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MEYHEM WRESTLING ASSOCIATION. Real World Mod, few years in, it's 2024.

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Ian Riccaboni: "Hello everyone and welcome to MWA Explosive TV! We're here in Orlando, Florida, at the Universal Soundstage, in front of a capacity crowd of 1,231 fans!"

Bully Ray: "That's right, Ian! We're in for a wild night of action tonight, with some of the biggest names in professional wrestling set to take the ring!"

Jim Cornette: "And you know what, fellas? I couldn't be happier to be here with you both, calling all the action for the folks at home. We've got a stacked card tonight, with some of the most talented wrestlers in the business today!"

Ian Riccaboni: "That's right, Jim. We've got Shawn Michaels addressing his problem with champion Max Bishop.”

Bully Ray: "And let's not forget about our main event tonight, folks. It's going to be an all-out war between two of the most intense wrestlers in the game today, as Okada takes on the Omega!"

Jim Cornette: "And that's not all, folks. We've got plenty of other exciting matches lined up for you tonight, including a match between Tessa Blanchard and Salina de la Renta, and a match between Shax Uvall and Brian Kendrick."

Ian Riccaboni: "It's going to be an incredible night of wrestling action, and we're so excited to bring it all to you live, right here on MWA Explosive TV!"


Thursday, Week 3, November 2024



Shawn Michaels strides confidently out to the ring with Jay Briscoe at his side, the cheers of the crowd ringing in his ears. He raises a microphone to his lips and begins to speak.

"Hello, everyone. As you all know, I have been serving as the commissioner of this great promotion for quite some time now. And while it has been an honor to serve all of you, I have come to a decision."

The crowd grows quiet, sensing that something big is coming.

"I am officially announcing that I will be stepping down as commissioner - but there's a catch."

The crowd murmurs, curious about what Michaels means.

"If Max Bishop can defeat Jay Briscoe at 'Never Say Die' and retain his championship title, I will step down as commissioner."

The crowd is surprised at this announcement, wondering why Michaels would make such a decision.

"Now, I know some of you might be wondering why I'm making this offer. Well, the truth is, I have my reasons. I don't like Max Bishop, and I hope that Jay Briscoe will win this match."

The crowd cheers at the mention of Jay's name.

"But let me be clear - if Max wins, I will step down as commissioner."

The crowd is excited about the high-stakes match that's about to take place.

"So there you have it, folks. 'Never Say Die,' Max Bishop versus Jay Briscoe, with the championship title on the line. It's going to be a match for the ages. And if Max can't hold onto his title, then I will step down as commissioner."

"Max, I hope you're listening. 'Never Say Die' is going to be the end of your championship reign. Jay is going to beat you, and I'll be stepping down as commissioner. You've had your time in the sun, Max. It's time for someone else to shine."

The crowd cheers loudly at Michaels' bold words, eager to see what will happen at 'Never Say Die.'



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The match between Shax Uvall and Brian Kendrick starts off with Kendrick trying to use his speed and agility to gain the upper hand. However, Shax quickly asserts his dominance, overpowering Kendrick with his size and strength.

Shax unleashes a series of devastating blows on Kendrick, driving him to the mat. He taunts his opponent, enjoying the thrill of the fight. Kendrick tries to fight back, but he is clearly outmatched.

Shax picks Kendrick up and slams him to the mat with a thunderous Chokeslam. Kendrick writhes in pain on the mat, but Shax isn't finished yet. He lifts Kendrick up again and finishes him off with a brutal Spear.

The crowd is stunned as Shax pins Kendrick for the three count. It's a quick, brutal victory for the imposing heel wrestler. Shax raises his arms in triumph, relishing the cheers of the crowd and the thrill of victory.

Kendrick is helped out of the ring by medical personnel, clearly shaken by the experience. Shax, on the other hand, leaves the ring with a swagger, knowing that he has cemented his reputation as one of the most dominant wrestlers in the business.
Winner: Shax Uvall



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Ricky Banderas is walking down the backstage hallway when he spots Ronda Rousey standing in front of her locker room door. He saunters over, a mischievous grin on his face.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here. The beautiful and talented Ronda Rousey."

Ronda raises an eyebrow, unsure of what to make of the sudden attention.

"Is there something I can help you with, Ricky?" she asks.

"Oh, just admiring the view," he replies smoothly. "And wondering if you'd like to grab a drink with me later tonight. You know, to celebrate your recent victory in the ring."

Ronda chuckles, shaking her head.

"As tempting as that sounds, I think I'll have to pass. I've got some training to do before my next match."

Ricky shrugs, undeterred.

"Well, the offer still stands if you change your mind. And who knows, maybe we can even work together in the ring someday."

