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Eisen Domination: SWF 2022 (Cverse 2022)

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Part 1: The Eisen Story

My name is Eric Eisen, and these past 6 years have been the most interesting time in my life. Over this period of time the company that I love, the SWF, has been through it's share of ups and downs as we tried to get back to being number 1 in America.

In November of 2016 we made a big mistake, as the contract for our biggest star, Jack Bruce was up and he had an offer from USPW. He said he would resign, but only if we made him head booker. In hindsight, we never should have resigned him, but at that time we had no choice, we had lost massive stars in Steve Frehley, Rich Money, Brandon James and Remo Richardson previously, and if Jack went the company would have been on life support. So we resigned him, and he became head booker of the SWF, sending my brother Jerry out of the company entirely, and over the next four years we had some good moments, but was mostly a mismatched group of misfits that fell further behind not just USPW, but companies like TCW, NOTBPW, SOTBPW, and 21CW. All those companies either had lots of big names fighting for space on the top of the card, done some great roster construction, or were in the middle of one of the most ambitious storylines in their history.

It wasn't that Jack couldn't book, it was that he was too inexperienced and for every one good decision that he made, like turning Robbie Retro heel and putting him in the main event scene or bringing the NEO stable over from Japan, he would make other horrendous decisions such as turning one of the best tag teams in the world into comedy heels or killing Steven Parkers career with the godawful gimmick of Parker the LARPer, a man obsessed with D&D to the point he would roll a dice to determine what move he would do next. It was terrible, and our fans completely ate the young man alive.

This company was in dire straights, more top stars like Joey Morgan, Valiant, and Rogue had left and the young guys, who we should have been building around were seeing other places like TCW and BOH as better development options and the likes of Hollywood Bret Starr and Primus Allen had left to go and try to become stars in said places. But one event, initially being seen as yet another terrible development for us, turned out to be the one thing that saved us.

Fast forward to 2020, and my dad, once the most powerful man in wrestling, was forced into retirement after the completion of Operation Lullaby, and everything changed. After he retired he left the company to me, and I knew that right now was the time to do things my way. I took the head booker position as well as my duties as an owner, which caused Jack and his best friend Christian Faith to walk out on the company, a price I was willing to pay in order to run the company my way. My next announcement was that we were changing our product, and going back to our old traditional ‘attitude’ style, as this was a opportunity to be a true alternative to the bland, safe options around the rest of the wrestling world, and would truly make the SWF stand out again. 

Through many hirings, firings, new divisions, a focus on top quality wrestling mixed with serious characters, and the creation of the SWF Network, where we were able to increase our worldwide popularity whilst also allowing us to produce whatever content we wanted, we were able to scratch and claw our way back to number 1 in America, though admittedly we did have some massive help from the massive scandal that hit USPW at around the same time.

Entering 2022, we now have a amazing opportunity, we are already number 1 in America, but that isn't enough for me. My father always said he wanted to own the world. Now, I have the resources, the talent, the network, and the worldwide popularity to make that possible. We have a opportunity to become the biggest company in the world, and I don't care what I have to do, who I have to piss off, or how many hate me, I swear, I will own the wrestling world.

My name is Eric Eisen, and this is my SWF.

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Part 2: The Stars Of The Supreme

The roster has been carefully sculpted over the past few years, as we have let go of a lot of talent but are bringing on the young stars nicely, whilst also giving opportunities to progress up the card to those who deserve it.  This roster was constructed to do one thing, separate my SWF from my fathers, and show my vision to a worldwide stage.

Major Stars:

SWF World Heavyweight Champion Koshiro Ino 

The leader of the NEO stable, Ino has been a amazing acquisition since Bruce somehow convinced the three of them to come over from Japan, with 2021 being his best year as he became world champion twice, and became one of the main heel draws that we rely on. Even at 44, he is still great in the ring and can produce a great match when he is paired with the right opponent, with Skye being considered one of his best.

Remmy Skye

One of the most unlikely success stories in the companies history, we brought Remmy in from the wilderness and the fans took to him right away, becoming their chosen one. Skye also relished this opportunity, quitting drugs and getting into amazing shape, and upping his ring work to main event status. With everyone behind him, it made sense to elevate him, and he won his first world title in the main event of Supreme Challenge 41, becoming our new figurehead in the process.


The big man has become one of the biggest stars in the company, mostly due to his white hot storyline with the man that brought him into the company, John Greed, but there is no doubt about the crowd reactions the crowd is giving him. He has already completed the triple crown of SWF championships at just 30 years of age, and he is looking to cement his status as one of the biggest babyfaces in the company.


Lil Henry

A man who oozed stardom from the second he walked into the SWF, he started out mostly as a silent bodyguard for the Brothers Brown Stable, before stepping up to the then monster heel Scythe, and beat him for the North American Championship. While he has since dropped the championship, he has become a breakout star and many experts consider him a lock to be world champion. The problem with Henry is his lack of Mic Skills, as he is a abysmal talker and to be a top star in my SWF, you need to be able to talk. It's going to be sink or swim for Henry in the next 12 months.

Rick Law

A marquee signing by Jack Bruce, Law was supposed to be a immediate jolt for the main event scene, but his 'Good Cop' Gimmick was considered to be behind the times and stale, and he was floundering, until I made the decision to turn him heel on Lil Henry in a very controversial angle that got people talking and showed we weren't afraid of offending people. Law now has the opportunity to become a true white hot heel, and for his sake he needs to take it, as he doesn't have many years left in the tank to win the big one.

Robert Retro

For all my criticism of Jack Bruce and his booking, turning Robbie Retro into one of the biggest heels on the roster was a massive gamble that paid off, as he became world champion in 2018 and has continued his momentum even as other heels try to come up the card and replace him. Retro has a opportunity to become a leader in this locker room, as he has been here for 16 years now and at 35, can keep himself in the main event and also act as someone the young guys can learn from.

Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira and Yasanobu Masuono) 

It doesn't make sense to separate these two, as they have been a tag team ever since they came into the SWF and together with world champion Ino, have become some of the most over heels in North America and are moving close to becoming major stars themselves. Whilst Taira may be slightly past his best, both he and Masuono can still go when they need to and have become major stars during their feud with the Cali Dragons

The Cali Dragons (Mikey Lau and Frankie Perez)

Like Black Magic, it didn't make sense to split these two, as they have been joined at the hip ever since they came into the company, with Lau and Perez being elevated even further when they joined up with Skye to make the Cali Dragons a trio, and in their feud with NEO the six have dominated the SWF main event scene since the back half of 2021. Lau and Perez have become 2 time tag champions and now the both of them could become singles stars for the company.

