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DAVID: Danger And Violence Is Destiny

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The original DAVE (Danger And Violence Extreme) ran from 1992-2007 and was a cult phenomenon, offering a genuine alternative to what mainstream American wrestling had always been. Its legacy has always been hugely protected, that is until Sammy Bach found himself blackballed from the industry and decided to resurrect the promotion by purchasing the naming rights and the original title belts and rebranding the company DAVID (Danger And Violence Is Destiny). Inspired by INSPIRES, Bach hopes to use the nostalgia people have, to try and make money and keep himself in the limelight. Their first PPV was a flop, neither Bach or Joey Morgan wanted to lose, so their title match was turned into a none title 4-minute mess, and the rest of the roster features unknowns or past-it's, so Bach faces a huge uphill battle turning DAVID into a success.


I am using lavelleuk's Alternative CVerse 2022 mod. (Amazing work on this mod! Thanks to everyone else that contributed to it as well with their renders.) I have never done a diary before but have been wanting to do one for quite some time as I have lurked for so long on these forums, but my saves always just went too far ahead and I could never come back to what I was thinking in that moment. Once I started playing the DAVID promotion, I was hooked and wanted to make this my first diary. So here we go! The roster is posted on this first post and will change as the roster updates. The next post will serve as an informational (where are we right now) and the champions. 



Edited by jmhaile
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A couple backstage notes before the show:

- A brawl happens with Ayaan Rashid, Andre Huntly, Makeen Khan, Rafe Sashay, and Nate Johnson. After investigation, Sashay and Johnson are cleared to return to work while Rashid, Huntly and Khan are fired for instigating the entire thing. Bach and Morgan use this as a hard line stance on this behavior going forward.

- Paul Steadyfast is still out for 2 more months due to the torn pectoral he suffered from a botched move at Christmas With The Devil. He is expected to return in 2 months.

-Sammy Bach, Joey Morgan, and Dharma Gregg give a heartfelt speech to the locker room to uplift the environment after the disaster of the first show and fights backstage earlier. They want DAVID to succeed because they truly feel they are building something special. Sammy and Dharma announce they have been clean since December and that gives hope to the locker room.

Live From Buffalo New York!
Friday, Week 1, January 2022
Attendance: 623
40,517 viewers on East Coast Today

Haistings Rage (w/ Jaxon Duke) defeats Clinton Jarrett [23]
Rafe Sashay defeats DAVE Invader [20]
Dennis Driver defeats Eiichi Umehara [34]



The show opens up with the song “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins. Hustler D and Joker the Pimp welcome us to the inaugural episode of Highway to the Danger Zone. Sammy Bach and Dharma Gregg are out first. Sammy apologizes for the tragic first event, Christmas With The Devil. He says he has learned from his mistakes and will make sure he doesn’t repeat them. He announces that he will be stepping back from wrestling and focusing on growing DAVID and re-igniting the Hardcore Revolution! Dharma announces that she will be taking on the role of the backstage interviewer.

Bach and Gregg are interrupted by Nate Johnson, The McWade Brothers and Marco Acevedo. They are referring to themselves as “Bad Blood”. Johnson puts over The McWade Brothers as the toughest tag team in DAVID. Johnson says Marco is one of the toughest SOBs he has ever seen and hopefully nobody has to find that out for themselves, but he is keeping him close to ensure safety. Johnson says he needs safety because there is a giant target on his back. He says the target is only going to get bigger once he captures the DAVID Unified Title.

Bach asks Johnson if he is done yet. Bach asks when he gave Johnson a title shot and if he was listening before he interrupted. Bach reminds the crowd and Johnson that he is going to be the authority around here that this place needs in order to not become a giant mess again. Bach tells Johnson to get ready to fight because he is hand selecting his opponent, and that match is next. [43]

Matt Sparrow vs. Nate Johnson (w/ Bad Blood)


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Nate Johnson defeated Matt Sparrow in 9:52 by pinfall with a Natural Order. Matt Sparrow seemed off his game. [37]


The Lumberjacks are backstage with Dharma Gregg and are fired up about the turn of events this evening so far. They put over the tag champs, The McWade Brothers, but say they are coming for those titles one way or another. The Gods of Thunder make an appearance now and are ready to destroy The Lumberjacks. They say that the Lumberjacks are nowhere near the same level as The Gods of Thunder and should be earning their shot at the tag titles, not just casually challenging for it. The Lumberjacks say they have no problem facing them later to prove they have what it takes. The Gods of Thunder accept. [46]

Fumihiro Ota vs. Joey Rush

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Fumihiro Ota defeated Joey Rush in 7:54 by pinfall with a Ninja Strike. Joey Rush was really off his game. [43]


Doug Peak is out next with a shocking debut of Henry Lee as his manager. Lee puts over Peak as the toughest Brass Knuckles Champions this company has ever seen. Peak has massive heel heat here and Lee is only instigating it more with his antics. Soon, Alex Rodman is out to challenge for the title. Lee tells Rodman to shove it and go back to something he was actually good at, but forgets which sport Rodman came from. Rodman tells Lee to watch out, because he may only currently be a legend in the sport of basketball, but he will become a legend here too. Lee & Peak mock Rodman and tell him to scram, but he doesn’t. They go back and forth on the microphone until security needs to step in when a brawl breaks out in the ring. [44]

Mad Dog Macy vs. Little Bill Lebowski

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Mad Dog Macy defeated Little Bill Lebowski in 8:49 by pinfall with a Mad Dog Mangler. Mad Dog Macy debuted his Crazy Mad Man gimmick and it got an initial rating of Great. [36]


Joey Morgan is out next and apologizes to the fans for the Christmas With The Devil show, once again, but says he is ready to move past that and onto bigger and better things. He says he definitely has his eyes on the prize, being the Unified Title. This cues current Unified champion, Kurt Laramee to enter. Laramee says that Morgan can make a better ally than enemy right now since Bad Blood has clearly made him their number one target. On cue, Bad Blood is out again. The McWade Brothers challenge Morgan and Laramee to a huge match next week. Johnson & Marco are out as well, but the focus is on the tag match announced for next week. [44]

The Gods of Thunder vs. The Lumberjacks

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, The Lumberjacks defeated the Gods of Thunder in 6:19 when Lumberjack Jeff pinned Titan with a Tree Chopper. The Lumberjacks showed excellent chemistry when teaming together. Lumberjack Jeff is getting better at his gimmick. [41]

Final Show Rating: [42]


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A couple backstage notes before the show:

- His first night in the locker room and Knuckles was being very selfish and irritated over half of the locker room. After the incident was brought to Sammy Bach’s attention, the two were in the owner’s office for some time. Knuckles came out of the office and apologized to those he offended. The situation seemed handled.

- Titan was causing issues in the locker room and it almost led to a brawl in the back. Sammy and Joey immediately grabbed Titan and pulled him into the office. Titan was visibly pissed when he came out of the office. The situation seems to be simmering and NOT handled.

-Joey Morgan was teasing Lumberjack Terry for not going out for drinks after the last TV taping and got him to agree to buy everyone drinks after tonight’s show. This had a positive impact on Lumberjack Terry.

-Dallas McWade announced that he will be retiring from active competition in three months.

- Paul Steadyfast is still out for 2 more months due to the torn pectoral he suffered from a botched move at Christmas With The Devil. He is expected to return in 2 months.

Live From Philadelphia, PA!
Friday, Week 2, January 2022
Attendance: 642
45,138 viewers on East Coast Today

Fumihiro Ota defeats Dennis Driver [47]
Mad Dog Macy defeats Zippy Deverell [36]
The Gods of Thunder defeat Matt Sparrow and Joey Rush [49]



The show opens up with the song “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins. Hustler D and Joker the Pimp welcome us to the second episode of Highway to the Danger Zone. The DAVE Unified champion, Kurt Laramee is out first. He talks about how Nate Johnson has challenged him for the title. He says that if the McWade Brothers can beat him and Joey Morgan tonight, he will get the match, but if his team wins, the match is not happening. Bad Blood comes out next and accepts the challenge without hesitation. They corner Laramee in the ring and Morgan comes in for the save. Before a complete 4 on 2 beatdown happens, Morgan & Laramee exit the ring and head to the back. Huster D and Joker the Pimp hype the main event of Morgan & Laramee vs. The McWade Brothers and announce it will be contested under hardcore rules. [47]


Alex Rodman vs. Rafe Sashay

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Alex Rodman defeated Rafe Sashay in 8:21 by pinfall with a Slam Dunk. Rodman and Sashay were both off their game. Rodman sustained a cracked tailbone during the match. [22]


Henry Lee & Doug Peak are out after the match. They mock Rodman and say that he only won because he was facing a nobody. They say that if he wants a shot at the Brass Knuckles title, he is going to have to prove himself in a first blood match next week. Rodman agrees before hearing the rest of the stipulations. Lee & Peak get to pick his opponent. Rodman reminds Peak that he is only 19 years old and has had more of a career already than Peak after 24 years. Lee says that Rodman is delusional and will end up a bloody mess next week. Peak poses with the title as him and Lee leave the stage. [50]


The Brodels vs. The Good Ol’ Boys

In a decent match, The Good Ol’ Boys defeated The Brodels in 7:47 when Thimbleby Langton pinned Haistings Rage with an Iowa Harvest. Jaxon Duke was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else’s in-ring performance. Langton & Fitzpaine debuted with their Redneck gimmicks, getting initial ratings of very good and great, respectively. [42]


After the match, The Good Ol’ Boys continue to assault The Brodels. They toss their opponents through tables at ringside for a huge pop from the crowd. The Bone Crushers debut to a huge pop and are ready to destroy the entire arena to get to The Good Ol’ Boys. The Bone Crushers call The Good Ol’ Boys bullies and tell them to pick on someone their own size. The Good Ol’ Boys invite them into the ring to fight and tell them to bring more tables. The Bone Crushers say they don’t do meaningless brawls with dummies for fun. They are here for one thing and that is to become the most dominant team in DAVID history. The Bone Crushers challenge The Good Ol’ Boys to a table match at Back In Black, later this month.  [56]


