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PSW: Welcome to my mid-life crisis

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So I’m a middle-aged writer who’s recently been laid off (fired in American) and I’m now a stay at home parent for the foreseeable future.

I’ve always been a massive TEW fan but I’ve never really had the time to start diary, but now my son is at nursery full-time.

There are some beautifully designed diaries on the board, and this won’t be one of them, that’s not my bag at all.

But what I can promise you are agenda-pushing, ridiculous and plagiarised stories presenting CVerse characters as you’ve never seen them before.

After toying with the idea of SWF or starting a new promotion set in a prison where sadistic guards have forced the inmates to fight, I’ve settled on PSW as the right environment for my style of writing.

Feedback most welcome, I wasn’t planning on doing any post-show or booker comments but if you’d like to see this then please just ask.

So we’ve got a roster(ish) post following and then a card for New Year Revolution coming up tomorrow.


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What will you bring to PSW in 2020?


Ernest Youngman: “Violence.”


Nelson Callum: “The Pittsburgh Peeps.”


Madman Boone: “Chopped tomatoes.”


Ash Campbell: “A changing of the guard.”


Logan Wolfsbaine: “Glorious energy.”


Samoan Destruction Inc: *Grunt*


Xavi Ferrera: “Xavi Ferrera baby.”


Kammy Ling: “No limits.”


Cerberus: *Bites metal chain*


Cowboy Buck Winchester: “Law and order.”


Dead Bolt: “Bolt.”


Rich and Famous: “Biceps.”


Little Bill Lebowski: “Hardcore.”


Sayeed Ali: “G S***.”


Teddy Powell: “Veteran mentality.”


Vendetta: “The Fury Road.”


Wicked Lester: “Hell on Earth:”


Antix: “Bars.”


Austin Smooth: “Half a million Tik Tok followers.”


Devil Dog: “Semper Fidelis.”


Dustin Deuce: “Love.”


Jebediah: “Mamm’s shoofly pie.”


Carl Batch: “Batch Enterprises.”


Alex Braun: “Unbiased analysis.”


Eric Tyler: “No.”


Mitch Naess: “THIS IS P-S-F******W.”

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So here go,


PSW New Year Revolution

PSW Championship - Steel Circle rules

Nelson Callum© vs Logan Wolfsbaine

Ernest Youngman vs Xavi Ferrera baby

PSW National title

Sayeed Ali © vs a hardcore legend

Ash Campbell vs Little Bill Lebowski

Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Austin Smooth

Devil May Care vs Reckless Antix

PSW Tag Team titles

Samoan Destruction Inc© vs Rich & Famous


Plus, wrestlers creative has nothing for on the preshow.

Predictions, signs, chants welcome and encouraged.

Prize on offer for the most correct predictions over the next two shows.

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Love it already.

PSW New Year Revolution

PSW Championship - Steel Circle rules

Nelson Callum© vs Logan Wolfsbaine

Ernest Youngman vs Xavi Ferrera baby

PSW National title

Sayeed Ali © vs a hardcore legend

Ash Campbell vs Little Bill Lebowski

Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Austin Smooth

Devil May Care vs Reckless Antix

PSW Tag Team titles

Samoan Destruction Inc© vs Rich & Famous

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PSW New Year Revolution

PSW Championship - Steel Circle rules

Nelson Callum© vs Logan Wolfsbaine

Ernest Youngman vs Xavi Ferrera baby

PSW National title

Sayeed Ali © vs a hardcore legend

Ash Campbell vs Little Bill Lebowski

Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Austin Smooth

Devil May Care vs Reckless Antix

PSW Tag Team titles

Samoan Destruction Inc© vs Rich & Famous


let's get it, cool start with the previews

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Nelson Callum© vs Logan Wolfsbaine

Ernest Youngman vs Xavi Ferrera baby

PSW National title

Sayeed Ali © vs a hardcore legend

Ash Campbell vs Little Bill Lebowski

Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Austin Smooth

Devil May Care vs Reckless Antix

PSW Tag Team titles

Samoan Destruction Inc© vs Rich & Famous

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PSW New Year Revolution PREDICTIONS

PSW Championship - Steel Circle Rules: Nelson Callum© def. Logan Wolfsbaine

Xavi Ferrera def. Ernest Youngman baby

PSW National Title: Sayeed Ali © def. a hardcore legend

Ash Campbell def. Little Bill Lebowski

Austin Smooth def. Cowboy Buck Winchester

Devil May Care def. Reckless Antix

PSW Tag Team Titles: Samoan Destruction Inc© def. Rich & Famous

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I really can't thank you all enough for the feedback and predictions, genuinely put a smile on my face.

Main show should be out tomorrow for anyone still waiting to get their's in.

For all the Vendetta fans, here's the New Year Revolution preshow


Those filing into the Ministry stupid enough to give us their mobile numbers are greeted to what is billed as an emergency message over WhatsApp.

Austin Smooth: “Hello Tik Tok, Instagram and WhatsApp, it’s your boy the Smooth Operator here at the dawn of a new decade.

“Yet despite this, a Yellowstone extra still won’t leave me alone.

“Well Bucky, tonight you'll be counting cows and sheep after I put you to sleep, and here's the preview."

Suddenly Smooth springs on an unsuspecting member of the public, putting them in the Smooth Hold and choking them out.

“Don’t forget to like and subscribe.”


Match 1: Jebediah vs Zomboy – Grade 33

·         The big friendly Amish begins the match by offering Zomboy a shoofly pie

·         Unfortunately, the undead only have a taste for human flesh

·         The pair put on a surprisingly adequate big man, little man match, with Jebediah’s athleticism on show

·         And after striking Zomboy with a targeted punch straight to the head, the big man soars through the air and nails a ring-rattling top rope splash for the three


Just as Jebediah’s hand is raised, Deathwish attacks like a rabid animal, with a miraculously recovered Zomboy joining in the assault, led by Wicked Lester.

After finally putting the big man down, Wicked Lester reaches for what appears to be a pig mask.

With the trio ready to enact whatever sick ritual they have planned, an assortment of babyfaces we had no plans for but turned up regardless hit the ring

Some stiff strikes from Devil Dog and threatening flips from Dustin Deuce manage to clear the cultists


Match 2: Vendetta vs Ben Williams – Grade 10

·         The shrill sounds of a guitar riff heralds the arrival of Mad Max-enthusiast Vendetta

·         Poor Ben Williams didn’t stand a chance here, and is destroyed by the big man

·         In fact, the only moment of struggle for Vendetta comes when he accidentally closes a chair on his fingers, causing him to howl in pain

·         The futuristic punk manages to rally from the chairshot and soon puts Williams away with Anarchy in the USA

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PSW New Year Revolution 2020

"We are live in front of a sold-out crowd at The Ministry.
"I’m Mitch Naess alongside the Iceman Alex Braun and the Traditionalist Eric Tyler."
"We have a packed.. *Vivaldi hits the speakers*
Ernest Youngman leads the Steel Circle to the ring with a determined walk, flanked by Rich and Famous and with Logan Wolfsbaine bringing up the rear.
Ernest Youngman: “You are looking at the greatest group in professional wrestling, and 2020 is the year the Steel Circle finish on top.” Eric Tyler tells a snickering Mitch Naess to grow up.
“Rich and Famous will finally defeat those Samoan oafs, and the Assassin of the Squared Circle will reclaim what is his, the PSW title, from that disrespectful punk.”
Unfortunately for Ernest his speech is cut short by the PSW Champion, Nelson Callum.
“What up Pittsburgh Peeps?” The crowd roars while Ernest Youngman fails to hide his disgust.
“2020, the year of opportunity, and I know just the way to kick it off, by facing one of the best young wrestlers in the world today, and he’s in the ring right now.
“So Ernie….. If you could just step to the side that would be great.” Murmurs from the crowd turn into an ohhhhhh when they realise what Callum’s up to.
“Logan, you’re on one hell of a tear right now, so when are you going to stop carrying Ernie’s bags and step up? Me and you, one-on-one, PSW title. I’ll even make it Steel Circle rules.”
Wolfsbaine grabs a mic and prepares to answer but Youngman beats him to it: “We accept.”


