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  1. Sorry because I don't know what's going on in the storylines in previous weeks, but with the arrival of the new game I think it's time to support great 2020 diaries like this. So here I come... STEEL SATAN MATCH: Tommy Cornell Grudge Match: ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton 21CW National Title Match: Blake Belushi (c) Phillip ‘Cooper Man’ Cooper ‘The Dirty Rotten Scoundrel’ Rogue 21CW World Title Match: Joss Thompson BONUS QUESTIONS: 1). Who will be replaced by a debuting wrestler…? Phil Harmonic 2). Who will the debuting wrestler be…? 3). How many Championships will change hands…? 1 4). Which match will be the Match Of The Night…? 21 World Title Match 5). What will the Overall Rating of the show be…? (within 5, gets one point, spot on gets two points) 81
  2. Great news that the Alpass-Big Mac story is back. State Of Mind are definitely the coolest act in NWF right now IMHO. Will we see a push for Judokas now or will it be a one time wonder? I can't believe that the score was only 1 point shy of 65, damn 🤣
  3. p { margin:2px; margin-left:60px; margin-right:60px; padding:0; line-height: 1.5em; } .div-1 { background-color: #4A87A4 ; } Predictions for SWF SUPREME TV EPISODE 31 Brett Biggins vs Remo Darryl Devine vs James Prudence American Machine vs Pirata Malvado The Dallas Cowboys (Marshall Dillon & Ranger) vs The Rock City Stars (Rockin' Ryan Turner & Stan Manna) Mikey Lau vs Oliver Kobb Main Event: Nicky Gilbert vs Spencer Spade (BONUS) Will SWF top the weekly TV ratings this week? Comments on diary / last episode:
  4. p { margin:2px; margin-left:60px; margin-right:60px; padding:0; line-height:1.5em; } Congratulations to @DinoKea and @GOLD NECKLACE who were the best in this round. @Wrestling Machine and @GOLD NECKLACE lead the table. Predictions results for Welcome To The Jungle 2020 @DinoKea 6/6 + 1 bonus @GOLD NECKLACE 6/6 + 1 bonus @Wrestling Machine 6/6 @SIser187 6/6 @KyTeran 5/6 Predictions leaderboard (total points) @Wrestling Machine 25/30 + 3 bonus @GOLD NECKLACE 24/30 + 4 bonus @SIser187 23/30 + 3 bonus @KyTeran 21/30 + 4 bonus @DinoKea 19/24 + 5 bonus @Charasmatic Enigma 17/24 + 3 bonus @CGN91 14/18 + 2 bonus @Shmoe II 10/12 + 1 bonus @Temes1066 8/12 + 1 bonus @StanMiguel 7/12 + 1 bonus @Rhaums 5/6 Yep @SIser187 it was pretty much a weasel win. Bret Starr as you said hasn't have a great moment in terms of ring action but it's deliberate as I'm trying to portray him as a NETSTREAM Intercontinental champion, a TV title that was intended to be defended frequently in weekly shoes, that doesn't want to defend the title and is more of a leader and a talker. But I don't mean that his character couldn't evolve into something different in the future. Also Mainstream Hernandez had the best aerial skills in the match so it was easier to imagine him climbing the cage fast. @GOLD NECKLACE well I can't complain about the rating of the World Tag Team titles matches. In this PPV, World Tag Team titles got a better rating (78) than the North American title (74) that has more prestige. Always there's room for improvement but when I change the champions I don't think it'll be a matter of ratings. The Awesomeness are very consistent it's not like at the beginning of the diary when Fame & Money were the champions, then it was neccessary that the titles changed hands. What can I say? Mikey Lau's been involved in 2 of the best 3 matches in SWF this year. And I was not a believer at the beginning of the diary. Now I think he's on a roll, even Mexico he did a good job vs a veteran like Snap Dragon. He's becoming an interesting character I think and we are witnessing a progression and he turned heel during the process. It really made sense in my opinion, I think @Shmoe II did me a favor when he chose Mikey Lau turned heel as a reward. @SIser187 there will be more opportunities for Gilmore to attack the local fans soon haha.