We get a vignette for Death Row that is pre-taped in a garage full of motorcycles. Knuckles and Shady K talk with Dharma Gregg about signing with DAVID. They say that the Philadelphia crowd deserved to see them perform tonight, but Mr. Bach had other plans for them. They call his plans shit and say that if he doesn’t book them soon, they will take matters into their own hands. They say that he does NOT want that to happen. They start their motorcycles up and ride off out of the camera’s view as the scene ends. [58]


The McWade Brothers vs. Joey Morgan & Kurt Laramee

In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Joey Morgan and Kurt Laramee defeated the McWade Brothers in 10:19 when Joey Morgan pinned Dallas McWade with an Empire Spiral. Joey Morgan carried the match in terms of in-ring performance. The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. Dean McWade was really off his game. Dallas and Dean showed excellent chemistry when teaming together. [53]


After the match, Bad Blood beat down Morgan and Laramee to a bloody pulp. Johnson is furious he is not getting his match at Back In Black. Acevedo is ordered to destroy Laramee. The lights go out as Bad Blood flees the scene. When the lights come back on, Killer Shark is in the middle of the ring and has his sights set on Laramee. The Lumberjacks appear from the backstage area and a brawl ensues between Bad Blood and The Lumberjacks. Mad Dog Macy & Matt Sparrow run in to even the playing field for The Lumberjacks. Sammy Bach and security rush in to try and restore order at ringside. Back in the ring, Shark and Laramee are chained together as Shark destroys him. Morgan is still knocked out from Shark’s attacks. Laramee is busted open now and gets powerbombed from the ring to the floor as the show goes off the air. [48]

Final Show Rating: [51]


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A couple backstage notes before the show:

- Kurt Laramee appears to be clique building, having formed an alliance with Peter Valentine and Atlas.

- Alex Rodman sustained a cracked tailbone at the last tv taping. He will be cleared of the injury, 13 days after Back In Black. Sammy has yet to announce if the storyline with Rodman & Peak will continue through this injury.

- Shady K and Knuckles were being jerks backstage, provoking and then attacking Joey Rush, leading to a fight that had to be broken up by other workers. Sammy pulled both of them in the office and when they came out they were pissed. Sammy decided to fine both of them and give them one last chance, but the reaction had a negative impact on both of them. Joffy Laine expressed that he was happy with the outcome. Joey Rush was upset about the decision and wanted to see them fired.

- Kurt Laramee had a scheduled meeting with a road agent and decided he was not going to show up. Once he arrived, Sammy pulled him in his office and talked to him. Laramee, Atlas, Titan, Peter Valentine, and Joey Morgan both expressed the treatment of this was too harsh and were unhappy at Bach’s decision. The recently formed clique were talking about this incident for a while before the pre-show finished.

- Paul Steadyfast is still out for 2 more months due to the torn pectoral he suffered from a botched move at Christmas With The Devil. He is expected to return in 2 months.

-Mad Dog Macy is absent from tonight’s show as he is working for Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling.

Live From Yonkers, NY!
Friday, Week 3, January 2022
Attendance: 723
44,577 viewers on East Coast Today

Bad Reputation defeat The Brodels [25]
The Gods of Thunder defeat Dennis Driver & Joey Rush [48]
Joffy Laine defeats Little Bill Lebowski [51]



The show opens up with the song “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins. Hustler D and Joker the Pimp welcome us to the third episode of Highway to the Danger Zone. Sammy Bach is out to a huge pop, with Dharma Gregg by his side, and is quick to address the end of last week’s show. He says that he has thought long and hard about what happened last week and will be making matches official to settle the grudges. He says that Bad Blood will take on The Lumberjacks, Joey Morgan, and Matt Sparrow tonight. He notes that originally he had wanted Mad Dog Macy in the match, but he is elsewhere tonight. He also states that the main event of Back In Black is now set as we will see Kurt Laramee take on Killer Shark in a Dog Collar match. The crowd pops at the announcement of the match and stipulation. Shark & Laramee come out separately but both say they want in the match tonight, making it a 5 on 5. Bach agrees to this. [63]


Doug Peak vs. Brownsville Brawler

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Doug Peak defeated Brownsville Brawler in 8:16  by pinfall with a House of Horrors. Doug Peak and Brownsville Brawler have great chemistry when working together, and it showed in their performance. Henry Lee did some good work at ringside. [38]


After the match, Peak and Lee are poking fun at Rodman. They talk about how he wasn’t fit to compete tonight for the challenge they laid out for him and say that he couldn’t even get through his first tv match without getting injured. Rodman is out next and says the injury isn’t going to stop him from challenging for the title at Back In Black. Peak agrees to the match if it’s a First Blood match. Rodman says that he is looking forward to tasting Peak’s blood. [48]


Fumihiro Ota vs. The New England Patriot

In a bout that didn’t have much heat and terrible wrestling, Fumihiro Ota defeated The New England Patriot in 6:50 by pinfall with a Ninja Strike. [37]


After the match, we go backstage to Dharma Gregg. She is with the newest DAVID signing, Joffy Laine. He says he is excited to be a part of history. He talks briefly about being released from TCW after 4 years of loyalty. He says that the boys in the back have been put on notice and that he will be competing next week, but it won’t be long before he is wearing gold around his waist. [73]


Death Row vs. The Bone Crushers

In a superb match, The Bone Crushers defeated Death Row in 8:52 when Julius Moor pinned Knuckles with a Quarterback Sack. Shady K and Julius Moor are both getting better at their gimmicks. Hustler D and Joker the Pimp worked extremely well together at the announcer’s table. [56]


After the match, The Good Ol’ Boys rush The Bone Crushers and it is an all out brawl with tons of weapons thrown in the ring. All four men are a bloody mess as security tries to restore order. Tables are brought in to the ring to continue to build to the match at Back In Black, but they are never used. The crowd is super hot for this segment. T-Bone Bright’s performance was really good. [58]


The Lumberjacks, Matt Sparrow, Joey Morgan & Kurt Laramee vs. The McWade Brothers, Nate Johnson, Marco Acevedo & Killer Shark

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Bad Blood and Killer Shark defeated The Lumberjacks, Matt Sparrow, Joey Morgan, and Kurt Laramee in 9:38 when Killer Shark pinned Matt Sparrow with a Big Bite. In terms of ring-work, Joey Morgan was head and shoulders above everyone else. Marco Acevedo was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else’s in-ring performance. Lumberjack Terry was really off his game. [45]

Final Show Rating: [53]


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A couple backstage notes before the show:

- Titan was antagonizing Peter Valentine so much that a fight broke out and they had to be pulled apart. This is the second instance of Titan instigating a fight before the show. Sammy decided to fire Titan on the spot to hopefully slow down the amount of problems they were having backstage. For what it’s worth, Titan said he was going to change his ways due to the outcome of this event. Kurt Laramee, Joey Morgan, and Atlas all were unhappy at the outcome.

- Knuckles almost got into a fight with Wooton Fitzpaine, after he caused some damage to his rental car and refused to pay for it. This is the third instance Knuckles has been involved in since his debut for DAVID and Sammy decided it would be best to part ways to stop this behavior from continuing. Knuckles was annoyed at this decision and the outcome had a negative impact on him. Shady K, Joffy Laine, and Wooton Fitzpaine were all unhappy at this decision. Fitzpaine called this reaction to the incident a bit harsh.

-Kurt Laramee had a meeting with Sammy Bach, Dharma Gregg, and Joey Morgan. Current backstage moral was discussed as well as creative plans. One of the things being reported that came up in the meeting were Laramee’s opinions on Jaxon Duke. He was reported saying “Jaxon Duke cannot work the DAVID style, in my opinion, the kid has no future here.”

- Joey Morgan appears to be clique building, having formed an alliance between Atlas and Dharma Gregg.

-It’s being reported that PSW is furious that Pestilence and Famine, also known as Bad Reputation, signed with DAVID and is actively working on stopping any future attempts at poaching workers. Sammy Bach has chosen not to comment on this.

- Paul Steadyfast is still out for 45 more days due to the torn pectoral he suffered from a botched move at Christmas With The Devil.

Live From Buffalo, NY!
Friday, Week 4, January 2022
Attendance: 708
48,982 viewers on East Coast Today

Dennis Driver defeats Zippy Deverell [23]
Joey Rush defeats Clinton Jarrett [35]
Little Bill Lebowski defeats Brownsville Brawler [27]



The show opens up with the song “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins. Hustler D and Joker the Pimp welcome us to the fourth episode of Highway to the Danger Zone. The DAVID Unified Champion, Kurt Laramee is out first. He comes to the ring, which has a red carpet walkway with a table and two chairs in the center. Kurt sits down at the table and Killer Shark comes down to the ring next. Sammy Bach is out last, with Dharma Gregg, and says they are here to have the official contract signing for the main event of Back In Black. He wants things to go down differently from the first DAVID PPV, and really just wants to erase that from DAVID history. Killer Shark wastes little time and signs the contract. Kurt stalls and talks about how he was suckered into this match with little preparation. He was originally hoping to fight Nate Johnson, but Killer Shark showed up and made things difficult. Kurt says that he is a fighting champion though and will face Killer Shark tomorrow night, but when he wins, he will go down in history as the greatest DAVID champion in history, overcoming all the odds AND will flush Shark’s career down the toilet. Shark screams for Laramee to sign the contract. Laramee signs the contract and attempts to leave. Shark shoots up from his seat and attacks Laramee. Sammy yells at both men and encourages them to stop, but it just gets worse. Laramee manages to toss Killer Shark through the table as the show goes to commercial break to restore order. [59]


Doug Peak vs. Mad Dog Macy

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Doug Peak defeated Mad Dog Macy in 9:48 by pinfall with a House of Horrors. The announcing and colour commentary gave the match a boost. Henry Lee did some good work at ringside. [46]


After the match, Peak attacks Macy. Henry Lee instigates from inside the ring now, but this prompts a run in from Alex Rodman. Rodman brings a barbed wire bat with him and starts swinging for the fences. Peak and Lee retreat with Rodman smiling on, as he tends to Macy. From behind, Nate Johnson and Marco Acevedo attack Macy and Rodman. Once Rodman is disposed to ringside, Johnson and Acevedo continue to beat down Macy. Security gets involved and the show goes back to break with tensions simmering. Marco Acevedo performed poorly in this segment. Mad Dog Macy’s performance was good. [45]


