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problem with savegame!?!

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i have a small problem which probably is no problem but i am not sure. here's what happened. i have a game, started it, played one match, lost it and ended the game. now i wanted to continue playing, but when i click on load game, there is no more game to load, however, when i click on delete game, i am able to select and therefore delete it. in my wrespi folder, the folder for my savegame is also still there! my idea is, because the mood of my character was "depressed" for the last weeks, the game might just went "game over" and i probably click through it without mentioning.... anyway, are there any other suggestions that could be possible and bring back my game? thanks for reading...
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ok, i just got around it. i opened a new game, then copied all the files from my not working folder into the newly generated one. i was able to then select the new game, which had the old one inside and taadaaa, it worked... so, why does the game not recognize my old game? another idea: i was playing a 1.2 game and updated the game to 1.3 then just continued playing...
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