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Boxofwhisper's Box of Renders (C-Verse / Custom)

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I believe I said before but I love that you look at the bio's or in this case the names and base your renders off that. The two renders for these were great, sockpuppet and shipshirt I think, BUT I always thought it was obvious the renders were meant for other people and were just used for the new workers in TEW2020, rather than renders being made for those characters.


These two suit them much more imo, Ellie now looks farm tough, and Air Raid Syren looks more like someone who'd have that odd name.


Sensational work, these two I didn't even have to question, they became their profile pictures instantly!


Yes I agree, the OG Ellie and Syren were great renders but I'd already had both of them in use for someone else--and they really didn't align with the bios. And thank you--I like to design the people around their bio, it really gives the render another depth and it can be a challenge. There are a few of my earlier ones that weren't rendered so much in regard to the bio, and I think I might update them eventually.


Coming by for a second time today though to post the Calvo "sisters". I finished the face painted Anna and Elsa (just now realized the joke is that they have the same names as the Frozen sisters). It was actually tricky to do (although a learning experience), and it doesn't quite match with the original renders @lavelleuk posted, likely due to my incompetence with face paint, but I hope it's okay.


Also, can't believe I didn't make the Anna Calvo connection to your mod. I definitely have my own incredibly nuanced database but have raided your mod (more than once) for workers and inspiration.





Anna Calvo



Elsa Calvo



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Coming by for a second time today though to post the Calvo "sisters". I finished the face painted Anna and Elsa (just now realized the joke is that they have the same names as the Frozen sisters). It was actually tricky to do (although a learning experience), and it doesn't quite match with the original renders @lavelleuk posted, likely due to my incompetence with face paint, but I hope it's okay.


Also, can't believe I didn't make the Anna Calvo connection to your mod. I definitely have my own incredibly nuanced database but have raided your mod (more than once) for workers and inspiration.



Anna Calvo



Elsa Calvo




Ha yeah, I saw an Elsa, couldn't resist making an Anna. It gets worse, their finishing move is called the 'Heart Attack' which ties in with the film!


I'm glad the mod has helped, I know not all the new characters are for everyone, however some of that is because I have made some that are intentionally bad, as where would wrestling be without awful indyriffic workers?? lol



Those two look perfect, your Anna is MUCH more how I pictures her. Again, the render I was using imo is a great render, but I only used it for that character because it was the closest I could find to matching facepaint


I try to use the same persons renders for tag teams so they match up better, whether it's Shipshirt, King Bison etc. so having two of yours for Anna and Elsa is a huge plus! They're in a prominent position in the 2022 version of the mod too so that's perfect, thanks again!

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From a QAW perspective funnily enough I would have said Teresa Perez! I always felt her, Juana Hurricane and Pinky were really similar. A challenge would be to make a render that finally gives Teresa a bit of character as she's really lacking... Same goes for Sonnaz Shah & Modesty Pador!


I'd like to second Modesty when you get the time. And maybe a more arrogant looking version of her for a heel turn.

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These two suit them much more imo, Ellie now looks farm tough, and Air Raid Syren looks more like someone who'd have that odd name.


They do indeed. I believe Syren uses a good Michelle Brendon rerender, and I've been looking for a replacement since the release as I just can't unsee the intended use of the renders.


Taking liberties with these workers is perfectly fine, as they're very new and aren't really established anyway. The profiles also allow a lot of liberty as it's not detailed.

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Your renders continue to be awesome Box, just wanted to make a request. If you circle back around to do unmasked renders of the ladies, could you please do a mad max biker variation on Lady Liberty for her old Stormette persona?


Anyway, keep up the great work!

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Your renders continue to be awesome Box, just wanted to make a request. If you circle back around to do unmasked renders of the ladies, could you please do a mad max biker variation on Lady Liberty for her old Stormette persona?


Anyway, keep up the great work!


I like this Stormette idea--I'll add it to my list. The unmasked versions are still coming--sometime--


From a QAW perspective funnily enough I would have said Teresa Perez! I always felt her, Juana Hurricane and Pinky were really similar. A challenge would be to make a render that finally gives Teresa a bit of character as she's really lacking... Same goes for Sonnaz Shah & Modesty Pador!


I'd like to second Modesty when you get the time. And maybe a more arrogant looking version of her for a heel turn.


Stopping in today to drop off one of the most popular requests, "Miss Wrestling" Modesty Pador--and as a bonus, a face and a heel version.


