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WWF 2001 - Saving The Invasion

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[SIZE=\"5\"] APRIL 2002, WEEK 4… [/B]


[SIZE=\"3\"][B]In The Booth:


Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz [/B][CENTER][/INDENT][/INDENT]

[B] Trouble With A Capital Trish… [/B]

We opened the show, with Trish Stratus heading to the ring, to a large cheer… She got the crowd fired up, and they cheered even more when she introduced her ‘friend’… Christian… who defeated Edge last night at Backlash…

https://i.imgur.com/JFnhY8T.jpg https://i.imgur.com/1ium6C9.jpg

Christian has been unsure about Trish’s motivations ever since she was ditched by his former tag team partner Edge… but he played along with her ‘game’ tonight… However, he was visibly angry when Trish also introduced Edge, and asked him to come to the ring…


Trish calmed Christian down, and told him to hear his former partner out… because Edge wanted to tell him something…

Edge: [B] “She’s right Christian… She’s right… Listen… You beat me, at Backlash… 1 on 1… fair and square… and I’m here to do two things… number one… shake your hand… and number two… ASK you… to uhh… give me one more chance, and be my tag team partner again…!!” [/B]

The crowd couldn’t have booed Edge’s offer any louder… but as he outstretched his hand, Christian looked torn… the crowd booed and booed, and Christian looked around to them for support… Trish nodded, and seemed like she was behind the idea… but as Christian slowly walked towards Edge to seemingly accept the offer, Trish was also stood [/I] behind him… She dropped to her knees, and hit a brutal low blow on Christian, leaving him doubled over in pain… Edge smiled sadistically, and then began laughing at Christian…!!

Edge: [B] “Oh my, what a FOOL you are Christian…!!” [/B]

Edge began putting the boots to his former friend, as Trish patted him on the back!! She’d been playing Christian all along… for weeks… and the kiss between Edge and Trish, over Christian’s fallen body, was just plain nasty… Trish then slid out of the ring, as Edge waited for Christian to get up… and then unleashed a ‘Spear’ from the corner… Trish slid back into the ring, with TWO steel chairs… and Edge put one under Christian’s head… He raised the other one above his own head, and then crashed it down on Christian’s skull… Over, and over again… laughing maniacally, and then kissing Trish in between…

Referees and officials came down to break things up, and Edge kicked out at Christian as he was ushered out of the ring… Things took a nasty turn, when Doctors also came to the ring , and took the decision to get a stretcher… Christian was strapped to the wheels, and taken through the curtain to the waiting ambulance outside… It didn’t look good for Christian, at all… He may have beaten Edge last night at Backlash, but Edge may well have gotten his win back here…


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[B] ‘The One’ Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik [vs] Test [/B]

Fun opener here, and it needed to be after the dastardly scenes we saw in the opening segment. Christian was taken to a medical facility, while Test beat Billy Gunn in a bizarre finish. As Gunn was looking to hit his ‘Fame-Asser’, Test stood up and struck a pose that must have come from his ‘Look Book’. Gunn was taken aback, and then got caught with the ‘Big Boot’!

[SIZE=\"5\"] 70 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] Test
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Big Boot\'


[B] The Man Is Back… [/B]

Next up, in the parking lot, a limo pulled up… and out stepped the Chairman of the WWF… Vince McMahon…!! He was met by ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin… All the tension that was felt initially disappeared when Austin smiled at his boss, and the two walked towards Vince’s office as we took a commercial break…

https://i.imgur.com/fIycXw7.jpg https://i.imgur.com/AKTFVin.jpg

When we came back from the break, Vince and Austin were joined by their former enemy, now fellow WWF Soldier: Triple H… and their ‘Three Man Power Trip’ ally: The Undertaker… Finally, a knock at the door brought ‘The Great One’ The Rock into the room… and it seemed Vince was gathering his generals for a crisis meeting…

https://i.imgur.com/cfR9Cwi.jpg https://i.imgur.com/igCN2Qk.jpg https://i.imgur.com/HTpIs9H.jpg

Vince McMahon: [B] “Gentlemen… I’ve tried… but I cannot stop the WCW Invasion… There is absolutely nothing I can do about it, except stand up, and FIGHT… Now, while we outnumber them currently, they have the element of surprise, each, and every time… and if Goldberg can come in… if Booker T can come in… If…” [/B]

The Rock: [B] “Woah woah woah, allaalala… woah… WOAH… Who… in the BLUE HELL… Is Booker T…?!” [/B]

Vince McMahon: [B] “I know you’re kidding Rocky… but it’s time to get serious… Gentlemen… is there ANYONE… you can think of, that can add some much-needed muscle to our group…?!” [/B]

Vince went down the line… starting with ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin, who suggested he try and grab Kurt Angle around the ear, and twist until he hears him…!! Vince said that was probably a good idea… The Undertaker’s suggestion was a little more ‘out there’, as he spoke of heading to the Hardy Family Compound, and breaking his brother Kane out of captivity…!!

Vince McMahon: [B] “Well… Kane, would be a huge ‘get’, for our team… If you think you can trust him, then head on over there next week on RAW…!! Rock… as for you… I know you’ve said in the past you don’t ‘need’ the help of The Bloodline… but I want to bring them in… They are HUGE men… big… strong… immovable… If WCW had three guys like that, I’d fear them… Speak to them… find out where their heads are at…” [/B]

Rock reluctantly agreed… and then Triple H spoke up… he was a little bit coy about who he was talking about… Vince nodded along, and seemed to like ‘The Game’s’ idea… he also seemed to know exactly who Triple H was talking about…!!

Triple H: [B] “I can call him right now… I can go out for a beer with him… He’ll fight for you, Vince… He’ll fight alongside me… We’re brothers…!!” [/B]

Vince liked it, and then confirmed that The Undertaker would battle Booker T in tonight’s Main Event… The Rock can get a closer look at who Booker is, and what he’s all about…!!



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[B] Rikishi w/ The Bloodline [vs] Kidman (c) w/ Ramon and DeMott [/B]

Brilliant Hardcore Title Match here, with all four men on the outside of the ring getting involved at every opportunity. After some big offence from Rikishi, more WCW Invaders made their way to the ring, in the form of Mark Jindrak, Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo. Rikishi and his Bloodline group took care of them for the most part, but O’Haire managed a stiff looking side kick to Rikishi’s head that knocked him down late on. Kidman, who had been battered by The Bloodline here, somehow found himself on the top rope as O’Haire dragged the fallen Samoan to his corner. He hit his ‘Shooting Star Press’ and retained the Gold!

[SIZE=\"5\"] 81 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] and STILL Hardcore Champion: Kidman w/ Ramon and DeMott
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Shooting Star Press\'

[B] Blood Is Thicker Than Ink [/B]

The match was over, but the members of the WCW Invasion weren’t done yet… They swarmed The Bloodline in a six on three assault…

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The Bloodline were out-gunned, but they fought back… the three men were in trouble though, and they knew it…


SAMU returned from injury…!!


Given his relatively short time with the company before getting injured a number of months ago, it was a surprise to everyone how loud the cheer was for Samu’s return…!! The wild Samoan was here to help The Bloodline, and that became clear when Bill DeMott tried to meet him half-way up the ramp… Samu put him down with a swift Super Kick under the jaw… before fighting Razor Ramon just outside the ring… The distraction was enough for The Bloodline… Rikishi grabbed hold of Chuck Palumbo, and threw him out over the top rope, while Umaga hit his ‘Samoan Spike’ on O’Haire… Jindrak and Kidman got out of there before the big men could get rolling… as Samu slid in to join his Cousins…!! The Bloodline just got a whole lot stronger…!!


[B] Kiss Of Death… [/B]

We cut to the men’s locker room next… where inexplicably, Crash Holly – who hadn’t competed so far tonight – was coming out of the showers with a towel around his waist… When the WCW group known as The Full Blooded Italians entered…!!

https://i.imgur.com/czDLwU5.jpg https://i.imgur.com/kqpviaN.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/vZUsh1L.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/5XtA8r2.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/zMlU79B.jpg

Crash looked intimidated, and looked around frantically to see if there was any help… Then Guido grabbed him by the cheeks… and kissed him, on both cheeks… The ‘Kiss Of Death’ is something Mafia bosses do to fellow crime families, to warn them of the impending ‘hit’… Johnny Stamboli then told Crash, that he, Hardcore Holly and Val Venis, will face three of the FBI on Smackdown… Crash gulped loudly…!!


