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TNA 2013: Bischoff's Last Stand (Continued)

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I started this diary a while back but ended up getting away from it after a few months in-game. I have recently gotten back into the game and I'm really enjoying it at this point, so much so that I have decided to continue the diary as well. Due to the change of forums, and the fact that all of the images are gone as well, I have decided to start a new thread for this diary rather than continue the old one. I will, however, pick up right where I left off, so I'm going to recap the last show I did, Destination X, as well as give a quick rundown of the current feuds etc. to help former readers remember and allow any new readers to catch up.




Destination X opened with Hulk Hogan introducing Devon's challenger for the TNA TV Title; the debuting Shelton Benjamin. Shelton Benjamin went on to defeat Devon, capturing the TV Title on his very first night with the company.

Tara defeated Taryn Terrell. After the match, Mickie James came out and challenged Tara to a match on Impact.

Jeff Jarrett defeated Samoa Joe by countout after Jarrett lured Joe into the backstage area where fellow "Originals" stablemates, Daniels and Kazarian, were waiting to attack Joe, preventing him from returning to the ring before the ten count.

Gail Kim defeated Velvet Sky to retain the TNA Knockouts Championship. Gail Kim's enforcer, Lei D'Tapa, got involved during the match and ultimately helped Gail win the match by distracting Velvet just long enough for Gail to surprise her with the Eat Defeat.

Chris Sabin won an Ultimate X match to capture the vacant X-Division Championship, which had been vacated by Jeff Hardy, who cashed in Option C to trade the X-Division Championship in for a World Title shot. Kenny King, Alex Shelley, Sonjay Dutt, Petey Williams and Eric Young also competed in the match.

Sting, Kurt Angle and James Storm the Aces & Eights trio of D.O.C., D'Lo Brown and Knux. Sting won the match for his team by forcing D'Lo to submit to the Scorpion Deathlock.

And in the main event, Jeff Hardy defeated the TNA World Heavyweight Champion Bully Ray by disqualification when Jeff's own brother, Matt, attacked Jeff with a steel chair, causing him to win the match but screwing him out of his chance to win the World Title.


Current Storylines and Feuds:

Despite losing by DQ at Destination X, Bully Ray is still the TNA World Heavyweight Champion. Bully's next challenger is "The Lone Wolf" AJ Styles, who earned a title shot by winning a King of the Mountain match at a speclal TNA One Night Only PPV that took place three weeks before Destination X. AJ's title shot was put on hold when Jeff Hardy cashed in Option C, but now AJ Styles is next in line to challenge Bully Ray at the next PPV, Hardcore Justice.

The Aces & Eights are still a major force in TNA, however, leader Bully Ray has been cracking down on several members of the group following a string of defeats. Things came to a head on the last Impact before Destination X where Mr. Anderson announced that he was leaving the group following multiple confrontations with Bully Ray over the past several weeks. Sting, Kurt Angle and James Storm have allied against the Aces & Eights, while AJ Styles has remained neutral despite efforts to recruit him from both sides.

Jeff and Matt Hardy have been having issues ever since Matt arrived in TNA at the Sacrifice PPV. At Sacrifice, Jeff Hardy defeated Kenny King to capture the X-Division Championship, but what Jeff didn't realize was that a Masked Man had interfered in the match to help Jeff win. Jeff offered King a rematch on the following episode of Impact, and won the match, but the Masked Man showed up after the match and attacked Jeff. The week after that, the Masked Man challenged Jeff to a match at Slammiversary, and on the final episode of Impact before Slammiversary, the Masked Man revealed himself to be Matt Hardy. Jeff Hardy went on to defeat Matt at Slammiversary, but that wasn't the end of it. Following Slammiversary, Matt Hardy would not appear on Impact in-person for several weeks, appearing instead on the big screen from some unknown location, cutting increasingly strange promos on Jeff, while also allying himself with "The Monster" Abyss. Matt would talk about doing what he did FOR his brother, and that his love for his brother was his driving force. In the last two weeks leading up to Destination X, Matt would talk about an upcoming Day of Reckoning. Then, Matt showed up at Destination X looking....different, getting involved in the main event and screwing Jeff out of his chance to capture the World Heavyweight Championship.


And that's about it, I think. Obviously a lot of other things have happened but these are the major storylines going on, and I will try my best to add some extra details of past events in the first couple of shows if and when necessary. I am also more than happy to answer any questions, and I can also do a review of each PPV the way I did with Destination X if that's something that people want. I have no idea what kind of interest, if any, this will draw, so I haven't made a decision yet regarding prediction contests. I'd love to do them though.

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Week 4, July, 2013

Live from Showboat Sports Pavilion in Las Vegas, Nevada

Attendance: 1.620

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz



This week's edition of TNA Impact opens with Kurt Angle's music hitting as Angle makes his way out from the back and down to the ring. Angle gets on the mic and says that, as busy as he is dealing with the Aces & Eights, something happened at Destination X that he just can't ignore any longer. Angle says that he has known the Hardy's for a long time now and seeing what Matt did last night, costing Jeff his shot at the title, after everything else that has been going on between them over the past several weeks...Angle just can't stay silent any longer. Angle says that he wants to talk to Matt face to face, so he wants Matt to join him in the ring right now!




A few momets pass before Matt Hardy's music hits and Matt walks out from the back, flanked by his "Monster" Abyss. Matt and Abyss join Angle in the ring, where Matt and Kurt stare at each other for a few moments, with Kurt looking more than a little confused. Matt then gets on the mic and says that Kurt should stay out of his business because he will never understand the events that are currently unfolding. Matt says that he alone could see his brother's silent cries for help, and that it was not malice, but brotherly love, that brought Matt to TNA. Kurt says that it's not brotherly love to stab your brother in the back, but Matt once again insists that he did the right thing, and that what he did ws a thing of love. A clearly frustrated Kurt Angle then says that he can't talk to Matt when nothing Matt says even makes sense, so Kurt instead challenges Matt to a match later tonight on Impact. Matt contemplates the challenge for a few moments before refusing it, saying instead that if Kurt can defeat his "Monster" tonight, then maybe he will consider doing battle with Kurt in the future. As Matt and Abyss leave the ring, an excited Mike Tenay on commentary hypes up the fact that it looks like we'll see Kurt Angle versus "The Monster" Abyss later tonight! (71)




We cut to the back where Christy Hemme is standing by with the new TNA TV Champion, and newcomer to TNA, Shelton Benjamin. Christy officially welcomes Shelton to TNA and congratulates him on his big win at Destination X. Shelton says that he came to TNA to compete, and to win gold on his very first night here just makes it even better.




Devon and D.O.C. then walk into view and Devon squares up to Shelton with D.O.C. at his back. Devon tells Shelton to make no mistake about the fact that he got lucky at Destination X but it won't happen again. Devon says that he's taking the title back next week on Impact and after that...Shelton better stay out of the Aces & Eight's business, if he knows what's good for him. Because if he doesn't, then his time in TNA will be short indeed. Devon and D.O.C. both stare Shelton down before eventually turning and leaving as we cut back to ringside. (41)




The new X-Division Champion, Chris Sabin, makes his way down to the ring as Mike Tenay hypes up the fact that Sabin is set to defend his newly won X-Division Championship in a few short moments against Alex Shelley. Once in the ring, Sabin gets on the mic and brags about his victory at Destination X, saying that he hardly even broke a sweat winning that Ultimate X match. Sabin goes on to say that he will spend this next year proving to the world that he is the greatest X-Division wrestler in the world, past, present and future. And then, after holding the Title for one full year, turning back every single one of his challengers, he'll use Option C to trade the X-Division Championship in for a shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship at next year's Destination X. At which point he will then go on to prove himself to not only be the greatest X-Division wrestler of all time, but simply the greatest wrestler of all time period!(60)


TNA X-Division Championship




Chris Sabin defended his X-Division Championship against Alex Shelley next in a match that was far more intense and heated than most X-Division matches are, no doubt due to the deeply personal issues that have existed between the two men ever since Chris Sabin turned on Alex Shelley during what was supposed to be a Motor City Machine Guns reunion match, with Sabin claiming that Shelley had been holding him down for years and that he wouldn't allow him to do so any longer. Shelley wasted no time going on work on his former best friend in his one, controlling the action early on with a flurry of passionate offense. A well-timed low-blow behind the referee's back turned things in favor of the Champion, and despite Shelley continuing to fight back, Sabin ultimately put his former friend away with the Cradle Shock for a successfull title defense.


Chris Sabin defeated Alex Shelley at 7:50 by pinfall with the Cradle Shock. Sabin retains the TNA X-Division Championship (63)





Following a quick recap of Tara's victory against Taryn Terrell at Destination X, and Mickie James' subsequent challenge, it was time time for Mickie and Tara to go one on one on Impact. It was a back and forth match with both women having moments of control, but neither woman was able to maintain control for long, which Mike Tenay put down to the fact that both women are very experienced and they both know exactly what they are doing at all times in the ring. Tara came close to likely putting Mickie away with a Widow's Peak, but Mickie was able to counter the move into a roll-up, but Tara kicked out after two. Still stunned at how close she came to losing the match, Tara ended up turning around right into a massive spinning DDT from Mickie, which was enough to secure the pinfall victory.


Mickie James defeated Tara at 7:56 by pinfall with the Mickie-DT (52)


After her hard-earned victory here tonight on Impact, Mickie James gets on the mic after the match and issues a challenge for the TNA Knockouts Champion, Gail Kim, to defend the title against her at Hardcore Justice.




Gail Kim emerges from the back alongside Lei D'Tapa and they both stand at the top of the entrance ramp. Gail says that if Mickie thinks that she is impressed with her, she's sadly mistaken. Gail says that there is nothing impressive about Mickie at all, so why should she even bother with her? Mickie says that if that's true, if she is truly so unimpressive, then why is Gail so reluctant to face her if it's gonna be such an easy win for her? Gail says that she doesn't like wasting her time, but so be it. Gail says that she is not only going to beat Mickie at Hardcore Justice; she's going to humiliate her. And Gail tells Mickie to remember that all of that humiliation? Mickie's the one who asked for it, so she's going to have no one to blame but herself! (45)





In the back, we see Bobby Roode standing in front of the camera and Roode cuts another promo about how he is being ignored and held back in TNA, despite his many quite obvious talents. Roode says that certain people are given opportunity after opportunity, and no matter how many times they squander and waste their opportunities, they always just get more. Roode says that he is sick and tired of being overlooked and under-appreciated, and he says that he is officially done talking about it--tonight he's going to do something about it! As Roode walks off, Tenay and Taz are left to speculate just what Bobby Roode is planning to do tonight? (58)




Six man tag team action was up next as "The Originals" faced off against Crimson, Shark Boy and Rockstar Spud. This was largely a squash match as Jeff Jarrett and the TNA Tag Team Champions, Daniels and Kazarian, maintained control for the majority of the match, and they made sure to keep the powerhouse, Crimson, out of the match as much as possible. The match ended when Jarrett hit the Stroke on Rockstar Spud and covered him for a dominant victory.


The Originals defeated Rockstar Spud, Crimson and Shark Boy at 4:35 when Jarrett pinned Spud following a Stroke (35)




Samoa Joe hits the ring immediately after the match and all three members of The Originals bail when Joe arrives, clearly wanting no part of the "Samoan Submission Machine" here tonight. Joe then gets on the mic and says that he is tired of the bullshit. He says he's tired of dealing with Jeff Jarrett's crap, and he's tired of Jarrett constantly running his mouth only to run away from a fight. Joe says that he wants one more match with Jeff Jarrett at Hardcore Justice. Standing at the top of the entrance ramp, Jarrett says that he has already beaten Joe twice and has nothing left to prove--or gain--by beating him again UNLESS Joe agrees to a specific stipulation. Jarrett says that, given how dominant he has been in their matches (which Mike Tenay calls a bunch of crap due to the cheap ways Jarrett has gone about getting those victories) he'll even let Joe pick a stipulation as well. Because that way, Joe won't have any excuses left when Jarrett beats him for a third time. Joe agrees to this without hesitation, and Jarrett says that his stipulation is that WHEN Joe loses again...he has to join The Originals and he has to do everything Jarrett tells him to. Joe agrees and then announnces his own stipulation; he wants the match to be a STEEL CAGE match! Joe tosses the mic to the floor and stares at Jarrett, who looks like a man who is regretting his decisions right about now! (59)





Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff are backstage talking about what just went down between Jeff Jarrett and Samoa Joe when Jeff Jarrett barges into the office, wanting to back out of the match he suggested himself just a few moments ago. Bischoff appears to be sympathetic to Jarrett's cause, saying that he doesn't know if it's such a good idea to lock Jarrett inside a cage with Samoa Joe, but Hogan says that it was Jarrett's idea in the first place, so as far as Hogan is concerned, that's an oral agreement right there and that is binding, brother. Bischoff thinks it over for a few seconds and then he agrees with Hogan, telling Jarrett that the Steel Cage match WILL take place at Hardcore Justice, much to Jarrett's disappointment. (59)




James Storm faced off against Aces & Eights member D'Lo Brown next in a match that in truth was more of a brawl than an actual match. Mike Tenay and Taz got into a bit of an argument on commentary after Taz got a little too enthusiastic in his support for his fellow Aces & Eights member, which did not sit right at all with Tenay. After some back and forth action, it looked like James Storm was gaining the upper hand and that the Last Call might be near for D'Lo, but then...