Well Known:

Angry Gilmore

One of the elder statesmen of the SWF, Gilmore played a integral role in pushing Retro towards the main event scene, but unfortunately he tore his Achilles very soon after and as such has become a leader in the locker room, and willingly put over many talents, and in addition to his odd couple tag team with Animal Harker known as Animal Fury, has started acting as a road agent and one of the first minds I go to when planning the shows.

Captain Atomic

Atomic has been a star for a long time, mostly in the midcard, winning the North American Championship 3 times and becoming a unsung hero in the upper midcard, but at 38 he will try everything he can to push into the main event scene. The crowd is still behind him, so at worst he should still be a very over babyface until his body quits on him. If pushes his way into the main event scene, be ready for the fans to clamour for a title victory for this man.

El Hijo Del Zonk

The most surprising star in the company, Zonk started out as a comedy wrestler in the Shooting star Championship division, winning the championship 2 times and cementing himself as a good midcard babyface, but in typical SWF fashion the rabid fanbase really got behind him and he became a breakout star, winning the North American Championship at the Supreme Challenge 41, cementing himself as a true breakout star. He has since dropped the belt, but as long as the crowd stays behind him he should do well for himself.

Faithless (Matty Faith)

The story of Faithless is a interesting one, as he started out as bland carbon copy of his dad Christian, and the fans hated it so much that Matty was booed anytime he appeared on screen. Then the real life events that lead to his dad leaving and becoming head booker of Jack Bruce's new promotion, So Matty decided to request his release to join up with them, which we denied. He was furious with us, but I decided to have him lead into the real life anger and become a vicious heel that wants to destroy the SWF by turning on me and destroying me in the middle of the ring. The gimmick has gotten him over massively and finally given him his own identity, and now we just need to both keep him happy and capitalise on his momentum.

Freddy Huggins

A man who until he joined us, had been spinning his wheels in TCW doing nothing of note, we decided to pick him up and since then he has been reborn, winning the North American Championship in his debut match and becoming a true main event level player, Huggins is someone who should be pivotal in the in ring renaissance that we are currently going through, as he should be able to step into the main event scene whenever we need him too.


Don't be fooled by this mans current standing, if it wasn't for his excellent run as part of the Disciples of Greed, and his excellent team with Scythe he would be nowhere near this spot. Hellion has lacked momentum ever since the end of the stable, and even though he has formed another decent team with Morbid Angel, Angel mostly holds him back. I may have some ideas for him, but those are on the back burner for now as we focus on other talents.

Joss Thompson

Thompson has been a solid upper midcard hand, but at 40 years old and having not been a big name in some time following his dismal run in USPW, he may be one of those guys that get close to the main event scene, but not close enough to truly effect what happens there, which is a shame as he is still good in ring hand with the ability to cut a solid promo too.

Nick Booth

The new face of the hardcore division, Booth has been one of the breakout stars following a stellar run in RIPW, and I trusted him enough to give him the honour of being the first Hardcore champion, and now I believe he has done enough to step up towards the upper midcard and maybe, if he continues to get over and improve Booth may have a spot in the main event scene, so long as he stays out of trouble backstage.

SWF North American Champion The Great Kinjite

Kinjite is a American ex sumo wrestler who has become a good monster heel, and since squashing Zonk for the North American Belt has signs he could become a main event level monster, though he may need a manager as his microphone skills aren't the best.

SWF World Tag Team Champions Omar Brown and Harlem Haynes

These two have become big stars ever since they came in from USPW, and they have stepped up to become the current tag team champions, although at their advanced ages (Omar is 43 and Harlem is 39) this might be their last big role, and they now play a crucial role in keeping the tag divisions recent good form going. 

The Awesomeness Huey Cannonball and Jefferson Stardust

After a disastrous run as comedy heel rich kids, one of my first acts as head booker was to go back to basics, turning these men babyface and giving them a show stealer gimmick, and it lit a fire under them, responding with some great matches and another tag title run, and with the advanced age of Brown and Haynes these two could be the bedrock of the tag division for years.


Aldous Blackfire

Admittedly I had messed up with Blackfire. He was one of the hottest acts on the indies in IPW, yet I brought him in and repackaged him as a quiet loner, which made his mic skills useless. I will say that I could have done better, but I'm not perfect. I will give Aldous some time off while I cook up a better gimmick for him.

American Buffalo

Buffalo is a old man seeing out whatever remains of his career teaming up with Bear Bekowski as Roxy's bikers. The two have managed a tag title reign, but with Buffalos age, Bears terrible attitude and the general apathy they both seem to have toward this team, any further team success seems unlikely, although Buffalo could have a career as a manager when he hangs up his boots.

Animal Harker

We signed this man out of Japan and for my expectations of him, he has done well so far. Becoming a solid part of the midcard, getting the crowd behind him and forming a good odd couple team with a experienced SWF lifer after beating him a couple of times, he's done well for himself for someone who, by his own admission, was never a decent promo and mostly relied on his brawling to sell himself.

SWF Hardcore Champion Axel Cash

Cash might look like more of a Hobo then a pro wrestler, but underneath his homeless look is one hell of a fiery worker, with his wild style of brawling, expletive laden promos and a willingness to be controversial, Cash has become the embodiment of the new Hardcore division in SWF, and was rewarded for his efforts for becoming the second ever hardcore champion, dethroning the man who beat him in the tournament final, Nick booth, for the honour, and now can officially start his own rise towards stardom.

Bear Bekowski

Bekowski is the other half of the Roxy's Bikers team, as he and Buffalo form a solid midcard team and have given Bekowski a decent shot at stardom. However Bekowski cannot stay out of trouble behind the scenes, as he has been in several tense confrontations and has multiple enemies, most notably his own manager Roxy Kitten as the two have clashed several times on the subject of her presence ringside during his matches. Bear is someone who should have moved up the card a while ago, but his own idiocy cost him big. Hopefully he can screw his head on right, as there is money to be made with him, but if he keeps his behaviour up I'll have to get rid.

Brock McCool

The Artist formally known as Paul Huntingdon has had a eclectic line-up of gimmicks during his run in SWF as the man is a creative juggernaut who never allows himself to become stale. However I'm not sure this gimmick as "The definition of attitude" suits him, I still think his Blue Blood gimmick was money, and after his current storyline wraps up I might give him some time off to let the fans miss him.


One of the new signings I made to fill out the hardcore division, Cerberus has slotted in nicely as a big bullying heel and should make a good foil for the likes of Axel cash and the rest of the babyfaces in the Hardcore division, and if he plays his cards right, he could go somewhere further.

