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WWF 2001 - Saving The Invasion

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‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown [vs] Booker T
Scotty Too Hotty [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman

FTR & Rapid Fire [vs] Perfect & Sexay and Terri’s Boys w/ Terri
‘The Master of the ‘619’ Rey Mysterio [vs] Johnny Stamboli w/ The FBI
Triple H & Steven Richards [vs] Faarooq & John Bradshaw Layfield w/ Layfield Enterprises

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‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown [vs] Booker T
Scotty Too Hotty [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman

FTR & Rapid Fire [vs] Perfect & Sexay and Terri’s Boys w/ Terri
The Master of the ‘619’ Rey Mysterio [vs] Johnny Stamboli w/ The FBI
Triple H & Steven Richards [vs] Faarooq & John Bradshaw Layfield w/ Layfield Enterprises

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  • 3 weeks later...


[SIZE=\"5\"] MAY 2002, WEEK 2… [/B]


[SIZE=\"3\"][B]In The Booth:


Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz [/B][CENTER][/INDENT][/INDENT]

[B] Championship Handed Over…? [/B]

The show kicked off with Eric Bischoff and Shane McMahon heading to the ring together… The two leaders of the WCW Invasion had a pressing matter to deal with… The 7-Day Ultimatum they issued Eddie Guerrero…

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The WWE World Heavyweight Champion was told to hand his Championship over… and save himself the beating he’ll take at the hands of Goldberg at Judgement Day this Sunday… and Eddie came out to the ring when they called him out…


He was carrying his Belt a little strangely… On a tray… Like he was going to hand the tray over to Eric and Shane…!! He slid it under the bottom rope carefully, and then slid in himself… Bischoff and McMahon couldn’t believe their luck as they chuckled together… Bischoff smiled as he spoke to Guerrero…

Eric Bischoff: [B] “I promise you, Eddie… That you are doing the right thing… Goldberg… I know Goldberg… and he will KILL you this Sunday if you don’t do this… You’re… Wait a minute…!! Is that…?! Is that CAKE…?!” [/B]

As Bischoff got closer, he realised the Belt on the tray that Eddie was holding, looked a bit like a cake… As Shane McMahon took a closer look, he ended up wearing it…!! Eddie went to punch Bischoff in the face, but he covered up, so ‘Latino Heat’ swiped his legs out and knocked him over… Shane started swinging, but Eddie ducked each and every punch, before HEADBUTTING him on the chin…!! Shane fell backwards over Bischoff, with cake everywhere… and Eddie grabbed a microphone…

Eddie Guerrero: [B] “He may be big… he may be strong… But I’m smarter than heem… So bring your BEAST to Judgement Day… and we’ll see if he’s improved enough to hang… With ‘Latino Heat’…!!” [/B]


[B] ‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown [vs] Booker T [/B]

Great opener here, but D’Lo was put down by Booker using a lead pipe – like he does – in the end. D’Lo looked like he would win towards the end, but the pipe shot knocked him out, and the ‘Book End’ put him down for three, but it was only used to con the referee.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 68 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] Booker T
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Book End\'


[B] Judgement Bradshaw Layfield… [/B]

Backstage, JBL was talking with his ‘troops’ – Layfield Enterprises…

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Layfield said it was great to see D’Lo Brown lose… Again… and then claimed his group was the most powerful group in all of wrestling…

JBL: [B] “It’s ALL comin’ up Layfield… I’ve got the two… biggest… strongest… young… STUDS… in the WORLD, at my disposal… I’ve got the greatest talker in the game, and the greatest mind in the HISTORY of wrestling, in Paul Heyman… and my best friend Faarooq carries our bags for us… Faarooq continues to do his JOB… and help me… and at Judgement Day… I will capture… GOLD…!!” [/B]

JBL earned an Intercontinental Title shot by beating D’Lo, Test and Val Venis last week on Smackdown, and now he’ll battle the Champion Steven Richards at Judgement Day… Then the jovial nature of his promo turned a little more serious, as he addressed Triple H…

JBL: [B] “Triple H… Says I got a weak jaw…?! A weak jaw, huh…?! Well… we’re gonna test that theory TONIGHT… JBL and Faarooq… Getting’ the band back together one more time… to take on Triple H and Steven Richards… ‘The Game’ is jealous of my success… and he is JEALOUS… because he didn’t think of putting a group like this together himself… THIS… is the Evolution of wrestling… Batista… Brock Lesnar… Paul Heyman… and JBL… and… also Faarooq…!!” [/B]


[B] Picking His Spot… [/B]

Backstage, Eddie Guerrero was holding his Championship Belt tightly to his chest… when out of nowhere, Edge arrived on the scene and SPEARED him onto the concrete…!!