  5. p { margin:2px; margin-left:60px; margin-right:60px; padding:0; line-height: 1.5em; } .div-1 { background-color: #4A87A4 ; } WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE 2020 (Saturday, week 2, August 2020. Bright House Networks Stadium, Orlando, FL. Attendance: 44206 SELL OUT!) "Tarzan Boy" plays to open the show in Florida. We see 44206 fans singing the famous chorus "oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh". 2nd best attendance in SWF this year only behind The Supreme Challenge 40 (50300). Then we can see the ring is prepared for the first Cage Match. In the first rows there are many All-American Army signs. Cage Match JUNGLE LORD vs SCYTHE Jungle Lord was more than comfortable to be in the opening match of his favorite event of the year. But in front of him was Scythe, who has won his last 11 singles matches, including one victory against Jungle Lord. It was a match to work the crowd that went down extremely well. Scythe had a strong start putting Lord in problems with a couple of rebound attacks, including a powerful clothesline. Jungle Lord made his comeback after he dodged another rebound attack and Scythe crashed against the cage. Lord capitalized with an incredible monkey flip that put the crowd on its feet and Lord shouted "welcome to the jungle, baby! that's how we do things around here!" firing up the crowd even more. But it didn't took too long for Scythe to recover the advantage. After a running powerslam followed by a powerbomb Lord seemed to ran out of energy. Scythe finished him with a devastating Choke Slam against the cage that left Lord out cold to win in 10 minutes. Scythe def. Jungle Lord (84) SWF World Tag Team championship THE AWESOMENESS (JEFFERSON STARDUST & HUEY CANNONBALL) (c) vs HAWAIIAN CRUSH (EKUMA & HIGH FLYIN HAWAIIAN) After losing the titles at Toronto Takeover in May, Hawaiian Crush finally get the rematch they've been waiting for. Huey Cannonball and Ekuma faced each other. The Hawaiian Strong Man demonstrated his unlimited strength once again, especially when he threw Huey over the third rope outside the ring. Ekuma punished Huey and then they stepped into the ring again, where Huey was able to tag Stardust. Jefferson Stardust and High Flyin Hawaiian amazed the crowd with their incredible aerial maneuvers. Stardust delivered a 360º splash, but it was the Hawaiian who was close to win the match with the Pacific Crush, until Huey stopped the 3-count. Stardust tagged Huey and The Awesomeness connected the Shock And Awe before Huey pinned High Flyin Hawaiian to retain the titles in a great match that lasted for 15 minutes. The Awesomeness def. Hawaiian Crush (78) Cage Escape Match AMERICAN MACHINE and ALL-AMERICAN ARMY (ONE MAN ARMY, VALIANT and JACK GIEDROYC) vs HOLLYWOOD UNCENSORED (HOLLYWOOD BRET STARR, JUSTIN SENSITIVE, MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ and LENNY BROWN) "The first wrestler that escapes the cage will give the victory to his team" explains the announcer Duane Fry. The small cage that was used for Welcome To The Jungle, more adequate for a singles match than for a 4vs4 match, was key for the outcome. After a chaotic start, American Machine cornered Justin Sensitive and Valiant & Giedroyc connected the Atlantic Missile on Sensitive bringing the crowd on their feet. Bret Starr led his group to a counterattack that finished with Mainstream Hernandez doing a flying head scissors on American Machine before Lenny Brown delivered The Star Treatment on Machine. With Sensitive and Machine lying on the ground for the rest of the match, there was a frenetic 3vs3 exchange of blows in the middle of the ring. Then, Bret Starr, Brown and Hernandez combined to attack One Man Army until Valiant & Giedroyc reacted to free their teammate. All-American Army took over to deliver their finishers one after another on Bret Starr and Lenny Brown against the cage: the Patriot Missile by Valiant, the Crashing on by Giedroyc and the Guided Missile by One Man Army. Mainstream Hernandez, who had deliberately separated from the rest earlier, took advantage of the moment when All-American Army were together to land on them with a brilliant moonsault. Then Hernandez was as fast as he could to climb the cage. One Man Army tried to grab Hernandez's feet but Hernandez got rid of him with a kick to escape the cage. Hollywood Uncensored got loudly booed by the fans after winning a match that stole the show. Hollywood Uncensored def. American Machine and All-American Army (77) SWF North American championship PRIMUS ALLEN (w/ Kristen Pearce, Avalanche and Chill) (c) vs Roderick Remus w/ Primus Allen and the rest of the Demolition faction, the manager Kristen Pearce and the tag team The Domination (Avalanche & Chill), make their entrance to a new custom