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Gods and Goddesses?

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I’ve been wondering for a little while if there has been a mod made for ancient gods and goddesses? It might be a bit of a niche interest but I’ve always been very interested in mythology, but I’m not confident I’d be able to build a good mod for it!
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Are you familiar with the CVerse?



If I were doing the mod I'd see two ways of doing it, one quick easy and fun, the other would go more in depth but it depends how you envisioned it




The quick and easy way where I assume you just want to have fun booking them to fight:



If it was just for yourself and for fun you could knock one out quickly if you just maybe created a blank database and imported workers you thought worked for certain gods. A well known one like Thor, import say Rocky Golden, a god who is is all powerful or whatever you have you T-Rex or Marat Marat Khoklov etc. Just use the search function for the sort of things you are looking for, whether it's a charismatic but not well known god, or a sexy goddess who doesn't fight



From there I'd change the names, if just for yourself you don't need to worry too much about bio's. I'd make sure everyone is based in America and speaks English, turn off all other areas. Personally I'd just give everyone no personality (so it's balanced/neutral as I feel you want this for fun rather than dealing with wrestlers ego's?)



I'd put decline age to 55 and have everyone 'desperado' as they're gods, you don't want to see them declining in skills or retiring at 30. Ahead of their time and age is just a number attributes potentially too



and maybe all gimmicks being gimmicky? So turn everyone into being able to play gimmicky. Alternatively turn gimmick effects off, have no gimmicks, because they ARE that god, it's not a gimmick, therefore you won't have to worry if Zeus has a gimmick of 'awful' or if Hades has grown stale as God of the underworld lol



Create a company and out them all in on written contracts, also change loyalty to that company so they never leave. Turn off settings for not being used and maybe crowd control as again there gods, not wrestlers.



Sounds like a lot written down, but it's really not, depending on how much free time you have could be done in a few days/a week for a basic mod



If you wanted to book these gods as who they actually are, so they have the 'personalities' they would have if they were people that would be the one that could take a while. I'd still import from CVerse, but for personality and stuff you'd really have to look at how each god/goddess was, if they're a bully who kills people, if they're dominant or mysterious etc.


There would also be a lot of family relationships to add...and family feuds lol



However I am assuming, correct me if I'm wrong, you were thinking more along the lines of for fun. So that first part is what I'd do personally, and hell, they're gods, you can bump some stats up too and have a roster for of super human ratings machines lol



My main issue for a mod like this, from a personal point of view, would be the lack of images. If you were to try to add them that would be time consuming, but if that isn't an issue for you like it would be me than awesome. I'm very much a graphics/render guy, can't even book a guy with a bring render strong, could have 100 star quality but if I see a boring guy in the picture that's who he is to me lol

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It you did a base version in a way like I suggested, to just rush through, you might then get more of an idea of what you want to do. It could be a case of you play one save, have a bit of fun, but novelty wears of. Or you could get the itch to go fully into it


I've been doing mod work for a couple of years, and once you get into a groove it's fine. For example today I have been working on adding workers to Europe/Britain, between watching TV and working, got 12 done so far, and that's with having to think of characters off the top of my head, think about stats balancing etc.


The fact you can google about your guys and already have their bio pretty much done for you will save loads of time.


HOWEVER, I can see how it could seem very daunting if you haven't done anything like it before

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I decided to have a quick go at this when taking a break earlier, just to show you the sort of thing I mean.


There's only 15 characters and one company so it's pretty basic but if you were interested in in doing a database it might give you an idea of what I meant.



Pictures were pretty easy to find too, so each character has a picture, there's different styles so you can see multiple approaches to what a picture file could look like.



If you did want to give it a look download link is below, just change the TEW file to 'TEW2020'.



and an FYI, I made every character available to be a user character, so don't choose to delete them if you do 'new game' to look... because that would be really stupid....and it would be even more stupid spending a couple of minutes wondering why there was no characters in the game...and I totally didn't do that... haha






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This could be a really good idea for a mod, although, maybe expanding upon Gods & Goddesses, it could add more of the Mythology, surrounding Gods, such as the monsters, and humans from the various Myths and Legends around the globe... I just wish I had the time to work on something like this as it could probably break that "niche" and actually attract a lot of other players looking for a different type of data to play.
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This could be a really good idea for a mod, although, maybe expanding upon Gods & Goddesses, it could add more of the Mythology, surrounding Gods, such as the monsters, and humans from the various Myths and Legends around the globe... I just wish I had the time to work on something like this as it could probably break that "niche" and actually attract a lot of other players looking for a different type of data to play.


I was actually thinking the same thing tbh different wrestling companies with different mythologies. Was even thinking you could expand into other things, a Supernatural company with Sam and Dean and the creatures they've fought, an X-Files company with the multiple things they've gone after.


In my mind I was thinking if I were to tackle something like this as my next project I would release things in add-ons that you can import. So you want Gods and Goddesses? download it. Don't want The X-Files? leave that one out etc.


because they'd all either be in their own company or start in their own company you could easily leave out those that you don't care for without it affected the database

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I was actually thinking the same thing tbh different wrestling companies with different mythologies. Was even thinking you could expand into other things, a Supernatural company with Sam and Dean and the creatures they've fought, an X-Files company with the multiple things they've gone after.


In my mind I was thinking if I were to tackle something like this as my next project I would release things in add-ons that you can import. So you want Gods and Goddesses? download it. Don't want The X-Files? leave that one out etc.


because they'd all either be in their own company or start in their own company you could easily leave out those that you don't care for without it affected the database


A "Pick n' Mix" mod! That is a great idea. Players can customise it to their own preferences with minimal work.

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