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[HYPE] EXWrestling (Original Mod for TEW20)

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Circle City Wrestling, based in Indianapolis, IN
Core/Current Product: Family Friendly Pro Wrestling


Maximum Championship Wrestling, based in Chicago, IL
Core/Current Product: Wrestling Nerd Nirvana
Talent Trades With: DREAM (Japan), RPLL (Mexico)


Bluegrass Pro Wrestling, based in Lexington, KY
Core/Current Product: Hokey Southern Rasslin


Longhorn Pro Wrestling, based in Dallas, TX
Core/Current Product: Classic Wild West


FEMME, based in Minneapolis, MN
Core/Current Product: Competitive Entertainment


New Era Wrestling
Global Wrestling Alliance developmental
Core/Current Product: Guerilla Warfare


Pacific Storm Wrestling, based in Seattle, WA
Core/Current Product: World Fusion


Metro Pro Wrestling, based in Memphis, TN
Core Product: Classic Southern Rasslin
Current Product: Modern Throwback


South Beach Pro, based in Miami Beach, FL
Core Product/Current Product: Wrestling Burlesque


FUSION Pro Wrestling, based in Los Angeles, CA
Core/Current Product: Lucharesu Entertainment

Global Wrestling Alliance, based in New York, NY
Core Product: Wrestling Soap Opera
Current Product: Three Ring Circus


Dark Side Wrestling, based in Philadelphia, PA
Core Product: Anti-Establishment Hardcore
Current Product: Fast, Furious, and Deadly


Grand Tiger Wrestling, based in New York, NY
Core/Current Product: East Meets West




Island Pro Wrestling, based in San Juan, PR
Core/Current Product: Puerto Rican Hardcore

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Progress is still rolling along on the American scene and filling out rosters... the feds in the previous post are currently the planned feds for America. There's a decent spread of playstyles and products to be found, and each roster will have its own unique ins & outs. Metro Pro Wrestling (MPW), for example, is a Memphis-based promotion that used to present a Classic Southern Rasslin product, but have switched to a Modern Throwback style in recent years to try and grow their business. Despite that, the roster itself remains very southern-tinged at this time with several of their bigger names on the cusp of moving to bigger feds.

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America is taking shape quite well, I plan on getting into some editor work later this week and really starting to to hammer down the companies in the United States (14 of the currently 28 playable promotions are located in the country). Each promotion has workers, staff, place on the card, and gimmick in place on the spreadsheet/in the notes.

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  • Looking for render artists who are willing to make original renders and/or grant permission permission for use of their work in the mod
  • Renders on standard CVerse background


@King Bison and @smw88 have both been kind enough to give their permission, and lots of their work is already in place for workers. However, their are lots of original characters who are going to require unique renders, and lots of more mundane things like referees and broadcasters need done as well. There is PLENTY of time for work to take place on renders as in-editor work is just beginning in earnest, but, I'll be honest, I'm looking for render artists now to add to the team to help keep myself motivated. I have trouble focusing on things for too long, and I really, really want this to be released to the community in the relatively near future. So, that said... yeah, looking for render artists. :)

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21 hours ago, liontamer said:

Assuming the links still work, feel free to steal and of my old renders for companies/titles.  If I still have the PSP image (I lost of a lot of them when my computer crashed years ago), I might be able to edit some if needed.

I took a look through the forum history, and it seems most of your stuff got eaten in the transfer over to the new forums-- possibly because you might not have permission to post HTML on the new forums? I really appreciate it, though! If you could point me to a ZIP file or Google Drive or something of the like with your stuff in it, I'd be happy to add it in where we can, though!

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One of the major characters I'm looking for an original render for is Yoshihiro Yamada, aka The Green Demon-- this unique character will need two renders, one without facepaint and one with facepaint as his character, The Green Demon. This character came about after jealousy over his mentor, Shin Nishimura, overtook Yamada and morphed him into the jealous Green Demon character. When the mod begins, The Green Demon is positioned as the recent DREAM World Champion after turning on his mentor and winning the title from him. Yamada is a Japanese Light Heavyweight wrestler.


EDIT: @Markw has put together a killer render for this particular character, but always willing to accept more help with the others!

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Bushido Blood Pro

Core/Current Product: Junior-Deathmatch
Talent Trades With: Dark Side Wrestling (USA)

Owned by "Stoneface" Taro Takahasi, who is also one of their biggest stars, Bushido Blood Pro features an interesting mix of fast-paced Japanese junior wrestling, and violent strong style wrestling that is amped up to bloody deathmatches.



Core Product: Lucharesu

Current Product: Lucharesu Amped Up

Run by DRAGON Kaneko, DRAGONBREATH is an entertainment company with no weight limits. Featuring colorful characters and mostly smaller wrestlers, they provide quality wrestling in a very valuable Japanese niche.


Pro Wrestling DREAM

Core/Current Product: Classic Mainstream Puroresu

Talent Trades With: Maximum Championship Wrestling (USA), Real Promoción de Lucha Libre (Mexico)

Founded on the back of the DREAM Crisis walkout of United Japan Pro Wrestling, DREAM has been making their rise in Japan for the better part of a decade now. Fueled by the story of the legendary Shin Nishimura's protege, Yoshihiro Yamada, turning evil with jealousy into the villainous Green Demon character, Pro Wrestling DREAM might just be poised to make a run at being the top promotion in all of Japan.


