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Smoky Mountain Wrestling 1992: The way it used to be. The way you like it!

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Thank you @The Blonde Bomber for that very kind feedback, It means a great deal. I also want to thank @Old School Fan and anyone else who has been taking the time to check out what I've been doing. Late last year, I was experiencing some challenging times that saw me question whether it was the right time to start this project, I'm glad I made the choice that I did. Thank you to those of you who felt what I'm putting out was worthy of your votes for the December DOTM, it gave me a much welcomed confidence boost. 

My life is moving like a bullet train right now, and it's showing no signs of slowing down going into March. This means that I won't be able to deliver these shows on a regular schedule like I wish that I could. That being said, I love writing these shows when I find the time and energy to do so, and I plan to keep bringing a regular dose of SMW for a long while to come. So don't think this is dead if I'm not seen around here for awhile, I'm in this for the long haul!

Thanks again, and I hope you enjoy Episode 9!





Commentary Team: Bob Caudle and "Dirty" Dutch Mantell

Air Date: March 1992, Week 1 

280 in attendance at Hancock County High School 


Gold Rush Recapped   


The show opened with a video highlighting the recent SMW GOLD RUSH event. The video largely focused on the Gold Rush Tournament Final, which saw Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy defeat “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff to become the first ever Smoky Mountain Wrestling Heavyweight Champion.

(Rating: 55)

Heaven Sent 

Immediately after the conclusion of the video, we were shown scenes of the excited crowd on hand within the Hancock County High School. The camera then focused on the sight of Bob Caudle, stood at the interview area alongside his guest, the SMW Commissioner “Bullet” Bob Armstrong.  


Bob Caudle: Welcome fans to another week of wall to wall wrestling excitement from Smoky Mountain Wrestling. Believe me when I tell you that we’re set for quite the hour of television here today, but before we get to that, I’m happy to be joined at this time by the Commissioner of Smoky Mountain Wrestling, “Bullet” Bob Armstrong! Now Mr. Armstrong, it’s safe to say from all of the feedback that we’ve been receiving from the fans that the recent Gold Rush event delivered on what was advertised. I can only imagine that you must be thrilled with how that tournament came together?


Bob Armstrong: It was a memorable night for sure Mr. Caudle. I think it’s safe to say that the Gold Rush Tournament will go down as being not only an important night in this young promotions history, but in the wider history of this great sport. I want to give my congratulations to Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy on becoming our first ever Heavyweight Champion. I firmly believe that he’ll make us proud in how he represents this promotion with the Championship around his waist!

But right now, it’s time to set our attention on making even more Championship history, and we’ll do that by starting the tournament to decide the first ever Smoky Mountain Wrestling TAG TEAM Champions. That’s right, we won’t have any more delays, the tournament begins TODAY, and the entirety of this tournament will take place for all to enjoy right here on free television over the coming weeks!

All the paper work is signed for every team in the tournament, including Jim Cornette’s team I’m thankful to say. So without further ado, let me reveal the eight teams that will be competing in the tournament. They are…

“Bullet” Bob Armstrong paused upon being interrupted by the presence of a loud orange suit wearing Jim Cornette, who had an unmistakable look of annoyance towards the Commissioner.


Jim Cornette: Bob Armstrong, do you really think I’m going to let you do this? You’ve been planting seeds of doubt about my team for weeks now, but all of a sudden, now that you’ve been clued in to their identity, and you know that they TRULY ARE everything that I’ve hyped them up as being, you’re all too eager to reveal them to the World. Well let me tell you, you’re not going to cast cloud over my Heavenly shine. The only man fit to introduce this incredible new duo is ME, and that’s exactly what I’m fixing to do!

So to all of the Low down Ladies and Ungentle Men in attendance, get ready for the peak of your lifetimes, because you’re about to be in the presence of greatness. Let me proudly introduce you to the tag team that will rule the 90s and beyond, the Heaven sent duo of “The Doctor of Desire” Tom Prichard, “The Gigolo” Jimmy Del Ray….THE HEAVENLY BODIES!!