[I] If Faarooq loses, he must JOIN Layfield Enterprises… [/I]

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[B] Faarooq [vs] JBL w/ Layfield Enterprises [/B]

Finally, after months and months of build, we got Faarooq versus JBL. The break-up of The APA can be traced back to the Royal Rumble three months ago, when JBL eliminated Faarooq from the Rumble Match. He also acted strangely in an earlier contest, where he beat up Dean Malenko and William Regal – attempting to cost them their match. Tonight, JBL was measured, and knew exactly what he was doing. Faarooq took a beating from both Batista and Brock Lesnar at ringside during the match, and after having to knock them both off the apron as he was looking for the win, he got caught by the ‘Clothesline From Hell’ and was pinned.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 79 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] JBL w/ Layfield Enterprises
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Clothesline From Hell\'

[B] The Expansion Of Layfield Enterprises [/B]

Faarooq lost the match… and as a result, must now JOIN Layfield Enterprises…

https://i.imgur.com/myk5Rwk.jpg https://i.imgur.com/zA3xxQi.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/Duq1MYf.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/dmIQj2y.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/ShSHEjW.jpg

We saw Samu make his return earlier, and The Bloodline look stronger as a result… and now Faarooq is a member of JBL’s ‘Layfield Enterprises Cabinet’… Two stables in the WWF gaining a strong member… but Faarooq’s membership will be reluctant at best…


[B] More Stable Growth [/B]

We cut backstage next, to where Jerry Lynn and Marty Jannetty were in a room chatting…

https://i.imgur.com/3jf0OES.jpg https://i.imgur.com/K26hRjs.jpg

Jerry Lynn: [B] “Alright… You ready…!? You ready to meet our NEW manager…!? A future WWF Hall Of Famer… And the man, who’s going to take us to the next LEVEL…!! Come on in Jerry…!!” [/B]

Jannetty, and most people, thought Lynn was talking about himself… but a different Jerry entered the room… Former colour commentator, Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler…!!


The King: [B] “Jerry ‘The King’ Lynn…!! Thank you SO much, for bringing me back… home… With my help, you’re both going to go to the top… Starting on Smackdown… with Lynn in singles action…!!” [/B]


[B] ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards [vs] ‘The Bad Guy’ Razor Ramon [/B]

An excellent non-Title match here, as one of the key WWF Defenders (Richards) wanted to take down the first WCW Invader to arrive in the company (Ramon). He did just that with a big win, using his ‘Stevie Kick’ – which followed up the biggest win of his career at Backlash, where he captured the Intercontinental Title from Chris Jericho!

[SIZE=\"5\"] 77 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Stevie Kick\'


[B] Friends… [/B]

In Mick Foley’s office, a confused looking Chris Benoit and Tajiri were stood, both holding a suitcase…!!

https://i.imgur.com/VL71Lsn.jpg https://i.imgur.com/dmleE7A.jpg https://i.imgur.com/wzRJ862.jpg

Chris Benoit: [B] “Mick… I’m confused… You asked me to pack a bag, and come meet you here… Looks like you said the same to Tajiri… What are we doing…?!” [/B]

Mick Foley: [B] “As you know, Foley Is God… and God has a plan for you both… I’m going to make sure, that you guys get on the same page… The World Wrestling Federation NEEDS you both… So you’re off on a little trip… together… to go and see a specialist, and complete your ‘Friendship Training’ course…!!” [/B]

Benoit couldn’t believe what he was hearing… The only thing he did like, was when Foley said they wouldn’t have to have a match for a while… so they can rest up the injuries they’ve built up from the years on the road… But then he said their flight leaves in an hour, so they’d better jump in a rental car and head to the airport… Benoit sighed and rolled his eyes…

Tajiri: [B] “Oops…!!” [/B]

Chris Benoit: [B] “Man… Come on…!!” [/B]


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[B] D’Lo Brown & Flawless Technicians Of Royalty [vs] Albert, Perry Saturn & Big Bossman w/ Terri [/B]

Another excellent match, in a night full of really solid performances. D’Lo has had a stand-out 2002 so far, and continued his form with a win by hitting a ‘Lo-Down’ on Big Bossman. FTR and Terri’s Boys brawled throughout this one, and all four men came out of it looking like they’d been in a fight. Especially Malenko, who suffered a black eye early on.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 79 [/SIZE]
[B] Winners: [/B] D’Lo Brown & Flawless Technicians Of Royalty
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Lo-Down\'


[B] Careful What You Wish For… [/B]

Ahead of the Main Event, WWF World Heavyweight Champion Eddie Guerrero headed to the ring… fresh off the back of his Title defence against Kurt Angle at Backlash, Eddie had a pep in his step… even more so than usual… Eddie does know, his next opponent at Judgement Day, will be the NEW Number One Contender for his Championship… The WCW Invader: Goldberg…!!


Eddie Guerrero: [B] “Choo know… Eddie Guerrero… Is not afraid… of anyone, homie… Goldberg…?! He ain’t so big, man… He ain’t so tough… And at Judgement Day, esse… It’s gonna go, just like any other Eddie Guerrero Match… With ‘Latino Heat’… comin’ out, on TOP…!! And that’s just the way the Mamacitas like itt…!!” [/B]

Eddie was interrupted by the music of Eric Bischoff… and the WCW President headed onto the stage…


Eric Bischoff: [B] “Eddie… I admire you… I admire you, for many reasons… You are an incredible performer, for one… but I admire the fact, that you can come out here… claim to be loved by the fans… and then LIE… to their FACES…!! You come out here, and you say, you don’t fear Goldberg…?! If he was in that ring with you, right now… you would be able to see the FEAR in your eyes… from SPACE…!! But don’t take my word for it…!!” [/B]

Bischoff pointed over Eddie’s shoulder, to where Goldberg had somehow snuck onto the apron, and was beginning to climb through the ropes...!! As much as the crowd would hate to admit it, Bischoff was right… Eddie was scared of the big man…


Goldberg didn’t waste any time, he exploded with a ‘Spear’ before Eddie could finish processing what he was seeing…!! He then hoisted the WWF Champion up, and dropped him with the ‘Jackhammer’…!! Bischoff had walked towards the ring at this point, and he slid in to join Goldberg…

Eric Bischoff: [B] “Actually Eddie… There was one other thing I wanted to tell you, but… perhaps Goldberg could summarise it for me…” [/B]

Goldberg: [B] “YOU’RE NEXT…!!” [/B]

Then, to the surprise of everyone involved, the music of ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle hit, and he sprinted to the ring… running both Goldberg and Bischoff off…!!


Angle stood over Eddie, looking like he wanted to attack his former partner, until Eddie’s best friend Rey Mysterio also arrived on the scene!!


Rey Mysterio: [B] “Angle, what the hell are you doin’ out here, man…?!” [/B]

Kurt Angle: [B] “I was sendin’ a message, to the WCW Invaders…!! I’m a WWF guy…!!” [/B]

Rey Mysterio: [B] “WWF Guy…?! Invaders…?! I thought there WAS no Invasion…?!” [/B]

Angle told Rey that ‘he should know’… accusing Rey of BEING a WCW Invader, as well as Eddie, and THAT’S why Rey interfered to cost Angle his Title Match at Backlash…!! Rey was taken aback, and didn’t know how to react… but he swung for Angle in his anger… The former Olympian ducked the punch, and hit an ‘Angle Slam’ on Rey… before leaving the ring, furious about the outcome of the segment…!!


[B] The Undertaker [vs] Booker T [/B]

‘Taker and Booker weren’t here to have just a match, they wanted a fight, and the battle resembled a bar fight, more than it resembled a wrestling contest. Both men threw a lot of punches early on, as two of the best strikers in the game went to war for their respective teams. Undertaker has promised to go to the Hardy Compound and ‘rescue’ his Brother Kane from the Hardy Family, and he’s going to need every bit of the fight he brought to this one when he goes there. Tonight, he may have been a little too focused on hurting Booker T, than beating him. The WCW Invader picked up a huge win, using a move he calls the ‘Book End’, which is his version of the ‘Rock Bottom’!!