Modesty is another character with a pretty blank slate. With a prestigious nickname like "Miss Wrestling", I wanted to be sure to keep her athletic and muscular looking (she's a lightweight + fitness fanatic attribute). She's got relatively high attractiveness/star quality attributes. Also wanted to make her heel render a bit more cerebral instead of outwardly aggressive, as is easy to do for a heel.








Modesty Pador

face render



Modesty Pador

heel render



Feedback and constructive criticism always appreciated!

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Maybe I was too subtle, I might create a manager called Olaf...


The intelligent humour goes way over my head!








Modesty Pador

face render



Modesty Pador

heel render




Okay so Modesty is kinda mean! I think with a name like Modesty Pador she is either insanely angelic or a hypocrite-- I like it!

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Just one today for another worker who got a render intended for another character in the OG render package.


I imagine Izzy Quick being colorful, a little edgy--basically the aesthetic that you think of when you imagine a rookie independent wrestler. I feel like maybe the render is lacking a little personality so I may come back to it in the future--maybe when I eventually purchase some facial jewelry?. I had a rough time getting this hair to render properly, so I'm only posting the 150x150, but I have a face and a heel version both. Comments always appreciated!




Izzy Quick


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I always thought the default Izzy Quick looked like a real version of the default Sara M York— very girl next door baby face.


I think your version gets across a more versatile gimmick with the hair etc.

Tell me a Coco Malloy render to match is incoming— they might finally get a tag push if so!

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I always thought the default Izzy Quick looked like a real version of the default Sara M York— very girl next door baby face.


I think your version gets across a more versatile gimmick with the hair etc.

Tell me a Coco Malloy render to match is incoming— they might finally get a tag push if so!


Yeah I think it is Sara Marie York!

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Just one today for another worker who got a render intended for another character in the OG render package.


I imagine Izzy Quick being colorful, a little edgy--basically the aesthetic that you think of when you imagine a rookie independent wrestler. I feel like maybe the render is lacking a little personality so I may come back to it in the future--maybe when I eventually purchase some facial jewelry?. I had a rough time getting this hair to render properly, so I'm only posting the 150x150, but I have a face and a heel version both. Comments always appreciated!




Izzy Quick



Big fan of this not only for the look but for the reasoning, you're bang on with what you're saying in that it very much has a rookie making their way in the biz vibes. Great work!

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Yeah I think it is Sara Marie York!


It IS an actual rerender of SMY, done by shipshirt. This is the case with practically all the new workers from 2016 onward: taken from the rerender thread and slapped on the new workers. Same for the Brendon sisters and a whole bunch of alts. It got VERY confusing as numerous people actually used these.


Personally I use these alternates as I cannot 'unsee' Izzy as SMY.

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It IS an actual rerender of SMY, done by shipshirt. This is the case with practically all the new workers from 2016 onward: taken from the rerender thread and slapped on the new workers. Same for the Brendon sisters and a whole bunch of alts. It got VERY confusing as numerous people actually used these.


Personally I use these alternates as I cannot 'unsee' Izzy as SMY.


Yeah now Box has released this Izzy I have changed the default picture back to SMY. I had a really good Poputt render for her, but to me that shipshirt one is who she is now lol

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I always thought the default Izzy Quick looked like a real version of the default Sara M York— very girl next door baby face.


I think your version gets across a more versatile gimmick with the hair etc.

Tell me a Coco Malloy render to match is incoming— they might finally get a tag push if so!


Yeah the SMY render didn't cut it for me as Izzy--and yes, Coco is coming, I promise! TBH I haven't started hers yet but I doubt she's too much further down the line.


Big fan of this not only for the look but for the reasoning, you're bang on with what you're saying in that it very much has a rookie making their way in the biz vibes. Great work!


Thank you MHero--it's the same type feeling that I'm going to use for most of the young girls--rookie trying to make it.




So today just dropping two new alternates for some of my first renders--completely new renders coming soon (think CZCW, hint hint).





I first made her as a heel, when she isn't by default, so I wanted to put a face version here. Had I done the face version first, I probably would've made her to a bit more built like a high flyer and a little less menacing looking. Her bio also says she wears pink (why not purple???)--so, even though it's completely absurd :D , I wanted to stay true to that.



Purple Viper

as a face




The inspiration from this one came when I was going through my previous renders and deciding who else needed heel/face versions. According to her attributes and stats, Dreamer is an easily marketable, natural babyface who does a much better job of playing a face. So, that means she needs a heel version, right?