The Heavenly Bodies walked out to the interview area and stood alongside their manager Jim Cornette. The two newcomers then looked out to the crowd with distain. Jim Cornette seemed to be unhappy with the fans within the Hancock County High School, who gave a lukewarm reaction to the reveal of his new duo.


Jim Cornette: If some of you unwashed slobs would put down the soda cans and instead pick up a clue, you’d perhaps know to give the greatness presented in front of you the appreciation it deserves. But just you wait, by the end of this tag team tournament, after the Heavenly Bodies have humbled the inferior competition and become the Tag Team Champions, you’ll ALL be lining up to kiss the blessed ground their feet walk upon!

Jim Cornette turned his attention to a woman that caught his eye in the crowd

I see you lady, I see the lust in your eyes as you gaze upon the bodies of The Doctor of Desire and The Gigolo. While you know that these men are Heaven sent, you also know that they are hotter than Hell! Now, I suggest you put your eyes back into your head and wipe that drool from your mouth, you’re in public!

Jim Cornette then turned his attention back to the wider audience

You all need to listen up, I’ll throw some truth your way, so get ready to catch, This tournament isn’t a competition; it’s a mere formality, because just like the sun rising tomorrow morning, and this miserable school’s sorry excuse for students failing to make the grade year after year and decade after decade, seeing Championship Gold around the waists of the Heavenly Bodies is a SURE THING!

With a smug smile on his face, Jim Cornette glared at Commissioner Bob Armstrong, before leading the Heavenly Bodies to the backstage area. Bob Armstrong shook his head in annoyance with Jim Cornette, before continuing on with his planned announcement.


Bob Armstrong: Alright, now Jim’s had his moment, I can hopefully proceed without interruption. Here are the eight teams that’ll be competing in the Tag Team Championship Tournament, along with the first round bracket.

The Fantastics will meet the debuting team of Billy Black and Joel Deaton, The Wild Bunch.

Another new duo to Smoky Mountain Wrestling, The Maulers, comprised of Jack Victory and Rip Morgan, will face off with Tommy Angel, and Tommy’s team mate will be a relative of a great competitor that I’m sure many of our fans are familiar with, because he’s no stranger to this area; I’m talking about “Wildfire” Tommy Rich! I hope to bring Wildfire to this promotion sooner rather than later, but for now, we’ll get to see his younger brother Davey Rich, a fine talent who I’m excited to see competing here in Smoky Mountain. I think he and Tommy Angel have potential to do some impressive things as a tandem.

Thanks to Jim Cornette, we just got an early introduction to The Heavenly Bodies. Jim’s new team is in for quite the first round test, because they’ll be meeting a highly experienced duo when they take on The Batten Twins!

And finally, “Nitro” Danny Davis will team with “Jumping” Joey Maggs to take on Ivan and Vladimir Koloff.

As I said before, this entire tournament will play out RIGHT HERE on FREE television! Today’s show will play host to the first two matches of the first round. First off, we’ll be seeing The Maulers against Tommy Angel and Davey Rich. Then it’ll be our main event, The Wild Bunch will do battle with The Fantastics! Sit back and get comfortable, because I’m certain that these two matches are going to start the tournament off with a bang!

The fans within the Hancock County High School cheered in approval as Commissioner Bob Armstrong took his leave.


Bob Caudle: You heard it directly from our Commissioner wrestling fans! Get yourselves ready, because after a short commercial time out, we’ll be back to you, and we’ll be getting this exciting tag team tournament started!















(Rating: 60)

Born to be WILD! 


We returned from the commercial break to see a music video, set to “Born to be Wild” by Steppenwolf. The video hyped up the team of Billy Black and Joel Deaton, collectively known as The Wild Bunch. While both men are new to Smoky Mountain Wrestling, the video showcased that they are an accomplished duo elsewhere, with multiple highlights from their recent tours in Japan for AJPW shown. The Wild Bunch will be in action for the first time in a Smoky Mountain Wrestling ring, when they meet The Fantastics in today’s television main event!