More Aces & Eights members hit the ring in the form of Knux, Garrett Bischoff and Wes Brisco, and all three men attacked James Storm, leaving the referee with no choice but to call for the disqualification.


James Storm defeated D'Lo Brown at 6:46 by disqualification when other members of the Aces & Eights interfered (62)




It's a four on one beatdown in the ring but it doesn't last long as Sting's music suddenly hits and "The Icon" runs down to the ring with his trusty baseball bat in hat. Sting nails both Garrett and Wes with the bat and then he clotheslines Knux over the top rope and out of the ring. James Storm takes care of D'Lo Brown on the other side of the ring, and Sting and Storm stand tall in the ring while the Aces & Eights retreat back up the ramp.





Once the ring has cleared out and everything has settled down, the Aces & Eights music hits and the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Bully Ray, comes down to the ring with Brooke Tessmacher to brag about the fact that he is still the TNA World Heavyweight Champion. Bully says that people can hate it all they want, but nothing is going to change the fact that he is the greatest wrestler in the world. Bully says that while the Aces & Eights might have gone through a bit of a rough patch lately, it's all about to turn around because he will lead the group into the future with a firm hand and he will crack down hard on failure. Bully says that he will accept nothing but dominance from his brothers, and those who fail to do so will be sent packing the same way Anderson was sent packing. Taz praises Bully's leadership on commentary, while Mike Tenay points out that Mr. Anderson LEFT the Aces & Eights, he wasn't kicked out. Bully goes to continue his promo, but he is then interrupted as...




"Evil Ways" suddenly starts playing, bringing "The Lone Wolf" AJ Styles out from the back. AJ makes his way down to the ring, and once inside, he squares right up to Bully Ray, coming face to face with the reigning World Heavyweight Champion and the leader of the Aces & Eights. AJ then backs off a little bit, and he grabs a mic and says that he waited for Jeff Hardy to cash in his title shot at Destination X.... but now he's done waiting. AJ says that Destination X has come and gone, and now he's coming for the World Title at Hardcore Justice and he's putting an end to Bully's reign of terror once and for all! AJ and Bully goes face to face again in an intense staredown, and then AJ turns, leaves the ring and walks back up the ramp, leaving Bully Ray looking pissed in the ring while Brooke tries to calm him down. Mike Tenay wonders if he perhaps saw fear in the eyes of Bully Ray when standing face to face with "The Lone Wolf", but Taz says that Bully fears no one and AJ Styles is the one who should be truly afraid here. (77)




It's almost main event time but first we cut to the back where Sting is seen walking when he is suddenly approached by Bobby Roode. Roode acknowledges that Sting is a legend, a man who is greatly respected everywhere. Roode then says that when he beats Sting in the middle of the ring, then people will finally have to give him the respect--and the opportunities--he deserves. Roode then challenges Sting to a match next week on Impact. Sting says that respect is earned, not demanded, but if Roode wants a go at The Stinger next week, then Sting is more than happy to accept the challenge! It's Sting vs. Bobby Roode next week on Impact! (60)






Kurt Angle squared off against "The Monster" Abyss in the main event, and Matt Hardy's presence at ringside served as a constant source of distraction for Kurt Angle, who had to have eyes in the back of his head at all times--which, as Mike Tenay pointed out, is hard to do when you are in the ring with someone as dangerous as Abyss. Abyss maintained control for the majority of the match, inflicting considerable damage on Angle, who was always fighting from underneath just to survive. Angle finally managed to turn things in favor when he narrowly avoided getting crushed in the corner, causing Abyss to charge chest-first into the turnbuckle. Angle began to fire back with a series of hard punches, a belly to back suplex and a german suplex before trying to lock in the Ankle Lock, but Abyss was able to kick Angle off. Matt Hardy then climbed onto the apron to distract Angle, but Angle realized what he was doing just in time to avoid Abyss, who was charging at him from behind, and Abyss just barely managed to stop himself before colliding with Matt on the apron. Just when he thought everything had been saved, Abyss suddenly got grabbed from behind by Angle, who delivered an impactful Angle Slam. Angle then covered "The Monster" and picked up a very hard-fought victory in tonight's main event.


Kurt Angle defeated Abyss at 13:03 by pinfall with the Angle Slam (73)


And with that, and with Kurt Angle standing victorious in the ring, this week's edition of TNA Impact comes to an end.


Final Show Rating: 72

Final TV Rating: 1.62 (1.220.499 viewers)

This show increased popularity in 28 regions





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On 9/29/2022 at 4:58 PM, James The Animator said:

I’m so happy to see you back. I was really getting into this dynasty when it stopped. You inspired my own TNA save on this mod, which has been absolutely crazy. Hopefully you can maintain your locker room better than I could.

Thanks man, I really appreciate that. My locker room is solid so far but it was pretty touch and go early on and I don't feel entirely out of the woods just yet.


On 9/29/2022 at 8:34 PM, Dawn said:

Finally catching one of your diaries from the very start! Very excited for this one :D

Thank you! Glad to have you along for the ride!



First show of the new/continued run is up. I'm pretty clueless when it comes to these new forums, but I will probably look into making it a little more obvious when one segment ends and another begins. Aside from that, I think it looks pretty similar to how I did things on the old forums.


Also, I think I will do predictions for this run as well. I will likely wait and bring predictions back for the next PPV, Hardcore Justice.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Week 1, August, 2013

Live from the Matadome in Northridge, California

Attendance: 1.600 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




This week's edition of TNA Impact opens with the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Bully Ray, making his way down to the ring along with Brooke Tessmacher. Bully gets on the mic and says that AJ Styles is now the man in the world with the biggest target painted on his back. Bully says that time is indeed running out, but it's not the time that AJ had to wait for the World Title match that is running out, it's the time before Bully beats the living hell out of AJ and leaves him lying in a pool of his own blood. Bully says just like Kurt Angle, Sting, Jeff Hardy and James Storm all found out the hard way, so too will AJ Styles find out the hard way that nobody is going to take the World Title from Bully. Bully then tells AJ to pay attention because he's got some pent-up frustrations that he needs to work out, and what he is about to do to his opponent tonight is exactly what he will do to AJ at Hardcore Justice. Bully then drops the mic and signals for his opponent to come down to the ring and get the ass-kicking that is waiting for him. (91)




Rockstar Spud looks more than a little apprehensive as he approaches the ring, while Taz on commentary says that Spud is making his way to the ring like a lamb to slaughter. As the bell rings, Bully offers Spud a free shot, but before he can take it, Bully levels him with a hard clothesline. From here, it's all Bully Ray as the World Champion appears to take great joy in destroying Spud in the ring. Bully then hits the Bully Bomb and pins Spud for a dominant win here on Impact.


Bully Ray defeated Rockstar Spud at 2:06 by pinfall with a Bully Bomb. (59)




We cut to the back where Christy Hemme is standing by with Jesse Sorensen, who is making his return to TNA tonight following his gruesome injury at Against All Odds. Christy welcomes Jesse back and asks him what his plans are now that he is finally back and healthy again. Jesse says that it's great to be back, especially because, for a while there, it looked like he might not be able to return at all. Jesse says that he is looking forward to getting back in the ring and, hopefully, picking up right where he left off. Jesse says that his dream was almost taken away from him at Against All Odds, but now that he's getting a second chance, he's planning on making the most of it. Christy then wishes Jesse the best of luck as the interview comes to an end and we cut back to ringside. (29)




X-Division action is up next as Alex Shelley faces off against Kenny King. This is a fast-paced, high-flying match that goes back and forth throughout, with both men getting plenty of opportunitites to shine. In the end, however, it is Kenny King who is victorious in this one, hitting the Coronation and picking up the one, two, three for a hard-fought win.


Kenny King defeated Alex Shelley at 7:55 by pinfall with the Coronation. (63)


As Kenny King celebrates in the ring, a graphic pops up on sceen reminding everyone of the Sting vs. Bobby Roode match that is set to take place later tonight. Mike Tenay and Taz hype up the match, with Tenay saying that if Bobby Roode really wants to make a statement, defeating "The Icon" would be quite the way of doing so. (60)




Mickie James takes on Lei D'Tapa next, and a distraction from Gail Kim helps Lei gain the early advantage. Lei maintains the advantage for a little while, slowly wearing Mickie down, but she soon starts getting a little too sure of herself, wasting too much time, which gives Mickie a chance to regroup and fight back, Mickie stays on the attack and it looks like Lei D'Tapa is in trouble, but Mickie's momentum comes to a screeching halt when Gail Kim enters the ring and blasts Mickie in the back of the head with the Knockouts Championship, ending the match in a disqualification.


Mickie James defeated Lei D'Tapa by disqualification at 3:20 when Gail Kim got involved and attacked Mickie. (32)




The match is over but the attack continues even so, with Gail instructing Lei D'Tapa to hold Mickie up. Gail talks some trash to Mickie before dropping her with the Eat Defeat in the middle of the ring. Velvet Sky then runs down to the ring to attempt to help Mickie, but she ends up falling with to the Eat Defeat from Gail Kim as well. Lei D'Tapa then hits a massive powerslam on Mickie, and Gail then places on foot on Mickie's stomach as she holds the Knockout's Championship high in the air. (37)




Following a commercial break, Shelton Benjamin makes his way down to the ring for his upcoming TV Title defense against Devon. As Benjamin waits in the ring, the Aces & Eights music starts playing but there is no sign of Devon. After a little more waiting around, we cut to the back where...




Devon is seen lying face-down on the ground as the other members of the Aces & Eights are gathered around him. Bully Ray asks what the hell happened, but no one seems to know anything. Clearly frustrated, Bully turns to Knux and tells him that this is his chance to prove his worth to the Brotherhood. He tells Knux to take Devon's place in the match, but Knux had better bring that TV Title back to the Aces & Eights because if he doesn't...then he's out of the group for good! (37)


TNA Television Title




As Knux marches down to the ring, Taz says on commentary that if Shelton Benjamin had anything to do with the attack on Devon, he's about to regret it because Knux is going to beat some sense into him. Knux tries to hit first with some big time punches, but Shelton is able to dodge and duck all of them, instead taking control of the match himself with a german suplex. Knux fires back with some hard elbow strikes, a clothesline and a sidewalk slam, but Shelton is able to kick out of the following cover after a two count. Desperate for a win to avoid getting kicked out of the group, Knux continues to go for big power moves, but a running clothesline in the corner ends up being the beginning of the end for Knux as Benjamin is able to get a boot up. Knux staggers backwards as Shelton quickly makes his way to the top rope for a diving crossbody. Knux kicks out at two and a half, but when he gets back to his feet, he turns right into a Paydirt from the TV Champion, who immediately makes the cover and this one is over.


