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YEPW: Australia's Wacky World of Pro Wrestling (The Reboot) [C-Verse 2020]

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YEPW Fully Charged XVIII

Shane Bader v White Wasp

Blayrec v Trey Tallman

The Entourage v The Soul Collectors

Australian Devil & D-Pod v Black Flash & The Void


Optional Questions

What did you think about The Season 3 finale and Season Four Opening?

I found the Season 3 finale and Season 4 opening enjoyable, and I am interested to see what happens in future shows.  I look forward to seeing what you have in store with Shane Bader and Prof. Ventris and seeing who will eventually claim the title from Jester.

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YEPW Fully Charged XVIII

Shane Bader v White Wasp

Blayrec v Trey Tallman

The Entourage v The Soul Collectors

Australian Devil & D-Pod v Black Flash & The Void


Optional Questions

What did you think about The Season 3 finale and Season Four Opening?

The combination of the two shows worked really well in finishing off some workers stories and transitioning into the next chapter of things for the main characters. The season opener really felt like everyone was coming after Jester, in a sort of 'be careful what you wish for' kind of way now that he's the champ, but he had an answer for every obstacle thrown in his way, such is befitting of his evil lunatic genius.

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YEPW Fully Charged XVIII

The Entourage make their way to the ring. 

I know, I know. We were bad, but we have a reason for it. 

We believe that we’ve been done a great disservice. For if not for us, you would all be watching Vance Sturt still ruling the roost. 

And so we took action. We deserve the first shot at Dick & Morty for those titles.

We do. They wouldn’t have them if not for us. 

With that we call out the champions, come face us and let’s set this bout up


Unfortunately, it’s not the champs but the former challengers that come out, accompanied by Ceri. 

You? Oh please. We won the number one contender shot, we deserve the shot, and you got in our way. 

You beat The Party People, anybody could do that. 

Yeah, get the hell outta here, Ceri. Go back and be Jester’s footstool. 

Jester has bigger fish to fry, I am his queen not his footstool. We rule together and he wants those tag titles. So, if you get in our way again, you’ll regret it. 


It look like things are about to explode but the champs finally make an appearance

Whoa, whoa. We don’t need things to get out of hand. 

I mean personally I would love it, but goody two shoes here..

Anyway, both of you have a point, you should get a shot.

Again, I disagree. I think all of you are complete dolts. 

Can you just….? Anyway, the only way to settle this is to have you two go head to head. Winner gets a shot at us. 

Are you kidding me? We already earned our shot and these two vain idiots cost us. We deserve our shot without any interference .

You know what Ceri, I never did like you, I knew you were nothing but a whinging hag.  

Why you sniveling little…

The time for talk is done. Entourage v Soul Collectors, winner gets the title shot.

Rating: E


Prof. Ventris w/ Shane Bader (F) v White Wasp (F+)

Wasp is like a caged animal and he lashes out, but Bader can deal with the smaller Wasp. That being said, it is a pretty even affair. 

Wasp is a different person when under Black Flash’s control.

Bader is a scary though, no matter whose across from him. 

They go back and forth until LARIAT!!!!! Bader takes Wasps head off. 

Winner: Shane Bader
Rating: F



The Professor gets into the ring to make sure Wasp is okay. He shouts at Bader to help him get Wasp backstage. Bader is confused. Professor shouts again pleading for Bader’s help before…


Flash shows up. He blindsides Bader before kicking Ventris into the side of the head before he brings Wasp back to life and as soon as Flash arrived, they escape. Bader holds his head, seething with anger. 

Rating: E


Hey everybody, I'm Melissa and you might know me from such interviews as when D-Pod thought Ceri was on his side. Speaking of D-Pod..

Thanks for that Melissa, as if I already don’t feel bad enough. 

Sorry, at least you have a chance to get a measure of revenge tonight.

That I do. Tonight, I will tag with AusDev. An honour really. I honestly thought I could beat Jester. Unfortunately, that wasn’t to be. Tonight, I know AusDev will have my back and I’ll have his and beating Jester’s cronies will give me some measure of revenge. 