Fumihiro Ota vs. Matt Sparrow

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Matt Sparrow defeated Fumihiro Ota in 7:48 by pinfall with a Bird Brain Buster. Both men were really off their game. Hustler D and Joker the Pimp worked extremely well together at the announcer’s desk. [43]


Bad Blood is backstage with Dharma Gregg. The McWade Brothers hype their match tomorrow night against The Lumberjacks. They say that Bad Blood has been the most dominant force on DAVID TV for a month now and that will not stop tomorrow. Dallas takes a minute to talk about his retirement and says he will stick around with Bad Blood even after that. Dean says that when his brother retires, all bets are off, and he is gunning for a singles title. Nate Johnson tells the McWade Brothers to focus on tomorrow night before getting ahead of themselves. Mad Dog Macy appears to challenge Johnson to a match tomorrow night, and he accepts. All four members of Bad Blood beat him down again. The Lumberjacks show up too late, as Bad Blood retreats. They check on Macy before telling The McWade Brothers to watch their backs. They want a cage match tomorrow to ensure the rest of Bad Blood does NOT get in the mix. Marco Acevedo was very underwhelming in this segment. Dharma Gregg performed well in this segment. [50]


Joffy Laine vs. Shady K

In a bout that had superb wrestling and great heat, Joffy Laine defeated Shady K in 7:46 by pinfall with a Death Spiral. [60]


We are backstage with Dharma Gregg once again and she is with Joey Morgan. Morgan talks about helping create DAVID, and main eventing the first PPV. He says even though the PPV almost went down in flames, he is still very much apart of that history. Atlas steps into the frame now and he is irritated that his partner is no longer in DAVID. He says Morgan is very much to blame for this and he is going to inflict a pain unimaginable on him. Morgan tells Atlas to kick rocks, but Atlas doesn’t listen. Atlas gets in Morgan’s face and tells him to meet him at Back In Black tomorrow. Morgan accepts and the match is official. [64]


The Bone Crushers & Kurt Laramee vs. The Good Ol’ Boys & Killer Shark

In an exceptional match, Kurt Laramee and The Bone Crushers defeated Killer Shark and The Good Ol’ Boys in 10:06 when Julius Moor pinned Thimbleby Langton with a Charging Tackle. Kurt Laramee was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else’s in-ring performance. The match suffered because there wasn’t enough selling shown. Julius Moor was off his game. [59]

Final Show Rating: [59]

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A couple backstage notes before the show:

- A clique of Kurt Laramee, Joey Morgan, and Atlas caused heat backstage when a mean-spirited rib they pulled on Wooton Fitzpaine nearly led to a fight breaking out. Sammy pulled all three men into his office. Sammy reportedly told all three that if anything like this happens again, they could be fired. The incident had a small positive impact on Joey Morgan and he was pleased with Bach’s actions. Atlas, Dharma Gregg, T-Bone Bright, and Peter Valentine were all annoyed at Bach’s decision to give them a stern warning.

- Dharma Gregg showed up extremely late, breaking the locker room rules. Bach pulled her in the office and when she came out she was visibly upset. Bach’s stern warning had a negative impact on Gregg.

- Clinton Jarrett was accused of moaning about stuff all the time and bumming everyone else out. Joey Morgan told him to shut up or cheer up and ordered him to buy everyone drinks after the show. The incident had a small positive impact on Clinton Jarrett.

- Kurt Laramee was quoted saying “Zippy Deverell just doesn’t get “it”. The kid could probably be cut loose.”

- Joey Morgan was quoted saying “Joey Rush doesn’t get it when it comes to working a crowd. Fire him, and find someone who does know how to work a crowd.”

- Joey Morgan appears to continue his clique building, aligning with Atlas and T-Bone Bright now.

- Paul Steadyfast is still out for 44 more days due to the torn pectoral he suffered from a botched move at Christmas With The Devil.

Live From Rochester, NY!
Saturday, Week 4, January 2022
Attendance: 3,110
2,359 viewers on Binge On-Demand

The Brodels defeat Clinton Jarrett & Eiichi Umehara [32]
Bad Reputation defeat DAVE Invader & The New England Patriot [27]
Marco Acevedo defeats Dennis Driver [34]


The show opens up with the song “Back In Black” by AC/DC. Hustler D and Joker the Pimp welcome us to Back In Black! They run down the historic card as we get in to the first match of the evening


Little Bill Lebowski vs. Joey Rush

In a bout that didn’t have much heat and terrible wrestling, Little Bill Lebowski defeated Joey Rush in 8:11 by pinfall with a Lebowski Spindog. [29]


Shady K vs. Matt Sparrow

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Shady K defeated Matt Sparrow in 7:42 by pinfall wit a K Killer. [43]


A video package, narrated by Sammy Bach and Dharma Gregg, breaks down the short rivalry between Mad Dog Macy and Nate Johnson. Starting two weeks ago, when Macy ran in to help the Lumberjacks against Bad Blood. Last night’s episode of Highway To The Danger Zone featured a match between Brass Knuckles champion Doug Peak and Mad Dog Macy. Macy lost a brutally fought match, but afterwards, while Macy and Alex Rodman were distracted by Doug Peak and Henry Lee, Nate Johnson and Marco Acevedo came in from behind and attacked Macy and Rodman. The two members of Bad Blood tossed Rodman out of the ring and focused their attacks on Macy. Later on in the show, in a backstage segment, Bad Blood were interviewing with Dharma Gregg and Macy showed up to challenge Johnson to an official match. Bad Blood responded by beating Macy to a pulp. Sammy Bach and Dharma Gregg provided great commentary to this video package. [53]


Mad Dog Macy vs. Nate Johnson (w/ Marco Acevedo)

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Nate Johnson defeated Mad Dog Macy in 7:46  by pinfall with a Natural Order. Johnson and Acevedo attack Macy after the match and a run in save from Matt Sparrow confirms this rivalry is going to continue. [44]


A video package hyping the first title match of the evening, featuring The Lumberjacks facing off with The McWade Brothers. This video featured commentary from Dharma Gregg and Sammy Bach diving in to the rich history of each of these veteran teams and how they came to cross paths. Both teams have been in the business for over 30 years, but have never crossed paths until now. The Lumberjacks started in TCW, then known as HGC, on their very first show. The Lumberjacks were two time tag team champions in TCW. From 2007 - 2021 they wrestled all over the independent scene. They signed with DAVID in time for Christmas With The Devil. The McWade Brothers started out in CGC, claiming the tag titles three times, and were there for four years before moving on to DAVE for one year. They then went on to wrestle for NOTBPW for 13 years, capturing the tag titles five times and the Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup twice. They also did a nine year stint in WEXXV, capturing the tag titles three times. Most recently, they spent three years in BOH. There is no doubt that The McWade Brothers have had a more successful career when it comes to big promotions and what they have accomplished in them. The rivalry in DAVID started sparking on the first episode of Highway To The Danger Zone. The second episode featured a brawl at the top of the entrance ramp between The Lumberjacks and The McWade Brothers. The rivalry came to a boil when The Lumberjacks and The McWade Brothers faced off for the first time ever in a multi-man tag match also featuring Matt Sparrow, Joey Morgan, Kurt Laramee, Nate Johnson, Marco Acevedo, and Killer Shark. Last night, we saw The Lumberjacks come to the aid of Mad Dog Macy after he was brutally beaten down by Bad Blood. The Lumberjacks have requested that this match be a cage match to try and divert any shenanigans from the rest of the group.  [51]


Tag Team Championship
Steel Cage Match
The McWade Brothers vs. The Lumberjacks

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, The McWade Brothers defeated The Lumberjacks in a cage match in 6:22 when Dean McWade pinned Lumberjack Terry with a Canadian Lariat. The McWade Brothers make defense number one of the DAVID Tag Team Titles. Lumberjack Jeff was really off his game. The match suffered because of the lack of selling on display. Both teams showed excellent chemistry when teaming together. With Dallas set to retire in April, it’s safe to say this feud is most likely done and The McWade Brothers will move on to a tag team that is likely to dethrone the dominant champs one last time in their career, but this feud could continue for one more month and we could see The Lumberjacks get the belts in a shocking come back. The tag team landscape in DAVID has definitely exploded in the last month.  [41]


A video package plays, narrated by Dharma Gregg and Sammy Bach, highlighting the feud between Alex Rodman and Doug Peak. We go back to the first episode of Highway To The Danger Zone where Henry Lee debuted as Doug Peak’s manager. On the second episode, Rodman defeated Rafe Sashay and Peak and Lee came out to torment him some more. It was no secret that Rodman suffered a cracked tailbone in his first match in DAVID and this would play a part in the rivalry going forward. Peak and Lee continued the banter on the third episode and the match for tonight was officially announced. Last night, Doug Peak defeated Mad Dog Macy and attacked him after the match. Rodman came down to save Macy with a barbed wire bat and was on the receiving end of an attack by two members of Bad Blood, Nate Johnson & Marco Aceveda. It was uncertain after this attack if Rodman would be able to compete tonight and this was not lost on Doug Peak or Henry Lee.[54]


Brass Knuckles Championship
First Blood Match
Alex Rodman vs. Doug Peak (w/ Henry Lee)

In a bout that had good heat but sub-par wrestling, Doug Peak defeated Alex Rodman in a First Blood match in 7:38 when Rodman was busted open after being distracted by Henry Lee. Doug Peak makes defense number one of the DAVID Brass Knuckles Championship. Alex Rodman was slowed by injury somewhat. Henry Lee did good work at ringside. Rodman sold the injury really well in this match and they were able to tell a good story with the injury looming overhead. [42]


Joffy Laine vs. Fumihiro Ota

In a superb match, Joffy Laine defeated Fumihiro Ota in 7:58 by pinfall with a Death Spiral. Laine and Ota have pretty good chemistry and it lifted the match. This was a nice break from all of the rivalry matches, just a simple and fun match between two talented competitors. [55]


After the match, the lights go out. When the lights come back on, Fumihiro is no longer in the ring, but Eric Lee from SWF and NYCW fame is. The crowd pops at the debut and Lee lays out Laine. Laine lays in the middle of the ring while Lee leaves the scene of the crime. The announcers put over the brutality Lee has applied over the years of being in the wrestling business and we see no shortage of that here.