(Rating: 40)


Davey Rich & Tommy Angel vs. The Maulers


-  Within the ring stood the menacing sight of the debuting duo of Jack Victory and Rip Morgan, collectively known as The Maulers. Wearing matching black ring attire, the two of them shook the ring ropes and stomped their feet to the canvas, showing everyone that they were fired up and ready to go. 

“2 Legit To Quit” by MC Hammer played soundtrack to the arrival of Tommy Angel, and his teammate, the debuting Davey Rich. The highly positive vocal reaction that these two competitors received from the fans in attendance made it apparent that they were the favoured team to come out victorious.

-  “The people here in attendance today are clearly no strangers to Davey Rich” remarked Bob Caudle “and for good reason, because high level success in this sport runs in the blood of his family. I look forward to seeing what this young man is going to achieve alongside Tommy Angel. These two have the makings to be a highly impressive team”

“The only thing clear to me about the people in attendance is that they have poor taste” said Bob’s commentary partner “Dirty” Dutch Mantell in response “I look beyond the flash and I look for substance, and The Maulers are the duo with plenty of that to offer. These two men are roughness personified. Not only do I predict that they’ll be victorious against these two pretty boys here on television today, but I’m also going to put it out there that we’ll be seeing these two rough and ready customers make it all the way to the tournament final. That’s how highly I rate these two men."

In the opening moments, the newly formed team of Davey Rich and Tommy Angel wasted no time in showing that they already have tag team chemistry, using their speed advantage and some well time double team attacks to catch there bigger bodied opponents off guard. “The Maulers are the team in this match with the experience factor. They are a duo with 9 years of experience teaming together” said Bob Caudle “but I have to say, you’d think it’s the other way around given how impressive Davey Rich and Tommy Angel are looking out there right now.”  

The momentum of Davey Rich and Tommy Angel continued to build. The continued mixture of quick tags and double team attacks kept The Maulers on the back foot, but to the credit of both Jack Victory and Rip Morgan, they didn’t back off in their aggressive efforts to take control. “I’ll call it as I see it” said Dutch Mantell “Davey Rich and Tommy Angel are putting on an impressive showing out there right now, but mark my words Bob, the moment will come for the Maulers, and believe me when I tell you, all they’ll need is that one moment. I’m no stranger to watching the work these men have down elsewhere in the Wrestling World. The Maulers have an uncanny ability to overcome adversity and turn the tables in an instant. Once these two get rolling with the flurry of hard hitting violence that they are capable of delivering, it’s hard for any team to find a successful counter strategy”

Much as Dutch Mantell predicted, the tide of the match began to turn in favour of The Maulers. Rip Morgan ran Tommy Angel into the ropes, where he was met with a well-placed knee to the back from a waiting Jack Victory. Tommy Angel then staggered forward, straight into a well-placed clothesline from Rip Morgan. “You see that Bob?” asked Dutch Mantell “It’s not always about how much you do, but ensuring what you do counts. These Maulers wait their time, and they truly make everything count. That clothesline from Rip Morgan was delivered to perfection, targeting the throat of Tommy Angel with expert precision. When you get a man who really knows how to utilize the clothesline like Rip Morgan, it’s going to do lasting damage. Tommy Angel’s windpipe will now be starting to swell, the breathing will be compromised. In turn, the air to the brain gets cut off, which will ensure he doesn’t think very well. That’ll place Tommy in the company of many of the Smoky Mountain Wrestling audience. I’m talking about the people who decided to support the likes of Prime Slime Brian Lee. For so many around here, it’s safe to say that the thought train came flying off the tracks and crashed down the hill long ago. And to those of you out there that really thought Brian Lee was going to walk out of the Gold Rush as the Heavyweight Champion, how did that work out for you? You people suffered a true malfunction at mentality junction when you chose him as your guy.”

