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WCW 1993 : A New World of Sport

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Lex Luger vs Big Van Vader - DRAW
Cactus Jack vs Dustin Rhodes
Nobuhiko Takada vs Ric Flair
Dan Severn vs Kevin Von Erich
The Fantastics vs True Grit
The Classic Era vs The Horsemen

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Lex Luger vs Big Van Vader - Draw, I can't see either of them winning.
Cactus Jack vs Dustin Rhodes
Nobuhiko Takada vs Ric Flair - Draw, two draws? I'm getting reckless. 
Dan Severn vs Kevin Von Erich
The Fantastics vs True Grit (Is it bad that I still don't know who the heck True Grit are?)
The Classic Era vs The Horsemen

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It’s May 1994, and WCW is hailing from the Thompson-Boling Arena in Knoxville, Tennessee! WCW Saturday Night is brought to you by Pink Dream, the official soft drink of WCW. After an intro video of WCW’s Premier League, the camera’s take us inside WCW’s neon-lit blue and pink studios where we are standing by with the WCW Analysis Team, Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes and Paul E Dangerously.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to tonight's thrilling WCW Premier League event! We've got a fantastic lineup featuring some of the biggest names in wrestling. First up, 'Lonestar' Dustin Rhodes takes to the ring for the first time since his historic victory over Ric Flair, facing the dangerous Cactus Jack, who is desperate for his first win of the season. Also in action, Ric Flair looks to rebound against the leader of Player Enterprises, Nobuhiko Takada, in what promises to be a technical masterpiece. And in our main event, it's a clash of titans as the undefeated Lex Luger goes head-to-head with the monstrous Big Van Vader. It's a night of high stakes and intense competition! Dusty, welcome back - what are your thoughts on tonight’s card?
Harley, you better believe tonight's gonna be something special! My boy Dustin Rhodes is ridin' high after takin' down Ric Flair, and I know he's ready to keep that momentum goin' against Cactus Jack. And Ric Flair, well, he's got his hands full with Takada, but I reckon that old fire's still burnin' inside him - especially if he thinks he can challenge me! And folks, let me tell ya, Lex Luger is in the best shape of his life, and I see him outpowering Big Van Vader to stay on top of the Premier League!
Oh, Dusty, always the eternal optimist, huh? Let's get real here. Cactus Jack is a wild animal when cornered, and tonight could be the night he finally gets that win. As for Ric Flair, he's been off his game lately, and Takada is more dangerous than ever. Flair better watch out or he'll find himself tapping out. And let's not forget Vader's unmatched power and brutality—Luger might have a good record, but Vader is a wrecking machine ready to crush his dreams.
Dusty and Paul both make valid points. Dustin Rhodes has momentum, but Cactus Jack's desperation can be a game-changer. Flair's experience and history with Takada add layers to their matchup, making it a must-watch for technical wrestling fans. And the main event between Luger and Vader is as close as it gets. Luger's resilience will be tested against Vader's sheer force. It's going to be a night where anything can happen.
But let me tell ya, folks, if there's one match you don't wanna miss tonight, it's that main event between Lex Luger and Big Van Vader! These two titans are gonna tear the house down, and I believe Luger has what it takes to come out on top and solidify his place at the pinnacle of WCW!
Dusty's fired up as always, but let's see if his predictions hold true. One thing's for sure, it's gonna be an explosive night. Now, let's send it over to our esteemed commentary team of Tony Schiavone and Jim Ross, who will guide us through all the action. Take it away, gentlemen!

The cameras are rolling in the arena and we go down to the ramp for our first contest of the night!


The crowd buzzes with anticipation as two of the most dominant teams in the Tag Team Division prepare to square off. The Horsemen, featuring "America's Most Hated" Steve Austin and the cunning Brian Pillman, make their way to the ring first. Austin's new heel persona draws immense boos from the audience, while Pillman exudes his trademark arrogance. Next, The Classic Era, comprising the hard-hitting Dave Finlay and the technically proficient Bobby Eaton, enter the arena accompanied by the "Kiwi Queen" Susan Sexton. Both teams boast a perfect 5-0-0 record, and this match will determine the top spot in the division.

Folks, this is what tag team wrestling is all about! You've got The Horsemen, led by the most despised man in wrestling today, Steve Austin, and his partner, Brian Pillman, taking on The Classic Era. Both of these teams are undefeated, and the stakes couldn't be higher!
JR, this match has all the makings of a classic. Steve Austin and Brian Pillman have been nearly unstoppable, but don't count out Dave Finlay and Bobby Eaton. With Susan Sexton at ringside, The Classic Era always has an ace up their sleeve. This one could go either way!
From the opening bell, the match is a showcase of in-ring psychology and technical prowess. The Horsemen, leveraging their cunning tactics, attempt to isolate Bobby Eaton, targeting his knee to weaken The Classic Era's offensive potential. Eaton and Finlay, however, counter with their own brand of brutality and finesse, showcasing their ability to work seamlessly as a unit. The ebb and flow of the match keeps the audience on the edge of their seats, with each team displaying moments of dominance. As the time limit draws near, the intensity ramps up, and it becomes clear that both teams are willing to do whatever it takes to secure the victory.

In the closing moments, Susan Sexton attempts to interfere, sliding a foreign object to Dave Finlay. Finlay uses it to clock Pillman, nearly securing the pinfall. However, Steve Austin, incensed by the cheating, takes matters into his own hands. He lays out Sexton with a vicious punch, drawing astronomical heat from the crowd. With referee Mike Atkins distracted by the commotion, precious seconds tick away. By the time order is restored, the 20-minute time limit has expired, resulting in a draw.

As the bell rings, signaling the draw, the arena erupts in mixed reactions. The Horsemen and The Classic Era, both exhausted and frustrated, exchange heated glares. Steve Austin's attack on Susan Sexton only heightens the tension, with fans hurling insults and trash at him. Brian Pillman, attempting to calm his partner, leads Austin away from the ring. Meanwhile, The Classic Era regroup, with Dave Finlay and Bobby Eaton showing concern for the fallen Sexton. The match may have ended in a draw, but the animosity between these teams has only intensified, setting the stage for future encounters in the Tag Team Division.

The Horsemen (5-0-1) and The Classic Era (5-0-1) went to a 20:00 time limit draw. This was the first ever match between the two teams. Brian Pillman improves to 2-0-0 over Bobby Eaton all time, while Steve Austin splits the all time record against Eaton.


In a highly anticipated Premier League bout, Dustin Rhodes, also known as the 'Lonestar' and the Son of the Son of a Plumber, returns to the ring following his monumental victory over Ric Flair. His record stands at 1-4-0, and he's eager to capitalize on his newfound momentum. As Rhodes makes his entrance, the crowd erupts in a heroes' welcome, their cheers echoing throughout the arena. However, his celebration is cut short when the dangerous and desperate Cactus Jack, winless at 0-5-0 and backed into a corner, blindsides him. Jack’s unpredictable and hardcore nature sets the stage for an explosive encounter.

Folks, Dustin Rhodes is riding high after that historic victory over Ric Flair. I think he’s proven he’s no longer in his father’s shadow, but tonight he’s got to stay focused because Cactus Jack is a dangerous, desperate man. This is going to be a real test of Rhodes’ resilience and determination.
Jim, Cactus Jack is like a cornered animal right now. He hasn’t won a match all season, and that makes him more dangerous than ever. Dustin Rhodes better keep his head on a swivel because Jack will stop at nothing to get his first win. This could get very ugly, very quickly.
The match starts with an intense flurry as Cactus Jack continues his pre-match assault on Dustin Rhodes, taking the action outside the ring. Jack’s hardcore style is on full display as he uses the environment to his advantage, smashing Rhodes into the barricades and ring steps. Despite the brutal onslaught, Rhodes fights back valiantly, showing the resilience that earned him his victory over Flair. The crowd rallies behind him, fueling his comeback as he counters Jack’s attacks and begins to mount his own offense. The tide turns several times, with both men giving everything they have in a relentless battle.

As the match reaches its climax, Dustin Rhodes gains the upper hand and looks poised to secure another monumental victory. He sets up for his finisher, but the appearance of Ric Flair at ringside shifts the momentum. Flair's presence distracts Rhodes at a crucial moment, allowing Cactus Jack to capitalize. Jack seizes the opportunity, hitting his devastating finisher on Rhodes. The referee counts to three, and Cactus Jack secures his first victory of the season, much to the dismay of the crowd.

After the match, Ric Flair's interference continues to linger in the air as Cactus Jack celebrates his hard-fought win. Dustin Rhodes, still reeling from the defeat and the betrayal of Flair’s distraction, tries to collect himself. Flair stands at the top of the ramp, a smug grin on his face, clearly enjoying the chaos he has caused.

Cactus Jack (1-5-0) defeated Dustin Rhodes (1-5-0) in 15:01 by way of pin fall. Cactus Jack evens the all-time series against Dustin, at one win each.

We go backstage to a set designated for Gary Hart, who is standing by reporting on the results of WCW World Wide from earlier this week, while results from Friday Night’s B-show, WCW Main Event, scrolls on the bottom of the screen.

This past Tuesday on WCW World Wide, La Cultura Torcida (1-5-0) picked up their first win in WCW against The Young Pistols (1-5-0). The Pistols are really struggling this season, but their defeat this week came by hook and by crook after Konnan cheated his way to the 1-2-3. Meanwhile, in Division Two action, Haku (3-3-0) defeated Butch Reed (0-6-0).

Main Event #113 : Booker T def. El Texano | Sledgehammer Anderson, Lance Storm & Chris Jericho def. Greg Valentine, Danny Davis & Doug Gilbert | La Parka def. Ian McGregor | Rick Titan, Sabu & Jeff Jarrett def. Jerry Lynn, Ultimo Dragon & Rayo de Jalisco Jr

Gary wants to promote next week’s WCW World Wide card, but is interrupted by The Outsiders who smash talk The Steiner Brothers. These two teams will face off next week on WCW Saturday Night in what is sure to be an epic encounter!


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another electrifying edition of the Danger Zone! I'm your host, Paul E Dangerously, and tonight we have a heated showdown on our hands. Joining me are two titans of WCW, both desperate to climb out of the basement in the Premier League standings. First up, we have the resilient Barry Windham, and opposing him, the unstoppable 'Powerhouse' Ron Simmons! These two face off in Premier League action, each needing a win to turn their fortunes around. Barry, let me start with you—how are you preparing for this crucial match, given the recent drama with the Rhodes Family and The Four Horsemen?
Paul, there's a lot going on in my world, but when it comes to the ring, all that noise fades away. The Rhodes Family and The Four Horsemen might be creating distractions, but I've got my eyes firmly set on Ron Simmons and that victory. I'm not just looking to climb out of the basement—I'm aiming to remind everyone why Barry Windham is a force to be reckoned with in the Premier League. Come match time, it's going to be all business, and Ron Simmons better be ready for a fight.
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Strong words, Barry. Ron, Barry seems focused despite the distractions. How do you plan to capitalize on the situation and secure a win?
Paul, I've got respect for Barry, but respect doesn't win matches. I've been grinding and working hard, and I see Barry's recent distractions as my opportunity. This isn't just another match for me—it's a statement. I'm ready to bring my A-game, and I'm not letting anything or anyone stand in my way. Barry better be prepared, because I'm coming with everything I've got to climb those standings and get the win.
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There you have it, folks—both men are fired up and ready to go! Barry Windham, determined to push past his distractions, and Ron Simmons, poised to take advantage and make his mark. This is going to be a clash for the ages. Don't miss this battle as these two Premier League competitors lay it all on the line. Until next time, stay dangerous!


In a highly anticipated Premier League clash, Ric Flair faces off against Nobuhiko Takada, the leader of Player Enterprises. Flair, known for his flamboyant persona and dirty tricks, has not had the season he hoped for, sliding down the rankings with a record of 2-3-0. Takada, on the other hand, is in top form, approaching the pinnacle of the Premier League with a record of 4-1-0. As the two competitors make their entrances, Flair struts to the ring, robe shimmering, the crowd a mix of cheers and jeers. Takada enters with his usual stoic demeanor, flanked by Bam Bam Bigelow, Teddy Long, and Terry Taylor from Player Enterprises. The tension is palpable, especially with their previous match in 1993 ending in a draw, and Flair determined to reverse his recent fortunes.

Folks, you’re looking at Ric Flair, the dirtiest player in the game. He’s got a lot to prove tonight after that shocking loss to Dustin Rhodes. Flair’s back is against the wall, but we all know what happens when the Nature Boy is cornered. Expect some vintage Flair tactics tonight.
Jim, Nobuhiko Takada is on a tear right now. He’s been virtually unstoppable this season and is one of the most dangerous submission wrestlers in the world. Flair better bring his A-game, or Takada will make short work of him tonight.
The match begins with Flair playing up his big persona, trying to get under Takada’s skin. He uses every trick in the book, from eye pokes to low blows, attempting to gain the upper hand. Takada, however, stays composed, focusing on his submission strategy. Early on, Flair’s eye poke seems to trouble Takada, giving Flair the opening to land some of his signature chops and a devastating chop block. The crowd is on the edge of their seats as Flair methodically works on Takada’s legs, setting up for the Figure Four. Takada, though, demonstrates his resilience, fighting back with stiff strikes and attempting to lock in his own submissions.

