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DIW: Working Both Sides [C-Verse 2020]

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“You sure about this?”


Big Jim Teasdale stared at his long time friend, hoping the answer would be different then the other times he asked.


“He’s new blood Jim. New ideas, new stories, new match types. We need this. We’ve struggled lately and if he can come in and give us a boost than we have to try.”


“But he’s the enemy. He’s synonymous with the people we hate. We can’t bring him in, the locker room will…”


“The locker room already knows, you know that.”


“I’m just saying, this could be a mistake”


“Alrighty, well, it’ll be on me then won’t it. He hates RAW just as much as we do, after what they did to him, he’s been talking sh!t about them on the indies”


“Well the fact that you wanna just pick up RAW’s scraps isn’t too fantastic either.”


“He had some good stuff though, even you saw that.”


It’s at this point, a knock is heard on the door of the room.


“Come in”




Vincent Victory walked through the door. He was met with a death stare from Big Jim, while The Comedian’s famous scowl joined to form a very hostile atmosphere for the former RAW booker.


“Thanks for coming Vince, we really appreciate it.


“No problem”


It was then when the interview began. Vince had some stuff prepared but he never thought The Comedian and Big Jim would be so thorough. They asked about possible ideas he has, his current relationship with RAW and a host of other questions, some he never thought he’d ever hear in an interview. After about two hours, the interview ended.


“Alright, well, we’ll be in tough Vince thanks for coming in”


Vince nodded, shook both of their hands and left. As Vince exited the building he slowly walked to the parking complex that his car was parked in. As he got to his car, he got his phone and rang somebody.




“Hi, yeah, I got in”


“They offered you the job?”


“Not yet, but they will. They’re desperate.”




“I can’t believe you want me to do this”


“Come on Vince, never thought you’d have a problem with this?”


“I don’t, but why are you even doing this? What do they even matter to you?”


“Don’t worry about that. All you need to know is you are our mole in DIW and if you want to get back into RAW, you’ll tell us everything you hear.”



DIW: Working Both Sides [C-Verse 2020]

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“You sure about this?”


Big Jim Teasdale stared at his long time friend, hoping the answer would be different then the other times he asked.


“He’s new blood Jim. New ideas, new stories, new match types. We need this. We’ve struggled lately and if he can come in and give us a boost than we have to try.”


“But he’s the enemy. He’s synonymous with the people we hate. We can’t bring him in, the locker room will…”


“The locker room already knows, you know that.”


“I’m just saying, this could be a mistake”


“Alrighty, well, it’ll be on me then won’t it. He hates RAW just as much as we do, after what they did to him, he’s been talking sh!t about them on the indies”


“Well the fact that you wanna just pick up RAW’s scraps isn’t too fantastic either.”


“He had some good stuff though, even you saw that.”


It’s at this point, a knock is heard on the door of the room.


“Come in”




Vincent Victory walked through the door. He was met with a death stare from Big Jim, while The Comedian’s famous scowl joined to form a very hostile atmosphere for the former RAW booker.


“Thanks for coming Vince, we really appreciate it.


“No problem”


It was then when the interview began. Vince had some stuff prepared but he never thought The Comedian and Big Jim would be so thorough. They asked about possible ideas he has, his current relationship with RAW and a host of other questions, some he never thought he’d ever hear in an interview. After about two hours, the interview ended.


“Alright, well, we’ll be in tough Vince thanks for coming in”


Vince nodded, shook both of their hands and left. As Vince exited the building he slowly walked to the parking complex that his car was parked in. As he got to his car, he got his phone and rang somebody.




“Hi, yeah, I got in”


“They offered you the job?”


“Not yet, but they will. They’re desperate.”




“I can’t believe you want me to do this”


“Come on Vince, never thought you’d have a problem with this?”


“I don’t, but why are you even doing this? What do they even matter to you?”


“Don’t worry about that. All you need to know is you are our mole in DIW and if you want to get back into RAW, you’ll tell us everything you hear.”



DIW: Working Both Sides [C-Verse 2020]

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Having completed the first obstacle in his mission, Vincent arrived for his first ever DIW booking meeting. Despite Vincent's hiring, he was not the head booker. Merely a cog in the works. The thing was DIW was different, despite Big Jim being the head booker, it was The Comedian and Jim who decided what they produced, sure Vincent was apart of the booking committee, so was everybody else on the roster. Everybody could pitch ideas, everything was accepted and reviewed, they even asked guys would they do certain things before booking events and took their ideas into consideration. This was not RAW. You showed up and did what you were told there, that was it.


