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WCW 1992 : A New World of Sport

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April, Week 4, 1992 - Bischoff’s Promotion

(Told from the perspective of Eric Bischoff.)

Today was a massive deal, man. I was promoted to Head of New Initiatives, and will oversee responsibility of all new initiatives, as well as maintaining my leadership over the production of the show. Ted Turner was present and Kip talked about my successes in creating the atmosphere of the current WCW Saturday Night show, calling me a young visionary. And I’m to be given screen time on Saturday Night’s to discuss our new initiatives - first up is to make announcements about the titles. I gotta clarify the Steamboat / Luger match - what an important moment to make my mark.

But something is up, man, I can feel it. I could have sworn I saw Paul snickering with JR of all people. I didn’t think those two were friends, but I have no idea what they could have been chuckling about. And all the talent that was present didn’t really look at me with respect, but I guess I gotta prove myself to them still. They all loved the new Saturday Night set and the updated graphics, but I know I pissed off some people with the Kevin/Kerry Von Erich mix up. Ultimately, to them I’m just some young office grunt that just got a pay bump - I gotta prove myself to them.

The worse thing though? Kip was kinda distant to me, and didn’t look me in the eye when I thanked him for the vote of confidence. We’ve gotten along famously so far, so for him to treat me weirdly while promoting was super strange. And he turned down going to Buckhead Village for celebratory drinks too… We’re going to Japan this weekend to meet with our partners in New Japan, and take in some other shows while we are there. It’s a business trip, but maybe I can crack the ice and figure out what’s going on…

No matter what, I gotta do something big this week to prove my worth of the position. No girls, no booze, and a lot of overtime effort - I don’t want to f*ck this up.

… Okay, well, maybe a little bit of sake while I’m in Japan. I don’t want to be rude to the hosts!


Edited by CactusHack
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Samoan Swat Team vs American Males

Van Hammer vs Brian Pillman

Tom Zenk vs Dustin Rhodes

The Outsiders vs Chaos By Nature

The Young Pistols vs The Fabulous Freebirds in a non title match

Ron Simmons vs Sting

Tully Blanchard vs One Man Gang

Ricky Steamboat vs Lex Luger © in a match that hasn’t been advertised as being for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, but whether it’s a title match or not is not clear.

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APRIL 92, WEEK 4 : EPISODE 92.12





“Welcome one and all, to wrestling’s Sabbath.” It’s the final week of Round 4 and the panel of Harley Race, Paul E Dangerously and Dusty Rhodes run through tonights card. They are with Eric Bischoff, who promises some exciting news! He talks about being promoted to the position of Head o New Initiatives, and is traveling with CEO Kip Allen Frey to Japan to take in some foreign wrestling and discuss initiatives with New Japan Pro Wrestling. But tonight, he’s got an announcement to make. In working with Dusty Rhodes on the groundworks for how championship titles will operate going forward, they have come to an agreement to present the WCW US Title, WCW US Tag Team Titles, and WCW Television Championship as championships constantly being defended during season, operating as a stackable bonus. On top of $10,000 wrestler of the night bonus, winning or retaining what they will describe going forward as ‘a divisional title’ will constitute a stackable $5,000 bonus to the wrestler carrying the title. Failure to be able to defend within a round will result in a forfeit of the belt and the title will be awarded to the individual within the corresponding division at that point with the highest point total. On top of that, the WCW Heavyweight Championship, WCW Lightheavyweight Championship, and WCW Tag Team Championship will be competed for exclusively at major PPV events.


That means tonight’s Steamboat versus Luger match will not be for the World Championship. This also means that despite The Freebirds being 0-3 at this point, they are going to be challenging for the US tag titles tonight. Heyman quickly jumps in and apologizes to the folks at home, which catches Bischoff a little of guard. Dusty steps in and states that match and the Simmons versus Sting match tonight will both heavily influence who will be competing for the World Heavyweight Championship at Great American Bash 1992. Dusty thanks Bischoff and says he looks forward to hearing what sort of innovations can be brought forth next week. After we get through the predictions, analysis and chatter, Harley sends things down to Lance Russell who is standing by with our officiating team for tonight.


Lance Russell introduces our officiating staff for tonight, aptly coined the ‘A’ Squad, Bill Alfonso, Mike Atkins and senior official Randy Anderson. They are all wearing their blue shirts, with new embroidered patches on the sleeves denoting their ‘A’ Squad nickname. Nick Patrick is manning the time keepers table.


w9tC0yR.gifNo time is wasted in getting to some serious action, as the first contest of the night is Ron Simmons versus Sting. Luger comes out and joins the commentary booth. Nikita Koloff enters as the match is getting underway and sits at ringside. He seems to be in Ron’s corner, but this isn’t something Ron has agreed to it seems. It sounds like he’s here to prevent Luger from getting involved, but Luger makes it clear he has no interest in being near the action. The two heavyweights lock up the crowd roars. Simmons seems to have the older male audience’s support, while woman and children are behind Sting. Simmons throws Sting with relative ease, before turning and motioning at Luger. Sting pops right back up gets in his face saying the top prize isn’t on Luger’s shoulder, it’s first place in the standings and Sting’s going to hold that spot. They start throwing hams at each other, just wildly brawling as the crowd continues to roar. Referee Randy Anderson tries to separate them, but they just go right back at it as this one is just a good old fashioned fight.

They take the action to the floor and Simmons back body drops Sting onto the cold concrete. Koloff comes over to check on him and Simmons pulls him out the way so he can stomp on him some more. Koloff gets heated and Randy Anderson ejects him from ringside. Simmons yells about how all these white folks are trying to get between him and his gold. But he’s clearly distracted by Luger and Koloff and ends up getting piledriven on the concrete. Sting doesn’t look to please with himself as Simmons is leaking from the head, but he brings Simmons back into the ring for a near fall. Simmons gets back into the match with a few power moves, but Sting uses his agility to create separation. He ducks a tackle in the corner and follows up with a few Stinger Splashes. Simmons holds himself up with the ropes as Anderson asks if he wants to continue, he’s been out since the piledriver. Simmons refuses and gets hit with a Scorpion Death Drop for a 2.99 fall. Sting looks disappointed, but locks in the Scorpion Deathlock. Simmons is bleeding profusely and Koloff comes back and throws in the towel. Sting and Anderson wonder what he’s doing here and Sting let’s go. Simmons with a roll up out of nowhere but it’s only for two. Sting locks with a snap DDT and he locks in the Deathlock again and this time, Simmons fades and the ref has no choice but to call for the bell. Sting doesn’t look to pleased with any of this as Koloff gets into the ring and the beloved hero Simmons is a bloody mess, and Sting heads straight to the back with his fourth straight win.