Shelton Benjamin defeated Knux at 7:25 by pinfall with the Paydirt. Benjamin retains the TNA Television Title. (57)




The match is over and Shelton Benjamin has retained the TV Title, but this outcome spells disaster for Knux. Benjamin briefly celebrates in the ring before leaving it as Bully Ray makes his way down to the ring to confront Knux.  Bully gets into the ring and immediately tells Knux to get to his feet. Knux slowly does so, and Bully gets right in his face and tells him that he is a failure and he doesn't accept failure any longer; Bully then officially kicks Knux out of the Aces & Eights, telling him to turn in his vest and get the hell out of his sight because looking at him makes Bully sick to his stomach! A defeated looking Knux slowly makes his way out of the ring and back up the entrance ramp. (46)




Once the ring has cleared out, Hulk Hogan's music hits and Hogan makes his way down out from the back to a great ovation from the fans. Hogan slowly makes his way to the ring, and once inside, he gets on the mic and says that he is out here tonight for a very special reason. Hogan says that he is out here tonight to tell everyone to tune into Hardcore Justice, brother, because at the pay per view, Hogan says that he will have an important announcement to make, one that will shape the future of the entire company. Hogan continues by saying that he wishes he could tell everyone tonight, but due to reasons that he can't really get into right now, he has to wait until Hardcore Justice. Hogan again encourages everyone to tune into Hardcore Justice because it is going to be a monumental event, brother! Hogan's music then hits again, and Hogan drops the mic and heads back up the entrance ramp as we cut to the backstage area. (75)




In the back, Samoa Joe is standing in front of the camera with a message for Jeff Jarrett. Joe says that Jarrett has been running away from him for months now,  but that is all about to come to an end. Joe says that Jarrett can ask Hogan, Bischoff, Daniels, Kazarian and anyone else for help, but nothing is going to change the fact that NO ONE will be able to help Jarrett once he's locked inside that cage with Joe at Hardcore Justice. Joe tells Jarrett to be afraid because at Hardcore Justice, Joe is gonna choke Jarrett out! (52)




Bobby Roode gets his chance to make a statement next as he goes one on one with "The Icon" Sting. Sting offers a handshake to start things off, but Roode ignores it, drawing boos from the crowd. Sting seems to be one step ahead of Roode early on, with Roode's eagerness to prove himself making his a bit overzealous, which the veteran Sting takes full advantage of, which, in turn, causes Roode to grow more frustrated. Roode is finally able to gain control of the match by hitting a low blow behind the referee's back, and from here, Roode remains in control of the match for the next several minutes, but he continues to grow more and more frustrated by his inability to put Sting away. His frustrations eventually get the better of him, as he takes too much time arguing with the referee, which allows Sting to roll Roode up from behind, but Roode is just barely able to kick out before the three count. Sting then begins to fire up with some rights and lefts, a couple of clotheslines and a Stinger Splash in the corner. Sting then grabs Roode and gets him into position for the Scorpion Deathdrop, but Roode is able to desperately fight his way out of it. Roode then catches Sting with a few right hands, but they seem to have no effect on "The Stinger". Desperation setting in again, Roode then kicks Sting between the legs, in full view of the referee, leaving him with no choice but to call for the disqualification.


Sting defeated Bobby Roode at 10:30 by disqualification. (65)


The match is over and Mike Tenay says that Bobby Roode has completely lost it after hitting Sting with a low blow to cause himself to be disqualified because he knew that he couldn't defeat "The Icon". Roode doesn't look like he's done, however, as he grabs a chair at ringside and goes to nail Sting with it...but Sting is able to duck the chair shot and fight back, eventually clotheslining Roode over the top rope. Sting stares at Roode, who again is left frustrated, as Mike Tenay says that it looks like these two might square off again in the near-future as the issues between them were far from settled here tonight. (63)




We cut to the backstage area where The Originals are standing in front of the camera. It is Jarrett who does the talking, while Daniels and Kazarian stand by his side, proudly displaying their Tag Team Championship title belts on their shoulders. Jeff Jarrett says that everyone thinks that he's afraid of Samoa Joe but, as usual, everyone's got it all wrong. Jarrett asks why he would be afraid of someone he has already beaten twice? Jeff says that Joe and everyone else might wish that that were the case, but the truth is that the one who is afraid is Samoa Joe. Jeff says Joe is afraid of losing to him a third time in a row, just like Joe is afraid to face the fact that he'll never be as good as Jeff Jarrett. But once Joe becomes a member of the Originals, Jarrett vows to rekindle the Samoa Joe of old and make the Originals unstoppable! (65)




James Storm faces off against Homicide next in what is a solid match. Following an initial flurry of offense from Storm, Homicide is able to take control of the match and he maintains that control for the next few minutes, doing his best to put Storm away but failing to do so. Storm eventually makes his comeback, which he punctuates with the Last Call, and Storm covers Homicide to secure the one, two, three and pick up the victory.


James Storm defeated Homicide at 7:05 by pinfall with the Last Call. (67)




Kurt Angle's music hits and Angle makes his way out from the back and down to the ring. Kurt then gets on the mic and he says that, since he defeated Abyss last week, he now wants Matt Hardy to come down to the ring and accept his challenge for a match at Hardcore Justice. Kurt waits for a few moments but then...




Rather than joining Kurt in the ring, Matt Hardy and "The Monster" Abyss show up on the big screen. Matt asks if Kurt is sure that this is what he wants, reminding Kurt of the old saying "be careful what you wish for ". Kurt says that he is damn sure this is what he wants, just like he is damn sure that he wants to see Matt face to face. Matt thinks it over for a few seconds, and then he says so be it; he'll do battle with Kurt Angle at Hardcore Justice, but Matt leaves Kurt with a thought; if he was willing to do what he did to his own brother, someone that he loves and cares for deeply, imagine what he's willing to do to Kurt Angle? The screen fades to black and Kurt is left standing in the ring, looking a bit uncomfortable as Mike Tenat wonders just how far the deranged Matt Hardy is willing to go at this point. (75)




It is main event time as the number one contender to the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, AJ Styles, takes on Aces & Eights member D.O.C. This match is quite the contrast in styles as the bigger, stronger D.O.C. tries to impose his will and dominance of the smaller, quicker "Lone Wolf" AJ Styles. After a back and forth opening to the match, D.O.C. is able to take control of the match with a big boot. D.O.C. remains in control for the next several minutes, trying his best to keep AJ grounded and always staying on the attack, but AJ eventually begins mounting his comeback, eventually hitting the Pelé Kick as both men are now down.




Bully Ray and D'Lo Brown make their way down to ringside, causing a frustrated Mike Tenay to say "here we go again" in reference to the cheating ways of the Aces & Eights, while Taz says that this is what actual Brotherhood looks like, though Tenay would know nothing about that. Bully draws the referee's attention as D'Lo sneaks into the ring, looking to blindside AJ. D'Lo grabs AJ from behind and motions for D.O.C. to attack, D.O.C. goes for a running boot, but AJ is able to free himself and move out of the way, causing D.O.C. to nail D'Lo instead. D'Lo goes down and rolls out of the ring, and AJ goes in for the kill, grabbing D.O.C. leg and forcing him to the mat, then locking in the Calf Killer which forces D.O.C. to submit as Bully Ray watches on from outside the ring.


AJ Styles defeated D.O.C. at 12:11 by submission with the Calf Killer. (80)


And with that, AJ Styles stands tall in the ring, and Impact comes to an end with AJ Styles and Bully Ray locking eyes as Mike Tenay reminds everyone that these two men will face each other at Hardcore Justice with the TNA World Heavyweight Championship on the line.



Final Show Rating: 80

Final TV Rating: 1.86 (1.395.002 viewers)

This show increased popularity in 28 regions




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Week 2, August, 2013

Live from the Gold Mine in Long Beach, California

Attendance: 2.000 (sellout)




This week's edition of TNA Impact kicks off with some in-ring action as Austin Aries returns to TNA to square off against Alex Shelley in his first match back. It is a fast-paced, back and forth match where neither man is able to maintain the advantage for very long, and Mike Tenay notes that Aries is showing very little--if any--signs of rust even after being out of action for the past couple of months. In the end, Austin Aries is successful in his first match back as he puts Shelley away with a Brainbuster for the pinfall victory.


Austin Aries defeated Alex Shelley at 7:19 by pinfall with a Brainbuster. (64)




After the match we quickly cut to the backstage area where Devon has been taken out for the second week in a row. This time, however, we see boots of someone standing over Devon, and as the camera slowly moves up to reveal the attacker's identity...




We see that it is MR. ANDERSON! . "Surprised to see me?" Anderson asks, and he then goes on to declare that he is back and he is going to be kicking ass and taking names and he's starting with every single member of the Aces & Eights!

As we cut back to the announce table, Mike Tenay says that he can't believe what he just saw. He says that they haven't seen Anderson for weeks, ever since he quit the Aces & Eights, and now he is apparently going against them. Tenay can barely contain his excitement, but Taz is, unsurprisingly, much less enthusiastic about it, saying that Anderson just made the biggest mistake of his life. (65)




Knockouts tag team action is up next as Gail Kim and Tara team up to take on the team of Mickie James and Velvet Sky. Mickie wants to start the match with Gail, but the Knockouts Champion opts to remain on the apron and allow Tara to square off Mickie instead. The match is effectively a handicap match as Lei D'Tapa's presence at ringside forces Mickie and Velvet to constantly keep an eye on her, which Gail and Tara take full advantage of. The match eventually breaks down with all four women battling it out in the ring, but Lei D'Tapa grabs Mickie's leg and pulls her out of the ring, leaving Velvet by herself in the ring. Despite trying to fight back, Gail Kim takes Velvet down with the Eat Defeat, and Gail makes the cover while Tara prevents Mickie from breaking up the pin.


Gail Kim and Tara defeated Mickie James and Velvet Sky at 8:11 by pinfall when Gail pinned Velvet following the Eat Defeat. (49)





After the match, we cut to the backstage area where Christy Hemme is standing by with Bobby Roode. Roode says that what happened last week was a fluke, a one-in-a-million type of event that will never happen again. Christy tries to ask Roode how it was a fluke given that he got himself disqualified, but Roode says that he knows he is the biggest star in TNA and he knows that he is a better wrestler than Sting has ever been. Roode then challenges Sting to a rematch at Hardcore Justice, saying that if Sting truly is the man that people say he is, if he is truly "The Icon", then he won't be satisfied with a fluke win and he'll do the right thing and accept Roode's challenge! (62)




We cut to Eric Bischoff's office where Bully Ray is complaining to Bischoff and Hogan that the scheduled main event tag team match should be cancelled due to Devon being attacked earlier and not being in any condition of fight. Once again, "The Hulkster" doesn't have any sympathy for Bully and the Aces & Eights, telling Bully that what goes around comes around, brother, and that he and Devon are just going to have to suck it up. Bully then demands that he be allowed to pick a different partner for the match, but Bischoff says that the match stands, as is, and he has no intention of changing anything about it at this point. Before leaving the office, Bully warns that once he's taken care of business in the ring tonight, he'll have some business with Hogan and Bischoff to take care of next. (59)




Samoa Joe faces off against Homicide next in what turns out to be a fairly short match. Homicide does get some offense in, but he is quickly shut down by Joe, who looks absolutely on point in this one as he takes care of his opponent, eventually forcing him to submit to the Coquina Clutch for a decisive win.


Samoa Joe defeated Homicide at 3:52 by submission with the Coquina Clutch. (60)




As Samoa Joe stands tall in the ring, Mike Tenay notes that Joe looks more than ready for Jeff Jarrett this Sunday at Hardcore Justice. Just then, The Originals make their way out from the back to stand at the top of the entranc ramp. Jarrett and Joe lock eyes, and it looks like Jarrett is considering his next move here. Joe clearly wants a piece of Jarrett in the ring, but Jarrett decides not to attempt another attack, and The Originals instead return to the back as Mike Tenay says that there will be no running away for Jarrett this Sunday when he is going to be locked inside a Steel Cage with Samoa Joe. (50)




We cut to the backstage area where Taryn Terrell and SoCal Val are seen talking. They chat for a little longer before they start walking down the hallway, and that's when the camera pans just enough to catch someone who was, apparently, listening in on their conversation, but we can't see who it is. (27)

As we cut back to the announce table, Mike Tenay asks what that was all about? Taz says he has no idea, but he thinks it is kinda creepy, which Tenay agrees with.




We then head to the backstage area again where Christy Hemme is with the X-Division Champion, Chris Sabin. Sabin brags about being the X-Division Champion, and he talks about how he meant what he said last week about holding the title for an entire year. Before he can continue, however, Jesse Sorensen walks in and tells Sabin that he made a promise to himself that he would make it back from his injury to become the X-Division Champion, and, well, he's back. Sabin sarcastically says that that's great, but he has no intention of just handing him a title shot. Sabin says that Jesse has no business being in the ring with someone as great as him, and that Jesse should never have come back because all he's coming back to is disappointment. Sabin says that Jesse will NEVER be the X-Division Champion, and then he walks off. Jesse stares after Sabin as we cut back to ringside. (36)





Six man tag team action is up next as the TNA Television Champion, Shelton Benjamin, teams with Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez to take on Jay Bradley and The BroMans. This is a fairly standard six man tag match as Bradley and the BroMans manage to isolate Chavo and keep him in their corner as they wear him down. Chavo eventually manages to fight back and make the hot tag to Hernandez, who takes the fight to all three opponents at the same time. Benjamin tags in and the match breaks down completely, but amidst the chaos, Benjamin is able to hit the Paydirt on Jay Bradley and pick up the win for his team.