song. The titantron looks impressive with a very bright orange tone. The group certainly looks stronger than ever (74) First title defence for Primus Allen and first title shot for Remus in SWF. Storytelling was the most important thing in this match with Remus as the underdog and Allen as the powerful heel. Great military press from Allen early in the match to begin a series of devastating moves. Remus reacted to connect a few quick strikes to create some space and slow down Allen. After exchanging the advantage a few times, Remus tried to win the match with a roll-up but Allen kicked out at 1. Then Remus went for a headlock but Allen lifted Remus to the air and connected an impressive powerbomb. Remus kicked out at 2. Later, Primus Allen delivered the Flying Lariat and finished Remus with the Running Powerslam. Solid title defence for Primus Allen in 18 minutes. Primus Allen def. Roderick Remus (74) ANGLE: The Crippler is in the stadium hall. After walking a bit he stops to stare at an aquarium. Something seems to catch his attention especially. We see a shot of his thoughtful face to close the segment (80) THE DALLAS COWBOYS (MARSHALL DILLON & RANGER) vs THE UNLEASHED BUMFHOLES (RANDY UNLEASHED & ZIMMY UNLEASHED A very anticipated match for both tag teams. The Dallas Cowboys blame Randy and Zimmy for not winning the titles at The Supreme Challenge 40 because of their interferences in that match. For the Bumfholes this a historic match where the brothers finally return as a tag team but with a very different version. Randy and Ranger had a strong start full of great spots where the versatility of Randy complemented the giant Ranger (6'10). Zimmy got tagged in and The Unleashed Bumfholes directly went for a double splash but Dillon saved Ranger. After a series of quick tags, Ranger and Zimmy faced again. Ranger tried to connect a big boot on Zimmy, but he dodged it and replied with a thunderous flying kick. Ranger kicked out at 2 somehow, but Zimmy went for the 450º Splash to secure the victory. The Unleashed Bumfholes are back with a W but this time they are not the beloved tag team they once were and the crowd isn't happy with their victory. The Unleashed Bumfholes def. The Dallas Cowboys (81) Main Event: SWF World Heavyweight championship (Cage Match) ROCKY GOLDEN (c) vs MIKEY LAU (w/ Damian Carvill) w/ Mikey Lau's song plays and he makes his entrance with a taekwondo kick. His manager Damian Carvill is by his side. Orlando fans booed them when they stepped into the ring but they don't care one bit and Carvill even raised Lau's hand (78) A dramatic wild brawl inside the cage for the most prestigious title in SWF. Rocky put on a show with his footwork and connected one punch to the upper-body after another on Lau, a lot of them finished with Lau crashing against the cage. But Lau had something different in mind for this match and as soon as he could he hit Rocky with a taekwondo kick and then a second one hurling himself through the cage onto Rocky. At that point, the crowd in Orlando went crazy cheering Rocky as they feel the title was in danger while Damian Carvill smiled evilly at the ringside. Rocky connected some combinations later but again Lau showed his amazing martial arts skills to takedown Rocky with a kick to his right leg and then tried to submit the champion on the ground, first with a leglock and then with a triangle chock. Fueled by the entire arena, Rocky escaped the triangle chock and connected a superpunch on Lau. Rocky was in control until Lau hit him with the Scything Side Kick. Damian Carvill, desperate for a win, gave Lau a foreign object through the cage and Lau waited for Rocky to get up to hit him with it. Despite Damian Carvill's attempts to distract the referee he was able to see what Lau did and immediately disqualified the challenger. Duane Fry comments "a stunned Rocky Golden, that needed more than a minute to get up, retains the SWF World Heavyweight title by DQ in a spectacular Cage Match title defence, pure cinema!". Rocky Golden def. Mikey Lau (85) SHOW RATING: 87
  6. You can see in my diaries that many times I talk about the singles record of a certain wrestler. I would only add that this filter should be implemented also for 2vs2 or even 3vs3 because you may want to see the record for a tag team or a trio. Right now it's an absolute nightmare. I think this is much more necessary than many of the new things that have been announced for the new game.
  7. Finally one of your diaries was easier to read for me because it was set in America. I've enjoyed it this time. The Unknown Tag Team vs. Amazing Fire Fly & Rapid Zippy Deverell vs. Hammer Hadley Chip Martin vs. Jack Pryde Ricky Turner & Konoe vs. Rayne Man & Conner Threepwood BONUS: Who is the unknown tag team? Samoan Destruction Inc.
