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The League, Redux: Seasons 8 and Beyond Game Thread

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Doing some quick maintenance and prep work on the master spreadsheet for Omega this season…

…there are (tentatively) 23 participants in Omega coming up. This includes 6 new GMPCs that I still need to put into the game database and do all the work on; I have ideas for them on my spreadsheet but no actual game work done yet.

Holy heck. What have I agreed to get myself into?!

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Early morning Friday update:

There exists a chance that the show gets posted tonight instead of tomorrow morning. Snow’s coming into my area and with nothing else to do tonight (aside from games) I may try to get week two up a few hours earlier.


EDIT TO ADD: if they ever let me leave the bloody office that is…

Edited by ShadowedFlames
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fTtB0pK.jpg UOpfoyB.jpg (8) George Stevens (0-1, OVR 400)  (Favorite, 50.002%)


(5) Mickey Steele (0-1, OVR 402) vC6SXqZ.jpg OndApuF.jpg

After how The League opened the show last week, it was going to be very difficult for those starting this week’s show to match that output. Not to say that they didn’t try, but this match was a slower-paced brawl instead of a clash of styles between a technician and an entertaining brawler. Stevens ate a blow and a half for every one he dished out, and despite the size difference that’s not a trade rate he could sustain for long. Steele pulled away after thwarting Everything’s Bigger in Texas on two separate occasions, and the kick to the temple was enough to garner the three and his first victory on the main roster.

Mickey Steele (1-1) def. George Stevens (0-2) via Pinfall (Mickey Finn) in 5:50.  Rating: **

Changes for Mickey Steele:  OVR + 3.29, XP + 482.80, no notable damage

Changes for George Stevens:  OVR + 0.37, XP + 120.70, minor damage to head



fTtB0pK.jpg fYy1oxq.jpg (3) Scott Stevens (1-0, OVR 425)


 (Favorite, 55.36%) (4) Leon de Ramos (1-0, OVR 406) zBWrwLg.jpg

Yeowch. Less said about this one, the better. Stevens looked like he had an early advantage, but he let Leon get a few too many moves chained together. By the time Stevens found a way back onto offense, it didn’t last all that long and was far too late. It only took Leon two attempts to land a DDT through the table he introduced into the contest, and this was over before ten minutes had elapsed

Leon de Ramos (2-0) def. Scott Stevens (1-1) via Table Break (DDT) in 8:46.  Rating: *

Changes for Leon de Ramos:  OVR + 2.41, XP + 443.86, no notable damage

Changes for Scott Stevens:  OVR -0.15, XP + 110.96, no notable damage



BEVGy0x.jpg (2) Nocturne (1-0, OVR 432)  (Favorite, 50.04%)


(1) Rock Sheridan (1-0, OVR 405) 5vWV1hg.jpg

Nocturne showed last week that she could tap out people much larger than her. Would she be able to do the same thing this week against a certifiable giant? In the opening five minutes, it didn’t look like she’d have the chance, as Sheridan asserted his size advantage early and often. It wasn’t until the big man missed a knee drop that Nocturne started to find her way back into the match. It wasn’t smooth sailing for her, as she ate a Welcome to Tacoma, but managed to avoid the Grit City Lariat and take down Sheridan with a chop block. That swung the momentum in her favor, and a Russian legsweep was chained into the Midnight Solstice. Despite his size and being able to easily pull Nocturne with him to the ropes, the tenacity of her grasp on the hold was enough to force the tap out.

Nocturne (2-0) def. Rock Sheridan (1-1) via Submission (Midnight Solstice) in 11:38.  Rating: **

Changes for Nocturne:  OVR + 3.58, XP + 485.58, minor damage to head

Changes for Rock Sheridan:  OVR + 0.41, XP + 121.40, no notable damage



Nks15x0.jpg (6) Sterling Silver (0-1, OVR 447)  (Favorite, 54.17%)


 (6) Diamond (0-1, OVR 479) 0rDaDU8.jpg

Absolutely nothing worth reporting about in this match. It was entirely one-sided, with Diamond needing less than five minutes to put Silver down with a Jawjacker followed by a 24 Karat Kiss. Silver just never seemed to get out of the starting gates this week, and the First Lady of The League made her pay for it in decisive fashion. Overall, not a great showing from the Delta Division as a while this week.

Diamond (1-1) def. Sterling Silver (0-2) via Pinfall (24 Karat Kiss) in 4:52.  Rating: *

Changes for Diamond:  OVR + 2.16, XP + 442.14, no notable damage

Changes for Sterling Silver:  OVR -0.36, XP + 110.54, minor damage to head



9q89H6M.jpg (3) Lance Heartilly (1-0, OVR 449)  (Favorite, 60.57%)


 (5) Markus Clay (0-1, OVR 477) N0Y594C.jpg

Our first taste of Gamma Division action tonight led to an underwhelming bout. Clay actually held the advantage for the majority of the bout, forcing Heartilly to fight from behind. Heartilly managed to escape a pin off a springboard legdrop, and had taken some of the momentum back as he put Clay into range for the Arm Breaker, at least. In a fit of desperation, Clay blatantly went to the eyes of Heartilly, and connected with a spear while Heartilly was still half-blinded. The referee got to three, and despite glares from the man in the striped shirt, Clay emerges from week two with a victory!

Markus Clay (1-1) def. Lance Heartilly (1-1) via Pinfall (spear) in 11:10.  Rating: **

Changes for Markus Clay:  OVR + 3.56, XP + 558.16, minor damage to head

Changes for Lance Heartilly:  OVR + 0.40, XP + 139.54, no notable damage



4ZAKk1I.jpg (1) Kichi Hida (1-0, OVR 464)  (Favorite, 55.78%)


 (5) Terrance Stevens (0-1, OVR 483) 6r4P9L8.jpg

The first Match of the Night contender of the evening, this was more one-sided than you would believe if you looked solely at the rating and time.  The opening few minutes were more Hida than Stevens, as the Ringmaster of the Carnival of Violence showed why she was exactly that, blasting Stevens with blow after blow. A Funhouse Stomp was followed by Bumper Kars, and Hida looked to be well in control of proceedings. After a variated spear, Hida pulled Stevens to his feet and landed flush with Eternal Violence. The one downside is that the impact busted Stevens open, and he immediately lunged on the attack. His offensive flurry lasted maybe sixty seconds before Hida took control again, and resumed punishing Stevens for having the audacity of not staying down after the knee. In the end, a low blow softened up Stevens enough that a second Eternal Violence did the deed, and Hida wins a match that had no right, in the author’s view, to end up in discussion for Match of the Night as it was barely just above a squash.

Kichi Hida (2-0) def. Terrance Stevens (0-2) via Pinfall (Eternal Violence) in 11:28.  Rating: ***

Changes for Kichi Hida:  OVR + 4.76, XP + 604.86, minor damage to head

Changes for Terrance Stevens:  OVR + 1.20, XP + 151.21, major damage to head, minor damage to body



d7FEgH5.jpg (5) Reverend Johnny Gross (0-1, OVR 502)  (Favorite, 54.04%)


(2) Pulsar (1-0, OVR 484) VfA2MW8.jpg

Brought to just barely above the level of a squash match, Gross was heavily outmatched on this night. He seemed a step or two slower than normal and while he did get enough offense in to push Pulsar a bit, the luchador was never in any real danger. It only took Pulsar one trip to the turnbuckles to end it, the Zodiac Implosion being just enough to keep a bloodied Gross down for three. The Right Reverend has struggled in his return to the Beta Division, and some are already whispering that the impending showdown with Christian Priest has Gross rattled this early in the season…

Pulsar (2-0) def. Reverend Johnny Gross (0-2) via Pinfall (Zodiac Implosion) in 9:12.  Rating: **

Changes for Pulsar:  OVR + 3.46, XP + 629.74, no notable damage

Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross:  OVR + 0.39, XP + 157.44, minor damage to head and body



LG3TCXf.jpg (4) Lucas Molina (1-0, OVR 478)  (Favorite, 50.49%)


 (1) Blood River (1-0, OVR 504) hAfQcot.jpg VZFWcYa.jpg

Molina couldn’t have asked for a better draw. A First Blood match against a man who bleeds much easier than most? It turns out that the stipulation was Molina’s saving grace in this Match of the Night contender. River stormed out to an early advantage and, if this were a normal match, Molina may have been defeated six minutes in due to River’s aerial tactics. However, pinfalls were not a factor in this match, and it’s because of that fact that Molina was able to claw his way back into the contest. It took a little doing, and four attempts to actually land it, but once Molina connected with the San Juan Buster, River was immediately bleeding from the nose, forcing the ref to call the match then and there. Molina walks away with a match that normally he would not have won, and it’s all thanks to the fickle whims of the schedule makers.

Lucas Molina (2-0) def. Blood River (1-1) via First Blood (San Juan Buster) in 11:14.  Rating: ***

Changes for Lucas Molina:  OVR + 5.46, XP + 683.59, minor damage to head

Changes for Blood River:  OVR + 1.67, XP + 170.90, minor damage to head



2X2r9qf.jpg (5) Indigo Rose (0-1, OVR 492)


(Favorite, 51.03%)  (8) Diego Rodriguez (0-1, OVR 508) G4sbiHU.jpg

This was not the technical masterclass folks had come to expect from these two. This was nearly a five-minute squash as Rose could not chain two moves together to save her life in the opening minutes of the bout. It took her over eight minutes, and escaping a rolling judo leg lock, to get even a little offense in. By then, though, it was far too late as Rodriguez applied the Discordant Melody for the quick submission. For someone who was contending to promote out of Gamma last season, Rose has struggled in the early part of Season Eleven.

Diego Rodriguez (1-1) def. Indigo Rose (0-2) via Submission (Discordant Melody) in 10:53.  Rating: **

Changes for Diego Rodriguez:  OVR + 3.54, XP + 558.01, no notable damage

Changes for Indigo Rose:  OVR + 0.40, XP + 139.50, minor damage to head



OOiJTFx.jpg (4) Big Scott Weathers (1-0, OVR 494)


(Favorite, 62.51%)  (2) Monty Dhillon (1-0, OVR 527) vz0qqDp.jpg

Yet another match that just escaped squash match territory, this was Monty’s match to lose. Never in real danger, Dhillon finally had enough of Weathers posturing and attempting to be a threat and simply uppercut Weathers in the groin. A collective groan from the male audience members drowned out the referee’s admonishment, and Dhillon simply covered Weathers and waited for the ref to finally get to three. There is perhaps some irony in the biggest rulebreaker in The League losing to a shot below the belt, but that is merely the conjecture of the author….

Monty Dhillon (2-0) def. Big Scott Weathers (1-1) via Pinfall (low blow) in 9:06.  Rating: **

Changes for Monty Dhillon:  OVR + 3.46, XP + 557.02, no notable damage

Changes for Big Scott Weathers:  OVR + 0.39, XP + 139.26, minor damage to head



xHVnvxD.jpg (3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-0, OVR 513)  (Favorite, 58.33%)


 (5) Billy Norris (0-1, OVR 509) 6fYIC71.jpg

A Match of the Night contender, this was one of the more even matches contested in Week Two. It was back-and-forth throughout with neither wrestler getting any sort of a distinct advantage until about nine minutes in. At that point, Nakamatsu started to pull away, as he avoided a spear and countered with an STO, and followed that up with a DEVASTATION Knee that only netted a one-count. However, the damage was done. Norris would gain the offensive for about a minute afterwards, but still being a bit woozy from the knee, he was unable to do anything significant with the offensive. Nakamatsu simply avoided one seated dropkick too many, and landed the rarely-seen Nakamatsu Driver to garner the pinfall and the victory over a very game Billy Norris.

Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-0) def. Billy Norris (0-2) via Pinfall (Nakamatsu Driver) in 12:10.  Rating: ***

Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu:  OVR + 4.81, XP + 684.22, minor damage to head

Changes for Billy Norris:  OVR + 1.21, XP + 171.06, moderate damage to head



hYlEAC2.jpg p1IFTGG.jpg (7) Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-1, OVR 516)  (Favorite, 52.43%)


(7) Mel O'Hallister (0-1, OVR 522) wSRPoAi.jpg

This ended up being runner-up for Match of the Night by a whole seven seconds. While it did not win the actual MOTN award, it is close enough that the author feels a consolation prize is in order. With that said, let’s head into The Aerie and our three-person commentary team, as we feature a bonus match in its entirety this week.

Bob Sinclair: It’s Alpha Division action on tap next, and we start with two men in search of their first victory of the season. Tori, Frankie, who do you favor in this match?

Frankie Garnett: The so-called odds-makers have Ouilette as a slight favorite, Bob. While I’m not entirely sold on that concept, it’s a known fact that O’Hallister tends to run in streaks. I’m not certain Mel has enough to break out of the skid this week.

Tori Montgomery-Prydor: I agree with Frankie here, Bob. If we’re looking at long-term ratings, Ouilette’s odds go up to about 56% to win. Plus there is also the X-factor of Cecile Corine at ringside. I expect this to be close, but Ouilette to pull it out in the end.

Bob Sinclair: Either way, this promises to be a decent start to Alpha Division action tonight. There’s the opening bell, and we are underway!