Thanks, Pod good luck tonight. 

Thanks Melissa, oooh, shrimp. 

D-Pod sees a table laid out with plenty of food. He takes a handful of shrimp and walks away…


The Void then comes out from behind a curtain to the side, a devilish smile on his face. 

Rating: E



Blayrec (F) v Trey Tallman (E)

Blayrec speeds around however, Tallman knows what's coming. Blayrec’s fast. Very fast, but Tallman is still able to dodge his attacks.

Tallman is able to dodge Blayrec’s attacks, that's amazing.

He’s always been an exceptional dodger, a superb preparer and now he has an offense to back it up.

Tallman picks his spot and T-D-T and that’s it. 

Winner: Trey Tallman
Rating: F


After his match, Tallman goes to Jester who is sitting on throne in the Realm of Darkness

Jester, my lord, I have done everything you have ever asked of me, I banished Lone Rider and Lance Maddigan. I can be so much more to you. Why are you not using me?

Settle down Trey. You are my soldier and soldiers take orders.

You were going to let Black Flash leave, how is this any different?

Flash and I had an agreement, an agreement he fulfilled. Our agreement is that I own your soul and I give you power beyond your wildest dreams, that is all. I have no more to hold up on my side, you do what I tell you, when I tell you and that is final. 

Rating: E



Hey everybody, I'm Melissa and you might know me from such interviews as when D-Pod told us what an honour it would be to team with AusDev, speaking of which, I have AusDev right here. 

The honour is all mine, Melissa. D-Pod has been through a lot and Jester is the man that caused him that pain. Tonight, he gets a chance to get his hands on some of his minions and I get to prove that he and I are destined to battle.

You think if you win you’ll get your shot at Jester?

Jester has been avoiding me, so I doubt it. I have to find a way where he has to face me one on one, no interference, debilitating his forces will get me closer to that.

Thanks AusDev

Rating: E



The Entourage (Blake Bushwell (E) & Lothario (E) v The Soul Collectors (Bile (E-) & Eraser (E)) w/ Ceri

Lothario and Eraser begin the match with technical flair before Eraser tries to brawl, this gives the upper hand to him briefly but when Blake comes in, he brings Eraser to his knees, but Ceri intervenes for a distraction. Bile comes in and uses his size advantage to take control and this is where the Soul Collectors take over. 

Both teams are giving their all but the Soul Collectors have taken control.

Ceri is the difference, she’s given them the edge they need.

The Entourage come back with technically sound double team moves and now they take control. Ceri tries to turn the tide, she doesn’t but it does bring the Soul Collectors back into the game. A double clothesline drops both men and they try to get the hot tag. They both succeed and Eraser and Blake fly in throwing haymakers. Bile recovers first and helps Eraser out as the ref tries to get things back under control. Lothario then comes back into it and all four men brawl. Bile and Blake spill to the outside, Eraser and Lothario crash and burn off the top rope. Eventually, it’s all out chaos and the ref calls it. 

Winner: Draw
Rating: E


Australian Devil (E) & D-Pod (E) v Black Flash (D-) & The Void (F)

The match starts in chaos, but eventually calms down. Void is like a zombie always moving forward. He’s the biggest man in the match as the other three are quick high flyers. When Flash is in the ring with Devil, it’s a blur. D-Pod struggles a little to keep up with Flash but he’s no slouch either but he’s not right.

Pod seems to be struggling here, I wonder why that is. 

I think we’re just accustomed to Flash and Devil. Pod isn’t quite at that level, even if he has upped his game and resolve recently. 

Pod tries to keep up with Flash and gets the upper hand briefly with a kick. He goes to take advantage but something is wrong. He looks pale. He’s stumbling around and…. HE’S COLLAPSED. 

What on Earth? Somebody get an ambulance. 

There’s a match going on Platten. No medics until it’s done. 

With Pod on the incapacitated, Devil tries to intervene. Flash and Void make sure he’s a non factor and Senton Bomb. Night night. 

