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[C-Verse 2020] TFX Wrestling - Can The Oceanic Wrestling Scene Handle Another Wrestling Promotion?

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Monday - Week 1 - January 2020

In my mind, I could see a brilliantly lit arena; confetti falling from the heavens and a battle weary warrior basking in their well-deserved glory amidst the deafening applause of thousands of die-hard professional wrestling fans. Whilst hundreds of camera’s and phones lit up the building like a frenzied sky full of lightning, the weary victor would raise a truly beautiful championship belt above their head in one of the promotion’s crowning moments; a prize so sought after and respected, that it’s prestige was recognised throughout the wrestling world. Following what seemed like an eternal celebration for our hero and our fan base, I would sidle up to the ringside area in the most inconspicuous manner possible, trying to avoid the cluster of wrestling publication photographers jostling amongst one another for the perfect snap of our new champion. Noticing my presence at ringside, our recently anointed franchise player would shoot me a sly smile and a nod, and upon departing the battlefield known as the squared circle, would throw a sweaty arm around my shoulder as we headed back towards the locker-room.

“We did it boss….we did it!”




The piercing tone of yet another text message literally dissolves my vivid day dream in front of me. My reality in fact, is a far cry from the eloquent and elaborate vision I was just immersed in. There were no dazzling lights, no thunderous roars from an audience heralding a new champion and certainly no sign whatsoever of any sweeping moments of elation or accomplishment for yours truly. The cold and hard facts were that here I was, sitting alone in my dimly lit office, staring blankly at pages upon pages of scribbled notes, numbers and ramblings; some of them crumpled up, others stained with coffee ring markings, and none of them - not one of them - any use to me so far! I didn’t move a muscle toward looking at what news the text message may have delivered me. Recent history suggested that whatever it was, would no doubt end up being some sort of hurdle, problem or obstacle to overcome. That’s all I ever seemed to hear these days. “But” I figured “I guess that’s what comes with the territory”. I surveyed the scene one final time, took a big breath, and decided I needed to start over. There was too much clutter. Too many manic “note-to-self” and “must do” reminders floating around me. Would it always be this way? Was this my life now? A shambolic mid 30’s male, permanently stressed and living seemingly on caffeine and other assorted energy drinks, who somehow made daily sense of towering stacks of professional wrestling hieroglyphics?


Rummaging through the mess of paperwork that lay scattered and piled in the foreground, I found a note pad with a few rare pristine sheets still available, and following a quick clearing of the space in front of me, jotted down;


“TFX Wrestling: presents LIVE #001”


It was time to prove that throughout all those late night drunken conversations regarding the Australian wrestling scene, I DID know what I was talking about…that as a professional wrestling fan of over 27 years, I COULD bring something to the business I loved so much! I had heard the same comment so many times before this; “Well, if you think you can do it better…then why don’t you start your own wrestling promotion?”


Well here I was. One week prior to the very first TFX Wrestling event and I was up to my neck in it! Venue set up issues, in-ring talent proving to be un-reliable and hesitant to commit, and an incredible amount of overly expensive lighting and sound equipment now needing to be purchased prior to next Saturday night. I had invested $80,000 of my own hard-earned cash into this start up, but given the current uncertain economic climate the world faced, and an already swollen Oceanic wrestling scene, there was every chance that my investment would be gobbled up within the space of 12 months or so.  And with it, my pride!

My ego, my promotion and my profit is all on the line - TFX Wrestling HAD to be successful!


Another text message comes through.


“Hey Scott….listen, we got a problem….”.


Of course we do….we ALWAYS have a problem!

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Saturday - Week 1 - January 2020


“Well, she’s not exactly The Ritz….but she’ll do for a first show!

Typical Armando Guerrero humour.

Typical Armando. For a veteran of the squared circle for over a decade and a half, his sarcastic comment wasn’t necessarily meant to dampen everything I had pulled together over the last week, but certainly, and somewhat humorously, vocalised what we were all thinking. A far cry from the lofty heights I had in my daydream just a week ago, TFX Wrestling would hold its very first event from Marv’s Sports Central in Canberra, New South Wales; essentially a sports bar with a large open plan dining area that had previously held professional wrestling and low level MMA fights, this $300 venue was certainly a stark smack of reality. Despite a decent social media campaign directed and rolled out by yours truly, I didn’t exactly have a wave of pre-sold tickets flying out the door either! “Armii” - as we affectionally called Armando - knew it too. I didn’t have to actually tell him, but by the venue and the set up that was being slowly erected around the 33 year old by a number of volunteers and younger wrestlers, to him, it was instinctual.