Sting (4-0-0) def. Ron Simmons (2-1-1) in 15:18.


g8Nt7ro.gifAfter that bloody mess, JR says that he wishes he could say we were changing the pace up with some technical prowess, but unfortunately Abdullah is in the ring now and there’s no chance this is any better. DDP is at ringside for the Outsiders, as Schiavone comments that they are celebrating DDP’s early recovery from surgery and he’s back in active competition on Main Event. Haku and Abdullah have Norman the Lunatic in their corner and the smallest competitor here is Haku, which is saying something as he’s 275 lbs… This breaks down immediately and is pure carnage and Billy Alfonso has no control over this and doesn’t look like he has any interest telling any of the four to play by the rules. Abdullah pulls out a fork and you can see Alfonso’s face go grey as he has to try and tell the behemoth he can’t do that. Studd clotheslines Abdullah to the outside and follows him out there. Haku flies off the apron taking all four men out. JR says Alfonso’s got to take control, but really can’t blame him for not wanting to. He starts to count them out and Abdullah flips him off. The sloppy brawling continues at ringside until they start to go up the ramp, at which point Alfonso restarts his count and both team are counted out. Vegas looks back at the ring and Alfonso bee lines it out of the ring and into the crowd, not wanting to take responsibility for the draw. Nothing special here, but not too offensive either as both teams move to 7 points and a bit of separation from the bottom of the division.

The Outsiders (2-1-1) and Chaos by Nature (2-1-1) ended in a draw at 9:52




Magnum TA runs through the results from last night’s Main Event action, which saw Brian Pillman def. Van Hammer and The American Males upset the Samoan Swat Team.. In additional exhibitions, Jerry Lawler and Scotty Flamingo defeated Nelson Royal and Negro Casas, Johnny B Badd and Norma Smiley def. Sgt Buddy Lee Parker and Rip Rogers, Kevin Von Erich and Sledgehammer Anderson defeated Randy Rose and Dennis Condrey, and in trios action, Greg Valentine, Dave Finlay and Tony Anthony defeated Great Sasuke, Ultimo Dragon and Solar.. JR’s indie spotlight was on DDP, who has returned from a torn achilles that was initially slated to have a one year recovery. DDP talked about being 36 and realizing that any day his body could fail him, and if he wants to take a shot at the big times, he’s gotta get in the ring right now.


6N44cno.jpgA promotional video for he South Atlantic Stronghold training camp airs. The Rock N Roll Express are shown teaching young talent Jeff Jarrett and Scotty Flamingo while Jerry Lawler talks to the camera. Lawler says that they are searching for the best young talent in the South East to take under their wings and bring to the promised land. Lawler talks himself up and talks about the developmental relationship that he has with the USWA promotion. Scotty Flamingo comes over and grabs Lawler on the shoulder. He turns to the camera and exclaims that South Atlantic Stronghold is currently recruiting, and we are only taking in the best. This advert has been paid for by Flamingo Corp Enterprises.


We go from there to press conference footage from Teddy Long and his group. Long’s team is red hot as of late, and Teddy is looking to find a tag team to join his squadron. Long says he’s not going to beat around the bush, he thinks the Young Pistols would be the perfect fit to their group.


wNFccC2.gifBack from intermission and it’s time for Div Two action, as Tom Zenk comes to the ring with something to prove, while Dustin is in the ring and the commentators play Dustin up as a favourite for promotion event though he’s only 23 years old. Zenk has Pillman in his corner while Barry Windham is here to support his buddy Dustin. These two shake hands and start off slow and technical, both trying to play up in-ring savvy and prowess. It’s not the greatest action as Dustin is still learning the ropes it seems and may be working above his skill level. Z-Man shows off some of the flair that was on display against Takada as he busts out a super kick and then follows up with an arm bar and Dustin has to work to the ropes. Dustin starts to take the advantage now and this turns into a move-for-move showdown for a while.

The match drags past the 15 minute mark and Dustin is clearly exhausted and struggling to keep his breath. He hits a snap powerslam that shows sparks of brilliance, but cannot follow up with a pin attempt. JR is screaming that the kid has got to find it in himself to get through the exhaustion and finish off Z-Man. Schiavone says if he can’t do it, they’ll run out of time. Dustin buys some time by tossing Z-Man to the outside and recollecting his breath, but Zenk flies right back into the ring and hits another jaw shattering super kick. Dustin collapses and Zenk with a near fall. Z-Man lifts up Dustin and is thinking of something big, but Dustin drops to his knees and hits another smooth uppercut! Dustin lines up for a Bulldog, but he takes too long and Z-Man school boys him instead for the shock three count! JR puts over Zenks win as though Dustin was Luger, but no one’s buying it.

Tom Zenk (2-2-0) def. Dustin Rhodes (2-2-0) in 18:30.


6AUO6Vh.gifTime now for our second Elite Division match, and here comes the entire Dangerous Alliance. Schiavone asks if it’s necessary that the entire brigade comes out for their matches all the time, as it just causes chaos and he’d like to see them get by on their merit alone because they are all extremely talented wrestlers. One Man Gang comes out by himself and Schiavone makes a comment about him probably weighing as much as the entire Alliance and JR says that’s not very nice. They get critical of Gang’s stamina, saying he had made progress for a while, but it seems like he’s given up already on the season as he cannot figure out a way to win. Shockingly, despite the early lack of fanfare, Gang is getting a strong reaction to the crowd - his gimmick is truly resonating with them and he’s starting to connect as an everyman. Tully starts off by mocking Gang with some jumping jacks so Gang runs him right over! Gang starts off in control, dominating Tully, who seems to just want to get away. Tully tries to take down Gang with a running kitchen sink, but Gang absorbs the hit completely and then hit’s one of his own on Tully that completely knocks the wind out of him.

He goes to regroup on the outside and Gang follows him, but it’s classic trickery, as Tully recovers immediately and trips Gang on the ropes, causing him to dangle precariously and JR sells that a man that size in that position is a guaranteed torn ACL. Tully goes to work on the leg and manages to hit the large fellow with a knee breaker that looked like it took just as much out of Tully, but it’s clear the damage has been done to Gang’s leg. Tully is first to his feet, but eats a headbutt from Gang. Gang goozles him and lifts for the chokeslam but he topples over while hitting it. Tully recovers first and slaps on a leg bar for the submission win.

Tully Blanchard (2-2-0) def. One Man Gang (0-4-0) in 14:13.






