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Hardcore Revolution: Part 2 [Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, C-Verse 2007]

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Highway to the Danger Zone @ Delaware Auditorium
Chris Caulfield vs. Jack Griffith
Week 4, April 2007 Joined in Progress

As Caulfield lies on the ladder, barely conscious, "Southern Justice" Jack Griffith makes a rare decision to head to the top rope.

"What is Jack doing?!," screams Mitch Naess. "He's going to crush him!"

With the crowd on their feet, Griffith flies off the top rope - only for "The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield to roll out of the way at the last moment, just in time to send Griffith crashing into the ladder elbow first.

He broke it! Southern Justice must've broken his arm!"

Griffith’s arm isn't the only thing that's broken, as the impact literally snaps the ladder in two. With blood streaming down his face, Caulfield stumbles to his feet before bringing the semi-conscious Griffith with him.

He takes one look around at the rapturous crowd - before hooking both arms and planting Griffith head first into the mat.

"Danger Drop! Danger Drop! One! Two! It’s over! This one's over! What a fight!"

"The Hardcore American" staggers to his feet - his white t-shirt bloodied and his face streaked with a mixture of blood and tears. He raises his arm in exhausted celebration, with the capacity crowd right behind him.

Seemingly doing his best to hold it together, Naess signs off.

"If this really is the end, then what a way to go out! But the Hardcore Revolution isn't finished! Extreme will never die! I'm Mitch Naess, and this has been Danger And Violence Extreme! It's been a pleasure…!"  
Blurcat Wrestling Live
Mitch Naess speaks on plans for Pittsburgh based DAVE off-shoot: "We've listened to the people"

* * * * *


Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling

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Mitch Naess speaks on plans for Pittsburgh based DAVE off-shoot: "We've listened to the people"

Blurrcat Wrestling's Rich Blundered sat down recently with long-time DAVE announcer Mitch Naess about the demise of the DAVE, his plans for the future and the rumoured revival of a hardcore wrestling based promotion in Pittsburgh. Here are some key edited extracts from the interview:

Mitch, it's no doubt been a hard few months [since DAVE collapsed and went off air]. Have you got over the shock?

It's hard to say any of us were really surprised when Phil [Vibert] told us we were shutting down. We all knew that things weren't great, and they hadn't been great for a while. But when you are teetering on the edge for so long, you almost convince yourself that you'll never topple over. So in that sense it was a shock. I guess I wish we had a bit more notice from the network and a bit more time to have a proper send off.

How have you been spending these past few months?

I hadn't had a holiday off in nearly thirteen years! (Laughs) So I took my wife on a holiday and got a bit of time to recharge. But I'm not good at sitting still for long, so I've been back working a day job and doing a bit of announcing here and there - the odd wrestling show, the odd commercial in Pittsburgh.

How has the response been from the fans since DAVE shut down?

Man, a lot of people were really upset. Our fans were like nothing else. When they didn't like something, they told you about it in no uncertain terms. But they were also so loyal and invested. So I still get emails from fans telling us how much we meant to them, and I know lots of the other guys do too.

Speaking of the other guys - how are the rest of the wrestlers feeling?

It's a mixed bag. The locker room wasn't always the easiest place. [Laughs] Look, I've got some super close friends from DAVE. I've kept in touch with some and lost touch with others. I know some of them have a lot of resentment about how things ended up with Phil, and they know I'm loyal to him. But we all had checks bounce, so I guess it'll take some of them longer than others to forgive him.

We've been hearing rumours about a new promotion - can you shed any light on that?

I've always got something in the works. As I said, I'm not good at sitting still, and in some ways I'd been planning for this day to come. We've listened to the people, and there's a few of us who want to get together and put on a show. So I think there's something we'll do at Pittsburgh. It's probably not a "new promotion" - more a chance for some of the old guys to give a proper farewell, with a bit more than one week's notice.

Have you got any names confirmed?

We haven't even got a venue confirmed! [Laughs] But seriously, I'm hearing some positive signs from some of the old DAVE guys and even some of the guys who never quite made it to DAVE. But some guys have moved onto other things - people like Eddie [Peak] at SWF - and as I said others probably see me as being too close to Phil. But I don't hold any grudges, I just want to put on a good show.

When you say "we", does that mean Phil Vibert is involved?

I don't think so, man. I haven't had any discussions with Phil about that sort of thing. DAVE was his baby and it'll take a while for him to get over it. 

* * *
Thanks both for the kind words, and of course thank you TCP1 for his fantastic mod! I don't know a huge amount about DAVE and haven't got much experience booking hardcore shows, so we will see what happens!
Edited by Scottie
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Hardcore Wrestling Homecoming: Vin Tanner, Mad Man Boone, Sammy Bach & MORE
Sitting at a cheesy news reporter's desk in front of a green screen, Mitch Naess greets YouTube viewers:
"Hey everybody! Well, the rumours are true - Saturday in the last week of July, Philly fans are in for a treat with Homecoming! We've pulled together some of the biggest names of the independent circuit for this one night only show, and we're so excited to give the fans an extreme show! Here's just a taste of the names that will be in action!"
The camera cuts to a dimly lit garage, where a grizzled grey veteran stands in front of a handheld camera, almost taking up the entire frame.
"For those of you who don't know me, I'm Vin Tanner - "The V Man". Two time Brass Knuckles Champion, two time Extreme Champion and a lifetime ass kicking. And at Hardcore Homecoming, I'm excited to not just to show the world - but to remind the world - just what I do.
"My opponent, Sammy Bach, is a lot of things. He's handsome, he's athletic, he's damn tough - hell, he's even a dab hand on the guitar. But he's not one thing - he's not "The V Man".

"And so Sammy, at Homecoming, I'm gonna send you Bach where you belong - in the unemployment line!"

