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The Rumble Before the Rumble

Last week on Raw, the Ring General GUNTHER failed to recapture his Intercontinental Championship when he lost his cool and slammed a steel chair into the once broken back of Intercontinental Champion Big E. It was a heinous act of retribution following Big E embarassing GUNTHER at Survivor Series. 

But it was what happened after the disqualification where the Ring General showed his true menace. Once the bell rang, GUNTHER continued his assault on Big E and even dispatched of the champ's friends Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods and, in a truly dispicable moment, the former champ tried to send Big E "back to the wheelchair"...

...Until The American Nightmare Cody Rhodes ran out and made the save for the Intercontinental Champion and he did it because it was simply the right thing to do. Perhaps unluckily for Mr. Money In the Bank, who has a date in the main event at Wrestlemania, is that the Ring General is now irate at Rhodes and has demanded a match this week on Raw. At Rhodes' insistance, Managing Director Stephanie McMahon has granted this mega match for the final Raw before the Royal Rumble this Saturday on FOX.

Will GUNTHER get his revenge? Or will the American Nightmare stand supreme at nights end? 

 Rhodes vs GUNTHER - a Rumble before the Rumble and it's THIS MONDAY ON RAW!

Don't miss Raw LIVE this Monday on USA!

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A video recap of last week is shown, highlighting the beatdown Seth Rollins suffered at the hands of the Judgment Day and the shock when John Cena opted not to make the save. The clip ends with Rollins in obvious pain and a conflicted looking Cena in the aisle looking from afar.


We then go to a live shot of Cena arriving at the arena. The announcers put over that he and Rollins will be face to face just a week ahead of their huge match at the Royal Rumble for the World Heavyweight Championship.


January Week 4

Littlejohn Coliseum

Clemson, SC





Cody Rhodes comes down to the ring. He says last week he stood back watching what he anticipated to be a titanic matchup for the Interconhe ltinental Championship. And it was….until Gunther went from the Ring General to a toddler throwing a tantrum when he couldn’t get the job done. Then he did something worse. He tried to reinjure Big E. Cody says they’re all big boys and girls and they know the risks of being in the ring, but those risks don’t include having a steel chair wrapped around your head and someone trying to break your neck. 


So Cody couldn’t just watch, he had to do something, and he did what he had to do and he’d do it again…..




Gunther comes down to the ring. He says last week Cody showed why he lost to Roman Reigns at WrestleMania last year. Because Cody cares. He cares about Big E. He cares about the fans. Gunther was the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all time because he only cares about one person….himself!


But Cody stuck his nose in the business of the Ring General and that cannot be allowed to stand. So why wait? Let’s just fight right now!


The two men approach each other, neither backing down until officials run down to the ring and separate them to the boos of the crowd. As we go to the break, neither man likes the idea of waiting but they’ll have to.







qHvtJSN6evAuCFH-_Ji_qmhWVRVtwMjmf905TIot All four teams are legal at some point but it’s Steiner and McIntyre who are dominating both with their power and quick tags. McIntyre goes for a cover on Erik which brings in Ivar, then Steiner, then Alpha Academy, then Miz and Bronson. The referee completely loses control and all of them men end up out of the ring except Ivar and Reed.


qHvtJSN6evAuCFH-_Ji_qmhWVRVtwMjmf905TIot The two monsters collide and show what they can do, even if not the legal men. McIntyre slides back into the ring and tries to hit a Claymore on Reed, but Reed moves and Ivar takes the brunt. McIntyre gets up and is grabbed by Reed who delivers a massive belly to belly suplex. The Miz, who was legal, slides back in and scurries to make the cover for the win.








The Miz is ecstatic and bouncing around in victory. Behind him the imposing Bronson Reed just crosses his arms, looking even more dominating.






Byron Saxton is standing by with Randy Orton. Saxton mentions the reign of terror Orton has been on lately and Orton stops him with a question. He asks Saxton if he might find his way into the Royal Rumble. Saxton begins to stammer and tells Orton no. Orton straightens Saxton’s tie and pats him on the cheek telling him that was a good answer. Because he won’t be one of the twenty-nine other men he has to introduce to the three most devastating letters in sports entertainment…R….K…O.





qHvtJSN6evAuCFH-_Ji_qmhWVRVtwMjmf905TIot Chance uses her flexibility and agility to hold an early advantage but Nikki’s wild and unorthodox offense begins to take over. She batters her opponent in the corner with a flurry of forearms before puts Chance in the Tree of Woe, and hits a running knee, Nikki looks crazed as she nails a double arm DDT for the win.








Cody Rhodes is walking backstage, when he bumps into the New Day. Big E offers his hand and tells Cody that he literally wouldn’t be there tonight if Cody hadn’t stepped up and he appreciates that more than he can possibly express. Kofi and Woods agree. He and Cody shake hands and they wish him well tonight.







qHvtJSN6evAuCFH-_Ji_qmhWVRVtwMjmf905TIot Dominik uses underhanded tactics to gain an early advantage and keeps it by taking every shortcut he can but Carlito keeps kicking out. Dominik goes to the top for a frog splash but gets crotched at the top. Carlito climbs up and brings him back down with a big superplex but Dom kicks out. Carlito goes to whip Dom into the corner but it’s reversed. Dom charges in but gets a boot in the face, and Carlito quickly takes his legs out from him and makes a cover with his legs on the rope and steals one from Dom. 








World Heavyweight Champion John Cena and Seth Freakin Rollins are shown in split screen on their way to the ring. The Champ and his challenger face to face….next!





John Cena comes down to the ring and by his expression he’s anxious about what’s about to happen. A moment later….





Seth Rollins comes to the ring and by his own expression, he has a few things to say to the champion. They both gather microphones.


Cena begins by addressing the elephant in the room. Last week, Seth Rollins was getting attacked and he decided not to save him. A lot of people have been asking why, hell, he’s been asking himself why. And the answer is simple. Seth Rollins didn’t deserve saving. Because Seth Rollins, behind the robes and over the top outfits he gets out of Becky’s closet, is a man who is at his heart, untrustworthy. Don’t believe him? Go ask the Tribal Chief how that chair felt across his back when Seth Rollins destroyed the Shield. That selfish son of a bitch is still right there and no amount of karaoke to his song changes that.


Seth takes it in, and asks Cena if he’s done. Cena motions for him to have the floor. Rollins says that he can’t make excuses for his past mistakes, everyone knows what he did in the past. Just like everyone knows what Cena did in the past, when he ran his mouth about Hollywood Dwayne coming back to take the spotlight off the new generation of superstars in the WWE. Remember that John? The only reason you came back was because there was a writers strike and it delayed whatever lame ass movie you’ll be in next. But it goes beyond part timers not giving up their spot. You wanna say I’m selfish, go right ahead, I’ll agree with you. But you, you’re a false idol. You hide behind your t-shirts and your slogans and your make a wishes…..


At this point Cena’s expression changes and he approaches Rollins who doesn’t move back.


….that’s right you hide behind all that, You wanna bring my wife into this? Okay John, how’s your wife? And I don’t mean Shay.


It’s clear Cena tells Rollins to be very careful.


I mean Nikki. Remember Nikki? The girl you proposed to in this ring. How’d that turn out? Never give up….unless you want the ring back.


Cena takes a deep breath, biting his lip for a second.


He tells Seth that the time for all the little digs and insults is over. In six days they’re going to meet in this ring for the biggest prize in the industry. He respects Seth, how could he not, but he does not like him, he does not trust him, and he damn sure will not lose to him.


Cena leaves the ring and Rollins’ expression says the feeling is mutual.




A replay of the personal back and forth between Cena and Rollins is shown.







qHvtJSN6evAuCFH-_Ji_qmhWVRVtwMjmf905TIot A wild match that sees all six women in the ring more than once. It finally settles into a normal flow as the heels punish Liv, but she makes the tag to Raquel who cleans house. After a few minutes, Candice tags in and keeps the momentum going until Zoey Stark hits a cheap shot out of the referee’s view. DeVille comes in to punish Larae before Niven gets in and ends the match with a devastating Avalanche in the corner. DeVille and Stark make sure the count isn’t interrupted.








Raquel Rodriguez is checking on Candice Larae when Piper Niven rushes her from behind and shoves her chest-first into the corner before hitting a big Avalanche. Raquel slumps, but is held up by her arms over the ropes and Piper hits another. Officials flood the ring and Raquel looks hurt.






Vic Joseph and Corey Graves hype this Saturday’s Royal Rumble LIVE on….FOX! That’s right the Road to the biggest WrestleMania of all time will begin on broadcast television, commercial free! After the break it’s time for our main event. The American Nightmare versus the Ring General. Don’t go anywhere!





qHvtJSN6evAuCFH-_Ji_qmhWVRVtwMjmf905TIot This is an old school style match with Cody on the short end of the stick early on as Gunther chops the hell out of him. Within five minutes, Cody’s chest looks like it’s red and potentially bleeding. Gunther stretches him, suplexes him, and berates him to get up and take more punishment.


qHvtJSN6evAuCFH-_Ji_qmhWVRVtwMjmf905TIot Cody fights back, stunning Gunther with a series of right hands, and begins to take over. He builds momentum with a string of offense including a running clothesline in the corner, a Cody Cutter and a slingshot into the corner, which causes Gunther to hit the post. Gunther staggers back, right into the CrossRhodes!







qHvtJSN6evAuCFH-_Ji_qmhWVRVtwMjmf905TIot THE BLOODLINE IS HERE?!?!?  

Cody hops up, breaking the pin, and his attention is completely on the aisle as the crowd stands and waits with him. The camera is trained, expecting the Bloodline. When we pan back to the ring, Gunther is up. He grabs Cody and delivers a german suplex, but doesn’t release it and hits a second. Gunther quickly gets up and delivers his powerbomb and gets the win.








Gunther stands tall in the ring, smugly grinning down at Cody who sits, stunned at what just happened, and angry at himself for allowing the Bloodline distraction to cost him the match.






We immediately go to the back where Becky Lynch and Rhea Ripley are at each other’s throats. Rhea’s power comes into play, as she chucks Becky into the metal garage door, before running in and delivering a running knee to the head, but Becky hangs onto Rhea, out of instinct and yanks her forward face-first into the same garage door.


Mami staggers back and Becky launches up, driving her backwards into a wall with her shoulder before delivering a Becksploder onto the floor. Both women are laying on the floor and slowly lock eyes, forcing themselves to their feet but before they can collide again, officials separate them. 


As the show ends Vic Joseph reminds us again to watch these two rip each other apart for the Women's World Title!

Don't Miss The Royal Rumble This Saturday LIVE on FOX!


Good Night from Clemson!

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Making It Official

Two weeks ago Hall of Famer Rey Mysterio challenged Roman Reigns for a match at the Royal Rumble, with both the LWO and Bloodline removed from ringside. This week Champion and Challenger will sign their names on the dotted line just twenty-four hours before their big match. The Wiseman Paul Heyman has promised that Mysterio will regret his lack of vision in challenging the Tribal Chief. We’ll see what happens when the two meet in the same ring.

