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Wednesday Week 2 March 2020

USPW American Wrestling



Run It Back
Rich Money comes down to the ring.  He announces that the State of The Business is there is no business.  He announces that he disbanded the stable this morning because of their failures.  Nicky Champion comes out.  He talks about their history and challenges Money to run it back one more time with him at Liberty And Justice.  Money agrees to the match, saying he'll be happy to beat Champion again.  Champion and Money shake hands and Champion leaves without any physicality...100

Coming Tonight




Match #1
Funky Fedora vs. Enygma

In a decent match, Funky Fedora(48) defeated Enygma(68) in 10:04 by pinfall with a Slingshot Back Suplex.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
Funky Fedora p. Enygma =68


Broken Freaking Neck
A music video is shown recapping the injury last week to Trent Shaffer...68


Match #2
Kirk Jameson vs. Andre Jones

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Andre Jones(53) defeated Kirk Jameson(48) in 6:51 by pinfall with a Forward Russian Legsweep.  Referee=Chad Brent
Andre Jones p. Kirk Jameson =55


Psyche Up
Alicia Strong is backstage, psyching up The Muscle Monsters for their upcoming match.  She tells them they need a victory tonight against Melody and Sara Marie.  She reminds them that they are part  of the most elite group in USPW...60


Match #3
The Muscle Monsters vs. Melody and Sara Marie

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Melody(63) and Sara Marie(65) defeated The Muscle Monsters(King-40, Gloria-32) in 14:32 when Sara Marie pinned Glorious Gloria with an Energy Burst.  Referee=Baby Jamie
Melody and Sara Marie p. The Muscle Monsters =62


Hype For Dusty Ducont
In a promo, Elizabeth Cartier hypes Dusty Ducont.  She says it's time for him to step up and be the best wrestler he knows how to be.  That means he is a future World Champion...68



Reign In Flames
Tyson Baine comes down to the ring.  Baine talks about the USPW World title being forged in fire and he is the one who reigns in the flames.  He says that he has returned to take the USPW World title back to the lake of flames.  He is interrupted by Running Wolf, who comes down to the ring.  Running Wolf says that Baine would have to take the title from his cold, dead hands.  Baine says that's possible.  Running Wolf tries to attack Tyson Baine but Baine no-sells the attack.  Baine grabs Running Wolf by the throat and chokes him down to the mat.  Officials come in to break things up and Baine sends fire from all four corners before leaving the ring...84


Match #4
Joss Thompson vs. The Force

In a good match, Joss Thompson(86) defeated The Force(60) in 9:43 by pinfall with a Clean Cutter.  Referee=Rob Perkins
Joss Thompson p. The Force =82


Surprise Debut
Huey Cannonball comes in from the crowd and enters the ring.  He says that everyone knows who he is but they don't know why he's here.  He calls out Nicky Champion, Jack Bruce and Running Wolf.  His microphone cuts out and security steps in, escorting Cannonball out of the ring...76


An Apology
Backstage, Roger Cage talks with Casey Valentine.  Valentine apologizes for what happened last week.  He says that he lost his temper.  Cage accepts the apology.  Valentine tells Cage he set up a tag team match for them and it's up next.  Valentine turns to leave and Cage frowns before he follows...71


Match #5
Shockwave vs. Roger Cage and Casey Valentine

In a decent match, Roger Cage(64) and Casey Valentine(68) defeated Shockwave(Atlas-55, Jackson-54) in 5:31 when Roger Cage pinned Jumbo Jackson with a Cage Rage.  Referee=Chad Brent
Roger Cage and Casey Valentine p. Shockwave =61



Liberty And Justice Control Center
In a video, Danny Jillefski hosts the Liberty And Justice Control Center.  He talks about the upcoming show, sending us to a promo by Jaime Quine.  Quine hypes her match with Pariah, saying she has a paper bag waiting for her.  She cannot wait to see Pariah in that paper bag as she believes it will be an improvement...72


Match #6
Natural Storm vs. Hawkeye & Wolf

In a good match, Hawkeye(94) & Wolf(83) defeated Natural Storm(Howard-71, Rayne-70) in 14:39 when Nicky Champion pinned Eddie Howard with a Hawkeye Hammer.

In terms of in-ring work, Nicky Champion was head and shoulders above everyone else.  
Hawkeye & Wolf p. Natural Storm =90



You Want A War?
Post-Match, Hawkeye & Wolf celebrate their victory.  In from the crowd comes Huey Cannonball.  Cannonball looks at the two in the ring and talks about how USPW wanted a war and now they're going to get a war.  Nicky Champion speaks up, saying that Cannonball alone doesn't make for a war.  Cannonball says he's not alone and you'll find out.  He stares up at them as the show comes to an end...96

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Wednesday Week 3 March 2020

USPW American Wrestling




Welcome To Canada
Jack Bruce welcomes United States Pro Wrestling to Canada.  He says they have some of the best pro wrestling planned for this show, including Nicky Champion facing a mystery Canadian opponent.  Bruce is interrupted by Joss Thompson.  The Complete Package comes to the ring and demands a match on this show.  Before Bruce can answer, Running Wolf comes out from the back.  Running Wolf says that he accepts the challenge to a non title match.  Bruce agrees to the match and calls for a referee because this match is next...92


Match #1
Non-Title Match
Joss Thompson vs. Running Wolf

In a superb match, Running Wolf(83) defeated Joss Thompson(83) in 10:44 by pinfall with a Wolf Tamer.  Referee=Rob Perkins
Running Wolf p. Joss Thompson =68




What A Save
Running Wolf is being attacked by Joss Thompson in the ring. Seeing the assault, Ricky Dale Johnson comes running in and chases Thompson off, saving Running Wolf from a serious beating.  This leaves RDJ in the ring with the World Champion.  The two go face to face and then shake hands...81