[SIZE=\"5\"] 77 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] Booker T
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Book-End\'


[B] Hit, And Run… [/B]

After the match, Booker T slid out of the ring, and grabbed the pipe he used on his first night with the company, and slid back in behind ‘Taker…

https://i.imgur.com/igCN2Qk.jpg https://i.imgur.com/nBBrKE9.jpg

Booker took a swing as Undertaker turned around, but ‘The American Badass’ was able to block the shot to his side…!! Booker dropped the pipe and got the heck out of there as quickly as he could… He ran up the ramp and took refuge on the stage… not taking his eyes off The Undertaker… However, this was a mistake, because ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin came through the curtain behind him…


Austin went for the ‘Stunner’, but Booker managed to avoid it… He wriggled free of Austin’s grasp, and got out of there before any damage was done at all… First he beat Undertaker… Then he escaped the big man’s clutches… Then he escaped Austin’s grasp too… Decent night for Booker, but it could have gone terribly for him…!!


Quick Results:

Test [def.] Billy Gunn

Kidman [def.] Rikishi
[I] to RETAIN the Hardcore Title

JBL [def.] Faarooq

Steven Richards [def.] Razor Ramon

D’Lo Brown & FTR [def.] Albert, Saturn & Big Bossman

Booker T [def.] Undertaker

Show Rating: [B] 80 [/B]




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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick Picks for Smackdown, April 2002, Week 4...

Spike Dudley [vs] ‘Senior’ Shelton Benjamin w/ The Bucks Of Youth

Val Venis, Hardcore Holly & Crash Holly w/ Molly Holly [vs] The FBI w/ Vito LoGrasso

Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Natural Born Thrillers (Palumbo & O’Haire)

Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Edge w/ Trish Stratus

Jerry ‘The King’ Lynn w/ Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lawler [vs] Big Boss Man

‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle


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Spike Dudley [vs] ‘Senior’ Shelton Benjamin w/ The Bucks Of Youth

Val Venis, Hardcore Holly & Crash Holly w/ Molly Holly [vs] The FBI w/ Vito LoGrasso

Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Natural Born Thrillers (Palumbo & O’Haire)

Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Edge w/ Trish Stratus

Jerry ‘The King’ Lynn w/ Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lawler [vs] Big Boss Man

‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle

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Spike Dudley [vs] ‘Senior’ Shelton Benjamin w/ The Bucks Of Youth

Val Venis, Hardcore Holly & Crash Holly w/ Molly Holly [vs] The FBI w/ Vito LoGrasso

Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Natural Born Thrillers (Palumbo & O’Haire)

Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Edge w/ Trish Stratus

Jerry ‘The King’ Lynn w/ Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lawler [vs] Big Boss Man

‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle

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  • 2 weeks later...


[SIZE=\"5\"] APRIL 2002, WEEK 4… [/B]


[SIZE=\"3\"][B]In The Booth:


Michael Cole and Tazz [/B][CENTER][/INDENT]

[B] Layfield Enterprises [/B]

We opened the show with JBL, leading his group out onto the stage… Batista… Brock Lesnar… and Paul Heyman all joined him… and then he and Heyman did an over exaggerated point behind them… And Faarooq came out, looking reluctant to be there after losing to JBL last week… The group then strolled to the ring…

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JBL: [B] “Oh it’s a great day… to be a WRESTLING… GOD…!! And… Faarooq… Carry my hat…” [/B]

JBL held his hat out… and Faarooq went to grab it… but as he reached out, JBL dropped it on the floor in front of him…

JBL: [B] “DAMN!! Faarooq… Don’t drop my hat…!! How dare you…!!” [/B]

Faarooq got ready to punch JBL, but realised Batista and Brock were stood right next to their boss, and he didn’t fancy his chances… The group made it to the ring, and JBL demanded that Faarooq, now carrying the hat, held the ropes open for him… He explained that on RAW, he didn’t beat Faarooq with the ‘Clothesline From Hell’… He beat him with the ‘Wall Street Lariat’… Before he could finish his thought though, D’Lo Brown headed to the ring… Also with a microphone…


D’Lo Brown: [B] “JBL… You CHEATED… These boys helped you win… and Faarooq should NOT be a member of Layfield Enterprises… He clearly doesn’t want to be here… This, this is wrong…” [/B]

JBL: [B] “D’Lo… You act like a child… ‘It’s Not Fair’… ‘Waah Wah Wah’… Call a WAHmbulance… When all this supposed ‘cheating’ was goin’ on… where the hell were you?! You’re supposed to be his best friend, and you couldn’t come out and put a stop to it…?! Faarooq… Kick this kid’s ass…!!” [/B]

Faarooq didn’t want to do it… but JBL reminded him that he works for Layfield Enterprises now… The big veteran pulled out some black gloves, and began to put them on… D’Lo asked him not to attack him, but Faarooq knew he had to… Before he could though, D’Lo threw a punch at JBL, and knocked him over… Batista and Lesnar descended on D’Lo, so Faarooq didn’t have to… but he wanted desperately to help his friend…!! All he could do was watch…


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[B] Spike Dudley [vs] ‘Senior’ Shelton Benjamin w/ The Bucks Of Youth [/B]

Spike and Shelton gelled well in the opener here, and while Spike had some nice moments, he was never realistically in with a shout here. A ‘T-Bone Suplex’ after 5 minutes did for him in the end, as the impressive Shelton moved to an impressive 13 and 3 record since debuting.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 63 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] ‘Senior’ Shelton Benjamin w/ The Bucks Of Youth
[B] Finish: [/B] \'T-Bone Suplex\'

[B] American Badass Tail [/B]

After a commercial break, ‘Senior’ Shelton Benjamin and the Bucks Of Youth, were loading their bags into their car… ready to head back to The Hardy Compound, to help Matt, Jeff, Lita and Nidia ‘guard’ their captive: ‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane…


What the group failed to notice, was the menacing figure of The Undertaker, hiding behind a truck next to his bike…


As Shelton started the car to leave the parking lot, ‘Taker hopped on his bike, and followed them… Presumably, ‘Taker was hoping Shelton would lead him to the Compound, so he could bust his Brother, Kane out of there!!


[B] Main Event Set [/B]

Backstage, Kurt Angle was looking for someone, when he found ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin…

https://i.imgur.com/AKTFVin.jpg https://i.imgur.com/l62ei1A.jpg

Kurt Angle: [B] “Austin… I heard what you said on RAW… You think you can teach me a lesson…? Try it, pal…!! In the ring, tonight…” [/B]

Steve Austin: [B] “Teach you a lesson…?! In the ring…?! Tonight on Smackdown…?! Austin versus Angle…?! Oh I’m gonna whoop your ASS Kurt… And that’s the bottom line… Coz STONE COLD, SAID SO…!!” [/B]


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[B] Val Venis, Hardcore Holly & Crash Holly w/ Molly Holly [vs] The FBI w/ Vito LoGrasso [/B]

Val, Hardcore and Crash are three key WWF Defenders, and they brawled with The FBI here, from start to finish. The four WCW Invaders cheated throughout though, using the tights, the ropes for extra leverage, and all sorts of short cuts. In the end though, Val Venis found himself on the top rope with Tony Mamaluke in position for the ‘Money Shot’.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 65 [/SIZE]
[B] Winners: [/B] Val Venis, Hardcore Holly & Crash Holly w/ Molly Holly
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Money Shot\'


[B] A Favour From The Old Man… [/B]

In his office, WWF Chairman Vince McMahon was sat writing, when there was a knock at the door… In walked his Son-In-Law Triple H… The man he was at war with, before WCW Invaded their company…

https://i.imgur.com/fIycXw7.jpg https://i.imgur.com/cfR9Cwi.jpg

Triple H: [B] “Boss… You wanted an update on things… and I’ve arranged to meet him… to talk… Thing is, he’s only free the night of Judgement Day… So… I can’t compete in a match on that night…” [/B]

Vince McMahon: [B] “Hmm… It’s not just the match… It’s the rest of the night… The battles with WCW… Whilst I feel like we need you here, I think this is more important… Go get him… Bring him… home…!!” [/B]

Triple H nodded… but before the segment finished, there was another knock… and ‘The Great One’ The Rock walked in…


Vince McMahon: [B] “Rocky… It’s time… You need to hold talks with Rikishi, and The Bloodline, on RAW…!!” [/B]

The Rock: [B] “Yu know The Rock knows you’re the boss… but ‘The Great One’ doesn’t like takin’ orders… from you… or anybody… Bring The Rock’s Family in…?! That’s the plan…?! Bring in four big, mean, nasty, Islanders…?! It’s a great plan… and The Rock is IN…” [/B]