In other action:

Keith Lee vs Ridge Holland

Naomi vs Bianca Belair

Ilja Dragunov and Pete Dunne vs Pretty Deadly


All this and more, this Friday night, LIVE on FOX!

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In a video labeled ‘earlier today’ we see the LWO arriving at the arena. Mysterio looks serious as he gets mentally ready for his confrontation with Roman Reigns tonight to sign the contract for the Royal Rumble.


January Week 4

State Farm Arena

Atlanta, GA




The show begins with the WWE Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair coming down to the ring. She says tomorrow night thirty women will be in this ring and they will fight for an opportunity to face THE Opportunity at WrestleMania. And when it’s over, whichever of them is lucky enough to win, will also be unlucky enough to realize that their dream will end in Philadelphia. Because ladies and gentlemen, the Queen isn’t abdicating for a long long time.




Charlotte only smirks when Bianca’s music plays and she comes down to the ring. Bianca makes it clear that the only unlucky one in Philadelphia will be whichever Champion she chooses, after she wins the Royal Rumble, because she’s walking out with a title.


To that, Charlotte raises her title, but before they say more…..





Naomi and Tamina walk down to the ring, Naomi says they’re both wrong. First, it will be one of them who wins the Royal Rumble and then it doesn’t matter whoever they face at WrestleMania, because yet another title is coming to the Bloodline.


Bianca says if Naomi is that confidant, get in the ring and let’s have a little preview. Naomi agrees and a referee runs down to the ring…we have our opening match!







xD84ezlBGII0iW-8fXPtvGrUBZnXnpV91f-Ub_ID An even match which could go either way as Charlotte watches from the announcer’s table. Naomi has control but Bianca feeds off the crowd and makes a comeback based on her power. When Bianca scoops up Naomi into the KOD, Tamina gets on the apron, but gets knocked off with Naomi’s legs when Bianca swings her around before nailing the KOD for the win.








Bianca gets her hand raised and Charlotte who’s stayed at ringside gives her slow, but mocking, applause.






We go to the Bloodline Lounge where they’re watching Cody Rhodes’ loss to Gunther, spurred by the Bloodline tron interrupting the match. Roman says it’s the funniest thing he’s seen in a long time. Heyman gives Roman all the credit, saying it wasn’t as hard to pull off as Heyman had feared. 








Backstage, Carmello Hayes and the Street Profits are in a face to face confrontation with the OC. Before it gets physical, Adam Pearce comes in and separates them, telling them they can settle this in the ring and that fight is…..next!







xD84ezlBGII0iW-8fXPtvGrUBZnXnpV91f-Ub_ID The OC keeps Dawkins in their corner early on but when Ford gets the tag, he turns the match around and they keep it going with Hayes. The OC looks to regroup on the outside but Ford takes a running leap over the corner and wipes them all out. 


xD84ezlBGII0iW-8fXPtvGrUBZnXnpV91f-Ub_ID Dawkins tags back in and is working over Anderson in a neutral corner when AJ distracts the ref. Meanwhile Gallows begins fighting both Hayes and Ford on the outside. When the referee turns to address that, Styles hits a Phenomenal Forearm on Dawkins and puts Anderson on top. The ref turns and sees the pinfall and counts to three.








The cameras find Bobby Lashley on a rampage backstage, looking for the Brand. He’s smashing anything in his path until he comes to Adam Pearce. He tells Lashley that he knows he wantd to break the Brand in half and he’ll have a chance tomorrow night in the Royal Rumble but he can’t allow him to keep doing this so he ordered Lashley to leave the building tonight. Lashley says tomorrow night if he gets his hands on any of them, Pearce won’t be able to save them before storming off.






Naomi is backstage talking to Tamina, still upset about her earlier loss when Bayley comes by and consoles her by saying she’ll get one back for the Bloodline Girls tonight. When Bayley leaves, the two women exchange an annoyed glance.







xD84ezlBGII0iW-8fXPtvGrUBZnXnpV91f-Ub_ID Holland is strong, but Lee is stronger. That tells the tale of the match as Lee uses both his strength and his surprising agility to gain control of the match and then put it away with a pop up sit down powerbomb.








After the match Lee gets on the mic, saying he knows Solo Sikoa is in the house and he doesn’t want to have to wait until tomorrow night for a fight!




A few moments later, here comes Solo down the aisle, but right behind him is Paul Heyman who all but orders him to stop, by authority of the Tribal Chief. Solo looks like he doesn’t want to listen but Heyman focuses him, telling him the Bloodline chooses where and when, not outsiders. This seems to resonate a little and Solo and Heyman retreat up the aisle to Lee’s frustration.






Kayla Braxton is backstage with MVP and the Nigerian Giant Omos. MVP does all the talking saying he wants everyone to take a good look at his client because tomorrow night you’re going to see him win the Royal Rumble, and then some world champion is going to have a GIANT problem.







xD84ezlBGII0iW-8fXPtvGrUBZnXnpV91f-Ub_IDA solid, but not exciting match. There are a few moments where the timing is off, but they carry through and deliver the match. Michin has things looking her way until Bayley hits a stun gun. Michin backs off and bends over, holding her throat which hit the rope and Bayley seizes the moment, hitting the Rose Plant.








Michael Cole and Wade Barrett hype tomorrow’s Royal Rumble, LIVE on FOX, commercial free. They spend most of their time talking up Roman Reigns and Rey Mysterio for the Undisputed Universal WWE Championship.







xD84ezlBGII0iW-8fXPtvGrUBZnXnpV91f-Ub_IDA good tag match that sees both sides control large portions of the match. Pretty Deadly have the better flow and their opponents deal out more damage in more unique ways, which includes a double finger breaker. The finish comes when Dunne hits Wilson with a german suplex but hangs on and brings him back to his feet for another.Dragunov tags in and after shogun drop kicking Prince off the apron he hits Torpedo Moscow to Wilson for the win.








The Tribal Chief Roman Reigns and his Wiseman Paul Heyman, with the championship over his shoulder, are walking backstage. The contract signing is next!






Smackdown Managing Director Adam Pearce is in the ring.




Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman come to the ring and a moment later…..




Rey Mysterio comes to the ring looking all business. Adam Pearce goes through the formalities of the contract, and notes, it is in writing there will be no LWO and no Bloodline, Mr. Heyman aside, allowed at ringside. If Roman is disqualified for that reason, he WILL lose the title.


Both men sign and Roman tells Heyman to collect a mic. Roman asks Rey if Roman had kept his word. He motions around the ring. No Bloodline, just two men in the ring, just like it will be tomorrow night. 


Roman says Rey doesn’t have to worry about the Bloodline tomorrow night, just like Roman doesn’t have to worry about the LWO……




The tron comes to life and we see the members of the LWO, including Zelina Vega are hurt backstage, all of them sprawled out on the floor. The camera pans out…..




The Bloodline stand there, looking at their handiwork, before they launch into another attack on their fallen foes.


Rey’s eyes have been glued to the tron and he didn’t see Roman moving the table. When he turns, Roman launches a Superman Punch. Rey goes down in a heap and Roman scoops him up on his shoulders, delivering a Samoan Drop through the table. 


As the show ends, Roman sits up with a smile as Heyman lauds him. Michael Cole wonders aloud what kind of shape Rey Mysterio will be in tomorrow night.


See you at the Royal Rumble!

Edited by Pipers Pit
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We are in production for the 2024 Royal Rumble where we will kick off the Road to Wrestlemania 40! But for prediction purposes, here is the final card for the 2024 WWE Royal Rumble:







Also, Maria Kanellis has promised to reveal who the man that she's selected is to "fulfill all of her needs" and she will reveal it sometime during the Royal Rumble!

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We want to thank everyone for their patience. This show was not an easy one to write. Given its size, we're going to break it up into 3 posts, followed by HHH's presser. In a couple of days, new monthly rosters and news will drop.

5 Surprises To Watch For At WWE Royal Rumble 2024 - SEScoops Wrestling







Triple H comes down to the ring. He says this is where it all starts. This is the starting point for the Road to WrestleMania and that means one thing. It’s time to Rumble! St. Petersburg…are you ready?  I said, ARE YOU READY? Then let’s get the show on the road.


Welcome to the Royal Rumble!



# 1 VT8H6eG0T215B4v17rEAxyIw4IEuiGXuOnW03Lt9


Drew McIntyre is the first man out and soon we find out who he’s starting against….


# 2 QM0KMaStdXT3pN-f1BXJepTgSeDlcIPZwI07CdLb


The two old friends and foes examine one another but before the bell rings, we have our first surprise of the night when we hear McIntyre’s music a second time.




Maria Kanellis, wearing a McIntyre t shirt and fashionable kilt walks down, takes a seat at ringside and blows him a kiss. Maria has apparently chosen her man! McIntyre is surprised to say the least and Sheamus takes advantage by attacking him before the bell rings. 


They brawl around and exchange hard hitting strikes as we’d expect but Sheamus has reinforcement on the way…..


# 3 X253mdXhwcj9e8_UXqd7ibnSXdBE-9y5GDrqQq-w


Ridge Holland runs down and now it's clearly two on one. The Brawling Brutes dominate McIntyre because even if he makes a small comeback he’s quickly undone by the numbers. They begin to try and work together to put Drew over the top…..

# 4 B_YO1CI8drIp4eyUIWDQL3zTr0xrdPen5kxKAqmR

Carlito enters and stops the elimination, knowing if Drew is done, he’d suffer the same fate. The match settles down with Carlito paired off with Holland and McIntyre and Sheamus in the opposite corner.


# 5 MxNgQHNuKgDwgGKOC1st0cImEvKcgm4w3ud4prAx 


The next entrant is no friend of Sheamus or Holland and he immediately goes from one corner to the other, getting in some hits and then going to attack the other one. Carlito and Dunne get Holland up and it’s looking grim as the clock ticks down.


# 6 ayJU5KWlaG2ina5qxJ-38Ac_c7ySMlktS1EH-RRs


Bronson Reed is next and makes an immediate impact, splashing McIntyre and Sheamus in the corner. He then does the same to the other corner, crushing Carlito, Dunne, and Holland. Reed is the only man left standing as the clock ticks down.


# 7 Gr7mh-shh5ktZKNvjc-23ug9IWXBPnNK_MO8Jl1b

It’s Sami Zayn and he shows no fear, going right for Reed. Slowly, all of the others get to their feet and join in. Reed goes down to a knee before exploding up and knocking them all back. Reed is incensed and eliminates Carlito and Holland in short order.

# 8 f793MJ8t3njpCbQCl1uQ3B8xBhRLgF0Kdp8lKGLg


Santos Escobar is the next entrant and unlike Zayn, he focuses on Sheamus. Mcintyre and Reed begin to square off and Dunne tangles with Zayn in the corner.


# 9 NUVJ_cR55HShAlBLUGWVdjgYVmR3lEdHF2YzRpsn

Dunne’s tag partner is next out and he helps his friend with Zayn as they double team him in the corner. McIntyre goes for a Claymore but Reed swats him down like Godzilla. In the other corner, Sheamus gets the upper hand on Escobar and gives him an early exit by backdropping him over the top.