I Fought The Law
A music video is shown to promote Rick Law...69


Match #2
Turk Trenneman vs. Zeus

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Turk Trenneman(42) defeated Zeus(54) in 6:07 by pinfall with a Spinebuster.  Referee=Chad Brent
Turk Trenneman p. Zeus =55



You Stole My Thunder
Backstage, Roger Cage and Casey Valentine get into an argument.  Valentine argues that Cage took the pin last week intentionally to make him look bad.  Valentine slaps Cage.  Cage shoves Valentine, leading to Valentine kicking Cage between the legs.  Valentine shoves Cage to the ground and walks off...80


Match #3
USPW Women's Title Match
Jaime Quine defends vs. Missy Masterson

In a decent match, Jaime Quine(77) defeated Missy Masterson(59) in 12:17 by pinfall with a K.O. Kick. Jaime Quine makes defence number eleven of the USPW Women's title.  Referee=Baby Jamie
Jaime Quine p. Missy Masterson =79

Coming Tonight





Dark Bulldozer
Steve Frehley comes down to the ring. He talks about recovering from Red, White And Blue.  But he says he is back and he is looking to show the world why they call him The Dark Destroyer.  Bulldozer Brandon Smith comes out from the back and enters the ring.  Bulldozer says that people have compared the two of them for awhile now and he thinks it's time to see which of them is better.  Frehley asks if that's a challenge and Bulldozer responds that it is a challenge for Liberty And Justice.  Frehley accepts the challenge and throws a few insults.  Bulldozer just smiles and exits the ring, heading for the back.  Frehley leaves a few moments later...90


Match #4
Shockwave vs. American Gold

In a terrible match, American Gold(28) defeated Shockwave(Atlas-55, Jackson-54) in 8:13 when Maliek Chamberlain pinned Jumbo Jackson with a Golden Spike.  Referee=Rob Perkins
American Gold p. Shockwave =50



Skull Attack
Skull DeBones is shown standing in the crowd.  Huey Cannonball attacks him from behind with a chair, hitting him in the back and then in the knee.  Cannonball locks DeBones's knee in a chair and stomps on it.  Security comes in and Cannonball takes off through the crowd...76


Match #5
Dusty Ducont vs. Leaf LeBaum

In a terrible match, Dusty Ducont(58) defeated Leaf LeBaum(30) in 5:48 by pinfall with a Thrown Powerbomb.  Referee=Chad Brent
Dusty Ducont p. Leaf LeBaum =54



Title Defense?
Backstage, Jett & Moor comes across Natural Storm.  D.C. Rayne talks about them being the best tag team in the world without the gold.  He says that Jett & Moor are the best team with the gold so these two teams should meet.  Jacob Jett immediately accepts the challenge and says that it will be an honor to beat the most highly decorated team in USPW history.  Eddie Howard and Julius Moor go face to face.  Howard says it will be an honor to face them.  Moor agrees.  The four men go their separate ways without incident...78



Mystery Opponent
Nicky Champion is in the ring waiting for his opponent.  The music for Dan Stone Jr begins to play and he comes out to the ring.  He shakes hands with Champion and it's time for the main event...82


Match #6
Dan Stone, Jr. vs. Nicky Champion

In an exceptional match, Nicky Champion(95) defeated Dan Stone Jr(77) in 14:40 by pinfall with a Hawkeye Hammer.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
Nicky Champion p. Dan Stone, Jr. =86


Celebration In Canada
The match is over and Nicky Champion and Dan Stone Jr celebrate together in the ring for the fans...92

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Wednesday Week 4 March 2020

USPW American Wrestling



Backstage Brawl
Steve Frehley and Bulldozer Brandon Smith are brawling in the backstage area.  Frehley sets up a table but Bulldozer fights back.  Bulldozer puts Frehley through the table with a spinebuster.  Bulldozer looks down at Frehley for a moment before officials come in to break things up...93


Match #1
Non-Title Match
T-Rex vs. Running Wolf

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Running Wolf(82) defeated T-Rex(45) in 5:50 by pinfall with a Wolf Tamer.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
Running Wolf p. T-Rex =70



Flames Are Coming
Having picked up the victory, Running Wolf celebrates in the ring when the video screen lights up.  Tyson Baine is shown standing with flames all around him.  Baine warns Running Wolf that the flames are coming for him this Saturday.  He says that the flames are coming for the World title.  Running Wolf yells for him to come and get some.  Tyson Baine comes in the ring behind Running Wolf and attacks, dropping Running Wolf with another Hades Bomb and then grabbing the USPW World title belt, holding it up...85


Match #2
Casey Valentine vs. Jimmy Chipolata

In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Casey Valentine(66) defeated Jimmy Chipolata(25) in 6:28 by pinfall with a Deep Impact.  Referee=Chad Brent
Casey Valentine p. Jimmy Chipolata =64



Weak American
Roger Cage is walking backstage, turns a corner, and bumps into Petr Novak.  Novak says that Cage is weak and that the title should be the Russian National title.  Cage says that Novak can have a shot to prove it tonight.  Novak punches Cage and knocks him down before he accepts and walks away...67


Match #3
Juliette King vs. Missy Masterson

In a decent match, Juliette King(48) defeated Missy Masterson(61) in 6:09 by pinfall with a Vertical Suplex Drop.  Referee=Rob Perkins
Juliette King p. Missy Masterson =62


Da Phreak Is Back
Andre Jones cuts a backstage promo where he says he is the new Andre Jones.  He says he's no longer reliant on the volleyball.  He says that he is going to prove each and every week that he is the best athlete in pro wrestling today.  He challenges anyone to a match next week on American Wrestling...49


Match #4
Jaime Quine and Jillian Jarvis vs. Pariah and Wendy Anderson

In a decent match, Pariah(65) and Wendy Anderson(48) defeated Jaime Quine(74) and Jillian Jarvis(58) in 10:08 when Pariah pinned Jillian Jarvis with a Tornado DDT.

