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The Cobra-Verse (Cornellverse 2024 Mod)

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The Cobra-Verse

Version 0.2 Download

The Cobra-Verse 0.2 Release comes with a full data pack and picture pack. The data covers the US, Canada and Mexico.

Version 0.3 will add Australia and India to the game world.

The Cobra-Verse imagines a dynamic future Cornell-Verse. Set in 2024, the database provides players with a Cornell-Verse alternative to the default database. 
Koshiro "The Cobra" Ino is the "cover athlete" for the Cobra-Verse. His stable, NEO, drove the many changes in the Cobra-Verse -- much like Bullet Club did in our timeline. Now retired, Ino's work has changed the wrestling world forever. 


The Cornell-Verse default set exists under "comic book logic". Much like the World of Mixed Martial Arts, Cornell-Verse characters age and get older, but they never really retire. Companies face similar challenges in each version. 

I agree with the "comic book logic" design choice. The community would also be richer with an alternative. 

The Cobra-Verse presents players with new challenges. Older wrestlers have retired or are winding down their careers. Some companies start with different products and different schedules. You'll find features like the brand split and purchased titles in large companies. By design, the database explores the game in ways the default data set couldn't.

The Cobra-Verse provides players with a truly comprehensive playing experience. The mod takes inspiration from the C-Verse expanded and Women's Revolution mod among others to provide an extremely rewarding player experience. 

05/07/2024: Beta 0.1 (US & Canada) is now out! Links to the Data and Picture pack are in the post!



Small Companies:

Medium Companies

Big Companies

Large Companies

Thanks to willr0ck (for logos) and smw88 (for renders) for letting me use their excellent work in the mod.

Thanks to namastea for the excellent graphic that I used for the Gold Standards stable picture.

Edited by ColdBloodedSausageMaker
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Burning Pro America


Most promotions spend years building a fanbase. Burning Pro America isn't most promotions. 

Matthew Keith and "The Cobra", two national stars, founded Burning Pro America in Seattle, Washington. Reverie, the largest entertainment provider in known history, infused millions in cash to build the promotion. BPA's older sister promotion Burning Hammer is the one of the largest and most prestigious promotions in the wrestling history. Burning Pro can access talent worldwide with a phone call (or email) and have them laced up the next night. 


Arguably, no promotion ever enjoyed a better starting position than Burning Pro. This is evident when you examine the balance sheet. Burning Pro America have been running show for six months. In just those six months, they've established a major foothold in the United States. That's what national star power does for a promotion. 


Matthew Keith is the top star in BPA -- he's clearly the most talented wrestler on the roster, and fans everywhere know him well. But there are many other stars in the promotion. Former SWF alums Steven Parker -- Dark Angel's protege -- and Lassana Matsuki -- a highly touted SWF prospect -- headline a stacked roster. Former MMA Star Christopher "Rubber" Ball might surpass all of them -- Rubber hits harder and faster than anyone on the roster. 
Under Keith's guidance, the newest major promotion brings hard-hitting Japanese action to fans across America. They broadcast tour highlights and big events live on the new USPW+ network, introducing fans across the US to many young exciting wrestling stars. 
The future looks extremely bright for BPA. 


Edited by ColdBloodedSausageMaker
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Good to see you! I've been a big fan of your work.

I've been planning on releasing a mod like this for a long time. I did manage to get a beta out for a similar project a while back, but I didn't develop the concept well enough, 

The data for the US & Canada beta is "all but ready" -- the only thing left to do is create some independent workers. 

I hope people enjoy playing it.


Edited by ColdBloodedSausageMaker
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Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling


There are few, if any, independent promotions more storied than Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling. Now over thirty years in the business, CZCW consistently provides fans with the most cutting-edge wrestling action on earth. Founded by Cliff Anderson, CZCW were among the first promotion to have intergender matches for a primary title. They were the first promotion to bring Japanese-influenced work to America. They were among the first to focus on high-flying action. 

As a result, many stars have come through the Coastal Zone. Frankie Perez, Mikey James, Rocky Golden and James Prudence all got their starts in CZCW before leaving for greener pastures. One could say CZCW became the best place for young talents to develop.