(00:03) O'Hallister hit a Handshake Kick To Gut

(00:07) O'Hallister hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(00:21) O'Hallister applied a Side Headlock

(00:28) O'Hallister hit a Single Leg Trip

(00:42) O'Hallister applied a Knee Bar

(00:47) Ouilette broke a Rear Chinlock

(00:56) Ouilette hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(01:00) Ouilette hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(01:00) The referee warned Ouilette

(01:09) Ouilette hit a Standing Head Scissors Jump

(01:12) Ouilette hit a Punch

(01:20) O'Hallister got a rope break to stop a Front Facelock

(01:24) O'Hallister countered a Bodyslam with a Face Rake

(01:31) O'Hallister hit a Single Leg Trip

(01:38) O'Hallister hit a Knee Pull

(01:52) O'Hallister applied a Body Scissors

(01:58) Ouilette got a rope break to stop a Rear Chinlock

(02:01) O'Hallister hit a Forearm Blow

(02:04) O'Hallister hit a Jab Punch

(02:08) O'Hallister hit an Eye Poke

(02:08) The referee warned O'Hallister

(02:11) O'Hallister hit a Jab Punch

(02:18) O'Hallister hit a Running Clothesline

(02:32) O'Hallister applied a Western Spinning Toe Hold

(02:39) O'Hallister hit a Knee Pull

(02:43) O'Hallister hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(02:48) Ouilette blocked a Western Spinning Toe Hold

(03:02) O'Hallister applied a Western Spinning Toe Hold


Frankie Garnett: All right, serious question, you two. When was the last time anyone submitted to a spinning toe hold?

Bob Sinclair: Nothing comes to my mind. Tori?

Tori Montgomery-Prydor: Same. This is likely more of a wear-down move than anything designed for a submission, Frankie. And if it causes a little discomfort and pain, that’s a bonus.



(03:16) O'Hallister applied a Knee Bar

(03:20) O'Hallister hit an Elbow Drop

(03:34) O'Hallister applied an Arm Bar

(03:49) O'Hallister hit a Stomp Flurry

(04:00) O'Hallister hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(04:11) O'Hallister hit a Mounted Punch Flurry

(04:15) O'Hallister hit a Seated Back Kick

(04:26) O'Hallister hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(04:30) O'Hallister hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(04:50) O'Hallister applied a Boston Crab

(05:08) O'Hallister hit a Single Arm DDT

(05:28) O'Hallister applied a Boston Crab

(05:52) O'Hallister hit a Powerbomb

(05:57) Ouilette fought back against being picked up from behind

(06:06) Ouilette hit a Standing Head Scissors Jump

(06:20) Ouilette applied a Front Facelock

(06:25) O'Hallister broke a Hammerlock

(06:35) Ouilette broke a Powerbomb Pin by falling on top of O'Hallister

(06:40) Ouilette got a one count

(06:50) Ouilette hit a Bodyslam

(06:54) Ouilette hit a Fist Drop

(07:01) Ouilette hit a Knee Pull

(07:08) O'Hallister got a rope break to stop a Body Scissors

(07:22) Ouilette applied a Front Facelock

(07:31) Ouilette hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(07:36) O'Hallister blocked a Handshake Sucker Punch

(07:43) Ouilette hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(07:50) Ouilette hit a Knee Pull

(07:54) Ouilette hit an Elbow Drop

(07:58) Ouilette hit a Stomp

(08:05) Ouilette hit a Knee Pull

(08:09) O'Hallister broke an Arm Bar

(08:13) Ouilette countered a Spinning Back Fist with a Knife Edge Chop

(08:27) Ouilette applied a Body Scissors

(08:32) O'Hallister blocked an Elbow Drop On Knee

(08:40) O'Hallister avoided an Eye Poke.

(08:47) O'Hallister hit a Single Arm DDT

(08:57) Jean-Paul Ouilette very easily moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(09:01) Ouilette hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(09:05) Ouilette hit an Elbow Drop

(09:09) O'Hallister slipped out the front of a Single Leg Grapevine

(09:14) Ouilette slipped out the front of a Stump Piledriver

(09:21) O'Hallister avoided a Running Forearm Blow.

(09:21) The referee was accidentally knocked out by a stray shot from Ouilette


Frankie Garnett: Medic!

Bob Sinclair: Now the question becomes, “who is going to take the greater advantage from this?”

Tori Montgomery-Prydor: If I’m Mel, I’ve got one eye on Cecile Corine at ringside, Bob! She’s got free reign to interfere for however long the ref is down!



(09:27) O'Hallister hit a Spinning Back Fist

(09:33) O'Hallister picked up Ouilette

(09:36) Ouilette countered a Low Blow with a Throat Thrust

(09:41) O'Hallister slipped out of the back of a Single Leg Grapevine

(09:45) Ouilette broke a Dream of the Emerald Isle

(09:49) O'Hallister slipped out the front of an Inverted Atomic Drop

(09:58) Cecile Corine tripped O'Hallister to prevent a Running Swinging Neckbreaker


Tori Montgomery-Prydor: Called it!

Frankie Garnett: Pfft, everyone gets one, Tori. You know that.

Tori Montgomery-Prydor: Look, Frankie, don’t ruin my moment here!

Bob Sinclair: Do I need to put you children in opposite corners?



(10:18) Ouilette applied a Boston Crab

(10:31) Ouilette hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(10:50) Ouilette applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(10:57) O'Hallister blocked a Headbutt To Groin

(11:02) O'Hallister blocked a Headbutt To Groin

(11:09) O'Hallister hit a Single Leg Trip

(11:24) O'Hallister hit a Stomp Flurry

(11:43) O'Hallister applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(11:59) O'Hallister hit Rear Crossface Blows

(12:04) Ouilette fought back against being picked up from behind

(12:08) Ouilette hit an Eye Poke

(12:08) The referee recovers

(12:15) Ouilette hit a Knee Plant

(12:19) Ouilette hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(12:30) Ouilette hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(12:41) Ouilette hit a Mounted Punch Flurry

(13:07) Ouilette applied a Horizontal Bow And Arrow Lock

(13:29) O'Hallister avoided a Begging Off Low Blow after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(13:45) O'Hallister hit a Swinging Neckbreaker

(13:49) O'Hallister hit a Running Knee Drop

(14:00) O'Hallister hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(14:04) Ouilette slipped out of the back of the Rear Crossface Blows


Bob Sinclair: After the interference, it’s still been an even contest. Ouilette seems to have squandered the opening his corner gave him!

Frankie Garnett: I think Ouilette’s playing the long game here, Bob. He’s just looking for one more opening.

Tori Montgomery-Prydor: If so, he’s going to need to find that opening rather quick, gentlemen.



(14:10) Ouilette hit a Blindside High Knee

(14:32) Ouilette almost got a count out

(14:39) Ouilette hit a Running Forearm Blow

(14:43) O'Hallister broke a Single Leg Boston Crab

(15:00) O'Hallister applied a Kneeling Cravate

(15:29) O'Hallister hit a Swinging Neckbreaker

(15:37) Jean-Paul Ouilette very easily moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(15:41) O'Hallister broke a Boston Crab

(15:57) O'Hallister hit a Stump Piledriver

(16:16) O'Hallister applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(16:16) The referee gave O'Hallister a stern warning

(16:24) O'Hallister picked up Ouilette from behind

(16:28) Ouilette broke a Dream of the Emerald Isle

(16:38) O'Hallister got a rope break to stop a Front Facelock

(16:47) Ouilette hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(16:57) Ouilette hit a Spinning Elbow Blow

(17:01) Ouilette got a two count

(17:13) Ouilette hit a Powerbomb

(17:19) Mel O'Hallister moved out of the way from a Le Petit Mort.


Bob Sinclair: Quick roll-up by O’Hallister…one, two, thr—no! Two and a half only, Ouilette just gets a shoulder up in time!

Tori Montgomery-Prydor: Both men looking to end things here. We’ve seen an attempt at the Dream, we’ve seen an attempt at Le Petit Mort, we’ve seen a rolling elbow, what else is left?

Frankie Garnett: Unprotected shot to the groin?

Tori Montgomery-Prydor: …fair point. But not for lack of trying so far, it seems!



(17:39) O'Hallister hit a Swinging Neckbreaker

(17:50) O'Hallister hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(18:00) O'Hallister picked up Ouilette from behind

(18:05) Ouilette blocked a Dream of the Emerald Isle

(18:09) Ouilette slipped out of the back of a Full Nelson Legsweep

(18:13) Ouilette hit a Forearm To Back

(18:17) Ouilette hit a Forearm To Back Of Head

(18:22) O'Hallister reversed an irish whip

(18:32) O'Hallister hit a Hot Shot

(18:40) O'Hallister picked up Ouilette from behind

(18:45) Ouilette blocked a Dream of the Emerald Isle

(19:01) O'Hallister hit a Full Nelson Legsweep

(19:05) O'Hallister got a two count

(19:12) O'Hallister hit a DDT

(19:12) Ouilette started to bleed

(19:26) O'Hallister hit Rear Crossface Blows

(19:34) O'Hallister picked up Ouilette

(19:37) Ouilette countered a Begging Off Low Blow with a Punch

(19:41) Ouilette hit an Eye Poke

(19:45) Ouilette hit a Face Rake

(19:52) Ouilette hit a Knee Plant

(20:20) Look at Jean-Paul Ouilette show off, as he bounces off the ropes twice before landing Le Petit Mort!


Frankie Garnett: Ouilette into the cover here…one, two, three! He most certainly earned that one, folks, and Jean-Paul earns his first victory in the Alpha Division!

Bob Sinclair: That certainly could have gone either way. O’Hallister has nothing to be ashamed of here.

Tori Montgomery-Prydor: Indeed, but starting off 0-2 in the top flight is certainly not the way Mel O’Hallister intended for his third season in the top division to begin. Next week is almost a must-win for him.

Frankie Garnett: Against the reigning League Champion? Good luck with that one.


Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-1) def. Mel O'Hallister (0-2) via Pinfall (Le Petit Mort) in 20:24.  Rating: ***

Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette:  OVR + 5.36, XP + 636.73, major damage to head, minor damage to body

Changes for Mel O'Hallister:  OVR + 1.35, XP + 198.98, minor damage to head



MZ2VDcB.jpg YICOeYe.jpg (7) Christian Priest (0-1, OVR 570)   (Favorite, 77.46%)


(7) Angela Wassermann (0-1, OVR 476) aOXlwtV.jpg

Definitely a cool-down match from the previous one, this was closer than some of the other matches tonight. Priest kept a steady pressure on Wassermann, and despite some solid blows from the former MMA champion, she was unable to turn those into enough of an advantage to threaten Priest with a submission. Priest had no such qualms, and on the first attempt laid Wassermann out with his lariat, and got the decisive pin a few seconds later. Priest gets his bounce-back win after last week’s humbling loss to Yoshii Nakamatsu.

Christian Priest (1-1) def. Angela Wassermann (0-2) via Pinfall (Canonized) in 9:13.  Rating: **

Changes for Christian Priest:  OVR + 3.46, XP + 629.75, no notable damage

Changes for Angela Wassermann:  OVR + 0.39, XP + 157.44, minor damage to head



FqeSGy6.jpg (2) Nuclear Templeton (1-0, OVR 533)  (Favorite, 77.20%)


 (5) Brandy McDonald (0-1, OVR 515) gGexPKo.jpg

Nuclear seemed…off…coming to the ring for this week’s match. The usual swagger and fire wasn’t there, and Brandy took advantage of it. She was never in danger at all during this contest, and while not a squash, it just barely avoided the definition. Templeton was soundly worn down that it only took three attempts to land Brandy with a Twist, and McDonald gets her first win of the season in authoritative fashion! Strangely enough, though, Nuclear’s friend at ringside seemed pleased by this result, as if somewhere offshore his bank account just doubled in size (allegedly).

Brandy McDonald (1-1) def. Nuclear Templeton (1-1) via Pinfall (Brandy with a Twist) in 10:17.  Rating: **

Changes for Brandy McDonald:  OVR + 3.51, XP + 727.40, no notable damage

Changes for Nuclear Templeton:  OVR + 0.40, XP + 181.85, moderate damage to head



NSa1kkC.jpg (3) The Mastodon (1-0, OVR 522)



(Favorite, 60.92%)  (4) George Mastachas (1-0, OVR 529) FXyrc6C.jpg

The semi-main tonight was closer than some matches have been, though still decisive in terms of control. Mastodon’s size was not really a factor as Mastachas seemed able to hoist Mastodon off his feet with ease, with several powerbombs and head drop suplexes the result. Despite this, Mastodon continued to fight for as long as he could, but the damage he was taking was simply too much. A Wrath of Zeus got held for the cover immediately, and Mastodon wasn’t able to trigger an adrenaline rush to get out of the predicament. Mastachas’s defense of his League Championship continues without a blemish, as he moves to 2-0 on the season.

George Mastachas (2-0) def. The Mastodon (1-1) via Pinfall (Wrath of Zeus) in 15:56.  Rating: **

Changes for George Mastachas:  OVR + 3.80, XP + 731.47, minor damage to head

Changes for The Mastodon:  OVR + 0.43, XP + 182.87, moderate damage to head, minor damage to body



Lp89uMT.jpg (5) Brian Blackfield (0-1, OVR 562) (Favorite, 78.26%)


(1) De'siree Mitchell (1-0, OVR 500) T7PlxOP.jpg

Bob Sinclair: And now, to our main event of the evening. Most people would have presumed that the records would be the other way around heading into this contest. Instead, we enter week two with The Juggernaut still seeking his first Alpha Division victory, facing one of the people who’ve never left the division in De’siree Mitchell.

Frankie Garnett: Bob, I am very confident in my prediction that Blackfield does not drop two matches in a row.

Bob Sinclair: Enough to wager on it?

Frankie Garnett: You know I don’t do that anymore.

Bob Sinclair: Just making sure…

Tori Montgomery-Prydor: I think people may be writing off De’siree a little too early. She’s been a staple in the Alpha Division for a reason. Sure, folks may be greatly overvaluing Blackfield’s 39 career League wins coming into match number 44, but she’s a tough draw no matter what. I expect this to run about twenty minutes and be a closely contested bout.

