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If Dean Malenko is the man of 1,000 holds and Chris Jericho is the man of 1,004 holds, then why can't I be the man of 500 matches? 

Having spent the last few months repeatedly unsuccessfully trying to create a C-Verse 2023 mod I decided to release something which I've been using for years that may be beneficial to others too.

Introducing the Mega Match Pack.

Containing over 500 matches, and with a new style of how matches are named, this dataset is designed to enhance your TEW2020 gameplay experience by offering a whole host of new matches to book in your promotions. From simple additions to the downright bizarre to Vince Russo-inspired convoluted madness, there's something for every style of promotion. There are now lots more variations of matches, and a few matches borne straight from my imagination.

Moreover, the naming of matches has been cleaned up to work in an easier, more effective way - in my opinion at least. Further down in this lengthy post is how to understand and use the new match type names. 

I want to state that this data is freeware. I see no point in creating this without allowing the world to use it as they see fit. Include it in your mods, diaries and/or youtube series' as you desire. In fact I'd love to see people using it, so please give me a tag if you do end up using this in your own creations. I know first hand how stressful it can be to try and retrace previously saved material from this forum and obtain permission (looking at you failed 2023 mod) so just go ahead and use this, no credit necessary. 

Please report any errors you find in this data by either commenting below or sending me a message. Likewise, if there are any matches you would like to see added, or need help with how to name a match, please just ask - I am happy to help and I'm constantly on this forum anyway... Also in the same breath, I am open to feedback, let me know what you love, what you hate and ways you think this pack could be improved.


Download here.

How To Use:

Create a new database, copy and paste the .mdb file from this download into the new database folder. Switch to your desired database, delete the matches from the database and import the matches over from the new database. If you have previously created any custom matches then it might be worth creating a third database to dump all your matches in prior to deleting them from your database. This way if any of them are missing from this dataset then you can add them too. You can even following the naming template below to make your custom matches fit the same style as the ones from this database.

Understanding the naming convention:

Amount Of Competitors Per Side: [Cinematic Yes/No] Match Type - Additional Info (Amount Of Sides)

Language Notes:
Man - This does not specifically mean male workers. The use of the word man in the match titles is the old fashioned definition of the word that refers to a human of either gender.

Explaining A 'Side':
This is how many sides are competing in the match. In a standard one on one match there are two sides competing against one another. The same is the case for a standard tag team match. A three way/triple threat match has three sides and a 2 vs. 2 vs. 2 vs. 2 match has four sides, because there are four different tag teams attempting to win the match.

Amount Of Competitors Per Side:
This is the first part of the match name. It indicates how many workers will be on a side in the match. This will either be Singles, Tag*, Handicap* or Battle Royal**.
*Tag and Handicap matches will be presented with how many participants are on each side in brackets. A two-person tag team match will appear as 'Tag (2 Man):' and a 1 vs 2 handicap match will appear as 'Handicap (1 vs 2):'
**Battle Royals do not contain the number of competitors in this section of the name. Instead it will appear in the Match Type section of the name. This is because battle royals are unique in that the amount of sides is also essentially the match type. A 10 man battle royal will appear as 'Battle Royal: 10 Man'.

[Cinematic Yes/No]:
This is the second part of the match name. It will only appear if a match is cinematic, and will appear as '[Cinematic]'. I believe a lot of product types have penalties/rewards for using these types of matches, so I wanted to use the different style brackets to make them stand out more. However, the '[' and ']' are not searchable, so when searching for cinematic matches it is important not to include the brackets and simply search 'cinematic'.

Match Type:
The type of match the competitors will be competing in. A standard match is called a 'one fall' match in this data.

Elimination/Total Elimination:
There are matches in the database that contain either 'elimination' or 'total elimination' in the match title. This indicates how a side is eliminated from the match. In an elimination match, a side is eliminated once the first competitor from that side concedes a fall. In a total elimination match a side is eliminated once all competitors from that side have conceded a fall.


Edge & Christian vs The Dudley Boys vs The Hardy Boys

In a 'Tag (2 Man): Elimination (3 Way)' match:
Christian pins Matt Hardy - The Hardy Boys are eliminated from the match and the match continues.

In a 'Tag (2 Man): Total Elimination (3 Way)' match:
Bubba Ray Dudley pins Edge - Edge is eliminated from the match but Christian is not and the match continues.