Vince McMahon: [B] “Good… Because I want you, and Rikishi, to lead a team of five… against five WCW Invaders… at Judgement Day…!! It’ll be you… Rikishi… Haku… Umaga… and Samu…!!” [/B]


[B] Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Natural Born Thrillers (Palumbo & O’Haire) [/B]

Kwik and Gunn started well here, and Kwik’s fast-paced offence was hard for the rookie Natural Born Thrillers to keep up with. They eventually took control, when O’Haire hit a high kick to the fun-loving rapper’s face. He tagged Billy Gunn in late on, but another high kick from O’Haire, this one with a spin, put him down.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 58 [/SIZE]
[B] Winners: [/B] Natural Born Thrillers (Palumbo & O’Haire)
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Spinning Back Kick\'


[B] Protection… [/B]

Backstage, new WWF Hardcore Champion: Kidman, was being ‘guarded’… Fellow WCW Invaders Mark Jindrak, Razor Ramon and Bill DeMott were guarding their comrade… as he’s the ONLY WCW Invader to currently hold a Championship…

https://i.imgur.com/BA8UUf6.png https://i.imgur.com/ZKAmaYj.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/ZJ9Bf2F.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/snWPx6s.jpg

Jindrak, Ramon and DeMott are in a six man tag team match on RAW though… as they’ll battle three other Champions: Steven Richards, and FTR (Flawless Technicians of Royalty – William Regal & Dean Malenko)…


[B] Captain Commentator [/B]

Ahead of the next match, scheduled to be Scotty Too Hotty versus Edge… Edge’s former best friend, and now bitter rival: Christian, joined the announce team… looking a little worse for wear after Edge put him in the hospital on RAW…


Christian was extremely respectful of Michael Cole and Tazz, and told them he was looking forward to the match… and using it as a ‘scouting opportunity’ ahead of their next encounter… which he announced would take place at Judgement Day…!! And… after Edge’s attack on RAW that ended with him being taken out by an ambulance, it will be an AMBULANCE MATCH…!!

https://i.imgur.com/NklwpFZ.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/bXJWKlz.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/HZbBaUX.jpg w/ https://i.imgur.com/JFnhY8T.jpg
[B] Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Edge w/ Trish Stratus [/B]

An amazing match here, that would have stolen the show if it wasn’t for the Main Event. Scotty got his licks in, and caused Edge more of a problem than he thought he would. The Canadian stud found himself down and in trouble numerous times, and even took ‘The Worm’ from the fun-loving Scotty. In the end though, as Scotty was looking for a second ‘Worm’, he hopped around the ring, and turned around to find Edge had popped up to his feet, ready to hit the ‘Spear’ and win it.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 81 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] Edge w/ Trish Stratus
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Spear\'


[B] Silent Heat [/B]

In the Men’s Locker Room, Eddie Guerrero was packing up a sports bag, when his best friend Rey Mysterio walked in… and Eddie got defensive… The WWF World Heavyweight Championship was laying on the bench between them… and Eddie slowly picked it up and draped it over his shoulder… not taking his eyes off of Rey…

https://i.imgur.com/fQcZ8Xs.png https://i.imgur.com/TXVb8fQ.jpg

Rey Mysterio: [B] “Eddie… It’s ME, man… It’s Rey… Kurt’s got in your head hasn’t he…?!” [/B]

Eddie was silent… He seemed unsure about everything he thought he knew… but Rey looked innocent and shocked…

Rey Mysterio: [B] “At Backlash… I helped YOU win… Not WCW… You’re not a ‘WCW Invader’… If I was, I’d help a WCW guy win against you… Don’t you see…?! Angle’s in your head…!! We need to focus on our Title Matches at Judgement Day… I’ve got Jeff Hardy… you’ve got Goldberg… We need to get our heads in the game…!!” [/B]

Eddie again stayed silent, and instead picked up his bag and turned his back on Rey… The small flier with the big heart couldn’t believe it… and he stood with his hands on his hips and shook his head…


https://i.imgur.com/3jf0OES.jpg w/ https://i.imgur.com/K26hRjs.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/Cs8AL5s.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/bXJWKlz.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/awpq6hW.jpg
[B] Jerry ‘The King’ Lynn w/ Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lawler [vs] Big Boss Man [/B]

A quick match here, as Lynn flew around the ring, and Boss Man overpowered him when he did get him in his grasp. Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler was instrumental at ringside, and pulled Boss Man’s leg at just the right time. His distraction allowed Lynn to hit the ‘Tornado DDT’.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 57 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] Jerry ‘The King’ Lynn w/ Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lawler
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Tornado DDT\'


[B] A Best Friends Thing [/B]

In a pre-taped segment filmed at the airport, Chris Benoit and Tajiri got out of Taxis next to each other…

https://i.imgur.com/dmleE7A.jpg https://i.imgur.com/wzRJ862.jpg

Benoit pulled a large suitcase out of his Taxi’s boot, and asked Tajiri if he had everything he needed and was ready… Tajiri pulled out a small ‘fanny pack’… and strapped it around his waist… before slamming the boot… and standing next to his tag team partner, and saying “READY!!”

Chris Benoit: [B] “You serious…?! We’re goin’ away for almost two weeks Tajiri… You’re going to need more than that…!!” [/B]

Benoit was alluding to the fact that they were heading off to a ‘Friendship Holiday’ where best friends learn how to be even better best friends… The two week break will involve a lot of activities, and they’ll both need a lot of clothes…!!

Tajiri: [B] “Uhhh… OOPS…!!” [/B]


[B] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle [/B]

The first 100 rated match since this diary began, and the two best overall performers in that time achieved it. Austin and Angle were mad at each other here, and their hatred shone through right from the opening bell. Austin was attempting to do what he said he would on RAW, and beat some sense into Angle, who STILL doesn’t believe there’s a WCW Invasion happening. While Angle thinks Austin should keep his mouth shut, and his nose out of ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’s’ business. For the finish here, Angle was looking for his ‘Ankle Lock’, but Austin managed to get up to one foot, while Angle held on to the leg for dear life. Angle decided to spin Austin around and go for a ‘German Suplex’, but as he attempted to grab ‘The Texas Rattlesnake’, Austin dropped his jaw onto his shoulder, and hit the ‘Stunner’ to win it!

[SIZE=\"7\"][B] 100 [/B][/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin
[B] Finish: [/B] ‘Stone Cold Stunner’

[B] Wrong Angle… [/B]

After the match was over, Austin outstretched a hand to Angle, after what was an epic match… But Angle refused it, and slid out of the ring as Austin shook his head… Just then, Booker T’s music hit… and the WCW Invader ran past Angle on the ramp, and slid into the ring…

https://i.imgur.com/AKTFVin.jpg https://i.imgur.com/l62ei1A.jpg https://i.imgur.com/nBBrKE9.jpg

Booker took Austin down at the knees with the double-leg, and started pounding him… Austin had just been through an epic match with a former Olympian for over fifteen minutes, so he was up against it… However, he got the upper hand in the brawl, and looked to get WWF one over on WCW… until Angle slid back into the ring… Angle stood and watched, looking like he’d help Austin when needed… but he grabbed Austin, and slammed him face first into the corner…!! Angle left the ring in a strop again, and watched on as Booker hit his ‘Book End’, before standing over the fallen Austin…!!


Quick Results:

Shelton Benjamin [def.] Spike Dudley

Val Venis, Hardcore & Crash Holly [def.] The FBI

The Natural Born Thrillers [def.] Rapid Fire

Edge [def.] Scotty Too Hotty

Jerry Lynn [def.] Big Boss Man

Steve Austin [def.] Kurt Angle

Show Rating: [B] 90 [/B]




The World Wrestling Federation has LOST a legal battle with the World Wildlife Fund… The Panda pinned Vince McMahon, and now the company will go through a dramatic name change… The ‘Get The F Out’ Campaign has begun, and the company will henceforth be known as WWE – or World Wrestling Entertainment…


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7 minutes ago, The Lloyd said:

Sorry for the delay folks. I'll be honest, I'm not enjoying the new forum... I'm not very good with this kind of thing, so if anyone has any tips, let me know. I haven't had much time lately to look into how to make the show look better etc....

I felt the same way initially as I just wasn't very good at doing the complex boxes and formats people are doing in here now but I think the simplistic format I settled with for mine is pretty good visually (it's what I get the most praise for) without demanding too much of an effort from you. You can adapt it for yourself if you'd like, I don't mind. Would suck to have you lose the energy for this so I'm up to help with anything you need.