# 10 yl0yOJ6iqdq_f8oW-4wKK4gKUITOVc5hw1jUz9M2


Our first surprise of the night is the NXT Champion Baron Corbin. He spreads his offense around, striking Sheamus, McIntyre, Dunne, and Dragunov. He gestures to Reed to work together, and they pair up, hammering everyone else in the ring. Corbin pays special attention to Sami Zayn.


# 11 LoKWGs_teG2CH_4u38DOEyDUPBGKmjhHHT3q0ILw

Rex Steiner sprints down to the ring, dropping Sheamus and Corbin with Steinerlines. He then locks eyes with Reed. They approach one another, as everyone watches. They begin trading right hands and Reed is getting the better of it, pushing Steiner back to the ropes. Reed steps back and charges, but Steiner ducks, and then turns, clotheslining Reed over the top. Reed pops up, furious but there’s nothing he can do. McIntyre congratulates his friend and then they begin squaring off with Dunne and Dragunov as Zayn and Sheamus go at it. Corbin watches this happening and just lets them hurt one another, waiting for the next entrant.

# 12 tX2WeNRYKtO2CV9f9GFztgM5OLgGzaf4byRp7LL3


It’s Dirty Dom! He begins to climb onto the apron when he suddenly drops down. The referees tell him to enter but he says he will when he wants to. Graves says this is brilliant. You can’t be eliminated if you never get in the ring. Meanwhile Corbin keeps watching and resting, until the opening shows itself and he strikes, blasting Zayn with a forearm to the back of the head and together with Sheamus they try and eliminate Zayn. Dominik on the outside cheers them on but his attitude changes when we hear who’s next…..



The Nigerian Giant slowly makes his way down to the ring and Dominik rolls in to get out of his way. Unfortunately for Mysterio he backs up right into Drew McIntyre who picks him up in a military press and throws him over…right into Omos, who catches Dom and throws him back over the top rope from the floor!  Omos climbs in and immediately begins trading shots with McIntyre. McIntyre has Omos backing up with big right hands until Sheamus hits a running knee in his back. Omos turns and begins laying waste to everyone in sight. Soon, all of the wrestlers are down except him. Omos picks up Zayn, throwing him over the top, followed by Dunne then Dragunov. He looks over Sheamus, McIntyre, Steiner, Corbin, and Mysterio, trying to decide his next victim when the clock begins to run.

# 14 MMahmKL8c1567aISN24Vs2nFGKOiaJ64FLuXNCAe

The Monster Among Men has returned! Strowman wastes no time getting into the ring and standing face to face with Omos. While he’s distracted, all of the others attack Omos, backing him up to the ropes and trying to get him over. Strowman watches for a moment, then helps and Omos is sent to the floor. Dominik Mysterio makes an idiotic decision and dropkicks Strowman in the back which does exactly nothing. Strowman turns with a wild look and Mysterio is looking for a place to run but there is none. He turns and runs right into Steiner who scoop powerslams him. Meanwhile Sheamus and Corbin are trading right hands in the corner. McIntyre tries to regain some stamina as we see a camera shot of Maria cheering him on.

# 15 3mgfLN2EELIss7pGpm2AbzZV16kP17e3YB-vWWKb

The next man out is an instant help for Mysterio as Damian Priest enters and goes right for Steiner. Together with Dom, they work him over until McIntyre comes over and now it’s a fair fight. What isn’t fair is Strowman who chokeslams Corbin, then picks him up and throws him over. Sheamus is next after catching a monster boot to the face. Strowman sizes up the two pairings, then charges them, hitting a quadruple clothesline! Strowman roars as the clock ticks down.

# 16 r6U6hjFQeg7uVTEZp2cLas3MJueb3CpZVWgtLAvC


It’s Karrion Kross who takes his time coming down to the ring and when he gets in, he immediately targets McIntyre. The Judgment Day decides to fight Strowman two on one to limited success. Steiner comes over to help McIntyre stay in the match and now it’s Kross getting the worst of it from both of them. 


# 17 64Zge076_RE1Q1U02Gs-eQPfczAQm66OsHWw43uO

The Almighty has arrived and makes an immediate impact, grabbing both Priest and Mysterio and throwing them aside as he begins trading shots with Strowman. Taking in the sights, the Judgment Day aids Kross and they begin beating down McIntyre and Steiner as a trio. Steiner, Priest and Dom split off as Kross continues trying to eliminate McIntyre. He’s almost there, when Steiner breaks loose and charges Kross who sidesteps and throws him him into Drew, sending McIntyre over the top. McIntyre looks frustrated, as Steiner shows regret for the mistake before Kross blasts him from behind. When McIntyre turns, he comes face to face with Maria who tells him how proud she is of him. He offers her a hand and she accepts it, leaving with him. Does WWE have a new power couple?

# 18 he6FW9QioJVXxfctLqWmmEt28gtMs3JZ-rBisJco


The Judgment Day is at full strength as Finn Balor runs past McIntyre and Maria and slides into the ring. They go for Steiner as Kross turns his attention to Strowman, forming a momentary unlikely alliance with Lashley. They try to do a double suplex to Strowman but he reverses it.


# 19 d2I-g5lKuSYt8I3tyJZEo-epvAVmvCnXcP5YUsLD


Keith Lee arrives and goes at the entire Judgment Day, throwing them around. Strowman is up, and slings Kross into a corner but misses a running boot and gets his leg caught up over the rope. Kross and Lashley almost have him over but he’s hanging onto the rope. Lee moves over to them, trying to get Strowman out.


# 20 qp-KGhtTOWQ4armje_-zBw76tEh5pTLqks0x3HMd


The Viper arrives and goes for Steiner off the bat, grinding him down. The Judgment Day follow Lee and together they eliminate Strowman, before they set their sights on Lee. Lashley turns his attention to Kross, hitting a series of heavy elbows in the corner. Lashley’s attention is drawn to a ringside distraction.




Grayson Waller is taunting Lashley to come get him. The distraction pays off when someone else shows up.



Austin Theory slides into the ring and flips Lashley over the top. The duo thinks it’s hilarious until a furious Lashley gives chase up the aisle. Kross helps Orton with Steiner.

# 21 DUWFbGHEXxgFatgWT-K00_H7zuffPz0WGDNOQjdQ


Kevin Owens is here and his dislike of the Judgment Day is obvious as he helps Lee fight them off, brawling around the ring. Orton and Kross try their best to get Steiner out, but he’s hanging onto the ropes for dear life.


# 22 JZifivR892Cf0SCuJuEcK4uQjaL0eFyE8aIVdo1i

GOLDBERG IS HERE!!!!!! The crowd pops as the Hall of Famer comes down the aisle and he begins dishing out spears. First to Dom, then Kross, Orton. He and Priest begin to brawl. Orton diverts his attention allowing Steiner to hit a belly to belly. As Dom begins to get up. Keith Lee hits a running shoulder tackle, sending him over the top.

# 23 H8nfzsWRbzLqCXMui5IqoljftWoi2QJDkWpA8dtL

The moment Lee has been waiting for arrives and when Solo hits the ring they go to war. Balor helps Priest with Goldberg. Steiner hits a few right hands on Orton then picks him up to throw him over by the back of the head, but Orton reverses it and sends Steiner out. Owens immediately is on Orton, brawling into another corner. Kross slithers to the outside for a breather but he can’t rest long.

# 24 Q3FsWpu5ZzMVfqY9DrJyxcRMU0rJtnwYjCpthGtz


LA Knight is here and runs around the ring, brawling with Kross all around ringside, not worrying about the match. In the ring Solo is getting the better of Lee but can’t get him over the top. Goldberg is whipped into the ropes but ducks a double clothesline and rebounds off the ropes with a double spear into Priest and Balor. Knight and Kross get into the ring and continue their fight.

# 25   xqXVvXXfllzEQbQm6RlyBNovunzKSgzRf8FwW1M0
Matt Riddle has returned! Orton’s eyes go wide as the Original Bro sprints down to the ring. Graves reminds us we haven’t seen Riddle in months after Orton’s attack. Riddle goes right for Orton and lays everything he has into his former friend, freeing up Owens to hit a stunner on Goldberg. Goldberg keeps his feet but falls back onto the ropes, and KO clotheslines him over. Judgment Day now seizes upon Owens, double teaming him.

# 26 XLJrYlCfXFA6vMWlqxac0eoT0G-nWVRm4sOC9huJ

Carmelo Hayes makes his Royal Rumble debut helping KO and going toe to toe with Balor. Across the ring, Solo winds up for a Samoan Spike but Lee catches the arm and dumps Solo out with a handful of blonde hair. Lee turns but he doesn’t see Solo get back on the apron and hit the Spike. Lee is stunned and Kross runs across the ring hitting a boot to the head and sending Lee over, with the aid of Solo holding down the rope. But just as quickly, Knight is behind Kross and hits Blunt Force Trauma.


# 27 8MCV1thR0ePcseEwK07fFdh9bhPD9-s7bGk5Uo56


The Ring General arrives and lays a heavy chop to Riddle, giving Orton needed moments to regroup. Knight tries to get the dead weight of Kross over the top. Having floored Hayes, Balor goes to the top for the Coup d’grace but Hayes pops up and jumps up onto the turnbuckles, surprising Balor and hitting a super HIMplex, exhausting both men. Owens and Priest trade right hands.


# 28 nB1kwlAtQU-JeSOAwhdgGvOgMSnC63CUkkxczvnh

Shinsuke Nakamura is next and the first thing he does is dump out LA Knight and Karrion Kross at the same time. Shinsuke gives a smile around his mouthpiece, waving goodbye to them both. He then begins kicking both Hayes and Balor. With Gunther still working over Riddle, Orton moves back to KO, stopping his beatdown of Priest, who takes the opportunity to hit a South of Heaven chokeslam on Owens. Priest offers a hand to Orton who shakes it…and then pulls him in for an RKO. Orton picks Priest up and tosses him out.

# 29 OnA7wCSZDx3_dmkV057i0PpsaV-jC3swRuRMvAar

Michael Cole can’t believe Nick Aldis is here, who he reminds us is a former NWA Champion. Aldis takes out Nakamura’s knee from behind as his first action. Riddle begins firing back on Gunther, taking immense punishment but absorbing it. Orton is kneeling next to KO, raining down targeted right hands. Hayes gets to his feet, picking up Balor and whipping him into the ropes. Balor grabs the ropes and Hayes is dropped over the top but he lands on the apron. Balor goes for a right hand but Hayes dodges and when Balor’s back is turned, Hayes hooks him around the throat for a reverse suplex, sending Balor up and over him to the floor below! And now it’s time for #30…….

# 30 6bsxO7HIi8eggobqr-xAqo03w19X6D_GAx1UDsGy


The United States Champion hits the ring and joins in attacking any babyface he can find. Gunther takes exception to this after telling Paul repeatedly to leave Riddle to him. He sends a more direct message by chopping Paul heavily across the chest. Paul staggers into a right hand from KO, then a jumping knee from Nakamura. Paul is seeing stars but he’s smart enough to stop, drop, and roll to the outside. 