The match begins with Flair playing up his big persona, trying to get under Takada’s skin. He uses every trick in the book, from eye pokes to low blows, attempting to gain the upper hand. Takada, however, stays composed, focusing on his submission strategy. Early on, Flair’s eye poke seems to trouble Takada, giving Flair the opening to land some of his signature chops and a devastating chop block. The crowd is on the edge of their seats as Flair methodically works on Takada’s legs, setting up for the Figure Four. Takada, though, demonstrates his resilience, fighting back with stiff strikes and attempting to lock in his own submissions.

As the bell rings, Dusty Rhodes stands at ringside, laughing heartily. Takada releases the hold, his arm raised in victory by the referee, while Flair lies on the mat, fuming. Dusty continues to taunt Flair from the outside, reveling in his role as the spoiler. Takada, always the professional, acknowledges his win with a nod to his stablemates before leaving the ring. Flair eventually gets to his feet, seething with anger, his eyes locked on Dusty.

Nobuhiko Takada (5-1-0) defeated Ric Flair (2-4-0) in 16:59 by way of submission. Takada improved the all time series against Flair to one win, one draw.


The Fantastics come out and are still looking for their first win. Tommy is wearing some severe physio tape around his shoulder and Bobby is being overly cautious on their entrance. Out next are Bull Gantner and Tony Anthony, entering to new entrance music.

Folks, you've got to feel for The Fantastics tonight. Bobby Fulton has been doing everything he can to shield his partner, Tommy Rogers, from further injury, but True Grit is a team that smells blood in the water. This could be a tough night for the winless duo.
No kidding, Jim! Bull and Tony look like they belong at a chop shop and fight like bar room brawlers, but they get the job done and continue to grow into a formidable force here in WCW. Look at the sick smiles on their face! They are excited to hurt Tommy tonight.
As the match begins, True Grit quickly establishes their dominance, focusing their attacks on Tommy Rogers' injured shoulder. Despite Bobby Fulton's best efforts to protect his partner, the relentless assault by Tony Anthony and Bull Gantner isolates Rogers, preventing him from making the much-needed tag. The crowd rallies behind The Fantastics, but True Grit's brutal and methodical approach keeps the pressure on, showcasing their tag team chemistry and power.

The end of the match sees True Grit executing their devastating tag team finisher, 'The Compactor,' on Tommy Rogers. Bull Gantner hoists Rogers into the air, while Tony Anthony delivers a crushing slam, driving Rogers into the mat. Bobby Fulton, watching helplessly from the apron, can do nothing but witness the inevitable pinfall. True Grit secures the victory, further cementing their status as a dominant force in the tag team division.

After the match, Bobby Fulton rushes into the ring to check on his fallen partner. The concern on his face is palpable as he helps Rogers to his feet. The crowd offers a sympathetic applause for The Fantastics, appreciating their heart and determination despite the loss. True Grit, meanwhile, stands tall, their victory further solidifying their impressive record.

True Grit (4-1-1) defeated The Fantastics (0-6-0) in 8:03 when Bull Gantner pinned Tommy Rogers. This was the first ever match between the two teams.


The title graphic shows for WCW’s Inside the Squared Circle segment, and the show pivots to a studio segment featuring the legendary Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura, and Magnum TA. At the bottom of the screen, a news ticker hypes next weeks WCW subsidiary shows.

Earlier tonight, we witnessed two of the biggest names in wrestling, Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair, coming out to distract wrestlers during their matches as part of their ongoing rivalry. This interference directly caused the distracted wrestlers to lose their matches, raising questions about the integrity of WCW's Grand Prix. The Grand Prix is supposed to be a showcase of pure wrestling talent, and such distractions undermine the competition's fairness and integrity. It's crucial that we address this issue to maintain the prestige and honor of WCW's Grand Prix.
Oh, give me a break, Magnum! This is professional wrestling, not a knitting club. Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair are legends in this business, and they have every right to be out there and make their presence felt. If a wrestler can't keep their focus because someone walks out, then they don't belong in the ring. It's a public forum, and maintaining concentration is part of being a professional. If you get distracted and lose, that's on you, not on Rhodes or Flair.
Jesse, while I understand that wrestlers need to maintain their focus, there's a difference between natural distractions and intentional interference. The Grand Prix is meant to highlight the best in wrestling, and having legends like Rhodes and Flair deliberately causing distractions cheapens the competition. We owe it to the fans and the competitors to ensure that matches are won based on skill and determination, not outside interference.
Oh, come on, Magnum! This is wrestling! It's all about the drama and the spectacle. You think the fans want to see a bunch of straight-laced matches with no excitement? Rhodes and Flair add a layer of unpredictability and entertainment. If the wrestlers can't handle a bit of distraction, they need to toughen up. This isn't about coddling them; it's about putting on a show that keeps everyone on the edge of their seats. And besides, if you can't handle a little interference, you have no place in the Grand Prix.
Well, Jesse, it seems we have very different views on this matter. While I believe in preserving the integrity of the competition, it's clear that you see the entertainment value in these distractions. Now, let's hear from Gary Hart who's standing by backstage with Scotty Flamingo of Flamingo Corp!

PWFG Round 8, Card 2, featuring Akira Maeda vs Minoru Tanaka | SSW Round 9, Card 1, featuring Leatherface vs David Sammartino | PPW Round 6, Card 1, featuring Nubian Nightmares vs Speed Eleven | W4WA Round 9, Card 2, featuring Lance Storm vs Sledgehammer Anderson

Gary Hart is standing by with Scotty Flamingo, who cuts a promo whining about Matt Borne, or Doink the Clown, or Big Josh’s return, and is frustrated about his first loss. Rick Rude interrupts and has a stare down with El Gigante ahead of their match next week. As they go their separate ways, Matt Borne steps out from his camouflage in the background…

Next week, WCW's Premier League division will see a highly anticipated showdown between the undefeated icon Hulk Hogan (4-0-1) and the ruthless 'Sugar' Stan Hansen (1-2-2). Hansen, backed by the wealthy and notorious Flamingo Corp, has been using their financial power to cheat and manipulate his way through the league. Recently, Hansen delivered a brutal beatdown to Hogan's close friend, Diamond Dallas Page (DDP), in the parking lot, setting the stage for an intense grudge match. Hogan, donning the pink and blue colors of WCW, proudly represents the promotion and is determined to put an end to Hansen's reign of terror.

Hogan, you think you're the face of WCW? Well, brother, I've got a sweet tooth for destruction, and I'm craving something big. Your pal DDP was just the appetizer, and next week, you'll be the main course. Flamingo Corp has the power, the money, and the influence to make sure I get what I want. You see, I've got a taste for blood, and nothing satisfies like the thought of breaking you in half. Hogan, your colors won't save you. Get ready to feel the sugar rush of pain, because I'm coming for you, and there's no stopping my sweet, sweet rampage.
Stan Hansen, you crossed the line when you attacked my friend DDP. You think you can buy your way to the top with Flamingo Corp's money, but in WCW, it's about heart, it's about honor, and it's about standing up for what's right. Next week, I'm not just fighting for myself, I'm fighting for everyone who believes in the power of Hulkamania. You may have a sweet tooth for destruction, but I'm bringing the full force of the Hulkamaniacs to put an end to your cheating ways. Get ready, Hansen, because when we step into that ring, the power of WCW will shine through, and you'll be left with nothing but shattered dreams and broken promises. Whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild on you?


Kevin Von Erich, barefoot and intense, strides to the ring with the confidence of a man who has dominated his competition. The fans cheer loudly for the veteran, who has amassed an impressive 4-0-1 record this season. His opponent, Dan Severn, enters next to a chorus of admiration. Known for his grappling prowess and fearsome submissions, Severn sports a focused demeanor, ready to impose his will on Von Erich and climb to the top of the division with a 4-1-0 record. Both men are beloved by the audience, setting the stage for a highly anticipated and competitive match.

Kevin Von Erich is a seasoned warrior, folks. With over 15 years of experience, he’s seen and done it all in this business. That Barefoot Punt Kick of his has ended many a match, and you can bet he’s looking to land it tonight to stay undefeated on the season.
Dan Severn is a machine in that ring, JR. His ability to ground opponents and lock in those punishing submissions is second to none. If Severn can keep Von Erich on the mat, we might see another notch in his win column tonight.
From the opening bell, the match unfolds like an intense MMA fight. Severn wastes no time in shooting for takedowns, using his superior grappling skills to keep Von Erich on the canvas. Von Erich, known for his striking, finds himself struggling to unleash his dangerous kicks and punches. Severn's relentless ground game wears on Von Erich, but the veteran's experience and resilience keep him in the fight. As the match progresses, Von Erich begins to find openings, landing strikes that slow Severn's momentum. The crowd is fully invested, sensing the high stakes and the physicality of the bout.

In a dramatic turn of events, Von Erich connects with a vicious combination that staggers Severn, splitting his forehead open. Sensing his opportunity, Von Erich delivers his devastating Barefoot Punt Kick, but the force of the blow sends Severn crashing out of the ring. Severn, bloodied and dazed, struggles back into the ring, but the blood streaming down his face starts to impair his vision. Referee Jimmy Jett steps in, assessing Severn's condition, and ultimately decides to call for a stoppage due to excessive blood loss. The decision awards the victory to Kevin Von Erich.

The bell rings, and the crowd erupts in a mix of relief and respect for both competitors. Severn, frustrated by the stoppage, argues with the referee while Von Erich tries to calm him down. In a display of sportsmanship, Von Erich extends his hand to Severn. After a tense moment, Severn accepts the gesture, and the two men shake hands, showing mutual respect for each other’s skills and toughness.

Kevin Von Erich (5-0-1) defeated Dan Severn (4-2-0) in 15:24 by way of referee stoppage due to blood loss. This was their first ever encounter.


The atmosphere is electric as Lex Luger and Big Van Vader prepare to clash in the main event of WCW's Premier League. Luger, the beloved face, enters first, greeted by a thunderous ovation and a spectacular pyro display. His chiseled physique and confident demeanor captivate the audience, who chant his name fervently. Vader, the hated heel, storms to the ring with a menacing presence, his black mask and snarl striking fear into the hearts of fans. This is a battle of the undefeated, with Luger holding a slight historical edge, but the question remains whether he can maintain his advantage or fall victim to Vader's brutal onslaught.

Lex Luger is a powerhouse, folks. He’s got the strength, he’s got the heart, and he’s got the support of this incredible crowd. But he’s facing Big Van Vader tonight, and you can bet that Vader is out for blood. This is going to be a clash of the titans!
Vader is an absolute monster in that ring, JR. He’s got a reputation for dismantling his opponents, and he’s not going to show any mercy to Lex Luger. If Luger isn’t careful, Vader’s warpath could end his undefeated streak tonight. This one’s got all the makings of a classic!
From the opening bell, the match is an intense, hard-hitting affair. Vader uses his size and power to dominate early, landing heavy blows and tossing Luger around the ring. Luger, resilient as ever, fights back with his own powerful offense, trading suplexes and slams with the behemoth. The crowd is fully invested, cheering for Luger with every ounce of their being. The back-and-forth battle sees Vader nearly secure a win with his devastating Powerbomb, only for Luger to kick out at the last possible second, eliciting a massive roar from the audience. The tension builds as both men push each other to their limits.

In the final moments, Vader ascends to the top rope for his signature moonsault, looking to end the match decisively. Luger, summoning every bit of strength left in him, manages to get to his feet and positions himself for the Torture Rack. The crowd erupts as Luger lifts Vader, but Vader grabs the ropes, saving himself from the submission hold. The struggle continues as the clock ticks down, and just as it seems Luger might find a way to win, the 20-minute time limit expires. The match ends in a draw, leaving the fans on the edge of their seats and hungry for more.

Despite the time limit draw, the animosity between Luger and Vader is far from settled. As the bell rings to signal the end of the match, Vader attacks Luger, and a fierce brawl ensues. The two titans exchange heavy blows, neither willing to back down. Officials and referees rush to the ring to separate the two, but the intensity of their rivalry is palpable. The crowd is in a frenzy, chanting for Luger and booing Vader with equal fervor. The show ends with Luger standing tall in the ring, gesturing that this is far from over, while Vader, held back by officials, snarls with fury, promising that their next encounter will be even more explosive.

Big Van Vader (3-0-3) and Lex Luger (5-0-1) went to a 20:00 minute time limit draw. The all time series is now one win for Luger and two draws.

Replays are shown of the finishes from the night, followed by the updated leaderboards for WCW’s Grand Prix. Standing by for analysis is the team of Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, and Paul E Dangerously.

