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Jenson Spitfire's Career Mode

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Monday, Week 1, January 2020


My name is Jenson. I'm a 17 year old canadian guy from a small town between Toronto and Montreal. Since I was a small kid I've been wrestling with my brother Steve at the backyard of our house. We'd love to have been trained in a wrestling school by a former professional wrestler, but realistically we know we are a humble family and here there are no prestigious dojos, not to speak of the american performance centers owned by the big companies.

But Steve, who is 3 years older than me, wants to help me get to where he feels he will never get. He thinks I have more talent than him, maybe he believes too much in me, for sure believes much more in me than I do. He repeats me all the time that I have to be more confident. He drives me in his car to the closest gym where I can take wrestling lessons which is miles away from our house. There I work my ass off, I owe it to Steve.

Steve says an opportunity will come very soon.

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Tuesday, Week 2, January 2020

What are we doing in Montreal, Steve?

Steve tells me to take my wrestling gear and we get in his car. But we aren't going to the gym, he drives in another direction. He doesn't want to tell me where are we going. Finally we are in Montreal.

Jenson: What are we doing in Montreal, Steve?

Steve: Are you nervous?

Jenson: Should I?

Steve: That's why I don't tell you this things. You have to be confident.

Jenson: Yes, yes, I know Steve. But where are we going?

Steve: You've got a tryout for ACPW.

Jenson: I've got what?!?

Steve: You're going to meet the booker Face Nelson. Don't ruin this opportunity with your dumb doubts or thoughts or whatever Jenson.

I try to pretend to be confident when we're entering the building, but I'm damn scared.


Face Nelson (ACPW Booker): Steve?

Steve: Yes, this is my brother Jenson.

Face Nelson: I see... He needs to bulk up a little bit.

Jenson: I'm a high flyer.

Face Nelson: So you're another kid that thinks is the next Jamie Atherton, ah?

Jenson: Well... I'm more of a technical high flyer.

Face Nelson: You're what? Hahaha. A technician high flyer that comes from nowhere, I see.

My brother gives me a killing look.

Jenson: I just want an opportunity. I wasn't prepared for an interview, my brother told me this was a tryout, maybe I can show you...

Face Nelson: I didn't say this was a tryout kid, we don't do that here haha. This is not SWF or CWA. You'll wrestle in the Pre-Show in the next event, then we'll see 'technician highflyer'.

My brother gives me another killing look, angrier than ever. I'm going to wrestle in a professional event, they haven't see me wrestle and I'm not even 18... I can't ruin this.


Edited by newbiezness
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Saturday, Week 3, January 2020


ACPW's The Brave & The Bold

Jenson: Brother, I can't do this!

I was almost crying.

Steve: Don't act like a little kid! We haven't been training for years to turn around on the occasion, you're here to rise to the occasion Jenson.

We see Face Nelson talking with other wrestlers. When he finishes, he comes to us.

Face Nelson: Here you are 'technician high flyer' or was it 'technical high flyer'? haha.

Jenson: I'm sorry about that.

Face Nelson: You are in a tag team match in the Pre-Show. There is your partner.

He points to a guy that seems to be more or less the same age of my brother Steve.

Face Nelson: Come here Murray!


Murray Firth: I'm Murray Firth.

Face Nelson: He is Jenson. You are in the first match of the Pre-Show, most people will not have arrived yet. 5 minutes, Jenson takes the pin, they win. Ok?

Murray Firth: Who are in the other tag team?

Face Nelson: Marcel and Katya.

Katya? A girl? I'm not going to ask, I don't want to embarrass myself this time. Face Nelson leaves and I keep talking to Murray, asking silly things. He must be tired of me by now. I even ask if we have to prepare something for the entrance and he laughs at me and tells me we just have to be on the ring in time.

Murray asks me how old I am, maybe because of the stupid questions that I'm asking, or maybe he thinks I look very young, anyway I decide to lie and I say that I'm 18 (although I'm still 17). He tells me he graduated from Dragon Academy and asks me where did I graduate, I respond that I train at a local gym and he looks at me with a sneer.

Murray Firth: Come on, it's the time. Let's do this.




There are one or two hundred people already here. The bell is about to ring and I look at our opponents. Marcel is a french-canadian in his mid twenties, Murray told me before that Marcel is a technician high flyer! Could Face Nelson have chosen him to humiliate me? And then there is Katya, and yes she is a girl, she looks 3 or 4 years older than me, she is a gorgeous girl indeed. Her name is russian but she speaks with a british accent, everything is very confusing, or I am very nervous? I try to remember what Steve always says, I must be confident.