Chris Caulfield

The other of the big signings from BOH, Caulfield was well hidden by that companies product mostly consisting of cinematic matches as the second he tried to adjust back to regular in ring work, his body broke down and he couldn't keep up with the rest of the roster. However that doesn't mean he is totally useless, as he still works for us behind the scenes as a road agent, most notably in the hardcore division.

Clifford Nash

A talented part of our Shooting Star division, Nash has yet to win the title, but has developed decent fan support for his in ring work and solid look, and you can never have too much in ring talent so he should do decently for himself should his time come.

Des Davids

Des is a sad story, from one bad break to another. He tore his rotator cuff thanks to a botch from Joe Sexy, before losing his confidence on his return. He started generating good heat with his USPW traitor gimmick, but when fans found out he wasn't actually leaving they stopped caring. He turned face in 2020, before turning back in 2021, but neither turn has worked and he seems to a missed opportunity, and it's a shame as he is still a good hand, but it seems like that is all he will ever be.

Donte Dunn

Dunn is a solid worker, finally freeing himself from the hell that was CGC in 2019 to join up with the SWF and Hailey Hunter. He initially struggled to find momentum, as Jack didn't know weather he was a face or heel, but when I took the book I kept him face and now he finally has some semblance of momentum, and he could fit into any title scene we need him too.

SWF Shooting Star Champion Fro Sure

Fro is a entertaining part of our shows, but he suffers from being to similar to Lenny Brown and his brothers brown stable, and other than winning the Shooting star title twice he hasn't progressed up the card in any meaningful way yet, and might need a repackaging to achieve his full potential.

High Flying Dudes (Jimmy Hernandez and High Flying Hawaiian)

Two guys who haven't broken out of the shooting star scene yet, Jimmy likely never will thanks to the fans never able to truly connect with him, even with winning the title twice, and HFH is overshadowed in the division by not being as good as the best wrestlers in the division, and not being as good on the mic as the best entertainers in the division. Maybe by teaming up they can help to elevate each other into the title scene.

Morbid Angel

Angel is a wrestler who really benefitted from being inserted in the white hot Disciples of Greed stable at the right time, but since then has been unable to establish a consistent position on the roster. He's been tagging with Hellion, but the feeling is he's weighing Hellion down and quite frankly he lacks the size and intimidation of his partner, so I'm not sure where he goes from here.

Sharkbait Seth Gallows

The artist once known as Hugh De Aske, SSG has stepped up as one of the best workers and characters in the shooting star division, and with 3 title wins he might just be Mr Shooting Star. He can either play his pirate gimmick straight, or with comedic effect when he's a babyface. A truly versatile man in the ring, he has become one of the best in that division, the question now becomes weather he can rise any further up the card.

The Dominator

I will now list the positives of the Dominator. He is big. The problem is it doesn't matter how big you are, if you are completely useless in the ring these fans will tear you apart. Dominator, even if he was even slightly competent in the ring, we might have something, but the fans hate him because he hasn't improved even slightly, and now it's up to us to get something out of this lummox.

The Midnight Prowler

This guy caught a really bad break.  After a rocky start under Jack Bruce, he was all set to come back on fire with a controversial Misogynist gimmick that would get people talking, until you realise that nearly all of our women are heels, and Prowler was just saying what some where thinking, so he hasn't had the impact he should have. He might need a rethink or to just go away for some time off.

Brothers Brown (Lenny Brown DJ Slick Busta Move)

The once foursome, now trio of Lenny Brown, DJ Slick (Cali Slick) and Busta Move (Busta Capp) have been a solidly entertaining rap trio for a number of years. Lil Henry has stepped away to become a true breakout star, but there is potential for the other 3. Brown can play face or heel and should be able to keep himself over, Slick might be able to move into the Hardcore division, and Capp might be too old but can still go when required.

Rocky Forrest (Rocky Weatherfield and Forrest Ratzaloff)

Rocky Forrest ran the tag team division down in RIPW, but have found life in the SWF hard, and the two members have legitimate tension with one another, with Weatherfield taking shots at his partner over social media, not to mention Rocky's drama with his manager, it's been a tough adjustment to the SWF so far and hopefully they can get it together, as Rocky has underdog babyface written all over him, and Forrest has a look, if not the ring skills just yet, but after a bad start it will be tough to get these guys over.

The Pure

A team made up of the Skin care obsessed Dermot O'Logical and the germaphobe Jonah Pilgrim, they are a good lower card heel act that generates solid heat and while they will probably never win the tag belts, these two should be a solid piece to the tag division for a number of years to come.


Deever Arnold

Deever was called up in early 2021 to be part of the shooting star division. It's too early to judge what he could be, so what I will say is during his stint in RIPW he gained a reputation for being unsafe, causing multiple injuries and getting involved in a backstage fight and getting suspended. He will need to tighten up his safety before I even consider pushing him anywhere near anything.

Nathaniel Ca$ino

Casino has been a rather unimportant worker, very rarely getting anything going for himself, although he hasn't been given many opportunities to do anything, he might get the call sooner rather than later, along with his manager.

Dirty White Boys (Lead Belly and Grease Hogg)

The DWB were part of the Roxy's bikers faction with Bekowski and Buffalo, but they were kicked out and turned face. Surprisingly enough, despite not playing face at all during their careers and losing a hell of a lot the crowd did get on their side. They now work in our hardcore division as they head toward retirement.

The Rock City Stars (Rockin Ryan Turner and Stan Manna)

These two had a bad first year, as Jack Bruce flipped them from Face to heel to face again and that killed any momentum they had. The fans don't much care for them, but they should be a solid opening act until they decide to hang up the boots. Good solid job team on the face side, nothing to complain about there.

State Of Destruction (BB Colossus Boneyard and Raheem Stash)

These three former GSW alumni made a big splash when they attacked Brothers Brown, and they haven't let up in the 4 months since. These guys can establish themselves as true monsters, with the only concern being their ages (Stash 30, Colossus 35 and Boneyard 39) as to weather or not they have enough time to truly establish themselves as major players.

Non Wrestlers



Alison Addison

A solid enough Valet, her real drama is outside of the ring, with her originally dating Rocky Weatherfield, but Rocky cheated on her and the relationship between them is frosty at best. She is good enough though that she has a job for however long she is able to keep herself interesting.

Busty Gill Gallows

The former Emmy plays Sharkbait Gallows pirate wife, and she plays it so over the top that it works for her. She might be better up the card, but she manages a close friend and is happy, so I'll let her keep the gimmick going.

