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'General' in Show Costs absolutely crippling me

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If this is in the wrong place - sorry and feel free to move it!

So I'm playing the 1985 mod on TEW2020 and booking World Class. For every show there is a $7000 debit under 'General' in 'Show Costs'. This is separate to the production costs, which I have lowered as much as possible.

Does anyone know what this is and how I fix it? If I don't solve this soon poor old Fritz is going to lose his ranch to the bank pretty quickly!

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You can see the explanation of what it is by hovering over that line in the finance breakdown screen. It's the total of fixed and variable costs that you incur every time you run a show, based on your company's size and the broadcasting type of the show (if any).

You should make sure that you're using the latest patch, for reference, as off the top of my head $7000 sounds like it was from an older version.

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