Bob Sinclair: With that said, both combatants are in the ring…Mitchell offers a handshake to The Juggernaut, who accepts in kind, and there’s the bell to get this match started!



(00:04) Mitchell hit a Slap To Chest

(00:18) Mitchell applied a Side Headlock

(00:21) Mitchell hit a Forearm Blow

(00:24) Mitchell hit a Kick To Gut

(00:38) Mitchell applied a Front Facelock

(00:42) Mitchell hit an Open Handed Chop

(00:46) Mitchell hit a Japanese Binta

(00:49) Mitchell hit a Jab Punch

(00:53) Mitchell hit a Kitozon Chop

(01:07) Mitchell applied an Arm Bar

(01:11) Blackfield blocked a Body Scissors

(01:15) Mitchell hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(01:25) Blackfield got a rope break to stop an Arm Bar

(01:39) Mitchell applied a Front Facelock

(01:44) Blackfield blocked a Punch

(01:48) Mitchell hit an Open Handed Chop

(01:56) Brian Blackfield easily moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(02:02) Mitchell got a rope break to stop a Knee Pull

(02:18) Blackfield applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(02:25) Blackfield hit a Backslide

(02:30) Blackfield got a one count

(02:44) Blackfield applied a Side Headlock

(02:51) Blackfield hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(02:55) Blackfield hit a Fist Drop

(03:03) Mitchell got a rope break to stop a Knee Pull

(03:12) Blackfield hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(03:17) Mitchell rolled through a Standing Arm Bar

(03:24) Mitchell hit a Single Leg Trip

(03:28) Mitchell hit a Knee Drop

(03:32) Mitchell hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(03:36) Mitchell hit an Elbow Drop

(03:50) Mitchell applied an Arm Bar


Bob Sinclair: It’s been predominantly Mitchell in the opening minutes, but not to the point that Blackfield supporters should be worried.

Frankie Garnett: I’m more intrigued by the handshake at the beginning of the match. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone offer that to The Juggernaut, much less him accepting one.

Tori Montgomery-Prydor: There’s a difference in respecting the skills of your opponent and being awed by them, Frankie. Mitchell seems to know that.



(03:54) Mitchell hit a Knee Drop

(03:58) Mitchell hit a Fist Drop

(04:05) Mitchell hit a Legdrop To Arm

(04:09) Mitchell hit an Elbow Drop

(04:16) Mitchell hit a Knee Pull

(04:21) Blackfield blocked a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(04:36) Mitchell hit a Stomp Flurry

(04:40) Mitchell hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(04:44) Mitchell hit a Measured Knee Drop

(04:52) Blackfield got a rope break to stop a Knee Pull

(04:58) Mitchell hit a Roundhouse Body Punch

(05:08) Mitchell hit a Belly To Belly Suplex

(05:13) Blackfield blocked a Face Rub Taunt

(05:24) Mitchell hit a Mounted Punch Flurry

(05:28) Mitchell hit a Seated Kick

(05:39) Mitchell hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(05:46) Mitchell used a Spirit Roar

(05:53) Mitchell picked up Blackfield

(06:01) Blackfield avoided a Yakuza Kick.

(06:17) Blackfield applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(06:21) Mitchell blocked a Top Wrist Lock

(06:28) Blackfield hit a Backslide

(06:33) Blackfield got a one count

(06:37) Mitchell slipped out of the back of a Side Headlock

(06:47) Mitchell hit a Japanese Backdrop Suplex

(06:58) Mitchell hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(07:06) Mitchell picked up Blackfield

(07:13) Mitchell hit a Yakuza Kick


Frankie Garnett: Holy…where did this flurry of offense come from?!

Tori Montgomery-Prydor: See, Frankie, there’s a reason that Mitchell’s been in the Alpha Division since day one!

Bob Sinclair: I’m hard-pressed to recall a time where Blackfield has been on this end of a offensive onslaught like what we’re seeing. A few more minutes, and Mitchell may just pull out the upset!

Tori Montgomery-Prydor: Is it really an upset if Blackfield’s new to the Alpha Division, Bob?

Frankie Garnett: I’ll answer for basically everyone watching, Tori: yes. Yes it is.



(07:25) Mitchell hit a Women's Face Plant

(07:30) Blackfield stopped a Get Up Taunt by rushing Mitchell

(07:40) Mitchell got a rope break to stop a Hammerlock

(07:45) Mitchell broke a Standing Arm Bar

(07:55) Mitchell hit a Spinning Elbow Blow

(08:00) Mitchell got a near pinfall

(08:03) Blackfield countered an All Out Blitz with a Forearm Blow

(08:10) Blackfield applied a Standing Arm Bar

(08:17) Blackfield hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(08:31) Blackfield applied a Body Scissors

(08:35) Mitchell broke a Knee Pull

(08:39) Blackfield countered a Spinning Back Fist with an Open Handed Chop

(08:59) Blackfield applied a Rear Chinlock

(09:13) Blackfield applied an Arm Bar

(09:17) Blackfield hit a Stomp

(09:31) Blackfield applied a Body Scissors

(09:35) Mitchell broke a Legdrop To Arm

(09:41) Mitchell hit a Spinning Back Fist

(09:48) Mitchell picked up Blackfield

(09:55) Blackfield countered an All Out Blitz with a Side Headlock Takedown

(10:02) Blackfield hit a Knee Pull

(10:08) De'siree Mitchell moved out of the way from a Knee Drop.

(10:13) Blackfield fought back against being picked up

(10:21) Blackfield applied a Hammerlock

(10:25) Blackfield hit a Forearm To Back Of Head

(10:32) Blackfield applied a Standing Arm Bar

(10:36) Blackfield hit an Open Handed Chop

(10:40) Mitchell broke a Swinging Neckbreaker

(10:46) Mitchell hit a Roundhouse Body Punch

(10:50) Blackfield countered an All Out Blitz with a Knife Edge Chop

(10:57) Blackfield hit a Side Headlock Takedown


Tori Montgomery-Prydor: Blackfield has had to have his head on a swivel the last couple of minutes, fellas. Mitchell just keeps coming for him!

Frankie Garnett: Ah, but does she really want The Juggernaut proper to show up, Tori?

Bob Sinclair: At this rate, she may not have a choice, Frankie…and I for one wouldn’t bet against her if he did show up!



(11:04) De'siree Mitchell moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop.

(11:12) Mitchell picked up Blackfield

(11:22) Mitchell hit a Spinning Elbow Blow

(11:26) Mitchell got a two count

(11:36) Blackfield avoided a Yakuza Kick.

(11:45) Blackfield hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(11:59) Blackfield applied a Side Headlock

(12:06) Blackfield hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(12:10) Blackfield hit a Stomp

(12:14) Blackfield hit a Measured Knee Drop

(12:18) Mitchell fought back against being picked up

(12:21) Blackfield countered a Powerbomb with a Punch

(12:31) Blackfield hit a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(12:35) Blackfield hit a Measured Knee Drop

(12:55) Blackfield applied a Rear Chinlock

(13:10) Blackfield hit a Stomp Flurry

(13:14) Blackfield hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(13:19) Mitchell broke a Face Rub Taunt

(13:22) Mitchell hit a Punch

(13:25) Blackfield countered a Strong Open Handed Chop with a Forearm Blow

(13:35) Blackfield hit a Belly To Belly Suplex

(13:45) Blackfield picked up Mitchell

(13:50) Mitchell broke a Screw Legwhip

(13:53) Mitchell hit a Forearm Blow

(14:00) Mitchell hit a Women's DDT

(14:04) Mitchell hit a Running Knee Drop

(14:15) Mitchell hit a Mounted Punch Flurry

(14:30) Mitchell hit a Stomp Flurry

(14:34) Blackfield fought back against being picked up

(14:48) Blackfield applied a Front Facelock

(14:53) Mitchell broke an Implant DDT

(15:05) Mitchell hit a Forearm Flurry

(15:13) Mitchell picked up Blackfield

(15:16) Blackfield countered an All Out Blitz with a Punch

(15:20) Mitchell broke a Tartan Effect

(15:32) Mitchell hit a Powerbomb


Frankie Garnett: Is it just me, or does Mitchell look like she’s starting to get desperate?

Tori Montgomery-Prydor: No, Frankie, you’re on to something here. She needs to try to focus herself though!

Bob Sinclair: Especially since Blackfield’s starting to think about Tartan Effects now. You know that his biggest weapons are close at hand at that point!



(15:36) Blackfield blocked the Rear Crossface Blows

(15:40) Blackfield fought back against being picked up

(15:45) Mitchell broke a Front Facelock

(15:51) Mitchell hit a Spinning Back Fist

(15:55) Blackfield blocked a Japanese Power DDT

(15:59) Blackfield broke an Implant DDT

(16:08) Blackfield hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(16:15) Blackfield hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(16:22) Blackfield hit a Knee Pull

(16:36) Blackfield applied a Body Scissors

(16:43) Blackfield hit a Knee Pull

(16:58) Blackfield hit a Stomp Flurry

(17:08) De'siree Mitchell moved out of the way from a Snap Driving Elbow.

(17:22) Mitchell hit Rear Crossface Blows

(17:28) Mitchell picked up Blackfield

(17:44) Mitchell hit a Stump Piledriver

(17:51) Mitchell used a Spirit Roar

(17:55) Blackfield blocked the Rear Crossface Blows

(17:59) Blackfield fought back against being picked up

(18:04) Mitchell blocked a Tartan Effect

(18:11) Blackfield hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(18:15) Blackfield hit an Elbow Drop

(18:19) Blackfield hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(18:23) Blackfield hit a Stomp

(18:43) Blackfield applied a Rear Chinlock


Frankie Garnett: I’m not certain I like him slowing the pace down. You’re on a bit of a roll, press the advantage!

Tori Montgomery-Prydor: I disagree, Frankie. He’s trying to throw Mitchell off her game defensively. Maybe by changing the pace he’s going to open her up to a Destroyer.

Bob Sinclair: Mitchell starts to get back to her feet as Blackfield releases the hold; what is next in the plans of The Juggernaut?



(18:50) Blackfield hit a Knee Pull

(18:59) Blackfield picked up Mitchell

(19:03) Mitchell broke a Tartan Effect

(19:07) Blackfield countered a Roundhouse Body Punch with a Knife Edge Chop

(19:24) Blackfield applied a Kneeling Cravate

(19:47) Blackfield hit a Belly To Belly Suplex

(19:56) Blackfield picked up Mitchell

(20:03) Blackfield hit a DDT

(20:03) Mitchell started to bleed

(20:09) Blackfield picked up Mitchell

(20:27) Good Lord!  De'siree Mitchell just got rocked by the Scotland Destroyer!


Bob Sinclair: Blackfield into the cover…one, two, three! He got her, and what an exciting last couple of minutes!

Tori Montgomery-Prydor: Brian Blackfield certainly earned this one, gentlemen. Mitchell gave him all he could handle and then some, and Blackfield still found a way to prevail!

Frankie Garnett: Yeah, we definitely saw a side of Blackfield we hadn’t seen before now; his ability to fight back without the need of adrenaline. If he can do that again and prove it wasn’t just a one-off, I think the Alpha Division is going to be in for a long, long season!

Bob Sinclair: Folks, that’ll do it for us this week. We’ll be back next weekend with more League action, as Season Eleven rolls on here from The Aerie!


Brian Blackfield (1-1) def. De'siree Mitchell (1-1) via Pinfall (Scotland Destroyer) in 20:31.  Rating: ***

Changes for Brian Blackfield:  OVR + 5.37, XP + 946.00, major damage to head

Changes for De'siree Mitchell:  OVR + 1.36, XP + 349.00, minor damage to head

This was the Match of the Night (3 [1 this season] for Brian Blackfield, 3 [1 this season] for De'siree Mitchell)







1.  George Mastachas:  2-0, ATV 17:06, (AMR 2.500), OVR 532.69

2.  Brandy McDonald:  1-1, ATV 10:17, (AMR 2.500), OVR 518.67

3.  De'siree Mitchell:  1-1, ATV 11:12, (AMR 2.500), OVR 501.26

4.  Nuclear Templeton:  1-1, ATV 16:01, (AMR 2.000), OVR 533.18

5.  The Mastodon:  1-1, ATV 17:39, (AMR 2.500), OVR 522.89

6.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  1-1, ATV 20:24, (AMR 2.500), OVR 521.45

7.  Brian Blackfield:  1-1, ATV 20:31, (AMR 3.000), OVR 567.84

8.  Mel O'Hallister:  0-2, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.500), OVR 523.35



1.  Pulsar:  2-0, ATV 9:56 (AMR 2.500), OVR 487.47

2.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  2-0, ATV 12:22 (AMR 2.500), OVR 517.86

3.  Lucas Molina:  2-0, ATV 15:00 (AMR 3.000), OVR 483.83

4.  Christian Priest:  1-1, ATV 9:13 (AMR 2.000), OVR 573.77

5.  Blood River:  1-1, ATV 10:39 (AMR 2.500), OVR 506.13

6.  Billy Norris:  0-2, ATV 0:00 (AMR 3.000), OVR 509.88

7.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  0-2, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.500), OVR 502.86

8.  Angela Wassermann:  0-2, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.000), OVR 476.60



1.  Monty Dhillon:  2-0, ATV 8:33, (AMR 2.000), OVR 530.65

2.  Kichi Hida:  2-0, ATV 9:01, (AMR 2.000), OVR 468.43

3.  Lance Heartilly:  1-1, ATV 10:02, (AMR 2.000), OVR 449.20

4.  Diego Rodriguez:  1-1, ATV 10:53, (AMR 1.500), OVR 511.64

5.  Markus Clay:  1-1, ATV 11:10, (AMR 2.000), OVR 480.77

6.  Big Scott Weathers:  1-1, ATV 14:18, (AMR 2.000), OVR 494.64

7.  Terrance Stevens:  0-2, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.500), OVR 484.68

8.  Indigo Rose:  0-2, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.000), OVR 492.13



1.  Nocturne:  2-0, ATV 10:23 (AMR 2.000), OVR 436.07

2.  Leon de Ramos:  2-0, ATV 11:15 (AMR 2.500), OVR 408.56

3.  Diamond:  1-1, ATV 4:52 (AMR 2.000), OVR 481.24

4.  Mickey Steele:  1-1, ATV 5:50 (AMR 3.000), OVR 405.36

5.  Rock Sheridan:  1-1, ATV 8:39 (AMR 2.500), OVR 405.10

6.  Scott Stevens:  1-1, ATV 13:19 (AMR 2.000), OVR 424.95

7.  Sterling Silver:  0-2, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.000), OVR 447.09

7.  George Stevens:  0-2, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.000), OVR 400.76



(Reminder: The official scores will have the lowest two weeks dropped at the end of the season.)