And thus ends the possibility for the first perfect season in WCW history, as Luger, The Classic Era and The Horsemen all drop points tonight in draws! This leaves us with a three way tie atop the Premier League, and a massive seven team log jam in the Tag Team division, with 14 men all separated by a single match! Dusty, who’s our MVP for the week?
It pains me to say it… but… if you will, Brian Pillman of The Four Horsemen stole the show tonight… The spry 31 year old continues the string of phenomenal performances stemming from the Tag Team Division. Even in a draw… Brian Pillman showed once again that he's so much better than his dastardly ways amongst The Horsemen would indicate… He’s going to be a tough adversary for me, my son, and Barry Windham to overcome at Slamboree.
Oh sure, bring the focus right back around to you. How about we give a round of applause to Cactus Jack for knocking off your kid tonight? Or perhaps we should talk about how Ric Flair was screwed by your distraction? You want to be the centre of attention? How about we call you out on your flaws?
Guys, give it a break. We’re only two weeks away from Slamboree, our next major Pay Per View event on the calendar, and yes, Dusty’s return to the ring is a huge talking point. But there are other attractions to discuss, are there not?
Well, let me tell ya something… After the events of tonight, I’m announcing two more major matches for Slamboree in two weeks time! First up, DDP will get an opportunity for a measure of revenge when he teams up with Hulk Hogan to face Stan Hansen and Scotty Flamingo. And then, fresh off tonight’s draw, Luger will team up with Sting to face off against Vader and a partner of his choosing!
Well, Dusty - I gotta hand it to you! You just announced two matches that are sure to over-shadow your own return to the ring! Kudos to burying yourself! Well folks, that’s all the time we have this week. Until next time!

WCW’s theme plays as the show fades out.

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Stan Hansen vs Hulk Hogan
Powerhouse Simmons vs Barry Windham
El Gigante vs Rick Rude
Johnny B Badd vs Kevin Sullivan
Tom Zenk vs Larry Zbyzsko
The Outsiders vs The Steiner Brothers



Round 6 is coming to a close with yet another action packed card for WCW Saturday Night!

In Division Two action, Tom Zenk looks to score his first points of the season when he collides with the struggling legend, Larry Zbyszko. Neither man has had a good first third of their season, as only one win has been secured between the two men. With both men looking to score some points here and avoid relegation, will it be the tactful technician Larry Z rising above, or will The Z-Man finally turn things around? Zenk looked disheartened after his last loss, and his usual crazy persona seems to be fading... Also in Division Two action, it's the knockout king 'Wild Man' Johnny B Badd taking on the master manipulator, 'The Taskmaster' Kevin Sullivan. Sullivan has taken his relegation from the Premier League in stride, proving he's still a threat and making his case to return to the top in 1995, with his aggressive approach and willingness to do anything it takes to win. Plus, with Sullivan's brainwashed admirer Missy Hyatt in his corner, will Johnny B Badd have to contend with distractions on top of the ever dangerous Sullivan? At the end of the day though, all it takes is a moment of opportunity for Johnny to put the match away with his lethal 'Wild Thing' Haymaker, a devastating punch that can end a match at a moments notice!

Plus, in Tag Team Division action, it's a major meeting between two undefeated teams as The Steiner Brothers and The Outsiders collide! There has been bad blood building between the two and some minor injuries affecting both teams. A win would push either team into a tie at the top of the Tag Team Division. Their sole prior Grand Prix meeting saw The Outsiders victorious in 1992, but The Steiner Brothers would ultimately have the last laugh that year, as they achieved promotion to the Premiere League. No matter how you slice it though, these two teams have been two of the most dominant teams in the history of WCW's Tag Team Division and neither team will go down easy!

Meanwhile, in Premier League, the defending champion 'The Ravishing Ruler of The World' Rick Rude takes on his biggest challenger yet, literally, when he squares off against the 8 foot tall 'Argentine Assassin' El Gigante! If his size wasn't enough of an advantage, Gigante also has the always dangerous Flamingo Corp in his corner to assist in ensuring a victory for the giant! Of course, on the other side of the equation, this is quite arguably the most difficult challenge Gigante has ever faced as Rude is the first ever world champion that Gigante will square off against one-on-one. Can Rude overcome a giant? Or will Gigante secure the biggest victory of his career? Plus, Powerhouse Simmons and Barry Windham collide in an effort to push their way out of relegation spots within the Premier League. With matching records and a discouraging start to the season, who will rise above? Can Barry Windham overcome the distractions of his major looming Slamboree match, or will Simmons expose a lack of focus?

And finally, in the main event, it's 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan and 'Sugar' Stan Hansen finally colliding after weeks of tension and Hansen getting into Hogan's head by taking out his friend DDP in the parking lot. Little known fact, Hogan and Hansen teamed together in 1980 for a second place finish in All Japan's Tag League. Will the knowledge of each other as partners come into effect in this major match up? Will Flamingo Corp's presence in Hansen's corner give the advantage to the bloodthirsty cowboy? Or will Hulk Hogan overcome all the odds yet again and push himself into a tie with Lex Luger and Sting at the very top of WCW's Grand Prix rankings?


1PWfan : 8/18 - 44%
Just here to look : 10/18 - 56%
Dawn : 10/18 - 56%
Nobby_McDonald : 23/36 - 64%
Rekcut012 : 25/36 - 69%
StanMiguel : 29/43 - 67%

Old School Fan : 49/78 - 63%
Lord Byron : 64/102 - 63%
DHK1989 : 74/115 - 64%
Nightshadeex : 78/115 - 68%
SonOfSharknado : 78/115 - 68%

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Well, there were two draws, I was just off on one of them!


Stan Hansen vs Hulk Hogan
Powerhouse Simmons vs Barry Windham
El Gigante vs Rick Rude
Johnny B Badd vs Kevin Sullivan
Tom Zenk vs Larry Zbyzsko
The Outsiders vs The Steiner Brothers - Draw

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May 1994 : Week 2


One week after taking over Ring Wrestling Stars, Brian Crabtree hires John Freemantle, former Reslo booker, as his head booker.

All Japan renewed Fire Cat’s contract for $375K over 2 years. They also renewed Fumihito Kihara’s contract, inking $343K over two years.

Tony Stetson herniated a spinal disc during a tag team match and will be out of action for a year.

Ray Lloyd competed in his second MMA match in a losing effort. The loss dropped him to 0-2-0.

AJPW’s Billy Black suffered a torn meniscus and will be out of action for one year.

NJPW’s Kiyoshi Tabura suffered a back injury that will see him out of action for 3 months.


Tom Prichard & Tim Horner defeated Beef Burton (Tom Davis) & Tommy Angel to win the USWA World Tag Team Titles for the first time.

Dutch Mantell & Huracan Castillo Jr defeated Eric Embry & Rick Valentine to win the WWC World Tag Team Titles for the first time.

Ricky Ricky & Chris Walker defeated Axl Rotten & Mike Samson to win the CAPW Tag Team Championships for the first time.

Rikki Nelson defeated Tarek the Great to win the CAPW National Championship for the first time.

Johnny Hotbody defeated Stevie Richards to regain the ECW Television title for his second reign.

Dancing Wolf defeated Crash the Terminator to win the AWF Puerto Rico Heavyweight Championship for the first time.


PPW Grand Prix Round 6/15; Card One

Harlem Heat (4-1-1) def. International Sex Pistols (1-5-0)
Great Kokina (5-0-1) def. Mr. Hughes (0-5-1)
Sons of the Mountain (4-1-1) def. Western Boys (1-5-0)
La Parka (3-2-1) and Marquis Bagwell (4-1-1) went to a time limit draw.
Cobra (2-3-1) def. The Great Kabuki (0-2-0)
Barr & Davis (6-0-0) def. The Wildest of the West (0-6-0)
Jeff Jarrett (5-0-1) def. Manny Fernandez (1-5-0)
Speed Eleven (3-3-0) def. Nubian Nightmares (3-1-2)


Kokina squashed Hughes pretty quickly.
Bob Orton is looking sluggish and old in the ring.
MVP : Ultimo Dragon


W4WA Canadian Grand Prix Round 9/23; Card Two

Don Callis (6-3-0) def. Gerry Morrow (3-6-0)
Bruiser Bedlam (3-4-2) def. Chip Thompson (0-9-0)
Ed Moretti (7-1-1) def. Greg Valentine (3-6-0)
Buddy Hart (2-6-1) def. B Brian Blair (1-8-0)
Chris Jericho (9-0-0) def. Dick Slater (1-8-0)
Sledgehammer Anderson (5-3-1) def. Lance Storm (5-1-3)

Worthwhile Notes:

Owen Hart and Buddy Landel cut promos against each other, calling themselves the best of the North.
MVP : Lance Storm


SSW Division 4 Grand Prix Round 9/23; Card One

Brazo de Plata (4-4-0) def. Moondog Storm (2-7-0)
Brian Lee (8-0-1) def. Ricky Vaughn (0-7-0)
El Hijo del Santo (8-0-1) def. Randy Rose (1-7-1)
Rikki Nelson (5-2-2) def. John Rambo (0-9-0)
Robbie Brookside (4-3-2) def. Rip Rogers (8-1-0)
Leatherface (7-2-0) def. David Sammartino (6-2-1)

Worthwhile Notes:

MVP : El Hijo del Santo


PWFG Japanese Grand Prix Round 8/23; Card Two

Satoshi Kojima (1-7-0) def. Jerry Flynn (1-7-0)
Norman Smiley (5-0-2) def. Shoichi Funaki (4-4-0)
Gary Albright (6-0-2) def. Super Delfin (1-2-0)
Masakatsu Funaki (7-0-1) def. Tatsutoshi Goto (3-3-0)
Koji Kanemoto (4-0-2) def. Mark Starr (3-5-0)
Akira Maeda (7-1-0) def. Minoru Tanaka (1-7-0)


MVP : Akira Maeda

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It’s May 1994, and WCW is hailing from the Charleston Civic Centre in West Virginia! WCW Saturday Night is brought to you by Pink Dream, the official soft drink of WCW. After an intro video of WCW’s Premier League, the camera’s take us inside WCW’s neon-lit blue and pink studios where we are standing by with the WCW Analysis Team, Harley Race and Paul E Dangerously. And tonight… they are joined by a special guest.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to tonight's WCW Premier League event, where the stakes couldn't be higher! We've got an incredible lineup tonight, starting with the defending champion Rick Rude taking on the monstrous El Gigante, who stands at an imposing 8 feet tall and has Flamingo Corp in his corner. Also, we've got a critical matchup as Powerhouse Simmons faces Barry Windham, both looking to climb out of the relegation zone. And in our main event, it's 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan versus 'Sugar' Stan Hansen. These two have a storied past, and tonight, the tensions come to a head. Will Flamingo Corp's presence in Hansen's corner tip the scales? Stay tuned, folks; it's going to be an unforgettable night!
Harley, baby, tonight's the night where heroes are made and legends are born! Rick Rude may be the champ, but he's got a tall order ahead of him with El Gigante, literally! But I got faith in the Ravishing One to find a way. As for Powerhouse Simmons and Barry Windham, that's a clash of titans right there. Simmons' raw power against Windham's finesse—it's anyone's game, but I'm rooting for Simmons to rise above. And Hulk Hogan, my man, he's gonna bring the fight to Stan Hansen, and no amount of Flamingo Corp shenanigans is gonna stop him from standing tall at the end of the night!
Oh, come on, Dusty, you're living in a dream world! Rick Rude may be the champ, but El Gigante is a whole new level of competition. With Flamingo Corp in his corner, Rude's career could very well end tonight. And let's not forget about Powerhouse Simmons versus Barry Windham—Windham's got a lot on his mind with that Slamboree match coming up, but his experience will see him through. And as for Hogan, he's walking into a trap. Hansen knows him inside out, and with Flamingo Corp backing him, tonight is the night Hogan's fairytale run comes crashing down!
Both Dusty and Paul make strong cases. Rick Rude's experience will be tested against El Gigante's sheer size and Flamingo Corp's presence. Simmons versus Windham is crucial for both men looking to improve their standings and avoid relegation. As for Hogan and Hansen, their shared history adds a fascinating layer to an already explosive matchup. The presence of Flamingo Corp certainly complicates things for Hogan, but his resilience is legendary. Expect each of these matches to be highly competitive and potentially game-changing for the standings.
Let me tell ya, folks, if there's one match you absolutely cannot miss, it's that main event between Hulk Hogan and Stan Hansen! This ain't just any match; this is personal. Hogan's got the heart of a champion, and he's fightin' not just for himself but for DDP and all the Hulkamaniacs out there. Tonight, he's gonna overcome every obstacle, and it's gonna be a night to remember!
Dusty's enthusiasm is infectious, but reality's got a funny way of crashing down on even the best laid plans. Hansen's a ruthless competitor, and with Flamingo Corp in his corner, Hogan's got a mountain to climb. But that's enough from us for now. It's time to get this show on the road. Let's send it over to our legendary commentary team of Tony Schiavone and Jim Ross. Take it away, gentlemen!

The cameras are rolling in the arena and we go down to the ramp for our first contest of the night!