Hailey Hunter

A solid manager that left CGC under controversial circumstances, she slotted back into her partnership with Donte Dunn seamlessly, and with Dunn the two have become a solid part of our shows.

Joseph Fornell

A solid manager, unfortunately neither he nor his client have been able to get over, so releasing them both might be what's best for them.

Krissy Angelle

Krissy really just needed to shut up. She had everything she wanted, she was the biggest female star in the company, she had formed great partnerships with myself and Rogue, and she was even the on screen GM, but she  wanted more. She signed a deal with USPW, but before she could move the scandal hit USPW and they pulled out of the deal, but that wasn't the issue. Angelle went on a interview where she trashed the other ladies in the company, who are a tight knit crew. She resigned with us, but is hugely disliked backstage and as such is constantly trying to manipulate other people in her favour. Partly due to this she has been off tv, but I do have a plan for her.

Kristen Pearce

Pearce has been a crucial part of storylines ever since she revealed herself as the mastermind behind Robert Retro's descent into madness, leading him to a world title and becoming a big star herself. 

Laura Catherine Huggins

Laura is the sister of Freddy Huggins. She plays a overprotective big sister, often being the reason why Freddy (In kayfabe) wins a lot of his big matches. She does the job well and the two should be on track to become big stars.

Roxy Kitten

Roxy has led her own stable Roxy's bikers for some time now, with the current incarnation being Bear Bekowski and American Buffalo. However she and Bear don't get along, as Bear feels she takes away from his matches, and the two have been at each other's throat backstage for a while.


Duane Fry

A great announcer on Supreme TV, his chemistry with myself and Emma Chase has been a large part of the broadcasts for the past year. Duane is obviously known for much more than that, with his great announcing winning him several awards and being widely regarded as one of the best in the business.

Remmington Remus

Remus is currently developing on the b show uprising. Not much to say, we'll reassess his development in a few years.


Colour Commentary

Ana Garcia

Ana was the unfortunate person demoted to the b show after I put myself on commentary, marks online may suggest she move elsewhere, but there will always be a role for her here.

Emma Chase

My Wife has been one of the best colour commentators in the business for some time, and after putting myself on commentary our act as King and Queen of Supreme, passionately arguing against each other mixed with Duane's more relaxed announcing has been great for tv audiences.

Eric Eisen

My knees are barely hanging on, so in edition to booking and wrestling occasionally, I also commentate on Supreme Tv. Commentary hasn't come naturally for me, but being with my wife on commentary gives me a confidence as I can slip into my King of Supreme persona. I can still somewhat wrestle, most notably when I put over Matty Faith, but its mostly commentary for me at this time.


Chad Brent

Brent does a solid job for us, he won't ref the main matches but he is a good hand.

Darren Smith

Our head official following Ric Young's departure, Smith is the third man in the ring for most of the main event matches.

Shane Stones

Smith's right hand man, stones has been  with us for a while, and can be seen refereeing the Upper midcard matches most of the time.

Tom Hopper

At 22 he is way further along then he should be, he mostly handles the tv matches and lesser PPV matches, so he's doing alright from himself.

Road Agents

Black Hat Bailey

Became Head road agent after the retirement of Chief two Eagles, and does a good job for us, using his wealth of knowledge to construct matches.

Enforcer Roberts

A trusted Lieutenant for my father, Roberts has done a good job for us as a agent, as was expected when he took the job.

Freddie Datsun

Datsun was disrespected so badly in USPW that he lost all passion and retired, and upon reaching out he was surprised to find that he was genuinely loved both in SWF and the rest of the wrestling world. He joined us and has settled in nicely as a agent, mostly in the hardcore division.

Runaway Train

Train has been agenting for years, and has done a good job for what he is, although we could probably do better.

Final Thoughts

This roster has it's ups and it's downs, but ultimately the good outweighs the bad. The top of the card is very good, and the midcard looks to be solid for both the future and the present. I'm Happy with the roster that I've constructed, as I can truly say my SWF is different from My Dad's or Jack's vision for the company, and we can truly be something different.

*OOC: Didn't mean for this post to go on this long, but it goes to show how much depth this roster has. Also updates for this will not be consistent, but I will do my best to try to put out a compelling product at all times.

Edited by Toby0618
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Part 3: Storylines

Like I said, in my SWF we were going to mix top quality wrestling with serious characters and storylines, and marry all of that with the willingness to offend and saying something different to the boring, safe and sanitized rest of the wrestling world. Nothing was off limits for us, and we would use that to our full advantage

Cali Dragons vs NEO

These two groups had been warring for years, but after Skye won the championship from Ino it became true gang warfare. NEO have stated they won't stop until Skye's career is over, and the Dragons want to prove they are the best Trio in wrestling. It was a simple formula, but one that had proven popular thanks to the quality of the six men in the ring.

Lil Henry vs Rick Law

The Aforementioned moment of controversy. In a angle labelled as disgusting, horrifying and downright reprehensible, Rick Law attacked Lil Henry while Henry was taking a Knee to Support the black community. I will admit it was very controversial, something that no other promotion would have gone anywhere near. Now it is up to us how we handle this going forward, do we lean into what we did, or do scale things back. Whatever we do, this moment showed we intended to be different to the rest of the wrestling world.

Scythe vs Robert Retro

A rivalry born out of a desire to be SWF world Champion, Scythe and Retro had gotten into a series of violent arena wide brawls that had left both men battered. The two have a willingness to destroy one another because the winner of their rivalry will take another step towards the World title.

El Hijo Del Zonk vs Freddy Huggins

A reigniting of the rivalry these two had over the North American championship, Zonk has always beaten Huggins in every match the two have had, until the Christmas clash show where Huggins was on the winning team against Zonk's, despite Zonk pinning Huggins yet again. Huggins now wants to prove that he truly can beat Zonk, and Zonk wants to show he cant.

Animal Fury vs Brown and Haynes

In a clash between a true tag team and a odd couple, Gilmore and Harker had been feuding for some time, until Gilmore surprisingly made the save after Brown and Haynes beat down Harker. Gilmore stands by his comments on Harker, namely that he's an idiot, but says he is his idiot and he has his back, whilst Brown and Haynes have dismissed the odd team as a joke and not on the level of themselves.

Brothers Brown vs State of Destruction

BB were out there giving another of their rap performances to their adoring crowd in late September 2021, when they were suddenly assaulted by three monstrous men. The three, later revealing themselves as the state of destruction, revealed their purpose was to dominate, and that Brothers Brown were their first targets. Brothers Brown would take the fight to them, but have been laid out several times in violent attacks in the 4 months since. Can they pull off the impossible, and push back the State of Destruction?