1. Eternal Phoenix: 19 (this week: 😎

2. Croquemitaine: 18 (this week: 10)

3. SeanMcG: 17 (this week: 11)

4. Jman2k3: 12 (this week: 7)

5. Derek B: 10 (this week: 6)





(5) The Mastodon (1-1, OVR 523) vs. (7) Brian Blackfield (1-1, OVR 568) [Career: First Career Meeting]

(8) Mel O'Hallister (0-2, OVR 523) vs. (1) George Mastachas (2-0, OVR 533) [Career: George Mastachas, 3 - 1]

(4) Nuclear Templeton (1-1, OVR 533) vs. (6) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-1, OVR 521) [Career: First Career Meeting]

(2) Brandy McDonald (1-1, OVR 519) vs. (3) De'siree Mitchell (1-1, OVR 501) [Career: Brandy McDonald, 4 - 2]


(5) Blood River (1-1, OVR 506) vs. (4) Christian Priest (1-1, OVR 574) [Career: First Career Meeting]

(7) Reverend Johnny Gross (0-2, OVR 503) vs. (2) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-0, OVR 518) [Career: First Career Meeting]

(6) Billy Norris (0-2, OVR 510) vs. (3) Lucas Molina (2-0, OVR 484) [Career: First Career Meeting]

(8) Angela Wassermann (0-2, OVR 477) vs. (1) Pulsar (2-0, OVR 487) [Career: Angela Wassermann, 2 - 0]


(1) Monty Dhillon (2-0, OVR 531) vs. (8) Indigo Rose (0-2, OVR 492) [Career: First Career Meeting]

(5) Markus Clay (1-1, OVR 481) vs. (4) Diego Rodriguez (1-1, OVR 512) [Career: Diego Rodriguez, 2 - 0]

(6) Big Scott Weathers (1-1, OVR 495) vs. (7) Terrance Stevens (0-2, OVR 485) [Career: First Career Meeting]

(3) Lance Heartilly (1-1, OVR 449) vs. (2) Kichi Hida (2-0, OVR 468) [Career: Lance Heartilly, 2 - 0]


(2) Leon de Ramos (2-0, OVR 409) vs. (3) Diamond (1-1, OVR 481) [Career: First Career Meeting]

(7) Sterling Silver (0-2, OVR 447) vs. (1) Nocturne (2-0, OVR 436) [Career: First Career Meeting]

(7) George Stevens (0-2, OVR 401) vs. (6) Scott Stevens (1-1, OVR 425) [Career: First Career Meeting]

(4) Mickey Steele (1-1, OVR 405) vs. (5) Rock Sheridan (1-1, OVR 405) [Career: First Career Meeting]


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Week 2 Quick Thoughts (trying out a different format, wheee)

Mickey Steele def. George Stevens
Leon de Ramos def.  Scott Stevens
Nocturne def. Rock Sheridan
Diamond def. Sterling Silver

Rough night in Delta. Though some early front runners emerging in Nocturne and de Ramos. Silver so far has been disappointing. With that said, two matches do not a season make.

Markus Clay def. Lance Heartilly
Kichi Hida def. Terrance Stevens
Diego Rodriguez def. Indigo Rose
Monty Dhillon def. Big Scott Weathers

Some more defiance of expectations here. Kichi on top with Monty (she says konnichiwa, bud)? Rose on the bottom? Early season is full of unexpected happenings. Like Heartilly dropping to Clay. Side note, Hida/Stevens probably got to 3* because of the blood, adrenaline rush, and second finisher. Some of the most memorable matches in our world were pretty one sided ass kickings that left the loser bloody, too. So fair enough.

Pulsar def. Reverend Johnny Gross
Lucas Molina def. Blood River
Yoshii Nakamatsu def. Billy Norris
Christian Priest def. Angela Wasserman

More surprises here. Gross is in an unexpected funk. Yoshii overcomes Billy. Priest gets his groove back after an opening shocker. And Pulsar, of all division members, is technically in the promotion race lead. Man, early season can be so weird. This should change by mid season, but man. Seeing Pulsar up there. Enjoy it while it lasts, bud. Also, Molina says oh hi Priest. Been a while since he was the one above you in the rankings, huh. 😛

Jean-Paul Ouilette def. Mel O’Hallister
Brandy McDonald def. Nuclear Templeton
George Mastachas def. The Mastodon
Brian Blackfield def. De’siree Mitchell

Yep, early season weirdness, business as usual, and the Juggernaut in the main event. Mel in a funk. Nuke just not having it this week. Blackfield working extra hard to beat De’siree, which does not bode well for Mastodon next week. Honestly, Alpha was the division I was least interested in this week. And yet the matches of the night (for the first time, there was two) were both here. Plus a genuine surprise is Brandy’s win. Shows what I know. 😅

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8 hours ago, ShadowedFlames said:

Just one. Brandy doesn’t need the help. 😛

(Also I knew this question was coming!)

The secret of good storyteling is being able to at least guess what's coming next!  In this case, it'll be an investigation into why the League continue to not put Nuclear into the main event every night since he is the champion, as this night clearly impacted his warm up and affected his performance 😛




(5) The Mastodon (1-1, OVR 523) vs. (7) Brian Blackfield (1-1, OVR 568) [Career: First Career Meeting]

(8) Mel O'Hallister (0-2, OVR 523) vs. (1) George Mastachas (2-0, OVR 533) [Career: George Mastachas, 3 - 1]

(4) Nuclear Templeton (1-1, OVR 533) vs. (6) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-1, OVR 521) [Career: First Career Meeting]

(2) Brandy McDonald (1-1, OVR 519) vs. (3) De'siree Mitchell (1-1, OVR 501) [Career: Brandy McDonald, 4 - 2]


(5) Blood River (1-1, OVR 506) vs. (4) Christian Priest (1-1, OVR 574) [Career: First Career Meeting]

(7) Reverend Johnny Gross (0-2, OVR 503) vs. (2) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-0, OVR 518) [Career: First Career Meeting]

(6) Billy Norris (0-2, OVR 510) vs. (3) Lucas Molina (2-0, OVR 484) [Career: First Career Meeting]

(8) Angela Wassermann (0-2, OVR 477) vs. (1) Pulsar (2-0, OVR 487) [Career: Angela Wassermann, 2 - 0]


(1) Monty Dhillon (2-0, OVR 531) vs. (8) Indigo Rose (0-2, OVR 492) [Career: First Career Meeting]

(5) Markus Clay (1-1, OVR 481) vs. (4) Diego Rodriguez (1-1, OVR 512) [Career: Diego Rodriguez, 2 - 0]

(6) Big Scott Weathers (1-1, OVR 495) vs. (7) Terrance Stevens (0-2, OVR 485) [Career: First Career Meeting]

(3) Lance Heartilly (1-1, OVR 449) vs. (2) Kichi Hida (2-0, OVR 468) [Career: Lance Heartilly, 2 - 0]


(2) Leon de Ramos (2-0, OVR 409) vs. (3) Diamond (1-1, OVR 481) [Career: First Career Meeting]

(7) Sterling Silver (0-2, OVR 447) vs. (1) Nocturne (2-0, OVR 436) [Career: First Career Meeting]

(7) George Stevens (0-2, OVR 401) vs. (6) Scott Stevens (1-1, OVR 425) [Career: First Career Meeting]

(4) Mickey Steele (1-1, OVR 405) vs. (5) Rock Sheridan (1-1, OVR 405) [Career: First Career Meeting]


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3 hours ago, Eternal Phoenix said:

Hey, boss? Rules question everyone ought to know the answer to. If a wrestler is relegated to Omega, do they get the offseason...everything? Can spend XP, +1 Trait, and can increase/add negative Traits?

Yes. The Trait Points come from completing a full season on the main roster.

So if Sheridan gets shunted back next season (example), he’ll get all the perks that everyone else does who remain on the roster, but any updates would have to be sent before I start doing Omega Division bouts. So he’d get the 1 TP, etc.

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Some real collisions this week in Alpha. Two first time ever match ups and two lopsided long runners.


(5) The Mastodon (1-1, OVR 523) vs. (7) Brian Blackfield (1-1, OVR 568) [Career: First Career Meeting]

Once again, if this isn't the main event I'm shocked. We have the opportunity, for the first time in League history, to see two adrenaline rushes in one match. I've been looking forward to this since somewhere in early Season Nine.


(8) Mel O'Hallister (0-2, OVR 523) vs. (1) George Mastachas (2-0, OVR 533) [Career: George Mastachas, 3 - 1]

Ah, Mel. You're really making your relegation case this season so far, aren't you. Mastachas will be happy to help.


(4) Nuclear Templeton (1-1, OVR 533) vs. (6) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-1, OVR 521) [Career: First Career Meeting]

Nuke, despite coming out pretty damn flat last week, is still among the class of the division. Ouilette...isn't.


(2) Brandy McDonald (1-1, OVR 519) vs. (3) De'siree Mitchell (1-1, OVR 501) [Career: Brandy McDonald, 4 - 2]

Brandy's had this rivalry locked down so far, but De'siree is trying to catch her. Not this time. Probably.



Meanwhile, Beta's got three first time ever match ups to look forward to, and the sole rematch has it's own story to tell.


(5) Blood River (1-1, OVR 506) vs. (4) Christian Priest (1-1, OVR 574) [Career: First Career Meeting]

River is the type of guy Priest eats for breakfast.


(7) Reverend Johnny Gross (0-2, OVR 503) vs. (2) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-0, OVR 518) [Career: First Career Meeting]

Yoshii appears to be on absolute fire right now. In the best form we've ever seen him in. Meanwhile, Gross is in the worst. Maybe the Rev can turn it around, but I'm not about to bet against Yoshii after dropping Priest in dominating fashion.


(6) Billy Norris (0-2, OVR 510) vs. (3) Lucas Molina (2-0, OVR 484) [Career: First Career Meeting]

Bluntly, if Nakamatsu can do it, so can Molina. 'Nuff said.


(8) Angela Wassermann (0-2, OVR 477) vs. (1) Pulsar (2-0, OVR 487) [Career: Angela Wassermann, 2 - 0]

Pulsar's off to a hot start, and Wasserman is, uh, not. Angela swept him last season, though, and honestly needs a win here for later in the season to fight off relegation when Pulsar inevitably sinks.



Gamma has two first time match ups, too, and one intriguing rematch from Delta.


(1) Monty Dhillon (2-0, OVR 531) vs. (8) Indigo Rose (0-2, OVR 492) [Career: First Career Meeting]

Rose is having a tough early season, and it doesn't get any easier here.


(5) Markus Clay (1-1, OVR 481) vs. (4) Diego Rodriguez (1-1, OVR 512) [Career: Diego Rodriguez, 2 - 0]

Diego swept him last season, and I don't expect this one to go any differently.


(6) Big Scott Weathers (1-1, OVR 495) vs. (7) Terrance Stevens (0-2, OVR 485) [Career: First Career Meeting]

Coinflip+superior stamina+dat superkick, yo.


(3) Lance Heartilly (1-1, OVR 449) vs. (2) Kichi Hida (2-0, OVR 468) [Career: Lance Heartilly, 2 - 0]

And here is our intriguing rematch. Lance swept Kichi down in Delta, but Kichi is thus far on a tear going through a technician in Diego and a brawler in Stevens. It's the former that makes me want to bet on her this time. Technicians are vulnerable to being strike blitzed, and that's Kichi's whole thing. Especially this season.



Delta, as ever, is entirely fully of new match ups. However, unlike last week every single one is intriguing heading in.


(2) Leon de Ramos (2-0, OVR 409) vs. (3) Diamond (1-1, OVR 481) [Career: First Career Meeting]

Diamond showing signs of life. Leon doing that technician domination thing they all do down here. Experience or technican aptitude? Well, one win isn't enough to earn my respect back, so yanno.


(7) Sterling Silver (0-2, OVR 447) vs. (1) Nocturne (2-0, OVR 436) [Career: First Career Meeting]

Nocturne may be even better than I expected from her this season, while Silver is trending toward the worse.


(7) George Stevens (0-2, OVR 401) vs. (6) Scott Stevens (1-1, OVR 425) [Career: First Career Meeting]

Going with League experience and superior stamina on this one. Otherwise it's almost a coinflip.


(4) Mickey Steele (1-1, OVR 405) vs. (5) Rock Sheridan (1-1, OVR 405) [Career: First Career Meeting]

If Mickey thinks Rock is like George just because they're both big dudes, he's about to get his head lariated off.

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Points Rankings: The League - Season 11 Week 2




Cro's thoughts: The big news is that Nuclear Templeton has dropped out of the top spot for the first time since Week 6 of last season. Whether new #1 George Mastachas can hold the position for more than one week this time remains to be seen.