It’s time, for Inside the Squared Circle with Jesse Ventura and Magnum TA. They discuss the decision on how the titles will operate going forward. Magnum says that he’s unsure about the championship as there was a certain sort of anything-can-happen magic before this. Ventura jumps in and says that whether he agrees with it or not, he’s happy that a decision was made and they are proceeding with an approach. If it doesn’t work it doesn’t work, and then they can change it again. Magnum says he thinks it was pretty cowardly for President Dusty Rhodes to leave this announcement to one of his staff members rather than come forward himself. If the fans of the WCW disagree with it, Dusty just wants to wash his hands clean of the situation and move on, eh? Ventura says he’s not about to eat up air time letting Magnum air his dirty laundry and then moves the discussion to Sting versus Simmons. They discuss the intensity displayed by Sting and Magnum questions whether we are beginning to see a different Sting, with him being less than compassionate to Simmons at the end of their contest. Ventura makes a scene about Simmons not being focused against one of the best wrestlers in the world, and in doing so, he showed little respect to Sting. Sting won the match, and Simmons failed to make a case that he deserved another shot against Lex Luger for the World Championship.


A segment is shown of Shooters Club training at a gym. We see Norman Smiley and Johnny B Badd sparring with them. Severn and Shamrock share comments about their debut season being a massive statement so far in the ring with impressive performances, but unbeknownst to the audience at home is the sheer amount of work that has gone on at the gym with their peers, Smiley and B Badd. Their crew is dedicated to cross training in a variety of Mixed Martial Arts. Smiley has been cross training them on Lucha Libre, B Badd focusing them on Boxing, Ken Shamrock on greco-roman wrestling, and Severn on Judo and Sambo. They want to be ready for any challenge and any style.


Magnum sends things over to Dusty Rhodes, who shares the card for next week’s WCW Saturday Night Elite Division. Featured next week is another loaded card as Steve Williams takes on Big Van Vader in what promises to be an all out war. Plus, can Terry Gordy end his undefeated run when he goes up against the heart of the Elite Division, Barry Windham? And lastly, Lex Luger takes on Dan Spivey. As always, we go through the Vegas odds, which has Luger as a heavy favourite, Terry Gordy edging out Barry Windham as a fraction favourite, and Big Van Vader as the favourite against Steve Williams. There is a commotion as Dusty is sharing this information, and the cameras pick up on The Enforcers and The Steiner’s having a heated argument with minor physicality. Dusty fines both teams for the extra-curricular shoving as backstage personnel and wrestlers separate them from anything further.


E23e0gJ.gifBack from intermission, it’s time for the US tag team title match. The Freebirds motion that they are taking the belts tonight after all that smack talk from the Pistols last week. The Pistols are terrified as they hadn’t planned for the titles to be on the line, and had really pissed off the Freebirds. The match starts with the veterans chasing the champions around the ring until Armstrong and Smothers run into each other on the outside. The Freebirds then take total control, laying into the champs in a sequence that looks closer to old Three Stooges routines than professional wrestling. Hayes drops Smothers with a DDT and Smothers manages to limply put his foot on the ropes to break the count. At ringside, Al Snow is taking notes, and Chris Adams is telling him not to bother tonight. Snow turns and he’s also accompanied by the Killer Bees, who encourage him to take more notes! JR moans that this is a farce. Steve Armstrong brings the title into the ring and goes to clock Garvin, but referee Mike Atkins stops him and admonishes him. Michael Hayes tries to get involved and Nick Patrick leaves the timekeepers booth to get him back to his corner. Meanwhile, a half-KO’d Tracy Smothers low blows Garvin and rolls him up for the win! JR whines that the Pistols are still undefeated, God-dammit. At ringside, Al Snow is miming a low blow and Chris Adams facepalms.

The Young Pistols (4-0-0) def. The Fabulous Freebirds (0-4-0) in 9:52.


OBJqWRM.gifSchiavone and JR thank god as Steamboat makes his entrance with Jushin Liger at his side. If anyone can wash away the taste that is the Young Pistols, it’s The Dragon. Luger makes his way to the ring with a larger than life robe and Harley Race makes his way out from the curtain too. This one starts off with electricity in the air, and the two circle each other slowly, neither willing to bat an eyelash. Luger goes to lock up, but Steamboat ducks underneath and trips him to start the contest and Steamboat locks in an ankle lock! Luger kicks his way out of it and scoots backwards to the corner, but Steamboat flies in hot with a running knee strike that sends Luger through the middle ropes and to the floor. Steamboat flies to the outside, but Luger catches him and slams him into the ring post, taking control. The two get back into the ring, and this is back and forth, move-for-move action. Steamboat’s offence is definitely more creative and impressive, but Luger strength presents a real challenge.

Steamboat flies to the outside with a huge crossbody, but Luger moves out of the way and Steamboat crashes through timekeepers table. Official Nick Patrick takes some of the punishment as the clock is winding down here, and JR comments that we could be seeing another Simmons versus Luger unfolding before our eyes. Steamboat barely beats the 10 count as Alfonso and Atkins race down to the timekeepers table to get control over the situation. Steamboat takes a second to look at Patrick with concern, and Luger clubs him in the head with a running forearm. Luger quickly follows up with the Attitude Adjustment Piledriver and scores the pin with 30 seconds remaining. JR says that Luger may not be the most technically sound champion WCW has ever seen, but oh my his matches something to write home about. Luger poses and tells the camera, title on the line or not - he’s the best in the world.

Lex Luger (3-0-1) def. Ricky Steamboat (1-1-2) in 19:27.




Jesse Ventura announces this weeks three stars:

3. Lex Luger

2. Sting

1. Ricky Steamboat (wins $10,000 wrestler of the night bonus). Ventura states that Steamboat’s performance was the best display of heart all season, and it’s a shame he left tonight without any points to his name.


Back at the broadcast panel, the team recaps the nights events, showing replays and providing analysis of the night that was. We go through an updated look at the standings, where Sting maintains first place after four rounds, with Luger and Vader only two points behind him. For the first time this season, the panel starts discussing relegation, noting that currently Dan Spivey, Nikita Koloff, Butch Reed, Terry Gordy and One Man Gang are all facing relegation unless they can start turning their seasons around. They comment that Spivey is the only one out of the group poised to do so, as he bounced back from an 0-2 start and is clawing his way out of the dogshed. The sixth relegation spot is tied between Steve Williams and Ricky Steamboat, who wrestled to a draw in Round 3. Meanwhile, in the other divisions, The Enforcers, The Young Pistols and Nobuhiko Takada have all made serious strides towards promotion as they all remain undefeated after four rounds. The group finishes off by discussing Lex Luger’s phenomenal string of must-see-matches. Dangerously signs off with his touted quote, “It’s Saturday night, folks - Stay Dangerous!”