The Great Kinjite Open challenge

The Great Kinjite has said that the North American Championship has given him a platform to demonstrate the superiority of Sumo wrestling, and has issued a open challenge for anyone to face him for the title on the first episode of Supreme Tv of 2022.

Chris Caulfield Speaks about his career

Chris Caulfield knows he is wrestling on borrowed time, but the SWF's resident Hardcore American wants to talk to the SWF faithful to address rumours and clear up misinformation about his next move as a active performer.

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Part 4: First Supreme TV of 2022

The First Supreme TV of the year started with Duane Fry welcoming the Audience at home to SWF Supreme TV live from Jersey City, before introducing Me and Emma under our King and Queen of Supreme monikers. I noted that the North American Championship would be on the line as The Great Kinjite had a open challenge tonight, whilst Emma countered that it didn't matter who answered the challenge, Kinjite was at the top of his game at this point in time. We argued on this point until Duane directed our attention to the ring, where NEO were giving a promo.

We threw it over to the ring where Koshiro Ino, Yasuhiko Taira and Yasanobu Masuono were about to address the fans. To massive boos, NEO said that at Christmas Clash they dominated their 4v4 match, ending the night by standing over the Dragons, just like they have the majority of times they faced. Ino says it won't matter which of the Dragons steps up, because he and his boys would put them down. Remmy Skye's music then hits and the fans come unglued. Skye says that they won because they cheated, Taira came back and distracted the ref so Ino could use brass knuckles on him. Remmy then says he isn't going to get mad, he's going to get even. Ino asks him how he's going to do that, NEO took out his boys and now he's alone. Skye just says, is that what you think? Before NEO could respond, Taira and Masuono hit the mat as Mikey Lau and Frankie Perez come off the top rope with missile dropkicks. The four of them brawl in the middle of the ring as Ino sprints up the ramp to brawl with Skye. Eventually The Cali Dragons drive NEO from the ring, with Ino promising this wasn't over. 90

Freddy Huggins vs Jimmy Hernandez

Huggins came to the ring with a point to prove, and although it took him longer than he would have liked, with Jimmy throwing some decent shots at him, getting a close 2 count off of a superkick, Huggins ultimately took control and never looked back, getting the win in 10:29 after hitting the Huggins Kiss. 77 Emma mentioned during the match if Huggins could land that move at When Hell Freezes Over, Zonk wouldn't be kicking out.

Huggins got the mic after the match, and asked if Zonk knew how it felt to be humiliated, because he did. He had been humiliated every time the two of them had faced off, because he always lost to him. Huggins says that to move forward with his career, he needs to end his past, and he needs to make Zonk feel how he felt. Zonk comes out and responds that if Huggins is that confident, he should step into a steel cage at When Hell Freezes Over, so his sister doesn't get involved. Huggins agrees, before sucker punching Zonk and laying him out with a Huggins Kiss to end the segment. 82

The Great Kinjite Open Challenge

Kinjite came out to the ring and boasted his superiority and the superiority of Sumo wrestling to traditional pro wrestling. He then says that anyone that wants to fail to take the North American Championship, to come out to get beat. The music of Donte Dunn plays throughout the arena as the Barbadian comes out to accept the challenge. Dunn says that Kinjite is a cheat who couldn't back up what he says, then he calls for the referee to ring the bell, and the match gets underway. 74

Donte Dunn vs The Great Kinjite - North American Championship Match

A true knock down drag out brawl, Dunn knew that his best chance for success was too keep his distance, as Kinjite could lay him out with his size if he wasn't careful. Dunn had the better of the early portion of this match, putting a target on Kinjite's arm to limit his power and throwing ability. However Kinjite soon turned the tide, throwing Donte around the ring without care for his health. Donte would rally, however as he was setting up for his Sunny Daze finisher, the music of FAITHLESS would play throughout the arena, distracting Donte as the man himself made his way down to ringside, arguing with him for whatever reason. Kinjite used this moment to capitalise, hitting a Backdrop Driver to pin Donte in 12:49. Emma noted with this victory, Kinjite made defence number 5 of the title, while I asked what FAITHLESS was doing ruining a great match. 76

Post match FAITHLESS storms into the ring and starts beating on Donte Dunn, and whilst Kinjite initially looks confused he eventually joins in on the attack, the two laying waste as Dunn's manager Hailey Hunter tries desperately to get him some help. Eventually Captain Atomics music hits and he cleans house, taking both FAITHLESS and Kinjite out of the ring before grabbing a microphone and calling them out for being cowards, before challenging the two of them to face Donte and himself next week in a tag match, to a strong pop from his adoring fans.  82

Chris Caulfield Addresses his future, or at least tries to

Chris Caulfield came out to the ring to address his recent lack of success, and he admitted things weren't going the way he wanted them to, however he was never raised to quit and he would be fighting through this slump he is in. However as he is talking, Nick Booth sneaks up behind him and lays him out with his trusty steel chair. Booth hits Caulfield with multiple hard shots across his back, before dumping him to the outside of the ring. Booth said Caulfield is a washed up old man who couldn't lace the boots of the new hardcore generation, and that tonight he shows the SWF world what true Hardcore is. 60

Nick Booth vs Grease Hogg - Hardcore Match

Booth showed his prowess in these situations, as he completely destroyed Grease Hogg and showed the world why he was ready to break out in 2022. Booth was arrogant, yet downright vicious with every new weapon he would introduce in a violent collision with Grease Hogg's head. He would finish the job with a brutal Lake Michigan Plunge to end a truly dominant display in 5:39. 72

Brothers Brown Live Via Satellite

Brothers Brown weren't cleared to be in the building after the latest attack on them from State of Destruction, but said if the three wanted to fight, then they would gladly take them up on that offer whenever they wanted to, and that they weren't hard men to find. They conclude the interview by saying the State were big, but they weren't brothers, and that would be their undoing. 64

Deever Arnold vs Scythe

Scythe came to the ring with a point to prove. Unfortunately for Arnold, he was the poor wayward soul that had to be put down to sate Scythe for now. The match was one sided, as Scythe destroyed Arnold and finished him with a Underworld Spike in 4:39. 56

Post match Scythe grabs the microphone to address his recent battles with Robert Retro, when that very mans music starts to ring Out around the arena, with Scythe immediately disregarding the Microphone and turning his eyes towards the ramp. However it wasn't Retro who came out, but his manager Kristen Pearce who appears at the top of the ramp. Scythe is fed up with this and goes to storm up the ramp, but is jumped from behind by Retro, who emerged from under the ring to start this massive brawl on the ramp. Emma and I very quickly call security out there, and though the two do break through them a couple of times, security ultimately separates them and we move on with the show. 89

