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TCW 2018 Back To The Future

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So this is my first ever diary. Aiming to tell the story first, then the wrestling.

Id like this to be interactive so ill be giving predictions for PPVs and the winner will be able to give me a goal for the following month to keep things interesting.


Unsure about formatting at this stage so ill do my best so it isn't too bland!


This is using the 2018 C-Verse MOD using my favourite promotion TCW who are in a unique postition.


Any tips or comments are encouraged!

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So this is my first ever diary. Aiming to tell the story first, then the wrestling.

Id like this to be interactive so ill be giving predictions for PPVs and the winner will be able to give me a goal for the following month to keep things interesting.


Unsure about formatting at this stage so ill do my best so it isn't too bland!


This is using the 2018 C-Verse MOD using my favourite promotion TCW who are in a unique postition.


Any tips or comments are encouraged!

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TCW World Heavyweight - Wolf Hawkins

TCW International - Matthew Keith

TCW World Tag Team - The New Wave

TCW Strong Style - VACANT, must be heavier than Light Heavyweight

TCW All Action - VACANT, must be lighter than Middleweight

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New Booker in TCW?

Sheriff Ricky Dale Johnson has delivered huge news to the dirt sheets today with the announcement of a new Booker heading up TCW this year. He and this mysterious new Booker “will work together to bring TCW to the top of the US scene”.


The only details he announced about who this person could be, “they’re coming home!”


Expect the announcement to close out the first show of the year.



Correct guesses can assign a goal to TCW for the month of January.

Roster will be posted next for those unaware of the 2018 setup.

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2018 Roster

Major Star

Raymond Diaz

Wolf Hawkins

Rocky Golden


Rich Money



Aaron Andrews

American Buffalo

Joshua Taylor




Hollywood Bret Star

Jay Chord


Kirk Jameson

Mighty Mo

Roy Edison

Seiji Jimbo

Tana The Mighty


Davis Wayne Newton

Eisaku Kunomasu

Freddy Huggins

Greg Gauge

Human Arsenal

James Prudence

Killer Shark

Matthew Keith

Troy Tornado



Chance Fortune

Darryl Devine

Guru (Xavi Ferrera)

Jackpot Jordan

Jake Idol

Matt Hocking

Running Wolf


Eddie Chandler

Ernest Youngman

Marc Speed

Nate Johnson

Nelson Callum

William Hayes

Logan Wolfsbaine



Generation X (HBS and Jay)

Rich and Famous (Jordan and Idol)

The Mighty Duo (Tana and Mo)

The New Wave I, II, III (Guide, Scout and Guru)


Naturally Gifted (Ernest and Logan)

Sons of Sam (Greg and Matthew)

The Elite (Eddie and Nate)

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Held in Fremont, CA (South West)

Tuesday Week 1 January 2018


Pre Show

Darryl Devine d Guru and Nelson Callum (59)

Killer Shark d Chance Fortune and Matt Hocking (53)

The Mighty Duo d Rich and Famous (61)

The New Wave d Naturally Gifted (63)


Main Show


Announcers Lee Bambino, MC Motormouth and Mitch Naess welcomed us to the first show of 2018, their first show in TCW together as well as who the announcement could be regarding the new Booker?


Rocky Golden d Davin Wayne Newton in 15:08 (81)


Rocky opened the first show of the year with an Open Challenge answered by the youngster Davis Wayne Newton. DWN would show he is one to watch taking it up to the big man early. Mid-match Human Arsenal came out to distract Rocky again but to no avail with Rocky winning with the Rocky Road.


Post match Joshua Taylor would join Human Arsenal to attack Rocky trying to gain an advantage and take down Rocky early in the year.


Freddy Huggins d Running Wolf in 18:52 (62)



Sam Keith talks backstage with Greg and Matthew discussing the introduction of the Strong Style Championship for Light Heavyweights and above and the All Action Championship returning for Middleweights and below. He asks his boys to keep an eye on the winners as they want to keep hold of the International Championship to themselves.


Generation X d The Elite in 20:23 (70)


Jay and Bret took it to Eddie and Nate early on before being sent back to their corners. The youngsters held onto this early fire before The Elite clawed their way back into some sort of hold of the match sending it late until Jay hit Nate with the Super DDT for the win.


Post match Greg and Matt came from backstage and assaulted Generation X on the ramp.



Maryam Vega hypes up Kirk Jameson backstage taking on Aaron Andrews. Vega details her quest to take over TCW with honest wrestlers who have been selected to win with honor and integrity. Her assessments of their opponents will allow them to rise quicker than everyone else. Kirk calls for AA to stop cheating in their matches and vows to turn around their 2-0 ledger.