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- Nikita Koloff announced on a radio appearance that he is currently going through a divorce.


- Naoki Sano def. Masanobu Fuchi to win the AJPW World Jr Heavyweight championship for the first time. Also at AJPW Grand Champion Carnival, The team of Akira Taue and Toshiaki Kawada def. Doug Furnas and Dan Kroffat for the All Asia Tag Team Championships. And lastly at the event, Giant Baba claimed the Champion Carnival title against Hercules Hernandez in the main event, defeating Terry Funk and Stan Hansen en route. Sadly, the main event match was kind of a bust.


- Dan Severn has accepted an MMA fight. His camp will begin in two months time. WCW will acknowledge the ramifications of this on the Tag Team schedule this Saturday Night.


- Antonio Pena has founded the Asistencia Asesoria y Administracion in Mexico. This new promotion will look to officially host it’s first show within the next two months.


- Buddy Rose has announced his retirement from the ring. Well renown in the Pacific Northwest, Rose is an 8 time NWA pacific northwest Heavyweight champion and 11 time tag team champion. His retirement match saw him defeat John Rambo.


- The following individuals have entered the world of wrestling: Shoji Nakamaki, Jun Izumida, Masayuki Naruse, Billy Kidman, Mark Mercedes, Quinn Nash, Marty Rubalcaba, UK Undertaker, and Venum. Jun Izumida graduated from the All Japan Dojo and signed with the promotion right out of training.


- Down in Smoky Mountain Wrestling, Brian Lee broke his wrist. Lee has been a dark match wrestler for WCW for the past few months and is taking this injury as an opportunity to work on his physique.


- WCW is proud to announce that it has resigned Madusa to a 3 year contract. Many are wondering why as she hasn’t been considered as a focal point at any point.


The UWA has opted to cease talent trading with ULL, and has instead turned to CMLL, who have agreed to a talent trading agreement. Many see this as an effort to thwart any growth that AAA may experience.


- The FMW promotion continues to be under the microscope for their deathmatches, as Sambo Asako suffered an injury and is slated to be on the shelf for 4 months.







Prediction Grid:


Al Perez vs Kevin Von Erich

The Steiner Brothers vs The American Males

Southern Rockers vs Fabulous Freebirds

The Journeymen vs The Outsiders

Terrence Taylor vs Brian Pillman

Terry Gordy vs Barry Windham

Lex Luger vs Dan Spivey

Steve Williams vs Big Van Vader


::: Prediction Contest Leaderboard :::


The Lariat : 2/8 25%

monrapi3 : 18/46 40%

Egoshiha : 4/8 50%

Blodyxe : 8/14 58%

Smasher1311 : 28/48 59%

Satyr24 : 56/93 61%

The Blonde Bomber : 34/55 62%

Jaysin : 5/8 63%

ElectricX : 30/48 63%

Hollywood : 30/47 64%

Lord Byron : 65/101 65%

chasep197 : 25/38 66%

smw88 : 63/93 68%

Helginho : 31/46 68%

SonOfSharknado : 70/101 70%

DHK1989 : 71/101 71%

Dalton : 6/8 75%

Purotastic : 19/24 80%

Edited by CactusHack
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Al Perez vs Kevin Von Erich

The Steiner Brothers vs The American Males

Southern Rockers vs Fabulous Freebirds

The Journeymen vs The Outsiders

Terrence Taylor vs Brian Pillman

Terry Gordy vs Barry Windham

Lex Luger vs Dan Spivey

Steve Williams vs Big Van Vader

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Al Perez vs Kevin Von Erich

The Steiner Brothers vs The American Males

Southern Rockers vs Fabulous Freebirds

The Journeymen vs The Outsiders

Terrence Taylor vs Brian Pillman

Terry Gordy vs Barry Windham

Lex Luger vs Dan Spivey

Steve Williams vs Big Van Vader

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Al Perez vs Kevin Von Erich

The Steiner Brothers vs The American Males

Southern Rockers vs Fabulous Freebirds

The Journeymen vs The Outsiders

Terrence Taylor vs Brian Pillman

Terry Gordy vs Barry Windham

Lex Luger vs Dan Spivey

Steve Williams vs Big Van Vader

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MAY 92, WEEK 1 : EPISODE 92.13





“Welcome one and all, to wrestling’s Sabbath.” It’s opening week of Round 5 and the panel of Harley Race, Paul E Dangerously and Dusty Rhodes run through tonights card. Both Luger and Vader have opportunities to overtake Sting at the top of the Premier Division tonight, while on the flip side we have Terry Gordy, The Journeymen, The Freebirds and The Southern Rockers all competing to claim their first wins of the season. The panel discusses the poor start that the legendary Freebirds have had and question whether they can continue to compete at a high level. As well, the Head of New Initiatives Eric Bischoff has requested an opportunity to present to the audience the latest in developments that WCW has made. Dusty and Paul both laugh about this, saying that they think that Bischoff has let his position get to his head and is probably over-inflating his own importance here. They hope that the live audience boos him out of the building. After we get through the predictions, analysis and chatter, Harley sends things down to Lance Russell who is standing by with our officiating team for tonight.


Lance Russell introduces our officiating staff for tonight, Nick Patrick, Jimmy Jett and Hiroyuki Unno. Randy Anderson is manning the time keepers table.


4JmuT5Q.gifWe open our in-ring action with a beefy Elite Division matchup between the winless Terry Gordy and the .500 Barry Windham (with Dustin Rhodes in his corner). JR comments that just because Gordy has yet to win, doesn’t mean Windham can take this lightly. Gordy makes his entrance and the Freebirds accompany him onto the stage, giving him a last minute pep talk. Gordy rushes the ring and tackles Windham immediately, wailing away at him. They roll around, trading full mount positioning and tons of strikes, and roll to the outside of the ring. Gordy with a double ax handle blow to the sternum of Windham, following up by whipping him into the guardrails, but Windham hip tosses Gordy nastily into the railing. Schiavone comments that this is Terry’s 6th match in 8 days, and the pain he’s got to be in is unheard of - JR talks about how one week ago today Gordy retained the AJPW World Tag Team Champions with his Miracle Violence Connection partner, Steve Williams at AJPW Carnival Champion Grand Finale in a critically acclaimed epic.