The Idaho Punisher.jpg The Wolverine.jpg
The camera shifts to what seems to be a local park, where two large men are standing side-by-side. The bald one (The Punisher) does the talking, while the one with a grizzled mane (The Wolverine) seems to be more interested in biting a nearby tree.
"We're Deadly Alliance - and we're two of the meanest, toughest and baddest men in wrestling. And Philadelphia: we're coming for you!"
With The Punisher's brief speech finished, all that's left is for The Wolverine to address the camera:
The camera then cuts to a smokey bar, where a figure is sitting alone at the end of the bar table with his cowboy hat drawn down. He spends a bit of time mumbling to the camera - barely comprehensible - before finally raising his voice.
He, of course, doesn't need an introduction.
"For three months, I've been stewin' over the way things ended in DAVE. How I went out on my back. And man, it's been eatin' me up inside. So at Homecoming, I'm gonna put that right. This Hell's Bouncer might be bigger and stronger than me, but I've overcome bigger odds than that before. That is to say, I didn't become a two-time Southern Class Champion for nothin'."
Finally, Jack Griffith removes his hat.
"Hell's Bouncer - you better watch out. We might be in Philly, but the law never sleeps. And "Southern Justice" - he catches up with them all in the end."

The camera finally cuts back to Mitch Naess.
"So folks - don't miss out on the one night only experience! DAVE might be dead. But we're bringing the Danger, we're bringing the Violence and we're sure as hell bringing the Extreme!"

* * * * *

Legendary Wrestling Announcer Mitch Naess presents...


Saturday, Week 4, July 2007 - ONE NIGHT ONLY

"The Elation Sensation" Sammy Bach vs. "The V Man" Vin Tanner

3x DAVE Extreme Champion JD Morgan vs. Former PGHW International Champion William Hayes

"Pure Athlete" Art Reed vs. TBD

411 vs. "Bump Machine" Ben Williams

"The Latino King" Jesus Chavez vs. Former TCW Hardcore Champion Madman Boone

Deadly Alliance (The Punisher & The Wolverine) vs. The New Jersey Devils (Alex Braun & Tank Bradley)

Hell's Bouncer vs. "Southern Justice" Jack Griffith

Edited by Scottie
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"The Elation Sensation" Sammy Bach vs. "The V Man" Vin Tanner

3x DAVE Extreme Champion JD Morgan vs. Former PGHW International Champion William Hayes

"Pure Athlete" Art Reed vs. TBD

411 vs. "Bump Machine" Ben Williams

"The Latino King" Jesus Chavez vs. Former TCW Hardcore Champion Madman Boone

Deadly Alliance (The Punisher & The Wolverine) vs. The New Jersey Devils (Alex Braun & Tank Bradley)

Hell's Bouncer vs. "Southern Justice" Jack Griffith

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"The Elation Sensation" Sammy Bach vs. "The V Man" Vin Tanner
3x DAVE Extreme Champion JD Morgan vs. Former PGHW International Champion William Hayes (TIME LIMIT DRAW; tbh, they're both real good)
"Pure Athlete" Art Reed vs. TBD (probably Chris Caulfied.. i hope)
411 vs. "Bump Machine" Ben Williams
"The Latino King" Jesus Chavez vs. Former TCW Hardcore Champion Madman Boone
Deadly Alliance (The Punisher & The Wolverine) vs. The New Jersey Devils (Alex Braun & Tank Bradley)
Hell's Bouncer vs. "Southern Justice" Jack Griffith

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"The Elation Sensation" Sammy Bach vs. "The V Man" Vin Tanner

3x DAVE Extreme Champion JD Morgan vs. Former PGHW International Champion William Hayes

"Pure Athlete" Art Reed vs. TBD

411 vs. "Bump Machine" Ben Williams

"The Latino King" Jesus Chavez vs. Former TCW Hardcore Champion Madman Boone

Deadly Alliance (The Punisher & The Wolverine) vs. The New Jersey Devils (Alex Braun & Tank Bradley)

Hell's Bouncer vs. "Southern Justice" Jack Griffith

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"The Elation Sensation" Sammy Bach vs. "The V Man" Vin Tanner

3x DAVE Extreme Champion JD Morgan vs. Former PGHW International Champion William Hayes

"Pure Athlete" Art Reed vs. TBD

411 vs. "Bump Machine" Ben Williams

"The Latino King" Jesus Chavez vs. Former TCW Hardcore Champion Madman Boone

Deadly Alliance (The Punisher & The Wolverine) vs. The New Jersey Devils (Alex Braun & Tank Bradley)

Hell's Bouncer vs. "Southern Justice" Jack Griffith

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Legendary Wrestling Announcer Mitch Naess presents...
Saturday, Week 4, July 2007 - ONE NIGHT ONLY
Philadelphia, PA
Attendance - 606 Fans

For the benefit of those who have bought this show on DVD, veteran announcer Mitch Naess welcomes everybody to a "huge night" with some of the best talents on the independent circuit - both here in the US and in Japan. He promises a "hellacious night of extreme action - and it gets underway now!

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Singles Match
Hell's Bouncer vs. Jack Griffith

Hell's Bouncer is a giant of a man, standing a nearly a foot taller than "Southern Justice" Jack Griffith and dressed in a leather vest throughout his match. The start of this goes about how you would expect - almost without emotion, Bouncer dominates Griffith both inside and outside of the ring. Griffith makes use of some weapons at ringside to fight back - including a brutal moment where he clocks Bouncer over the head with an unprotected chair shot - and one heck of a brawl follows.

In a call back to the final episode of DAVE, Griffith tries to come off the top rope as Hell's Bouncer lays prone on the ladder - only for Bouncer to move at the last second, leaving Griffith crashing into the steel. The big man staggers back to his feet and regains his wits, and after a few more power blows Bouncer slams Griffith down with the Damnation Drop for the win at 11:47.

REVIEW: This was a great battle, with Griffith bouncing over the ring and making the young monster look like a star. [70]

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Tag Team Match
Deadly Alliance (The Punisher & The Wolverine) vs. The New Jersey Devils (Alex Braun & Tank Bradley)

Next up, we get the only tag team match on the card, as three-time tag team champions The New Jersey Devils face Deadly Alliance, consisting of DAVE veteran The Wolverine and newcomer The Punisher (better known for his time in SCCW as The Idaho Punisher, alongside Rick Sanders as The Dallas Wrecking Crew).

27-year old Bradley is the relative baby, being the only man under 40. Otherwise, it's a mixed bag visually - with the diminutive Braun standing next to the taller (and flabbier) mohawked Bradley, while fitness machine The Punisher stands next to The Wolverine, whose figure is masked by a t-shirt.

This is short and wild, and a lot of fun, with The New Jersey Devils spending most of the match carrying the older duo - and generously bumping for them too.  Deadly Alliance play the heels for most of the match, but they win clean - The Wolverine smashing Alex Braun with a Power Bomb which is assisted by The Punisher at 5:37.