A video package plays, narrated by Dharma Gregg and Sammy Bach, highlighting the blossoming feud between Joey Morgan and Atlas. Morgan was giving a promo last night about being apart of every historic moment in DAVID thus far and that he was happy to have a hand in creating something special, but Atlas used this opportunity to express his irritation that his tag team partner of 17 years had been released by DAVID. It’s hard to say if this is a one off match or if this is going to blossom into a longer storyline between the two, but we are along for the ride on this one.   [63]


Joey Morgan vs. Atlas

In an exceptional match, Joey Morgan defeated Atlas in 5:39 by pinfall with an Empire Spiral. Joey Morgan is getting better at his gimmick. [60]


A video package plays, narrated by Dharma Gregg and Sammy Bach, highlighting the feud between The Bone Crushers and The Good Ol’ Boys. This story stems from The Bone Crushers saving The Brodels from a post match attack from The Good Ol’ Boys. The Good Ol’ Boys returned the favor the following week after The Bone Crushers defeated Death Row. This story was entangled into the DAVID Unified Championship story last night when we saw both teams go head to head with Laramee teaming with The Bone Crushers and Killer Shark teaming with The Good Ol’ Boys. The fact that this match is co-headlining this historic event without titles on the line is a telling sign that the future is bright for these two teams in DAVID. Thimbleby Langton is getting better at his gimmick. The performance of Julius Moor was good in this segment. [65]


Tables Match
The Bone Crushers vs. The Good Ol’ Boys

In an exceptional match, The Bone Crushers defeated The Good Ol’ Boys in a Tables match in 9:33. Wooton Fitzpaine was eliminated first, then Julius Moor, and then Thimbleby Langton. Julius Moor is getting better at his gimmick. The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. This is the match of the night by far. [69]


A video package plays, narrated by Dharma Gregg and Sammy Bach, highlighting the feud between Killer Shark and Kurt Laramee. The moment Killer Shark debuted, he had his eyes set on the DAVID Unified Championship. The one thing Laramee did not have was the advantage though. Killer Shark is a monster of a man and his attacks on Laramee were devastating. Even with all of the other action exploding around them with tag teams at war on the entrance ramp, Killer Shark never lifted his focus from the champ. The dog collar stipulation also comes from the initial meeting of the two performers when Killer Shark chained himself to Laramee and proceeded to destroy him with it. [63]


Unified Championship
Dog Collar Match
Killer Shark vs. Kurt Laramee

In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Killer Shark defeated Kurt Laramee in a Dog Collar match in 9:32 by pinfall with a Big Bite. Killer Shark wins the DAVID Unified Championship. The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. Killer Shark and Kurt Laramee have great chemistry and it showed in their performances. After the match, Killer Shark poses with the title as the show goes off the air.  [52]

Final Show Rating: [57]


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A couple backstage notes before the show:

- Kurt Laramee was reportedly drinking alcohol backstage before the show. This has not been confirmed nor denied by anyone involved with the incident.

- Rafe Sashay got into a heated argument with a fan outside of the arena and had to be restrained before he made things physical. Sammy Bach was said to have been furious at this incident.

- Alex Rodman was accused of moaning about stuff all the time and bumming everyone else out. Joey Morgan told him to cheer up or shut up and told him he was in charge of buying drinks for everyone after the show.

- DAVID merchandise was successfully upgraded last month, reaching an amateur level now. Currently, the roster is still selling their own merchandise during intermission.

- Former DAVID employee, Knuckles, has launched a wrongful termination lawsuit against DAVID.

- NYCW is reportedly very upset that Eric Lee has signed with DAVID and it looks like the company is now on the radar of several other promotions as aggressive when it comes to signings.

- Paul Steadyfast is still out for 38 more days due to the torn pectoral he suffered from a botched move at Christmas With The Devil.

Live From New York, NY!
Friday, Week 1, February 2022
Attendance: 825
  48,982 viewers on East Coast Today

Little Bill Lebowski defeats The New England Patriot [26]
The Lumberjacks defeat Bad Reputation [34]
Fumihiro Ota defeats DAVE Invader [41]



The show opens up with the song “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins. Hustler D and Joker the Pimp welcome us to the show. They break down the action that unfolded last night at Back In Black, including the only title change we saw. On cue, Killer Shark’s entrance music hits and out comes the new champ. Shark is not dressed to compete, complete with a custom tailored extravagant suit. Shark makes his way to the ring and tells everyone that he told them so. He brags about debuting in DAVID and immediately turning his attention to the DAVID Unified Champion, Kurt Laramee. Shark says that he is here to stay, but he is going to remain on top of the promotion so the rest of the roster is doomed and we may as well get used to him being the champion. Joey Morgan is out next and asks if Shark watched his match. Morgan says he may not officially be the number one contender but his eye is on the prize. Morgan says he knows he is better than Shark and he doesn’t mind proving it. Shark says he is not interested in handing out title shots as they must be earned to step in the ring with someone of his caliber. Sammy Bach is out next and says he is intrigued. He wants to give the people a show tonight and in the main event, we will see Killer Shark go one on one with Joey Morgan in a non-title match. Shark is livid as Morgan celebrates. [64]


Kurt Laramee vs. Shady K

In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Kurt Laramee defeated Shady K in 7:55 by pinfall with a Switchblade Powerslam. Shady K is getting better at his gimmick. It was good to see Laramee get a win here after his devastating title loss at Back In Black, but it sucks that it was at the expense of Shady K.  [42]


The current Brass Knuckles Champion, Doug Peak is out to the ring, accompanied by his manager, Henry Lee, who is carrying a briefcase. They talk about destroying Rodman at Back In Black, like they said they would. They talk about continuing to be dominant and say that no one is worthy of another title shot until they’ve earned it. Lee says he wants to have fun tonight and is feeling adventurous. He opens up an open challenge to body slam the champ. He says anyone can try to body slam this monster and if they are successful, he laughs when he says this, they will be awarded with this briefcase full of money. He says there is $15,000 in the briefcase. Dennis Driver is out now and says he is here to try his hand at the challenge. Lee and Peak laugh at Driver, but he is persistent. He says that he has taken on much bigger challengers in hockey fights and been successful. Driver proceeds to try and body slam Peak but is unsuccessful. Lee tells Peak to discard of the trash and he tosses him out of the ring. Lee says he is feeling generous, so they will try again next week. [38]


Mad Dog Macy & Matt Sparrow vs. The Good Ol’ Boys

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, The Good Ol’ Boys defeated Mad Dog Macy and Matt Sparrow in 9:50 when Thimbleby Langton pinned Matt Sparrow with an Iowa Harvest. Matt Sparrow sustained a Major Concussion during this match and there is not currently a report of how long he will be out, but the spot looked really bad and he was not involved in the match at all afterwards. Thimbleby Langton is getting better at his gimmick. Nate Johnson and Marco Acevedo played a big part in this match from ringside with tactics of getting into Macy’s head and eventually costing them the match with distraction. [49]


Atlas is backstage with Dharma Gregg and he is upset that he lost his opportunity to shine at Back In Black. He says this was his opportunity to step out from the shadow of Titan and he came up short. He talks about this lighting a fire inside of him that he has never felt before and he is sorry for the next person to get in his way. Rodman enters the scene without hesitation and says that both of them suffered disappointing losses at Back In Black. He says they are both fearsome fighters and he wants a chance to prove he has what it takes to hang with the big dogs. Rodman challenges Atlas to a match next week. Atlas accepts and tells Rodman to get ready for the storm that is coming. [60]


Eric Lee vs. Joffy Laine

In an exceptional match, Eric Lee defeated Joffy Laine in 7:32 by pinfall with a Simply Business. Eric Lee has debuted his Serious Business gimmick and it has gotten an initial rating of very good. Lee leaves before Laine can even get back to his feet. [61]


The Bone Crushers are backstage with Dharma Gregg and talk about their amazing win at Back In Black. They talk about stealing the show and putting DAVID on the map. They say with a team like them, DAVID is sure to see success soon. They want to prove they are the best and don’t want to wait any longer. They challenge The McWade Brothers to a match next week. All four members of Bad Blood appear next and The McWade Brothers accept the challenge, but it will be non-title until they prove they are worthy. Julius, T-Bone, and Dharma all performed really well in this segment, however, Marco Acevedo looked dreadful. [57]


Joey Morgan vs. Killer Shark

In an exceptional match, Joey Morgan defeated Killer Shark in 9:47 by pinfall with a fast roll up. Joey Morgan is getting better at his gimmick. Morgan and Shark have great chemistry and it showed in their performances. After the match, Morgan celebrates his victory at the top of the entrance ramp and Shark throws a tantrum in the ring as the show goes off the air.

Final Show Rating: [59]


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51 minutes ago, AboardTheArk said:

Hell yes, DAVID is like a top 5 interesting promotion in the new mod, especially with all the rehab wrestlers you can hire in a few months. 


As a huge Joey Minnesota mark, I will be watching with great interest. Good luck, because you'll need it.

He’s a pain for the current narrative I am doing with Bach focusing on trying to fix DAVID before they sink. He blocks everything with his creative control lol. But yes, I am stoked on the potential this save has. Glad to have you on board! 

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This is awesome! DAVID is a company that, although it intrigues me, also intimidates me so much I don't wanna touch it with a ten foot pole despite all its promise, and so far you've been killing it with these shows! I love what you've done with the roster and the storylines, and am so impressed by how you've managed to roll with the chaos that is these scummy wrestlers on your roster! best of luck keeping yourself from pulling your hair out and I shall be following along closely!