In Premier League action, the defending champion, "The Ravishing Ruler of The World" Rick Rude, enters the arena with his signature swagger, exuding confidence and charisma. His chiseled physique glistens under the arena lights as the crowd roars in anticipation. Rude’s opponent, the colossal "Argentine Assassin" El Gigante, towers over everyone at 8 feet tall, making a dramatic entrance accompanied by the menacing Flamingo Corp: Scotty Flamingo, Haku, and Alexandra York. The tension is palpable as fans wonder if Rude’s experience and cunning will be enough to overcome the sheer size and power of Gigante.

Rick Rude is not just a champion; he’s a master strategist in that ring. Tonight, he faces his biggest challenge yet in El Gigante, but if anyone can figure out a way to topple a giant, it’s ‘The Ravishing Ruler of The World.’ Rude’s got the skills and the smarts to get the job done.
El Gigante is an imposing figure, no doubt about it. Standing at 8 feet tall, he’s a force of nature. But let’s not forget, he’s facing Rick Rude, one of the greatest champions in WCW history. This is going to be a monumental clash, and Gigante has the Flamingo Corp backing him up. This could be his moment to shine.
The match begins with Rude trying to use his speed and technical prowess to evade Gigante’s powerful strikes. Rude employs hit-and-run tactics, aiming to chop down the giant with quick jabs and low kicks. Gigante’s sheer strength is on display as he effortlessly tosses Rude across the ring, but Rude’s resilience and ring intelligence keep him in the fight. The Flamingo Corp frequently interferes, creating distractions and opportunities for Gigante to regain control. Despite this, Rude continually targets Gigante’s legs, trying to bring the big man down to his level.

Rick Rude finds himself in a precarious position. The Flamingo Corp intensifies their interference, with Alexandra York instructing Scotty Flamingo and Haku to disrupt the referee. Just when it seems Gigante is about to secure a victory, Matt Borne, formerly known as Doink the Clown, appears at ringside from under the ring. His comedic antics and tomfoolery draw the attention of Flamingo Corp, creating a momentary distraction. Seizing the opportunity, Rude rolls up Gigante from behind, securing a three-count for the win.

Rick Rude’s music hits, signaling his hard-fought victory. El Gigante stands in disbelief, frustrated by the unexpected interference from Borne. The Flamingo Corp, equally stunned and irate, argue with the referee but to no avail. Matt Borne continues his antics, further infuriating Flamingo Corp as he retreats up the ramp, leaving them to deal with the aftermath

Rick Rude (4-1-1) defeated El Gigante (2-2-0) in 13:18 by way of pin fall. This was their first ever encounter.


In Tag Team Division action, two of WCW's most dominant teams, The Steiner Brothers and The Outsiders, clash in a highly anticipated match. Both teams enter the arena to a deafening roar from the crowd, reflecting the palpable tension and excitement. The Steiner Brothers, Rick and Scott, are fan favorites known for their raw power and technical prowess. In contrast, The Outsiders, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, exude a cool, menacing aura, flaunting their rebellious personas. With both teams boasting undefeated records this season, the stakes are incredibly high, and the air is thick with animosity stemming from their heated rivalry.

The Steiner Brothers are the epitome of tag team wrestling. Their combination of brute strength and amateur wrestling skills makes them a force to be reckoned with. Tonight, they face a real challenge in The Outsiders, but if anyone can rise to the occasion, it’s Rick and Scott.
The Outsiders, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, are as cunning as they are dangerous. They’ve got the brains and the brawn, and they know how to play mind games. The Steiners may be the hometown favorites, but The Outsiders have that killer instinct that can turn the tide in an instant.
The match begins with an intense staredown, setting the stage for an absolute brawl. The action quickly escalates as both teams unleash a flurry of powerful moves and high-impact maneuvers. The Steiner Brothers showcase their signature blend of suplexes and athleticism, while The Outsiders counter with their calculated strikes and brawling techniques. As the match progresses, the bad blood between the teams becomes evident, with each side pushing the limits of the rules. Injuries come into play, with Rick Steiner favoring his previously broken nose and Hall dealing with a damaged orbital bone. The match swings back and forth, keeping the crowd on the edge of their seats.

In the closing moments, the referee gets inadvertently knocked down during a chaotic exchange in the ring. Seizing the opportunity, Scott Hall reaches into his trunks and pulls out a pair of brass knuckles. As Rick Steiner tries to revive the referee, Hall delivers a vicious shot to Scott Steiner’s jaw with the knuckles. The referee regains consciousness just in time to see Hall covering Scott Steiner. Despite the protests from Rick, the referee counts the pinfall, awarding the victory to The Outsiders.

After the bell, the arena erupts in boos as The Outsiders celebrate their underhanded victory. Rick Steiner tends to his brother, who is clearly dazed from the illegal blow. Kevin Nash and Scott Hall taunt the crowd and The Steiners, reveling in their controversial win.

The Outsiders (5-0-1) defeated The Steiner Brothers (4-1-1) in 15:27 by way of pin fall when Hall pinned Scott. The Outsiders improved to 2-0-0 against the Steiner Brothers all time.

We go backstage to a set designated for Gary Hart, who is standing by reporting on the results of WCW World Wide from earlier this week, while results from Friday Night’s B-show, WCW Main Event, scrolls on the bottom of the screen.

Hello folks! Gary Hart here to provide you with an update on some results that came out of WCW World Wide this week, as they pertain to WCW’s Grand Prix! In Division Two action, Nikita Koloff (2-4-0) defeated Terry Taylor (2-4-0). And in Tag Team action, The Wild Stallions (3-2-1) defeated The Journeymen (1-5-0).

Main Event #114: Doug Furnas defeated Mike Rapada | Samoan Savage & Great Kokina defeated Shoichi Funaki & Daisuke Ikeda | Rick Titan defeated Canadian Tiger | El Hijo del Santo & Rayo de Jalisco Jr defeated The Southern Rockers

Gary attempts to hype next week’s WCW World Wide, but is interrupted by Big Van Vader. Vader shoves Gary and then announces that his tag team partner at Slamboree will be Cactus Jack, and they’ve gotten permission to set the stipulation. Let us see the pretty boys survive a Texas Deathmatch!


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Danger Zone! I'm your host, Paul E Dangerously, and tonight we have a thrilling preview of an upcoming Premier League showdown. Joining me are two of WCW’s finest—'Lonestar' Dustin Rhodes and the icon himself, Sting! These two face off in Premier League action tomorrow night, just one night before Dustin teams up with his returning father at Slamboree to take on Ric Flair and the Four Horsemen. Dustin, you've been vocal about living in your father's shadow. How are you approaching this match against Sting?
Paul, this match is personal for me. I've spent my entire career trying to step out of my father's shadow, and next week is no different. Sting, you're a legend, no doubt about it, but I think this is my time to shine. I've got the fire in my belly and something to prove—not just to the fans, but to myself. Facing you is the biggest challenge I've ever had, but I'm ready to show the world that Dustin Rhodes is more than just a legacy. I'm ready to stand on my own two feet and take you down. Besides… I think you are distracted yourself. I think you are more focused on your strange feelings towards the heroic Hulk Hogan…
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Strong words from a determined man. Sting, you've always been a supporter of Dustin, but he says you’re the one distracted by your view of Hulk Hogan. What’s your response to that?
Dustin, I respect your drive and your desire to make a name for yourself, but don’t mistake my support for weakness. I know you're focused on stepping out of your father's shadow, but next week, I’m your opponent. Hogan doesn’t matter to me when I step into the ring with you. I’m fully focused, and if you think otherwise, you're in for a rude awakening. I’m here to give you the biggest fight of your life and prove why I’m the biggest challenge you’ll ever face. Let’s see if you can rise to the occasion.
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This is shaping up to be one intense match, folks! Dustin Rhodes, eager to prove himself and escape his father's shadow, and Sting, the ever-focused icon ready to give Dustin the fight of his life. Next week, these two will leave it all in the ring. Be sure to tune in because you won't want to miss this clash of titans. Until next time, stay dangerous!


Powerhouse Ron Simmons and Barry Windham, face off in a high-stakes match to avoid relegation. Both men enter the arena to loud cheers from the fans, underscoring their status as beloved babyfaces. Simmons, with his imposing physique and determined expression, radiates intensity as he makes his way to the ring. Windham, on the other hand, exudes confidence despite the pressure, waving to the crowd with his trademark swagger. The looming Slamboree match casts a shadow over Windham, but his focus remains on the task at hand.

Ron Simmons is one of the most powerful and determined competitors we’ve ever seen in WCW. Tonight, he’s fighting not just for a win, but to secure his place in the Premier League. Simmons has the heart of a champion, and he’s not going down without a fight.
Barry Windham is a consummate professional, and despite the distractions and the pressure of his upcoming Slamboree match with Dusty Rhodes returning to the ring, he’s here to prove he belongs at the top. Windham has the experience and the talent to rise above, but will his mind be fully in this match tonight?
The match begins with both men showcasing their technical prowess and physical strength, much to the delight of the audience. Simmons uses his power to dominate early on, hitting Windham with a series of thunderous slams and tackles. Windham counters with his agility and ring intelligence, executing perfectly timed dropkicks and suplexes to keep Simmons at bay. The pace quickens as the match progresses, with both competitors exchanging high-impact moves and near falls. The crowd is fully invested, rallying behind both wrestlers as they push each other to their limits.

As the match reaches its climax, Steve Austin of the Four Horsemen appears at ringside, attempting to distract Windham. His presence causes a stir in the arena, and Windham momentarily glances toward him. However, Austin’s actions inadvertently catch Simmons’ attention more than Windham’s. Seizing the unexpected distraction, Windham quickly rolls up Simmons, securing a surprise three-count victory. The crowd is shocked, and Windham himself looks momentarily stunned by the sudden turn of events.

After the bell, Windham helps Simmons to his feet, showing mutual respect despite the unexpected finish. Simmons, though disappointed, shakes Windham’s hand, acknowledging the fair play. Meanwhile, Steve Austin stands at ringside, a smirk on his face as he realizes his interference had an unintended consequence. Windham points at Austin, clearly warning him to stay out of his business as the tension between them simmers.

Barry Windham (2-3-1) defeated Ron Simmons (1-4-1) in 16:25 by way of pin fall. The all time series is tied, 1 win apiece.


In Division Two action, Tom Zenk steps into the ring looking to score his first points of the season against the struggling legend, Larry Zbyszko. Both competitors have had a rough start, with only one win between them. Zenk, usually known for his exuberant persona, comes out wearing basic black trunks, his face devoid of emotion, a stark contrast to his typical energetic entrance. Larry Zbyszko, ever the seasoned veteran, enters with his signature confidence, though the strain of recent losses is evident in his demeanor. The stakes are high as both men seek to avoid the looming threat of relegation.

Folks, you have to wonder what’s going through Tom Zenk’s mind tonight. This is a man who’s usually full of energy and charisma, but he looks like a shadow of his former self. This losing streak is clearly taking a toll on him, and he’s desperate for a win.
Larry Zbyszko, the Living Legend, may be struggling this season, but you can never count him out. He’s one of the most tactical and experienced wrestlers in the game. If anyone can find a way to turn things around, it’s Larry Z.
The match begins with Zbyszko using his superior technical skills to control the pace. Zenk tries to mount some offense, but his lack of confidence is evident. Zbyszko exploits every hesitation, grounding Zenk with methodical holds and sharp strikes. Zenk occasionally shows flashes of his former self, hitting a few high-flying moves, but each time he gains momentum, Zbyszko cuts him off with veteran precision. The crowd watches intently, sensing the desperation in Zenk's movements and the determination in Zbyszko's.

As the match nears its conclusion, Zenk attempts a high-risk maneuver, climbing to the top turnbuckle for a potential match-winning move. However, in his haste, he slips, crashing awkwardly to the mat. Zbyszko capitalizes immediately, executing a smooth suplex and transitioning into a pin. The referee counts to three, and Zbyszko secures a decisive victory. Zenk remains on the mat, staring up at the lights, looking utterly defeated.

After the bell, Larry Zbyszko stands tall, raising his arm in victory. The crowd gives a mixed reaction, respecting the veteran’s win but feeling for Zenk’s continued misfortune. Zbyszko exits the ring, leaving Zenk to process his loss. Zenk slowly gets to his feet, his face a mask of confusion and frustration. He looks around, seemingly lost, before making his way to the back, head hung low. The commentators speculate on Zenk’s future.

Larry Zbyszko (2-4-0) defeated Tom Zenk (0-6-0) in 12:52 by way of pin fall. This was their first ever encounter.


The title graphic shows for WCW’s Inside the Squared Circle segment, and the show pivots to a studio segment featuring the legendary Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura, and Magnum TA. At the bottom of the screen, a news ticker hypes next weeks WCW subsidiary shows.