REVIEW: The four put on something fun in the time available, though The Punisher clearly has some ring rust. [58]

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Singles Match
Jesus Chavez vs. Madman Boone

Madman Boone is best known for an eight year stint with TCW, where he managed to win the TCW International Title on one occasion, but was otherwise a long-time hardcore division mainstay. 21-year old Jesus Chavez is the former muscle of the heel faction, The Latino Kings, but appears alone tonight without Hector Galindo and Rudy Velasquez.

Boone is a surprisingly big man, almost going toe-to-toe in size with Chavez. It says volumes about the size of some of these guys from the big promotions. Although he's playing the face here, the crowd is cautious - he's not a DAVE guy, and the TCW brand of "hardcore" hasn't ever sat right with that fan base.

This was a hard fought match, and although Chavez is limited in the ring, Boone made him look good as he played the role of the underdog. Boone managed to get the crowd onside by bringing out his famed kendo stick (and then making himself bleed by hitting himself in the head) but was ultimately outmatched by Chavez's superior strength. In an abrupt finish, Chavez hit the 187 Neckbreaker for the win after 10:09.

REVIEW: A decent brawl, but with some awkward spots and it probably went a bit too long. [65]

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Singles Match
411 vs. Ben Williams

411 is a big man with a great look, and he comes to the ring in a white wifebeater with a rope in between his teeth. 20-year old Ben Williams is met with almost silence, and he wrestlers in a blue t-shirt.

This was an ugly, extended squash - as a lot of 411 matches tend to be. Poor Williams did his best to sell 411's offence, but the veteran was gassed moments in and so Williams spent most of the bout lying on the mat.

Finally, after 4:59, 411 puts Williams (and the crowd) out of his misery with a Chokeslam - one that's inexplicably through a table.

REVIEW: Awful. Just no good at all. And even at just under five minutes this was way too long. [11] 

Next up, "Pure Athlete" Art Reed is in the ring stretching, as he waits for his mystery opponent. He gets a generous reaction from the crowd. There's a bit of tension, before a familiar face emerges from behind the curtin...


Sure enough, it's the fast talking street hustler himself, Carl Batch. Batch spends some time complaining about being left off the card, and says they would have been beating fans away had Mitch Naess advertised his forgiveness.

But he forgives Naess because he saw an opportunity in Art Reed's open challenge - and Carl Batch, he's a man of opportunity. Batch tells Reed that he consulted the Rolodex to find a mystery opponent - and he found someone who hasn't been seen by American wrestling fans in nearly a year...

His old client, "Dangerous" Doug Peak!


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Singles Match
Art Reed vs. Doug Peak (with Carl Batch)

26-year old Peak is out looking in great shape, seemingly fresh off the plane from the latest tour with WEXXV in Japan. His bigger than his slimmer opponent, and he controls the early parts of this bout with Carl Batch cheering him on at ringside.

The match soon ends up at ringside, where Peak seeks to dominate his smaller opponent up against the metal railings. But he makes his first big mistake, as he tries to crush the "Pure Athlete" against the steel - only for Reed to scramble out of the way and sending Peak crashing through the railings and into the crowd.

Reed gets the crowd on his side and gets a period of control, but is soon distracted by Carl Batch who waves a clipboard at him. That allows Peak to take control back and slam him against the ring post, before the match returns to the ring. Peak gets Reed in place for the "House of Horrors" (a power bomb), but gets cocky as he starts interacting with Batch at ringside. That gives Reed just enough time to regain his wits and slip out the back, where he promptly locks in the Dread Lock (a standing sleeper)!

Peak scrambles and panics, as Batch tries to push the ropes closer to him - but it's all for nothing and he's eventually forced to tap at 8:54! Batch is furious at ringside, while Reed goes to survey the damage at ringside and celebrate with the fans.

REVIEW: A pretty tame affair, but a good story and Reed's popularity continues to grow with the Dread Lock. Carl Batch as always does good work at ringside. [56]

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Singles Match
JD Morgan vs. William Hayes

JD Morgan is a veteran British wrestler, who became the DAVE Extreme Champion on three occasions. His opponent William Hayes is little known to American audiences, having spent most of his young career with PGHW in Japan. Morgan is short and stocky, but plays his standard role of a grizzled British brawler as he comes to the ring wearing a flat cap. Hayes, meanwhile, plays the role of cookie cutter face with flashy trunks. 

In a change of pace, the two try to have a technical affair of sorts, exchanging a series of mat wrestling holds and techniques. Eventually Morgan tires of that, and decides to bring a steel chair into the ring - only for Hayes to drop kick it into his face for a two count.

Morgan starts to focus on Hayes' right knee, with a series of chops and painful looking holds. Hayes tries to rally the crowd in his favour, but they aren't really having much of it. Eventually, he sells the knee as he's forced to come down from the top rope, which pays off for Morgan who punches him in the face - it's a Loaded Punch, as he throws away a string of coins that were hidden in his right hand.

That puts Hayes down cold - but Morgan picks him up anyway and hits a Piledriver for the win at 10:48.

REVIEW: An interesting change of pace, but the crowd just wasn't invested in William Hayes. Still, there were some nice callbacks from Morgan - including his famed Loaded Punch. [56]

There's a brief lull in the ring as Hayes is helped to the back by some road agents, selling the damage from the last match.

At least, that is until a familiar voice is heard from behind the curtin...

"Well, well, well... You didn't think you'd be doing this without me, did you?"


In an unadvertised shock - Phil Vibert emerges!

It's the biggest reaction of the night, as the 606 fans in attendance threaten to lift the roof of the small venue, showering the long-time DAVE owner with adulation. After basking in that on the way to the ring, he speaks again.

"For those of you who *don't* know me... My name is Phil Vib-air," he shouts, with the trademark faux French pronunciation of his surname.

Vibert spends most of his speech thanking the fans, and explaining his absence from the public eye over the past few months. It's an emotional affair, and poor Mitch Naess at ringside is nearly in tears.

He eventually ends his speech.

"You know, a lot of people have been asking me whether I'm done with wrestling. And, truth be told, there have been times where I haven't been so sure. But seeing the support here tonight - both from the boys in the back and the fans here - that just makes me think that there's unfinished business.

"So to the people who want to see the Hardcore Revolution continue, let me say this: We've listened, we've heard you. And we hope we've got some real good news coming for you soon.

