sexay at the earlies opportunity… Perfect showed up drunk twice in the last few weeks, and I can’t keep sending one of my Champions home… It’s a shame for Sexay, who, despite his issues, has remained well behaved… However, the long term plan is for this to turn into a ‘Mr.’ stable of some kind… I’ve got Mr. Kennedy (Kennedy) in developmental, and I could call anyone Mr. something at any time and add them… This can happen with or without Perfect if I fire him!!







A great match here, that the crowd were really into. Jeff and Rey flew all around the ring and ringside area, and the running strikes were at times, brutal. Jeff hit a flying kick from the apron to the floor, and his spot where he runs the guard rail. Rey hit a springboard cross-body from the inside of the ring to the outside, and then followed that up with his hurricanrana in the middle of the ring for a near fall. It was clear late on that Jeff was reaching out for his Brother, Matt, or any member of The Hardy Family, but he had no help at all out there. The Family are all at the Compound, ‘protecting’ Matt, who has a match AT The Compound, against ‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane. It all meant that Jeff was alone, but he seemed to remember that fact every now and then, but forget the rest of the time. For the finish, Jeff feigned injury and pretended he was looking for Matt and co. As he hung on the second rope, Rey went for the ‘619’, but Jeff had him scouted, and he caught his legs. ‘The Rainbow Haired Warrior’ pulled Rey back into the ring, and slammed him with a side slam. He hit the ‘Twist Of Fate’, and then followed it up with the ‘Swanton Bomb’ to retain the Light Heavyweight Title.



and STILL Light Heavyweight Champion: ‘Brother’ Jeff Hardy

'Swanton Bomb'




Back Back…


In an unexpected segment, which got a huge reaction, Edge was preparing for his upcoming six-way Ladder Match, when injured WWF competitor and former EIGHT TIME WWF Tag Team Champion Christian, made his return to the company!!




Edge was delighted to see his best friend (technically his brother!?), and gave him a big hug… He asked Christian if he was back… or if he was ‘back back’…!!


“I’m back… But I’ll be ‘back back’ in a couple of weeks…!! But listen, it’s not about me tonight… I want you to go out there, and WIN the Intercontinental Championship… You deserve it bro… and I’ll be right back here, watching every second of it…!!”


Edge embraced his best friend again, and the two shared a laugh about Chris Jericho and his recent antics… What neither of them saw though, was Trish Stratus, who was stood in the background looking like she was up to no good…









The Bloodline are an intimidating group, and they looked like extremely dangerous opponents as they made their way to the ring. Kidman, Razor Ramon and Bill DeMott waited on the outside of the ring as the Pacific Islanders carried out their menacing entrance. The plan for Kidman and co. was to isolate Rikishi in their corner, and stop him tagging in the rough, tough, Haku, or the wild and crazy Umaga. It was an excellent strategy, but it was only ever going to work for a short amount of time. As soon as big ‘Kish got some space, he brought Haku in, and the momentum swung completely. Razor stayed out of the way of all three Bloodline members for as long as he could, but was eventually the man pinned when Umaga hit his ‘Samoan Spike’ on ‘The Bad Guy’.



The Bloodline – Haku, Rikishi & Umaga

'Samoan Spike'




Canadian Worries…?!


Backstage, WWF interviewer Jonathan Coachman caught up with Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho…




“Chris… Chris… I know you got a lot on your plate… but I have to ask… Christian just returned… in his home Country of Canada… Tonight, not only do you face another Canadian in Edge… and then D’Lo Brown, Faarooq and JBL are all going to be in that match… but, are you worried about a different Canadian…?! A man you thought you could trust… in Chris Benoit…?!”


Jericho looked angered by the questions… and shook his head at Coach…


Chris Jericho:
“First of all Joshua… I was BORN… In New York City… (the crowd booed, loudly)… I live… in New York CITAAYYY… The only thing Canadian about me, are my parents… and they SUCK… because they’re Canadian…!!”