Tonight, we're talking about the returning Matt Bourne, formerly known as Doink the Clown, who has taken on a deranged half-clown persona and appears to be on a vendetta against his previous stable, Flamingo Corp. Over the past two weeks, Bourne's clown antics have altered the course of matches without directly interfering. While some might see this as part of the spectacle, I believe it undermines the integrity of WCW. We need to maintain a standard where matches are decided by skill and athleticism, not by outside antics. And I have to admit, clowns give me the creeps.
Oh, come on, Magnum! This is wrestling, not a ballet recital. Matt Bourne's antics are pure entertainment, and that's what the fans are here for. It's a Saturday night, for Christ's sake! People want to see something outrageous and memorable, not just cookie-cutter matches. Bourne is bringing a unique flavor to WCW, and if it shakes things up a bit, so be it. It's all part of the show, and the fans love it!
Jesse, I understand the need for entertainment, but there's a fine line between adding flavor and disrupting the core of what wrestling is about. Bourne's antics may be entertaining to some, but they compromise the fairness of the competition. Wrestling should be about showcasing the best talent and the athletes' hard work, not being overshadowed by clownish distractions. We owe it to our wrestlers and fans to keep the integrity of the matches intact.
Integrity, schmintegrity, Magnum! This is professional wrestling, not some school ground sports where everyone is a winner. If Bourne can get under the skin of Flamingo Corp without even laying a hand on anyone, more power to him. It adds drama, it adds excitement, and it keeps everyone on their toes. The fans pay to be entertained, and Bourne is delivering that in spades. If the wrestlers can't handle a little distraction, maybe they aren't as tough as they think they are.
Well, Jesse, while we clearly have different viewpoints on this, it's obvious that Bourne's antics are stirring up quite a bit of controversy. Let's see how this situation unfolds in the coming weeks. Now, let's send it over to Gary Hart, who's standing by backstage with The Four Horsemen.

LPWA Round 7, Card 2, featuring Akira Hokuto vs Terri Powers | W4WA Round 10, Card 1, featuring Buddy Landel vs Owen Hart | PPW Round 6, Card 2, featuring Rick Titan vs Sabu | SSW Round 9, Card 2, featuring Blue Demon Jr vs Chaz Taylor | PWFG Round 9, Card 1, featuring Minoru Suzuki vs Yoshiaki Yatsu.

The Four Horsemen cut a promo. Ric Flair is raging against Dusty, blaming him for his loss last week. They yell about wanting to make him bleed and then question if The Rhodes will even make it to Slamboree, because it looks like Barry won’t… Camera pans down to show a bloodied Barry Windham beneath them.

Next week, WCW's Premier League will witness a thrilling clash as Lex Luger (5-0-1) takes on The Great Muta (1-3-2). Both competitors, recent allies against the dominant Player Enterprises, now find themselves on opposing sides with high stakes on the line. Luger, looking to reclaim the top spot after a draw blemished his perfect record, faces a formidable challenge in Muta, who is willing to use any means necessary, including his infamous poison mist, to secure a victory and climb the rankings.

Lex Luger, our alliance against Player Enterprises was just the beginning. But now, the battlefield has shifted. You seek to reclaim your throne at the top, but I will stop at nothing to rise through the ranks. Your strength and determination are admirable, but they won't save you from the poison mist. In our match, there are no friends, only opponents. Prepare yourself, Luger, because I will do whatever it takes to secure victory. The mist will fly, and you will fall.
Muta, we've fought side by side, but next week, it's all about who wants it more. I respect your skills, but this is my time to shine. That draw might have knocked me down a peg, but it's only made me hungrier. Your poison mist won't intimidate me. I'm coming into that ring with one goal: to win and reclaim my spot at the top of the Premier League. Muta, you better bring everything you've got, because the Total Package is ready to prove why I'm the best in WCW. Let's see if you can handle the pressure when you're facing perfection.


In Division Two action, the knockout king, 'Wild Man' Johnny B. Badd, faces off against the master manipulator, 'The Taskmaster' Kevin Sullivan. Sullivan, relegated from the Premier League, has been on a mission to prove his dominance and reclaim his spot at the top, using any means necessary to win. With Missy Hyatt, his brainwashed admirer, in his corner, distractions are almost guaranteed. On the other side, Johnny B. Badd, known for his devastating 'Wild Thing' Haymaker, is determined to overcome any obstacle, even the cunning Sullivan. Both men make their entrances with Sullivan exuding menace and B. Badd radiating determination, knowing a win could set the tone for the rest of their season.

Johnny B. Badd is one of the most explosive athletes we have in WCW. That 'Wild Thing' Haymaker of his can end a match in an instant. But tonight, he’s got a real challenge ahead of him in Kevin Sullivan, who will stop at nothing to get a win.
Kevin Sullivan, the Taskmaster, is as dangerous as they come. His relegation from the Premier League has only made him more vicious. With Missy Hyatt at ringside, you can bet he’s got a few tricks up his sleeve. Johnny B. Badd better watch his back.
From the start, Kevin Sullivan focuses on neutralizing Johnny B. Badd’s greatest weapon: his left hand. Sullivan's aggressive tactics are on full display as he stomps on Johnny’s hand, eventually breaking one of his fingers in an unplanned moment. Referee Jimmy Jett checks on Johnny, who refuses to quit despite the injury. Johnny’s manager, Jody Hamilton, quickly tapes Johnny’s fingers together, and the match continues. Throughout the bout, Sullivan continues his relentless assault, while Johnny struggles to mount a comeback, using his speed and resilience to keep himself in the match. The action is intense, with Missy Hyatt and Hamilton providing constant distractions

As the match nears its end, Johnny B. Badd finds a second wind and begins to rally against Sullivan. Despite his injured hand, Johnny fights back valiantly, managing to land several key moves that daze Sullivan. With the crowd behind him, Johnny prepares to deliver his signature 'Wild Thing' Haymaker. However, the punch lacks its usual power due to the injury, and Johnny yells out in pain upon impact. Sullivan takes advantage, rolling out of the ring to avoid further punishment. The clock winds down, and the match ends in a draw as the time limit expires.

After the bell, Johnny B. Badd stands in the ring, holding his injured hand, visibly frustrated but proud of his effort. Kevin Sullivan, smirking, backs up the ramp with Missy Hyatt, content with the draw that keeps him in contention. Jody Hamilton consoles Johnny, who receives a warm ovation from the crowd for his gritty performance. The commentators speculate on the severity of Johnny’s injury and what it means for his future matches, while also acknowledging Sullivan's cunning strategy and resilience. The scene closes with Johnny B. Badd raising his good hand to the crowd, determined to come back stronger despite the setback.

Johnny B Badd (3-2-1) and Kevin Sullivan (4-1-1) went to a 20:00 minute time limit draw. This was their first ever encounter.


In the main event of the evening, "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan clashes with "Sugar" Stan Hansen, a match fueled by weeks of escalating tension. Hogan, the perennial hero, enters to a thunderous ovation, donning his WCW stylized pink and blue attire, flexing his muscles, and rallying the crowd with his iconic poses. On the opposite side, Hansen storms the ring with a menacing glare, his rugged cowboy persona on full display. Accompanying him is the scheming Flamingo Corp, consisting of Scotty Flamingo, Haku, and Alexandra York, ready to lend their support. The history between Hogan and Hansen adds an intriguing layer, as former tag partners turned fierce rivals.

Folks, Hulk Hogan is a legend, plain and simple. He’s faced giants, he’s faced monsters, and tonight he faces an old ally turned adversary. Hogan’s resilience and the ability to overcome insurmountable odds is what makes him ‘The Immortal’ Hulk Hogan!
Stan Hansen is a relentless force in the ring. His brutal style and no-nonsense attitude make him one of the most dangerous men in WCW. With Flamingo Corp in his corner, he’s looking to do more than just win tonight; he wants to make a statement by taking down Hulk Hogan.
From the opening bell, Hansen unleashes a ferocious assault, targeting Hogan with powerful strikes and relentless aggression. Hansen’s familiarity with Hogan’s moves and tendencies from their tag team days is evident as he anticipates Hogan's counters and keeps the pressure on. Flamingo Corp's presence at ringside adds to the tension, with York and Flamingo shouting instructions and Haku looking menacingly ready to intervene. Despite the onslaught, Hogan’s legendary resilience begins to shine through as he withstands Hansen's brutal offense.

As the match progresses, Hansen’s dominance is clear, but Hogan refuses to stay down. In a pivotal moment, Hogan begins to "Hulk Up," absorbing Hansen’s punches with a look of pure determination. The crowd erupts as Hogan blocks Hansen’s punch and fires back with a series of his own, culminating in the big boot. Sensing the end, Hogan delivers his signature leg drop, but Hansen weakly lifts his leg onto the ropes at two, forcing a break and shocking the audience. Hogan, undeterred, hits a second leg drop, this time securing the three-count and the victory.

After the bell, Hogan stands tall, his music blaring as the crowd roars in approval. Flamingo Corp attempts to storm the ring, but Hogan is ready. Haku lunges at Hogan, but he’s met with a thunderous big boot that sends him crashing to the mat. Scotty Flamingo and Alexandra York retreat, pulling Hansen with them as they exit the ring. Hogan continues to celebrate, posing for the fans and signaling that he’s ready to challenge for the top spot in WCW’s Grand Prix rankings.

Hulk Hogan (5-0-1) defeated Stan Hansen (1-3-2) in 17:59 by way of pin fall. This was their first ever grand prix encounter.

Replays are shown of the finishes from the night, followed by the updated leaderboards for WCW’s Grand Prix. Standing by for analysis is the team of Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, and Paul E Dangerously.

Round Six is in the books, and we have a three way tie for first place in the Premier League between Lex Luger, Hulk Hogan, and Sting! What an amazing night of action behind us now. Dusty - over to you to announce tonight’s MVP!
For sure, Mista Harley… Even though this competitor came up short, his effort tonight was a wrasslin clinic… ‘Sugar’ Stan Hansen took the beating to Hulk Hogan just like he promised he would, and was relentless… Even managing to survive one the legendary Atomic Leg Drops! The survival, while hopeless and short-lived, showed just how tough Stan is.
You know I hate agreeing with you, Dusty, but for once you speaking a language I relate to. Stan took the fight to Hogan tonight unlike anyone before him! I shudder to think how Stan will react at Slamboree when he teams with Scotty Flamingo to take on Hogan and DDP?
Yes - Slamboree is just around the corner, but we have one more stop on the road there! Because on the night before Slamboree, WCW kicks off Round 7 of the 1994 season with two major Premier League matches - Sting vs Dustin Rhodes and Lex Luger vs The Great Muta. Dusty, do you have any announcements to share before we go off the air?
I’m glad you asked, Harley… You see… at Slamboree on the night that I make my return to the ring, I have two further matches to add to the card. After the events of tonight’s tag team contest and the bad blood between The Steiner Brothers and The Outsiders, I’m going to pit Scott Hall and Scott Steiner against one another… And since Hall isn’t shy about playing dirty, that match will take place inside a steel cage… to prevent partner shenanigans if you will… Plus the opening contest for the night has been determined! Ricky ‘The Dragon’ Steamboat will take on The Eaton Open!
Slamboree is turning into a hell of a card. You’d be mad to miss it! Well folks, that's all the time we have this week! Thank you to the folks at Turner Broadcasting - it's been a privilege to bring WCW to your television sets each week!

WCW’s theme plays as the show fades out.

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Lex Luger vs The Great Muta
Sting vs Dustin Rhodes
Dan Severn vs Butch Reed
Scotty Flamingo vs Michael Hayes
PS Lucha vs The Horsemen
The Classic Era vs True Grit



Round Seven for WCW's 1994 season kicks off one night before WCW Slamboree!

In Division Two action, Scotty Flamingo looks to rebound from his first loss of the season when he takes on the veteran tag team specialist, 'Freebird' Michael PS Hayes. Michael Hayes was added to Division Two as a replacement for the injured Shane Douglas, who has been in Hayes' corner, trying to coach him to victory, but the two are rarely on the same page and Hayes continues to stagnate at the bottom of the Division Two rankings. Can 'The Freebird' find his wings, or is he truly on his last flight? Perhaps he will be assisted by the lurking menace that is Matt Borne, the former 'Doink the Clown', who has been tormenting Flamingo Corp since his re-emergance from injury. Will Borne cost Flamingo another match, or is Flamingo prepared for the demented clown? Plus, Dan Severn takes on 'Hacksaw' Butch Reed in a battle of big sweaty beef. Butch continues his fall from grace, as he remains pointless on the season after six rounds. After debuting in the WCW Premier League in 1992, Butch Reed has slid all the way to the verge of relegation. Can Reed turn his season around against Severn, or will Reed take one step closer to becoming the first ever Premier League star to be relegated right out of WCW?

In the Tag Team Division, two of the top teams collide in what promises to be a hard-hitting affair. The Classic Era, featuring the polished technical prowess of Bobby Eaton and Dave Finlay, will face off against the brutal brawlers, True Grit, comprised of Bull Gantner and Tony Anthony. Will the refined in-ring style of The Classic Era elevate them over the ruthless aggression of True Grit? Or will they succumb to the devastating impact of True Grit's finishing maneuver, "The Compactor"? Additionally, the undefeated duo of Steve Austin and Brian Pillman, known as The Horsemen, will take on the stars of Mexico, Blue Panther and Solar, also known as PS Lucha. The luchadors bring a unique flavor to WCW, showcasing the international diversity of WCW's Grand Prix, and boast a combined 33 years of in-ring experience. Will the brash young stars, Austin and Pillman, who have only 11 years of experience between them, continue their path towards promotion into the Premier League? Or will the seasoned veterans of PS Lucha prove too much for The Horsemen to handle?