"And for the people who don't care for the Extreme, who don't care for the Hardcore Revolution. Well, for those people, Phil Via-air has only got two words for you: [Editor note: This is a family forum]"

With that, Vibert drops the mic, gives Mitch Naess a hug at ringside, and then heads to the back - with the fans in the crowd hopeful that maybe, just maybe, the Hardcore Revolution isn't finished.


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Main Event - Singles Match
Sammy Bach vs. Vin Tanner

29-year old Sammy Bach is entering the prime of his career: he's good a great look, he's in excellent shape and his rock star persona has the crowd on side. Vin Tanner, meanwhile, is at the other end of his career: the two-time DAVE Extreme Champion isn't in the best shape of his career and is tonight wrestling in a t-shirt.

This was a formulaic match, as the two did their best to work within the confines of The V-Man's physical capabilities. Luckily, these two know each other well, and they can put on a serviceable match in any situation. Tanner spent the early stages of the bout controlling Bach with some nefarious techniques, but it wasn't long before Bach got the crowd on his side and staged a comeback. And then, after just 5:31, he locked in the Bach on Your Bach, and forced Tanner to pass out.

REVIEW: A serviceable main event, with some good crowd heat. It was short and to the point, but these guys know how to wrestle this style. [65]   

After the match, a tired looking Sammy Bach thanks his "rock stars" for their support and wishes them to get home safe.

That's until some familiar music hits, and the rowdy crowd erupts.


In another unannounced appearance: it's Sammy's long-time tag team partner, the other half of the former USPW and DAVE Tag Team Champions Adrenaline Rush, Teddy Powell!

Powell comes out to the ring, and whatever tension might have been there is quickly extinguished as the two hug. 

Bach says that it's a dream to share the ring with Powell, and that if it's true what Phil Vibert says, then he hopes Adrenaline Rush will continue to be a force in tag team wrestling. He says it's an honour to be best buds with Teddy Powell.

Teddy takes the mic: "Sammy - it was an honour for me too."

Bach looks a bit confused at that - and his confusion soon turns to shock, as Powell takes him down with a Lariat and starts beating on him with a barrage of punches.

The crowd starts voicing their displeasure, and some even throw trash into the ring, but that doesn't stop Powell from returning to his fallen partner and continuing to rain down punches on him.

With Bach now bleeding from the forehead, Powell lifts him to his feet and then takes him down with the Motion Sensor, ending the show by standing over Sammy Bach screaming: "It's my time, now!"



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Phil Vibert and Mitch Naess present... 


Saturday, Week 1, September 2007 - BACK FOR A SECOND HELPING

"The Elation Sensation" Sammy Bach vs. "Constant Motion" Teddy Powell

"Pure Athlete" Art Reed vs. TBD

JD Morgan vs. "Super K" Kiminobu Kuroki

The Latino Kings (Hector Galindo, Jesus Chavez & Rudy Velasquez) vs. "Southern Justice" Jack Griffith & The New Jersey Devils (Alex Braun & Tank Bradley)

Deadly Alliance (The Punisher & The Wolverine) vs. The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler)

411 vs. The Blonde Bomber (RIPW's Jerry Martin)

* * * **

Homecoming - Prediction Results:

James the Animator - 6/7
KyTeran - 6/7
Bigelow Cartwheel - 5/7
CGN91 - 5/7
smw88 - 5/7
monrapi3 - 2/7

Well done to James and KyTeran who very nearly swept the field!

Edited by Scottie
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"The Elation Sensation" Sammy Bach vs. "Constant Motion" Teddy Powell

"Pure Athlete" Art Reed vs. TBD

JD Morgan vs. "Super K" Kiminobu Kuroki

The Latino Kings (Hector Galindo, Jesus Chavez & Rudy Velasquez) vs. "Southern Justice" Jack Griffith & The New Jersey Devils (Alex Braun & Tank Bradley)

Deadly Alliance (The Punisher & The Wolverine) vs. The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler)

411 vs. The Blonde Bomber (RIPW's Jerry Martin)

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The Elation Sensation" Sammy Bach vs. "Constant Motion" Teddy Powell

"Pure Athlete" Art Reed vs. TBD

JD Morgan vs. "Super K" Kiminobu Kuroki

The Latino Kings (Hector Galindo, Jesus Chavez & Rudy Velasquez) vs. "Southern Justice" Jack Griffith & The New Jersey Devils (Alex Braun & Tank Bradley)

Deadly Alliance (The Punisher & The Wolverine) vs. The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler)

411 vs. The Blonde Bomber (RIPW's Jerry Martin

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"The Elation Sensation" Sammy Bach vs. "Constant Motion" Teddy Powell

"Pure Athlete" Art Reed vs. TBD

JD Morgan vs. "Super K" Kiminobu Kuroki

The Latino Kings (Hector Galindo, Jesus Chavez & Rudy Velasquez) vs. "Southern Justice" Jack Griffith & The New Jersey Devils (Alex Braun & Tank Bradley)

Deadly Alliance (The Punisher & The Wolverine) vs. The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler)

411 vs. The Blonde Bomber (RIPW's Jerry Martin)

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  • 1 month later...

Phil Vibert and Mitch Naess present...

Saturday, Week 1, September 2007 - BACK FOR A SECOND HELPING
Pittsburgh, PA
Attendance - 680 Fans

For the benefit of those who have bought this show on DVD, veteran announcer Mitch Naess again welcomes everybody to "another huge night" involving some of the best talents on the independent circuit. He promises a "second helping of danger and violence - and it gets underway now!" 

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Singles Match
411 vs. The Blonde Bomber

411 is back for his second appearance after a shocking display against Ben Williams last time. He's facing The Blonde Bomber (better known as RIPW's Jerry Pepper) who comes to the ring armed with a kendo stick.

This is a total domination, and something closer to what 411/Williams should have been at Homecoming. The Bomber gets in a a couple of shots, but he's launched around the ring by 411 who eventually ends him with a Chokeslam at 2:42. 

REVIEW: Short and to the point, but only slightly better than 411's last outing. [17]

After the match, 411 trash talks the crowd as he celebrates his win. But after his defeat, The Blonde Bomber gets to his feet brandishing a kendo stick and smacks 411 right over the forehead with it! It takes a couple of strikes - but eventually he manages to put the big man down on the mat!