For this meeting, Vincent was quiet. Rarely spoke and listened to what they had to say. Jim was staring daggers at him the entire time, when he finally spoke up.


"Cat got your tongue, Vinny?"


"What? No."


"Then where's your big ideas? Thought you were going to give DIW 'The best Vincent Victory'?"


The Comedian piped up.


"Oi, watchit Jim!"


"He's here to contribute, he hasn't said a word"


Vincent sighed a little before delivering his answer, despite his reasoning for being here, he didn't lie. He was going to give DIW the best Vincent Victory, only, everything he heard, pitched, saw and anything else you could think of was going to be relayed to the RAW execs. However, just because he was a mole, doesn't mean he couldn't do a good job.


"Just trying to get a lay of the land."




"I've never booked a hardcore company before and most of RAW's 'hardcore' stuff was more gimmicky than actually hardcore. I need to see what you guys are pitching and understand what's needed. Plus, you have storylines in place already, I don't want to come in and trample everything. Let's let those stories come to their natural conclusion and then I'll pitch some idea's for some of the guys."


"Just relax Jim. Vinny's done his research. Let him settle in"


Jim grumbled as he got up to get something to drink. The Comedian then got back to the booking. After another while booking and Vincent pitching a few minor ideas which the Comedian liked, the meeting was coming to an end when The Comedian got up and stretched and picked up his phone.


"Right, I'm going to talk to Boo about this, see what he says. I'll be back soon"


The Comedian left the room as Vincent went to refill his glass of water. Once his glass was filled, he turned to find the large frame of Big Jim Teasdale standing right in front of him. Vincent was no little guy, but Teasdale towered over him, even at 50, Big Jim was as menacing as ever.


"I don't trust you."


"Yeah, I kind of got that impression"


"The only reason you are here is that he's desperate, he would have wrapped you up and smoked you if he wasn't in such a desperate need for new ideas."




"I'm just letting you know that the only reason I haven't punched your lights out is because he trusts you and I trust him. And if I find you are doing something to hurt him or DIW, you'll learn what real pain is."


Vincent stood there. Unphased by Jim's comments. Jim knew nothing, Vincent knew that. Though he couldn't say that his knees didn't wobble a bit. Jim was a scary guy and hearing that wasn't fun. Vincent needed to be careful.


"Got it?"


"Loud and clear"



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DIW Impact


Demarcus Lee v Tim Burr

The Bat Men v The Hired Guns in a Baseball Bat on a Pole Match

Con McReady & Mayhem Mulhoney v Pinn Enterprises (Bob Shrunkle & Rad Masteroff)

The Barracudas © v The Bad Truckers for the DIW Tag Team Titles

Shogo © v Gyula Lakatos for the DIW Australian Title

Boo Smithson © v Mace Mueller in a Hardcore Lumberjack Match for the DIW Championship title.

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Demarcus Lee v Tim Burr

The Bat Men v The Hired Guns in a Baseball Bat on a Pole Match

Con McReady & Mayhem Mulhoney v Pinn Enterprises (Bob Shrunkle & Rad Masteroff)

The Barracudas (C) v The Bad Truckers for the DIW Tag Team Titles

Shogo © v Gyula Lakatos for the DIW Australian Title

Boo Smithson © v Mace Mueller in a Hardcore Lumberjack Match for the DIW Championship title.

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Demarcus Lee v Tim Burr

The Bat Men v The Hired Guns in a Baseball Bat on a Pole Match

Con McReady & Mayhem Mulhoney v Pinn Enterprises (Bob Shrunkle & Rad Masteroff)

The Barracudas © v The Bad Truckers for the DIW Tag Team Titles

Shogo © v Gyula Lakatos for the DIW Australian Title

Boo Smithson © v Mace Mueller in a Hardcore Lumberjack Match for the DIW Championship title.

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I sadly don't know the Aussie hardcore scene (real or C-verse) well enough to make any guesses but I look forward to future updates. I swear if Netflix or someone said they were putting out a show with this plotline I'd be right there ready to watch. The drama potential is off the charts.
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DAVEFAN I'm pretty exclusive with the Aussie C-Verse and I've loved your takes on wrestlers I use myself. This diary is a very interesting idea and I'll be following closely.