Referee Nick Patrick is being lenient with the 10 count here, as the big boys continue to brawl on the outside. They finally get back into the ring and Barry gets tied up in the ropes where Gordy chops the ever-loving hell out of Barry’s chest. JR screams that he’s turning Barry into hamburger meat. Gordy hits several Big Boots in the corner now and Barry’s been busted open and Gordy’s looking tired. Barry fires back and the crowd is split right now. Windham flies with a top rope cross body for an outrageous near fall. He follows it up with a signature Bulldog, but Gordy gets his leg on the ropes, refusing to accept another loss! Out of nowhere, Gordy snaps off a Powerbomb and gets the three count! Terry Gordy wins!

Terry Gordy (1-4-0) def. Barry Windham (2-3-0) in 14:07.


tIJCQbI.gifIt’s time, for the Battle at the Bottom! Both teams are 0-4 to start the season, but no matter what, one of these two teams will cease to be pointless after this contest. Both teams are out there by themselves, but low and behold, the tag team division has come to witness this bout. The Killer Bees, Chaos By Nature, The Heavenly Bodies and The Fantastics are all in attendance at ringside. The crowd is engaged and are rallying behind the Freebirds after their partner Terry Gordy was victorious in the opening contest and they have energy in their favour. The opening bell sounds and Garvin spears Rex King for a near fall right off the bat! Rex King gets up and hits a sequence of pinning attempts to try and capture the win himself, but Garvin works back to his corner. Both competitors tag out and Hayes tries to rally the crowd, and love is in the air for the Freebirds tonight. We’ve seen them defeated by Legendary teams and rookie teams to start the season and last week’s defeat at the hands of the cheating Young Pistols seemed to curry the audiences love. Michael Hayes eats a flying forearm from Steve Doll, who goes right to work, stomping away at the 15 year veteran. Hayes rallies and gets back to his feet and takes a few wild swings that Doll dodges, so he resorts to a good old eye poke.

The Freebirds have the advantage now and double team Doll, but Doll escapes and flies to tag in Rex King - who comes in hot and knocks Garvin off the apron. Doll comes in and the Southern Rockers go for a double DDT, but Garvin hooks Dolls leg and pulls him to the outside. Hayes with an overhead suplex that he bridges and Rex King can’t kick out in time! Terry Gordy flies to the ring and the trio rejoices as they have picked up their first wins of the 1992 season! The Southern Rockers look on in disbelief as they remain pointless.

The Fabulous Freebirds (1-4-0) def. The Southern Rockers (0-5-0) in 8:04.




Magnum TA runs through the results from last night’s Main Event action, which saw Kevin Von Eric def. Al Perez and The Steiner Brothers def. The American Males.. In additional exhibitions, Robert Gibson, Jeff Jarrett and Scotty Flamingo defeated Great Sasuke, Ultimo Dragon and Mike Rapada, DDP def. Akio Sato, Greg Valentine def. Solar, and Brad Armstrong and Sledgehammer Anderson def. Mr. Hughes and Sgt Buddy Lee Parker.. JR’s indie spotlight was on previously highlighted talent, La Parka, who has continued to show promise.


6N44cno.jpgA promotional video for he South Atlantic Stronghold training camp airs. The Rock N Roll Express are shown teaching young talent Jeff Jarrett and Scotty Flamingo while Jerry Lawler talks to the camera. Lawler says that they are searching for the best young talent in the South East to take under their wings and bring to the promised land. Lawler talks himself up and talks about the developmental relationship that he has with the USWA promotion. Scotty Flamingo comes over and grabs Lawler on the shoulder. He turns to the camera and exclaims that South Atlantic Stronghold is currently recruiting, and we are only taking in the best. This advert has been paid for by Flamingo Corp Enterprises.


A segment is shown of Shooters Club training at a gym. We see Norman Smiley and Johnny B Badd sparring with them. Lance Russell interviews them, asking for comments on the recent announcement that Severn has taken an MMA fight. Severn says this is true and he will be taking a leave from WCW to accomplish this fight. Unfortunately this means that he will be missing several rounds of WCW action. He says that in his place, Ken has two amazing partners that he can choose from to fight alongside him.


Footage of a press conference is shown with the Dangerous Alliance - conspicuous by her absence however is Madusa. They talk about Rude, Anderson, and Zbyszko remaining undefeated after four rounds, and Austin and Tully both rebounding from difficult losses. The Dangerous Alliance believes that it is the most prominent collection of wrestlers in all of wrestling, and are looking for challengers. Paul E Dangerously then turns to the negatives, stating that one of their members hasn’t been pulling his weight. With a 1-3 record, Bobby Eaton is seriously underperforming and needs to step up, or else he’ll no longer be a part of this alliance. They live and breathe success, and have no room for failures. Eaton admits he needs to up his game. As they leave the podium, Austin asks Rude where Madusa is and Rude shrugs.


xaCkoRT.gifBack from our first intermission, and it’s time for our second of three Elite Division matches. Two large, muscular men eye each other from across the ring. Luger is accompanied by Harley Race, while Dan Spivey is accompanied by Steve Williams. JR talks about how the two men fought to a double DQ just two weeks ago in a brutal brawl and remain good friends, and wonders if the fact that neither man was able to win helped the friendship not face adversity. Schiavone touches on how Dr. Death has a major main event match tonight against Vader, and perhaps should be in the back preparing rather than being at ringside. Ron Simmons is shown in the front row, staring daggers at Lex Luger. Before the bell rings, Sting’s music hits and he joins Schiavone and JR at commentary. The booth discusses whether Sting is interested in the World championship, as the action kicks off in the ring. They start off slow, with Luger avoiding any real physical brawling and instead initiating some basic grappling. Luger takes initial control, grounding Spivey and working his arm. Sting talks about his match against Simmons last week, saying that the powerhouse failed to pay him decent respect inside the ring and was defeated as a result. Sting says that he doesn’t think that Simmons is ready for the world championship.

Luger continues to control Spivey, but Spivey rallies the crowd to fight back into this and finally gets this to degrade into a fist fight where he’s more dominant. Spivey throws Luger around and Luger gets frustrated, powdering to the outside where Harley calms him down. Williams goes over and tries to get Luger to go back into the ring and Luger pokes him in the eye - trying to entice a DQ perhaps? Williams gets pissed and Spivey has to give up his position of power in the ring by coming outside to calm Williams down and ensure he doesn’t get DQ’d. Luger attacks Spivey from behind and slams him into the ringside furniture. Luger brings the action back into the ring and laughs as he goes for the Torture Rack, but Spivey slides out and takes his head off with a big boot. Luger is reeling! Spivey with a few big moves for a very close fall - he calls for a DDT, but Harley jumps up on the apron and Spivey is distracted - Luger squirms out and hits the Attitude Adjustment piledriver for the win. Luger moves into first place in the Elite Division.