Prior to any of this, Armando was literally the very first person I called when the concept of TFX Wrestling first emerged. If I could call myself the heart beat of TFX Wrestling, Armando was certainly the central nervous system! Following a fantastic career which would pivot into a role as the Head Trainer of the WWA: Australia dojo, Armando became essentially responsible for the next generation of Australian talent, and following some initially tentative back and forth conversations and proposals, finally agreed to help provide his professional wrestling acumen to my start up wrestling promotion. The proviso; that the talent brought in, is largely home grown, fostered talent through the WWA: Australian Dojo, and are given the opportunity to hone their skills for future success either here in TFX or wherever their career’s take them. One handshake agreement later and I had myself the first piece vital to anchoring the promotion. Guerrero’s extensive knowledge of both Australian and New Zealand wrestling markets was going to prove pivotal in portraying to the rest of Oceanic region, that TFX would be a promotion to take notice of. No doubt Guerrero’s keen knowledge of, and first hand involvement, in shaping the future of both the Australian and New Zealand wrestling landscapes also gave me access to inquire, negotiate and potentially access performers from across the Pacific Ocean in the future, that larger promotions such as Australian Pro, Revolution Australian & Deep Impact Wrestling may not have yet discovered.

“Ease up Armii, he’s got enough on his plate without hearing that nonsense!”


Ah, there it was! The eternal optimism of ol’ “Slow Hand”. A well known referee who had regularly appeared within the Australian wrestling scene for well over a decade, Wels Farmer was indeed the second contact I tracked down following conversations with Guerrero. A generally quiet and reserved man, his 17 years experience wearing the black and white striped shirt also brought an element of credibility to the promotion. Admittedly it took quite a few conversations with Wels to convince the retired 41 year old to leave his organic farm set up every Saturday night and step in between the ropes again, but he too, was crucial to TFX Wrestling finding its feet. Out of the kindness of his heart, and perhaps a little morbid curiosity as to whether I could actually pull off even a single show, Wels finally agreed to dust off his referee shirt and break out the slacks. And with those two verbal and handshake agreements, I had everything I believed was necessary to bring this promotion to at least one event.

At the core of things, my business plan from a “wrestling perspective” was simple. Yours truly would captain the ship from a top level business and financial perspective, and I would allow the flourishing creative mind that was Armando Guerrero to carve out TFX Wrestling as THE destination home for young and emerging talent. There was an absolute plethora of emerging rookies and performers in both the Australian and New Zealand markets, just itching for someone, somewhere, to give them a shot. Perhaps, in many respects, my business plan was a direct reflection of that same desperation I had in creating TFX Wrestling; all I wanted too, was to be given the opportunity to show what I could bring to the table.

It’s only the beginning” I replied, “Nothing worthwhile was ever done quickly, hey?”

There we sat, next to one another surveying the scene as the first ever TFX Wrestling “LIVE #001” event slowly took form. Three men of very different backgrounds, experiences and mindsets. One of them, dreaming that this was but a mere step in a much bigger journey, whilst the two either side of me, here on the promise of a start up wrestling promotion, in which they could positively give back to the business they’d spent so many decades in previously. We watched the surreal sight as a hodge-podge assembly of characters milled around, slowly construction a professional wrestling venue out of a Sports Bar. In addition to receiving payment and a platform to perform, the agreement with each of the talent was that ring and venue set up and pack down was mandatory prior and post event - no excuses. I gave myself a moment to just soak in what was occurring around me - in the ring, four young men all laughed and rough housed with one another as they went about tightening the ring ropes, taking flat back bumps on the canvas and running through set ups and situations ahead of tonight’s show. Elsewhere, on the other side of the energy spectrum, some were more subdued and preferred to keep to themselves and run through their own pre-show routines. There was a sense of nervous excitement in the air - some had never worked together before, whilst others were quite good friends already, but even now, this odd ball assembly of professional wrestlers had an air of “collectiveness” about them.

WE had the opportunity to deliver something special!

This promotion would survive, thrive or die based on what WE, twenty or so individuals of various backgrounds, experiences, sizes and shapes, would create tonight!

And in a matter of hours, it would be put up or shut up time!

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Scheduled contests for Predictions Purposes:

TFX Wrestling presents “LIVE!! 001”
Saturday - Week 1 - January 2020

Marv’s Sports Central in Canberra, New South Wales

The Buchanan Brothers (Flip & Bounce) v. Misery Business (“Demented” Lee Ducketti & Olly Graves)

The Rottweilers (Lucas Pobb & The Fixer) v. CCTT (Cody Cook & Toby Tough)

TFX Championship Match
10 Man Battle Royale to crown the first ever TFX Champion

Blackwell Bush v. Izzy Decartes v. Steven XS v. Francis Burke v. Banky Bremner v.
“Temper Temper” Jonathon Temperance v. Manni Moonchild v. Elvis Robinson v. Hack Greer v. Boot Camp Mikey

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Awesome to see another dynasty in Oceania - I pretty much only play there so I'm pretty familiar with a ton of your guys, and I'm excited what direction you take them all in.

The Buchanan Brothers (Flip & Bounce) v. Misery Business (“Demented” Lee Ducketti & Olly Graves)

Hard time picking in favor of two green rookies who are considered such "jobbers" that they have bruises rendered into their pictures...

The Rottweilers (Lucas Pobb & The Fixer) v. CCTT (Cody Cook & Toby Tough)

I really like the idea of Pobb + Fixer teaming, but I feel like with how young and inexperience your roster skews, you need to lean on someone with a measure of experience like Cody Cook.

