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[C-Verse] Which companies are the absolute best?

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On 10/14/2022 at 10:05 AM, Teh_Showtime said:

I say all that to say we need a new USPW of old. Just somewhere for all the random big names to go to retire and steal a check. I just hope TCW doesn’t become it.

Netstream killing some of the redundancy in the database by having a Medium level promotion with an hour long show would be perfect. Wolf Hawkins has been in TCW long enough that I would want him to be the anchor but a scenario of "You have Jay Chord tied down to a big contract, can Engyma hold on long enough for you to build up your Can't Miss Indy boy?" also sounds fun. Give them my boys Robbie Retro and Troy Tornado and I wouldn't play any other company.

Edited by Kluge
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On 10/14/2022 at 11:05 AM, Teh_Showtime said:

The frustrating thing that I also really appreciate about the Cverse is that since we are omnipotent, we know who the best wrestlers are and the future stars.

I really appreciate when narratives don’t just follow the obvious, like Steven “The Future” Parker being stuck in the SWF undercard (and this is his peak thus far). DWN was loaded in 08 to be the future greatest ever, but he stayed an unknown Canadian secret for like a decade and when he got a move, it was to FCW. 

On the other hand Prince Adam and Tom E Hawk became icons because that’s how wrestling works. 

I say all that to say we need a new USPW of old. Just somewhere for all the random big names to go to retire and steal a check. I just hope TCW doesn’t become it.


I wouldn't be surprised in the next TEW if Jerry and Eric have a falling out due to the direction of SWF and how they are still losing to USPW. I could see Eric leaving SWF and starting his own promotion. Which would essentially be the new USPW of old. Eric's promotion would probably have an edgy product since that is his preferred style in the editor.

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I can see USPW doing what so many of us do in our saves and really start picking away the top international talent in order to beef of the top of their card. A Swoop McCarthy here, a War Machine there, a couple of Mexico's finer talents maybe. It fits them more than SWF or TCW because with the broadcasting deal they really are a national presence in all of those markets, they'd see themselves as wanting to compete with EILL, RAW, 21CW, maybe even ambitions in Japan. Maybe the next TEW will have a better way of dealing with non-domestic national battles that require you to actually have a live show presence there that isn't just house shows, then USPW would really need a KC Glenn/Heliakon or Matthew Keith (eg for Japan) to help those shows get ratings early on.

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My favourite company is no more (GCG). Don't think I've really played much C-Verse on TEW20 - partly because I just don't seem to have any fun booking the other companies. I have tried but I get bored after the first month. I may start a game where I bring back GCG... who know's.

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5SSW has been in every session in every TEW for me. They have their ups and downs but always consistent so easy to "slot back in". Also unlike most other companies with women's wrestlers, they are fairly secure with their talent. Also me and my real life partner watch a lot of joshi... so there's that. 😁

I'm actually enjoying the new CWW as while small with risk of talent raids from 21C (boo!), booking a Japanese style promotion outside of Japan has been very interesting.

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Pride Glory for me too.  On year  7 of a playthrough and I love it.   Find it a real joy to book. Created my own 4 pillars. Kozue, Fighter Kitojai, Seji and Jumbo Matsuki, brought in some big boy gejin  to flatten them (Bulldozer Brandon Smith I'm looking at you) whilst brining up the next generation on my under card.  Even got in some cross promotional stuff in with Burning Hammer.

The decline of my old aces in the last year I played through got me...... (sob) a little emotional.  Kozue just can't pull in those 90+ matches like he used to poor guy.  Damn you database of imaginary wrestlers for giving me the old feels.  

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ACPW was the first company I booked in my first save, so I've got a real soft spot for them. I'm currently Owner/Booker of CWA 12 years into that save, but CWA doesn't quite have the safe feeling as that little Quebec promotion that could. I built them up pretty good, so they're still a force in my game world, and I'd jump at the chance to run them again. I'm also quite fond of PGHW. I was following some guys results on Reddit during the dog days of the pandemic, and kind of got to know the company just from reading his write-ups.

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