Excited, he then goes to the top rope to try and perform a leaping attack, but 411 stumbles to his ropes, forcing The Blonde Bomber to drop to a seated position. 411 then comes to the top rope, and literally shoves The Blonde Bomber out of the ring and into the steel railing in a nasty looking crash.

The dominant heel then returns to trash talking the crowd as he walks back through the curtin.


Next up, "Pure Athlete" Art Reed is in the ring as he waits for his second mystery opponent in as many weeks, in this instalment of the Olympic Challenge.

And for the second time, a familiar face emerges from behind the curtin...


Sure enough, it's none other than Carl Batch!

Batch says that Reed's win at Homecoming was an aberration, and he's managed to find another opponent who is ready to teach Reed a lesson! Batch says he doesn't normally like to take a chance, and instead prefers a sure thing - but tonight, he's going to hold and Reed is going to fold. Because his opponent is...


Former USPW National Champion, The Gambler!


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Singles Match
Art Reed vs. The Gambler (with Carl Batch)

Art Reed was victorious in a fun match at Homecoming, where he beat Dave Peak by pinfall. Here, he faces a physically larger opponent in the form of The Gambler (also variously known as Gareth Wayne, John Doe, The True American and Jorge Washington) who was twice SCCW Champion and once the USPW National Champion.

It's a classic David vs. Goliath battle, as The Gambler is significantly larger than Reed (despite not appearing to be quite this big during his time on national television with USPW). Batch cheers him on from ringside, as he dominates the early stages with heavy strikes and some standard big man fare. 

But Reed soon makes a comeback, leaving Batch literally slapping his hat on the canvas to try and get The Gambler back into the bout. He briefly seems to, but Reed ducks under a sloppy Lariat attempt, and then locks in the Dread Lock to force The Gambler to submit at 5:36! Reed raises his arms in celebration, as Batch throws his hat on the ground, stamps on it a couple of times and storms backstage promising revenge.

REVIEW: A decent enough contest, with The Gambler made to look strong but ultimately not strong enough to best the "Pure Athlete". But I feel we aren't seeing Reed's best work here. Batch did some good work at ringside. [50]

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Tag Team Match
Deadly Alliance (The Punisher & The Wolverine) vs. The Ring Generals (Marv Statler & Dean Waldorf)

The Ring Generals are two early-20s wrestlers, who look clean cut and are clad in matching blue wrestling singlets. They look significantly smaller than their veteran opponents. This was a tough watch: the styles didn't mesh, and it was basically an extended squash. The crowd wasn't at all into the standard technical fare from The Ring Generals, and they don't seem to be clicking with Deadly Alliance either (it's more "go away" heat than wrestling heat).

After 4:45, The Wolverine ended this one with a Clothesline.

REVIEW: This had nothing on the last outing by Deadly Alliance, as without an experienced team like The New Jersey Devils to carry them they were exposed. The Ring Generals have a decent look and tried hard, but clearly have a long way to go. [29]

Well, this is something. After the ring is cleared following the last match, a brawl between Sammy Bach and Teddy Powell emerges from behind the curtin. This seems unscripted: tonight's main event isn't for another few matches!

Neither man seems to be in control, as the two pile into the ring - the crowd firmly behind Sammy Bach. Eventually, a mixture of the roster and road agents finally come out the separate the two and Mitch Naess enters the ring with a microphone.

"Gentlemen, gentlemen! If you really want to kill each other, then I'm not going to stop you. But these fans paid for a match, and I'm not going to run the risk of that being taken from them. So I guess what I'm saying is: tonight's main event starts right now!"



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Main Event (?) - Singles Match
Sammy Bach vs. Teddy Powell

After the ring clears, there's scarcely a moment before Sammy Bach launches himself at his former tag team partner. After being blindsided at Homecoming, "The Elation Sensation" is mad, and he refuses to let "Constant Motion" Teddy Powell settle.

Clad in a black athletic singlet with blonde, slicked back locks, Powell is the more diminutive figure. And in the early going, his smaller size makes him look like easy fodder for his former tag team partner, who absolutely monsters him in the corner with kicks to the chest. But what Powell lacks in size, he makes up for in smarts, and he soon manages to slip out of the ring and collect himself on the outside.

Bach follows him out, but that's his first big mistake, as Powell finds himself something at ringside (it looks like the lid of a trash can) and absolutely waffles "The Elation Sensation" over the head. That allows him to take control - looking to slow the match down and punish Bach with literally anything he can find (steel barricade, apron, ring steps).

The fight eventually returns to the ring, as Powell looks to keep control with his methodical style - focusing on the knee of Sammy Bach. But a clearly angry Bach shows some fire, and slowly but surely fights his way back into the match - putting Powell on the back foot.

With the babyface comeback complete, Bach looks to have Powell in real danger following a flying clothesline from the top rope - an attack that also inadvertently takes out the referee. And as he motions for his patented Bach on Your Bach, the arena suddenly goes dark! (And by dark - we mean dark). A few moments later, the lights turn on -


- and it's Hells Bouncer!

Confused, Bach looks up at the giant young wrestler, but then tries to avoid the impending attack by throwing a punch of his own. Bouncer just shakes that off, and then crushes Bach with a lariat before lifting him up and nails him with the Damnation Drop ! Powell laughs, and clearly can't avoid the temptation of finishing the unconscious Bach with his own move - the Motion Censor - for a slow three count at 10:16 as the referee regains consciousness.

REVIEW: A glimpse of what these two can do, but this was more about advancing the storyline than anything. [61]

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Singles Match
JD Morgan vs. Kiminobu Kuroki

For the second show running, former champion JD Morgan faces off against a highly rated PGHW  prospect, in this case Kiminobu Kuroki. “Super K” is smaller than the middleweight Morgan, but is clad in flashy tights and streamers around his biceps - which don’t immediately ingratiate him to the vocal Pittsburgh crowd.

As with his last outing, Morgan plays the role of grizzled veteran, and his heelish tactics draw some decent heat and even manage to get the crowd to rally around Kuroki, whose natural charisma sees the crowd warm to him.

Kuroki goes close on a couple of occasions, but it’s ultimately the veteran Englishman who prevails - huddled in the corner after an enziguiri, he manages to thumb Kuroki in the eyes and then take him down with a Russian Legsweep. In the middle of the ring, he then locks in a Heel Hook to draw the eventual submission at 14:14.