TFX Championship Match
10 Man Battle Royale to crown the first ever TFX Champion

Blackwell Bush v. Izzy Decartes v. Steven XS v. Francis Burke v. Banky Bremner v.
“Temper Temper” Jonathon Temperance v. Manni Moonchild v. Elvis Robinson v. Hack Greer v. Boot Camp Mikey

My heart wants me to pick Blackwell Bush, but my brain tells me of all the ten men in this match, Francis Burke is the most "credible" in ring and on the mic to be the first guy to hold your top prize.

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TFX Wrestling presents “LIVE!! 001”
Saturday - Week 1 - January 2020

Marv’s Sports Central in Canberra, New South Wales
Paid Attendance: 13 People

Our voice of TFX Wrestling, Garfield Harth opened the festivities for “LIVE #001” standing in the ring alongside referee Wels Farmer, welcoming everyone to the first ever show and hyping the main event - a 10 Man Battle Royale to determine our first ever TFX Champion! This felt like the most natural way to open the show, especially given keen wrestling fans would recognise Garfield from his previous tenure at RAW as lead announcer, and he was by far, our most comfortable and confident spokesman with a microphone in his hand. On cue, Wels Farmer hoisted above his head a beautiful, if not slightly oversized, black strapped, gold plated championship belt - in my humble opinion, an award truly worthy fighting for! Garfield claimed that tonight, those in attendance would bear witness to not only the crowning of an inaugural TFX Champion, but the dawn of a new exciting day in Australian professional wrestling! I was very pleased with how Garfield handled this opening segment, he worked hard to draw the most he could out of our thirteen fans in attendance, promoted our show lineup, put over the importance of the championship belt and seemed to enjoy the freedom to banter back and forth with some of the more vocal members of the audience. What else could a promoter ask for? (31)

Match #1: The Buchanan Brothers (Flip & Bounce) v. Misery Business (“Demented” Lee Ducketti & Olly Graves)
The nights in-ring festivities kicked off with tag team action as the brothers Buchanan stepped into the ring with the likes of Olly Graves and Dee Lucketti, who were pairing for the first time under the name “Misery Business”. I was thrilled to see the duo of Graves & Lucketti not only visually look the part of a tag team, but interact and engage with one another throughout the contest as if they’d been pairing for at least the last twelve months; Olly’s “wild man of wrestling” schtick blending well with Dee Lucketti’s unstable character. The scrawny under-dogs that are Bounce & Flip did a great job at selling a beating and mounting brief comeback spots, only to be cut off via nefarious tactics at the hands of, in particular, Olly Graves. To be honest, the in-ring work of Bounce & Flip was probably marginally better than that of either Lucketti or Graves, which took me a bit by surprise. In a bout that I thought had decent wrestling, but next to no crowd heat unfortunately, Dee Lucketti drove Bounce’s skull into the mat with his Front Roll Legsweep and scored the pin fall at 8:36. (21)

To further establish some heat, following the contest Misery Business would pounce on their defeated opponents and continue the beat down for another minute or so. Nothing too major, but just enough to establish Dee Lucketti and Olly Graves as definitive heels within our tag team roster. The energy levels from everyone to deliver the post match beat down was to be commended, however there was a couple of occasions in which some people were out of place, and for those watching with a keen eye, were a tell tale sign that indeed Misery Business were two individuals teaming together for the first time. Still, a good job from all involved to begin telling a story, I was certainly happy with how all four conducted themselves and delivered on an entertaining opening bout and angle. (22)

The Rottweilers (Lucas Pobb & The Fixer) v. CCTT (Cody Cook & Toby Tough)

In an effort to establish our tag team scene from the very outset, we decided to follow our opening contest with another tag team bout, this time featuring the combination of Cody Cook & Toby Tough as CCTT, against The Rottweilers, made up of Lucas Pobb & The Fixer. A few days prior, Armando Guerrero mentioned that it was clear to him from the initial conversations he had with the two seperate first time pairings, that each duo had their sights on becoming THE premiere tag team in the promotion; a sentiment that absolutely warmed my heart - and could cause problems down the line! And to say that it was “on” from the second the bell rang, would be an understatement! Cody Cook’s twelve years in-ring experience proved crucial in leading the three others through a compelling bout, Lucas Pobb’s “loud mouth” antics drew an organic disdain from the crowd and Toby Tough willingly sacrificed his body as a crash test dummy for The Fixer, who clearly enjoyed muscling his smaller victims around the place. In a more polished encounter than the opening contest, Cody Cook managed to fall from the heavens and catch Lucas Pobb with an impressive looking 450 Degree Splash for the pin-fall victory at 11:40. (24)