Sensing control was in grasp, The Maulers began to turn up the tempo and aggression, along with some well-timed double team manoeuvres of their own. Withstanding the heightened aggression, Davey Rich and Tommy Angel showed resilience, by staying in the fight and answering back with counter attacks of their own.

Tommy Angel managed to tag out to Davey Rich, who came into the ring full of fire, unloading a flurry of punches toward both members of The Maulers, with the equally fired up crowd within the Hancock County High School cheering him on. “Listen to this crowd Dutch! The energy and the momentum are now once again fully on the side of Angel and Rich” proclaimed Bob Caudle on commentary “They’ve taken the best that The Maulers had to give, and now they are answering back in a manner that the big men just don’t seem equipped to deal with!”

The fans began to boo upon seeing the presence at ringside of Mr. Ron Wright, pushed out to the ring in his wheelchair by his managerial client, The Dirty White Boy. “What business have these two got out here during this match?” asked a confused Bob Caudle on commentary.

 In the closing moments of the contest, Davey Rich and Jack Victory were the legal participants, and Rich had Victory locked firmly in a Sleeper Hold. Outside of the ring, Mr. Ron Wright had wheeled up close to the ring apron and rested a coffee cup that he was holding onto it. Seeing this, The Referee turned his attention to Ron Wright and told him to remove the coffee cup from the apron. The Dirty White Boy then got up onto the ring apron and began to argue with the Referee on Wright’s behalf. As this was going on, the Referee missed as Rip Morgan illegally entered the ring and hit Davey Rich full force from behind with a ring boot that he’d removed from his foot.  Rip Morgan then threw the boot to the outside of the ring as Tommy Angel rushed in from the ring apron and zoned in on him. As Tommy Angel and Rip Morgan tackled one another and rolled out between the ropes to the outside of the ring trading punches, Davey Rich crumpled to the canvas, with Jack Victory falling on top of him in the pinning position. At this time, The Dirty White Boy ceased arguing with the Referee, causing the Ref to place his attention back on the action within the ring. The fans within the Hancock County High School booed loudly as Jack Victory scored the match winning pinfall over Davey Rich. With a match time of 8 minutes, 41 seconds, The Maulers advance onward in the Tag Team Championship Tournament.

“A big win for The Maulers there, the first of many for them here in Smoky Mountain Wrestling” said a clearly pleased "Dirty" Dutch Mantell on commentary “That match went just as I expertly predicted Bob!”

“I don’t remember hearing you predict the presence of Mr. Ron Wright and The Dirty White Boy” responded Bob Caudle “and I certainly don’t remember you predicting that we’d see a boot of all things being used. The Maulers may have gotten the win, but it wasn’t without controversy. I was impressed by the effort put forward by Davey Rich and Tommy Angel today. I hope this team stays together and one day gets another go around with The Maulers, because I think we could see a very different outcome in a rematch!”

(Rating: 40)

The WRIGHT to be present

Following the bout, the Smoky Mountain Wrestling Commissioner “Bullet” Bob Armstrong came out to ringside looking agitated. The Commissioner got into a verbal confrontation with Mr. Ron Wright.


“You know full well that I’ve warned you in the past about being at ringside during matches that you have no reason to be out here for” Bob Armstrong was heard to say “So you’re leaving me with no choice but to take action!”

Mr. Ron Wright was then backed up by his managerial client, The Dirty White Boy, who got into a heated argument with the Commissioner on his managers behalf. “I’m giving you 10 seconds to cool your tone and back up a step” Bob Armstrong warned The Dirty White Boy “If you try me further, I WILL take action against you also!”


Mr. Ron Wright’s back up didn’t end with The Dirty White Boy, he was soon joined by Jack Victory and Rip Morgan of The Maulers, who joined his side after leaving the ring following their match. Mr. Ron Wright then looked up to Commissioner Bob Armstrong with a knowing smile on his face, as if he was privy to some information that Armstrong wasn’t.