Match 1: Devil May Care vs Reckless Antix – Grade 27
Antix: “I said yo!” All three members of the announce team groan.
“Ain’t looking for semantics, cause we be Reckless Antix.” “ANTIX SUCKS”
•    The cry from a particularly vocal member of the Ministry distracts Antix for long enough for Stuntman to wipe him and Reckless out with a springboard shooting star press
•    Yet this isn’t enough for the crowd to warm to Stuntman, with crowd chanting “You both suck” to him and Antix
•    The bitter hatred between these two teams sees the fight spill to the balcony area of the Ministry
•    And all four wrestlers plummet into tables conveniently set up near the ramp after Pittsburgh’s most hated high-flier looks to have overshot a cross-body
•    Ryan Holland calls for an end. Hard to tell what the crowd hated more, the finish or Stuntman


Backstage we see fan favourite Xavi Ferrera preparing for his big match with Youngman, performing a series of handstand push-ups
Carl Batch: “Xavi Ferrera, just the man I wanted to see.”
Xavi: “What the hell do you want Batch, can’t you see I’m training?”
Batch: “What I see is a brother with all the potential in the world to make millions in this business with the right advice and managerial expertise, know what I’m saying? I’ll leave this with you.”
Xavi is seen looking at Batch’s card while the Street Hustler exits the scene.


Match 2: Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Austin Smooth – Grade 41
•    This match nearly ended as quickly as it started, with Austin ducking the lariat and bailing outside at the first spot of trouble
•    Smooth managed to keep things on the mat after this, applying a number of well-executed rest holds to the delight of Eric Tyler and the disgust of the fans
•    But Buck rallied, and after flattening Smooth with a particularly nasty spinebuster looked finally set to lariat everyone’s favourite influence
•    Only he had become so focussed on Smooth, he hadn’t noticed the lumbering figure of Dead Bolt who’d made his way into the ring. “Chokeslam”
•    With Winchester dipping in and out of consciousness, Austin fulfils his promise and chokes him out with the Smooth Hold
Mitch Naess: “That damn dirty…”
Eric Tyler: “Genius! If Buck lets an influencer get in his head, how in the hell can he keep order around this place?”


Match 3: Samoan Destruction Inc. vs Rich & Famous – Grade 46
•    Alex Braun runs through the tale of the tape, stating Rich & Famous would need to use all their “nous” and “tricks” to defeat the larger Samoans
•    The confident islanders start strong until The Steel Circle pair manage to cut off Samoan Machine, the smaller of the two
•    A double suplex and a back-suplex neckbreaker net near falls, with Jordan and Idol utilising every trick in the book to keep Rhino Umaga out of the ring
•    Yet with all their experience, they fail to remember the most basic wrestling rule, as Alex Braun reminds us “You can’t headbutt Samoans!” 
•    With Rich & Famous on dream street Umaga nearly cuts Jordan in half with the Rhino Charge while Machine holds Idol in the Unbreakable Sleeper and the champs retain
Mitch Naess: “Ernest isn’t going to be happy after declaring Rich & Famous would defeat the Samoans tonight.”
Alex Braun: “Why do people never learn? Now if you’ll excuse me gentlemen.”


The Iceman gingerly enters the ring: “Ladies and gentleman, a member of the roster has requested some interview time.
“He describes himself as an innovator, hardcore royalty, a tag team legend. Really? He still works here?!? Ladies and gentleman Teddy Powell.”
Things move quickly in wrestling and in the world of hardcore, yet Powell is seen with the same bleached hair and ring gear from his Adrenaline Rush days.
Powell: “Thanks Alex, and I just wanted to say…” Teddy’s meek voice is drowned out by the boos.
Powell: “I said…” Crowd: “Booooooorrrrrrrring.”
Powell: “Sammy Bach.” The crowd quietens down.
Powell: “Isn’t here tonight because that little bitch left you at the first chance. Now, the better half of Adrenaline Rush will  be re-entering the tag division, starting next month." Teddy spikes his mic into the mat
Mitch Naess: “Woah big announcement there from Teddy Powell.”
Eric Tyler: “I know, Sammy Bach!”
Naess: “You didn’t listen to a word he just said, did you?”
Tyler: “I may have zoned out after Sammy Bach.”


Match 4: Sayeed Ali vs a Hardcore Legend – Grade 41
•    The National champ looks like he’s about to deliver some rare words before the battered, scarred body of Gareth Wayne shuffles down the ramp with his customary shopping trolley full of weapons
•    Anyone not thinking Wayne meant business was immediately proved wrong after he threw a chair in Sayeed’s face to start the match
•    After being interrupted and having a chair thrown in his face, Sayeed wasn’t in the best of moods and spent minutes trying to put his Timberlands all the way through Wayne’s face
•    Not being satisfied with this, Ali stuffed Wayne’s mouth full of tacks to really make sure he felt the stomps
•    A GBH driver on the rest of the tacks and the champ wins. Wayne, spitting and coughing out blood, looked strangely serene as he was carted away by medics


Match 5: Little Bill Lebowski vs Ash Campbell – Grade 24
•    James the Animator called this an undisguised squash, well I bet he feels silly now because yes that’s exactly what this is
•    Little Bill’s offer of a handshake at the start of the match seemed to incense Ash even more, bending a chair over Bill’s head until it became just a plain lump of steel
•    After a few minutes of screaming in Little Bill’s face “you’re not worthy”, Ash thankfully ended the match after a piledriver on the lump of steel
•    Only he didn’t, Ash dragged poor Little Bill and dumped him on the mat again with the Nemesis Arrow. 
•    Ash finally went for the pin here at Tyler’s behest


Ash Campbell: “So this is it? This is what my father missed out on my childhood for?

“Like any child of a successful parent, my dad was on the road too much to be there for my first football game, my graduation, to take me for my first beer, hell he wasn’t even there for my first match.

“And I understand, really, my dad was a pioneer, the father of hardcore, beloved by wrestling fans around the world.” A Nemesis chant breaks out
“Only that vision became bloated, diluted, stained.
“Instead of great wrestlers like Eric pushing the boundaries of what could be done in wrestling, you had fat sacks of shit and losers who couldn’t win a single match picking up a chair and calling themselves hardcore.
“And you virgins cheer, scream and shout this is hardcore, well guess what neckbeards, that time is over.
“That’s why I’m here, the heir of hardcore, to set things right and be sure that my dad’s name and legacy is linked to people like Eric and not Chris Caulfield, not Johnny Martin, and definitely not scrappy do here.”
Eric Tyler: “I am proud to be associated with Nemesis, just like I am proud to be associated with Ash Campbell’s revolution.
“Sands shift over time and Little Bill, the sands of time appear to have…”
Before the villainous pair finish off Lebowski for good, a screaming Madman Boone hits the ring throwing wild haymakers
Eric ushers Ash out of the ring, with the mad eyed Boone pacing up and down, and threatening to kill the pair of them.