Shelton Benjamin, Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez defeated Jay Bradley and The BroMans at 6:21 by pinfall when Benjamin pinned Bradley following a Paydirt. (51)





In the back, Matt Hardy tells "The Monster" Abyss that the stars, the moons and the planets are all aligning perfectly, and that the stage is set for the things that he set in motion upon his arrival in TNA to finally come to fruition. Matt then turns to face the camera as he tells Kurt Angle that he is messing with forces he doesn't understand, but his lack of understanding, his ignorance, will not protect him from the consequences of his ill-adviced actions. Matt says that at Hardcore Justice, Kurt Angle's legacy will be sacrificed and DELETED, and in its place will rise something the world has never seen before. (62)





Back at ringside, Sting's music hits and "The Icon" makes his way out from the back and down to the ring as Mike Tenay says that Sting is scheduled to compete in tag team action next. But it looks like Sting has something on his mind first, as he signals for a mic. Sting says that he's got a message to deliver to Bobby Roode. Sting says that he beat Bobby Roode fair and square last week on Impact, and that Roode can't blame Sting for him losing his temper and getting himself disqualified. But "The Stinger" is nothing if not a man who believes in second chances. So if Roode wants another shot at "The Stinger" at Hardcore Justice, he'll get it! But Sting says that Roode better be bringing his A-game, because he is bringing his. Sting then drops the mic and gets ready for his match as Mike Tenay says that the rematch is officially on for Hardcore Justice. (73)




Sting and James Storm takes on D.O.C. and D'Lo Brown of the Aces & Eights next, and both teams start brawling before the bell even rings. Sting and Storm clear the ring and stand tall, while D.O.C. and D'Lo regroup outside the ring. The Aces & Eights mange to take control of the match by cheating, and they begin to isolate James Storm. This only works for a little bit, however, as Storm fights back and his the Last Call superkick on D.O.C., but Storm is unable to make the cover. Both men begin crwaling toward their corners, and both men manage to make the tag, but it is Sting who gains the upper hand as he unloads on D'Lo with rights and lefts. All four men are now in the ring and Storm is able to hit the Last Call on D.O.C. one more time. Storm then blasts D'Lo with the Last Call as well, and Sting applies the Scorpion Deathlock for the submission victory as D'Lo taps out.


Sting and James Storm defeated D.O.C. and D'Lo Brown at 10:26 by submission when Sting forced D'Lo to submit to the Scorpion Deathlock. (55)


As Sting and James Storm celebrate in the ring, Taz is livid on commentary that none of the other Aces & Eights members came out to help D.O.C. and D'Lo. Just then we cut to the backstage area where...




Garrett Bischoff and Wes Brisco have been taken out, and Mr. Anderson stands above them. Anderson looks at the camera and asks if the Aces & Eights thought that he was kidding? Anderson says that his attacks will not stop until every single member of the Aces & Eights have been taken out. Anderson says that he didn't do this for Sting and James Storm, and he didn't do it for the fans or for TNA...he did it for himself, because he wanted to, and if anyone's got a problem with that...well, tough! Because he doesn't give a damn about that either! (65)





The Aces & Eights music hit and Bully Ray and Devon make their way down to the ring, alongside Brooke Tessmacher. Once in the ring, Bully demands a mic as he apparently has something to say before the match. Bully says that TNA management making Devon compete in this match is not only unfair, it's dangerous. Bully says that management, and especially Hulk Hogan, is out of control. Bully says that if anyone thinks that the Aces & Eights are going to take this kind of treatment lying down, they are sadly mistaken. Bully guarantees that there will be a price to pay for what happened tonight, both for Mr. Anderson, for Hogan and Bischoff and for everyone else who stands in their way. Bully says that TNA belongs to the Aces & Eights, they are in charge, and they will do whatever it takes to make sure that everyone knows it. (78)





It's main time and what a main event it is as Bully Ray and Devon take on AJ Styles and Kurt Angle. With Devon still feelings the effects of Mr. Anderson's attack earlier, Bully Ray decides to start the match against Kurt Angle. Mike Tenay notes that there is no doubt that Bully and Devon have the edge when it comes to experience both in tag team wrestling in general, but also in teaming with each other, which is something Styles and Angle aren't used to. But how much will Devon's physical state slow them down as a team? Taz says that Bully and Devon will get the job done, and then that punk, Anderson, is going to get what's coming to him. This is a good back and forth match, but Devon is noticeably slowed down by the attack earlier. We get a brief preview of Hardcore Justice as Bully and AJ come face to face in the ring, but Devon attacks AJ from behind and then all hell breaks lose with all four men fighting it out in the ring.




Matt Hardy and "The Monster" Abyss make their way down to ringside but, somewhat surprisingly, they do nothing but watch and do not get involved in the match. AJ Styles and Devon end up in the ring together while Angle and Bully are fighting outside the ring. Angle gets the upper hand but he is distracted by the presence of Hardy and Abyss. Meanwhile, in the ring, AJ Styles is able to lock in the Calf Killer on Devon, and it looks like Bully Ray might have had enough time to get into the ring and break up the hold, but he hesitates when he locks eyes with AJ Styles. Still with his eyes locked in on Bully Ray, AJ Styles makes Devon submit to the Calf Killer which, as Mike Tenay points out, no one has been able to get out of the Calf Killer once it is locked in.


AJ Styles and Kurt Angle defeated Bully Ray and Devon at 12:26 by submission whtn AJ forced Devon to submit to the Calf Killer. (81)


And with that, AJ Styles continues to stare at Bully Ray, and Impact comes to an end with Mike Tenay saying that if AJ Styles is able to lock in the Calf Killer at Hardcore Justice, we may well have a new TNA World Heavyweight Champion!



Final Show Rating: 75

Final TV Rating: 1.83 (1.376.002 viewers)

Show increased popularity in 28 regions












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The final Impact before Hardcore Justice has been posted. I will be doing predictions for Hardcore Justice so expect the card for that to be posted in the near-future.

And thank you to everyone who is following this. I hope the shows are easy to read/follow. I'd still like it to be a little clearer where one segment ends and another begins, so let me know if that is an issue.

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TNA Hardcore Justice: Official Card


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Bully Ray (c) vs. AJ Styles



Kurt Angle vs. Matt Hardy



Six Sides Of Steel Match - If Jeff Jarrett wins, Samoa Joe must join The Originals

Jeff Jarrett vs. Samoa Joe



Sting vs. Bobby Roode



TNA Knockouts Championship

Gail Kim (c) vs. Mickie James



Mr. Anderson vs. Devon



TNA X-Division Championship Number One Contender's Match

Shark Boy vs. Kenny King vs. Petey Williams vs. Christian York vs. Jesse Sorensen vs. Homicide



Bonus Questions:

Which match will be the longest?

Which match will be the highest rated?

How many, if any, turns will take place during the show?

How many titles will change hands?

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TNA Hardcore Justice: Official Card


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Bully Ray (c) vs. AJ Styles



Kurt Angle vs. Matt Hardy



Six Sides Of Steel Match - If Jeff Jarrett wins, Samoa Joe must join The Originals

Jeff Jarrett vs. Samoa Joe


Via underhanded tactics, natch

Sting vs. Bobby Roode



TNA Knockouts Championship

Gail Kim (c) vs. Mickie James



Mr. Anderson vs. Devon



TNA X-Division Championship Number One Contender's Match

Shark Boy vs. Kenny King vs. Petey Williams vs. Christian York vs. Jesse Sorensen vs. Homicide



Bonus Questions:

Which match will be the longest? Bully vs AJ

Which match will be the highest rated? Angle vs Hardy

How many, if any, turns will take place during the show? 1

How many titles will change hands? 1

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TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Bully Ray (c) vs. AJ Styles

Comment: All over Bubba as champ. Long May it continue.


Kurt Angle vs. Matt Hardy

Comment: Got to be Angle


Six Sides Of Steel Match - If Jeff Jarrett wins, Samoa Joe must join The Originals

Jeff Jarrett vs. Samoa Joe

Comment: Much as I want Joe to win, there’s too much storyline hanging on this. Double J to sneak a win.


Sting vs. Bobby Roode

Comment: Always


TNA Knockouts Championship

Gail Kim (c) vs. Mickie James

Comment: Happy either way but Gail edges it.


Mr. Anderson vs. Devon

Comment: I actually think Anderson has a good shot here but I’ll be damned if I’m betting against a Dudley.


TNA X-Division Championship Number One Contender's Match

Shark Boy vs. Kenny King vs. Petey Williams vs. Christian York vs. Jesse Sorensen vs. Homicide


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Week 2, August, 2013

Live from Citizens Business Arena in Ontario, California

Attendance: 9.736 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz


TNA X-Division Number One Contender's Match




Hardcore Justice kicks off with some X-Division action as six X-Division wrestlers square off with a shot at the X-Division Championship on the line. The action is all over the place from the moment the bell rings, with all six men getting some time to shine. Mike Tenay puts over the history of the X-Division, talking about what a big part of TNA the X-Division has always been and how much it would mean to these guys to earn a chance to challenge for the X-Division gold.




While the action continues in and around the ring, Chris Sabin makes his way down to ringside and it quickly becomes obvious that the X-Division Champion has a specific goal in mind as he attacks Jesse Sorensen from behind. Sabin beats Jesse down and sends him into the guard rail. While this is going on at ringside, Kenny King drops Shark Boy with the Coronation in the middle of the ring and he covers for the one, two, three, with Homicide arriving just a second too late to break up the pinfall.


Kenny King defeated Shark Boy, Homicide, Petey Williams, Jesse Sorensen and Christian York at 7:38 by pinfall when King pinned Shark Boy following the Coronation. Kenny King becomes the new Number One Contender to the X-Division Championship (54)


As Kenny King celebrates in the ring, Chris Sabin retreats back up the ramp with a smile on his face while Mike Tenay is livid on commentary that Sabin just cost Jesse Sorensen his chance to win the match and earn an X-Division title shot.


TNA Knockouts Championship




The TNA Knockouts Championship is on the line next as Gail Kim defends her Championship against Mickie James. Gail is in full heel mode early on in this one, avoiding Mickie by escaping the ring and then hiding behind Lei D'Tapa. Taz says that Gail is trying to get in Mickie's head, but Mike Tenay thinks that Mickie is far too experienced to fall for the Champion's underhanded tactics. Once the match finally gets underway, it's a back and forth exchange between two of the best women in the business right now, but Gail eventually gets the upper hand thanks to a timely distraction from Lei D'Tapa. Gail maintains control for the next few minutes, but Mickie begins firing back with a pair of clotheslines, a flapjack and a neckbreaker. Mickie then tries to go for the win with her Mickie-DT, but she is attacked from behind by Lei D'Tapa before she can hit the move, leaving the referee with no choice but to call for the disqualification.


Mickie James defeated Gail Kim at 7:16 by disqualification when Lei D'Tapa got involved. Gail Kim retains the TNA Knockouts Championship (52)


As Lei D'Tapa stands over a down-and-out Mickie James, Gail Kim aggressively demands to be handed her title. Then, title in hand, Gail and Lei make their way back up the ramp as Mike Tenay says that Gail Kim remains the Knockouts Champion by the cheapest of means here tonight.