DIW Impact


Demarcus Lee v Tim Burr

Demarcus is a job boy at this point in his career.

The Bat Men v The Hired Guns in a Baseball Bat on a Pole Match

Con McReady & Mayhem Mulhoney v Pinn Enterprises (Bob Shrunkle & Rad Masteroff)

Pinn is a useful commodity that is on borrowed time, so I think heating him and his boys up is a great way to give him a good send off for the next generation. Con is here to eat the pin to keep Mulhoney strong.

The Barracudas © v The Bad Truckers for the DIW Tag Team Titles

Too early to swap titles, and Barracudas are probably the best combination of age/

Shogo © v Gyula Lakatos for the DIW Australian Title

Shogo is on a fast track to the top.

Boo Smithson © v Mace Mueller in a Hardcore Lumberjack Match for the DIW Championship title.

Too early for Mace to take it, I think.

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DIW Impact


Demarcus Lee v Tim Burr

The Bat Men v The Hired Guns in a Baseball Bat on a Pole Match

Con McReady & Mayhem Mulhoney v Pinn Enterprises (Bob Shrunkle & Rad Masteroff)

The Barracudas © v The Bad Truckers for the DIW Tag Team Titles

Shogo © v Gyula Lakatos for the DIW Australian Title

Boo Smithson © v Mace Mueller in a Hardcore Lumberjack Match for the DIW Championship title

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Demarcus Lee v Tim Burr

The Bat Men v The Hired Guns in a Baseball Bat on a Pole Match

Con McReady & Mayhem Mulhoney v Pinn Enterprises (Bob Shrunkle & Rad Masteroff)

The Barracudas © v The Bad Truckers for the DIW Tag Team Titles

Shogo © v Gyula Lakatos for the DIW Australian Title

Boo Smithson © v Mace Mueller in a Hardcore Lumberjack Match for the DIW Championship title.


Completely unfamiliar with the Australian scene and DIW especially so blindly guessing here but getting in on the ground floor.

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DIW Impact

Marv's Sport Central

192 people in attendance





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Aha, what a way to start the show

Well, Mace Mueller challenges Boo for the title tonight.

And with every member of Pinn Enterprises ringside, we better hope Boo has back up.


And Pinn Enterprises are back on the job. Another year for us to dominate and we are ready for you Boo Smithson. Tonight, you will lose that title and Pinn Enterprises will once again rule this roost. We run this yard and you are in our way.


And you know who else is getting on our nerves, your buddies. Mayhem Mulhoney, Con McReady tonight, the Shrunk and I will put you down for good and Boo will have nobody left to help him.


Oh and don’t worry about us either. We’ll take out the Bat Men. They’ll learn their lesson, you do not stand up to Pinn Enterprises.


We have it all coming together Boo. You’ll have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, surrounded by Pinn Enterprises and no buddies to help you. This won’t just be a match, it’ll be a street fight, just the way I god damn like it.


It’s all just the beginning. 2020 is a new year, a new Pinn Enterprises and you’ve never seen us stronger.







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Demarcus Lee (E-) v Tim Burr (F+)


Tim Burr has been on a real run since he's joined DIW.

He has potential, we'll see where he goes. I'm sure Dumfrey Pinn has an eye on him.

I'd be surprised if he didn't.


It’s a wild brawl as both men throw fists. Lee throws haymakers and Burr takes them on the chin, Burr returns the favour and Lee is rocked. Lee tries to get Burr off his feet, but he’s struggling. Burr hits a massive forearm and Lee smashes to the canvas. Burr is stronger, faster and tougher. A nasty Tree Slam (Alabama Slam) finishes it.


Tim Burr





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The Bat Men (Slugger (E+) & Syrus (E)) v The Hired Guns (Angus McMillar (E) & Wez Dobberly (E+)) w/ Lillian O'Donahue


Two bats on a pole, whoever gets em can use em.

An unleash the chaos and violence DIW promises.

This isn't as obvious as it seems folks, The Hired Gun as re no slouches.