Frankie-Boy Fernandes isn't going anywhere. A multiple-time CZCW Champion, Fernandes is the undisputed top star in CZCW. Frankie could win a world title in SWF or USPW, but he'd rather stick around and book the Coastal Zone. 


One day, he could own the company. After all, Clark "Pee-Wee" Germaine started as a humble referee before purchasing the company from an aging Cliff Anderson. 

Right now, the focus isn't on Frankie (for once). Fans have turned their attention to the dominant Coastal Zone Champion Talia Quinzel.


Talia spent a year destroying the Coastal Zone roster since she turned on then-Champion Frankie-Boy Fernandes. She's beaten all the challengers big and small, man and woman, with ease. But she hasn't faced a challenger like COTT World Women's Champion Electric Dreamer. 

They've fought across TV Networks and across the territories fighting in QAW and QPW among others. They've fought in hardcore, Lucha Libre and even a Cage Match. But they've never fought for the CZCW Title -- yet. 

Talia Quinzel and Electric Dreamer aren't just the best women fighting in CZCW. Right now, they're the biggest stars in the COTT, Male or Female. 

Fans have been salivating for the long-anticipated clash between these wrestling giantesses. 


CZCW fans always have a soft spot for Japanese wrestling. Recently, Coastal Zone owner Clark Germaine cranked the Japanese focus up to 11 to accommodate for changes in the wrestling scene.

For example, current CZCW champion Talia Quinzel cut her teeth with Japanese Joshi company 5SSW. 

But the most successful import would be The 505. Originally a "cool heel" stable in WLW, the "100% Gaijin, 100% Heel" stable drew both ire and admiration from Japanese fans. 

Former WLW star Masked Cougar resurrected the stable in 2021, inviting in Blue Dragon and California Kid into the fold. Soon after, Masked Cougar invaded the new Lucha Libre Latinoamericano promotion and brought back two new members -- Border Patrol II and Dragon Americano. 

In CZCW, Cougar and his mates defend against those that breach the CZCW code of conduct. 

(For the record, the 505 work Rudo in Lucha Libre Latinoamericano )


Despite many defections, the CZCW roster remains stacked. Local heroes Los Santos -- Warren "Warren Technique" Tewksbury and young stud Rey Cavalero -- have become major babyface stars with the company. 

Malik Cash has become a break-out singles star. His moves are the most jaw-dropping in the company. 

Two-time CZCW Champion and former COTT World Champion Quentin Queen broke out in CZCW as a star. Queen seems the most likely guy to become a world champion in the big leagues. 

With such a young and dynamic roster, CZCW seems destined to thrill California wrestling fans for years to come. 


Edited by ColdBloodedSausageMaker
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Invincible Pro Wrestling


IPW can survive anything. They can thrive under any conditions. 


In just over a decade, IPW lost all three founders. First, Brother Grimm split and started up his own competitor, GSW, right down the street. 

That was over a decade ago. 


In 2017, Head founder John "Nemesis" Campbell died from an overdose. His death shocked the wrestling world. 

Garbage wrestling would never be the same. But IPW still had more troubled waters to navigate. 


Gil Thomas, after a near-death experience with COVID, stepped away from IPW. The owner and moneyman was the only constant in the decade-plus. Vin Tanner, a retired journeyman hardcore brawler, took over running the company in 2022. 


At that point, many thought IPW would fade into wrestling obscurity. Then, Kurt Laramee ushered in the "Extreme Wrestling Revolution" in SWF. 

Everything changed in 2023. Kurt Laramee won the SWF World Title. Now eager to work with IPW, SWF set up a working agreement. Rocky Golden turned up at IPW Triplemania 8.


Pablo Rodriguez, former COTT Champion and legendary wrestling mind, took over the company in June 2023. Vin Tanner made his tearful farewell and left the business to raise his young granddaughter. 


This came with a cost. SWF, and others, signed up many top IPW talents. Notably, the SWF poached Blackfriar, who made an immediate impact in the SWF, and then took with fan favorites Minnesota Awesome, who have become hot commodities in the Land of Supreme. 


Luckily, Deacon Darkhold stuck around, a cult hero who captivates an invigorated audience. Sometimes, fans get too close. Darkhold calls on his burly bodyguard Skull Candy to keep the fans at an arm's reach. 