Elsewhere we're seeing early favourites for promotion and relegation developing in each division which mostly match pre-season expectations. Delta remains a wild-card due to half the participants having no points history. Leon de Ramos already looks like he's making a legitimate run at promotion.

Last year's rookies, Heartilly, Nocturne, and Scott Stevens, should move up steadily this season as they fill out their points card. Sterling Silver is in the weird position of having a season's worth of points already, but they're going to drop off week by week leaving her in the same boat as this season's rookies by season's end. If she doesn't start winning soon, she could drop all the way to zero.


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With cake day #43 done and dusted (hence why I was off to do League updates during daylight hours yesterday), the plan is to run as many bouts as I can tonight after work. My one gift to myself (an Ayn Odin 1 Pro) will be forcibly put in another room so I am not tempted to grab it and spend another three hours playing Suikoden I on it tonight.

Those of you who have sent PC training already, or have informed me that you’re saving the points this week, your bouts will also be run tonight to save myself some time on Saturday finishing up anything left over, and Wednesday at work is when the bulk of the actual show writing and prep gets done (picture placements, etc.).

Also, folks are to be advised that I am including one backstage segment this week, which will formally kick off planning and prep for this season’s Tag Team Turmoil. Once you see the GMPCs involved and the reason why the conversation is happening, you’ll understand why it had to be included. I will not accept any team announcements before the show is posted, however, as decorum must be maintained. 😛

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(5) The Mastodon (1-1, OVR 523) vs. (7) Brian Blackfield (1-1, OVR 568)

- Tough pick, but as I see it, Mastadon is the #3 guy in Alpha, and that's where I see Blackfield eventually slotting in.

(8) Mel O'Hallister (0-2, OVR 523) vs. (1) George Mastachas (2-0, OVR 533)

- Mel's gotta figure things out. Until then, he's not beating the champ.

(4) Nuclear Templeton (1-1, OVR 533) vs. (6) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-1, OVR 521)

- The beatings will continue until mora... well, they're just going to continue.

(2) Brandy McDonald (1-1, OVR 519) vs. (3) De'siree Mitchell (1-1, OVR 501)

- Brandy's a little better, a little more versatile.


(5) Blood River (1-1, OVR 506) vs. (4) Christian Priest (1-1, OVR 574)

- And a good time was had by all.

(7) Reverend Johnny Gross (0-2, OVR 503) vs. (2) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-0, OVR 518)

- Yoshii's got the hot hand. The Reverend has been looking shell-shocked.

(6) Billy Norris (0-2, OVR 510) vs. (3) Lucas Molina (2-0, OVR 484)

- Molina seems to be back in form this season.

(8) Angela Wassermann (0-2, OVR 477) vs. (1) Pulsar (2-0, OVR 487)

- Picking history over recency bias.


(1) Monty Dhillon (2-0, OVR 531) vs. (8) Indigo Rose (0-2, OVR 492)

- Monty's first test against one of Gamma's technician twins. This one will set his expectations for the rest of his season.

(5) Markus Clay (1-1, OVR 481) vs. (4) Diego Rodriguez (1-1, OVR 512)

- Rodriguez should have this one in the bag.

(6) Big Scott Weathers (1-1, OVR 495) vs. (7) Terrance Stevens (0-2, OVR 485)

- Sure, why not?

(3) Lance Heartilly (1-1, OVR 449) vs. (2) Kichi Hida (2-0, OVR 468)

- This was not my initial pick, but I'm thinking Hida has picked it up while Heartilly is stagnating a bit.


(2) Leon de Ramos (2-0, OVR 409) vs. (3) Diamond (1-1, OVR 481)

- Riding the hot hand or technician bias. Either way, I'm picking de Ramos.

(7) Sterling Silver (0-2, OVR 447) vs. (1) Nocturne (2-0, OVR 436)

- Nocturne's on a roll. Silver... isn't.

(7) George Stevens (0-2, OVR 401) vs. (6) Scott Stevens (1-1, OVR 425)

- Scott's got a full season in the new League under his belt already.

(4) Mickey Steele (1-1, OVR 405) vs. (5) Rock Sheridan (1-1, OVR 405)

- Steele's going to kick him in the face... if he's allowed to bring a step-stool...


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The Mastodon

George Mastachas

Nuclear Templeton

Brandy McDonald


Blood River

Yoshii Nakamatsu

Lucas Molina



Monty Dhillon

Diego Rodriguez

Kichi Hida


Leon de Ramos


Scott Stevens

Mickey Steele

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(5) The Mastodon (1-1, OVR 523) vs. (7) Brian Blackfield (1-1, OVR 568) [Career: First Career Meeting]

- Feels like deja'vu for Blackfield, facing off against some big monsters for the first time since Season 8. Expecting Mastodon to counter his Rush and run through here.

(8) Mel O'Hallister (0-2, OVR 523) vs. (1) George Mastachas (2-0, OVR 533) [Career: George Mastachas, 3 - 1]

- Is it too early to call this do or die for O'Hallister? Going 0-3 down is rough, more so here since it'll hurt future tiebreakers against the leading contender. Must win, but I'm picking the champ.

(4) Nuclear Templeton (1-1, OVR 533) vs. (6) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-1, OVR 521) [Career: First Career Meeting]

- Sub ten minute beatdown and bounce back for the Nuclear Wizard

(2) Brandy McDonald (1-1, OVR 519) vs. (3) De'siree Mitchell (1-1, OVR 501) [Career: Brandy McDonald, 4 - 2]

- We'll back the career record here


(5) Blood River (1-1, OVR 506) vs. (4) Christian Priest (1-1, OVR 574) [Career: First Career Meeting]

- What's a cult to The First Church?

(7) Reverend Johnny Gross (0-2, OVR 503) vs. (2) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-0, OVR 518) [Career: First Career Meeting]

- Nakamastsu's on fire at the moment and I don't see Gross as the one to stop that at this time.

(6) Billy Norris (0-2, OVR 510) vs. (3) Lucas Molina (2-0, OVR 484) [Career: First Career Meeting]

- Molina of the past might of dropped this to a flaky high flier, but he's looking dangerous this season.

(8) Angela Wassermann (0-2, OVR 477) vs. (1) Pulsar (2-0, OVR 487) [Career: Angela Wassermann, 2 - 0]

- Again, we'll ignore this season's form and back the previous history


(1) Monty Dhillon (2-0, OVR 531) vs. (8) Indigo Rose (0-2, OVR 492) [Career: First Career Meeting]

- Big test for Monty, who's a decent grappler in his own right - just not in the same class as Rose or Rodriguez. That said, The Hammer's too big and too strong here.

(5) Markus Clay (1-1, OVR 481) vs. (4) Diego Rodriguez (1-1, OVR 512) [Career: Diego Rodriguez, 2 - 0]

- Ground and grind, should be a dull win here for Diego.

(6) Big Scott Weathers (1-1, OVR 495) vs. (7) Terrance Stevens (0-2, OVR 485) [Career: First Career Meeting]

- Call it a hunch, feeling a Steven's Special in under 9mins

(3) Lance Heartilly (1-1, OVR 449) vs. (2) Kichi Hida (2-0, OVR 468) [Career: Lance Heartilly, 2 - 0]

- As much as I like Hida, this is a matchup nightmare.


(2) Leon de Ramos (2-0, OVR 409) vs. (3) Diamond (1-1, OVR 481) [Career: First Career Meeting]

- Leon's been a force, but I fear he's outclassed here by the 1st Lady of the League

(7) Sterling Silver (0-2, OVR 447) vs. (1) Nocturne (2-0, OVR 436) [Career: First Career Meeting]

- Nocturne's been on a roll over he last 5 matches

(7) George Stevens (0-2, OVR 401) vs. (6) Scott Stevens (1-1, OVR 425) [Career: First Career Meeting]

- It's the first Stevens-Off, so we'll pick the more experienced one

(4) Mickey Steele (1-1, OVR 405) vs. (5) Rock Sheridan (1-1, OVR 405) [Career: First Career Meeting]

- STEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELE Justice for all shapes and sizes


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Everything up to this point has been noted on my sheets.

@Jman2k3, not sure if this is intentional but you skipped Weathers vs T. Stevens in your Gamma Division picks. Just giving you a heads up.

A further heads up, as well—it was pointed out to me by @Eternal Phoenixthat at least a couple entries in the roster list were not showing updated traits. It took some spreadsheet surgery yesterday but the problem was found and fixed (things were not pointing where they were supposed to be). Three PCs and one GMPC (Daniel Simmons, who is not actually on the active roster) were affected by this bug that I can ascertain. The correct traits will be displayed when the roster post is updated tomorrow for the show posting.

Finally, I plan on making an “empty” version of the spreadsheet nightmare I use for The League and adding it as an attachment to one of the early posts in the thread. This would be for those folks who want to do something similar on their own, or if they believe they can improve on the ideas I’ve cultivated. (In the case of the latter, please do!)

I don’t have a timetable for the empty version to be posted at this time; the version I use is tailored to how I think and work, and as I’m the one that uses it I do not need to have instructions scattered throughout for others to learn how it works. That will obviously need to be changed for an empty version. Plus my government name is in several spots on the document and I’d rather not have that in public if I can help it.

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OndApuF.jpg vC6SXqZ.jpg (4) Mickey Steele (1-1, OVR 405)


(Favorite, 50.07%) (5) Rock Sheridan (1-1, OVR 405) 5vWV1hg.jpg

The opening match of the night once more saw a Match of the Night contender emerge, as this was a relative sprint between a David and Goliath. Unlike certain other stories the author has already pointed at in the previous sentence, the larger man won this time, as Sheridan withstood everything Steele could throw at him, avoiding several hard knee strikes and one attempt at the Steele Scissor, before ducking a Steele spinning backfist and promptly knocking Steele loopy with a Grit City Lariat. There was no way Steele was getting up after that impact, and Sheridan wins a match that he was considered a slight favorite to win in the first place.

Rock Sheridan (2-1) def. Mickey Steele (1-2) via Pinfall (Grit City Lariat) in 7:48.  Rating: ***

Changes for Rock Sheridan:  OVR + 4.52, XP + 524.06, minor damage to head

Changes for Mickey Steele:  OVR + 1.14, XP + 131.01, no notable damage



fTtB0pK.jpg UOpfoyB.jpg (7) George Stevens (0-2, OVR 401) (Favorite, 53.36%)


(6) Scott Stevens (1-1, OVR 425) fYy1oxq.jpg fTtB0pK.jpg

The patriarch of the Stevens family sat at the commentary desk for this match, so that neither brother could claim favoritism in this one. This was not the prettiest of matches, but then again how many family squabbles can actually claim to be bouts that are worth viewing as stand-alone contests? This installment of the Stevens Family Feud ended in favor of long-time League competitor Scott, as he avoided a low blow attempt from his brother to set up the piledriver, and from there claim victory. (Behind-the-curtain chat: this is one of the instances where the weekly Elo/ratings skews the odds because of a lack of history for one competitor. I never said it was a perfect system!)

Scott Stevens (2-1) def. George Stevens (0-3) via Pinfall (Deep in the Heart of Texas) in 7:01.  Rating: **

Changes for Scott Stevens:  OVR + 3.35, XP + 483.37, no notable damage

Changes for George Stevens:  OVR + 0.38, XP + 120.84, minor damage to head



Nks15x0.jpg (7) Sterling Silver (0-2, OVR 447)


(Favorite, 50.49%) (1) Nocturne (2-0, OVR 436) BEVGy0x.jpg

Another Match of the Night contender, this one even featured a ref bump near the tail end of the match. Despite being trained as a technical wrestler, Nocturne showed that she could keep up with Silver in this one, as the first-year professional managed to stay a step ahead of the decade-plus veteran more often than not. After a sequence that saw Nocturne roll under a Silver Streak and pick up Silver for a whip, only for the veteran to send Nocturne into the referee, what followed was ninety seconds of cat-and-mouse action on the top turnbuckles as Silver tried to take advantage only for Nocturne to rush up after her on a few occasions. In the end, though, Silver went for a quebrada, missed, and Nocturne immediately clamped on the ankle lock submission to score the victory in a match that could have gone either way.

Nocturne (3-0) def. Sterling Silver (0-3) via Submission (Midnight Solstice) in 9:37.  Rating: ***

Changes for Nocturne:  OVR + 4.64, XP + 525.00, minor damage to head

Changes for Sterling Silver:  OVR + 1.17, XP + 131.25, no notable damage



zBWrwLg.jpg (2) Leon de Ramos (2-0, OVR 409)  (Favorite, 52.38%)


(3) Diamond (1-1, OVR 481) 0rDaDU8.jpg

The Delta Division ended competition in what would be one of the more serious contenders for Match of the Night. This one featured Diamond on top of her game, for what seemed to be the first time in a long while, as she busted open de Ramos early with a knee drop and would only widen the laceration over the following couple of minutes. Her first attempt at the Jawjacker missed, allowing Leon to get back into the contest, and he made the most of it as he utilized his technical ground game to slowly wear Diamond down. When he tried to roll Diamond up in the Lisbon Prayer, however, the First Lady finally got back into the contest herself, connecting with a Jawjacker but then finding her cutter thwarted. The two would trade finisher attempts back-and-forth for another two or three minutes before a short DDT from Diamond stunned de Ramos, and her Florentine hold led to the submission victory. Leon suffers his first defeat on the main roster, while Diamond pulls out what turned out to be a close victory in one of the better matches seen on the card this week.