Roy Edison d Marc Speed in 9:38 (64)


Rich Money and American Buffalo d Wolf Hawkins and Seiji Jimbo in 25:46 (82)


Money had Buffalo start the match early to use his power against Jimbo before fatiguing later in the match. With Wolf taking Seiji into the match without any other options their teamwork didn't work as well as stablemates Money and Buffalo. While Wolf could turn the match in their favour when he was tagged back in, Money eventually called on Eisaku Kunomasu, another stablemate from A-List to take out the man he brought to TCW Seiji Jimbo for the win for Rich Money.



Finally, Sheriff Ricky Dale Johnson thanked Brent Hill for being the booker for all this time and wishes him well going back to his backstage role.

Kyle Rhodes deemed a change necessary for 2018 and has brought back a favorite son to TCW to take the book and also wrestle where he wants. This man has full control over TCW and will take them to new heights!


"Please welcome back the 2005 Wrestler of the year!"























TOMMY CORNELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Cornell walks onto the ramp in his fully decked out suit and shakes the Sheriff's hand to close out the show.

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I like the length, but it'll take me a while to get used to the roster, working out where everyone stands. You've given good background for some workers, but it's difficult to tell if I should be caring more about Davis Wayne Newton or Roy Edison at this stage.
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I like the length, but it'll take me a while to get used to the roster, working out where everyone stands. You've given good background for some workers, but it's difficult to tell if I should be caring more about Davis Wayne Newton or Roy Edison at this stage.


Thanks eayragt. Ill put through some updates for TCW for 2018, starting storylines and some bios :)

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Credit to Lavelleuk for the info from his 2018 MOD



Total Championship Wrestling had a strong 2016 with Rocky Golden winning the world heavyweight title at their first event of the year, Malice In Wonderland. TCW’s tactic of making Golden the focal point of pretty much every TV show and event worked well and he is one of the main reasons that the company has been able to stay at national level. He held the championship until December of that year before dropping the title to Eddie Peak, who finally received a well deserved main event push. Despite a strong 2016 they did have some setbacks, the first one being Joel Bryant not renewing his contract as he was unhappy at losing the head booker role. Losing Sammy Bach to USPW a few months later was a big blow, and while Titan leaving for the same company was frustrating, it didn’t really have the same impact. In December 2016 Danny Fonzarelli would also leave to join the world’s number one promotion on a lucrative contract, although the joke was on USPW as they were planning on letting him go anyway to concentrate on youth. However, the biggest blow to TCW in 2016 was the sudden death of commentator Jason Azaria in August when he was involved in a car accident. A much-loved member of the roster, his death affected everyone and the company now hosts an annual tournament in his honour.


2017 did not start so well for TCW though, in January Ricky Dale Johnson called time on his in-ring career after never quite getting his passion back after Azaria’s death. He lost at Malice in Wonderland to Wolf Hawkins in a career v career match, however that wouldn’t be the only in-ring career to end that night. In tragic circumstances Troy Tornado would break his neck on the same PPV, cutting short his career. He now works backstage in TCW as a road agent. Brent Hill, who has retired the month before himself, was already planning a hiring spree of young talent, but was gifted some top workers from Japan too. In January 2017 Eisaku Kunomasu and Seiji Jimbo joined the company after leaving PGHW to help them deal with their financial issues the Japanese tsunami had caused. They have made an excellent addition to TCW and are settling in really well. However, it was the following month where TCW really shook things up, signing seven of the top young independent workers the country has to offer.


In February 2017 Davis Wayne Newton, Ernest Youngman, Jackpot Jordan, Jake Idol, Kirk Jameson, Nelson Callum and Roy Edison all began working for TCW. With Xavi Ferrara and Greg Gauge having already joined the company in 2016, and Hollywood Bret Starr, Logan Wolfspaine, Matthew Keith and Running Wolf joining later in 2017 TCW now has a roster full of young talents that couple develop into future stars. Despite losing the likes of Benny Benson and Edd Stone there is still enough veteran talent left in the company to help them along, and the signing of James Prudence in October 2017 could also end up being an important one as he works with the less experienced talent. At the moment it is Bret Starr, Jay Chord, Greg Gauge and Matthew Keith look the most likely to break into the main event scene and they are putting on some fantastic matches. However, there is also Roy Edison who could be a dark horse for future success. After a great spell in FCW he has become a technician, and his five-minute challenge segments, where opponents have five minutes to survive being in the ring with him, have been a big hit with fans.