“I had myself EVERY reason to be at ringside” stated Mr. Ron Wright “and backstage, I have the legal documentation waiting for your eyes to observe in order to prove it. It’s no secret that I recently used my managerial licence to acquire the services of The Dirty White Boy, but to go alongside him; I’ll now officially reveal that I’ve acquired my first tag team. The Maulers are officially managed by me! I’m going to lead both Jack Victory and Rip Morgan to the top of the tag team ranks in this here Smoky Mountain Wrestling empire, and they’ll do it by winning the tournament to become the very first Tag Team Champions. That Championship money will be sure to cover my much needed surgical expenses!”

“Ok Mr. Wright, I’ll take you on your word for now” responded Commissioner Bob Armstrong, as he masked his annoyance with a smile “but I’m coming backstage with you right now, because I want to see that your story holds up and you do indeed have the managerial documentation for the Maulers ready and waiting for my review. If you DON’T have the paperwork, you can wave goodbye to any managerial future here within Smoky Mountain Wrestling!”


“Despite your continued attempts to vilify me, I’m an honest man Mr. Armstrong” responded Mr. Ron Wright “I’m just a down trodden man trying to pick myself up from hard times, and with the Dirty White Boy and The Maulers at my side, that’s exactly what I’m going to do!”  

(Rating: 49)

"The Shining Standard" Jimmy Golden vs. Rikki Nelson 


The heightened aggression on display from “The Shining Standard” Jimmy Golden during this outing stood out even more than the bright Gold Medal that he proudly wore on his way out to ringside.  Despite an admirable effort, and the full support of the fans within the Hancock County High School on his side, Rikki Nelson never came close to seriously troubling the Honorary Russian during the course of this encounter.

In the closing moments, a well-placed dropkick from Jimmy Golden sent Rikki Nelson crashing to the canvas. Rather than go for the pinfall following this move, Golden decided to run over to his grounded opponent and deliver a brutal stomp to the face. It was after this extra attack that Jimmy Golden decided he’d attempt to secure the victory, and the attempt was successful. At the time of 6 minutes, 43 seconds, “The Shining Standard” Jimmy Golden was declared the victor via pinfall.

“What an impressive showing from Jimmy Golden here today” said Dutch Mantell on commentary “It’s no wonder that he’s become so highly thought of over in Russia. If only the fans at home here in America would treat The Shining Standard with the same level of respect. Forget the likes of Brian Lee, it’s men like Jimmy Golden who these people should be celebrating!”   

(Rating: 43)

Golden Aspirations

Following his victory, “The Shining Standard” Jimmy Golden approached Bob Caudle at the commentary table, with some post-match comments clearly on his mind.


“You hold that microphone of yours real close to me Caudle, because I want these people to hear every word of this” said an intense eyed Jimmy Golden “While my Russian comrades Ivan and Vladimir focus on the task of becoming the first ever Smoky Mountain Wrestling Tag Team Champions, I’ve got my own business to take care of, and I start taking care of that business right now. Ever since I arrived here in Smoky Mountain Wrestling.

I’ve delivered the goods in the ring, time after time, but did you see me amongst the eight competitors in the Gold Rush Tournament? How can you have a Gold Rush without Golden?

But anyways... the Gold Rush happened without me, and now the supposed creme de la creme in this territory is Terry Gordy?”

Jimmy Golden paused from talking and looked to the crowd with anger as they cheered upon the mention of Terry Gordy’s name.

“Well Terry Gordy, the Shining Standard is sending out a message to you sonny boy.

You see, I got to mix it up with you in the six man tag match last week here on television, and I don’t think you’re all that! The only reason you get to wear the Heavyweight Championship is because I wasn’t in the tournament. As far as I’m concerned, you have zero credibility as Champion, not until you’ve gone one on one with a wrestler of the calibre of the Shining Standard!

So Terry Gordy, you talked a big game about wanting to be a fighting champion right? Well, I’m challenging you to put that Heavyweight Championship on the line against me, because I promise you, as tough as you may be, you’re nothing that I cannot handle. I want that Golden Championship around my waist to complement the Gold Medal around my neck.

