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APEX Wrestling: The Alternative To The Stars

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Wrestling has lost its meaning


Wrestlers are now more expected to make money rather than try and make the audience happy, to go and make sure the high 1 percenters of the world, the Allen Packer’s of the world, the Richard Eisen's feel something. They self-contain themselves with these stereotypical wrestlers from the olden days, and by the time they try to push a young guy he or she is already 30-something. They say it gives people their dues, but really it just means the old and worse wrestlers get too much leeway. Jack Bruce put over Valiant and Rocky on the way out, a Valiant who was nearly 40 and a Rocky who was already 10 times more over then Bruce. No stars made to be great, nothing. At least DeBones put Scythe over. USPW remains the same few people. A great wrestler like Sterling Warlock is going to be let go as Packer can't be convinced that Sterling is the next big thing. Meanwhile, TCW is still making attempts, but they are still fiddling with Mo and some of the others, seemingly not knowing what to do.  The future of wrestling is there but not being tapped. Giants and high flyers all exist to take over from the veterans, but no one is capitalizing. It’s time for an “old vet” like myself to take this opportunity to make new stars. 



Magnus Ivansson


I first needed the money. Magnus already was known to come to some CZCW shows and wanted to try and make a promotion. Of course, he didn’t have a voice for his vision, so I had to convince him with a multi-step plan.


1. Bring in veterans to ensure initial popularity. Call me a “Old Man Hogger” or “Ex SWF Indy” but it is necessary for the first 6 months to a year. No one knows who Ernest Youngman is, but they know who Texas Pete is, even if he is a drunkard. 

2. Bring in a set of youngsters to initially lose but to inevitably go over.  By the end of year one we should have a mix of both, with the vets more popular staying on top but if we bring in Grease and Lead for example, their role will become less and less till they are used mostly to get the youth over. 

3.Mount Rushmore, the CZCW stable consisting of me, American Cobras, and Al Coleman, are key for the main event scene even if we aren’t the most popular. The American Cobra Vlog has over 100k subs, and touching on that internet base is a key as no company really is.

4. Working with my old compamy, CZCW, and also the world would be a good strategy to try and ensure the wrestling world can give us new stars. Allow companies to send wrestler on excursion to us. We will take them and make 'em better wrestlers in tandem. 

5. Tap markets that no one else is. Tag Teams are considered midcard, why not attempt to make them as big as the singles? How bout women's wrestling, the market that USPW have proven to be successful in?


Magnus was really into the idea, and he put aside some of his money to ensure this idea can come true. He shook my hand, and told me to get started signing the people needed to make this happen. 


With that said, welcome to:


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Frankie Perez, The American Cobras, and Al Coleman have branched off from CZCW to create a NEW company! Backed by near billionaire Magnus Ivansson, the promotion is expected to be an alternative to “The Big 3” that exist today. Magnus Ivansson was quoted as saying “The current National American scene is run as businesses, trying to get an extra dollar for their pockets. For us, we are doing this for the love of the sport and the love of the fans.” 

Frankie Perez, the current head booker, EVP, and mind behind the operation, has already posted the roster of the promotion at www.apexprowrestling.com/roster as well as reveal the promotions first event, APEX: True Heart, live in San Francisco. A press conference will be held in two weeks, where the expected card will be revealed

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"The Legendary" Acid, Al Coleman, "PRIDE" Art Reed,  Clutch McKane, 


Connor Threepwood, Crockett Tubbs, Curtis Shaw, "The Triple Threat" Davis Wayne Newton, El Jaguar, "The Assassin" Ernest Youngman,


Ernest Youngman, E-Z, "Mucho Fantastico" Felipe Caballero "Buzzsaw" Frankie Perez, Frantic Ali, 


Frederique Garcia, Fro Sure, Grease Hogg, "Son Of A Monster" James Diaz, "Scheming" Jonah Pilgrim, 


Knuckles, Lead Bully, Marvel Malloy, "Handsome Stranger" Mikel Jarcia, "Lone Rocker" Mimic,


"Sweet Lover" Pablo Rodriguez, Paul Power, "Big Pimp" Sanchez Villano, "Low Rida" Shady K, Stanley North, 


Storm Spillane, "Last Ride" Texas Pete, "The Architect" Dewie Archer, Tigre Salveje Jr


Tag Teams

Death Row (Shady K and Knuckles) 

Flex and Pecs (Frederique and 




Announcing Crew: 


Jim Lou Freebush, Joanne Rodriquez, Joey Poison



To be seen....