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6 hours ago, knkmaster69 said:

This is awesome! DAVID is a company that, although it intrigues me, also intimidates me so much I don't wanna touch it with a ten foot pole despite all its promise, and so far you've been killing it with these shows! I love what you've done with the roster and the storylines, and am so impressed by how you've managed to roll with the chaos that is these scummy wrestlers on your roster! best of luck keeping yourself from pulling your hair out and I shall be following along closely!

Thanks for the kind words! My goal is to have each episode give a little more personality to someone and just not rush things overall. My other option for a diary was BOH and I ended up steering away because their cinematic style would be tough and with this being my first diary I didn’t want any deterrents lol. So far, I’m having a lot of fun with it

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A couple backstage notes before the show:

- Sammy Bach held a meeting to discuss the success of last week’s television taping, coming out of Back In Black. He was said to be in very good spirits and highly optimistic on the direction DAVID is taking.

- It was officially announced that Matt Sparrow did suffer a concussion in his last match with The Good Ol’ Boys and will be out of action for over a year. The locker room and staff are all said to be very sad about this news.

- Alex Rodman is now fully recovered from his cracked tailbone.

- Lumberjack Terry got into a heated argument with a fan outside of the arena and had to be restrained before he made things physical. Terry was summoned to Sammy Bach’s office shortly afterwards. When Terry came back out of the office he was in better spirits and even sought after the fan he erupted on to apologize.

- Joey Rush pulled a great rib on the entire locker room that had everyone laughing. The atmosphere backstage was lifted due to this.

- Paul Steadyfast is still out for 31 more days due to the torn pectoral he suffered from a botched move at Christmas With The Devil.

Live From Pittsburgh, PA!
Friday, Week 2, February 2022
Attendance: 835
50,211  viewers on East Coast Today

Fumihiro Ota defeats Jaxon Duke (w/ Haistings Rage) [36]
Shady K defeats The New England Patriot [40]
The Good Ol’ Boys defeat the Lumberjacks [52]


The show opens up with the song “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins. Hustler D and Joker the Pimp welcome us to the show. They break down last week’s episode of Highway To The Danger Zone and the events that transpired. After an impressive victory last week, Joey Morgan is set to be in action again tonight, but with Killer Shark’s rage seeming out of control after the loss, there is sure to be some repercussions for Morgan tonight. The announcers hype The Bone Crushers taking on The McWade Brothers tonight. They talk about Eric Lee’s impressive debut and disposing of Joffy Laine in the manner that he did, putting over Laine’s impressive abilities and run thus far. They move on to hype Atlas taking on Alex Rodman tonight, telling the viewers at home to pay close attention to this match and not to sleep on it. They go over Matt Sparrow’s devastating injury last week and the mind games that Bad Blood was playing on Mad Dog Macy throughout the match. They hype another bodyslam challenge set for this evening and ask the viewers who they think is going to be the one to slam Brass Knuckles Champion, Doug Peak.


Doug Peak and Henry Lee make their way to the ring now with the briefcase full of money again. They are back at it with their heel tactics of getting the crowd riled up. Lee tells the crowd it is now time for the main event and they boo heavily. He says Peak should be main eventing all of the DAVID shows based on his Brass Knuckles Championship reign alone. He reminds the crowd that not many other people on the roster can say they are undefeated in DAVID. Joey Rush is out next and says that he remembers watching Doug Peak in the original DAVE and seeing how impressive he was then, but now he just looks pathetic, hanging on when he never really amounted to anything in his career. He points out that after 24 years, Peak only has 8 tag team title reigns, a tournament win, and a mid card title currently dangling off of his shoulder. He tells Peak that he could’ve been so much more, but once his brother left him in the dust, he was truly forgotten. Peak gets in Rush’s face and tells him to lift him. Lee screams at Rush as he attempts to lift the big man, but he fails too. Rush tries one more time, but he still can’t budge Peak. Rush gives up as Peak laughs off the attempt but Lee screams at Peak to finish him. Lee asks Peak if he is going to let some nobody talk to him that way. Rush attempts to leave the ring, but Peak lifts him up and absolutely destroys him with a massive House of Horrors. The crowd boos this cowardly move and Lee continues to push Peak to continue the assault. The scene becomes difficult to watch as Peak tosses Rush from one side of the ring to the other, while hitting him repeatedly with the briefcase, but soon the crowd erupts and out comes Kurt Laramee for the save! Lee and Peak flee the ring and look on as Laramee calls for help in the ring while tending to Joey Rush. [40]


Nate Johnson (w/ Marco Acevedo) vs. Dennis Driver

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Nate Johnson defeated Dennis Driver in 7:32 by pinfall with a Natural Order. Nate is really starting to come out of his shell lately, blooming into a cocky group leader.


After the match, Johnson and Acevedo attack Dennis. The two on one attack goes on for a little bit before Mad Dog Macy is out for the save. The crowd is heavily behind Macy as he swings wildly at Johnson and Acevedo. The two members of Bad Blood flee as Macy goes back to check on Dennis. [38]


Alex Rodman vs. Atlas

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Atlas defeated Alex Rodman in 6:07 by pinfall with a Kronus Bomb. Rodman extended his hand to Atlas after the match. While Atlas never shook his hand, you could tell there was a growing mutual respect between the two after the match. Before Atlas got all the way backstage, Rodman challenged him to round two, next week. Atlas accepts the challenge. [47]


Joffy Laine is backstage with Dharma Gregg and talks about his match last week with Eric Lee. He says that he underestimated the sheer dominance of Lee and that he won’t make that mistake twice. Laine truly believes Lee just got the better of him last night and if there is a next time, he will be ready. He says next week, he will be hosting an open challenge against anyone that steps up in the locker room to get himself back on the right track. Laine says he did not come here for an easy journey and knew the competition in DAVID would be fierce, but he has something that no one else does, and that is heart. He says he will always get back up and fight, even after he loses. Laine is getting better at his gimmick. This segment was straight fire. [74]


The McWade Brothers vs. The Bone Crushers

In a superb match, The Bone Crushers defeated the McWade Brothers in 10:16 when T-Bone Bright pinned Dean McWade with a Quarterback Sack. Dean McWade was really off his game. [59]


After the match, all four members of Bad Blood beat down The Bone Crushers.The McWade Brothers are livid that The Bone Crushers got the better of them in this match. They challenge The Bone Crushers to a re-match next week. The Bone Crushers accept, but they want the titles on the line. The match is set for next week.  [57]


Joey Morgan vs. Eric Lee

In an exceptional match, Joey Morgan defeated Eric Lee in 10:16 by pinfall with an Empire Spiral. Killer Shark sat at the announcer’s desk for the majority of this match and worked as a distraction for Morgan. Morgan got into Killer Shark’s face when the action spilled outside of the ring and that is when Killer Shark kept a closer eye on the match. Morgan was able to pull off the win, even after a few “accidental” slip ups that were attributed to Killer Shark and his ringside antics. After the match, Shark rolled into the ring and attacked Morgan as the show went off the air. [66]

Final Show Rating: [64]

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A couple backstage notes before the show:

- A clique of Atlas, Dharma Gregg, and Kurt Laramee were being jerks backstage, first provoking and then physically attacking The New England Patriot, leading to a fight that had to be broken up by other workers. The New England Patriot was very upset at the outcome of this incident and has requested a meeting with Bach next week to discuss but was allowed to go home for the evening.

- Rafe Sashay caused an incident when he antagonized Lumberjack Terry so much that a fight almost broke out between the two. Bach decided to terminate Sashay after just having an altercation with a fan.

- Paul Steadyfast is still out for 24 more days due to the torn pectoral he suffered from a botched move at Christmas With The Devil.

Live From Buffalo, NY!
Friday, Week 3, February 2022
Attendance: 831
50,358 viewers on East Coast Today

Little Bill Lebowski defeats Dennis Driver [33]
The Lumberjacks defeat Eiichi Umehara & Zippy Deverell [32]
Fumihiro Ota defeats Brownsville Brawler [39]


The show opens up with the song “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins. Hustler D and Joker the Pimp welcome us to the show. They run down tonight’s preview and we waste little time as we are getting some tag team action right out of the gate.


The Good Ol’ Boys vs. The Brodels

In a decent match, The Good Ol’ Boys defeated The Brodels in 7:58 when Thimbleby Langton pinned Jaxon Duke with an Iowa Harvest. Jaxon Duke was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else’s in-ring performance. Wooton Fitzpaine is getting better at his gimmick. [44]


Doug Peak and Henry Lee are out now, with the briefcase full of money and the Brass Knuckles Championship. They call Joey Rush pathetic and say his attempt was worse than Dennis Driver’s. Before they can get any further, Kurt Laramee’s music plays. He says he is here for the body slam challenge. Lee tries to back out of the challenge, but Peak tells Laramee to bring it on. Laramee gets in the ring and in the face of Lee, but Peak tells him to focus on him and not Lee. Laramee turns his attention to Peak and attempts to lift him. Laramee is successful in body slamming Peak and the crowd goes wild! Lee cannot believe his eyes and steals the briefcase before Laramee can grab it. Lee retreats to the backstage area with the briefcase in hand, and leaves Peak behind in the ring with Laramee. Laramee challenges Peak to a Brass Knuckles title match at Counter Culture as we go to commercial break. [44]


Alex Rodman vs. Atlas

In  a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Atlas defeated Alex Rodman in 5:36 by pinfall with a Kronus Bomb. After the match, Atlas now goes in for the handshake from Rodman to show respect. There is a hesitation from Rodman at first, and then he puts his hand out. Just as the two men shake hands, Rodman starts swinging on an unsuspecting Atlas. Rodman hits Atlas with huge lefts and rights and lays him out in the center of the ring. Rodman tells Atlas, “one more time” as the crowd chants with an agreement to one more match. We now go to commercial break. [46]


Mad Dog Macy is backstage with Dharma Gregg. He says he is tired of Nate Johnson poking his head into everyone’s business and using his goons against everyone. He wants Johnson to fight him like a man, with no outside interference and no weapons. The microphone keeps cutting out so it is hard to hear everything Macy is saying after this point, but as the camera zooms out we see Johnson coaxing Acevedo into cutting the cord of the microphone. Macy is furious with this and a chase ensues between Macy, Acevedo, and Johnson. Johnson stops and screams “NOW!” Without hesitation, Acevedo spins around and hits Macy right between the eyes with a hammer. Macy is out cold now as Johnson continues the assault. Security gets involved and breaks it up so the doctors can tend to Macy. Johnson says Macy is not in his league and he will not be giving him a match, but instead he is going to host an open challenge next week and Macy is not allowed to answer it Mad Dog Macy came across very well in this segment. [47]