The Hired Guns run for the bats but they’re stopped, they’re going to have to fight fair. Both teams have no problem in going after each other once the initial exchange is done. Dobberly picks his spots, Angus adds things up, Slugger looks for a double and Syrus wants the third strike. Dobberly and Slugger brawl while Angus tries to avoid Syrus. Abacus to the face. Slap with a calculator. Dobberly helps with a swift takedown but Slugger replies with a bunt to the face. Syrus tries to steal with a baseball slide but Dobberly incapacitates him by taking out the legs. However, Slugger is next up to the plate and he’s on a hot streak. Single, double, triple. He wants to hit for the cycle. He goes up to the pole to get the bats




But Lillian O'Donahue meets him there. She already has the bats and throws one to Dobberly. Slugger gets smashed into the ribs and then into the back. Syrus comes for the save, but he meets the same fate. Dobberly and McMillar hit the Contract Killing (Wheelbarrow facebuster assisted Curb Stomp) and that seals it.


The Hired Guns





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The Bad Truckers have a backstage promo. Big Rig stands menacingly as Diesel Dan gets rolling.


We got the engines warmed up and the pistons hissing and we’re ready to go, hauling your asses to the chop shop. The Barracudas feel like they are the best tag team in DIW history. Give us a break, everything you achieved we achieved first. The first ever four time DIW tag team champs and we ain’t even got to our final destination yet. Tonight, we get number five and leave those fishies in the dirt once again.






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Jamie G w/ Con McReady (E) & Mayhem Mulhoney (D-) v Pinn Enterprises (Bob Shrunkle (E) & Rad Masteroff (E-)) w/ Lillian O’Donahue


We all know the plan, beat up Mayhem and Con so Boo has no backup.

It's a solid plan.

Could be a lot more difficult in execution.


Con and Mayhem start well. They work well but eventually the number game gets in their way. Bob flings his weight around, Rad participates in hooliganism and they target Con as the weak link but the DIW legend ain’t going nowhere. Rad is thrown like a missile. Bob gets a taste of Mayhem with a chair shot. Rad comes back but Con goes mad rushing to attack him. Bob is hurt. One more chair shot and Bob drops down to one knee. Mayhem wants the final blow..




But Lillian grabs the chair. Mayhem turns and Lillian tries to flee but she ain’t going nowhere. Jamie G comes in and gives a big slap to Lillian but Bob stops that. The two men grapple with each other, falling through the middle rope and to the outside and Jamie G gets a chair shot to the back. Rad and Con are brawling. Lillian goes to help but Con grabs the chair. He swings at Rad, but misses and Lillian gets the hell out of dodge. Con throws the chair, Rad catches it, IRON FIST (Spinning Backfist) and that's it.


Con McReady & Mayhem Mulhoney





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After the match, the heel flee and Con goes to go and pick up Mayhem. However, Mayhem is sitting motionless against the apron and not looking good. Mayhem is, however, able to get in the ring as Con grabs a mic.


You thought busting up Mayhem’s ribs would be enough to stop us. Well you are wrong. Nothing is going to stop us from being at Boo Smithsons side tonight in that lumber jack match tonight. You better watch out, Pinn Enterprises, we are coming.






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Lori is backstage with The Barracudas as they stand menacingly behind her as she cuts a promo.


Tonight's the night. The night that The Barracudas truly prove who the apex predators are. We’ve been hunting and waiting and tonight we get our chance to prove that no other team can handle us. Two fat loads with hats are nothing compared to the physical specimens of The Barracudas. The blood is in the water and we can smell our prey and tonight, we eat because we are at the top of the food chain.






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KiCdvA6.jpgw/8RIMN2i.jpg&nPyEOeI.jpg vTlnZQ0q.jpg&EfHVxeG.jpg

Lori w/ The Barracudas (Blitz Simpson (D-) & Chopper Rourke (E)) © v The Bad Truckers (Big Rig (E+) & Diesel Dan (D-))


Here it is folks, the tag team title match.

We may not find out who is actually the best tag team in the history of the company is tonight, but The Bad Truckers could make a big case if they win tonight.

Five reigns would be some achievement, but this ain't any old team they face tonight.


The Barracudas start the match with gang violence. They team up to use the number game but Diesel Dan hits and runs but comes back for more. Big Rig has the momentum and runs people over but Lori gets involved. She throws some weapons to Blitz and Chopper but leaves off some steam by charging head first. They all exchange blows. Chopper assaults Dan, Blitz blitzes Big Rig but The Truckers load up again and start gaining momentum. Big Rig charges but Blitz dodges and Lori smashes a trash can onto his head. Dan gets intercepted by Blitz and thrown to Chopper. BARRACUDA STING (Magic Killer) and there’s the three.