IPW still has BP Swoll. After joining IPW in 2020, Swoll unexpectedly became the company MVP. He's won every title but the big one -- a moment that Pablo built to a maximum payoff. 


Harlem Haynes broke out in singles competition in IPW. His size, power and ruthlessness let Haynes bulldoze into the title scene. Well-traveled journeyman Jermaine Courtney stands out with bone-breaking submissions and stiff strikes. Otis Von Battenberg and Sasquatch McGraw form Canadian Hardcore, the toughest SOBs still standing in wrestling. 

Waylon Walls excelled since joining IPW on a talent trade from CZCW (back when IPW were a COTT Territory). Walls absolutely refuses to quit on the fans and they love him for it. 

After weathering several rough years, IPW is poised to enter an extreme golden age. More fans show up to watch IPW's wrestling now than ever before. 

Today, IPW seems poised to reach and surpass the heights John "Nemesis" Campbell scaled with DAVE all those years ago. 


Edited by ColdBloodedSausageMaker
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Texas Championship Wrestling


The moving truck hauls off the last of the equipment. The three associates look longingly towards the run-down training facility. 


Ricky Dale Johnson remarks "Soon, CZCW will move into this facility. This represents the last vestige of Total Championship Wrestling". Johnson sighs. "That's it, we're burying it",


Justice finishes his cigar. He wrenches open the stubborn Hummer door. The three men amble into the vehicle and ride off. TCW is no more, Long Live TCW! TCW, Forever.


Texas Championship Wrestling operates out of San Antonio, Texas. QAW might as well be next door, but there isn't a rush to establish a working agreement between the two companies. In one form or another, TCW has been here for longer than anyone can remember. Texas Championship Wrestling traces its heritage back to the Texas Wrestling League, the last old-school territory that ran in the United States. 


Like in the old-school territories, TCW employs lots of blood, realism and dark characters. Exciting young veterans duke it out with grizzled veteran talents. No many embodies TCW more than "Dazzling" Dave Diamond. He's a no-thrills added brawler who approaches every match like a barfight.


It will take a herculean effort to unseat the reigning and defending champion Dave Diamond. If any dastardly villain can unseat the champion, it'll be a Black Hat.


The Black Hats are the premier villains in TCW. TCW Owner (and TCW alum) Justice founded the group. Vengeance, and his son, Hijo de Vengeance, round out the group. Justice's bodyguard "Little Joey" Fili provides protection and "services" for the other members. The group already hold the TWL World and TWL Tag team titles. With momentum and numbers on their side, who can stop them? 


Maybe the "past", "future' and present" of TCW can.  Aaron "Ace" Andrews was the first, and star, graduate from the TCW Training Center. An-all rounder, Andrews has gracefully entered the twilight of his career. He won't have to go it alone. Jaylon Martins approaches each match with unmatched energy. He takes a distinctly Japanese style and combines this in-ring work with flash and speed unmatched in Texas Championship Wrestling. A bright young star, plans are in the works to get Martins his first crack at the World Heavyweight Title. Mohammed Barrett might be the biggest and brightest star to train with TCW. Over 250 pounds of pure muscle and six and one half feet, Mohammed makes an immediate impression when he enters the ring. Barrett obviously stands out with pure power, but the package includes some skill and finesse too. Occasionally, Mohammed pulls out the jaw-dropping high risk attack in his arsenal to pop the fans. Despite his size, Barrett has some of the flashiest moves on  the roster.

Even with many "past their prime" wrestlers headlining, TCW can rely on bright, young talent to carry them into the future. With a keen sense of identity and several proven headliners, the sky is the limit for TCW. 


Edited by ColdBloodedSausageMaker
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  • 2 weeks later...


Canadian Wrestling Alliance



Phil Vibert: "That's what I know. Jay Chord is a Snake. That explains it." 
Greg Sluchinski: "That's it? That's what caused it? That, and nothing else?"