Edited by Dawn
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Thanks Dawn (Smasher). Really appreciate that :)

I'll keep powering on for now, but it's annoying seeing how poor the shows I've written look nowadays and I don't have the energy or time to go back through and edit them. I've still got plenty of shows in the can, so we'll keep rolling...



QUICK PICKS for WWE Monday Night RAW, MAY 2002, WEEK 1…

Steven Richards & FTR [vs] Mark Jindrak, Razor Ramon & Bill DeMott

Al Snow [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman

‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown [vs] ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar w/ Layfield Enterprises

‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Johnny Stamboli w/ The FBI

Hardcore Holly w/ Val Venis [vs] Test

Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [vs] Kurt Angle & Edge w/ Trish Stratus


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Steven Richards & FTR [vs] Mark Jindrak, Razor Ramon & Bill DeMott

Al Snow [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman

‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown [vs] ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar w/ Layfield Enterprises

‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Johnny Stamboli w/ The FBI

Hardcore Holly w/ Val Venis [vs] Test

Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [vs] Kurt Angle & Edge w/ Trish Stratus

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Steven Richards & FTR [vs] Mark Jindrak, Razor Ramon & Bill DeMott

Al Snow [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman

‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown [vs] ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar w/ Layfield Enterprises

‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Johnny Stamboli w/ The FBI

Hardcore Holly w/ Val Venis [vs] Test

Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [vs] Kurt Angle & Edge w/ Trish Stratus

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Steven Richards & FTR [vs] Mark Jindrak, Razor Ramon & Bill DeMott

Al Snow [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman

‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown [vs] ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar w/ Layfield Enterprises

‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Johnny Stamboli w/ The FBI

Hardcore Holly w/ Val Venis [vs] Test

Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [vs] Kurt Angle & Edge w/ Trish Stratus

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[SIZE=\"5\"] MAY 2002, WEEK 1… [/B]


[SIZE=\"3\"][B]In The Booth:


Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz [/B][CENTER][/INDENT][/INDENT]

[B] Talks… [/B]

We opened the show with a pre-taped segment, showing The Rock arriving at a large house with many cars on the driveway…


Rock climbed out of his truck, and strolled up to the front door… and knocked… The door opened, and Rocky stepped inside… He walked through a corridor, and found a large ‘conference room’ style dining room… At the head of the table, sat Rikishi… flanked by Samu and Umaga… Haku was stood behind his friend, and he welcomed Rocky into the room…


Rikishi: [B] “Da Rock… Welcome… To The BLOODLINE…!!” [/B]

The Rock: [B] “Woa woa woa woa… Let The Rock explain something to you… ‘The Great One’ is here… NOT to join The Bloodline… But to ask a favour… from the family… Yu see… Vince McMahon HIMSELF, sent The Rock down here… Because the threat at the door of the WWE is REAL… WCW have invaded… and McMahon thinks… The Rock thinks… You’d be the perfect group to bring in, and help to fight off Goldberg… Booker T… Razor Ramon… The Natural Born Thrillers… and whoever else they GOT…!!” [/B]

Rikishi took a swig of drink from a large glass tankard… leaving froth around his upper lip… He smiled, and looked up at the veteran Haku for guidance… Haku nodded slowly, and Rikishi turned back to face Rocky…

Rikishi: [B] “You present… a compelling argument to The Bloodline… However… We’re yet to see what is in it… for us… I will do it… I will join you… and I will do it… For Da Rock… But when we do… you’ll have to do something… for me… YOU… and you alone… will owe The Bloodline a debt…” [/B]

Rock shook his head and looked down… He reiterated that he will NOT join The Bloodline… However, the five of them will be in a ten man tag team match at Judgement Day, against FIVE WCW Invaders…


[B] Steven Richards & FTR [vs] Mark Jindrak, Razor Ramon & Bill DeMott [/B]

Three Champions of the World Wrestling Federation teamed up here, in an impressive victory against three of WCW’s biggest threats. For the finish, ‘The Bully’ Bill DeMott came off the ropes attempting a lariat on Steven Richards. ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ managed to duck the move twice, and then delivered his ‘Stevie Kick’ finisher as DeMott ran towards him a third time!

[SIZE=\"5\"] 76 [/SIZE]
[B] Winners: [/B] Steven Richards & FTR
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Stevie Kick\'


[B] Threads [/B]

On their ‘Friendship Escape’, Chris Benoit and Tajiri were shown going clothes shopping together…

https://i.imgur.com/dmleE7A.jpg https://i.imgur.com/wzRJ862.jpg

Tajiri had brought NO changes of clothes with him on the trip, so he needed to shop… But all he wanted to do was buy the exact same shirts as Benoit… ‘The Crippler’ started to get angry with his ‘friend’, but in the end seemed to find it endearing… The pair made it to the checkout to pay for their new threads, and Benoit looked to Tajiri to pay… He quickly picked up on Benoit’s subtle look, and agreed… and began searching through his ‘fanny pack’… He realised he had NO money with him, so he shrugged, looked up at Benoit, and said:

Tajiri: [B] “OOPS…!!” [/B]


[B] Main Event Made [/B]

In WWE Commissioner Mick Foley’s office, Rey Mysterio walked in, and he wasn’t happy…

https://i.imgur.com/VL71Lsn.jpg https://i.imgur.com/TXVb8fQ.jpg

Rey Mysterio: [B] “Mick… I know you can make it happen… I want (Kurt) Angle… TONIGHT…!!” [/B]

Rey was referring to how Angle has been trying to drive a wedge between him and Eddie Guerrero… Angle has accused Rey of being an undercover WCW Invader, since he came in from the other company around the same time as Bill DeMott… and AFTER Razor Ramon… But Rey venomously denies this accusation… He’s Eddie’s best friend, and tonight, he wanted to fight Angle and prove his innocence…

Mick Foley: [B] “I can’t do it Rey… I can’t make that match… Because… I’ve already made tonight’s Main Event… and it’ll be yourself and Eddie Guerrero… Taking on the team… of Edge… and Kurt Angle!!” [/B]


[B] Al Snow [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman [/B]

Al and Blackman know each other well, but Blackman doesn’t see Al as a ‘former friend’ or anything like that. He kicked Snow’s head in, and then made him tap out to the ‘Dragon Sleeper’ to go 5 and 0 in his last 5 matches!

[SIZE=\"5\"] 62 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Dragon Sleeper\'


[B] Not Enough Heat [/B]

Backstage, WWE World Heavyweight Champion Eddie Guerrero was taping his wrists ahead of his Main Event tag team match later tonight, when Shane McMahon and Eric Bischoff walked up…

https://i.imgur.com/fQcZ8Xs.png https://i.imgur.com/O1a9aur.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/7XYyvzX.jpg

Shane and Bischoff tried to intimidate Eddie, but he knew he could kick both their asses if he needed to… They reminded him however, that at Judgement Day, he’ll be fighting the biggest… and baddest… WCW wrestler alive: GOLDBERG…!!

Eric Bischoff: [B] “You know you’re good Eddie… but you know you’re not good, enough…!! Goldberg is going to KILL you at Judgement Day… He’s going to extinguish the ‘Heat’ you bring… But you CAN do something about it… You CAN avoid the hurt that’s coming to you…” [/B]

Shane McMahon: [B] “All you have to do… is hand over the WWE World Heavyweight Championship… to us… and we’ll call off the match, and crown Goldberg the Champion…!!” [/B]

Eddie laughed, but Shane was serious… he said if Eddie did ‘the right thing’, he’d go down in history… He’d be the reason that the World Championship Wrestling Invaders WON the war with the World Wrestling Federation… and he’d have a spot in WCW’s new future…!! Before ‘Latino Heat’ could respond, Rey Mysterio walked in, and stood alongside his best friend…

Eric Bischoff: [B] “Ohh ho ho… What’s up Rey…?! How you doing brother…?!” [/B]

Shane McMahon: [B] “We’ll give you one week to respond Eddie… One week…!!” [/B]

Bischoff and Shane left, and Rey asked Eddie what that was about… but he didn’t respond…


[B] The Next Big Problem [/B]

JBL and Layfield Enterprises stomped to the ring next, including their reluctant ‘muscle’… the veteran Faarooq… The big, rich, Texan JBL took a microphone as he got to the ring…


JBL: [B] “D’Lo Brown…!! You threw a CHEAP shot at me last week…!! And now tonight… You got a ‘Real Problem’ to deal with…” [/B]