The crowd tried to put him off with ‘WHAT?’ chants, but Jericho just ignored them and carried on…


Chris Jericho:
“Yu know something Joseph… I am very much, NOT, worried about Chris Benoit… I’ve fired ‘The Crippler’ UP in recent weeks… and a fired up ‘Crippler’ is EXACTLY what I want… And as for Christian… I HATE him… and if he comes out tonight, before he’s officially cleared to compete… I’ll end his CAREER…!!”









With Shaquille O’Neal as the ‘Special Guest Enforcer’, Triple H could relax a little and focus on beating Vince and Shane McMahon, instead of having to look over his shoulder and keep eyes on the back of his head in the worry that The Undertaker or ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin might attack him from behind. Later on in the match, ‘The Game’ managed to even the odds even further, when he HANDCUFFED Shane to the top rope!! Shane was furious, but it meant that Triple H could go after his Dad Vince McMahon 1 on1 for a little while. ‘The Game’ kicked Shane a few times, and knocked him down with some chair shots too. For the finish, the unbiased Big Shaq pulled Shane’s handcuffs apart, and released him from his shackles!! Shane and Vince managed to do some damage to Triple H 2 on 1 again, but a stray right elbow from Shane that caught big Shaq in the gut changed things. The elbow looked accidental, but given their history in recent weeks, Shaq wasn’t going to accept any kind of apology from Shane. He threw the son of a Billionaire over the guard rail, and followed him into the crowd. Back in the ring, Vince McMahon had cut Triple H open with a chair shot, and was closing in on a victory. Just then…




A powerful looking man in a balaclava arrived at ringside, slid under the bottom rope, and smashed into Vince!! He picked the WWF Chairman up, and hit a spinning back fist which knocked the Chairman out. Triple H regained his composure, to hit a ‘Pedigree’, and he got the win.



‘The Game’ Triple H



Cut In…




Triple H’s victory means he’s now ‘Cut In’ to the decision making process of the Board of WWF Directors… but something caught ‘The Game’s’ eye, and he began to glare at the masked man… He didn’t look too surprised to see the guy, and the announce team suggested that he could have been in on the whole thing… That was until two MORE masked men arrived behind ‘The Game’…!!




All three men looked impressively built, and they made light work of Triple H in a 3 on 1 beatdown… Nobody knew what the hell we just witnessed… Masked men helping Triple H to beat Vince and Shane McMahon… and then attacking ‘The Game’ after the match…!! More questions than answers here for sure…





Settling In…


Backstage, Coach was once again looking for an interview, and this time he found Light Heavyweight Champion Jeff Hardy…




“Jeff… An amazing Title defence earlier tonight against Rey Mysterio… But… shouldn’t you be on the way to the Hardy Compound…?!”


Jeff’s brother Matt has an interesting challenge coming up later tonight, as ‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane visits the Hardy Compound for a MATCH…!! But Matt had already confirmed that Jeff would not be able to be at the Compound to help defend it… Instead, he’ll be relying on ‘Senior’ Shelton Benjamin… Christopher Vanguard… and Brian Skarsgard… as well has he and his Brother’s girlfriends: Lita and Nidia…


Jeff Hardy:
“I looked at flights, man… I could have left right after my match, but it’s still gonna take the best part of three hours to fly from North Carolina… Then I gotta get to the Compound from the airport… I gotta get to the airport here tonight too… So I decided to just settle in and watch the Compound Match, from here…”


Up before that match though, we had the Six Man Ladder Match, for the Intercontinental Title…!!







There were so many stories heading into this one. Firstly John Bradshaw Layfield’s relationship with Farooq. They used to be best friends, but JBL turned his back on his tag team partner, and is now out for himself. D’Lo Brown called JBL’s new attitude months ago, and warned Faarooq not to trust him. He saw the signs, and JBL has, up until this past week, avoided fighting D’Lo 1 on 1. Edge failed to win the Intercontinental Title at No Way Out, following a double count-out against Jericho. He’s helped D’Lo in his feud with JBL and co. but D’Lo has also called Edge out, and doesn’t trust the Canadian fan favourite either! If ‘The Real Deal’ is still as good of a judge of character as he was with the JBL situation, then Edge is not to be trusted either! As for Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit, the two Canadian technicians have been on the same page for a long time now, with Benoit being made to do Jericho’s bidding for a long time. However, ‘The Crippler’ has said that if the chance came, he’d climb the ladder, and retrieve the Title, and TAKE it from Jericho!