Joffy Laine vs. Shady K

In a bout that had superb wrestling and great heat, Shady K defeated Joffy Laine in 9:40 by pinfall with a K Killer following interference from Eric Lee. Eric Lee got in the ring after Shady’s victory and proceeded to beat down Joffy Laine. Shady decides to join in on the assault and now it is a two on one affair as the show goes to break. [60]


Dharma Gregg is sitting down with Killer Shark and Joey Morgan in the backstage area for their face-to-face interview. Gregg starts with Morgan and wants to know how he is feeling after the vicious attack last week from Killer Shark. Morgan tells Gregg it’s a part of the game and tells Shark he better have worse in store for him or he will soon be walking away with the title. Morgan tells Shark he has DAVID’s best interest in mind and knows Shark is just here for the money and fame. It’s Shark's turn now as he laughs at Morgan’s last comment. Shark says that he is not here for money or fame. He is here for blood. He is here to prove to the world that he is the most dominant force anywhere he turns up. Morgan tells Shark to put his title on the line at Counter Culture and we will see then who the better man is. Shark agrees and asks Joey why wait until then? Shark says next week he wants to fight. He tells Joey to grab a partner and so will he, and they will have a tag match. Shark says this interview is over and Morgan agrees to the challenge. [67]


DAVID Tag Team Championship
(Bad Blood Banned From Ringside)
The Bone Crushers vs. The McWade Brothers

During The Bone Crushers entrance, The McWade brothers attack from behind and a huge brawl happens before the match, with Johnson and Acevedo getting involved. The McWade Brothers are using the entire arena as a weapon and are taking it to The Bone Crushers. Once the match has officially started, the damage The Bone Crushers took during the pre-match blindside attack is obvious. In a superb match, The McWade Brothers defeated The Bone Crushers in 9:35 when Dallas McWade pinned T-Bone Bright with a Murder on the Mountain. The McWade Brothers make defense number two of the DAVID Tag Team titles. Dean McWade seemed off his game in this match. The McWade Brothers taunt The Bone Crushers as the show goes off the air. [63]

Final Show Rating: [61]

Edited by jmhaile
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A couple backstage notes before the show:

- Joey Morgan caused heat with DAVE Invader when he kept being openly critical of his in-ring work. Sammy Bach pulled both men into his office and “handled the situation.” Neither of the men would comment on the actions that took place.

- Kurt Laramee almost got into a fight with Julius Moor, after he caused some damage to his rental car and refused to pay for it. Sammy Bach decided to fine Laramee for the damages and he was not happy about the decision. This caused others that are close to Laramee, such as Joey Morgan, Atlas, and Peter Valentine to vocally lash out as well. Julius was pleased with Bach’s decision.

- Zippy Deverell & Lumberjack Jeff were reported to have made a mess backstage and did not clean it up, annoying everyone else. Doug Peak ordered Deverell & Jeff to clean up the mess AND buy drinks for everyone after the show. The incident had a positive impact on Deverell & Jeff, who were said to be laughing about the incident after being called out on it.

- Paul Steadyfast is still out for 17 more days due to the torn pectoral he suffered from a botched move at Christmas With The Devil.

Live From The Ministry in Queens, NY!
Friday, Week 4, February 2022
Attendance: 881
53,084 viewers on East Coast Today

Little Bill Lebowski defeats. Jaxon Duke (w/ Haistings Rage) [24]
Marco Acevedo defeats Brownsville Brawler [25]
Fumihiro Ota defeats Lumberjack Terry (w/ Lumberjack Jeff) [39]


The show opens up with the song “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins. Hustler D and Joker the Pimp welcome us to the show. They hype the main event tag match, featuring Killer Shark and Joey Morgan, ahead of their match tomorrow at Counter Culture. They give their predictions on who the participants will choose as their partners. They also announce that Counter Culture will kick off with a battle royal, with the winner getting a future title shot on an upcoming episode of Highway To The Danger Zone.


The Good Ol’ Boys vs. Dennis Driver & Joey Rush

In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, The Good Ol’ Boys defeated Dennis Driver & Joey Rush in 7:33 when Wooton Fitzpaine pinned Joey Rush with an Iowa Harvest. Thimbleby Langton and Joey Rush were off their games in this match. After the match, The Good Ol’ Boys cut a promo about being the most dominant tag team in DAVID right now, but they are being overlooked because the shiny new toys, “The Bone Crushers”, have arrived. They say they should be the ones in the tag team title match tomorrow night. [49]


Dharma Gregg is backstage with Doug Peak and Henry Lee. Lee has the briefcase of money and Peak has the Brass Knuckles Championship. Lee addresses Laramee as a fraud and that he cheated last week. He says he doesn’t deserve the cash. Peak asks about Lee leaving him at ringside and Lee deflects the question and continues talking about Laramee. He says Laramee doesn’t deserve a shot at the Brass Knuckles Championship tomorrow night, but after Peak destroys him, they will simply just move on. [53]


Shady K vs. Lumberjack Jeff (w/ Lumberjack Terry)

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Shady K defeated Lumberjack Jeff in 6:26 by pinfall with a K Killer. This was a great showing from Shady K and gives promise that he will remain a part of the television focus in the future, even though he lost his partner before their push came. After the match, Shady K says that he isn’t busy tomorrow night and says if anyone in the back is man enough, to let him know because he is always ready for a fight.  [42]


Alex Rodman is backstage with Dharma Gregg and talks about his decision last week on attacking Atlas after the match. He says he knows that he can beat Atlas and wants to prove it to the world. He says that he has a new fire lit beneath him that is going to allow him to prevail this time and that he needs to prove himself to the DAVID fans. Atlas comes into the frame now and tells Rodman that all bets are off tomorrow and he challenges him to a hardcore match. Rodman says that is fine and it doesn’t change the outcome. Atlas tells Rodman that he was starting to gain his respect but all of that is out the window now after the sneak attack. Dharma Gregg’s performance was good in this segment. Even though these two have just had match after match, there is still freshness here with Rodman’s new found confidence and leaves a glimmer of hope for this feud heading into Counter Culture. This segment really helped this storyline along. [55]


Kurt Laramee vs. Nate Johnson (w/ Marco Acevedo)

Nate Johnson and Marco Acevedo do some pre-match taunting directed towards Mad Dog Macy, hyping their match tomorrow at Counter Culture. Laramee is vicious in this match, looking to blow some steam off before his big match tomorrow night and the pop for him when he comes out to answer the open challenge is massive. In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Nate Johnson defeated Kurt Laramee in 8:35 by pinfall with a Natural Order after Doug Peak and Henry Lee interfered, causing the loss. Laramee is furious after the match and goes after Peak. Johnson is watching on as the violence ensues at ringside and is blindsided by Mad Dog Macy who ran in from the crowd. The scene here is violent as two intense feuds are being driven at the same time here. Marco and Johnson eventually play the numbers game on Macy and leave him laid out in the ring. Peak and Laramee fight all the way up the ramp and into the backstage area. [44]



The Bone Crushers are out in the ring that is riddled with tables and chairs and has two ladders set up in the middle on which both men are sitting with microphones. Julius talks about their debut and that from day one they had their eyes set on the DAVID Tag Team Championships. T-Bone Bright says that he knew this time would come and it’s a shame that Dallas has chosen to retire, but come tomorrow he is not going to have a choice after they are through with him. They say the setup tonight in the ring is no coincidence as tomorrow’s match will be contested under TLC rules. The McWade Brothers are out next and continue to taunt the challengers after their loss last week. The Bone Crushers say that they weren't expecting a pre-match attack and that they will be ready tomorrow. No questions asked. [63]


Killer Shark & Eric Lee vs. Joey Morgan & Joffy Laine

In an exceptional match, Joey Morgan and Joffy Laine defeated Killer Shark and Eric Lee in 10:22 when Joey Morgan pinned Eric Lee with an Empire Spiral. This match did a great job in showcasing all four men before their big matches tomorrow night. After the match, a brawl between the four men spills out at ringside and there is no shortage of weapons being used. The crowd is super hot for the end of the show and begin a chant for “Counter Culture” as the show goes off the air. [68]

Final Show Rating: [61]

Edited by jmhaile
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The stage is set for Counter Culture, DAVID's third PPV ever! Rivalries are getting hot, and all of the titles are on the line! 

Prediction Key:

DAVID Unified Championship

Killer Shark vs. Joey Morgan

DAVID Tag Team Championship
TLC Match

The McWade Brothers vs. The Bone Crushers

Eric Lee vs. Joffy Laine

DAVID Brass Knuckles Championship
Doug Peak vs. Kurt Laramee

I Quit Match
Mad Dog Macy vs. Nate Johnson (w/ Marco Acevedo)

Hardcore Rules
Atlas vs. Alex Rodman

A Good Ol’ Ass Beatin’ Invitational
The Good Ol’ Boys vs. ???

25 Man Battle Royal
Winner Receives Future Title Shot

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DAVID Unified Championship
Killer Shark vs. Joey Morgan

DAVID Tag Team Championship
TLC Match

The McWade Brothers vs. The Bone Crushers

Eric Lee vs. Joffy Laine

DAVID Brass Knuckles Championship
Doug Peak vs. Kurt Laramee

I Quit Match
Mad Dog Macy vs. Nate Johnson (w/ Marco Acevedo)

Hardcore Rules
Atlas vs. Alex Rodman

A Good Ol’ Ass Beatin’ Invitational
The Good Ol’ Boys vs. ???

25 Man Battle Royal
Winner Receives Future Title Shot

shady k

Edited by smw88
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Not checked out Lavelluk's mod but I love me some DAVE (or in this case DAVID) stuff. 

