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Reactive Events & Storylines suggestions (done)

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I have some suggestions for the reactive events & storylines section of the editor:


-Character must have minimum X Rating: Since rating is a stat that can dynamically change over time, compared to say Gender or Age that can't change (without an Identity Switch), I think it would be a good addition, as artifacts can boost the rating enormously.

-Character cannot be above X Rating: Might be good for lower-class characters.

-Character must have minimum X Popularity: Same as above.

-Character cannot be above X Popularity: Same as above.

-Character must have X relationship with X: If relationships between characters are in any way essential to database makers, especially those that want to use a lot of storylines, I think this could be an important asset to this part the editor and game.



-Character rating increases/decreases with X (or set rating to X).

-Character popularity increases/decreases with (or set popularity to X).

-Character relationship with X becomes X.

-Character location settings: Might be a good option to be able to change base location. If you have a character you want to move through storyline and keep him there, changing base location could be a good way to do that without the need of the in-game editor. Maybe also an option to change any of the travel settings, like Permanent travel type becoming Occasional Wanderer under certain conditions. Or the Inter-Area/Timeframe/Dimension settings from Yes to No.

-Character starts to follow/stops following X.

-Faction Membership: Character becomes Major/Minor Past Member.: Right now, characters can become members of a faction through reactive events or storylines, but cannot leave. I don't know if it's by design that these two are missing, but I think they should be an option.


Lastly, and this is a longshot, but could it be possible to add an "OR" option to the requirements? For example, be able to change:

Character A must be a hero AND be in a certain location.


Character A must be a hero OR be in a certain location.

Within the same reactive event/storyline?



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4 hours ago, Adam Ryland said:

There's no scope for 'or' being added, that'd require a complete overhaul to how it works.

Everything else looks viable, although obviously that's quite a lot of content you're requesting so you will need to give me a while to add it all in.

Bummer about the 'or' option, but I understand.

Great! Take all time you need man, no need to rush.


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@Adam Ryland maybe a long shot, as I don't know how difficult it would be to implement this, but would it be possible to add effects for storylines and reactive events, where relationships between two characters change. Like, making a new nemesis for a hero or make a foe to a friend, because they have to fight a common enemy?


I think, from the space under the effect box it should be possible, since there could be 3 boxes for 2 characters and 1 relationship.

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  • Adam Ryland changed the title to Reactive Events & Storylines suggestions (done)

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