Benoit was just one of five men who had chances to climb the ladder in this one. Every challenger came close to winning, as did ‘The Egomaniac’ Champion himself. Faarooq was the most dominant competitor tonight, using the ladders as weapons and slamming his opponents across them at every opportunity. A spinebuster to Edge, on JBL, on a ladder, was a real highlight, but after two close attempts at grabbing the Title, Faarooq was taken out of the match by his former tag team partner. Their fight went all over the arena, and JBL shoved him off the stage and he fell from a height onto some wiring equipment and crashed through some tables. JBL never made it back to the ring after their vicious brawl. D’Lo Brown also went through two tables. These ones had been set up in the ring by Edge, who shoved ‘The Real Deal’ off a ladder, and his night was over. For the finish, Edge and Benoit were fighting at the top of the ladder. Both men had touched the Title, with their home-town crowd going wild. But ‘Y2J’ slid into the ring, and hit them both with a baseball bat! Benoit on the ankle, and Edge on the lower back! Both men fell to the mat, and ‘The Egomaniac’ climbed up to retrieve and retain his Championship!



and STILL Intercontinental Champion: ‘Y2J’ Chris Jericho

'Item Retrieval'




The Hardy Compound…






While the chaos of the last match was cleared up, and competitors were taken off to various hospitals, we headed to the Hardy Compound… for the arrival of ‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane…!!





The scene began with Matt Hardy rallying his troops, and putting them into position to keep the Compound safe. First though, he wanted to make sure his girlfriend Lita was safe, so he sent her and Nidia to the ‘Safe Room’, and they shut and locked themselves in. The great thing about the safe room, is that the girls could see all the CCTV cameras in the house, and they could use walkie-talkies to stay in touch with the men defending them. However, as the girls sat down to watch the camera feeds, the light in the room was turned out!! When it came back on, KANE was stood behind them!! ‘The Big Red Machine’s’ arrival scared Nidia so much, she ran into the wall and fell over a sofa onto the floor. Lita shivered in pure fear, but the lights went out again, and we cut to Matt Hardy. He’d stationed ‘The Bucks Of Youth’ Christopher Vanguard and Brian Skarsgard at the front door, and he’d given them a weapon each. Vanguard held a short, rusty looking, fire poker over his shoulder, while Skarsgard had an umbrella in both hands. The two youngsters paced back and forth as if they were in the military. Matt then headed to the back door and the kitchen, where ‘Senior’ Shelton Benjamin was stationed. At first, he couldn’t find his right hand man for the night, but then his worst fears were realised… Shelton was hanging upside down from the ceiling of the larder. His feet tied together, and he was knocked out cold!! Matt panicked, and got on the radio to Lita and Nidia…


There was no answer from either of them, so he called The Bucks Of Youth to come to the kitchen. He said Kane was IN the house, and they needed to find him. Vanguard and Skarsgard arrived quickly after, and the three of them cut Shelton down, before running to the Safe Room again. They used the code to open the door, and found Nidia and Lita both down on the floor. Matt went to Lita, and she coughed and spluttered, but we heard a commotion outside. Vanguard had been thrown through a glass cabinet, and Skarsgard was being dragged up the stairs by his hair like something out of a horror movie!! Matt decided to run!! He locked the girls back in the Safe Room, and then ran!! He headed down to the basement, where he’d had a wrestling ring bult and set up!! A referee was waiting, and Matt slid into the ring, frantically asking him for help. The ref could only point over Matt’s shoulder though, to where Kane had already climbed onto the apron. He stepped over the top rope, but Matt had one last stand, and one last back-up plan. He used a TASER to take Kane out!! ‘The Big Red Machine’ fell to the floor, and Matt jumped on him. The referee counted to three, and ‘Broken’ Matt scored the win!!



‘Broken’ Matt Hardy





Out Wrestled…


‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards was in the ring when we came back live to the arena… and the fan favourite had a microphone in his hand… We were about to hear from one of the most popular wrestlers in the World Wrestling Federation…




Steven Richards:
“Listennnnnn… I HATE CANADA…!!”