United Japan Pro Wrestling

Core Product: Royal Puro

Current Product: Wrestling As A Sport

Formed in 1984 by the merging of Pro Wrestling Japan, the Japanese Wrestling Federation, and Asian International Wrestling, their first show was held on New Year's Eve of that year. The lineage of their Heavyweight Triple Crown dates back to the 1950's thanks to this union, and remains the most prestigious title in all of wrestling despite the company's reputation in the modern era for being unwilling to change with the times. Still the top company in Japan, even more so than the worldwide juggernaut that is the Global Wrestling Alliance, times are tough for UJPW and they have only recently started to adapt... but is it too late?


Wild Lotus Joshi Wrestling

Core/Current Product: Respectful Wrestling

The newest promotion on the Japanese scene, Wild Lotus Joshi Wrestling (or just LOTUS) is the first all-women's promotion to find success in Japan since the early 1990's. This could be thanks to their style of incorporating angles and storylines alongside a quality in-ring product.

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The year is 2015, and United Japan Pro Wrestling is riding high atop the Japanese scene with DRAGONBREATH as the only other important promotion in the country. But, DRAGONBREATH presents what many consider to be a niche product with their lucha-inspired characters and storylines; the real competition for UJPW is coming from outside the islands as the Global Wrestling Alliance is growing into a true global powerhouse. There is a growing faction of talent inside UJPW who insist that the promotion needs to change or risk losing their prominence on the islands.

United Japan Pro Wrestling, at this time, heavily featured a mix of shoot-style fighters and stiff, strong style wrestlers with very little character work outside of the junior heavyweight division. Storylines mirrored boxing and mixed martial arts more closely than traditional pro wrestling, with many rivalries based around “fight trilogies” and lots of talk about “prize fights” and “winner’s purses.” The glitz and glamor wasn’t there, not even in wrestler entrances; internet fans refer to the era as the “Black Tights Era” of UJPW since more than half the roster wore plain, black wrestling gear which used to be reserved for young lions.

Ichiro Hirano was positioned as the winner of UJPW’s 2015 Pro Wrestling Grand Prix for the first time in his career. Many backstage were hopeful that his positioning as the winner was a sign of changes to come since Hirano portrayed a colorful showman in stark contrast to the stoic stars of UJPW at the time. The changing of the guard was not to be, however, as former UJPW CEO Takumi Fujimoto informed Hirano that the plans for December’s big season finale show would include current UJPW Triple Crown Champion Minoru Kanzaki (who, to this day, still wrestles in plain black wrestling gear) retaining the title and leading the company into the new year.

Due to this news, Hirano was a no-show at the press conference leading up to his planned Triple Crown title match with Kanzaki. Days later, Hirano announced he was launching a new promotion: Pro Wrestling DREAM. Shocking the Japanese media, Hirano announced more than a dozen talents had left United Japan Pro Wrestling to form the new promotion. The first DREAM World Champion would be determined in the first-ever Dreamscape Challenge, a round robin tournament that mirrored UJPW’s highly successful Pro Wrestling Grand Prix; Hirano would defeat Kentaro Nakashima in the finals.


UJPW stars who left for DREAM…
Ichiro Hirano, considered the next big star for UJPW when he left, Hirano made headlines when he won the Pro Wrestling Grand Prix in 2015 and made even more when he no-showed the press conference to promote his title match with Minoru Kanzaki. Went on to form DREAM days later and became a decorated World champion and Dreamscape Challenge winner. He recently retired from in-ring work to become DREAM CEO.


Shin Nishimura, a talented performer who was being relegated to training at the UJPW Dojo and multi-man matches where he was just there to take the pinfall thanks to a falling out with former UJPW CEO Takumi Fujimoto; few were surprised when Nishimura joined Hirano in the walkout as it was widely recognized that Fujimoto was holding back a potential star.


KENJI, the first Japanese National Champion for UJPW shocked the company when he walked out, but many backstage saw it coming as his size made a Triple Crown reign unlikely. Known for his uncanny charisma and how it translated to his hope spots against the bigger men of UJPW, as well as his stiff kicks, KENJI has gone on to great success in DREAM; this includes a DREAM World title reign, and being the 2021 Dreamscape Challenge winner.


Yoshi Sato, had recently graduated from young boy status with a string of impressive victories over lauded UJPW talent and seemed primed for the big time; his no-nonsense in-ring style was accompanied by an MMA-influenced gimmick he was outspoken about hating, and unhappiness over how his push was to unfold led to him walking out with Hirano and the others. Now plays a gruff, mountain man-style character known for his brute strength and impactful in-ring style.


Kentaro Nakashima, a muscled heavyweight bruiser and puro purist who shocked many by walking out to join DREAM; used the opportunity DREAM presented to perfect a larger than life character who became known as “The God Slayer” after defeating Ichiro Hirano in both the Dreamscape Challenge and the main event of their year-end supercard in 2017


Haruki Fujita, trained by the UJPW Dojo system and with them from young boy to star, Fujita had been with UJPW for over 20 years to a small amount of success, but never anywhere near the Triple Crown title picture because he was “too showy to be taken seriously” in the eyes of former CEO Takumi Fujimoto. Left for Pro Wrestling DREAM where he was an instant success with his charismatic, colorful badass character. Shocked the puro world again by signing with GWA in 2020 while he was still DREAM World Heavyweight Champion.


Yoshihiro Yamada, a young boy who was trained by Shin Nishimura at the UJPW Dojo when the DREAM Crisis happened. Nishimura convinced Yamada that he would be punished for the sins of his mentor if he stayed with UJPW, so Yamada left for DREAM where he would be positioned as a future star for the company. For years, he would be talked about as a “future star” and his jealousy would grow on the sidelines until he turned on his mentor Shin Nishimura after losing to him in the finals of the Dreamscape Challenge in 2022.

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