Lex Luger (4-0-1) def. Dan Spivey (1-3-1) in 17:05.


wr8Ptk0.gifMoving on now to the Outsiders (with Diamond Dallas Page) against The Journeymen who are looking to end their losing skid and pick up their first win of the season. JR comments that he hopes they are inspired by The Freebirds earlier this evening who were able to pick up their first wins of the season, but they have their work cut out for them against a larger team with a winning record in The Outsiders. Chris Adams starts things off with Studd, but Studd goads Snow into tagging himself in. Al Snow tries to take the fight to Studd, but gets rag dolled around the ring. Snow gets brought over to The Outsiders’ corner and they take control as Adams looks annoyed on his apron. Vinnie Vegas comes in and tosses Snow around a bit and laughs at him before lining him up for the Snake Eyes, but Snow drops out of it and sends Vegas into Studd head first. Snow with a near fall roll up and then Snow keeps at the attack. Adams screams directions at Snow, and Snow manages to take Vegas back to the corner for Adams to tag in. Adams works some basics and slows down the action a bit, before tagging in Snow. Snow hits two moves and then Adams tells him to tag back out, but Snow argues that he’s still fresh. Vegas manages to get out of the corner and tags Studd back in who takes control.

Studd owns Snow for a bit, before bringing Vegas back in. Adams is yelling directions and Vegas goes over to him and slaps him. Adams jumps into the ring and chaos ensues in the ring as all four men brawl. Things have broken down completely and this is all out war. Adams takes out Studd with a shot that sends him to the floor and then drags Snow’s limp body to the corner so he can tag himself in officially. Adams takes Vegas’ head off with a Superkick and this one is over! The Journeymen win!

The Journeymen (1-4-0) def. The Outsiders (2-2-1) in 12:20.






It’s time, for Inside the Squared Circle with Jesse Ventura and Magnum TA. Ventura wants to talk about The Outsiders and Barry Windham tonight as they failed to cash in on an opportunity to defeat low ranking opponents and elevate themselves. This is WCW, the highest level competition in wrestling, and you can’t take ANY opponent lightly, regardless of their current record. You don’t get to this stage by being someone that can be taken lightly, and you definitely don’t stay at this stage by taking anyone lightly. Ventura is especially disappointed in The Outsiders, as they are still raw and making a name for themselves right now and to lose focus in a match against a team that is struggling with their own synergy is extremely poor form. Magnum thinks that Ventura is undervaluing Chris Adams’ experience here, but Ventura rages at Magnum by saying that it doesn’t matter how good Adams is, he’s f*cking babysitting Al Snow who is failing to take in the mentorship that Chris Adams is providing.


Magnum sends things over to Dusty Rhodes, who shares the card for next week’s WCW Saturday Night Elite Division. Featured next week Rick Rude versus Butch Reed, Ron Simmons versus Nikita Koloff and Ricky Steamboat versus One Man Gang. Also promoted is Nobuhiko Takada versus Jushin Liger in a heavily anticipated battle of undefeated competitors in Division Two.


Eric Bischoff makes a surprise entrance, to little fanfare. He says he’s here tonight for a massive announcement, set to alter the landscape of wrestling. For this announcement, he invites TBS owner, Ted Turner to be on hand. Turner joins Bischoff on the staging area, and the announce booth is pretty much speechless. Bischoff shakes Turner’s hand and says that the past year has seen a rise in women’s wrestling. Promotions that feature women’s wrestling are growing. Earlier this year, Bischoff went to a Ladies Major League Wrestling show and watch a mixed of sport and burlesque that was unparalleled to anything being presented on National television. With that said, the WCW has acted on wanting to be involved in the Women’s Wrestling scene, and TBS is supporting that decision. WCW and TBS are proud to announce the joint purchase of the Ladies Pro Wrestling Association promotion, and are re-locating the promotion to the Atlanta base. LPWA will be the first All-Female promotion to adopt the WCW approach to wrestling.


This decision means change for the promotion - WCW and TBS want to ensure that at the helm of the program are staff ready to work within the shared vision of WCW. So WCW and TBS family are proud to welcome Ole Anderson back into the family to take over day-to-day operations of LPWA. Ole comes out and waves to the crowd. Eric continues, talking about the quality expectations that are in place for LPWA. Bischoff states that last week he was on assignment in Japan and had a chance to watch some of the wrestlers in the world, regardless of gender, competing in All Japan Women’s Pro Wrestling. So, without further ado, he presents some of the talent being welcomed to America to compete in LPWA. Bull Nakano, Akira Hokuto and Lioness Asuka all grace the stage as well. On top of these wonderful ladies who compete in the Orient, LPWA will also feature the talent of their existing roster, as this lady: Madusa comes out onto the stage and waves to the crowd. Bischoff finishes off by promoting the first event under the new LPWA Super Ladies Banner, this coming Thursday, kicking off round one of LPWA’s tournament. This is shocking.


nm9lU8m.gifIt’s time for our only Division Two contest of the evening, as Terrence Taylor enters with Bam Bam Bigelow and Teddy Long at his side. JR comments that their fellow stable mate Nobuhiko Takada competed earlier this evening in Japan, defeating Masashi Aoyagi for the UWFi promotion, and his team is looking to continue their hot streak in WCW. His opponent tonight is Brian Pillman who enters with Tom Zenk. Pillman has started his season strong, and is looking to continue his run towards promotion to the Elite Division. The two feel each other out, and Pillman shows off his speed much like Liger did against Taylor, but Taylor continues to stick to his game of grounded the faster wrestlers and deploying technical strength. Taylor works the ankle of Pillman and hopes to ground him. But Pillman is tenacious and fights back with some innovative strikes. They fight fist-to-fist and Pillman has the upper hand, but Taylor kicks out his ankle and moves straight to an ankle lock.

Pillman gets out of the hold, but the damage seems done - still though he fights back and sends Taylor to the floor, before launching himself over the ropes and cross bodying Taylor on the ground below. Pillman winces in pain and grasps his ankle, but takes the fight to Taylor all the same along the outside, throwing him into everything and anything, doing tons of damage to Taylor who is on spaghetti legs. Pillman rolls Taylor back into the ring, and tells the crowd he’s going for the finish! Pillman goes for the Flying Forearm, but his ankle gives out on him as he springs off the ropes, sending him flopping to the ground. Taylor swoops in and pins him a La Magistral Cradle. Taylor moves up the rankings.