Phil Vibert: "I'm not saying that the events between Steve [DeColt] and Dan [Stone Jr.] didn't cause trouble. But Jay being there, Jay changed everything. The man lives his gimmick".
Phil Vibert: "One way or another, he'd be running this company given enough time. Heck, had he stuck around TCW, Jay would be running TCW". 
Greg Sluchinski: "So, why didn't Jay stick around TCW"?
Phil Vibert: "No money there. The money now is in CWA... and in USPW. And Jay had a way easier job here. That being said, things went Jay's way".


Greg Sluchinski: "Yeah, Alex [DeColt, Jr.] didn't help things". 
Phil Vibert: "He's like a carbon copy of his father [Alex DeColt, Sr.]. He's incouragable. Couldn't get along with anyone. Unpredictable. No one knows how he'll react. But [Alex Decolt, Jr.] will be a world champion some day".
Greg Sluchinski: "Clever. CWA doesn't have a World Title".
Phil Vibert: "You won't see Alex [DeColt, Jr.] in a CWA ring. Ever. His dad would never let it happen".


Greg Sluchinski: "Was Alex [DeColt] right about the Stones? Do they mistreat CGC Trained Talents in CWA"?
Phil Vibert: "Definitely appears that way. The youngest Stone, David Stone, is a former CWA Canadian Champion and holds the CWA Television Title. His cousin, Lucy Stone-McFly, holds the CWA Women's TItle. Meanwhile, the best DeColt Power House Talents like superstar Donte Dunn, tag team titans Generation Z and hot-shot manager Drake Young have seen their momentum stall. Seems House of Stone graduates have continued to get favourable treatment in CWA since Jay [Chord] got the book". 
Greg Sluchinski: "And 1/3 of the company stock, at a discount". 
Phil Vibert: "Only Duane Stone owns more stock and not much more. No one who isn't a Stone or married to one can hold stock. Dan, Jr. wrote that into the company by-laws -- and there isn't support among shareholders to change that". 
Greg Sluchinski: "And Steve [DeColt] and Sarah [Stone] got divorced due to the controversy". 
Phil Vibert: "According to company by-laws, Steve would either have to sell his 1/3 share or forfiet it. That's why Jay [Chord] could afford to buy the shares for under $1 Million". 
Greg Sluchinski: "That's still a lot of money for most of us".
Phil Vibert: "These are wrestling stars you're talking about. It's nothing". 


Greg Sluchinski: "So, I assume that's why Jay Chord married Lucy-Stone McFly"?
Phil Vibert: "Well, that, and Lucy became pregnant. She gave birth to Jay Chord's daughter. If [Jay] didn't marry Lucy, Dan [Stone Jr.] would've had Jay fired from [CWA]". 
Greg Sluchinski: "What makes you think that? Jay's by far their biggest star". 
Phil Vibert: "The Stones, excluding Edd, have old-fashioned values. That's why Dan [Stone Sr.] didn't talk to Edd for years. Edd Stone had a child out of wedlock, and that led to [Edd Stone] never wresting for a Canadian company again. His son, Dan Stone Jr., didn't even let Edd Stone's son [Dan Stone III] train at the House of Stone! That old-school mentality runs in the Stone  family".


Greg Sluchinski: "That's a shame. Dan Stone III and Alex DeColt Jr. would've been great fits in New Gen".
Phil Vibert: "Maybe some day. They're both still in High School right now, wrestling in the Mid Atlantic Wrestling developmental territory. We won't see them on the main USPW roster for years now".
Greg Sluchinski: "All the more reason to purchase a USPW+ Subscripton to watch them light up MAW The Proving Ground. Really is a bargain at 9.99 a month". 
Phil Vibert: "That's why you get the big bucks, Sluchinski. You put the product endorsement right before the advertisement break". 
Grg Sluchinski: "Roll the ad"!


Advertisement: "This week, on World Wide Wrestling, Aaron "The Black Knight" Knight with "Stunning" Steve DeColt takes on Boom-Boom Jamacia"!
Steve DeColt: "Boom-Boom, you're going down, like the Jamaican stock market! I'm going to teach you real wrestling from a real economy -- and make you pay in Canadian loonies"! 
Boom-Boom Jamacia: "Take your, cold dreary company and measured politeness off this Televison program and out of the ring! I'm taking your Worldwide Television title and bringing it home to Kingston, Jamacia"!