All I need is ONE SHOT, and I’ll make my wish a reality. So come on, step on up to me as your first and final challenger Terry Gordy, because like I said, I only need ONE SHOT to create the reality I desire. I’ve got the name, I’ve got the Medal, and I’m going to get the Championship. EVERYTHING will be GOLDEN!”

(Rating: 48)


The Fantastics vs. The Wild Bunch


“Strap in for a good one folks, because we’ve got a whale of a tag team contest ahead of us with these two teams” proclaimed Bob Caudle on commentary at the outset of the bout “Two of the finest tag teams in the World, right here in Smoky Mountain Wrestling!”

“I know our audience are familiar with the Fantastics, but I’m thinking they are set to learn just how great this team of Billy Black and Joel Deaton are” stated "Dirty" Dutch Mantell confidently “and that lesson will be taught in a crash course that’s about to come at the expense of both Bobby and Jackie Fulton”  

“Well Dutch, nobody can attempt to deny what the Wild Bunch have achieved on the World wide wrestling stage” responded Bob Caudle “They recently held the All Asia Tag Team Championship out in Japan, a huge accomplishment”

“That’s right Bob” replied Dutch Mantell “The Wild Bunch have been very successful in the Japanese Wrestling ranks, and I’ll have you know this too, They’ve got some history fighting The Fantastics in Japan, and more times than not, it was the Wild Bunch who came out on top of those bouts. I have a feeling that it’ll be no different today here in Smoky Mountain Wrestling. Earlier in the show, I rightly predicted victory for The Maulers, and I’m going to predict a victory for the Wild Bunch too!”

The opening minutes of the contest saw The Fantastics and The Wild Bunch engage in some evenly matched action. This bout had some good heat from the captivated crowd on hand within the Hancock County High School, and decent wrestling from bell to bell.

As the match progressed, The Fantastics started to break away from The Wild Bunch following a successful sequence of double team attacks. In a notable sign that control was now on the side of the Fantastics, both Billy Black and Joel Deaton retreated to the outside of the ring to take stock of where there strategy was failing. Joel Deaton threw a ringside chair in an act of frustration.  “As much as I hate to give credit to The Fantastics, they are succeeding in making the Wild Bunch wrestle there kind of match right now” said Dutch Mantell “The Wild Bunch are the meaner and all around tougher duo, but they need to switch up to a new approach of attack that’s going to enable them to show it. If they fail to do so, this match is at risk of fully slipping out of their grasps.”

While their methods left something to be desired, The Wild Bunch did succeed in taking back control of the action. At one point, while Billy Black deliberately distracted the Referee, Joel Deaton subjected Jackie Fulton to an illegal choke.  

As the match rolled on, and with control now firmly on their side, The Wild Bunch upped the tempo and intensity of their attacks in their attempts to keep it. Billy Black delivered a front flip leg drop to a grounded Bobby Fulton, and later performed a handspring elbow when he had Bobby Fulton propped up in the corner. “You can see some of that World attained experience coming into play from the Wild Bunch now” said Dutch Mantell “You don’t see these kinds of attacks here in America all that often. We are seeing the Japanese taught techniques that the Wild Bunch have studied and incorporated into their own style coming into play. This is why I hold both Billy Black and Joel Deaton in high regard, not only are they tough raw boned battlers, but they’re both capable of impressing with fine wrestling techniques. These men have diversity, it makes them hard to read and predict for even the most educated of opponents, and I’m not sure if Bobby and Jackie Fulton can  even read beyond an elementary level, so their future looks bleak to me”

“I’ll admit Dutch, I’ve seen things from this Wild Bunch that I didn’t expect” replied Bob Caudle “the relentless aggression combined with the World attained stylings that you just spoke of is making them a hard match for The Fantastics here today.”

Despite a determined effort from The Fantastics to fight back control, The Wild Bunch managed to keep the pressure applied. As well as their well-placed aggression and finely timed wrestling techniques, they also used more underhanded tactics, such as illegally switching without a tag while the Referee was distracted, and at one point, Joel Deaton choked Jackie Fulton with the corner tag rope when he had him pushed into the ring corner.