The Barracudas





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Shogo (D-) © v Gyula Lakatos (E)



Shogo starts much stronger as he takes the fight to Gyula, but it’s not long before Gyula uses undermined means to take control with a low blow. Gyula is in control but Shogo is an honorable warrior, he fights back with honour, heart, dignity and determination. Nothing can deter him from his goal. Lakatos drops to his knees and Shogo measures him and there’s the buzz saw kick. Shogo waits for Lakatos to get up and turn into his Tombstone Piledriver and gets the win.







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Lumberjacks w/ Boo Smithson (D) © v Mace Mueller (D) w/ Lumberjacks


It's our main event folks. One on one match up, ring surrounded by lumberjacks and the belt on the line.

Pinn has the upper hand in terms of number but Con and Mayhem, they've been smart, they've already got weapons in their hands.

I don't think you can see this as fair if they didn't.


In the early goings, it’s even. Boo ties up Mace but Mace can keep up and escapes on his own. Mace turns to brawling and Boo can also keep with him. They are very evenly matched and Mace needs an advantage, Dumfrey throws in a chair to Mace, but Boo expertly slides the chair out of the ring as he executes a takedown. Mace sucker punches Boo and that’s the opening he needs he gets the chair back from Rad and Boo’s brain is rattled before Mace throws Boo to the wolves. Mayhem and Con are immediately over with their weapons and Pinn Enterprises get a few stomps in before they throw him back in the ring. Mace plays dirty as he uses the chair to dismantle Boo. However, Boo bides his time and sees an opening, he shoots and takes down Mace. Ground and pound but Mace shoves him off and goes to the outside for a breather… Oh no, he’s in between Mayhem and Con. No rest for you and they fling him back in. Off comes Boo’s shirt, he rubs his flabby belly to the fans delight as the machine hits top gear now. Boo twists and turns Mace’s body parts and Mace feels pain in parts of his body he didn’t know could feel pain. Boo takes Mace’s back and here it comes…




Nope, here come Pinn enterprises. Rad’s in first and attacks. Bob is following behind and Pinn is directing traffic but Con and Mayhem are in too. Mayhem swings his chair, sending Bob to the outside and he follows him, Con interrupts Rad’s hooliganism and gives him a kendo stick shot. Pinn attacks Con from behind but Boo is up and Con smiles as he tells Pinn to turn around. Pinn is terrified as he slowly turns and Boo smirks. Takedown by Boo and he swiftly takes his back and locks in the Crossface Chickenwing.




It’s only locked in for a few moments when The Hired Guns break it up as Angus attacks Con and Dobberly clubs Boo. Mace slowly returns to life as Dobberly clobbers his target. Mace is up and got a chair. Dobberly holds him for the chair shot. Mace goes for the shot, Boo is wriggling, he’s free, Mace nails Dobberly. He’s shocked for a brief moment but swings again at Boo who is trying to regroup and lands a shot to the back of the head. Mace is setting him up. This could be it.




MILTON HITTLESPITZ RUNS OUT WITH HIS CHAIR. Mace gets nailed with a shot to the head. Mace is dazed before falling right into the waiting arms of Boo. CROSSFACE CHICKENWING!!!!!!! MACE TAPS.


Boo Smithson





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Pinn Enterprsies flee, quickly grabbing Mace and their other fallen comrades. Hittlespitz grabs a mic.


That’s right, you better run. Boo gotta backing you lumps and you’ve got four of us to deal with now but if you wanna come back for some more, you can give you a Koala-ty beating.






Show Rating: D-

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Just going to to start by thanking everybody for their kind comments and predictions. Really appreciate it. Also great to see so many people interacting on the boards lately.


With that being said, let's get into some of your comments.


The Barracudas
© v The Bad Truckers for the DIW Tag Team Titles
(Your tag team ranks are a bit stale at this point, so you should keep the titles on the franchise team if you’re planning to rebuild.)


The Barracudas ©
v The Bad Truckers for the DIW Tag Team Titles

Too early to swap titles, and Barracudas are probably the best combination of age/


Neither of ye are wrong here. Barracudas are probably the best in the division right now, but they are a bit stale like the entire division. It's one of my plans to reinvigorate the tag division a little. We'll see how that goes.