  8. p { margin:2px; margin-left:60px; margin-right:60px; padding:0; line-height: 1.5em; } .div-1 { background-color: #4A87A4 ; } Jungle Lord's face headlines the event poster Predictions for WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE 2020 Cage Match Jungle Lord vs Scythe SWF World Tag Team The Awesomeness (Jefferson Stardust & Huey Cannonball) (c) vs Hawaiian Crush (Ekuma & High Flyin Hawaiian) Cage Escape Match American Machine and All-American Army (One Man Army, Valiant and Jack Giedroyc) vs Hollywood Uncensored (Hollywood Bret Starr, Justin Sensitive, Mainstream Hernandez and Lenny Brown) SWF North American Primus Allen (c) vs Roderick Remus The Dallas Cowboys (Marshall Dillon & Ranger) vs The Unleashed Bumfholes (Randy Unleashed & Zimmy Unleashed) Main Event: SWF World Heavyweight (Cage Match) Rocky Golden (c) vs Mikey Lau (BONUS) Which wrestler will escape the cage in the 4vs4 Cage Escape Match? Comments on diary / last episode:
  9. p { margin:2px; margin-left:60px; margin-right:60px; padding:0; line-height:1.5em; } Congratulations to @Wrestling Machine and @DinoKea , the best in this round. @Wrestling Machine leads the rankings with @GOLD NECKLACE just one point behind and @SIser187, @Charasmatic Enigma and @KyTeran two points behind. The competition is extremely even. Predictions results for Supreme TV Episode 30 @Wrestling Machine 5/6 @DinoKea 4/6 + 1 bonus @Temes1066 4/6 @Charasmatic Enigma 4/6 @GOLD NECKLACE 4/6 @SIser187 3/6 @KyTeran 2/6 + 1 bonus Predictions leaderboard (total points) @Wrestling Machine 19/24 + 3 bonus @GOLD NECKLACE 18/24 + 3 bonus @SIser187 17/24 + 3 bonus @Charasmatic Enigma 17/24 + 3 bonus @KyTeran 16/24 + 4 bonus @DinoKea 13/18 + 4 bonus @CGN91 14/18 + 2 bonus @Shmoe II 10/12 + 1 bonus @Temes1066 8/12 + 1 bonus @StanMiguel 7/12 + 1 bonus @Rhaums 5/6 @Wrestling Machine Yeah! I know you have a preference for Hollywood Uncensored. They are my group to do this kind of things because they are "uncensored" after all, so I believe if I want to send the subliminal message that SWF's strategy of being more patriotic is only a temporary strategy to take USPW's position, they are the perfect guys to do it and make it feel like internal criticism. @SIser187 Probably most people didn't realize that Darryl Devine's yet to win in a singles match in SWF because he was pushed in his first tag team matches alongside Nicky Gilbert. Devine lost to guys like Atom Smasher and The Crippler though. You nailed it @SIser187. Zimmy is finally Unleashed! I try to show he's an integral part of Unleashed Awesomeness with that finish where the rest of the group ran to celebrate with him big time after he pinned High Flyin Hawaiian. The match worked very well in terms of rating but it was one of the biggest risks I've taken for a Main Event, I completely understand why many people thought this episode could have a lower rating. Kobb had a good match and is someone who can take that role really well without hurting his position in the roster too much, but Remo was absolutely brilliant with a performance of 91, one of his best performances in the year so far.
  10. p { margin:2px; margin-left:60px; margin-right:60px; padding:0; line-height: 1.5em; } .div-1 { background-color: #4A87A4 ; } SWF SUPREME TV LEADS THE PACK AGAIN Unleashed Awesomeness def. Hawaiian Crush and The Dallas Cowboys (81) in the Main Event of Supreme TV. Aaron Andrews & Jay Chord def. Joshua Taylor & Freddy Huggins (85) in the Main Event of TCW Presents Total Wrestling. Running Wolf def. Enygma (83) in the Main Event of USPW American Wrestling. Despite improving compared to last week, USPW is still in 3rd place. SWF will head to Florida for Welcome To The Jungle as they try to keep their momentum.