Paul Heyman: [B] “Because D’Lo… You’re going 1 on 1… with ‘The Next Big Thing’ BROCK… LESNAR…!!” [/B]

https://i.imgur.com/9nmD7wB.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/M1SFP4D.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/ShSHEjW.jpg w/ https://i.imgur.com/zA3xxQi.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/dmIQj2y.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/Duq1MYf.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/myk5Rwk.jpg
[B] ‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown [vs] ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar w/ Layfield Enterprises [/B]

Great outing for Lesnar here, against the experienced D’Lo Brown. The fan favourite was distracted throughout though, as he pleaded with Faarooq to come to his senses and leave Layfield Enterprises – not that Faarooq has a choice. In the end, he was overpowered and dominated by Lesnar. It still took a Batista distraction to end D’Lo’s night though, as he was hoisted up after chasing the big man away, and planted with an ‘F5’.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 73 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar w/ Layfield Enterprises
[B] Finish: [/B] \'F5\'

[B] Looking For Gold [/B]

Backstage, Test was shown watching the previous match on a screen, with Hardcore Holly and Val Venis…

https://i.imgur.com/Rw8SAVv.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/kSGGqG6.jpg https://i.imgur.com/fwbU4Ps.jpg

Test: [B] “Just the man I wanted to catch… Val Venis… DID you know…?! On Smackdown, me and you have been entered into a four-way match… against JBL and D’Lo Brown…!! The winner, will go to Judgement Day and fight for the Intercontinental Title…!! And check it out… Here’s the ‘Look’ I’ll give you when I BEAT you Val… and go on to hold the Gold…” [/B]

Test consulted his ‘Look Book’… and said he’d found a ‘GEM’… He then held up an imaginary Title, and smiled as he looked up to the sky and the fans in the ‘cheap seats’…

Hardcore Holly: [B] “EY…!! I got an idea… I should be the Intercontinental Champ… So how about I beat that look off your face tonight… If I BEAT you… I replace you… on Smackdown…!!” [/B]

Test stormed off in a huff… It looked like the challenge was accepted…!!


https://i.imgur.com/cfR9Cwi.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/M1SFP4D.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/vZUsh1L.jpg w/ https://i.imgur.com/kqpviaN.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/5XtA8r2.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/zMlU79B.jpg
[B] ‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Johnny Stamboli w/ The FBI [/B]

Triple H felt like he was in a 4 on 1 handicap match at times here. Every opportunity Stamboli gave them, the other three members of The FBI swarmed ‘The Game’, taking him off his feet, and stomping on him. The former WWE World Champion is capable against this kind of attack though, and he fought out of it to win with his ‘Pedigree’ in the end.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 70 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] ‘The Game’ Triple H
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Pedigree\'


[B] The Hardy Compound [/B]

We got some unseen footage next, from Smackdown… Nobody has seen, or heard, from The Undertaker since he followed ‘Senior’ Shelton Benjamin to the Hardy Compound when Shelton left the show… The footage we saw, showed the cameraman following Undertaker on his bike… who was following Shelton in his car…

https://i.imgur.com/igCN2Qk.jpg https://i.imgur.com/yiNkVvo.jpg

‘Taker got off his bike a little out of sight of Shelton… so the Hardy Family member had no idea he was there… But as ‘The American Badass’ made his way on foot towards the Compound, the cameraman was knocked over by an unknown attacker, and the camera laid on its side… watching Undertaker walk away into the darkness…


[B] Natural Born Hardcore Champion [/B]

Backstage, Hardcore Champion Kidman was being ‘looked after’ by The Natural Born Thrillers: Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire…

https://i.imgur.com/BA8UUf6.png https://i.imgur.com/m2dn7D3.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/sZLaR1x.jpg

Kidman: [B] “As the ONLY WCW Invader to currently hold a Championship in the World Wrestling Federation… I need to be protected… Buuuutt… At Judgement Day boys… We have a job to do… The Rock and The Bloodline, is a problem… It’s a problem the three of us… are going to deal with… It’ll be Rock, Rikishi, Umaga, Haku and Samu… versus the three of us… plus two more WCW Invaders…!!” [/B]


https://i.imgur.com/Rw8SAVv.jpg w/ https://i.imgur.com/kSGGqG6.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/M1SFP4D.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/fwbU4Ps.jpg
[B] Hardcore Holly w/ Val Venis [vs] Test [/B]

Great fight between these two heavy hitters. Holly had Val for backup, but he didn’t use him like we’d seen others do tonight. Val was merely there as a spectator, and he watched as Holly got cheated out of it when Test used his ‘Look Book’ as a weapon to clock Holly over the head. The ‘Big Boot’ followed, and Holly was unfairly beaten.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 79 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] Test
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Big Boot\'


[B] Three Kings…? [/B]

Backstage, legendary competitor Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler was talking with one of his protégé’s Jerry ‘The King’ Lynn…

https://i.imgur.com/Cs8AL5s.jpg https://i.imgur.com/3jf0OES.jpg

Jerry Lawler: [B] “Listen… You brought me in, to figure out the problem… Well isn’t it obvious…?! Your win on Smackdown was GREAT…!! You just need to cut the ‘dead weight’… of Marty (Jannetty)… Look at his track record… He’s a great tag team wrestler, no doubt… but as soon as the team splits… eh… eh…?!” [/B]

The camera panned to reveal Jannetty was LISTENING to the conversation the whole time… but the two Jerry’s didn’t see him…!!


Jannetty looked shell-shocked… like he’d seen a ghost… He was absolutely devastated by what he was hearing…!!


[B] Captain Commentary [/B]

Christian headed to the ring next, to join the announce team again, and watch and scout his former tag team partner Edge…!!


Christian was in a great mood, and enjoyed Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio’s entrances…!! He stood up when Edge headed to the ring though… and his mood changed… The two will meet at Judgement Day in the first ever Ambulance Match…!! The loser, will be the first man put inside an Ambulance, with both doors closing behind him…!! The historic match promises to be a fight, to the death…!!

https://i.imgur.com/fQcZ8Xs.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/TXVb8fQ.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/M1SFP4D.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/l62ei1A.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/HZbBaUX.jpg w/ https://i.imgur.com/JFnhY8T.jpg
[B] Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [vs] Kurt Angle & Edge w/ Trish Stratus [/B]

Amazing Main Event here, with the future of the WWE World Title scene being showcased. These four men are exceptional talents already, but all have so much more room to improve too. They all brought a different style to the match here tonight, with Angle opting to throw his opponents around, and Edge cutting the ring in half masterfully – due to his days as one half of the most successful tag team in the history of the company. On the fan favourite side, Rey flew high, and was quicker than quick, while Eddie’s fluid and exciting offence stole the show. He would have won the match for his team, if it wasn’t for Christian at ringside. He got into it with Edge, and Eddie had to come out and grab Edge after taking care of Angle, because Edge was the legal man. Somehow, Edge countered Eddie’s ‘Three Amigos’ on the first ‘Amigo’, and once he created space, he hit the ‘Spear’ to put the WWE World Heavyweight Champion down!!

[SIZE=\"5\"] 99 [/SIZE]
[B] Winners: [/B] Kurt Angle & Edge w/ Trish Stratus
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Spear\'

[B] Chairman’s Choice [/B]

In the back, ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin and the WWE Chairman Vince McMahon were shown watching the action… and Austin was pacing…

https://i.imgur.com/AKTFVin.jpg https://i.imgur.com/fIycXw7.jpg

Steve Austin: [B] “I want Angle… and I want Booker T…!! I want them BOTH…!!” [/B]

McMahon told Austin he needs to stay calm, and pick his battles… a fight against Angle is not worth it, with the threat of WCW at their doors… So Austin will get his wish against Booker… at Judgement Day…

Vince McMahon: [B] “As for Angle… I have other plans for him at the event… you know it’s important to get him on side… HE… is one of the best wrestlers on the planet… I mean… You just saw that… So at Judgement Day… I’m going to send Angle to the ring… and get him to fight an unknown WCW Invader… They MUST have more names on their side, and we need to expose them all…!!” [/B]

Vince said Angle’s ‘Angle Invitational’ will return… as he’ll take on someone from WCW we haven’t seen on WWE TV yet…!!