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We cut to the backstage area where Christy Hemme is with Chris Sabin and Christy wants to know why Sabin attacked Jesse Sorensen earlier tonight. Sabin brags about being the X-Division Champion, and he says that he was just making sure that a loser like Jesse Sorensen didn't accidentally win that match. Sabin says that nobody in that match deserves to challenge him for his title, least of all Jesse. Sabin adds that no one at all is worthy of challenging him and--




And that's when he is confronted by none other than Kevin Nash, who squares up to Sabin. Nash says that he heard Sabin running his mouth, and it just so happens that Nash knows someone who is more than worthy of challenging Sabin for that X-Division title. Sabin says that he knows that Nash has a history with the X-Division, but it's time for Nash to wake up and realize that his time has passed. Sabin says that it isn't 2006 anymore, it's 2013 and now Sabin is the man while Nash is nothing more than a has-been. Nash says that that's all well and good, but he wasn't actually talking about himself. Nash then warns Sabin to be careful what he wishes for. Nash then walks off, leaving Sabin looking pissed off as we cut back to ringside for more in-ring action. (58)




As soon as the bell rings, Bobby Roode charges at Sting, but "The Icon" has a response to everything Roode throws at him, and the exchange ends with Roode sitting on his ass in the corner of the ring while Sting lets out a "WOOOOOO", much to the delight of the crowd. Roode gets back to his feet and squares up to Sting. The two men exchange words and then Roode decides to slap Sting, which Sting immediately makes his regret by unleashing a barrage of right and left handed punches, a couple of kicks and finally a swinging neckbreaker. Roode then quickly rolls out of the ring to regroup while Sting patienty waits for him in the ring, and Mike Tenay points out that it was Roode's own frustrations that ended up costing him the match against Sting a few weeks ago on Impact. Roode gets back in the ring and he finally manages to get the upper hand by jabbing his thumb into Sting's eye, and Roode wastes no time in going to work on "The Icon". Roode hits a vertical suplex, which he immediately follows up with a knee drop and an elbow drop, but Sting kicks out at two. The match spills outside the ring where Roode whips Sting back-first into the guard rail, and Roode then sets Sting up for a piledriver on the floor, but Sting is able to back body drop his way out of trouble, causing Roode to land hard. Back in the ring, Sting goes for a Stinger Splash in the corner, but Roode moves out of the way and immediately rolls Sting up for another two count. Roode hits a belly to back suplex, and then he sets Sting up on the top turnbuckle. Roode looks to score big with a superplex, but Sting is able to fight Roode off and Roode crashes to the mat. Sting hits a diving crossbody from the top rope for a two count, and then both men go down following a double clothesline. Both men get back to their feet at the count of eight, and body men are feeling the effects of the match. Roode charges with another clothesline, but Sting is able to duck it, grab Roode from behind and deliver a devastating Scorpion Deathdrop! Sting makes the cover and "The Icon" picks up a big win here at Hardcore Justice!


Sting defeated Bobby Roode at 12:56 by pinfall with a Scorpion Deathdrop (64)


As an exhausted Sting gets his arm raised in victory in the ring, we cut to the backstage area again where...




Matt Hardy and Abyss are seen standing in front of the camera and Matt is raving about how the night has finally arrived, saying that tonight is going to be a night like no other, a night that will go down in history. Matt says that an all new kind of darkness will descend upon TNA tonight and Kurt Angle will be the first victim of that darkness--the first of many victims. Matt then looks directly into the camera and says that tonight...tonight everything changes. (65)


Six Sides of Steel Match - If Samoa Joe loses, he must join The Originals




Mike Tenay calls this one a match more than three months in the making but tonight, finally, there will be nowhere left for Jeff Jarrett to run and hide from Samoa Joe. Jarrett is more than a little apprehensive about entering the Six Sides of Steel, but he eventually does so and the door is closed and locked behind him. It is all Samoa Joe in the early parts of this one as he is literally beating Jarrett all over the ring, and every time Jarrett tries to escape, he's faced with the Six Sides of Steel that both men are locked within. A low blow from Jarrett finally halts the onslaught from Samoa Joe, and Jarrett starts dishing out some punishment of his own. Jarrett begins targeting Joe's right leg, but a sudden, lightning quick spinning heel kick from Samoa Joe puts an end to that. Joe sends Jarrett face-first into the steel cage multiple times, resulting in Jarrett getting busted open. The sight of blood doesn't slow Samoa Joe's offense, however, as he stays on the attack with nothing but hard-hitting moves. Jarrett goes back to what worked for him before; a low blow, and it works for him again to buy him a much needed breather. A bleeding Jarrett then motions toward the entrance ramp and a few moments later...




Bad Influence, the TNA Tag Team Champions, make their way down to ringside. Daniels and Kazarian desperately try to get into the cage but the only way in--the door--is locked. In the ring, Jarrett tries to intimidate the referee into giving him the key, only to be informed that it is the referee outside of the cage who has the key. As Jarrett tries to communicate this to Daniels and Kazarian, Samoa Joe comes up behind him and hits a belly to back suplex. Daniels and Kazarian try to get the key from the referee at ringside, but the referee sends Daniels and Kazarian to the back, or risk losing their Tag Team Championships. While all of this is going on, however...




Eric Young has snuck down to ringside with a key in his hand. As Young unlocks the cage door, Mike Tenay wonders how Young could have gotten his hands on a spare key. That question remains unanswered for now, however, as Eric Young enters the ring and attacks Samoa Joe! Has Eric Young joined The Originals?!? Taz says that you can always count on Jeff Jarrett having a backup plan for pretty much any situation. Jeff Jarrett joins in on the attack and now Joe is facing a two on one situation as Mike Tenay points out that there are no disqualifications in a Six Sides of Steel match, so there is nothing the referee in the ring can do. The plan backfires, however, when Eric Young accidentally hits Jarrett and this is all the opening Samoa Joe needs. Joe sends Jarrett head-first into the steel again, and then he chokes Eric Young out with the Coquina Clutch. Samoa Joe then hits the Muscle Buster and Jarrett and makes the cover for the one, two, three. Samoa Joe has overcome the odds to finally defeat Jeff Jarrett here at Hardcore Justice!


Samoa Joe defeated Jeff Jarrett at 17:03 by pinfall with a Muscle Buster (60)




Once the ring has cleared out following Samoa Joe's huge victory, Hulk Hogan's music starts playing as Hogan slowly makes his way out from the back. Mike Tenay says on commentary that it is time for the big announcement that Hulk Hogan talked about two weeks ago on Impact, and Mike wonders just what this huge announcement could be. Hulk Hogan makes his way down to the ring and, once in the ring, Hogan does a bit of posing before calling for a mic. Hogan says that he has spent more than three years in TNA now and a lot of things have happened in that time. Hogan says that there have been some ups and some downs, but looking at the company today, seeing what's going on and knowing where the company is headed under Eric Bischoff's ownership, he can confidently say that the future is as bright as it has ever been for TNA. Because of that, Hogan feels that now is the right time for him to step away. Hogan says that he feels great knowing that he is leaving the company in Bischoff's capable hands, and he thanks the fans for going along with him on his TNA journey. Hogan says that TNA is the future of wrestling and even though he won't be around anymore, he'll always have TNA in his heart. As Hogan drops the mic and leaves the ring, Mike Tenay is absolutely shocked by the announcement that Hulk Hogan is apparently leaving TNA. (70)




Devon takes on former Aces & Eights member Mr. Anderson next in one on one action, and this one is a straight up fight from the get-go with both men throwing right hands in the middle of the ring. Anderson gets the upper hand, but Garrett Bischoff jumps up on the apron to distract him. Garrett gets a punch to the face for his efforts, but the momentary distraction allows Devon to take control of the match. Devon beats Anderson down in the corner, then whips him across the ring to the opposite corner. Devon follows with a corner clothesline, but Anderson gets his boots up and he drops Devon with a clothesline of his own. Anderson flips off Garrett Bischoff and Wes Brisco at ringside, and then he starts putting the boots to Devon. Anderson goes for an irish whip, which Devon reverses, and Wes Brisco trips Anderson up when he gets near the ropes. Devon starts pummeling Anderson with right handed punches and then, as Garrett Bischoff distracts the referee, Wes Brisco holds Anderson as Devon lines up a clothesline. Anderson is able to free himself, however, and Devon nails Brisco instead, who goes flying off the apron. Anderson then rolls Devon up from behind to get himself a pinfall victory.


Mr. Anderson defeated Devon at 8:40 by pinfall with a roll-up (59)


Devon can't believe that he just got pinned, but Mr. Anderson is out of the ring and long gone before the Aces & Eights get the chance to exact some revenge. Taz on commentary calls Anderson a coward, but Mike Tenay thinks it is the Aces & Eights who are cowards for needing strength in numbers. Taz warns Tenay to watch his mouth, before adding that Anderson will pay for his actions, sooner rather than later.





Hardcore Justice continues with a big time singles match as Kurt Angle battles the deranged Matt Hardy. It is a slow start to this one as both men feel each other out, while "The Monster" Abyss lumbers around ringside, and Mike Tenay points out that Abyss could very well be the difference maker in this one. Kurt Angle goes for the Olympic Slam early, but Matt is able to get out of it. Realizing how close he was to getting caught by Angle, Hardy lets out a strange laugh which seems to weird Angle out. The two men lock up again and Matt is able to take control of the match, as Mike Tenay points out that, while Matt Hardy might be strange, he is still more than capable in the ring and a dangerous opponent for anyone to square off against. Matt maintains control for the next several minutes, scoring a near-fall after a Side Effect, and another near-fall following a devastating superplex. Matt then goes for the Twist of Fate, but Angle is able to shove Matt off and Matt bounces off the ropes and right into an Olympic Slam, but Angle is too worn down to be able to make the cover. Both men get back to their feet at the same time and Matt goes for a clothesline, Angle ducks, and then he hits not one, not two, but three german suplexes. Angle hits a vertical suplex, and then he climbs to the top rope to deliver a missile dropkick, but the following cover only gets him a two count. Angle climbs back to the top rope, this time looking for a moonsault, but a brief distraction from Abyss allows Hardy just enough time to recover, and he is able to roll out of the way and Angle crashes to the mat hard. Hardy fires back with a couple of back elbows, a neckbreaker, and a diving elbow from the second rope, but this only gets him a two count as well. Matt pulls Angle back to his feet, but Angle surprises Matt with another trio of german suplexes. Kurt then gets back to his feet and pulls his straps down. The fans go crazy as they know what comes next, but then the arena suddenly gets bathed in a black and white light. A confused Kurt Angle looks around before spotting something up in the rafters...




A creepy looking masked man is seen sitting in the rafters and both Mike Tenay and Taz wonder who this could be. The lights then go out and when they come back a few moments later, the man in the rafters is gone. Still confused, Kurt Angle doesn't realize that Matt Hardy has gotten up behind him and is waiting for him to turn around. When Angle does so, Matt delivers and kick and follows it up with the Twist of Fate! Matt covers Kurt and this one is ov--NO! Somehow, Kurt Angle manages to kick out at two and a half. Matt can't believe it, but he regroups and pulls Angle to his feet again, but Angle catches Matt off guard with a roll-up, but Matt is able to kick out just before the three count. Now furious, Matt gets back to his feet again, only for Angle to catch him by surprise again, this time with the Olympic Slam! Angle crawls into the cover and this time it's the full one, two, three.


Kurt Angle defeated Matt Hardy at 18:12 by pinfall with an Olympic Slam (80)


Kurt Angle looks absolutely exhausted as he gets his arm raised in victory but, as Mike Tenay points out, the question still remains; who was that masked man up in the rafters?


TNA World Heavyweight Championship




It is main event time as the leader of the Aces & Eights, Bully Ray, defends the TNA World Heavyweight Championship against "The Lone Wolf" AJ Styles. Bully overpowers Styles in their initial lock-up and Bully forces AJ into the corner. The referee calls for the clean break but, unsurprisingly, Bully doesn't break cleanly as he lands a cheap shot on AJ. The referee admonishes Bully, but Bully couldn't care less as he goes to work on AJ, determined to take full advantage of his cheap shot. Bully beats AJ down in the corner, then whips him across the ring into the opposite corner, where he crushes AJ with a hard corner clothesline. Bully follows up with a belly to back suplex, before dropping a big elbow drop, but this only gets him a one count, which seems to annoy the World Champion. Bully delivers some mounted punches, while Taz cheers him on on commentary, but when Bully goes for another belly to back suplex, AJ is able to flip over, land on his feet, and drop Bully with a Pelé Kick. AJ continues his flurry of offense, which he looks to cap off with the Phenomenal Forearm, but Brooke Tessmacher grabs hold of AJ's leg, preventing him from performing the move. Bully then charges into AJ, who flies off the apron and collides with the guard rail. Bully takes the fight to AJ outside the ring, but back in the ring, when Bully goes for the Bully Bomb, AJ is able to fight out of it and drop Bully with a DDT. AJ begins firing up, putting the Champion on the defensive, and this time AJ is able to successfully hit the Phenomenal Forearm. Then, predictably...