The match continues without him. Orton and Gunther switch and Orton goes to work on Riddle, bad mouthing him as he does. Aldis is whipped into the ropes by Nakamura but he reverses it and hits a running high knee ala Harley Race. Nakamura is stunned and Aldis hits an STO before picking up Shinsuke and tossing him over the top. He doesn’t have long to celebrate because Paul slides back in and grabs Aldis, throwing him over with a handful of trunks.


Hayes and Owens begin to fight Gunther together and it’s working. Gunther is knocked flat by an enziguri from Hayes and Owens goes to the top for a frog splash but Paul kicks the rope and crotches KO, before shoving him off the turnbuckle to the floor below. Paul and Hayes begin to trade strikes as Gunther gets a second wind.


Orton hits the mat, pounding it as he waits for Riddle to get to his feet and when the Bro does, Orton launches for the RKO, but Riddle catches him and flings him up over his shoulder over the ropes. Orton hits the floor and is stunned. Riddle gives Randy the middle finger. We’re down to four: Matt Riddle, Gunther, Carmelo Hayes, and Logan Paul and the crowd is already chanting this is awesome. One of these four men are going to Wrestlemania!


Gunther goes back to Riddle where they just hit stiff strike after stiff strike. Hayes and Paul tangle again and Paul hits a knockout punch with this ‘titanian-laced fist’ as Cole reminds us. Paul is taunting the nearly unconscious Hayes when the crowd begins to stir. Paul turns around to see……




Bobby Lashley has returned to the ring and he breaks Paul in half with a spear!  Lashley picks up Paul and launches him over the top rope. Now we’re down to three as Lashley leaves the ring. Gunther and Riddle are chopping the hell out of one another and Riddle is really laying them in. Both of their chests are red. Riddle goes for one too many, and Gunther catches his arm and immediately launches a headbutt. Riddle is stunned and Gunther clotheslines him over the top. We are down to two!


Gunther immediately jumps on Hayes, using ground and pound to launch heavy forearms into Hayes’ head. He drags Hayes to the ropes by his arm, picks him up and starts to put him over the top but Hayes uses an arm scissors on Gunther’s arm and uses his leverage to pull Gunther over the top. Gunther barely avoids elimination by staying on the apron.


Both on the apron, Gunther misses a chop and Hayes hits a series of kicks to Gunther’s knee. Gunther goes for another chop but it was a fake and when Hayes goes to duck again, Gunther kicks him straight in the head. Hayes flies back into the post and drops to the floor.


Gunther is the winner of the 2024 Men’s Royal Rumble and will now head to Wrestlemania!!!!






Gunther climbs the ropes and poses with his arms behind his back. The Ring General has conquered the Royal Rumble!

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A video is shown recapping the recent history between John Cena and Seth Rollins




wVNauTC0z0glpEe-tHw-PmhAF3W5fccskxwi4X4t The match starts off even with both men trying to top the other. Rollins gains the momentum and uses a quick paced offense to try and wear Cena down. At his age, Cena is more plodding and relies on his still impressive power. Cena sends Rollins to the outside, then goes to the apron and hits a running shoulder block to the floor.


wVNauTC0z0glpEe-tHw-PmhAF3W5fccskxwi4X4t Cena presses the advantage, whipping Rollins into the barrier but when he charges, Rollins backdrops him over onto the floor. The referee is very lenient in his count, urging them to get back in the ring instead of counting. They brawl amongst the fans before coming back to the ring but now Rollins is in charge.


wVNauTC0z0glpEe-tHw-PmhAF3W5fccskxwi4X4t Cena seems to be faltering, and Rollins moves in for the kill. He hits a Falcon Arrow but Cena kicks out. Rollins doesn’t quit, picking up Cena who’s very sluggish, and hits a Pedigree, again Cena kicks out. Now Rollins is frustrated and he moves to the corner, sizing up Cena for a stomp but when he charges and jumps, Cena pops up and catches him in mid air, hitting an Attitude Adjustment.






Rollins kicks out and Cena is stunned. Cena goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but when he bounds off the ropes, Rollins is up, kicks Cena in the gut and goes for another Pedigree but Cena backdrops him, but Rollins hangs on and turns it into a sunset flip.






Cena rocks them in the opposite direction and now he’s on top and he hooks Rollins’ legs.














After the match, Cena and Rollins approach one another and Cena sticks out his hand. Rollins hesitates but shakes it, and raises Cena’s arm in a sign of respect.







The Bloodline are in their Lounge and Roman seems more focused than usual. He reminds them that no matter what happens, no one is to interfere. He will not lose his Championship because someone gets it in their head to go rogue. They all say they understand and he dismissed them saying he wants to be alone, but he calls Heyman back and asks if the plan is ready. Heyman grins and says yes.






A video is shown recapping the recent history between Becky Lynch and Rhea Ripley





wVNauTC0z0glpEe-tHw-PmhAF3W5fccskxwi4X4t The women meet in the middle, talking private trash before the fight breaks out. Neither of them holds anything back. Rhea brings the brutality and Becky brings the resilience. Rhea hits a sit down powerbomb for a two count and then continues her assault, but she also takes time to be vengeful, clawing at Becky’s eyes. She bodyslams Becky and goes to the top for a frog splash, with a little Eddie shimmy but Becky leaps up and meets her with a flurry of punches, before hooking her and delivering a huge superplex.


wVNauTC0z0glpEe-tHw-PmhAF3W5fccskxwi4X4t Both women are down, but it’s Becky who gets to her feet first. Rhea is quickly up to match her and they stagger towards each other in the middle of the ring. They begin exchanging punches, slowly one at a time. Rhea begins firing them quickly and headbutts Becky, flooring her. Rhea sneers with disdain as she picks Becky up and goes for Riptide but when she lifts Becky, the champion goes right over her shoulder and nails a german suplex. 


The crowd stirs when a figure jumps the barrier in sweats and a hoodie with the hood drawn up. She pulls it back to reveal herself.




wVNauTC0z0glpEe-tHw-PmhAF3W5fccskxwi4X4t Becky gets up but hasn’t seen Ronda and is waiting for Rhea to get to her feet for a Manhandle Slam. Ronda slips into the ring and locks a choke hold on Becky from behind, dropping down and wrapping her legs around the champ. The referee calls for the bell.








Rhea stands, and sees what’s happened. Her title opportunity is gone and she rips Ronda off of Becky, who is in a heap. Rhea and Ronda begin arguing, before Rhea throws a punch but Ronda ducks it and scoops Rhea up, delivering Piper’s Pit. 


With both champion and challenger down in the ring, Ronda hops out of the ring but half way up the aisle Raw Managing Director Stephanie McMahon meets her.




Stephanie is screaming that Ronda has ruined the match and that she’s still suspended.


Rousey’s flippant remark as she walks past shows her mindset.


“Fine me, bitch.”






Byron Saxton catches up to Gunther and congratulates him for his victory. He asks if Gunther is ready to announce who he will challenge at WrestleMania. Gunther says he is absolutely sure of one thing. When he is ready to tell the world, Byron is the last man on Earth he would tell. Byron looks crestfallen as Gunther smirks and walks off.






A video is shown recapping the recent history between Roman Reigns and Rey Mysterio






wVNauTC0z0glpEe-tHw-PmhAF3W5fccskxwi4X4t As promised, there is noone at ringside except Heyman and to begin the match Roman dominates with his power. He reminds Rey that he asked for this. Everything he’s going to do to Rey, is because he wanted it. Roman drives him into the corner and hits a release belly to belly. Roman makes a cover, but pulls Rey’s head up at the one count, telling the ref that he’s not done yet to Heyman’s delight.


wVNauTC0z0glpEe-tHw-PmhAF3W5fccskxwi4X4t Roman grows cockier the longer the match goes on but Rey keeps getting to his feet, even if he has to use the ropes to pull himself up. At first this is comical to Roman but there reaches a point where he’s annoyed, telling Mysterio to stay down. When it happens again, Roman slings Rey into the corner and charges but Rey moves and Roman smashes into the corner. Rey has an opening!


wVNauTC0z0glpEe-tHw-PmhAF3W5fccskxwi4X4t Mysterio, as worn down as he is, begins teeing off on Reigns, with kicks to his legs to take out his base, right hands to stun him and several aerial moves to keep him off balance. When Roman swings, Rey ducks and stings him back for every punch thrown. Roman isn’t sure where he is and Rey goes to the top but when he flies off with a back elbow, Roman pulls the referee in front of him and Rey takes them both out.


wVNauTC0z0glpEe-tHw-PmhAF3W5fccskxwi4X4t Rey sees what’s happened and he checks on the ref and in the process he doesn’t see we have a new face at ringside.



Dominik picks up the Universal title and slides into the ring. When Rey turns around, his son blasts him in the face with the belt. Rey is out cold as Dominik rolls out of the ring and hands the title back to Heyman, who looks shocked and clutches it to his chest. Roman gets up, sees Rey down, then picks him up and locks in an unnecessary guillotine. He’s essentially holding Rey up as the referee comes to and sees Rey is defenseless and calls for the bell.









Roman and Heyman celebrate the win as Dominik Mysterio smirks on his way back up the aisle. He has screwed his father out of the championship!






John Cena is walking backstage, accepting some congratulations from passing people but then he comes face to face with Gunther. The Ring General congratulates him as well and says that as the winner of the Royal Rumble, he has a hard decision to make for which belt he will choose to win at WrestleMania.


Cena congratulates Gunther on his win as well and says no matter what, the Champ will be in Philly. They pass by one another, never breaking eye contact.



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A commercial is shown hyping next month’s Elimination Chamber, airing live on FOX, at 5 AM eastern time.








Cole and Graves hype the Elimination Chamber then turn their attention to tonight’s main event. The Women’s Royal Rumble. Let’s go to the ring.




#1 TJDlq5ov95xXW1ODqkbRbcyB16psx6wOAmiJXCYg

#2 8i9NU_11n3roW7SDLHGIEfzKWVI0ZD-QQctahFRi


Zoey and Iyo begin the match and it goes back and forth with neither getting a clear advantage. Zoey gets a slight upper hand as the clock begins counting down.


#3 6RSOKpN7ZLwNLkUS_FY-zAtyrUhK3crgU11ZRhwq


Zoey gives a big smile as her ally Piper Niven is out third. They work together and Iyo is in a lot of trouble. The duo work her over but Iyo makes a little bit of a comeback, staggering both Zoey and Piper with a flurry of kicks, before she goes to the top and hits a double dropkick on them as the clock begins to sound.




Lacey Evans is out four and she cuts the Iyo comeback by knocking her back into the corner and putting the boots to her. Lacey however shows she doesn’t play well with others as we all knew and tries to eliminate Zoey out of the blue from behind. This doesn’t sit well with Piper who saves Zoey, then grabs Lacey by the hair. Lacey spins around and hits a Woman’s Right on Piper. Niven rocks back a few steps but doesn’t go down. Lacey realizes she’s made a mistake and starts backing up right into Zoey. Stark shoves Evans right into Niven who scoops her up and bodyslams her over the top for the first elimination.