Diamond (2-1) def. Leon de Ramos (2-1) via Submission (Florentine) in 14:19.  Rating: ***

Changes for Diamond:  OVR + 4.95, XP + 527.44, minor damage to head

Changes for Leon de Ramos:  OVR + 1.25, XP + 131.86, moderate damage to head



9q89H6M.jpg (3) Lance Heartilly (1-1, OVR 449)


(Favorite, 50.89%) (2) Kichi Hida (2-0, OVR 468) 4ZAKk1I.jpg

Into the Gamma Division now, and a match that seemed to favor Heartilly in every way except for the weekly power rankings shown on the broadcast. Sure, Hida had more time on the main roster. But Heartilly swept her last season in the Delta Division, and many thought the trend would continue here in Gamma. And for the opening three minutes of this match, it certainly seemed that way. It took Hida that long to land her first successful offensive strike. Once that hit, the rest started to come in bunches. Massive bunches. A couple of Funhouse Stomps led to a UFO Spin Elbow that drew blood from the Canadian. Then came Glory in Violence, delivered in pairs to really open Heartilly up. He fought back with a few holds of his own, but the blood loss was starting to get to him and Kichi took full advantage. A third Glory in Violence led directly to the rarely-seen Endless Carnival, and that would be enough for Hida to score her first victory in her career over Lance Heartilly in this Match of the Night contender!

Kichi Hida (3-0) def. Lance Heartilly (1-2) via Pinfall (Endless Carnival) in 11:54.  Rating: ***

Changes for Kichi Hida:  OVR + 4.79, XP + 605.12, no notable damage

Changes for Lance Heartilly:  OVR + 1.21, XP + 151.28, minor damage to head and body



aOXlwtV.jpg (8) Angela Wassermann (0-2, OVR 477)


 (Favorite, 62.12%) (1) Pulsar (2-0, OVR 487) VfA2MW8.jpg

A bit of a letdown after the last few bouts, this one was heavily in favor of Wassermann until about the five-minute mark. Then the luchador started making a comeback, using his speed to keep Wassermann off-balance and on the defensive. What Pulsar failed to realize is that he was playing right into her game, and after an Arabian press found nothing but canvas Wassermann sprung the trap. She immediately went for, and applied, her cross arm breaker and with putting herself between Pulsar and the ropes, the luchador had no choice but to tap out. Wassermann finally earns her first victory of the season, showing that perhaps rumors of her demise in Beta were exaggerated.

Angela Wassermann (1-2) def. Pulsar (2-1) via Submission (Wassermann Cross Arm Breaker) in 9:54.  Rating: **

Changes for Angela Wassermann:  OVR + 3.50, XP + 630.18, no notable damage

Changes for Pulsar:  OVR + 0.40, XP + 157.54, minor damage to head and body



OOiJTFx.jpg (6) Big Scott Weathers (1-1, OVR 495) (Favorite, 55.84%)


(7) Terrance Stevens (0-2, OVR 485) 6r4P9L8.jpg

Not the most interesting of bouts, this got out of squash territory, but not much further. Terrance just had trouble finding an offensive rhythm. Weathers had no such problems, though he seemed to be unable to lock in Welcome to Dreamland on the Canadian. Instead, after four failed attempts at it, he simply deked Stevens out and took advantage of the fake-out to land flush with a spear, and earn the pin a few moments later.

Big Scott Weathers (2-1) def. Terrance Stevens (0-3) via Pinfall (spear) in 8:06.  Rating: **

Changes for Big Scott Weathers:  OVR + 3.41, XP + 556.47, no notable damage

Changes for Terrance Stevens:  OVR + 0.39, XP + 139.12, minor damage to head



N0Y594C.jpg (5) Markus Clay (1-1, OVR 481)


 (Favorite, 62.92%) (4) Diego Rodriguez (1-1, OVR 512) G4sbiHU.jpg

This was a Match of the Night contender, true, but for those people in attendance who watched it, they’d probably tell you otherwise. Markus controlled most of the opening two minutes, and then after that was trying to fight from behind for the remained of the contest. Diego’s technical game seemed to work well against Clay, and despite Clay even getting in a couple of aerial attacks during the contest Rodriguez seemed determined to let some of his off-season training shine here. It wasn’t any of his normal submission holds that did the job this time, but instead a leglock taken from judo that did it, as Clay finally tapped out on the third application of the hold. Rodriguez may have found the one thing he was missing in order to be a promotion threat, but only time will tell with the way the early season has gone.

Diego Rodriguez (2-1) def. Markus Clay (1-2) via Submission (rolling judo leglock) in 12:17.  Rating: ***

Changes for Diego Rodriguez:  OVR + 4.82, XP + 605.35, minor damage to head

Changes for Markus Clay:  OVR + 1.22, XP + 151.34, minor damage to head


Nks15x0.jpg THE GREATER OATH? wSRPoAi.jpg

As The League comes back from their mandated advertisement break (but only for those people not on YouTube Premium!), the camera shot fades in to Mel O’Hallister standing near the exit to the men’s locker room, a pensive look on his face. He is so deep in thought that he doesn’t even notice the diminutive figure that shades his face for a few moments.

??: Ah. There you are. Was hoping we could talk.

O’Hallister comes back to reality with a start, and the camera turns to see that it is Sterling Silver who is standing in front of Mel. Silver is still in her ring gear after having competed earlier in the show in a tough loss to Nocturne.

Mel O’Hallister: Ah, lass. Ye make it hard to contact ye, y’know, when ye stay in the lasses’ dressing room all the time.

Sterling Silver: …I suppose I had that coming. But, since you’re here, got a question for you.

Mel O’Hallister: It’s ‘bout the tag show, right?

Sterling Silver: Yeah. Are we looking to defend the titles we never got a chance to last season?

There is a bit of a pause, and then O’Hallister sighs.

Mel O’Hallister: I wish it were that simple, lass. See, last season…no one knew if ye were hanging them up for good while your knee was busted. So, that Molina fella and I, well…we made the finals. I told him that unless something came up, we’d give it another go this season.

Sterling Silver: But, you said—

Mel O’Hallister: Let me finish, lass, please. I also know that before ye got hurt, we were gonna defend the belts last season. So ye see, I have two of ye who I promised to team with now—one from last season, one from the season before—but there’s only one of me. Which means I have to break my word to one of ye, and I am not sure what the easiest course of action will be.

There’s another pause, as both wrestlers reflect on this.

Sterling Silver: Given the circumstances, Mel, I cannot hold you at fault. You’re right. I had thought about just retiring altogether when the knee injury happened. So you did what you needed to do, and I respect that. I also know that I’m the one putting you on the spot here, but that’s because I wanted to get plans settled early. So, here’s what I’ll do. I’ll let you discuss it with Lucas during the week, and next week before the matches begin, you can let me know if you’ve come to a decision. I won’t press you or anything like that. I just need to know so I can have time to look into a replacement partner if needed.

Mel O’Hallister: I can’t ask for fairer than that, lass. Next week.

Silver nods at this and pats O’Hallister’s shoulder before leaving the camera shot. O’Hallister’s face returns to its pensive look before the camera cuts back to the regular view inside the main room of The Aerie.



6fYIC71.jpg (6) Billy Norris (0-2, OVR 510)  (Favorite, 51.28%)


(3) Lucas Molina (2-0, OVR 484) LG3TCXf.jpg

Molina controlled the majority of the first half of the contest. He had Norris in trouble by the seven-minute point, nearly earning a submission with his heel hook. But Norris got lucky with a chop that seemed to land high on the chest, almost in the throat area, and Molina’s suddenly diminished capacity for breathing would prove to be the turning point of this match. Norris fought past the pain in his leg from the heel hook attempt, thwarted a sudden attempt at a San Juan Buster, and wore Molina down with speed. Still barely able to breathe fully, Molina had the wind driven out of him by a springboard senton bomb, and simply could not get a shoulder up in time. Norris steals a win that in all likelihood he should not have been in the running for in this match of the Night contender.

Billy Norris (1-2) def. Lucas Molina (2-1) via Pinfall (springboard senton bomb) in 11:10.  Rating: ***

Changes for Billy Norris:  OVR + 4.74, XP + 683.55, no notable damage

Changes for Lucas Molina:  OVR + 1.20, XP + 170.89, no notable damage



vz0qqDp.jpg (1) Monty Dhillon (2-0, OVR 531) (Favorite, 61.03%)


 (8) Indigo Rose (0-2, OVR 492) 2X2r9qf.jpg

Anyone who wandered away from this bout after the three-minute mark, with Dhillon in complete control, were likely surprised several minutes later to see Rose making a valiant comeback. Despite being outweighed by close to two hundred pounds, Rose used her smaller frame to slip out of the big man’s grasp on a few occasions, even hitting Blood from a Rose twice and forcing Dhillon to pop a shoulder up off the mat. However, the opening minutes would finally catch up to Rose, as Dhillon chained a 1346 into the Blockade Lock. Rose simply couldn’t wriggle her way out of that one, and had to submit in what would turn out to be yet another Match of the Night contender.

Monty Dhillon (3-0) def. Indigo Rose (0-3) via Submission (Blockade Lock) in 13:37.  Rating: ***

Changes for Monty Dhillon:  OVR + 4.91, XP + 606.14, minor damage to head

Changes for Indigo Rose:  OVR + 1.24, XP + 151.54, minor damage to head and body



d7FEgH5.jpg (7) Reverend Johnny Gross (0-2, OVR 503)


 (Favorite, 66.72%) (2) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-0, OVR 518) xHVnvxD.jpg

This one was a bit disjointed in terms of match flow at times, and it showed in the overall rating as there never seemed to be any sort of cohesiveness in this one. Gross took the early advantage, nearly won the contest with a low blow (only for Nakamatsu to kick out at two), and had Yoshii bleeding decently, but he simply could not find a way to lock in the dragon sleeper on his opponent. For his part, Nakamatsu fought back, nearly getting a win off a sudden DEVASTATION Knee, but he was unable to follow that up with any sort of sustained offense. Gross would capitalize on this hesitation, driving Yoshii to the mat with a full nelson legsweep, and scoring the pin to win just his fifth one-fall match in The League by way of pinfall (compared to his fourteen submission victories).

Reverend Johnny Gross (1-2) def. Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-1) via Pinfall (full nelson legsweep) in 13:57.  Rating: **

Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross:  OVR + 3.70, XP + 632.70, no notable damage

Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu:  OVR + 0.42, XP + 158.18, minor damage to head



gGexPKo.jpg (2) Brandy McDonald (1-1, OVR 519) (Favorite, 61.99%)


(3) De'siree Mitchell (1-1, OVR 501) T7PlxOP.jpg

Bob Sinclair: We now move to the Alpha Division, and this matchup between the two long-term female veterans of the top flight. De’siree Mitchell looks to establish herself as a contender this season as she faces the Season Eight champion, Brandy McDonald.

Frankie Garnett: Bob, this one shouldn’t even need much thought. Mitchell has been struggling to remain out of relegation status over the last couple of seasons, while Brandy has finished in the upper half of the standings since the jump. There’s no way that Brandy isn’t an overwhelming favorite here.

Bob Sinclair: The resident League statistician gives Brandy a 62% chance to win this one, Frankie.

Frankie Garnett: …that’s all? Even with Brandy up 4-2 in the career series?

Bob Sinclair: That’s all, Frankie.

Frankie Garnett: Man, and I thought Vegas was stingy with their lines once upon a time…

Bob Sinclair: In any event, it looks like these two don’t want to waste any more time, and we are underway as the bell sounds here in The Aerie!



(00:07) Mitchell hit a Single Leg Trip

(00:27) Mitchell applied a Rear Chinlock

(00:31) Mitchell hit a Stomp

(00:51) Mitchell applied a Rear Chinlock

(00:55) McDonald blocked an Elbow Drop On Knee

(00:59) Mitchell hit a Fist Drop

(01:03) Mitchell hit a Knee Drop

(01:08) McDonald blocked an Arm Bar

(01:15) Brandy McDonald very easily moved out of the way from a Fist Drop.

(01:35) McDonald applied a Rear Chinlock

(01:42) McDonald picked up Mitchell

(01:49) Mitchell got a rope break to stop a Front Facelock

(01:53) Mitchell blocked a Side Headlock Takedown

(02:00) McDonald hit a Monkey Flip

(02:04) McDonald hit an Elbow Drop

(02:08) McDonald hit a Knee Drop

(02:12) McDonald hit a Fist Drop

(02:16) McDonald hit a Stomp

(02:30) McDonald applied a Body Scissors

(02:34) McDonald hit a Legdrop

(02:44) De'siree Mitchell moved out of the way from a Fist Drop.

(02:58) Mitchell applied a Body Scissors

(03:02) McDonald blocked an Elbow Drop On Knee

(03:12) McDonald countered an Open Handed Chop with a Fireman's Carry Takedown


Bob Sinclair: Frankie, early thoughts so far?

Frankie Garnett: McDonald’s seemed to have the advantage, Bob. It’s the championship experience kicking in. Something Mitchell has never experienced.

Bob Sinclair: Well, yeah, Frankie, the only champions have been Brandy, Nuclear, and Mastachas.

Frankie Garnett: I don’t mean here. Even in the WIFL, her Atlanta Storm never made even a conference championship game. In fact, the only times the Storm made the playoffs were as a wild card entrant. In the six seasons she played in the league her team never even won a divisional title.

Bob Sinclair:  …wow, Frankie, did you have to go that hard on her?

Frankie Garnett: Facts are facts, Bob!



(03:16) McDonald hit an Elbow Drop

(03:24) McDonald picked up Mitchell

(03:27) McDonald hit a Jab Punch

(03:34) McDonald hit a Running Clothesline

(03:38) Mitchell broke a Rear Chinlock

(03:41) Mitchell hit a Punch

(03:46) McDonald blocked a Front Facelock

(03:55) McDonald avoided a Japanese Binta.