Match 6: Xavi Ferrera vs Ernest Youngman – Grade 58
•    A big match feel fills the air of the Ministry, with the unusual sight of two great wrestlers in the ring together
•    But the wind is soon sucked out of the fans by Ernest Youngman, who immediately hits a trifecta of Germans, dumping Xavi harder on his head each time
•    This one could have been over very early, had Xavi not cartwheeled his way out of the Hit, then followed up with a pele kick
•    Each man then had his moments, but Xavi had more of them, using his athleticism to keep the assassin off balance
•    After a flipping DDT, Xavi looked to be lining up Ernest for the finish and the biggest win of his career, but chose to focus on Carl Batch instead who had made his way to ringside
•    Xavi made a mistake, and Ernest Youngman does not make mistakes, seizing on his error and nearly taking his head clean off with The Hit. Count to 50

Mitch Naess: “My God Xavi was so close to the brass ring!”
Alex Braun: “Brass ring or not Ferrera can be proud of his performance, and his stock has surely risen after that bout.”
Eric Tyler: “Ernest looked distracted, under my guidance he’d have won that with ease


Match 7: Nelson Callum vs Logan Wolfsbaine – Grade 56
•    Ernest Youngman sticks around at ringside for his protégé’s match, with Rich & Famous holding ice packs to each shoulder
•    After Logan Wolfsbaine’s glorious entrance, Nelson Callum saunters down the ramp, blowing a kiss at his best pal Ernest as he enters the ring. “Here we go” Screams Mitch Naess
•    In an almost carbon copy of the previous match, Logan tries to start strong grabbing a waistlock and trying to hurl Callum across the ring. 
•    Only the champ’s seen this move before, and flips over behind him. “Maybe Ernest’s training could be a disadvantage here for Wolfsbaine”, declares Alex Braun
•    Callum manages to keep the big man at bay, banking on his superior ring craft and experience to see him through in the later stages
•    But this is a Steel Circle rules match. With Callum deprived of his usual weapons and tricks, Logan only gets stronger. And instead of Youngman’s suplexes, Callum finds himself thrown through the air by the collegiate wrestler
•    After folding Callum up like a pretzel with an exploder into the corner, Logan nails his belly-to-belly finisher
•    It seemed only academic, with Youngman screaming pin him, but Logan wanted to make a statement and dragged Callum into the middle of the ring for another belly-to-belly,
•    Youngman, Jackpot and Idol stand in shock as the unthinkable has happened
•    A simple small package from Nelson Callum has defeated Logan Wolfsbaine, with the Glorious One seeming sure to pick up the win
Mitch Naess: “Nelson does it! Nelson does it!”
Alex Braun: “Hang on a minute.”


The shock doesn’t take long to wear off, with Rich & Famous delivering kicks to the grounded Callum. 
Instead of looking irate, Youngman enters the ring with a sick smile on his face, telling Jordan and Idol to hold him down.
Seizing on one of his arms, Youngman is heard telling Callum: “See you next month buddy.”
And in one slick motion, Youngman leans back, popping Callum’s shoulder right out o the socket.
The show ends with Nelson Callum laying in a heap on the floor, with his right arm flat on the mat.
This is the PSW Champion - show grade 51

Edited by jcarmjn
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Three Wise Men


Mitch Naess, Eric Tyler, Johnny Martin, Alex Braun and JD Morgan meet to for their usual debrief following New Year Revolution.

Naess: “Right, before we get really started anything major from the preshow?”

Martin: “Nothing major, no, but let’s talk about Jebediah.”

Morgan: “He hardly set the world alight but he looked decent out there, too good for the preshow. God knows we need all the decent babyfaces we can get.”

Naess: “Okay, his role in that programme is wrapped up after Highway to Hell so let’s get some ideas about how to get him on the main show.”

Tyler: “Whatever you do, don’t give him a live mic.”

Naess: “One more thing, who came up with that Vendetta spot, please tell me it was a work…”

Tyler: “Mitch, are you seriously suggesting a trained professional can’t operate a steel chair?”

Johnny’s face begins to crack while JD let’s off a snort, before long all four of the former DAVE stalwarts are in hysterics.

Tyler: “The putz broke two of his fingers.”

Naess: “You do know we’re going on the internet in March right? Imagine if this got out? The successor of the most successful and original hardcore promotion had one of their wrestlers howl out in pain after hurting his fingers with a steel chair. I’m going to fire his ass.”

Martin: “Let’s not be so hasty Mitch. It was on the preshow so not many people saw it. And I think we can work with this, that’s the only way he’ll learn not to do it again.”

Naess: “Fine, but on your head be it. Now, on to the unpleasant stuff, who the hell booked that finish for the opener? Or was that a botch too?”


Braun: “No, this one was a work and it’s on me. I thought we could develop the crowd’s hate for Stuntman into this finish, but they hated him as much as they do him.”

Naess: “Let’s learn from this please and try not to get too clever, it’s never good to play into the go ahead heat Stuntman’s got right now. Are we wasting our time with this guy.”

Morgan: “Simon’s a good lad, he can do things no-one else can do on the roster, but it’s hard to get our lot to change their minds on someone they don’t like.”

Tyler: “Plus, if you were to break them up, I’m not convinced Acid is ready to go alone just yet.”

Naess: “Okay, we’ll keep watch on this one. A lot of the stories we started have gone down really well, yes?”

Martin: “Yep, Carl and Ernest made Xavi look like an absolute star. We’ve got a future PSW champion on our hands there.”

Tyler: “He’s one of the few guys who actually makes the flippy shit look realistic, I’d say if he’s not main eventing in a year’s time we’ve failed.”

Naess: “Alex, phenomenal work on the Teddy Powell programme, there’s so much mileage in this if we do it right, this could go for months.”

Morgan: “Now while I’d normally agree, have you seen who’s just become a free agent?”

All five men stare at JD’s IPad in shock.

Morgan: “He’s walked out and they’ve had to vacate their tag titles, it’s a huge scandal over there.”

Braun: “It’s perfect for the storyline, we couldn’t have booked that better ourselves.”

Naess: “Well Alex, it’s your programme, if you’re happy with it then let’s not waste any time. The last thing I want to see is him passing out in a Brutus Milano bearhug before we’ve had him on screen. Let’s keep on the good news, Eric, incredible work with Ash, that’s all anyone was talking about after the show.”

Tyler: “I’d love to take credit for this one but that material was all his, the kid’s special on the stick. It’s going to be difficult to keep him out of the main event if he carries on like this.”

Naess: “Why not bring in some other second gen guys from the hardcore family for a stable, Johnny, is Chip around?

Tyler: “No. Sorry but like you just said with Alex this is my programme, and the main reason for Ash being pissed off is because his dad was the best, and he’s the heir of hardcore.”

Martin: “Besides, Chip’s doing his own thing right now.”

Morgan: “We’ll also struggle to keep Logan out of the main event after a performance like that. He’s ready to come out of Ernest’s shadow now, he’s got everything.”