"Plus, we hear from La Profecía! What will Jennifer Heat say about her longtime rival, Boom-Boom Jamaica!" 
Jennifer Heat: "Television Champion Boom-Boom Jamacia? No Bueno"!
"Episode releases Thursday, January 4th, at 8:45 AM. Watch it live on Reverie"!


Advertisement: "This week, on #Packwatch, Allen "The Pac-Man" Packer takes on "Stunning" Steve DeColt. We learn more about the rugged advisor to the Worldwide Television  Champion". 
Allen Packer: "So, the USPW fans call you "Stunning" Steve DeColt, but you've said that you prefer another nickname"?
Steve DeColt: "That's right. I prefer to be called "The Outsider" -- a nickname that embodies how me, a Canadian faces severe persecution and mockery from ignorant, low-brow American audiences. For example: Here, in the United States, I'm considered an Outsider"! 
Allen Packer: "I know you say that, but professional journalist and wrestling personality Nat Whitehouse says he never faced persecution for being Canadian". 
Steve DeColt: "That's because Nat Whitehouse isn't a real Canadian! I demand to see his long-form birth certificate -- next week on USPW Presents American Wrestling"!

[Full Petrol with Greg "The Gas Tank" Sluchinski resumes]


Greg Sluchinski: "So, Phil, we mentioned New Gen earlier. The stable have dominated CWA -- many say they have reignited the legendary MAW Next Gen stable. Jay Chord even leads the stable -- just like he did for some time in MAW". 


Phil Vibert: "That's actually wrong. New Gen resembles The Syndacite way more. Jay [Chord] leads the stable and his protege David [Stone] works as the deputy. On Silver Maple Combat, the stable closely resembles Tommy Cornell's stable. Just like Wolf Hawkins trained with [Tommy Cornell], David Stone trains with Jay [Chord]".


Greg Sluchinski: "That's true on Silver Maple Combat -- but what about Sweet Maple Combat? How do you think New Gen on Women's Programming differs from that on Men's Programming"?


Phil Vilbert: "One, Jay doesn't book Sweet Maple Combat, at least day to day, so you have to consider that. Victoria Stone-McFly books the CWA Women's Division. There, you have Lucy [Stone-McFly] and Brooke {Tyler] working together as an "all conquering" force".
Greg Sluchinski: "Sort of like Alicia Strong in USPW"?
Phil Vibert: "Very much so. Alicia both works as the top star and also books the Women's division -- so Victoria so far appears to want Lucy [Stone-McFly] to become Sweet Maple Combat's Alicia Strong". 
Greg Sluchinksi: "In some ways, Lucy already is". 

[Large Truck Horn Plays]


Greg Sluchinski: "All right, that's all we have time for today! Time for the viewer mail bag! Which lucky viewer will get answered this week"?
[Greg cranks the raffle machine for several seconds before putting in his hand and pulling out a single envelope. He quickly tears the envelope open and pulls out the viewer mail]


Greg Sluchinski: "Angel from Oregon writes: Dear Greg, what do you think the long-term plans are for the now babyface Elite? Will Christain, Cam and Syd remain faces or will they eventually turn heel, maybe even joining New Gen"?
Phil Vibert: "Small correction. With Adrian Garcia now booking for RAW in Australia, they can't be called the Elite anymore on CWA Programming anymore. It's believed Adrian owns the copyright for that". 
Greg Sluchinski: "I'll let you get the first word, Phil".
Phil Vilbert: "You know Angel, I think the Elite will be babyfaces for a long time. Kind of like that one time when The All-Star Team turned face in HCG. Not only would they stay face, [the All-Star Team] remained face for the rest of their careers. With many established Heels like The Lords of War in HCG, the company didn't need them to be Heels. Much like HCG, CWA has an established Heel faction in Next Gen that won't break up soon -- you don't need two Heel factions in a company". 


Greg Sluchinski: "I think Phil's dead wrong, Angel. CWA has a wealth of over babyface talents -- you got Donte Dunn, Jared Johnson, Hugh Ancrie and "Shooter" Sean Deeley. There is plenty of room for top heel talent in CWA, more than enough for two stables. Syd Collier and Cam Jones are way better heels than babyfaces, and the fans have known Christain Price as a heel way longer than a good guy. I think they give the fans an "Elite" against New Generation run, settle the matter. After, you can turn Price and The Dynamite Express heel"!

