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Total Championship Wrestling

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Hello! I am fairly new here to the TEW forums and wanted to take few moments to introduce myself as well as a little bit about my save.
    •     I will be using the C-Verse 2022 Alt Mod from lavelleuk. I have found that this mod fits everything that I am looking for to use in a long term save. If you want to check it out here is the link:
    •    I want to give a shout out to Eisen-verse. The way he formats and present his shows is absolutely amazing and as you will soon see it is what I am going for with my write up, just with my own spin
    •    I am very new to the C-Verse. I have always been a real world mod player but I have really enjoyed the C-Verse and the freedom to do just about anything I want to do without the restrictions of real world stipulations. Which brings me to my next point...
    •    I am still learning the C-Verse and very green when it comes to the history of the world. I have a good idea and grasp on a lot of aspects and the characters in the world but I promise you that this will most likely be very different from other write ups just based on my lack of knowledge.  
    •    I will be taking on the role of Kyle Rhodes as owner of TCW. In this mod TCW is 5th in the world and I really dig the roster. I already have most of my first year written out and planned and think that it is very very entertaining.
    •    I don't really have many goals other then making the best shows that I can and entertain my audience (you the people of the TEW Universe!) I am sure there will be smaller tasks that I will wish to accomplish but for the most part I am here just to have fun!
    •    I have made some changes but I will make an post shortly regarding the state of the wrestling world and a more detailed introduction. 
    •    Lasts but not least I have no time frame of when I will be posting. Could be days apart or could be months. This is fun for me and a way to escape the crappy real world. I will post when I feel the product is at the best and when I am happy with it. 
That is basically everything. I am a die hard wrestling fan and very knowledgeable on the business of professional wrestling but as I said I am new to this so if you have any advice of what I could do with my thread or any parts of my presentation please let me know! I am an open book and would really apricate any feedback!
Hope you all enjoy!

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