Meanwhile, in the Premier League, the inaugural WCW Grand Prix champion and the Ace of WCW, Sting, faces the youngest competitor in the history of WCW's Premier League, 25-year-old Dustin Rhodes. Both men have significant matches lined up for the next night at WCW Slamboree. Sting will team up with Lex Luger to battle Vader and Cactus Jack in a Texas Deathmatch, while Dustin will join forces with his tag team partner Barry Windham and his father Dusty Rhodes to clash with The Four Horsemen. As Dustin strives to step out of his father's shadow, can he secure another historic victory in his Premier League run? Or will Sting deliver a reality check to the young challenger just one night before Slamboree?

And finally, in the main event, WCW's Premier League will witness a thrilling clash as Lex Luger (5-0-1) takes on The Great Muta (1-3-2). Both recent allies against the dominant Player Enterprises, Luger and Muta now find themselves on opposing sides with high stakes on the line. Luger, eager to reclaim the top spot after a draw blemished his perfect record, faces a formidable challenge in Muta, who is willing to use any means necessary, including his infamous poison mist, to secure a victory and climb the rankings. With mutual respect turning into fierce competition, Luger aims to prove why he is the best in WCW, while Muta is determined to rise through the ranks by defeating the Total Package. This showdown promises intense action and high drama as former allies turn into fierce adversaries. Will Lex Luger continue his quest to become the champion of the Grand Prix, or will he taste the poisonous sting of defeat?


1PWfan : 8/18 - 44%
Just here to look : 10/18 - 56%
Dawn : 10/18 - 56%
Nobby_McDonald : 23/36 - 64%
Rekcut012 : 25/36 - 69%
StanMiguel : 32/49 - 65%

Old School Fan : 49/78 - 63%
Lord Byron : 67/108 - 62%
DHK1989 : 78/121 - 65%
Nightshadeex : 80/121 - 66%
SonOfSharknado : 81/121 - 67%

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Lex Luger vs The Great Muta
Sting vs Dustin Rhodes
Dan Severn vs Butch Reed
Scotty Flamingo vs Michael Hayes
PS Lucha vs The Horsemen
The Classic Era vs True Grit


I'm going with Dustin as the ultra spoiler. I see him beating Flair, Sting, and even Hogan!

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May 1994 : Week 3


Johnny B Badd legitimately suffered broken fingers during his match against Kevin Sullivan and is taking a few weeks off to recover.

Desiree Petersen has begun her maternity leave.

French Canadian wrestler, Emile Dupree has quiet retired from professional wrestling.

Undeterred by her major injury, young star Debbie Malenko is practically living at the gym since her concussion and is looking stronger than ever. When she is eventually cleared to return, the sky will be the limit for the 23 year old.

Canadian promotion BCW (owned by Scott D’Amore) sold it’s dojo in an effort to stay alive.

After their recent management changes, Ring Wrestling Stars has signed Richie Brooks, Gerry Finch, Lee Bronson, Tommy Stewart, Ricky Knight, Tony Walsh, Jackie Pallo Jr, and Dave Bond.

Gary Young has retired from wrestling. The 47 year old peaked in 1989, when he won the NWA Texas Heavyweight title twice in two months.


Verne Siebert defeated Rip Oliver to become BCW Can-Am Television Champion for the first time.

Chicky Starr defeated Carlos Colon to win the WWC Universal Heavyweight Championship for the second time.

Hirofumi Miura defeated Ricky Fuji to win the W*ING World Jr Heavyweight Championship.

Villano IV and Los Junior Atomicos defeated Cien Caras, Mascara Ano 2000 and Universo 2000 to win the Mexican National Trios titles for the first time.

Jerry Flynn defeated Lou Perez to win the ICWA Light Heavyweight Championship for the first time.


PPW Grand Prix Round 6/15; Card Two

Disorderly Conduct (4-2-0) def. El Negro Y La Plata (4-1-1)
Rayo de Jalisco Jr (4-1-1) def. Van Hammer (1-5-0)
The Moondogs (4-1-1) def. Southern Rockers (3-3-0)
Samoan Savage (3-3-0) def. Rod Price (1-5-0)
Tex and Shanghai (5-0-1) def. The Heavenly Bodies (1-4-1)
The Simpsons (1-5-0) def. The Public Enemy (0-6-0)
Paul Orndorff (5-0-1) def. Stan Lane (0-6-0)
Sabu (4-0-2) and Rick Titan (3-1-2) went to a double disqualification draw.


Jeff Jarrett assisted Disorderly Conduct in defeating El Negro Y La Plata.
A comical segment hyping Jarrett vs Marquis ‘The Artiste’ Bagwell played out. They meet in round 7.
MVP : Negro Casas


LPWA Women's Grand Prix Round 7/23; Card Two

Bull Nakano (7-0-0) def. Jacqueline (1-6-0)
Combat Toyoda (2-4-1) def. Bison Kimura (2-2-3)
Denise Storm (3-3-1) def. Bambi (0-7-0)
Wendi Richter (3-1-3) def. Malia Hosaka (0-7-0)
Akira Hokuto (7-0-0) def. Terri Powers (2-5-0)


Debbie Combs distracted her tag partner Bambi, costing her the match.
An intense Madusa promo aired, focusing on her desire to reclaim her crown.
Penelope Paradise wanted to know whether Shinobu Kandori would leave before facing her, as she doesn’t want to face some cage fighter. Cornette comes out to announce Kandori’s replacement for the remainder of the season, the runner up of the 1993 season, The Magnificent Mimi! Mimi returns from her MMA training.
MVP : Akira Hokuto


W4WA Canadian Grand Prix Round 9/23; Card Two

Leo Burke (8-1-1) def. Canadian Tiger (4-6-0)
Rob Van Dam (5-5-0) def. Bruiser Bedlam (3-5-2)
Richard Charland (6-4-0) def. Bobby Kay (0-3-0)
Rey Misterio Jr (3-6-1) def. Gerry Morrow (3-7-0)
Danny Davis (5-5-0) def. Keith Hart (2-8-0)
Owen Hart (9-0-1) def. Buddy Landel (6-2-2)

Worthwhile Notes:

Charland and Bobby Kay was an absolute clunker that the crowd shat on.
Lance Storm, with Chris Jericho, hyped his match against Don Callis next week. Callis introduced them to his insurance policy, Kurrgan. Kurrgan fumbled his lines. Callis and Kurrgan challenged Sudden Impact to a match on WCW Main Event.
Next week’s main event, William Regal vs Sledgehammer Anderson, was hyped.
MVP : Rey Misterio Jr.


SSW Division 4 Grand Prix Round 9/23; Card Two

Bruiser X Mastino (4-5-0) def. Doc Dean (3-5-1)
Jack Victory (3-6-0) def. Gedo (0-9-0)
El Dandy (5-3-1) def. Danny Boy Collins (1-3-0)
Paul Levesque (5-4-0) def. Stan Lee (3-6-0)
Ice Train (5-1-3) and Jerry Lynn (3-2-4) went to a time limit draw
Blue Demon Jr (7-0-2) def. Chaz Taylor (5-3-1)

Worthwhile Notes:

Jack Victory broke a few ribs during his victory.
MVP : El Dandy


PWFG Japanese Grand Prix Round 9/23; Card One

Volk Han (6-1-2) def. Dr. Luther (4-5-0)
Abdullah the Butcher (4-4-0) def. Satoshi Kojima (1-8-0)
Norman Smiley (6-0-2) def. Jerry Flynn (1-8-0)
Doug Furnas (5-2-1) def. Super Delfin (1-3-0)
Gary Albright (7-0-2) def. Minoru Tanaka (1-8-0)
Minoru Suzuki (6-1-2) def. Yoshiaki Yatsu (3-6-0)


Volk Han suffered a broken toe during the match
MVP : Minoru Suzuki

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It’s May 1994, and WCW is hailing from the Talking Stick Resort Arena in Phoenix, Arizona! WCW Saturday Night is brought to you by Pink Dream, the official soft drink of WCW. After an intro video of WCW’s Premier League, the camera’s take us inside WCW’s neon-lit blue and pink studios where we are standing by with the WCW Analysis Team, Harley Race and Paul E Dangerously. And tonight… they are joined by a special guest.

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to another electrifying night of WCW Premier League action! We've got a stellar lineup for you tonight. In our first bout, two fan favorites and top competitors collide as Sting, the Ace of WCW, takes on the youngest competitor in Premier League history, Dustin Rhodes. Both men have significant matches tomorrow night at Slamboree, so expect them to bring their A-game. And in our main event, it's Lex Luger going head-to-head with The Great Muta. These recent allies will now clash with everything on the line. Luger looks to maintain his dominance, while Muta seeks to climb the rankings with a major victory. This is a night you won't want to miss!
Harley, baby, tonight is gonna be a barnburner! My son Dustin, he's got the heart of a lion, and he's ready to step outta any shadow. He’s proven himself time and time again, and tonight against Sting, he's got a chance to show why he's the future of this business. And then there's Lex Luger and The Great Muta—two of the best in the world. Luger's on a roll, but Muta, he's tricky and dangerous. But I've got faith in Luger to power through and keep that top spot. It's gonna be one heck of a show, and I can't wait!
Dusty, you're living in a fantasy! Dustin Rhodes may have a big heart, but he’s going up against Sting, the Ace of WCW, a man who’s not going to take it easy just because Dustin’s young. Sting will give him a reality check he won't forget. As for Luger, he's been lucky so far, but Muta's no ordinary opponent. With his poison mist and unpredictable style, Muta's going to send Luger crashing down. Let's face it, Dusty, tonight’s going to be a night where reality bites for your favorites.
Both of you make compelling points. Sting versus Dustin Rhodes is a clash of experience and youth, and while Sting has the upper hand in terms of experience, Dustin has been showing incredible growth and tenacity. As for the main event, Lex Luger’s power and consistency will be tested by The Great Muta's agility and cunning. It’s a classic matchup of strength versus strategy, and it's going to be fascinating to see who comes out on top. The dynamics between these former allies add an extra layer of intrigue.
That's right, Harley. Folks, if you think the action’s gonna be hot tonight, just wait for tomorrow night! Slamboree is going to be an amazing night of action, featuring of course… my return to the ring!
Always about you, ain’t it, Dusty? Well, the stage is set, the competitors are ready, and it's going to be an explosive night. Let's send it over to our commentary team, the incomparable Tony Schiavone and the legendary Jim Ross. Take it away, gentlemen!

The cameras are rolling in the arena and we go down to the ramp for our first contest of the night!


In Premier League action, the electric atmosphere in the arena reaches a fever pitch as the inaugural WCW Grand Prix champion and the Ace of WCW, Sting, makes his entrance. Donning his signature face paint and flashy coat, Sting exudes confidence and intensity, knowing he has a crucial match lined up at Slamboree. His opponent, the young and determined Dustin Rhodes, enters next. At 25 years old, Dustin is the youngest competitor in WCW's Premier League history. Despite the looming shadow of his legendary father, Dusty Rhodes, Dustin is eager to carve out his own legacy. The crowd is split, cheering for both the established icon and the rising star, as anticipation builds for this clash.

Sting is not just the heart and soul of WCW; he’s the measuring stick. Tonight, he's got a huge task in front of him, facing the hungry and talented Dustin Rhodes. But if anyone can deliver under pressure, it’s the Stinger.
Dustin Rhodes has shown time and time again that he’s got the guts and the talent to make it on his own. He’s stepping into the ring with one of the all-time greats tonight, but don’t count him out. He’s got the heart of a champion, and he’s out to prove something to the world.
The bell rings, and the match begins with a show of respect as the two competitors shake hands. Sting, with his experience and savvy, quickly takes control, using his speed and technical prowess to outmaneuver Dustin. Despite being outclassed early on, Dustin shows resilience, countering Sting's moves and staying in the fight. As the match progresses, Dustin’s determination becomes more apparent; he refuses to be rattled by Sting’s offense. The young Rhodes demonstrates his growing ring acumen with a series of impactful moves, earning the respect of both the crowd and his opponent. The match ebbs and flows, with both men exchanging near falls and showcasing their in-ring abilities.

As the match reaches its climax, the tension escalates when Ric Flair appears on the ramp, drawing the attention of both competitors. The distraction is enough to disrupt Dustin's focus, allowing Sting to seize the moment. With the audience on edge, Dusty Rhodes storms out to confront Flair, adding to the chaos. Dustin, momentarily distracted by the commotion, turns back to Sting only to be met with a thunderous Stinger Splash. Sting wastes no time locking in the Scorpion Deathlock. Despite Dustin's valiant efforts to escape, the pain is too much, and he is forced to submit, giving Sting the hard-fought victory.