Winners: Black Flash & The Void
Rating: E+


Medics flood the ring as Devil checks on the unconscious Pod. Void seems particularly pleased. Jester then makes an appearance. 

You know, you really should watch what you put in your body. BBQ Shrimp? More like poisoned shrimp. Don’t worry, your little friend will be fine AusDev, of course it’s going to be a tough few weeks for him while he recovers. Myah hahaha. I told you The Void was who brought Vortex to life. I was not lying. He’s my shaman, my necromancer, a being who can create the deadliest of concoctions as well as an army of undead soldiers. You believe if you don’t put your souls on the line my power will dwindle, my followers will grow weak. Oh no, my power will only grow stronger as The Void increases my numbers to astronomical levels. I am unstoppable, AusDev. We are inextricable and my rule is inevitable. You think we are destined to fight, so be it. You can’t defeat us all. 



Rating: E+

Show Rating: E+

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Posted (edited)


Think it's fair to say that these updates will be a lot more sporadic than I wanted. Unfortunately, things have started to kick off where I've been getting busier and busier. Between work, my personal life and YouTube, TEW has taken a significant step back in my priorities. I still want to write for this, but free time is really rare. I'm been pulled and dragged all over the place and this is the first weekend that I've had to sit down and recover a little bit. Luckily next weekend it another recover weekend (I do think I have a few weeks of these but something will probably come up with the way things have been going.) It's a shame I don't get to hop on the forums as much as there are some real nice diaries out there atm and I can't interact with all the ones I want to. Oh well, c'est la vie. 


Back on this again as we just set a new record attendance with 77. In the first year, I looked at who were the biggest draws in YEPW and I'm back again, this time only 2/3 of the year done. Of course our last two shows had high attendances than season 3 (though Fully Charged 16 had an attendance of 75 with AusDev v Black Flack which really is no surprise) so we'll see how things have changed from the first year. 

SoWho are the "biggest draws" for YEPW? So I looked at who was in the main event and counted how many people they drew. You'll see below in terms of total and average.

Total Fans Drawn Top 5

Quick Silver 318 in 5 main events

Black Flash 216 in 3 main events

Aus Dev 214 in 3 main events

Jester 203 in 3 main events

D-Pod 151 in 2 main events


Silver dominated the main events in season three, making up 5 of the 6 he could be involved with. That being said he didn't always draw crazy numbers. Solid but never really moved the needle. Unlike guys like AusDev and Black Flash who do it seems. Jester being behind Black Flash and AusDev in the same amount of events is surprising but at the same time, I did say QS didn't move the needle. 


Average Number of Fans Drawn Top 5

D-Pod 75.5 in 2 main events

Black Flash 72 in 3 main events

Aus Dev 71.33 in 3 main events

Jester 67.67 in 3 main events

Quick Silver 63.6 in 5 main events

D-Pod's lead here is more so about him main eventing in season 4 but he did draw more people against Jester than QS did, which is kinda wild. No surprise with Black Flash and AusDev, these guys seem to be the biggest draws in the company. AusDev has actually drawn 555 fans to YEPW in 9 shows as the main event, that more than Jackson Slade did in his 9 main events in earlier seasons. (which does make sense as we draw more now, but Slade didn't move the needle like AusDev does, Slade had attendances similar to other workers when he wasn't in the main event, AusDev actively has higher attendances than other guys. QS, Jester, Lone Rider). I don't know if anybody will ever draw more than AusDev as long as he stays around. 

Predictions Table


Name - Score this event - Score Total

Azzak 2/4 - 23/37

John Lions N/A - 22/33

Kyteran 2/4 - 19/37

HiPlus N/A- 17/29

Tiberious N/A - 2/4

YEPW Fully Charged XIX

Blayrec v D-Pod?

Shane Bader v Trey Tallman

YEPW Tag Team Titles

Dick & Morty v The Entourage 

Australian Devil v Black Flash

Optional Questions:

Will D-Pod be fit enough to compete at Fully Charged?

The Soul Collectors seem to be more fractured than they have ever been, how strong do you think they are right now?


Edited by DAVEFAN95
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