The crowd booed, but Richards began laughing… He doubled over, and slapped his knee, and laughed so hard and for so long, the crowd had no choice but to laugh along with him…


Steven Richards:
“Relax Canada… I was just ‘teasing’ a heel turn… Now, I’m not sure what that means exactly… but I may try to ‘swerve’ you later… Although I’m guessing I shouldn’t tell you I was going to do that…?! I’m really not sure at this p…”


Before he could finish, ‘The Animal’ Batista headed to the ring to a big ovation…




Richards offered Batista the microphone, but ‘The Animal’ threw it back at him, and it bounced off his head… Batista then unleashed his ‘Spear’ once he’d created separation, and Richards was done… Batista left the ring, and headed for the back… However, he was stopped on the ramp at the arrival of ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar, and his manager Paul Heyman…




Brock didn’t even look at Batista, but Heyman made sure he kept his distance from the intimidating newcomer… Speaking of intimidating, Brock Lesnar slid into the ring behind Richards, and hit his ‘F5’ on ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’… Paul Heyman picked up the microphone…


Paul Heyman:
“Ladies and Gentlemen… I give to you… ‘The NEXT… BIG… THING’… BROCKKK… LLLLESNAR…!! We have some concerns… Number One, this idiot calls himself ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’… Well Brock is a ‘Wrestler’, and he doesn’t recognise Steven Richards as his ‘Peer’… and certainly not his equal… However… BATISTA… Brock and I DO… recognise ‘The Animal’… We see you Batista… We see you… and while it may seem that Brock and Batista are on a collision course… I believe there are other plans for you two unstoppable BEASTS…!!”


Cryptic from Heyman, but we expect nothing less…







The Rock and The Undertaker are two staples of the World Wrestling Federation, and they’re never far away from the Main Event of any show. Tonight, they were the ‘Co-Main’, but there could have been three or four ‘Main Events’ here at WrestleMania 18. It certainly wasn’t a ‘One Match Card’. Rock is an ‘Icon’ right now, and can do no wrong in the fans eyes. While Undertaker is part of the group known as the ‘Four Man Power Trip’, alongside ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin as well as Vince and Shane McMahon. He can do no
in the fans’ eyes, and everything he did to Rocky tonight was booed out of the building. ‘Snake Eyes’, the big boot that followed, and the legdrop on the edge of the apron, were all met with utter disdain from the Canadian faithful. The loudest boos were for ‘Old School’, as Undertaker removed his elbow pad, and mocked the ‘People’s Elbow’ as he walked the ropes for the move. Not long after ‘The Great One’ rolled ‘The American Badass’ up, but he powered a shoulder out at two! Rock looked for a ‘Rock Bottom’ next, but ‘Taker was ready for him, and he hit a ‘Chokeslam’ straight from hell! It wasn’t long after the failed ‘Rock Bottom’ attempt that ‘The American Badass’ hoisted him up, and planted the Samoan with the brutal ‘Tombstone Piledriver’ to keep his WrestleMania undefeated streak alive! He’s now 10 and 0 at the historic event.



‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker

'Tombstone Piledriver'




Better Luck Next Time…


In the back, Val Venis was packing up his car, when his girlfriend Molly Holly came alongside him…




Molly thanked her man for being so kind to her Cousins Hardcore and Crash Holly… and she said he and Hardcore should have won the WWF Tag Team Titles earlier tonight on the Heat Pre-Show… It wasn’t to be tonight, but Val vowed to earn another opportunity soon… he also promised to show Molly some of his home Country of Canada tonight, as the crowd cheered…


But now it was time… for the Main Event…!!