Marcel and Murray start the match. Marcel is very good, he is a much better technician than I am and he has the advantage. Murray can only hit a few times Marcel's body and Marcel quickly regains the advantage. Murray makes the tag as soon as he can escape from Marcel and I become the legal man. He quickly grabs me, but I manage to reverse a couple of times, before he tries to submit me. Murray helps me and then we switch again. Then Katya becomes legal and Murray makes the tag after a few moves.

Katya looks at me from toe to head and then I hear Murray saying "don't resist the pin". She is quite fast and skilled and after a few maneuvers I'm lying down on the ring. She gets to the corner and climbs to the top rope. She is a high flyer too! Then she jumps on me and pins me. 1,2,3! I don't know if this will be enough to convince Face Nelson.

Marcel LeFleur & Katya Kornishkova def. Murray Firth & Jenson

Rating: 50

Jenson 39

Murray Firth 33

Marcel LeFleur 53

Katya Kornishkova 35


Edited by newbiezness
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Sunday, Week 3, January 2020

My brother Steve is talking on the phone. He must be talking to Face Nelson. He hangs up the phone and looks at the horizon.

Jenson: So?!?

Steve: They want to give you another opportunity. Face didn't say they will hire you, he says this is part of the process.

Jenson: But he liked what I did or not?

Steve: He thinks you still have a lot to improve. He is right, you looked so scared when the bell rang. But then in the end you sold a couple of Katya moves well. You are going to wrestle in a singles match in the next event, this time it'll be part of the show.

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Saturday, Week 3, February 2020


ACPW's Salvation


Face Nelson: Hey guys. How are you Jenson? Are you nervous?

Jenson: I'm fine.

Face Nelson: I hope you are. Last time it looked like you had seen a ghost haha. You're in the opening match. This time is just you and Marty Tuxford. The same, 5 minutes and he pins you. Is everything clear?

Jenson: Yes sir.

Face Nelson: Give the best of you. I've spoken to Daedalus and he'll have the eye on you. There are about 500 tickets sold tonight, this is not the Pre-Show kid. Do you understand this?

Before I can answer another wrestler comes to talk to Face Nelson.


Mimic: So I pin Hugh and that's it?

Face Nelson: That's it, you leave the ring and the crowd will boo you, that's how I want you to end the show. This kid is Jenson, he's in the opening match.

He didn't even bother to turn his head to look at me. I turn to Steve to ask about what Face Nelson has just told me.

Jenson: Who is Daedalus, Steve?

Steve: Daedalus Buchinsky. He is the owner of the company. If Face wants to hire you he has to talk with him first. He's put a lot of money into this. I've heard he loves high flyers that take risks.

I was less nervous than the first time until I've spoken to Face Nelson. I feel the urgency to go to the bathroom.

I was vomiting in the bathroom when the door opens and there is Face Nelson again.

Face Nelson: Oh... This doesn't look good.

He leaves the bathroom. I don't think that impressed him. I go back to the locker room.

Steve: Here is your opponent, Jenson.


Marty Tuxford: I'm Marty.

He looks a couple of years older than me. He graduated at the House Of Stone, I'm not going to say that I don't feel impressed, I don't know if I belong here, everyone seems to come from prestigious training schools. I ask Marty about his style and he says he is a high flyer. I think that they really like this kind of wrestlers here. I have to make sure to give the best of my aerial moves arsenal to convince Daedalus to hire me. We try to prepare a couple of spots until it's time to start the event.




There is much more people than in my first match. The announcer says the event is about to start and then I can hear him saying "Tonight making his debut in a singles match Jeeeensoooooon Spiiiiiitfireeeee!". Spit- what?!? Before I can think about what the hell the announcer said, I'm entering the ring and then Marty makes his entrance too.

The match starts and Marty hits me hard, I hit back. He isn't very strong but he knows how to protect the opponent when he hits you, there you see the training he's gone through. I try a flying kick and I fail. He goes to the corner and climbs to the top of the post, I try to get up off the ground but he does a Molly-Go-Round and then pins me. The referee only gets to count to two. I slowly start to gain the advantage with a few kicks and basic defensive moves. I accidentally punched Marty in the stomach and he's bent over hurting from the blow

I can't stop I have to think quickly. "This is the time Jenson", I think to myself. I go to the nearest corner, i'm going to do one of my aerial moves. I attack him with a Reverse Diving Double Ax Handle but he moves in time and I can't hit him. He gets out of the ring to rest a little. I'm on fire and I'm going to take the risks that Daedalus is waiting to see tonight! I go for a Suicide Dive i'm jumping out of the ring... but he moves again and I hit the ground hard. And that is the last thing I can remember of this match. This wasn't supposed to be the finish. The referee counts to ten. Marty Tuxford wins by countout.

Marty Tuxford def. Jenson

Rating: 44

Jenson 43

Marty Tuxford 31


Edited by newbiezness
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