The bell rings, and Sting releases the hold, standing tall as the victor. He helps Dustin to his feet, offering a handshake and a few words of encouragement, solidifying the mutual respect between them. The crowd cheers loudly for both men, appreciating the high-caliber match they just witnessed. Meanwhile, on the ramp, Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair continue their heated confrontation, setting the stage for further drama at Slamboree.

Sting (6-0-1) defeated Dustin Rhodes (1-6-0) in 17:24 by way of submission after a distraction from Ric Flair. This was their first ever encounter.


In Division Two action, the flamboyant and confident Scotty Flamingo enters the arena, determined to bounce back from his first loss of the season. He struts to the ring, accompanied by his usual entourage, Flamingo Corp, exuding an air of arrogance. His opponent, the veteran "Freebird" Michael PS Hayes, makes his entrance next, accompanied by Shane Douglas. Hayes, known for his charismatic style and tag team prowess, seems slightly out of sync with his corner man Douglas, a dynamic that has been evident in recent weeks. The question looms whether Hayes can rise above his struggles and reclaim his winning form or if his downward spiral will continue.

Scotty Flamingo is a man with a lot to prove tonight. After that first loss, he’s looking to get back on track, and he’s got all the tools to do it. But can he stay focused with the looming threat of Matt Borne hanging over him?
Michael Hayes has seen it all in this business, but right now, he’s facing one of the toughest challenges of his career. Not just in the ring, but in his ability to find his footing as a singles competitor. The presence of Shane Douglas hasn’t exactly been the spark he needs. Can Hayes pull it together tonight?
The match begins with Flamingo using his speed and agility to his advantage, while Hayes relies on his experience and brawling skills. Hayes gains early momentum with a series of hard-hitting moves, but Flamingo's entourage provides constant distractions. The tension between Hayes and Douglas becomes evident, as miscommunications and disagreements surface. Despite this, Hayes manages to keep the upper hand until the midpoint of the match, where Flamingo starts to exploit the growing divide between Hayes and Douglas. Flamingo’s technical prowess and cunning tactics keep Hayes on the back foot, with the veteran struggling to maintain his offense.

As the match approaches its conclusion, the chaos intensifies. Matt Borne, dressed in his unsettling cracked clown face paint, appears at ringside, creating an immediate distraction. He taunts Flamingo Corp and then turns his attention to Shane Douglas, pieing him in the face. The unexpected spectacle distracts both Douglas and Hayes, allowing Flamingo to capitalize on the confusion. Seizing the moment, Flamingo rolls up Hayes with a schoolboy pin and secures the victory at 10:20.

After the match, Scotty Flamingo stands victorious, but his expression is a mix of triumph and bewilderment as he watches Matt Borne on the ramp. Borne, smiling maniacally, locks eyes with Flamingo, sending an eerie message. Flamingo Corp tries to celebrate with their leader, but the unsettling presence of Borne keeps them on edge. Meanwhile, Hayes is left in the ring, frustrated and wiping the remnants of the pie off Douglas's face, highlighting the dysfunction within their ranks

Scotty Flamingo (6-1-0) defeated Michael Hayes (1-6-0) in 10:20 by way of pin fall. This was their first ever encounter.

We go backstage to a set designated for Gary Hart, who is standing by reporting on the results of WCW World Wide from earlier this week, while results from Friday Night’s B-show, WCW Main Event, scrolls on the bottom of the screen.

Hello folks, GH here with an update from the most recent episode of WCW World Wide! In Division Two action, Tully Blanchard (4-2-1) defeated Terry Taylor (2-5-0) and Nobuhiko Takada did not look impressed with his stablemate. Meanwhile, in Tag Team competition, The Wild Stallions (4-2-1) defeated The Fantastics (0-7-0) when Chris Benoit forced Tommy Rogers to submit!

WCW Main Event #115 : La Parka def. Rex King | Sudden Impact def. Don Callis & Kurrgan | Sabu & Rick Titan def. Van Hammer & Rayo de Jalisco Jr

Gary goes to hype next week’s World Wide with the Miracle Violence Connection, but they are interrupted by The Outsiders. Hall and Nash tell them to take a walk and then hype tomorrow night’s Slamboree match between Scott Steiner and Scott Hall.


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome once again to the Danger Zone! I'm your host, Paul E Dangerously, and tonight we have an electrifying preview of a monumental Premier League match-up. In one corner, we have 'Submission Supreme' Nobuhiko Takada, currently holding fourth place with a record of 5-1-0. In the other, we have the face of WCW, 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan, sitting in third place with a record of 5-0-1. This is the first time these two titans will clash, and both are vying for the top spot in the Premier League. Takada, let’s start with you. What are your thoughts on this upcoming match against Hulk Hogan?
Paul E, this match is crucial. Hogan, you may believe you're the face of WCW, but I'm here to show everyone the power and precision of true submission wrestling. My frustration with Player Enterprises only fuels my desire to dominate this league. Terry Taylor and Bam Bam Bigelow have disappointed me, but I will not disappoint myself or my followers. Hogan, you're stepping into the ring with a man who's more than just a wrestler; you're facing a strategic master, a leader, and soon, the new top spot holder in the Premier League.
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Strong and confident words from Takada! Hulk Hogan, Takada seems determined to prove that submission wrestling and his leadership in Player Enterprises are superior. What’s your response to that?
Well, let me tell you something, brother! Takada, you may have the submissions and the fancy moves, but when it comes down to it, the power of Hulkamania is unstoppable! I respect your skills, but you're looking at the man who has carried this company on his back. The fans, the energy, the sheer willpower of Hulkamania will overpower any submission hold you can think of. You might be frustrated with your stable mates, but that's not my problem. Come our match, you’ll realize that no amount of strategy can defeat the heart and soul of WCW, brother!
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There you have it, folks! Nobuhiko Takada, driven by frustration and a need to dominate, versus Hulk Hogan, the embodiment of power and charisma in WCW. This match is set to be a defining moment for both competitors in the Premier League. Make sure to tune in because this is a battle you won’t want to miss. Until next time, stay dangerous


The Horsemen, representing the Four Horsemen stable, make their entrance to a chorus of boos, with Austin proudly embracing his moniker, "America's Most Hated." Pillman, with his flashy attire and flamboyant charisma, plays to the crowd's disdain. In contrast, the seasoned luchadors, Blue Panther and Solar, enter to a warm reception from the fans, showcasing the international diversity of WCW's Grand Prix with their vibrant masks and traditional Mexican wrestling garb.

Steve Austin might be 'America's Most Hated,' but there's no denying his talent in that ring. The Horsemen have been unstoppable so far, and with Brian Pillman's high-flying prowess, they're a force to be reckoned with. But tonight, they're up against two of Mexico's finest in Blue Panther and Solar, and this one's gonna be a barnburner, folks!
Blue Panther and Solar bring an incredible 33 years of combined experience to the table. Their lucha libre style is not something you see every day in WCW, and it's going to be fascinating to see how they match up against the brash young stars of The Horsemen. PS Lucha has the crowd behind them, and that can be a game-changer.
The match begins with PS Lucha dazzling the crowd with their high-flying maneuvers and technical prowess, putting The Horsemen on the defensive. Blue Panther and Solar demonstrate their veteran ring awareness, executing smooth tags and intricate double-team moves. However, Austin and Pillman use their youth and cunning to gain the upper hand, isolating Solar and working him over with brutal precision. Pillman, in particular, steals the show with his breathtaking aerial offense, keeping the crowd invested with his flashy antics. Despite the relentless assault from The Horsemen, PS Lucha's resilience and experience keep them in the fight, making for a thrilling, back-and-forth contest.

As the match reaches its climax, Solar manages to tag in Blue Panther, who comes in like a house on fire, taking down both Austin and Pillman with a flurry of strikes and submission attempts. The crowd is on their feet as Panther locks in his signature La Escalera submission on Austin, but Pillman distracts referee Mike Atkins. Seizing the opportunity, Austin delivers a blatant low blow to Panther, unseen by the referee. Austin then locks in The Hollywood and Vine submission, and with Panther still reeling from the illegal strike, he has no choice but to submit.

After the match, Austin and Pillman celebrate their underhanded victory, basking in the crowd's boos and jeers. PS Lucha, despite the loss, receive a standing ovation for their valiant effort and incredible performance. Blue Panther, clutching his midsection in pain, exchanges a respectful handshake with Solar, acknowledging their partnership and the support of the fans. As The Horsemen make their way up the ramp, taunting the audience, it's clear that their path towards promotion into the Premier League remains unblemished, but their tactics leave a bitter taste in the mouths of the WCW faithful.

The Horsemen (6-0-1) defeated PS Lucha (2-5-0) in 14:50 by way of submission. This was their first Grand Prix encounter.


In Division Two action, the intense and no-nonsense Dan Severn steps into the ring to face off against the beleaguered "Hacksaw" Butch Reed. Severn, known for his stoic demeanor and brutal submission skills, enters the arena to a chorus of respectful cheers, his eyes locked with determination. Reed, once a Premier League standout, walks to the ring with a noticeable slump in his shoulders, the weight of his winless season evident. The crowd offers a mix of support and concern for Reed, hoping to see the once-dominant force reclaim his former glory.

Dan Severn is a legitimate tough guy, folks. His background in amateur wrestling and mixed martial arts makes him a dangerous competitor in any ring. If there's one thing we know about Severn, it's that he won't stop until his opponent is completely neutralized.
Butch Reed is fighting against more than just Dan Severn tonight. He’s fighting against his own demons and the pressure of a winless streak. This match is crucial for Reed, not just for the points, but for his career trajectory. Can he dig deep and find that spark he once had?
The bell rings and Severn immediately goes on the offensive, utilizing his superior grappling skills to take Reed down. Reed fights back with sheer power, landing a few solid punches and showcasing glimpses of his old self. However, Severn's relentless pace and technical prowess keep Reed on the defensive. Severn methodically wears Reed down, focusing on joint locks and submission holds. Reed’s attempts to mount a comeback are thwarted by Severn’s calculated counters, and it becomes clear that Severn is in control.

As the match reaches the 13-minute mark, Severn sees an opening and capitalizes on it. He locks Reed in a rear-naked choke, his arms constricting like a vice. Reed struggles, his face contorting in pain and determination, but the toll of the match and his winless streak weigh heavy on him. With no escape in sight, Reed slowly fades, and the referee Jimmy Jett steps in, calling for the bell at 13:38. Dan Severn stands victorious, having put Reed to sleep with a masterful submission.

After the bell, Severn shows a moment of sportsmanship, giving a nod to the fallen Reed before exiting the ring. The arena is filled with a mix of applause for Severn and sympathetic cheers for Reed. Butch Reed remains in the center of the ring, visibly distraught. Referee Jimmy Jett kneels beside him, offering words of consolation. The crowd’s concern grows as Reed sits there, contemplating his future.

Dan Severn (5-2-0) defeated Butch Reed (0-7-0) in 13:38 by way of submission This was their first Grand Prix encounter.


The title graphic shows for WCW’s Inside the Squared Circle segment, and the show pivots to a studio segment featuring the legendary Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura, and Magnum TA. At the bottom of the screen, a news ticker hypes next weeks WCW subsidiary shows.

Tonight, we're diving into a hot topic: WCW's Grand Prix format, which features top drawing talents facing off on weekly television. Some argue that this devalues our Pay Per View events, like tomorrow night's WCW Slamboree. With our unique round-robin tournament format determining champions and relegating wrestlers between divisions, every match counts. The question is, does having these high-caliber matches on TV make our Pay Per Views less special? I believe WCW has found different ways to make each Pay Per View a must-see event, despite showcasing top talent weekly.
Magnum, you hit the nail on the head without even realizing it. WCW is light years ahead of promotions like WWF, which churns out the same stale product on TV week after week. Our Grand Prix format puts the best of the best in the ring every week, giving fans real wrestling action, not just filler. Who cares if it’s on TV or Pay Per View? Fans want to see top talent, and WCW delivers. WWF should take notes instead of feeding their audience garbage matches and expecting them to pay extra for the good stuff.
Jesse, while I agree that our weekly TV product is superior, Pay Per View events like WCW Slamboree offer something special. They feature different stakes and unique matchups you won't see on regular programming. Even with our top stars competing weekly, Pay Per Views bring an added layer of excitement and spectacle that keeps fans invested. We provide the best of both worlds: top-quality weekly matches and unforgettable Pay Per View experiences.
Nice try, Magnum, but you’re missing the point. Pay Per View events in WCW are just icing on the cake. Our Grand Prix format ensures that every week feels like a mini Pay Per View. Fans know they're getting high-stakes matches all year round, not just on special nights. This consistent quality keeps our viewers hooked and makes WCW the best in the business. Unlike WWF, we don’t have to rely on Pay Per Views to deliver big moments because we do it every single week. That's what makes WCW the premier wrestling organization.
Well, Jesse, it's clear we have different views on this. While you see our weekly Grand Prix matches as the ultimate draw, I believe our Pay Per Views still hold a unique place in our fans' hearts. Let's see how things unfold at Slamboree tomorrow night.