#5 cj5oYaOhPVQlpHI3OmfmdNuamCY-FAAq5ZrupcUB


We see our first surprise of the match. Ember Moon is back and along with the rested Iyo Sky they pair up and the next few minutes are like a tornado tag. Ember takes the fight to Piper, running literal circles around her and eventually hitting an Eclipse off the top which sends Piper crashing to the mat.


#6 QzqVxmk5E_J3__qUjvcNJ4SxqjfvKDB5uvnggVCq

Shayna Baszler is next and she tilts the balance back to the heels, going right for Ember. In the other corner Zoey is peppering Iyo with body shots. She backs off and charges with a running knee but Iyo dodges it. When Zoey hobbles back and turns, Iyo dropkicks her and sends her over the top to the floor.

#7 7dTS4FRnnn04XxYF-wHVKRx323T0lLDrILWg2IRM


Naomi is our next entrant and she targets Iyo as soon as she hits the ring. Piper is watching the two pairs fighting and picks her spot, double Avalanching Shayna and Ember in the corner, then doing it to Naomi and Iyo. Niven stands tall as the clock begins again.


#8 Z1CC_Psnsoedc-m2UyQydkhBo_GHYMESB11_XN2Q


Gigi Dolin runs to the ring and attacks Niven with reckless abandon. She’s continually swatted away but the annoying distraction allows all of the women to regain their footing and they all attack Piper. She tries to fend off everyone but they’re hitting her from all angles. They back Niven up to the ropes and all begin to work together to eliminate her. She’s hanging on for dear life as the timer begins.


#9 9UG9c16orsYlH_Vd5CmBXJR-UJTXd2CoD8OmiRQk

It’s the Empress of Darkness and as soon as she gets in the ring she helps tip Piper over the top to the floor. She then begins striking everyone in her sight until it’s her and Iyo face to face. The crowd is into the moment as the clock ticks down.

#10 ewNkpOZCXshF9mX0Re7YJAxK8mgnJ7x1yJvUMd-z


It’s Kairi Sane!!! After years away, the Pirate Princess has sailed back to the WWE. Both Iyo and Asuka watch Kairi Sane enter the ring and she approaches them. Cole and Graves put over the trio’s long history in Japan. Suddenly they all begin striking one another back and forth. Meanwhile, Naomi has her foot on Dolin’s throat and Ember Moon is brawling with Baszler.


#11 QK0dTAfg9yy_KYp-OmXQngE7IDucxkUkhkPU0DlC


Sonya DeVille is #11 and she interrupts the strike-athon going on, but unfortunately for her, they all turn on her and she becomes the practice dummy for Iyo, Asuka, and Kairi. Naomi continues to pick on Gigi, but in the other corner, Ember has Shayna teetering on the brink of elimination.


#12 mq38I_1eKDVly4_ig1xitGXEHNhmuUFW7Kwui44F


What’s there to say about Nikki Cross that the DSM 5 hasn’t already diagnosed her as? She hits the ring as a ball of frantic psychotic energy. She yanks Naomi out of the way, picks up Dolin and chucks her over the ropes. She then runs across the ring and hits a double axe handle across Ember’s back. Asuka has settled into fighting Kairi while Iyo and Sonya trade strikes.


#13 3G-n8LStY78Xx9bUflcYmF7yULQsmxtjM6i0CTzY


The EST has arrived and she wastes no time in going right for Asuka, spearing her off her feet and beginning a ground and pound. Shayna and Nikki are pounding on Ember and Naomi has joined Sonya in attacking Iyo, until Kairi joins in and makes it a fair fight.


#14 z1KQ-wBu491jp9dJOuuLMrY8_9NDUnjIx5rGebaR

Candice Larae is next and she helps Ember avoid elimination, going toe to toe with Nikki. Bianca picks up Asuka for the KOD, but Asuka slips out and sprays black mist, but Bianca ducked and it hits Sonya who was standing directly behind her. Sonya freaks out, grabbing her eyes, and Kairi slings her over the top. Ember slams Shayna and goes to the top for another Eclipse but Naomi runs over and shoves her off the turnbuckles, all the way to the floor below.

#15 02AzMijAZCd1YUHlAw9w7QYYUVTsvZiVsj3Xuj7T

The Princess of Staten Island has returned!  Carmella enters the ring and sees Bianca as the biggest threat, attacking her from behind and in the process, stopping Asuka’s elimination. Nikki hits a double arm DDT on Candice and Shayna quickly picks the bones, flinging Larae over the top. Naomi, Shayna and Nikki turn their attention jointly to Iyo and Kairi.

#16 9ubaPt0Jh13fGPtGtjZKiiJOsNyEcyEF3oXe_6hF


It’s time for the Rumble to get extreme! Lita runs down to the ring and immediately establishes her Hall of Fame credentials. She evens the odds for Iyo and Kairi while Carmella and Asuka are trying to eliminate Bianca but she saves herself with two big elbows to their heads.


#17 90k02O053FoYrWzveOdtr6NIELYfRSVGufDEIZ4o

Lita gets instant help from her BFF and fellow Hall of Famer Trish Stratus. Together, they pry Shayna and Naomi away from the fighting. With their first advantage in a long time, Iyo and Kairi work together and eliminate Nikki Cross by flipping her over the top.

#18 eeh-lgPSooHui5XjXRzT_Sczlird7KcwqiaAjVD5


Making her in-ring debut, the devilish Scarlett enters the ring and sees Iyo as the weak link for having been in since the beginning. Kairi has moved on to Asuka, while Lita and Trish are brawling with Shayna and Naomi.


#19 Ji-7T3BoGrKH1ZOSHtaqnE6kiPsKriZJc2o4J9aM


Emma is next and as soon as she’s in, she also targets Iyo. She and Scarlett seem to form a quick alliance and after Scarlett hits a Sunset Driver, which Graves calls the Siren’s Song, Iyo is finally eliminated by Emma. The duo then turn their attention to Lita and Trish and now the Hall of Famers are fighting for their lives. With ten women in the ring, it’s getting cramped and that’s when Bianca shifts into a new gear.


Bianca floors Carmella with a big right hand and then heads to the other corner. Grabbing Scarlett and Emma by the hair Bianca slams their heads together, then throws Scarlett out. Bianca then turns to Shayna, peeling her off Lita, scooping her up in a KOD and delivering it over the top rope.


#20 2QqSlxknCtRV_Z8mDNAeQeykDuLrNtpDopwHU40p

Another legend joins the party as Mickie James makes her return to the WWE. She pairs with Lita and Trish, who Mickie gives a wink to, as the celebrated trio zeroes in on Asuka. But the Empress of Darkness digs deep into her dark soul and begins striking all three, knocking Trish and Lita to the apron outside but they save themselves from elimination….until Mickie dropkicks Asuka and she falls back into Lita and Trish knocking them both to the floor at the same time. Meanwhile, Bianca and Naomi and battling in the corner and Kairi and Carmella are trying to get each other out.

#21 FmKEJW2cCtLi_2NRkDDovP7-hL9asCzCAkPlw9J0


Katana Chance sprints down to the ring, and immediately gets tangled with Emma. Mickie and Asuka are paired as well as Naomi/Bianca. Kairi takes a moment to get a breather before she begins to help out Mickie.


#22 t9YrsFNs4nAduzkPmpHmyfGX0umMUC1gKfMaqDX0


Michin is the next entrant and at this point the match finally begins to turn into less babyface vs heel. Michin goes for Bianca and the after effect is faces fighting faces and heels turning on one another.


#23 A0h3NTChkrU_18651JIHucw_jLlJIe2oVsy08k2m

Chelsea Green comes in and pairs up with Emma and they’re very effective. Together they eliminate Katana Chance and a few moments later they form an alliance with Carmella and eliminate Mickie James. The trio then immediately go after Bianca. In the opposite corner, Asuka takes a run at Michin with a jumping hip attack but Michin catches her and dumps her over the top. Asuka looks stunned as she looks up from the floor.

#24 yPv8hnUu9dN1n9OKe0JsYbKpmlwm3RRK06WZHSmS


Liv sprints to the ring and begins tangling with Naomi. Free of Asuka, Michin goes for Emma as Carmella and Chelsea work over Bianca. Unseen, Kairi has climbed to the top and when all the women in the ring are near the middle she soars with a cross body block, wiping out everyone!


#25 qqAY9Snu3htVIQNdzltQsSGkQc5FN4uOZ-DATM1Q


It’s the NXT Women’s Champion making her main roster return! Indi uses her size to her advantage from the moment she enters the ring by eliminating Michin, then going after Naomi. Bianca fights back against Chelsea and Carmella. While she’s against the ropes they attempt a double clothesline but she backdrops them both out of the ring. Emma charges Bianca who picks her up in a military press and throws her onto Chelsea and Carmella.


#26 27XE_ouJrv88fCIWsVEL5w15c6JNmBmGqQBoryJ-

Cora Jade slides into the ring, grabs Kairi from behind and throws her out, then begins double teaming Liv with Naomi. Bianca and Indi have a showdown exchanging heavy punches.


#27 RcRRgt7EK74hbWfcFyLcBfxyzSFVBfHUq7VBHP20


Zelina brings us back to six women in the ring and begins tussling with Naomi, leaving Liv and Cora one on one. Indi shows off her power, almost having Bianca over the top but Bianca has herself around the ropes and hangs on, scooting back under the bottom.

#28 luPP30BXgosWhjsz1-mcV1Df180RA6VNzMnz-aSG

Tamina enters the ring, grabbing Zelina by her hair and together with Naomi, eliminates her just minutes after she entered. The Bloodline Girls then move to Liv, dismissing Cora and taking over the beatdown. Cora is not one to be disrespected and she spins Tamina around and slaps her. Tamina grabs her by the throat and delivers a chokeslam. Liv fires back at Naomi.


#29 mGtbMeldDwNxIjZTtrhs7iDJ1ARhbMynzcK9Dk-W


Bayley slides in, blasting Liv with a forearm and motions to Naomi and Tamina. The three of them team up to eliminate Liv. Bayley turns to the crowd, throwing up her index finger. Tamina has had enough and grabs Bayley and throws her over. On the other side of the ring, Bianca is trying to eliminate Indi, but Naomi and Tamina break it up. 


And the clock ticks down. Who is #30?!


#30 El5ZlKTwVkYkPiF7ANS1mTwt-O55ldnYvZK2VtwZ


Cole and Graves lose their minds as well as the crowd as Jade Cargill makes her WWE debut. She takes in the size of the crowd and their energy as she walks down to the ring. All eyes are on her, including the five women in the ring with her.


Tamina decides to be the first to challenge her but Jade stands her ground following a shoulder block. Tamina looks surprised as Jade buries a knee in her stomach, then chucks Tamina over the top with ease. Next is Naomi who tries a Rear View, but Jade catches her in mid air, adjusts her into a Glam Slam and drives her into the mat. Indi steps up and whips Jade into the ropes but Cargill reverses it and delivers a spinebuster to the NXT Women’s Champion. Cora tries a cross body block but Jade catches her and turns it into a sidewalk slam. 


Bianca and Jade approach each other, stepping over the bodies. Before they can tangle, Naomi is up and Bianca tosses her out.  They come together again but now Indi is up and Jade throws her over. Their third meeting is broken up by Cora and both Jade and Bianca throw her out together.