(04:02) McDonald hit a Single Leg Trip

(04:07) Mitchell fought back against being picked up

(04:11) Mitchell hit a Japanese Binta

(04:15) Mitchell hit a Kick To Knee

(04:19) Mitchell hit an Open Handed Chop

(04:23) Mitchell hit an Elbow Drop

(04:33) McDonald avoided a Stomp.

(04:40) McDonald hit a Single Leg Trip

(04:47) McDonald picked up Mitchell

(04:52) Mitchell broke a Side Headlock

(04:55) Mitchell hit a Punch

(05:02) McDonald avoided a Jab Punch.

(05:06) Mitchell slipped out of the back of a Side Headlock

(05:15) McDonald avoided a Forearm To Back.

(05:20) Mitchell broke a Judo Sweep

(05:24) McDonald blocked a Single Leg Trip

(05:31) Mitchell hit a Single Leg Trip

(05:37) Brandy McDonald very easily moved out of the way from an Elbow Drop.

(05:41) McDonald hit an Elbow Drop

(05:51) McDonald picked up Mitchell

(06:05) McDonald applied a Side Headlock

(06:09) McDonald hit a Kick To Knee

(06:13) McDonald hit a Thrust Kick

(06:19) McDonald hit an Enzuigiri Kick

(06:23) Mitchell countered a Roundhouse Punch with an Open Handed Chop

(06:32) McDonald got a rope break to stop a Knee Pull

(06:36) Mitchell hit a Japanese Binta

(06:40) Mitchell hit an Open Handed Chop

(06:44) Mitchell hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(06:48) Mitchell hit a Knee Drop


Bob Sinclair: De’siree’s showing no signs of giving up yet, Frankie. After the way the end of last season went, this is definitely a showing she needed.

Frankie Garnett: Get back to me if she wins, Bob. Good showings will only do you so much good before results start speaking. Brandy’s results speak for her. Mitchell doesn’t even have a winning record in The League for her career!



(07:03) Mitchell hit a Stomp Flurry

(07:07) McDonald broke a Face Rub Taunt

(07:15) McDonald applied a Hammerlock

(07:25) McDonald hit a Running Bulldog

(07:31) De'siree Mitchell easily moved out of the way from a Snap Driving Elbow.

(07:42) Mitchell hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(07:46) McDonald blocked an Elbow Drop On Knee

(07:54) Brandy McDonald very easily moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(08:14) McDonald applied a Boston Crab

(08:35) McDonald hit a Dropkick To Knee

(08:39) Mitchell broke a Knee Plant

(08:45) McDonald avoided a Forearm Flurry.

(08:52) McDonald hit a Women's DDT

(09:00) McDonald picked up Mitchell

(09:05) Mitchell slipped out of the back of a Stump Piledriver

(09:15) McDonald avoided a Forearm To Back.

(09:20) Mitchell blocked a Women's Face Plant

(09:27) Mitchell avoided a Women's Spear.

(09:32) McDonald blocked a Punch

(09:39) Mitchell hit a Running Clothesline

(09:46) Mitchell hit a Knee Pull

(10:00) Mitchell applied a Knee Bar

(10:08) Brandy McDonald moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(10:28) McDonald applied a Single Leg Boston Crab

(10:50) McDonald hit a Women's Face Plant

(10:56) McDonald climbed the turnbuckles

(11:05) McDonald hit a Top Rope Fist Drop

(11:15) Mitchell avoided a Seated Dropkick.

(11:18) Mitchell hit a Forearm Blow

(11:21) Mitchell hit a Kick To Gut

(11:24) Mitchell hit a Punch

(11:31) Mitchell hit a Running Clothesline

(11:38) Mitchell hit a Knee Pull

(11:42) Mitchell hit a Stomp

(11:50) Mitchell hit a Stomp To Groin

(12:05) Mitchell hit a Stomp Flurry

(12:16) Mitchell hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry


Bob Sinclair: De’siree seems to have found a weak point in the defense of the former champion!

Frankie Garnett: Not really, Bob. Mitchell still needs to get Brandy to stand up before she can try to lay her out. Brandy has that bulldog choke in her arsenal. Advantage remains with her.

Bob Sinclair: Frankie, do you have something against De’siree?

Frankie Garnett: Not at all! But consider this, Bob. If you’re a gridiron football coach, and your teams put together a combined 19-25 record after three seasons and change, are you likely to still have a job with them?

Bob Sinclair: In gridiron football? Not likely.

Frankie Garnett: 19-25 is Mitchell’s career record. She needs to show results now, or else she’s dropping out of the Alpha Division this season. That’s all I’m trying to get across!



(12:23) Brandy McDonald very easily moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(12:27) McDonald hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(12:36) McDonald picked up Mitchell

(12:40) Mitchell slipped out of the back of a Detox

(12:47) Mitchell hit a Chop Block

(12:51) Mitchell hit a Seated Back Kick

(12:55) McDonald fought back against being picked up

(13:09) McDonald applied a Front Facelock

(13:13) Mitchell countered a Thrust Kick with a Knee Strike

(13:24) Mitchell hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(13:38) Mitchell hit Rear Crossface Blows

(13:42) McDonald fought back against being picked up

(13:56) McDonald applied a Side Headlock

(14:06) Brandy McDonald just put De'siree Mitchell through Detox!

(14:11) McDonald got a two count

(14:27) Brandy McDonald grabs hold of Mitchell, and there's the Brandy With a Twist!  De'siree Mitchell's in deep trouble here!


Bob Sinclair: First a flip neckbreaker, and now…one, two, three! The ref seemed a little fast with that count, Frankie!

Frankie Garnett: Eh, doesn’t matter. Mitchell wasn’t getting up anyway.

Bob Sinclair: Regardless, Brandy McDonald continues to make her case that she should be considered in contention for her second League Championship, as she puts down a tough opponent in De’siree Mitchell here!

Frankie Garnett: I still maintain my stance, Bob. Mitchell needs to change something, and soon. Sugar-coating the issue won’t help her, and as a former All-Pro all-star she knows it!


Brandy McDonald (2-1) def. De'siree Mitchell (1-2) via Pinfall (Brandy with a Twist) in 14:31.  Rating: ***

Changes for Brandy McDonald:  OVR + 4.97, XP + 941.32, minor damage to head

Changes for De'siree Mitchell:  OVR + 1.25, XP + 347.83, minor damage to head

This was the Match of the Night (3 [1 this season] for Brandy McDonald, 4 [2 this season] for De'siree Mitchell)



FqeSGy6.jpg (4) Nuclear Templeton (1-1, OVR 533) (Favorite, 73.86%)


(6) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-1, OVR 521) p1IFTGG.jpg hYlEAC2.jpg

This only barely avoided squash territory. Nuclear was never in any danger, and some may even say that Cecile Corine did her charge no favors by stopping a double underhook powerbomb by climbing onto the apron, as it only delayed the inevitable. Templeton also showed off a new move in the arsenal, a pop-up uppercut dubbed the Mushroom Cloud, before a lariat ended the proceedings for the evening.

Nuclear Templeton (2-1) def. Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-2) via Pinfall (Armageddon Lariat) in 13:15.  Rating: **

Changes for Nuclear Templeton:  OVR + 3.66, XP + 729.54, no notable damage

Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette:  OVR + 0.42, XP + 145.91, minor damage to head and body



wSRPoAi.jpg (8) Mel O'Hallister (0-2, OVR 523)


 (Favorite, 79.48%) (1) George Mastachas (2-0, OVR 533) FXyrc6C.jpg

It’s rare to call a Week Three match a must-win for anyone, but that’s what Mel was facing here, even with the shadow of his discussion with Sterling Silver earlier in the evening weighing on his mind. Mastachas looked to take advantage of his opponent possibly being distracted, as he cruised out to an early lead. The reigning Champion must have decided coming in that he was going to win the match with a low blow and nothing but, as he tried on at least four occasions to hit the illegal move, only for O’Hallister to thwart it every time. After the fourth attempt, O’Hallister got Mastachas to work about a submission, forcing the champ to get to the ropes, and as Mastachas stood and turned to face his opponent O’Hallister landed a back elbow, hauled a stunned Mastachas back to his feet, and delivered the Dream on the first attempt. Even with the referee being out of position—obviously not expecting Mel to hit his move given the last two weeks—the champ stayed down for three. O’Hallister wins a match he desperately needed this early in the season in what’s considered one of the bigger upsets of the season to date!

Mel O'Hallister (1-2) def. George Mastachas (2-1) via Pinfall (Dream of the Emerald Isle) in 16:39.  Rating: **

Changes for Mel O'Hallister:  OVR + 3.83, XP + 731.99, minor damage to head

Changes for George Mastachas:  OVR + 0.43, XP + 183.00, moderate damage to head



VZFWcYa.jpg hAfQcot.jpg (5) Blood River (1-1, OVR 506)


 (Favorite, 70.45%) (4) Christian Priest (1-1, OVR 574) YICOeYe.jpg MZ2VDcB.jpg

Those of you who thought River may have had a chance tonight, please raise your hands.  All right. Those of you with hands raised? Please use those hands to smack the hand on your other arm for thinking such absurd thoughts. Only avoiding a squash on what some would call a technicality (given that the match went only ten minutes), this was a demolition by Christian Priest as he puts down the alleged cultist with a minimum of fuss, ending things with an Iconoclasm into Martyrdom for the quick tap out. While Priest’s record may be as strong as usual after just three weeks of the season, some are expressing concern that the First Church seems to be worried more about victories than entertaining the masses this season….

Christian Priest (2-1) def. Blood River (1-2) via Submission (Martyrdom) in 10:10.  Rating: **

Changes for Christian Priest:  OVR + 3.51, XP + 630.34, no notable damage

Changes for Blood River:  OVR + 0.40, XP + 157.59, minor damage to head



NSa1kkC.jpg (5) The Mastodon (1-1, OVR 523)


(Favorite, 68.89%) (7) Brian Blackfield (1-1, OVR 568) Lp89uMT.jpg

One of the big talking points on The League’s forums in the days leading up to the show was the discussion about what would happen when two men who were known for adrenaline rushes faced off, and whether one being triggered would lead to the second right afterwards, and so on. What most people seemed to forget, mainly because this was three seasons ago at the point it was established, is that The Juggernaut simply cannot hit the Scotland Destroyer on someone of Mastodon’s size. It simply didn’t work on Monty Dhillon and he’s roughly the same size as The Mastodon. So instead, Blackfield got himself busted open about ten minutes into the match, used the anger from that to immediately pummel Mastodon, and spent the next few minutes wearing the larger man down for the eventual application of the Highland’s Wrath. That led to the submission, and Blackfield ending week three within striking distance of the Alpha Division lead.

Brian Blackfield (2-1) def. The Mastodon (1-2) via Submission (Highland’s Wrath) in 18:46.  Rating: **

Changes for Brian Blackfield:  OVR + 3.94, XP + 733.51, minor damage to head

Changes for The Mastodon:  OVR + 0.45, XP + 183.38, moderate damage to head








1.  Brandy McDonald:  2-1, ATV 12:24, (AMR 2.667), OVR 523.64

2.  Nuclear Templeton:  2-1, ATV 14:38, (AMR 2.000), OVR 536.84

3.  George Mastachas:  2-1, ATV 17:06, (AMR 2.333), OVR 533.12

4.  Brian Blackfield:  2-1, ATV 19:39, (AMR 2.667), OVR 571.78

5.  De'siree Mitchell:  1-2, ATV 11:12, (AMR 2.667), OVR 502.51

6.  Mel O'Hallister:  1-2, ATV 16:39, (AMR 2.333), OVR 527.18

7.  The Mastodon:  1-2, ATV 17:39, (AMR 2.333), OVR 523.34

8.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  1-2, ATV 20:24, (AMR 2.333), OVR 521.87



1.  Christian Priest:  2-1, ATV 9:42 (AMR 2.000), OVR 577.28

2.  Pulsar:  2-1, ATV 9:56 (AMR 2.333), OVR 487.87

3.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  2-1, ATV 12:22 (AMR 2.333), OVR 518.28

4.  Lucas Molina:  2-1, ATV 15:00 (AMR 3.000), OVR 485.03

5.  Angela Wassermann:  1-2, ATV 9:54 (AMR 2.000), OVR 480.10

6.  Blood River:  1-2, ATV 10:39 (AMR 2.333), OVR 506.53

7.  Billy Norris:  1-2, ATV 11:10 (AMR 3.000), OVR 514.62

8.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  1-2, ATV 13:57 (AMR 2.333), OVR 506.56



1.  Kichi Hida:  3-0, ATV 9:58, (AMR 2.333), OVR 473.22

2.  Monty Dhillon:  3-0, ATV 10:14, (AMR 2.333), OVR 535.56

3.  Big Scott Weathers:  2-1, ATV 11:12, (AMR 2.000), OVR 498.05

4.  Diego Rodriguez:  2-1, ATV 11:35, (AMR 2.000), OVR 516.46

5.  Markus Clay:  1-2, ATV 11:10, (AMR 2.333), OVR 481.99

6.  Lance Heartilly:  1-2, ATV 10:02, (AMR 2.333), OVR 450.41

7.  Terrance Stevens:  0-3, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.333), OVR 485.07

7.  Indigo Rose:  0-3, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.333), OVR 493.37

Clay holds H2H over Heartilly



1.  Nocturne:  3-0, ATV 10:08 (AMR 2.333), OVR 440.71

2.  Rock Sheridan:  2-1, ATV 8:13 (AMR 2.667), OVR 409.62

3.  Diamond:  2-1, ATV 9:35 (AMR 2.333), OVR 486.19

4.  Scott Stevens:  2-1, ATV 10:10 (AMR 2.000), OVR 428.30

5.  Leon de Ramos:  2-1, ATV 11:15 (AMR 2.667), OVR 409.81

6.  Mickey Steele:  1-2, ATV 5:50 (AMR 3.000), OVR 406.50

7.  Sterling Silver:  0-3, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.333), OVR 448.26

8.  George Stevens:  0-3, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.000), OVR 401.14



(Reminder: The official scores will have the lowest two weeks dropped at the end of the season.)