Wendy Anderson was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.  Referee=Baby Jamie
Pariah and Wendy Anderson p. Jaime Quine and Jillian Jarvis =72



Friday Night Fights
Jack Bruce comes out to the ring.  He announces a brand new tv show beginning next month called USPW Friday Night Fights.  He says the roster will be divided between the two shows and that will happen on USPW.com.  Joss Thompson comes out and says he wants the top spot on the new show.  He says that he will be the new and fresh talent that deserves a push.  Bruce says that Thompson can earn that push tonight and at Liberty And Justice.  Thompson says he will prove he is The Complete Package.  The segment ends as we go to commercial...99


Match #5
USPW National Title Match
Roger Cage defends vs. Petr Novak

In a decent match, Roger Cage(63) defeated Petr Novak(61) in 6:17 by pinfall with a fast roll up. Roger Cage makes defence number seven of the USPW National title.  Referee=Chad Brent
Roger Cage p. Petr Novak =68



Family Lineage
Casey Valentine is shown watching a monitor.  Lionel Greenwood approaches him and asks him about what happened last week.  Valentine says he did what he should have done months ago.  He says he is going to put Roger Cage down for good at Liberty And Justice and walk away with his family's legacy.  Valentine insults Greenwood and then walks away as we go to the ring...57


Match #6
Jacob Jett vs. D.C. Rayne

In a decent match, D.C. Rayne(68) defeated Jacob Jett(72) in 6:23 by pinfall with a fast roll up.  Referee=Rob Perkins
D.C. Rayne p. Jacob Jett =69


Getting Funky
Funky Fedora talks about defeating Enygma, saying that he brought the funk in that match.  He promises to bring the funk whether it's on American Wrestling or Friday Night Fights.  Funky Fedora is always better than the rest...69





Match #6
Steve Frehley, Rich Money and Joss Thompson vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Nicky Champion and Ricky Dale Johnson

In a superb match, Steve Frehley(88), Rich Money(82) and Joss Thompson(83) defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith(79), Nicky Champion(94) and Ricky Dale Johnson(68) in 14:37 when Joss Thompson pinned Nicky Champion with a Clean Cutter.

Ricky Dale Johnson was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
Steve Frehley, Rich Money and Joss Thompson p. Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Nicky Champion and Ricky Dale Johnson =92



Post-Match Brawl
Steve Frehley, Rich Money and Joss Thompson get into a pull apart brawl with Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Nicky Champion and Ricky Dale Johnson.  The brawl spills out of the ring and around the arena.  The show ends with the brawl taking place in and out of the ring...90

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Saturday Week 4 March 2020

USPW Liberty And Justice


Match #1
Rich Money vs. Nicky Champion

In an exceptional match, Nicky Champion(91) defeated Rich Money(79) in 15:24 by pinfall with a Hawkeye Hammer.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
Nicky Champion p. Rich Money =95



Attack And Save
Post-Match, Huey Cannonball slides into the ring and attacks Nicky Champion.  Cannonball slides Champion's ankle in a chair but Skull DeBones comes in from the audience with the baseball bat.  He chases Cannonball off, sending him running through the crowd...88



Not Going To Get Injured
Backstage, Jack Bruce is shown watching the monitor.  He turns and is approached by Joss Thompson.  Thompson reminds Bruce that he beat Nicky Champion last Wednesday night.  Bruce asks where he heard this one before.  Thompson says he's not going to get injured.  He says he's going to beat Ricky Dale Johnson tonight to prove that he's the top guy in this industry.  Bruce says he'll have this shot as we move forward...100




Match #2
USPW World Tag Team Titles Match
Jett & Moor defend vs. Natural Storm

In a decent match, Natural Storm(71) defeated Jett(72) & Moor(71) in 13:33 when D.C. Rayne pinned Jacob Jett with a Storm Damage. Natural Storm win the USPW World Tag Team titles.  Referee=Chad Brent
Natural Storm p. Jett & Moor =80


The Dark Destroyer
Backstage, Steve Frehley hypes the match with Bulldozer Brandon Smith tonight.  He calls him a young pup and says he's going to learn that he ain't nothin...87



A video plays hyping Alicia Strong, Juliette King and Glorious Gloria vs. Melody, Sara Marie, and Charity Sweet...52




Match #3
The Triumverate vs. Melody, Sara Marie and Charity Sweet

In a decent match, Melody(68), Sara Marie(71) and Charity Sweet(51) defeated The Triumvirate (Alicia Strong(73), Glorious Gloria(35) and Juliette King(47)) in 11:51 when Charity Sweet pinned Glorious Gloria with a Sugar Smack.

Glorious Gloria was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.  Referee=Rob Perkins
Melody, Sara Marie and Charity Sweet p. The Triumverate =69


Ricky Dale Johnson had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Joss Thompson.  He says that Thompson don't know what he's in for and that he will prove himself once again to be one of the top athletes in the company...85


Match #4
USPW National Title Match
Roger Cage defends vs. Casey Valentine

In a decent match, Casey Valentine(70) defeated Roger Cage(67) in 11:31 by pinfall with a Deep Impact. Casey Valentine wins the USPW National title.  Referee=Baby Jamie
Casey Valentine p. Roger Cage =77



Good Luck
Backstage, Running Wolf is talking with Jack Bruce.  Bruce wishes Running Wolf good luck in his match tonight.  Running Wolf talks about how tough an opponent that Tyson Baine is.  Running Wolf says that he will make sure that he keeps this title for the fans and USPW...93



A video plays hyping Steve Frehley vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith...73


Match #5
Steve Frehley vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

In a bout that had superb wrestling and great heat, Steve Frehley(90) defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith(82) in 9:39 by pinfall with a handful of tights.  Referee=Rob Perkins
Steve Frehley p. Bulldozer Brandon Smith =84