PWFG Round 9, Card 2 featuring Yukihiro Kanemura vs Akira Maeda | W4WA Round 10, Card 2 featuring Sledgehammer Anderson vs William Regal | SSW Round 10, Card 1 featuring Brian Lee vs Rip Rogers | PPW Round 7, Card 1 featuring Barr & Davis vs Nubian Nightmares | LPWA Round 8, Card 1 featuring Akira Hokuto vs Candi Devine

Kevin Sullivan is shown talking with Cactus Jack backstage. Jack is putting over his match earlier this year against Sting and says that Vader and him are going to rip apart Luger and Sting tomorrow night. Rick Rude appears and warns Cactus Jack that while he may have just gotten his first Premier League victory recently, next week Rude is going to put him back in the losing column.

Next week, WCW's Premier League division will see two titans clash as the undefeated monster Big Van Vader (3-0-3) takes on the struggling yet determined Powerhouse Ron Simmons (1-4-1). With Vader's intimidating record and his persona of leaving scattered broken dreams in his wake, Simmons faces a daunting challenge. Simmons is desperate for a win to avoid the threat of relegation, while Vader aims to continue his dominant streak, boasting a 2-0-0 record against Simmons in their previous encounters.

Ron Simmons, your dreams are about to be shattered once again. I’ve left a trail of broken dreams behind me, and you’re next in line. You may be powerful, but you're stepping into the ring with an unstoppable force. I've already crushed you twice, and next week will be no different. My path to dominance is paved with the fallen, and your season will end in despair. Prepare yourself, Simmons, because I'm bringing the storm, and you will fall like all the others before you.
Vader, you’ve had my number in the past, but next week, things are going to change. I’ve had a rough season, but I’m not backing down. Every setback has only made me stronger, more determined to rise. I’m fighting for my place in the Premier League, and I’m not going down without a fight. You may talk about broken dreams, but I’m here to turn my season around. Vader, you better bring everything you've got, because I'm coming at you with everything I've got. It's time to show you, and everyone else, that Ron Simmons is here to stay. Believe that!


The Classic Era, featuring the polished technical prowess of Bobby Eaton and Dave Finlay, enter the arena with their usual confident swagger. Accompanied by 'The Kiwi Queen' Susan Sexton, who joins the commentary team to hype The Eaton Open at Slamboree, they exude arrogance and sophistication. True Grit, comprised of the brutal brawlers Bull Gantner and Tony Anthony, make their entrance next, looking ready to unleash their ruthless aggression. Both teams are heels, creating an intense atmosphere with the crowd split between the two villainous duos.

Bobby Eaton is one of the most technically gifted wrestlers we've ever seen, folks. With Dave Finlay by his side and Susan Sexton in their corner, The Classic Era has been nearly unstoppable. But they’re facing a different beast in True Grit tonight, and they’ll need every bit of their ring savvy to come out on top.
Absolutely, Jim. Bull Gantner and Tony Anthony are as tough as they come. They don’t rely on finesse or flashy moves; they bring raw power and sheer brutality. If The Classic Era isn’t careful, True Grit could grind them down and deliver another devastating Compactor to secure the win.
The match begins with a showcase of contrasting styles. The Classic Era employs their refined technical wrestling, with quick tags and seamless double-team maneuvers. True Grit counters with their brute force, using power moves and brawling tactics to wear down their opponents. The tension escalates as both teams push each other to the limit, neither willing to give an inch. Susan Sexton provides colorful commentary, emphasizing the superiority of The Classic Era while hyping The Eaton Open. The crowd is on edge as the match seesaws back and forth, with near falls and high-impact moments keeping everyone on the edge of their seats.

As the match reaches its climax, True Grit sets up for their devastating finisher, "The Compactor," aiming to end The Classic Era's unbeaten streak. However, a well-timed distraction from Susan Sexton allows Eaton to slip free. Dave Finlay capitalizes by delivering a vicious uppercut to Bull Gantner, sending him out of the ring. With Anthony isolated, Eaton and Finlay execute a flawless double-team maneuver, culminating in Eaton hitting a top-rope leg drop on Anthony for the pin. The Classic Era secures the hard-fought victory at 17:47, maintaining their dominance in the Tag Team Division.

After the match, The Classic Era stands tall in the ring, basking in their victory as Susan Sexton applauds from the commentary table. Meanwhile, True Grit regroups outside the ring, clearly frustrated but determined to bounce back. The camera catches Sexton continuing to hype The Eaton Open, promising that tomorrow night at Slamboree will be another showcase of The Classic Era's excellence.

The Classic Era (6-0-1) defeated True Grit (4-2-1) in 17:47 by way of pin fall when Eaton pinned Anthony. The Classic Era improved to 2-0-0 all time against True Grit.


In the main event of WCW's Premier League, the atmosphere is electric as "The Total Package" Lex Luger, boasting an impressive record of 5-0-1, makes his entrance. Flexing his chiseled physique and radiating confidence, Luger is met with thunderous applause from the crowd, eager to see him reclaim the top spot. His opponent, the enigmatic and equally revered Great Muta, enters next. With his mysterious presence and signature face paint, Muta (1-3-2) captivates the audience. Despite their recent alliance against Player Enterprises, tonight's match turns these mutual-respectful allies into fierce competitors.

Lex Luger is a powerhouse, folks. He’s got the strength, he’s got the skill, and tonight, he’s looking to solidify his place at the top of the Premier League. But standing in his way is The Great Muta, and this is going to be a real test for the Total Package.
The Great Muta is one of the most unpredictable and dangerous competitors we’ve ever seen in WCW. His willingness to use any means necessary, including that dreaded poison mist, makes him a formidable opponent for anyone, even someone as dominant as Lex Luger.
The match begins with both men showcasing their wrestling prowess and respect for one another. Luger uses his power to gain an early advantage, overpowering Muta with suplexes and slams. Muta, however, relies on his agility and unorthodox offense, countering with quick strikes and aerial maneuvers that keep Luger on his toes. The match is a back-and-forth affair, with each competitor gaining near falls and demonstrating why they are at the top of their game. As the intensity ramps up, Muta's cunning nature comes into play, and he attempts to use his poison mist, but Luger anticipates the move and narrowly avoids it, showcasing his preparedness and focus.

As the match reaches its climax, Muta manages to spray Luger with the poison mist, temporarily blinding him. Seizing the opportunity, Muta goes for his Shining Wizard finisher, but Luger, with sheer determination, blocks the move and counters with a powerful clothesline. With Muta reeling, Luger hoists him up into the Torture Rack, applying immense pressure. Muta struggles but eventually has no choice but to submit, giving Luger the hard-earned victory. The crowd erupts in cheers as Luger stands tall, his quest to become the Grand Prix champion back on track.

After the match, Luger helps Muta to his feet, and the two competitors shake hands, signifying their mutual respect despite the fierce competition. The crowd applauds their sportsmanship and the high-caliber match they just witnessed. As Luger celebrates his victory, the camera captures Muta nodding in acknowledgment of Luger's superiority on this night.

Lex Luger (6-0-1) defeated The Great Muta (1-4-2) in 17:34 by way of submission. This was their first ever encounter.

Replays are shown of the finishes from the night, followed by the updated leaderboards for WCW’s Grand Prix. Standing by for analysis is the team of Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, and Paul E Dangerously.

Well folks, there you have it! Night one of Round Seven is in the books with Lex Luger and Sting picking up key victories to keep them at the top of WCW’s Premier League, just one night before Slamboree! Dusty, care to give us your thoughts on tonight's results?
Well well… It’s unfortunate that my own flesh and blood, ‘Lonestar’ Dustin Rhodes, suffered another loss thanks to distractions from that dispicable… Nature Bust… Ric Flair… I hope my boy has the confidence he needs to go to war tomorrow night when we step into the ring with The Four Horsemen!
Psh.. Still all about you, right Dusty? Let’s set things straight: Dustin was never even close to defeating Sting tonight, just like your fat ass will fail tomorrow night when WCW Slamboree takes place!
Boys, settle down. I’m going to move things along before we have an unsanctioned match right here. Now, it was a great night of action, but one man stood above the rest and really earned his bonus as tonight’s MVP. That man, is Brian Pillman. Pillman stole the show tonight en route to The Horsemen securing another victory and maintaining their top ranking in the Tag Team Division. Now, Dusty, before we go off the air tonight, are their any further announcements for tomorrows’ Slamboree Card?
Pillman may have shined tonight… but tomorrow night…
Oh will you please shut up? Folks at home - Since Mr Rhodes here seems to have a one track mind, allow me to add one final match to tomorrows card. A nasty 6 pack challenge. 6 wrestlers, one match, every man for themselves. First fall to a finish. The winner will be featured as the cover star on the upcoming video game WCW Superbrawl, coming this November to Super Nintendo! See you all tomorrow night!

WCW’s theme plays as the show fades out.

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Sting + Luger vs Big Van Vader + Cactus Jack
Dusty Rhodes + Barry Windham + Dustin Rhodes vs The Four Horsemen
WCW Superbrawl Cover : Arn Anderson vs Steve Williams vs Great Muta vs Rick Rude vs Powerhouse Simmons vs Nobuhiko Takada
Scott Steiner vs Scott Hall
Chris Benoit vs Terry Taylor
Ricky Steamboat vs Bobby Eaton
Hulk Hogan + Diamond Dallas Page vs Stan Hansen + Scotty Flamingo



WCW presents Slamboree 1994!

It's a special night for the Rhodes Family, as Dusty returns to the ring for his first match in 3 years, teaming up with his son Dustin and Dustin's tag team partner Barry Windham to take on one of Dusty's greatest rivals in Ric Flair, as well as Flair's new Horsemen in Brian Pillman and Steve Austin. This match has been building up for quite some time now, as it all started during the build up to Dustin vs Ric Flair in the Premier League. Dustin has felt as though he's been living in his father's shadow, but ultimately managed to beat Ric in the biggest shock upset of the 1994 season so far. Flair hasn't react well to the loss, continuing a vendetta against the Rhodes Family!

Plus, Stan Hansen and Scotty Flamingo square off against Hulk Hogan and Diamond Dallas Page in a match that came about during the build to Hogan versus Hansen, as Flamingo Corp's Stan Hansen assaulted DDP in the parking lot, but Hogan was able to still overcome the blood thirsty Texan in their Premier League match. Now, DDP looks for a measure of revenge as he teams up with his buddy Hogan to take on the man who left him in a pool of his own blood.

Plus, in a last minute addition to the card, it's a six way scramble to determine the face of WCW's first video game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System! This wild match promises to be a powder keg and with the rules of the match being first fall to the finish, all it will take is a single moment for someone to emerge as the star of the SNES.

And finally, in the main event, Sting and Luger take on Big Van Vader and Cactus Jack in a Texas Deathmatch. After Vader ended Luger's perfect season with a draw that saw the two continue their brawl after the bell, WCW management wanted to see these two square up one more time with no rules and a partner to each. Luger turned to his best friend Sting, while Vader selected the unhinged Cactus Jack, a master of violence. Wins and losses won't matter here beyond bragging rights - the real prospect here is that with WCW hitting the half way point of the 1994 season, a gruelling deathmatch could end Sting or Luger's potential championship run thanks to the punishment that Jack and Vader are allowed to inflict. Will Luger and Sting survive?


1PWfan : 8/18 - 44%
Just here to look : 10/18 - 56%
Dawn : 16/24 - 66%
Nobby_McDonald : 23/36 - 64%
Rekcut012 : 25/36 - 69%
StanMiguel : 37/55 - 67%

Old School Fan : 49/78 - 63%
Lord Byron : 72/114 - 63%
DHK1989 : 84/127 - 66%
Nightshadeex : 84/127 - 66%
SonOfSharknado : 85/127 - 67%

Damn that race at the top is tightttt.

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DHK! Where did you come from?!


Sting + Luger vs Big Van Vader + Cactus Jack
Dusty Rhodes + Barry Windham + Dustin Rhodes vs The Four Horsemen
WCW Superbrawl Cover : Arn Anderson vs Steve Williams vs Great Muta vs Rick Rude vs Powerhouse Simmons vs Nobuhiko Takada
Scott Steiner vs Scott Hall
Chris Benoit vs Terry Taylor
Ricky Steamboat vs Bobby Eaton
Hulk Hogan + Diamond Dallas Page vs Stan Hansen + Scotty Flamingo

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Sting + Luger vs Big Van Vader + Cactus Jack
Dusty Rhodes + Barry Windham + Dustin Rhodes vs The Four Horsemen
WCW Superbrawl Cover : Arn Anderson vs Steve Williams vs Great Muta vs Rick Rude vs Powerhouse Simmons vs Nobuhiko Takada
Scott Steiner vs Scott Hall
Chris Benoit vs Terry Taylor
Ricky Steamboat vs Bobby Eaton
Hulk Hogan + Diamond Dallas Page vs Stan Hansen + Scotty Flamingo

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