Naess: “Well then JD, make it work. What’s the feeling on Austin by the way?”

Tyler: “Hmmm, while the kid didn’t flop, he didn’t really stand out the way we thought he would. He’s got all the potential in the world but we might have overestimated where he’s at right now. Let’s see how he does over the next few months.”

Naess: “Last thing, we had two kick ass matches end the night, yet the reaction’s been mild to say the least, what’s happening people?”


Braun: “Well the first thing Mitch, the set, the appearance, the music, we look minor league. I know we aim for a grungy look but there’s a difference between grungy and cheap.”

Naess: “Okay, with Wrestleworld and our move to two shows a month round the corner I’ve had to cut costs, but let me see what I can do with that.”

Braun: “And the other you’re not going to like…”

Tyler: “We tried to give the crowd something different by having our main and co-main event go longer, and they didn’t like it.”

Naess: “Well that’s annoying but easily fixed, we just don’t do it again.”

Martin: “Actually Mitch….”

Morgan: “We want to keep the longer matches. Ernest, Nelson, Logan, Xavi, Ash, all these guys can go better than we ever could.”

Martin: “We did shorter matches so me and Phunk didn’t gas, but we don’t need to now, we can have longer matches which tell better stories, without resorting to so much hardcore.”

Naess: “What!?!?!”

Tyler: “Let’s be real Mitch, hardcore’s dying and DAVE is dead. If you really want to get to where TCW are now in two years, like you told us earlier non-negotiable , then we need a more sponsor friendly product, we need to work our guys hard but ensure they don’t get injured.”

Braun: “We’re not saying we abandon hardcore, just make it one of many themes. Let’s still be more violent than SWF, more aggressive than USPW, more ruthless than Total.”

Naess: “So you want Ruthless Aggression?”

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PSW Highway to Hell 2020 card

Arthur Dexter Bradley vs Logan Wolfsbaine

Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Dead Bolt

PSW Tag Team Titles - Samoan Destruction Inc (c) vs Devil May Care vs Reckless Antix

Rich and Famous vs Teddy Powell & 'Sammy Bach'

Cerberus vs Xavi Ferrera baby

PSW National Title - Sayeed Ali (c) vs Another Hardcore Legend

Ash Campbell vs Madman Boone

PSW Title - Nelson Callum (c) vs Ernest Youngman - If Callum wins, all Steel Circle members are banned from challenging him for the PSW title

For two bonus points - if not Sammy Bach, then who is Teddy Powell's new partner?


Prediction scores


@James The Animator5






Prize on offer for the most points from this show and New Year Revolution, then scores will reset. 10 points on offer here so all still to play for. The initial prize was going to be pick Teddy Powell's new partner so I'll have to think of something else.

Predictions, feedback, queries, chants and signs most welcome. Enjoy!

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Arthur Dexter Bradley vs Logan Wolfsbaine

Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Dead Bolt

PSW Tag Team Titles - Samoan Destruction Inc (c) vs Devil May Care vs Reckless Antix

Rich and Famous vs Teddy Powell & 'Sammy Bach'

Cerberus vs Xavi Ferrera baby

PSW National Title - Sayeed Ali (c) vs Another Hardcore Legend

Ash Campbell vs Madman Boone

PSW Title - Nelson Callum (c) vs Ernest Youngman - If Callum wins, all Steel Circle members are banned from challenging him for the PSW title

For two bonus points - if not Sammy Bach, then who is Teddy Powell's new partner?



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PSW Highway to Hell 2020 PREDICTIONS

Logan Wolfsbaine def. Arthur Dexter Bradley

Dead Bolt def. Cowboy Buck Winchester

PSW Tag Team Titles - Samoan Destruction Inc (c) def. Devil May Care and Reckless Antix

Teddy Powell & 'Sammy Bach' def. Rich and Famous

Xavi Ferrera def. Cerberus baby

PSW National Title - Sayeed Ali (c) def. Another Hardcore Legend

Ash Campbell def. Madman Boone

PSW Title - Ernest Youngman def. Nelson Callum (c)

For two bonus points - if not Sammy Bach, then who is Teddy Powell's new partner?: Killer Shark

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Arthur Dexter Bradley vs Logan Wolfsbaine

Logan is a guy, especially since at some point you'll get raided for the guys above him.

Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Dead Bolt

Dead Bolt more like Dead Weight.

PSW Tag Team Titles - Samoan Destruction Inc (c) vs Devil May Care vs Reckless Antix

Just a hunch.

Rich and Famous vs Teddy Powell & 'Sammy Bach'

Teddy deserves something nice, he's been mediocre for close to 20 years.

Cerberus vs Xavi Ferrera Baby

Xavi is so good.

PSW National Title - Sayeed Ali (c) vs Another Hardcore Legend

Future PSW Champion Sayeed Ali isn't losing to the past unless MAYBE Caufield is healthy enough for a run

Ash Campbell vs Madman Boone

He's the most intriguing thing on the show and he's also a new thing so he'll be important! 

PSW Title - Nelson Callum (c) vs Ernest Youngman - If Callum wins, all Steel Circle members are banned from challenging him for the PSW title

This is a bet of confidence in Ash Campbell getting the belt at some point. Either Ernest has been poached or he's getting the tag belts with Logan.

For two bonus points - if not Sammy Bach, then who is Teddy Powell's new partner? 

Gotta be honest my english reading comprehension is terrible so I haven't fully got the tease but if it's someone good who walked out of a company where he was holding the tag titles then it's probably someone who isn't already in a real tag team (more like two guys together) so that you can insert him in here with a lot of plausibility. Gimme Rob Reynolds

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Arthur Dexter Bradley vs Logan Wolfsbaine

Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Dead Bolt

PSW Tag Team Titles - Samoan Destruction Inc (c) vs Devil May Care vs Reckless Antix

Rich and Famous vs Teddy Powell & 'Sammy Bach'

Cerberus vs Xavi Ferrera baby

PSW National Title - Sayeed Ali (c) vs Another Hardcore Legend

Ash Campbell vs Madman Boone

PSW Title - Nelson Callum (c) vs Ernest Youngman - If Callum wins, all Steel Circle members are banned from challenging him for the PSW title

For two bonus points - if not Sammy Bach, then who is Teddy Powell's new partner?

I'm gonna take a wild guess and pick Titan.

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Arthur Dexter Bradley vs Logan Wolfsbaine

Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Dead Bolt

PSW Tag Team Titles - Samoan Destruction Inc (c) vs Devil May Care vs Reckless Antix

Rich and Famous vs Teddy Powell & 'Sammy Bach'

Cerberus vs Xavi Ferrera baby

PSW National Title - Sayeed Ali (c) vs Another Hardcore Legend

Ash Campbell vs Madman Boone

PSW Title - Nelson Callum (c) vs Ernest Youngman - If Callum wins, all Steel Circle members are banned from challenging him for the PSW title

For two bonus points - if not Sammy Bach, then who is Teddy Powell's new partner?, no idea Killer shark sounds a good option though

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Last call for predictions, show will hopefully be up some time tomorrow. Here's some PSW Highway to Hell 2020 preshow goodness.


Those seated early at the ministry see a beautifully shot vignette of the abandoned St Peter and Paul church in Pennsylvania.