Enygma cuts a backstage promo where he talks about having a tough time lately and not being at the top anymore.  He says that this is a time where he wants to train up new wrestlers and he will do that each and every week that he can.  He says that they won't solve the Enygma but they will get better...63



Hype 2
A video plays hyping Joss Thompson vs. Ricky Dale Johnson...68


Match #6
Joss Thompson vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Joss Thompson(86) defeated Ricky Dale Johnson(68) in 12:03 by pinfall with a Clean Cutter.  Referee=Chad Brent
Joss Thompson p. Ricky Dale Johnson =81



Through A Table
The match is over and Ricky Dale Johnson is left down.  Joss Thompson slips out of the ring and grabs a table, sliding it back in the ring.  He slides back in and puts RDJ through the table with a spinebuster.  Thompson stands tall over RDJ as we go backstage...83


Paper Bag
Jaime Quine had an interview hyping her upcoming singles match with Pariah.  Quine says she has a paper bag specifically made for Pariah...80


Match #7
USPW Women's Title Match
Jaime Quine defends vs. Pariah

In a good match, Pariah(71) defeated Jaime Quine(77) in 15:24 by pinfall with a Tornado DDT. Pariah wins the USPW Women's title.  Referee=Baby Jamie
Pariah p. Jaime Quine =78



Hype 3
A video plays hyping Running Wolf vs. Tyson Baine...68


Match #8
USPW World Title Match
Running Wolf defends vs. Tyson Baine

In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Running Wolf(83) defeated Tyson Baine(68) in 14:56 by pinfall with a Wolf Tamer. Running Wolf makes defence number two of the USPW World title.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
Running Wolf p. Tyson Baine =79


Having picked up the victory, Running Wolf celebrates in the ring and then goes into the crowd to celebrate.  Running Wolf takes a microphone and thanks everyone for coming before saying that he promises to defend this title each and every time he can.  He announces an open challenge for this coming American Wrestling.  Running Wolf celebrates with the crowd as the show comes to an end...90

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Wednesday Week 1 April 2020

USPW American Wrestling




Open Challenge Accepted
Running Wolf comes down to the ring.  Running Wolf talks about being the USPW World Champion and then talks about his open challenge for tonight.  Huey Cannonball comes through the crowd and enters the ring.  Cannonball says he accepts the open challenge unless Running Wolf is a coward and won't face him.  Jack Bruce comes out from the back and makes the match official.  Running Wolf says he has no problem facing Cannonball.  He says he will beat him tonight and prove USPW's superiority over outsiders.  Cannonball slaps Running Wolf and then takes off out of the ring and through the crowd...95


Match #1
USPW National Title Match
Casey Valentine defends vs. Roger Cage

In a decent match, Casey Valentine(70) defeated Roger Cage(67) in 10:24 by pinfall with a Deep Impact. Casey Valentine makes defence number one of the USPW National title.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
Casey Valentine p. Roger Cage =78



I Want A Shot
Backstage, Jack Bruce is shown watching on the monitor.  He gets approached by Ricky Dale Johnson.  RDJ says that he needs to continue to prove himself here.  He wants to challenge Casey Valentine for the National title at Freedom Fight.  Bruce grants him the match but says it won't be an easy contest.  RDJ says that nothing in life is ever easy...87


Match #2
Killer Kass vs. Sara Marie

In a decent match, Sara Marie(72) defeated Killer Kass(53) in 6:19 by pinfall with an Energy Burst.  Referee=Chad Brent
Sara Marie p. Killer Kass =63




Through A Table?
Post-Match, Juliette King comes out and attacks Sara Marie.  King tries to put Sara Marie through a table but Wendy Anderson comes out to break things up.  Jack Bruce comes out and books a match between Juliette King and Wendy Anderson right now...68


Match #3
Juliette King vs. Wendy Anderson

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Juliette King(48) defeated Wendy Anderson(53) in 14:53 by pinfall with a Vertical Suplex Drop.  Referee=Baby Jamie
Juliette King p. Wendy Anderson =59



Who Is Better?
Backstage, Melody is arguing with Jillian Jarvis over who is the better wrestler.  Jarvis challenges Melody to make that determination next week in the ring.  Melody agrees to the match before she is attacked by Jarvis.  Jarvis takes down Melody with the Lockdown Choke Sleeper before releasing and walking away...63



Prove Myself
Nicky Champion comes down to the ring.  Champion talks about the brand split and how he's proud of Running Wolf for being the USPW World Champion.  He says that, maybe, one day Running Wolf will give him a title shot.  He is interrupted by Sterling Whitlock.  Whitlock comes down to the ring.  He says that Champion has taken enough title matches from other people who are working just as hard.  He says he wants to prove himself to Rich Money that he shouldn't have been released from The Business.  He challenges Champion to a match next week.  Champion accepts the match and Whitlock smiles.  Whitlock walks off and Champion goes into the crowd to celebrate with them...77



Worship Me
Backstage, Anthony Trask meets up with Jacob Jett.  Trask volunteers Jett to join him in his pursuits, to be a worshipper of The Traskmaster.  Jett disagrees with him, saying he doesn't worship anyone.  Trask frowns and tells him so be it before attacking him.  Trask picks up Jett and puts him through a table before walking off, muttering that Jett should have taken him up on his offer...71


Match #4
The Cold Warriors vs. The Texas Express

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, The Cold Warriors(Novak-64, Karloff-48) defeated The Texas Express(Trenneman-49, Christie-44) in 5:35 when Petr Novak pinned Cooper Christie with The Balance Of Power.