D.O.C. and D'Lo Brown make their way down to ringside, as Taz proudly declares that the Aces & Eights always have each other's backs. AJ Styles decides to strike first, however, as he leaps over the top rope and dives onto both D.O.C. and D'Lo, taking down both men, much to the delight of the crowd. Amidst the chaos, however, Brooke has handed Bully Ray his favorite steel chain, which the Champion has wrapped around his right hand. Brooke then gets up on the apron to distract the referee, and AJ re-enters the ring only to walk right into a steel chain-wrapped right handed punch from Bully Ray. Brooke immediately jumps off the apron and makes the referee aware of the cover, but much to the surprise of everyone, AJ Styles manages to kick out a split second before the three count! Bully Ray can't believe it as he begins arguing with the referee, but the referee maintains that it was only a two count. Things then begin to break down completely as D.O.C. enters the ring with a steel chair. The referee tries to get him out, but D.O.C. ignores him as Bully Ray pulls AJ to his feet. Bully then holds AJ as he yells at D.O.C. to nail AJ with the chair, but AJ is able to get out of the way and D.O.C. ends up blasting Bully with the chair instead. As Bully staggers on wobbly legs, AJ hits a Pelé Kick on D.O.C. and then immediately, almost in one fluid motion, he grabs hold of Bully's leg and rolls through into a Calf Killer--the move that no one has been able to escape, as Mike Tenay points out. Bully fights with everything he's got, but the pain is too much and he finally taps out!


AJ Styles defeated Bully Ray at 14:38 by submission with the Calf Killer. AJ Styles wins the TNA World Heavyweight Championship (82)


With Mike Tenay absolutely beside himself with excitement on commentary, and with Taz seemingly in a state of shock, the fans go crazy as AJ Styles is crowned the NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion as Hardcore Justice comes to an end.


Final Show Rating: 77

PPV Buy Rate: 0.14

Show increased popularity in 10 regions

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On 10/23/2022 at 5:35 PM, Bigelow Cartwheel said:

Good show.  Jarret vs Joe match of the night for me.  Would have been interesting to have Joe join the Originals but I think I prefer this version.

Thanks, glad you liked the show! I quite liked the Jarrett/Joe feud myself, though it probably would have come off better if I hadn't taken that break from the diary in the middle of it. I was hoping for a better match rating with the addition of the cage and all, but overall I'm pretty happy with how it all turned out.

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Week 3, August, 2013

Live from Del Mar Activity Center in San Diego, California

Attendance: 2.070

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




The first edition of TNA Impact following Hardcore Justice kicks off with the Aces & Eights making their way to the ring. The now former TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Bully Ray, grabs a mic as the fans chant "you tapped out" at him, and Bully tells them to shut the hell up and listen to him. Bully says that if anyone thinks that what happened at Hardcore Justice is going to change anything, they are wrong. Bully says that the Aces & Eights still rule TNA and they always will. And as far as the World Championship goes, Bully says that he wants his rematch against AJ Styles and he wants it TONIGHT! Bully demands that Eric Bischoff comes down to the ring and make the match official right now, because he's not leaving this building tonight without his World Heavyweight Championship. (77)




Eric Bischoff's music then hits and Bischoff makes his way down to the ring. Bischoff confirms that Bully Ray will be getting his rematch against AJ Styles, but he is not getting it tonight. Bischoff says that Bully will get his rematch with AJ Styles for the World Heavyweight Championship at No Surrender. Bully says that perhaps Bischoff didn't hear him, because he said he wants the match TONIGHT! Despite being in a ring full of Aces & Eights members, and looking more than a little uncomfortable, Bischoff stands his ground and repeats that Bully will get his rematch at No Surrender...or he won't get it at all. Bully reluctantly agrees to wait until No Surrender, but demands instead that one of his brothers gets a non-title match against AJ tonight. Bischoff agrees and we have our main event set; AJ Styles vs. an Aces & Eights member. (61)




We cut to the backstage area where Christy Hemme is with Kenny King, who is the new number one contender to the TNA X-Division Championship. Christy asks Kenny about his win, and Kenny says that he beat five other guys to earn this opportunity, but he could easily have beaten five more if that was what it took. Kenny says that nobody can do the things in the ring that he can do, and not Chris Sabin, and not anyone else, can keep up with him. Kenny vows to bring Chris Sabin's dream of a full year reign to an abrupt end by becoming the new X-Division Champion! (46)


TNA Television Championship




In our first in-ring action of the night, Homicide challenges Shelton Benjamin for the TV Title. It is a solid back and forth match that sees Homicide take the fight to the Champion, but Benjamin gives as good as he gets and, in the end, it's the Champion who picks up the win, hitting the Paydirt to secure the three count and another successful title defense.


Shelton Benjamin defeated Homicide at 10:44 by pinfall with the Paydirt. Benjamin retains the TNA Television Championship (61)




After the match, we cut to the backstage area where Christy Hemme is in The Originals' locker room with Christopther Daniels, Kazarian and the newest member of the group, Eric Young. There is no sign of Jeff Jarrett, however, and Christy asks them about Jarrett's absence. Daniels informs her that Jeff isn't here tonight because he is still recovering from his match at Hardcore Justice. Kazarian says that what happened at Hardcore Justice is going to be Samoa Joe's loss in the end, because Jarrett is going to come back better than ever and, with the addition of Eric Young, The Originals are going to make their mark on TNA even more than they have already done. Christy asks Eric Young about joining The Originals, and Young says that joining them is already the best decision he's ever made because they all have so much in common. Young says that Daniels and Kazarian already hold gold, and it's only a matter of time before he and Jarrett do so as well, and the The Originals will reign supreme in TNA once more! (42)




An angry Devon makes short work of Rockstar Spud in our next match as Devon completely dominates the match, and when Spud finally gets a couple of shots in, it only serves to anger Devon even more. Devon hits the Saving Grace for an emphatic win here on Impact.


Devon defeated Rockstar Spud at 2:07 by pinfall with a Saving Grace (48)




The match is over but it looks like Devon is having second thoughts about ending the match so soon, as he seemingly wants to inflict even more damage on a defenseless Rockstar Spud. James Storm hits the ring to stop that from happening, however, and Storm's arrival sends Devon running. As Devon retreats back up the ramp, Storm gets on the mic and challenges Devon to a match next week on Impact, saying that if Devon's wants a fight, Storm is more than happy to give him one! (54)




Christy Hemme is hard at work tonight as she is backstage again, this time trying to get an interview Bobby Roode. Roode is too upset after his defeat at the hands of Sting at Hardcore Justice, however, and he is not interested in talking to Christy. Austin Aries then walks in and says that he knows that Roode has had some tough times lately, but he thinks he has just the thing to help get Roode out of his slump. Now that Aries is back, he thinks that it's time to get the band back together as well and get their tag team titles back. Roode agrees, and it looks like the Dirty Heels are officially back in business. (46)




Another short match is up next as Samoa Joe faces Christian York and Joe absolutely dominates and destroys York, eventually forcing him to submit to the Coquina Clutch.


Samoa Joe defeated Christian York at 1:23 by submission with the Coquina Clutch (67)


Following Samoa Joe's impressive performance, Mike Tenay says that with his win tonight, and especially his win against Jeff Jarrett at Hardcore Justice, it looks like the Samoa Joe of old is back, and Tenay wonders who Joe is going to set his sights on next?




In the back, we see Kevin Nash talking talking on his phone. All we hear is Nash saying "I'll let you know" and "just stay ready", before he ends the call and walks off, leaving Mike Tenay to wonder what that was all about and who Nash was talking to? (62)




Back at ringside, Gail Kim's music hits and the TNA Knockouts Champion makes her way out from the back and down to the ring, alongside her enforcer, Lei D'Tapa. Once in the ring, Gail gets on the mic and cockily points out that she is still the TNA Knockouts Champion, just as she said she would be. Gail says that Mickie gave it her very best at Hardcore Justice, and still she couldn't take the title away from her--in fact, she didn't even come close to beating her.




Before Gail can continue her bragging, "Hardcore Country" starts playing and Mickie makes her way out onto the stage. Mickie says that Gail knows damn well that that title would be around Mickie's waist right now if it hadn't been for Lei D'Tapa. Mickie says she had Gail beat at Hardcore Justice and Gail knows it, which is why she needed the help. Mickie says that she wants a rematch, but Gail promptly refuses, telling Mickie to get to the back of the line and wait for her turn to come up again. A smiling Mickie then informs Gail that Eric Bischoff has already booked another match between them at No Surrender, so Gail doesn't have a choice in the matter. Gail is furious at this, and Mickie tells her to keep that title belt looking nice and shiny, because it will be coming home with her soon! (55)




Tag team action is up next as The BroMans take on Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez, and Mike Tenay says that the winners of this match could very well position themselves for a shot at the TNA Tag Team Championships. It's a solid tag team match that sees Chavo get isolated by the BroMans, but he is eventually able to make the hot tag to Hernandez, which completely changes the momentum of the match. Chavo then lands a Frog Splash on Jessie Godderz to secure the victory for his team.


Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez defeated The BroMans at 7:34 by pinfall when Chavo pinned Godderz following a Frog Splash (51)


We cut to previously self-recorded promo from someone--we don't see his face as it is blurred out, but it is a man's voice speaking. The man talks about his great appreciation for physical beauty. He says that a lot of people use the world "beautiful", but nobody understands the true meaning and value of beauty like he does. He says that only he can TRULY appreciate a woman's beauty, and his appreciation is boundless, limitless and explosively real. (16)




As the pre-recorded promo ends, we cut to the back where Velvet Sky, Taryn Terrell and SoCal Val were--admittedly rather conviniently--watching the promo on a monitor. All three women seem to be a little freaked out, especially after someone was lurking around backstage last week, watching them. Mike Tenay wonders who this freak might be, but Taz says that Mike doesn't know if the guy is a freak, he could just be...weird. (33)




Kenny King and Sonjay Dutt square off next in X-Division action.




Shorly after the match gets started, Chris Sabin makes his way down to ringside to observe. Jesse Sorensen then suddenly runs down to chase Sabin off, while the match continues in the ring. Sonjay Dutt puts up a decent fight, but Kenny King is able to continue his recent run of success as he puts Dutt away with the Coronation for the pinfall victory.


Kenny King defeated Sonjay Dutt at 4:46 by pinfall with the Coronation (54)




We cut to the back where Sting is seen approaching Mr. Anderson. Sting congratulates Anderson on finally seeing the light and turning his back on the Aces & Eights, but now Sting thinks it's time that Anderson takes the next step and joins people like himself, Kurt Angle and James Storm in fighting the Aces & Eights together. Anderson says that he would thank Sting for his words, but he really doesn't give a damn what Sting thinks of him. Anderson says that he has no interest in fighting alongside Sting, or Kurt Angle, or James Storm, or anyone else. Anderson says that he'll do whatever he wants to do, when he wants to do it, and he'll take out anyone who gets in his way, no matter who it is. If Sting wants to be a hero, that's his business. Anderson says he doesn't give a damn about being a hero--he just wants payback. Anderson then walks off and Sting looks somewhat disappointed as we cut back to ringside. (69)




Kurt Angle's music hits and Angle makes his way down to the ring for a promo. Angle talks about beating Matt Hardy at Hardcore Justice, but he says that he still isn't quite sure what--or rather who--he saw near the end of that match, referring to the mysterious masked man who appeared in the rafters.  Kurt says he's got a feeling that Matt Hardy knows the answer, so Kurt wants Matt to come down to the ring and give him some answers.




Matt Hardy and "The Monster" Abyss make their way onto the stage and Matt confirms that he does indeed hold the answers to Kurt's ponderings. But, far be it for Matt to speak on someone else's behalf, so Matt instead directs Kurt's attention to the big screen, which flickers to life in black and white colors.




The masked man appears and stares eerily into the camera, but he doesn't speak. Instead he just lets out a creepy, other-worldly laugh before the screen cuts out again. Matt then tells Kurt that Willow is coming "and he's coming for you, Kurt"! (74)




Mr. Anderson continues his fight against his former allies as he battles D'Lo Brown in one on one action. It doesn't remain one on one for long, however, as the presence of Garrett Bischoff and Wes Brisco at ringside soon comes into play, with Brisco distracting the referee while Garrett attacks Anderson from behind. Despite the interference, D'Lo is unable to put Anderson away and Anderson eventually fights back, knocking Garrett off the apron and into Brisco, before hitting the Mic Check on D'Lo and securing the one, two, three.