[Truck Horn Loudly Sounds!]


Greg Sluchinski: "Thanks for tuning in to Full Petrol! with Greg "The Gas Tank" Sluchinski! Next week, we're discussing EILL. For one, how do you deal with "Life After Hurakan"? And would El Leon be willing to unmask for Cerbero? We'll have former USPW star Juan "Mr. Lucha III" Prieto on to discuss"! 


Edited by ColdBloodedSausageMaker
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  • 4 weeks later...


Supreme Wrestling Federation



Jerry Eisen: "You know, I don't call it 'rebuilding'. I call it re-tooling. I don't look at CANN dropping our programming as a loss. I look at Cafe Cyber streaming our programming as an opportunity". 
Narrator: "This is Jerry Eisen. He's the Supreme Wrestling Federation CEO. You might be familiar with the SWF, the universe wide leader in sports entertainment. Jeffery "Rocky Golden" Chauntley works there. But to those following closely, things have been changing". 
"Investors have been plying with scrutiny dwindling company finances. Especially since the feds nailed "Papa" Richard Eisen for tax fraud. And after COVID hit the company hard, the investors doubled down with their efforts. But you know what they say: hard times bring out the best in resilient men. And Jerry Eisen is nothing but resilient". 
Jerry Eisen: "What you see now in SWF is our vision. Not papa's vision. It's still SWF, but it's SWF for the modern fan. Wrestling with an edge". 


Narrator: "Key to SWF's new vision is #starwalk. The trio consider themselves professionals first, and wrestlers second. Rising superstar Lenny "The Bad Man" Brown is the self-appointed head honcho".
Lenny Brown: "You come in here calling us wrestlers. You know, the point is, we aren't pro wrestlers man. We're movie stars, actors, artists who happen to also wrestle, man".
Atom Smasher: "I've been making major movies and motion pictures for three years now. I have the starring role in films".
Lenny Brown: "Yeah, you know, everyone talks about Rocky Golden. But in Barracudatwister, Rocky died in the third act. But Atom lasted until the very last scene. Because Atom Smasher's a real movie star unlike Rocky".
Atom Smasher: "You've got to ignore the public contract talks. They're fake news, made up to keep Rocky Golden famous. I will state for the public record I made way more than Jeff". 
Moonlight: "You know, the secrets lie behind the curtain. Who is the man that churns out the news? Pale and fishy is he". 


Narrator: "But if any stable defines the new SWF, it has to be The Dark Watch. A stable ran by the madman Blackfriar, the group flirts with full-on Santanism in increasingly edgy promos. Lines have been crossed. On a recent episode of SWF Supreme TV, the group even threatened to crucify a fellow professional wrestler. Here's the clip".
Blackfriar: "Kurt Laramee, a bold man you are, to subvert the gaze of the Dark Watch. But you can't avoid my all-seeing eyes completely". 
Lisa Bowen: "The eye sees all"!
Newquay: "The eye sees all"!
Kingsley: "The eye sees all"!
Blackfriar: "But your insolence will have repurcussions. For you may be King in the Streets, but you are but a beggar in my all-seeing eyes. Soon, you will be sacrificed for our sins, in a most appropriate manner"!
Lisa Bowen: "The eye sees all"!
Newquay: "The eye sees all"!
Kingsley: "The eye sees all"!
Original Sinner: "Hungh"!


Narrator: "Blackfriar has been featured prominently on programming from only a year. However, the young star already holds SWF gold: The SWF Extreme Title. WIth a future so bright, the Dark Watch might consider wearing shades. One might consider that a metaphor for SWF. They're a company on the rise with a new and innovative approach to sports entertainment. For USA Sports 1, this has been Foot on The Ropes". 


thanks to willr0ck for the beautiful SWF logo

Edited by ColdBloodedSausageMaker
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  • 2 weeks later...