“The fans in attendance are certainly getting vocal with The Wild Bunch in regards to some of the tactics they are choosing to employ” remarked Bob Caudle. “I stopped valuing the opinions of these people a long time ago Bob, and I’m all the better for it” replied Dutch Mantell “The Wild Bunch should be celebrated for their fine ring IQ. These two men are conscious of the Referee’s position at all times. This is a big time match with big time stakes; Billy Black and Joel Deaton would be foolish not to exploit the openings provided to them. The Wild Bunch don’t care about the approval of these people, and that’s one of the many reasons that they’ll prevail over The Fantastics here today”

In the closing stages of the bout, Billy Black and Jackie Fulton were the legal men for their respective teams, but the Referee struggled to get control of Joel Deaton and Bobby Fulton, who were also fighting within the ring. With Jackie Fulton grounded following a top rope moonsault from Billy Black, a follow up pin attempt from Billy Black was denied thanks to a timely save from Bobby. Both members of The Wild Bunch then turned their attentions to subduing Bobby Fulton. As Joel Deaton grappled with Bobby Fulton, the two men fell between the ring ropes and out onto the apron. As Billy Black tried to help his teammate, he was left vulnerable when Jackie Fulton rolled him up from behind. Successfully catching Billy Black off guard, Jackie Fulton managed to land the match winning three count. The Fantastics were officially declared the victors after 13 minutes and 4 seconds of exciting action.

“That wasn’t the result that I wanted to see” said a notably disenchanted Dutch Mantell on commentary as the Fantastics celebrated their victory within the ring “but I’m not going to deny what a fine tag team match we just witnessed. I disagree with the decisions made by our Commissioner Bob Armstrong 99% of the time, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. Thanks to Commissioner Armstrong’s matchmaking, we’ve witnessed two great bouts to start off this tag team tournament.”  

“You may not be happy with the result Dutch, but judging by the response of these fans, I’d say just about everyone else here within The Hancock County High School is” said Bob Caudle “The Fantastics overcame an admittedly tough challenge to advance in the tournament, and they now find themselves just two potential victories away from becoming the first ever Smoky Mountain Wrestling Tag Team Champions!”

(Rating: 59)

Watch Your Backs! 

Following the bout, The Fantastics had little time to celebrate their victory, as they were jumped from behind by the team that they’re set to meet in the Semi Finals of the Tag Team Championship Tournament, Jack Victory and Rip Morgan of The Maulers.


Despite being caught off guard by the surprise appearance of The Maulers, both Bobby and Jackie Fulton managed to battle back against them. The Fantastics and The Maulers traded fists as a host of Referees filled the ring in an attempt to get between both teams.

“This attempt at a cheap shot was completely uncalled for by The Maulers. Even you have to admit that Dutch” said Bob Caudle

“How about you first admit to something Bob” said Dutch Mantell in response “admit to the fact that The Fantastics got awfully lucky to score the victory over The Wild Bunch here on television today. I saw one team dominating that contest and it sure wasn’t The Fantastics. Bobby and Jackie Fulton don’t have what it takes to go the distance in this tournament, and luck will not be on their side when they face off with The Maulers in the Semi Finals.”

In the closing scenes of the broadcast, a number of Referees continued to struggle in keeping both The Fantastics and The Maulers apart.



“We are just about out of time Wrestling Fans” said Bob Caudle as he closed the broadcast “but be sure to join us next week, we’ll have more first round action from the Tag Team Championship Tournament, and that’s not all,  I’ll be interviewing the man who’s the subject of all of the talk in the area right now, the Gold Rush victor and the first ever Smoky Mountain Wrestling Heavyweight Champion, Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy! We’ve now got to go, see you next week!”

(Rating: 35)


(OVERALL Show Rating: 50) (Popularity increased in 1 region)











Edited by Golden Guard M
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