REVIEW: A decent bout. Kuroki has some charisma, although his skills are nothing special. Meanwhile, the veteran Morgan is drawing some good heat, and seems to be having something of a career renaissance. [50]

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Main Event (?) - Six Man Tag Team Match
The Latino Kingz (Hector Galindo, Rudy Velasquez & Jesus Chavez) vs. Jack Griffith & The New Jersey Devils (Alex Braun & Tank Bradley)

After success on his own at the last show, this time Jesus Chavez is joined by his fellow Latino Kingz, Hector Gallindo and Rudy Velasquez. They play the classic heels in their entrance - tearing up signs and flipping off the crowd. The New Jersey Devils are out next, and when they are half way down the entrance their partner - “Whiskey” Jack Griffith” - finally follows.

It's a mad brawl, as The Latino Kingz spend most of the bout ganging up on the diminutive veteran Alex Braun, much to the chagrin of Tank Bradley. Eventually, Braun finds his way back into the bout to tag in Bradley - who comes flying from the top rope with a sloppy clothesline.

Soon, Griffith finds his way into the ring and looks to go toe-to-toe with the enforcer, Jesus Chavez. However, after a brief period of success, Griffith is mobbed by Galindo and Velasquez and all hell breaks loose in the ring as the six men start brawling.

The dust soon settles with Velasquez as the legal man, and he watches on as The New Jersey Devils combine to take Chavez out with a double DDT on the outside, and then move out of the way as Galindo comes flying off the top rope and into the steel barricade! Stranded, Velasquez is helpless as Griffith hits the Jack in the Box for the pinfall at 8:41.

REVIEW: A decent main event brawl, with Griffith the clear star as he gets some of his heat back from the last show. The Latino Kingz are a good addition to the roster, although young Hector Galindo is the rawest of the lot and blew a number of spots. [57]

The ring takes some time to clear, and soon after “Whiskey” Jack Griffith is the last to stumble backstage through the curtain, with a half-filled bottle in his right hand.

But after that, there’s barely a break - as Phil Vibert emerges from the behind the curtain to a rapturous reaction!


He struts down to the ring - his big frame swaying from side to side - as fans in the front row literally bow down to him. He stops on a couple of occasions to bow back, before finally entering the ring and taking the microphone.

Well, well, well… You didn’t think you’d be doing this without me again, did you?

The vocal crowd roars with appreciation, and a “Vib-air! Vib-air!” chant rings around the arena.

Vibert soaks up the reaction and again delivers a promo in much the same terms as last time. The fans don't care though - they've heard it all before and they are still eating it up, as Vibert thanks them again for all their support.

Then he delivers the big news:

"I said last time that: 'we've listened, we've heard you'. And I meant that.

"Now, I am a man of my word. [Editor note: LOL] And I promised you all that, if I could make it happen, then the Hardcore Revolution would continue. Well tonight, I can announce that we have listened, we have heard - and we are going back to our roots, baby!

"Steel City - remember this night. Because it's the birth of something special - Pittsburgh is the home of the Extreme, it's the home of the Danger. And the Hardcore Revolution will continue...

"Because we are Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling! And we aren't going anywhere!"

With that, Vibert slams the microphone down and raises both arms as the loyal crowd goes ballistic.

DAVE might be gone, but Vibert is back.




Edited by Scottie
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Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling Presents... 


Thursday, Week 2, December 2007 - DON'T END UP ON THE NAUGHTY LIST

Purgatory (Hell's Bouncer & Teddy Powell) vs. The New Jersey Devils (Alex Braun & Tank Bradley)

Deadly Alliance (The Punisher & The Wolverine) vs. The McWade Brothers (Dallas McWade & Dean McWade)

JD Morgan vs. WEXXV's Munemitsu Senmatsu

"Pure Athlete" Art Reed vs. TBD

"Southern Justice" Jack Griffith vs. Rudy Velasquez (of The Latino Kingz)

411 vs. The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler)

We hear from the co-promoters of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, Phil Vibert and Mitch Naess!

* * * **

Just Deserts - Prediction Results:

James the Animator - 4/6
CGN91 - 4/6
monrapi3 - 4/6
KyTeran - 3/6
smw88 - 3/6


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Purgatory (Hell's Bouncer & Teddy Powell) vs. The New Jersey Devils (Alex Braun & Tank Bradley)

Deadly Alliance (The Punisher & The Wolverine) vs. The McWade Brothers (Dallas McWade & Dean McWade)

JD Morgan vs. WEXXV's Munemitsu Senmatsu

"Pure Athlete" Art Reed vs. TBD

"Southern Justice" Jack Griffith vs. Rudy Velasquez (of The Latino Kingz)

411 vs. The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler)

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Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling presents...

Thursday, Week 2, September 2007 - DON'T END UP ON THE NAUGHTY LIST
Pittsburgh, PA
Attendance - 689 Fans

For the benefit of those who have bought this one on DVD or VHS, Mitch Naess welcomes everyone to the first instalment of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling - as the Hardcore Revolution continues, this time festively. His introduction is short lived as…


…the music of Phil Vibert hits! The long-time promoter emerges from the curtain (briefly getting tangled) to a loud reaction from the near 700 fans in attendance, most of whom are changing the usual “Vib-air! Vib-air!” (a play on words of the faux French pronunciation from a man whose name is almost certainly pronounced as it’s spelled.

Welcome to Pittsburgh! Steel! Wrestling!” Vibert exclaims to the approval of the crowd.

Vibert delivers another promo, thanking the fans for sticking with him and making tonight happen. But then for the first time he pivots.

And of course, it’s not just the fans - but also the loyal men in the back who have stuck with us and have shown that they are also committed to the cause; to the Hardcore Revolution!

Vibert pauses, before turning his attention ringside.

But there’s really one man who also deserves credit for tonight. And that man is my good friend, Mitch Naess!


That draws another roar from the crowd, as the cult announcer (yet often bemoaned) Naess stands up and almost embarrassedly acknowledges the shout out. Vibert doesn’t let him get away with it that easily, though, and calls from him to enter the ring.

After a brief moment of awkwardness, the two men embrace to the cheers of the crowd, as Vibert hands Naess the microphone. Wiping away tears, the announcer yelps:

Viva la revolución!


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Singles Match
Jack Griffith vs. Rudy Velasquez (with Hector Galindo & Jesus Chavez)

“Whiskey” Jack Griffith is first out - as he saunters to the ring with a bottle in hand (and he seems to take a swig from it on the way). He’s soon followed out by the full complement of The Latino Kingz, who led by Velasquez are decidedly higher octane despite the negative reaction from the crowd.