Quick Results:

Steven Richards & FTR [def.] Mark Jindrak, Razor Ramon & Bill DeMott

Steve Blackman [def.] Al Snow

Brock Lesnar [def.] D’Lo Brown

Triple H [def.] Johnny Stamboli

Test [def.] Hardcore Holly

Kurt Angle & Edge [def.] Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio

Show Rating: [B] 90 [/B]





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QUICK PICKS for WWE Thursday Night Smackdown, MAY 2002, WEEK 1


Spike Dudley [vs] Goldberg

Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Perfect & Sexay

Crash Holly [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman

FTR [vs] Guido & Tony w/ The FBI

Intercontinental Title Number One Contendership Match:
D’Lo Brown [vs] Val Venis [vs] JBL [vs] Test

‘The Master of the 619’ Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle


Edited by The Lloyd
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Spike Dudley [vs] Goldberg

Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Perfect & Sexay

Crash Holly [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman

FTR [vs] Guido & Tony w/ The FBI

Intercontinental Title Number One Contendership Match:
D’Lo Brown [vs] Val Venis [vs] JBL [vs] Test

‘The Master of the 619’ Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle

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Spike Dudley [vs] Goldberg

Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Perfect & Sexay

Crash Holly [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman

FTR [vs] Guido & Tony w/ The FBI

Intercontinental Title Number One Contendership Match:
D’Lo Brown [vs] Val Venis [vs] JBL [vs] Test

‘The Master of the 619’ Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle

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Spike Dudley [vs] Goldberg

Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Perfect & Sexay

Crash Holly [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman

FTR [vs] Guido & Tony w/ The FBI

Intercontinental Title Number One Contendership Match:
D’Lo Brown [vs] Val Venis [vs] JBL [vs] Test

‘The Master of the 619’ Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle

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  • 2 weeks later...


[SIZE=\"5\"] MAY 2002, WEEK 1… [/B]


[SIZE=\"3\"][B]In The Booth:


Michael Cole and Tazz [/B][CENTER][/INDENT]

[B] Having The Edge [/B]

We opened Smackdown with the man who PINNED the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Eddie Guerrero last week… Edge…!!


Edge: [B] “In the Main Event of RAW on Monday… I… pinned the Champ…!! ME…!! So at Judgement Day… it should be ME going for the Title… SCREW the Ambulance Match with Christian… SCREW Goldberg… and SCR…” [/B]

Before Edge could finish his thought, the music of Goldberg hit… and the big, angry, WCW Invader made his way to the ring…!! He was shown walking through corridors in the back, while Edge panicked in the ring…


Goldberg burst through the curtain and onto the stage, as Edge hopped out of the ring, and over the guard rail… The crowd cheered Goldberg’s arrival… even though he’s a WCW Invader… He was scheduled for action NEXT… on Smackdown…

[B] Spike Dudley [vs] Goldberg [/B]

Spike Dudley showed less fear than Edge did, and proved why he thinks it isn’t about the size of the dog in the fight, it’s about the size of the fight in the dog. Goldberg proved that none of that matters when you’re in the ring with a wrecking ball like him though, and after around 4 minutes, he mercifully put Spike away following a dominant display.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 80 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] Goldberg
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Jackhammer\'


[B] Quit Or Get Hit [/B]

The question on everybody’s lips after the match, was what is Eddie Guerrero going to do…?!


The WWE World Heavyweight Champion was shown in the crowd, watching Goldberg’s match… and the announce team reminded us that he’s been given an ultimatum… Shane McMahon and Eric Bischoff have told Eddie that he needs to hand the Championship over to them on RAW… and vacate the Title… If he doesn’t… Goldberg could end his career at Judgement Day… A statement that is very, very, possible on the evidence of that last match…


[B] End Of A Friendship [/B]

Backstage, D’Lo Brown ran into his former mentor, and friend, Faarooq… The veteran Faarooq has been ‘working for’ JBL and Layfield Enterprises, after losing a match against JBL that stipulated he had to…

https://i.imgur.com/9nmD7wB.jpg https://i.imgur.com/myk5Rwk.jpg

D’Lo Brown: [B] “Tonight… I got JBL in that four-way match… It’s Me… Test… Val (Venis)… and your boy, Layfield… I gotta know, man… Are you gonna be in his corner…?! Or mine…?!” [/B]

Faarooq couldn’t give D’Lo the answer he wanted… He told Brown he didn’t have a choice, but ‘The Real Deal’ couldn’t accept it… He told Faarooq that IF he got involved, and it directly lead to D’Lo losing, and JBL winning… their friendship would be OVER…!!


[B] Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Perfect & Sexay [/B]

Kwik and Gunn gelled brilliantly here, and their tags were smooth and well-timed throughout. They controlled the opening portion of the match, but Perfect and Sexay soon gained a foothold. In the end, Kwik tagged Gunn in late on, and the big former D-X member cleaned house. He ended it by pinning Sexay following the ‘Fame-Asser’.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 69 [/SIZE]
[B] Winners: [/B] Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn)
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Fame-Asser\'


[B] Badasses Have Problems Too [/B]

Backstage, Vince McMahon was joined in his ‘War Room’ by three of his most trusted Generals in the fight against WCW… The Rock, ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin, and Triple H…

https://i.imgur.com/fIycXw7.jpg https://i.imgur.com/HTpIs9H.jpg https://i.imgur.com/AKTFVin.jpg https://i.imgur.com/cfR9Cwi.jpg

Vince McMahon: [B] “Gentlemen… We have a major problem…” [/B]

The Rock: [B] “Isn’t that obvious…?! Billy Gunn just won a match…!! What the heck is going on…?!” [/B]

Vince said that he was talking about a different ‘Badass’… ‘The American Badass’, The Undertaker… He followed Shelton Benjamin to the Hardy Compound to try and find his Brother Kane, who has been held captive by Matt Hardy and his ‘Family’… But ‘Taker hasn’t been seen, or heard from, since…!! Just as he was explaining how dire this situation was, there was a knock at the door… and in walked two of Matt’s ‘foot soldiers’… The Bucks Of Youth…


Brian Skarsgard and Christopher Vanguard didn’t look like they wanted to stay around for long… so they handed Vince McMahon a tape, and told him he should watch it… and then get it played at Judgement Day… Then everyone will find out what happened to The Undertaker… and it’ll serve as a warning to ANYONE else who wants to come and attempt a ‘Prison Break’…


[B] Crash Holly [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman [/B]

Crash and Blackman slammed into each other from the opening bell here, and both caught the other with some vicious strikes. But in a striking fight, Crash was no match for ‘The Lethal Weapon’. Blackman caught him with a wicked right hand, and then locked him up in his ‘Dragon Sleeper’ to make Holly tap out.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 62 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Dragon Sleeper\'


[B] The King’s Men [/B]

Backstage, Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler was talking with Jerry ‘The King’ Lynn… about Lynn’s tag team partner, Marty Jannetty…

https://i.imgur.com/Cs8AL5s.jpg https://i.imgur.com/3jf0OES.jpg

Jerry Lynn: [B] “I dunno what to do King… I think Marty heard us… I haven’t been able to get a hold of him…” [/B]

Jerry Lawler: [B] “Maybe he had flashbacks of being thrown through that window by HBK back in the day…?! Haha!!” [/B]


Lynn laughed, but his laughter was suddenly stopped when Jannetty arrived… The veteran Light Heavyweight looked like a shell of his former self… as white as a sheet… and quivering… He couldn’t talk, and Lawler knew exactly what to do… He shrugged at Lynn, and got ready to take full advantage…

Jerry Lawler: [B] “Hey Jannetty… Grab my bags would ya, kid…?!” [/B]


https://i.imgur.com/ihoMs9q.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/0r1LD4Z.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/bXJWKlz.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/kqpviaN.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/5XtA8r2.jpg w/ https://i.imgur.com/vZUsh1L.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/zMlU79B.jpg
[B] FTR [vs] Guido & Tony w/ The FBI [/B]

Great fight here, with FTR dominant within the rules, and The FBI bending the rules to gain an advantage themselves. FTR are the best tag team in the WWE right now though, and they showed it with a fluid and technical masterclass late on. Regal knocked Tony Mamaluke off the apron with a right hand, and he fell onto Vito and Stamboli, allowing Malenko to lock Guido in his ‘Texas Cloverleaf’ for the win.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 76 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] FTR (Flawless Technicians of Royalty)
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Texas Cloverleaf\'


[B] Coached [/B]

Backstage, interviewer Jonathan Coachman caught up with The Rock…

https://i.imgur.com/0e1eyfz.jpg https://i.imgur.com/HTpIs9H.jpg

Coach: [B] “Rock, Rock… I gotta tell ya… We just learned… that next Sunday, at Judgement Day… Two more WCW Invaders have been added as opponents for yourself, and The Bloodline… Razor Ramon… and Mark Jindrak… Whaddya think of that?! And… What do you think the ‘Debt’ you’ll owe Rikishi will be…?!” [/B]

Rock paused… he looked up, and he ‘smelt’ what the fans were cooking… He looked at Coach, began to speak, but then checked himself… He then looked at the camera… directly at the audience in the arena, from the big screen… and asked ‘Can you feel it…?!’