Drawn on the walls in a red substance which appears to be blood are a series of stick men, with the middle two circled and labelled "Jack and Jill".

A rat running across the floor squeals after being caught then seemingly devoured by Deathwish.

Standing at the altar, Wicked Lester is preaching to the Legion of Blood ahead of their match.

"We dedicate this forthcoming victory to the Sky Man, he who is God, the devil, satan and soul.

"For it was he who opened the bottomless pit, and there came out of the smoke locusts upon the Earth, and unto them was given power.

"Tonight we are the locusts, and we will descend upon the pigs."


Match 1: Legion of Blood vs Dustin Deuce, Jebediah & Devil Dog - Grade 23

  • This one descends into a complete and utter free-for-all, with the Legion of Blood possessed by the words of their preacher
  • Jebediah again proves he's probably above this, throwing the Legion all over the ring
  • Yet Zomboy hasn't forgotten his earlier defeat, and wipes out both him and his partner Deathwish with a coffin drop to the outside
  • Devil Dog thinks he has this one in the bag, yet a click of the fingers from Lester and Dustin Deuce redirects the chair shot right onto Dog's head, busting him wide open
  • A recovered Deathwish puts the exclamation mark on the match with a Suicide Headbutt from the top and the weirdos bag the win


With Devil Dog incapacitated in the ring, Lester sets his minions to work, pacifying Jebediah on the outside.

Then to the disgust of the handful of people who've made it to the arena, he uses a fork to jab at Dog's head, with blood now flowing openly from the former marine.

Lester then uses the blood of his foe to write "PIG" on his back.


There must be some kind of mistake here, as the camera zooms in on the Steel Circle's preshow chat, seemingly unaware we're giving away a solid segment on the preshow

Ernest Youngman: "So tonight's the night, everything I've worked for, for nearly a year and it's come to this."

Logan Wolfsbaine: "We've worked for."

Youngman: "Yeah sure. Now let me make myself clear, none of you are to come out during the match. Never mind interfering, if I so much as see you in the crowd, then you'll be the ones having your arms snapped.

"Are you clear on tonight Logan?"

Wolfsbaine: "Do you not think this is a bit trivial for me? I was seconds away from beating an able bodied Callum by myself, and yet I'm now doing the dirty work of these guys while they face Adernaline Rush."

Rich & Famous are oblivious to that insult as they're both doing squats in the mirror, complementing the other's form.

Youngman: "Three things. Yeah, you had Callum beat, but you messed up. You showed me you're not ready. Second, I need you to sort our Samoan problem as these two f***wits can't seem to get anything right."

That insult hurt Rich & Famous, who were pausing to take on some BCAAs.

Youngman: "Please tell me you're not that stupid? Sammy Bach was on TCW a few nights ago, he's not going to be here. And do you really think I'd put these two in with Adrenaline Rush?"

Idol's now eating a salted caramel protein bar to drown out the negative words.

Youngman: "Now you all know what you have to do, tonight, the Steel Circle finally finishes on top."

Jackpot Jordan: "Ernest you do know...." Idol stops his partner from going any further


Match 2: Gareth Wayne vs Vendetta - Grade 30

  • The grizzled veteran of the Japanese hardcore scene was immediately put on the back foot by Vendetta, keen to redeem himself after the embarassment of the last show
  • Our favourite Mad Max enthusiast looked set to pull off the biggest win of his career after sending Wayne through a table
  • But the Hardcore American weathers the storm, and changes tactics, blocking a Vendetta punch
  • We all see where this going, Wayne manages to manipulate Vendetta's fingers apart, then snap. Vendetta is left howling on the floor
  • Big in Japan, and Vendetta is done, 1-2-3
Edited by jcarmjn
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PSW Highway to Hell 2020


“We are live and coming to you from the sold-out home of hardcore.

"I’m Mitch Naess alongside the Iceman Alex Braun and the Traditionalist Eric Tyler.

“And before we start the action tonight, I believe the Steel Circle has an urgent address it wants to make in the ring.”

Alex Braun: “At least they let us know beforehand this time.”


Ernest Youngman looks like a man on a mission as he makes his way to the ring, with the rest of the Circle struggling to keep up.

Youngman: “So, two choices Nelson.

“You can either vacate your title, according to section 4.2 of the PSW championship act, or you can wrestle me one armed in the ring tonight. Either way, get your bleached blonde a** in the ring.”

The cocky perma-smile usually attached to Callum’s face has gone, as the champ can’t help wincing and holding his left arm as he makes his way down the ramp.

Nelson Callum: “Smart Ernest, real smart. But I’m sick of this back and forth, how long’s it been now? Nearly a year?

“So here’s what I’m suggesting. Me-and-you, one-on-one, and if I win, no member of the Steel Circle can challenge me for this belt.”

Wolfsbaine and Rich & Famous clearly weren’t expecting that part, and were shocked when their leader accepted without any consultation.

Naess: “Woah we have a main event that will shape future of PSW.”


Match 1: Arthur Dexter-Bradley vs Logan Wolfsbaine - Grade 47

  • All three commentators quickly acknowledge the heritage of ADB, being Umaga’s brother
  • The experience of ADB helped him hold off Wolfsbaine, then unleash his own brand of Samoan Lucha Libre
  • But one dive too many sees him caught by Wolfsbaine, who nearly sends him into orbit with with a fall-away slam
  • A particularly nasty deadlift German is probably enough to finish this one, but Logan has something else in mind
  • After pointing to the sky and shouting ‘Glorious’, he slaps on a kimura, with ADB instantly tapping out


Anyone in the audience paying attention to the preshow will know exactly what’s going on here, with Wolfsbaine bending ADB’s arm before an audible *crack*

A charging Rhino Umaga is seconds too late to save his brother and catch the offender, who laughed his way up the ramp and into the back.

Mitch Naess: “What a despicable act, and no doubt ordered by Ernest Youngman.”

Eric Tyler: “Little twerp had it coming, but Ernest needs to focus on the task in hand, not on the Samoans.”


Hurt by Johnny Cash fills the airwaves as an even angrier than usual Cowboy Buck Winchester enters the ring.

Winchester: “Austin, don’t make me come back there and find you.”

Shooting himself with his phone through a selfie view, Smooth is barely able to get his message across over the shower of boos.

Smooth: “Hey Bucky, how’s it hanging pal? It’s your boy, ASmooth coming to you live from VidCon.

“Now unfortunately, I can’t be there in person to choke you out again but don’t worry, I’ve sent my video editor down to kick you’re a**. Isn’t that right Bolt?”

Dead Bolt: “BOLT”


Match 2: Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Dead Bolt – Grade 35

  • Those looking for a technical showcase or a high-flying spectacle, look away now, as this contest resembled a brawl at closing time in an Applebee’s.
  • Bolt did some damage with firm right hands, then an avalanche crushed Buck with his considerable weight.
  • But the avalanche seemed to empty Bolt’s tank, and from here it’s all Winchester.
  • With Bolt practically immobile, Buck impressively managed to scoop him up the dead weight and slam him down to the mat with a spinebuster.
  • The Cowboy ends this one with a neckbreaker, thinking Bolt wouldn’t be able to stay on his feet long enough for the lariat

Alex Braun: “Great thinking there from Buck, and he’s added another move to his arsenal.”

Eric Tyler: “So that puts him at three.”


Footage shows Xavi Ferrera being mobbed by a crowd of people on his way into the arena.