Petr Novak carried the match in terms of in-ring performance.  Referee=Chad Brent
The Cold Warriors p. The Texas Express =62


Scouting Our Opponents
Backstage, Natural Storm are shown watching the monitor.  D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howard discuss The Cold Warriors as their next title defense.  Rayne says there's going to be a storm warning on Novak and Karloff.  Howard says it will happen naturally.  Rayne challenges Karloff to meet him one on one next week...64


Match #5
Hitomaro Suzuki vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Ricky Dale Johnson(68) defeated Hitomaro Suzuki(22) in 6:06 by pinfall with a Southern Justice.  Referee=Rob Perkins
Ricky Dale Johnson p. Hitomaro Suzuki =56


All About The Money
In a video, Rich Money is shown seated in his home.  He talks about the brand split and how lucky American Wrestling is to have him.  Money talks about being the best in the world.  He says that he will prove that against any wrestler that comes to face him.  He says he will be in the building next week to confront whoever the champion is.  After all, everybody's got a price for Rich Money.  Money laughs and snaps his fingers.  A glass of champagne is brought and he takes a sip before we go to the ring for our main event...100


Match #6
USPW World Title Match
Running Wolf defends vs. Huey Cannonball

In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Running Wolf(83) defeated Huey Cannonball(68) in 15:14 when Huey Cannonball was disqualified when Joey Morgan ran in and attacked Running Wolf. Running Wolf makes defence number three of the USPW World title.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
Running Wolf d. Huey Cannonball =82



Skull Save
Post-Match, Huey Cannonball and Joey Morgan attack Running Wolf.  Skull DeBones rushes out from the back and makes the save.  DeBones stares down Cannonball and Morgan as the show comes to an end...80

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Friday Week 1 April 2020

USPW Friday Night Fights



Arrogant Debut
Running Wolf opens the first ever Friday Night Fights.  He talks about coming here for one reason and that's to wrestle.  He offers a non-title match to anyone willing to step up and face him.  Out from the back comes the debut of Aaron Andrews.  The arrogant Andrews steps out to the ring and talks about joining the big pond.  Andrews says he's the best wrestler in this company now and he will prove it tonight when he takes out the World Champion.  Running Wolf agrees to the match and they get into a shoving match before Running Wolf lifts Andrews on his shoulders.  Andrews wiggles free and exits the ring, saying he'll see Running Wolf tonight...84


Match #1
Joss Thompson vs. Rick Law (w/Dawn Gemmell)

In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Joss Thompson(87) defeated Rick Law(69) in 13:05 by pinfall with a Clean Cutter.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
Joss Thompson p. Rick Law =71



I Deserve A Title Shot
Alicia Strong is walking backstage, turns a corner, and bumps into Pariah.  Strong says that she deserves the USPW Women's title since she has the greatest lineage in professional wrestling.  Pariah says she's willing to put her title on the line tonight.  Strong smirks and slaps Pariah, telling her that she just made the biggest mistake of her career before walking off...93


Match #2
Atlas vs. The Force

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, The Force(50) defeated Atlas(46) in 6:24 by pinfall with a Full Force.  Referee=Rob Perkins
The Force p. Atlas =46



Another New Hire
Backstage, Jack Bruce is shown in his office.  Bruce announces that USPW Friday Night Fights will take place in Mexico each and every week in the month of May.  This will include Declaration Of Independence taking place in Mexico.  The door opens, revealing Brandon James walking into the office.  Bruce and James shake hands and Bruce welcomes Brandon James to USPW.  James reminds Bruce that he is the franchise player and should be treated as such each and every week here on Friday Night Fights.  Bruce says he has a match for Brandon James next week.  He says that James will find out his opponent next week.  James reminds Bruce that he is the big money in this company and that he will bring the big money here to Friday Night Fights.  Bruce says he'll have a chance before going to the ring...91


Match #3
USPW Women's Title Match
Pariah defends vs. Alicia Strong

In a good match, Pariah(72) defeated Alicia Strong(77) in 14:34 by pinfall with a Tornado DDT. Pariah makes defence number one of the USPW Women's title.  Referee=Baby Jamie
Pariah p. Alicia Strong =77



The Dark Destroyer Isn't Moved
Steve Frehley comes down to the ring.  Frehley brags about defeating Bulldozer Brandon Smith at Liberty And Justice.  Frehley is interrupted by the arrival of Julius Moor.  Moor enters the ring and talks about how he has moved from tag team wrestling tio singles wrestling.  Moor says that he wants to step in the ring with Frehley one on one to prove himself to the fans.  Frehley agrees to a match next week between the two.  Frehley takes Moor down with a clothesline and then hits the Dark Destroyer Spear.  Frehley stands over Moor, listening to the boos before exiting the ring...88


Match #4
Kirk Jameson (w/Maryam Vega) vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

In a decent match, Bulldozer Brandon Smith(84) defeated Kirk Jameson(56) in 10:17 by pinfall with a Tombstone Piledriver.  Referee=Rob Perkins
Bulldozer Brandon Smith p. Kirk Jameson =76



Clean Cutter
Bulldozer Brandon Smith is celebrating his victory in the ring before he is attacked by Joss Thompson.  Thompson hits the Clean Cutter and then stands over Bulldozer, raising his own arms to boos from the crowd.  Thompson gives another stomp to Bulldozer before walking off as the announcers ask why Thompson made that attack...83


Dream Team
In a promo, The Dream Team are shown leaning against a brick wall.  Grandmaster Phunk says that they were brought here to win tag team gold and that's what's going to happen.  Greg Black challenges Natural Storm to meet them in the ring next week on Friday Night Fights.  Phunk reminds fans that, like the 1992 Olympic basketball team, they are a Dream Team.  With that, we go to the ring...60


Match #5
Tiffany Jade and Shiori Jippensha vs. The Bombshells

In a bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Tiffany Jade(66) and Shiori Jippensha(26) defeated The Bombshells(Adams-42, Fairchild-40) in 8:28 when Tiffany Jade pinned Amelia Fairchild with a Green Destiny.