Brown And Haynes Promo Interrupted by Animal Fury

Omar Brown and Harlem Haynes went out next to talk about their next tag team championship match at When Hell Freezes over. They say that surely someone at SWF management must be pulling their legs, because Animal Fury had been a team for all of 2 months and only just got done beating each other up a month earlier, yet they are the best the SWF has to put in front of them? The say that Animal Fury will be left broken at When Hell Freezes Over, and after that they want true competition. Animal Furies music hits as Gilmore says that Brown & Haynes are full of themselves, that it doesn't matter how long they've been teaming for, when it comes down to the key moments they will be the ones coming out on top, because the two of them built a special kind of respect, one that is only earned in the fire of battle, and they'll prove it when they run over their next opponents. 75

Animal Fury vs The Pure

The Pure are a solid test, as their heel antics make for a interesting dynamic alongside two stone cold serious ass-kickers in Gilmore and Harker. Pilgrim gets his big moves in, as does Dermot, but ultimately Animal Fury proved to be to much, and Animal Harker got a big pin on Jonah Pilgrim with a Stump Piledriver in 8:25. 81

Rick Law Explains his actions

A Police Siren Rang out across the Arena, and the fans booed loudly as SWF's Resident Lawman made his way to the ring. We threw it to the footage of his heinous attack on Lil Henry on the last show of the year, where Law destroyed Henry with his nightstick, leaving him a bloody mess in the middle of the ring. Law grabbed the microphone and tried his best, through all of the boos, to explain his attack on Henry. He said that his attack was not motivated by the colour of Henry's skin, or due to the fact he was taking a knee. Rather he felt that Henry was taking the spotlight that should have been placed on guys like him and what he did inside those ropes, but instead Henry was taking that away from them because he chose to make it about social issues. Law said Henry needed to be reminded what business he was in, and that if Henry was healthy enough to show at When Hell Freezes Over, he would be getting a repeat of the same lesson. Law then left the ring, jaw jacking with several very vocal members of the front row before backing off before things got too heated. I said Law is good at making excuses for what he did, but there would be hell to pay when Henry returned next week. 87

Cali Dragons Make the Challenge to NEO

The Cali Dragons came back out before the show went off the air to give NEO an Offer for When Hell Freezes Over. The Dragons say they are tired of the numbers advantage always being in NEO's favour, of them always sneak attacking people and giving them gang beatdowns, and they say that NEO's fun stops now, because they challenge them to a Six Man Tag Team Match at WHFO. NEO come back on the big screen in their private locker room and ask the Dragons one simple question, why? Why would they accept this challenge from 3 men who they have proven to be inferior. The dragons respond by saying there will be a big stipulation. If the Dragons Defeat NEO, the member who made the pin gets a World Title Match at Nothing to Lose vs Ino. However if NEO wins, the member who was pinned forfeits his right to a title match ever again, so long as a member of NEO holds the world title. NEO talk amongst themselves and agree to a title match, saying the opportunity to end one mans hopes and dreams was very enticing. They agree to it, so long as next week Frankie Perez agrees to face Yasanobu Masuono in the Main event next week. The Dragons agree, and we go off the air with the Dragons promising to eat NEO alive next week. I promised fans that Perez would take down Masuono and show why he is a force to be reckoned with, while Emma stated Perez would go to sleep courtesy of NEO's Enforcer. 93

Show Rating: 86


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  I'm not too familiar with SWF or this roster (I'm learning the Cornellverse in reverse order 😆) but you've done a really good job of setting out the backstory, the roster and the existing storylines. It must be a gift to inherit so many detailed starting storylines in terms of instantly getting stuck in and having a feel for where everyone's positioned, but also a curse having so much to fit into a two-hour show, but I'd say you succeeded.

That Rick Law angle is a fascinating one to take on: the conflict between whether to ignite it more in line with the new direction or try to calm things down, and you handled it delicately enough in this first episode to keep both options open. I also thought it was a clever move to give Frankie Perez the main event next week to put a singles spotlight on him and challenge the natural thinking that, if the Dragons win the six-man, it will be Skye getting the pinfall for the title shot.

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8 hours ago, 619 said:

  I'm not too familiar with SWF or this roster (I'm learning the Cornellverse in reverse order 😆) but you've done a really good job of setting out the backstory, the roster and the existing storylines. It must be a gift to inherit so many detailed starting storylines in terms of instantly getting stuck in and having a feel for where everyone's positioned, but also a curse having so much to fit into a two-hour show, but I'd say you succeeded.

That Rick Law angle is a fascinating one to take on: the conflict between whether to ignite it more in line with the new direction or try to calm things down, and you handled it delicately enough in this first episode to keep both options open. I also thought it was a clever move to give Frankie Perez the main event next week to put a singles spotlight on him and challenge the natural thinking that, if the Dragons win the six-man, it will be Skye getting the pinfall for the title shot.

Thanks for the comment. I will admit having several storylines already with good starting heat is a blessing, but trying to fit everything into 2 hours can be tough. To be honest the Law story was the one I was the most nervous to write for, because it's obviously a sensitive subject, and if I got things wrong on that front then there wasn't going to be any coming back from that. It's a tough one to write for, but I'm going to do my best to keep writing in the direction I want to go.

It does help that I have a big save on the SWF in this database that I play offline, so I really feel like I understand every character and what their motivations are, so I can lean into that with my writing of certain characters like Law, Perez and the like. Overall there's some room for improvement, but it's been a solid start and there's definitely some momentum to keep up.

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Part 5: First Post Show meeting

And now we come to the other part of the job, talking to the booking committee about what went well, what went poorly and how we improve. The committee consisted of Myself, all our agents, Bailey, Roberts, Train, Datsun, Caulfield, and Gilmore, Our main announcer Duane Fry, and our head official Darren Smith. I thanked them for attending the first meeting of 2022. We started out with the positives, The Dragons and NEO were the best act on the show like always, Law toed the line on his promo and it got a strong fan response, and Scythe and Retro are still very over. There was room to improve on the Huggins - Zonk feud, The NA title scene was just starting to heat up, and the tag title feud was good, mostly down to the good work from Gil and Brown and Haynes, but Harker had room to grow both on the mic and in the ring. The negatives were pretty obvious, the Brothers Brown vs State of Destruction feud was seen by fans as nothing more than midcard filler, as the Brothers were solid but not likely to crack the main event anytime soon, and State were very old and weren't over with the fans yet. The other big issue had to be handled carefully, as Chris was a trusted member of the creative team. Booth wasn't blameless either, as great of a brawler as he is, he wasn't ready to hold his own on the microphone, so he would need a manager. Luckily for him I have someone in mind. But with Chris, people just didn't much care for him, as 2 years with us had exposed the harsh reality that he couldn't really go anymore, but give him some credit, he stubbornly refused the idea of retiring. I decided not to press the issue, as much as I crap on Chris's ring work he is one of our better agents, and creating stupid tension wouldn't be beneficial to us or to him. I thanked everyone for their time, and said to be ready for the next big meeting after WHFO.