© v Gyula Lakatos for the DIW Australian Title
(Hopefully Lakatos never gets another title match after this. He ended Vaughan’s career, which has won my ire.)


I actually put the keep it simple on Gyula just so he wouldn't injure anybody on show one. I can't say losing Vaughan is a big loss in my eyes, he was well over though.


Boo Smithson
© v Mace Mueller in a Hardcore Lumberjack Match for the DIW Championship title.
(I really enjoy Boo as the face of this company; he sums up their ethos quite well. Mace has a bright future though, and I’m sure he’ll be a champion again sooner rather than later.)


Boo Smithson ©
v Mace Mueller in a Hardcore Lumberjack Match for the DIW Championship title.


Boo Smithson ©
v Mace Mueller in a Hardcore Lumberjack Match for the DIW Championship title.

Too early for Mace to take it, I think.


Boo Smithson ©
v Mace Mueller in a Hardcore Lumberjack Match for the DIW Championship title


Boo Smithson ©
v Mace Mueller in a Hardcore Lumberjack Match for the DIW Championship title.



I'm glad many of you guys voted for Boo here despite his probable disadvantage. I hope that's because you like him like James does because I've always had a soft spot for him and always thought he deserved better.




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Prediction Scores:


There'll probably be some kind of prize for winning prediction contests. When they end and what the prize is, well, that's a mystery to me just as much as it is you. We'll see.


James The Animator 5/6

Satyr24 5/6

Sco xY2Jx 5/6

John Lions 4/6

KyTeran 3/6

Herrbear 2/6


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Vincent sat in his chair in the booking room very happy with what had occurred at the first show. Other than a minor Mayhem Mulhoney injury, things went well in the ring as well as outside it. No disrespectful comments or intentionally mean ribs on him. Everything was.. normal. He sat back as he drank his water, waiting for the other two to show up until..




The Comedian made his way into the room. It was like any other day he had been with The Comedian. Smoking a cigarette, a scowl on his face and numerous dishevelled sheets in his hand.


"Vincent, how are you? Sorry to delay you."


"I'm good. That's okay, got a workout in, feeling good"


Vincent was always the first to arrive for booking meetings. He guessed it was a holdover from his time as RAW booker as he had to be there on time, but it was that he could relax before the booking started. However, he did have something on his mind.


"So, how is Mayhem? Did he ever get checked out?"


"He did, he ruptured his spleen."


"Holy sh!t!"


"Ah, it a couple of months rest, he'll be fine."


"We sent him out at the end of the show and he..."


"Look, I get it. You being from RAW and all but here, guys battle through that pain. Sure we'll have to change our upcoming plans a little, but everybody here would make sure they finished what they said they would do. Unless they legitimately physically can't, that's just how it is. "


Vincent knew things were different here, but a ruptured spleen, that's a bit crazy. He knew they didn't force him to do it, but Vincent respected it.


"Ready to get started?"


"What about Jim?"


"Oh, he's got some meetings with talent today, he wont be much longer, he'll join us soon."


"Oh, alright."




Sitting on a local park bench, Jim and Dumfrey Pinn were talking.


"Good. Glad you are happy with it."


"Hey, whatever you and Com come up with I'm okay with. Speaking of which, you don't seem to happy about our newest addition?"


"Vincent? I'm just not sure what his motives are right now. Why join DIW?"


"Well, I guess he wants to work, wouldn't you?"


"Yeah. Something just seems off to me."


"Well, maybe you should look into it, if you find nothing then it might put your mind at ease."


Jim said nothing but nodded at Pinn, agreeing that he was right. Then they parted as Jim was already late for the meeting. He left and made his way to his a car. The darkness of the parking structure was surprising given the time of day. Once Jim reached his car, he got his keys out of his pocket, but stopped in the middle of opening it.


"I didn't think you'd come."


"In all honesty, neither did I."


"And he doesn't know?"


"Well, I haven't told him, unless you have."




"So tell me....





"What do you want to know?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

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Jim and Grace stood there as they discussed what motives Vincent could have for joining DIW.


"So, he hasn't said anything?"


"No. Not to me. None of the few RAW guys I'm still in touch with had anything I didn't know already. Look, Vince probably just wants some work. Bitta cash. Like us all."


"Maybe you are right, but I need to be sure."