WE ARE DOWN TO 2! Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair are all alone and meet in the middle of the ring. One of these women will head to Wrestlemania! They go at one another for a good five minutes, showing off their power, agility, and athleticism to a virtual stalemate. Finally Cargill gains an advantage with a boot to the gut and a powerbomb.  Dusting off her hands she signals it’s time and picks up Bianca before scooping her up onto her shoulder. She walks her to the ropes but before she can slam her over the top, Belair slides off behind her and picks Cargill delivering a KOD. Cargill bounces up out of instinct, but she’s rocked, and Bianca hits a running clothesline to eliminate her.


Bianca Belair is the winner of the 2024 Women’s Royal Rumble match and is headed back to WrestleMania!!!







As Bianca celebrates, whipping her braid around, Charlotte Flair sits stone faced, staring up at her. Michael Cole and Corey Graves thank us for tuning in here on FOX and remind us that this is just the beginning on the Road…to WrestleMania!

Edited by Pipers Pit
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Following Gunther, Bianca Belair, and Roman Reigns fielding questions, Chief Content Officer Paul ‘Triple H’ Levesque sat down to address the assembled media.




“Hell of a night, right? Big thank you to St. Petersburg and the folks at Tropicana who are always great to work with and to our partners at FOX. The Road to WrestleManai is now underway even with the couple of speed bumps we hit as far as distribution. Can’t say enough about the performances tonight. I think we told top notch stories and delivered incredible action so you’re not going to hear any complaints from me. I’m also happy to report no injuries for anyone tonight. 


Business wise, we had over 40,000 in attendance with a gate about 1.4 million, give or take. Was talking to FOX a few minutes ago and they think we had over 3 million viewers which is not bad considering the late notice. With that I’ll turn it over to you all for questions.”



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SmackDown Averages 2.036 Million Viewers In The Overnight Ratings







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The (Rumble) General Arrives

The Road to Wrestlemania officially began two nights ago when the world bared witness to the winners of the Men's and Women's Royal Rumble Match. Unless you've been living under a rock for two days, you know that the winner of the Women's Royal Rumble match is SmackDown star Bianca Belair. But for our purposes on Raw, the winner of the Men's Royal Rumble match is Raw's Ring General himself, GUNTHER.

The question now is: how long will GUNTHER be part of Raw? Will he make the leap to SmackDown and challenge Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Championship (a championship that Raw star and Mr. Money in the Bank, Cody Rhodes has already declared his intention to challenge for)? Or will GUNTHER stay here on Raw and target the GOAT John Cena for the Heavyweight Championship of the World?

We may be about to find out. Be there Monday when the Men's Royal Rumble winner arrives back home on Raw. GUNTHER is LIVE in the building as the Road to Wrestlemania kicks into high gear. 

Don't miss Raw LIVE this Monday on USA!

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A recap of the Royal Rumble is shown, highlighting the World Heavyweight Championship match that saw John Cena retain. Then we see how Becky Lynch won by disqualification thanks to Ronda Rousey and finally we see Gunther become the winner of the Royal Rumble.


We immediately go out to the parking to a scene of chaos as two people are fighting:




Rhea Ripley and Ronda Rousey are throwing haymakers and launching each other into cars and into the walls of the arena. Both women are trying to gouge each other’s eyes out when suddenly police and security flood the scene. 



Raw’s Managing Director Stephanie McMahon is also on the scene barking orders at security and police to separate Rousey and Mami. The security/police are having a hard time doing so until Stephanie herself steps in between the two women which causes them to pause just long enough for some order to maintained…




Inside the arena, the crowd comes alive as Women’s World Champion, Becky Lynch comes out to the ring. She is wearing a long black duster jacket and holds the championship high as she walks into the ring and grabs a microphone. 

“Well, we seem to have ourselves a big commotion to open Monday Night Raw and it’s good that Ronnie is so amped up and ready for a fight, because she’s about to get one. Ronda Rousey just cannot stop sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong, but every time the opportunity is there to step up to the champ one-on-one, Ronnie seems to forget her balls. 


Where is the woman that the world once knew? Where is the woman that was the most dominant woman in UFC history and became known as the baddest woman on the planet? What happened to her? Because all I see is a scared little bitch whose ass kicking is far overdue.

So here is what is going to happen - Stephanie McMahon, you’re going to have the police drag Ronda Rousey’s arse out here and then let her go and we’re gonna finish this right now, or the Man will come back there and you won’t be able to st…



Stephanie McMahon comes out to the arena with a microphone of her own and tells Becky that this is not happening. Becky may want to kick Ronda Rousey’s ass and Steph understands why, but it is not going to happen tonight. Not here, not like this. Becky tells Steph this is her last chance to bring Rousey out here, but Steph holds her ground.

Becky takes off her jacket and we see that the champ has a black baseball bat. Before Stephanie can even react, we see two security personnel fly into the entrance way and suddenly




Ronda Rousey has arrived into the arena with one hand cuffed. She is shouting obscenities at Becky and tries to fight her way through the security that is in the aisle to get to The Man. Before any of them can fight, suddenly more officials are thrown into the arena and…




Rhea Ripley has now fought her way into the arena and she takes charge at Rousey. Becky drops the bat and gets out of the ring and slams into Rousey, but that is all that Lynch is able to do before all of the officials fly into the arena.

Steph grabs a mic and orders all of the Raw roster to get out to the arena and break these three women up. She then grabs Corey Graves’ headset and says “go to commercial now” and we go straight to black.








The announcers welcome us to RAW and recap the craziness that opened the show. We are then taken to “During the Break” footage where all three women are dragged into waiting police cars and raced out of the arena.  The announcers put over the chaotic opening to Raw and then tell us that we have a great show tonight and before the night is over, we’ll see the Gunther, the winner of the Men’s Royal Rumble, will address the WWE Universe. Is he ready to declare who he will challenge at WrestleMania? You won’t want to miss it!






  • Ricochet and Lee are high energy personified whereas their opponents ground them and work a traditional style. As Lee gets a hot tag he soars off the top, taking out Kaiser, then throws a running forearm at Vinci, knocking him off the apron. When Lee turns around, Kaiser is up, and he whips Lee into the corner chest first. Lee is rolled up into a schoolboy and the referee doesn’t see Kaiser grab the rope for leverage.









We go backstage where the New Day and the Judgment Day are in a silent standoff. Finally BiG E says if they got a problem, it can be solved tonight. Priest nods, saying he likes that. Both sides warily separate but it seems we have a six man tag tonight..




Byron Saxton welcomes Matt Riddle back to Raw. Riddle thanks him but says tonight isn’t about welcome backs, it’s about sending messages. Randy Orton could have ended his career but he failed and now every time Matt Riddle is in the ring he’ll be fighting Randy Orton until the day when Riddle gets his shot to return the favor, Bro.






  • Riddle usually is all smiles and turning flip flops into galloping unicorns but not this time. The bell rings and he floors McDonagh with a straight kick to the chest. He quickly mounts him and begins raining down forearms, before allowing McDonagh to turn over in an attempt to escape, only to lock in a rear naked choke which gets a quick submission.









Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn are hanging out backstage when Drew McIntyre, Maria Kanellis, and Rex Steiner walk up to them. It’s clear Steiner is uncomfortable with Maria’s presence. The men make small talk until Maria shuts it down and puts forth the challenge for Elimination Chamber. Her men deserve a shot at those titles.


KO looks like he’s going to make a smartass remark but McIntyre’s expression causes Sami to stop him. Sami says that sounds like a hell of a match. McIntryre, Kanellis, and Steiner walk away leaving KO promising he wasn’t going to say anything mean, which Zayn does not believe.






Stephanie McMahon, who has already had a long night, is walking backstage. The Managing Director has a big announcement and it’s up next!






Stephanie McMahon comes down to the ring and says we are now on the Road to WrestleMania and that road will go over the Pacific to Perth, Australia for Elimination Chamber. We know that a non-Raw female superstar won their Royal Rumble so we need to decide Becky Lynch’s WrestleMania opponent.


What better way than to put six women in the Elimination Chamber and see who walks out? She says she will announce five competitors at a later date, but she will announce the first here tonight!


Ladies and Gentlemen, the first entrant into the Elimination Chamber and the newest Raw Superstar……welcome home….Kari Sane!.




Sane comes out from the back and shakes hands with Stephanie before heading to the ring.







  • Emma plays a role early in distracting Kairi so Chelsea can do damage and get in some cheap shots. Kairi battles back, stunning Chelsea with the Alabama Slam. Chelsea kicks out of the pin but when she gets up, Kairi nails an Interceptor (spear). Chelsea is down, and Emma gets on the apron but just as quickly, gets drop kicked off. Kairi goes to the top and soars with an Insane Elbow for the win.







Byron Saxton is in the ring with Kairi, congratulating her on the victory. He begins to ask her about being in the Elimination Chamber……




The Princess of Staten Island, Carmella, is here. She makes her way down to the ring to confront Kairi. Carmella says it was her return on Saturday that has the internet buzzing. It was her return that made the night. And now Kairi is going to steal her spotlight and spot in the Elimination Chamber?


Kairi offers a hand, being very respectful and trying to deescalate the situation but it doesn’t last long.




Chelsea and Emma attack from behind and Carmella joins in. They work Kairi over, before Emma hits the I’m Prettier and Carmella locks in the Cone of Silence on a helpless Kairi. Referees flood the ring and the new trio of besties leave together.




  • DIY looks good early in this, but the sheer power and brutality of the Raiders comes into play as they wear down both Ciampa and Gargano. DIY refuses to stay down though and stages a comeback. As they set up Erik for Meeting in the Middle. Ivar interrupts it by knocking Ciampa out of the ring. When Gargano goes in for his half of the move, Erik catches him and delivers a spinebuster. A tag later, and Ivar hits an incredible moonsault for the win.








In a video labeled “Earlier Today”, Seth Rollins is arriving at the building when he’s confronted by the Miz who begins badmouthing Rollins and laughing about how he failed to win the title. When Rollins puts his entire focus on the Miz, Bronson Reed comes from behind and blasts him. With Rollins down, Reed drops a monster elbow on his chest, then picks him up and powerslams him on the asphalt. Miz and Reed walk off and Rollins is hurt as officials arrive on the scene.








  • This open match features double and triple teams of both the legal and illegal variety. Woods and Dom seem to take the brunt of the punishment while Priest and Big E deal the most damage. Kofi and Balor spend the most time as opponents. The match breaks down into a brawl with four on the outside and Big E and Dom on the inside. Mysterio goes for a springboard crossbody but Big E catches him and shifts him into the Big Ending for the win.









The match is barely over before Priest slides in and levels Big E from behind. On the outside, Balor sends Woods careening into the ring post face first and Priest then hits the South of Heaven Chokeslam on Kofi. To top it off, Dom hits a frog splash on Big E. The New Day may be victorious but it’s hard to say the Judgment Day didn’t get a bigger win.


When we return, Gunther will address the WWE Universe. Don’t go anywhere!