United States Professional Wrestling



Wolf Hawkins: "You, know, it's not ballet out here, people really do get hurt". 
Wolf Hawkins mugs the camera for a second. He smirks.
Wolf Hawkins: "When Nicky Champion landed on that mat, that was it. His bump card got punched out. People get injured. That's why they call it wrestling".
Narrator: "Wolf Hawkins and Sammy Bach have been fighting each other for two decades now. And with few exceptions, Wolf has come out on top. Whether with The Syndicate, with Painful Procedure or as "The Lone Wolf", the "Alpha Wolf" had the upper hand".
Sammy Bach: "Hawkins doesn't intimidate me. We've had many battles, I know all the devious tricks up his sleeve. But I refuse to go down to his level. I can, and will, beat Wolf fair and square at Stars, Stripes and Slams". 
Sammy Bach: "They call me the Elation Sensation for a good reason. I'm the most captivating star in Sports Entertainment. They cheer me every time that I walk down the ring. The fans are quaking with anticipation every time that I stroll down the ring ramp. This time, this time, I've got your number, Wolf Hawkins". 


Narrator "We've come a long way since Thanksgiving Thunder 2020. That was the big night when Running Wolf took down Rich Money, only for the result to be overturned on replay. We didn't know it then, but that angle was the beginning of the end for Rich Money in USPW. But in the opening match, the seeds were planted for a future World Title program".
[Footage plays from Thanksgiving Thunder]

Brock Cornish: "Here comes Sammy Bach. Multi-time champion the world over, new to the big stage in USPW. He's put out an open challenge here -- any man can take it -- and that includes USPW World Champion Rich Money". 

Brock Cornish: What's that music? Could it be"?
Belle Bryden: "No way. No way". 

Brock Cornish: "It's him! It's him! Wolf Hawkins has come to USPW"!

Narrator: "Wolf Hawkins was the better man that night, grabbing the trunks to roll Bach up for the three count. But that wouldn't be the last time the two would meet. Wolf would take two of the next three, with Sammy beating Wolf by disqualification once in 2023 to advance in the #1 contender's tournament".
Wolf Hawkins: "I'll admit it. Sammy got the better of me that night. But, at the end of the day, Sammy only proved then and now he couldn't best me in a fist fight".
Sammy Bach: "Wolf has to cheat to win. That's all Wolf has. He knows that I am the superior grappler. So, Wolf cheats". 


Narrator: "While Wolf and Bach have faced each other on many different stages, they've never fought on Worldwide programming. And that's something both competitors seem ready to change".
Sammy Bach: "Of course, I would agree to compete on the Worldwide Brand. There are many huge USPW stars, like Joss Thompson and Leigh Burton, on that roster. I will always at heart be an American Wrestling superstar. The classic legacy, the old school Southern feel, the fans in the crowd -- I say with my chest that no better league exists than American Wrestling".
Wolf Hawkins: "I'm not a star in just America. I'm a Worldwide star, by far the biggest in USPW. Why would I wanna stay a big fish in a small pond? Yeah, American wrestling has some charm. But the big belts and the name talent are on Worldwide Wrestling now. That's where I'd rather be". 
Narrator: Wolf, who do you think is USPW's MVP"?
Wolf Hawkins: "I'm the MVP here. I'm the best wrestler in the business. You met another 'career killer'? A man who, at any point, to put a wrestler out for good. You see Nicky Champion, a seven-time world heavyweight title winner, in the ring? No, because I put Nicky Champion in a wheelchair. Now, when he makes an appearance at some flea market in Montgomery, Alabama Nick is a broken-down shell of a man. That's what happens when you step in the ring with a dangerous individual like Wolf Hawkins in the ring".
Wolf breathes in deeply. 
Wolf Hawkins: "You know, Sammy, hate to say it, that could be you in that wheelchair soon. Imagine being barely 40 and unable to play ball with your children. I feel bad for Nicky. But that's the risk you run every time you lock Jaws with Wolf". 
Narrator: "Any comments, Sammy Bach"?
Sammy Bach: "Well, Wolf, I'm not afraid to lose my livelihood. If I end up in a wheelchair because a piledriver broke my neck, so be it. But that can happen any time a competitor laces up the boots and enters the ring. I don't know if you went out there trying to hurt Nicky Champion. But I know you, Wolf, I know you are a devious and malevolent animal. But I'm not afraid of the dark". 