While the midcard is dominated by young talents it is experienced veterans who have been able to break into the main event. In November 2016 Raymond Diaz signed with the company and began destroying everyone and his popularity exploding. In December 2017 he defeated Eddie Peak in an I Quit loser leaves TCW match and he is now one of TCW’s most popular babyfaces. However, nothing can compare to Rocky Golden and Wolf Hawkins. The two are the lead faces of the company and everything has been done to make sure they remain the most over workers in the company. The likes of Joshua Taylor and Human Arsenal have been turned heel just to give them fresh opponents and the formula has worked well. Another new face to the main event is American Buffalo, with TCW losing the likes of Troy Tornado, Ricky Dale Johnson, Joel Bryant and Brent Hill to retirement and Sammy Bach and Bryan Vessey to USPW Total Championship Wrestling were struggling to find fresh opponents for Golden and Hawkins, which led to Buffalo getting the biggest push of his career. Running a winning streak gimmick he was put into a feud with Rocky Golden, and while Golden would inevitably win the feud Buffalo was treated as a genuine threat and it made him a star in the eyes of the fans. The last and perhaps most important fresh face to TCW joined the company in November 2017. Tired of the politics and partying in USPW former USPW and SWF champion Rich Money decided to jump to TCW for a fresh start. He is apparently determined to become TCW champion too, feeling winning the top title in all three companies will cement him as a legend.







• USPW are dominating at the top and have only increased the number of big stars they have stolen, but SWF and TCW are still trying to get back to number 1, with SWF employing Jack Bruce as head booker he is throwing everything against the wall and hoping something will stick, while TCW have been smart and signed up a load of the top young talents in America and if they can turn them into stars they could have one of the best rosters in the world.


• CZCW have managed to survive USPW’s attempts to weaken them to buy the promotion to use as a development territory, with Art Reed buying them himself and adding a lot of talented experienced workers to go alongside some exciting youngsters. Sadly, the same couldn’t be said for MAW, who were taken over by USPW in 2017, although they are now featured on Reverie, with a weekly TV show too. In the Tri-State PSW and NYCW are still going strong and have added more events to their yearly schedule, while on the west coast GSW are barely hanging on and IPW seem to be winning the war


• A crazy new promotion, Battles Of Hell, have been founded by Duntan Hall, and they are a supernatural adult drama, set in hell and features demons, monsters, cowboys and corrupt cops, they could be set to make a big splash


• On the islands, FCW have been taken over by billionaire Magnus Ivansson and look to finally make their mark on the wrestling landscape, and have added some big stars from the past. In Hawaii Tribal Warrior HAS returned to open his own promotion, bringing the likes of Java, Akima Brave, Toma, Samoan Machine, Rhino Umaga and Kanishoki with him, as well as their friends and family


• In women’s wrestling AAA have been taken over by The Women’s network and they are now a real threat to the big boys of American wrestling, with weekly TV on a good sized network they are growing constantly. QAW are still going strong in the mid-south, and over in the great lakes Madame Bat has opened Devil Women, with Tamara McFly booking, they provide some attitude entertainment for the fans who think women can be strong as well as sexy


• Other promotions include B-Wild, an integrated promotion owned and booked by the Biggins, Brett and Bart, who have links to TCW. There is Kid Friendly Wrestling, a promotion ran by a priest for children, featuring characters like human hotdogs and burger, creatures pulled from the sea and battering lambs. On the opposite end of things you have TITAN Factory Wrestling, ran by Dread it is a company full of only the biggest and toughest wrestlers. And finally Rhode Island Pro Wrestling, who feature all the future stars of SWF

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TCW Saturday Night Showcase

Held in Gorski Ballroom, (South West)

Saturday Week 1 January 2018


Show Rating 48, Attendance 3083



Eisaku Kunomasu d Guru (56)

William Hayes d Huracan Sandoval Jr (52)

Entertainer d Rock God Alvarez (41)

Fuyuko Higa/Nadia Snow d Katherine Goodlooks/Pinky Perez (51)


Main Show

Sheriff Johnson introduces the new TCW Womens division and title


Shoot Club d Ring Generals (45)


Raymond Diaz and American Buffalo get into an argument backstage about Buffalos bike and brawl out of sight


Estrella Blanca d Shiori Jippensha and Paige Croft in a Womens Title qualifier


Helene Svensson d Simony Sentinel and Demelza Wade in another qualifier


Aaron Andrews hypes his match against Kirk Jameson. AA is looking forward to pick apart Kirk and showing up Maryam Vega's "new wrestling system"


Chance Fortune d Darryl Devine (50)

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Held in Henderson, NV (South West)

Tuesday Week 2 January 2018


Show Rating 79 Attendance 15,724


Pre Show

Logan Wolfsbaine v Rock God Alvarez (49)

Davis Wayne Newton v Seiji Jimbo (66)

Rich and Famous d Shoot Club (57)

Nadia Snow d Suzanne Brazzle and Pinky Perez (57)


Main Show


Tommy Cornell opens the show talking to Sheriff Ricky backstage about his decision to return to TCW.