He winks at her and saunters off, leaving Ronda to shake her head and smile at his audacity.



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The match between Salina De La Renta and Tessa Blanchard starts off with both women circling each other in the ring, eyeing each other up. The crowd is excited to see these two talented wrestlers face off against each other.

Tessa takes the early advantage with a quick takedown, but Salina is quick to get back to her feet. The two women trade blows, each one trying to gain the upper hand. Salina seems to be struggling at first, as Tessa's strength and technical ability are formidable.

But Salina is a smart wrestler, and she uses her cunning to gain the advantage. She takes advantage of a momentary distraction from Tessa to deliver a devastating kick to her opponent's head, sending her reeling to the mat.

Salina pounces on her downed opponent, unleashing a flurry of punches and kicks. Tessa tries to fight back, but Salina is too quick and too strong. She lifts Tessa up and slams her to the mat, going for the pin.

The crowd is on the edge of their seats as the referee counts: one, two, three! Salina De La Renta has done it! She has defeated Tessa Blanchard in an impressive display of skill and strength.

Salina celebrates in the ring, taunting Tessa and reveling in her victory. The crowd is cheering her name, impressed by her performance.

As Salina makes her way back up the ramp, she raises her arms in triumph, knowing that she has proven herself as one of the top wrestlers in the business. And Tessa, though defeated, has gained a newfound respect for her opponent's tenacity and skill.
Winner: Salina de la Renta



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The backstage area is bustling with activity as wrestlers and crew members rush back and forth, preparing for the upcoming matches. In the chaos, Drake Younger is walking down a dimly lit corridor, his head down as he studies a match card.

Suddenly, he feels a sharp blow to the back of his head. He stumbles forward, dazed and confused, before he's hit again with what feels like a steel pipe. This time he falls to the ground, writhing in pain.

Nick Gage steps out of the shadows, holding a variety of weapons in his hand. He looks down at Younger with a cold, menacing glare. Younger tries to scramble to his feet, but Gage quickly takes him down with a vicious kick to the ribs.

Gage proceeds to brutally beat Younger with weapons, using a trash can lid to smash him in the face, a steel chair to hit him in the back, and a broken piece of glass to cut him on the forehead. Younger is defenseless against Gage's onslaught, and blood begins to pour from his wounds.

Gage steps back, surveying his work with satisfaction. Younger is barely conscious, lying in a pool of his own blood. Gage smirks and walks away, leaving Younger battered and broken on the floor.

Medical personnel rush to Younger's aid, but the damage has already been done. The backstage area falls silent, the excitement of the upcoming matches forgotten as everyone's attention is drawn to the brutal attack. It's a stark reminder of the dangers of the hardcore wrestling world, and a testament to the sheer brutality of Nick Gage.



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The bell rings, and the crowd cheers as Ricky Banderas charges towards Jay White. White, however, is ready for him, and sidesteps the charging Banderas, sending him crashing into the turnbuckle.
White takes advantage of the momentary daze to land a series of blows to Banderas' midsection. The crowd boos loudly as White gloats, taunting his opponent.
Banderas, however, refuses to back down. He rallies and fights back with a series of his own strikes, sending White reeling backwards. Banderas then takes control of the match, using his impressive strength to lift and slam White to the mat.
The crowd erupts as Banderas continues to dominate the match, landing powerful blows and executing impressive high-flying maneuvers. White struggles to keep up, but Banderas is too fast and too strong.
In the end, Banderas lands a crushing finishing move, pinning White to the mat for the three count. The crowd roars as Banderas stands victorious, his arm raised in triumph.
As White slinks away in defeat, Banderas takes a moment to soak in the adulation of the crowd. He smiles, knowing that he has once again proven himself as one of the greatest wrestlers in the world.

Winner: Big Ricky Banderas

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Mark Callaway stands in an abandoned church, the darkness and shadows of the place giving him a menacing aura. He raises his microphone to his lips, his deep voice echoing through the empty halls.
"Welcome, my children, to the house of the damned. The place where the sins of the living come to rest."
He pauses, looking around the room before continuing.
"But tonight, I am not here to preach. I am here to deliver a message to those who dare to cross me."
He steps forward, the light from a nearby candle flickering across his wrinkled old face.
"For too long, I have stood by and watched as those who are unworthy have claimed victory in this ring. They have taken what is rightfully mine, and for that, they will pay."
The room grows quiet as Callaway's words fill the space.
"But now, the time has come for me to reclaim what is mine. The time has come for me to remind the world who I am and what I am capable of. And anyone who dares to stand in my way will meet a fate worse than death."
He pauses for a moment, letting the weight of his words sink in.
"So I say to you, my opponents, beware. For I am the darkness that lurks in the shadows, the one who comes to claim what is rightfully mine. And if you cross me, you will feel my wrath. So bring your best, for it will not be enough. Mark Callaway has risen, and I will not rest until I have taken back what is rightfully mine."
With those ominous words, Callaway drops the microphone and disappears into the shadows, leaving behind a sense of fear and dread that hangs over the abandoned church like a dark cloud.