Tiffany Jade carried the match in terms of in-ring performance. Shiori Jippensha was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.  Referee=Chad Brent
Tiffany Jade and Shiori Jippensha p. The Bombshells =53


On My Own
In a promo, Elizabeth Cartier hypes up Dusty Ducont.  She says that he was never given a chance because he was held down as a member of The Business.  Now that he is on his own, he is going to run roughshod over every wrestler on Friday Night Fights until he faces Running Wolf.  Then, he is going to become the new USPW World Champion.  Ducont stands there beside Cartier looking menacing...69


Match #6
Non-Title Match
Aaron Andrews vs. Running Wolf

In a bout that had superb wrestling and great heat, Aaron Andrews(87) defeated Running Wolf(86) in 14:37 by pinfall with a handful of tights.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
Aaron Andrews p. Running Wolf =85



I Deserve The Title
Post-Match, Running Wolf slowly gets to his feet and offers to shake hands with Aaron Andrews.  Andrews accepts the handshake but then turns it into a Standing Hot Shot.  Andrews grabs the USPW World title belt and raises it up as the show comes to an end...88

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Wednesday Week 2 April 2020

USPW American Wrestling



Giving To Charity
Rich Money comes down to the ring.  Money immediately calls Running Wolf to the ring with him.  Running Wolf comes out to cheers from the crowd.  Running Wolf enters the ring and comes face to face with Money.  Money talks about Running Wolf getting his money before and how that wasn't right.  But everybody has a price and Money says he has a price that will put him at the head of the line for a World title shot.  Money says that if Running Wolf gives him a title shot at Freedom Fight, he will give 100,000.00 to a local charity.  Running Wolf responds that he is a fighting champion and agrees to the match.  Money smiles and shakes hands with Running Wolf before taking him down with the Bank Roll.  Money stomps on Running Wolf and heads to the top turnbuckle, hitting Dollars From Heaven.  Money picks up the USPW World title belt and holds it up to boos from the crowd.  Money drops the belt to Running Wolf and walks off...100


Match #1
Krusher Karloff vs. D.C. Rayne

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, D.C. Rayne(64) defeated Krusher Karloff(40) in 10:09 by pinfall with a Storm Damage.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
D.C. Rayne p. Krusher Karloff =63


Managing Debut
Kristen Pearce makes her debut, announcing that she has come to make wrestlers their very best.  She says she is going to start with a redemption story and that is with former USPW World Champion T-Rex.  T-Rex steps into view of the camera and looks menacing.  She scratches her nails down his chest and promises a brand new T-Rex...57


Match #2
Funky Fedora vs. Leaf LeBaum

In a bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Funky Fedora(54) defeated Leaf LeBaum(31) in 6:26 by pinfall with a Top Rope Knee Drop.  Referee=Chad Brent
Funky Fedora p. Leaf LeBaum =43


Coming Soon
A music video is shown to promote Pablo Rodriguez.  He will be making his USPW debut sometime soon...58


Match #3
Jillian Jarvis vs. Melody

In a decent match, Jillian Jarvis(59) defeated Melody(72) in 13:41 by submission with a Lockdown Choke Sleeper after blatantly cheating.  Referee=Baby Jamie
Jillian Jarvis d. Melody =71


Challenge For Freedom Fight
In a promo, James Justice is shown standing side by side with Skull DeBones.  Justice says it's time that he stands up for the company that brought him so much success.  He says he is standing beside DeBones and challenging Huey Cannonball and Joey Morgan to a match at Freedom Fight.  He promises these dudes will see the best of USPW...71




Women's Title
Pariah comes out to the ring.  She talks about being the USPW Women's Champion and that she's earned the right to call herself the best.  She is interrupted by Raven Robinson, who joins her in the ring.  Robinson says that she knows what it's like to be alone.  She says she lived most of her life alone.  But she became a three time USPW Women's Champion.  Robinson says she wants a shot at being the next USPW Women's Champion at Freedom Fight.  Pariah says she's a fighting champion and agrees to the match.  Robinson begins to smile as she gets the match but here comes Jack Bruce.  Bruce says that Robinson doesn't just get a title shot.  Bruce says she has to earn it.  He says he will give her a number one contender's match next week on American Wrestling.  Robinson stomps her foot in anger but Bruce smiles and walks off and we go to a commercial as Pariah and Robinson leave the ring...100




Match #4
Casey Valentine, Huey Cannonball and Joey Morgan vs. Ricky Dale Johnson, Roger Cage and Morgan Malone

In a decent match, Casey Valentine(71), Huey Cannonball(69) and Joey Morgan(72) defeated Ricky Dale Johnson(68), Roger Cage(67) and Morgan Malone(43) in 10:40 when Joey Morgan pinned Morgan Malone with an Empire Spiral.

Morgan Malone was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.  Referee=Rob Perkins
Casey Valentine, Huey Cannonball and Joey Morgan p. Ricky Dale Johnson, Roger Cage and Morgan Malone =74


Make Sure He Stays True To His Word
Nicky Champion and Running Wolf are talking backstage.  Champion tells Running Wolf to make sure that Rich Money makes true with what he said about sending money to a local charity.  Running Wolf says he will be sure of that and then tells Champion to win tonight against Sterling Whitlock.  Champion says that Whitlock is not ready to be at the top and he's going to prove it tonight...84


Match #5
Jack Jackson vs. Jacob Jett (w/Persephone)

In a poor match, Jacob Jett(70) defeated Jack Jackson(34) in 6:10 by pinfall with a Jett Take Off.  Referee=Chad Brent
Jacob Jett p. Jack Jackson =62


We Accept
Huey Cannonball and Joey Morgan are shown in the backstage area.  Cannonball talks about finally signing a contract with USPW.  He says that he plans to take the company down from the inside.  Morgan accepts the challenge issued by James Justice and Skull DeBones.  He says that those two old wrestlers are going to learn lessons courtesy of the best...70