Gunther comes down to the ring and gloats about being the winner of the Royal Rumble. He talks up reasons he should pick Roman Reigns. Then he talks about why he should pick John Cena. He tells the audience that whoever he picks, one thing is certain, he will win that championship, unlike prior Royal Rumble winners.




That brings out Cody Rhodes who reminds us he’s already announced he will cash in the Money in the Bank briefcase at WrestleMania and unlike Gunther, he’s not going to waste people’s time and create fake drama. Cody Rhode will challenge Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship. Now what will Gunther do?


Gunther takes this all in stride. He says it’s nice that Cody wants to declare tonight but the Ring General is smarter than that. Every day that he delays, is one less day his opponent…or opponents, have to prepare for him. So he will let Cody know when he’s ready whether or not he has a 50% chance of winning or a 33% chance….but to be honest, we all know Cody will choke again no matter who Gunther chooses.


Gunther leaves the ring, leaving Cody looking stern but also suspicious.


Good Night from Tampa!

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More Questions Than Answers

The Royal Rumble has come and gone and we know less than we did going in. Cody Rhodes had pledged to challenge one of the champions at WrestleMania and we still do not know who Gunther will choose. 

Bianca Belair won the Women’s Royal Rumble and has made no secret that she has her sights set on Charlotte Flair and the WWE Women’s Championship. Bianca will be on hand this week to make her challenge official.

Smackdown Managing Director Adam Pearce has hinted that he has a major announcement about the upcoming Elimination Chamber. What does he have in mind, and who will be involved?

In other action:

AOP vs the Street Profits

Iyo Sky vs Cora Jade

Asuka vs Gigi Dolin

All this and more, this Friday night, LIVE on FOX!

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A video recap of the Royal Rumble is shown, highlighting how Dominik Mysterio screwed his father Rey out of the Undisputed Universal WWE Championship versus Roman Reigns. Then we see how Bianca Belair won the Women’s Royal Rumble.








Adam Pearce is in the ring and says that now that we’re on the Road to WrestleMania, the next stop is Perth Australia and the Elimination Chamber. After much consideration he has decided that this year, for the first time ever, the United States Championship will be on the line in the chamber as Logan Paul defends against five men who will all earn their way in qualifying matches that begin tonight!







Coming back from commercial and Adam Pearce is standing backstage surrounded by the Brand. All four members are complaining at him at the same time and he looks like his head is going to explode. Finally he shouts them down and says he’ll give them a chance to put the odds in their favor tonight. Austin Theory and Grayson Waller will be in a handicap match in tonight’s main event. If they win, they’re both in the Elimination Chamber.


Waller and Theory instantly celebrate but McAfee looks concerned and asks who the opponent is. Pearce pats Theory and Waller on the shoulders and tells them good luck tonight….against Bobby Lashley. 


As Pearce walks off the Brand all look at each other with concern.






  • The Street Profits have been struggling with their confidence and it plays into this as the AOP dominate both Ford and Dawkins. When they find themselves laying on the mat outside the ring, Montez and Angelo look each other in the eyes and something seems to change. Once they re-enter the ring it’s a different match and their expert tag skills come into play. The AOP are on their heels and no matter what Regal does, he can’t help his men regain their advantage. Dawkins backdrops Akam after Ford blind tags, then Montez soars with a frog splash and gets the win.







Kayla Braxton is backstage and runs into Paul Heyman. Heyman is agitated and when she asks him who Roman Reigns will face at WrestleMania, he stammers over himself, saying he doesn’t know, Adam Pearce doesn’t know, Roman Reigns doesn’t know. But next week the Tribal Chief wants answers and the Tribal Chief will get them.






A video is shown, reminding us how Cora Jade attacked Iyo Sky two weeks ago by hitting her with a fire extinguisher from below the ring.





  • Jade focuses on the ankle she targeted two weeks ago to keep Iyo grounded and an easy target. This works for several minutes but Iyo won’t submit when a leg lock is applied and kicks her way out with her good leg. Cora charges, but Iyo hops out of the way and it opens the door for a hobbled Sky to start a comeback. Cora tries a spinning backhand but Iyo ducks it and hits a german suplex. Going to the top, carefully, Iyo hits a moonsault for the win.






We’re told that next week we’ll see another Elimination Chamber Qualifying match between Ilja Dragunov and Sheamus!






Charlotte is backstage signing some autographs, when Bayley slides into the scene. She tells Charlotte that she better enjoy it, because the entire locker room knows her days as champ are numbered. Everyone knows Bianca has her number and it’s only a matter of time.

Charlotte turns to her and says she knows Bianca will be one of the greatest challenges of her career, but there is a difference between Bianca and Bayley. Bayley asks what that is and Charlotte tells her that unlike Bianca, Bayley hasn’t earned anything. The champ gives her a smirk and walks off leaving Bayley fuming.







  • A great back and forth match without any OC or LWO people at ringside. Anderson really shows what he can do and Santos sells great for him until he makes his comeback, stunning Anderson with an enziguri and then a jumping tornado DDT off the second rope for the win.








LA Knight is alone in his locker room talking about the Royal Rumble and how his issues with Karrion Kross aren’t settled because he hasn’t beat the hell out of him enough. And when he does, everyone will know whose game is it…





Kross comes flying into the scene and nails Knight in the back with a chair. Knight drops to his knees as Kross gathers some electric cords and wraps them around Knight’s through. As Knight struggles, Kross chokes him out, taunting him. When Knight is obviously unconscious, Kross releases him and lets him drop to the floor. Kross smiles down as Scarlett joins him at his side. He says in two weeks, Knight will be…eliminated!







The Street Profits are backstage and they’re feeling great following their earlier victory until the Usos stroll by. Jimmy and Jey laugh at the profits saying one victory is called a fluke, and they urge the Profits to just give it up because they’re yesterday’s news before walking off. However, Ford and Dawkins look more fired up than before. 







Asuka takes everything Gigi has to throw at her and keeps coming back for more, with a sinister grin.  On the outside, Roberts yells for her to “absorb the hate.” Gigi is running out of options and goes to the top but when she comes down, Asuka jump kicks her in the face. From that point, Asuka circles her like a shark, picking her apart and eventually puts her in the Asuka Lock for the win.











  • Theory and Waller argue about who will get in the ring first but Lashley decides for them, throwing Waller over the top and then he begins beating the hell out of Theory, showing off his power with military presses and heavy clotheslines. Waller eventually tags in and he meets more of the same. Even when things are going their way, they can’t keep Lashley down for long. Waller goes to the top but Lashley catches him and launches him across the ring. Theory is grabbed and run down the apron into the post. Waller staggers back into the Hurt Lock and quickly submits.







Bianca Belair, who Michael Cole refers to as Ms. Royal Rumble, is walking backstage. The EST will make her announcement…next!






Bianca comes out to a huge ovation. She says that now that she has the Royal Rumble in the rear view and WrestleMania up ahead, she wants to make her plans crystal clear, and she asks Charlotte Flair to come out so she can tell her woman to woman.




Charlotte comes out but stays at ringside. Bianca says that she doesn’t want excuses, she doesn’t want reasons, she doesn’t want anything but Charlotte in Philadelphia and when that happens, the EST will be walking out the WWE Women’s Champion.


Charlotte tells us that she respects what Bianca did last Saturday. But that doesn’t change the fact that the Queen holds this title and at WrestleMania, it won’t change that fact that when it’s all said and done, everyone will hear….’AND STILL’ WWE Women’s Champion….Charlotte Flair. WOOOOOOOO.


Bianca and Charlotte give each other some nods with constant eye contact which means…..




Charlotte doesn’t see Bayley run down the aisle and blast her with a forearm to the back of the head. Bayley scrambles up, grabs Charlotte by the hair and throws her head-first into the steps. As officials back off, a camera shot shows us Charlotte is cut open on her forehead. Bianca watches from the ring as the chaos erupts in front of her.


Bayley heads back up the ramp screaming that she earns everything she gets!

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Decision Day

Last week's episode of Raw opened in one of the most chaotic fashion's in the history of the Red Brand when Rhea Ripley, Ronda Rousey and Women's World Champion Becky Lynch brought the show to a halt as a wild brawl broke out. In the end, all three women were arrested by Tampa Police and removed from Raw. On Tuesday, after WWE decided not to press charges against each participant, they were released from jail. That does not mean that they are free from punishment.

WWE.com has learned that Managing Director Stephanie McMahon was engaged in a series of meetings over the weekend with the TKO Board of Directors about how to respond to these 3 women. And the office of Mrs. McMahon has informed WWE.com of the following:

"Monday on Raw, Managing Director Stephanie McMahon will open the broadcast as she addresses the actions of Ronda Rousey, Rhea Ripley and Becky Lynch."

What is the status of each woman? What does Stephanie have in store for us all?

Find out on Monday Night Raw. 

Don't miss Raw LIVE this Monday on USA!

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Posted (edited)




A replay of the brawl last week between Rhea Ripley, Ronda Rousey and Becky Lynch is shown before we cut to Stephanie McMahon in her office.




"Good evening, 


Last week on Raw, Rhea Ripley, Ronda Rousey and Becky Lynch brought Raw to a stand-still. Their behavior was reckless, insubordinate, unprofessional and dangerous. Dangerous to the arena staff, to the police and security, to other WWE wrestlers, to themselves and dangerous to our fans. And the events of last week forced Raw to present stand-by matches, altering the planned card and taking 3 of our stars away from you...the WWE Universe. 


I have empathy for the fact that Ronda is dissatisfied with her current position on Raw and the perceived lack of opportunities that she has had. I have empathy for Rhea feeling like her moment to be champion again was taken away from her by events beyond her control. And I have empathy for Becky in her feeling that her issues with Ronda Rousey for over 5 years has not been addressed to her satisfaction. 


But it does not excuse either of these three women to engage in open warfare on Raw and I will not tolerate such violence and such open defiance of my authority. 


Therefore, after consulting with the TKO board over the weekend, I have decided the following: Ronda Rousey, Rhea Ripley and Becky Lynch are hereby suspended without pay until 12 days from now in Perth, Australia. At which time, both Ronda Rousey and Rhea Ripley will join Kairi Sane in the Elimination Chamber match to obtain a shot at the #1 Contendership for Becky Lynch's Women's World Championship at Wrestlemania. 


Should any of these 3 women decide to defy this directive, that woman will be immediately....fired. Oh, and in case SmackDown thinks they can go pick up the fired Superstar, Paul "Triple H" Levesque has confirmed to me that TKO will not recognize that contract. And should Becky Lynch choose to be terminated, then the Elimination Chamber match will determine the new Women's World Champion.


I do not make this announcement with any joy, but in the best interest of Raw's wrestlers, staff, our fans and all of WWE as a whole. It is my hope that all 3 women learn from this mistake. 


Thank you for your time and welcome to Monday Night Raw. 


Start the show."








The World Heavyweight Champion comes down to the ring but when he gathers the mic his tone sombers. He says that last week Gunther refused to give Cody Rhodes a straight answer as to his WrestleMania plans. With all due respect to the American Nightmare, he doesn’t need to be concerned with Gunther, because he isn’t one of the two men Gunther has in his sights.