"Well, it might not be relevant but I guess I do have something that might help."


"Go on?"


"Vince has always been a relaxed dude. Likes to party, spared no expense for the gimmick, even on the indy scene. We'd arrive in limos, fancy rented cars, you name it. That was until a few months ago."




"No more fancy cars. Working out less. Only came out for one drink and left. He'd previously be the first at the bar after the show, buy the whole roster a few rounds and be the last to leave. Things.... changed."


"He in trouble with money?"


"Maybe. Possibly got in with the wrong people, owes them money."


"You think he's taking money from DIW? Seems like a stupid idea, we're broke, APW would have been a better target."


"APW never approached him, you did. I'm just telling you, he's been a stickler for cash lately. I'd keep an eye on your cash if I were you."


"Okay thanks."


Jim got into his car and drove off. Gregory Grace stood there briefly, before taking his phone out and calling somebody.




Vincent was sitting in the booking room with The Comedian when his phone began to ring.


"Who's that?"


"Oh, uh, an old friend actually. Gregory Grace."


"Your tag partner? We can't hire him, Vinny. We don't have the funds."


"I'll make that clear."


Vince got up and walked out of the room and answered the phone.


"Greg, how've you been?"


"Listen, Vince, I got something to tell you."


Greg told Vincent the entire story. How Jim contacted him about him and that he meet with him and they talked about why he'd join DIW.


"And what did you tell him?"


"The truth. About how you're weird with money now. I... just...."


"Feel guilty?"


"Not exactly. I thought you should know. I'm worried bro. I don't want you to end up on the wrong end of a pistol."


"Look, Greg, I appreciate you calling me. And I appreciate you telling me about Jim and being a good friend, but let me tell you. I ain't going to end like that. I got money and I'm not in with the mafia. I promise you that."




Vince and Greg said their goodbyes as Vince stood there for a moment. Not really surprised by this revelation, Vince breathed a sigh of relief when his phone pinged again. He looked down at it to see an email coming in for his first payment from RAW coming in for his mole job in DIW, a more than sizable sum in comparison to his DIW paydays.


"Yeah, money certainly ain't a problem right now."



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DIW Impact


Ares Death Cult v The Bat Men

East Coast Panther v Tim Burr

The Bad Truckers v Pinn Enterprises (Bob Shrunkle & Rad Masteroff)

Angus McMiller v Blitz Simpson

Shogo © v Australian Devil for the DIW Australian Title

Boo Smithson, Con McReady & Milton Hilttlespitz v Pinn Enterprises (Dumfrey Pinn, Mace Mueller & Wez Dobberly)

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Ares Death Cult v The Bat Men

East Coast Panther v Tim Burr

The Bad Truckers v Pinn Enterprises (Bob Shrunkle & Rad Masteroff)

Angus McMiller v Blitz Simpson

Shogo © v Australian Devil for the DIW Australian Title

Boo Smithson, Con McReady & Milton Hilttlespitz v Pinn Enterprises (Dumfrey Pinn, Mace Mueller & Wez Dobberly)

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Ares Death Cult v The Bat Men

East Coast Panther v Tim Burr

The Bad Truckers v Pinn Enterprises (Bob Shrunkle & Rad Masteroff)

Angus McMiller v Blitz Simpson

Shogo © v Australian Devil for the DIW Australian Title

Boo Smithson, Con McReady & Milton Hilttlespitz v Pinn Enterprises (Dumfrey Pinn, Mace Mueller & Wez Dobberly)

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Ares Death Cult v The Bat Men

East Coast Panther v Tim Burr

The Bad Truckers v Pinn Enterprises (Bob Shrunkle & Rad Masteroff)

Angus McMiller v Blitz Simpson

Shogo © v Australian Devil for the DIW Australian Title

Boo Smithson, Con McReady & Milton Hilttlespitz v Pinn Enterprises (Dumfrey Pinn, Mace Mueller & Wez Dobberly)

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Ares Death Cult v The Bat Men

East Coast Panther v Tim Burr

The Bad Truckers v Pinn Enterprises (Bob Shrunkle & Rad Masteroff)

Angus McMiller v Blitz Simpson

Shogo © v Australian Devil for the DIW Australian Title

Boo Smithson, Con McReady & Milton Hilttlespitz v Pinn Enterprises (Dumfrey Pinn, Mace Mueller & Wez Dobberly)

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