Ferrera: “That’s why I’m Xavi Ferrera baby, we hitting the town tonight or what?”

Out of nowhere, a chain flies over the top of the crowd and over Xavi’s neck, dragging him to the ground. Carl Batch arrives on the scene with Cerberus throttling Ferrera.

Batch: “Dog, enough. Let’s settle this one in the ring.”

A growling Cerberus walks off with Xavi gasping for air.


Match 3: PSW National Title – Sayeed Ali vs Another Hardcore Legend - Grade 42

  • The OG of PSW looked set to air his feelings when the lights go out….
  • Because that’s the way he likes it…..
  • Mitch Naess: “Multiple time tag team champion the Darkness Warrior!”
  • Unlike Mitch Naess, the PSW faithful weren’t pleased to see the Darkness Warrior, and roared when Sayeed beat the living p*** out of him.
  • After Timberlands to the face, Ali unveiled a sock containing what looks to be a pool ball, bludgeoning Warrior with it.
  • The GBH driver was unnecessary but satisfactory for the fans. 1-2-3


Alex Braun managed to track down Madman Boone backstage, and was given the unenviable task of trying to get him to talk some sense.

Braun: “So Boone, seeing Ash Campbell attack a fellow veteran of the hardcore scene seems like it woke an inner rage in you.”

Boone: “Who are these people that love to feel the sand beneath their toes?”

Braun: “I’m sorry what?”

Boone: “Tyler mentioned sand, I hate sand. Sand is untrustworthy, unreliable. When you go into the sea, the water keeps it in its place, and it’s nice. But it takes its revenge by hiding the odd razor stone to cut your foot. How I loathe its hateful rasp on hard floors beneath my feet, or the feel of it burrowed into carpets for perpetuity.”

Braun: “Erm, thanks….”

Boone: “I hate sand.”


As if his night couldn't get any worse, Alex also had to get words from Teddy Powell

Braun: “So where is he?”

Powell: “Who?”

Braun: “Sammy Bach. Man I haven’t seen that guy in years.”

Powell: “Sammy’s not here.”

Braun: “Oh come on!”

Powell: “After New Year Revolution I put out a call to everybody I know in the business and know how many response I got, zero. Imagine that Alex, not even Tank Bradley took my call. So I had to pretend Sammy Bach would be coming for me to even get a spot on this card. But here’s the thing, I don’t need Sammy Bach, I don’t need anyone, especially not to wrestle two no marks who’ll be wrestling on the indies their whole lives for $50 a show yet call themselves Rich & Famous. I’ll win this one on my own and you will all remember the name, Teddy F****** Powell.”


Match 4: PSW Tag Team titles Elimination Rules – Devil May Care vs Reckless Antix vs Samoan Destruction Inc – Grade 45

  • Antix: “I said Yo. Y’all just a hater, he’s Reckless I’m Antix, the f****** terminator.”
  • Alex Braun: “He’s been practicing.”
  • This one was an absolute clusterf***, with everyone’s favourite rapper struggling to keep up with the pace and Umaga seemingly focussed on what happened earlier with his brother
  • The equally popular Stuntman hit a succession of tope suicidas, but overshot the third and wiped out his own partner
  • The Samoans rolled him into the ring and an Unbreakable Sleeper put him away
  • Reckless Antix followed shortly after, with stereo headbutts dropping Xavier, and a Rhino charge cutting down Antix


Match 5: Rich & Famous vs Teddy Powell - Grade 47

  • Heading into a handicap match, Rich & Famous look cockier than ever, holding their arms to taunt Umaga coming the other way up the ramp
  • But Teddy Powell had a point to prove and for a large part of this match, he proved it
  • The veteran brought back all the old hits, second rope leg drop, double missile drop kick, kip up
  • Powell’s advancing years, however, meant the Motion Censor was a couple of seconds late, and was caught by Idol. The House Always wins, 3
  • Despite losing the match, Teddy Powell experiences something he’s not experienced in a decade, the fans were cheering


Teddy’s moment of glory didn’t last long, as Rich & Famous appeared to have taken exception to his earlier comments.

With Jordan placing a chair around his head, Idol lined up for the conchairto, only for an absolute behemoth to step over the ropes

Naess: “My god, this guy’s huge!”

The big man slams a fist into Idol’s chair, and delivers a pounce sending him through the ropes.

Jordan doesn’t take long to join him, after the big man gorilla presses him to the outside.

The newcomer then let’s off a guttural roar, before scooping Powell over his shoulder and leaving the ring.

Alex Braun: “Anyone know who that was?”

Eric Tyler: “Yeah I heard of this guy back in Canada, because everyone was scared of him, I think it’s the Mighty Beast Danny Cavanagh.”

Mitch Naess: “But what’s he doing here?”

Eric Tyler: “I said I knew who he was, I’m not his carer.”

Naess: “I hate you Eric.”


Cerberus vs Xavi Ferrera – Grade 42

  • Cerberus jumped Xavi at the bell, pounding his fists into his forehead
  • His offence is basic but effective against an already weakened Xavi, who barely clung on
  • But athleticism and talent triumphed over brutality, with an enziguri flooring Cerberus
  • Xavi then soared to the heavens with his high angle frog splash and sealed the win
  • Expecting immediate repercussions, Ferrera was amazed to see Batch applauding at ringside


Eric Tyler heads to the ring where he’s joined by the most hated man (deliberately) in PSW, Ash Campbell

Ash: “So this our legacy dad, a fat slob who’s suffered so many concussions he thinks he’s on a beach.

"A fat slob who was the crown jewel of that roaring success, the TCW hardcore division. This is the best we can do. Was Genghis Rahn not available (Yes, but he was too expensive) ?

“No matter. Tonight I finally end Madman Boone, then you can visit the hardcore retirement home, along with all your buddies; The Wolverine, Martin, Caulfield.

“And the only thing you’ll all have in common, none of your were ever fit to lace my dad’s boots.”


Ash Campbell vs Madman Boone – Grade 44

  • This bout largely consists of Ash nailing Boone with everything in his locker, while the veteran did his best not to sell
  • A stump piledriver from Campbell onto the chair would have finished any sane man, yet Boone sat straight back up and started laughing
  • He even managed to mount some offence of his own, using his battered body as a weapon
  • With Ash propped up against a table in the corner, Tyler sought to intervene, jumping on Boone’s back, only Boone to drive them all through the table with a cannonball
  • Yet Boone couldn’t keep the frantic pace he’d set going, and Ash finally managed to put him down after more than 10 chair shots to the skull
  • The son of Nemesis then pulled out his uber finisher, the shooting star press, and took the win


As he had done through most of the match, immediately after the three count, Boone sat straight back up, letting out a maniacal laugh.
Ash clearly wanted to go back in for more, but Tyler ushered his young charge away from the ring
Mitch Naess: “Have you ever seen anyone take a beating like that and laugh about it?”
Braun: “Nope.”