Cena says he’s faced a who’s who of WWE Superstars and Hall of Famers and until he hears otherwise, he is expecting Gunther to come for his title. So from this moment on, Cena will keep his eyes on Gunther until he is told to do otherwise but if he had it his way? He wants Gunther to choose him because right now in Cena’s eyes, Gunther is the best and any champion worth his salt wants to be challenged by the best. Cena then invites Gunther to make it a reality and says he’ll be waiting.








  • Carmella starts hot, keeping Kairi grounded but the Pirate Princess digs deep and stuns Carmella with a series of strikes and kicks. Once Kairi gets going, she’s a ball of energy who wears out her opponent before she hits a running hooked clothesline, followed by the Insane Elbow off the top to qualify for the Elimination Chamber.








Randy Orton is walking down the hallway for his match with Ricochet. Orton is in the zone, and as he walks past another corridor, we see someone standing motionless at the end watching him.




The Viper will be in action…next!







Ricochet always shows off but Orton cuts him off when he attempts a springboard moonsault early on. From there, Orton punishes Ricochet and shows why he’s still one of the best in the ring. When the Viper is done playing with his food he recoils and strikes out with an RKO.








Orton gets his arm raised and is about to climb the turnbuckles when…..


Orton’s eyes go wide and he drops down, spinning around to find where Riddle is coming from but nobody shows up. Orton realizes he’s been made to look a fool and his angry grimace speaks volumes.





Byron Saxton is backstage with the New Day. They discuss the beatdown suffered at the hands of the Judgment Day. Big E says there is only one way to get your honor back and that is in the ring. So he doesn’t care which one it is. Next week, he wants one of them and he’ll put his Intercontinental Championship on the line to get it!







Dolph Ziggler can do it all in the ring but he’s out of his (weight) class in this one. Reed terrorizes Ziggler through the match, punishing him with several power moves as the Miz gloats at ringside. Reed climbs the turnbuckles for the Tsunami but…..




Seth Rollins hops the barrier, grabs a chair, gets on the apron and whacks the hell out of Reed, sending him down to the mat and causing the disqualification.








Rollins isn’t done. He wears out the chair on the back of Reed before he collects a mic and says that he’s ready to surf that Tsunami at Elimination Chamber. He spikes the microphone onto Reed’s back and hops out of the ring as we go to commercial and the Miz is checking on Bronson.






When we come back from commercials we see outside the arena where the Man Becky Lynch has arrived and she is about to enter the building then the door opens and Trish Stratus exits, blocking her. Becky tells her to get out of the way but Trish argues, reasoning with her and telling her that she will get her hands on them, but they’re not more important than the title. This resonates with Becky and she tells Trish to make sure to tell Stephanie hello for her.






Backstage, Maria Kanellis is talking up Drew McIntyre, telling him soon they’ll be tag team champions. Steiner, who is seated nearby doesn’t like her presence and insists that he and McIntyre ought to be training for their title match. McIntyre agrees, but tells Steiner he’ll see him later to work out, walking off with an arm around Maria.






We’re shown a graphic saying that Stephanie McMahon has made it official. Next week Big E defends the Intercontinental Championship against the Judgment Day’s Archer of Infamy Damian Priest.








Natalya is widely known as one of the best in the ring and she shows why she has that reputation but running circles around Niven but nothing she does is able to hurt Piper, and more to the point just pisses her off. Finally she grabs Natalya by the hair and clotheslines her. Natalya is seeing stars, and Niven takes advantage, dropping heavy elbows. She wears down Natalya with her strength and ends it by crushing her in the corner with an Avalanche.












Cody Rhodes comes down to ringside for the main event. Gunther and Carlito….next!







Gunther merely smirks seeing Cody sitting with the announcers. From the beginning, Gunther exerts his dominance, chopping the hell out of Carlito. Carlito tries to fight back but even when he lands a few shots, the Ring General shuts him down and overpowers him back to being on the defense. Gunther hits a powerbomb, but stops the count at two, telling Cody he decides Cody’s fate. Gunther hits another power bomb for the win.








Gunther isn’t done yet though. After the match, he leans Carlito up in the corner and begins punching and chopping him. Just as Cody stands up, intent on putting a stop to this…..




John Cena comes sprinting down to the ring and Gunther ditches to the outside, walking up the aisle and finding this very humorous. Cena checks on Carlito as Cody gets in the ring and the two share a momentary glance. 


Next week, don’t forget we have a huge Intercontinental Championship match and will we finally learn Gunther’s decision? 


Good Night from St. Louis!

Edited by Kimberly
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The Tribal Chief Returns

Ever since Gunther won the Men’s Royal Rumble, questions have swirled as to who he will challenge at WrestleMania. Last week Paul Heyman told Kayla Braxton that Roman Reigns would be seeking answers. This week the Head of the Table will be here in person to get them.

Last week Adam Pearce announced the United States Championship will be on the line inside the Elimination Chamber. Santos Escobar and Bobby Lashley have already qualified. This week we’ll find out who will join them in Perth.

In qualifying action:

Pete Dunne vs Keith Lee

Sheamus vs Ilja Dragunov

AJ Styles vs Rey Mysterio

All this and more, this Friday night, LIVE on FOX!

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A replay of last week is shown, highlighting Adam Pearce’s announcement about the United States Championship being defended in the Elimination Chamber.


We then see Bianca Belair pick Charlotte Flair for WrestleMania before she’s blindsided by Bayley.










Adam Pearce is in his office when he looks up and pales a little. Slowly he stands and as the camera pans over we see why he reacted like he did.




Roman Reigns with a smug Paul Heyman behind him is standing there. He asks Pearce how long he’s been champion. Before Pearce can answer, Reigns asks if he thinks a champion like himself should know who he will face at the biggest WrestleMania of all time. Before Pearce can answer, Reigns asks who Gunther is choosing.


Pearce is about to answer when someone else joins them.




Charlotte Flair, who is clearly already irritated steps up next to Roman. They examine each other and give a respectful nod, each calling each other ‘champ’. Charlotte says she wants Bayley at Elimination Chamber. 


Heyman cuts her off and says they’re in the middle of a conversation here. They begin to bicker and talk over each other as Reigns and Pearce watch until Pearce raises his voice.




Pearce says that as far as Charlotte goes, fine, she can have her match for the WWE Women’s Championship with Bayley at Elimination Chamber but she’s banned from the arena tonight because he doesn’t need more trouble. She smirks a little and says she’ll see him in Perth.


After she leaves, Pearce turns back to Roman. He tells him after the games Gunther is playing on Raw, he spoke with Triple H and at Elimination Chamber, Gunther will have to make his declaration and then we’ll all know.


Roman nods a little and tells Pearce for his sake, it better happen.






The LWO is in their locker room hyping up Rey for his qualifying match with AJ Styles tonight. Santos says it will be an honor to be in the Elimination Chamber with him representing the LWO. They all join in a group hug before Zelina leaves for her match.






  • Zelina takes the brunt of the punishment through the match, but she finally makes a hot tag to Michin who turns the match around for the moment as she dumps Tamina to the floor. When she turns around, Naomi hits the Rear View which is the setup for Tamina to tag back in and hit the Superfly Splash.








Kayla Braxton is with Carmelo Hayes. He talks about how it’s the road to WrestleMania and  that means it’s time for HIM to be HIM….




MVP walks into the frame and offers Carmelo a business card. MVP says he made one man Almighty. What can he do for HIM?


MVP walks off and Carmelo is looking at the card as the scene ends.






We see Charlotte Flair leaving the building. As she gets in her sports car she stops and turns to the camera, telling Bayley to get ready because she’s going to give her the ass kicking she’s deserved for years, before she gets in and speeds off.







  • This is a hell of a hard hitting match with both men just laying in their shots, trying to beat up the other guy. It is even throughout, but as the match goes on, Dragunov seems to have a battery that never runs down. Sheamus is stunned by a series of strikes and a spike DDT. Dragunov climbs to the second rope and waits for Sheamus to get up for a special Torpedo Moscow but when he leaps Sheamus catches him with a brutal Brogue Kick that gets the win.








The OC is in their locker room as AJ warms up. Gallows and Anderson psych him up and AJ looks intensely focused.






Bianca is warming up for her match tonight when Bayley walks past and stops. She says that when she becomes WWE Women’s Champion at Elimination Chamber, it will be her pleasure to put Bianca down like the dog she is. Biance gets up in Bayley’s face but stops and grins and tells her good luck. Because she’s getting her ass kicked one way or another. Bayley doesn’t like the sound of that and backs off with a sneer.







  • Lee tosses Dunne around but it's clear he has no ill will for his opponent. The show of strength merely angers Dunne to keep firing back with flurries of offense. Eventually it begins to annoy Lee who uses more power but Dunne won’t stay down. Lee goes for his sitdown powerbomb but Dunne hits a few right hands, slips out and hits a sunset flip, causing Lee to hit the back of his head on the turnbuckle. Lee is stunned, as Dunne climbs to the top and hits a knee drop off the top, securing the win.








The Brand is backstage gathered around a monitor. Paul is freaking out a little about Escobar, Lashley, Sheamus, and Dunne having qualified for the Elimination Chamber. As McAfee is trying to calm him down…..




The Street Profits come strolling up to the group and say the Usos had a good point. Ford and Dawkins need to really prove that they deserve their title shot so next week, how about they prove themselves against Theory and Waller…since they don’t have anything else to do after Bobby Lashley beat the brakes off them.


Theory and Waller quickly accept with promises to shut up the Profits, who just smile as they walk off. Now the Brand is even more upset.






Kayla Braxton is standing by with William Regal. She asks about the loss suffered by the Authors of Pain and he says that in this rough and tumble business no one stays undefeated, but there’s only three things that matter to Akam and Rezar. Making money, winning titles, and punishing anyone in their way. He tells Kayla not to worry her pretty little head over AOP. There will be plenty of opportunities to do all three of those things.






  • Evans attacks before the bell but it doesn’t do her much good. Belair absorbs the punishment then turns the match around with a spinning powerslam. From there, Bianca shows off a little, giving us a glimpse of WrestleMania before ending the match with the KOD.











  • These two give us a Hall of Fame quality match which sees both of them control large amounts of the match and they spend the rest of their time selling perfectly. Neither man is able to put the other down. At the end, AJ goes to the top, but Rey crotches him, then runs over to hit a hurricanrana but AJ hangs on and uses his position to hit a Styles Clash off the second rope for the win.








AJ leaves the ring and is met by the Good Brothers. They throw up the ‘too sweet’ with big smiles as AJ has become the last man to qualify for the United States Championship match at Elimination Chamber.






We go from the OC to the tarot parlor, but instead of Scarlett, it’s LA Knight. He says that Karrion Kross made the mistake of a lifetime targeting the Megastar. He wants to play games? LA will play games but we play by LA’s rules. 


He flips more cards, tossing a few over his shoulder. 


Elimination Chamber sounds like a good time but the game is coming to an end. So in beautiful Perth Australia, it’ll be the Megastar LA Knight versus Karrion Kross….in a first blood match.


He turns and looks down, and the camera sees that Karrion Kross is laid out unconscious at his feet.





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