DAVID Unified Championship
Killer Shark vs. Joey Morgan
I love Joey Morgan. Had a blast booking him in 2007 DAVE
DAVID Tag Team Championship
TLC Match

The McWade Brothers vs. The Bone Crushers
They're ancient in 2022, but I can't vote against one of my favourite teams of all time.
Eric Lee vs. Joffy Laine
Toss up, I'll go Lee. 
DAVID Brass Knuckles Championship
Doug Peak vs. Kurt Laramee
I'm more of a Doug Peak fan, but I've always saw Laramee as synonymous with this belt 
I Quit Match
Mad Dog Macy vs. Nate Johnson (w/ Marco Acevedo)
I have a love hate relationship with Nate.
Hardcore Rules
Atlas vs. Alex Rodman
He already beat him recently
A Good Ol’ Ass Beatin’ Invitational
The Good Ol’ Boys vs. ???
Unless it's somebody particularly special, like The New Wave, which I doubt it is, The Ol' Boys will win. 
25 Man Battle Royal
Winner Receives Future Title Shot

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3 hours ago, DAVEFAN95 said:

Not checked out Lavelluk's mod but I love me some DAVE (or in this case DAVID) stuff. 

DAVID Unified Championship
Killer Shark vs. Joey Morgan
I love Joey Morgan. Had a blast booking him in 2007 DAVE
DAVID Tag Team Championship
TLC Match

The McWade Brothers vs. The Bone Crushers
They're ancient in 2022, but I can't vote against one of my favourite teams of all time.
Eric Lee vs. Joffy Laine
Toss up, I'll go Lee. 
DAVID Brass Knuckles Championship
Doug Peak vs. Kurt Laramee
I'm more of a Doug Peak fan, but I've always saw Laramee as synonymous with this belt 
I Quit Match
Mad Dog Macy vs. Nate Johnson (w/ Marco Acevedo)
I have a love hate relationship with Nate.
Hardcore Rules
Atlas vs. Alex Rodman
He already beat him recently
A Good Ol’ Ass Beatin’ Invitational
The Good Ol’ Boys vs. ???
Unless it's somebody particularly special, like The New Wave, which I doubt it is, The Ol' Boys will win. 
25 Man Battle Royal
Winner Receives Future Title Shot

Thanks for the predictions @DAVEFAN95! Results will be up shortly.

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A couple backstage notes before the show:

- The wrongful termination lawsuit that Knuckles had launched against DAVID has succeeded. The judge has awarded him $36,000 in damages. Sammy Bach has refused to comment on this.

- Atlas, Joey Morgan, and Kurt Laramee caused heat backstage when a mean-spirited rib they pulled on Clinton Jarret nearly led to a fight breaking out. Sammy seemed really annoyed that this behavior has continued and instead of handling the way that he had been privately, he decided to scold the three in front of the rest of the roster.

- Shady K and Nate Johnson got into an argument following a rental car incident. Sammy told Shady to simply repay Johnson for the damages and he agreed.

- Peter Valentine showed up extremely late to the show. Sammy pulled him into the office and apparently laid into him about setting examples for the roster backstage and not feeding into the bad behaviors he is trying to break.

- Doug Peak was reportedly poking fun at Mad Dog Macy for “forgetting” to pay for his portion of the bar tab last night after the show and decided to tell everyone the drinks were on Macy after the show tonight due to this. Macy thought it was funny and agreed to do so.

- Paul Steadyfast is still out for 16 more days due to the torn pectoral he suffered from a botched move at Christmas With The Devil.

Live From The McGaw Arena in New York, NY!
Saturday, Week 4, February 2022
Attendance: 5,000 (SOLD OUT!)
2,645  viewers on Binge On-Demand

The pre-show served as a 30 minute pre-taped show, hosted by Sammy Bach and Dharma Gregg, breaking down each of the matches and the stories revolving around them.


The show opens up with the song “Back ‘My Generation” by The Who. Hustler D and Joker the Pimp welcome us to Back Counter Culture! They run down the stacked card and are about to send us to the ring for the battle royal, but there is a situation arising backstage. The cameras shift to the backstage area, where Eric Lee is shown in a pool of blood and knocked unconscious. The doctors are swarming the scene in a panic. Shady K is shown by Lee’s side, as we go back to the ring for the first match.


25 Man Battle Royal
Winner Receives Future Title Shot

This match was a great way to showcase local talent in the New York area, as well as the talent that aren’t on TV each week that are employed by DAVID. Joffy’s last minute entrance in the match received a HUGE pop and was a great way to start the show. Unfortunately, the match itself was a terrible match, and Joffy Laine won the battle royal in 15:10. The other members of the final four were Shady K, and The Lumberjacks. Shady K was the final elimination. Lumberjack Jeff got the most eliminations over the course of the match. The great performance of Joffy Laine really stood out. Shady K is getting better at his gimmick. Shady K almost had this match in the bag. A fun fact here is this was a nice way to continue to build the Lee, Shady, and Laine and further Shady’s newfound mean streak. [39]

Winner: Joffy Laine 


We go backstage where Sammy Bach and Dharma Gregg are bedside with Eric Lee. They are trying to find out who did this to him, but he is of no help as he is still not fully conscious. Joffy Laine is seen walking in the backstage area now and Shady K is not finished with him. Shady runs up and accuses Joffy of the Eric Lee attack, but Laine denies it. Laine says he can’t worry about Shady and Lee right now as he now has a title shot to worry about. He asks Shady why he would attack Lee from behind, when all he wanted was a no glitz and glamor old fashioned match in the first place. Shady asks if Laine didn’t do it, then who did? Shady says he will keep an eye on Laine while he tends to his friend. [67]


A Good Ol’ Ass Beatin’ Invitational
The Good Ol’ Boys vs. Brooklyn's Finest

In a bout that had great wrestling and good heat, The Good Ol’ Boys defeated Brooklyn’s Finest in 7:50 when Thimbleby Langton pinned Freedom Eagle with an Iowa Harvest. This was a great match between the four competitors and a good way to showcase the continued dominance of The Good Ol’ Boys. Brooklyn’s Finest received a huge pop when they made their entrance, being the hometown boys. After the match, The Good Ol’ Boys got on the microphone and teased the crowd that Bach should come out and officially sign Brooklyn’s Finest, causing the crowd to pop. After the initial tease, The Good Ol’ Boys taunted Brooklyn’s Finest for their losing efforts.  [52]

Winners: The Good Ol' Boys


A video package, narrated by Sammy Bach and Dharma Gregg, breaks down the history between Atlas and Rodman. The feud started three weeks ago when both Rodman and Atlas suffered big losses at Back In Black. There was a mutual understanding that the two just wanted to face off the following week in a match so one of them could move on from a tough loss. The next two weeks we would see Rodman in a losing effort, but after the second loss, Rodman beat Atlas down in the middle of the ring, challenging for match number three to settle the score. Atlas and Rodman look to tear each other apart in this match and the hardcore rules will certainly ensure there is plenty of violence to go around for everyone. [60]


Hardcore Rules
Atlas vs. Alex Rodman

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Alex Rodman defeated Atlas in 6:02 by pinfall with a Slam Dunk. Everyone felt like this was the last match between these two, going into the match, but after watching this car crash full of weapons and blood, we can all agree that there is still something to gain from both men here. Atlas still looked like a monster coming out of the match, but was visibly angry at the loss and not looking to shake hands after this match. He threw a tantrum at ringside while Rodman celebrated with the crowd. [48]

Winner: Alex Rodman 


A video package, narrated by Sammy Bach and Dharma Gregg, breaks down the history between Nate Johnson and Mad Dog Macy. Originally stemming from the second episode of Highway To The Danger Zone, where Mad Dog Macy ran in to save The Lumberjacks from a beatdown by Bad Blood. Two weeks later, Johnson and Marco Acevedo brutally attacked Macy in the ring after his match with Doug Peak. The following week, Macy officially challenged Johnson to a match at Back In Black, but was beaten down by all four members of Bad Blood after Johnson accepted. Nate Johnson successfully defeated Macy in their first match at Back In Black. The week after Back In Black, Johnson and Acevedo were ringside during a tag match featuring Macy, and eventually cost him the match. The following week, Johnson and Acevedo brutally attacked Dennis Driver after their match together and Macy came in to make the save, with Johnson and Acevedo fleeing the scene. The next week, Macy cut a promo on Johnson, but once again, Johnson and Acevedo would humiliate Macy. They cut the cord to his microphone and when he chased them, he eventually got knocked out cold with a hammer being used by Acevedo. Last night, Johnson was blindsided by Macy, after his match. Acevedo and Johnson eventually got the upper-hand and utilized the numbers to their advantage in a brutal in-ring beatdown. [52]


I Quit Match
Mad Dog Macy vs. Nate Johnson (w/ Marco Acevedo)

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Nate Johnson defeated Mad Dog Macy in an I Quit Match in 7:43 after Macy submitted. Mad Dog Macy is getting better at his gimmick. This felt like the end of the feud with the gimmick match set up and the second PPV encounter. After the match, Macy stuck out his hand to shake hands with Johnson. After much hesitation, Johnson went in to shake hands, but quickly pulled his hand back, ran it through his sweaty hair and flicked it in Macy’s face. He smirked as him and Acevedo made their way up the ramp. [46]

Winner: Nate Johnson


A video package, narrated by Sammy Bach and Dharma Gregg, breaks down the history between Doug Peak and Kurt Laramee. Two weeks ago, Laramee came to the aid of Joey Rush during a post-challenge beat down, and proceeded to become the first person in DAVID history to bodyslam Doug Peak. Henry Lee fled with the briefcase full of money, leaving Peak behind. Laramee then challenged Doug Peak to a match at Back In Black for the Brass Knuckles Championship. Last night, Peak cut a promo on Laramee. Later on in the evening, Laramee lost a match to Nate Johnson due to interference from Doug Peak and Henry Lee. The two brawled all the way up the ramp and into the backstage area. [54]  


DAVID Brass Knuckles Championship
Kurt Laramee vs. Doug Peak (w/ Henry Lee)

