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[HYPE] Lethal Dose of Poison - June 2002 Mod

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Lucha title histories can be mind numbing and brutally boring. It's in PR, and not Mexico, but WWC's titles are ridiculous to do in particular.


Yeah, unfortunately WWC and IWA-PR are two companies I want to add. That's why I saved Mexico for last. Also just trying to figure out what titles they had in 2002 was a task, cuz apparently CMLL and AAA like to trade different titles back and forth.


I have finished Zero-One along with the title history for the DDT Ironman Heavymetal title, despite my power going out part way through. Granted it's only 69 changes as opposed to the 1500+ it is nowadays. It looks like I will have to add quite a few of the former title holders or go back through and add the numbers at the end of their name manually.








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Still need to do Title Lineages, but here is a preview of AAA. Anyone with more knowledge of the Mexican scene. I'll gladly take any input, because this is the scene I'm least knowledgeable about.







If you need lineages and such, there is the old LuchaWiki website, though I don't know how accurate everything is there.

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Lethal Dose of Poison (Alpha v1)


Thank you to everyone who helped me, Lukke Arthur for allowing me to use his 2008 mod as a base, Fleisch and Plat for use of their picture packs, and Kaisanity/Biblet for his help with Japan.


Current State: Playable, but a lot of updates need to be made

It is not future proofed, this Alpha is made for maybe one year of play time, even by then it gets all out of whack, cuz incoming debuts still have their 2008 stats.


Mexico is a bit of a mess. I kind of gave up on getting it sorted out so that I can put out this update, there's still some people with 08 stats and title lineages aren't completed for them.


The schedules for Mexico and Japan are for 2008 as I never got them updated to 2002.


WWE, TNA, ROH, and pretty much all the American indies I would say are the most playable.


In my sim, there were still a whole host of problems, I tried to clean up some of the easy stuff but there's still a lot to be updated. Please let me know your initial thoughts, mostly looking for current over/underrated. I think a lot of the pop needs to be sorted out for the companies or the workers as well, so any suggestions on that will be welcomed.


It's just an Alpha so this is just the first step on a long road but I hope you all enjoy.


EDIT: Just another disclaimer that attributes haven't been changed from the 08 mod yet either so some of them will be off.


Both pics and database are in here:


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Lethal Dose of Poison (Alpha v1)


Thank you to everyone who helped me, Lukke Arthur for allowing me to use his 2008 mod as a base, Fleisch and Plat for use of their picture packs, and Kaisanity/Biblet for his help with Japan.


Current State: Playable, but a lot of updates need to be made

It is not future proofed, this Alpha is made for maybe one year of play time, even by then it gets all out of whack, cuz incoming debuts still have their 2008 stats.


Mexico is a bit of a mess. I kind of gave up on getting it sorted out so that I can put out this update, there's still some people with 08 stats and title lineages aren't completed for them.


The schedules for Mexico and Japan are for 2008 as I never got them updated to 2002.


WWE, TNA, ROH, and pretty much all the American indies I would say are the most playable.


In my sim, there were still a whole host of problems, I tried to clean up some of the easy stuff but there's still a lot to be updated. Please let me know your initial thoughts, mostly looking for current over/underrated. I think a lot of the pop needs to be sorted out for the companies or the workers as well, so any suggestions on that will be welcomed.


It's just an Alpha so this is just the first step on a long road but I hope you all enjoy.


Both pics and database are in here:



Very excited

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Update Log for Alpha v1.1 so far:


CMLL and AAA title lineages have been completed

WCW Cruiserweight title and lineage added as retired for WWE

Unemployed for UK, Europe, Oceania, and Mexico had pops updated

Some US unemployed pops updated

Some picture updates

Added more tag teams for WWE


Still continuing to work. Hopefully will have another update out on Friday

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Lethal Dose of Poison (Alpha v1.1)


A lot of updates have been made. Mexico is pretty much complete (I think CMLL just needs stat tweaks)

The unemployed is pretty much complete at least most of the big names only some smaller names in US and Japan need pop adjustments

There's still quite a few road agent/referees that need contracts with different companies but it's sometimes hard to find what company they were working for at the time.

A lot of picture updates as well so the pack is re-included in this download. I'll probably do that until we reach Beta.


This will be the last update for a while. Thank you to Kaisanity/biblet for his work on the Japanese schedules to get them up to date. Raspy and Villain for their testing and getting me some things to get fixed.


The first post will be updated as well.


EDIT: I originally uploaded the wrong file. The correct one is below and on the first post.


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Mike Tenay has manager ticked for a role he can play. I don't remember him ever being a manager to anyone. I could be wrong, but he's always been an announcer and interviewer.


Title prestige needs a pass over too. The X-Division title for instance has 60 prestige and it doesn't even exist yet technically.


Bobby Lashley's debut date is way off. He didn't start wrestling until 2005 and it's set as 1999 currently. He was in the military from 1999 until 2002.

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Mike Tenay has manager ticked for a role he can play. I don't remember him ever being a manager to anyone. I could be wrong, but he's always been an announcer and interviewer.

Mike Tenay was actually a manager for Ron Killings in NWA Shockwave, around a year after this starts.

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