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Nice post-show summary, and an insight into the interesting dynamic with Chris Caulfield. Yeah, I can see why that Rick Law storyline is tricky: the product and story starting point dictate that any escalation would have to be pretty distasteful, so I get not wanting the character's actions to be seen as an endorsement. I'm sure everyone will understand if you prefer to move past that aspect of the story or be deliberately vague (eg "Law made a tasteless comment"), but I think you've got the balance just right so far.

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Part 6: Supreme TV #2

Duane, Emma and Myself welcomed everyone to tonight's Supreme TV, live from Fremont, California. We ran through the big matches and advertised Lil Henry's sit-down interview. I said that Frankie Perez had a opportunity to assert himself in the world championship contention should he win in tonight's main event, whilst Emma laughed at that assertion, stating that Masuono would put him to sleep and give all the momentum to NEO. Duane got things back on track by throwing to a Robert Retro Promo Video.

Retro starts this video out by saying that Scythe has taken months off his career with this rivalry, and that he was the only reason he didn't win the Number 1 contenders match back in November. He says that he has ended careers and destroyed the confidence of better men than Scythe, and tells him that if he shows up at When Hell Freezes over, he will be the only one responsible for what happens to him. 91

Chris Caulfield vs Midnight Prowler

Caulfield was able to display that he still has something left in the tank, as he was able to get a much needed win against Midnight Prowler. Prowler showed some fight, and got some offense in, but Caulfield won in 6:23 with a Danger Drop. 62

Post match Caulfield grabbed the mic and started to address the SWF fans. He said last week he was disrespected by Nick Booth. He says that Booth should be careful what he wishes for, because the old generation of hardcore is still around, and he won't let the disrespect slide that easily. That brings out Booth, who says that Caulfield has been saying this for so long, he hasn't realised the new generation of hardcore has passed him by. Booth tells Chris that he will embarrass him on the big stage of When Hell Freezes Over. 49

Brothers Brown vs Arnold McCool and Ca$ino

This match showed the cohesion of the Brothers, as they are nearly unstoppable as a unit against their opponents. The three show off their best moves, as the opponents have no answers. Eventually, after a brief rally from the heel team, the Brothers isolate Ca$ino and put him away with the VIP treatment in 7:26. 66

Post match the brothers celebrate before State of Destruction come out, but instead of attacking they have a message, at When Hell Freezes Over the Brothers will be destroyed, because the state is the future, and it's time for the Brothers to step aside. Emma said she didn't see any universe in which Brothers Brown beat the three monstrous men known as State Of Destruction. 57

Robert Retro vs Rockin Ryan Turner

Retro destroys Turner without a prayer, and uses him as a tune up for his match with Scythe in 2 days. He is as aggressive as ever, taking Turner to task repeatedly with power moves. The only mercy for Turner is that Retro is quick, putting him away with a Murder on the Dancefloor in 4:46. 62

We then throw it backstage to The Great Kinjite and FAITHLESS backstage, where they are going over the gameplan both for now and at WHFO, but Faithless gets angry at being called an ally. He makes it clear that this is a business association, nothing more, and the second he is done with Captain Atomic and Dunn, he wants his shot for the championship, then storms his way down to the ring for the tag team match. 77

Kinjite and Faithless vs Atomic and Dunn

The four showed up for this one, with a wild brawl all four men got their chance to show their best moves. Dunn targeted Faithless extensively for costing him the title last week, throwing him around ringside without a care in the world for what happened, but Faithless was no slouch and threw it all right back at his opponents. Kinjite used his size to control Donte and Atomic, but a accidental miscommunication between the partners leads to Atomic hitting the Mushroom Cloud on FAITHLESS for the win after 12:45. I remarked that if Atomic hit that on Kinjite, we would have a new North American Champion at When Hell Freezes Over. 82

After a commercial, Gilmore and Harker were in the ring talking about their big match for the tag team championships. Gilmore says this is a opportunity for Harker to learn to be a champion, something that Gilmore knows a lot about, and as long as he doesn't decide to be an idiot everything will work out. The music of Brown and Haynes cuts them off, and they reiterate their belief that a team that formed 2 months ago couldn't beat a team like them, and they would prove it at When Hell Freezes Over. The Four get in the ring and brawl, but Gilmore and Harker end up driving the tag champions from the ring. 68

Lil Henry Sit Down Interview

Lil Henry sits down with legendary commentator and new backstage Interviewer Ana Garcia, who asks if he heard Rick Law's comments last week, and if he would like to respond to them. Henry said Law had his reasons for attacking him, but that he could keep them to himself, because Henry doesn't care. All he cares about is the fact Law decided to attack him, and that was the biggest mistake of his career. Henry says if Law is to show up at WHFO, he would be the one who gets taught a lesson, and he wants Law to watch his match tonight, because that would be a taste of what happens to him. 79

Lil Henry vs Jonah Pilgrim

Pilgrim tried his best, but Henry was on another level here, throwing him around the ring with big power moves and shutting Pilgrim down, no matter how much Jonah tried to fight back into this one. A big powerbomb was the beginning of the end, with Henry immediately following up with a Double Handed Choke bomb for the three in 6:30. 69

Zonk and Huggins split screen promos

Huggins begins the segment by asking Zonk if he knew what it was like, to lose time after time to somebody, and what that does to a man like him. Huggins said that he was expected to become a star, so when he was sitting in the midcard of TCW, he felt like a let-down, like a failure, and Freddy Huggins isn't a failure. He said he came to SWF to rediscover what it meant to be a star again, and he was doing a damn good job of it after winning the North American championship. But then Zonk beat him, then he did it again, then again in a 8 man tag. And he saw all those feelings rising up again. But instead of stewing in those feelings, he would take the distraction that Zonk is, and destroy it, and in the process elevate himself to main event levels. Zonk responds that he beat him fairly in every match they had, and that Freddy was the one that let himself get into those bad spots, and concludes the segment by saying that Huggins would lose to him again inside the cage. 88