A tough road for Eddie Guerrero to get here and earn a WWF World Heavyweight Title shot against ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin. He won the 30-Man Royal Rumble Match back in January, but then had to go through the always dangerous Kurt Angle earlier tonight. People, including Angle, have questioned Eddie’s calibre, and if he’s good enough to fight for the top prize in the company. But he’s proved it time and time again this year, and looked to do the same against Austin here tonight. This was an excellent way to close the show, after a packed card, and Eddie started extremely brightly. He locked Austin in a Figure Four Leg Lock, and had the crowd believing he was going to win it quickly. Austin managed to reverse the pressure by rolling over onto his front, and both men took some meaningful early punishment. From then on both men took the very best offence each other could offer, and as the match wore on, the respect Austin had for Eddie grew and grew. Eddie managed to kick out of a brilliant pinning combination Austin had, landing sat on Eddie’s chest, he had hold of both legs. But Eddie’s unexpected kick out not only grew Austin’s respect, it also grew his pure anger.


‘The Texas Rattlesnake’ wasn’t popular in Canada before the match, but when he grabbed a microphone mid-way through the match, the live fans really turned on him. He called Eddie’s beloved Mexico ‘America’s underwear’!! But then called Canada an ‘Ass-Hat’, which didn’t go down well. Eddie tried to laugh it off, and re-set himself, and he did a good job of not allowing Austin’s ‘mind-games’ to get in to his head. Austin hit a ‘Stone Cold Stunner’ late on, but Guerrero was able to bounce off of Austin’s shoulder, and out of the ring!! Austin was frustrated, and he followed Eddie out. He lifted Guerrero and dropped him across the guard rail. Austin considered a count out victory, and slid back into the ring on 5. But he got a crisis of conscience, and headed out after his fallen opponent. He slid Eddie back in, and then followed him in. But Eddie was playing possum, he rolled Austin up for a near fall, and then hit a beautiful dropkick as they both got up. ‘The Three Amigos’ followed, before ‘Latino Heat’ headed up to the top rope. He hit a picture perfect ‘Frog Splash’, and landed extremely hard, before crawling into the cover, and somehow winning the WWF World Heavyweight Title!!



and NEW… WWF World Heavyweight Champion… ‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero!!!

'Frog Splash'


And NEW…!!


Eddie did it…!! Eddie Guerrero is the NEW WWF World Heavyweight Champion…!!




‘Latino Heat’ leapt into the crowd, and surrounded himself with the live fans… He threw his hands in the air, as fans congratulated him… People threw trash into the ring at the fallen Austin, who was still lying flat on his back… An amazing ending to an amazing show…!!





Quick Results:


Eddie Guerrero [def.] Kurt Angle


Jeff Hardy [def.] Rey Mysterio to RETAIN the Light Heavyweight Title


The Bloodline (Haku, Umaga & Rikishi) [def.] Kidman, Razor Ramon & Bill DeMott


Triple H [def.] Vince and Shane McMahon


Chris Jericho [def.] Faarooq, JBL, D’Lo Brown, Edge and Chris Benoit to RETAIN the Intercontinental Title


Matt Hardy [def.] Kane


The Undertaker [def.] The Rock


Eddie Guerrero [def.] Steve Austin to WIN the WWF World Heavyweight Title



Bonus Questions:

1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...?
Eddie versus Angle

2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...?
(within 5 gets a point, spot on gets 2 points)

3). How many Championships will change hands (out of a possible three)...?






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Didn't Eddie vs Austin score higher than Eddie vs Angle for match of the night

A bit surprised Rock vs Taker was so low


Yup :D :D :D Haha!! FFS... Time to recalculate everyone's prediction scores!


'Taker keeps letting me down ratings wise. Eddie, Angle and Austin are my go-to guys for 90+ with almost everyone they work with.

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WWF Heavyweight Title:




Held By:
‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero

Days as Champion:


94 (no change)


Previous Champions – since May 2001


‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin (5) - [Week 1, April, 2001 – Week 3, March, 2002]





WWF Intercontinental Title:




Held By:
Chris Jericho (4)

Days as Champion:


71 (no change)


Previous Champions – since May 2001


Test – [Week 3, September, 2001 – Week 3, October, 2001]

Triple H – [April 2001 – Week 3, September, 2001]





WWF Tag Team Titles:




Held By:
Regal and Malenko

Days as Champion:


70 (no change)


Previous Champions – since May 2001


Perfect and Sexay – [Week 4, January, 2002 – Week 3, March, 2002]

Edge and Christian (8) – [Week 3, November, 2001 – Week 4, January, 2002]


