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How do you manage worker momentum?

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In all my long term saves all of my workers who are Recognizable - Major Star always end up stuck with white hot momentum. I honestly do not what to change about my booking to try and cool workers off. At this point I play with momentum turned off, otherwise workers never lose pop from losing matches and everyone ends up either a Major Star or Star.

The guidebook states that a worker can lose momentum from losses, poor performance, and reversals in angles. In my current save I'm 20 years deep and Ricky Steamboat seems to have gotten a horrible destiny roll as his stats are pretty average. I'd like to have him drop down to a lower-mid card roll and help build new talent, despite going 6 - 37 over 2 years his momentum has only dropped from white hot to very warm. Are there some specific road agent notes I should be using? Also what exactly is a 'reversal in angles'? I usually just use freestyle angles and the only road agent notes are cameo, turn, title change, bumps, advance/end storyline. Other thoughts, do workers receive bonus momentum by having matches/angles on monthly events compared to TV?

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1 hour ago, Jaysounder said:

Also what exactly is a 'reversal in angles'? I usually just use freestyle angles and the only road agent notes are cameo, turn, title change, bumps, advance/end storyline. Other thoughts, do workers receive bonus momentum by having matches/angles on monthly events compared to TV?

When you book an angle, towards the right there is a dropdown for each worker where you can select from Major Defeat, Defeat, Minor Defeat, Neutral (I think), Minor Success, Success, or Major Success. If you select one of the defeat options, I believe it has negative impacts on momentum (and the opposite if you pick one of the success options).

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