Griffith is right up against it from the start here, as he not only has to contend with the de facto leader of the Kingz, but also the muscle on the outside. He’s the bigger man, though, and manages to control most of the match in the ring, but falls victim on a couple of occasions to sneak attacks on the outside.

After a decent brawl, Griffith finds himself stuck between all three Latino Kingz outside the ring, but he manages to get out of a difficult spot by pushing the massive Chavez into both of them to send the three crashing down. He then waits for Velasquez to stumble back into the ring, to finish him cleanly with a DDT off the top rope at 8:05.

REVIEW: A decent brawl, albeit a little one sided as Griffith effectively controlled things against all three Latino Kingz. Velasquez held his own but Griffith was the clear star here. [54]

Griffith barely gets a chance after the bout to celebrate, as he’s soon mobbed by Jesus Chavez and Hector Galindo who by this point have recovered from the brawl outside the ring. Velasquez soon joins in too, as all three stomp a hole through Griffith in the corner.

Velasquez motions to Chavez to fetch something from the outside, and soon the giant Puerto Rican returns with a table. He clumsily sets it up and lays Griffith down - allowing Hector Galindo to launch from the top rope with a death defying Shooting Star Press to send Griffith crashing through the table.

The damage done, the three Kingz continue to taunt Griffith before finally heading up the ramp and through the curtain. Griffith is then helped to the back by road agent Teddy Flame and referee R.M. Stones.


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Singles Match
JD Morgan vs. Munemitsu Senmatsu

Morgan is out first - the fans are a still a bit ambivalent about the long-time DAVE mainstay, whose  throwback style sticks out in this promotion. He’s outsized here by the 22-year old Japanese talent Munemitsu Senmatsu - better known as “The Hammer” - who comes to the ring with a kendo stick, which he inexplicably uses to bust himself open before the match even begins.

It’s an interesting type of bout, as the bigger man Senmatsu spends the early stages chasing Morgan around the ring with the kendo stick and eventually busts him open with a shot to the head. This infuriates Morgan, who briefly abandons his usual technical style to fire back with some punches.

“The Hammer” outbodies Morgan but soon starts to tire, as the veteran Englishman works his way back into the bout with some standard grappling fare. He eventually picks up a tainted win of sorts - abandoning his straight laced style to thumb Senmatsu in the eye, and then taking him down and securing a submission at 6:21 with the Calf Crusher.

REVIEW: Short and to the point. This one was carried by Morgan, who still isn’t getting a great reaction from the crowd. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact he was a lower card mainstay for most of DAVE’s later years, and is now being pushed as a bigger deal. Still, he was leagues ahead of “The Hammer” who has a great look but is very raw. [54]

After the bout, Morgan wipes the blood away from his forehead and puts his leather cap back on. With three “International Challenge” wins under his belt, he proclaims himself the best hardcore wrestler in the world - and challenges anyone across the globe to prove him wrong.


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Tag Team Match - Title Tournament Semi-Finals
Deadly Alliance (The Punis
her & The Wolverine) vs. The McWade Brothers (Dallas McWade & Dean McWade)

The McWades are giant identical twins known to the DAVE audience for their run as monster heels during 2006 and 2007. But they are best known for their time in NOTBPW and CGC, where they are nine-time world tag team champions. It’s an imposing pair of opponents for Deadly Alliance, who despite their experience are still a relatively new team.

This was an interesting clash, which pitted the brawling style of the McWades against the rough hardcore style of Deadly Alliance. All four men were well protected which meant the selling wasn’t great, and the crowd was a bit unsure of the action.

The McWades went close on a couple of occasions, but the finish came as The Punisher crashed Dallas over the head with an unprotected steel chair shot, and The Wolverine knocked him down with a Running Cannonball (squashing McWade in the corner) for a pin at 8:59. Deadly Alliance advance.

REVIEW: A fun brawl, although there wasn’t much effort from the Canadian duo who were clearly in it for the pay day. [54]

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Handicap Match
411 vs. The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler)

There’s not much to this one. The young tag team gets some offence in early, but Statler is soon destroyed by a Chokeslam and then Waldorf gets Chokeslammed onto him too for the double pin at 4:27.

REVIEW: This was standard 411 fare. [22]


Next out, the “Pure Athlete” Art Reed looked to show off his athletic credentials with another instalment of the “Olympic Challenge”.

So far, Reed had bested the likes of Dave Peak and The Gambler, who had each been hired guns engaged by veteran manager Carl Batch. So it was little surprise when, after a brief warm up, Reed was interrupted by…


Carl Batch!

Despite watching his charges come up short twice, Batch maintains that Reed’s wins to date are an aberration and *this week* he’s moved heaven and earth to find the perfect opponent to crush the Olympic Challenge once and for all.

He emphasises that - “I’ve literally moved the Earth tonight” - and soon enough Reed’s opponent is announced as the 400 pound monster Land Mass!

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Singles Match
Art Reed vs. Land Mass (with Carl Batch)

The size difference really is something: Land Mass was enormous against the giants of SWF, but against the veteran indie worker in Art Reed he looks like a different species altogether.

This is a classic David vs. Goliath battle, as Land Mass ambles around the ring and lands a couple of power moves on Reed as Batch cheers on from ringside. That includes a sloppy elbow drop for a near fall, which appears to completely knock the wind out of Reed.

But this is never Land Mass’ match to win, as the talented “Pure Athlete” makes a comeback much to the distaste of Batch at ringside. With Land Mass slowing down, Reed jumps on his back and locks in the Dread Lock to force Land Mass to pass out at 5:48!

REVIEW: These two didn’t have good chemistry, although the story was sound. Batch went ballistic at ringside and added to the drama. [48]

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Tag Team Match - Title Tournament Semi-Finals
Purgatory (Hell’s Bouncer & Teddy Powell) vs. The New Jersey Devils (Alex Braun & Tank Bradley)

This brings us to the main event of the evening, with the winner due to face Deadly Alliance for the inaugural PSW Tag Team Titles. In one corner, there’s the veteran team of Alex Braun & Tank Bradley who were three-time DAVE Tag Team Champions. In the other corner, it’s the new team of Hell’s Bouncer & Teddy Powell who go by the name Purgatory.