Match #6
Sterling Whitlock vs. Nicky Champion

In a good match, Nicky Champion(92) defeated Sterling Whitlock(64) in 15:23 by pinfall with a Hawkeye Hammer.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
Nicky Champion p. Sterling Whitlock =87



Post-Match Attack
Post-Match, T-Rex comes out from the back and assaults Nicky Champion from behind.  T-Rex laughs and locks Champion in the Jurassic Crush.  Champion struggles in the hold before he finally begins fading out.  T-Rex releases him and stomps on him a few times.  T-Rex stands over Champion as the show comes to a close...86

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Friday Week 2 April 2020

USPW Friday Night Fights



Earned A Title Match
Aaron Andrews comes down to the ring.  Andrews talks about defeating Running Wolf last week.  He says that this should earn him a shot at the World title.  He issues a challenge to whoever the World Champion is after Freedom Fight.  With that said, he wants a match tonight and asks for anyone to come out and face him.  Here comes Dan Stone Jr.  Dan Stone Jr comes out and says that he accepts the challenge and that he is going to prove himself right here right now against the man who beat the World Champion.  Dan Stone Jr enters the ring and is ready for battle...65


Match #1
Aaron Andrews vs. Dan Stone, Jr.

In a decent match, Aaron Andrews(88) defeated Dan Stone Jr(39) in 11:56 by pinfall with a Standing Hot Shot.  Referee=Baby Jamie
Aaron Andrews p. Dan Stone, Jr. =72




Nothing Without The Triumverate?
Charity Sweet is walking backstage, turns a corner, and bumps into Glorious Gloria.  The two get into an argument with Sweet telling Gloria that she would be nothing without the Triumverate.  Gloria responds that Sweet would know about being nothing.  Jack Bruce approaches the two women and says they can find out who's better next week when they go one on one...69


Match #2
Kirk Jameson (w/Maryam Vega) vs. Andre Jones

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Andre Jones(56) defeated Kirk Jameson(52) in 5:37 by pinfall with a Forward Russian Legsweep.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
Andre Jones p. Kirk Jameson =62


He Ain't Nothin
Steve Frehley had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Julius Moor.  Frehley says that Moor is not even close to being on his level.  Frehley says it doesn't matter what Julius Moor has to say or do tonight because at the end of the day he ain't nothin...87


Match #3
Brandon James vs. Enygma

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Brandon James(73) defeated Enygma(63) in 15:02 by pinfall with a Big Money Move.  
Brandon James p. Enygma =71


Running Wolf
A music video is shown to promote Running Wolf...72



Tied Together
Joss Thompson comes down to the ring and talks about making an impact last week on the first Friday Night Fights.  Thompson reminds the fans that he is The Complete Package and the face of Friday Night Fights.  Bulldozer Brandon Smith joins Thompson in the ring.  Bulldozer says that the face of Friday Night Fights is about to have some bruises.  Thompson says that the two of them are about to be linked as Bulldozer rides Thompson's coattails.  Thompson says they might as well start things in Mexico when it's time for USPW Declaration Of Independence.  He challenges Bulldozer to a fight in Mexico.  Bulldozer accepts and takes down Thompson with a clothesline.  Thompson rolls out of the ring and Bulldozer stays in the ring because his match is next...100



Deserves A Match
Backstage, Elizabeth Cartier approaches Jack Bruce.  Cartier asks Bruce when he's going to have a match for Dusty Ducont.  Cartier says that Ducont is the future of USPW.  Bruce says he'll his chance to be the future.  He says he's going to have an excellent international wrestler to go in the ring and face Ducont next week.  Bruce says that Ducont will find out next week who that opponent is, just like everyone else...79


Match #4
Mick Muscles vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

In a decent match, Bulldozer Brandon Smith(81) defeated Mick Muscles(47) in 7:41 by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver.  Referee=Rob Perkins
Bulldozer Brandon Smith p. Mick Muscles =74


I'll Prove That I'm Something
Julius Moor had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Steve Frehley.  He says he is going to prove he is something, especially now in the singles ranks.  Moor says that tonight is just his beginning...88


Match #5
Shiori Jippensha vs. Missy Masterson

In a bout that had sub-par wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Missy Masterson(61) defeated Shiori Jippensha(35) in 5:58 by pinfall with an Identity Crisis.  Referee=Chad Brent
Missy Masterson p. Shiori Jippensha =55



She's An Uggo
Backstage, Jaime Quine is shown watching the monitor.  Quine talks about her brief history with Missy Masterson.  Quine says that Masterson is an uggo and a loser.  Jack Bruce walks up, overhearing Quine.  He tells Quine to get her paper bag ready because she is going to be in the ring next week with Missy Masterson.  Quine yells no, that she shouldn't be in the ring with someone that ugly.  Bruce responds that the match has been made and if she doesn't show up, she will lose a future Women's title match but she won't know when...81



Declaration Of Independence
Backstage, Natural Storm approach The Dream Team.  Grandmaster Phunk asks D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howard about that USPW World Tag Team titles match.  D.C. Rayne speaks up, saying that when they retain their titles at Freedom Fight they will be able to defend them against The Dream Team.  Black speaks up, asking for their match at Declaration Of Independence.  Eddie Howard agrees to the match and says that they are going to rock the house down together.  Phunk says that they will do that but then it's going to get phunky.  The four men laugh and smile before we go to the ring...62



Match #6
Steve Frehley vs. Julius Moor

In a superb match, Steve Frehley(88) defeated Julius Moor(72) in 11:43 by pinfall with a handful of tights.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
Steve Frehley p. Julius Moor =78



Post-Match, Steve Frehley gets up and continues to assault Julius Moor.  Moor manages to fight back and hits the Charging Tackle, taking Frehley down to the mat.  Moor stands as Frehley rolls out of the ring.  Moor and Frehley jaw at each other from their positions in and out of the ring as the show comes to an end...94