"After what felt like a missed opportunity during my first run as the owner i thought going to 21CW would fix things and allow me to wrestle at home closer to family. I found i was the outsider, the American failure that had come home with my tail between my legs. And whatever i tried to do with Edward i was always viewed as the 2nd Cornell."


"But your not. You're Tommy Cornell and a 6-time TCW World Champion." said Sheriff. "How did you get back here?"


"I contacted BriCo and told them i would be returning and it was up to them to find me a spot. They ultimately agreed and gave him me book and the chance to wrestle again. Their only goal for me is to not use the booking powers to put myself ahead unjustly. I must earn what i want. A 7th World Championship reign."


As Sheriff looks to wrap up the interview Freddy Huggins interrupts and reintroduces himself. He says "I'm not the same wrestler that I was when you left and you should be careful what you demand."



Greg Gauge d Jay Chord in 19:46 (74)


After losing his International title to his brother Matthew due to interference from Jay and Hollywood Bret Star at the PPV, Greg looks for payback on Jay. With Matthew and Bret at ringside both were warned by the Sheriff of interfering and this time it played out as a clean match with Greg getting the win with the Proton Lock



Backstage The New Wave (Scout, Guide and Guru) welcome Entertainer (Garry The Entertainer) into the group. He is asked to focus on managerial and microphone duties so they can focus on wrestling and holding onto the Tag Team Titles.



Darryl Devine d Matt Hocking, William Hayes and Nelson Callum in 16:06 (79)


These four men are the ones who will fight it out for the first reign of the reintroduced All-Action Championship as dictated by Cornell in one of his first acts.



Raymond Diaz d Ernest Youngman in 20:06 (77)



Roy Edison d Nate Johnson in 5:21 (79)


Edison has abandoned his 5 minute challenges after James Prudence interrupted and easy win for him at the PPV against Johnson. Edison, under Maryam Vega's guidance is now looking to expand his matches, gain more stamina and take on Prudence whenever he is ready to step into the ring.


Prudence then comes up on the Titantron "You could never handle me in under 5 minutes and you sure as hell couldn't last 20 minutes with me in the ring. Lets see how quickly i can put you away at the PPV!"



Mighty Mo d Tana The Mighty, Running Wolf and Killer Shark in 9:52 (56)


Similar set up for the AA Championship, Tommy has called for these four wrestlers to duke it out at the PPV for the upcoming Strong Style Championship match.



Rich Money walks down to the ring with American Buffalo, Eisaku Kunomasu and Floyd Goldworthy joining Killer Shark who hangs behind after his match.


Rich begins by introducing themselves as the A-List before handing the mike to Floyd. "We have a list for ourselves to start off 2018 so let me share our needs. Killer Shark will win the Strong Style Championship. Eisaku Kunomasu will take care of Seiji Jimbo. American Buffalo will show Raymond Diaz who is the real hoss of TCW and Rich Money will become the new TCW World Heavyweight Championship. Let me be clear, these are not goals, they are statements of what is due to happen for the A-List!"



Generation X d The Elite in 20:23 (70)


Jay and Bret took it to Eddie and Nate early on before being sent back to their corners. The youngsters held onto this early fire before The Elite clawed their way back into some sort of hold of the match sending it late until Jay hit Nate with the Super DDT for the win.


Post match Greg and Matt came from backstage and assaulted Generation X on the ramp.



Rocky Golden and Kirk Jameson d Joshua Taylor and Human Arsenal in 20:19 (86)


Rocky gets his chance to get his hands on Taylor and Arsenal after a multitude of backstage and in-ring attacks. Kirk joins him and initially takes the heat to Arsenal taking much of the match time away before hot-tags bring in Rocky and Taylor. This is where Rocky plays with Taylor and Arsenal keeping Joshua bound to their side of the ring. A distraction from Aaron Andrews on the stage allows Josh to escape to Arsenal which leads to the end of the match where Rocky lays him out for the 1-2-3.


Andrews stares down Kirk Jameson to close the show which he and Rocky celebrate.

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