1. Eternal Phoenix: 30 (this week: 11)

2. Croquemitaine: 28 (this week: 10)

3. SeanMcG: 26 (this week: 9)

4. Derek B: 22 (this week: 12)

5. Jman2k3: 19 (this week: 7)





(1) Brandy McDonald (2-1, OVR 524) vs. (4) Brian Blackfield (2-1, OVR 572) [First Career Meeting]

(3) George Mastachas (2-1, OVR 533) vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (2-1, OVR 537) [Career: Tied 3 - 3]

LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (7) The Mastodon (1-2, OVR 523) vs. (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-2, OVR 522) [First Career Meeting. Mastodon is 1-1 in Last One Standing bouts.]

(6) Mel O'Hallister (1-2, OVR 527) vs. (5) De'siree Mitchell (1-2, OVR 503) [Career: De'siree Mitchell, 4 - 0]


CAGE MATCH: (1) Christian Priest (2-1, OVR 577) vs. (2) Pulsar (2-1, OVR 488) [First Career Meeting. Pulsar is 1-0 in Cage matches.]

(3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-1, OVR 518) vs. (6) Blood River (1-2, OVR 507) [Career: Blood River, 3 - 1]

(7) Billy Norris (1-2, OVR 515) vs. (8) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-2, OVR 507) [Career: Reverend Johnny Gross, 2 - 0]

(4) Lucas Molina (2-1, OVR 485) vs. (5) Angela Wassermann (1-2, OVR 480) [First Career Meeting]


(4) Diego Rodriguez (2-1, OVR 516) vs. (3) Big Scott Weathers (2-1, OVR 498) [First Career Meeting]

(6) Lance Heartilly (1-2, OVR 450) vs. (2) Monty Dhillon (3-0, OVR 536) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

SUBMISSION MATCH: (7) Indigo Rose (0-3, OVR 493) vs. (7) Terrance Stevens (0-3, OVR 485) [Career: Tied 2 – 2. Rose is 2-0 in Submission matches]

SUBMISSION MATCH: (1) Kichi Hida (3-0, OVR 473) vs. (5) Markus Clay (1-2, OVR 482) [First Career Meeting. Clay is 1-1 in Submission matches.]


(3) Diamond (2-1, OVR 486) vs. (1) Nocturne (3-0, OVR 441) [First Career Meeting]

(7) Sterling Silver (0-3, OVR 448) vs. (6) Mickey Steele (1-2, OVR 407) [First Career Meeting]

(4) Scott Stevens (2-1, OVR 428) vs. (2) Rock Sheridan (2-1, OVR 410) [First Career Meeting]

(8) George Stevens (0-3, OVR 401) vs. (5) Leon de Ramos (2-1, OVR 410) [First Career Meeting]



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Week 3 Quick Thoughts (yanno, I like this format better)



Rock Sheridan def. Mickey Steele

Scott Stevens def. George Stevens

Nocturne def. Sterling Silver

Diamond def. Leon de Ramos

Some real excitement in Delta this week. Three match of the night contenders in one division. Well, then. Rock establishes some dominance. The Stevens bros went to war and left George’s future looking shaky. Silver shows signs of life, but still loses and is in an increasingly bad spot. Nocturne, however, is now one of the only three undefeated wrestlers in the League. And Diamond? Now that’s how you show signs of life. Silver? Take notes. Another couple of wins like that and I might start to believe again.



Kichi Hida def. Lance Heartilly

Big Scott Weathers def. Terrance Stevens

Diego Rodriguez def. Markus Clay

Monty Dhillon def. Indigo Rose

Kichi getting over the hump. Endless Carnival! We’ve only seen successfully used once! Terrance looking weaker and weaker. Diego thoroughly rebounding after that Week 1 beatdown. Rose in a hole of her own making. Monty still dominant. And Gamma has two of the three undefeated wrestlers in the League. Not bad. Not bad at all.



Angela Wasserman def. Pulsar

Billy Norris def. Lucas Molina

Reverend Johnny Gross def. Yoshii Nakamatsu

Christian Priest def. Blood River

Started the week with three undefeated wrestlers. Ended with zero. Wasserman continues her dominance over Pulsar. Norris steals one from Molina. And Gross wakes up against Nakamatsu. Can’t call it upset week, because Priest smashed River. So instead it’s just things starting to even out. Maybe it’ll be like last season, where just about everyone was within two wins of each other until basically the end of the season. Competitive as all hell.



Brandy McDonald def. De’siree Mitchell

Nuclear Templeton def. Jean-Paul Ouilette

Mel O’Hallister def. George Mastachas

Brian Blackfield def. The Mastodon

Go Brandy go! Match of the Night! Nuke dishes out a hellacious ass whipping. Mel says “I’m not dead yet” by beating the champ.  And the show closes out like it almost always does. With the hand of Brian Blackfield raised in victory. So you know. Business as usual here in Alpha. See you next time.

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Brian Blackfield

Nuclear Templeton

The Mastodon

De'siree Mitchell



Blood River

Reverend Johnny Gross

Lucas Molina


Diego Rodriguez

Monty Dhillon

Indigo Rose

Kichi Hida



Mickey Steele

Scott Stevens

George Stevens

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A lucrative week for some of Nuclear's friends as a lot of matches went against the betting lines and some new suits are purchased for those who have worked hard and deserve them.  Nuclear will be in the Nuclear Bunker to work on his "training", privately putting in the work that ensures that The League's true champion will once again be recognised instead of the pretenders.  After all, Greeks and Italians have a long and famous history of being.... friends.....





(1) Brandy McDonald (2-1, OVR 524) vs. (4) Brian Blackfield (2-1, OVR 572) [First Career Meeting]

(3) George Mastachas (2-1, OVR 533) vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (2-1, OVR 537) [Career: Tied 3 - 3]

LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (7) The Mastodon (1-2, OVR 523) vs. (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-2, OVR 522) [First Career Meeting. Mastodon is 1-1 in Last One Standing bouts.]

(6) Mel O'Hallister (1-2, OVR 527) vs. (5) De'siree Mitchell (1-2, OVR 503) [Career: De'siree Mitchell, 4 - 0]


CAGE MATCH: (1) Christian Priest (2-1, OVR 577) vs. (2) Pulsar (2-1, OVR 488) [First Career Meeting. Pulsar is 1-0 in Cage matches.]

(3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-1, OVR 518) vs. (6) Blood River (1-2, OVR 507) [Career: Blood River, 3 - 1]

(7) Billy Norris (1-2, OVR 515) vs. (8) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-2, OVR 507) [Career: Reverend Johnny Gross, 2 - 0]

(4) Lucas Molina (2-1, OVR 485) vs. (5) Angela Wassermann (1-2, OVR 480) [First Career Meeting]


(4) Diego Rodriguez (2-1, OVR 516) vs. (3) Big Scott Weathers (2-1, OVR 498) [First Career Meeting]

(6) Lance Heartilly (1-2, OVR 450) vs. (2) Monty Dhillon (3-0, OVR 536) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

SUBMISSION MATCH: (7) Indigo Rose (0-3, OVR 493) vs. (7) Terrance Stevens (0-3, OVR 485) [Career: Tied 2 – 2. Rose is 2-0 in Submission matches]

SUBMISSION MATCH: (1) Kichi Hida (3-0, OVR 473) vs. (5) Markus Clay (1-2, OVR 482) [First Career Meeting. Clay is 1-1 in Submission matches.]


(3) Diamond (2-1, OVR 486) vs. (1) Nocturne (3-0, OVR 441) [First Career Meeting]

(7) Sterling Silver (0-3, OVR 448) vs. (6) Mickey Steele (1-2, OVR 407) [First Career Meeting]

(4) Scott Stevens (2-1, OVR 428) vs. (2) Rock Sheridan (2-1, OVR 410) [First Career Meeting]

(8) George Stevens (0-3, OVR 401) vs. (5) Leon de Ramos (2-1, OVR 410) [First Career Meeting]



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I dunno, man. This week doesn't thrill me. One unique, one high stakes, one ass kicking about to happen, and a renewal of a rivalry so one sided I dunno if we can even call it one.


(1) Brandy McDonald (2-1, OVR 524) vs. (4) Brian Blackfield (2-1, OVR 572) [First Career Meeting]

The unique. I like Brandy, but Blackfield eas her type for breakfast.


(3) George Mastachas (2-1, OVR 533) vs. (2) Nuclear Templeton (2-1, OVR 537) [Career: Tied 3 - 3]

The high stakes. I'll back Mastachas here. I still believe he's got that tissue paper thin edge against Nuke.


LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (7) The Mastodon (1-2, OVR 523) vs. (8) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-2, OVR 522) [First Career Meeting. Mastodon is 1-1 in Last One Standing bouts.]

The ass kicking about to happen. Man, this just isn't fair to Ouilette at all.


(6) Mel O'Hallister (1-2, OVR 527) vs. (5) De'siree Mitchell (1-2, OVR 503) [Career: De'siree Mitchell, 4 - 0]

The last. Mel...hasn't done very well in this series. I don't favor De'siree, but the history speaks for itself.



Beta isn't much more exciting, I think. Top half versus bottom half. Two uniques, but eh.


CAGE MATCH: (1) Christian Priest (2-1, OVR 577) vs. (2) Pulsar (2-1, OVR 488) [First Career Meeting. Pulsar is 1-0 in Cage matches.]

Priest should run Pulsar over like a bug.


(3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-1, OVR 518) vs. (6) Blood River (1-2, OVR 507) [Career: Blood River, 3 - 1]

River's got the history, but Yoshii has proven he can beat him, and he's better than ever this season.


(7) Billy Norris (1-2, OVR 515) vs. (8) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-2, OVR 507) [Career: Reverend Johnny Gross, 2 - 0]

I do believe the Rev has woken up from his early season slumber.


(4) Lucas Molina (2-1, OVR 485) vs. (5) Angela Wassermann (1-2, OVR 480) [First Career Meeting]

Wasserman doesn't have the stamina to hang with Molina's patient style.



Gamma's weird this week. Two uniques, one lopsided rematch, and one hopefully epic collision.


(4) Diego Rodriguez (2-1, OVR 516) vs. (3) Big Scott Weathers (2-1, OVR 498) [First Career Meeting]

Unique #1. Technician over brawler. Or Diego dos his two steps forward, one step back thing that he does.


(6) Lance Heartilly (1-2, OVR 450) vs. (2) Monty Dhillon (3-0, OVR 536) [Career: Tied 1 - 1]

Last time, down in Delta, Monty squished him. I don't see it going quite that badly, but Monty's surpassed Heartilly.


SUBMISSION MATCH: (7) Indigo Rose (0-3, OVR 493) vs. (7) Terrance Stevens (0-3, OVR 485) [Career: Tied 2 – 2. Rose is 2-0 in Submission matches]

This is lopsided. Stevens doesn't have a trademark submission at all. Rose obviously does. Rose both can and has blown matches like this, but come on. It's the biggest gimme of her season. Take it, woman.


SUBMISSION MATCH: (1) Kichi Hida (3-0, OVR 473) vs. (5) Markus Clay (1-2, OVR 482) [First Career Meeting. Clay is 1-1 in Submission matches.]

Kichi would like to know who booked this crap? This is more likely to end in a ref stoppage than a submission, after Clay is beated from pillar to post and back again. Seriously, someone explain the rules of this one to her before she goes out there. She doesn't know a submission from a hole in the ground.



It's here in Delta where everything's unique and there's some intriguing match ups in store.


(3) Diamond (2-1, OVR 486) vs. (1) Nocturne (3-0, OVR 441) [First Career Meeting]

This is arguably Diamond's best opportunity to genuinely start earning my respect back. So of course she's gonna blow it. It's kind of her trademark at this point.


(7) Sterling Silver (0-3, OVR 448) vs. (6) Mickey Steele (1-2, OVR 407) [First Career Meeting]

Here is where Silver can turn it around, or we can start writing off her whole season. Obviously, I think the former is the case.


(4) Scott Stevens (2-1, OVR 428) vs. (2) Rock Sheridan (2-1, OVR 410) [First Career Meeting]

Scott's doing okay for himself this season, and that's great. Real happy for him, and I hope he continues to do well in his other matches. Unfortunately, he's about to be on the business end of a Grit City Lariat. Sorry about that, bud.


(8) George Stevens (0-3, OVR 401) vs. (5) Leon de Ramos (2-1, OVR 410) [First Career Meeting]

I want to say something nice about George here, but yanno...he's 0-3. It makes it challenging. So instead I'll say this is approaching his last chance to be relevant in the division this season. Like I implied with Silver above, 0-4 with 10 remaining bodes quite poorly. And unfortunately, he's up against this season's resident technician. But you know, maybe he can make a stand here. I hope he does. I don' think he will, but I hope he does.

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3 hours ago, Eternal Phoenix said:

Seriously, someone explain the rules of this one to her before she goes out there. She doesn't know a submission from a hole in the ground.

Just FYI, I already have an idea in mind in case Kichi wins via the “force submission” move. No, I will not provide further comment at this time since I want to have something to motivate me to get through the work day tomorrow.

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22 minutes ago, ShadowedFlames said:

Just FYI, I already have an idea in mind in case Kichi wins via the “force submission” move. No, I will not provide further comment at this time since I want to have something to motivate me to get through the work day tomorrow.

Two words. Mandible Claw. (I know that's not it, but let a man dream.) Though I'm actually curious now. Can a Submission Match end in a blood stoppage? I suppose we'll find out.

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