Frankie Perez vs Yasanobu Masuono

Perez and Masuono were all business for this one, with the contrast in styles very clear. Masuono would uses his height and willingness to cheat to keep Perez grounded, whilst Perez used his speed and technical Acumen to deal heavy damage in quick bursts. Perez would hit a dive, Masuono would answer with a thumb to the eye. Masuono would try to use his power, Perez would counter with more technical precision. It all led up to a long P Clutch attempt, which Masuono would power out of straight into the Masuono deep Sleep, but Frankie would counter that into a pin for a two count. Frankie would finally set up and hit the Perfect Parity, but before he could do anything Ino and Taira hopped the barricade and attacked, and the ref waved the match off, disqualifying Masuono and handing the win to Perez in 15:23. 78

The match was thrown out, but NEO didn't care as they started to lay a beating on Perez. Skye and Lau were out as quick as they could get there, but unfortunately for them they got caught and were dropped as well. Masuono finally locked in the Deep Sleep on Perez, wrenching his head until he passed out. They then Picked up Lau, and Ino landed the Kobra's Bite Brainbuster, right in the centre of the ring. I remarked how this was sickening, and that we needed some help for the Cali Dragons. None would come however, and they picked up Skye, dumping him out of the ring to the floor, before clearing the announce table off. Duane yelled to get out of the way, as Ino began barking instructions, and Black Magic were following them. They double Power bombed Skye through the announce table, and Ino grabbed a cameraman to deliver one last message. He said that come When Hell Freezes Over, Neo would slay the Cali Dragons . The last image was Ino, on the shoulders of his comrades at the top of the ramp, holding the world title in the air as the fans rained down boos, with Emma declaring this would be the image the fans saw in 2 days time at When Hell Freezes Over. 88

Show Rating: 83


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SWF When Hell Freezes Over Predictions

6 Man Tag Team Match

Cali Dragons (Remmy Skye, Mikey Lau, Frankie Perez) vs NEO (Koshiro Ino, Yoshiko Taira, Yasanobu Masuono)

Scythe vs Robert Retro

SWF Tag Team Championship Match

Animal Fury vs Brown and Haynes©️

Steel Cage Match

El Hijo Del Zonk vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Catherine Huggins

Hardcore Match

Chris Caulfield vs Nick Booth

6 Man Tornado Tag Team Match

State Of Destruction vs Brothers Brown

SWF North American Championship Match

Captain Atomic/w Donte Dunn vs The Great Kinjite©️/w FAITHLESS

Lil Henry vs Rick Law

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SWF When Hell Freezes Over Predictions

6 Man Tag Team Match

Cali Dragons (Remmy Skye, Mikey Lau, Frankie Perez) vs NEO (Koshiro Ino, Yoshiko Taira, Yasanobu Masuono)

Scythe vs Robert Retro

SWF Tag Team Championship Match

Animal Fury vs Brown and Haynes©️

Steel Cage Match

El Hijo Del Zonk vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Catherine Huggins

Hardcore Match

Chris Caulfield vs Nick Booth

6 Man Tornado Tag Team Match

State Of Destruction vs Brothers Brown

SWF North American Championship Match

Captain Atomic/w Donte Dunn vs The Great Kinjite©️/w FAITHLESS

Lil Henry vs Rick Law

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SWF When Hell Freezes Over Predictions


6 Man Tag Team Match

Cali Dragons (Remmy Skye, Mikey Lau, Frankie Perez) vs NEO (Koshiro Ino, Yoshiko Taira, Yasanobu Masuono)

Scythe vs Robert Retro

SWF Tag Team Championship Match

Animal Fury vs Brown and Haynes©️

Steel Cage Match

El Hijo Del Zonk vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Catherine Huggins

Hardcore Match

Chris Caulfield vs Nick Booth

6 Man Tornado Tag Team Match

State Of Destruction vs Brothers Brown

SWF North American Championship Match

Captain Atomic/w Donte Dunn vs The Great Kinjite©️/w FAITHLESS

Lil Henry vs Rick Law

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  • 2 weeks later...

SWF When Hell Freezes Over Predictions

6 Man Tag Team Match

Cali Dragons (Remmy Skye, Mikey Lau, Frankie Perez) vs NEO (Koshiro Ino, Yoshiko Taira, Yasanobu Masuono)

Scythe vs Robert Retro

SWF Tag Team Championship Match

Animal Fury vs Brown and Haynes©️

Steel Cage Match

El Hijo Del Zonk vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Catherine Huggins

Hardcore Match

Chris Caulfield vs Nick Booth

6 Man Tornado Tag Team Match

State Of Destruction vs Brothers Brown

SWF North American Championship Match

Captain Atomic/w Donte Dunn vs The Great Kinjite©️/w FAITHLESS

Lil Henry vs Rick Law

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  • 4 months later...

For everyone wondering about the state of this Diary, yes it has been cancelled. I got in way over my head thinking I could do this, but realised very quickly that I wasn't ready to balance my then university commitments with trying to run a diary of this nature, and eventually lost my passion for this save and TEW as a whole for a while, so the best thing to do in this diary is cancel it and reassess what I want to do next. 

I will probably return one day, I have some ideas floating around and I have some free time these days, but this particular diary is over, and while this diary didn't really get off the ground, I now have a better idea of how I want to run things in my diaries going forward.

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1 hour ago, Toby0618 said:

For everyone wondering about the state of this Diary, yes it has been cancelled. I got in way over my head thinking I could do this, but realised very quickly that I wasn't ready to balance my then university commitments with trying to run a diary of this nature, and eventually lost my passion for this save and TEW as a whole for a while, so the best thing to do in this diary is cancel it and reassess what I want to do next. 

I will probably return one day, I have some ideas floating around and I have some free time these days, but this particular diary is over, and while this diary didn't really get off the ground, I now have a better idea of how I want to run things in my diaries going forward.

Thanks for the update. Obviously you should be the first one to enjoy what you are doing here if you don't have the time to write or you prefer to write a different diary.

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8 minutes ago, newbiezness said:

Thanks for the update. Obviously you should be the first one to enjoy what you are doing here if you don't have the time to write or you prefer to write a different diary.

Thanks for the kind words. As I said, the time caught up to me and the lack of enjoyment really hurt this saves viability. However what I can say is my enjoyment of TEW as a whole is back, and this diary has been a valuable learning curve for me and now I feel more confident in my writing so I can make future projects a success, whenever those may come to pass.

Edited by Toby0618
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