Terrence Taylor (3-1-1) def. Brian Pillman (3-2-0) in 16:40.


3BjeIDR.gifIt’s time, for the main event! Out comes Big Van Vader with Cactus Jack in his corner as JR talks about how Vader teamed with Masahiro Chono to become the NJPW IWGP World Tag Team Champions by defeating Keiji Mutoh and Hiroshi Hase. Vader and Chono’s partnership began in Japan shortly after Superbrawl 92, when Chono lost to Sting and Mutoh. Chono had become obsessed with defeating Mutoh for the tag team championships and began an alliance with Vader. His opponent tonight is Steve Williams, who comes out alone tonight and this is a battle of two huge men. They lock up immediately and neither man can get an advantage of strength, so Williams floats behind and trips Vader, straddles him and starts clubbing away to a roaring ovation from the crowd. Vader gets out of it and kicks out Dr. Death’s leg from the ground. He jumps up to his feet and runs over Steve Williams and follows it up with a devastating senton splash. He goes to work on the midsection, looking to knock any wind out of Steve Williams he can. Vader lets his opponent get up in the corner, where Vader just starts kneeing him in the midsection viciously. Vader locks in a bear hug and Williams is fading fast, but he claps Vader’s ears and gets out of it. Williams then charges Vader, sending him to the outside and buying Williams some time to recuperate inside the ring.

The two men beat the shit out of each other for another 10 minutes with no clear advantage. Finally, Vader seems to be getting control as time is winding down. Vader goes for his Powerbomb, but holds his back in agony and can’t lift Williams. Williams takes a turn going for a Doctor Bomb, but can’t get Vader up and both men fall. They get up, sprint at each other and hit mutual lariats, knocking both men down. The crowd gets on their feet and cheers, and the clock expires for a time limit draw. The two men slowly get to their feet and shake hands.

Big Van Vader (3-0-2) and Steve Williams (1-1-3) went to a 20 minute draw.




Jesse Ventura announces this weeks three stars:

3. Steve Williams

2. Lex Luger

1. Vader (wins $10,000 wrestler of the night bonus).


Back at the broadcast panel, the team recaps the nights events, showing replays and providing analysis of the night that was. We go through an updated look at the standings, where Luger has taken over first place, with Sting a point behind and Vader two points behind. Terry Gordy took his first step tonight in avoiding relegation from the Elite Division with his first win of the season, while Steve Williams’ amazing performance unfortunately leaves him on a string of three straight draws. Dusty comments that if Dr. Death wants to be in the running to win this competition, he has got to learn to finish matches and quickly. Paul then turns and talks about Division Two, with Teddy Long’s boys absolutely owning that division at the moment. Harley talks about the major announcement from Eric Bischoff, but Paul takes off his headset, apologies and says he’s not doing this tonight and walks off the set. Dusty tries to salvage the finish by saying that he guesses this week, it’s up to the audience to stay safe?


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Immediately after the show, Paul Heyman is seen storming through the backstage area, and storms a production truck where Kip Allen Frey is stationed. Heyman grabs Kip by the collar and thrusts him against the wall. Several producers leave the area, searching for security to quell the situation. Jody Hamilton, Ron West and Teddy Long jump in between between Kip and Paul, pulling Paul back while Kip grasps at his neck.



Paul Heyman

“What the f*ck! You nerdy ass prick! You told me to work with Bischoff, to listen to his ideas and put up with his garbage and you’d knock him down to size and instead, you f*cking take him to Japan with you and have him schmooze with Ted Turner let him appear as the brains behind buying an entire f*cking company?

“Did I do something wrong, did I say the wrong thing to you? What was it that I did that caused you to f*ck me over like this - to lie directly to my face!?! And JR too? Is everyone out to get me here?”



Kip Frey

“No… no it’s not like that Paul…”



Paul Heyman

“You think you can lie your way out of this now? That you can talk your way out of this? Tell me to my f*cking face what is wrong with me. Tell me right now, what exactly I’ve done wrong so that I can understand this bullshit! Then I can go my own way at peace with the situation. Just be a f*cking man and tell me what it is, because you f*cked me here, you got me losing my f*cking marbles.”



Kip Frey

“… Paul, you didn’t do anything wrong. You have this whole situation misunderstood…”



Paul Heyman

“NO F*CKING LIES! You try and lie to me one more time, I’ll f*cking end you right here.”



Kip Frey

“I believe you Paul, and I’m terribly sorry… but I… f*ck, I don’t know man…”



Paul Heyman

“Yeah, that’s right, you got no f*cking words. You’re a nerd who’s used to messing with suits, but you overstepped here bud, you’re messing with men who won’t hesitate to break your nose if you rub them the wrong way.”



Kip Frey

“No… I get that. And I am confident in my decision making still… The thing is, Paul… The thing is that I didn’t know about the purchase. I’m just as shocked as you are. I don’t understand why this wasn’t run by me at all, I’m a venture capitalist, this is my bread and butter, why wouldn’t Eric talk to me about it?”



Paul Heyman

“What do you mean you don’t know about this, your his f*ckin buddy and his f*ckin boss? You guys were in Japan together, where he got the f*ckin joshis. Not even a full week ago, all under your nose? You telling me you are clueless to this all? Go fire the guy for working outside of the structure then!”



Kip Frey

“I... He… Bischoff is just…. It’s complicated, Paul. I want him to be put back in place around here, but he is looking at this all in a bigger way than the rest, and I’m so confused.”



Paul Heyman

“And Ole getting hired back?”



Kip Frey

“I didn’t have a clue, Paul. I’m just as surprised as you are. I’m going to meet with Turner this week and try and understand this all. We need to stick together now more than ever, or else Eric’s going to end up as everyone’s boss…”


Security arrived in the production truck and Frey asked that they leave - that the situation is under control. Paul regained composure and was going over and over what Frey said in his head. It didn’t add up - how could Bischoff have bought a company with Turner without Frey knowing? Was Frey’s run at the top of WCW over before it ever truly began? The company had turned around so strongly over the first quarter under Frey’s leadership - surely Turner believes in him and wouldn’t replace him for no reason?

Edited by CactusHack
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- Billy Robinson has announced his retirement from wrestling.