Narrator: "Mr. Bach, who is your USPW MVP"?
Sammy Bach: "The women in AAA are the most valuable performers in the USPW. World-class talents like Jamie Quine, Laura Flame and Tiffany Jane compete every Wednesday in front of sold-out arenas in the South East. They are fierce and brilliant combatants who put their heart and soul into the wrestling ring". 
Narrator: "Thank you, Sammy. Good luck in your match at Stars, Stripes and Slams".
Sammy Bach: "It's been a pleasure".
Narrator: "Wolf, be transparent with me, did you try to end Nicky Champion's career"?
Wolf Hawkins: "That's for me to know, and you to find out". 


Edited by ColdBloodedSausageMaker
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been playing a bit with the CWA and it's a very enjoyable experience, although there's clearly a ton of things to still work through even in the released part of North America. The lore stuff is mostly good and interesting and there's a ton of variety, but there's also questions (for example, every new worker that isn't a prodigy seems to have super low or uneven stats? That's clearly a design decision which is fine but since the AI has always been bad at picking up workers to develop you're just stuck with a lot of really bad workers). Also some schedules seem very busy, I assume this mod is meant to be played with House Shows turned off and PGHW has both 88 events and a TV show which I assume it's because you have only done some preliminary work for non-NA stuff, which is obviously fine, work this at your own pace. 


Would be very interested to see what further work is done, I really like the base of the mod, the shows in North America seem to be getting simmed fine for the AI as well. Would be interesting to run an FCW game to see the other side of the spectrum but honestly I don't have time right now. Keep up the good work!

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On 6/7/2023 at 12:08 PM, AboardTheArk said:

I have been playing a bit with the CWA and it's a very enjoyable experience, although there's clearly a ton of things to still work through even in the released part of North America. The lore stuff is mostly good and interesting and there's a ton of variety, but there's also questions (for example, every new worker that isn't a prodigy seems to have super low or uneven stats? That's clearly a design decision which is fine but since the AI has always been bad at picking up workers to develop you're just stuck with a lot of really bad workers). Also some schedules seem very busy, I assume this mod is meant to be played with House Shows turned off and PGHW has both 88 events and a TV show which I assume it's because you have only done some preliminary work for non-NA stuff, which is obviously fine, work this at your own pace. 


Would be very interested to see what further work is done, I really like the base of the mod, the shows in North America seem to be getting simmed fine for the AI as well. Would be interesting to run an FCW game to see the other side of the spectrum but honestly I don't have time right now. Keep up the good work!

Thanks for playing! Yeah, obviously, there's still a lot of work to do. But overall, I'm pretty happy with the base.

I was heavily inspired from a schedule perspective on the Super Mod, which I believe runs house shows for some bigger companies, but I'm not 100% sure.

USPW is there to provide an equivalent experience to modern-day WWE with the House Shows and Live Events. 

The schedule is also there to maximize the number of potential national battles and regional battles between companies.

I will probably bump up the stats some for younger workers. I probably went a bit overboard with that design concept. 

Will continue to work on the mod as time goes on. I'm taking a short break from development to give people more time to check the mod out.


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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Version 0.2 has been released! Download link in this post!

0.2 includes Mexico! Younger workers have been buffed some and the data as a whole has been balanced some as well. 

I've removed many events and considerably reduced the number of events to better balance the mod.

Overall, 0.2 should be significantly more polished.

Send feedback and/or questions to gdsknowyourenemy@protonmail.com or post here if you'd prefer. I'm always looking to improve my work.

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  • 1 month later...

Love all the work and effort going into the mod so far, even with just USA, Canada and Mexico it is really enjoyable. Playing as Burning Pro, MAW and OLLIE have all been fun and intriguing in different ways. Made a video giving a quick run down of the mod as it is so far, hope that is ok. 


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On 12/12/2023 at 4:32 AM, pentagon said:

Love all the work and effort going into the mod so far, even with just USA, Canada and Mexico it is really enjoyable. Playing as Burning Pro, MAW and OLLIE have all been fun and intriguing in different ways. Made a video giving a quick run down of the mod as it is so far, hope that is ok. 


That's great! Thanks so much!

Glad you enjoyed it.

Will watch the video at some point, and plan to keep working on the mod down the line.

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  • 3 months later...

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