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Wednesday Week 3 April 2020

USPW American Wrestling


Pick Your Poison
Running Wolf comes down to the ring.  He talks about his upcoming match with Rich Money at Freedom Fight.  Then he talks about tonight's pick your poison match.  He reminds everyone that he gets to pick Rich Money's opponent tonight.  He invites the man he selected to come and join him in the ring.  After a few moments, Nicky Champion comes out and joins Running Wolf in the ring.  The two men shake hands.  Champion says he's going to do the same to Money that he does whenver they meet.  He's going to prove that Champion is more than just a name.  Then, he's going to turn his attention to T-Rex.  He promises to get revenge for that attack last week.  Running Wolf and Champion pose in the ring before exiting and high fiving the fans on their way to the back...68


Match #1
Sterling Whitlock vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Ricky Dale Johnson(69) defeated Sterling Whitlock(63) in 8:46 by pinfall with a Southern Justice.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
Ricky Dale Johnson p. Sterling Whitlock =74



Through A Table
Ricky Dale Johnson celebrates his victory.  Out from the back comes Casey Valentine.  Valentine rushes the ring and attacks RDJ, brawling with him in the ring.  The brawl moves forward with Valentine hitting a low blow.  Valentine leaves the ring and grabs a table from underneath the ring, sliding it back in the ring.  Valentine sets up the table in the ring and goes back after RDJ.  Valentine puts RDJ through the table with a spinebuster.  Valentine smiles down at RDJ and then exits the ring as officials check on RDJ...74


The Traskmaster
Backstage, Anthony Trask talks about being The Traskmaster and how that means something to him.  He says that if he gives someone the opportunity to worship him then they should do so without question.  He says he gave Jacob Jett the opportunity and he declined.  He calls Jett a fool but he says that Jett will get another opportunity after Freedom Fight when he falls at the hands of The Traskmaster...60


Match #2
Petr Novak vs. Eddie Howard

In a decent match, Petr Novak(59) defeated Eddie Howard(68) in 6:12 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage.  Referee=Rob Perkins
Petr Novak p. Eddie Howard =71


Mama Bear
Backstage, Juliette King talks about her feud with Sara Marie.  She says that Mama Bear is still here with her and she wants to prove that she's better than Sara Marie.  She challenges Sara Marie to a match at Freedom Fight.  She says that nobody should mess with Mama Bear...61


Match #3
#1 Contender's Match
Raven Robinson vs. Melody

In a decent match, Raven Robinson(55) defeated Melody(69) in 15:16 by pinfall with a Night Faller.  Referee=Baby Jamie
Raven Robinson p. Melody =71



War On Two Fronts?
Huey Cannonball and Joey Morgan come down to the ring.  Cannonball says that USPW wanted a war and he says that they have brought that war on two fronts.  Who is on the second front?  That's for them to know.  Skull DeBones comes out from the crowd, entering the ring and going face to face with Cannonball and Morgan.  He gets on the microphone and says that the darkness is falling all around them.  He says that they will be destroyed by the darkness.  Cannonball and Morgan attack DeBones.  Here comes James Justice!  Justice rushes in and does battle with Cannonball and Morgan.  Justice and DeBones get the advantage, sending Cannonball and Morgan out of the ring.  A staredown ends the segment...80


Match #4
Rajah vs. Jacob Jett (w/Persephone)

In a decent match, Jacob Jett(70) defeated Rajah(42) in 7:41 by pinfall with a Jett Take Off.  Referee=Rob Perkins
Jacob Jett p. Rajah =58



Freedom Fight Control Center
Freedom Fight Control Center is hosted by Lionel Greenwood.  Greenwood talks about the matches lined up for the show and then sends us to a promo by Pariah.  Pariah says that she has always been alone.  When you work for the FBI, you are alone and cannot trust anyone.  But now she has a fan base.  Now she has people behind her the way that she protected them for years.  She says that she has taken that fan base and used it to win the USPW Women's title.  Now, she has to face Raven Robinson.  She hypes the match with Robinson, talking about another loner.  She says she feels bad for her because of what happened to Trent Shaffer but she won't go easy on her.  Pariah says she stands for law and liberty and she will prove it at Freedom Fight...63


Savage Fury Returning
A music video is shown to promote Savage Fury.  They will be returning soon to American Wrestling...59


Match #5
Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Turk Trenneman

In a bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Turk Trenneman(50) defeated Rolling Johnny Stones(29) in 6:14 by pinfall with a Spinebuster.  Referee=Chad Brent
Turk Trenneman p. Rolling Johnny Stones =47


Jurassic Power
Backstage, Kristen Pearce hypes the return of The Jurassic Power T-Rex.  She says he did a great job last week when taking down Nicky Champion.  She issues a challenge for T-Rex against Nicky Champion at Freedom Fight.  Kristen promises her man will earn a World title shot sooner rather than later...66


Match #6
Rich Money vs. Nicky Champion

In an exceptional match, Rich Money(80) defeated Nicky Champion(94) in 14:33 by pinfall with a Bank Roll following interference from T-Rex.  Referee=Robbie Sanchez
Rich Money p. Nicky Champion =97



All About The Money
Post-Match, Rich Money and T-Rex continue to assault Nicky Champion.  T-Rex locks Champion in the Jurassic Crush, while Money slaps him.  Running Wolf comes running out from the back.  Running Wolf slides in the ring and begins brawling with Money.  Running Wolf lifts Money on his shoulders but then takes a boot to the face from T-Rex.  T-Rex stomps on Running Wolf and then places Running Wolf on top of Champion, motioning to Money.  Money heads to the top turnbuckle and leaps, hitting Dollars From Heaven on both men.  T-Rex leaves the ring and Money grabs the World title belt.  Money raises the belt as the show comes to an end...87

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