Triple H & Steve Austin – [Week 4, April, 2001 – Week 2, October, 2001]





WWF Light Heavyweight Title:




Held By:
Jeff Hardy

Days as Champion:


43 (no change)


Previous Champions – since May 2001


Marty Jannetty – [Week 3, May, 2001 – Week 3, January, 2002]

Jerry Lynn – [Week 4, April, 2001 – Week 3, May, 2001]





WWF Hardcore Title:




Held By:

Days as Champion:


43 (no change)


Previous Champions – since May 2001


The Undertaker – [Week 1, January, 2002 – Week 2, March, 2002]

Hardcore Holly (7) – [Week 3, August, 2001 – Week 1, January, 2002]

Rhyno – [Week 3, April, 2001 – Week 3, August, 2001]





WWF King Of The Ring:




Won in June 2001 By:
Kurt Angle (2)



Previous Winners


2000 Kurt Angle

1999 Billy Gunn

1998 Ken Shamrock

1997 Triple H

1996 Steve Austin




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Any chance you're thinking of re-adding the women's division once the influx of talent comes into the game world?


I'd say that's a big fat no from me mate. I just can't handle a women's division well when I write a diary/book a promotion. The way I do things, a TV show has 6-7 matches on it. And then between 6 and 12 non-wrestling segments.


If I had a women's division, I'd want to devote at least 1 match, and 2 promos per TV show the division. Then when it comes to PPV, I do 7 or 8 matches, and I'd have to devote 1 to the Women's Division. How do I justify choosing a 'feud' over a Women's Title Match?


After a while, you realise you're only having Women's Title Matches on PPV, and nothing else, and it gets old quick.

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WWF Hardcore Title Match:

Rikishi © w/ The Bloodline [vs] Big Boss Man

WWF Tag Team Champions:
Regal & Malenko [vs] Terri’s Boys (Albert & Perry Saturn) w/ Terri

??? [vs] ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman

‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Mr. Sexay

Marty Jannetty w/ Jerry Lynn [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman

‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit

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WWF Hardcore Title Match:

Rikishi © w/ The Bloodline [vs] Big Boss Man


WWF Tag Team Champions: Regal & Malenko [vs] Terri’s Boys (Albert & Perry Saturn) w/ Terri


??? [vs] ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman


‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Mr. Sexay


Marty Jannetty w/ Jerry Lynn [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman


‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit

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WWF Hardcore Title Match:

Rikishi © w/ The Bloodline [vs] Big Boss Man


WWF Tag Team Champions: Regal & Malenko [vs] Terri’s Boys (Albert & Perry Saturn) w/ Terri


??? [vs] ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman


‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Mr. Sexay


Marty Jannetty w/ Jerry Lynn [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman


‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit

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WWF Hardcore Title Match:

Rikishi © w/ The Bloodline [vs] Big Boss Man


WWF Tag Team Champions: Regal & Malenko [vs] Terri’s Boys (Albert & Perry Saturn) w/ Terri


??? [vs] ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman


‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Mr. Sexay


Marty Jannetty w/ Jerry Lynn [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman


‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit

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WWF Hardcore Title Match:

Rikishi © w/ The Bloodline [vs] Big Boss Man


WWF Tag Team Champions: Regal & Malenko [vs] Terri’s Boys (Albert & Perry Saturn) w/ Terri


??? [vs] ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman


‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Mr. Sexay


Marty Jannetty w/ Jerry Lynn [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman


‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit

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WWF Hardcore Title Match:

Rikishi © w/ The Bloodline [vs] Big Boss Man


WWF Tag Team Champions: Regal & Malenko [vs] Terri’s Boys (Albert & Perry Saturn) w/ Terri


??? [vs] ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman


‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Mr. Sexay


Marty Jannetty w/ Jerry Lynn [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman


‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit

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WWF Hardcore Title Match:

Rikishi © w/ The Bloodline [vs] Big Boss Man


WWF Tag Team Champions: Regal & Malenko [vs] Terri’s Boys (Albert & Perry Saturn) w/ Terri


??? [vs] ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman


‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Mr. Sexay


Marty Jannetty w/ Jerry Lynn [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman


‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit

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