The Rock: [B] “The ELECTRICITY… It’s… It’s coming… Yu see, The Rock says… It doesn’t MATTER, which WCW Invaders come to Judgement Day… They can bring their Diamonds from Dallas… They can be, Boys… in the Naitchaaa… Arrive in their Diesel… HONK HONK… and RUN WILD… on ALL our Candy Asses… BUT… One thing, they will never do… Is put out the SPARK… They’ll never distinguish The Rock… ‘The Great One’ WILL overcome… Ramon… Jindrak… Kidman… O’Haire… Palumbo… These are all great talents… but ‘The Great One’ will overcome… Now… As for the BLOOD line… As for Rikishi’s DEBT… The Rock doesn’t know what it’ll be Coach… It could be anythin’… But The Rock ALLLLWAYS pays his debts… No matter WHAT… Rikishi knows one thing… The Rock will not… will NEVER… Join… The Bloodline…!!” [/B]


[B] What’s In a Name… [/B]

We cut to a pre-taped video next… showing Chris Benoit and Tajiri on their ‘Friendship Course’/Holiday thing…

https://i.imgur.com/dmleE7A.jpg https://i.imgur.com/wzRJ862.jpg

The pair were getting t-shirts printed… black, with a large white picture in the middle… and white text… Benoit said that according to the ‘Friendship Manual’ they got on the course, it’d help solidify them as a team… But right when it came to add the writing to the shirts, some fans arrived and wanted pictures with Benoit… He told Tajiri very clearly what he wanted them to say…

Chris Benoit: [B] “It’s ‘Tajiri… and Benoit’… I don’t want nothin’ too complicated, ey…?! ‘Tajiri… and Benoit’…” [/B]

Tajiri: [B] “Okay… yes… okay… thack you…” [/B]

Benoit turned, and went off with the fans to take some pictures and sign some autographs… The man behind the desk asked how to spell Tajiri… which Tajiri had no problem doing… Then he asked how to spell Benoit… Tajiri was confused… His English still isn’t great… and he looked around for help… He tried calling out for Benoit, but ‘The Crippler’ was too busy to hear him… He panicked, and wrote down the spelling he thought, and waited… Benoit came back… right as the guy was holding up the shirt…

Chris Benoit: [B] “Okay, we gotta go… Our bus leaves in three minutes… wh… what the…?! What is THIS…?!” [/B]

Benoit held up the shirt… It read:


‘The Crippler’ couldn’t believe it… but he also knew they had to pay, and leave the shop right away… It was too late to fix…!! He was so angry with Tajiri… but all ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ could say was…

Tajiri: [B] “OOPS…!!” [/B]


Intercontinental Title Number One Contendership Match:

https://i.imgur.com/9nmD7wB.jpg | https://i.imgur.com/kSGGqG6.jpg | https://i.imgur.com/zA3xxQi.jpg | https://i.imgur.com/fwbU4Ps.jpg
[B] D’Lo Brown [vs] Val Venis [vs] JBL [vs] Test [/B]

The story of this match was interference. First, Brock Lesnar and Batista got involved on behalf of their boss, JBL. But they were chased off by Hardcore and Crash Holly. Somehow. This left Faarooq at ringside, and right at the end of the match, he made two big decisions. He shoved Val Vanis off the top rope when he was looking for his ‘Money Shot’ on JBL, which the crowd booed. He then got up onto the apron again, when D’Lo Brown was perched, looking for his ‘Lo-Down’ Frog Splash. He didn’t touch D’Lo, but the distraction was enough for JBL to roll out the way. The conflicted Faarooq then ducked a clothesline from Test at ringside, and dropped him with his Spinebuster. JBL wound up, and slammed into D’Lo with his ‘Wall Street Lariat’, and scored the win!

[SIZE=\"5\"] 82 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] JBL (John Bradshaw Layfield)
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Wall Street Lariat\'

[B] Stevie vs JBL [/B]

In the back, Intercontinental Champion Steven Richards was learning his fate… at Judgement Day, he’ll defend his Title against JBL… and he gripped the Belt tightly over his shoulder as he watched the action on a monitor… ‘The Game’ Triple H then walked up…

https://i.imgur.com/E3MDDeN.png https://i.imgur.com/cfR9Cwi.jpg

Triple H: [B] “Heya Champ… Listen… The ‘Stevie Kick’ is a great weapon… reminds me of another finisher I know… but JBL’s chin is weak… Use that move at Judgement Day, you’ll be okay, kid…!!” [/B]

Richards was delighted by the comment, and couldn’t contain himself…

Steven Richards: [B] “Woooow… Thanks Mr. H…” [/B]

Triple H turned to leave… but Richards wasn’t done…

Steven Richards: [B] “H…” [/B]

Again, ‘The Game’ was ready to go… but Richards had to get the third ‘H’ in…

Steven Richards: [B] “H…” [/B]

Triple H: [B] “Are ya done…?!” [/B]


[B] ‘The Master of the 619’ Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle [/B]

Right now, whoever is across the ring from Kurt Angle, is going to have the match of the night. He is that good at the moment, and another fantastic performance followed here tonight. Rey is small and easy to throw around, and Angle did just that here. He picked the masked flier up for a German Suplex multiple times and held on to a few too. The finish was excellent. Rey went for his ‘619’, but Angle caught his foot, and pulled him into the ring for the ‘Ankle Lock’. Rey reversed it, and spun out to fling Angle in to position again for the ‘619’. Rey came off the ropes and hit it!! But as he was looking for the ‘West Coast Pop’, Angle caught him in the air!! He spun Rey into position, and hit a high-angled ‘Angle Slam’ to score the win!! Fantastic finish to an equally fantastic match!

[SIZE=\"5\"] 99 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Angle Slam\'

[B] Stone Cold, Out Cold [/B]

After the match was over, ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin made his way to the ring to a huge ovation…

https://i.imgur.com/AKTFVin.jpg https://i.imgur.com/l62ei1A.jpg

As he got into the ring, Kurt Angle got out of it… and Austin was furious… He wanted to fight ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’…

Steve Austin: [B] “Kurt… You DUMB… SONOFAB***H… Get back in here… and fight me… like a MAN… Since I don’t get you… At Judgement Day… I want you… RIGHT NOW…!!” [/B]

Austin threw the microphone at Angle, and it was on… The former Olympian took the straps down on his singlet, and said if Austin wants to go… he’ll go… but as he teased getting into the ring, someone arrived behind Austin… with a lead pipe…!!


Booker T…!! The WCW Invader clocked Austin over the back of his head, and knocked him out…!! He stood over Austin’s fallen body, who didn’t move a muscle as he kissed the mat nose and face down… Booker glared at Angle, who decided to leave them to it… and once again NOT get involved in WCW’s business…!!


Quick Results:

Goldberg [def.] Spike Dudley

Rapid Fire [def.] Perfect & Sexay

Steve Blackman [def.] Crash Holly

FTR [def.] The FBI

JBL [def.] D’Lo Brown, Test and Val Venis

Kurt Angle [def.] Rey Mysterio

Show Rating: [B] 90 [/B]





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On 10/24/2022 at 2:31 PM, Bigelow Cartwheel said:

Jeff Hardy
Team WWF
Stone Cold
Kurt Angle
Steven Richards


Haha, not ready for predictions on that PPV yet brother ;)


QUICK PICKS for WWE Monday Night RAW, MAY 2002, WEEK 2…

‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown [vs] Booker T
Scotty Too Hotty [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman

FTR & Rapid Fire [vs] Perfect & Sexay and Terri’s Boys w/ Terri
‘The Master of the ‘619’ Rey Mysterio [vs] Johnny Stamboli w/ The FBI
Triple H & Steven Richards [vs] Faarooq & John Bradshaw Layfield w/ Layfield Enterprises


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