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Companies creating more Alter Egos

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Something that I think is a lost art in wrestling these days are the new gimmick names and characters. Very rarely (if ever) does the game create a new alter ego for workers. Workers usually have to have a alter ego already when games start. Companies like SWF is well known for giving new names to new signiees and yet it never seems to happen when the game goes on. I think there is a way to implement this for future. An alter ego percentage for companies.


My idea is, a company will have a list of chance where the game will make a new alter ego for workers that range from none, weak, sometimes, likely, and heavily likely. This would allow companies that you'd expect to alter ego some people, like SWF and USPW would change some workers and others like CZCW, and other small companies would or wouldn't.


There is one additional thing to help with some workers be prevented from having alter ego if they are popular enough in the companies region say... In the 50's or 60's in popularity. If anything, a part of the workers alter ego section could say that they can't normally be given a alter ego.

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Maybe the likelihood for a particular worker is increased if they have poor momentum or a bad gimmick, with the idea that giving them an alter ego would refresh their character and give them a new lease of life. Plus it could be more likely when a company signs a worker as they might want to start with a new creative direction.

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