Our show was then briefly thrown off kilter when 18 year old Leon Maine stormed through the curtain, snatched the microphone from Garfield Harth, and demanded to know why he wasn’t booked for this show. Leon Maine spent time berating various members of the roster, specifically belittling the Buchanan Brothers in particular, and claimed that he WILL one day be the “Maine Man” of Australian wrestling! By this time, a number of our volunteers began circling the ring asking for Maine to leave; Leon eventually, and begrudgingly doing so when finally WWA Australia: Head Trainer Armando Guerrero also emerged from the back, joining our volunteer team at ringside and yelling at Leon, “this is NOT how you make a name for yourself in this business!” I thought Leon Maine did a fantastic job introducing his narcissistic, entitled rich snob character into the promotion, and it seemed as though he and his real-life trainer Armando Guerrero really bounced well off one another well throughout the segment. I also made sure to specifically acknowledge and thank our exceptional volunteer staff who added to the drama of the segment; their sheer presence in trying to persuading Leon to leave the ring, greatly assisted the perception of a “pseudo” security team…one of which, we certainly cannot afford at this time! (27)

TFX Championship
10 Man Battle Royale to crown the first ever TFX Champion

Blackwell Bush v. Izzy Decartes v. Steven XS v. Francis Burke v. Banky Bremner v. “Temper Temper” Jonathon Temperance v. Manni Moonchild v. Elvis Robinson v. Hack Greer v. Boot Camp Mikey
Main event time! You only get one chance to make a great first impression, only one opportunity to crown an inaugural champion, and I asked all the participants to give this 10 Man Battle Royale their all. Given the impressionable age of some involved and the importance I placed on this contest throughout the afternoon and evening, a number of performers may have gotten caught up in the moment; the likes of Steven XS and Elvis Robinson looking a little off their game, their actions certainly rushed and at times, a little sloppy. Certainly something for me to be weary of in the future! Manni Moonchild & Hack Greer made an early and effective alliance early on, Jonathan Temperance made three eliminations throughout the contest (the most of any participant!) and Banky Bremner took to the skies on more than one occasion before eventually being dumped over the top rope and down to the floor. The bout came down to Blackwell Bush and “Flyin” Francis Burke; two men each worthy and deserving of the opportunity to be crowned the first ever TFX Champion. Armando’s booking prowess really came into play here, suggesting to increase the drama, that Bush and Burke trade big moves back and forth, before returning to trying to eliminate one another over the top rope. This was a great idea as for the closing two and a half minutes, the duo rocked one another with impressive strikes; each busting out their signature offensive moves to try and gain an advantage. The conclusion of the bout saw Francis Burke propped on the middle rope ready to deliver his Flipping Neckbreaker, only for Blackwell Bush to catch him mid rotation in a suplex position, perhaps with the intention of dropping Burke with a Fisherman’s Suplex variation. As Blackwell muscled the additional body weight of Burke towards the ropes for an elimination, Burke adjusted his body weight, slid out of Bush's grasps and managed to throw Blackwell Bush over the top rope to become the very first TFX Champion at 13:41!! (24) 

To truly capture the moment, I once again asked our volunteer staff members to go above and beyond their duties for the night and act as additional crowd members to assist in the crowd reaction to Burke’s crowning as champion. With the likes of Cody Cook, Toby Tough and Armando Guerrero joining him in the ring, Garfield Harth announced and awarded Francis Burke the TFX Championship, the aforementioned tag team hoisting Burke on their shoulders as Francis held the belt up high. From the very back of the building, away from the obvious eyesight of the crowd, the entire roster gathered and added to the noise in the venue, applauding as one, and giving the 30 year old as truly a memorable moment as we could. The sentiments were clearly not lost on Burke, who was visibly moved by the gesture and response of the locker-room, the audience in attendance and volunteer staff. For a man who has tirelessly worked the independent scene for over a decade and had had a number of near break out moments only to have them fall flat for a number of reasons, Francis Burke was our franchise player, our number one guy, and the very first TFX Champion! If I’m being 100% honest, he may not have been the only one who was visibly emotional at the conclusion of the show…there may have been a tear or two as well from yours truly as well. (30)

TFX Wrestling presents LIVE!!! #001 Show Rating: (25)

Edited by RingGeneral
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“What are we waiting for!?! Let’s celebrate amigos!”

To be honest, that was about the last sober, cognitive conversation I remember having before the night became a bit of a blur. Bless him, Manni Moonchild wanted to ensure there were celebratory drinks on hand once the last fan had left the building, and so, provided a crate of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages for the roster; an offer that elevated an already excitable group to fever pitch. Throughout the night, it emerged that the twins, Bounce & Flip, were to celebrate their 20th birthday within the next couple of days, so a boisterous and rowdy roar erupted for the two of them too! What a beautiful scene it was, to have the entire roster all together in jovial spirits and celebration! Could we always ensure such a positive brotherhood moving forward, or was this a short lived, famed “honeymoon” period? Only time would tell…     

Throughout the night, Francis Burke made a specific point of tracking me down and expressing his gratitude at being given the opportunity to have been the first ever TFX Champion. Burke said it was truly a dream come true to be wearing the top prize for a wrestling company, and promised to give it his all in representing our promotion both in and out of the ring. It meant a lot to me to have that moment with him and we spent some time discussing where I foresaw his role in the company over the next year or so before parting ways in high spirits. I also took the time to seek out Leon Maine specifically and commended him on an excellent introductory promo. His delivery was significantly better than what I had even initially hoped for, and I congratulated on him on some fantastic work. Like a puppy eager to please, he was riding an absolute wave of adrenaline, and during our brief conversation, blurted out about ten different directions he proposed his character could possibly go. At 18 years old, he is one of youngest workers in our fold and it is imperative to me, that he is well mentored - for his own sake - during these formative years within the business. A naturally gifted heel at such a young age isn’t something you come across every day, and I’d hate to see him lose sight of the lofty heights I could see his career taking.

