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AI selecting Powers

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Hi Guys, looking for some tips :-), i have created some jedi characters for a database i am making, and the have Lightsaber Attacks with force ranged power (force push as a example) . Whats the best way to get them to use there lightsabers more as they seem to default to the force powers which i have limited to see if that helps.

Absolutely Loving this game 😀

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You can't really force the AI to use specific powers as it'll always try and go with the 'smartest' route, so it's better to try and nudge it in certain directions - for example, you might make the powers you want them to focus on slightly easier to hit or slightly more damaging so that they become more attractive options. Alternatively you can limit how often they can use powers so that they have to cycle through different options as the battle continues and they use up their resources.

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On 8/24/2023 at 10:20 AM, Adam Ryland said:

You can't really force the AI to use specific powers as it'll always try and go with the 'smartest' route, so it's better to try and nudge it in certain directions - for example, you might make the powers you want them to focus on slightly easier to hit or slightly more damaging so that they become more attractive options. Alternatively you can limit how often they can use powers so that they have to cycle through different options as the battle continues and they use up their resources.

Hi Adam, Thanks fo the feedback i will give that a try :-). 

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