Mr. Anderson defeated D'Lo Brown at 6:41 by pinfall with a Mic Check (60)


After the match, Anderson quickly leaves the ring and escapes through the crowd before the Aces & Eights can retaliate.




Before the main event, we get a replay of Hulk Hogan's shocking announcement at Hardcore Justice that he is leaving TNA. The segment doesn't play in full but we get all of the highlights of what will go down as a historic night in the history of TNA Wreslting. (77)




D.O.C. is Bully Ray's chosen one to face AJ Styles tonight, and Taz explains that Bully chose D.O.C. to give D.O.C. a chance to make up for his mistake at Hardcore Justice. Much like their last encounter, this is a good match that goes back and forth, but AJ just seems to be a step or two ahead of D.O.C. when it matters the most. Then, with D.O.C. in trouble and AJ looking for apply his deadly Calf Killer submission hold...




Bully Ray and Devon hit the ring and attack AJ Styles, forcing the referee to call for the disqualification.


AJ Styles defeated D.O.C. at 9:03 by disqualification when Bully Ray and Devon got involved (82)




Sting, Kurt Angle and James Storm all run down to help AJ Styles. D'Lo Brown, Wes Brisco and Garrett Bischoff hit the ring as well and this weeks edition of TNA Impact comes to an end with a massive brawl taking place in the ring!


Final Show Rating: 76

TV Rating: 1.84

Show increased popularity in 28 regions



As of this show, Alex Shelley, Gunner and Willie Urbina have all left TNA.

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Week 4, August, 2013

Live from Iowa Field House in Iowa City, Iowa

Attendance: 1.500 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




This week's edition of TNA Impact kicks off with the Aces & Eights music playing as Bully Ray, D.O.C. and Brooke Tessmacher make their way out from the back and down to the ring. Bully gets on the mic and says that he is counting down the days to No Surrender because he'll be able to get his hands on AJ Styles, beat the hell out of him, and take back his World Heavyweight Championship. But Bully says that, while he might have to wait until No Surrender to reclaim his title, he can't wait until No Surrender to get his hands on AJ Styles. Bully then issues a challenge to AJ Styles for later tonight; Bully Ray and D.O.C. versus AJ Styles and a partner of his choosing! Bully says that he wants an answer from AJ and he wants it right now, so Bully tells AJ to get his ass out here right now! (77)




After a short wait, "Evil Ways" hits as the TNA World Heavyweight Champion makes his way out from the back, but he chooses to remain on the stage rather than head down to the ring. AJ says that he never been one to back down from a challenge, and he certainly has every intention of being a fighting Champion and representing the TNA World Heavyweight Championship the way it deserves to be represented, the way that Bully refused to represent it. AJ says that he isn't a fool, though. He knows that Bully only made this challenge because he knows that AJ is a Lone Wolf and walks his own path, so Bully thinks that this will turn into a handicap match, which is the only reason he issued the challenge. AJ then admits that things could turn out like that, but even so, he'll fight Bully and D.O.C. tonight even if he has to go it alone! AJ accepts the challenge and we have our main event set! The only question is; will AJ manage to find a partner in time? (84)




In the back, Christy Hemme is standing by with Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez and Christy notes that before Impact went on the air tonight, Eric Bischoff officially booked Bad Influence versus Chavo and Hernandez for the Tag Team Championships at No Surrender. Christy asks Chavo and Hernandez about getting another shot at the gold, and Chavo says that ever since they lost the titles, all they have thought about is getting them back. And now that they are getting another shot, they're not going to waste it. Hernandez says that a chance like this doesn't come around very often, and like Chavo said, they are going to make sure they make the most of this great opportunity and walk out of No Surrender as the TNA Tag Team Champions once again. (43)




Kenny King battles Jesse Sorensen in our first match of the night and it is pretty much what you would expect from an X-Division match; fast-paced and with plenty of high-flying action from both men.




Chris Sabin then makes his way down to ringside as Mike Tenay reminds everyone of the issues that have been going on between Chris Sabin and Jesse Sorensen ever since Jesse's return from injury. Those issues continue here tonight as Sabin grabs Sorensen's foot when he gets too close to the ropes. Sorensen turns his attention to Sabin for a brief moment, and Kenny King takes advantage of the momentary distraction by rolling Sorensen up from behind for the three count.


Kenny King defeated Jesse Sorensen at 4:56 by pinfall with a roll-up following a distraction by Chris Sabin (46)


Chris Sabin enters the ring and attacks Jesse Sorensen from behind as soon as the bell rings, while Kenny King leaves the ring and heads back up the ramp, content with his victory here tonight. Taz calls this smart by King, allowing Sabin to be distracted by Jesse Sorensen and not focused on King heading into No Surrender.




Kevin Nash's music then heads and Nash marches down to the ring. As soon as Nash enters the ring, Chris Sabin bails and retreats back up the ramp. Nash stares after Sabin for several seconds before turning his attention to Jesse Sorensen, making sure that he is okay. Mike Tenay notes that it looks like "Big Sexy" might have a soft spot in his heart for Jesse Sorensen, and it looks like Nash is taking the young man under his wing. (41)




We cut to the back where the camera catches Taryn Terrell and SoCal Val talking, with Val is telling Taryn about how she felt like someone was following her on her way to the arena tonight. She says that she didn't see anyone, but she just got this creepy feeling that somebody was watching her. Both women look a bit freaked out as we cut back to the ring. (28)




Samoa Joe takes on Jay Bradley next is what turns out to be a complete and utter squash match. Joe dominates from start to finish, putting Bradley away with the Coquina Clutch for another dominant victory.


Samoa Joe defeated Jay Bradley at 2:52 by submission with the Coquina Clutch (62)




In the back, Christy Hemme approaches Mr. Anderson and Christy wants to know if perhaps Anderson is going to volunteer to be AJ Styles' tag team partner tonight, considering they have mutual enemies. Anderson says that he has no intention of teaming with AJ Styles tonight, or any other night for that matter. Anderson says that he doesn't care if they have so called "mutual enemies" because the only thing Anderson cares about is payback--and he's going to get that payback his way, and he doesn't need anyone's help to do it. As far as Anderson is concerned, AJ Styles can go screw himself! (53)




The TNA Knockouts Champion is in action next as Gail Kim takes on Velvet Sky in a non-title match. It is a back and forth match with Velvet Sky showing why she is a former Knockouts Champion in her own right as she holds her own against Gail. Unfortunately, Lei D'Tapa once again proves to be a difference maker for the Knockouts Champion as she distracts Velvet Sky,which leads to Velvet turning around right into Gail Kim's Eat Defeat finisher, allowing the Champion to pick up another win.


Gail Kim defeated Velvet Sky at 6:10 by pinfall with the Eat Defeat following a distraction from Lei D'Tapa (54)




Mickie James hits the ring after the match and attacks Gail Kim before she can do anymore damage to Velvet, but Mickie is attacked from behind by Lei D'Tapa. Gail and Lei team up on Mickie and they end their attack with Gail Kim planting Mickie with the Eat Defeat as well. As Gail poses in the ring, Mike Tenay wonders if anyone will be able to take the Knockouts Championship from Gail Kim as long as she has Lei D'Tapa watching her back? (48)




We cut to the backstage area where Christy Hemme is now standing by with Kurt Angle, and she asks Kurt the same question she asked Mr. Anderson earlier; will Kurt be AJ Styles' tag team partner tonight? Kurt says that he would absolutely be AJ's tag team partner, but unfortunately it seems like AJ doesn't trust him so it's probably not going to happen. Before he can continue, Kurt is then interrupted by...




Matt Hardy and Abyss, who walk into the camera's view. Matt squares up to Kurt while Abyss looms menacingly beind him. After an intense staredown between Matt and Kurt, Matt then reminds Kurt that Willow is coming for him, and without saying another word, Matt slowly turns and walks away, leaving Kurt Angle looking confused and concerned as we cut elsewhere back to ringside. (60)




The battle between TNA and the Aces & Eights continues next as James Storm takes on Devon. Storm starts off strong early on, by a time distraction, and a little bit of interference, from D'Lo Brown allows Devon to take control of the match. He remains in control for the next several minutes, with D'Lo there to help him regain control when Storm fights back. Storm finally makes his comeback and it looks like he's about to finish Devon off with the Last Call, but a low blow from behind by D'Lo stops that from happening. The referee someone missed the low blow, and Devon takes advantage by hitting the Saving Grace and stealing the win.


Devon defeated James Storm at 10:08 by pinfall with the Saving Grace following interference from D'Lo Brown (57)




We cut backstage to AJ Styles' locker room where the TNA World Heavyweight Champion is seen warming up and getting ready for his match later tonight. Mike Tenay again wonders if AJ Styles will be facing a handicap match situation later tonight, and Taz says that if AJ Styles goes into that match alone, it will be the last thing he ever does in TNA. (79)




Elsewhere in the back, a dejected looking Velvet Sky is seen returning to her locker room after her match. She enters the room to find that someone has left her some flowers and a card. She reads the card and even though we can't see what it says, it's obvious from Velvet's reaction that she is not happy about it. (37)




Magnus makes a somewhat rare appearance on Impact next as he goes one on one with Austin Aries. It is a solid back and forth match that, somewhat surprisingly, does not feature any interference from Bobby Roode, despite Roode being at ringside to support his tag team partner. The match ends when Austin Aries hits the Brainbuster and covers Magnus for a hard-fought victory.


Austin Aries defeated Magnus at 9:17 by pinfall with the Brainbuster (62)




Back in AJ Styles' locker room, "The Lone Wolf" is putting the finishing touches on his pre-match preparations when "The Icon" Sting walks in. Sting and AJ come face to face and Sting says that he was absolutely thrilled when AJ beat Bully Ray for the World Title. Sting says that both he and AJ know what it's like dealing with the Aces & Eights, and Sting isn't about to let AJ go out there alone tonight. AJ says that he prefers to be on his own because then he won't have to worry about whether he can trust his partner or not. Sting tells AJ to look into his eyes--does AJ really think that Sting is going to betray him? Sting says that they don't have to be friends if AJ doesn't want to. He just wants to go out there, kick the Aces & Eights butts, and pick up the win. Sting then extends his hand to AJ and asks "partner?" and AJ finally shakes Sting's hand in agreement. An excited Mike Tenay says that it looks like AJ won't be going it alone tonight after all, while Taz replies that it's not going to matter anyway because Bully and D.O.C. will take care of both AJ and Sting. (82)




Back and ringside, The Originals make their way down to the ring for a promo, and the group is at full strength tonight following Jeff Jarrett's absence last week. Jeff Jarrett gets on the mic and tells everyone in the building to take a long, hard look at the four men standing in the ring right now. Jarrett says that the future of TNA Wrestling are the very people whose blood, sweat and tears helped build the company in the first place. Jarrett says that if Eric Bischoff is as smart as Jarrett thinks he is, he knows this as well. He knows that certain "big names" may come and go, but the ones who truly matter, the ones you can truly depend on, are the people who have already proven that they are willing to sacrifice everything for the good of the company. Jarrett then vows that, by the end of the year, there will be gold around the waist of every single member of the Originals, and looking at Bad Influence right now, they are already half way there! Jarrett then drops the mic and the group heads back up the ramp, while Mike Tenay wonders what The Originals are planning to do next. (42)




It is almost main event time but first we cut to the backstage area one last time where Kurt Angle is standing alone, facing the camera. Kurt says that he's gotten all of these messages from Willow, but now Kurt has a message for this Willow as well. Kurt challenges Willow to come to Impact next week and stand in the ring, face to face with Kurt. Kurt says that if Willow is truly coming for him, then he should at least be man enough to stand face to face with him. Kurt says that he will come down to the ring at the beginning of next week's Impact, and he wants Willow to show up and look him in the eyes. As we cut back to ringside, Mike Tenay wonders if we will finally hear from Willow next week on Impact? (82)




It's main event time and Taz spends the first half of the match spreading doubt on commentary as to whether AJ Styles can truly trust Sting, which Mike Tenay calls absurd, saying that Sting is a man of honor and integrity, something which the Aces & Eights would know nothing about. It is a good back and forth tag team match, but things eventually break down and all four men are battling it out in the ring.




Wes Brisco and Garrett Bischoff make their way down to ringside just as Sting clotheslines Bully Ray out of the ring. Sting then grabs his trusty baseball bat and takes out both Garrett and Wes. Meanwhile, in the ring, AJ Styles locks D.O.C. in the Calf Killer and, once again, D.O.C. is left with no choice but to tap out.