PSW Championship – Ernest Youngman vs Nelson Callum © - Grade 61

  • Following the usual pomp and ceremony, the two circled each other with Callum swinging wildly with his right arm
  • But the Assassin of the Squared Circle knows when to pick his spot, and ground Nelson with a hammerlock
  • From that moment on, Callum’s body was twisted into shapes the human body should not go in, with even Ryan Holland begging him to give up
  • But Nelson’s a champion, and uses his right arm to smack Ernest about with a kendo stick, yelling in pain after delivering each blow
  • Yet Ernest goes back to the well and Ernest Youngman does not make mistakes. Yet this time he was flawed by a brutal looking uppercut.
  • Alex Braun: “It was the wrong arm! It was the wrong arm! Ernest’s been spending all match working the wrong arm.”
  • Eric Tyler: “Ernest made a mistake.”
  • With the crowd’s roar deafening, Callum slides the brass knuckles off his fist and uses his good arm, the left, to lock Ernest in a rear naked choke, using his legs to apply a body scissors to compensate for his other arm
  • Ernest’s limp, no response, and this one is over

Mitch Naess: “Callum retains! Nelson does it.”
Youngman still hasn’t moved from the canvas even after coming to

Show Grade 54

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Boone and Bust


“I’ll kill him, I’ll f****** kill him!”

“Good morning Eric.”


The three wise men greet the Traditionalist at their usual hangout to discuss Highway to Hell

Eric Tyler: “Just who in the hell does he think he is? How long has he been wrestling for? 28 years now?"

Mitch Naess: “I assume you’re talking about Madman Boone?”

Eric Tyler: “Not only does he get angry about putting Ash over, even though we told him he’d be getting his win back, he does it in front of all the guys.

“Then, the unprofessional jack*** decides to sandbag him, and no sell almost his entire arsenal.

“Either he goes or I kick his a** in front of the locker room.”

Alex Braun: “Where is he right now Mitch.”

Naess: “I’ve given him some time off, let him cool down.”

Tyler: “What?!? Give him time off forever, fire his a**.”

Braun: “He’s expressing it in the wrong way, but I’m with Eric here. Boone’s got a handful of matches left and if he’s not willing to put over the younger guys then he’s of no use to us. We can’t pay him $500 a show for him to talk about sand.”

Naess: “No, no Boone’s been a cornerstone of this company, he deserves to retire in our ring, why not stick him in the tag ranks or with Ali?”

Tyler: “He pulls that s*** with Ali, he’ll kill him.”

JD Morgan: “I’m with the lads on this one Mitch, we all put people over on the way out, it’s the right thing to do. If Boone won’t do that then we get rid.”

Naess: “Did all three of you concoct this?”

Braun: “No, we teamed up to try and get that guy from Europe but you still said no. Anyway, Boone leaving frees up the veteran’s slot in our roster…”

Naess: “So we can get this guy for half the money we were paying Boone?”

Tyler: “And he’s twice the worker.”

Naess: “I’ll talk to Ian.”

Tyler: “Ian!?! That’s his name? Our top guys in a hardcore fed were Nelson, Ernest and Ian?!?”



@AboardTheArk 13 – I’m messaging you a prize

@James The Animator 12

@MidKnightDreary 12

@GreatreDRagon 11

@smw88 11

@DinoKea 10

Just a quick note. Going forward I’ll be doing two shows a month, with Hardcore on Tour taking place before the main show.

I won’t be doing predictions for the on tour shows as they’ll likely be made up of multi mans, angles, and matches for wrestlers creative doesn’t have plans for.


And another massive thank you for the likes, predictions and comments, makes the diary worth writing.

I’m excited for the next few shows as we head in to Homecoming and move away from the base storylines into my own. Hopefully some big surprises on the way.

Edited by jcarmjn
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PSW Hardcore on Tour

Episode 1: The Acid Test


We’re back at the St Peter and Paul church for another sermon with Wicked Lester and the Legion of Blood. Adorning the walls in chalk are crude drawings of each member, with what appears to be an angel in the middle. The Angel has multi-coloured hair, and is pictured levitating above the members of the group.

Wicked Lester: “It seems the pig has grown into a swine. No matter, for the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. Let us now slay some pigs.”




A huge man dressed in army combats addresses Devil Dog and another in Desert Storm gear.

“These freaks think they can take the blood of Marine. Well we fight together, we bleed together, and we kick the a**** of freaks together. Oh and leave the preacher to me, he’s got it coming to him.”


Match 1: Rogue Squadron (Silencer, Desert Storm & Devil Dog) vs Legion of Blood (Deathwish, Dustin Deuce & Zomboy)

  • This highly heated starts off with an all out brawl in the ring, with Wicked Lester watching on at ringside
  • But the disciplined tactics of the Rogue Squadron shine through, isolating each member of the Legion
  • After a tense staredown with Lester, Silencer picks up the win for his team with the drop zone on Deuce

Winners – Rogue Squadron – Grade 24


Cigar smoke fills the air as we zoom in on Carl Batch, appearing to give Cerberus a dressing down.

Batch: “The instruction was to win, dog, then bring his price down for the contract signing. You know I’m wondering if I picked the wrong con.” Cerberus’ growl nearly knocks the fedora off Batch.

“You remember what our deal is, and don’t you forget it. Now you need to go out there tonight and impress me dog, you dig?”



Match 2: Jebediah vs Prime Time Jack Pryde

  • The friendly Amish man holds out a shoofly cake to welcome the newcomer to PSW, which is quickly thrown to the floor by the cocky youngster
  • Unfortunately for Pryde, he’d eventually taste the cake after Jebediah planted him in the middle of the ring with a flapjack
  • Sundown Splash and this one was over, thankfully for the audience

Winner – Jebediah – Grade 21


A video which appears to have been shot via selfie shows us a corner shop (grocery store in American). People are queuing round the block (street in English) with a small man selling multicoloured drinks. Oh good it’s Austin Smooth.

Smooth: “Now, take this man to my right.”

Dead Bolt: “BOLT.”

Smooth: “He couldn’t wrestle for more than four minutes without running out of gas, causing him to lose to a stupid cowboy. But now, with one of these delicious Prime energy drinks, my man Bolty could wrestle all night long. Yours for only $100. Bolt, what’s the best shop in Wakey?”

Dead Bolt: “BOLT.”

Smooth: “For God’s sakes. We’re going to have shoot that again Abdul.”

While one of the customers queries why the shop is charging $100 for a drink that has $1.99 plastered all over the bottle, Bolt takes a gulp of the disgusting blue liquid despite Smooth screaming at him not to.

Bolt: “BOLT. DEAD.” Shortly after, the big man spews the liquid all over the shop floor, with Smooth hightailing it out of there.


Main Show

“We are live and coming to you from the sold-out home of hardcore, and for the first time on Wrestleworld.

"I’m Mitch Naess alongside the Iceman Alex Braun and the Traditionalist Eric Tyler. 

“And we’re headed backstage for some rare words from Rhino Umaga."


Rhino Umaga: “Wolfsbaine, you mess with a Samoan, you mess with all of us brah. We Samoans are a proud, fighting people, and we will show everyone what happens when you mess with us. Me and you, one-on-one, at Steel City Showdown Puaaelo.

“And after I’m done kicking you’re a**, uce here is going to bring home the National Title. Sayeed Ali, you think you’re so bad? Let’s see how tough you are when you’re in the ring with a Samoan.”

The cheers turn up a notch when PSW Champion Nelson Callum enters the shot.

Callum: “What’s up Pittsburgh Peeps? And hello internet. You didn’t think I’d miss the first ever show on Wrestleworld did you? Now I’ve got an idea, how about me and these two bad a**** here take on three members of the Steel Circle? That sound good?” The crowd roars its approval as the three men look at each other in acknowledgement.