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Eddie was hurt… the absolute last thing he needed this close to his WWE World Heavyweight Title defence against Goldberg, scheduled for Judgement Day this coming Sunday night…!! Luckily for Eddie, Edge’s rival Christian arrived to run him off…


Without Christian’s timely arrival, Edge could have done further damage to the Champion…


[B] Scotty Too Hotty [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman [/B]

Another dominant win for Blackman here, as ‘The Lethal Weapon’ moved to 7 and 0 in his last seven matches. Scotty went for a bulldog at the end, but Blackman countered it and locked in his vicious ‘Dragon Sleeper’.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 61 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Dragon Sleeper\'


[B] Olympic P***k… [/B]

Vince McMahon had called Kurt Angle to his office… and he was not happy with the former Olympian…

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Vince McMahon: [B] “Because of YOU Kurt… Well… mainly because of Booker T, but YOU didn’t stop it… ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin isn’t here tonight… One of my most trusted ‘Generals’, is hurt…!! He’ll be back on Smackdown… and YOU’RE going to fight him, 1 on 1…!!” [/B]

Vince warned Angle that Austin is angry with Booker for injuring him ahead of their Judgement Day clash… but he’s even more angry with Angle for watching on, and not helping his fellow WWE guy… He’s going to take all his aggression out on Angle… The damage Austin does to Angle could put his own Judgement Day Match into doubt…!!


[B] Rafters… [/B]

Backstage, Jerry ‘The King’ Lynn was talking with Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler, and Marty Jannetty… Although Jannetty was still NOT talking…!!


Lynn said he had a brilliant idea how to make Jannetty talk again… They need to help him face his fears… The first being HEIGHTS… Lynn dragged Jannetty up some stairs… they were heading for the rafters above the ring…!! The scene cut, and then we jumped to the group standing high above the ring…!! Lawler looked the most scared… Jannetty was just, nothingness…

Jerry Lawler: [B] “See… See… It’s not that bad, right Jannetty…?! Now can we PLEASE just go back down…?! Wait a minute… what’s this…?!” [/B]

Lawler picked up a black baseball bat from the floor…!! He held it up, as the crowd watching on the big screen came unglued…!! They knew what that meant, but Lawler didn’t… He tossed it aside, as Lynn rose up behind Jannetty… He looked like he was going to push his tag team partner OFF…!! But he patted him on the back, and the three left… the camera then zoomed in on the baseball bat…!!


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[B] FTR & Rapid Fire [vs] Perfect & Sexay and Terri’s Boys w/ Terri [/B]

Great match here, but with almost too much action to keep up with. All four men shone in spells, with Terri doing some great work at ringside too. For the finish, Perry Saturn went crazy and started attacking all four of his opponents. But he took his eye off the other legal man – Billy Gunn. ‘Mr. Ass’ arrived at the right time to hit his ‘Fame Asser’ and pick up the win!

[SIZE=\"5\"] 74 [/SIZE]
[B] Winners: [/B] FTR & Rapid Fire
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Fame Asser\'

[B] Heat Pre-Show… [/B]

We learned that on the Heat Pre-Show of Judgement Day, FTR will defend their WWE Tag Team Titles against Rapid Fire… Perfect and Sexay… AND… Terri’s Boys…!!

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Rapid Fire were respectful of their partners tonight after the bell… but they won’t be on Sunday Night…!!


[B] Badass Footage… [/B]

Vince McMahon was in his office next, addressing the WWE fans…


Vince McMahon: [B] “I have seen the footage, of The Undertaker’s fate, when he went to the Hardy Compound… and I can assure each and every one of you… that I will play the footage, at Judgement Day… Additionally… on Monday Night RAW the next night… I will address what has happened… and come up with a plan…!!” [/B]


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[B] ‘The Master of the ‘619’ Rey Mysterio [vs] Johnny Stamboli w/ The FBI [/B]

With his second great performance in as many weeks, Johnny Stamboli followed up his defeat to Triple H, with a defeat to Rey Mysterio. He was dominant out there tonight, but despite a lot of help from The FBI, Rey was too quick and avoided some big offence. Rey hit his ‘619’ to win it in the end.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 76 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] ‘The Master of the ‘619’ Rey Mysterio
[B] Finish: [/B] \'619\'