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The arena was packed to capacity as two of the best wrestlers in the world, Kazuchika Okada and Kenny Omega, prepared to face off in a short but intense match in Florida. The crowd was split between the two wrestlers, with half cheering for the charismatic and popular Omega, while the other half were rooting for the arrogant and cocky Okada.
As the bell rang, the two wrestlers locked eyes and began to circle each other in the ring. Okada quickly took control, using his superior technical skills to ground Omega and keep him pinned to the mat. Omega struggled to break free, but Okada's grip was too strong.
After a few minutes of grappling, Omega finally managed to get back to his feet, and the two wrestlers began to trade blows in the center of the ring. Omega used his high-flying maneuvers to keep Okada off balance, but Okada refused to back down. He countered Omega's moves with precision, and soon had the upper hand once again.
As the match wore on, Omega began to tire, and Okada smelled blood. He locked in his signature submission move, the Rainmaker, and Omega had no choice but to tap out. The crowd erupted in cheers as Okada was declared the winner.
Okada strutted around the ring, basking in the adoration of the crowd. Omega, on the other hand, lay on the mat, exhausted and defeated. But despite the loss, Omega knew that he had given it his all, and that he would be back to face Okada again in the future.

Winner: Kazuchika Okada

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The crowd boos loudly, but Okada just smirks, reveling in the negative energy.
"I am the Rainmaker, Kazuchika Okada," he begins, his voice dripping with arrogance. "And I am the best wrestler in the world. You may not like me, but you cannot deny my talent."
The boos grow louder, but Okada continues undeterred.
"I have beaten the best of the best, from Kenny Omega to Hiroshi Tanahashi. And now, I have my sights set on a new target - Pentagon Jr."
The crowd murmurs in anticipation, unsure of what to expect.
"Pentagon Jr, you may think you're a tough guy, but you're no match for me. You may have won some matches in other promotions, but this is my turf. And when we face off in that ring, I will prove to the world once again that I am the greatest wrestler alive."
Okada pauses, allowing the crowd to boo and jeer.
"So bring your best, Pentagon Jr. Bring your 'Cero Miedo.' But know this - you will leave that ring defeated, broken, and humiliated. Because when you step into the ring with me, you're stepping into the realm of the Rainmaker.
And nobody - nobody - can survive that storm."


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Are you ready for the ultimate showdown in the wrestling world? Get hyped for MWA's Never Say Die wrestling show, featuring some of the biggest names in the business!

First up, we have the reigning champion Max Bishop defending his title against the fierce Jay Briscoe. Who will come out on top in this high-stakes match?

Next, get ready for an international clash as Kazuschika Okada takes on Pentagon Jr. in a battle for the ages. With both wrestlers known for their signature moves and impressive athleticism, this match is sure to be one for the history books.

In the TV champion match, Shax Uvall puts his title on the line against the one and only Kenny Omega. Will Shax be able to hold onto his championship or will Kenny Omega prove to be too much to handle?

The Florida Heritage champion, Joe Anoa'i, will face off against Big Banderas in a match that promises to be intense and action-packed. Both wrestlers are known for their incredible strength and endurance, so this is definitely a match not to be missed.

But that's not all! In a match that's sure to have fans on the edge of their seats, Shaul Guerrero will defend her women's championship against none other than Ronda Rousey. Who will come out victorious in this epic battle between two of the most talented wrestlers in the game?

And finally, Cody Rhodes will take on Murder Clown in a Shovel on a Pole match. With both wrestlers known for their hardcore style, this match is sure to be brutal and unpredictable.

So what are you waiting for? Get your tickets now for MWA's Never Say Die wrestling show and witness the biggest names in wrestling go head-to-head in the ultimate battle for glory!

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10 hours ago, ZeppOzz112 said:

Any opinions?

Good opening event, although I'd recommend putting all the matches and angles into one post instead of posting each individually.  The Omega-Okada match was the best on the card, while I liked the Mark Callaway and Okada promos (particularly where Okada invokes his "Rainmaker" gimmick, which I remember from watching Ring of Honor a while back).

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2 hours ago, Old School Fan said:

Good opening event, although I'd recommend putting all the matches and angles into one post instead of posting each individually.  The Omega-Okada match was the best on the card, while I liked the Mark Callaway and Okada promos (particularly where Okada invokes his "Rainmaker" gimmick, which I remember from watching Ring of Honor a while back).

Thank you for your opinion and your time 🙂

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