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Kurt Laramee defeated Doug Peak in 7:48 by pinfall with a Switchblade Powerslam. Kurt Laramee wins the DAVID Brass Knuckles Championship! Henry Lee did amazing work at ringside. There is almost certain to be at least one more match in this feud with Peak looking to regain his title. [48]

Winner: Kurt Laramee


A video package, narrated by Sammy Bach and Dharma Gregg, breaks down the history between The Bone Crushers and The McWade Brothers. The night after Back In Black, where The Bone Crushers were victorious in defeating The Good Ol’ Boys in a table match, The Bone Crushers challenged The McWade Brothers to a match. The McWade Brothers said that The Bone Crushers could have a non-title match as they weren’t going to just hand out a title shot to them. The following week, The Bone Crushers defeated The McWade Brothers cleanly, but after the match, The McWade Brothers assaulted The Bone Crushers. The McWade Brothers wanted a re-match the next week, but The Bone Crushers wanted the titles to be on the line this time. The next week, The McWade Brothers attacked The Bone Crushers during their entrance to soften them up before the match, and then proceeded to defeat them to retain the tag titles. Last night, The Bone Crushers challenged The McWade Brothers to a TLC match at Counter Culture for a third bout in the feud. [66]


DAVID Tag Team Championship
TLC Match
The Bone Crushers vs. The McWade Brothers

In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, The Bone Crushers defeated The McWade Brothers in a TLC match in 10:18 when Julius Moor retrieved the DAVID Tag Team titles. The Bone Crushers win the DAVID Tag Team Championship! Both teams showed excellent chemistry when teaming together. Dallas McWade broke his finger during this match. With the finger break and Dallas’ retirement looming overhead, this feud feels like it is fizzling out. If the feud continues any longer, it is sure to end before March Into Battle. This match was unfortunately the worst of the three matches they have had thus far, but still a good showing for both teams. [58]

Winners: The Bone Crushers


A video package, narrated by Sammy Bach and Dharma Gregg, breaks down the history between Killer Shark and Joey Morgan. Three weeks ago, Shark was cutting a promo about his dominance in DAVID since arriving and to gloat with his newly won Championship, when Morgan interrupted. Morgan was given a non-title match with Shark in the main event of the evening. Morgan barely got the victory over Shark with a quick roll up pin that Shark did not see coming. The next week, Morgan fought Eric Lee, in a winning effort, where Shark was at the announcer’s desk. After the match, Shark assaulted Morgan. The following week, Shark and Morgan had a face-to-face interview where the two agreed to meet at Counter Culture. Last night, Morgan and Joffy Laine defeated Killer Shark and Eric Lee in the main event of the evening. After the match, the four men brawled at ringside with a slew of weapons at their disposal. [67]


DAVID Unified Championship
Killer Shark vs. Joey Morgan

In an exceptional match, Killer Shark defeated Joey Morgan in 9:56 by pinfall with a Big Bite. Killer Shark makes defense number one of the DAVID Unified Championship. Killer Shark and Joey Morgan have great chemistry and it showed in their performance. Joey Morgan is getting better at his gimmick. The continuity on this one is up in the air as Morgan lost the match but is clearly not done with his chase for the title, but Shark has a guaranteed date with Joffy Laine coming up with the DAVID Unified Championship on the line. [69]

Winner: Killer Shark

Final Show Rating: [65]

Prediction Results:

SMW88 - 4/7
DAVEFAN95 - 2/7  

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A couple backstage notes before the show:

- Bach has started trimming the fat of the roster and the following employees have been released: Brownsville Brawler, Clinton Jarret, The New England Patriot, and DAVE Invader. Sammy Bach says this is all a part of his plan to breathe new life into DAVID and nothing personal to those affected.

- Lumberjack Terry got into a heated argument with a fan outside of the arena and had to be restrained before he made things physical. Sammy Bach dealt with this in private. Terry was said to be in better spirits after his conversation with Bach.

- Thimbleby Langton has gotten a lot of heat with the rest of the locker room after pulling a tasteless rib on everyone backstage. Sammy Bach dealt with this in private.

- Paul Steadyfast is still out for 10 more days due to the torn pectoral he suffered from a botched move at Christmas With The Devil.

Episode #9
Live From The Ministry in Queens, NY!
Friday, Week 1, March 2022
Attendance: 1,000 (Sold Out!)
56,444 viewers on East Coast Today


Bad Reputation defeated The Brodels [29]
Dennis Driver defeats Zippy Deverell [35]
Joey Rush defeats Eiichi Umehara [43]


The show opens up with the song “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins. Hustler D and Joker the Pimp welcome us to the show. They hype the happenings at Counter Culture and we see a highlight video showing the events of the history making PPV. Sammy Bach and Dharma Gregg are out first to another sold out crowd, ready for the evening.


Sammy Bach and Dharma Gregg enter the ring and address the fans. Sammy talks about the first sold out show in DAVID’s history and thanks the fans for selling out again tonight and supporting the vision. He says last night they put on the best show they have ever done and it is all thanks to the fans. Out next is Killer Shark, current DAVID Unified Champion. Killer Shark asks Bach about the elephant in the room, Joffy Laine, and his looming title shot. Bach says that the match will take place next week, after Laine finishes his business tonight with Eric Lee, who is cleared to compete after a vicious attack at Counter Culture. Bach says that he will find out who was behind the attack and if it was Laine, he will be stripped of his shot. Joey Morgan is out next and says that he deserves one more shot as Shark and Morgan both have one victory each and the score isn’t settled until he walks away with the title. Shady K is out now before Bach can respond. Shady says that he is tired of waiting for his opportunity and is going to take action. Bach tells all four men to calm down and wait until after the match between Shark and Laine next week and he will announce a new opportunity to become the new number one contender for a title opportunity at March Into Battle. He says he will not just hand out title shots if they are not earned. We now go to commercials. [70]


Fumihiro Ota vs. Lumberjack Jeff (w/ Lumberjack Terry)

In a bout that had good heat but sub-par wrestling, Fumihiro Ota defeated Lumberjack Jeff in 6:02 by pinfall with a Ninja Strike. Ota is becoming a workhorse for DAVID and it really shows each week in his performances, whether he is on the pre-show or the main card. The Lumberjacks also need to find a groove soon as they seem to have become lost in the shuffle since Bach has been focused on elevating the tag team scene in DAVID. [36]

Winner: Fumihiro Ota


We are backstage now and there is an escalating incident spiraling out of control between The Good Ol’ Boys and Mad Dog Macy. Macy says there has been a misunderstanding and that he is sorry and doesn’t want any trouble. The Good Ol’ Boys tell Macy to find a partner and they can settle it in the ring. If he doesn’t find a partner, they will just fight him two on one. Macy leaves the scene distraught. [59]


Atlas vs. Alex Rodman

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Atlas drew with Alex Rodman in 6:30 when the referee lost control and stopped the match. Rodman and Atlas have reached a breaking point and it is evident here as the two hit a stalemate in this match. Sammy Bach came out to announce that he has had enough of these two and they will settle it next week in a Last Man Standing match, but they must settle their differences next week and move on. [46]

No Winner: Referee Stoppage


Doug Peak and Henry Lee are backstage with Dharma Gregg. Lee says that Kurt Laramee got lucky at Counter Culture, but he won’t be lucky when Peak gets his rematch. Lee says that he wants the match to take place next week, because they are already tired of waiting for the title to come back home. Peak starts throwing things around in the backstage area in a fit of rage as Lee riles him up about the situation with Laramee. Laramee is in the frame now and accepts the match. He says that once he is done with Peak next week, he will simply just move on, poking fun at a previous promo Lee and Peak cut on Laramee. Laramee grabs the briefcase full of money from Lee’s hands now and says it belongs to him. He says next week’s match will be for the cash AND a shot at the title at March Into Battle. Peak and Lee are fuming as Laramee walks off with the Brass Knuckles Championship and the briefcase. [53]


Bad Blood are out in the ring and it is filled with balloons. Nate Johnson says we are here to recognize the greatest tag team in the entire history of DAVE, The McWade Brothers. They all bid farewell to Dallas as his last match will forever be remembered at Back In Black. Dallas says even though he’s not retiring as one half of the tag team champions, he is still going out as one of the toughest SOB’s in the history of wrestling. Dean cries in this emotional moment and doesn’t say anything during the segment, but as it is ending he gives Dallas the biggest hug. [45]


Mad Dog Macy & Chris Caulfield vs. The Good Ol’ Boys

In a superb match, Mad Dog Macy and Chris Caulfield defeated The Good Ol’ Boys in 9:40 when Chris Caulfield pinned Wooton Fitzpaine with a Danger Drop. Mad Dog Macy was the weakest link, struggling to keep up with everyone else’s in-ring performance. The crowd popped huge when Caulfield made his debut in DAVID. The Hardcore American is back home! [56]

Winners: Mad Dog Macy & Chris Caulfield


The Bone Crushers are out and thank Dallas for his contributions to the wrestling community over the years. They call it a hell of a ride, but the show must go on. The Bone Crushers say they are looking for a new challenge. Before they can finish talking, an old familiar entrance theme blares over the PA system and it’s The New Wave! The crowd cannot believe it! Former four-time DAVE Tag Team Champions are in the house, and they are fired up by this sold-out crowd. Three surprise debuts back-to-back! This is huge news for DAVID! One Man Army takes to the microphone first and asks The Bone Crushers if they are happy to see The New Wave. He says they have been waiting for this moment to come back in and take DAVID the [censored] over! He says they are back to claim the titles they never lost. The Bone Crushers try and say they won’t be handing out a title shot to a team that just got here, but One Man Army says it is literally written into their contracts that they get a guaranteed title shot since they never lost their titles to begin with. The Bone Crushers are livid and tell The New Wave they came ready to fight. The four men face off in the middle of the ring, with security keeping a close eye on the situation, as we go to commercial break. [67]


Joffy Laine vs. Eric Lee

In an exceptional match, Joffy Laine defeated Eric Lee in 10:13 by pinfall with a Death Spiral. After the match, Killer Shark is out and has a stare down with Laine to end the show and hype up the main event for next week. [76]

Winner: Joffy Laine

Final Show Rating: 68

Edited by jmhaile
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