Elsewhere, it had been a busy week throughout the world of wrestling in the Oceanic scene -

Over the last few days, the subscription service, WrestleWorld, continued to be a hot topic across the globe. Just a few months away from launching in both America and Canada, many are wondering if this is the start of a revolution for smaller wrestling promotions, or the beginning of the end for independent companies as we know them. Given our insignificant status in the wrestling world, I bared little interest in the emerging details, however, such a service in years to come may prove beneficial for a company like TFX should we find ourselves in a position to seek international exposure. 

It emerged that Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods had been sorting their finances over the last few months with the intent of bringing in some new faces onto their roster; management apparently looking to “fill some gaps” for a push further up the worldwide rankings. The initial rumour was that only one contract was offered, however in the days that followed, Panda Mask II, Eagle Kawasawa, Reaver and Simon Flemmingway were all announced as signed to exclusive written contracts. The iron clad deals ranged from 2 to 4 and a half years depending on the individual and will certainly assist Tetsuzan Kaneko and BHOTWG group in trying to encroach on 21CW’s fourth place position in the wrestling world.   

What started as a minor rumbling early in the week, became a massive, full fledged grass fire days later ,when Australian Pro Wrestling owner James J McMinister announced to wider wrestling publications, that they essentially consider themselves now at “war” with fellow New South Wales based promotion, Deep Impact Wrestling. News emerged late in the week that some members of the APW roster had been openly told by McMinister that if they accept any dates or work with their new rivals in any capacity, those individuals will not be welcome back in APW any more. Neither The Comedian or “Big” John Teasdale of DIW are yet to make any official comment on the matter, however sources expect this situation to escalate quickly in the coming weeks or months! This is honestly a less-than-ideal situation for our TFX Wrestling promotion, given we share the New South Wales market with both the APW and DIW brands. Whilst we will adamantly look to steer clear of aligning toward or detracting from either one of these other two bigger brands, I may (or may not), have mentioned to Armando that we should keep a close eye on the actions and fall outs of the workers involved, and see if any situations became "fruitful" for us down the line. 

And finally, the unquestionable top dogs in the land, Revolution Australian Wrestling held “RAW Attitude” on Friday night from Perth and drew 3,443 fans. The show was considered quite good, with Frogue Element defeating Captain Wrestling II and Blake Belushi to retain the Television Title, and the in-ring performance of the night belonging to Swoop McCarthy. The show achieved a 0,81 TV Rating (608,985 viewers) on The A.S.N.

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On 2/21/2023 at 6:21 AM, John Lions said:

Awesome to see another dynasty in Oceania - I pretty much only play there so I'm pretty familiar with a ton of your guys, and I'm excited what direction you take them all in.

The Buchanan Brothers (Flip & Bounce) v. Misery Business (“Demented” Lee Ducketti & Olly Graves)

Hard time picking in favor of two green rookies who are considered such "jobbers" that they have bruises rendered into their pictures...

The Rottweilers (Lucas Pobb & The Fixer) v. CCTT (Cody Cook & Toby Tough)

I really like the idea of Pobb + Fixer teaming, but I feel like with how young and inexperience your roster skews, you need to lean on someone with a measure of experience like Cody Cook.

TFX Championship Match
10 Man Battle Royale to crown the first ever TFX Champion

Blackwell Bush v. Izzy Decartes v. Steven XS v. Francis Burke v. Banky Bremner v.
“Temper Temper” Jonathon Temperance v. Manni Moonchild v. Elvis Robinson v. Hack Greer v. Boot Camp Mikey

My heart wants me to pick Blackwell Bush, but my brain tells me of all the ten men in this match, Francis Burke is the most "credible" in ring and on the mic to be the first guy to hold your top prize.