  11. p { margin:2px; margin-left:60px; margin-right:60px; padding:0; line-height: 1.5em; } .div-1 { background-color: #4A87A4 ; } SUPREME TV EPISODE 30 (Tuesday, week 2, August 2020. EagleBank Arena, Fairfax, VA. Attendance: 10000 SELL OUT!) Angry Gilmore def. Robbie Retro (77) A good match to work the crowd and open the show in Virginia. Gilmore showed his 'Angry' personality again saying "Fairfax, Virginia, you are just the dumpster of Washington DC", which angered the fans. Retro did a good job to satisfy the crowd with his dance moves anytime the pace of the match slowed down. In fact, Retro controlled the first minutes of the match but his habit of celebrating his good moves with dance moves made it easier for Gilmore to recover and take the advantage with a couple of holds that tortured Retro. 10 minutes into the match, Retro was already in problems at that point when Gilmore connected the Sky High Elbow on him for the victory. ANGLE: The Dallas Cowboys are in SWF booker Eric Eisen's office. They say their opportunity to win the SWF World Tag Team titles at The Supreme Challenge 40 was stolen by Randy Unleashed and Zimmy Unleashed. The Dallas Cowboys seek revenge and tell Eisen they want to face Randy and Zimmy at Welcome To The Jungle (69) The Domination (Avalanche & Chill) def. The Rock City Stars (Rockin' Ryan Turner & Stan Manna) (55) The rest of Demolition, the SWF North American champion Primus Allen and their manager Kristen Pearce, were at the ringside to support The Domination in this match. They tried to steal the show but it was the worst match of the night. Arguably The Rock City Stars did a better job than The Domination, starting with Ryan Turner and then with Stan Manna. But when Avalanche got tagged in he was able to impose his superior power. The 450lb behemoth finished Stan Manna with the One-Handed Choke Bomb for the win. ANGLE: After being attacked last week by Hollywood Uncensored, American Machine is in the ring accompanied by the group that saved him, All-American Army, formed by One Man Army and Valiant & Giedroyc. The babyfaces got plenty of support from the crowd in Virginia. Valiant takes a prominent role in this segment and is the one who challenges Hollywood Uncensored to a 4vs4 Cage Escape Match at Welcome To The Jungle, making the crowd go crazy... Suddenly, Hollywood Uncensored's theme plays and the heel faction surprisingly comes out from under the ring. Hollywood Bret Starr directs operations and they attack at the same time without giving time to react to the babyfaces. At first, Hollywood Uncensored take control of the ring with ease but after a couple of minutes American Machine and All-American Army regroup to even things. Finally, the two groups separate while they keep saying things to each other from the the distance. This segment got the crowd much hotter (79) Roderick Remus def. Pirata Malvado (59) It was Pirata Malvado's second match in SWF after debuting with a victory in Mexico City. This match was all about aerial spots. However, their timing and coordination wasn't as good as expected. The advantage changed hands many times in this match. They took turns to practice their favorite aerial spots. The Scourge Of Mexico could end the match after the Pirate Skull but Remus kicked out at 2. Finally, Remus delivered a 360º splash before going for the Brainbuster Suplex to secure the victory. Good win for Roderick Remus, who will face SWF North American champion Primus Allen at Welcome To The Jungle. Atom Smasher & Brandon James def. Steven Parker & The Crippler (76) Storytelling was the key in this match. The Crippler and Atom Smasher started the match. Smasher did some poses to provoke The Crippler, who showed different traits in his personality compared to what he's been during the last years. Smasher hit The Crippler with the Radiation Blast but Parker was there to help his teammate. Brandon James and Steven Parker got tagged in. There were unfinished business between these two after James beat Parker recently. James' manager Krissy Angelle reminded Parker of the loss making crying gestures imitating him and the crowd booed her. James hit Parker with a few stomps before Parker replied with a fantastic backstabber. Atom Smasher entered the match again to face a much more tired Parker. Smasher punished Parker with two Radiation Blasts and finished him with the Mushroom Cloud and The Crippler couldn't help his partner. Atom Smasher, Brandon James and Krissy Angelle celebrated in the middle of the ring while the crowd booed them loudly. Surprisingly, The Crippler apologized to Parker for not being able to help him. At the announcers table, Emma Chase commented "I'm not sure why The Crippler behaved this way tonight. We can't say he's normally such a nice guy". Paul Huntingdon def. Darryl Devine (61) Paul Huntingdon was 1-3 in singles matches this year, while Darryl Devine was still seeking his first victory in a singles match in SWF after 3 matches. Blue Blood used his slightly superior power over Mighty Fine to set the tone early in the match. Then Mighty Fine reacted to take the match to the ground and they spent a few minutes using locks and trying to unsuccessfully pin each other. Devine with a quick roll-up had a good opportunity but Huntingdon kicked out at 2. Later, Huntingdon reversed a couple of irish whips leading to a clothesline and a DDT. Huntingdon capitalized with the High Society to win the match in 12 minutes. ANGLE: SWF World Heavyweight champion Rocky Golden steps into the ring to talk about his title defence against Mikey Lau at Welcome To The Jungle... The 2-time champion's speech lasts only one minute before he is interrupted. Mikey Lau accompanied by his manager Damian Carvill makes his entrance to a new custom theme. Carvill came out first and then Mikey Lau appeared with a spectacular taekwondo kick. When the music ends, Damian Carvill wastes no time to dismiss Rocky as "a sheltered champion who has been overprotected by the Eisens since he joined this company". Carvill continues "everyone, even here in Virginia, knows that the only reason The Supreme Challenge 40 was in Philadelphia was to hand you the easiest opportunity to recover the SWF World Heavyweight title!". Despite getting booed, Damian Carvill finishes "mi client, "The Dragon" Mikey Lau, has no home-crowds and he probably doesn't have fans. Mikey Lay is one of the best kickboxers of all-time. Mikey Lau is not in SWF to make friends. Mikey Lau is in SWF to win. And at Welcome To The Jungle don't doubt for a second that Mikey Lau is going to win the SWF World Heavyweight title!" (73) Main Event: Unleashed Awesomeness (Jefferson Stardust, Huey Cannonball, Randy Unleashed and Zimmy Unleashed) def. Hawaiian Crush (Ekuma & High Flyin Hawaiian) and The Dallas Cowboys (Marshall Dillon & Ranger) (81) At Welcome To The Jungle we know Hawaiian Crush will finally have their desired rematch against SWF World Tag Team champions The Awesomeness and probably The Dallas Cowboys will get their hands on Randy and Zimmy, so there was a lot to talk about at the announcers table. It was a frenetic match were everyone got involved. Jefferson Stardust, who made an instant impact in the match with a strong start, and Ranger began the match but they lasted no more than 2 minutes and that was the dynamic for the most part as it was very difficult to keep such a fast pace for a long time. Wrestlers kept getting tagged in and the two teams were still very even as we were getting close to the 10 minute mark. Randy did a good job to take a slight advantage before tagging his brother Zimmy to face High Flyin Hawaiian. The two amazed the fans with a couple of very dangerous aerial spots from one corner. The crowd loudly booed Zimmy after getting rid of High Flying Hawaiian with an elbow blow on the corner. Zimmy landed on the Hawaiian with the 450 Degree Splash... 1... 2... 3! Unleashed Awesomeness run towards Zimmy to begin a wild celebration. The babyfaces can't believe they let such a good opportunity escape before their long awaited matches at Welcome To The Jungle but, after the initial shock, Virginia fans cheer Hawaiian Crush and The Dallas Cowboys as we see them returning backstage to finish the episode. SHOW RATING: 82
  12. The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) vs Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owens) Let's give 'em a victory Number One Contenders match for Cruiserweight Title: Eric Future vs Akihiro Hisato I see Future as a tag team guy but he's more popular so... Bret Heartbreak vs ??? Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs Jermaine Granger & Myles Cross Unless the other team is getting a name in this episode I can't see them winning this one 'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs Joey Beauchamp w/ Dylan Drama Squash Bonus: Will National Wrestling rate higher than 65 Overall? Yes, I won't bet against Landon anytime soon in this diary
  13. @Shmoe II I'm sorry to tell you again I can't see the pictures of the last show, but I thought you may want to know it.
  14. The Masked Mauler VII vs. Jay Silver Charlie Corner vs. Henry Bennett Young & Wasted vs. The Hot Taggs James Diaz vs. Jason Patterson
  15. The positive side was that The Foundation vs State Of Mind was the Match Of The Night. I don't think State Of Mind were supposed to be in the MOTN in a PPV so it's great how far they've come. Also my man Damian Dastardly is still kicking asses and shaking things in NWF, now kicking out the jobber himself, Bali Daljit, out of NWF. Fantastic.
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