Honestly, I did this version because I thought she'd look way cool in black and drastically different, and I think I was right? What do you think? Heel Dreamer, or her evil twin, Electric Nightmare? The full size image is way more impressive, I think--everything doesn't come across as well in the 150x150 size.



Electric Dreamer

as a heel



Comments, constructive criticism, compliments always appreciated. Enjoy!


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A few things to post today--first, I repositioned the heel version of Electric Dreamer and changed the camera angle just a bit--here's the updated version, and I'm much happier with it.



Electric Dreamer

as a heel


Secondly, today I bring you original renders of the two remaining active female wrestlers on the CZCW roster. I'm really happy with how both of them turned out, I think they have a ton of personality.





I imagined Skye much differently than how she was depicted in her OG render--I pictured her like an underdog high flyer with a lot of spunk and energy. I added her hair, did a little bit of altering on the face and once I put her in this position, it was exactly what I wanted and took about ten minutes from the beginning. This is definitely one of my favorites that I've done.



Skye Hermosa




The only background information we get is that her nickname is "The Sinner" and that she's a technically-minded in the ring. Not a lot to work with, so I tried to go kind of sexy, a la "The Sinner", but still keep her looking like a plausible athlete. Also tried to keep a similar nose shape and eye/hair color from the OG render.



"The Sinner" Amy St. James

heel / face(ish)





So what do you think? Any conversations about the renders are always appreciated, I look forward to your comments and suggestions.




I just got a new thing in Daz that does a great job of making renders look older (it's easy to make a render look twenty and easy to make one look 80 but it's not easy to get middle-aged looking renders), and I've started to experiment with some of the older workers who haven't had a render update in years/ever (Serena Star, Katherine Goodlooks, Roz Larren, etc). So, that's something you can expect in the near future. Any older workers you'd like to see re-rendered to look their present age?


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I've said it in the re-render thread, but I will gladly say it again; You are producing fantastic renders! I have no suggestions, just keep doing what you're doing and hopefully, you're going to re-render every single woman, at some point :D
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I've said it in the re-render thread, but I will gladly say it again; You are producing fantastic renders! I have no suggestions, just keep doing what you're doing and hopefully, you're going to re-render every single woman, at some point :D


Thank you thank you. And at this rate I just might....




Just dropping off one for you today. With (The) Honey Badger, I wanted to go with something a little more wild looking and less dark and mysterious than her original render. I think the blue hair gives her an interesting look overall.






(The?) Honey Badger


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(The?) Honey Badger


I'm a big fan of the original render...but man that is fantastic work!


I'm going to have to go with your render as the original makes her seem like a small worker to me, you've more captured a muscular lightweight/potential middleweight to me


Really like the blue hair too, I think WWE tends to have their women all with distinct hair colours don't they? I can see mainstream female stars in CVerse doing the same thing!

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I'm a big fan of the original render...but man that is fantastic work!


I'm going to have to go with your render as the original makes her seem like a small worker to me, you've more captured a muscular lightweight/potential middleweight to me


Really like the blue hair too, I think WWE tends to have their women all with distinct hair colours don't they? I can see mainstream female stars in CVerse doing the same thing!


I was really happy with this one too. It just came out so well. Glad to hear you're going with it!


Yes, it seems that most women in WWE have their signature hair color that other people don't touch. I think it works especially well with someone in the C-Verse since all we really have of the characters are one render.


This really fits her perfectly! :)


If you aren't working on anyone particular, may I suggest Penny Dreadful and Felicia Luck? I would love to see your take on them :)


Thanks, I think Honey Badger's render fits to a T.


And I'd be happy to do both of them! I started Felicia Luck last week and abandoned her, so today I started from scratch. I first imagined someone with a Shayna Baszler quality about her, but that evolved into more of a Sonya DeVille/Tessa Blanchard inspired render. Pretty happy with it!






Felicia Luck


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I was really happy with this one too. It just came out so well. Glad to hear you're going with it!


Yes, it seems that most women in WWE have their signature hair color that other people don't touch. I think it works especially well with someone in the C-Verse since all we really have of the characters are one render.




Thanks, I think Honey Badger's render fits to a T.


And I'd be happy to do both of them! I started Felicia Luck last week and abandoned her, so today I started from scratch. I first imagined someone with a Shayna Baszler quality about her, but that evolved into more of a Sonya DeVille/Tessa Blanchard inspired render. Pretty happy with it!






Felicia Luck



Now that's an ass kicker!


Also, I feel like I am just following Sisma around the forum haha

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