Thank you so much for taking the time to make some predictions @John Lions - I really appreciate you doing so! It's great to have someone reading who already has that connection to the Oceanic Wrestling scene, and you certainly proved your keen knowledge of the area with those predictions! 3/3!!!!  I tend to be a big fan of weaving both short and long term storyline threads in and out of one another, so I imagine (should you continue to read and enjoy my work), that you may have your finger on the pulse in the early days of this diary, before I hopefully begin pulling the rug out and dropping some bombshells here and there. Thanks again my friend, glad to have you along for the ride! :)

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Scheduled card for Predictions Purposes:

TFX Wrestling presents “LIVE!! 002”
Saturday - Week 2 - January 2020

Marv’s Sports Central in Canberra, New South Wales

The Re-Match:
The Buchanan Brothers (Flip & Bounce) v. Misery Business (“Demented” Lee Ducketti & Olly Graves)

Banky Bremner v. Hack Greer

CCTT (Cody Cook & Toby Tough) v. Big Dude Energy (Boot Camp Mikey & Elvis Robinson)

"Opportunity Knocks"
Four Way Dance to determine a #1 Contender to the TFX Championship
"Temper Temper" Jonathan Temperance v. Blackwell Bush v. Steven XS v. Manni Moonchild

Plus, the brand new TFX Champion "Flyin" Francis Burke will be in the building!!!


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The Re-Match:
The Buchanan Brothers (Flip & Bounce) v. Misery Business (“Demented” Lee Ducketti & Olly Graves)

Could see this going the Buchanan's way as well, but I think CCTT is positioned as your top face team and if these guys are the top heels, they aren't going to be losing to The Buchanans.

Banky Bremner v. Hack Greer

I like Banky a lot more than Hack in the long term, but in the short term, you have a roster of 90% inexperienced rookies, so you need to lean on the ones that stand out in some way. Hack Greer has a great look and is super charismatic, and while he isn't good in the ring right now he's someone the fans could get behind.

CCTT (Cody Cook & Toby Tough) v. Big Dude Energy (Boot Camp Mikey & Elvis Robinson)

Cody is one of your most experienced guys, so I don't see him taking a loss unless he's up against another one of your vets (Cook, Burke, Bush).

"Opportunity Knocks"
Four Way Dance to determine a #1 Contender to the TFX Championship
"Temper Temper" Jonathan Temperance v. Blackwell Bush v. Steven XS v. Manni Moonchild

My original pick was Bush, but I don't think you can give that match away so soon. Temperance had the most eliminations in the Battle Royal, and he can easily pin Moonchild or XS to keep Bush from losing any credibility.


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  • 4 weeks later...

TFX Wrestling presents “LIVE!! 002”
Saturday - Week 2 - January 2020

Marv’s Sports Central in Canberra, New South Wales
Paid Attendance: 20 People

The executive decision was made that the voice of TFX Wrestling, Garfield Harth, was to open each of our TFX Wrestling LIVE! shows, acting simultaneously as the recap, hype man and on-screen representative of the TFX Wrestling office; his confidence on the microphone and ability to convey information and entertain at the same time were second to none on our roster at this point. Harth promoted tonight’s card, headlined by an “Opportunity Knocks” Four Way Dance - the winner, earning themselves the very first opportunity to challenge Francis Burke for the TFX Championship, won last week. Garfield also stated that commencing next week was a 4 Team Tag Tournament to determine the first ever TFX Tag Team Champions!  Making up the quartet would be The Buchanan Brothers, Misery Business, CCTT & The Rottweilers; both semi-final matches taking place next week on LIVE! #003, and the champions crowned a fortnight from now, on LIVE!#004. Garfield then introduced the inaugural TFX Champion “Flyin” Francis Burke, who cut a short, but effective and empathetic promo; stating it meant the world to him to be finally given an opportunity to compete for a promotion’s major championship, and to have won the TFX Title was an absolute dream come true! Burke states he’s been fighting and clawing for over ten years to get an opportunity like this, and he promised the audience to represent TFX Wrestling and this Championship belt with pride, honour and respect. Francis is by no means a wordsmith, but he certainly put in an impassioned performance and got across the key points we had directed him on prior to call time. The combination of Burke and Harth opening our show did portray a relatively polished front, and whilst our locker-room certainly paled in comparison to the star power from elsewhere around the country, amongst our TFX locker-room, Burke was certainly the man to have put the belt on first! (34)

Match #1: Misery Business (Olly Graves & "Demented" Dee Lucketti v. The Buchanan Brothers

Deciding to return to the opening contest from the week prior was something I felt quite unsure about right up until call time, but upon hearing Armi’s suggested direction for both teams, I decided to leave well enough alone and leave the quartet to get the job done. Whilst the contest wasn’t anything leaps and bounds better than last week, it was great to see glimpses of more cohesive collaboration between the two teams, which we can hopefully continue to build upon in the weeks ahead. Unfortunately Olly Graves was really off his game tonight, appearing gassed up relatively early into the contest and subsequently found himself a step or two behind the pace of the others during the final stretch. On the contrary, his partner, “Demented” Dee Lucketti really stood out from the group tonight; whether it was that the youngster was exceptionally motivated given his role and direction within the company, or perhaps even just in comparison to that of the lethargic performance from his partner Olly, Dee Lucketti looked quite the performer in this match! The contest built upon, and centred once again around the under-dogs, Bounce & Flip Buchanan valiantly mounting brief comeback spots, only for the Misery Business duo to cut them off with under-handed methods at any and every opportunity. In a bout that had decent wrestling, and slightly better responses from the audience than last week, Dee Lucketti once again picked up the victory for his team, dumping Flip’s skull into the mat with his Front Roll Legsweep and scoring the pin fall at 8:28. (22)