The camera is taken to what looks like a private office, with inspirational motifs adorning the walls. A slick dressed man in a suit then addresses the audience directly.

“You know, I used to be like all of you. I was a skincare salesman, working a dead end job, 9-5, people would point at laugh at me.  Until I decided to focus on myself, and I realised, that someone was dropping their pants and taking a steaming c*** in my coffee. And in this case, that someone was me.

“So from that day, I ditched the skincare products and gave my life to self-improvement and now look at me. I’ve got more money than I know what to do with, and this hot broad on my side. And now, I’m willing to help you unlock this potential. All we have to do is work out who the hell is c******* in your coffee.

“Unlock your true potential and become….


"A King."

Mitch Naess: “Great, a snake oil salesman. Who in their right mind would sign up for anything like that?”

Eric Tyler: “Hello, is that Mr King, yeah I think I’ve worked it out…”


Match 1: Cerberus vs Little Bill Lebowski

  • These two put on a surprisingly competitive match, with Little Bill knowing this could be his last opportunity to make an impression
  • The little man shows the heart he’s had throughout his whole career, constantly getting back up for more punishment
  • But he can’t keep off father time and his body gives out after Cerberus decks him in the gut with a chain wrapped fist
  • Little Bill is then knocked out with a particularly nasty DDT giving Cerberus the three

Winner – Cerberus – Grade 35


Logan Wolfsbaine is shown bursting into the Steel Circle locker room, only to find Venus Angeletti, who’s kept a low profile in the last two shows. It’s almost like this writer forgot about her.
Logan: “Where is he?!? I’ve got a rampant Samoan on my back because of his sick obsession with breaking arms, and only these two clowns for backup tonight.” Rich & Famous try to ignore the blatant insult.
Venus: “He ain’t here. He ain’t answering my calls, WhatsApp, nothing. I got nothing to tell you. He barely said a word to me after Highway.”
Logan: “Great, I guess that makes me leader for tonight then. Does that come with the privileges Ernest gets toots?”
Venus: “For your information, my relationship with Youngman has always been business and I like my men with two things, hair and gold, so you ain’t my type, ‘toots’.”
Rich & Famous are shown desperately trying to stifle laughter as Wolfsbaine orders them to follow.


Back in the ring, the most hated man in PSW, Ash Campbell has folded down his trusted chair and taken a seat in the middle of the ring to a chorus of boos.
Ash: “Do you really think I care about your opinion? Does a boss care about the adoration of his employees? And make no mistake about it, I’m your boss, the heir of hardcore. Boo me hate me, but you will respect me. Boone, you have laughed at me for the last time. My father was not a joke, his legacy is not a joke, and I am not a joke. So get your fat ass out here and we’ll see how funny it is when I set you on fire.”

Appearing at the entranceway is not the husky frame of Boone, but a pair of boots with spurs.
Cowboy Buck Winchester: “Ash, nobody’s going on fire on my watch. Get in line boy.”
Eric Tyler: “Just who in the hell do you think you are Buck? Do you think this is Justified and you run this place?”
Ash: “Wait Eric. Buck wants to put me in line, well then Cowboy, why don’t you get in this ring and make me.”


Match 2: Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Ash Campbell

  • Buck and Ash throw fists for what seems like minutes, neither of them willing to back down
  • Fortunately for Ash, his trusty chair is still in the ring, and he uses it to brain Buck.
  • With Buck bleeding like a stuck pig, he’s hit by the Ash to Ash, then a Nemesis Arrow for the win

Winner – Ash Campbell – Grade 42 (Awful chemistry)


Intrepid reporter Alex Braun hits the ring to conduct an interview with Teddy Powell and his new friend, Mighty Cavanagh.
Braun: “So, Cavanagh, what brought you to PSW from Japan to help Teddy, of all people?”
Cavanagh: “Well Alex, when I heard Teddy speak, I saw myself. I was enjoying the best part of my career in Japan when that bald headed b******…”
Powell: “Danny, you’re your own man now, remember the steps.”
Cavanagh: “Thanks Ted. As I was saying, I know exactly how it feels to be dropped by a partner, a partner who everyone thinks is better than you. Yet there was one thing in Teddy’s speech that was wrong. We all need somebody, whether that’s a friend, a wife, a husband, we all need someone in our lives during those hard times. And I wanted to be there for Teddy.”
Braun: “So, does this mean you’re going to be teaming together? What’s going to be your team name.”
Cavanagh: “We’re men Alex, and we have feelings, we’re Man Feelings.”


Match 3: Man Feelings vs Reckless Antix

  • “I said Yo.” Antix’s rap is quickly cut off by his partner Reckless to the loudest pop of the night
  • And the pair’s strategy is simple, keep the hulking behemoth out of the ring and isolate Powell
  • But Teddy’s on a roll in the ring, and uses all his veteran tactics to evade Reckless and bring out Cavanagh
  • A Pump Kick knocks Reckless out of the ring, and Cavanagh nearly launches Antix up to the roof before he’s brought down into the Motion Censor for the win

Winners – Man Feelings – Grade 41


Match 4: Logan Wolfsbaine and Rich & Famous vs Nelson Callum & Samoan Destruction Inc

  • This match is told in three stories; Nelson trying to prove he’s better than Wolfsbaine, Umaga wanting to rip out Logan’s throat, and Rich & Famous desperate to defeat the Samoans
  • The babyfaces take control with Wolfsbaine unwilling to confront Umaga, and Nelson cuts him off sends him into the steps.
  • With Callum plotting something sinister on the outside… MIST


  • The Steel Circle take advantage of the chaos outside the ring, clearing Samoan Machine, and planting Umaga with the House Always wins for three
  • The match ends with Callum desperately trying to clear his eyes, and Acid nowhere to be seen

Winners – The Steel Circle – Grade 55


Show Grade 51

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Steel City StarFest XIII

All matches are hardcore unless specified otherwise

Devil May Care vs Reckless Antix

Bull Rope match - Austin Smooth vs Cowboy Buck Winchester

Xavi Ferrera vs A former Carl Batch client

PSW Tag Team titles no.1 contenders - Man Feelings vs Rich & Famous vs Warrior Engine (Gareth Wayne & Bull Wrecker)

PSW National title - Samoan Machine vs Sayeed Ali(c)

Logan Wolfsbaine vs Rhino Umaga

Barbed wire - Ash Campbell vs Madman Boone

PSW Championship - Acid vs Nelson Callum(c) 

Plus - A Steel Circle state of address, The King and more


Most correct predictions over the next two main shows will win a prize.

Previous winner @AboardTheArk selected Prime Time Jack Pryde to join the roster.

Predictions, feedback, queries, chants and signs most welcome. Enjoy!

Edited by jcarmjn
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Devil May Care vs Reckless Antix

Bull Rope match - Austin Smooth vs Cowboy Buck Winchester

Xavi Ferrera vs A former Carl Batch client

PSW Tag Team titles no.1 contenders - Man Feelings vs Rich & Famous vs Warrior Engine (Gareth Wayne & Bull Wrecker)

PSW National title - Samoan Machine vs Sayeed Ali(c)

Logan Wolfsbaine vs Rhino Umaga

Barbed wire - Ash Campbell vs Madman Boone

PSW Championship - Acid vs Nelson Callum(c) 

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