[B] Ben-Waaa [/B]

On their ‘Friendship Holiday’ thing, Tajiri and Chris Benoit were wearing their newly made Tag Team T-Shirts… (although it may not be apparent based on the pictures below)…

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The T-Shirts read: ‘TAJIRI & BEN-WAAA” after Tajiri mis-spelled his partner’s name on Smackdown… The two walked into a gym, but both tried to get through the door at the same time… The gym had a wrestling ring in it, and we cut to them trying to come up with a tag team finisher… They both spun around, and Tajiri unleashed his ‘GREEN MIST’… right in Benoit’s face…!! ‘The Rabid Wolverine’ was furious… He flailed his arms and legs around, trying to attack Tajiri, but he couldn’t see him… All Tajiri could say was…

Tajiri: [B] “OOPS!!” [/B]


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[B] Triple H & Steven Richards [vs] Faarooq & John Bradshaw Layfield w/ Layfield Enterprises [/B]

Triple H and Richards were like a well-oiled machine out there to begin with, while Faarooq and JBL were not on the same page at all. At one point, JBL even pleaded with the referee to let him switch his partner for either Batista or Brock Lesnar at ringside! It seemed like he was just playing everyone though moments later, as he hit a ‘Fall Away Slam’ on Richards, which sent him flying out to the outside of the ring. Layfield Enterprises got their boots in, and the domination of Richards continued from there. For the finish, ‘The Game’ fought Batista outside the ring, as JBL hit his ‘Wall Street Lariat’ on his Judgement Day opponent. If he hits that this Sunday, he’ll be the new Intercontinental Champion!!

[SIZE=\"5\"] 73 [/SIZE]
[B] Winners: [/B] Faarooq & John Bradshaw Layfield w/ Layfield Enterprises
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Wall Street Lariat\'

[B] The Invasion… [/B]

JBL had his hand raised, but the celebrations were cut short by the arrival, of almost ALL of the WCW Invaders…!!

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Lead by Shane McMahon, the group jumped on Triple H at ringside… with The FBI doing most of the dirty work…!! JBL backed his group up… and told them to leave via the gap in the guard rail by the announce desk… Faarooq was desperate to fight, but Layfield Enterprises and the WCW Invaders have an agreement…!! Shane then lead his group into the ring… Jindrak, Kidman and Booker T taking down Steven Richards, and pummelling him into the mat… The attack didn’t last long as WWE Defenders sped to the ring to help both Triple H and Richards…!!

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The Rock lead D’Lo Brown, Val Venis, and Hardcore and Crash Holly to the ring… Val and Hardcore went after The FBI, while Rock and co. took care of Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo… But the numbers game was still way too much for them to handle… Vince McMahon arrived on the stage, and demanded that more ‘help’ came… All he got was Al Snow and Rapid Fire… with the latter having just competed in a match…

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The numbers game was still too much… and Team WWE was losing badly… Until…


The Bloodline arrived…!! Rikishi, Samu, Haku and Umaga stomped to the ring, kicking, and chopping down anybody who came close to them on their way… Their opponents for Judgement Day: Kidman, Razor Ramon, Mark Jindrak, Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo waited for them to step through the ropes… but as they did, the five WCW Invaders slid out of it, and lived to fight another day… As things broke down, WCW Invaders retreated to the ramp and the stage… while WWE Defenders climbed into the ring for a stand-off… However… The Rock found himself on the ramp… surrounded by WCW Invaders…

Razor Ramon pulled out a small bag from his pocket… and swung it at The Rock… while Jindrak grabbed a microphone…!!

Mark Jindrak: [B] “BLOODLINE…!! At Judgement Day… There will… be… BLOOD…!!” [/B]

Ramon pulled The Rock’s head up, and his forehead was badly cut… and blood ran down his face…!! This war just got taken up a notch, and the WCW Invaders won this battle…!!


Quick Results:

Booker T [def.] D’Lo Brown

Steve Blackman [def.] Scotty Too Hotty

FTR & Rapid Fire [def.] Perfect & Sexay and Terri’s Boys

Rey Mysterio [def.] Johnny Stamboli

Faarooq & JBL [def.] Triple H & Steven Richards

Show Rating: [B] 76 [/B]





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