Not content with just the victory, for the second week in a row, Olly Graves and “Demented” Dee Lucketti continue to deliver a beatdown on Bounce & Flip Buchanan; this time, with the intensity, physicality and aggression ramped up a notch compared to that of last week’s assault. A little more familiar with one another, some of the clunky positioning that the group encountered during the previous weeks’ post match angle was much smoother this time around, and made for a more polished looking segment. Bounce in particular was very effective at selling an assault from Olly Graves; the segment once again doing a great job of further establishing Misery Business as a despicable duo and the Buchanan brothers as sympathetic faces in peril. (25)

Match #2: Banky Bremner v. Hack Greer

The two lads did a decent job in producing a bout that was designed moreso as a fast paced, high flying affair, rather than a contest produced with any further storyline ramification. Banky Bremner was clearly the more polished of the two performers on this night, and the crowd seemed to respond really well to his “devil-may-care”, high risk offence! On more than one occasion, Hack appeared off his game and apparently later confessed to Armando that he got lost once or twice in the previously scripted sequences. Whilst it wasn’t a show stealing performance by either young man, their inexperience and inconsistency isn’t anything either Armando or I are too concerned with; all things considered well, we have long term plans for both guys. As much as anything, this was an opportunity for both men to showcase their skills and continue establishing their personalities and characters with our audience. In a short sprint, Hack Greer wound up on the wrong end of Banky Bremner’s “Take It To The Bank”to lose the contest at 6:47. (21)
Given the incredibly effective delivery and receptive audience reaction from last week, “Armii” and I decided to essentially re-run Leon Maine’s antics from LIVE#001, with a slight tweak to the overall presentation; this time, the dis-gruntled 18 year old delivering a monologue without Armando Guerrero either present in front of the crowd, or available at all to engage with. It was always going to be a gamble to let such a young, inexperienced individual try and hold spot light, but after some light debate back and forth, we agreed that we’d never know how he would fare, until the opportunity was given to him. For a rookie appearing on his second ever show, the kid nailed it! Leon claimed it was a mis-carriage of justice that he wasn’t booked for LIVE#001, and an absolute travesty that due to his “disruptive influence on others”, he hasn’t been booked for tonight either! Maine states that TFX Wrestling was meant to be THE home-grown promotion to nurture and elevate the careers of the youth in this country, however, that’s already been proven fraudulent, given this companies evident attempts to smother “The Maine Man” already! Leon promises that the likes of WWA Head Trainer Armando Guerrero and these “mouth breathing, neck bearded, basement-dwelling virgins” (also known as our growing fan base), would rue the day they ever tried to treat Leon like a second-class citizen! KnowIng I was quickly running out of favours with the group, for the third and final time in the space of two shows, I asked our brilliant volunteers (who are still only a few members of some of the roster’s family or friends kind enough to give us some of their time on a Saturday night to help out), to act as our “pseudo” security team; a request which was happily obliged by all, and once again after some verbal back and forth, the group eventually escorted Leon not only out of the ring, but through the crowd and out the front doors of Marv’s Sport’s Central! (24)   

Match #3: Big Dude Energy (Boot Camp Mikey & Elvis Robinson) v. CCTT (Cody Cook & Toby Tough)

The combination of Boot Camp Mikey & Elvis Robinson essentially came together via the necessity for the promotion to continue bolstering it’s tag team division and establish it’s characters in the opening weeks and months of the company; given the two were not immediately assigned any immediate role beyond competing in last week’s main event, their alignment as a team did appear to solve a problem we didn’t know we had. Given the relatively similar physical attributes of both Mikey & Elvis and the positive reaction given to them, “Armi” and I decided that until a clearer direction was decided upon for the two, perhaps “Big Dude Energy” was a worthwhile and useful role for the duo in the short term future. Meanwhile the newly appointed duo of Cody Cook and Toby Tough under the tag team name of CCTT has seemingly kicked off in the right direction; like Francis Burke, Cook was very vocally receptive to working closely with the younger members of our roster, and many within our ranks will surely benefit from Cody’s twelve years of in-ring experience! All four brought high enthusiasm into the contest, and minus some mis-steps and placement issues at times, the quartet delivered a decent contest; Toby Tough pinning Elvis Robinson with a Tough Enough for the victory at 9:07; continuing to build momentum into next week’s Tag Team Tournament Semi-Final. (25)

Match #4: "Opportunity Knocks"
Four Way Dance to determine a #1 Contender to the TFX Championship
"Temper Temper" Jonathan Temperance v. Blackwell Bush v. Steven XS v. Manni Moonchild