After a night of relatively one sided action, the crowd was clearly enjoying a more even battle which saw both teams exchange periods of dominance. Hell’s Bouncer did most of the work for Purgatory, as “Constant Motion” Teddy Powell preferred to tag in only when one of the New Jersey Devils was down on the mat.

Still, that tactic didn’t pay off completely - as Tank Bradley staged a recovery to force both opponents outside the ring, and then with scant regard for his own safety Braun launched himself off the top rope into both of them.

As the match passed ten minutes, Purgatory regained control and Bouncer levelled Braun with a huge Choke Bomb. That allowed Powell to tag in, cockily waiting for Braun to return to his feet before hitting him with the Motion Censor for the pinfall at 12:04.

REVIEW: A clear match of the night, with great drama and a few close pin falls. The New Jersey Devils are a solid team (even if not in the physical shape they once were), while Hell’s Bouncer performed terrifically. Powell isn’t the wrestler he once was, but he gathered some decent heat through his cowardly and opportunistic antics. [67]

After the bout, Purgatory does not stop.

Hell’s Bouncer lifts Alex Braun off the mat with both hands and then slams him down for another Choke Bomb - as Powell cheers him on. Having been sent to the outside, Tank Bradley desperately tries to save his partner - but it’s all in vain as he gets absolutely pasted by a Big Boot from Hell’s Bouncer.

Powell goes to lift Bradley up for a Constant Motion, only for…

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Deadly Alliance to come charging down the ramp!

Purgatory’s opponents look angry, and after a brief moment of hesitation Powell slides out the other side of the ring. He implores Hell’s Bouncer to follow (the big man is staring down both The Punisher & The Wolverine), and after a brief moment of hesitation, Bouncer reluctantly exits the ring.

Powell is clearly furious with how the show has ended, and spends his time walking up the ramp shouting a volley of abuse at Deadly Alliance, as the latter check on the injured New Jersey Devils.  It’s a spicy end ahead of our presumed main event for the next show - the first ever bout for gold in Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling!


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PSW Highway to Hell: Tag Titles, Outback Stars & MORE
Sitting at a news desk in front of a slightly upgraded green screenMitch Naess greets YouTube viewers:
"Hardcore fans - after the huge success of A Christmas Miracle, Pittsburgh's premier wrestling promotion Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling returns in February for Highway to Hell! We've got the likes of Purgatory against Deadly Alliance for the first ever PSW Tag Team Titles! Plus a three-way elimination match involving tag team legends The Out-Trekkers! And we see the Olympic Challenge continue with Art Reed facing another mystery opponent. Here's just a taste of what's to come!"
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The camera cuts to a study, where dressed in a suit Teddy Powell is sitting at a beautiful brown table with a cigarette in one hand. Behind him, clad in his typical leather outfit, is the monstrous Hell's Bouncer who has struck a close alliance with "Constant Motion".
"For those of you who don't know me - well, then what the hell have you been doing? Have you been living under a rock? Are you a caveman? I'm "Constant Motion" Teddy Powell, and at Highway to Hell I'll be one half of the PSW Tag Team Champions. And I'll do it with the most physically imposing wrestler in all of the Tri-State: Hell's Bouncer."
"If you didn't see it, find a stream, but last time out we annihilated The New Jersey Devils. And I was going to put an end to their sad, pathetic careers once and for all - until the so-called "Deadly Alliance" got in my way."
"So make no mistake about it - at Highway to Hell, we *will* become tag team champions. And we will teach the Deadly Alliance a lesson, just like I taught Sammy Bach a lesson a few months ago. And in case you don't believe me - well, take that up with the Bouncer."

The camera skips elsewhere, where a slimly built man in a grey suit and hat is standing in a local street. It's a little windy so it's sometimes hard to hear, but the "street hustler" Carl Batch has some words to say about "Pure Athlete" Art Reed.
"Three times now that man has humiliated me! Huh! Well, I'm not gonna take it anymore. I've got a surprise up my sleeve, Art. And at Highway to Hell, you are gonna be wishing you didn't mess with Carl Batch!"

The camera finally cuts back to Mitch Naess.
"So folks - don't miss it! Join us on the second Saturday in February for PSW Highway to Hell for a huge night of Dangerous, Violent and Extreme Action! Viva la revolución"

* * * * *

Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling presents...


Saturday, Week 2, FEBRUARY 2008 - NO STOP SIGNS

Deadly Alliance (The Punisher & The Wolverine) vs. Purgatory (Teddy Powell & Hell's Bouncer)

The Latino Kingz (Hector Galindo & Rudy Velasquez) vs. The New Jersey Devils (Alex Braun & Tank Bradley) vs. The Out-Trekkers (Out-Trekker #1 & Out-Trekker #2) (*)

"Pure Athlete" Art Reed vs. TBD (Carl Batch's Mystery Opponent)

JD Morgan vs. "Legit" Josh Taylor (#)

Tigre Salvaje, Jr. vs. Velocidad

Bad Bruce (^) vs. New York Red

* * * * *

Name Changes (For Legal Reasons):

* Better known as two-time SWF World Tag Team Champions The Outbackers (Outbacker Harris & Outbacker Rolf)
# Better known as PGHW wrestler Joshua Taylor
^ Better known as SWF's "Untameable" Danny Bruce


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Deadly Alliance (The Punisher & The Wolverine) vs. Purgatory (Teddy Powell & Hell's Bouncer)- Could go either way but I'll pick the heels because I like heel champs and it will help to legitimize Hell's Bouncer. 



The Latino Kingz (Hector Galindo & Rudy Velasquez) vs. The New Jersey Devils (Alex Braun & Tank Bradley) vs. The Out-Trekkers (Out-Trekker #1 & Out-Trekker #2) (*)- I usually don't like debuting teams to lose but this is a good chance to get The Devils some pop and momentum. 



"Pure Athlete" Art Reed vs. TBD (Carl Batch's Mystery Opponent)- not sure who it is but I think Batch finally gets a win. 



JD Morgan vs. "Legit" Josh Taylor (#)- could end up being the best match on the card but without knowing how long Taylor is around for I'm picking the homegrown guy. 



Tigre Salvaje, Jr. vs. Velocidad- totally picking with my heart on this one as Tigre Salvaje Jr is one of my favorite workers.



Bad Bruce (^) vs. New York Red- Bruce is a good fit for the product and has some decent pop probably. 

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