Given the nature of the elimination (not total elimination) rule, this means that an elimination match must contain more than two sides. Whereas a total elimination match can consist of two or more sides. An example of this is the traditional survivor series elimination match in WWE. In this database that match would be considered a 'Tag (5 Man): Total Elimination' match. Whereas a 'Tag (5 Man): Elimination' match cannot exist, as once one competitor from a side concedes a fall then the whole of that side is eliminated and loses the match, meaning that match is a standard one fall match and would appear as 'Tag (5 Man): One Fall'.

It's also important to distinguish that there are match types that are both 'one fall' and 'total elimination'. An example of this is a tag team tables match. In this scenario, it could be that the match finishes after one of the tag team members is put through a table, or it could be that the match only ends when all competitors from one side are put through a table.


The Dudley Boys vs The Hardy Boys

In a 'Tag (2 Man): Tables' match:
Matt Hardy puts Bubba Ray Dudley through a table - The Hardy Boys win the match.

In a 'Tag (2 Man): Tables Total Elimination' match:
D-Von Dudley puts Jeff Hardy through a table - Matt Hardy is eliminated from the match and the match continues.

Additional Info:

This is any further stipulation in the match type that is not covered by the match type itself. This could be due to a special variation of the rules or an additional stipulation added to the original match type.


Undertaker vs Kane

In a 'Singles: Strap' match:
The competitors compete in a strap match and the winner is the first one to score a pin or submission.

In a 'Singles: Strap - Four Corners' match:
The competitors compete in a strap match and the winner is the first one to touch all four corners of the ring.

In this example, the touching of the four corners to win the match is considered a variant rule to the traditional match, and so appears as additional information in the match name.

Rule Exception: For the purposes of this data pack, any Elimination/Total Elimination matches do not contain the '-' and are considered part of the match type, not additional information. This is due to the character limit of the titles, and doesn't have any impact whatsoever, it's purely cosmetic but I thought I would address it here. 

The majority of these matches are either hardcore or two out of three falls variations, however in some cases there are two match types and I have had to make a decision on which match type should be the leading match type, and which should be the additional information. This has been judged on a case by case basis, and there isn't much of a thought process behind it other than I've written the titles to group the matches where I felt was more appropriate. I've leaned towards putting stipulations that are not just a standard ring set up (e.g. cages, cells) as the first match type, so that you can see all matches of a specific set up in one location. However it must be noted that this isn't a strict rule, and as I said the match type vs additional info has been judged on my idea of which is more important to the match rules.

Amount Of Sides

This indicates how many sides there are in the match. so a triple threat singles match would appear as 'Singles: One Fall (3 Way)'.

Here are a few examples of matches in the database:
Singles: One Fall -- in the default data this is '1 vs 1'
Singles: Steel Chamber (6 Way) -- in the default data this is '1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 Chamber'
Singles: Strap -- this match does not exist in the default data
Singles: Strap - Four Corners -- in the default data this is '1 vs 1 Strap'

Tag (2 Man): One Fall (3 Way) -- in the default data this is '2 vs 2 vs 2'
Tag (2 Man): Ladder (4 Way) -- in the default data this is '2 vs 2 vs 2 vs 2 Ladder'

So how is this beneficial?
Well, the search function in the game already allows you to search matches by the amount of competitors on each side. But it does not allow you to search for specific match stipulations. The use of this naming convention lists matches first by the amount of competitors, then by the match type, so you are able to see all of the variants of a particular match stipulation in fewer places. For example, singles ladder matches all appear in one section, as the list of matches will show them consecutively as follows:

Singles: Ladder
Singles: Ladder (3 Way)
Singles: Ladder (4 Way)
Singles: Ladder (5 Way)
Singles: Ladder (6 Way)

Blocking together the match stipulations helps them stand out more and find the desired match type easier.

Noted, the benefit of this is personal preference, and there will be people out there who do not find this method of naming matches useful. That's okay, I just struggled with scrolling through 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 much more than when I originally began re-naming my matches to the method I'm sharing with you all today. I appreciate this explanation has been very detailed - please don't let that scare you away from trying this out, it's much simpler in practice and this guide is more of a resource for if you need a little further understanding, and to help anyone who uses the data to understand how to name any matches they add to their game so that it fits.

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