- AAA begins it’s efforts to establish it’s initial roster, hiring El Chocolate Amargo, Ciclon Ramierz, Miss Janeth, Apolo Dantes, Arturo Rivera, Zuleyma, Bestia Salvaje, Blue Demon Jr, India Sioux 0, Masakre, Atlantis, Rey Misterio, Tony Rumble, El Signo, Bird Man, Esther Moreno, La Chola, Picudo, Mr. Elektro, Kiss, Angel Azteca, Mascara And 2000, Pepe Tropicasas, Perro Aguayo, Rayo De Jalisco Jr, Sangre Chicana, Universe 2000, MS-1, Carlos Oliver, Rocco Valente, Rayo Tapatio I, Mascarita Sagrada, May Flowers, Pirata Morgan, Super Raton, Nitro, Crane, Ice Killer, Solar II, El Sanguinario, Danny Boy, Loco Valentino, Angel Mortal, Mascara Sagrada, Black Shadow Jr, Ojo Diabolico, Cachorro Mendoza, Black Man, Jeque, Volador, Kahoz, Brazo de Plato, Guardia, Hooligan, and Rayo Tapatio II. They held their first TV show this week and are off to a great start.

- At ECW Wrestlepalooza 92, Johnny Hotbody defeated The Sandman to become the Television Champion for the first time.

- Negro Casas sustained an injury at a UWA show, during a trios match against Mil Muertes, Silver King and Scorpio.

- Don Owen, the owner of PNW, has announced his retirement in three months time. The PNW roster vocalized concern about the future of the company given this development.

- Villano I defeated El Signo at UWA Lineas De Batalla to reclaim the UWA World Lightweight Championship. This is his second title reign.

- Danny Davis def. Eric Embry at USWA’s Bad Obsession Event to become the USWA Southern Heavyweight Champion for the first time. Meanwhile, the Moondogs were defeated by Jeff Jarrett and Billy Travis, resulting in Jarrett and Travis winning the USWA World Tag Team championships for the first time.

- Bill Kazmaier announced his retirement. The 38 year old was released from the WCW at the beginning of the year as part of the management shake up and failed to find work afterwards.

- Legendary masked english wrestler Kendo Nagasaki (Real name, Peter Thornley) has announced his retirement. Known for his time in World of Sport and All Star Wrestling, Nagasaki will complete a retirement tour before saying farewell.

- 63 year old Gene Kiniski, former NWA and AWA world champion, has torn his quad in a match against Billy Jack Strong up in West Four Wrestling Association (Based out of Canada). The match headlined a strong card that acted as a coming out party for the promotion which saw itself rise to ‘Small’ Sized. Unfortunately for the legend, his injury will cost him what is most likely his last year of his career.







Prediction Grid:


Samoan Savage vs Jerry Lawler

Heavenly Bodies vs Chaos By Nature

Steve Austin vs Cactus Jack

Rock N Roll Express vs The Killer Bees

Nobuhiko Takada © vs Jushin Liger for the WCW TV Championship

Ricky Steamboat vs One Man Gang

Ron Simmons vs Nikita Koloff

Rick Rude vs Butch Reed


::: Prediction Contest Leaderboard :::


The Lariat : 2/8 25%

monrapi3 : 18/46 40%

Egoshiha : 4/8 50%

Blodyxe : 8/14 58%

Satyr24 : 58/101 58%

Smasher1311 : 33/56 59%

The Blonde Bomber : 39/63 62%

Old School Fan : 5/8 63%

Jaysin : 5/8 63%

ElectricX : 30/48 63%

Hollywood : 34/53 64%

Lord Byron : 70/109 65%

chasep197 : 25/38 66%

SonOfSharknado : 73/109 67%

smw88 : 68/101 68%

Helginho : 31/46 68%

DHK1989 : 74/109 68%

Dalton : 6/8 75%

Purotastic : 19/24 80%

Edited by CactusHack
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Samoan Savage vs Jerry Lawler

Heavenly Bodies vs Chaos By Nature

Steve Austin vs Cactus Jack

Rock N Roll Express vs The Killer Bees

Nobuhiko Takada © vs Jushin Liger for the WCW TV Championship

Ricky Steamboat vs One Man Gang

Ron Simmons vs Nikita Koloff

Rick Rude vs Butch Reed

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Samoan Savage vs Jerry Lawler (Gotta go with the King in this one)

Heavenly Bodies vs Chaos By Nature (Any team with Cornette in their corner is bound to have the edge)

Steve Austin vs Cactus Jack (As deranged as Cactus is, "Stunning" Steve will still pull a win out from his sleeve)

Rock N Roll Express vs The Killer Bees (The four-time NWA World Tag Team Champions will narrowly edge this one out)

Nobuhiko Takada © vs Jushin Liger for the WCW TV Championship ("Thunder" is building his legacy as one of the greatest cruiserweights in the business, but for now, that won't help here against Takada)

Ricky Steamboat vs One Man Gang ("The Dragon" takes it via DQ, at least)

Ron Simmons vs Nikita Koloff (The "All-American" is on the rise and working his way to World title contention; for all his power and skills, Nikita won't be stopping Simmons here)

Rick Rude vs Butch Reed (The ever-devious "Ravishing One" will take this one, even though Reed is a former NWA World Tag Team Champ as part of Doom)

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Samoan Savage vs Jerry Lawler

Heavenly Bodies vs Chaos By Nature

Steve Austin vs Cactus Jack

Rock N Roll Express vs The Killer Bees

Nobuhiko Takada © vs Jushin Liger for the WCW TV Championship

Ricky Steamboat vs One Man Gang

Ron Simmons vs Nikita Koloff

Rick Rude vs Butch Reed

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Samoan Savage vs Jerry Lawler

Heavenly Bodies vs Chaos By Nature

Steve Austin vs Cactus Jack

Rock N Roll Express vs The Killer Bees

Nobuhiko Takada © vs Jushin Liger for the WCW TV Championship

Ricky Steamboat vs One Man Gang

Ron Simmons vs Nikita Koloff

Rick Rude vs Butch Reed

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Samoan Savage vs Jerry Lawler

Lawler is Heavyweight champion material

Heavenly Bodies vs Chaos By Nature

Steve Austin vs Cactus Jack

Rock N Roll Express vs The Killer Bees

Nobuhiko Takada © vs Jushin Liger for the WCW TV Championship

Ricky Steamboat vs One Man Gang

Ron Simmons vs Nikita Koloff

I’ll be really disappointed if Simmons doesn’t win. I wanna see him against Luger again!

Rick Rude vs Butch Reed

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Samoan Savage vs Jerry Lawler

Heavenly Bodies vs Chaos By Nature

Steve Austin vs Cactus Jack

Rock N Roll Express vs The Killer Bees

Nobuhiko Takada © vs Jushin Liger for the WCW TV Championship

Ricky Steamboat vs One Man Gang

Ron Simmons vs Nikita Koloff

Rick Rude vs Butch Reed

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