Clarence Garcia, Erin Lawrence, Xander Summer


Producers and Other Management


Art Reed, Buddy Garner, Cherry Bomb, Craig Prince, Fumihiro Ota


Johnny Martin, Owen Love






(Out Of Story is here. Thank you for reading if you get this far. This dynasty is basically my interpretation of AEW in a C-Verse world. You should be able to make the character-character inspirations but a lot of them are not based on anyone IRL or take parts of multiple. 

(Frankie Perez's words will be in this) 

(P*@&(@&#& words will be in this)


This is my first attempt at something like this in the new forum. If any of the colors look bad or don't work in one of the modes please tell me, as I still fiddle with the format. Thank you. 



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On 9/14/2022 at 4:00 PM, Irish Wolf said:

You missed naming one guy in the row with Frankie Perez

fixed, thank you


Press Conference for APEX True Heart


As the fans entered the fan site, just outside of The DeVest Arena, a large table was sent up. There sat Magnus Ivansson, EVP’s Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane, and the other EVP, who began the press conference. 


“Good evening. Guessing you have heard of me, my fellow EVP’s, and Mr. Ivansson over here. You have also heard of our vision but we will remind you of it in a minute. But first, we must talk about our card.”


“A battle royal will start the show, with many of the confirmed roster and those outside of it to determine who will be one of the competitors in the APEX World Championship match at one of the next PPV’s to be revealed. I can confirm member of Mount Rushmore Al Coleman, Junior Heavyweight Legend Acid, and The Architect, as the first 3 members of the match, with more to be revealed nearer to the PPV.” 


The press conference continued, with Frankie and co talking about the show and what the company is about. Revealed in this part was a triple tag match, with Death Row (Knuckles and Shady K) Flex and Pecs (Frederique Garcia and Mikel Jarcia) and The Dirty White Boys (Grease Hogg and Lead Belly) as an introduction to the APEX Tag division, which seems mostly filled with veterans right now. 


“This next match is rather special. Canadian daredevil Mimic is known throughout the wrestling world for his crazy moves and care-free attitude. His opponent, is someone you all should know very well….”


As the lights faded, the screen above started to play a video. The video showed a darkly lit room, with an American flag standing near a punching bag. A man walks up to the bag, and starts throwing everything he’s got at it. Punch after punch, kick after kick, just trying to level the bag before it eventually falls from the wall. The face looks up at the camera revealing.



















Chris Caulfield! 


The crowd cheers loudly, as Chris comes out. He shakes the hand of Frankie and the rest of the leadership, before hyping up the crowd. 


Two more matches were revealed. First, Ernest Youngman, the figurehead of PSW, vs former TCW wrestler Texas Pete, who is getting his first national experience since his drunkard incidents. Meanwhile, we saw Tigre Salveje Jr and El Jaguar come out and give a long staredown with The American Cobras. Frankie and Magnus had to stay between the four men before they all went backstage, leaving just Frankie and Magnus. 


“To finish off this press conference, I think it’s fair to announce the main event, right? Well, at least half of it. In the main event, to determine who will face the winner of that battle royal for the World Championship, I will be facing off against a wrestler to be determined. Until then-"


A masked man appears on stage, and just goes ham on Frankie. Throwing kicks and punching the crap out of him. Magnus tries to stop him, but two other masked men stand in his way, and the first masked man grabs hold of Frankie and throws him through a table. All 3 come together, and take off their masks to reveal…



























Pablo Rodriquez and The Mexican Hardcore Killers!!!!


The former 4x EILL World Champion and the current COTT Champion is here with one of the hottest tag teams in all of California is with him. The tag team celebrates with Pablo, who directly stares down at the camera. The press event ends with them holding their arms up, as it becomes clear what the main event of APEX’s first show is. Overall a really great press conference in my opinion. I know my fellow podcast buddy Joanne Rodriquez is going to be a backstage and commentary hand for the show, which is a scoop to you readers. We should have more details on other backstage members in due course. 


But until then, this is Phil Vibert of Vibert’s Voice signing off.

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Apex Presents True Heart! 


Live From San Francisco 

Match Card: 


Main Event, and World Title Eliminator:  "Buzzsaw" Frankie Perez vs Pablo Rodriquez



Chris Caulfield vs Mimic 



Ernest Youngman vs Texas Pete



The American Cobras (Storm Spillane and Marvel Malloy) vs The Wild Cats (El Jaguar and Tigre Salveje Jr) 



Flex and Pecs (Fredrique Garcia and Mikel Jarcia) vs Dirty White Boys (Lead Bully and Grease Hogg) vs Death Row (Knuckles and Shady K) 



APEX Rumble and World Title Eliminator: Acid, Al Coleman, Art Reed, Bobby Thomas, Brimstone, Clutch McKane, Connor Threepwood, Crockett Tubbs, Curtis Shaw, Davis Wayne Newton, Flash Savage, Felipe Caballero, James Diaz, Paul Power, Prime Time Jack Pryde, Remmy Skye, Zippy Deverell (Includes 13 non confirmed wrestlers, who might sneak in and win the match....) 