Our first ever “Opportunity Knocks” contest; essentially an attempt at creatively re-naming the old tried and true #1 Contender’s Match! I had initial reservations about the amount of multi man matches which were pitched at the top of our cards, but Armando had suggested it was the best way to establish multiple personalities, gauge audience reactions, and monitor, in particular, the younger individuals ongoing performances. I couldn’t exactly fault him for those reasons! Blackwell Bush once again looked very polished in this contest and has already stood out amongst our group over the last two weeks as a potential long term project for the promotion; early indications of his technical wrestling ability is that he has the potential to become amongst the best in the country, but his crowd interactions and mannerisms are, to put it bluntly, bland at best. In a good contest that featured a number of false finishes in the sprint home, Manni Moonchild dropped Steven XS with the “Summer of 69” and scored the pin fall at 10:39 to become the #1 Contender to Francis Burke’s TFX Championship! The crowd seemed quite receptive to all four of these individuals and popped for the finish, perhaps surprised at Moonchild’s victory, given the other three included participants featured two heels and an arguably technically sound superior to all involved baby face, in Blackwell Bush. Manni did a great job I thought in selling the surprise and shock of scoring the winning pin fall, and his infectious people-personality translated well to the audience in his post match mannerisms and celebration with fans. As one of the final graduates from the ZEN Temple Dojo who failed to find work with the promotion upon turning pro, I couldn’t help but wonder what the thoughts of our kiwi friends might be across the pond if we were to award Manni the strap soon…. (28)

TFX Wrestling presents LIVE!!! #002 Show Rating: 26

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“That’s not exactly what I was thinking of when I said we need more bodies in here señor…we could bring in multiple guys that I know of, from all corners of the country, for the money he’s charging….”

TFX Live!! #002 was a wrap. Another minuscule attended show, but there were positives; some of the audience members from tonight had certainly attended LIVE!!#001, our gang of youth got yet another week’s experience under their respective belts, and Marv himself was quite pleased with the dollars being spent at the bar between our talent, staff and audience!
With all the noise and commotion of a wrestling ring disassembly occurring, animated conversations and chair stockings taking place around us, I gestured for Armando Guerrero to join me outside to continue the talking in the warm, evening night. Summer’s in Australia - it was damn near as humid out in the car park as it was in the building itself! So here we were, two animated shadows, discussing the current oceanic professional wrestling scene, in a car park at 9:30pm on a Saturday night…not exactly the glitz and glamour of showbiz, hey?

Armando leant against the tray of his pick-up truck and continued to voice his concerns on this particular individual. I understood his reservations from the financial perspective, but I - as the owner and finance minister of this entire project - wasn’t going to concern myself with diving too deep into the proverbial weeds after our first fortnight in business. TFX was already running at a loss…but it always was going to for the foreseeable future! We needed to control our finances so we didn’t dig ourselves a hole that was too deep to find our way out of, but, as Armando repeatedly pointed out, we needed to bring in additional bodies both in the short and long term. Bodies, that would still, cost us, or me specifically, money regardless! I understood and appreciated that he wanted to squeeze as much as he could out of every dollar we spent on our talent, but there would be times where I really needed him focus purely on just the creative and in-ring development of our roster.

It was also not lost on me that as part of our initial business agreement,  Armii was given "near-equal" say when it came to bringing in talent, and as the WWA: Australia Head Trainer, he had an invested interest in ensuring his graduates and contacts were given first opportunities and refusals where possible. This individual I was proposing, didn’t exactly fit that profile. But in my mind, the pro’s outweighed the cons. Additionally, my initial financial negotiation with this individual were an absolute breeze which subsequently further motivated me to consider how this character would integrate into our locker-room. With a little back and forth regarding this individual and our need for further bodies in the coming weeks and months, I managed to stop short of using the “well, I’m the boss” card, and with some hesitation, Armii agreed on continuing negotiations, on the proviso, that Guerrero got the predominant say in our next talent influx. Deal.

If Armii wasn’t a big fan of my initial talent proposal this conversation, then I had no idea how he was going to take my second, and more pressing topic I had planned on approaching him with; something I had been brainstorming for the last few days and was perhaps even more bullish on then our next series of talent negotiations. I took a deep breath before changing topics, and as keen and cunning as a fox, Guerrero picked up on the body language change.


“Something else on your mind, amigo?”

“So…I’ve had a crazy idea….”

Edited by RingGeneral
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Scheduled card for Predictions Purposes:


TFX Wrestling presents “LIVE!! 003”
Saturday - Week 3 - January 2020

Marv’s Sports Central in Canberra, New South Wales


TFX Tag Team Championship Semi-Final Match #1 :
The Buchanan Brothers (Flip & Bounce) v. The Rottweilers ("Loud Mouth" Lucas Pobb & The Fixer)


Blackwell Bush v. Izzy Decartes

TFX Champion "Flyin" Francis Burke v. Elvis Robinson / Boot Camp Mikey


TFX Tag Team Championship Semi-Final Match #2 :
CCTT (Cody Cook & Toby Tough) v. Misery Business (Olly Graves & "Demented" Dee Lucketti


Plus, Leon Maine has requested time with Garfield Harth to address his behaviour over the last few weeks!


All this and more coming up as TFX Wrestling presents LIVE!!#003

Additional Prediction Question:
"Who was the Individual I was proposing we bring in with Armando Guerrero?" 

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