AJ Styles and Sting defeated Bully Ray and D.O.C. at 10:57 by submission when Styles forced D.O.C. to submit to the Calf Killer (77)


Sting re-enters the ring and he and AJ Styles shake hands in the middle of the ring while the Aces & Eights slowly make their way back up the ramp, with Bully Ray visibly fuming at the fact that the Aces & Eights lost another match. And with a final shot of AJ Styles and Sting standing in the ring, this week's edition of TNA Impact comes to an end.



Final Show Rating: 78

TV Rating: 1.89

Show increased popularity in 28 regions



Mr. Anderson turned in a positive drug test for soft drugs usage. It is believed that Anderson got off with a warning this time, but that punishment will be more severe if he tests positive again in the future.

Kazarian recently extended his contract with TNA.

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Week 1, September, 2013

Live from Joplin Memorial Hall in Joplin, Missouri

Attendance: 2.000 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




True to his words from last week, this week's edition of TNA Impact opens up with Kurt Angle already in the ring, pacing back and forth. Kurt says that, as promised, he's here, standing in the middle of the ring, and now he wants Willow to come down and face him. Kurt makes it clear that he doesn't want Matt Hardy, he doesn't want some cryptic message and he doesn't want some strange appearance on the big screen. Kurt also says that he doesn't want to see Willow up in the rafters--he wants Willow to come down to the ring right now.




After a bit of a wait, the arena goes dark and a new music starts playing. Lights then start flashing as Willow, carrying an umbrella, makes his way out from the back to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Willow stumbles around ringside for a bit before entering the ring and coming face to face with Kurt. Kurt says that he doesn't know what's going on with Jeff, but the fact is that he stood up for Jeff after what his brother did to him, but somehow that has made him a target for Jeff. Kurt says he doesn't quite understand this, so he wants Willow to explain it to him. Willow doesn't respond and Kurt gets increasingly more frustrated as he demands answers from Willow. Willow continues to just stare eerily at Kurt, prompting Kurt to finally shove Willow. Willow stumbles backwards, but then suddenly charges at Kurt with a kick and a brutal reverse Twist of Fate. Willow's music hits again and Willow stands over a fallen Kurt Angle, still staring eerily at him as Mike Tenay wonders what the heck is going on with Jeff Hardy? Taz suggests that Jeff has lost his mind, and Tenay says that whatever the case may be, everyone in TNA will now have to deal with Willow and that is a scary situation to be in. (81)




We cut backstage to Eric Bischoff's office where Bischoff is joined by the TNA X-Division Champion, Chris Sabin. Bischoff informs Sabin that, due to his actions in recent weeks, Bischoff has decided to make the X-Division Championship title match at No Surrender into a three way match instead; Chris Sabin versus Kenny King versus Jesse Sorensen. Sabin tries to convince Bischoff to change his mind, but Bischoff says that this is how it's going to be, and he adds that Sabin has no one to blame for this but himself and his own actions. (48)


TNA Television Championship




The Originals get a chance to add some more gold to their collection next as their newest member, Eric Young, challenges Shelton Benjamin for the Television Title. Benjamin starts off strong in this one, but Eric Young is able to gain control of the match thanks to some underhanded tactics. Utilizing more of those underhanded tactics, Young is able to maintain control of the match for the next several minutes, but he is unable to put Benjamin away. Benjamin is able to turn the tide when he catches Young coming off the top rope, and he turns Young's diving double axe handle attempt into a T-Bone suplex. Benjamin then hits the Pay Dirt to pick up the win in a competitive matchup.


Shelton Benjamin defeated Eric Young at 11:45 by pinfall with the Pay Dirt. Shelton Benjamin retains the TNA Television Title (60)




After the match, we cut to the backstage area where Velvet Sky, Taryn Terrell and SoCal Val are now in Eric Bischoff's office and they are complaining to Bischoff about the creepy things that have been going on in recent weeks, saying that they are convinced something is going on. Bischoff says that they did the right thing coming to him with this, and he assures them that he is looking into the matter and that the situation will be handled. The three women look relieved as they leave Bischoff's office and we cut back to ringside. (35)




Homicide and Jesse Sorensen squares off next in what is a back and forth match until...




Chris Sabin makes his way down to ringside. Sabin waits for his moment to strike, but a reversal from Jesse Sorensen means that Sabin accidentally hits Homicide instead of Jesse. Jesse is quick to take advantage of the situation, rolling Homicide up from behind to get the one, two, three.


Jesse Sorensen defeated Homicide at 5:51 by pinfall with a roll-up after Chris Sabin accidentally hit Homicide (40)




As Jesse Sorensen gets his arm raised in victory, Chris Sabin stands in disbelief outside the ring, shaking his head at what just happened. Kevin Nash's music then hits and Nash makes his way down to the ring, with Sabin giving Nash a wide berth as they pass each other on the entrance ramp. Once in the ring, Nash gets on the mic and tells Sabin that since he's so determined to get in Jesse's business, Nash has decided to do the same. Nash then announces that he'll be accompanying Jesse to the ring at No Surrender. Nash advises Sabin not to try anything because, while Nash may be retired from the ring, he can still take care of business if the need arises! (54)




In the back, it is now Kurt Angle's turn to visit the owner of TNA as Angle barges into Eric Bischoff's office. Kurt says that since there is obviously no reasoning with Jeff Hardy, or Willow, or whatever he wants to be called now, Kurt says that he wants Willow one on one in the ring. Bischoff has no problem with this, and he tells Kurt that he'll book a match between Kurt and Willow for No Surrender. Kurt thanks Bischoff and as Kurt leaves the office, Mike Tenay on commentary excitedly hypes up the fact that Kurt Angle and Willow will go one on one at No Surrender. (64)




Knockouts action is up next as Mickie James faces off against Lei D'Tapa. It is a short and not great match that sees Lei D'Tapa dominate, but Mickie James keeps fighting back and she is eventually able to pick up the pinfall victory as she catches Lei D'Tapa by surprise with a roll-up.


Mickie James defeated Lei D'Tapa by pinfall with a roll-up (25)


After the match, Gail Kim tries a sneak attack but Mickie is ready for it and turns around just as Gail was about to slide into the ring. Mickie is ready for a fight, but Gail has second thoughts about her plan, and she decides to retreat back up the ramp instead as Mike Tenay says that something is going on in the back.




As we cut to the back, we see that "The Icon" Sting has been taken out and he lies bleeding on the floor, face-down, amidst a chaotic and panicked scene. We hear someone saying that Sting needs to go to the hospital to get checked out, and on commentary, Mike Tenay turns to Taz and says that only the Aces & Eights would do something like this. Taz says that they do whatever they have to do, and Sting made the bad decision to stand against them. Taz then adds that this is exactly what happens to people who stand in their way, while Mike Tenay remains appalled at the actions of the Aces & Eights here tonight. (77)




Speaking of the Aces & Eights, Wes Brisco takes on Mr. Anderson in one on one action next. This is another short match that mostly consists of both men throwing punches at each other, with Anderson eventually getting the better of Brisco. Anderson remains in control for the next few moments, but then...




D.O.C., D'Lo Brown and Garrett Bischoff all hit the ring and attack Mr. Anderson, causing this one to end with a disqualification.


Mr. Anderson defeated Wes Brisco at 3:03 by disqualification when D.O.C., D'Lo Brown and Garrett Bischoff got involved (49)


The Aces & Eights continue their beatdown of Mr. Anderson post match with all four men putting the boots to Anderson in the ring. D.O.C. then floors Anderson with a brutal chairshot to the back, and then D'Lo Brown ends the assault with the Lo Down frog splash from the top rope. A brutal but effective attack by the Aces & Eights on Mr. Anderson here tonight. (39)




Back in Eric Bischoff's office once again, and this time the owner of TNA is joining by none other than Diamond Dallas Page. Page is pitching his new idea to Bischoff; a talk show/interview type segment on Impact hosted by Page himself that will feature the wrestlers of TNA. Page even has a name all thought up for it; the Diamond Exchange. Bischoff says he likes the idea and tells Page to go ahead with it, and Page says that he's already got a guest for the first show, which he wants to have take place at No Surrender. The segment ends with Page promising Bischoff that the Diamond Exchange is going to be a huge hit. (48)




The Dirty Heels are officially back together as the wrestle their first tag team match since agreeing to bring the team back as they take on Sonjay Dutt and Shark Boy. It's a solid match that mostly sees the Dirty Heels dominate, but Sonjay and Shark Boy do not go down without a fight. Still, in the end, it's the Dirty Heels who are victorious as Bobby Roode hits the Pay Off on Shark Boy to secure the pinfall victory.


The Dirty Heels defeated Sonjay Dutt and Shark Boy at 5:56 by pinfall when Roode pinned Shark Boy with the Pay Off (54)




After the match, Matt Hardy and Abyss appear on the big screen from some unknown location and Matt says that now that Willow has finally been unleashed upon the world, it's time for him and his Monster to focus their attention elsewhere. Matt says that only a fool reveals his true plan to the world, so everyone will just have to wait and see what they do next. But Matt promises that their next move is going to be...wonderful! (66)




Hernandez takes on Christopher Daniels next and both men bring their tag team partner down to the ring with them. This is a solid back and forth match, but it features quite a bit of interference and distraction as Kazarian tries to help his partner win, while Chavo Guerrero does everything he can to keep Kazarian in check. Things eventually break down as Chavo and Kazarian brawl at ringside, with Kazarian getting the upper hand. While this is going on, Daniels is able to hit the Best Moonsault Ever on Hernandez in the ring, and as Daniels covers, Kazarian grabs hold of Hernandez's legs from outside the ring to make sure that the big man doesn't kick out.


Christopher Daniels defeated Hernandez at 8:31 by pinfall with the Best Moonsault Ever and a little bit of help from Kazarian (54)


After the match, Chavo quickly helps his partner out of the ring to make sure no more damage is done, while the reigning Tag Team Champions celebrate in the ring. Mike Tenay then sends us to the back where something again is going on.




This time it is the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, AJ Styles, who has has been laid out prior to the main event--and Mike Tenay concludes that the Aces & Eights have struck again just moments before AJ Styles was scheduled to team with James Storm to take on Bully Ray and Devon! (82)




The Aces & Eights music hits and Bully Ray, Devon and Brooke Tessmacher make thier way out from the back and down to the ring, all three of them looking mightly pleased with themselves. once in the ring, Bully Ray gets on the mic and says that tonight everybody saw just what the Aces & Eights are capable of. Bully brags that they took out Sting, they took out Mr. Anderson, they took out AJ Styles, and now, in a few moments, they are going to take out James Storm. Bully says that, come No Surrender, AJ Styles won't have anyone left to help him out. He'll be all alone, and then Bully will take him out as well and reclaim the World Heavyweight Championship. Bully then says to "bring the lamb to the slaughter" as he motions for James Storm to make his entrance for the match. (80)




Facing a near-impossible situation, James Storm shows no hesitation or fear as he enters the ring and goes straight on the attack. Bully is able to get Storm back to his and Devon's corner where both Aces & Eights members begin beating Storm down while Brooke cheers them on at ringside. Bully and Devon make full use of their tag team experience as they wear down Storm with brutal efficiency, and despite "The Cowboy" showing great heart, the odds he is up against here are simply too much for any one man to overcome.




The crowd suddenly pops as AJ Styles slowly makes his way down toward the ring, though it is obvious that he is still feeling the effects of the attack from earlier. Mike Tenay praises AJ for refusing to abandon James Storm despite the attack, and Taz can't believe that AJ is out here. AJ makes it onto the apron where he is met by Devon and the two men exchange punches. AJ looks to be gaining the upper hand, but a low blow from behind by Brooke halts AJ's momentum, and Devon knocks him off the apron. Bully Ray then hits the Bully Bomb and covers Storm for the win.


Bully Ray and Devon defeated James Storm at 7:52 by pinfall when Bully pinned Storm following at Bully Bomb (68)


After the match, Devon brings AJ Styles into the ring and Bully hits a Bully Bomb on AJ as well. Brooke Tessmacher then enters the ring and she raises both Bully and Devon's arm in the air as the Aces & Eights stand tall to end Impact.



Final Show Rating: 72

TV Rating: 1.77

Show increased popularity in 28 regions



Earl Hebner will be sticking around TNA a while longer as he recently signed a contract extension.


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