(Pre Show) Stanley North vs The Architect w/ Jonah Pilgrim



(Pre Show) Fro Sure vs Frantic Ali



(This is for non roster wrestlers that are confirmed for the match) 

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APEX: True Heart

Report By Vibert's Voice


Went to the first show for APEX, jotted down a bunch of notes. Here is my recap of the show. 





In a pre-show bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, The Architect defeated Stanley North in 12:22 by submission with a Blueprint. (43


Architect is someone we can go really far with, make sure he gets his popularity up and you have a top tier heel. 


In a pre-show bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Fro Sure defeated Frantic Ali in 10:47 by pinfall with a Sure Thing.(56) 


Producer: Same thing for both, but especially Fro Sure. Dude has “It” and his in ring work was crazy good. 



Okay onto the main show. Will keep comments till the end, besides a touch on rules for the battle royal. 




1. In a bout that had sub-par wrestling and little heat, Ernest Youngman defeated Texas Pete in 12:57 by pinfall with The Hit. (41

2. After the match, Ernest Youngman attacks Texas Pete, right before....



CLARK ALEXANDER COMES OUT! The number 1 entrant in the Rumble is here and Ernest leaves the ring before another brawl can begin! Clark now must focus on the next match.  (37)



Before the match they announced some rules. 3 men starting in the ring, 3 entering every 3 mins or so, 3 more enter, until 30 men have stepped into the ring. 


3. In a bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Al Coleman won a battle royal in 55:31. The other members of the 'final four' were Java, Harry Allen and Clark Alexander, with Java being the final elimination. Java got the most eliminations over the course of the match; Al Coleman set the record for surviving the longest. (50

4.  Before the 2 v 2 v 2 match started, a Wrestling legend came out.








The monster Dread is here! He stands as the crowd goes crazy! 

"Heard about this new company starting up, and thought I'd bring some of my boys!


Teddy Thompson, Clause Reed, Oxel Lee, and Tyrus Omega! They are all here! And in the ring, Flex and Pecs are making a run for it! Chaos here as it's now a 4v4 match! (50)



5. In a bout that had sub-par wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Clause Reed, Tyrus Omega, Teddy Thompson and Oxel Lee defeated Death Row and The Dirty White Boys in 11:55 when Tyrus Omega submitted Lead Belly. (43

6. A freestyle segment called 'Special Guest commentator for the following match......Bryan Vessey!' featuring Bryan Vessey. (66


7. In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, The American Cobras drew with The Wild Cats in 17:11 when the referee lost control and stopped the match. During the match we also saw Frederique Garcia run in and attack Jaguar, and Mikel Jarcia also attack Spillane. (36


8. Post Match: Flex and Pecs attack both teams, amd raise their hands tall. (45


9. In a poor match, Chris Caulfield defeated Mimic in 12:07 by pinfall with a Danger Drop.(45

10.  As Chris Caulfield raised his hands up, The Architect and Jonah Pilgrim attack him. The fighting continued on shortly, but then...


AL COLEMON FOR THE SAVE! He comes out and wrecks havoc, before raising the hand of (40


11. In a decent match, Pablo Rodriguez defeated Frankie Perez in 25:25 by pinfall with a Sinner's Salvation. (52



Perez sat in the ring stunned, as Mexican Hardcore Killers raise the arms of The Priest of Pain. Frankie stood up, as the audience gave a standing ovation. A microphone is thrown to him, but before he could speak...






































Bryan Vessey!

He comes out and hits a stunner on Frankie Perez! Perez, already hurt, is picked up by Vessey now and both head up the ramp! They are now at the announcing table, and Vessey throws Perez over his shoulders and powerbombs him through the table! As the PPV ends, Vessey stands tall! (62)

Show Rating: 58






Here are some notes I had throughout the show:


- First match was mostly carried by Ernest here, Texas has some rust still. 

-While all 4 did good in that Dread Army match, Clause Reed had one of the best performances of the night. Tyrus, Teddy, and Oxel have higher potential though. 

-Bryan is so over with the crowd it’s crazy. 

-Mimic and Chris Caulfields match was a bit underwhelming, though that's due to Chris is old age and them trying to do a wild brawl of sorts


Anyway, that was a good debut show. The next event is in a month or so, and we will probably see Vessey make his in-ring debut. Until then...

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Out of character Martel here, looking for feedback on the format for the post. Do you want an in-show perspective rather then through Phil Vibert, or more pictures/match review rather then notes at the end, Will post the card for the next show tomorrow, so tell me what you guys are thinking.

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